MRED FaxPlus™ to Email - Midwest Real Estate Data LLC
MRED FaxPlus™ to Email - Midwest Real Estate Data LLC
Training for Real Estate Professionals from Midwest Real Estate Data LLC MRED FaxPlus™ MRED Main Number ..................................................................... 630-955-0011 MRED Training Registration…………………………………….. 630-955-2755 MRED Helpdesk………………………………………................. 630-955-2755 Helpdesk Hours: M-F 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, Sat 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Visit us at for Training Registration, Forms and more… 1 Contents What is MRED FaxPlus™......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Where can I find MRED FaxPlus™ .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Getting started with MRED FaxPlus™ .................................................................................................................................... 5 MRED FaxPlus™ Home Screen ............................................................................................................................................ 6 Working with DocBox............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Upload a Document ............................................................................................................................................................ 7 Send a Fax ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Fax-Back Cover Sheet .......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Creating a Fax-Back Cover Sheet..................................................................................................................................... 9 Example of a Fax-Back Cover Sheet .............................................................................................................................. 10 InstanetFax ........................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Features of the InstanetFax screen................................................................................................................................... 11 Creating an InstanetFax Cover Sheet ................................................................................................................................ 12 Sending the InstanetFax Cover Sheet ............................................................................................................................... 13 Intelligent Offline InstanetFax Cover Sheet ........................................................................................................................ 14 MRED FaxPlus™ to Email...................................................................................................................................................... 17 Email Selected Documents................................................................................................................................................ 17 Sending Selected Documents ........................................................................................................................................... 17 Package Documents .......................................................................................................................................................... 18 Other features in DocBox ..................................................................................................................................................... 19 Create a New Folder ......................................................................................................................................................... 19 Delete Selected Documents .............................................................................................................................................. 19 Rename a Folder ............................................................................................................................................................... 19 Merge Selected Documents .............................................................................................................................................. 20 Upload Documents via Email ............................................................................................................................................ 20 Tabs ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Home ................................................................................................................................................................................. 20 Desktop ............................................................................................................................................................................. 20 Settings Tab ....................................................................................................................................................................... 