SOS Nov `14 - Sarasota Orchid Society
SOS Nov `14 - Sarasota Orchid Society
SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY ORCHID VIEW NOVEMBER 2014 Orchid View MONTHLY MEETING ♦ NOVEMBER 3, 2014 Great Room By The Bay ♦ The Activities Center MARIE SELBY BOTANICAL GARDENS 811 S. Palm Avenue, Sarasota, FL 6:00 pm Doors open 6:15 pm Orchid Culture Class with Roy Krueger 7:o0 pm Business Meeting ♦ Light Refreshments GUILLERMO SALAZER “AFRICAN ORCHIDS FOR FLORIDA” 8:30 pm Discussion & Ribbon Awards Members’ Plant Table A Plant Raffle completes our meeting! Guests are always welcome! www. " PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL 34276-2895 Page 1 SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY ORCHID VIEW " " November 3, 2014 HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE " " " " " " " " Refreshments for our meetings are provided by our members, not the society. Every member is asked to provide food or drink at least once per year. A notice of when it is a member’s turn to do so, is in each newsletter. If you cannot attend that meeting, we ask you to contact Denny Pavlock, at least two weeks prior to the meeting, so he can reassign you to a different month. Please let us know if you are a seasonal resident. We are asking those members listed below to please take their turn to help with refreshments for this month’s meeting. It involves bringing in light refreshments and/or beverages, assist with setting up the buffet table and share in the clean-up process after the meeting. Doors open at 6:00 pm and all set-up, with food and beverages, ready for our members by 6:45 pm, before the meeting starts at 7:00 pm. Your help will be greatly appreciated! Laurie Stoner" " Light Refreshment Carolann Streinz" Light Refreshment Beverly Taylor" " 2 - gallon Ice Tea Ryan Tittle & John Rich 3 one liter soft drinks Antonio Toscano de Brito Light Refreshment Patty Turffs" " Light Refreshment Barbara Tye" " Light Refreshment Jeanette Van Pelt" Light Refreshment Ruth & Jim Walsh" Light Refreshment Connie Waymer"" Light Refreshment Eva Webb" " " Light Refreshment Kay Weber" " Light Refreshment Jill Weidman" " Light Refreshment NOVEMBER 2014 ORCHID VIEW TABLE OF CONTENTS November 3rd Hospitality Committee........................................ 2 Speaker: Guillermo Salazar “African Orchids for Florida”...........3 Holiday Potluck Supper...........4 October Members’ Plant Table Winners ............................................5 S.O.S. October Meeting Minutes and Information...............6 Orchids We Should All Grow, C. Marjorie Hausermann................7 Members’ Schedule for 58th Annual SOS Orchid Show & Sale January 2015....................... 8, 9 & 10 Local Orchid Events...... 11 & 12 About Us..................................13 November 2014 Calendar.........................................14 $FUHV1XUVHU\6:)/3RWWHU\&HQWHU ;QWT )$50*$5'(1 3URYLGLQJXQLTXHSODQWVJDUGHQDFFHVVRULHV VLQFH ;IGEVV]WYTTPMIWJSV3VGLMHPSZIVW ,MKL5YEPMX]3VGLMHW 3VKERMG*IVXMPM^IV'PE]4SXW 'LEVGSEP'SGS'LMTW ;SSHIR7PEX&EWOIXW 3VGLMH&EVO 1M\ 7TLEKRYQ1SWW 'PMTWERHQSVI 6%HQHYD5RDG6DUDVRWD)/ 735S.BenevaRoad,Sarasota,FL34232 ZZZ<RXU)DUPDQG*DUGHQFRP Richard & Ann Wiechmann Light Refreshment Jinny Wiseman"" Light Refreshment Light Refreshments: Cheese & Crackers, Cookies, Desserts, Fruits, Nuts, Vegetables/Dip, etc. " If you are unable to attend this meeting, please call or email Dennis Pavlock, as soon as possible, or switch with another member. Thanks so much! Judy Robertson Email: [email protected] Ph: 941.966.8753 Page 2 PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL 34276-2895 SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY ORCHID VIEW NOVEMBER 2014 GUILLERMO SALAZAR “AFRICAN ORCHIDS FOR FLORIDA” " Guillermo Salazar will share with us his presentation on “African Orchids for Florida,” an overview of the most beautiful, unique and warm loving miniatures suitable to be grown right here on our southwest coast of Florida. " As a child of a nursery owner father and an interior and floral designer mother, Guillermo grew up and was able to develop his natural creative and professional talents even before attending college. Later he followed his dream of becoming a professional