National History Day - Highland Christian School
National History Day - Highland Christian School
June 2011 HIGHLAND CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Service Day Wish List Basketball Class of 2011 National History Day Pirates of Penzance How to Be: ...the most excellent way from the cover Blessings... in the City of Zion AND in the Valley of Tears Psalm 84:5-7 (paraphrase) Blessed are those who pass through the Valley of Tears and make it a place of springs...they go from strength to strength; each one appears before God in Zion. Looking back over the past year at Highland Christian School, it is easy to identify and embrace the blessings of God. We are blessed with over 450 unique and precious students, Pre-K through 8th grade. We are blessed with the commitment and passion of Christian Educators. We are blessed with active community support that reaches far past current students and parents. We are blessed with the tangible and intangible work of board members. We are blessed with a faithful support staff in the office, classrooms, BAC, custodians, PTO, and safe, caring bus drivers. We are blessed with parents sacrificing to raise covenant children. Highland Christian School is a clear miniature picture of the City of Zion! Unbelievable Blessings! Look at these smiling faces! At Highland Christian School, it is all about the kids! These kids, whom God has gifted, are entrusted to us for a short time. When we engage with them for learning and spiritual training, it is for the purpose of shaping lives for the glory of God. Thank you for your partnership with us and for the many ways you each have played a part at HCS this year. The events and accomplishments you will read about on the following pages, highlight the blessings of opportunity, of abundant resources, and of relationships. We look to God as the Giver of all good gifts and praise Him for his unfailing love. “I myself will search for my sheep and look after them. As a shepherd looks after his scattered flock when he is with them, so will I look after my sheep… I will rescue them…I will pasture them... and the mountain heights of Israel will be their grazing land.” Ezekiel 34:11-14 2 schoolbell June 2011 The blessings that are more difficult to embrace are those that are unpleasant. Nevertheless, it is in the wilderness Valley of Tears that we see the springs of spiritual growth gush forward. Embracing painful experiences we find ourselves moving from one level of spiritual strength to another. What would happen if we embraced these blessings with courage and joy on the front end of difficulty? We would be making the Valley of Tears into a place of gushing springs! Let us share three areas where we have seen such wilderness blessings this year! Student Challenges – As a staff we have seen students’ lives change trajectory through the proactive engagement of teachers. Speaking the truth in love, teachers have led with empathy and strategy. This is not just a nice thing to do, it is a difficult but right thing to do, and it shows us how to be. Christ embraced us especially when we were yet in our sins... Board Decisions – After wrestling through difficult (and sometimes unpopular) decisions, Board members have led us, trusting the ‘voice of the Lord’ in the group process. Submitting to this process has resulted in stability and mission driven direction. This is not just a nice thing to do, it is a difficult but right thing to do, and it shows us how to be. The Heavenly Father leads us, especially when we are kicking and screaming to go another way... Difficult Situations – As parents have wrestled with concerns and conflicts in the lives of their children, we have seen hearts renewed. This has taken courage and trust, submitting to the structure of authority, and due process. This is not just a nice thing to do, it is a difficult but right thing to do, and it shows us how to be. The Holy Spirit sanctifies us, especially when we are engaged in the wrestles of life... We have much cause for joy and celebration as we complete another year of Christian Education. We are deeply thankful for the innumerable ‘City of Zion’ blessings the Lord has given to Highland Christian School. We are especially indebted for the ‘Valley of Tears’ experiences of school life. God has richly blessed us as we have united together in Christ in a trek across ‘The Valley of Tears’. And there is no doubt, each one of His will appear before God in Zion! Israel Akinbobuyi Sean Armendariz Joel Bergsma Arthur Carey Carlie Cruse Colton Ebbens Justine Evenhouse James Fedele Courtney Herald Rachel Herrera Andrew Hladek Carmen Huizenga Lydia Huizenga Kalie Johnson Chad Ketelaar Laura Kortum PPhillip hillip Kostelyk Joel Kostelyk Kristen Laninga Derrick Lewis Garrett Porter Zackary Pruim Katherine Reynhout Aireal Sandidge Carolyn Sanjurjo Ryan Schulz Andrew Sitter Leah Smit Courtney Smith Hannah Sonner Andrew Stammis Devin Terpstra Ilandi Thomas Jon Van Til Leah Vander Wall Sara Vander Woude Gavin Yonkman Nathan Zuidema June 2011 schoolbell 3 students in action Eighth Grade Chicago Trip Chicago – it’s a great city with a lot to offer from culture to commerce. It has a great lakefront, an interesting history, and some fascinating architectural structures. Each spring the eighth grade class of Highland Christian School has an opportunity to explore part of the city. This year, on Friday, May 6, the eighth graders, their sponsors, and their chaperons enjoyed their annual Chicago Architectural Scavenger Hunt. The students began their tour on Congress and Michigan, working their way past the famous Auditorium Theater to the Harold Washington Library, and then past some of the earliest tall buildings in the city. These date to the 1890s. Students then work through the many fine buildings in the financial district, including the beautiful Rookery Building. They then proceeded west through the Theater District, home of the well-known Chicago Theater on State Street and Oriental Theater on Randolph. Passing by these buildings, the students caught a glimpse of another architectural chestnut: the Marshall Fields Store. Next on the agenda was the architecturally unique James R. Thompson Center. Its glass design and shape is a standout among the surrounding buildings. A massive food court on the lower level was host for the students’ favorite part of the trip: lunch. Almost any taste can be satisfied here in this large, diverse eating facility. Finally, the groups hiked to the lakefront, where they enjoyed Millennium Park and the Buckingham Fountain. The trip ended at Millennium Station for the train ride back. Millennium Station is located in the Chicago Cultural Center, which was originally the Chicago Public Library. This year, for the first time in three years, the participants enjoyed a warm, sunny day, as opposed to rain showers. This made for a fantastic day! Diversity Week “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.” 