16 southern nevada realtor® • june 2005
16 southern nevada realtor® • june 2005
PAID ADVERTISEMENT 2 SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 Southern Nevada REALTOR® Table of Contents 6 Political Affairs It’s Your Government...So Get Involved! 7 Professional Standards Case 16-3: Almond Not In Violation 10 Interealty Know Your MLXchange Home Page! 14 MLS Property Management I’d Rather Study Risk Reduction Than Practice Damage Control! 16 WCR In Washington D.C. 17 Commercial Helping One REALTOR® At A Time 18 The Greater Las Vegas Association of REALTORS® 1750 E. Sahara Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89104 Phone: (702) 784-5000 Fax: (702) 784-5060 Website: www.lasvegasrealtor.com Articles appearing in Southern Nevada REALTOR® do not necessarily carry endorsements of The Greater Las Vegas Association of REALTORS® (GLVAR), its Board of Directors or its Members unless indicated as approved by the GLVAR. Southern Nevada REALTOR® is edited and produced exclusively by GLVAR. Publications Specialist: Michael Stopka (702) 784-5006 Article Coordinator: Nadine Morris Tip of the Month 15 JUNE 2005 Technology Advisory Group Mozilla Extensions (702) 784-5004 Southern Nevada REALTOR® is printed by Mervine Communications Inc. Contact: Patrick Mervine Phone: (702) 682-1066 Email: [email protected] Paid Advertisements in the Southern Nevada REALTOR® are not to be construed as endorsement of the advertiser, product or service by The Greater Las Vegas Association of REALTORS®. Publisher reserves the right to reject or discontinue any advertisement at its sole discretion. For information on advertising in the Southern Nevada REALTOR®, contact Mike Stopka at (702) 784-5006, or via email at [email protected]. Annual Subscription Rate: Non-members $25.00 WEBSITES AND HOTLINES: 08 09 16 18 22 24 26 30 32 33 34 GLVAR Welcomes New Employees Featured Member Benefits Partners RESPA Do’s and Don’ts Information Bulletin General Membership Meeting Major PSF Contributors’ Appreciation Reception FEATURE: Picture Perfect! New Inductees Home & Condo Sales Reports Annual MLS Statistics June/July 2005 Calendar On the Cover: House Photo Courtesy of Chris Hanna Interior Inset Photos Courtesy of Cabo Media Group National Association of REALTORS®: Web Site: www.realtor.com (to access realtor.org and over 1.2 million New & Resale Homes) Nevada Association of REALTORS®: Web Site: www.nvar.org Email: [email protected] Nevada Real Estate Division: Website: www.red.state.nv.us Fair Housing Hotline: (Robert Sadler, GLVAR) Hotline phone #: (702) 733-7758 Legal hotline: (NVAR in Reno) Hotline phone #: (800) 748-6999 Technology Hotline: (NVAR in Reno) Hotline toll-free phone #: (866) 232-1836 President’s Message By Myrna Kingham Hot Issues from Mid-year Meetings in D.C. As you may know, NAR has been criticized in the press and regulators over antitrust concerns and its Virtual Office Website (VOW) policy. NAR, is now resolved to stand up and fight back. It’s time to answer these charges,” McDermott told REALTORS® on May 11, 2005, stating “The value of your livelihood is under attack.” He committed on keeping banks out of real estate pointing out that “…despite having more than half of the House as co-sponsors, NAR has never been invited to testify on the bill before Oxley’s committee (House Committee on Financial Services), nor has the bill been taken up in the House, because of Oxley’s opposition.” The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is clearly stepping up its investigation into alleged antitrust behavior in different parts of the country. In Kentucky by charging the Real Estate Commission is limiting competition among real estate brokers by preventing brokers from offering rebates and other inducements to consumers. In Oklahoma the DOJ has urged the state legislators to reject a proposed bill that could eliminate some discount brokerages models. Several other states are considering similar rules requiring real estate brokers and agents to provide a minimum level of service to consumers. 4 SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 For the past 15 months, the DOJ has been investigating and studying NAR’s proposed VOW policy that gives control of their listings on other brokers’ VOWs. Recent rumors spread that the DOJ was prepared to file a lawsuit against NAR, but Laurie Janik, General Council of NAR, announced at the Mid-year NAR meetings in Washington that “…she was told by DOJ officials that a lawsuit against NAR has not been authorized yet by the department and negotiations will continue.” A compromise is being discussed that would blend key provisions of NAR’s two existing Internet listing display policies (IDX and VOW) into a single set of rules governing both internet displays of listings. I was pleased to see our NAR leadership stand up for causes that affect the way we do business, fighting for our right to control our businesses. It is clear to me that our brokers and members want and need an Internet policy to allow promotion listings and to generate leads. President Myrna Kingham can be reached by emailing [email protected] From the Desk of the Executive Vice President By Irene Vogel Health Care for REALTORS® A Call to Action went out asking all NAR members to contact their U.S. Senators via the NAR Action Center (naractioncenter.com) and urge support of SB 406, the Small Business Health Fairness Act of 2005. If the Act becomes law, small businesses and self-employed workers would be able to band together through membership in a trade or professional association such as NAR and negotiate lower health insurance costs for participants. I urge you to send an email to our legislators asking for their support. Protect Your Commission I still maintain that buyers and/or sellers are willing to pay for great service. It is our job to make sure they are aware of what we offer them and why they should work with us from start to finish in all aspects of the transaction. Here are some tips that may be useful according to Bernice Ross from Inman News. 1. Shift your focus from image marketing to focusing exclusively on the customer service experience. The battle is really about winning the consumer, not selfpromotion. Photographer: Jim K. Decker, Las Vegas Review-Journal These are just a few suggestions…but seriously consider implementing them. They will affect your bottom line. Focus Groups Your MLS Committee and your Board of Directors will be conducting some focus groups to address issues confronting MLS and impacting the residential real estate brokerage industry. If you are interested in participating please contact me at (702) 784 5010 or email me at [email protected]. 2. If you are a manager or broker/owner, periodically go with your agents on listing consultations to determine what really is happening in the field. Provide training where needed. 3. Focus on improving communication. Eighty-four percent of consumers say the primary reason they did not hire their previous agent to represent them was that the agent was slow to respond. In fact, when agents do respond to email inquiries, 70% of the agents take two days to respond, and 58% do not respond at all. 4. Master the fundamentals. Training is essential. Seek training on web marketing and look to other industries to learn more about creating customers for life. Take advantage of all the educational classes offered at GLVAR…especially our designation courses. Executive Vice President Irene Vogel can be reached by calling (702) 784-5000 or by emailing [email protected] Want lunch or dinner on us? As you read the SNR, watch for your license number. If you find your license number hidden within an article, call the Association and let me or Nadine Morris know. You will then receive a gift certificate for lunch or dinner at a local restaurant. 5. Shift your advertising dollars from print to online. Use print to drive the potential clients to your website. SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 5 Southern Nevada REALTOR JUNE 2005 PRESIDENT Myrna Kingham, ABR, CIPS [email protected] ® Political Affairs It’s Your Government... So Get ! d e v l o v In PRESIDENT-ELECT Linda Rheinberger, MBA, ABR, CRS, LTG, SRES [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT Devin Reiss, GRI, ABR [email protected] TREASURER Patty Kelley, CRS, LTG, PMN [email protected] IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Lee K. Barrett, ABR [email protected] EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Irene Vogel, LTG [email protected] DIRECTORS: MLS DIRECTOR Andrew Maline [email protected] CALV PRESIDENT Richard Lybbert [email protected] Paul Bell [email protected] Honey Borla, GRI [email protected] Nitsa Filios, CRS, GRI [email protected] Bob Hamrick [email protected] Sue Naumann, CRS, GRI [email protected] Mary Owensby [email protected] Neil Schwartz [email protected] Mark Stark, CRS, GRI, LTG, CRB [email protected] Red Wallin [email protected] 6 By Kipp Cooper and Mike Levin, Government Affairs Directors As REALTORS®, meeting people and building new relationships is more than just a nicety of the business: it is an essential part of ensuring your future financial and personal success. Many of us are involved with a host of charities and community organizations. But how many of us consider volunteering on a city or county committee or board? Each year, dozens of positions on these boards and advisory commissions go unfilled due to a lack of volunteers and capable candidates. Many of them deal with community/ economic development, housing authorities, comprehensive planning, parks and recreation, etc., and make key recommendations to our elected officials that often times can have a dramatic effect on our quality of life. Who better than REALTORS® to be providing input in these discussions? You interact with thousands of poten- SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 tial buyers and sellers each year, discovering their likes and dislikes. You have a direct link and understanding of what truly makes a community feel like home for thousands of people. That information is very important to share. As part of our REALTORS® Active in Politics (RAP) program, our goal is to identify all of our members currently serving on city and county boards and advisory commissions as well as assist those interested in applying for appointments as they become available. Please go online to http://www.lasvegasrealtor.com/site/ political.asp?type=calltoaction and fill out our brief questionnaire. This information will be used to identify future committee appointments in the various cities and counties that may be of interest to you and to find out which of our members already sit on boards and committees. Professional Standards CASE 16-3: Almond not in violation for mailer to his farm area Source: NAR Professional Standards Interpretations REALTOR® Almond, a residential broker, worked in a market area that included an attractive suburb of a large city. At the time REALTOR® Almond launched a new advertising program, there were a number of houses for sale in the neighborhood listed exclusively with other REALTORS®, each having the respective listing broker’s sign on its front lawn. Working with his advertising agency, REALTOR® Almond developed a special brochure describing the service of his offices and soliciting clients. The format of the brochure was designed so that it could be hung over a door knob, and a commercial distribution service was employed to hang one of these brochures on homes in REALTOR® Almond’s market area. In the course of distributing REALTOR® Almond’s brochures, the commercial distribution service placed a brochure on the front door of every house in REALTOR® Almond’s market area, including houses that had other REALTORS®’ signs in the front yard. Several of the REALTORS® whose clients received REALTOR® Almond’s brochures filed complaints with the Board against REALTOR® Almond. The Grievance Committee considered the complaints and referred them to the Secretary to schedule a hearing by a Hearing Panel of the Professional Standards Committee, at which time all of the complaints would be considered. The complaints charged REALTOR® Almond with unethical conduct in failing to respect the exclusive agency of other REALTORS®. At the hearing, REALTOR® Almond defended his action by saying that the distribution of his advertising brochures was widespread in nature; that it had been carried out by a commercial distribution service; and that it was of the same nature as radio or television advertising or a general mailing that might come to the attention of some clients having exclusive listing contracts with other REALTORS®. The Hearing Panel’s decision noted that REALTOR® Almond, in designing his advertising campaign, did not direct his brochures to property owners whose identity had come to REALTOR® Almond’s attention through information disclosed by other REALTORS® consistent with their ethical obligation to cooperate with other brokers under Article 3 of the Code of Ethics; e.g., through a “for sale” sign or through information disseminated through a Multiple Listing Service. Rather, REALTOR® Almond’s advertising campaign was directed in an indiscriminate manner to all property owners in a given geographical area. Furthermore, the medium REALTOR® Almond chose for his advertising campaign was a written brochure, which property owners could examine or discard as they saw fit. The panel determined that this form of communication does not harass a property owner, as would telephone calls or direct personal contacts. The Hearing Panel, therefore, held that REALTOR® Almond’s advertising campaign did not violate Article 16 of the Code of Ethics. SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 7 Welcomes New Employees Phyllis TuckerDeanne Rymarowicz Phyllis Y. Tucker, CPA, MBA, started as our new Chief Financial Officer at the end of April. Mrs. Tucker has been the President of Williams & Tucker Accountancy Corporation in Long Beach, CA, since 1990; she still operates the Long Beach office via videoconferencing and a virtual private network. assisting in the development and implementation of new educational program relating to risk reduction. She will not provide legal advice to our membership; our members can continue to call NVAR’s Legal Hotline for free legal assistance at 1 800 748-6999. Her impressive experience in accounting and business management also includes Revenue Agent with the Internal Revenue Service, Accounting Manager for a local municipality, and Accounting Department Manager for a Fortune 500 company. Ms. Rymarowicz comes to us with great experience from working as a Deputy Attorney General for the State of Nevada, a Senior Associate at Wadhams & Akridge, P.C., Associate with Hoskin, Graham & Wilde, and Publications Director for the Clark County Bar Association. Mrs. Tucker received her MBA from the University of Phoenix, and her Bachelor of Science (with Distinction) in Business Administration from California State University Dominguez Hills. She has been a CPA in California since 1979 and in Nevada since 2003. She is the recipient of numerous awards, including Martin P. Dowling Volunteer of the Year (2004), Outstanding Director from the Clark County Bar Association (2003), and Distinguished Service Award from the Clark County Bar Association (1996). Mrs. Tucker recently relocated to Las Vegas from Long Beach, CA, with her husband of 41 years, James. She has two grown children and five grandchildren. A graduate from Drake University Law School in Des Moines, IA, Ms. Rymarowicz also holds a B.A. (Summa Cum Laude) from the School of Journalism and Mass Communications, Drake University. Deanne M. Rymarowicz came on board as our Staff Attorney at the beginning of May. Her role at GLVAR will be to educate and inform GLVAR members on topics which are of particular significance to you. She will also pen the monthly Legal Corner in the SNR, and welcomes your input in what issues you would like to learn more about. In addition, Ms. Rymarowicz will be A native of Indiana, Ms. Rymarowicz has been a resident of Las Vegas of 11 years. She enjoys entertaining, home improvement projects and traveling. She is fluent in French and Italian. 8 Mrs. Tucker and Ms. Rymarowicz can be reached by calling GLVAR at (702) 784-5000. SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 Major Contribution to the Yvonne Vander Heiden Library By JR McElhone Mr. and Mrs. Casebier recently donated REALTOR® Carl Volkmar’s extensive Commercial Real Estate Library to our Association. This contribution doubled the size of our collection. The library offers our members the use of two computers to access MLS, the latest books from the REAL Store, free tapes and VHS tapes of the likes of Danielle Kennedy, Floyd Wickman, and Mike Ferry. Books and tapes may be checked out. June’s Featured Member Benefits Partners Looking for discounts on printing services? These printers have agreed to offer GLVAR members discounts! Consolidated Reprographics www.consrepro.com Reprographic services, duplication services, color, equipment, supplies and onsite services. Consolidated Reprographics offers a 25% discount on all services to GLVAR members. Contact Mike Moran at (702) 361-0668 for more information. CopyMax Mr. and Mrs. Casebier invites us to join their organization, Mojave Desert Heritage and Cultural Association, which comprises over 800 individuals dedicated to the preservation of the Mojave Road and its history, with camping and field trips that create lasting memories. 2837 S Maryland Pkwy Never pay retail again on your digital printing needs! GLVAR and CopyMax have joined together to offer GLVAR members the complete solution to their digital printing needs. Save up to 50% off retail prices. Contact Larry Steiner at (702) 732-0291. Diversity Printing 3401 W Sirius Ave, Ste 10 Save 10% on letterheads, envelopes, business cards, brochures, flyers, business forms, postcards and all other printing material. Contact Reggie Waters at (702) 871-4057 for more details. Image 2000 Advanced Imaging Solutions www.ais-now.com Color and black/white copiers and printers; document storage software/solutions. All GLVAR members get a 10% discount. Call Nick DeAscentis at (702) 951-4247, ext. 8101. BE ON THE LOOKOUT! From Left to Right: Myrna Kingham, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Casebier, Irene Vogel. Do you know of a vendor who is willing to offer our members a great discount on their products or services? Are they interested in becoming a Member Benefits Partner? Have them contact Amber DuPont at (702) 784-5000 for an application packet. SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 9 Interealty Know Your MLXchange Home Page! By Kathy Heaney, Interealty Much of our job is pointing out things on the MLXchange screen. For example, how many folks know that you can get to Listing Maintenance directly from the Home Page of MLXchange? We thought we’d highlight the areas where we have many questions from REALTORS®. 1. This is where you can manage your Prospecting or Saved Searches. For example, if you get a notice that one will expire and you want to extend it, or if you want to delete one, you can do so right here. 2. A quick way to look up a listing. Enter the address or street name, ML number or group of ML numbers. Simply separate multiple ML numbers by commas. Do not put a comma at the end of the last number. 3. Go directly to Listing Maintenance to add or modify. Also a link to upload your images. 4. A vast number of resources are located here. Some of them are: the MLS area map, email GLVAR or Interealty support, additional training manuals, and a link to the Clark County School District’s website (so you can look up the schools for a particular address). 1 2 3 4 If you have any questions, you can email us at [email protected] or call (702) 7350478. You may also drop in one of our Open Labs on Monday OR Friday, 9:00 am to 11:00 am or 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, at our office: 1785 E Sahara, Suite 150, Las Vegas. 