0993-8'r54 INSTRUCTIONS MASTERLABSYSTEM MODEL9OOO illlt April 1986 PE|E|KIN-ELMER N . R W A L cKo, N N E C ' c u ru, s A C o p y r i g ho t 1 9 8 6T h e P e r k i n - E l m eCro r p o r a t i o nA. l l r i g h t sr e s e r v e d . without i n a n y f o r m o r f o r m a tp r o h i b i t e d R e p r o d u c t i oonr p u b l i c a t i o n w r i l t e np e r m i s s j o on f T h e P e r k i n - E l m eCro r p o r a t i o o nr a n yo f i t s s u b s i di a r i e s . TABLEOF CONTENTS Page Section 1 SYSTEMDESCRIPTION 1-1 INTRODUCTION 1-1 H A R D W A R EO F THE MASTERLABSYSTEM 1-3 Robot and Robot Drive Unit .. 7-4 SystemController(IBM PC) ... 1-5 Model 9010 NlasterDeviceInterf8ce L_O MasterLab Worksurface 1-8 AccessoryModules 1-8 P E R LS O F T W A R E. . . , PERL, a Roboties Language The PERL ProgrammingEnvironment l-l.t Creating a PERL Applications Procedure USINGTHIS MANUAL 7-74 Organizationof this Manual 1-14 Conventions 1-15 Rulesfor Names . 1-15 M A S T E R L A BS Y S T E MS P E C I F I C A T I O N .S. . . 1-16 Robot Specifications., 1-16 SystemControllerSpecifications .... 1-16 Printer Speeifications . l-17 TABLEOF CONTENTS(cont.) Page Section 2 INSTALLATION .. 2-7 SITE REQUIREIvIENTS. 2-J. Electrical Requirements 2-1 Sn.oop R anrrinomants 2-2 .. Ventilation and Cleanliness P A R T SP R O V I D E D U N P A C K I N GA N D S E T U P Initial lnspection 2-6 2-6 Placementof SystemComponents INSTALLATIONOF SYSTENICOMPONENTS 2-9 Installing the System Controller 2-9 InstallingCircuit Boards 2-9 Installing the NtasterLabWorksurface Installing the Robot Attaching the Robot to the l!'orksurface... Attaching the Hand to the Robot Attaching the Grippers to the Robot 2-74 z-ro 2-77 Installing the Robot Drive Unit 2-I8 Setting the DIP Switcheson the Robot Drive Unit 2-2t Conneetingthe Teach Pendant 2-22 Installingthe OptionalPrinter . 2-22 I n t e r c o n n e c t i o n s. . . , , Printer Controlsand Indicators .. ... DIP Switeheson the Printer Connectingto Line Power ADDING NIODULESTO YOUR SYSTE}i 2-22 2-26 2-26 TABLEOF CONTENTS(cont.) Page Section 3 STARTUP 3-1 PRELIMINARYPROCEDURBS 3-1 Turning ON the Masterlab System 3-1 Backing up DOS and PERL Disks 3-1 Loading the PERL/DOS Work Disk 3-2 Creating a Data Disk 3-3 CONFIGURINGTHE SOFTWAREFOR YOUR SYSTEM Th fF^.1, '^ t;^h 3-4 3-4 LoadingCONFIG Adding a Nlodule , Adding a Robot to Your Masterlab System 3-6 .t_1 I Changinga l\iodule 3-72 Deleting a Nlodule ,-1 i DisplayingModuleInformation .,. ', _1 A L O A D I N GP E R L S O F T W A R E . . . .t-to TEACHINGAND PROGRAMMINGTHE ROBOT 3-18 Infr^.1'r^1i^. 3-18 Accessingthe Teach Programs a-1 0 Defining a Rack . 3-20 Moving the Robot . Naminga Position Moving to a Position Positioningthe Gripper 3-26 TABLEOF CONTENTS(cont.) Page Section 3- 2 9 CREATINGA PROCEDUREWITH THE PERL EDITOR PlanningYour Procedure 3-30 Writing a Procedure 3-30 CombiningProcedures 3-33 DEBUGGINGA PROCEDURE 3-36 RUNNINGA PROCEDURE 3-36 LEAVINGPERL . 3-36 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESAND TROUBLESHOOTING .,.. 4-1 I N T R O D U C T I O N. . . . . 4-L D A I L YC H E C K S . . . . . 4-L PERIODICI\,iAINTENANCE..... 4-2 TROUBLESHOOTING. 4-2 R E P L A C I N G F U S E S, . 4-4 Fuse on the Robot Drive Unit 4-4 Fuseson the Rear Panelof the DevieeInterface Unit . ,... 4-5 Fuseson the Device Interface P.C.B. . 4-6 HOW TO RESTARTYOUR ROBOTFOLLOWINGDEPRESSION OF THE REMOTESHUTDOWNSWITCH REPLACINGTHE ROBOTHAND . 4-7 4-8 REPLACINGTHE ROBOTGRIPPERS 4_10 S E C U R I N GT H E R O B O TB A S ET O T H E I T O R K S U R F A C E. . . . . . 4-11 CONSUNlABLE PARTS 4-72 TABLEOF CONTENTS(cont.) Page Section PREVENTIVENIAINTENANCE 4-73 Preventive NlaintenanceSchedulefor the Robot 4-13 Parts and Tools You Need 4-14 Adjustingthe Wrist Gear .. 4-15 Adjusting the Elbow TensionChain ., 4-17 Removingand Replacing the Drive Belts .. . 4-27 Drive Belt Tension Drive Belt in Base . Drive Belts in Shoulderand Elbow . 4-2I 4-27 4-24 Replaeingthe Motor Brushes Replacingthe NfotorBrusheson the Basel\'lotor ....,. Replacing the fillotorBrusheson the ShoulderMotor . ,. Replacingthe Motor Brusheson the Elbow Nlotor ,. ... 5 PRECAUTIONS .. GLOSSARY 4-26 4-26 4-3 0 4-3 3 5-1 L I S TO F I L L U S T R A T I O N S Page Figure 1-1 l\{odel9000 Masterlab Systemwith Typical AceessoryNlodules 1-3 Robot ShownDeliveringSamplein Test Tube to Eleetronic 1-A Balance L-.1 SystemController(IBNIPC) ... 1-4 Interfaee Nlodule9010 NlasterDevice 1-5 Nlodel9020 N{asterNlixer 1-8 l-o l\{ndal 1-9 afl40 MqsfarSvnino'p Nlodel9050 l\lasterCrimper t-D 1-q 1-8 Balance Kit .,.. 1-10 1-9 Fncnn lyovrr 1-10 1 - 1 0a 16-mm Test Tube Rack 1-11 1 - 1 0 b 12- or 13- mm Test Tube Rack 1-11 1-11 Vial Rack 1-11 The PERL ProgrammingEnvironment 1-13 Dnin r r fan 2-8 2-1 Typical Plaeementof SystemComponents 2-2 Jumper Configuredto Utilize Ports 3-6 2-L0 t-1 Jumper Configuredto Utilize Ports 7-10 2-10 Configuringthe Asynchronous Communications Adapter .... 2-7L ExpansionSiot Cover Removal 2-72 2-5 (cont.) LISTOF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 2-6 Page Installing Circuit Boards Robot MountingTemplate 2-74 2-8 Attaching the Robot to the Worksurface.. . 2-75 2-9 Attaching the Hand to the Robot 2-77 2-70 Attaching the Grippersto the Robot Iland .. 2-17 NlasterLabSystemElectrical Connections .. .,. 2-79 2-12 DIP Switch Settingsfor the Robot Drive L,nit 2-2L Printer Cable Connection 2-22 2-74 J -,t DIP Switch AccessCover Removaland Switch Location on the EpsonPrinter 2-24 PERL FunctionKey I(eyboardOverlay 3-18 The TeaehPendant 'lacf Tr rha P onL' 3-4 Robot Motion in X. Y. and Z Planes .J -D Edit Commands[lenu Screen 4-7 Locationof Fuseon Rear Panelof Locationof Fuseson Rear Panelof DevieeInterface Unit 4-4 4-6 4-5 Locationof Fuseson DeviceInterface P.C.B. A-R FlandReplacement 4-8 Gripper Replacement 4-70 Securingthe Baseof t h e R o b o tt o t h e l V o r k s u r f a c e ,.. ..,. ., 4-71 (cont.) LISTOF ILLUSTRATIONS Page Figure 4-7 Detaching the Hand Assemblyfrom the Wrist Assembly 4-15 4-8 Adjustingthe Wrist Gear .. 4-16 4-9 Drive Belt Covers on the Robot 4-I7 4-70 Robot Upper Arm Front Cover . 4-18 4-77 ElbowTensionChain Adjustment ..,. 4-79 4-72 Removing the Base Cover . 4-27 4-13 Looseningthe Bolts Securingthe BaseDrive fiIotor . 4-22 4-14 Drive Belt on Base liotor . 4-23 4-15 ScrewsSecuringthe ShoulderDrive &lotor 4-24 4-16 SerewsSecuringthe Elbow Drive i\{otor 4-25 4-1-7 Removingthe PlastieCap that Serewsthe NiotorBrush . on the Side of the Base Motor , 4-18 Inserting a l\lotor Brush in the Base NIotor 4-19 Locationof Screwsthat Securethe CableBracket to Robot Base .. 4-20 4-2? 4-27 4-28 Locationof Plastic Cap that Secureliotor Brushon Rear of Base jotor 4-29 4-21 Locationof SerewsSecuringCover of Shoulder 4-30 4-22 Removingthe Top Cover of the Robot Shoulder A_11 4-23 Locationof Motor Brusheson Shoulderllotor 4-32 4-24 Location of i\{otor Brusheson Elbow Nlotor A-ea G-1 rrwuw( ru rrSurcrLrurrr, G-5 S Y S T E MD E S C R I P T I O N Section Page SYIYIEM DESCRIPTION 1-l I N T R O D U C T I O N. . . . . HARDWARE OF THE MASTERLABSYSTEM Robot and Robot Drive Unit .. System Controller (IBM PC) Model 9010 MasterDeviceInterfaee MasterLab Worksurface Accessory Modules P E R LS O F T W A R E. . . . PERL, a Robotics Language The PERL ProgrammingEnvironment Creating a PERL Applications Procedure USINGTHIS MANUAL Organization of this Manual Conventions Rules for Names . MASTERLABSYSTEMSPECIFICATIONS.... Robot Specifications .. System Controller Specifieations .... Printer Specifications . l-1 1-3 1-4 t-b t-o 1-8 1-8 t-12 L-t z t-L4 l-14 1-15 l-r5 l-16 1-16 1-16 t-17 S Y S T E MD E S C R I P T I O N INTRODUCTION The I\IodeI9000 Masterlab* AutomatedSamp1ePreparationSystem provides,as its name indieates,a systemfor automatinglaboratorysample preparationprocedureswhich you would otherwiseperform manually. Such stepsas pipetting, mixing, and weighingare carried out by a robot interactingwith variousaccessorymodulessuchas a syringe,a mixer, and a balance. As is the casein any automatedoperation,the most appropriateapplications are thoseprocedureswhich must be repeatedmany tintes. Theseare monotonous and time-consumingfor a humantechnician,and manual techniquesinevitablyintroducenonsystematicerrors. A softwarecontrolledrobot can perform suchprocedureswith precision,freeing laboratory personnelto do one-of-a-kind proceduresor work on methods developmentand other more challenging tasks, Robots are also valuable for procedureswhiclr involve hazardousmaterials. They can reducehumanexposureto carcinogens,radioactivesubstances, or strong acids and bases. On the other hand, you ean also use the robot in experimentsin which contaet with a humanoperator might contaminate sensitivebiologicalmaterials. The MasterLabSystemcomprises: - Robot and Robot Drive Electronics: The robot is an articulated arm with removableand interchangeable gripperswhich can graspobjectsof different shapes. It is fully programmable,and the programsare portablefrom one Perkin-Elmerrobot to another. - SystemController: This is an IBNIPC**, which ean be equippedwith up to ten RS232communications ports for interfacingwith the various modulesof the llasterlab System. (The IBili pC is the System Controller on the l\lodel 9000 Stasterlab System shippedin the United States.) x-Masterl,ab is a trademark of the perkin-Elmer CorDoration. * {' IB IV.lPC is a trademark of International BusinessNiaehines. PERL* Applicatio4sSoftryqre: A softwarelanguagedevisedfor use in the Masterlab automatedSamplePreparationSystem, It is designedto facilitate communicationin a robotiessystem. The robot, robot drive electronics,and SystemControllerare described in this manual. PERL software is describedin this manualand in the PERL Instructions.The aecessorymodulesare eachdescribedin a separateaeeompanying manual. Accessory[iodules: Somemodulesare deviceswhich are capableof RS232communicationrvith the systemcontroller. Examplesare the syringe, balance,or bar code reader. Other modules,such as the mixer, the erimperand the gas controllerare connectedto the Device Interface;commandsto the DeviceInterface control them. Finally, there are moduleswhich are simply locationswith which the robot interacts; for example, the test tube racks, The partieular modules which make up your systemwill be tailored to your particular application. Worksurface:The optionalPerkin-ElmerWorksurfaceis a formicacovered woodenbench/table top which is pre-drilled at the factory for mountingyour particular configuration of l\{asterlab System modules. * PERL is an acronymfor Perkin-EtmerRobot Language. 1-3 HARDWAREOF THE MASTERLABSYSTEM The basic \iasterlab systemcomprisesa Robot,a Robot Drive Unit,_a SystemController(IBM PC) and d Communications Interface whiclris installedon the IBNIPC. Your specificapplicationor samplepreparation systemwill requireparticular accessorymodules,suchas mixers,dispensers, balances,a printer, and a DeviceInterfaee. A typical MasterLabSystemfor automatedsamplepreparationis shownin Figure 1-1. The followingsectionsgive detaileddescriptionsof the basic componentsof the l{asterlab System and the optional accessories. 1 Model 9010 MasterDeviceInterface 2 Robot 3 Model 8320 Cas ChromaLograph (nith AS-1 Autosampler) SystemController (IBlu)pC) ,5 Crimp Stotion ll orkstrf ace 7 ViaL Rack 8 16-mm Test Tube Rack 9 12-mm Test Tube Rack 10 T op-LoadingBalance 11 Nrodel9020 MasterNli.xer 12a lllodel 9040 lvasLerSyrtnge (dual- syringe) 12b DtspenserAssembly (included in 12a) 13 Robot Dri\)e Untt (not shown) 14 Printer (not shown) Ftgure 1-1- Modet 9000 lviaster Lab System with Typical Accessory Mo|.l,jites r-4 Robotand RobotDriveUnit Robot The Robot in your Masterlab Systemis a revoluterobot, that is, a robot which has an arm on a rotating base, The articulatedarm has five degrees of freedom:baserotation; shoulderjoint; elbowjointi wrist pitch; and wrist rotation, With its five degreesof freedom,the robot can move to objects and reach over them, giving it considerablefreedomof movementin aceessingaccessorymodulesand analyticalinstruments. Figure 1-2 - Robot ShownDetivering Sample in Test Tube to Electronic Batance The drive systemof the Robot utilizes DC servo motorswith limit switches for home detection;the homepositionis usedfor calibration. ODticat encodersare incorporatedinto the fobot to monitor its positioning.The encodersare non-contactdevicesand will not wear with time. EJch joint has its own motor encoder. Positioningrepeatabilityof the robot is +0,5 mm. The travelingspeedof the robot is programmable,you can programthe robot to move very slowly whenperformingdelicateoperationssuchas pouringa powdersample,or very rapidly when movingbetweenmodules. 1-a NOTE: The speedis programmedusinga PERL system command, Refer to Section2 of the PERL manualfor additionalinformation. Robot Drive Unit (not shown) The Robot Drive Unit eontainsthe }lasterlab robot electronicsand interfaces the robot with the System Controller (IBl\l PC). It is usually located on a shelf under the niorksurface,but you must place it so that the robot power switch on its front panel is accessible. SystemGontroller(lBM PC) The SystemControlierfor the Masterlab Systemis the IBM pC Computer. The IBM PC is comprisedof three modules: an electron ics/disk module, a display module and a keyboard. Figure 1-3 - System C ontroller (IBM pC) Eleetronies/Disk Module The elbetronics/disk moduleemploysthe high-speedIntel 808g micro_ processorand has 256 kilobytesof randoma-cesi memory. It includestwo floppy disk drives, each oapubl" of storing 320 g"uble-density 9:l?l-O-*l Klrooytes ot lnlormation. l_o Display Module The displaymoduleis a 12-ineh,high-resolutionCRT with an anti€Iare phosphorscreen. You use the display module to view the menusand options providedwith the PERL applicationsoftware. Keyboard The keyboard,which you use to enter commandsand data to the system, attaehes to the electron ics/disk module unit with a z-meter (6-foot) coiied cable, The keyboard includes83 keys for data and text entry. In addition, ten programmablefunction keys whosefunetions are set by the applications software are available, The System Controller standardly includes four RS-232Cports for communicationwith RS-232C-compatibledevices. If additionalports are necessaryfor your MasterLabSystem in order to include more modules (syringe,analyticalbalance,ete.),you ean add up to six additionalRS-232C Dorts. Model9010MasterDevice Interface The Nlodel9010NlasterDeviee Interfaeeprovidesthe systemwith prograntmablecontrol of two A.C, devices.For example,if the systemincludesa vortex mixer, the Device Interface unit can be programmedto turn the mixer on and off at the proper time in the samplepreparation procedure. Commandsto the Deviee Interface can also control up to twelve external switch closuresand monitor up to twelve externalinputs. The Device Interface has a built-in alarm, which you can program to alert you to any problemsencounteredby the system. The Deviee Interface also contains two RS-232Cports as well as terminals for connectingexternaldevicesthat require5V o. +tZV lC. t\ --v!!rtt - - -!rtrtl \ A. Front View B. Back Panel Figure 1-4 - Model 9010 MasterDevicehlterface 1-8 Masterlab Worksurlace (seeFigure1-1) The Nlasterlab Worksurfaceis a table top constructed of quality wood and Iaminatedwith FormieaTl\{ 1e p.o1""1 its surface. The componentsof the NlasterlabSystemas well as all modulesservicedby the robot are mounted on the works-urface.Holes are drilled in the worksurfaceat the factory for mounting the modulesyou require in your robotics application' The worksurfacemeasures48 inches(123cm) deepby 72 inches(185em) wide, large enoughto accommodatea variety of moduleswhich the robot can service. Normally, the robot is positionedat the center of the back edgeof the worksurface(seeFigure 1-1), From this positionit can serviceboth an instrumentand moduleslocatedon the worksurface. AccessoryModules Some of the many available Xiasterlab System accessorymodulesare shown in Figures1-5 through1-11. lvith the exeeptionof the printer, theseare all moduleswith which the robot interacts directly. Figure 1-5 Model 9020 MlasterMixer A singletest tube vortex mixer which thoroughly mixes the contents of the test tube, It is controlledby the DeviceInterface. 1-O Figure 1-6 Model 9040 Master Syringe Dual-syringeassemblyrvith two valves for automatic liquid handling operations. The lllodel 9030 [{asterSyringe (not shown)is a single-syringe assemblywith a singlevalve. Figure 1-7 Model 9 050 MasterCrimper A crimping station that both holds caps (usinga vacuum) and seals vials with the caps. 1-10 Figure 1-8 Balance Kit Allows the use in the System of any I\lettler SeriesPE electronic balance using the 016 Data Interface. A kit is also avaiiable for Mettler Series AE analytieal balances. Figure 1-9 EpsonPrinter Optional printer for hardcopy printout of sample documentationfor the MasterLabSystem Controller. 