1 Corinthians 12:4-6. May 2-6 was Diversity Week at Highland Christian School. The school spent some time each day thinking about and discovering the diverse gifts and abilities that each child of God is given. During this week students thought about how God chose wisely when He made each person and that we are to do the best at the job God has designed for us. He gave us unique gifts for the role we have in His kingdom. We are to encourage and rejoice in the gifts of others that will help us to ‘build’ the road to God’s kingdom together. The last day was spent discussing the ultimate purpose of why were are working together and the road we are on. Bricks were 4 schoolbell June 2011 handed out to students who wrote on the brick the job that they have now and the gifts that God has given them to complete their job. Students also recognized the gifts that they see in each other. During Thursday chapel, led by Ms. Benson, the students placed their bricks along a path in the middle of the gym to visualize that each unique image-bearer has different gifts, and when we work together, unifying our gifts, we are fulfilling God’s purpose. Ms. Benson used the example of Ota Benga, an African who was seen as less than human because he was different and not as a unique, image bearere of God. We must look for the gifts in each other and to love each other even when we are different or unfamiliar to each other. God created our differences so that we could work together to complete His tasks for His kingdom. students in action Pirates of Penzance On Thursday, May 5 and Friday, May 6, 2011, the JH Choir performed Pirates of Penzance. This was a compilation of approximately 50 students and over four months of work during and after school. Telling the story of a mixed up job plan for Frederic and how he became a pirate instead of a pilate, this story unfolded into a comedic tale that allowed for everyone to have an enjoyable night. It was truly a blessing to see all of these students grow in their abilities and their responsibilities over the course of the preparation for the musical, and their performances were definitely a reflection of their hard work. We are already considering selections for next year and we look forward to seeing many people in attendance at the performances again next year. Math Triathlon On April 28, sixteen 7th and 8th graders participated in the 18th Annual Math Triathlon at Trinity Christian College. To prepare for this event, we spent several afternoons after school going over a variety of challenging math problems and brainteasers. On the day of the event, our students, along with students from eighteen other schools, traveled to Trinity to participate. The day included an individual, a team, and a relay event. The individual event was a test made up of 20 questions. In the team event, the students were split into groups of three or four to solve five problems. In the relay event, students had to answer questions as fast as they could. During the awards ceremony we found that Highland Christian tied for seventh place! In the individual event, Andrew Stammis was the top scorer for Highland. The 8th graders who attended the event were: Rachel Herrera, Ryan Schulz, Joel Kostelyk, Chad Ketelaar, Carlie Cruse, Sara Vander Woude, Hannah Sonner, Arthur Carey, James Fedele, Aireal Sandidge, Leah Smit, Colton Ebbens, and Andrew Stammis. The 7th graders who attended were: Jonathan Neeley, Jonathan Otte, and Aaron Riemersma. Thank you to all the students who participated in the Triathlon this year. They did a great job representing Highland Christian! June 2011 schoolbell 5 students in action Soles for Souls “Changing The World One Pair At A Time” is the motto of an organization called “Soles For Souls”. This organization sends shoes to people in dire need. At the end of February, the kindergarten teachers, Mrs. Shirleen Brown and Mrs. Judy Zandstra spear-headed a shoe drive for this organization. The students in Preschool and Kindergarten-8th grade and their parents contributed 416 pairs of shoes of all shapes, sizes and colors. These shoes were then sent to another organization in Sheldon, Iowa called Village Northwest Unlimited. There, 180 people with disabilities were provided work opportunities as they sorted all the shoes we collected. The shoes were then sent to men, women and children in Third World Countries. The students at Highland Christian School were truly blessed to be used by God to help others far away from us. High Honor Roll Third Quarter 2010/2011 Carlie Cruse Lorna DeWindt Elyse Dunham Colton Ebbens Rachel Herrera Bo Hofstra Noah Holderman Vanesa Huizenga Kalie Johnson Jared Jonkman Aaron Knapper Joel Kostelyk Caleb Last Carla Lopez David Montalvo Jacob Mulderink Jonathan Neeley Ethan O’Riley Sixth Grade Art Critics Honor Roll Rembrandt to Picasso, Rueben to VanGogh, Reynolds to...a strand of light bulbs? Yes, The Art Institute of Chicago has it all. The sixth graders spent a day viewing the 5,000 years of human artistic expression displayed at this encyclopedic art museum. They were, at times, both awed and astonished. Raena Bass James Bell Luke Boss Lucas Delahunty Sam Dittrich Justine Evenhouse James Fedele Lydia Huizenga Carmen Huizenga Tiffany Ketelaar Chad Ketelaar Raijai King Jak Klapak Hannah Kortum Laura Kortum Kristen Laninga Derrick Lewis Several docents (volunteers) led the students to various pieces and explained the context, theme, and technique of each work. Students saw, first hand, how the themes they