Multi County Extension Agent University of Florida/IFAS Suwannee


Multi County Extension Agent University of Florida/IFAS Suwannee
Multi County Extension Agent
University of Florida/IFAS
Suwannee Valley Ag Extension Center
Mole Cricket Trails
Adult Mole Cricket
Root feeders. This one is a Japanese beetle grub.
Active at night.
Cut off plants at ground level.
A “wiggler”, damage in center of head is difficult to prevent.
Very large worm
Scratching damage by thrips
Thrips damage on onions
Thrips populations can be very high
Tomato spotted wilt transmitted by thrips
Aphids on okra
Aphids piercing/sucking mouthparts
Silverleaf whitefly life stages
Red “eye spots” to identify silverleaf
Normal color
Pale color from silverleaf whitefly
 Physical barriers such as row covers prior to bloom
 Select whitefly-vectored virus resistant varieties
 Reflective/metalized plastic mulches
 Soft Spray options: soaps(1%), oils, neem
 Other Spray options: Sprays containing acetamiprid
 Avoid peak whitefly times of fall months (Aug-Oct)
 Focus gardening in winter and early spring
 In greenhouses, use yellow sticky traps and insect
screening materials
 Choose crops not so attractive to whitefly
Spider mite webbing
Spider mites damage to eggplant
 Lady beetle larva feeding on aphids
 Many new kinds of insecticides today
 Don’t all fit under the categories we are used to:
 Organophosphates, pyrethroids, etc.
 Now have “Other insect nerve poisons” and
 New labels show Mode of Action code
 Desiccants (break down protective layers): Oils and
 Midgut: Bts disrupt insect midgut membranes
 Nervous system: many different targets, many
insecticides-Sevin, Malathion
 Cuticle synthesis inhibitors include: Courier,
Trigard, Dimilin
 Molting and metamorphosis: Confirm, Intrepid,
Knack, Extinguish, Neem
 Scout crops and identify problems
 Use cultural and biological controls if available
 Choose appropriate insecticide and rate
 Avoid repeated use of the same insecticide or
 Alternate insecticides with different modes of
 Cut stem and place in glass of water
 Look for white ooze
 Choose resistant varieties
 Soilless culture in containers
 Rotate crops and garden areas
 Start with healthy plants
Tomato spotted wilt on fruit
Foliar symptoms
 Select adapted, disease-resistant varieties
 Use transplants that are free from disease
 Plant closely related vegetables in separate areas of the
 Rotate garden areas to prevent planting closely related
vegetables in the same area year after year
 Control weeds that compete with vegetables that harbor
plant pathogens
 Control insects that carry disease
 Remove and destroy diseased plant material
 Remove plant refuse soon after harvest
 Disinfect garden tools and shears
 Apply fungicides appropriately and in a timely manner
when resistant varieties are not available
 Maintain a balanced soil fertility program
 Provide adequate space for plants
 Water in mornings
 Use drip irrigation if possible
 Use mulches to minimize splashing diseases from soil
Vegetable Family
Cucumber, Watermelon, Squash, Cantaloupe, Pumpkin,
Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, Mustard,
Turnips, Collards
Tomato, Potato, Pepper (all types), Eggplant
Beets, Spinach, Swiss Chard
Beans, Snow Peas, Southern Peas, English Peas
Onion, Shallots, Garlic, Leek
Sweet Corn
 AL = Alternaria stem canker
 GL = Gray leaf spot
 BE = Blossom end rot
 N = Root-knot nematode
 EB = Early blight
 TM = Tobacco mosiac
 F12 = Fusarium wilt races 1,2
 VT = Verticillium wilt
 Calcium deficiency
 Uneven watering
 Severe pruning
 Too much nitrogen
(Frost damage of cucumber)
 Bees move pollen from male to female flowers
 Cucurbit crops (cucumber, squashes, watermelon,
cantaloupe, etc.)
Robert C. Hochmuth
Multi County Extension Agent
University of Florida/IFAS
Suwannee Valley