1-11 Figure 1-10a 76-mm Test Tube kack Holds forty 16-mm test tubes a4x10matrix. Figure 1- 10b 12- or 13-mm Test Tube Rack Holdsforty 12- or 13-mrntest tubesina4xl0matrix. Figure 1-11 Vial Rack Holdsforty 1.8 mL microvialsin a4x10matrix. t-tz PERLSOFTWARE PERLas a RoboticsLanguage PERL (Perkin-ElmerRobot Language)is a new softwarelanguagedevised for use in the Masterlab Automated SamplePreparation System' It is specificallyintendedto facilitate communicationin a roboticssystem. Becausethe h{asterLabSystemis modular,PERL must accommodatethe is additionof new modulesto the system. This aceommodation by the interactiveprogramnamed"CONFIG." This program accomplished createsa systemconfigurationfile (PERL.SCF)which containsthe name, initializationsequence, and communicationsparametersfor each module. The system reads this file each time PERL is loaded, Whenyou add or delete a module,you need only run I'CONFIG to change the system configurationfile; you do not have to rewrite existingapplications procedures. The TeachProgramsare a uniquePERL feature which allowsyou to create new commandsin your laboratory,and store them for use in procedures. Whenyou add a new moduleor programa new application,you can easily add the appropriatecommandsto PERL. The NlasterLabSystem ean potentially carry out many different sample preparation proceduresin your laboratory. The programming language provided for your use is powerful, yet simple to use, so that you can program the proceduresas readily as you devisethem, PERL appearssimilar to BASIC, a languagewhich is easy to learn and with which you may already be fam iliar, I\'lanyof the statements are the same as BASIC statements. However,PERL also containsseveraluniquestatementsto make robotics applicationsrun smoothly and effieiently. For example, the "parallel" statement allows two operationsto proceed simultaneously,and the I'speedrl statement allows you to choosethe most appropriate speedfor the robot at eaehstageof a procedure. You will aecumulatea certain amountof data (weights,volumes,numbers of samples)during samplepreparations. PERL is capable of processingthis data. In fact, PERL can be usedfor any usual programmingneedsi the difference from other languageslies mainly in its additional ability to communieatewith robotsand other devieeseasilv. 1-13 The PERLProgramming Environment The PERL programmingenvironment(seeFigure 1-12)consistsof a set of programming tools to help you develop PERL applicationsprocedures.Some of these tools you will never use directly. Those with which you do interact are constructed with clear menusand prompts to guide you. ,4_\6, TecU4 SFten CoofiAur.tlo flffi ([, Udrlty F &^ @f, Figure 1-12 - The PERL programming En\)ironment Ascan be seenin Figure 1-12, you wiil use the pERL Editor to create pro_ cedures,which are compiled by the Compiler and stored on disk. Vou witt Programsto create new stored commandsto. "onirotting ?1.: ^:.r^: ^,I".|":c,h tne system modules,and the fiCONPIG" program to store the configuration" of the system in the system eonfiguration file. When the stored proeedureis run, the Interpreter usesboth the stored com_ mandsand the system configuration file to interpret the procedure state_ ments. It then communicates,via the Serial CommunicaiionsFacility, with the deviceswhich are to carry out the eommands. Creatinga PERLApplicationsProgram Whenyou wish to program a new application using PERL, first analyze the procedureyou are programming,to determineexactly what stepsare involvedand what commandsyou will need to create to carry it out. The programmingprocedureis then as follows: - Use the Teach Programsto create the uniquestatementswhich will be neededin the procedure. Examplesmight be I'fi11_syr_2.5 m1'ror "m ove_to_crimper". - Accessthe PERL Editor to create and edit the procedure. It is a full screeneditor which takesadvantageof the functionkeys and other special keyboardkeys available on the System Controller (IBUIPC). - Using the BASIC-Iike PERL statements to provide overall program structure,and the statementsyou created with the Teachprogramsto give eommandsfor specifieactions,enter your procedureand eclit it. - Save the procedure. It is automatically compiled when you save it. The system then savesboth an ASCII and a compiled version of the procedure. The PERL InstruetionManualwhich came vrith your NlasterlabSystem containscompleteinformationabout all the TeachProgramsand the statements available to you in PERL, as well as instructions on using the pERL Editor to ereate and saveapplieationsprocedures.Consultit whenyou wish to program a new application for your Masterlab System. U S I N GT H I SM A N U A L Organization of This Manual The l\Iodel9000 NlasterLabSysteminstruetionmanualhas six sections: Section1, SystemDescription,providesa descriptionof the hardwareand software that comprisethe systemas well as a listing of the systen specifieations, Section 2, Installation, contains instruetions for installing the system in your fa c ili ty. t-lD Section 3, Startup, introducesyou to preliminary operating procedures. It describesthe steps to follow to rrteachrrthe robot to move to accessory positions. It also outlines the steps to follow in creating a program. Finally, it tells you how to run your program. Section 4, MaintenanceProceduresand Troubleshooting,includes maintenanceprocedureswhich you ean perform and a troubleshootingguide' In this section you will also find a list of consumableparts and the correspondingpart numbers. This is provided for your conveniencein ordering parts. Section 5, Precautions,describesprecautionsyou should take when operating the robot, A glossary of robotics terms completes the manual. Protruding tabs help you find the seetion you are looking for, Each section has a contents page listing the subjeetscovered in the section. Conventions Specific words and characters that you must type are in boldfaee. For example,whenyou are starting to write a procedurewhere the first line must be procedure prep_uv you will type the words exactly as they appear. Rulesfor Names Whenselecting names for use in PEIiL and tlle System Configuration Utiiity, observethe rules listed below. * Use an alpha character as the first character. * Usea maximumof 16 alphanumericcharacters(8 for proeedureor other file names). * Useno spaces.Spacescan be indicatedusing the underlinecharcter or the period. * Do not use any of the following eharacters: | - + * / $ % ^ & ( ) \ < > ' ,? ' @= I t-ro MASTERLABSYSTEMSPECIFICATIONS RobotSpecifications Type: Perpendiculararticulated arm Degreesof freedom: Five, plus openingand closing of fingers Total arm reaeh: 25.7inches(660mm) Operation range (in degrees): Waist Shoulder Eibow I! rist pitch Wrist roll 300 130 90 +/- 90 +90 / -27tJ Travel Speeo: Programmableat 9 levels, 400 mm/sec (15,? inches/sec)maximum Lilting capacity: L.2 ke Q.7 lb) Control: 5 axes driven simultaneously with I_;Cservo motors Position detection: Optical encodersand limit switches Position repeatability: + 0.5 mm (0.112 inches) Power: 120/220VAC, single phase,50/6u hz Weight: 59.?lb (2? kg) SystemControllerSpecifications Computer type: IBM PersonalComputer (pC) Processor: Intel 8088 mieroprocessor &iemory: 256 kilobytes RANr Visual display: High-resolution,monochrome,l2-inch oisplay unit with anti-glare phosphorscreen Visual attributes: Blinking, underlining,reverse vioeo Disk storage: Two double-sided,double-densityfloppy disk drives, each capable of storing 320 kilobytes; total storage: 640 kilobytes Keyboard: 83 keys for data and text entry with tactiie and audio feedback, adjustable typing angle, detached and connectedby 6-foot coil cable Options (available from third parties): * Memory expansionto 640 kilobytes * Hard disk storage + Additional programs available for nonrobotic applications Communications: 4 kS-232C interfaee ports are standardi expandableto a maximum of 10 Dorts. I parallel printer port stanoaro. PrinterSpecifications Print rate: 160 characters per secondper line in pica Character sets: Roman; Italic; Special international character sets; N LQ charaeters (roman); IBM standard and alternate Columnwidth: 80 (pica); 40 (Pica expanded)r96 (Etite); 48 (Elite expanded);132 (Compressed); I60 (CompressedElite); 68 (Compresseo expanded) Print controls: Character: 6 pitches, 5-20 CPI; emphasizedano doublestrike weights; italie style: super ano subscript heights; uncerline moce Formatting: Programmablehorizontal ano vertical tabs: lelt anc right n,argins;Iine spacingi skip over.perforation; page iength; proportionat spactng Bit images 60-240DPI, mixablewith text Paper feed mechanism: Friction/pin feed Media handling: 9,5 to lO-inch tractor feed stockt 8.s-inch roll paper;7,25 to 8.5-inchsinglesheets; original plus 2 carbons INSTALLATION Page Section 2 INSTALLAIIoN 2-7 .. SITE REQUIREMENTS . Electrical Requirements SpaceRequirements .. Ventilation and Cleanliness PARTSPROVIDED ... UNPACKING AND SETUP Initial Inspection ..... Plaeementof System Components INSTALLATION OF SYSTEMCOMPONENTS Installing the System Controller Installing Circuit Boards Installing the Masterlab Worksurfaee Installing the Robot Attaching the Bobot to the Worksurface .... Attaehing t}te Hand to the Robot Attaching the Grippers to the Robot Installing the Robot Drive Unit Setting the DIP Switcheson the Robot Drive Unit Connecting the Teach Pendant Installing the Optional Printer . Intereonnections..... Printer Controls and Indicators DIP Switehes on the Printer Connecting to Line Power ADDING MODULESTO YOUR SYSTEM . . 2-L 2-l 2-2 2-2 2-4 24 24 2-7 2-9 2-9 2-9 2-13 2-t4 2-74 2-76 2-17 2-18 2-21 2-22 2-22 2-22 t -t.t 2-24 2-26 2-26 INSTALLATION SITEREQUIREMENTS Your Nlasterlab Systemshouldbe installed by a perkin-Elmer service representative. You are responsiblefor providing a stable supply of power and an adequatespace in a clean location. If your system is to include a modulewhich requiresan air supply,suchas the MasterCrimper,you rnust providea sourceof clean air at a maximumpressureof ?0 psi. Locate the table or bench that supportsthe Masterlab System in an area free of vibration, corrosive fumes, and magnetic fields. The temperature of the area shouldremain between15 and 40 degreesCelsius(59 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit),at a relative humidity of between20 and 80 pereent. ElectricalRequirements The Robot and the Robot Drive Unit require 120 or 230 volts AC, 50 or 60 Hz. Their power consumptionis 400 watts, If possible,the Robot and the Robot Drive Unit shouldutilize separategrounds,to minimize electrical noise. The groundingresistanceshouldbe 100 ohms or less. The grounding point shouldbe as near as possibleto the Robot and Robot Drive Unit to keep the groundingleads as short as possible. The System Controller (IBM PC ) requires 120 volts AC, 60 Hz. The typical power consumptionof the SystemControlleris 200 watts. To prevent voltage spikes,do not connect the Masterlab System to circuits serving Lprgeor heavy duty equipment. If the power available is unstable, fluctuates in frequency, or is subject to surges,additional control of incoming power may be required. In that case, regulating transformers and uninterrupted power suppliesmay be purchasedfrom the following firms: Curtin l\IathesonScientific P.O. Box 1456 Houston,"lX 77251 ( 7 1 3 )280 - 1 66 1 Rapid Electfic Co., Inc. CraysbridgeRoad Brookfield,CT 06804 (203)775-0477 Topaz Division SquareD Co. 9192 Topaz Way SanDiego, CA 92723 ( 6 1 9 ) 297- 0 83 1 SpaceRequirements Perkin-Elmer manufacturesa Worksurface(Part Number N090-0029)on which the Nlasterlab Systemand its modulescan be conveniently mounted. It is a table top constructed of quality wood and laminated with Formica (TNI)to protect the surface. Holes are drilled in the Worksurfaceat the factory for mounting the modulesneededin your particular robotics application, The robot and the moduleswhich it is to service rest on the Worksurface.or on a table or bench top. The Robot Drive Unit may be placed on a shelf under the Worksurface,where its cable connectionsand power switch are accessible. The System Controller shouldbe placed on a nearby table or bench. The spacerequirementsfor eachcomponentof the systemare given in Table 2-1. Ventilation and Cleanliness Protect the componentsof your [lasterlab System from spills and fumes. Clean spills from the Worksurfaceand the robot promptly, to avoid possible damageto the systemor contaminationof samples. 2-3 Exhaustcorrosive, flammable or toxic fumes away from the system components. If your sample preparation proceduresgenerate fumes, use a table top hood to remove them. AIso useful to remove fumes is a down-draft slot type hood. Locate hoodsat the perimeter of the Worksurface,to draw fumes away from the Masterlab System. Suitable hoods are available from the following firms: Hemco Corporation 111 N. Powell Independence,Missouri 64050 (816)796-2900 St. Charles Manufacturing Co, St. Charles, trlinois 60174 (312)584-3800 TABLE2-1 MASTERLAB SYSTEMDIMENSIONS Height Width inches (em) inches (em) Depth inches (cm) Weight Ib (ke) Robot: 35.8(91.0) Total arm reaeh 25.?in (66.0em) 6 0( 2 7 ) Robot Electronics Module: 5.5(14.1) 20.0(51.3) 16.0(41.0) 28.0(12.?) System Controller (IBM PC): Display: Keyboard: Electronics Module: 1 1 . 0( 2 8 . 2 ) 1 5 . 0( 3 8 . 2 ) 2 . 0( 5 . 1 ) 8 . 0( 2 0 . 5 ) 14.0(35.9) 8.0(20.5) 1 7 . 3( 7 . 8 ) 6 . 0( 2 . ? ) 5 . 5( 1 4 . 1 ) 2 0 . 0( 5 1 . 3 ) 1 6 . 0( 4 1 . 0 ) 2 8 . 0( 1 2 . 7 ) Printer: * 3.s (e.91) r7.4(44.2) 13.?(34.8) 1 7 . 2( 3 7 . 9 ) Worksurface:* r.25 (3.2) 71.5(181.6) 4 8 . 0( 1 2 1 . 9 ) 1,24(272.8) E dtiionai- z-4 PARTSPROVIDED The Masterlab Automated Sample Preparation System (ASPS)may be ordered in one of three configurations: Automated SamplePreparationSystem (120V),with System Controller Automated SamplePreparationSystem (120V)'without System Controller Automated SamplePreparation System (230V),witnout System Controller The parts suppliedwith each configuration are listed below. ASPS(120V), with Slptem Controller (P/N N09(F0100): P-E Part No- Description 0993-8154 0993-8155 N 0 90 - 0 0 1 1 N090-0020 N090-0028 N 090-0041 N090-1003 N090-1153 N090-1154 N090-1000 N 0 90 -1 0 0 1 N090-10?5 N090-1076 N 0 90 - 1 1 1 2 N090-9014 N090-0105 N090-.0026 N090-1r55 N0 I 0 - 9 0 0 4 0993-8180 N090-1115 N0 9 0 - 1 1 5 7 N 090-0007 Manual - Masterlab System Manual - PERL Software Robot Assembly(120V),includes Cable - Robot to Comm Interface Cable - Hand SensePCB Robot Hand Assembly,includes Hand Bracket Shroud Robot Robot Drive Unit (120V) Bracket, Hand SensePCB Plate, Hand SenseConnector Teach Pendant PCB Assembly,Hand Sense Gripper Assembly IBM CommunicationKit, includes Label-CommunicationsRS232 PCB Assembly.RS232Interface Manual - ASPSCommunications Software Kit Keyboard Overlay System Controlter (IBM PC) Quantity I I 1 I 1 I 1 2 I I I 1 I I I 2 1 I I I I t-( ASPS(120V), without System Controller (P/N N090-.0102): P-E Part No. Description 0993-81s4 09I3-815 N090-0011 N090-0020 N090-0028 N090-0041 N090-1003 N090-1153 N090-1154 N090-1000 N090-1001 N090-10?5 N090-1076 N 0 90 - 1 1 1 2 N090-9014 N090-0105 N090-0026 N 0 9 0 - 1 155 N090-9004 0 9 I 3 - 8 10 8 N 0 90 - 1 1 1 5 N 0 90 - 1 1 5 7 Manual- Masterlab System Manual- PERL Software Robot Assembly(120V),includes Cable - Robot to Comm Interface Cable - Hand SensePCB Robot Hand Assembly,ineludes Hand Bracket Shroud Robot Robot Drive Unit (120V) Bracket, Hand SensePCB Plate, Hand SenseConnector Teach Pendant PCB Assembly,Hand Sense Gripper Assembly IBM CommunieationKit, includes LabeI-CommunicationRS232 PCB Assembly,RS232Interface Manual- ASPSCommunieations Software Kit Keyboard Overlay Quantity ASPS(230v),without SystemControuer (p/N N090-0103): P-E Part No. Description 0993-815 4 09 9 3 - 8 155 N 090-0011 N090-0020 N090-0028 N090-0041 N090-1003 N 0 90 - 1 1 53 N 090-1154 N090-1000 N090-1002 N090-107 5 N090-1076 N0 9 0 - 1 1 1 2 N090-9014 N090-0105 Manual- Masterlab Systen Manual- PERL Software Robot Assembly(230V),includes Cable - Robot to Comm Interface Cable - Hand SensePCB Robot Hand Assembly,includes Hand Bracket Shroud Robot Robot Drive Unit (230V) Bracket, Hand SensePCB Plate, Hand SenseConneetor Teach Pendant PCB Assembly,Hand Sense Gripper Assembly Quantity 2-6 N090-0026 N090-1155 N090-9004 0993-8180 N 0 90 - 1 1 1 5 N090-115? IBM CommunicationKit, ineludes Label - Communication RS232 PCB Assembly, RS232Interface Manual- ASPSCommunications Software Kit Keyboard Overlay I 1 1 1 1 Optional Printer: P-E Part No. Description N500-2187 or N500-2186 EpsonPrinter, 120V 1 EpsonPrinter, 230V 1 N500-2031 Requires: Connecting Cable N500-1409 N500-2189 N500-2148 AIso available: Paper Ribbon Cartridge Paperholder Quantity 1 I 1 Additional modulesfor your Masterlab