had been studying in literature were also reflected in art. Earlier in the year, the students had read the novel Chasing Vermeer by Blue Balliett. One docent, upon receiving this information, planned a tour that followed the path Calder and Petra, the main characters, had taken through the museum in their quest to solve the mystery of a stolen painting. We marveled at the coffin of Paankhenamun, contemplated the stoic spirit portrayed in American Gothic, and wanted to step into Georges Seurat’s A Sunday on La Grande Jatte. Sometimes, however, we had to ask ourselves, just as Calder and Petra had done, “Is this art?” 6 schoolbell June 2011 Emily Otte Jonathan Otte Neal Pawlowski JP Peerbolte Aireal Sandidge Eden Schipper Courtney Smith Leah Smith Hannah Sonner Emma Spoelman Andrew Stammis Jack Thompson Melanie Van Til Sara Vander Woude Matthew Vargo Robby Zandstra Matthew Zandstra Third Quarter 2010/2011 Martha Mapes Steven Otte Elyssa Patricks Takoda Potts David Prince Zackary Pruim Katherine Reynhout Avrey Riemersma Sarah Schoon Norman Standish Devin Terpstra Jacob Thompson Leah Vander Wall Da’Yna Whitehead Cameron Zandstra James Zandstra students in action This year’s Service Day was fun, rain free, and full of God’s grace. The students all participated in various activities sharing their talents and gifts with many people. Kindergarten and Grade 1 shared their singing talents and their young author stories with the residents of Providence Life Services in South Holland. They brightened up the morning and afternoon for the residents and were accompanied by Ms. Boekeloo on the piano. Grade 2 made Pots of Encouragement again this year. The flower pots went out to pastors of the students and to our faithful PTO members. The students showed their artistry by decorating the pots and making coordinating cards. Grade 3 went out into the town to beautify the streets. They cleaned up areas along the bike path and along Jewett Street. This year Grade 4 tried something new by making soup packages for Beacon Light Food Pantry. The students packaged pasta, spices, beans and rice into a delicious soup pack (Mrs. Koutz and Mrs. Buder made the soup for the students and teachers to taste, and it was DELICIOUS!). Beacon Light was grateful for the 100 packages that will feed many families. Grade 5 returned to Ross Reformed Church to clean up the picnic area. We had an especially cheerful and hard working group this year, and the picnic area has never looked better! Junior High went to many different places, with two new projects added – Children of Abraham (an organization that packages medical supplies and food for disaster areas such as Haiti) and the Old Firehouse Community Center in Gary. There was some concern when only girls signed up for Children of Abraham, for we thought that they would need to lift 50 lb. bags of rice onto pallets! When the group arrived at the warehouse, the coordinator, Champ, was especially pleased that girls were in the group, because they needed help sorting and categorizing lead aprons! We were reminded again of God’s all knowing hand in everything we do. Thank you to all the volunteers, chaperons, and donors of materials and money that made this day possible. The blessings pile up one after the other and we praise God for His good and gracious love. Maple Syrup Time On March 16, 2011 our third grade students traveled to Deep River County Park in Hobart to discover maple syrup time. We learned that maple syrup can only be made in the early spring when the nighttime temperature falls below freezing and the daytime temperature is above 32 degrees. Each spring provides the perfect conditions for sap to flow in the maple trees. The students visited the sugar shed and saw giant pans of sap being boiled. This boiling sap slowly turned into pure maple syrup. They tasted a sample of the syrup, learned about the procedure to select a tree to tap, and the number of taps that a tree can support. The students enjoyed learning that it takes 40 gallons of sap to make 1 gallon of syrup, and that pure maple syrup has no added ingredients. Also onsite were period re-enactors called Voyageurs, who taught us about life in NW Indiana during the 18th century, and the value of maple sugar as currency. We enjoyed spending a beautiful morning outside learning about our Father’s marvelous creation. June 2011 schoolbell 7 students in action National History Day Kids came from far and wide to share their projects. There were projects on Boston Tea Party, the Lincoln Douglas Debates, the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Iran Hostage Crisis. Like any good project, the National History Day program rolled the proverbial ball onto the floor and let the kids play. put together a group documentary entitled Military: Weak or Strong? (The Military-Industrial Complex). Scores of hours were devoted to the project and when the students were ready to take their project to South Bend for the district level competition, we put our fate in the hands of the judges. The students were presented with a challenge at the beginning of the school year. Develop a project that covers the following theme in pretty much any format you prefer, the theme was Debate and Diplomacy in History: Successes, Failures and Consequences. Students were given the option of conducting their work in a group setting or individually and they could pick any of the following mediums – research paper, exhibit, performance, documentary or website. The outcome was gratifying. All their hard work paid off in qualifying for the state finals in Indianapolis this last month. While we were not able to qualify for the national competition in Maryland in June, the hard work and dedication that went into their projects was beneficial in more ways than one. The challenge of course is in putting the project together in a way that fits the time constraint of 10-minutes and is able to tell the full story in all of its rich details. My group of young historians gathered in the library on Wednesdays and many Friday evenings from early October through the first part of April putting together their research and planning the format of their documentaries. We accepted the challenge not knowing how well we would