10 SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 MLS Tip of the Month MLS A Public and a Private ID are assigned to each MLS member when they join the MLS. That MLS member’s Private ID (Password) shall not be shared, disclosed or allowed to come into the possession of any other person. Disclosure of a Private ID that results in access to the MLS system by an unauthorized third party (i.e. any person other than the broker and his/her agent is a “third party”), whether such disclosure is the result of intention or negligence, constitutes a violation of the MLS Rules and Regulations. The member shall be subject to sanctions per Section 7.3 of the MLS Rules and Regulations. Public and Private ID’s A MLS member has the ability to change his/her MLS password by going to www.LasVegasRealtor.com / login / select change “Change my profile information” / select “Change password” and make the change. If a member feels his/her Private ID has been compromised, he/she needs to change his/her ID immediately! If you need assistance, please contact GLVAR’s MLS Department at (702) 784-5050, and we will be happy to assist you in changing your Private ID. SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 11 Property Management You and your client are in a relationship that can only be mutually profitable if it lasts for more than a year or two. If your property management client doesn’t trust you, there’s probably a good chance he or she may not be very trustworthy. Don’t risk the headache of a bad relationship. You can easily decline the property, no matter how nice it is, if you have a bad feeling about the By Desiree “Dee” Sweet, Property Management Committee Member owner. When you go out to interview for a property to manage remember that while the owner of the property is interviewing you, you are also interviewing him or her! Don’t hold anything back. Tell the whole truth. Explain the good parts, the bad parts, the pitfalls and problems of property management. You don’t want a client coming to you three months down the road saying, “You never told me about —.” In management, you need to lay it all out—warts and all. If the house looks like it’s been used hard and badly and needs to be cleaned, painted, polished, and shampooed—tell the client! You don’t need to know how much it would cost to make the house rent-ready, but you do need to know people who can do the work well and reasonably. Houses in top condition attract top notch tenants and rent more quickly. I’d Rather Study Risk Reduction Than Practice Damage Control! Recently, risk reduction has become a hot topic. In the field of property management, it’s always been a subject at the forefront of what we do. Risk reduction in property management has to do not only with careful tenant screening, but also with careful client screening. If you contract with a client you don’t like or don’t trust, who do you suppose is going to be the most unhappy? You or your client? My guess would be both of you. Equally! In sales, as I understand it, some of your clients are in your life for six to eight weeks. After that you shake hands and say good bye and you might reconnect with that client again on his or her birthday, during the holidays, or when they are considering another purchase. In property management, it’s very much like a marriage. 12 Tenant screening is also very important (Duh! Everybody knows that!). These days, with as many new people as there are coming into our valley, we need to be especially careful about to whom we rent. The old red flags still apply, but add to these the prevalence of drug abuse and the increased crime statistics. Identity theft has become a very serious problem and can be difficult to detect. Reduce your risk by taking every step you know in screening prospective tenants. Don’t just meet with them, pronounce them nice, pat them on the head and move them in! Check their credit. Verify their employment. Contact at least two prior landlords. If stuff on their credit report doesn’t match what they’ve put on their applications, dig deeper. If they have a history of property damage and late rents with a previous landlord, they’ll probably have the same with you. Sometimes it makes more sense to allow a disinterested third party to make the decision of “to rent or not to rent.” All of us have a tendency to form opinions and impressions, good or bad, of people we have met or talked with briefly. When you are evaluating a prospective tenant, use a scoring form or some sort of written criteria. Do not rely on instinct or your ability to read people. Let’s face it, damage control really begins with risk reduction. Reducing your risk is a way to minimize your damage. SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 RRGTM Graduation Luncheon By Nadine Morris Ten REALTORS® received their RRG™ Certification at GLVAR’s first RRG™ Graduation Luncheon on May 4, 2005. Sixty-two others are currently in the process of completing the Certification. This the Risk Reduction Graduate Society was established in June 2004 and is GLVAR’s first Certification Program. Risk reduction is one of the hottest issues facing the real estate industry at this time and the Risk Reduction Graduate™ program is designed to help REALTORS® minimize the risk in this risky business. To find out more about this exciting new Certification Program, contact Nadine R. Morris, RRG™ Coordinator, by phone at (702) 784-5004 or by email at [email protected]. From left to right: Lisa Garcia, Jaycob Garcia, David Talbot, Lisa Morris, Lee Barrett, Sue Kamjorn, Harry Hall, Mel Schneider, Norm Cook Affiliate Lunch & Learn Sponsored by: Financial Independence Group Class: “The Secrets of the Successful Investor” Instructors: Steve Budin, JD, CFP, and Channel 3 Financial Expert Join us for lunch and learn how to better understand the world of investing! Wednesday, June 15, 2005 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM 1750 E. Sahara Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89104 Reservations are required as seating is limited. This is a non CE class. Cost for lunch and class is $5. Please register at WWW.LASVEGASREALTOR.COM or call (702) 784-5000 no later than Friday, June 10th, 2005. SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 13 WCR WCR in Washington DC, in May By Cheryl Smith, President, WCR Las Vegas Chapter WCR held its mid-year convention in Washington, DC, in May. It was an event the executive officers of Las Vegas WCR attended. During these meetings, we were able to participate in different workshops and the information gathered will benefit our membership. Each officer will be able to bring new thoughts and ideas they learned from other chapter members and utilize those in our chapter meetings and fundraising events. Our June 2 WCR breakfast meeting will feature Kipp Cooper, Government Affairs Director at GLVAR, giving us the news on what the legislature has done in Carson City and the impact it will have on us. This is always information you need to know and information your clients will be glad you are able to provide. Kipp will also inform us of what not only is happening in our state, but locally and nationally that will affect us as REALTORS®. Summer has arrived and as WCR knows, it is a busy time for all in our industry, and because of this we will not have any meetings during July or August. This will give all an opportunity to enjoy their vacations, family and be ready for our September 1 breakfast meeting. I am very excited about this meeting because as a broker I am always looking for risk reduction, and this meeting will feature a program by American Home Shield and attorney Mr. Michael Stoberski, who handles many issues related to E & O claims. Meetings are held at Cili’s Restaurant, 5160 S Las Vegas Blvd, conveniently located off I-15 and the 215 beltway. Our breakfast meetings begin with networking at 7:30 am and meetings beginning at 8:00 am. Cost for members is $30; for non-members and guests, it is $35. The May fashion show was a fun-filled event offering us all the latest in fashion wear and the opportunity to just enjoy. Events such as this help us fund our chapter for leadership development. This is an important role of our organization. Myrna Kingham, current GLVAR President, was previously a President of WCR. The same is also true for Linda Rheinberger, GLVAR’s President-Elect, as she also served as a President of WCR. Women’s Council of REALTORS® provides training, networking, education and the ability to build your leadership skills. 14 SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 You can easily register for a meeting by calling the RSVP hotline at (702) 940-8739 or visit www.wcrLasVegas.org and make your reservation online. Our website also has information about upcoming meetings, events and membership. You can also contact Nancy Anderson, VP of Membership at (702) 521-3499 or [email protected] for more information. If you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected] or call me at (702) 873-4500. All of us at WCR hope to see you soon. Commercial CALV and Professional Standards: Helping One REALTOR® at a time By Michael Belnick, CALV Board of Directors Many people have asked, as a member of Commercial Alliance Las Vegas (CALV), what benefits they receive. This question always stands out to me as: what will help me as a REALTOR® in the field? As we all know, real estate is a tough line of work that requires a broad range of knowledge, but sometimes knowledge isn’t enough and, as a division of GLVAR, CALV is able to offer you the services of the Professional Standards Department. They help with REALTOR® concerns by providing the options of arbitration or mediation, a must to those active in the field. Some may question: how is this a benefit to me? Well, here is an example of true story that these services could have greatly helped with. (The names have been removed for privacy and security) Agent 1 showed Property #1 to his client, XYZ & Associates. That same day, a purchase agreement was drafted and executed by the buyer and was personally delivered to Agent 2 of ABC Real Estate at approximately 2:00 pm. After several attempts to follow up with the listing agent, two days later, Agent 2 informed Agent 1 that the property was sold. Recently, Agent 3 had moved companies and contacted the seller to follow up on a listing agreement that was sent prior to him joining the new firm. The seller explained to Agent 3 that the property was sold for $1,250,000. $1,500,000 offer. When he spoke to the seller the same day, he replied that he had never received that offer and was unaware of it at all. At this time Broker 1 was informed of these events. Later, Broker 1 contacted Broker 2 of ABC Real Estate and informed him of the situation. Broker 2 wanted to investigate the situation and get back to Broker 1. Broker 2 called Broker 1 back the same day and informed him a deal in principle was done, and it was simply just getting the paperwork signed off. Broker 1 questioned Broker 2 if this was a dual agency. Broker 2 informed Broker 1 that there was no broker involved and that his Agent 2 represented the seller in this case. Broker 1 informed Broker 2 that in his opinion, Broker 2’s agent