September-October 2015 - Congregation B`nai Sholom


September-October 2015 - Congregation B`nai Sholom
Chai Lights
Published by Congregation B’nai Sholom-Beth David
VOL. 1 NO. 3
B’nai Sholom-Beth David
100 Hempstead Avenue
Rockville Centre NY 11570
Temple President
Keith Friedman
Temple Office
[email protected]
Rabbi Howard Diamond
Cantor Daniel Mendelson
Ritual Director
Richard Perlbinder
Educational Director
Dan Seid
Comments & Suggestions
Newsletter articles
300 words or less
accepted in Microsoft Word
Send to
[email protected]
Attention: Barbara Kaplan
Seat Sale
Always be assured of
getting a good seat for the
High Holy Days when you
purchase permanent seats
in that sanctuary that are
reserved just for you, with
your name on it.
For a limited time,
we will be selling permanent seats for $350 each.
Prices will be going up.
You can also pay for your
permanent seat over a
three-year period. Call
the synagogue office at
516-764-4100 to reserve
your seat now.
September / October 2015
Dig a Little Deeper for the Kol Nidre Campaign
By Kol Nidre Committee
The annual Kol Nidre Appeal is the most important fundraiser of the year. Simply put,
the growth and well-being of our Temple Community is dependent upon us, the financial
support of the membership. As many of you may not be aware, membership dues, school
tuition, and other fees cover only a portion of the synagogue’s operating expenses. We must
rely on fundraising activities in order to maintain all of the services which our Temple offers.
The Kol Nidre Campaign is the largest and most important of all of our fundraising efforts to
maintain the Temple’s financial strength. It is not for “extra” money, it is not for unnecessary
expenditures: it is quite frankly to pay for the utility bills, the salaries, and costs of those who
work for the Temple, and to maintain our beautiful Temple in the fashion we have all come
to expect and desire.
Rosh Hashanah is a time of celebration and rebirth on many levels. Yom Kippur gives
us a chance to reflect and become better people and better Jews. We are commanded by G-d
to take care of our Synagogue and our own Temple community. By donating and giving as
much as you can during our Kol Nidre Appeal we can make a difference in keeping B’nai
Sholom-Beth David financially healthy in the year to come.
There has been a renewed spirit and dedication within the CBS-BD community in recent months. Donations have gone up, attendance at various events has increased, and there
is a greater sense of participation in the Temple. In closing, we hope that each of you will
dig down a little deeper and make the largest donation that you possibly can afford to our
beloved synagogue at this time of year. Please use the Kol Nidre insert included in this edition of Chai Lights.
Temple First
By Larry Mack
As I write this month’s column I want to share how well we have done as a congregation. Because the day-to-day donations continue with fervor, we are well on our way to
our goals. But of even more import, the Kol Nidre donations have begun to roll in. In the
first week after the Kol Nidre donation form was distributed, we received over 20 pledges.
Shortly, the Kol Nidre committee will contact the entire membership requesting commitments. These pledges are the cornerstone of our donations for the entire year, and serve to
help the Temple pay its bills. I am beaming with pride and respect for all those who have
stepped up to help our Temple in its time of need. Thanks to all who have supported and
contributed to Chai Lights and our fundraising efforts. If anyone would like to contact me
directly feel free to email [email protected], or call me at my home 516-680-2587.
For your convenience, the Kol Nidre pledge form is included in this newsletter
as an insert. Please fill out and return to the Temple office.
The President’s Corner
Help Wanted for Minyanim
I hope and trust everyone is having a wonderful summer. We look forward to reuniting and seeing everyone
this coming holiday season.
Please remember that the Kol Nidre committee is
looking for your continued support. Your pledges, contributions and/or endowments are vital. Please extend
your hands to help your synagogue. To this end, my company, Keith Thomas Realty, has been donating 10% of our
real estate sales commissions. This is for transactions that
have been referred by Temple members or sales referrals
generated through the Temple. We are looking forward to
contributing even more next year.
