May 15, 2016 - Church of the Assumption
May 15, 2016 - Church of the Assumption
Church of the Assumption 7109 Glacier Street Powell River, British Columbia V8A 1R8 Phone: 604-485-5300 Fax: 604-485-5460 Pager: 604-414-9225 Email: [email protected] Parish Website: Pastor: Fr. Patrick Tepoorten Email: [email protected] TODAY’S READINGS Sunday, May 15th, 2016 Pentecost Sunday Page 436 Acts 2: 1-11 / 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 / John 20: 19-23 HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS SUNDAY MASSES SCHEDULE Assumption Church Saturday 4:30 pm Sunday 10 am, 7 pm Sacred Heart Church—Sliammon Sunday—12 noon St. Gerard’s Church, Wildwood Sunday—8:00 am WEEKDAY MASSES Mon.-Thurs. 8:00 am—Stat holidays @ 9am Friday 9:00 am Saturday 9:00 am First Fridays Assumption Church 9 am & 7 pm EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Wednesday after 8:00 am Mass First Fridays Assumption Church after 9am Mass till 10pm. Concluding with Benediction at 9:50pm. Assistant: Fr. Dass Email: [email protected] JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY download.htm RECTORY & OFFICE Office Hours: Monday - Friday from 9 am - 3 pm Closed from 12:30-1:00pm Statutory Holidays—OFFICE CLOSED PARISH CENTRE—Manager Alan Lacourciere 485-5126 For bookings, please call rectory office ASSUMPTION SCHOOL (K - Gr. 9) 7091 Glacier Street, P.R., BC V8A 1R8 485-9894 485-7984 Website: Principal Mrs. Mimi Richardson PEC Chair Bruce Anderson 485-2279 SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday 11:00 am—12 noon Sunday 6:30 pm—6:50 pm 15 mins before Weekday Masses ROSARY Before each Weekday Mass Seniors’ Rosary Thursdays 2 pm, Assumption Church BAPTISMS By appointment, please call Rectory Office MARRIAGE Parishioners planning to be married must contact a priest at least four months in advance. WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS Please come & register at the office which is the building above the school. Or call 485-5300. Pentecost Sunday Sunday, May 15th, 2016—Pentecost Sunday Assumption Church—(Anticipated) Page 436 4:30pm For the Parishioners St. Gerard’s Church—Sunday 8:00am For Ana Prosperi-Porta Assumption Church—Sunday 10:00am † Quirino & Cesilda Devita 7:00pm † Michael Penny Jr. Sacred Heart Church—Sunday 12noon For Doreen Gowans MASS SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK OF May 16th– 22nd , 2016 Monday, May 16th—Weekday (James 3: 13-18 / Mark 9: 14-29) 8:00am For Doreen Dagenais Tuesday, May 17th—Weekday (James 4: 1-10 / Mark 9: 30-37) 8:00am † Ralph Gusdal Wednesday, May 18th—St, John I (James 4: 13-17 / Mark 9: 38-40) 8:00am For John & Alexander MacDonald Thursday, May 19th—Weekday (James 5: 1-6 / Mark 9: 41-50) 9:00am † John Cayley Friday, May 20th—St. Bernadine of Siena (James 5: 9-12 / Mark 10: 1-12) 9:00am † Pat & Jack Ciarniello 10:30am For Barbara Schmidt Saturday, May 21st—St. Eugène de Mazenod, St. Christopher Magallanes, & Blessed Virgin Mary (James 5: 13-20 / Mark 10: 13-16) 9:00am † Peter Dickson Sunday, May 22nd, 2016—The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (Proverbs 8: 22-31 / Romans 5: 1-5 / John 16: 12-15) Assumption Church—(Anticipated) Page 445 4:30pm † Villani & Vitellone Family Members St. Gerard’s Church—Sunday 8:00am † Guerrino & Elsa & Luke Bombardir Assumption Church—Sunday 10:00am For the Parishioners 7:00pm † Giuseppe & Maria Cimaglia Sacred Heart Church—Sunday 12noon † Mike Hanlon Assumption On Fridays from 12 to 1pm St. Joseph’s Hall, Assumption Centre If you would like to help, please contact Christine Behan at 604-483-6895 or at [email protected] P RAY for the suffering, sick & deceased in our parish. If you know of anyone in the parish who needs our prayers and wishes their name on the list, please call the rectory. Remember in your prayers—The Sick: Isobel Behan, John Behan, Tom Behan, Reine Berns, Peter Bernard, Landi Bledsoe, Liliana Bombardir, Geraldine Braak, John Braak, Jean Bychek, Carlo Castagnoli, Mary Castellerin, Maria Ciarniello, Eva Cserey, Katerina Cusin, Barry Cutler, Chris Cutts, Gerda Davies, Jerome Desilets, Gertie DeVries, Mary Dobie, Maria Finamore, Anna Fiore, Brenda Fougere, Reine-Aimee Garneau, Grace Giordano, Bob