21 My Preferences Manager.............................................................................................................................................. 21 Print Driver(DocBox Printer) Settings ........................................................................................................................ 21 DocBox ToGo Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 21 Print Driver(DocBox Printer) ...................................................................................................................................... 22 Preflight System Check Manager .................................................................................................................................. 23 Branding Manager......................................................................................................................................................... 24 Sharing .......................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Contacts ............................................................................................................................................................................ 27 Add Contacts ................................................................................................................................................................. 27 Import Contacts............................................................................................................................................................. 28 Fax Log .................................................................................................................................................................................. 28 Store ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Training, Help & FAQ’s ......................................................................................................................................................... 29 2 What is MRED FaxPlus™? MRED FaxPlus™ is a complete online faxing, document management and document storage solution, exclusively for MRED customers. Midwest Real Estate Data LLC provides this service to you at no additional cost! Where can I find MRED FaxPlus™? MRED FaxPlus™ can be accessed through the MRED Members Only website or by clicking the MRED Members Only link in the Links section of your MyMLS homepage of connectMLS. To access MRED FaxPlus™ from the MRED Members only website 1. Go to 2. Log in, using your MLS ID and Password 3. After logging in click on MRED FaxPlus™ link 3 To access MRED FaxPlus™ from connectMLS: 1. Log into connectMLS 2. Click on the MRED Members Only link in the Links section of the MyMLS tab: 3. From the MRED Members Only website click on MRED FaxPlus™ 4 Getting started with MRED FaxPlus™ The first time you click on the MRED FaxPlus™ link you will be asked to agree with the MRED FaxPlus™ Terms of Service. After reviewing the Terms of Service, click on I Accept and click continue. After the Terms of Service have been accepted, MRED FaxPlus™ will automatically run a systems check to ensure your system is ready to go. Users can run a systems check manually at any time by clicking on the Settings Tab> My Preferences> Preflight Systems Check. See page 23 of this manual for more details. What is required for MRED FaxPlus™ to work the best? Internet Explorer version 7.0 or higher Adobe Acrobat Reader version 9.0 or higher Java(Sun) is recommended For Mac Users: Mac Safari Mac OSx 5 MRED FaxPlus™ Home Screen At the top of your screen you may notice that you are able to click between two versions of MRED FaxPlus: What is the difference between MRED FaxPlus™ Pro and MRED FaxPlus™ Lite? MRED FaxPlus™ Lite is simply a slimmed down version of MRED FaxPlus™ Pro. MRED FaxPlus™ Lite has the same basic functionality found in MRED FaxPlus™ Pro, just with a streamlined look. Features such as document management, contact management and InstanetFax are available in both. Users can switch between the two versions at any time. NOTE: This guide will be presented from the MRED FaxPlus™ Pro perspective. This portion of the screen will be referred to as the Menu 6 This portion of the screen will be referred to as Tabs Working with DocBox -DocBox is the storage center for uploaded files & incoming faxes. DocBox can be accessed by clicking on DocBox from the menu bar OR From the Work with DocBox Documents link in the Home tab Upload a Document To upload a document using the I Would Like To drop down menu in DocBox follow these steps: NOTE: There are 3 ways to upload a document to DocBox in MRED FaxPlus™ 1. Upload using the I Would Like To drop down menu in DocBox (this page) 2.Upload via Email (page 20) 3. Upload a document via an application on your computer after installing the DocBox Printer (page 22) Step 1: Click on the I Would Like To drop down menu Select Upload a Document Click on the Go arrow A new window appears on the right side of the screen to upload the document of your choice. Step 2: Give the file a Name