The St. Mark’s Nursery School has moved in and now
we are beginning to see the redevelopment of the playground area. We have also contracted to put new rest
rooms in the main level. We are hoping to have this first
phase of our renovation completed before the High Holy
Please contact our office, reserve family seats up front,
and feel free to reach out to me directly at
[email protected] or call 516-599-5070.
Your presence at the Shacharit minyanim is, as I hope
you are aware, always greatly appreciated. It is a beautiful thing that we have begun to revive the Monday and
Thursday morning minyanim but the work we have begun is far from complete.
There are many purposes for a minyan. After all,
why not pray alone? One of the purposes of the Kaddish prayer is to help the soul of the departed to ascend
to higher rungs in the realm beyond the material world.
Also when one prays with a group of people the power of
the prayers is increased because they are all joined together and ascend together. We can’t really rest in this effort
until we have a core of at least sixteen people who are willing to attend on a regular basis. We need as many people
as we can gather for this effort and please know that even
if we cannot always show our gratitude and appreciation,
everyone’s presence is greatly appreciated.
Upcoming Fundraising Events
Message from the Rabbi
By Barry Hochhauser
By Rabbi Howard Diamond
The Journal Dinner will take place on Saturday,
October 17th. The honorees are B’nai Sholom’s Jack &
CeCe Friedman and St. Mark’s Nursery School.
There is a journal ad form in this newsletter and it
is also available on our website,
Please call the Temple office and make a reservation
($125/person). You can also receive two tickets by placing
a full page journal ad or by selling $1,000 of journal ads.
We look forward to seeing everyone on the 17th!
The Ten Days of Repentance
begin with the two days of Rosh
Hashanah and conclude on Yom
Kippur. Obviously, the High Holy
Days have rules all their own, so
let’s talk about the seven remaining days in between.
What to do: During these seven days of repentance,
we want to be at our spiritual best, so G-d will deal with
us kindly and seal us for a good new year on Yom Kippur.
One should increase in Torah study and performance of
mitzvahs, even being stricter than usual. He or she should
increase in giving charity. It is recommended to work only
the minimum required during the Week of Repentance in
order to have more time for these holy activities. Certainly, a person should seek to mend his or her interpersonal
In the Amidah prayers during the Ten Days of Repentance, certain words are added or altered in a number of the verses, which are clearly marked in siddurs and
True repentance can totally transform sins of the past,
into actual good merits. Shana Tova!
By Keith Friedman
By Richard Perlbinder, Ritual Director
Going once, twice, SOLD - that’s what you will hear
when you join us on December 5th for our Goods and
Services Auction. Items have already started coming in
– so whether you want to bid on a vacation, sports memorabilia, tickets or the chance to have a meet and greet
with a national broadcaster – you will want to join us on
December 5th. If you have an item or a
service to auction, please notify the office.
Admission for the auction is $25.
Journal Dinner and Goods and Services Auction Forms on pages 6 &7.
Copy or tear out, fill in and send to the temple office.
Page 2
Sept./Oct. 2015
Thank You - Todah Rabah
Charity is fundamental and integral to the Jewish way of life. Tzdakah given to our Temple is one of the highest levels of
charity, as it helps ensure that our Temple home will endure. We acknowledge the many recent donations made to the Funds
of Congregation B’nai Sholom-Beth David.