Goehring, Victor Grech, Davina Grundle, Emma Hagel, Tony Hannon, Jackie Hrebicek, Mabel Harry, Shirley Harry, Simon Hoy, Dean Jantz, Muriel Kinahan, Margaret Kovacs, Sandra Lahey, Jacques Leblanc, Agata Lucato, Talia Mahseredjian, Edda Martinig, Marilyn McClaren, Elizabeth McDonnell, Travis & Patricia McDonough, Annake McKay, Brian Mendieta, Flo Mikkelsen, Lucille Mirrlees, Sylvia Moreau, Julie Moretto, Marcel Nadeau, Antoinettia & Dino Palloto, Rick & Randy Perin, Hermine Pfister, Bernard Power, Frank Rigby, Gertrude Rivest, Ida Rumley, Martin Santa Rosa, Barbara Schmidt, Guido Sciberras, Steven Svensson, Paul Stroomer, Sandy Therrien, Michelle Twiggs, Lina Vallee, Tim Vallier, Jody Zuccato. THANK YOU Dear Parishioners, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your generosity. Your compassionate acts will bring joy to many. God bless you all! See you all on June 18th. Father Dass Altar Servers May 16th—21st, 2016 Weekday Mornings Austin Franklin, Xzavier Williams May 21st, 2016 Saturday, Assumption Church 4:30pm Markus & Stephen Anderson, Brayden Brown May 22nd, 2016 Sunday, Assumption Church 10:00am Dustin Fair, Etienne & Joseph LaFrance 7:00pm Cameron Griffith, Macklan Boyd Lectors May 21st 2016 Saturday, Assumption Church 4:30pm Stan Sierpina May 22nd, 2016 Sunday, Assumption Church 10:00am Antoinette Knight 7:00pm Eliane Castagnoli Greeters May 21st, 2016 Saturday, Assumption Church 4:30pm Merv & Beth Koszman May 22nd, 2016 Sunday, Assumption Church 10:00am Juliette Steen & Rose Pagani 7:00pm Pierina Canil & Anne Marie Rhodes May 15th, 2016 ACTIVITIES FOR THE WEEK of May 16th, 2016 Monday, May 16th, 2016 2:45pm Uniform Room Open, until 3:15pm, A. School 6:45pm 10am Choir Practice, Assumption Church Tuesday, May 17th, 2016 10:00am Sewing Bee, Board Room, A. Centre 7:00pm Faith & Light Meeting, Conf. Rm/Lounge, A.C. Wednesday, May 18th, 2016 8:30am Holy Hour 6:15pm Parish Bingo, Assumption Gym 7:30pm Maranatha Prayer Group, Conf. Room, A.C. Thursday, May 19th, 2016 8:45am Rosary for Assumption School Needs 2:00pm Senior Rosary, Assumption Church 3:00pm 7pm Mass Choir Practice, Assumption Church Friday, May 20th, 2016 Assumption School Feast Day NO SCHOOL 10:30am Rosary, St. Gerard’s Church, followed by Tea 12:00pm Soup Kitchen, St. Joseph’s Hall, A. C. until 1pm 7:00pm Youth Ministry, St. Gerard’s Church Saturday, May 21st, 2016 11:00am Confessions till 12 noon, Assumption Church Sunday, May 22nd, 2016 2:00pm Parish Visit to Evergreen Extended Care Next Sunday—May 22nd, 2016 at 2:00pm. Meet at Extended Care. Everyone Welcome. Please come and join us for songs and prayers. Help put a little joy into someone’s day. Kathaumixw Choral Festival is happening, July 4th—10th, 2016 It is time to think about Kathaumixw! Can you help us host one of the Choirs of the World? This is your chance to enjoy excellent music, as seen and heard through the enthusiastic eyes and ears of these young musicians. It's also our chance to share Powell River with the world. Church of the Assumption Parish has been asked to host "Bel Canto", an Australian girls' choir from Firbank Grammar School, in the city of Brighten, (state of) Victoria. Sixteen homes are needed, to provide beds, meals, and transportation to the musical venues (for 28 girls, & 4 adults). If you can help, please call Roberta M. at 483-3230. ASSUMPTION BINGO Wednesdays in Assumption Gym Doors open at 5:00pm. Games start at 6:15pm. Come with a friend and have fun! We want YOU! Looking for a fun social evening out? Bingo is still looking for volunteers to help out on Wednesday nights. Just one night every 4-6 weeks. Meet new people, share some stories and have a few laughs, all to support the Parish and the school. Call Betty DeGroot @ 604-485-5830 CWL The month of May is our month to send in Pornography Hurts Postcards. They will be available to sign and hand in after all Masses May 14th and 15th. Attention all gardeners remember plants for the Annual Plant Sale! Mark your calendar for Saturday, May 28th from 9:30am to 1pm. Plant drop off-Friday May 27th, from 5pm-8pm at Assumption Gym. Tickets for the Spring Raffle are on sale now. Put money into collection in envelope marked CWL Spring