Step 3: Optional; associate a Type of file (i.e. appraisal, mortgage or give a custom type). Step 4: Click on the Add button open the document viewer. Select the files to upload and click Open. Up to 4 files can be uploaded at a time. If the file is larger than 1.5MB use the Upload Documents via Email option on page 20. Option: Share Document is discussed in more detail on page 26. Step 5: Choose which folder in the DocBox section of MRED FaxPlus you want to store the file in. To create a New Folder or Rename a current folder refer to page 19. Step 6: Select Upload Document 7 What can MRED FaxPlus do with an uploaded document? With MRED FaxPlus™ you can: 1. Send a document(s) to a recipients Fax directly from MRED FaxPlus™ (Send a Fax Pg 8) 2. Send a document(s) to a recipients Fax from MRED FaxPlus™ for them to sign, fill out, review etc. The recipient can then fax the document back to you and it will appear in your MRED FaxPlus™ DocBox as well as notify you in your email with the documents attached. (Fax-Back Cover Sheet Pgs 9-10) 3. Fax paper documents to a recipients’ email (InstanetFax Pgs 11-13) 4. Email the documents from MRED FaxPlus™ to a recipients email (MRED FaxPlus™ to Email Pg 17) 5. Upload, fax and email a document via any application (i.e. Word, Adobe) from your computer without opening MRED FaxPlus™ (DocBox Printer Pgs 22-23) Send a Fax To fax document(s) to a recipient using the I Would Like To drop down menu in DocBox follow these steps: Step 1: Select the document(s) you want to fax by clicking on them from the folders section. From the I Would Like To drop down menu choose Fax Selected Documents. Click the Go arrow. On the right side of the screen, a window will appear. Step 2: Either choose the recipient from your contacts by clicking on the business card icon or type in the recipient’s name and fax number. Step 3: Optional- Include a Fax-Back cover sheet? Why would you want to include a Fax-Back cover sheet? Including a Fax-Back Cover Sheet will allow the recipient to fax back the documents to your MRED FaxPlus™ account instead of faxing paper documents to a fax machine. As a default, MRED FaxPlus™ is set to notify you by email (with the documents attached) when the documents are sent back to you. You can uncheck this if you wish by clicking Show Advanced Options. For more detail on the Fax-Back Cover Sheet see Pgs 9-10 Step 4: Click the Send Fax button. 8 Fax-Back Cover Sheet What is a Fax-Back Cover Sheet? As mentioned previously, a Fax-Back Cover Sheet will allow the recipient to fax back documents to your MRED FaxPlus™ account (and by default your email) instead of faxing paper documents to a fax machine. Use the Create a Fax-Back Cover Sheet option in DocBox to: A) Send only a Fax-Back Cover Sheet via email or fax to a recipient so they can fax back documents to your MRED FaxPlus™ account. B) Save a Fax-Back Cover Sheet in MRED FaxPlus™ folders. C) Create and Save a .PDF version of the Fax-Back Cover Sheet to your computer. D) Print a version of your Fax-Back cover sheet to provide to clients or for general office use. Creating a Fax-Back Cover Sheet To create a Fax-Back Cover Sheet using the I Would Like To drop down menu in DocBox follow these steps: Step 1: Select Create a Fax-Back Cover Sheet from the I Would Like To drop down menu. Click on the Go arrow A window will appear on the right side of the screen. Step 2: Optional- Select a Type of document you are sending, leave as None or Add your own document type. Step 3: Cover Sheet Options-Choose if you would like to add a Header and/or a Message to the Fax-Back Cover Sheet. See Example of a Fax-Back Cover Sheet on page 10, to see where the Header and Message will appear. Step 4: Specify if you would like an email notification, with the documents attached when the fax is sent back. Step 5: Choose to Email the Fax-Back Cover Sheet to a recipient, Fax a Fax-Back Cover Sheet to a recipients fax machine, and/or Save the fax-back cover sheet to the DocBox folders. (Note: You can choose all three options) Email Options: Either choose the recipient from your contacts by clicking on the business card icon or type in the recipient’s name and Email address. (Note: email to multiple recipients by separating the names and email addresses with a comma), You can also CC (Carbon Copy), BCC (Blind Carbon Copy), or include a Message in your email. Fax Options: Either choose the recipient from your contacts by clicking on the business card icon or type in the recipient’s name and Fax Number. Saving Options: Click Yes and Name the Cover Sheet Step 6: Click Create Fax-Back Cover Sheet 9 To Save a .PDF version of the Fax-back Cover Sheet or Print a copy of your Fax-Back Cover Sheet, choose the Save Option when creating the Fax-Back Cover Sheet. After you click on Create Fax-Back Cover Sheet, you will see the link “Click here to open PDF, or right-click and ‘save target as’ to download.” Click this option and the .PDF will open. From there you can choose to Save to your computer or Print a copy. Example of a Fax-Back Cover Sheet You can input your own banner, See Settings> Branding Pg.24 The red box indicates where the Header will appear. The phone number for any Fax-Back Cover Sheet will be 1-888-895-6514, unless you have chosen to purchase a Vanity Fax Number. See Store: upgrade toVanity Fax Number on pg. 28 This section gives information on how the recipient can verify that the fax was received by you, after they have returned it. The Blue box indicates where the message will appear. 