landscape designer; receiving his degree in Landscape Design & Management and later he receiving a Master’s in Science in Environmental Horticulture from the University of Florida. " As a 9-year-old living in El Salvador, Guillermo found orchids were the most attractive plants in this tropical environment and he started collecting them. He became the youngest member of the Asociacion de Orquideologia de El Salvador, the capital’s largest orchid society. During his college years back in Florida, he learned the importance of protecting natural resources especially orchids here in Florida. He is an AOS student judge, a board member of several orchid societies here in South Florida and a Florida Master Gardener. " Guillermo has worked for several years as a professional Landscape Designer in private, municipal, and governmental capacities in the South Florida area. He currently works as adjunct faculty professor for the Landscape Technology Department for Miami Dade College. His work entails teaching people how to use Florida friendly principles, as well as appropriate plants and orchids to design successful and environmentally conscious gardens. He has published several articles on home gardening, design, and orchid articles for South Florida design magazines. His credentials include: ISA certified Arborist, Certified Landscape Inspector and Certified Horticulturist. His specialty in orchids is Angraecoids, Bulbophyllums, rare and miniature tropical species. In his spare time, Guillermo, a professional breeder of Persian and Himalayan cats, also enjoys gardening, traveling, and works as a landscape designer and consultant. Note: As our Speaker this month, Guillermo Salazar, will be bringing with him, Orchids for sale to our members and guests. PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL Page 3 SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY ORCHID VIEW NOVEMBER 2014 SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY HOLIDAY POTLUCK SUPPER at SARASOTA GARDEN CLUB 1131 Boulevard of the Arts Monday evening, December 1st, 2014, 6:00 pm. " " " " " " This event is free for our Members and one Guest each. Your Society will supply Baked Ham & Roast Beef Members whose last name begins with A through E... bring Desserts G through S....bring a Casserole or a Salad T through Z.... bring Soda or Iced Tea As a courtesy, please mark your Serving Dish if it is sugar-free, vegetarian, gluten-free, etc. Should you wish, please feel invited to bring your favorite bottle of wine and wine glasses. Please sign up for this event during our November 3rd meeting at the Membership Table or call or email Jo Davis at 941.228.5501 or [email protected]. We will have a Show & Tell Plant Table as well as a Raffle! So please bring in one of your blooming Orchids for all to see and be judged. Since it is dark and without much outdoor lighting in the area of Sarasota Garden Club, it is suggested that you may wish to bring a flashlight that evening. Page 4 PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL" " SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY NOVEMBER 2014 ORCHID VIEW 2014 OCTOBER MEMBERS’ PLANT TABLE BEST HYBRID Prra. Bangkok Sunset Grown by John Rich WINNERS BEST SPECIES Bulb. enchinolabium Grown by Dennis Pavlock Men, YOU are Awesome! PHOTOGRAPHY BY SPEAKER’S CHOICE Rly. Sugita Spots Grown by Jim Roberts" MONROE KOKIN " PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL NOVICE Paph. lowii ‘Compact’ Grown by Joe Shumway Page 5 SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY ORCHID VIEW NOVEMBER 2014 WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS Joining Sarasota Orchid Society in October Darlene Kornacker ⋇ Bobbie Koenig ⋇ Cathi & Dave Fox We welcome each of you and look forward to your active participation on our monthly meetings and activities. Being involved enhances the enjoyment you will receive from your SOS Membership. October 2014 SOS Meeting Minutes. Laurie Stoner called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Jo Davis introduced new members and guests. Old Business: Is everyone getting the newsletter via email? Do you see the treasurer’s report? Any questions? No questions or problems. Did everyone see the information