We`re going on a Serengeti Trek


We`re going on a Serengeti Trek
At VBS each day, the children will enjoy stations:
Sing and Play Music
Craft Time
Untamed Games
 Critter Café Snack
 Bible Story Adventures
 Kid Vid Cinema
The children will also take part in a hands-on mission project during the week.
Thursday Evening is our Family Dinner!
Parents gather at 5:30pm in church to hear a short presentation about our Mission
Project for the week of VBS while the children rehearse in the courtyard during that
time. The children will then give a short performance of VBS music
for their families. A simple hot dog dinner follows.
Adults must complete the following or have on file:
Virtus Training, a background check, and Code of Conduct
See stodilia.org under Get Involved and Volunteers for more details on requirements.
Come on the days you can and choose an area to volunteer: snacks, crafts, nursery.
FREE Child Care is available for children of parent volunteers (ages 6 months to 3 years).
Teens in Grades 9-12 as Crew Leaders and
Youth in Grades 6-8 are needed as Helpers in Crews or Stations!
Teen and Youth VBS Registration Form need to be submitted.
2 Youth Volunteer Character References
Volunteers Code of Conduct
Youth volunteer registration forms are online at stodilia.org or paper copies are
outside the St. Odilia School office, Courtyard or in the Faith Formation office.
2014 Registration Fee:
1st Child:
2nd Child:
Family Rate (3 or more):
One Weird Animals VBS CD is included per family.
Please make checks out to St. Odilia with VBS in the memo line
and mailed with the registration form to:
St. Odilia Faith Formation, Attn: VBS, 3510 Vivian Street,
Shoreview, MN 55126
Enrollment is limited.
An email confirming registration
will be sent in early June.
Please contact
Janet Etten-VBS Director
[email protected]
(651) 415-3330
How can you help VBS?
We need your donations!
Some of the items needed include the following:
Glue dots or double sided tape
Washable markers
Permanent Markers
Clear packing tape
Spring style clothes pins
Zip style bags: Sandwich, quart and gallon
Goldfish crackers
Graham crackers
Wet Wipes
Miniature marshmallows
These items help us keep our costs down to make VBS
more affordable for everyone. Thank you!
Look for Milton, our Bible Buddy star nosed mole on
display and a donation box nearby marked “VBS” in the
courtyard. You may also bring items to the Faith
Formation office.
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation,
please make your check out to St. Odilia with VBS
donation in the memo line and drop off or send to:
St. Odilia Faith Formation, Attn: VBS, 3510 Vivian Street, Shoreview, MN 55126
Thank you for helping support this incredible summer program.
2014 VBS Registration
Family Last Name:
Child’s Name
2014-2015 Grade
T-shirt size
1. ________________________ _______ ______ _________________ (Youth XS S M L)
2. ________________________ _______ ______ _________________ (Youth XS S M L)
3. ________________________ _______ ______ _________________ (Youth XS S M L)
4. ________________________ _______ ______ _________________ (Youth XS S M L)
Email_________________________________________ Home Phone ____________________
Mother’s Name ____________________ Work _________________ Cell ________________
Father’s Name ____________________ Work __________________ Cell ________________
Address______________________________________City________________ Zip_________
Medical Insurance____________________ Policy Number _____________________________
Medical and allergy Concerns_____________________________________________________
Emergency Contact (other than parents): Name______________________________
Daytime Phone____________________ Relation to Child(ren)___________________
My child(ren) has permission to participate in this St. Odilia event. I understand such an event does involve some element of risk incidental to such
participation and I do release and hold harmless the Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis, St. Odilia Catholic Community, their employees,
chaperones, leaders or drivers. Neither the Archdiocese, St. Odilia Catholic Community, nor any said persons shall be held financially responsible
for any injury, illness, or death incurred as a direct or indirect result of this activity. I understand there is no medical insurance provided by the
Parish or the Archdiocese. In the event of an emergency, I hereby authorize emergency treatment to be administered.
I authorize any pictures to be taken at this event can be used at St. Odilia Church.
I authorize the emergency contacts to remove my child(ren) from St. Odilia in case of illness and emergency.
Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________________Date_____________
Please note if your child is participating in Knight Watch or Wee Saints Preschool.
The VBS registration fee is in addition to Knight Watch or Wee Saints Preschool fees. Thank you!
Please circle which days you can volunteer:
W Th
To volunteer, you must have Virtus training, a Background Check, and a Code of Conduct on file.
See stodilia.org under Get Involved and Volunteers for more details on requirements.
Thursday Evening is our Family Dinner. We need volunteers for setup and
clean up Please Circle: I can help with 4:00 Setup or Cleanup.
1st Child:
VBS Registration Fee:
Family Rate (3 or more):
2nd Child:
One Weird Animals VBS CD is included per family.
Checks should be written to St. Odilia with VBS in the memo line and mailed with this completed form
to: St. Odilia Faith Formation, Attn: VBS, 3510 Vivian Street, Shoreview, MN 55126
Office Use Only: Date Received:________________________Number of children ____________________
Payment amount: $____________________
Check #____________________ CD Received _______________