Systemare available to meet the needsof your laboratory. Such modulesmight include a syringe, a mixer, a crimper, a device interface, and various racks and stands. Parts lists for these rnodulesare in their resDectivemanuals. U NPACK I NGA ND S E TU P InitialInspection Your Masterlab System will arrive in cartons containing the fotlowing components: Robot Robot Drive Unit System Controller (IBM PC) After the system componentshave been removed from their cartons, perform a visual inspection. If any of the componentswere damagedin transit, eontact the carrier and request instructions for filing a damage claim. Cheek the contents against the appropriate parts list on the precedingpages. If any parts are missing,notify Perkin-Elmer immediately. Placementof SystemComponents IMPORTANT: Do not eonnect the comoonentsof the Masterlab System to line power until told to do so later in this procedure. Carefully plan the location and arrangementof your Masterlab System before it is installed, as the robot and all aecessorieswiII be securely fastened to fixed locations at installation. This prevents them from moving in relation to each other during use, which would disturb the ability of the robot to service the other modules. The placement of the Worksurfacein your laboratory is the first consideration. If the robot is to service an analytical instrument, you will, of course, have to place the Worksurfacenext to the instrument. You will then need to determine the exact locations of the robot, the instrument, and the various MasterLab modulesas follows: a) Place the robot on the IVorksurfacein a position where it will be able to reach the instrument which it is to service. Place the instrument in its location, b) Use the Teach Pendantto move the robot to the various positions it will have to assumewith respect to the instrument. (SeeSection 3 for information on using the Teach Pendant.) If there are any that are not within reach, move the robot or the instrument aecordingly. e) Whenyou are sure that the robot will be able to service the instrument, determine the appropriate locations for the other modules basedon the eonsiderationsdescribedbelow. d) FinaIIy, permanently install the robot and the modulesas described in "Installation of System Componentsrr,which follows in this manual and in the respective module manuals. The arrangementof the componentsof your system will dependon the location of the Worksurfaeeand the partieular applications to be performed in your laboratory. A typical placement is shown in Figure 2-1. Generally, you shouldplace the robot in the eenter of the Worksurface,but it may need to be eloser to one side if it is to service an instrument. Loeate the system controlier (IBM PC) to one side of the Worksurfaceor on an adjacent table or desk. Place the Robot Drive Unit on a shelf under the Worksurface, Iocated so as to permit aecessto the controls on the front panel. The three-dimensionalspace which is aecessibleto the robot is called the "work envelope'r. Moduleswith which the robot is to interaet must be located within the work envelope. The manual for each module contains the 2-8 Figure 2-1 - Typical Placement ofSystem Components distance from the robot pivot point to the mounting holes for that module. Locating the module at this distance from the robot places it within the work envelope, If locations for your moduleswere not pre-drilled for you on a Perkin-Elmer Worksurfaee,place the modulesin their proposedlocation at the suggested distance from the robot, and use the Teach Pendantto verify that the robot can reach them before fastening them down. A final considerationin the placement of modulesis the order in which the robot will usually be using them in your application. If the robot will be frequently taking test tubes from the syringe dispensingstand to the mixer, for examole. these two modulesshouldbe elose to each other. 2-9 INSTALLATION OF SYSTEMCOMPONENTS Installingthe SystemController If you did not purchaseyour System Controller from Perkin-Elmer, be sure that it is equippedwith 256 kilobytes of memory, 2 double-sided,doubledensity, 5-1l4r'floppy disk drives, and a HereulesGraphicsCard (available from Perkin-Elmer, P/N N500-2150)or IBM GraphicsCard (or an equivalent). This manual assumesthat an IBM PC is usedas the System Controller. It presentsonly the information that is required to interface the computer with the Robot. To install the System Controller, follow the installation information given in the computer manufacturerrsmanual, Iocating it as describedearlier in "Placement of System Components.rl InstallingCircuitBoards You can use the procedurein this section to install circuit boardsin the System Controller at any unusedslot. There are special considerations which pertain to particular boards,however: es board (P/N N500-2r50): Install the cs board in slot L. Perkin-Elmer communicationsboard (P/N N090-9004): lf vou are to COM6:; if you install a secondboard, its ports are COi\4?:to COtVtl0:. The jumper plug on the board as shippedwill be in the position shown in Figure 2-2. This is the correct configuration for ports J through ti. If the board is to be used for ports 7 through 10, remove the plug, rotate it 180 degrees,and replace it as shownin Figure 2-3. IBM esynchronouscommunicStionsadapter: To obtain RS23Zports asynchronous communicationsadapter for each port. Place its pluggabiemodule in position for an RS232interface as shown in Figure 2-4. The asynchronouscommunicationsadapter wiII be configured for COMl: as shipped. If you install a secondadapter, configure it for COMZ: by removing the pluggableaddressmodule (see Figure 2-4l, rotating the module 180 degrees,and replacing it. NOTE: The pluggablemodule may have a dust cover. Simply lilt to remove it. 2-10 :^ r, F* lqr Y E. ql! a'<cl /_Y-\' JumFr Plw Figure2-2 - JumperConfiguredto Utilize Ports3-6 q.!? t--.1 6i. {t ftrE I i I )) c' !:F t--.1. '1 pll Fi efl [ror+ Jump€a Prla F igure 2-3 - Jumper C onfigured to U tilize Ports 7-70 2.LL --,__-t r ---, I I ! l I I D o q D o q p o q b'o d D o q Po . t B 3 t Paitid fo" coml: Pcitio I I I i ta cotnz: i :11':1_J PLUGGAXLE PLUGGAXLE ADDBESS n 0 0 Il 0 ul0CI m00 l- __', Ii l's d B 3 t I I I D o d D o d D o ( Ir6iticn I 83232-C Intedace . L-7":"* UODULB II l I I Figure 2-4 - C onfiguring the AsynchronousC ommunications Adopter To install either the Perkin-Elmer Communicationsinterface board or anv optional boards proceed as follows: 1) Remove aII cables from the rear of the IBM PC. 2) Unplug the power cords from the wall outlets, and remove the monitor from the top of the electronics module (systemunit,,. 3) Locate the five cover mounting screws on the rear of the electronics module. Remove them with a flat biade screw driver or l./4r'nut driver. 2-t2 4) Slide the cover back toward the front of the electronics module until it will go no farther. Tilt it up to remove it from the base' and set it aside. 5) Remove the cover from the expansionslot which correspondsto the desired location of the eircuit board to be installed. NOTE: The circuit board may be installed in any unused slot. Use aTlat-uuaeo screw driver or 3/16" nut driver to remove the screw which holds the expansionslot eover (Figure 2-5). ? Rear Panel Support Bracket Figure 2-5 - ErponsionSlot Cover Removal 6) Locate the black circuit board support bracket (packedwith the eircuit board), and press it into the small mounting holes at the front of the electronics module. Be certain the board support is located direetly opposite the slot in which the boardis to be mounted; install it with the open end up. crasp the circuit board to be installed firmly at the top edge and press it into the connector behind the new open expansionslot (Figure 2-6). Securethe circuit board by tightening the retaining screw removed in steD 5. 2-L3 NOTE: To instali the graphiesboard (N500-2150),place the board in the rear board support, then align the connectorsand press down firmly to seat the cireuit board. e I lz J ,Wffi L) a / Figure 2-6 - Irutolling Circuit Boords 8) Replace the electronics module cover, and secure it with the cover serewsremoved in step 3. 9) Select the appropriate section of the label suppliedwith the IBM CommunicationKit. (That is, if this is your fiist RS-232 eommunicationinterface board, use the upper portion of the label, COM3 through COM6; if this is your secondboard, use the lower portion, COMT through COM10.) Peel off the backing from the label, and affix the label to the rear of the electronies module just to the left of the board you have installed. This label identifies the individual ports of the board, Refer to Figure 2-11. Installingthe MasterLabWorksurface Place the Worksurface(P/N N090-0029)on top of a sturdy beneh or table. You may bolt it into position, if you wish, Slide the Worksurfaceover to one side of the bench when installinE the robot, which is bolted to the Worksurfacefrom the underside, Installingthe Robot Attaching the Robot to the Worksurfaee The robot must be rigidly bolted to the Worksurfaceor the table top on which it rests. It is extremely important to be sure that the robot will not move once it is mounted. Small movementsat the robot mount will translate into large errors in position during applicationsprocedures. 1) If mounting holes were not drilled at the factory, or if you are installing the robot on a table top, drill holes in the Worksurfaee,using the templateprovidedin Figure 2-7: a) Place the template in the approximate center of the Ivorksurface. b) Nleasurethe distancesthe robot can reach in all directions. e) Center the template in the area the robot ean reach, and scribe the mounting bolt hole loeation marks. Also scribe the pivot center, for future use in mounting other modules. d) Drill exactly perpendicularto the Worksurfaceand exac y on the scribe marks, using an 77/32 inch bit. The drill shouldpass completely through the Worksurface, 2) Remove the screws in the sidesof the cover of the base of the robot, two in the front and two in the rear (see Figure 2-8). 3) Remove the base cover by pulling the cover to the side, Use care to avoid damagingthe cabled wiring which runs through the base. 4l Attaeh the robot to the Worksurfacefrom below, using the M8 screws provided (seeFigure 2-8). Plaee a split lock washerand a flat washer (also provided)on eaeh screw to lock the robot in place. o., Replace the basecover on the robot, and screw it in place with the serewswhich were removedat step 2. 6) Ground the robot separately from the other liasterlab System componentsr-to minimize possibleelectrieal noise. Run a ground lead from one of the mounting bolts on the robot to a ground hlving less than 100 ohms groundingresistanee. 2-t5 holes for front side of robot x_ holes for rear side of robot Figure 2-7 ' Robot Motnting T emplate 2-16 ll orksur fa ce Cable Strain Relief Base Cover Screr (,t) !9!e, Cqtue cable s'' relief ll€,rc- Bobot Bqse Cover (2) Figure 2-8 - Attaching the Robot to the Workstrf ace Attaching the Hand to the Robot To attach the hand: 1) Position the holes in the hand module over the holes on the robot wrist and attach the hand with the four Allen head screws provided. 2) Slide the connectoron the end of cable N090-0028throughthe hole in the bracket on the toD of the forearm. .r\ Attach the cable to the forearm using the strain relief clip (seeFigure t-o ) 4) Connectthe cable to the connectoron the forearm. Bl.d(et (Porearm) Straio netef 1u' I Plate (Wrist) Allen Hedd Screr (4) Robot Eaid Figure 2-9 - Attaching the Hand to the Robot Attaching the Grippers to the Robot Attach eachgripper to the robot hand. To attach a gripper,insert two screwsin the recessedholesin the gripper (seeFigure 2-10),and serew them to the handassemblyas shown, Robot Hand Figure 2-10 - Attaching the Gripperc to the Robot Hand 2-78 Installingthe RobotDriveUnit If possible,locate the Robot Drive Unit on a shelf under the Worksurface. Cable conneetionsand the power switch shouldbe aecessible. Refer to Figure 2-11 as you make the eleetrieal conneetionsdescribedbelow. 1) Connect one of the 20-foot cabtessuppliedwith the robot to the terminal labeled 'TMOTORPOWER'Ion the rear of the Drive Unit and to the terminal on the robot. Connect the other 20-foot cable to the terminal labeled T'MOTOR SIGNALTT on the rear of the Drive Unit and to the terminal on the robot (Figure 2-11), (The 2O-foot cables are not interchangeable;however, their differing connectorsmake it impossibleto confuse them.) 2) Tighten the screws on the sidesof the conneetorsalternately until the eonneetorsare fastened tightly to their sockets. 3) To connect the optional remote emergencyshutoff, attaeh its wire Ieads to the lower screw terminals in the terminal strip on the rear of the Robot Drive Unit. (The remote shutoff terminals are marked IEMERGENCYTI.) Place the remote shutoff box in a convenient spot on the Worksurface,within reach of the robot operator, 4) Connect eable N090-0020to the connector on the lower left corner of the Robot Drive Unit. This conneetor is Iabeled nRS-z32C'r.Tighten the connector screws alternately until the cable is securedto the connector. Conneet the other end of the cable to any communications port (com 3:, com4:, ete.) on the Perkin-Elmer communicationsinterfaee card installed in the IBM-PC: insert the connector until it elicks into plaee. 5) Connect the line power cord to the rear of the Robot Drive Unit. Do not connect power at this time. REMOTE SHUT.OFF TEACHING PENDANT il!l|i N09tF0020 Emergency A/C POr{ER 2-19 COMSo. ? 0 CO {or80 l|[nril[[[[[l[[0[ OPTIONAL SYSTEM CONTROLLER (COMPAQ) To Robot D.ive Unit Figwe 2-11- MasterLab SystemElectrical C onnectiotrs Settingthe DIP Switcheson the RobotDriveUnit Open the right side door on the Robot Drive Unit. You wiII find 3 sets of DIP switches at the bottom of the eireuit board. Check the switch settinEs against the illustration in Figure 2-L2 and the chart below it. Switeh 1 - Has eight positions which select the clock divisor to match the selected baud rate. Switeh 2 - Has eight positionswhieh set the communieationsspeedto 9600 baud with 1 stop bit, ? data bits at an even parity. Switch 3 - Has four oositionswhieh seleet the control mode: position 1 ON OFF XYZ mode Joint Mode position 2 not used; set to OFF position 3 not used; set to OFF position 4 Ioads robot position data from ROM to RAM no effect 0 \ sw2 L Figure 2-72 - DIP Suitch Settings for the Robot D ri\te Unit 2-22 Connectingthe TeachPendant The Teach Pendant is a hand-heldDortablecontroller which oermits remote operationof the robot. To conneetthe Teach Pendantto th; Drive Lnit, insert the cable conneetor from the Teach Pendant into the connector BOXfi on the left rear of the Drive Unit. Iabeled TTTEACHING Installingthe OptionalPrinter Interconnections Connect the optional Epsonprinter to the system as follows: 1) Connectthe printer end of cable N500-2031to the rear of the pr inter as shownin Figure 2-13. Snapthe holding clips into place. 2) Connect the other end of the cable to the parallel port on the Hercules graphiescard installed in the System Controller. 