acted inappropriately and, according to Nevada law, all written offers must be submitted to the seller, so that the seller could make his own decisions rather than the agent. As you can see this case is far from over and if the parties involved were CALV members they could use Professional Standards instead of possibly an expensive court battle. In the end, CALV and GLVAR provide services for our members and that means helping them in all areas. Interested in becoming a member of CALV? Contact Stevie George, CALV Administrator, at (702) 784-5031 and become a member today! Agent 1 and Agent 3 together have a history with this property from when Agent 3 previously had the property listed while employed at the other firm. Agent 1, through the same buyer, previously made two offers through Agent 3. It is not clear why the buyer’s offer was not accepted at that time. Agent 3 and Agent 1 sit close together in the office. In passing, Agent 3 mentioned to Agent 1 that the property they had tried to sell previously sold for $1,250,000. Agent 1 informed Agent 3 that he had presented an offer for the property prior to the sale for $1,500,000. Because of Agent 3’s prior relationship with the seller, he felt compelled to see if the seller had seen the TIP OF THE MONTH By Stevie George, CALV Administrator Unlimited photo attachments! As a member of CALV you have unlimited photo attachments to your listings. Choose the advance profile when entering your listing and select the images option. You can download as many photos of the commercial property as needed. SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 15 RESPA Do’s and Don’ts for Real Estate Brokers and Agents The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) Real estate brokers and agents must comply with the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA). Violators of RESPA may receive harsh penalties, including triple damages, fines, and even imprisonment. While the enforcement of RESPA by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has been dormant in the past, HUD has stepped up its efforts in this area in the past 18 months. HUD hired new staff and entered into a contract with an investigation firm in Arlington, VA, to conduct onsite reviews to monitor conformity with RESPA. Now, more than ever, real estate brokers and agents must ensure they are complying with RESPA. 1. Entities Subject to RESPA Services that occur at or prior to the purchase of a home are typically considered settlement services. These services include title insurance, mortgage loans, appraisals, abstracts, and home inspections. Services that occur after closing generally are not considered settlement services. • RESPA covers, among others: – Real Estate Brokers and Agents – Mortgage Bankers and Mortgage Brokers – Title Companies and Title Agents – Home Warranty Companies – Hazard Insurance Agents – Appraisers – Flood and Tax Service Providers – Home and Pest Inspectors • RESPA, however, does not apply to: – Moving Companies – Gardeners – Painters – Decorating Companies – Home Improvement Contractors 2. RESPA Prohibitions • RESPA prohibits a real estate broker or agent from receiving a “thing of value” for referring business to a settlement service provider (SSP), such as a mortgage banker, mortgage broker, title company, or title agent. • RESPA also prohibits SSPs from splitting fees received for settlement services, unless the fee is for a service actually performed. 3. Exceptions to RESPA’s Prohibitions Not all referral arrangements fall under RESPA’s referral restriction. In fact, RESPA and its regulation feature a number of exceptions. Three examples are: • Promotional and Educational Activities 16 Source: NAR – Settlement service providers, such as mortgage bankers, mortgage brokers, title insurance companies, and title agents, can provide normal promotional and educational activities under RESPA. – These activities must not defray the expenses that the real estate broker/agent otherwise would have had to pay. – The activity cannot be in exchange for or tied in any way to referrals. • Payments in Return for Goods Provided or Services Performed – A real estate broker or agent must provide goods, facilities, and services that are actual, necessary, and distinct from what they already provide. – The amount paid to a real estate broker or agent must be commensurate with the value of those goods and services. If the payment exceeds market value, the excess will be considered a kickback and violates RESPA. – The payments should not be “transactionally based.” A payment for services rendered is transactionally based if the amount of the payment is determined by whether the real estate broker/agent’s services resulted in a successful transaction. Payments may not be tied to the success of the real estate broker/agent’s efforts, but must be a flat fee that represents fair market value. • Affiliated Business Arrangements – Real estate brokers and agents are permitted to own an interest in a settlement service company, such as a mortgage brokerage or title company, so long as the real estate broker/agent: - Discloses its relationship with the joint venture company when it refers a customer to the mortgage broker or title company; - Does not require the customer to use the joint venture mortgage broker or title company as a condition for the sale or purchase of a home; and - Does not receive any payments from the joint venture company other than a return on its ownership interest in the company. These payments cannot vary based on the volume of referrals to the joint venture company. – The joint venture mortgage broker or title company must be a bona fide, standalone business with sufficient capital, employees, and separate office space, and must perform core services associated with that industry. 4. Examples of Permissible Activities and Payments • A title agent provides a food tray for an open house, posts a sign in a prominent location indicating that the event was sponsored by the title agent, and distributes brochures about its services. SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 RESPA • A mortgage lender sponsors an educational lunch for real estate agents where employees of the lender are invited to speak. If, however, the mortgage lender subsidizes the costs of continuing education credits, this activity may be seen as defraying costs the agent would otherwise incur, and may be characterized as an unallowable referral fee. • A title company hosts an event that various individuals, including real estate agents, will attend and posts a sign identifying the title company’s contribution to the event in a prominent location for all attending to see and distributes brochures regarding the title company’s services. • A hazard insurance company provides notepads, pens, or other office materials reflecting the hazard insurance company’s name. • A mortgage brokerage sponsors the hole-in-one contest at a golf tournament and prominently displays a sign reflecting the brokerage’s name and involvement in the tournament. • A real estate agent and mortgage broker jointly advertise their services in a real estate magazine, provided that each individual pays a share of the costs in proportion with his or her prominence in the advertisement. • A lender pays a real estate agent fair market value to rent a desk, copy machine, and phone line in the real estate agent’s office for a loan officer to prequalify applicants. • A title agent pays for dinner for a real estate agent during which business is discussed, provided that such dinners are not a regular or expected occurrence. 5. Examples of Prohibited Activities and Payments • A title company hosts a monthly dinner and reception for real estate agents. Continued • A mortgage broker pays for a lockbox without including any information identifying the mortgage broker on the lockbox. • A mortgage lender provides lunch at an open house, but does not distribute brochures or display any marketing materials. • A hazard insurance company hosts a “happy hour” and dinner outing for real estate agents. • A home inspector pays for a real estate agent to go to dinner, but does not attend the dinner. • A title company makes a lump-sum payment toward a function hosted by the real estate agent, but does not provide advertising materials or make a presentation at the function. • A mortgage broker buys tickets to a sporting event for a real estate agent, or pays for the real estate agent to play a round of golf. • A title company sponsors a “getaway” in a tropical location, during which only an hour or two is dedicated to education and the remainder of the event is directed toward recreation. • A mortgage lender only pays a real estate agent for taking the loan application and collecting credit documents if the activity results in a loan. Before you undertake any activity with a SSP or accept any payments, goods, or services from a SSP, you should speak with an attorney familiar with RESPA and make sure the activity complies with state and local laws. Some of these laws prohibit activities that are otherwise permissible under RESPA. 