do. There were sessions where we struggled with the direction of the research and other sessions where it all came together smoothly. Through it all the students drew on their enthusiasm for the subject matter and the challenge before them to put together two wonderful projects. Noah Holderman did a documentary entitled the Berlin Wall while Jack Barth, JP Peerbolte and Matt Vargo As the year moved along, I was able to witness a growth in confidence along with a strong bond between the students grow. They were rightly proud of their accomplishments and were given a new public stature that comes with high achievement. National History Day has found that students who participate in this program are more likely to be better writers with the ability to use solid evidence to support their point of view. It is the active learning component that draws the students in. With this group of young scholars this year, I simply presented the challenge, exposed them to different points of view and made myself available to listen to ideas as much as possible. The National History Day program really allows the students to take on the learning and to cover subject matter that is really not possible in the regular classroom because they select the topics that they want to study. In the end, the students were able to do more than they ever thought possible and after watching the projects of other students across the State of Indiana, their horizons and perspectives are altered forever. Now, they know that they can learn, grow and compete with their peers. That is a pretty cool feeling. I, for one, look forward to watching this group grow with the program and to bring other students into this wonderful program. Bill Vargo, NHD Teacher/Facilitator Chambers Choir Invite The Highland Christian School Chambers Choir is looking for churches or other venues to sing at for the 2011/2012 academic year. This is a group of third through sixth grade students who serve the community by sharing the gift of song. The Chambers Choir can accommodate approximately 10 dates throughout the year. If interested, please have your church pastor contact Miss Boekeloo at [email protected]. 8 schoolbell June 2011 students in action Preschool Field Trip On Friday, April 29, Sonshine Enrichment Center, specifically 86 of its 103 students, about 86 parents and 6 teachers went to Fun Flatables in Dyer for a field trip to celebrate the end of the year. Students and teachers arrived at the facility, which was closed to the public around 9:00a.m. and had the entire facility to themselves for 2 hours. Fun Flatables has 3 rooms which all include blow up bouncy houses, slides and mazes with fun but age appropriate challenging ways to get up and down the equipment. The students had a fun time kicking their shoes off and running around with their teachers, parents, and classmates that they have established friendships and memories with throughout the 2010-2011school year. Many of the children were wiped out at the end of the trip. They left sweaty, thirsty and tired. What a successful day at Fun Flatables! The students are such a blessing to the S.E.C. teachers, and the S.E.C. staff is thankful they could share such a fun, bonding, and memorable time with the students and their families. Special Guest in Kindergarten Here in the 3-day kindergarten room, we have just celebrated 100 days!! The excitement was high. Then, just two school days later, we were able to celebrate day number 102 by entertaining a very special guest. Mr. Dick Zandstra came and shared some very interesting tidbits of his life with us! It was a lot of fun to visit with him and hear him answer some of our questions. He had a lot of wisdom to share and it was neat how he could relate to our little world. Here are some things that stuck with us after he left: >> He was 102!!! >> When you get old, your hearing gets old. >> His house was by Meijers. >> There were 13 kids living in a tiny house. >> He lived on a farm. >> There was no furnace. >> Every time he thinks about no furnace, his feet get cold! >> He worked in the garden a lot. >> Their dog’s name was ‘Bruno.’ >> His toys were made of wood. >> They had a horse and carriage. >> They traded vegetables for money. >> He sat on a sand floor in the basement of church. >> His wife died when she was 88. >> He looked old and used a walker. I know that the kids will not forget how he sang ‘Jesus Loves Me’ with them. He sang loudly and clearly and thoroughly felt at home in the crowd! Thank you, Uncle Dick for making a wonderful memory for us! God bless you...see you next year on day number 103!! June 2011 schoolbell 9 sports 6th Girls Basketball With only 8 girls, most of which was their first time playing the game of basketball, the 6th grade girls’ season was one of starting with the fundamentals and learning the basics of the game. The girls made huge improvements in both their knowledge of the sport as well as their basketball skills. Defense was the name of our game and we knew that the shots would eventually fall. Several of the games came down to a couple points in the final minutes. Even though it was heartbreaking losing in the last minutes, the girls kept their heads and spirits up. We had our tournament at Lansing in the middle of our season. The girls really shined and came together as a team. The intensity and aggressiveness we were looking for finally came out! Each game the girls showed great improvement and ended the season with a strong win. We were extremely proud of their great attitudes as well as their hard work and vast improvement this season. Great season girls! Team members were: JoAnn Huitsing, Vanesa Huizenga, Tiffany Ketelaar, Sarah Looney, Carla Lopez, Avrey Riemersma, Sarah Schoon, & Melanie Van Til. Coach: Jori Leeson 7th Boys A Basketball Thank you to all the players, parents, grandparents, teachers, scorekeepers, helpers and fans for another very fun and successful season. We really appreciate the outstanding support at all the home and away games. We are truly blessed to be a part of the HCS community. We really enjoyed working with these guys again and watching them develop during the season. We stressed to the guys that they are Christian student athletes and