3) Connectthe printer line power cord to line power. Figure 2-13 - Printer Cable Connection Printer Controls and Indicators Except for the POWERswitch, all eontrols and indicators are on the control panel on the right side of the top of the printer, Each of the three buttons on the control panel has two functions. The functions marked on the blue panels(ON LINE, NLQ, AND DRAFT) are active when the printer is on-line; the functionsmarkedon the gray panels(OFF LINE, FF, AND LF) are active when the printer is off-line. POWERON/OFF switch - Locatedon the left side of the printer. POWERindicator- Lights when the power is on. READY indieator - Lights when the printer is ready for use. If it is off, press the ON LINE button to turn it on. PAPER OUT indicator- Lights when there is no paperor the paper is incorrectly loaded. OFF LINE - If you press the ON LINE button when the green iight beside it is on, the ON LINE and READY lights go off and the printer is set off line; that is, the power is still on but the printer won't print. The FormFeed (FF) and Line Feed (LF) functions work only when the printer is off line. ON LINE - The green ON LINE light indicates that the printer is on line and ready to receive data. If the READY light is also on, the printer-s ready to print (if it is conneetedto the computer). You may notiee that the READY light flickers when the printer is printing, but this is normal. I!hen the printer is on line, you can select either NLQ (Near Letter Quality)or draft modes. FF (Form leed) - Pressingthe FF button advancesthe paper to the top of the next page if you are using continuous-feedpaper. If you are using single-sheetpaper, it fully ejects one sheet, The FF function works only when the printer is off line. NLQ (Near Letter Quality) - Pressingthe NLQ button selects the Near Letter Quality typestyle. The printer beepstwice to aeknowledgethe NLQ seleetion, You can select the NLQ typestylewith the NLQ button only when the printer is on line. LF (Line Feed) - Pressingthe LF button advancesthe paper one line at a time, either while you are loading paper, or when you are adjusting where you want printing to begin. If you hold the LF button down, the paper advancescontinuously. The LF function works only when the printer is off llne. DRAFT - Pressingthe DRAFT button selects the draft typestyle. The printer beepsonce to acknowledgethe draft selection. The draft mode is also the default setting for the printer, so every time you turn the printer on, it is set to print in the draft mode. The IIRAFT button works onlv when the Drinter is on line. 2-24 DIP Switches on the Printer Two sets of DIP (Dual In-line Package)switehes control a number of important printer functions. They are located under an accesscover on the back right corner of the printer, as shown in Figure 2-14. Factorysetlings i l iggBBBH DIPswllch panel2 Figure 2-14 - DIP Switch AccessCover Remolat and Switch Locations To remove the cover, use a Phillip's head screwdriver to remove the top screw, Then take the cover off by pressingdown and sidewayswith the palm of your hand as shown. Locate the two DIP switch assemblies shownin Figure 2-14, They have been set at the factory as shown. The meaningsof the settings are given in Table You will probably never need to touch most of the DIp switches. There are two, however,which you may want to change: - Switch 4 on assembly2: If your first printing occurs either all on one line or with lines twice as far apart as you intended, changethis switch. - Switch 2 on assembly1: Changingthis switeh will add a slash to the zero character, which makesprogram listings easier to read. WA_RNIIIG:If you find you need to ehangea switch setting, be sure to turn the power OFF before touching the internal switches. Use a non-metallie object, such as the top of a pen, to changethe DIp switches. z-25 TABLE2.2 DIPSWITCHFUNCTIONS S$,itch1 No. O N Function 1-1 Compressed 1-2 0 (slashed) Printmode Zerocharacter Paper-enddetector Printermode Printmode Inacltve t-3 Enrphasized OFF lB[/ International characlerset SeeTableA-2. 1.7 Standard OFF OFF OFF Switch 2 No. ON 21 2 2 Actrve 2-3 ON Funclion Printer seiect OFF Inactve Cutsheet feeder Skipover pertoration CR+LF Automaticline feed The shadedboxesshow the factorysettings. TABLE2.3 INTERNATIONAL DIPSWITCHSETTINGS Country USA France Germany UnitedKingdom Denmark Sweden Italy Spain SrYlich1€ On On On On off off oil oft Swltch1.7 On On off ofr On On off ofl Switch l{ On off On off On ofr On oll 2-26 Conneciingto Line Power When you have installed all the components of the system (System Controller, robot and Robot Drive Unit, and optional printer), and their respective Iine power cords are properly connected to them, plug eaeh line eord into a wall outlet. TO YOURSYSTEM ADDINGMODULES If you decide to add a module to an existing Masterlab System, you wiII need to place it within the work envelope of the robot, and near any other module with which it is to interact. Once you have determined an approximatelocation, proceed as follows: 1) Place the module in its tentative location, without drilling the mounting holes. 2) Use the Teaeh Pendantto move the robot to the various positions it wiII have to assumein order to service the new module. 3) Adjust the location of the module, if necessary. 4\ Finally, drill the mounting holes and mount the module in its permanent location. It is recommendedthat you have this done by a Perkin-Elmer service representative. Should it be necessary for you to do it yourself, you will need a module mounting kit (P/N N090-0057). Drill exactly perpendicular to the Worksurface. (A drill bushing, available from maehinetool suppliers,is helpful.) Use a 5/16 inch drill bit, and drill to a depth of at least 1/4 inch. Following the instructions in the mounting kit, insert the mounting knobs in the holes. NOTE: If you are mounting the module in a slate bench top, use a carbide drill bit. Replace the Dodge wedge in the mounting kit with a lead anchor. available from hardware stores. STARTUP Section 3 PaEe STARTUP PRELIMINARY PROCEDURES Turning ON the Masterlab System Backing up DOS and PERL Disks Loading the PERL/DOS Work Disk Creating a Data Disk CONFIGURINGTHE SOFTWAREFOR YOUR SYSTEM Introduction Loading CONFIG Adding a Module , Adding a Robot to Your Masterlab System Changing a Module Deleting a Module Displaying Module Information . . LOADINGPERL SOFTWARE ... TEACHING AND PROGRAIIIMINGTHE ROBOT Introduction Accessingthe Teach Programs Defining a Rack .. Moving the Robot . Naming a Position Moving to a Position Positioning the Gripper CREATING A PROCEDUREWITH THE PERL EDITOR Planning Your Procedure Writing a Procedure Combining Procedures DEBUGGING A P R O C E D U R E. . . . . R U N N I N GA P R O C E D U R E. . . . . LEAVING PERL . 3-1 3-1 3-1 .t -9 3-3 3-4 3-4 3-6 3-11 3-12 3-14 3-14 3-16 3-18 3-18 3-19 3-20 3-24 3-24 3-25 3-26 3-29 3-30 3-30 3-33 3-36 3-36 3-36 a !o STARTUP This section providesan overview of the operation of the Masterlab System. It contains the information necessaryto quickly familiarize you with the robottsoperation and allow you to write simple application procedures. PROCE DURES PRELIMINARY TurningON the MasterlabSystem 1) Check all modulesand accessoriesthat you will use in the sample preparation procedure to ensurethat they are connected to the Robot Drive Unit, the System Controller or the Device Interface Unit, as appropriate. Refer to Figure 2-11 and the appropriate accessory manualsfor electrical connections. 2) Turn all modulesexcept the System Controller (IBl\I PC) to ON. The llasterlab System is now ready for the loading of software. BackingUp DOSand PERLDiskettes (OneTimeOnty) You should make a back-up copy of your PERL diskette for everyday use, so that your master copy can be stored. You will find it a convenienceto have a copy of the most frequently used DOScommandson the same diskette that containsPERL. The followingprocedurecopiesboth DOSand PERL onto a single disk. After you have made this disk, use it with the procedure underI'Loadingthe PERL Work Disk" wheneveryou wish to load PERL. 1) With power to the SystemController(IBM PC) turnedoff, insert the DOS diskette into drive A, Turn the Controller on. (If your System Controlleris alreadyon, insert the DOSdisketteand then reset the Controller by pressingCTRL, ALT, and DEL si multaneously.) 3-2 2) Whenthe date is displayed,enter the correct date and pressEnter. Whenthe time is displayed,enter the correct time and n,'acaFnrar again. 3) lvhen the DOSprompt (A>)appears,put a new, unformatteddiskette in drive B, Issuethe followingseriesof commands,PressEnter after each one, and wait fof the DOSprompt to reappearbefore typing the next command, 4) format b:/s (Whenthe system asksyou "format another", type n.) copy format.eom b: Removethe DOSdisl<ettefrom drive A, and insert the PERL diskette, Type copy *.* b: and pressEnter. The entire PEIiL diskette will be copiedonto the <iiskettein drive B. 6) Removethe PERL diskette from drive A. Store it where it will be safe from heat, magneticfields, dirt, or mechanicalinjury, 7) Removethe diskette from drive B, and label it rrDOS/pERLv.2.0 work disk"..To load PERL into your SystemController(IBNIpC), proceedas describedin the following section. Loadingthe PERL/DOS Work Disk For this procedure,use the DOS/PERLwork disk which vou created in the precedingseet ion. 1) First load DOS, To do this, with power to the SystemController turned off, insert your DOS/PERLdiskette into drive A. Turn on all external. devic-e-s connected to your System Controller, then turn the Controller on. (If your SystemControlleris alreadyon, insert the disketteand then reset the Controlierby pressingCTRL, ALT, and DEL simultane_ ously.) 2) After a pause,the date will be displayed.If it is not correct, enter the correct date in either of theseformats: 8-1-85 8/7 /85 PressEnter. 3) The present time will then be displayed(hours,minutes, seconds, hundredthsof a second). If it is not correct, enter the correet hours and minutes in the format 9:05 PressEnter. The DOSprompt (A>)will appear. Creatinga DataDisk In general, you will load the PEIiL/DOS work disk into drive A, and use a data disk in drive B for savingyour created procedures,directory of eommands.and data files. To create your first data disk, use the following procedure to place the necessaryfiles on a disk in drive B: a) With the PERL/DOSwork disk in drive A. place a formatted disk in drive B, b) Type eopy *.999 b: and press Enter. The system wiII copy the initialization procedure(s) for your robot(s)onto the disk in drive B, e) To make drive B the default drive, type b:, and press Enter. The p r o m p tw i l l b e e o m eb . d) Create your system configuration file (perl.SCF),using the file on your DOS/PERLwork disk. To do this, type a:config and press Enter. Follow the proceduregiven in "Creating the System Configuration Filer', below. The system will place the file PERL.SCF on the disk in drive B. e) Load PERL as describedin "LoadingpERLr',below. Commandsyou create with PERL will be filed on disk B in pERL.DIR. 3-4 THESOFTWARE FORYOURSYSTEM CONFIGURING lntroduction Before you can operatethe NlasterLabSystem,you must configurethe is an interactiveprogramwhich allows software for the system. nCONFIGTi the analystto create a file that identifiesthe communicationrequirements of the different modulesincludedin the system, You can identify the following: * Aecessorymoduleson the system t Port locationof eachaccessory * Initializationparametersfor each module + Communicationprotocol for each module The systemconfigurationfile is read each time PERL is loade<linto memory.This resultsin the initiaiizationof the communicationports on the IBM PC and the communicationof the appropriate initializationcommands to the moduleson the system. Once the Masterlab Systemhasbeen installed,CONFIGneednot be used again unlessa module is added,removed or ehanged. In that case, the user changesthe system eonfiguration file to reflect the changesto the system. For example,if you addeda bar codestation to the system,you would run CONFIGin order to make the neeessaryaddition to the system confiEuration file. LoadingCONFlc. For_thisprocedure,use the DOS/PERLworkingdiskette which you created earuer. 1) First load DOS. 0f DOSis alreadyloaded,proceedto step 3.) lVith power to the SystemControllerturnedoff, insert your DOS/pERL diskette in drive A. Turn on all externaldevicesconnectedto vour System Controller, then turn the Controller on. NOTE: If your System Controller is already on, insert the diskette in drive A, and then reset the Controllerby pressing CTRL, ALT and DEL simultaneouslv. 2) Whenthe date is displayed,pressEnter. (You can reset the date, if necessary,whenyou load your PERL software.) Whenthe time is displayed,pressEnter again. 3) Whenthe DOSprompt (A>) appears,type: b: and press the Enter key. 4) Type in; a:config and press the Enter key. The display showsthe main menu of CONFIG. Four options are available: * Add a Module * Changea Module * Delete a Nlodule * Display ModuleInformation The bottom of the displayidentifiesthe tasksassignedto eaehof the five Iunctionkeys active in CONFIC.The key assignm6nts are as follows: 4_9I Label Funetion F6 Help Displaysinformation on the operation of various parts of the program, F7 Quit Stopsprogram and returns to the DOS environment. F8 Bkup Returns to the menu displayedprior to the selectionof the current menu. F9 Up Highlights the menu item on the tine above the item curren y highlighted. F10 Dn Highlightsthe menuitem on the tine below the item eurren y hightighted. 3-6 You will use thesekeys to: * move from one item to anotherin a menu; * return to a menu that was previously displayed; * display descriptive information about the current task; * exit from CONFIGand return to the DOSenvironment. Adding a Module Any module that is installed with your Masterlab System or added to the system must be added to the configuration file to identify its eommunicationrequirements.This enablesthe N{asterLab's eomputerto control the module. CONFIGallowsyou to convenientlyadd a module,e.g., a printer or a syringe,to the NlasterlabSystem. The variouscommunicationsoptions associatedwith the added moduleare either selected bv default or are seleetedby you. The following is a general procedure for adding a module to the system, The procedure for adding a robot to your Masterlab System is describedat the end of this general procedure. The procedure for adding each accessory module to the system is included in the manualprovided with the accessory. To add a module to the system, proceed as foilows: 1) Use the Up (F9) and Dn (F10)function keys (or the up and down arrow keys) to highlight the option labeled: Add a Nlodule and press the Enter key. The display now lists categories of moduleswhich can be added to the system. The choicesare: Robot Printer Syringe Mettler Balance Bar Code Reader DevieeInterface AII Other Modules 2) Ilighlight the type of moduleyou are adding to the Masterlab System and pressthe Enter key. The systemnow promptsyou to enter the communieations requirements for the new module. Onlv if vou chose"Printer" or "All Other Modules" in the followingsteps. For will you have to make alf the-responses standard modules,for example the Syringe or Mettler Balance, the systemmakesdefault entriesof most parameters. CONFIGTs queries for each standard module are describedin the appropriate Per*in-Elmer module manual. a l If the Printer was seleetedas the moduleto be added,the system prompts: Port Type and two options, RS-232and Centronics,are available, Highlight the option which correspondsto the interface on the printer that is being added to the system and press Enter. {OTE: For devices other than printers, the system assumes that an RS-z32serial interface is beinE used. 4a) For RS-232devices Whenthe display pro mpts: Port llnemonic highlight the name of the communications port on the System Controller to which the module is connectedand press the Enter key. For example, highlighting COM3: and pressing: Enter identifiescommunications port 3 as the port to which the modulebeing addedis connected. NOTE: COll3: throughCOt\r6:are availableon the standard S y s t e mC o n t r o l l e r ,C O M I : , C O I \ r 2a: n d C O M Z :throughCONl10: are optional ports. e-a 4b) For Centronics interface printers only When the display prompts: Port [Inemonic highlight the name of the Centronics printer port to which the printer is connected. For example, if the printer is eonnectedto the primary parallel interfaceport, highlight: PRN: and press the Enter key. NOTES: 5) 1. Steps 5 through 10, beiow, are only necessaryfor RS232 devices. Also, if you are adding a standard Masterlab device,theseparametersare defaulted;proceedto step 11, 2. The correct responsesto the prompts in steps 5 through 10 dependon the specific moduleyou are adding, Refer to the manualprovidedwith the moduleto determinethe module'scommunicationsrequirements. The next prompt displayedis: Handshaking and two options, Yes and No, are available. Ilighlight YES option if the module supportshardware handshaking through the Clear to Send(CTS)and Data Terminal Ready (DTR) iines. Ilighlight NO if the handshakeis not supported. PressEnter to completethis selection. 6) The systemnext requestsyou to select the baudrate at whieh flle modulereceivesand transmitsdata. The choicesrange from 50 to 9600 baud. Highlight the value at which the modulereceivesand transmitsdata and press Enter. 7) The systempromptsfor a parity seleetion,The three optionsare: No Parity Odd Parity Even Parity Ilighlight the option usedby the moduleand pressthe Enter key. 3-9 8) The systenrprompts for the number of stop bits, i.e., the number of bits terminating each character sent. The options are: One Stop Bit Two Stop Bits Highlight the option required by the moduleand press the Enter key. 9) The system prompts for the number of data bits transmitted by the module. The options available are: Five Data Bits Six Data Bits SevenData Bits Eight Data Bits Highlight the option required by the moduleand press the Enter key. 10) The system next prompts for the timeout value, i.e., the time (in sec.) that the computer waits for the module to respondto a commandsent to the module. After the seleeted time has elapsedand no responsehas been received, the computer displaysan appropriate error message. When the system prompts: Timeout enter a value up to 99 and press Enter. 