2005 NVAR REALTOR® of the Year and 2005 Nevada Distinguished REALTOR® Award Deadline for nominations: Post marked date of June 30, 2005 The NVAR REALTOR® of the Year (ROTY) award and the Nevada Distinguished REALTOR® Award (NDRA) are prestigious awards for REALTORS® in Nevada to receive. These awards are presented annually at the State Association Conference. The primary purpose of these awards are to recognize REALTORS® who have contributed most during the year or over a period of years to the NVAR and the real estate profession. In 2004, the Awards Committee felt it was important to recognize two REALTOR® members for their contributions to the Association and profession, and wanted to have an Awards Committee Choice Award. Thus, they created (and the Board of Directors approved) the NDRA Award. The NVAR Awards Committee will make the final selection of the ROTY and the NDRA recipients. Nevada’s REALTOR® of the Year Recipient will also be recognized at the NAR Annual Conference this coming November in San Francisco, CA. The nomination form (same form for both awards) can be found on the NVAR website at www.nvar.org, or can be obtained by calling NVAR at 1 800 748-5526. SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 17 INFORMATION DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REAL ESTATE DIVISION THE NEW DUTIES OWED FORMS FOR NEVADA FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Why are we changing the Duties Owed form? The current forms have created some confusion within the industry and the task force formed to look at the situation determined the new forms would be more easily understood by both the public and those within the industry. Are we required to get the Duties Owed form signed by all parties for our file? The law suggests that the “appropriate form” be provided to the parties. The Real Estate Division has determined that only a single “Duties Owed” form needs to be signed by each party to the transaction. The rationale is that the disclosure form is the same whether they sign a single form or multiple forms within the same transaction. The intent is to provide and assure that each of the parties has the “Duties Owed” form, not two or three duplicates of the same disclosure. This means that the listing agent only needs the seller’s signed disclosure form in the listing and transaction files and the buyer’s agent only needs the buyer’s signed form in the buyer representative and transaction files. However, if there is an unrepresented party to the transaction, the sole agent in the transaction needs to have a disclosure form signed by both the client and unrepresented party to the transaction and have evidence of the disclosure to both parties in the licensee’s transaction file. (See unrepresented parties below). 18 Is the licensee responsible for providing the Duties Owed form to unrepresented parties? Yes. If you are a licensee in a transaction in Nevada, you are representing someone, even if acting only as a principal. If the other party is unrepresented by a licensee, you are responsible under Nevada law to provide the Duties Owed form. Why has the Confirmation of Agency form been eliminated? While Confirmation of agency is required by regulation (NAC 645.637), the Form itself is not. The Real Estate Division originally created the form to assist the industry as a courtesy because none of the purchase agreements contained the required Confirmation of agency. Now that most of the contracts (purchase agreements) contain the Confirmation of agency, a separate form is not required. What if the contract or purchase agreement I use does not contain a Conformation of agency? Then the Real Estate Division would suggest that you add such confirmation to your purchase agreement, change to an agreement which includes a confirmation section or continue to use a separate form as long as the regulation requires it. (NOTE: you will probably see the separate forms disappear after a while). SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 NAL BULLETIN #50737 What forms must I have signed at the time of taking a listing? Each licensee must have the completed Duties Owed form signed as soon as practicable but no later than the time of taking a written listing. NOTE: A. The confirmation of agency relationship with the seller is disclosed on the top of the Duties Owed form and no additional confirmation of agency is required at the time of listing. B. The acknowledgement of possibly acting as an agent representing two or more parties in the transaction is now located as the last paragraph above the client/ customer’s signature block. (The client will initial the may or may not block thereby providing or not providing permission for a possible dual agency). The Consent to Act form would additionally have to be completed and signed by the parties in the event that agent represents more than one party to the transaction. When must I have the Duties Owed form signed? Nothing has changed with respect to when the form must be signed. It should still be signed as soon as practicable but in no event later than the time of a written contract. NOTE: A written contract would include any brokerage agreement including listing agreements, buyer brokerage agreements, property management agreements as well as any purchase agreements and/ or conforming lease agreements. When must the Consent to Act form be signed? In the event that the licensee has the consent in principle initialed as “May” in the initial box at the bottom of the “Duties Owed” form, he must still obtain the signature on the “Consent to Act” form prior to the respective client’s signature being placed on the contract. Where do I get the new Duties Owed and Consent to Act forms? All Division forms are available online at www.red.state.nv.us. Position your mouse onto Frequently Used Forms to open the drop-down menu, then click on disclosure. Select the Duties Owed and Consent to Act forms by clicking on 525 and 524, respectively. For further information please contract the Division Compliance Section in Carson City at (775) 687-4280 or Las Vegas at (702) 486-4033 or e-mail [email protected] When will the new Duties Owed and Consent to Act forms become effective? The new forms have an effective date of May 1, 2005. This means that everyone should transition into the new form on that date. All transactions initiated on or after May 1, 2005 should include these new agency disclosure forms, and all disclosures made and files of transactions initiated on or after May 1, 2005 should include these new forms. SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 19 Technology Advisory Group Here’s My Latest Tip: Mozilla Extensions By Stephen M. Canale If you’re one of the millions who are now using Mozilla/FireFox for better, safer and faster browsing, then you’ll really appreciate the ability to add “extensions” to enhance this already excellent browser. Of the many extensions I’ve tested, here’s my favorite four: Bandwidth Tester This installs as an option that displays in the Tools Drop-down menu. When launched, it runs six download tests (in a matter of seconds) and presents a summary result of your current bandwidth capabilities. Great to settle your curiosity and also to troubleshoot connection issues, such as when you’re not sure whether it’s your connection that’s causing problems or a specific site that’s having performance issues. Bandwidth Tester includes options for testing Dial-up, Broadband and T1 or greater. Download from: https://addons.update.mozilla.org/extensions/moreinfo. php?id=178&application=firefox PDF Download If you’re ever annoyed by PDF documents always opening in your browser (a sometimes slow and inconvenient process) then you’ll love this extension. Whenever you click a link that leads to a PDF file, this tool automatically presents a dialog box with options to Download, Open in New Tab and View as HTML. A great timesaver! Download from: 20 https://addons.update.mozilla.org/extensions/moreinfo. php?id=636&application=firefox View in IE While the days of websites supporting only Internet Explorer are hopefully numbered (a bad idea in general and an example of poor and arrogant website development), there are still sites you’ll no doubt visit that must be viewed in IE to function properly. View in IE installs and adds two new options within the “right-mouse-click” drop-down menu: Open Link in IE and Always Open in IE. Download from: https://addons.update.mozilla.org/extensions/moreinfo. php?application=firefox&category=Popular&numpg=1 0&id=35 AddBlock An indispensable tool for taking back your browser screen space from overly abusive advertisements. This extension provides a great amount of control over which specific items you want “stripped” out of the web pages you visit. AddBlock presents options for blocking on screen, allows right-mouse-click actions to select items for blocking and also a complete control console for advanced blocking rules. Download from: https://addons.update.mozilla.org/extensions/moreinfo. php?id=10&application=firefox NOTE: These were all tested using the latest version of Mozilla (1.0.3) so make sure you’ve upgraded to the current version before downloading and installing any of the handy extension utilities. Also, the links above can change, so you may need to search the Mozilla site SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 Semi-Annual Billing Coming September 1st! MLS and CALV (Commercial) Access Fees Lock Box Key Maintenance Fees Administrative Assistant Fees In April, the Board of Directors approved a motion changing from quarterly billing of the MLS and CALV access fees to semi-annual billing of these fees. Additionally, your lock box key maintenance fees and administrative assistant fees, if any, will change from annual billing to semi annual billing. The change in billing cycles is being made to allow GLVAR to continue to process the large volume of payments due to increased membership. A beneficial by-product of these changes is fewer payments to GLVAR and less potential interruptions of your services, and your business, due to forgotten or overlooked payment of fees, with only three billing per year from GLVAR. Administrative Assistant Fee FINAL QUARTERLY BILLING FOR 2005: • 3rd Quarter Access Fees • Pro-rated Key Maintenance Fee Period: July 1 to Sept. 30, 2005 Bill: June 1 Due: July 1 CHANGE TO SEMI-ANNUAL BILLING: • Access Fees • Key Maintenance Fee Periods: October 1 to March 31, & April 1 to Sept. 30 Bill: Sept. 1 & March 1 Due: October 1 & April 1 ANNUAL BILLING: • 2006 Annual Dues (NAR/NVAR/GLVAR/PSF) Period: Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 Bill: October 15 Due: January 1 $90.00 broker** $60.00 agent MLS Access Fee CALV Access Fee Key Maintenance Fee $108.00 $104.00 $25.00* *SUPRA KEY maintenance July 1, 2005 thru September 30, 2005 $216.00 $208.00 $50.00 Annual REALTOR® Dues Subscribers Only $340.00 REALTORS® $396.00 Designated REALTORS® Annual REALTOR® dues for 2006 based on 2005 dues and are subject to change. MLS/Key subscribers will pay $266 each six months based on current fees; CALV only (commercial listing service/Catylist) will pay $208 each six months based on current fees. Dues and fees are due the 1st day of each period and are non-refundable. **Each Designated REALTOR® receives one administrative assistant code at no charge; each additional broker admistrative assistant code is $90 each six months. Contact MLS for application or information. SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 21 General Membership Meeting By Deb Shields, Leadership Services Administrator GLVAR hosted its quarterly General Membership Meeting on Thursday, April 14, 2005, at the Stardust Hotel. Newt Gingrich, Former U.S. Speaker of the House, was the guest speaker and spoke to the members on “Living in the Age of Transformation.” Mr. Gingrich gave a very humorous and informative presentation. Newt Gingrich President Kingham presented the REALTOR® of the month awards, and distributed the certificates and pins to the GRI and ABR graduates. Our next General Membership meeting will be Friday, September 16, 2005, at the Tuscany Hotel. March ROM, Cheryl Smith with Broker Fafie Moore and President Myrna Kingham GRI Graduates, Wendy DiVecchio, Education Director and President Myrna Kingham ABR Graduates, Wendy DiVecchio, Education Director and President Myrna Kingham 22 Justin Sommer, Affiliate of the Quarter with President Myrna Kingham January ROM, Yvonne Jones and Manager Carol Youdath and President Myrna Kingham February ROM, Beth Waite and President Myrna Kingham SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 Affiliate of the Quarter, Charles Hollister and President Myrna Kingham BROKER’ S FORUM Attention Brokers and Managers! Join President-Elect Linda Rheinberger for an informative meeting. Topic: “Do Not Call Program” Guest Speaker: Gar Anderson, National Association of REALTORS® June 28, 2005 Registration is available at www.lasvegasrealtor.com or call 784-5000. 