General Fund
Lynn & Jay Abrahams
Get well wishes to Harold Perlman
In memory of Herbert Simon
In memory of Marilyn Olarsch
In memory of Al Lipsky
Dorothy Abrams
In memory of uncle, Murray Skidell
Ellen Abrams
In memory of father, Irving Cooperman
Millicent Auerbach
In memory of son, Steven Berman
Marilyn & Barry Stanley
In memory of mother, Bertha
Burton & Miriam Belsky
In memory of father, Max Belsky
Hillary Beyer
In memory of father, Isadore
Gaye Breitel-Weiser
In memory of father, Sol Breitel
Sylvia Brenner
In memory of David Salwen
Susan & Ira Casson
In memory of Al Reinharz, father
of Mark Reinharz
In memory of Leo Schein
Wrestlemania event, in memory of Ben
Rochelle Cohen
In memory of Marilyn Olarsch
Barbara & Michael Colodner
In memory of David Salwen
Alex & Cyd Disler
In memory of Marilyn Olarsch
Janet & Joe Dobkins
In memory of David Salwen
In memory of Murray Recht
In memory of our dear friend, Marilyn Olarsch
To Marge & Sheldon Grossman, Mazel Tov
in reaching your 50th Anniversary
Mazel Tov to Bonnie and Keith Friedman on
the Bar Mitzvah of Matthew
In memory of Seymour Ellis
In memory of Leopold Schein
Howard Edelman
In memory of father, Irving Edelman
Edward Edelstein
In memory of grandmother, Sallie Hontag
In memory of grandfather, Irving Edelstein
Elsa Eisenberg
In memory of Al Lipsky
Lila & Sampson Engoren
Shavout Yizkor
Get well to Harold Perlman
Condolences to Marilyn Olarsch’s Family
Condolences to Al Lipsky’s Family
Condolences to Murray Recht’s Family
Bob Scherer Get Well
Eva Falk
In memory of father-in-law Milton Falk
In memory of father, Louis Klima
Jeffrey Feil
In memory of Shirley Melniker
Libby Fischer
In memory of Al Lipsky
Ray & Rhoda Fishler
In memory of David Salwen
Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Sonia Schwartz
on birth of grandchild
Burton Freedman
In memory of wife Myra Freedman
Peg & Marvin Geller
In memory of Al Lipsky
Gloria Gilson
Renee & Clifford Glass
Yizkor Remembrance Service
Husband and father, Jack H. Glass
Sister and daughter Denise H. Glass
In memory of daughter & sister,
Denise H. Glass
Henry & Pauline Goldberg
In memory of David Salwen, father of
our friends Ira & Connie Salwen
Sept./Oct. 2015
Page 3
Thank You - Todah Rabah
Marty & Judy Miller Greenberg
Donation for Kiddush
In memory of Murray Recht and David Salwen
In memory of father, Gilbert Berg
In memory of father-in-law Francis Heller
Joel Greenberg
In memory of mother, Jeanette Greenberg
Lorraine Greenfield
In memory of father, Samuel Bohrer
Linda & Robert Grossman
In memory of Marilyn Olarsch
In memory of great grandmother, Ida Pekarsky
Rachel & Jim Guinsburg
In honor of Mildred Castleman’s “Special” Birthday
In memory of Marilyn Olarsch
Beth Hammerman
In memory of David Salwen
Aileen Herbstman
In memory of grandmother, Ethel Kantrowitz
Jack & Judy Hollenberg
In memory of our parents, Emma Hollenberg &
Sidney Stark
Jill & Paul Kaplan
In memory of Marilyn Olarsch
Jay & Barbara Kaplan
In celebration for the birthdays of Jay; his brother
Roy; grandsons Ben and Alex Marshak
On behalf of Barbara’s haftorah
Ruby Kast
In memory of mother, Betty Silberman
Sheila Kendal
In memory of mother, Rose Abramowitz
Thomas & Beatrice Klapak
In honor of the 50th Wedding Anniversary
of Sheldon (Steve) & Marge Grossman
Roberta Kozinn
In memory of mother, Lillian Fox Levmore
Luba Kukawka
In memory of my father, Chaim Stolowicki
Ruth Kumins
In memory of father, Nathan Lefkowitz
Jerome Lampert
In memory of mother, Esther Lampert