11) The systemthen prompts: ModuleName Enter a name having up to sixteen characters (but no spaces)and press the Enter key. The name entered is used to identify the module in the PERL environment. NOTE: The following charaetersshouldnot be usedin names in eTtfrerCONPTCor pdRL. ! - + * / $ % ^& ( ) \ < > u ? ' @= | Names must begin with an alpha character, may inelude up to sixteen characters and may not include spaces, To indicaie a space,use the underscoreor a period, 72) The system prompts for the Initialization Sequence, The initializationsequenceis that action or seriesof aetionsthat occurs when the module is initialized or set to its starting position. An 3-10 It can Initialization Sequencec^aninclude more than one com.mand' initialization before module the -tf a responsefrom aiio request u."ipon." is requiredfrom the module,the following pr""""dt, commandis included: ,?xxx, (wherexxx is the requiredresponse) If an ASCII commandis used,the commandis enclosedwith angle brackets,< >. for variousmodulesare shown Typical InitializationSequences below. Nrodule Initialization Sequence Explanation Printer <FF> <CR> Form feed followedby a carriagereturn' Device Interface Cr?* Clear moduleand wait for asterisk to be returned, Robot NT,?$,NIO999,?$,PR999Nes! wait for a dollar sign to be returnedl litiiiill";"','m Enter the combinationof ASCII and modulecommandsthat definesthe sequenceand press Enter. 13) The systempromptsfor the Input Terminator' the ASCIi character or sequenceof characters used to terminate the responsecom ing from the module to the System Controller 0BNI PC). For example, a typical input terminator is a carriagereturn, <CR>, or a carriage return. Iine feed. <CR> <LF>. Enter the ASCII character,sequenceof charactersor trexadecimal value for the ASCII character(s)for the desired input terrrrinator in angle brackets < > and press the Enter key. 14) The system prompts for the Output Terminator, the ASCII character,sequenceof charactersor hexadecimalvalue for the ASCIIcharacter(s)usedto terminate a commandsent to the module from the System Controller (IBNIPC). For example, a typical output terminator for a printer is a carriage return, <CB>, followed by a linefeed,<LF>, i.e., <CR><LF>. Enter the ASCII character or hexadecimalvalue for the ASCII character(s)for the desired terminator in < > and press the Enter key. 15) To store the information just entered for the module on the PERL diskette end return to the DOS environlnent,press the Quit function key (F7). The systemqueries: Save the current modifications? (y/n) Press: y - to save the communieationsoptions for the module n - to abort the storage operation parametersselectedfor the moduleare The communications automatically stored on the PERL disk (loeated in drive A) in the systemconfigurationfile namedPERL.SCF. Adding a Robot to Your Masterlab System This proceduredescribesthe steps to follow to add a robot to your MasterLab System. 1) Use the Up (F9) and Dn (F10) function keys (or the up and down arrow keys) to highlight the option Iabeled: Add a IIoduIe and pressthe Enter key. 2) Ilighlight the modulelabeled: Robot and press the Enter key. 3) Whenthe display prompts: Port Mnemonic highlightthe name of the communieations port on the System Controller to which the robot is connectedand press the Enter key. 4) The systemthen prompts: NloduleName 3-r2 Enter a name that beginswith an alpha eharacterand has up to sixteen characters (no spaces). Press the Enter key. 5) To store the informationjust enteredon the PERL diskette and return to the DOSenvironment,pressthe Quit functionkey (FZ). The systemq ucries: Savethe current modifications?(y/n) Press: y - to save the communications optionsfor the robot n - to abort the storage operation Changinga Module With CONFIGyou can changethe communications optionsassignedto a moduleon the system. To changea module,proceed as foliows: 1) Use the-Up-and Dn keys (F9 and F10) to highlight the option on the main menuof CONFIGlabeled: Changea Module and pressthe Enter key. The screen displaysa list of the modulesfor which the system is presently configured (that is, those listed in the system configuration fite). 2) Highlight the name of the modulewhosecommunications optionsyou wish to changeand press the Enter key. Ttre options presen y selected for the device are displayedon the screen(seeexamplebelow). J-1.) Port TvDe Port Mriemonic Flandshaking Baud Rate Paritv StopBits Data B its Port Timeout RS-232 CONIT: Yes 9600 Even 1 7 10 seconds NloduleName NloduleType Initialized Init. Sequence lnputTerminator Output Terminator Instrument Other Device On Start-up <CR><LF> <CR> 3) Use the Dn function key (F10) to move the cursor to the first option that you wish to change. 4) Pressthe Enter key to edit the current entry for the option. 5a) If the option requires a typed entry, type the desired entry and press the Enter key. 5b) If the optionrequiresa selectionfrom items in a menu,use tlre Up and Dn keys (F9 and F10) to highlightthe desireditem and pressthe Enter key to completethe seleetion. 6) lvhen the options for the moduleare modified as you wish, press the Dn functionkey (F10)until you reach the bottom of the option list. You will see the following messagel PleasePressthe <ENTER>Key to Continue 7) To continueoperationin CONFIG, pressthe Enter key, 8) To store the informationjust enteredfor the module(s)on the PIRL disketteand return to the DOSenvironment,pressthe Quit function key (F7). The systemqueries: Savethe current modifications?(y/n): Press: y - to savethe modifiedcommunications optionsfor the module(s) optionsfor the n - to retain the previousset of communications module 3-14 Deletinga Module CONFIG enablesthe user to delete any module from the hiesterlab System. To delete a module from the system, proceed as follows: 1) Use the Up and Dn keys (F9 and F10) to highlightthe option on the main menuof CONFIGlabele<i: Delete a Module and press the Enter key. A list of the modulesthat the system is configured for is displayed on the screen. 2) Highlight the modulethat you wish to delete and pressthe Enter key. The module is deleted from the system configuration file, PERL.SCF. IMPORTANT: Be certain that vou wish to delete the modulefrom tIe fiIe-6eToreyou press the Enter key. Deletion follows immediatelyafter depression of the Enter key. 3) To store the modified file on tire PEF,Ldiskette and return to the DOS environment,pressthe euit function key (FZ). The systemqueries: Savethe current modifieations?(y/n): Press: y - to save the modified file n - to retain the previousset of communications ontions DisplayingModuleInformation To displaythe communieations informationenteredfor anv modulethat is already present on the system, proceed as follows: 3-15 1) Highlight the option labeleo: Display NloduleInformation and press the Enter key. A list of the moduleswhich are configured for use with the Masterlab System appearson the screen. 2) To disptay information stored for any of the moduleslisted, hightight the module name and press the Enter key. A dispiay similar to that shownbelow appearson the screen. NIoduIeInformation PERL ConfigurationUtility V1.0 Port Type Port Nlnemonic ilandshaking BaudRate Parity Stop Bits Data Bits Port Timeout RS-232 COI\I1: Yes 9600 Even I 7 10 seconds [ioduie Name Module Type Initialized Init. Sequence Input Terminator Output Te minator ROBOTl Robot On Start-up NT,?$,1Vi O9I 9,?$,PR9I 9 <CR> <cR><LF> PleasePressthe <ENTER>Key to Continue F6=Help F?=HaIt F8=Bkup F9=Up F10=Dn Refer to "Adding a Modulefiin this manual for information about the individualitems in this list. 3) 4) To display information for the other moduleson the system: a) Press the Enter key to redisplay the Iist of available modules. b) Highlight the name of the desired moduleand press the Enter key. If any changesare requiredfor the modules,use the'rChangea l\iodule'i option to make those changes. J -.LO LOADING PERLSOFTWARE Loadingthe PERL softwareis the processwherebya copy of the PERL program is read from the PERL disketteand placedin the System Controller'smemory, For this procedure,use the DOS/PERLwork disk whichyou created with the procedurerrBacking up DOSand PERL Disks.r' 1) First load DOS. To do this, with power to the SystemController turned off, insert your DOS/PERLdiskette into drive A. Turn on aII external devices connected to your System Controiler, then turn the Controller on. (If your System Controller is already on, insert the diskette and then reset the Controllerby pressingCTRL, ALT, and DEL cimrlfonanrrclrr'l 2) After a pause,the date will be displayed. If it is not correct, enter the correct date in either of theseformats: 8-1-85 8/7 /85 PressEnter. 3) The presenttime will then be displayed(hours,minutes,seconds, hundredthsof a seeond).If it is not correct, enter the correct ltours and minutesin the format 9:05 PressEnter. The DOSprompt (A>) will appear. 4) Plaeeyour data disk in drive B. Type b: PressEnter. This makesdrive B the default destinationfor the files you create with PERL. 5) Type: Perl and pressthe Enter key. The PERL logo appearsfollowed by the copyright nlessage3 Copyright(c)1985 Perkin-EImer Corporation and the revision level of the software: PERL SystemVX.XX where X.XX is the revisionlevel, The Masterlab moduleswhieh initiaiize at Start-Up wiII initialize as direeted by the System Configuration File. For example, when the robot initializes,it first movesto its NESTposition,the position reachedwhen all the joints have actuatedtheir limit switches. It then proceedsto its reference (or 999) position, the fully extendedposition where the hand of the robot is parallel to the ground. This routine gives it points of referenee from whieh it can now accurately move to modulesincluded in the system, The PERL main screen is now displayed. When this screen is displayed, the PERL Direct CommandProcessoris in control and any PERL command that you type in will be exeeuted. (Refer to Section 2 of the PERL manual.) The bottom of the display identifies the tasks assignedto the active function keys. The key assignmentsare as follows: Key Label Function F1 Run Runsa PERL procedure. Whenyou pressF1, you will receive the message"Pleaseenter procedurename." Type the name and press Enter, F2 Edit Entersthe PERL editor wherePERL proceduresare created. F3 Teach Entersthe PERL TeachProgramswherenew commandsthat control the robot and its accessorymodules are created. E4 Dir Lists the PERL files and programsas well as user€eneratedcommandswhich are stored in the PERL Directory. F6 Help Displaysinformation on the operation of the current portion of the program. F7 Quit StopsPERL and returnsto the DOS environment. 3-18 You will use these keys to accessthe various tasks that are performed from the PERL environment. Figure 3-1 showsthe PERL keyboard overlay whieh identifiesthe function keys. FEFr(I|a-A_lEt PEit Figure 3-1 - PERL Function Key Keyboard Uverloy TEACHING AND PROGRAMMING THE ROBOT Introduction The operationswhich the robot performscomprisea seriesof commands. These commandsspecify: * robot arm position * gripper position x Iocation in a test tube rack or vial rack which the robot is to service You create the commandsneededfor your applicationby meansof the PERL robot Teach Program. While running ihe Teach program, you use the Teach Pendant to move the robot to a position that it wili-need io "know',, and assigna commandname to that position. Onceyou have taught the robot the commandswhich specify certain locations-orpositionsfyou can to transfer samplesfrom module to module during sam-pte preparation. 3-19 NOTE: The positionsthe robot I'learnsrrinthe followingseetions Ei-estored in the PERL Directory, Pleaserefer to the PERL manual for information neededto use the PERL Directorv. Accessingthe TeachModules To teach the robot a seriesof commandsthat wi speeific operation, proceed as follows: 1) enableit to perform a With the PERL software loaded,press the Teach function key (FB) to aceessthe Teach Programs. NOTE: Teach Programsexist for all the RS-232Cmodules available as standardaccessoriesfor the Model g000 Masterlab System. Refer to the appropriate accessory manualsfor information about Teach programs other [han the robot's. The Teaeh Program selection menu appearson the screen. It Iists the modulesfor which your system is configured. 2) Use the Up and Dn function keys to highlight ',Robot." press the Enter key. If only one robot is present on your system, the options shownbelow are presentedautomatically. If more than one robot is present on your scre.endisplay^.liststhem by the names they are asjigned in :I:t_eTl Jlleconliguration tne system file. 3) Choosethe desiredrobot by highlighting its name and pressingthe Enter key. The screen display which now appearsoffers you five options. Option Function Def ine a Raek Defines the location of a test tube rack or a vial rack so that the robot will be able to move to every position in the rack. Move the Robot Moves the robot to a Iocation under the control of the Teach Pendant. Move to a Position l\lovesthe robot to a previously-named position, 3-20 4) Name a Position Assignsa name to the robot'spresentposition' Positionthe Gripper Opensor closesthe gripper,namesthe gripper positionand adjuststhe force the gripper applies to the objeet. Highlight the option that identifiesthe task you wish to perform and pressthe Enter key. Defininga Rack Each of the test tube or vial racks usedwith the Masterlab Systemcontains many locations. Onceyou have usedthe TeachProgramto define three corner positionson a rack, the robot will be able to go to each location in the rack and pick up or replace a test tube or vial. NOTE: Before defining the rack position: 1. Be certain that the rack is fastenedsecurely to the worksurface. 2, Be certain that the TeachPendantis connectedto the Robot Drive Unit. Be certain that the grippersare insertedsecurelyin the 3. robot hand. 1) Ilighlight the option in the Robot Teach hlodule labeled: Define a Rack Pressthe Enter key. 2) llrhenthe programpromptsyou for the rack name, type in a name which begins with an alphabetic character and has up to sixteen characters, noneof which are spaces.For example,type: raek_4 Pressthe Enter key. 3) The next screen contains the following instructions: Positionthe Robot to Tube PositionA Pressthe <ENTER>Key to ComputeX, Y, Z Coordinates NOTE: Be certain that the DIP switch SIV3-1on the }iobot Drive lillTs in the ON position. Iiefer to "Installing the Robot Drive Lnit" in Section2 of this manualfor additionalinfornation. 3-27 To accomplish this; a) Turn on the Teach Pendant,using the ON/OFF switch on the top of the pendant. (SeeIigure 3-2,) ON/OFF Switch tic 0tc t.s t c isI 0tc Til tv l0i C16e Grippel! ttT EV Op€a Gripp€rs Figure 3-2 - The Teach p endant b) PressrrOr'(Open) on the Teachpendantto open the grippers. c) Use the six X, Y, and Z touch pad keys in the top three rows of the right column to move the robot's grifpers above the first test tube positionJi.e., the tube in the first column of the first row. Refer to A in Figure 3-3. NOTE: You will need to experimentwith the movement 6T-IEErobor causedby X, y and Z ["v d;p;;;ri;n. Note that the first five steps taken are short and subsecuent ones are longer. Figure 3-4 illustrates the robot's movementsin the X, y and Z planes when you depress these keys. d) Lower the robot grippers until they are in the position they will be in when they are gripping the test tube or vial. e) To-test the position, insert a test tube in position A and press ,rCr (Close)on the Teach pendant to close thjgrippers, Robot Location L-------- - -- --- J oooooooooooc o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 3-3 - Test Tube Rack +z -x I 8Y OY U +x I -z Figure 3'4 - Robot Motion in X, Y and Z Plqnes a-te NOTE: If the grippers are not positionedproperly at this point, repeat step 3b through 3d to position the grippers rnore accurately. f) Switch the ON/OFF switch on the TeachPendantto OFF. C) PressEnter. After a short delay, while the system ealculates the X' Y and Z coordinatesof the position, the coordinatesappear at the upper right eornerof the screen. A typical display shows: X = 4 3 2 Y = 3 6 2 Z = 7 9 2 IMPORTANT: Do not changethe Z (height) coordinate from this Dointon. 4) The screen messagethen changesto request the first tube position in the last row. Repeat step 3, above, positioning the robot at the first tube position in the last row (B in Figure 3-3). 