challenged our players to show passion for our amazing God and for the game of basketball. This group of young men had another outstanding season, losing only one game. They also played great during the DeMotte Tournament at the end of the season, taking home the championship by defeating Crown Point in the championship game! The boys were very determined to learn everything they could about the game of basketball and to improve individually and as a team. They were a joy to coach. Their enthusiasm, determination and desire were top notch and were a huge reason for the success they enjoyed this season. We look forward to watching and helping these boys compete for one more year at HCS. Great work this year boys and Go Huskies! Coach Z (Chuck Zandstra) & Coach K (Matt Kimmel) Highland Huskies 2010 7th Grade Boys A Team Roster Luke Boss, Isaiah Gaiser, Ryan Griffin, Chandler Kimmel, Garret Lytle, David Prince, James Zandstra, Luke Zandstra, Matthew Zandstra, Robbie Zandstra 10 schoolbell June 2011 sports 8th Girls Basketball Throughout this season the girls worked hard in practice and during games. I saw a lot of growth as individual players and as a team. Although we did not win a game this year, the girls were ready to play each game with their whole hearts. We played in a few very close games which were definitely some of the highlights of the season. I believe that this year of difficult games, tough practices, and their determination has prepared the girls for a successful season next year! I’m so proud of each one of you, way to go girls! Team members were: Emily Otte, Ilandi Thomas, Carolyn Sanjurjo, Lorna DeWindt, Mikinsey Pruim, LaTanya Gaiser, Destini Pimental, Diamond McCrimon, Elyssa Patricks, Anneke Brummel, and Emma Spoelman. I would also like to thank the parents for their support throughout the season by bringing your girls to practices, games, and riding the bus. Thank you again for all that you did throughout the season. God bless, Heidi Vermeulen The Octathlon This year Highland Christian was very proud to have the opportunity to host this brand new event during the track and field season. The Octathlon is basically two competitions running simultaneously, first the Octathlon, and second, a regular track meet for those not involved in the Octathlon. An “Octathlon” is basically a Decathlon with only eight events (Octa). This event was dreamed up to give the few stellar athletes on each team a chance to really let their abilities show by competing in nearly every event, and to allow the athletes who normally finish behind those “stellar” athletes a chance to place and medal in an event. Crown Point and DeMotte were invited to participate in the meet and each school was asked to enter up to four boys and four girls in the Octathlon portion of the competition. These athletes could only place in the Octathlon. Their score at each event was not considered for an individual medal, which gave many more athletes from each school a chance to place in an event. Octathlon Events: 50m Hurdles, Shot Put, High Jump, 400m, Discus, 100m, Long Jump, 1 Mile Each Octathlete’s performance from each event was then run through the same formula used internationally to score professional athletes in the Decathlon. HCS finished in the middle of the pack in the Octathon portion of the event and had some very impressive finishes in many of the individual events. The Octathlon was a huge success, and received very positive reviews from athletes, coaches and fans alike. This was a great event, one we will definitely be hosting again, and an event we would like to invite all HCS supporters to come and enjoy and to help cheer on our student athletes! June 2011 schoolbell 11 2011-2012 Calendar Come One, Come All to Join the Fun! Everyone’s invited to the HCS Foundation Back to School Picnic Tuesday, August 9, 2011 4:00 to 7:00 pm Where: Highland Christian’s front yard Who: friends, family, grandparents & neighbors Tickets will be sold for food & games. August 9 .....................................................All School Picnic August 18 .......................................... HCS Teacher Inservice August 22 .....................................................Illiana Inservice August 22 ........... New Family Open House 6:30-7:30 p.m. August 23 ............................School Starts - 12:15 Dismissal August ................................... S.E.C. Parent Night 7:00 p.m. August ......................................................Candy Sale Begins September .........................Ice Cream Social 6:30-8:00 p.m. September 5 .....................................Labor Day - No School September 6 .............................First Day S.E.C – T/Th Class September 7 ........................ First Day S.E.C. – M/W/F Class September 7 ........................................................Market Day September 13........................................... S.E.C. Picture Day September 14.......................................... H.C.S. Picture Day September ......................... Room Parent Meeting-8:30 a.m. September ...............................................See You at the Pole October 4,5 .........................9X13 Dutch Apple Pie Pick Up October .....................................................Mom’s Night Out October 13,14 ........................ CEA Convention-No School October 5 ............................................................Market Day October 21 ..................Grandparents’ Day-12:15 Dismissal October 24 ........................................Parent Performance of Grandparents’ Day Program – 6:30 p.m. October 28 ............................... End 1st Qtr. – Dismiss 1:45 November 2 ........................................................Market Day November 10 .......................Conferences - 12:15 Dismissal November 11 ...................... Teacher Work Day - No School November 14 ....................................................Soup Supper November 16 ...........................................Cake Roll Pick Up November ..........................................Strack & Van Til Days November 23,24,25 .........................Thanksgiving Vacation 12 schoolbell June 2011 November 30 ......................................................Market Day December 8 ........................Christmas Concert – 7:00 p.m. December 20 ................................................ 