Marcia Lampert Memoriam
Page 4
Steve & Jill Lander
In memory of David Salwen
Evelyn Lasky
In memory of mother, Rita Berger
Sandy & Sheldon Lazarowitz
In memory of David Salwen
In memory of Ellis Simon’s father,
Herbert Simon
Stanley Leshaw
In memory of father, Nathan Leshaw
Sylvia Levine
In memory of mother, Gertrude Eisenberg
Ellen & Martin Levine
In memory of David Salwen
Bernice & Stanley Levy
In memory of David Salwen
Dr. Bernice Levy
In memory of sister, Helen Kasdan
Beth Lipsky
In memory of Joyce Geller, beloved
sister of Rena Olin
Florence Lubitz
In memory of Marilyn Olarsch
In memory of Al Lipsky
In memory of father, Max Schenk
Meryle & Hy Meinster
In memory of her uncle, Louis Templeman
In memory of his stepmother, Lillian Meinster
In memory of grandmother, Fannie Templeman
Benjamin Melniker
In memory of mother-in-law Sophie Gross
Audrey Milk
In memory of husband, Robert
Robert Mintzer
In memory of grandmother, Leah Mintzer
Vivian Mintzer
In memory of sister, Tobie Gold
In memory of father, Max Brown
Nanci Moskowitz
In memory of sister, Wilma Blumberg
Albert Murray
In memory of father, Joseph Fishberg
Helen & Al Murray
In memory of Marilyn Olarsch
In memory of Al Lipsky
Sept./Oct. 2015
Thank You - Todah Rabah
Ramon Musiker
In memory of father, Joseph Musiker
Helene & Robert Parsons
In memory of Murray Recht, Marilyn Olarsch,
Seymour Ellis, Al Lipsky, David Salwen
Harold & Judy Perlman
Florence Salenson Yahrzeit
In memory of Marilyn Olarsch
In memory of father of Ellis Simon, Herbert
In memory of Al Lipsky
In memory of father, Jacob Perlman
Clare Powitz
In memory of Marilyn Olarsch
Evelyne Pretino
In memory of son, Mitchel
Alice Purus
In memory of my dear friend Marilyn Olarsch
Rhoda Ralph
In memory of brother, Emanuel Goldmunz
In memory of father, Bernhard Goldmunz
Ayala Rosen
In memory of father, Benjamin Migdal
Lillian & Marjory Schiller
Prayers for Elaine
Jack Schwartz
In memory of wife, Elaine Schwartz
Elaine & Mike Serota
In memory of grandmother, Martha Hammer
Michael Shenker
In memory of father, Benjamin Shenker
Joan & Gerald Sidney
In memory of Marilyn Olarsch
In memory of Al LIpsky
Ellis Simon
In memory of Herbert Simon
Vivian Simon
In memory of Marilyn Olarsch
In memory of husband, Jack Simon
In memory of mother, Sadie Stein
Marjorie Smith
In memory of father, Nathan Rosenbaum
Muriel & Hy Smith
In memory of brother, George
In memory of 1st husband Jerome
In memory of father Harry
Howard & Bernice Stein
In memory of David Salwen
Marilyn Suss
In memory of David Salwen
Mindel Tilles
In memory of mother, Bertha Hecht
In memory of sister, Clara Hecht
Franklin Turetz
In memory of father, Mendel Turetz
Vera Winitch
In memory of husband, Irwin Winitch
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Jay & Lynn Abrahams
In memory of Ellis Simon’s father, Herbert
Barry Goldberg
Judy & Martin Greenberg
In memory of Marilyn Olarsch
Melissa Kurtz
A Refuah Sclema- for a complete healing
of body & soul, for Harold Perlman
Zvi halevi ben Yehudas
Lawrence Levy
In loving memory of mother,
Shirley G. Levy and
grandfather, David N. Levy
In loving memory of: Shirley G. Levy,
Morton J. Levy, Dr. Abraham Goldstein,
Jean Goldstein, Dr. Arthur Goldstein,
Ida Jeanette B. Levy, Fanny Z. G. Levy,
David N. Levy, Ida Jeanette Levy, Leonard H. Levy,
Thelma S. Levy, Dr. Oscar Tannenbaum,
Hannah L. Tannenbaum, Annie Kielson
Laurence Mack
In memory of mother, Kay Mack
In honor of Sandy Friedman &
Connie Salwen BSQLI Sisterhood Award
Harvey Marx