in the newsletter about the committees and volunteer jobs for our upcoming show? Who doesn’t know what committee they’re on? Jo and I will schedule a meeting with the committee chairs and then everyone will be contacted. No questions. New Business: Please sign up for the December potluck by the Nov. 3rd meeting so we’ll have a count for how much meat to buy and how many tables to set up. We will have a table at Your Farm & Garden on October 18th to hand out orchid information and sign up new members. If you would like to help out see Jo. We will also have a table at Mable’s Vines & Finds Boutique, the annual plant sale for the Sarasota Garden Club, on Saturday, Nov. 1st from 9-4 pm. I could use two helpers, so please see me at the break if you can help me. We will have a 15 minute break. Afterwards, Fred Clarke will speak to us on Australian Dendrobiums, but first take a look at the wonderful plants he has for sale. Announcements: All members and guests please visit the display table and vote for your favorite species, hybrid, and novice plants. We also have a nice raffle table tonight. Don’t forget to buy your tickets! 15 Minute Break After the talk: Jim and Roy went through the Display table. Mecky, Carolyn, and Al ran the raffle. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm. An Important Request to our SOS Members Selby has asked us NOT to leave the gate open and unattended at the entrance to the Activity Center on our Meeting night. Therefore, if you arrive after 7:00 pm, when our meeting has started, please call Norm Hillstrom at 941.726.0615 or Jo Davis at 941.228.5501 and a member will come down to open the gate for you. A sign hanging near the gate will also have the phone numbers listed. Please add these above two numbers to your cell phone. Your cooperation is very much appreciated! Page 6 PO Box 19895, Sarasota, SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY ORCHID VIEW NOVEMBER 2014 ORCHIDS WE SHOULD ALL GROW C. MARJORIE HAUSERMANN By Roy Krueger Is there an orchid lover among us who can resist the allure of a crystalline white Cattleya? I am certainly not the exception as I have never met the big white Cattleya that I didn't want to add to my collection. Was there any question why Marjorie Hausermann, shown here, had to be added my collection several years ago? to Buried in her background are seven stellar members of the Cattleya family, six species and one naturally occurring hybrid, blended in various combinations over six generations. They are; loddigesii, mossiae, warneri, t labiata, and the naturally occurring hybrid X dolosa which is a cross of loddigesii X walkeriana. gaskilliana, All are intermediate to warm growers and all like dappled to bright light. This combination leads to a plant that is easy to grow and which flowers several times a year. I grow this specimen in the pool cage in a pot with a coarse bark mix. It gets treated like most uni foliate cattleyas, heavy water and fertilizer while in active growth with a hard dry out between watering. George Hausermann of Hausermann Nurseries, Elmhurst, Illinois registered this cross in 1964. Is is a cross of C. Henrietta Japet X C. Ethel Leder. One of the things that I find most interesting about this cross is that all of the species in its background are primarily pink or pink forms. While most have Alba forms, it is unusual that the combination of them would lead to a form that is always white. Marjorie Hausermann is either solid white or white with a yellow center in its lip. Flowers are about 5” in natural spread with a full well formed petal that is slightly ruffled and a full ovate lateral sepal. The dorsal sepal is erect and the lip is ruffled. Up to six flowers can emerge from an inflorescence. Bloom cycles typically are in late summer and mid winter. The plant is not normally affected by disease. I treat it with systemic fungicide monthly from April through October and topically for pests if they appear. Most common irritants are thrips in the dry days of spring and botrytis during the winter bloom cycle. I control thrips with Orthene or Conserve applied in approximately ten day cycles for three applications in early spring. Botrytis is easier prevented than cured. It is a leaf