1:45 Dismissal December 21-January 2.........................Christmas Vacation January 3 ..................................................... School Resumes January 9 ............ Kdg. & SEC Open House 6:30–8:00 p.m. January 11 ...........................................................Market Day January 16.....................Martin Luther King Day-NoSchool January 27.............................. End 2nd Qtr. – Dismiss 1:45 January 28................................................................... ISSMA January ........................................................... Magazine Sale January ......................................................Mom’s Night Out February 4 ................................................................... ISSMA February ......................................................... Aurelios’ Days February 8. ..........................................................Market Day February 6 ......................................................... Chili Supper February 16 ...........All School Skating Party 6:30-9:30 p.m. February 17 ............................Faculty Inservice - No School February 20 ..............................Presidents’ Day - No School February ....................................................Family Fun Night March 1 .......................................... Kindergarten Screening March 1 ............................................ HCS Recital 6:30 p.m. March 5 ........................................................... Pastors’ Event March TBD...............................................Iowa Basic Testing March 7 ...............................................................Market Day March 13 ...............................Illiana Jr. High Choir Festival March 15 ...........................J.H. Spring Concert & Beg. Band PTO Meeting Before Concert March 29 ................................. End 3rd Qtr. – Dismiss 1:45 March 30–April 6 ................... Spring Vacation - No School April 9 ......................................................... School Resumes April ............................................Banket/Strudel Fundraiser April 11................................................................Market Day April 13 ...................................................... HCS Service Day April 16 .................................................... HCS Open House April ...................................................Strack & Van Til Days April 27 .......................................................... Silent Auction April 28 ............................................................. Live Auction May 3 ............................................. Kindergarten Round-Up May 4 .....................................Faculty Inservice - No School May 7 .............................Annual Society Meeting 7:30 p.m. May 9 ..................................................................Market Day May 10,11 ............................................ Junior High Musical May .................................................. Sub-Sandwich Pick Up May ........................................................ 8th Grade Banquet May 21, 22 .................................................... S.E.C. Last Day May 23 ..................................................... S.E.C. Graduation May 24 .............................................................. S.E.C. Picnic May 24 .............................. K-5 Spring Program – 6:30 p.m. May 28 ...................................... Memorial Day - No School June 6 ..................................................................Market Day June 7 ............................... 8th Grade Graduation 7:30 p.m. June 7 ..................................Last Day (K-7) 11:00 Dismissal friends in action Did you know that Mrs. Moore was in the cement business? Mrs. Moore’s first and last years as a teacher. Yes, she has been a foundation builder and has made impressions on “wet cement” for 35 years. She helped shape and mold over 800 children during her 7 years of teaching 2nd grade at Lansing Christian and her 28 years of teaching 1st grade at Highland Christian. Mrs. Moore has a passion for passing on knowledge and a desire to help others. She models kindness and patience with smiles and a loving heart. She is full of wisdom and always gives her best. She plants the seed of God’s love and grace in every child she teaches. We want to thank Mrs. Moore for making positive “impressions” on children by teaching, helping, guiding, inspiring, and loving them. As staff here at Highland Christian, we will miss Mrs. Moore greatly as she has been a role model, mentor, leader, guide and friend. We pray God will bless her as she enjoys her retirement and is able to spend more time with her husband, children and grandchildren. First graders with their Earth Day posters. They are encouraging everyone to help take care of the beautiful world God created. Auction 2011 Update Highland Christian School has once again been blessed with God’s grace, and we can see the results of His spirit working among us. The 2011 Live Auction, Silent Auction, and Bake Sale were able to collectively raise $102,000 in gross proceeds for Highland Christian School. It is God who eqips us to provide a Christ-Centered education, teaching our students How to Be. The school theme for this year “But eagerly desire the greater gifts....and now I will show you the most excellent way” sums it all up (I Corinthians 12:31). The Auction Committee would like to THANK all the servants who participated in the auctions and bake sale. Perhaps you were one of our generous donors or bidders? Maybe you served on Auction Committee? You may have been one of our servants who worked at the auction or behind the scenes shopping for items, baking, cooking, setting up, assembly, display, or clean-up? Maybe you were one of the families that attended the auction for the first time to see and witness His Awesomeness? THANK-YOU!!!!! Every year it is truly a blessing to see Christian students, parents, grandparents, teachers, auction committee members, and members of the community come together and work for this annual fundraiser to make it such a huge success. We THANK YOU for your generous support and THANK the Lord for His continued faithfulness in blessing our school! June 2011 schoolbell 13 wish list Auction Toshiba Laptop..............................................