In memory of Marilyn Olarsch
Vivian & Robert Mintzer
In honor of Rabbi Diamond’s 60th birthday,
Happy Birthday
Sept./Oct. 2015
Page 5
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Sept./Oct. 2015
Sept./Oct. 2015
Page 7
Thank You - Todah Rabah
Laurie Musiker-Croes
In honor of my parents, Ray and Julie Musiker’s
62nd wedding anniversary;
in memory of Marilyn Olarsch
Marilyn Olarsch
Get well wishes for Linda Grossman
Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Diamond
on birth of granddaughter & to Mordechai
and Shoshana on the birth of Chana Zipora
Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Diamond
on the engagement of Gavi
Grayce Perlbinder
Best wishes for a Happy New Year
Harold Perlman
Thank you for your prayers for my recovery
Connie & Ira Salwen
In memory of Marilyn Olarsch;
In memory of Al Lipsky
Jane & Bob Scherer
Get well wishes to Barbara Salwen;
in honor of Barbara and Jay Kaplan hosting an
amazing kiddush and Barbara’s beautiful Haftorah
Marna Schwartz
In memory of Alan E. Schwartz,
father of Jeffrey L. Schwartz
In appreciation for Aliyahs given to
Jeffrey L. Schwartz and Marna T. Schwartz
Harriet Schwartz
For Jay Karp’s recovery from surgery
Mindy Tilles
In honor of the birth of my great grandson,
Michah Baer
Joshua Winderman
In honor of his Bar Mitzvah
Youth Group
The Murray Family
In honor of Marge & Steve Grossman
Joshua Winderman
In honor of his Bar Mitzvah
Page 8
Jewish Learning
Sandy & Steven Friedman
In memory of Marilyn Olarsch & Al Lipsky
To Tracy Ellis Simon on the loss of Herbert Simon
In honor of the birth of Maxine & Alan Geller’s
new granddaughter, Leah Hope
In honor of the birth of Sheryl & Bart Lilienthal’s
new granddaughter, Abigail Brooke
Paul & Jill Kaplan
In honor of Jason Levy passing the bar,
Rebecca Levy graduating from Binghamton
Connie & Ira Salwen
In memory of Ellis Simon’s beloved father, Herbert
Karen & Mark Skolnick
In memory of David Salwen
Joshua Winderman
In honor of his Bar Mitzvah
Simcha Shabbat
Hillary Beyer
Birthday on July 9th
Cece & Jack Friedman
Son, Lee’s birthday
Daughter-in-law Jami’s birthday
Grandson, Blake’s birthday
Our anniversary
Son, Ron and Pam’s anniversary
Son, Joel and Jami’s anniversary
Marla & Barry Goldberg
Jason’s graduation from high school and
Hebrew High School
Claire & Bruce Gordon
Claire & Bruce Gordon 50th Wedding Anniversary
July 16th
Judy Miller & Martin Greenberg
Bar Mitzvah - Jackson Parker Holzer
Birthdays - Judy M. Greenberg, Gene Holzer,
Eva Sheedy, Jacob Sheedy, Mitusha Holzer
Marge & Sheldon Grossman
50th Anniversary on July 8th
Jim & Rachel Guinsburg
48th Anniversary on June 25th
Sept./Oct. 2015
Thank You - Toda Raba
Jay Kaplan
Birthday- July 14th
Sandy & Sheldon Lazarowitz
Sheldon’s birthday- June 11th
Sandy’s birthday- July 15th
Joshua Strauss- July 14th
Marvin & Virginia Meyers
Marvin Meyers birthday of September 12th
Son, Michael Meyers birthday on September 22nd
Granddaughter, Eva Juliette Malterre September 5th
Nanci Moskowitz
Sandy Friedman and Connnie Salwen
for being honored by Women’s League
Judy Perlman honored by JCC of Oceanside
The Chai Lights Committee for bringing
the Congregation members closer together
Cousin- Norma Plans- special birthday
The smile on her face for her first
Aliyah for Felice Schweitzer
My relationship with Rabbi and
Rebbetzin Diamond and their family
The recovery of my friends,
Linda Grossman and Alice Purus
Helen & Albert Murray
July birthday
Julie & Ray Musiker
62nd wedding anniversary on June 28th
