Parsan - India Water Week
Parsan - India Water Week
Integrated g Geophysical p y Approach pp for Rapid p & Cost Effective Site Investigations for Water Resources Presented at: India Water WeekWeek April 8-12, 8 12, 2013 Presented by: PARSAN Overseas (P) Limited 1 Ab t PARSAN About PARSAN…… PARSAN Overseas • An ISO 9001:2008 certified geophysical company • Promoters recogni ed as leaders in region for recognized launching new technology. Responsible for launch of: – – – – Ground Penetrating Radar Technology- 1996 Shear Wave Seismic Refraction- 1997 High Resolution Seismic Tomography- 1998 Passive Seismic Tomography for Oil Exploration2008 – Innovative use of geophysical methods for high resolution non-destructive testing of dams • Highly g y experienced p and trained staff. • Offices in Delhi, Kolkata, Bahrain, Egypt (agent) & Sudan (agent). • Workk experience W i in i IIndia, di Si Singapore, O Oman, Afghanistan, Greece, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iran, Algeria, Georgia……. 3 About Speaker • Professional Geophysicist, with 22 years of work experience. p Gold Medalist,, University of Roorkee (Now IIT-Roorkee) • Member of various working committees for development p of Code of Practices and Standards. • Completed geophysical investigations of 72 hydro y power p p projects. j • Have conducted 28 training programs on Geophysics for various companies in 4 countries. • Successfully used integrated geophysical approach for investigations across flowing g rivers & for dam safety y • Conferred Golden Achievement Award 2011. 4 Geophysical Subsurface I Investigations…… ti ti 5 Why Use Geophysics……. • Low Cost • Rapid Coverage • No Exposure to buried hazards • Non Destructive • Mi i l S Minimal Surface f Di Disturbance b • Easy to integrate • Integrated capability 6 Geophysics- Huge ROI... • Detailed investigation of site…Saving huge costs towards changed plans project delays when surprises crop up plans, up…. • No drilling, No digging…Vast information at fraction of cost of traditional methods. methods • Early stage application…Better planning, smooth execution. 7 Method Sensitive To... Typical Applications Seismic Refraction Changes in strata type (soil, weathered rock, rock), rock quality (jointed, weathered), elastic properties Rock interface, overburden mapping, rock quality, degree of weathering/ jointing, faults, fracture mapping y Imaging g g Resistivity Soil-rock profile, water table Moisture content variations, conductivity, determination, weak zone delineation, water t table, t bl porosity it d t ti detection off weak k zones under d rock k interface, buried channels. Determination of shear wave profiles (to determine liquefaction potential, earthquake response) ReMi (Refraction Micro-tremor) Change in shear properties of medium Crosshole/ downhole/ uphole Detailed analysis to obtain P and S wave velocities with depth for Difference in elastic properties. dynamic moduli: Poisson’s Ration, Variations in S Wave or P Wave velocity. shear modulus, bulk modulus, Young’s modulus Seismic Reflection Difference in acoustic impedance (velocity x density) Detects interfaces, maps faults/ fractures/ water lenses/ shear zones along tunnel routes Ground Penetrating Radar Change in dielectric properties Detection of buried pipes and cables, with exact location and depth. Also used for inspection of concrete structures. Micro Gravity Changes in Density of Subsurface Detection of buried voids/ cavities 8 Electrical El ti l Tomography….. 9 What for…… Applications: • Determine the underground water resources • Bedrock quality and depth measurements • Mineral prospecting • Dam structure analysis • Landfill • Contamination source detection Advantages: Ad • Excellent 2-dimensional display of ground resistivity. • Delineation of small features like cavity cavity, contamination plumes, plumes weak zones in structures like dams etc. 10 Example…… Photo Courtesy: 11 Example…… 12 Example…… Photo Courtesy: GeoInvest 13 Water Well Planning…… Photo Courtesy: GeoInvest 14 Water Table Contamination…… Time-lapse monitoring Photo Courtesy: GeoInvest 15 3D Modeling…… 16 Photo Courtesy: GeoInvest Detection of soft zone under rock (Hydropower)…… 17 Cave/ Cavity…… 18 Contamination……. 19 River Crossings……. 20 River Crossings……. 21 River Crossing…… 22 River Crossing- Shear Zone……. 23 River Bottom Profile……. 24 Photo Courtesy: GeoInvest Seismic S i i Refraction……. Refraction 25 Velocity Model……. 26 Velocity Model……. 27 Seismic Refraction- Applications • • • • • • • • • Bedrock p profile,, rock quality q y and depth. p Thickness of overburden Fractures and weak zones Topography p g p y of g ground water Rippability assessment in mines Slope stability studies Pipeline route studies Seismic velocity increases markedly from unsaturated to saturated zone. The acoustic velocity of a medium saturated with water is greatly increased in comparison with velocities in the vadose zone. Thus, the refraction method is applicable in determining the depth to the water table in unconsolidated sediments sediments. 28 Ground G d Penetrating P t ti Radar….. Radar 29 Field Operation……… 30 GPR- Features……… • Penetration of more than 40 meters in certain formations (penetration dependent on conductivity and frequency of antenna) • Data acquisition at walking speed. • Identification of objects measuring on few centimeters. • Light portable equipment • Results available immediately 31 Water Table Mapping……. 32 Water Table Mapping……. 33 Fractures…… 34 GPR Contaminant GPRC t i t Hydrogeology H d l &S Soilil Stratigraphy St ti h GPR is extremely sensitive to variations in water content. It has been widely used to map water tables and the corresponding stratigraphy that controls groundwater flow. In addition, GPR is very sensitive to changes in water chemistry, particularly soluble inorganic materials that change conductivity. Inorganic materials such as DNAPL (chlorinated solvents) can alter the groundwater distribution resulting in GPR detectable responses. 35 36 Dam Investigations 37 38 Electrical Resistivity Imaging- Dam Axis……… 39 Electrical Resistivity Imaging- Dam Axis……… 40 SP Anomaly due to leakage……… 41 Dam Investigation (integrated with SP)……. 300 200 Streaming Potentia al (mV) 100 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 -100 -200 -300 Chainage (ft) 42 Ground Penetrating Radar 43 43 GPR- Submerged Area 44 GPR-Tomography 45 45 Seismic Tomography • • • • • Acoustic Waves Travel Time Properties for Each Cell Colour Tomogram of Dam Weathered Concrete, Fractures Highly Detailed Information g y 46 46 Pipeline Pi li L Leak k Detection….. Detection 47 Pipeline Leak Detection using Seismograph……. 48 Leak Detection using GPR……… 49 Leak Detection using GPR ……… 50 Leak Detection using GPR ……… 51 Leak Detection using GPR ……… 52 Case Study 53 Problem……. • Project site was for cable stayed bridge across a river. • A cavity was detected in otherwise massive sandstone, while drilling. • It was of utmost importance to determine nature and extent of this cavity before finalizing the design. I Investigations: ti ti • Geophysical investigations consisting of crosshole seismic and electrical tomography were conducted to determine depth and extent of the cavity. 54 Results……. 55 Conclusions………. Conclusions 56 Conclusions……. • Geophysical Techniques- Quick assessment of subsurface conditions diti in i non-destructive d t ti manner • Geophysical Techniques- Detailed and continuous information as against drilling • Geophysical Techniques- Eliminates surprises during project execution 57 Thanks for your attention Dr Sanjay Rana Dr. [email protected] +91-9811168288