$1,400 Auction software upgrade .............................................. $400 Sound System Amplifier ................................................ $860 Building and Grounds New sand box for Sonshine .......................................$1,000 New steel doors in hallway to eliminate center post .................................................. $1,900 Portable handicap signs ................................................. $530 New Flag Pole ..............................................................$2,000 Tankless Water Heater for JR High Locker Rooms..... $3,500 Building and Grounds Summer Projects Reprint “Huskies” logo on gym wall mats.................... $620 Roof: tear off ................................................................... $2.900 felt ............................................................................ $950 shingles ................................................................. $9,700 flashings and vents .................................................... $50 new flat roof .........................................................$6,000 new flashing around flat roof ................................. $400 Parking Lot: sealcoat and stripe parking lot ............................ $3,500 Outdoor Basketball Court: crackseal and sealcoat basketball court............... $2,500 new striping ............................................................. $850 four new backboards.......................................... $200/ea four new heavy duty nets ..................................... $35/ea Music Room Upgrades: new shelving ............................................................ $400 CD/Ipod player ....................................................... $125 DVD player ................................................................ $50 bulletin board.......................................................... $100 Security Upgrades: outdoor camera for bus area ...............................$1,495 software upgrades.................................................... $880 Carpet: new carpet for one classroom.............................. $1,900 New 5-Day Preschool Four 5 packs of cots...................................................$170/pk Cot Carrier ........................................................................ $60 Three tables................................................................ $250/ea Twentyfour chairs ........................................................ $28/ea Area Rug .......................................................................... $350 Drying Rack ...................................................................... $85 Betty Lukens Bible Flannelboard Set............................. $250 Manipulatives ................................................................. $100 Multicultural Dolls......................................................... $100 Wood Blocks ................................................................... $350 Large & Small Vehicles ................................................... $100 Traffic Signs/Pretend Families ....................................... $100 Globe ................................................................................ $55 Color Paddles ....................................................................$10 CD/tape player with counter ......................................... $100 Music instruments/rhythm sticks/CDs ......................... $150 Floor Puzzles .................................................................. $100 Large Muscle Set ............................................................. $200 schoolbell June 2011 14 NWI Times Online Advertisement 1 Year Campaign ............................................... $500/month Four 2-way radios ...................................................... $250/ea 2nd Grade – Mrs. Donovan Overhead Projector with Stand ..................................... $430 Academic Support Center Grammar Software ........................................................... $98 Reading Comprehension Level 3 Software ..................... $98 High-Low Reader 2+ ........................................................ $98 Computer ....................................................................... $800 Transportation (3) sets of steer tires – 2 tires per set ....................... $600/set (4) sets of drive tires – 2 tires per set ...................... $680/set (8) oil changes........................................................$150 each Kindergarten Computer games: Word Munchers, Math Munchers ...................... $500/ea Literature Holocaust Remembrance Series For Young Readers (3 sets).................................$372.84 Library Ancient Greece – Set of 7 books ($15 each)............. $86/set America the Beautiful State Reference Books (52 books) ................................$1,400 Art 5 Art Display Panels .................................................. $250/ea Music SCH50 Xylophone Mallet #254831 .......................... $29/pr Studio 49 Series 1600 Orff Instrument Set (7 Instruments) .................................................... $2,900 (2) Trumpets....................................................... $600/ea (2) Flutes............................................................. $300/ea Before/After Care Activities and Enrichment Items ................................... $175 Technology (5) Student Computers for Library .......................... $500/ea (6) 52” LCD Televisions for Classrooms .............. $1,100/ea (35) Computers for Technology Lab ....................... $700/ea Office Plus 2010................................... 80 users at $66.00/ea User Licenses ......................................... 80 users at $6.67/ea Ghost Licenses ..................................... 80 users at $10.76/ea Express Licenses..................................... 