Ramon Musiker
Ray’s birthday on August 1st
Julie’s birthday on September 8th
Rafael, Dylan, Hannah (Our grandchildren in Florida)
Helene & Robert Parsons
Son-in-law, Craig, birthday- July 14th
Helene’s birthday- July 28th
Helene and Bob’s 39th anniversary- July 31st
Alice Purus
Grandson, Sam- 18th birthday and graduation
from high school- June
Granddaughter, Carly- Honored at Rutgers U. for
being in top 10% of the sophmore class
Mark Reinharz
July 24th birthday
Connie & Ira Salwen
Connie & Ira Salwen 40th Anniversary on August 10th
Gerald & Joan Sidney
Carson Liefer-birthday on May 26th and
middle school graduation on June 25th
Joshua Gerstein- birthday on June 23rd
Andrew Sidney’s marriage
Karen & Mark Skolnik
Anniversary- July 31st
Carrie Skolnik Rothfeld birthday on June 26th
Michael Skolnick- High School Graduation
Louis Taustine- Middle School Graduation
Muriel & Hy Smith
Leaving for Israel on June 15th to see
our new great granddaughter
Leon Vilinsky
64 years of marriage on April 17th
Rita’s birthday on April 17th
Leon’s birthday on April 23rd
Torah Fund
Roberta Kozinn
In memory of David Salwen
Knitting Club
By Florence Lubitz
The Knitting Club is starting the fall season on
Wednesday, September 2, 2015 at 2:00 pm in the Greenfield Room. Knitting instruction is available to all who
might want some help in getting started or might just
need a hand with a tricky stitch. The Club is making
scarves and lap blankets for women with cancer. These
items will be donated to the Hewlett House. We hope you
will join us for a few hours of fun and fellowship as we
knit for this good cause.
Sept./Oct. 2015
Page 9
Sisterhood Book Club
Sisterhood News Update
By Muriel Levine Smith
By Co-Presidents
Ethel Oppenheimer, Caryn Morgenbesser
If you enjoy reading and discussing popular books
with a group of Sisterhood members, why not join us?
Our group meets the second Wednesday of each month
at 2 pm. The books selected are reserved in advance at
the Lynbrook and Rockville Centre libraries, three to four
weeks before the scheduled meeting. Our latest book, A
Brooklyn Tale by Andrew Kane, was discussed on August
12th and enjoyed by the women who attended. The next
meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 13th.
Members will be notified by email or phone with the title
of our October selection.
If anyone is interested in joining our group, feel free
to contact Muriel Smith at [email protected] or phone
Hope you are having a great summer! We thank those
who came to hear Talia Carner’s “Hotel Moscow” event.
We are ready to start a fresh new year. We hope you will
join us for an open Sisterhood Meeting on Wednesday,
September 9th at 7:15pm (latecomers are welcome) in the
Greenfield Room. We would like everyone to come with
some new and exciting ideas for the upcoming year. Refreshments, brainstorming and sister chat will be served.
Whether you come to meetings, attend programs, help us organize or plan events, or just support us with your
dues, the level of your participation is up to you. But please remember that a warm and welcoming group of women
await you. Please join and experience firsthand how much fun you can have with Sisterhood. It’s an evening out
without your husband and your kids. It’s not essential to be a Temple member to join. If you were previously a Sisterhood member, we thank you and hope you will renew your membership, if not we hope you will join us and give
us a try. We look forward to meeting you.