Raffle. Proceeds go to CWL Scholarship Bring your family to prayer with the Pilgrim Statue. Phone Margherita@ 604-485-6503. Childminding during the 10am Mass has been cancelled due to lack of volunteers. We will assess this service over the summer and if five new people come forward we will consider resuming in September. Thank you to the volunteers who generously rearranged their weekends to be able to care for your children. Thank you also to the generous parishioners who donated money and toys. May God bless you all. Charlene Bourcier YOUTH Spring & Confirmation Retreat When: Saturday, June 4th Where: St. Gerard's Church, Wildwood Time: 9:00am to 9:00pm Who: Grade 7s to 12/Graduated youth welcome! Fee: $10 per youth Guest Speaker: Eric Chow, member of Catholic Christian Outreach What: Activities include Scout Mountain hike, Confessions, pastry making, "Art of Manliness" Competition, Grilling 101, Praise and Worship with Eric Chow Please Register by filling out waiver form in the vestibule of Assumption Church or in the Assumption School office . Call Anne Schweitzer at 604.413.0725 . Parish Groups PROJECT ADVANCE There will be volunteers at all the Masses on the Week- Church of the Assumption Parish ends of: $2,500 % Expenses & Archdiocesan May 14th/15th; May $45,000 $25,000 Commitment $27,500 21st/22nd; May 28th/29th. $40,000 And don’t forget it is very $35,000 easy and secure to go online $30,000 to , click on Project Advance, top right $25,000 Pledges to date hand corner, and pay in pay- $20,000 $ 19,635 ments or one time, what ev- $15,000 er way is best for you. $10,000 We already have 53 parish- $5,000 ioners pledged in 2016 giving $19,635. Thank you and God Bless! Donations to Fort McMurray Crisis Archbishop Miller has just approved a special collection in response to the wildfire disaster in Fort McMurray and surrounding region. The collection will be on the May 22 , Victoria Day weekend, and proceeds will go to the Diocese of St. Paul, Alta. Bishop Paul Terrio has confirmed that half of contributions will go to assisting local Catholic parishes and parishioners, while the other half will be forwarded to the Fort McMurray Ministerial Association for ecumenical assistance to those who have lost homes and jobs. SECOND COLLECTIONS FOR MAY TODAY—May 15th, 2016—Parish Maintenance Fund May 22nd , 2016—Fort McMurray Fires SECOND COLLECTIONS FOR JUNE June 5th, 2016—Catholic Missions in Canada June 19th, 2016—Pro-Life Sunday June 26th, 2016—Parish Maintenance Fund Sacrificial Offerings May 8th, 2016—The Ascension of the Lord Envelope Donations $ 4,559.00 Loose $ 297.65 Envelopes Used 209 Average Donation $ 21.81 May 8th, 2016—Ecuador Relief Envelope Donations $ 2,328.00 Loose $ 645.15 Envelopes Used 74 Average Donation $ 31.46 ***May God Bless you for your Generosity*** ALTAR SERVERS COORDINATOR Cathy Infanti 485-4142 ASSUMPTION - GIFT SHOP HOURS Saturdays 3:45-5:30pm Sundays 9:30am—11:15am Sharon Stedman 485-5072 CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE President Karen Prentice 485-7421 Funeral Catering Betty Rae 489-0165 Bookrack Margaret Colman 485-3036 Meetings held the first Thursday of the month in the Conference Room, A. Centre after 7pm Mass in Assumption Church. CCD COORDINATOR CHILD CARE 10am Mass Jessica 223-4286 CHOIR DIRECTORS 10am Mass Donna Beauchesne 485-7579 7pm Mass Fran [email protected] FAITH & LIGHT Lu Wuthrich 483-4587 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Grand Knight Don Bourcier 485-9595 413-1153 Website: Meetings are held 2nd Monday of the month Conference Room, Assumption Centre at 7:10pm K. OF C. 4TH DEGREE Faithful Navigator Omer Ouelette 485-1230 Commander Larry Wuthrich 483-4587 MARANATHA PRAYER GROUP Meets on Wednesday at 7:30pm in the Conference Room, A. Centre. All welcome. Don & Charlene Bourcier 485-9595 PARISH LIBRARY PRO LIFE SOCIETY Sharon 485-2329 email: [email protected] SAFE ENVIRONMENT COORDINATOR Nadine Desilets YOUTH COORDINATORS Sr. Youth Anne & Joshua Schweitzer 413-0725 Email: [email protected] Youth Prayer Sponsor Coordinators Peggy @ 604-485-5126; Anne @ 604-485-4721 rs’ a Siste ss: ddr e Jesus of Nazareth Institute, 105 Saint Gregory Street, Zejtun ZTN1038 Malta, Europe