10 InstanetFax Why would you use an InstanetFax? InstanetFax is used to fax paper documents to a recipients email address. InstanetFax can be accessed in 2 places: 1.From DocBox: a. Click on the I Would Like To: drop down menu and select Create an InstanetFax Cover Sheet b. Click the Go Arrow 2. By clicking on InstanetFax from the menu bar Features of the InstanetFax screen Here you will see a description of InstanetFax and what it is used for. On the top right is an extra feature of the InstanetFax Cover Sheet called Intelligent off-line cover sheet. This is discussed on Pg. 14 Here you will see instructions on how to create an InstanetFax This is where you enter the information to create a InstanetFax Cover Sheet-details on the next page. 11 Creating an InstanetFax Cover Sheet: This InstanetFax cover sheet will be faxed by you to the recipients email address: Step1: Add the recipient(s) email address. You can send to more than 1 email at a time by separating the addresses with a comma. OPTIONS: Add in the email addresses of those you want to Carbon Copy(CC) or Blind Carbon Copy(BCC). Choose if you would like to send a copy of the email to yourself. Step2: Enter the Subject of the email. Enter in the body of the email. Enter the number of pages that will be attached. OPTIONS: Choose whether you would like to include a Fax-Back Cover Sheet in the email. By choosing to include the FaxBack cover sheet, this will allow the recipient to Fax paper documents back to your MRED FaxPlus™ account. Click Create InstanetFax Cover Sheet After clicking on Create InstanetFax Cover Sheet, you will have the option to print or save the Instanet Cover Sheet. To Print: Click on the link to open the PDF and click print. To Save: Click on the link to open the PDF and click save. OR To Save without opening the PDF: Right click on the link and choose “Save Target As” Choose were you want to save the InstanetFax Cover Sheet and name it. 12 Sending the InstanetFax Cover Sheet If you want to fax the documents to the recipients’ email right away, choose to print. Place the InstanetFax Cover sheet you just created as the first page of your fax. Be sure to send the Fax to the number shown on the InstanetFax Cover Sheet. Once sent the recipient(s) will receive the documents you faxed in the email address you indicated. FAXING TIPS: -If your fax machine is not clean, the InstanetFax Cover Sheet may NOT read correctly and the recipient(s) may not receive the documents you sent. -The fax machine should NOT use photo mode when sending a InstanetFax Cover Sheet. Q: How long will it take my fax to be received in the recipients email? A: A general rule of thumb is that the recipient(s) should receive the email in about 10-20 min. Remember though; you can choose to be notified when the recipient(s) has received the email. This is what the recipient email will look like: NOTE: Recipient view may vary depending upon email provider. We see that attached are the Documents we faxed and the Fax-Back Cover Sheet we chose to include. 13 Your Name Here Your Information will appear here. Intelligent Offline InstanetFax Cover Sheet Allows you to download and save a cover sheet to your PC and you can then print this cover sheet in order to send paper documents to a recipients email without logging into MRED FaxPlus™. Downloading the Intelligent Offline InstanetFax Cover Sheet also enables you to use the InstanetFax Wizard. This allows the users to access additional document and delivery features, including: -Send multiple documents as one fax -Select the type of Notification -Apply Digital Timestamps and Watermarks -Package multiple documents in one email -Password protect -Send a fax to a Blind Carbon Copied BCC recipient -Include a Fax-Back Cover Sheet in the email First you need to download the Intellifent Off-line cover Sheet, Click on InstanetFax from the Menu bar. Click on the link to download. A dialog box will appear asking if you want to Open or Save the file. -Choose Save -Select the Folder on your computer that you want to Save the cover sheet in -Click Save The Instanet Offline Cover Sheet will download, once it is complete, you can use this PDF Cover sheet anytime from your computer without logging into MRED FaxPlus™. There are 2 ways to use the Offline Cover Sheet: 1) Create a Simple Cover Sheet 2) Create an IntelligentFax Cover Sheet To Create a Simple Cover sheet, Open the Instanet Offline cover sheet