In case you don’t know what our Sisterhood does, here is a taste of things we do…Mitzvah meals to those in need,
Bar and Bat Mitzvah gifts and financial contributions to our synagogue and Conservative Judaism. Exciting events
we have done are Mah-Jongg, author visits, an evening of wine and painting, mezuzah making and a walking tour
of NYC. We’re always looking for some new suggestions from YOU.
L’shanah Tovah
Caryn and Ethel, Sisterhood Co-presidents
Please fill out the information below, enclose a check for $40, made out to Sisterhood CBS-BD and mail to:
Linda Schwartz, 488 Woodbridge Road, Rockville Centre, NY 11570
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________________ Email: ________________________________
Page 10
Sept./Oct. 2015
We Care
By Rachel Guinsburg
Mazel Tovs to our B’nai Sholom Family
their granddaughter, Abigail
their granddaughter, Leah Hope
the successful defense of his thesis
their grandson, Ian Joshua
of their grandson, Noah
t /PSNB'SFE.JOU[POUIFFOHBHFment of their grandson, Jonathan
Our Deepest Sympathies to
Susan’s father, Philip Raider
Get Well Wishes to
Please contact me, either by e mail or phone
with anything to share in future editions of
Chai Lights. Phone: 516-825-1002 or E mail:
[email protected]
New Year . . . New Treasures
In Our Judaica Shop
By Alyce Goodstein
Need that something special for a dear friend? How about a new
addition for your holiday table? Have a simcha coming? Invited to dinner and need to bring a little something? Check out Sisterhood’s Judaica
Shop! We hope our shop will become your first stop for all your Judaica
and gift needs. And, we will beautifully gift wrap your selection free of
We offer personalized kippahs, ketubahs, baby naming certificates,
tallitot, bar/bat mitzvah gifts and more, all at competitive prices. We
also offer a wide selection of mah jongg-themed gifts, jewelry, AHAVA
skin care products and more!! If you see something either on-line or at
another Judaica shop, call us - we can usually get the same item for you
and you can feel good about your purchase because you are supporting
your synagogue’s Sisterhood. With the High Holy Days approaching,
why not pick up a new honey pot or holiday baby bib! How about a
rams’ horn shofar or apple plate? Come check out our great new selection!
And, if you mention this article, save $10 off your minimum $50
purchase or $20 off your $100 minimum purchase. (In stock items only
- no custom orders for this promotion). The shop is generally open on
Sunday mornings during Hebrew School and can always be opened for
you Monday - Thursday from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Just stop in the Temple
office if you would like to see something or make a purchase. You can
also make an appointment by calling Alyce Goodstein at 643-2580 or
sending an e-mail to [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you and Happy New Year!
Tuition-Free Hebrew School
Let Everyone Know!
A synagogue is more than a place to pray. It’s a place to join with a Jewish
community and make everlasting friendships. That’s what Congregation B’nai
Sholom-Beth David is. We have a vibrant community with a dynamic Rabbi.
That’s why we draw members from Rockville Centre, Oceanside, Lynbrook,
West Hempstead, Baldwin and Valley Stream. Our dues are some of the lowest in Nassau County and our Hebrew School is tuition-free.
We are all ambassadors of our Temple…if you know of a Jewish family
with children on your block who are not affiliated with a synagogue, please
let them know that B’nai Sholom-Beth David will welcome them and provide
FREE Jewish schooling for their children.
This year we welcome a new Educational Director, Mr. Dan Seid, who is
bringing warm family programming, dynamic youth outings and an engaging arts music curriculum into our program. The Jewish Learning Center has
created a virtual Israel Center, allowing students to communicate with other
students and soldiers in Israel and have engaging Israel lessons using technology and our state-of-the-art Smart Board. We are also bringing back our
JAMMS program, Jewish Arts, Music, and Movement for students in Pre-K.