5) The screen messagethen changesto request the third tube position (C in Figure 3-3). Repeat step 3, positioning the robot at the last tube position in the first row. 6) You will then be asked for three pieces of information, as shown in the examplebelow. Type in the responseswhich are correct for youi rack and test tubes or vials, pressingEnter after each response. For example, Numberof rows: 4 Numberof columns:10 Lengthof tube (mm)r 150 The information about the rack named rBck 4 wiII be stored in the PERL D irectory. The options menu of the Robot Teach Program then returns. you can proceed to name and define another raek, or you can select another option from the Robot Teach Program options menu. 3-24 Movingthe Robot T h e ' ' M o v e t h e R o b o t ' ' o p t i o n a l l o w s y o u t o u s e t h"Name.a.Posi.tion" eTeachPendanttomove the robot. You can then name the p5sition,using.the option. (However,iI namingis your lnlenllon, lt ls more el Ilclent lo move the robot from within the "Name a Position"option') 1) Highlight the option in the Robot Teach Program labeled: Nlovethe Robot Pressthe Enter keY. The following messageswill appear on the screen. Positionthe Robot with the TeachingPendant Pressthe <ENTER>Key to ComputeX, Y, Z Coordinates 2) Turn on the Teach Pendant,usingthe ON/OFn switch on the top of the pendant. (SeeF igure 3-2') 3) Use the six X, Y, and Z touch pad keys in the top three rows of the right column to move the robot into the desiredposition. 4) Switch the ON/OFF switeh on the TeachPendantto OFF. 5) PressEnter. The X, Y, and Z coordinates(in mm) of the positionare caleulated automatically and appear in the upper right corner of the sereen. 6) To return to the Robot TeachProgramoptionsmenu,from which you can accessthe "Name a Position"option (to name the positionof the robot), press F8 (Bkup). If you want to move to another position without renamingthe presentposition,repeat steps2 through5, Naminga Position The "Name a Position"option is usedto name the presentpositionof the robot. The name assignedto the positioncan be enteredlater in PERL programsto direct the robot to this position. NOTE: Be certain that the ON/OFF switch on the Teach Pendantis in the OFF oosition. a-t< 1) Highlight the option in the Robot Teach Module labeled: Name a Position Press the Enter key. 2) nhen you see the prompt: PositionName type in a name containing up to 16 characters (noneof which are spaces). NOTE: Choosea meaningfulname that elearly describesthe !6iillon, e.g., above_mixer. Do not press the Enter key unlessyou want to assignthis name to the presentpositionof the robot. 3) lf you want to move the robot before assigningthe name, turn on the Teach Pendant. Xlove the robot as describedin fil{oving the Robotrr,above. 4) Whenthe robot is in the position you wish to name, turn off the TeachPendant. PressEnter. The system.will identify .thepresentrobot positionwith the name you entered and store flris inlormation in the pERL Directory. Movingto a Position Once you have assigneda name to a position, you can move the robot to it by: * typing the position name and pressingEnter while in the Direct CommandProcessorof pERL. * highlighting the position name in the pERL Directory and pressing Enter. Refer to Section2 in the PERL manual. * selecting the "I ove to a position" option in the Robot Teach Program. To use the Teach Program to go to a position, proceedas follows: 3-26 1) the From the main menuof the Robot l\IoduleTeachProgram,highlight optionnamed: Move to a Position 2) and pressthe Enter keY. The screenPromPts: PositionName above-mixer,and \pe in the name that identifiesthe position,e'g', press the Enter keY. IIViPORTANT: If the robot is about to collide with an object, Dressi6e rea Remote Robot ShutdownSwitch immediately. 3) After the robot completesthe move' you can move it to another position by entering another position name. Alternatively,you can pressthe Bkup key (F8) to return to the robot TeachProgrammain menu. the GriPPer Positioning Whenyou assigna name to a robot position, the stored position includesall parameters exeept the position and pressureof the grippers. These are entered separately. 1) Highlight the option in the Robot Teach Nlodulelabeled: Positionthe Gripper Pressthe Enter key. 2) The following menu appearson the screen: I\'nrra tha /l ninnan Name a GripperPosition Name the Grip Pressure Set the GriD Pressure Before you name the grip pressureyou first need to set the grip pressure(if the position is a closed one, and if it has not previously been set for the vesselsto be gripped), .t -, t7 Highlight the option labeled: Set the Grip Pressure and press the Enter key, The system uses three parameters to set the grip pressure. They are: Force to Close(0-7) Force to Hold (0-7) Force Duration(0-99) Default settings for the parameters are 4, 4 and 50, respectively. You will enter the values which are suitable for the vessel that the robot is gripping. Initiaiiy, set the "Force to Hold'r and t'Force to Close currents low and the I'Force Durationl time long. For example, use a rrForceto Close" of 3, a "Force to Holdrrofl and a rrlorce Duration" of 50. You may need to experimentwith varioussettingsuntil you find the oneswhich grip and hold your vesseisfirmly, but without excessiveforce. 3 ) The "Force to Close'rentry sets a target current. lVhenthe robot operates,the grippers continue to close until the current value selected is reaehedor untii the duration time has elapsed. The greater the closing current, the greater the elosing force. Enter a value from 0 to ?. Pressthe Enter key. 4) The I'Foreeto Holdrlentry sets the current that is applied to the grippers to hold the vessel. The greater the current, the greater the holding force. If the grippers are holding a vessel that will be cappedin the following steps of your procedure,select a rrForceto Hold" entry of 6 or ? to hoid the vesselseeurely. If the grippers are holding a vial that will be crimpedin the procedure,select arrForceto Hold" entry that holdsthe vial loosely (1 or 2) so that the vial ean be slid higher in the grippers. Enter a value from 0 to ?. Pressthe Enter key. J,, TheriForceDurationtrentrycontrolsthe length of time (in increments of 0.01see.)that the current rampsbefore it dropsto the holding current. 3-28 Enter a value between0 and 99. Pressthe Enter key. The previousthree entriesset the grip pressurefor your vessels. Unless iine'poiitioning is required in your-prdgram,once th-egrip pressureis set for your vessels,you will not need to changeit until you replace the vesselswith onesof a different size or shape. 6) The main menu of gripper options is automatically displayedon the screen for the selection of other gripper controls. To name the grip pressureyou just seleeted' highlight the option Name the Grip Pressure and press the Enter key, 7) The screenprompts: Grip PressureName: Type in the desiredname (up to 16 characters, but no spaces). For example, type: lightpressure Pressthe Enter key. The name entered identifies the grip pressureand is stored in the PI,IiL directory. You will use the name in PERL Programsto select this grip pressurefor a partieular objeet. 8) The main menu of gripper options is automatically displayedon the screen for the selection of other gripper controls. Highiight the option named: lllove the Gripper and pressthe Enter key. o\ The screenprompts: Use Left Arrow Key to Open Grippers Use Right Arrow Key to Close Grippers a-to Use the left and right amow keys on the computer keyboard to open or close the grippers as required for this step of your robotic operation. The direction in which the grippers are moving (openor close) is displayedbelow the prompts. 10) To return to the gripper menu,pressthe Bkup key, F8, 11) Highlightthe option labeied: Name a GripperPosition and press the Enter key. 72) Tlre screen prompts: GripperPositionName Type in the desiredname (up to t6 characters,but no spaces). F.'r avq mnla t\rna ' large_tesr,_tube Pressthe Enter key. The name entered identifies the position of the gripper and is stored in tie PERL Directory. You will use this name in pERL programsto direct the robot to this position. 13) To return to the main menuof the Robot Teachprogram,pressthe Bkupkey (F8). CREATING A P R O C E D U RW E I T HT H E P E R LE D I T O R Onceyou have "taugltt" the [Iasterlab Systemthe commandsneededin a particular samplepreparation operation, you can ereate a procedure which performssimpleroutinesor comptetesamplepreparationoperations.These proceduresare created in the pERL Editor environment. Pr_ocedures perform simpie routines such as moving a sample tube to a mixer, turning the mixer on and off and getting th; tube from the mixer. Several simple proceduresare usually wrltten inC run individually to be certain that they function properly. Theseproceduresare then combined to create a complete procedure for samplepreparation. 3-30 In the following sections, methodsfor ereating both simple proceduresand proceduresfor samplepreparationare given. NOTE: Before attempting to create a procedureusing the p-E-RIEditor. vou should familiarize vourself with the PERL anciits editor - by lanruare - it3'architecture,its comm-ands (P-E part PERL manual no. 0993-8155) reading the cari fully provided with your Nlasterlab Systeni. PlanningYourProcedure Before you begin to write your procedures,you wiU want to carefully consider the steps which comprise the operation you wish the robot to perform. By spendingtime planning ahead,you will improve the quality of your procedureand reduce the debuggingtime required if it doesnot function properly. Considerthe following: r The task you want to accomplish, t The steps which make up each task, * The sequencein which you perform thesesteps, * The commandswhiehyou require for the robot, syringe,Device Interface, balance and other modulesto perform the necessary steDs. Writinga Procedure To create a new procedure,proceed as follows: 1) W'iththe PERL softwareloadedand the Perl> prompt displayed,press the Edit functionkey (F2) to enter the PERL Editor. 2) From the PERL Editor initial screen,pressF7 (Edit Commands),The Edit Commandsl\{enuappearson the screen(seeFigure 3-5). NOTE: If there is no programin memory whenyou enter the EEitor, tire Edit Comman-dsMenu will ap-pearat-once, without your having to press F7. J_J 1 3) Check the compilerstatusat the bottom of the screen. If it is off, use the Pg Up and Pg Dn keys on the IBM PC keyboard to highlight "Turn compilerON." Pressthe Enter key. You may now begin to enter statements. Use any of the four types of statements that are available in PERL. (They are describedin the PERL languagemanual.) CoDrriaht (c) 1965 P.ltln-AlD€r CorDolltioD TurD rqrD Cob91l.! oD tr6:ltelp F6=Stat cobDlle! colplr€r F8:Bkup ON u!r F9=Ins FlO:Del Figure 3-5 - Edit C ommandsMerur Screen 4) The first line of your procedure must be: procedure name wheretrnamefi is the nameyou are giving to the procedure. Procedure namesin PERL may haveno more than eight characters. Type this line and press the Enter key. NOTE: Choosethe name for eachprocedurewith care. The name usedshouldallow you to easily recognize the operation performed by the procedure. For example, enter I'mix_samp"to identify a procedurethat mixesyour sample, o) Type in the rest of the procedurepressingEnter after each line. Continueto enter statementsuntil the procedureis complete. 6) The last line of the proceduremust be: end procedure Type this line and press the Enter key. 7) Store your procedure: a) PressF7. b) Highlight "Saveon disk.rr c) PressEnter. The systemwill compileyour proeedureinto an intermediateform, ready to be interpretedwhen it is run. This permits more rapid execution. 8) PressF8 (Bkup)to leave the Editor and return to the ptRL Direct CommandProcessor. NOTE: Test each simple procedureby running it before combiningit with other proceduresto create a complete procedure. A sampleprocedurenamedI'to mixer" is shownbelow.This procedure performsthe followingoperat ion: * movesthe sampletube into the mixer + turns on the mixer for 15 seconds t turns off the mixer gets the samplctube from the mixer SAMPLE PROCEDURE-TO MIXER, procedure to_mixer rem rem positionthe sampletube above re mixer and then put it into the mixer rem above mixer d o w n3 c m open_grlpper up_2c m a_Qa rem rem commandto deviceinterface turns mixer on rem turn_on_mlxer rem rem set the timer and wait for the mixing to be done rem set timer 1 for 15 seconds wait for timer 1 rem rem commandto device interface turns mixer off rem turn_off_mixer rem rem now that the mixing is done,get the sampletube from the mixer rem down 2cm nln<e-orinnor above_mixer rem rem end the procedure rem and nnnaaril ra CombiningProcedures In the previoussection,you learnedto create proeedureswhich perform simpleoperations.In this section,the proeedures are combinedto create a procedurewhiehperformsan entire samplepreparation. NOTE: Whencombiningprocedures,program the robot carefutty so that you avoid collisions rvith test tube racks, modules,etc. as the robot movesfrom moduleto module. To create a new procedurefrom existing procedures,proeeedas follows: 3-34 1) to plan the Fotlow the stepsoutlinedin "PlanningYour Procedurerr procedure. 2) Enter the PERL Editor by pressing: Edit (F2) 3) If the Edit CommandsNlenuis not displayed,pressF7 to bring it up. Check that the compiler is on. If it is not' select the "Turn Compiler ONrroption. Pressthe Enter key. 4) Type in the new procedure for the sample preparation operation as follows: a) Type the first line, which must be a "procedure"statement which namesyour procedure;for example, procedure prep_uv Pressthe Enter key. b) Type in each line of the procedurepressingEnter after each line. T'heselines will be either the naniesof existingproceduresto be used,or PERL statements(suchas "for.,,next"or "if,..then" statements) which providethe logie and architectureof the procedure. e) Type the last line of the procedure whieh must be end procedure. Pressthe Enter key. d) To save the program, press F7 and highlight "Save on disk." Pressthe Enter key. The systemwill compileyour procedureand save it on disk. e) To leave the Editor and return to the Direct CommandProcessor, press: F8 The sample procedurelisted below performs the following operations: - adds reagent and sample to a test tube movesthe test tube to the mixer mixes movesthe tube to the LV instrument dispensesthe solution to the LrV removesthe tube from the UV and disposesof the tube repeats the operation for subsequentsamples 3-35 All lines, except those precededby an explanatory "rem" statement' are assumedto be the namesof the proceduresto be executed. SAMPLE PROCEDURE - PREPARE SAIVIPLES AND INTRODUCE TO UV dd,,F6 ' ^ pr ussuur Y |u' rv_pfep ^F^^ rem begins program loop for i = 1 to num_of_samples rem command to fill syringe fill 8 ml rem rack commandto get tube i sample_tube i dispensr disp_2ml rem extract 2mI sample from_dsp discd_tb rem rack command empty_tube i dispensr d isp_sam add_reag from_dsp tnixer mix to_UV sip_UV from_UV discd_tb rem end of program loop next i end procedure 3-36 (not yet available) A PROCEDURE DEBUGGING An optionai software packagewhich providesyou with tools, such as Trace' for debuggingyour procedureswill be available from Perkin-Elmer. This software is accessed,when installed, by the F5 (Debug)function key. Runninga Procedure Once you have written a procedure is written and saved it on disk, you can run it immediately. To run a procedures 1) Return to the PERL Direct CommandProcessor(DCP). 2) Press: Run (F1) You will receive the messagerrPlease enter procedurename." Type in the name and pressEnter. LEAVINGPERL lvhenyou wish to use DOScommandsor load other software,you must leave the PERL environment. There are two ways to accornplishthis: 1. To return to the DOSOperatingSystemwhile keepingPERL in memory, tYPe: dos and pressEnter, You can then issueDOSeommands.(For somecommands,you may need to insert the DOS disk in drive A.) Whenyou are ready to return to PERL, type perl and press Enter. The PERL screenwili reappearwithout the moduleshavingto re-initialize. 3-37 NOTE: To use DOScommands.vou must have at least 18 Eil66ltes of system memory available. The PERL program requires 235 kilobytes, and your PERL procedures,directory, and stack spacerequire additionai memory. This meansthat if your System Controller is equippedwith only 256 kilobytes of memory, you may need additional memory to run DOS commandswith PERL in memory. 2. To abort PERL and return to DOS,type: system a n/i nracc Fn far or press: F7 (Quit). You will then be able to issueDOS commandsor load other software. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES AND TROUBLESHOOTING Section Page MAINTENANCE PBOCEDURES AND TRO{'BLESEOOTING 4-l INTRODUCTION DAILY CHECKS PERIODIC MAINTENANCE TROUBLESHOOTING REPLACING FUSES Fuse on the Robot Drive Unit Fuseson the Rear Panel of the Device l n t e r f a c eU n i t . . . . . Fuseson the Device Interface P.C.B. HOW TO RESTART YOUR ROBOT FOLLOWING DEPRESSIONOF THE REMOTESHUTDOWNSWITCH REPLACINGTHE ROBOTHAND REPLACING THE ROBOT GRIPPERS S E C U R I N GT H E R O B O TB A S E? O T H E W O R K S U R F A C E. . . . . . CONSUMABLEPARTS PREVENTIVEMAINTENANCE Preventive MaintenaneeSchedulefor the Robot Parts and Tools You Need Adjusting the Wrist Gear Adjusting t}re Elbow Tension Chain Removing and Replacing t}re Drive Belts Drive Belt Tension Drive Belt in Base Drive Belts in Shoulder and Elbow 4-l 4-l 4-2 4-2 4-4 4-4 4-5 Replacingthe Motor Brushes Replacing the Motor Brushes on t h e B a s eM o t o r . . . . . . Replacing the Motor Brushes on the ShoulderMotor ,.. Replacing the Motor Brushes on t h e E l b o wM o t o r , . . . . al-tt 4-7 4-8 {T-IU 4-t 1 4-L2 4-13 4-13 4-74 4-15 4-21 4-2r 4-2L 4-24 4-26 4-26 4-30 4-33 = (D (D I I I I I I MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES AND TROUBLESHOOTING INTRODUCTION The Masterlab System requires minimal maintenenceto keep the system in proper working condition, This section includes the following maintenance and troubleshooting information for the robot and robot drive unit, and for the system as a whole: * recommendations for both dailv and oeriodic eheeks for the system'sroboti * a simple troubleshootingmethod for the robot; * a list of consumable parts; * proceduresfor preventive maintenance. For maintenanceand troubleshootinginformation on either the system controller (IBM PC) or the printer, please refer to the manualssuppliedwith these units. DAILYCHECKS Make the following checksdaily, before operating the robot. 1. Confirm that there are no loose screws or loose cable connections. 2. Confirm that no dust, foreign matter or metal shavingshave accumulatedaroundthe robot. 3. Examine the connectionof the baseof the robot to the worksurface and if it is loose, tighten it, Refer to the procedurein this section called I'Securingthe Robot Baseto the Worksurface." 4-2 Examine the ventilation holes of the Robot Drive Unit to be certain that they are not clogged. 5. Maintain the ambient temperature and the temperature inside the Robot Drive Unit housing panel in the 5-40oC range. If the temperature is over 40oCreool the area with a fan or air conditioner. o. Check that the printer contains sufficient paper. PERIODICMAINTENANCE After approximately 2000 hours of operation, or wheneveryou observe intermittent, jerky movement of the robot, eall your P-E Service Representativefor replacementof the brusheson motors, the curled cord, and the timing belts. During robot operation, occasionally press the optional red remote shutdown switch to be certain that the switeh is functioning properly' Robot action shouldhalt immediately, To restart the robot, refer to the procedure entitled, rrHowto Restert Your Robot Following Depressionof the Remote ShutdownSwitch." TROUBLESHOOTING Symptom Possible Cause System hangs up during initialization. Power supply indicator lamp on drive unit is not lit. Robot does not and emor message appearson IBM PC video display unit 1. , rt. Corrective Action Module cables are not connected to ports securely. Robot Teach Pendantis ON. Connect the cables seeurely. Power supply eord not plugged in. Fuse is blown, Power supply voltage is ineorrect. Plug cord into line power. Cable conneetion between the robot and the IBM PC is loose. Turn the Teaeh Pendant to OFF. Replaeethe fuse. Call Perkin-Elmer serviee engineer. Connect the cable seeurely. Symptom Possible Cause I CorrectiveAction Interruption of operation. Cable connection to robot is loose. Power interruption Remote shutdown switch has been pressedby mistake. Conneet the cable securely, Restart the system. Restart the system. Repeatedpositioning errors. Unexpectednoise. Correct for positioning errors by using the NEST command every 30 minutes. Tighten the screws which secure the base of the robot to the worksurface. Check robot orientation for any changes of position. Robot base is not firmly securedto the worksurface. Abnormal noise. Screwssecuring the robot to the worksurfaee are loose. Motor brushesworn. Tighten the screws firmly, Check robot orientation for any changesof position. Preventive maintenance required. Current time for the Grip selection command is too short. Cable connecting hand to forearm is disconnected. Hand requires replacement. Inereasethe current time for the Grip command. Vesselsslip out from robot grippers. rrForceto Hold" is too low. Grippers are bent and do not grip vessels seeurely. Increase rrForce to Holdrr value. Replace robot grippers. No responseto key depressionon IBM PC. The system is rrhung PressCTRL, ALT and DEL simultaneously to return to DOS. Reload PERL. Hand doesnot open and elose. Connect the cable securely, Replace the robot hand. 4-4 REPLACINGFUSES Fuseon the RobotDriveUnit (Figure4-1) To replace the fuse on the Robot Drive Unit' proceed as follows: 1) Diseonnectthe power cord on the Robot Drive Unit from line power. 2) Using a flat head screwdriverr rotate the fuse holder counter-clockwise and remove it' 3) Remove the old fuse and diseard it. 4a) On 120V, 50/60 Hz robot drive units, insert a new 5 amp' 110 volt fuse (0998-1635)into the fuse holder. 4b) On 220V, 50 Hz robot drive units, insert a new 2'5 amp' 220 volt fuse (0998-1?60)into the fuse holder. 5) Replace the fuse holder and rotate it clockwise to seat it securely. 6) Reconnect the power cord to Iine power. oto E mB H B lrlu $r F igure 4- 1 - L ocation of F use on R ear P anel of Robot Drive Unit E 4-5 Fuseson the RearPanelof the DeviceInterfaceUnit (Figure4-2) There are three (or four) fuses located on the rear panel of the deviee interface unit which the user mav need to reolace. Thev are: Fuse P-E Part No. 1 0a m p ,2 5 0 V 3 amp,250V 5 amp,250V 0998-1753 1 . 5 a m p ,2 5 0 V 0998-1618 0998-1617 0998-1628 Quantity 1 2 2 2 Voltage and Part No. of Device Interface Unit 120V, 60 Hz (N090-001s) 1.20V, 60 Hz (N090-0015) 230V, 50 Hz (N090-0016) 230V, 50 Hz (N090-0016) To replace any of these fuses, proeeedas follows: 1) Disconnectthe power cord on the Deviee Interface Unit from line power. 2) Using a flat head screwdriver, rotate the fuse holder counter-clockwise and remove it. 3) Remove the old fuse and discard it. 4) Insert a new fuse into the fuse holder. 5) Replaee the fuse holder and rotate it elockwise to seat it seeurely, 6) Reconnectthe power eord to line power. Figure 4-2 - Location of Fuseson Rear Panel of Device Interface Unit, 120 V, 60 H z P-E P art No. N090-0015 ft-o Fuseon the DeviceInterfaceP.C.B.(Figure4-3) There are three fuses loeated on the Device Interfaee P.C.B. (N090-9024) which protect the internal power supply when moduleseonnectedexternally malfunction. Thev are: Fuse P.E. Part No. 0.75A,250V 0 . ? 5 A2, 5 0 V 2.0A,250V 0999-163 8 0999-163 8 0998-1631 Location Fl E2 F3 Voltage +12V -LzV +5V To replace one of these fuses, proceedas follows: 1) Diseonnectthe power cord from line power. 2) Remove the four screws from the sidesof the cover assemblyof the Device Interfaee Unit and remove the cover, The device interface board is located directly below the eover. 3) Locate the three fuses on the board. See Figure 4-3. v tnn €^z Puse(P3) Figure 4-3 - Location of Fuseson Deyice lnterface P.C.B. (N090-9024) 4-7 4 Remove the blown fuse(s). 5) Insert a new fuse into the fuse holder. 6) Replace the cover assemblyon the deviee interface unit and secure the cover to the baseusing the four screws removed in step 1, above. 7) Reconneetthe power eord to line power. YOURROBOTFOLLOWING HOWTO RESTART DEPRESSION OF THE REMOTESHUTDOWNSWITCH To restart robot operation: 1) Pressthe shutdownswiteh again to releasethe switeh which latehes following the initial depression. 2) Pressthe ON button on the Robot Drive Unit. 3) Reload PERL. Refer to the procedureentitled I'LoadingPERL Software" in Section 3 of this manual. 4-8 REPLACING THE ROBOTHAND (Figure4-4) To replace the robot hand, proceed as follows: 1) Disconnectthe eable on the hand unit from the connector on the robofls forearm. 2) Releasethe strain relief ctp on the cable. 3) Slide the cable through the hole in the bracket on the top side of the forearm. 4) Unscrew the four Allen head screws that attaeh the robot hand to the wrist and remove the hand. Retain the screws. NOTE: Removal of the Allen head serewscan be facilitated by fiiifltne Teach Pendant to move the hand to a convenient position, Braeket (Porearm) Strrin Reliel a . / fv I Plate (wdst) Allen Head Screr (t) Robot Eand Figure 4-4 - Hand Replo,cement 4-9 5) Mount the new hand to the plate at the end of the wrist and secure the hand to the wrist using the four Allen head serews removed in step 4. 6) Slide the connector on the end of the eable through the hole in the braeket on the top of the forearm. 7) Attaeh the cable to the forearm using the strain relief clip released in step 2. 8) Conneet the eable on the hand assemblyto the eonnector on the forearm. 4-10 REPLACING THE ROBOTGRIPPERS (Figure4-5) When the robot grippers are bent or when grippers of a different size are required for the current applieation, folLow the procedure described below to replace the grippers. 1) Open the grippers, using either the tropenrt commandor the Teach Pendant. 2) Unscrew the two screws which hold each gripper in place. 3) Remove the old grippers. Plaee each new one in position, and secure it with the two screws removed from the old one. NOTE; The grippers are keyed to the holes in the hand assembly. OnIy a right (or left) gripper ean seat properly in a right (or left) bracket of the hand. Itobot Hand Finger 4-5 - GripperReplacemenL 4-11 SECURING THE ROBOTBASETO THEWORKSURFACE (Figure4-6) If the robot is not atteehed securely to the worksurface, follow the proceduredescribedbelow to secure it. 1) Remove the four serewson the base eover of the robot. (Two are in the front and two in the rear.) 2) Remove the base eover by sliding each half of the cover to the side, 3) Tighten the four hexagonalhead bolts that seeure the base of the robot to the worksurface. NOTE: Thesebolts are accessiblefrom beneath the worksurface. Worksurface Cable Strain Relief rygle: C@t !.e coDle st oln relief here. Base Covet Screr (4) Figure 4-6 - Securtng the Base of the Robot to the l0 orksurface 4-t2 4) Slide the two halves of the base cover baek over the base, t., Reattaeh the base cover to the base of the robot using the screws removed in step 1, above. 6) Before proceeding to run applieations programs, check the orientation of the robot by moving it to several positions, for example, a test tube rack, a mixer, and a syringe, to see if any ehangeshave occurred in its positioning. CONSUMABLEPARTS The parts listed below are consumedduring normal operation of the Masterlab System. Consumableparts for aceessoriesused with the Masterlab System are listed in the manual suppliedwith the accessory. P-E Part No. Description N090-0041 N500-0030 N500-1409 Hand Assy. Floppy diskettes, blank Paper, Epson Printer N500-2189 Ribbon Cartridge, Epson Printer Fuses as follows: 0 , 7 5a m p , 2 5 0V , 3 A G n o r m a l , Device Interface Board, F1, F2 2.0 amp, 250 V, 3 AB normal Device Interface Board, F3 5.0 amp, 110 V, normal 2.5 amp, 220 V, normal 10 amp, 250 V, slo-blo 3 a m p , 2 5 0V , 3 A G n o r m a 5 amp, 250 V, 3 AG slo-blo 1.5 amp, 250 V, 3 AG normal Fingers Kit (Containsset of grippers) 0999-1638 0998-1631 0998-1635+ 0998-17 60++ 0998-1? 53 t * 0998-1618 i' {' 0998-161? 0998-162I* * N090-0117 +---Gecl on Robot Drive Unit (120V, 50/60 Hz) ++ Used on Robot Drive Unit (220V, 50 Hz) * Usedon Deviee Interface Unit (120 V, 60 Hz) ** Used on Device Interfaee Unit (220 V. 50 Hz) Quantity 1 Pkg of 10 Box of 3200 sheets (Z-foId) 1 I 1 1 1 2 2 1 /{- tJ PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Routine preventive maintenanceis required to maintain the robot in proper working condition and to ensurethe highest possiblelevel of performance. You can perform the proceduresyourself, as describedin the pageswhich follow, or you can have your loeal Perkin-Elmer Representativeperform them for you. Refer to the schedulelisted below for the time when maintenanceon individual componentsis required. Preventive Maintenance Schedulefor The Robot After Initial 500 Hours Of Operation 1. Cheek for play in wrist gear. Adjust, if neeessary. Every 2000 Hours Of Operation 1. Cheek for play in wrist gear. Adjust, if necessary, 2, Check for slack in elbow chain. Adjust, if necessary, 3. Check tensionof aII drive belts and inspeet eaeh belt for signsof wear. Replace,if necessary. NOTE: Replaeementof the wrist drive belts shouldbe performed by a P-E Service Engineer. 4. Replace brushesin base,shoulderand elbow motors. Every 4000 Hours Of Operation 1. Replace wrist motors. 2. Replaeewrist drive belts. NOTE: Replacementof the wrist drive belts and wrist motors shouldbe performed by a P-E Service Engineer. 4-L4 Partsand ToolsYou Need To carry out the preventive maintenanceproceduresdescribedin the following pages,you will need the tools and spare parts listed below. Tools Required for Preventive Maintenanee Set of Metric HexagonalWrenches #1 Phillips Screwdriver Wrist Gear AdjustrnentTool (0168-9316) or SDannerWrench TABLE 4-1 - SPAREPARTSUSEDIN PREVENTIVEMAINTENANCE P-E Part No, Descriotion 0990-8771 0990-8772 0990-8?73 N090-1024 Wrist drive belt Shoulderdrive belt/Elbow drive belt Basedrive belt Motor brush (2 required per motor) 1-r c Adjustingthe WristGear 1) With the hand stiil attaehed, use a hexagonalwrench to remove the six set serewsand lock washerssecuringthe hand mounting flange to the wrist assembly. PuIi the hand and mounting flange from the wrist. Disconnectstrain relief. Refer to Figure 4-4. Detach the hand from the wrist. Figure 4-7 - D etaching the Hand Assembly from the Wrist Assembly 4-r o Using the wrist gear adjustment tool (or spannerwrench) rotate the adjustment nut cloekwise to the point where there is no play between the center gear and the drive gears. To eheck for play' firmly grasp the eenter gear and try to wiggle it back and forth' There shouldbe no movement. 2) Adiuslment Nul WristGear AdiuslmentTool CenterGear (Wrist Drive) : ' 4 a,-"', ", Figure 4-8 - Adjttsting the Wrist Gear IMPOBTANT: Do not over tighten the adjustment nut. To cause excessive wear of the gears. do6G6i 3) To Ioosenthe gears, baek off on the adjustment nut and tap the end of the bolt with a small hammer or similar tool. 4) Once the gear is properly adjusted, refit the hand/mountingflange assembly,removed in step 1, to the wrist. -. 4-r7 Adjustingthe ElbowTensionChain 1) Remove the Elbow Drive Belt Cover by removing the four screws that secure it to the uDDerarm. Figure 4-9 - Dri\)eBelt Covers on the Robot 4-18 Extend the arm fully and remove four Phillips head serews that secure the Robot Upper Arm Front Cover, Remove the cover. This gains accessto the elbow chain. Robot UpperArm FrontCover F igure 4-10 - Robot Upper Arm F ront Cover 4-19 3) With the shoulderextendedstraight up, move the elbow up and down between its two limits. At no time should the Elbow Tension Chain come in contact with the body of the Elbow Motor. If adjustment is required, proceed with step 4. TensionChain Adjustmenl Sprocket Elbow Tension Chain Figure 4-11 - Elbow T ension ChainAdjustment 4-20 4) Loosenthe nut on the Tension Chain Adjustment Sprocket' and slide the sprocket to obtain the desired amount of ehain tension. NOTE: If the ehain is stretched to the point where it cannot be properly, it must be replaced. G-nsioneO 5) Double-checkthe chain tension by repeating step 3. 6) Replace the Elbow Drive Belt Cover. 7\ Replace the Robot Arm Front Cover. 4-2t Removingand Replacingthe DriveBelts Drive Belt Temion It is important that proper drive belt tension be maintained at all times. A Ioose drive belt mBy slip, leading to positioning errors. The drive belt is tensioned properly if the belt defleets no more than 2 mm when pressed lightly with a finger. If the belt is stretched to the point where it can no longer be adjusted properly, it must be replaeed. To adjust the tension of a drive belt, simply loosen the mounting screws on the appropriate motor 8.ndposition the motor so that belt tension is correct. Refer to the figures below for motor loeations. IMPORTANT: Do not overtighten the drive belts. This causes uiil6T[-ress on the motor shafts and mav lead to damaEe of the !notor. Drive Belt in Base 1) Remove the base cover after removing the four screws which seeure the two halves of the base cover, Robol BaseCover ' Screw(4) Figure 4-12 - Remowng the Base Cover 2) Loosenthe four bolts securing the base drive motor to the base plate and slide the motor forward to Dut slack on the drive belt. Base Drive Molor Bolls Securing Base Dlive Motor (4) Figure 4-13 - Loosening the Bolts Securing the Base Drtve Motor 4-23 NOTE: The drive belt can easily be removed by laying it flat against the lower baseplate and sliding it under the pulleys one end at a time. 3) Remove the drive belt. F igure 4-14 - Drive Belt on BaseMotor 4) Install a new belt, secure the base drive motor and adjust belt tension. 5) Refit the basehousing. 