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM GLVAR Office 1750 E. Sahara Ave. 2005 F AL L SE ME ST E R SCHOL ARSHI PS Are you a member of GLVAR and are interested in furthering your education at a college or university? Are your children in college and looking for financial assistance? This program is offered by GLVAR to help further the education of any GLVAR member and their immediate family members. For an application and criteria, go to www.lasvegasrealtor.com. Scholarships for Designations Scholarships for NAR designations are now being offered by GLVAR. Are you interested in obtaining your GRI? How about your CCIM? Does CRS interest you? These, and many others, are now included in the GLVAR Scholarship Program. The deadline to submit all applications is June 30, 2005. Want more details? Contact Amber Dupont at (702) 784-5000 or email to [email protected]. SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 23 Major PSF Contributors’ Appreciation Reception with Newt Gingrich By Mike Levin, Government Affairs Director GLVAR recently hosted its annual VIP Reception in appreciation of our major contributors to the Political Survival Fund (PSF) at the $500 level and higher. Newt Gingrich, Former U.S. Speaker of the House, attended as our special guest to mingle and discuss first hand the political scene in Washington and around the country. The intimate evening paid homage to the important role PSF plays for real estate professionals. PSF is the REALTORS®’ voice for supporting laws favorable to the real estate industry and fighting legislation that would have adverse effects on your business. Mr. Gingrich was also on hand for GLVAR’s general membership meeting to speak on “Living in the Age of Transformation.” As the former Speaker of U.S. House of Representatives, his knowledge and perspective concerning the current political climate was well received. Jack Woodcock, Newt Gingrich and Irene Vogel Patty Kelley, Newt Gingrich and Keith Kelley 24 Al, Myrna and Kimberly Kingham, and Newt Gingrich Newt Gingrich and Lee Barrett Mary Owensby and SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • MAY Forrest Barbee, Newt 2005 Gingrich and Debbie Primack Newt Gingrich Bill Rigdon, Newt Gingrich and Carmen Rigdon Deirdre Felgar and Newt Gingrich Newt Gingrich, Gingrich,Ronda Ronda and and Thomas Thomas Marsaw, Marsaw,and and Joanne Joanne Levy Levy Newt Former Speaker Gingrich arrives at Jack Woodcock’s residence. Myrna Kingham, Newt Gingrich and Linda Rheinberger Newt Gingrich and Kevin Child Rosa Herwick, Mary Ann Olson and Newt Gingrich Newt Gingrich and Keith Lynam Mike Levin, Newt Gingrich and Kipp Cooper Aurora Lublin and Newt Gingrich Cricket Arens, Newt Gingrich and J.C. Arens Red Wallin and Newt Gingrich Newt Gingrich with our host, Jack Woodcock David Berg and Newt Gingrich Lori Napoli, Newt Gingrich and Frank Napoli Ken Gragson, Newt Gingrich and Yvonne Gragson Marv and Kellie Rubin, and Newt Gingrich Newt Gingrich and SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® Devin Reiss • MAY 2005 Newt Gingrich and Judye Phebus 25 Photo by Cabo Media Group By Deborah Graham, MLS Committee Did you know that property listings with photographs are shown more often and sell more quickly than those listings that do not have a photograph? It’s true! And, the more photographs you include in your listings, the better your chances! Invest in your success: buy a digital camera! When there are more than 11,000 active Clark County residential listings in our MLS, you need to do everything possible to make sure your listing gets noticed. More and more of my buyers are instructing me to “just email the ones with pictures.” Translation—no photos…no chance. And the sooner you get the photo into the listing, the better. Don’t you owe it to your seller to give them a fighting chance? 26 With that said, there seems to be a great deal of confusion regarding the various choices offered for Photo Instructions in our listings. I thought I might take a moment to offer a little clarification. When you are entering a new property listing and you come to the place that asks about Photo Instructions, you have six initial choices (and you must choose one). You can always go back into your listing at any time in the future and upload replacement (or additional) photographs. The choices are as follows: AGTPHOTO Translation—Good for you! You took your very own photos with you nifty digital camera and you (or your trusty assistant) will upload them to MLS as soon as SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • MAY 2005 you finish entering all 181 fields, and the system assigns an MLS number for your listing! Instruction—Go to TOOLS, click on IMAGES, click on LISTING IMAGES, enter your brand new MLS number in the box, and click on LOOKUP. Upload up to eight images of your beautiful new listing. It really is not a difficult process. With this option, the photographs must be added to the listing within seven days to avoid being fined. MLSPHOTO Translation—Interealty will send their photographer to take a beautiful photograph of your new property listing. Although this is a free service, there are a few things you should know about this option: 2) Only one take. If it is trash day, there are cars in front, or the garage door is open; that is the picture that goes in the system. 3) If this property listing is located within a gated community, select PHOTGAT, instead. Instructions—No further action on your part is required. Just remember, you get what you get! PHOTGAT Translation—Always use this code if your property listing is located within a gated community. If you use MLSPHOTO, your listing will only have a photo of the entry gate! 1) The photographer has two weeks to complete this task. SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 27 Picture Perfect Continued A Picture Paints a Thousand Words! Instructions—You will be contacted by the photographer for gate access instructions. Make very sure that your contact numbers in the listing are correct! ... and more are even better! NOPHOTO Translation—This listing is never going to be photogenic and you do not want to scare away any possible showings (just kidding)! There are some owners who prefer not to have a photograph of their property in the listing. Maybe the value is in future land use, not the structure that is currently on the land. Or, there may be other valid reasons you (or your seller) prefer no photograph. By Pat Cobb, CRI, ABR, Quality Control Subcommittee Member How utterly frustrating it is when you’re sitting with a client, trying to give them ideas about what is on the market and if it will attract them when you pull up listings and lo and behold it says “No Picture Available.” In most cases, we delete and skip to the next one. Is this a service you’re giving your sellers? Doesn’t seem like it to me and to my fellow agents who are as frustrated as I am. I guess I just don’t understand why it is so difficult for some agents to not take your digital camera with you on a listing appointment and take a bunch of photos. Don’t you think that would impress your (hopefully) sellers? It sure has for me and it beat out other agents for the listing too. If you are not comfortable with your digital camera, we have FREE technology services through NVAR! They’ll talk you right through it via a phone call so start anew and avoid automatic fines for not getting your pictures in the listing. To depend on Interealty to get the one picture of the front of your house is a shame because they are so far behind and really, is one picture enough? The clients I have don’t think so. In our high-tech age, we should offer the public as much as we can to win over their business. Instructions—No further action on your part is required. No photograph will be taken. NOREADY Translation—The property is being spruced up, or you are making arrangements to get the wrecked 1970 Dodge Dart out of the driveway, or any number of other things that can render your property listing as temporarily “non-photogenic.” Instructions—When the property is ready to be photographed, contact Interealty at (702) 735-0478 to let them know. The photographer will be scheduled. MULTIPL Translation—You want Interealty to send their photographer to take up to seven photos of your property listing. There is an additional fee for this service. Instructions--Contact Interealty at (702) 735-0478 to make the necessary arrangements. An experience I had not long ago was that I took all these pictures of this listing and told the Seller they would be on my websites, Realtor.com, and others within 24 to 48 hours. On the 47th hour, I got a call asking why his picture wasn’t in Realtor.com. I called them and they did get it in quickly after that, but this is what people are doing – they’re basically checking up on us and as professionals that we’re suppose to be, we must deliver on the promise! Happy shuttering! 