Please contact Dan Seid at [email protected] or (516) 764-8381 for more
information regarding the Jewish Learning Center at Congregation B’nai Sholom-Beth David.
Sept./Oct. 2015
Men’s Club
Membership Breakfast
By Ary Rosenbaum
Join us for a Membership Breakfast, first in the Bet Hamidrash (Chapel) at 9:00 am for Minyan, then at
9:45 am in the Youth Lounge where
you pay your Men’s Club dues and enjoy a great breakfast. Listen to Rabbi
Diamond, guest speaker, and to the
exciting events that Men’s Club is
planning for the upcoming year.
Suggested donation is $18+.
Page 11
September/October Events
High Holy Day Schedule
September 2015
Erev Rosh Hashanah ..............................................Sept. 13th ........5:30 pm
Rosh Hashanah – 1st Day.......................................Sept. 14th ........9:00 am
Tashlich .....................................................................Sept. 14th .......5:00 pm
Mincha & Maariv – Rosh Hashanah ....................Sept.14th .........7:15 pm
Rosh Hashanah – 2nd Day .....................................Sept. 15th .......9:00 am
Mincha & Maariv – Rosh Hashanah – 2nd Day .Sept. 15th ........7:15 pm
Erev Yom Kippur – Mincha & Kol Nidre .............Sept. 22nd ......6:00 pm
Yom Kippur ..............................................................Sept. 23rd .......8:30 am
Yizkor ........................................................................approx. time 11:00 am
End of Yom Kippur - Shofar ..................................Sept. 23rd .......7:35 pm
Erev Succot ...............................................................Sept. 27th .......6:00 pm
Succot – 1st Day.......................................................Sept. 28th .......9:00 am
Mincha & Maariv ....................................................Sept. 28th .......7:00 pm
Succot – 2nd Day .....................................................Sept. 29th .......9:00 am
Mincha & Maariv ....................................................Sept. 29th .......6:45 pm
October 2015
Erev Shemini Atzeret .............................................October 4th .....6:00 pm
Shemini Atzeret ......................................................October 5th .....9:00 am
Mincha & Erev Simchat Torah .............................October 5th .....7:00 pm
Simchat Torah .........................................................October 6th .....9:00 am
Mincha & Maariv ...................................................October 6th .....6:45 pm
7:04 pm
6:53 pm
6:49 pm
6:41 pm
6:34 pm
6:29 pm
October 2nd
October 9th
October 16th
October 23rd
October 30th
6:17 pm
6:06 pm
5:55 pm
5:45 pm
5:36 pm
September 5th
9 am
September 12th
9 am
Bar Mitzvah David Frank
September 19th
9 am
September 26th
9 am
October 3rd
9 am
October 10th
9 am
October 17th
9 am
Bar Mitzvah Jason Schwartz
October 24th
9 am
October 31st
9 am
Note: During the months of September and October
Friday Night Services are held at 6:30 pm & 8:00 pm
Mah Jongg - Tuesday Nights at 7:00 pm
(Will resume after the holidays – mid October)
Rabbi Diamond’s Discussion Group - Wed. Nights at 8:15 pm
Daytime Book Club - Second Wednesday of the Month
Knitting Club - First Wednesday of the Month 2:00 pm
(Call Florence Lubitz 569-5602 for information)
Looking Ahead
Goods & Services Auction ......................................December 5th
100 Hempstead Avenue
Rockville Centre, NY 11570-2828
September 4th
September 11th
September 13th
September 18th
September 22nd
September 25th
Shabbat Services
Return Service Needed
Candle Lighting Times
Board of Trustees Meeting ...................................September 9th
.....................................October 14th
Men’s Club Membership Breakfast September 27th - 9:45 am
Rabbi Diamond Guest Speaker
2015 Annual Journal Dinner
Honoring St. Mark’s Nursery School
and CeCe & Jack Friedman ......................................October 17th
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