you have saved to your computer. Add the recipient(s) email address You can Carbon Copy (CC) another email address if you would like to Enter the Subject as you want it to appear in the email. Enter the Message you want to appear in the email. Click Print Fax this cover sheet and the paper documents to the Fax number shown at the bottom of the Cover Sheet. The Documents will then appear as an attachment in the recipients email. See next page to create an IntelligentFax cover sheet 14 To Create an IntelligentFax Cover Sheet, Open the Instanet Offline Cover Sheet you have saved to your computer. Click on the orange circle to open IntelligentFax Wizard The first window of the IntelligentFax Wizard will open. Step 1 Enter the email address of the recipient(s) you want to send the documents to. Enter an email address of a recipient you want to Carbon Copy(CC) Enter an email address of a recipient you want to Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) Click Next Step 2 Enter the Subject, as you want it to appear in the email. Enter a Message, as you want it to appear in the email. Choose to send a copy to your email Choose whether you want to include a Fax-Back Cover Sheet Select if you would like to be notified when the recipient(s) has received the email. You can choose to be notified via email or fax. If you choose to be notified, enter the email or fax number that you want to be notified at. Click Next Step 3 This section allows you to choose how you want the documents to be attached in the email the recipient receives. You can split multi-page documents into 4(max) separate attachments, each with separate Names. To do this, select the Split Fax. Define the pages you want to separate and name them. See Example on Next Page. Example: You are sending an 8-page document that you want to split into four, 2-page attachments. Step 1 Select Split Fax into Multiple documents Step 2 Define the pages. Pages 1 and 2 will be in the 1st attachment, we put 2 in as the number of pages in the document 1 and Name the document Introduction. Pages 3 and 4 will be in the 2nd attachment, we put 2 in as the number of pages in document to and give it the title of Details. 15 Pages 5 and 6 will be in the 3rd attachment, we put 2 in as the number of pages in document to and give it the title of Form. Pages 7 and 8 will be in the 4th attachment, we put 2 in as the number of pages in document to and give it the title of Signature Page. Step 3 Option: have a watermark placed over each page Step 4 Option: have the documents password protected, which means the recipient must have the password to open the documents. The password will not be included in the email with the attachements the password is Case sensitive. Option: have a timestamp to appear on the documents. This will appear as a Fax timestamp along the top of each page of the document Step 5 Select Finish and a print preview screen will appear and then click ok to print the cover sheet with bar codes. Step 6 Fax the cover sheet and the 8-page document to the fax number at the bottom of the cover sheet. The recipient(s) will receive the email with 4 attachments titled as you have indicated. If you chose to include a Fax-Back cover sheet that will be a separate attachment. The other option we see here is Send documents as a branded package. By selecting this option along with the Split fax option the recipient will receive 1 attachment, but when they click on that attachment it will be separated into specific documents. To see more on how this will look to the recipient see Package documents on page 18. 16 MRED FaxPlus™ to Email: Email Selected Documents To email document(s) from DocBox to an email recipient(s) from DocBox 1. Select the documents that you want to email from your Folders in DocBox 2. Click on the I Would Like To: drop down menu and select Email Selected Documents 3. Click on the Go arrow HINT: You can select more than one document to send by using the Control or Shift keys on your keyboard The documents you have chosen to email will appear here. Sending Selected Documents: Add the recipient(s) name and email address. You can send to more than 1 email at a time by separating the addresses with a comma. OPTIONS: You can choose to Carbon Copy(CC), Blind Carbon Copy(BCC) and include a message in the email by clicking on the blue CC, BCC and Message links. Choose if you would like to include a Fax-Back Cover Sheet attached to the email. Package Options: By choosing Yes, create a package, multiple documents will appear as 1 PDF in the email to the recipient(s). See more on how Package Documents appear in the recipients email on next page. If you also choose Yes, save package, it will save the combined documents in 1 PDF in your DoxBox folders under a new folder called Packages. Click Send Email 17 Package Documents If you chose to package multiple documents, the recipient will receive an attachment similar to this in their email. To view the individual documents the recipient(s) should Click here this will display the individual documents at the bottom of the Adobe screen. The recipient can then click on the individual document names to open them Note: You can also package documents via the I Would Like To: Menu 1. Select the documents you want to package. 