4-24 Drive Belts in Shoulder and Elbow 1) Remove the drive belt eover whieh is seeuredby four serews. Refer to Figure 4-9 for location of covers. 2) Loosenthe four screws seeuringthe motor and slide the motor to put slack on the drive belt. ShoulderDriveMotor -"i ScrewsSecuring ShoulderOrive Molor (2 Norshown) ,}'rr r;;: : F igure 4-15 - ScrerrsSecuring the ShoulderDrive Motor 4-25 ScrewsSecuring Elbow Drive Figure 4-16 - ScrerusSecunng the Elbow Dri\)e Motor 3) Remove the drive belt. 4) InstaII new belt and adjust belt tension. ?, With belt tension properly adjusted,tighten motor mounting screws and refit the drive belt cover. 4-26 Replacingthe Motor Brushes The motors for the base,shoulderand elbow joints utilize replaceable brushes(2 brushesper motor) which you should changeafter every 2000 hours of motor operation. The wrist motor brushescannot be replaced and, as a result, the entire wrist motor must be replaced. We recommendthat you replace the wrist motors after every 4000 hours of motor operation. Plastic caps cover and secure the brushesin the base, shoulderand elbow motors. You can easily remove these eapsusing a small serewdriver. The motor brushesare then accessiblefor reolacement. Replacing the Motor Brushes on the Base Motor 1) Remove the four Phillips head screws on the base cover. (Two are in the front and two are in the rear, Refer to Figure 4-12.) 2) Remove the base cover by sliding each half of the cover to the side. 3) To replace the motor brush on the side of the base motor, proceed as follows: a) Using a small screwdriver, remove the plastie cap that securesthe motor brush (see Figure 4-17). b) Remove the motor brush. e) Carefully insert a new motor brush (see Figure 4-18). d) Replaee the plastic cap. 4-27 Figure 4-17 - Removing the Plostic Cap that Secures the Motor Brush on the Side of the Base Motor Figure 4-18 - lnserting a Motor Brush in the Base Motor 4-28 4) ',;:'. To aecessthe motor brush located on the rear of the base motor: a) Rotate the robot arm so that it s positioned 90o to the base. b) Use a hex wrench to loosenthe two screws that secure the cable bracket to the base, shownin Figure 4-19. Remove the bracket. :,. ;:,.:i::.' ScrewsSecuring Cable Bracket to Robol Base Figure 4-19 - Location of Screursthat Secure the Cable Bmcket to Robot Base 4-29 5) Repeat step 3 to replace the motor brush on the rear of the base motor. PlasticCap {Secureslilolor Srushor Rear ot BaseMolor) Figure 4-20 - Location of Plastic Cap that Secures Motor Brush on Rear of BaseMotor 6) Replace the base eover. 4-30 Reptacing the Motor Brushes on the Shoulder Motor 1) To accessthe shouldermotor: a) Remove the six screws (three on each side) securing the rear eover to the shoulder. Remove the rear cover. ,i: ;:r iii:l ' ScrewsSecu:ing Side Coverof Shoulder : S"r".r Securing Top Coverol Shoulder ScrewsSecuring RearCove: of Shoulder F igure 4-21 - Location of Screu,sSecuring Covers of Shoulder b) Remove the four screws (two on each side) securing the top cover. Carefully remove the cover by Lifting it from the rear and sliding it back. IMPORTANT: Do not attempt to lif t the top cover up as doing so may damagethe dust shield. e) Raise the shoulderto its perpendieular position to release tension on the two counter-balaneespfings. o, Loosen4 screws (two on each side) directly beneath the Robot logo on each side of shoulder. q-J t e) Remove 2 bolts on robot body. f) Separatethe sidesof robot body and remove the spring mounting bar (see Figure 4-22). o) Carefully move the arm (with the springsattaehed) forward. Securing Figure 4-22 - Removing the Top Coyer of the the Robot Shoutder 4-32 D To replace the Motor Brushes: a) Using a small screwdriver, remove the plastie cap that secures eaeh motor brush. b) Remove the motor brush. c) Carefully insert a new motor brush. d) Replace the plastic cap. CapsSeeuring Itotor Brushes on Shoulder Motor Figure 4-23 - Location of Motor Brusheson Should.erMotor 3) Replace the spring mounting bar. 4) Tighten the screws that you loosenedin step 1d, above. 5) Replace the top cover and the rear cover. NOTE: Whenreplacing the top cover, be certain that the dust shield slides between the cover and the roller guide. Refer to FiEure 4-22. Replacing the Motor Brushes on the Elbow Motor 1) 2) To accessthe elbow motor: a) Removethe elbow drive belt cover (Figure4-9)by removingthe four screwsthat secureit to the upperarm. b) Extendthe arm ful1yto exposethe eight screwsthat secwe the upper arm front cover to the arm, (Refer to Figure 4-10,) c) Removethe eight screwsthat securethe upperarm front cover to the arm and carefullyremove the cover. To replacethe motor brushes: a) Usinga small screwdriver,remove the plastic cap that secures each motor brush, b) Removethe motor brush, e) Carefully insert a new motor brush. d) Replacethe plastic cap. Plaslic Caps on Molor Brushes Figure 4-24 - Locatiorl of Motor Brushes on Elboyr Motor 3) Replacethe Upper Arm Front Cover and the Elbow Drive BeIt Cover that you removedin step 1. 5 PREcAUToNs PRECAUTIONS Perkin-Elmer reeommendsthat you observethe following precautions when operating the Masterlab System. i Wear safety glasseswhen operating the robot to eliminate the possibility of eye injury. * Whenoperating the robot, remain outside its path. * If the robot is moving to a location and is about to eoltde with an objeet, press the optional remote robot shutdownswitch immediately. Perkin-Elmer recommends that you purchase and install this option to the Masterlab System. * Never touch any moving parts of the robot with your handswhen the robot is operating. * When you are working near the robot, do not plaee tools or other equipment within the range of movement of the robot. In general, aII unessentialequipmentshouldbe removed from the worksurface while the robot is operating. * During operation, never manually turn or restrain the robotrshand or grippers. Doing so can causedamageto the robot. t Do not allow water or other liquids, or metal objects to enter the robot, robot drive electronies unit, device interface unit or system controller, t Provide adequateventing to evacuate any toxic, eorrosive,offensive or flammable fumes which may be generatedduring samplepreparation Droeedures. A GLOSSARY OF ROBOTICS TERMS o vl at A GLOSSARY O F R O B O T I C ST E R M S This glossarycontains <iefinitionsof terms in genera-luse in the field of robotics, as well as terms which pertain speeifically to the Perkin-Elmer [lasterLab System. Whereappropriate,a reference is given in parenthesesat the end of the definition, telling you where in this or a related Perkin-Elmer Robotics Manual you can find more information. The references r.rsethe following abbreviations: ML PERL DI Masterlab SystemInstructions (this manual). PERL Instructions M asterDevice Interface Instructions If you want more information on general robotics concepts,the following booksand articles are recommended: _D-e:s,yr -R., lrlgbots in,the Laboratory: Part 1", Analytical Chemistry, 5 5 : 11 0 0 A - 1 1 0 8 (A1 9 8 3 ) . Niccrattan,8.J., and D. J. Macero,rrlaboratoryRobotics:Past Performance,Present Considerationsand Future Trendsr',American Laboratory,16-13(1984). Osborne, D.lvl., Robots: An Introduetion to Basic Concep!qjlg3!plj!g!i98, l\ridwestScr=Te@ Osborne,D.M., Robots:The Application of Robots to Practical lviidwestSci.Tech Publ.,Detroit, [rI, 1983, G-2 nris - straight line about which a body rotates. The Perkin-Elmer robot has five arm motion axes. baud rate - the speed at which data is sent serially, defined in bits per seeond,or bBud. A useful rule of thumb for determining the speedof eommunicationis to divide the baud rate by 10 to determine the number of charaeters per seeond. The SCU supportsbaud rates from 50 to 9600. Cartesian robot - see robot eonfiguration. configuration, robot - see robot eonfiguration. eontinuous po.thteaching - process by whieh the robot is programmed to remember the entire path through which it travels in the teaehing process' It can later reproduce every movement it made. (See also point-tc?oint teacNng.) c![indrical robot - see robot eonfiguration. data bits - The number of data bits determine the length of the character representationsent, and consequentlydeterminesthe eharacters that can be, pSRL and the SCU support from 5 to 8 data bits. With 5 data bits' 32 unique combinationscan be sent, and with 8 data bits 256 unique combinationscan be sent. degree of freedom - one of a limited number of ways in which a robot can mo1e. The Perkin-Elmer robot has five degreesof freedom; it can rotate on its base.bend at the shoulder,bend at the elbow' bend at the wrist, and rotate at the wrist. device interface - a module of the Masterlab System which is used to control or monitor other devices' It can control up to two AC devices and up to twelve external switch closures,and monitor up to twelve external inputs. You can program this control by meansof .commandscreated with the deviceinterfaee Teach Program. (DI; PERL 3) Directory - file (PERL.DIR) which contains the commandscreated with the Teach Programs. It is accessedby pressingthe F4 (Dir) function key from the PERL main menu screen. Editor - portion of the PERL software used in creating and editing applieatlonsprograms. It is accessedby pressingthe F2 (Edit) function key from the pnRl main menu screen. (ML 3; PERL 5) explieit programming - programming a robot by means of a program;ning tanguage. fne programs aG then portable from one robot to another. (See also lead-throrgh progtam mir€. ) G-3 fiBt-generation robot - robots which can be programmed to perform particular operations,but whoseprogramscan not then be transported to another robot; each must be individually programmed. They may have memory, or they may be controlle<iby punchedcards or oigital switches. (See also fixed sequeneerobot, variable segrence robot, numerical control robot, and playback robot.) fixed sequencerobot - first-generation robot which has the programming for one sequenceof operationsbuilt into it, and cannot be readily reprogramm ed. handshaking- a hardware communication processfor determining when data can and cannot be sent serially, The only handshakesupporteoby PERL and the SCU is the data terminal reaciy/clearto send (DTR/CTS)protocol. initialization sequence- the sequenceof characters that is sent to a oevice when PERL is first loaded. l'his seoueneecan be anv charaeter or character string. input terminator - the end of string terminator sent by a device to the System OontroIIer. interactive program - a program which asks for and respondsto input from the operator during its execution, joint-articulated robot - see robot configuration. lead-through programming - programming a robot entirely by the use of a teach pendant. The robot is placed in each successiveposition it is to assume. It stores the positions,anc can later execute them in the order they were taught. The programmingis not transportable to another robot. This is a-lsoca-Iledon-line programming, (Seealso explieit programming.) units that nlake up a system. module- one of the independently-operable The lvlasterlab System can include such modulesas the robot, the syringe, the deviceinterface, the mixer, and the crimper. numerical eontrol robot - a first-generation robot whosesequenceof operationsis programmedby numerical data fed into it in the form of punchedtapes, punchedcards, or digital switches. off-line programming - see e:plieit programming. orFline programming - see lead-through programming. output terminator - the terminator for any string sent by the System Lontroller to a oevice. G-4 parity - ar error eheckingprotocol. Three types of parity are defined: no parity (irlplying that parity checking is not used)iodd p€rity; ard even . irarity. Pa-rityis determinbd by sumhing the number of high bits in a binary itring tnat is sent. if the sum of the number of high bits is even' the string is even. If even parity is used with an even string' the parity bit is sent -. high; if even pariiy is-useowith an odd string, the parity bit is sent low' The opposite will be true of odd parity. PERL - Perkin-Elmer Robot Language'a software languagedevisedfor use in the Mtasterlab Automatea Sample Preparation System. lt is specitically intended to facilitate communication in a roboties system. PERL Directory - see Directory. PERL Editor - see Editor. PERL programming environment - the PERL software facilities which are usedin developingapplicatiors prograr,s for the Nlasterlab System. (PERL playbaekrobot - a first-generation robot which has a memory. Once taught a sequenceof operations,it can play back the information and repeat the sequence. point-to-point teaehing - process by which a robot is programmed for eaeh successiveposition it is to assume. Whena program containing these positionsis later executed, the robot moves from position to position by the most direct path. The Perkin-Elmer robot is taught by the point-to-point method. (See also continuous 1rathteaching.) revolute robot - see robot configuration. robot - a rrlechanicaldevice capableof carrying out tasks which woulo otherwise be performed by human beings. T'heworo is cierivedlrom the Ozech word "robotnik", meaninga slave or serf. robot configuration - one of four possible arrangements of robot body' arm, ano gripper (seeFigure G-1): Oartesian robot - a robot which has three degreesof freedont, along the Cartesian X, Y, and Z axes. Sucha robot works well in planar-oriented applications. cylindrical robot - robot which can move laterally along its base,and can then rotate to reach toward objects at 360 degreesarouno the base. j oint-articu.iatedrobot - robot which has an arm on a rotating base. The arm is capable of bendingat shotlder, eibow, and wrist. Such robots can reach over and around objects' The Perkin-Elmer robot is revolute. G-5 <--> Cortesion Sphericol Cylindricol loted Joint-Articu FUwe G- 1 - Robot C orf igwations G-6 robot eonli guration (continued) Sphericalrobot - robot which can rotate aroundits base,and can also swing it arm in an arc perpendicularto the base. It ean reach toward obiedts around and aboveit. Robot Drive Unit - device which contains the Masterlab robot electronics and interfacesthe robot with the SystemControiler. (ML 2) seeond-generation robot - robots which are program med wing either higtF level robotics languagesor general purposeprogramminglarguages. The programs may be usedwith any similar robot. The Perkin-Elmer robot is a second-generationrobot. Serial Commrrrication Facility - portion of the PERL sof tware which allows comnrunicationwith external devicesvia RSz32ports. AIthoWh it is never rsed directly by the applicationsprogrammer, it is the basisof all corrrflruni cati ons between the Masterlab software and externa] devices. (PERL 1) spherical robot - see robot configration. stop bits - the number of bits terminating each character sent. Stop bits of I and 2 are supportedby PERL and the SCU. System Configuration File - A file createo by the System Configuration Utility and stored on disk as PERL.SCF. The file contains the port address of each device in the system, the initialization parametersfor the ports and devices,and the spelling of system eommands. The computer reaG this file each time PERL is loaded into memory. (lViL3) System Configuation Utility - interactive PERL program which Bllows you to describethe configuration of your system, It creates the System Configuation File, which the eomputer reads each time PERL is loaded into memory. (lVlL3) S5rstemController - the computer which controls the Nlasterlab System by meansof the PERL software. teach pendant- a device usedto manually move a robot to a desiredposition and then recoro the position in memory. By this processit "teaches" the robot variouslocations in space. (lvtl,3; PERL 3) Teach Program - an interactive PERL program used to ereate the comnrands which wiii be neededin an applicationsprogram. Teach Programsexist for each lvlasterlab System nrodulecapableof RS232communications: the robot, the syringe, the <ieviceinterfaee, and the balance,(ML 3; PERL 3) G-7 third-g€nenation robot - robots with sensory pereeption. They can detect changesin themselvesor the work environment,and can make decisionson the aetion to take in response. Such robots are primarily found in Artificial Intelligence laboratories, ano are not yet widely available for industrial use. timeout - the amount of time PERL will wait for aclcrowledgem ent from a device before assumingthat the device is not operating correc y. work envelope - the space accessible to the robot grippers. IVIodules to be serviced by the robot must be placed within the vrork envelope.(ML 2) variable seqrence robot - a first-generation robot with a program for one sequenceof operationsbuilt into it. The sequencecan be reaciiiy changed.