spotting fungus that appears as tiny black spots on the petals and sepals. Once present, the flower is disfigured, though no lasting damage is done to the plant. Prevent it with good air movement to prevent moisture from remaining on the flower and spray preventatively with a solution of 1 tbs/ gallon of bicarbonate of soda (common baking soda) or with a spray of a disinfectant like Physan before the buds open. The mature plant is of modest size, with narrow pseudobulbs approximately 6” long and one or two 5” leaves arising from the top of each pseudobulb. When mature, it will send up three or more pseudobulbs twice a year. Growth will mature, sheaths will form and with little or no rest, the buds will fill and flowers appear. Do not over pot the plant. The roots must dry between watering. A mature plant of 20 or more pseudobulbs will fit nicely in a 6” pot. Plants are still available today, but may require a little searching since the cross is 50 years old. Look for one. It is well worth the effort and will reward you with a profusion of award worthy blooms. - Roy Krueger PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL 34276-2895 Page 7 SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY ORCHID VIEW NOVEMBER 2014 58th ANNUAL SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY SHOW & SALE Saturday, January 3rd, 9 am - 5 pm Sunday, January 4th, 10 am - 5 pm SHOW CO-CHAIRS Laurie Stoner, [email protected], Denny Pavlock, [email protected] " " and Jo Davis, [email protected], 941.228.5501 "" " PUBLICITY Jane Hagerstrom, [email protected] 941.359.9980 Thursday, January 1st, New Year’s Day, 1 - 4 pm SET-UP Chair: Norm Hillstrom, [email protected], 941.926.0166 Norm, Jo, Laurie, Denny, Karen Bird-Lister, Al Langdon __________, ___________, ____________. Friday, January 2nd, 8:30 - 5 pm HOSPITALITY - Servers Friday 8:00 am - 12:00 Friday 12 noon - 4:30 pm Saturday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Saturday 12 noon - 4:30 pm Sunday 8:30 am - 12 noon Sunday 12 noon - 5:00 pm Help! Chair: Patti Quinnelly, [email protected] 678.361.4440 __________________, ____________________, ______________________ _________________, ____________________, _______________________ _________________, ____________________, _______________________ _________________, ____________________, _______________________ Paulette Parent, ________________________, ______________________ ___________________, ______________________, _________________________ WE NEED HELP TO PROVIDE LUNCH TO ALL INVOLVED WITH OUR ORCHID SHOW! All SOS members should bring in food to be served either Saturday or Sunday of the show. Our society provides lunch, not only for our members working the show, but also for the other 6 participating orchid societies members, and the 15 vendors and their staff of approximately 30 more. Suggestions include: your favorite crock pot or casserole dish, soup, chili, mac and cheese, salads, side dishes, sandwiches, fruit, any kind of desserts, etc. Please label so that people will know if it is vegetarian, sugar free, gluten free, etc. If you have a hot plate or tray to keep your dish warm....great. Please mark dishes and serving utensils with your name. (An address label works great.) We will have a very small refrigerator so we cannot plan to store left overs overnight. Also, we do not have facilities to rinse or clean dishes or crock pots when empty. Please plan to pick up your platters, empty crock pots etc. no later than 4 pm on the day you bring them. We do not have a designated area to store them, and there are insects as well as rodents in the building. As you can see, hospitality is an essential and important part of the show. Please volunteer to help! SOS ORCHID DISPLAY Chair: Jo Davis, [email protected], 941.228.5501 Friday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Jack & Karen Knuese, Karen Bologna, Karen Bird-Lister, Leone Levy, John Rich JUDGES’ DINNER Chair: Connie Waymer,"941.924.7847 Friday " 5 pm-6 pm" Servers:____________, _____________, ____________. JUDGING CLERKS Chair: Alan Marlor, [email protected] Friday 6 - 9 pm: 1.John Rich 2.Madi Ruhl 3. George Ruhl 4. Karen Bird-Lister 5. Jane Shapiro 6. Manuel Chepote 7. Leone Levy 8. Patti Quinnelly 9. Roy Krueger 10. Jo Davis 11. _______________ 12.