28 SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 Picture Perfect Continued Do You Know Why Your Listing Doesn’t Get a Lot of Showings? There are many resources at your disposal. Today’s digital cameras are relatively inexpensive and increasingly simple to operate. Just point and shoot. You don’t even have to know how to use imaging software to get printed photos as most photo labs can print directly from you media card (the digital equivalent of film) and also save images onto a CD. By Ernest Cabo You don’t have a home computer with Internet access? I have never been in a real estate office that didn’t provide computers with Internet access for its agents. The images you took from your digital camera can be uploaded to various websites using the office computer. I am of the opinion that real estate is a visual market. By that, I mean homebuyers don’t want to read about a property, they want to see it. Developers understand this and so they build model homes, have floor plans prominently displayed and offer beautiful color brochures for their guests to take home. Great for the new home market, but what about resale homes? Research conducted by NAR indicates that more than 70 percent of consumers start the buying and selling process on the Internet. To speed up the screening process, many skip listings that don’t provide any photographs. This comes as no surprise to me, as that is exactly what I do when I research homes for future investment. It also validated an article on missed marketing opportunities I read recently. In the article, Allan Dalton, 2004 REALTOR.com President, was talking about consumer searches done on their website: “Which properties are they looking at? They’re looking at the ones with multiple photos…That’s a huge opportunity for real estate practitioners, particularly those who’ve never liked to prospect.” If you’re just not comfortable with taking photographs and using computers, you’re not alone. Thankfully, there are many photography services available in Southern Nevada specializing in the real estate market. The extent of their services varies widely, but there is someone out there that can meet your needs. Probably the most important destination for your images will be MLXchange. MLXchange can accommodate up to eight images per listing. Those could include the front view, backyard, kitchen, dining room, living room, family room, master suite and guest room_making a visually stimulating listing. I would like to leave you with this final thought: the February 2005 monthly Internet statistics for REALTOR.com reports 6.30 million unique visitors. Do your listings attract the attention of potential homebuyers? Curious, on April 25, 2005, I did non-scientific research for properties here in Las Vegas. The purpose of my research was to find out the degree of photo usage in local listings. My search was done through REALTOR.com and filtered my search results to present only single family and condo/townhouses from $500,000 to $1.5 million. I was presented with 1,954 results. Of those, 287 listings (14.7%) did not have any photographs, while 1,077 listings (55%) provided only one photograph. In a visual market such as real estate, these figures are nothing short of astounding considering my price range. The bottom line is: photographs for your listings are a vital marketing tool that is often overlooked. Photo by Cabo Media Group SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 29 New Inductees - March 2, 2005 Luke Adamo Craig C. Alderson Roseanne Andersen Nancy Barrett Loren E. Beltran Mohammed Ben Jemia David C. Bennecoff Healy Bilali Eddie Buchannon III Arthur Burciaga Jeffrey F. Burleson Rebecca Calhoun Joe L. Castillo Nicole Chauvet Toni Cherry Kouchu Chiang Brenda J. Clark Christy Cobey Julissa Cobos Carolina Collins LaQuieta Cooks Jeff Cotterman Reyna Cruz Lucille Dang Robert Del Baccio Jack Diamond Rositza Doncheva Peggy Donohue Lilly Dufrene Teri Duranso Lisa Ferguson John E. Fitzgerald Gwendolyn Furbush Myla Gardiner-Yahraus Dray Gardner Todd Geer Despina Gekakis Carmella M. Geraci Sean Grady Laine Hansen Gideon R. Hathcock Ivy Hippler Bryan Hurt Jose Inchauriga Renu Jain Annabelle M. Johnston Jacqueline Jones Kathyreen Jones Elsa Juarez Steven J. Kaufmann Matthew Keyerleber Christine Kiely Susan E. Kordt Bernadine Kvalsund Jennifer Lay Elizabeth Lee Wayne S. Levin Ryan Ley Mark A. Linsenbardt Nancy Linsley Valerie K. Little Sun Loper 30 RE/MAX Associates Prudential Americana Group Liberty Realty Elite Realty Liberty Realty Sherrill Properties Real Estate Innovations Dyson & Dyson Real Estate Asso Century 21 Aadvantage Gold JMS Old West Realty Real Estate Solutions Creative Real Estate Assoc Century 21 Aadvantage Gold Century 21 Consolidated Century 21 Moneyworld Century 21 Western Properties Help U Sell Value Plus Realty Hoopes Team Realty, Inc Prudential Americana Group Century 21 Aadvantage Gold Prudential Americana Group Prudential Americana Group Countrywide Realty Group Inc. Platinum Properties GMAC Real Estate Century 21 Aadvantage Gold One Cap Realty Liberty Realty Platinum Properties GMAC Real Estate Keller Williams Realty Las Vegas SW Coldwell Banker Premier Green Lockett Realty LLC Liberty Realty Tru West Realty The Realty Group Commercial Vegas Realty Century 21 Moneyworld Vertical Realty Realty Executives Of Nevada Century Properties Century 21 Consolidated Realty Executives Of Nevada Realty Executives Of Nevada Prudential Americana Group Prudential Americana Group Holiday Realty Century 21 Moneyworld Members Realty & Management Nevada Real Estate Services Century 21 Trend Setters Encore Realty & Commercial Inc Coldwell Banker Premier RE/MAX Extreme Red Rock Canyon Realty & Prop Coldwell Banker Premier Liberty Realty Coldwell Banker Wardley RE Liberty Realty Keller Williams Realty Homeland Realty Realty Success Systems Valerie K Little Elite Realty Christopher A. Luna Prudential Americana Group Ingrid Macher Century 21 Moneyworld Mostafa Mahmoud Red Rock Canyon Realty & Property Management Danielle Mateo Century 21 Infinity Milford Maynard Town & Country Real Estate Lois McCarthy Prudential Americana Group Parker McCoy Rossum Realty Unlimited Jean McKinley Griffin Ross & Julian Dean A. Medeiros Alpha Realty Services Fernando Mendoza Jr. Liberty Realty Donald Mitchell Prudential Americana Group Adi Mor Alpha Realty Services Benny Nassiri Asset Financial Network George Noyes General Realty Group Inc Virginia Nuval Coldwell Banker Wardley RE Cindy Ohana Liberty Realty Camille Ongoco Prudential Americana Group Mayra Paez First Integrity Realty Megan Parks Fresh Start Realty Kellee Patterson Nga RE/MAX Achievers Shaadai Patton Coldwell Banker Wardley RE Robert L. Payne Century 21 JR Realty John R. Plunkett Lake Las Vegas Realty Debra A. Porretto Shannon Day Realty Inc Retha M. Randolph Liberty Realty Robert Ratliff Windermere Prestige Properties Karen Renberg Realty Executives Of Nevada Adriana Rincon Century 21 Moneyworld Evan Roark Alpha Realty Services Shelly Rogers Coast to Coast Real Estate Raina Rosarno Liberty Realty Isidro Ruiz Coldwell Banker Wardley RE Gianni Sammarco Prime Properties of Las Vegas Mary Sarte 702 City Realty Ann Schankin General Realty Group Inc Patrick M. Sellers Patrick M. Sellers Yoon Seong Liberty Realty Cyndy Shelton Keller Williams Realty Marva Siegel Help U Save Real Estate Dinah Silvera Liberty Realty Barbara A. Silvestri Key Realty Michelle T. Simmons Xtreme Realty Alison Sinclair Prudential Americana Group Giamarie Sinopoli Paradise Realty Erin E. Smith Prudential Americana Group Michael Smith Greater Las Vegas Property Management Heidi J. Snoblen Coldwell Banker Premier Laura Sorensen Liberty Realty Jeffry Sowers Massone Realty LLC Laura Spinosa-Harris Vegas Valley Properties Antonio Teixeira Metropolitan Realty Linda Torres Amland Properties Lourdes Veraque-Ebalo Prudential Americana Group Toni Walker Century 21 Solutions Fangsu Wei Century 21 Solutions Nancy White Classic Realty Group Inc James A. Williams Century 21 Infinity Susan Winters Liberty Realty Paige Yahraus The Realty Group Commercial David B. Zacharia DZ Realty, LLC Levon Zeron Prudential Americana Group SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 New Inductees - April 6, 2005 Jason D. Ahlstrom Justin A. Ahlstrom Heather Ambe William L. Bass Beth Boyer Margaret Boyett Dana Brake Diane Brewer Thomas D. Brewer Cynthia D. Brown Janey Bruening Terri F. Brzazowsky Napoleon Buenaventura Joshua Canfield Leslie Canfield Kay Carder Jose A. Castillo Kevin Chua Charles C. Chuang Russell Ciotta Katherine Clemmons John M. Coady Melinda Cramp Andrew C. Crow Luke Davie Steve Dominick John Thomas Donahue III Bonnie Downey Claudio F. Dreiman Sally Durante Benjamin Eide-Hughes Svita Y. Feda Ileana Filip Beth Fitzpatrick Rebecca Flinn Terri Fosdick Cynthia France Sharon Gabriel Jeanny H. Galang Emma P. Garcia Purificacion Garcia Kevin M. Gaura Lynn Gillaspie Todd Goldberg Ricardo A. Guerrero II Peter G. Hadjisavas Joshua D. Hainsworth Larry J. Halili Kathy J. Hall Robert B. Harper Chastity Harris Jaime Jamieson Maria N. Kaltcheva Alona Karl Jennifer L. Karli Laura S. Kasday Laura B. Kautzman, PC John N. Kaye Kimberly A. Kingham Linda Korich Darlene E. Lally Sandra Yep Lebeck Jonathan Lim Diamond Property Company, LLC Diamond Property Company, LLC Millennium Realty & Development Platinum Properties GMAC Real Estate Prudential Americana Group Keller Williams The Market Place Excel Realty Eagle One Realty , LLC Creative Real Estate Assoc Re/MAX Pros One Cap Realty Metropolitan Realty One Cap Realty The Canfield Corporation The Canfield Corporation RE/MAX Associates Access Realty Liberty Realty Town Center Realty Summerlin Specialists Realty Encore Realty & Commercial Inc Liberty Realty RE/MAX Central Realty Success Systems Southern NV. Corp. Realty, Inc Century 21 First Class Realty First Residential RE Services The Mili Group of Nevada Liberty Realty EXITRealty Unlimited MVP Properties LLC Century 21 Lamonte Realty Liberty Realty Keller Williams The Market Place Prudential Americana Group Premier Real Estate RE/MAX Achievers Century Realty Countrywide Realty Group Inc. Century 21 Barret & Company Coldwell Banker Wardley RE Mackay Group Century 21 Aadvantage Gold Century 21 Moneyworld RE/MAX Achievers Liberty Realty Prudential Americana Group Titan Realty Group RE/MAX Advantage Condominium Realty Group Century 21 Moneyworld Elite Realty Century 21 Consolidated Prudential Americana Group Coldwell Banker Wardley RE Sellars Realty Group RE/MAX Vision Liberty Realty Tower Realty Group Coldwell Banker Premier Century 21 Aadvantage Gold JM Wood Real Estate Capital Source One Realty Jackie Luehmann Christopher C. Marone Jamie