2. Choose Package Selected Documents from the I Would Like To: Drop Down menu 3. Clicking on the Go Arrow 4. Designate a folder you want the packaged documents appear in. 18 Other features in DocBox: Create a New Folder: -Create a New Folder in DocBox 2 ways 1. Right click to highlight one of the current folder you want to add a New Folder in and hover over New and then click on DocBox Folder. 2. Choose Create New Folder from the I Would Like To: drop down menu in DocBox and then click the Go arrow Either way, a form opens on the Right side where you can: 1.Type the new folder Name 2.Choose the current folder you want it to appear under. 3.Click Create New Folder Delete Selected Documents: -Delete a Folder in DocBox 2 ways: 1.Left click to highlight the documents you want to delete from your DoxBox folders. Choose Delete selected documents from the I Would Like To: drop down menu in DocBox Click the Go arrow 2. Right click on the Folder or documents you want to delete from DoxBox and choose Delete from the menu. NOTE: You can delete any folder you created, but you cannot delete the folders pre-set in DocBox. Rename a Folder: -Rename a Document 2 ways 1. Right click on the document in DocBox you want to Rename. 2. Choose Rename from the menu 3. Type the new name OR 19 OR 1. Left click on the Document in DocBox you want to Rename. 2. From the screen on the right, choose Rename Document from the I Would Like To: drop down menu and click Go Arrow. 3. Type in the new name and click Update Document Name Merge Selected Documents After uploading multiple documents you can merge selected documents into 1 multi-page document. 1.Choose the documents from DocBox you want to merge after you have uploaded them. You can select more than one document by using the Control key on your keyboard. Choose Merge Selected Documents from the I Would Like To: drop down menu in DocBox Click the Go arrow 2.Name the new merged document 3.Select which folder in DocBox you want it be placed in. 4.Click Create Merged Document Upload Documents via Email NOTE: Use this option to upload documents to your DocBox that are over 1.5Mb To upload Document via Email start from the DocBox screen. 1. Choose Upload Documents Via Email from the I Would Like To: drop down menu and click the Go Arrow. A box will appear with a linkthat says: click to open email client, attach documents and send 2. Click in the link. Your email will open with the To field, Subject field and a message already field in DO NOT ALTER THESE FIELDS! As you can read in the message of the email the Subject field must remain unaltered for the email to process into MRED FaxPlus™ 3. Attach the documents you want to upload to the email. 4. Click Send The uploaded documents will appear in your InBox Documents folder in DocBox Tabs You will notice that as you click on different tabs the menu bar remains in place. Home -This tab will take you to the Home screen view Desktop -Clicking the Desktop tab will display the documents you would see in your InBox Documents folder of DocBox. If you click on any one of those Documents or click Continue, you will be taken to DocBox. -You will also see a Click Here to begin Shopping link-this is covered in the Upgrades portion of this manual on pg. 28 20 Settings Tab Within the Settings Tab you will see setting managers related to My Preferences, Contacts, Branding and Sharing. My Preferences Manager Clicking Continue on My Preferences will open up Prefrences Manager. Preference Manager allows you to select options to personalize your MRED FaxPlus™. General Settings: Choose to have the Help mode called Easy As 1-2-3 Enabled or Not: Choose to have Tech Tips Enabled or Not. Tech Tips appear as: Choose the default screen after you log in Change TimeZone User Information: NOTE: In order to change or update This is where you can update contact certain information you may need information. to contact your REALTOR Password Management: Association. This is where you can change your password Email Signature: Add a Signature to appear in all emails sent. Document Settings: Shows amount of storage space left. In Document Settings you can also add or delete Document Types. Faxing Settings: In this section you can choose to Hide your Phone/Fax number from Cover Sheets You can also, choose to hide the Authentisign image from appearing on incoming faxes. This image will appear on any incoming fax unless you check the box to hide the image. Contact Settings: This section allows you to choose how you want your contacts to display when you open the Contacts tab. In Contact Settings you can also add or delete Contact Types. Account Activity: Displays the date, time and ISP