____________________ 13. _____________________ 14.________________________ 15______________________ Saturday and Sunday, January 3rd & 4th, 2015 RAFFLE SALES Chair: Saturday 9 am - 1 pm Saturday 1 - 5 pm " Sunday 10 am - 1 pm Sunday 1 - 4 pm " Page 8 Steve Haber, 941.321.5847, [email protected] Yoly Dwyer" Jane Shapiro, John Rich __________________" John Rich, Ryan Tittle PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL 34276-2895 SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY NOVEMBER 2014 ORCHID VIEW 58th ANNUAL SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY SHOW & SALE Saturday, January 3rd, 9 am - 5 pm Sunday, January 4th, 10 am - 5 pm ADMISSIONS - FRONT DOOR Chair: Roy Krueger, [email protected], 941.776.5079 Saturday 9 am - 11am Ria Escobar " ___________________ Saturday 11 am - 1 pm Elizabeth Lucchesi, Charlotte Dart Saturday 1 pm - 3 pm Kay Weber, Bob & Marta Hudson Saturday 3 pm - 5 pm Halina Farsun, __________________ Sunday 10 am - 12 noon Kay Weber, Ellen & Tony Nacinovich Sunday 12 noon - 2 pm Denise Crossley, __________________ Sunday 2 pm - 5 pm Halina Farsun, __________________ SURVEYS Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday Chair: Jane Hagerstrom, [email protected], 941.359.9980 8:45 am - 11 am Jinny Wiseman, Gail Mrkvicka 11 am - 1 pm " Lilli Overkamp, Manuel Chepote, Linda Chen 1 pm - 3 pm Peggy Sporer, Ruth & Jim Walsh 3 pm - 5 pm" Kay Weber, ____________________ 9:45 am - 12 noon Judy Sherpa, Ria Escobar 12 noon - 2 pm" _______________, ____________ 2 pm - 4:30 pm" Judy Sherpa, ___________________ INFORMATION, SOS MEMBERSHIP & SALES Chair: Lory Boyce, [email protected], 941.812.2447 Saturday 9 am - 1 pm _____________________________, ___________________________________ Saturday 1 pm - 5 pm Madi & George Ruhl Sunday 10 am - 2 pm Brigette Ortiz, Juanita Ortiz Sunday 2 pm - 5 pm Karen Bologna, Judy Sherpa ORCHID HOTEL Chairs: Saturday 9 am - 1 pm Saturday 1 pm - 5 pm Sunday 10 am - 2 pm Sunday 2 pm - 5 pm Al & Carolyn Langdon, [email protected], 941.773.9188 or 941.773.9189 Manuel Chepote, Carolyn Langdon Karen Bologna, __________________________, ________________________, ____________________________ Al & Carolyn Langdon HOW SIGNS Friday Evening / Early Saturday Morning / Sunday at 4 pm Laurie Stoner, Jo Davis SHOW TEAR DOWN Chair: Norm Hillstrom, [email protected], 941.926.0166 Sunday 5:00 pm " " Jo Davis, Denny Pavlock, Laurie Stoner, Al & Carolyn Langdon, ____________, " " " " ______________, ________________, ____________, ______________, _________, Should you wish to volunteer for any of the empty time-slots above, please contact the Chairperson for the Committee on which you would like to work - during the November and/or December Meeting or call/email the chairperson directly. As you can see from the listing here, we are in need of additional help and would greatly appreciate your assistance. Please be courteous to our guests and park in the Rear Parking Lot of the Municipal Auditorium. This will allow our paying visitors to park in the front of the building. Volunteers have free admission to the Orchid Show. If Members do not volunteer their time during the Show Weekend, they are expected to pay the $5.oo admission fee at the door. Thank you for your active participation. All your hard work is greatly appreciated! PLEASE NOTE: There will NOT be a monthly SOS Meeting on MONDAY, JANUARY 5th. We will all be exhausted and winding down from participating in our 58th Annual Sarasota Orchid Show! Together, let’s make it an awesome Show! PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL 34276-2895 Page 9 SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY Page 10 ORCHID VIEW PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL"" NOVEMBER 2014 SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY ORCHID VIEW NOVEMBER 2014 Selby Gardens Explores the Colors of the World SARASOTA, FL, October 17, 2014 Inspired by the vibrant colors of fall, Selby Gardens will transform the Tropical Conservatory with a new horticulture exhibit Colors of the Tropics: Explore Nature’s Palette. The display starts Oct. 17 and will First Friday Walk to Kick Off Holiday Season