Maxwell Marcelo Mayol Barbara A. McBride Nathan McKee Peter Meyer Benjamin V. Minerva Kristi J. Moore Garrett Morgan Kristin M. Morris Darryl Nemer Jimmy Nguyen Anna C. Nichols Kyle Northup Janice O Dell Rory Palmeri Aubrie Pearce Richard Pedroza Lael M. Perkins Nicholas T. Pernia Glenn Plantone Brent Platt Linda L. Powell Craig S. Reynoldson Valery Rivera Joseph Rocchio Alexander Rowlings Frank Scarfone Vince Serra Jr Del Sidhu Jason R. Smith Roger Snyder Marie M. Soucy Jaime A. Speck Leonard R. Stafford Ronald E. Stanfield Ronald E. Stanfield Douglas Steinberg Chris N. Stratas Sayuri Sugitani Dennis J. Sullivan Aruni Tawney Ouida Thomas Pilipo Tina Fred Trujillo Toriano L. Turner Charles Unger Beverly C. Usman David Vanderlaan Diane M. Varney Kory Vasquez Foodie Vaziri Parime Vinca Rebecca Wachter Tiffany M. Wallace Gordon H. Warren Amber West Curtis Whitney Charles Wicks Victoria A. Wilson David J. Wright Creative Real Estate Assoc Century 21 Aadvantage Gold Century 21 Moneyworld RE/MAX Achievers Platinum Properties GMAC Real Estate Rhodes Ranch Realty Liberty Realty General Realty Group Inc Century 21 Moneyworld Coldwell Banker Wardley RE AA Alliance Appraisal Service Liberty Realty Keller Williams Realty Experie Coast Realty & Investments Century 21 Aadvantage Gold Key Realty Prudential Americana Group Coldwell Banker Wardley RE EXITRealty Unlimited Liberty Realty Pernia & Associates 24 Karat Realty PBF Appraisals Prudential Americana Group Craig S Reynoldson Liberty Realty Coldwell Banker Wardley RE Liberty Realty Prudential Americana Group General Realty Group Inc Parker Realty Advanced Real Estate Teams EXITRealty Unlimited Prudential Americana Group Robinson & Associates Realty Coldwell Banker Premier S.P.I. Real Estate Global Realty Marketing Windermere Prestige Properties Prudential Americana Group Coldwell Banker Premier Liberty Realty Holiday Realty Windermere Prestige Properties Merit Realty Turnberry West Realty Inc Coldwell Banker Wardley RE Coldwell Banker Wardley RE World Capital Realty Dolce & Deluca Investments Coldwell Banker Premier Century 21 Moneyworld Coldwell Banker Premier Eagle Investment Realty Colliers Nevada LLC Prudential Americana Group Prudential Americana Group Sapphire Realty Inc Liberty Realty Best Rent Finders LLC Greenspan Brokerage Summerlin West Realty SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 31 Home & Condo Sales Report April 1 - 30, 2005 Existing Single Family Homes* SALES PRICE RANGE LISTINGS 2 BDRMS 3 BDRMS 4+ BDRMS TOTAL UNITS S/FAM UNITS $99,999 or Under 8 7 3 18 8 $100,000 to $119,999 4 5 1 10 2 $120,000 to $139,999 12 12 6 30 14 $140,000 to $159,999 17 20 5 42 41 $160,000 to $179,999 18 37 9 64 57 $180,000 to $199,999 13 65 23 101 122 $200,000 to $249,999 76 363 78 517 529 $250,000 to $299,999 68 522 147 737 1035 $300,000 to $399,999 39 442 352 833 1632 $400,000 to $499,999 11 103 174 288 734 Over $500,000 13 93 211 317 975 TOTALS 279 1669 1009 2957 5149 MEDIAN PRICE 243,000 280,000 359,000 297,000 345,000 AVERAGE PRICE 260,836 305,753 422,787 341,450 416,759 *As of May 2005, chart reflects a beginning price range of $99,999 and under. Existing Condo Homes** SALES PRICE RANGE LISTINGS 2 BDRMS 3 BDRMS 4+ BDRMS TOTAL UNITS CONDO UNITS $49,999 or Under 2 1 0 3 0 $50,000 to $59,999 4 0 0 4 3 $60,000 to $69,999 9 0 0 9 4 $70,000 to $79,999 4 0 0 4 10 $80,000 to $89,999 3 2 1 6 9 $90,000 to $99,999 7 1 0 8 13 $100,000 to $119,999 37 4 0 41 18 $120,000 to $139,999 45 5 0 50 61 $140,000 to $159,999 85 8 1 94 87 $160,000 to $179,999 81 12 2 95 117 $180,000 to $199,999 85 11 1 97 122 $200,000 to $249,999 109 75 2 186 263 $250,000 to $299,999 24 30 1 55 122 $300,000 to $399,999 14 14 0 28 97 $400,000 to $499,999 2 0 1 3 13 Over $500,000 6 3 0 9 25 517 166 9 692 964 MEDIAN PRICE 175,000 228,450 187,500 187,000 207,250 AVERAGE PRICE 184,060 239,531 208,388 197,683 235,936 TOTALS **As of May 2005, chart reflects a beginning price range of $49,999 and under. For more detailed information, go to www.LasVegasRealtor.com 32 SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 Annual MLS Statistics Single Family Closings Condo/Townhome Closings Average Price $339,193 $321,769 $302,700 $187,470 $194,257 $171,238 $119,621 (through April ‘05) SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 33 June 2005 Sunday Father’s Day Monday Tuesday 5 6 12 13 19 1:00pm Finance 26 20 Wednesday 8:00am Orientation Flag Day 9:00am Property Management 8:00am Orientation 27 7 14 21 Thursday 8:30am Grievance Committee 8:30am Tech Advisory 10:00am Housing Oppty. 1 8:00am Orientation 11:00am MLS Committee 4:30pm Induction 8 2 9:30am Education Events Work Group 10:00am Forms Committee 8:30am Political Affairs 8:30am CALV BOD 9 15 8:30am Executive Committee 16 22 8:30am BOD Meeting 23 8:30am CRS General Meeting 10:00am Quality Control 11:30am Affiliate Lunch and Learn 8:00am Orientation 1:00pm NVAR Annual Conference Committee 4:30pm Induction 28 Friday 29 8:30am Faculty 8:30am BORPAC 8:30am WCR 11:00am Charities Committee Saturday 3 4 10 11 17 18 24 25 30 1:30pm Brokers Forum July 2005 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 7:00am Broker Breakfast20 (Las Vegas Country Club) 7:00am NDA Breakfast 8:00am Orientation Meetings (Stardust) 10:00am Quality Control 8:30am Executive 1:00pm NVAR Annual Committee 4:30pm Induction 22 23 29 30 8:30am Faculty 11:00am Charity Committee 3 10 17 24 GLVAR Closed Independence Day 4 8:30am Bylaws 11:00am MLS Committee 11 8:00am Orientation 9:00am Curriculum Review 5 8:00am Orientation 8:30am Tech Advisory 10:00am Housing Oppty. 4:30pm Induction 12 18 19 25 26 13 31 34 6 NVAR BOD Meetings (Las Vegas) Executive Officers’ Meeting 8:30am Grievance (TBA) Committee 9:00am Property 11:00am MLS Committee Management 8:30am Affiliate Breakfast & 8:00am Orientation Learn 12:30pm Investment Committee 1:00pm Finance Saturday SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 27 9:30am Education Events 8:30am BORPAC Work Group 8:30am Education 10:00am Forms Committee Faculty Meeting 8:30am Political Affairs 8:30am CALV BOD 8:30am BOD Meeting (Boardroom) 28 Be An Owner — Have Your OWN Branch 110% Commission $25 Monthly Plan + $100 Help & Advise Multi-Locations • Brand New Agents • Part-Time Agents • All Agents MLS, non-MLS WOW! FREE Mortgage School! 860-2795 Richard 506-7100 Western LLC. PAID ADVERTISEMENT PAID ADVERTISEMENT • Listing Agents SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 35 PAID ADVERTISEMENT 36 SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 PAID ADVERTISEMENT PAID ADVERTISEMENT PAID ADVERTISEMENT Credit Cards Welcome Escrow Billing Available Licensed • Bonded • Insured Nevada Contractor Licenses: 47405, 57466, 57467 SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 37 PAID ADVERTISEMENT 38 SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 PAID ADVERTISEMENT SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 PAID ADVERTISEMENT PAID ADVERTISEMENT ® 39 PAID ADVERTISEMENT 40 SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 NAAI, SNAPPI, NAHI, GLVAR, ERC “Experience Makes The Difference” Comprehensive 200 page report PAID ADVERTISEMENT PAID ADVERTISEMENT Digital Color Photography On-Site or Email Reporting $290 20 25 40 Including 2000 Sq. Ft. Ea. Add’l 500 Sq. Ft. Pool or Spa Both Pool & Spa Over 5,000 Completed Inspections! (702) 339-7663 [email protected] Lic# S-0041 • State Certified • Insured SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 41 Need Your Commission Yesterday? Why wait for the eggs to hatch before counting your chickens? PAID ADVERTISEMENT 42 Advance Commission We’ll let you start spending your chickens while we sit on the eggs. (don’t forget your new customer discount...cheep, cheep) www.advancecommission.net SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 PAID ADVERTISEMENT PAID ADVERTISEMENT PAID ADVERTISEMENT at PAID ADVERTISEMENT SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 43 PAID ADVERTISEMENT 44 SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 PAID ADVERTISEMENT SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 45 PAID ADVERTISEMENT First United Mortgage Ken Farmer & Associates 2911 Tenaya, #200 Las Vegas, NV 89128 (702) 631-1800 (702) 838-9388 Speak Directly to Ken at (702) 241-6815 Discover the power of becoming a “Preferred Realtor® Partner” with Ken Farmer and First United Mortgage. PAID ADVERTISEMENT Our preferred partners enjoy the following benefits: 46 • Pre-Approved Leads and Referral Programs • Weekly loan status updates, fast closings • Participation in aggressive marketing programs • Loan officer present at all escrow signings • 10 minute pre-qualifications 7 days a week • Coming soon: Use of our conference room and plasma screen to view MLS listings as your buyers are pre-qualified • Complimentary flyers with various loan scenarios placed in all listings and open houses • Dedicated processing team assigned to your buyers loan Discover the benefits of a Win-Win Partnership today! SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 PAID ADVERTISEMENT Signature Custom Homes is a full-service design/build company that specializes in creating one-of-a-kind homes with superior design and craftsmanship. Our team of professionals will collaborate with your clients in designing a custom home that will meet the unique needs of their lifestyle. We are dedicated to providing your clients with the highest levels of personalized service to help achieve the maximum value for their custom home and take full advantage of the specific characteristics of their lot. We invite you to visit our web site at www.signaturecustom.com which features an online “Agent Registration” page so that you can register you and your clients with ease. For further information regarding our Design/Build program, please contact Robin Stewart at: (702) 671-6043 www.signa turecustom.com Lic #0050595 SOUTHERN NEVADA REALTOR® • JUNE 2005 47 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 137 Las Vegas, NV 1750 East Sahara Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89104 Now Hiring At Both Locations Aida Markarian PAID ADVERTISEMENT Owner/Managing Broker Sterling Park 7448 W. Sahara, #106 Between Tenaya & Buffalo Call Aida Come Check Out Our New Location! Richard Storrer Corporate Broker Eastern Canyon 8605 S. Eastern, Suite #B102 Just South of Wigwam, Fronting Eastern Markarian today for a confidential interview: www.LasVegasEliteRealty.com 260-7148