address of when you have logged in and out of your MRED FaxPlus™ account. Notification Settings: Choose if and how you want to be notified when a recipient has accessed a document you have sent. Print Driver(DocBox Printer) Settings: This is where you can download the PrintDriver, view your User Key and have your Password sent to you. See Page 22-23 for instructions on downloading and using DocBox Printer. DocBox ToGo Settings: DocBox2Go Provides mobile access to your forms, files, transactions and contacts from your SmartPhone. To access this go to in your SmartPhone Browser and enter your MRED FaxPlus™ login information. Top Producer Settings: Allows you to have your Top Producer account and MRED FaxPlus™ account Communicate. NOTE: in your Top Producer account you need to go to your Preferences, select 3rd Party Services. Select Add Data Service. Select InstanetForms/TransactionDesk from the application drop down list. Now paste in your Top Producer Key Code that shows in the picture above under "Your Unique Code Key For Top Producer:",(for security purposes the key code on the account used has been blanked out). Press the Add Data Service button and DocBox Printer or Print Drive the two programs will be able to communicate properly. 21 Print Driver(DocBox Printer) The DocBox Printer allows you to fax, email and/or upload files into DocBox by virtually 'printing' them from any application on your PC by simply clicking on File, Print and selecting the DocBox Printer. To set up the DocBox Printer: 1. Go to the Settings Tab 2. Click on My Preferences 3. Click on Print Driver Settings Click on the link to Download DocBox Print Driver. Follow the steps to continue the download process. To verify that the DocBox print Driver has installed, open any document from your computer. Select Print (shown here from a Word Doc) Choose DocBox Printer by Instanet Solutions from the Printer Name drop down menu Click OK 22 NOTE: If you are using Microsoft and get this error, go ahead and download .NET framework: V 2.0 from Microsoft The first time you try to Print to DocBox Printer, you will be asked to enter your User Key and Password. The User Key can be copied and pasted from the Print Driver Settings Screen and you can have your password emailed to you if you do not remember it. NOTE: You will only have to enter the User Key, the first time you use the DocBox Print Driver, but you will have to enter your password each time. A box will open asking what actions you want to take with the document From this screen, you can choose to Upload, Fax or Email the document. You can also do all three at once. Upload the document to your DocBox Inbox or a specific folder. Fax the document to a recipients fax number & include a FaxBack Cover Sheet if desired. Email the document to 1 or more recipients & include a FaxBack Cover Sheet if desired. Apply a watermark to the document such as Draft or Confidential Preflight System Check Manager Clicking Continue on the Preflight Systems Check section within the Settings Tab will re-run the systems check that ran when you logged into MRED FaxPlus™ for the first time. 23 Branding Manager This is where you can add your own Company Banner that will appear at the top of your FaxBack Cover sheets. You can also add your Personal photo and Company logo as well as choose the Border color of emails. Add/Update Banner: Start by clicking Continue on the Branding section within the Settings tab. Step 1: Click on Change Banner Step 2: Click on the Add button to open the Document Viewer. Select the personal photo you wish to upload and Open. Step 3: Click Upload Banner. If the file you choose is not the right one, click on the Remove link and then you will be able to choose another file. Upload/change Personal photo: Start by clicking Continue on the Branding section within the Settings tab. Step 1: Click on Change Image 24 Step 2: Click on the Add button to open the Document Viewer. Select the personal photo you wish to upload and Open. Step 3: Click Upload Personal Photo. If the file you choose is not the right one, click on the Remove link and then you will be able to choose another photo. Upload/Change Logo: Start by clicking Continue on the Branding section within the Settings tab. Step 1: Click on Change Logo Step 2: Click on the Add button to open the Document Viewer. Select the company logo you wish to upload and click Open. 25 Step 3: Click Upload Company Logo. If the file you see on the screen is not the one you want to use, then click the Remove link and choose a new one. Email Settings, Changing Border Color: You can choose from the drop down menu what color you would like to border your emails. . Note: Your uploaded Banner and Personal Photo will appear in emails. The banner will also appear on the FaxBack Cover sheets Sharing Setting up a Share Group Through the Sharing function, you can set up an individual or group that you would like to be able to share documents with. Start by clicking Continue