and Benefit Selby Gardens feature bold tropical colors presented in a rainbow starting with a color wheel of six revolving hues – purple, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. “The conservatory is always filled with rare plants from Selby’s world-acclaimed living collection,” said Mike McLaughlin, director of horticulture at Selby Gardens. “But twice a year we unify the conservatory with a different tropical theme for a limited time.” During Colors of the Tropics, tropical landscape plants and rare species from around the globe will be on display providing visitors a unique sensory thrill. Guests will learn how plants rely on color for survival, and how plants use pigments to produce their vivid colors. Interactive programs, classes and art forms will accompany the exhibit, extending its reach beyond the conservatory and into various locations throughout the Gardens. Colors of the Tropics will be on display Oct. 17 through Nov. 7. Entrance to the exhibit is free with regular admission into Selby Gardens. For more information about Colors of the Tropics and Selby Gardens, visit or call 941-366-5731. SARASOTA, Fla. – On Friday, November 7th, Selby Gardens will be the beneficiary of the Downtown Sarasota First Friday Walk, produced by the Palm Avenue Merchants Association and Sarasota Downtown Merchants Association. On that evening, beginning at 6:00pm, businesses, shops and eateries, decorated to welcome the holidays, will stay open late as live music fills the streets. Attendees can shop, stroll and celebrate as they stroll through the businesses and along the downtown sidewalks enjoying dancing, refreshments and special offers. “First Friday is a great way to showcase all the best that downtown Sarasota has to offer,” said Selby Gardens’ Chief Development Officer Ann Logan. “We are thrilled to be able to partner with these two outstanding community groups and grateful for their generosity in supporting the Selby Gardens.” Selby Gardens volunteers will help the event run smoothly, and in return event sponsors will donate up to 10 percent of sale proceeds from the day to the Gardens. More than 40 merchants participate in first Friday, offering snacks and refreshments, in-store entertainment and special promotions to visitors. First Friday is the perfect event to kickoff this holiday season. PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL 34276-2895 Page 11 SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY ORCHID VIEW NOVEMBER 2014 ENGLEWOOD AREA ORCHID SOCIETY HUGE SALE ORCHIDS & Other Plants SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 2014 9 AM TO 2 PM Christ Lutheran Church 701 N. Indiana Avenue Englewood, Florida Members Plants and Commercial Orchid Vendor FLORIDA ORCHID GROWING - MONTH BY MONTH By MARTIN MOTES, PHD NOVEMBER In November, we can no longer afford to be dominated by the illusion, so easy here at the northern edge of the tropics, that summer will never end. Although Indian Summer persists for the whole winter in South Florida, November is the month to prepare our plants for those short sharp blasts of cold which are inevitably coming as each successive cold front pushes the overall temperature a little lower and a little lower. Each day is shorter too. The loss of daylight savings time should awake us to the fact that there are less hours of sunlight to save our plants from the chill of the night. Many genera are already anticipating this sea change and have completed their growth for the season. Some like Catasetum, Cyncoches, Calanthe and the nobile dendrobiums are even beginning to shed their foliage in preparation for the cool, dry season. While the Himalayan Dendrobium species of the nobile and Ca$ista types, calanthes, cymbidiums and a few others actually relish temperatures down to near freezing, and most cattleyas and Oncidium alliance species and hybrids are not bothered by temperatures in the mid-thirties, the majority of the genera which we grow, vandas, evergreen dendrobiums, Phalaenopsis and others, benefit from being protected from the cold. Now, while the first breaths of cool air remind us that more and stronger cold is in the offing, is the time to start thinking about protecting our plants. Page 12 PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL 34276-2895 SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY ORCHID VIEW 2014 Sarasota Orchid Society Board of Directors President Laurie Stoner 941.358.8537, [email protected] Vice President Roy Krueger, 941 776-507, [email protected] Past President Monroe Kokin 941.586.7795, [email protected] Recording Secretary Jo Davis 941.228.5501, [email protected] Treasurer Dennis Pavlock 941.966.8753, [email protected] Members-at-Large Lory Boyce 941.812.2447, [email protected] Jane Hagerstrom 941.359.9980, [email protected] Norm Hillstrom 941.926.0166, [email protected] Roy Krueger 941.776.5079, [email protected] Carolyn Langdon 941.907.4161, [email protected] Patti Quinnelly 678.361.4440, [email protected] Judy Robertson 941.926.1819, [email protected] Committee Leaders 58th Annual Orchid Show - Jan. 3rd & 4th, 2015 Co-Chairs: Laurie Stoner, Dennis Pavlock, Jo Davis AOS Representative Laurie Stoner, [email protected] Counsel Robert M. Johnson, Esq., [email protected] Culture Study Leader Roy Krueger, [email protected]. Members’ Display Table Jack Knuese, [email protected] Susan Gerhardt, [email protected] Hospitality Judy Robertson, [email protected] Membership Co-Chairs Jo Davis, Patti Quinnelly Newsletter Editor CarolynLangdon, [email protected] Orchid Research Stig Dalstrom, [email protected] Photographer Monroe Kokin, [email protected] Publicity Jane Hagerstrom, [email protected] Raffle Hosts Mecky Kreissle, Al Langdon, [email protected] Storage Manager Norm Hillstrom, [email protected] Webmaster Dennis Pavlock, [email protected] NOVEMBER 2014 The Sarasota Orchid Society, Inc. (SOS) meets on the first Monday of each month at Selby Gardens. The SOS, an affiliate of the American Orchid Society, is a non-profit association with the aims of promoting the development, improvement and preservation of orchids through the dissemination of information concerning the culture, hybridization or development of orchids, and generally to extend the knowledge of orchids. Our membership dues at $20. for individuals and $25. for families are a great value. These dues help us acquire quality speakers for our monthly meetings and pay for special events such as picnics and repotting demonstrations. Our fund raisers, Orchid Auction, Orchid Show and Raffles raise additional funds to educate the general public about orchids and their conservation, provide scholarships to local students who will study horticulture, and support orchid research programs. “Orchid View” our Orchid Society newsletter, is published monthly by the Sarasota Orchid Society. It is included via e-mail at no charge for members. Deadline for articles, photos and information for the newsletter is the 15th of the previous month. Contributors to “Orchid View” give reprint rights to their work to newsletters and other affiliates of the American Orchid Society. PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL 34276-2895 Page 13 SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY NOVEMBER 2014 ORCHID VIEW NOVEMBER 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY 28 26 October 27 FRIDAY SATURDAY October 31st Happy Halloween ! 1 SARASOTA GARDEN CLUB Annual Plant Sale & Mabel’s Vines & Finds Boutique. See page 12 9 am - 4 pm ENGLEWOOD ORCHID SOCIETY Orchid & Plant Sale 9 am-2 pm. See p.12 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 29 30 2 3 NOVEMBER 4 SOS MEETING Speaker Guillermo Salazar “African Orchids for Southwest Florida” See page 3 5 6 7 8 NOVEMBER AOS JUDGING Orlando Area Judging Maitland Civic Center, 641 S. Maitland Ave, Maitland, FL 352-735-2898 http:// 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 NOVEMBER AOS JUDGING Tampa NorthCentral Judging Center 7 pm 813-989-9357 821 S. Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa, FL 20 21 22 NOVEMBER AOS JUDGING West Palm Beach Judging Center, 2 pm Flamingo Gardens Davie, FL 305-245-1711 23 24 25 26 30 1 DECEMBER Sarasota Orchid Society’s 2014 2 3 Holiday Potluck Supper at Sarasota Garden Club 6 pm. See P. 4 Page 14 PO Box 19895, Sarasota 29 4 5 ∗∗∗ SPECIAL NOTE There will be NO MONTHLY SOS MEETING Monday Evening JANUARY 5th, 2015"
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