80 users at $4.16/ea Express licensing for 2011 ......................................... $581.42 New Server ...................................................................$2,742 Startup and Install service...........................................$2,000 Wish List Selection Criteria The two questions below were considered before including items on the wishlist: 1. Is the item(s) needed to bring intentional growth to the particular program area in either breadth or depth? 2. Is there a high degree of confidence that the item(s) will be used in the very near future? friends in action etc...unbelievably blessed The story of etc... a resale marketplace has been one of challenges and blessings. What began as a Highland Christian Foundation money raising tactic, it became a ministry to the surrounding community as both a place to shop for great deals, and find a caring community. etc...’s volunteer base has built a community of love and concern for each other. We were challenged to be the best resale shop we could be, and our current reputation proves that we have met the challenge. We continue to post healthy increases over years’ sales, but more important y, we continue to meet new customers who can’t believe what we sell is used items! The look and feel of our store is unparalleled in the area. We were challenged to find a way to increase our business, and met that challenge by developing a liquidation furniture business that, once again, no other resale store in the area has accomplished. Our supplier has been overwhelmed by the increasing demand for furniture. We have already faced the challenge of renovation, adding the new furniture showroom. A fine group of volunteers stepped up to the challenge and gave us a beautiful, functional space. Through all of this, we have been blessed. Store Location etc... a resale marketplace is located in the strip mall across from the Crossroads Shopping Center on the northwest corner of the intersection of Route 30 and Route 41 in Schererville, Indiana. Our store is between Champion and Dollar Tree. 1650 US Highway 41, Suite D Schererville, Indiana 46375 (219) 865-5400 [email protected] Store Hours Monday 10am- 4pm Tuesday 10am-7pm Wednesday 10am-4pm Thursday 10am-7pm Friday 10am-4pm Saturday 10am-4pm Closed Sundays and holidays Our volunteers are beyond loyal, and are a hard working group. They operate as if this was their own store, and they have taken on the attitude of keeping our store the best in the area. They come in faithfully, and stay longer than is expected. The laughter and joy we experience is special to us, and there are many who would be nowhere else. We have been blessed with the TAP group from Lake Central, who though they have physical and mental challenges, are always a joy, and always diligent in their work. We also provide a place for those doing community service, both as mission, and as payment for their debt to society. That has been an important area of mission work, as we are able to be the face of Christ to those who may not be exactly “thrilled” to be there. They have been known to come back after their assigned time, and to also comment about the great atmosphere and acceptance they received while working with us. Customers as well, have special significance. We know many by name, as the resale shop customer tends to visit weekly, or at least bi-weekly. They share concerns with us, laugh with us, and tell others about us. We are also given the opportunity to help the community far away as well. We have provided clothing that people have taken on mission trips with the purpose of leaving them behind, and we most recently provided clothing for a company bringing relief to the Southern states hardest hit by the latest string of storms and tornadoes. The challenges and blessings will continue, as etc... moves forward in its growth. The next challenge will be in the changes of management structure which the board has determined necessary. As a result, Pat Tinklenberg will no longer be with the store, and we await a new team member. As always, we know that God will guide and lead the path that we take. Indeed, etc... a resale marketplace is unbelievably blessed. Come join us, and be blessed as well! June 2011 schoolbell 15 3040 Ridge Road, Highland, Indiana 46322 HCS MISSION STATEMENT In order to honor God, we nurture and guide students to see the Father’s creation to sense order in a world saved by Christ to serve God through the leading of the Holy Spirit CONTACT US 3040 Ridge Road, Highland, Indiana 46322 219-838-0356 PRINCIPAL Ms. Deborah Benson EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Jody Moes DIRECTOR OF RECRUITMENT AND DEVELOPMENT Jodi Lineburg SCHOOL BELL LAYOUT Christina Woo SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS John Boender Jerry Huizenga Rachelle Knapper Terry Krooswyk Matt Lenting Mary Mitchell Russ Rudenga Joe Sitter Frank Van Til P.J. Wiltjer Highland Christian School Foundation Legacy Prayer Plaza Project You walk through these doors to learn. You walk out to leave a legacy. The Highland Christian School Foundation invites you to celebrate those who have inspired your faith and learning by purchasing a personalized paver stone. These commemorative pavers will be displayed in the Legacy Prayer Plaza located on the front lawn of Highland Christian School. The Prayer Plaza will serve as a sanctuary for solitude and reflection for the family and friends of HCS. Your personalized paver will bear visible testimony to God’s faithfulness while honoring the special people, relationships and occasions of your life! The Legacy Prayer Plaza will be built brick by brick in the same way that HCS is built life by life. You walked into our community for learning. Now, together let’s leave a legacy for generations who are yet to come. Order forms are available online under the Foundation tab at: The RACE is On! Join us for some crazy midsummer fun at the Illiana Speedway! If you haven’t seen a Figure 8 Crash Fest you are missing out! Come cheer as our oldest bus careens around the track to raise funds for our transportation program. ILLIANA Speedway - July 9, 2011 “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it. - Proverbs 22:6 For more information, visit our website at
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