on the Sharing section within the Settings Tab Step 1: Select Create New Share Group from the I would like to: drop down menu. Click the Go arrow. Step 2: Give a Name to the individual or group. Click Create New Share Step 3: Choose an individual or multiple individuals from the list of Available Users that you want to be a part of the share group you are creating. NOTE: You can select more than one by holding the control key. Step 4: Determine what amount of Access you want to give the chosen individual or individuals in this Group NOTE: If you individuals in a group to have different levels of access to documents, add them 1 at a time. Step 5: Click Add Step 6: Click Save Share Information 26 Sharing a Document From the DocBox section of MRED FaxPlus™. You can choose a Document or Folder you would like to share with the newly created Share Group. In DocBox select a document or folder from the left side by double clicking on it. Information regarding the document or folder details will open on the right side. Click on the + sign next to Sharing Information to open sharing options. Choose I want to Share this document with others. Click on the Group or Individual you would like to share with and click Add. Select if you want to notify the individuals of the group that they now have access to this particular document. Click to Add New Shares for the Selected Members Contacts Your contact list can be found on the Menu Bar in MRED FaxPlus™ In the contacts area you can Add contacts or Import/Export Contacts. Add Contacts Click on Add a New Contact from the I would like to: drop down menu of the Contacts area. Click on the Go arrow Enter as much information as you want regarding the contact. The only required Field is the contacts Name. Click on Save Contact. The Contact will be saved in your contact List. NOTE: You can Filter your contact list by using the Filter Contacts section OR Search for a specific contact by filling in information in the Contact Search Options. 27 Import Contacts You can also import or export contacts from Microsoft Outlook using the Import/Export Utility within the Contacts page. Select Import/Export Utility from the I would like to: drop down menu and click the Go arrow. You will first be asked to agree to a user agreement. After reading, click on I Accept and Agree to the conditions outlined above Click Run The Import/Export Utility will appear with your Microsoft Outlook contacts. Select the contacts you want to Upload and click Import Contact(s) into TransactionDesk. NOTE: If your contacts do not appear the first time, Click Reload Contact List and select your contacts folder from Microsoft Outlook and click ok Export Contacts Same as above, except select Export Contact tab within the Import/Export Utility. Click Reload Contact List and your MRED FaxPlus™ Contacts will appear. Select the contacts you want to Export and click Export Contact(s) to Microsoft Outlook. Fax Log The FaxLog can be accessed from the Menu bar The FaxLog will display all faxes received and sent through your MRED FaxPlus Account™ Store The Store can also be accessed from the Menu Clicking on Store will open up a new page which will allow you to purchase in upgrades available. Currently the only upgrade option available is Add Vanity Personalized Local and Toll free fax numbers. bar. You can upgrade your MRED FaxPlus™ account to have a personalized fax number. This upgrade costs $49/year for local and $69/year for toll free numbers 28 Training Training Videos for MRED FaxPlus™ are available by logging in to the MRED Members only website , clicking on Training, then clicking on Training Videos NOTE: Some of the videos may take 2-3 minutes to load. Hands On (or in person) training is available through the MRED Computer Lab Days. To view dates and locations of MRED Computer Lab Days log in to the MRED Members only website , clicking on Training or call MRED at 630-955-2754. Custom Training for offices is available upon request. MRED requires a minimum of 10 attendees at a custom office training. For more information regarding Custom Office training please call 630-955-2754 Help For Help using the features of MRED FaxPlus™ please contact the MRED HelpDesk at 630-955-2755. The HelpDesk is available Mon-Fri 8:00am-6:00pm and Sat 10:00am-4:00pm FAQ’s Q: Does InstanetFax offer the ability to port over current fax numbers as vanity? A: Yes. But Some of the fax service providers refuse to comply with the FCC’s telephone number portability act. Some are not a problem at all. The user needs to ask their provider if they allow the number to port. If so, the vendor wil have an FCC form they fill out which I can send you then we handle the transfer. There is a $40 one-time charge for the porting. Q: Can I choose the vanity number I want? A: Sort of. Once you pay the annual fee for the vanity fax number, you will see a drop down of available numbers to select from. It is from this pool of numbers that you can select from. 29