2010 April USA Newsletter


2010 April USA Newsletter
APRIL 2010
Inside This Issue…
In This Issue
VOLUME 24, NO. 4
By Marilyn Conrad, Founder and Co-Director
Heart Smart ........................... 1-2
Obedience................................. 3
Friendship, Respect, Love. 1 & 2
Family Meal of Thanksgiving.... 4
Rock Pushing…….….… ...... ….3
Over the years we have learned from working
with covenant keepers as they are going through
reconciliation with their mates that there are
usually three stages to reconciliation: friendship,
respect and love.
The Beautiful Garden.. .…...…...4
Supernatural Happening.......... ..5
Covenant Moments…....………6
Look What God is Doing. ..……7
Conference Speakers ......... ..….8
Conference Registration. ……..9
Conference Information…...…10
He is Christ,
He is Lord,
He is loved,
He is adored,
He is risen,
He is our King,
He is triumphant,
Of Him we sing!
Marilyn Conrad,
Founder and Co-Director
"The soil produces crops by itself; first the blade,
then the head, then the mature grain in the
head. But when the crop permits, he
immediately puts in the sickle, because the
harvest has come." Mark 4:28-29 NAS
FIRST THE BLADE: The order of these
stages for reconciliation is usually opposite to how we think they should
be. Most envision a repentant mate returning home, filled with so much
love they can hardly contain themselves. We want the love to come first,
but it usually always comes later, after we have first been willing to be a
friend to our spouse. The first definition listed for reconcile in my dictionary
is: To bring back to friendship after estrangement.
Whenever separation and divorce take place, hearts, spirits and emotions
are wounded and deep hurts occur; therefore, it is important that we meet
our mates where they are. Usually, in the beginning, your spouse is willing
to only be friends. Friendship means you must be discerning and willing to
talk about the concerns your spouse has and understand where they are
coming from, even if they are wrong. What they are experiencing is real to
them because this is what deception does to a person. Deception causes
wrong to become right; and black becomes white.
Claim Ephesians 1:18: "I pray that your heart will be flooded with light so
that you can see something of the future he has called you to share.” TLB
Wes and Becky Smith share in their testimony how he talked about the
other woman, putting his head on Becky's lap and crying. Was this easy
for Becky? Absolutely not! She could have become furious, calling him a
jerk for expecting her to listen to him grieve over another woman.
APRIL 2010
Continued from page one
Instead, she was able to put her own desires aside and let him share
his emotions and pain. She was in no way agreeing with him or saying
what he did was right. Being a friend is difficult for many covenant
keepers because they think they are condoning their mate’s conduct by
doing so. The same thing applies to forgiving their mate: many think it
means they approve of what they did.
Most prodigals need the friendship stage because it is a time of "testing
the waters" to see if it is safe to consider returning home. "Can my
mate really forgive me or will they keep throwing my infidelity up to
me?" When they see a willingness on your part for friendship and true
concern for them and their needs, they can feel safe once again. Later,
Wes told Becky she was the best friend he had.
THEN THE HEAD: When Wes saw that Becky was willing to be a
friend to him and not put demands upon him at this stage, he
experienced a new respect for her. He recognized in her the qualities
that had drawn him to her in the first place, and he also saw strength
and a peace within her that he knew he was lacking.
How was Becky able to place her own needs aside and show concern
for her husband's needs? After all, he was the one who committed
adultery. He was the one who devastated not only her, but their
children as well. Becky had learned to not focus on Wes's sins or the
difficulties she and the children were experiencing, but to allow God to
do a work within her own heart and life. While Wes was involved with
the other woman she not only allowed God to heal her broken heart
and wounded spirit, but to reveal areas of her own heart that needed
changing. She quit blaming him for the breakup of their marriage and
began to take ownership for the part she had played.
As Becky opened herself up to God and read His Word, the Lord spoke
clearly to her, giving her the assurance that He was working in Wes’s
of her husband, one covenant keeper expected her husband to beg her
for forgiveness for all he had done to hurt her and dramatically declare
his love for her. For over two years he never repented to her and
although disappointed, she continued being a doer of the Word and
living the principles learned from being a covenant keeper. She
continued sowing seeds
Then one weekend her husband attended a Promise Keeper's meeting
with their son and one of the speakers spoke on the importance of
asking for forgiveness when we wound people. Until then he thought
that just coming home showed how much he loved his wife and how
sorry he was for hurting her. Once back home he repented to her and
asked her forgiveness, openly expressing his love for her. She reaped
what she sowed!
“Delight yourself also in the
Lord, and He will give you the
desires and secret petitions of
your heart.” Ps 37:4 AMP
The same thing was true in
Becky's case; a phone call to
Wes from her pastor resulted in
Wes committing his life to the
Lord. As a result it wasn't long
controlled his life began to lose
its grip and Wes realized he still
loved Becky and wanted to save
their marriage.
Reconciliation is not the same as
restoration. Restoration is the
end result of going through the
friendship, respect and love. God
will restore what the enemy tried
to steal, kill and destroy. He will
give you a deeper understanding
of One Flesh and reveal your
future and destiny and the call
upon your life together.
God's Word is true and your
mate will not only love you with a
deeper, godly love, but also be
your best friend!
Luke 12:31, "But rather seek ye
the kingdom of God; and all
these things shall be added unto
you." KJV
Recommended reading is my
book, Separation and Divorce..
A Journey in Growth and
Development. Also available is a
CD of Wes and Becky’s
testimony: Been There, Done
That #2
Please use order form on back
Covenant Comments
April 2010 Volume 24, No. 4
Covenant Comments is published by Covenant Keepers, Inc. a non-profit organization. Subscription price is paid by donations. Donations to Covenant Keepers, Inc. are deductible to the extent provided by law and
are received with the understanding that unless designated, they will be expended for tax-exempt ministry purposes at the discretion of the board of directors. © 2010 Covenant Keepers, Inc.® All rights reserved.
Mail inquiries to: 220 Westinghouse Blvd., Ste 405, Charlotte, NC 28273. (704)248.8777. Contact these National Directors in the following countries: Australia: Mary Johnson 02.9688.3281 Guatemala:
Gustavo & Roos’mary Barrios 502/332-3729 Mexico: Laura Gamboa 525554240341 or 525556060666 New Zealand: Joanne Fergusson 03-3514499
APRIL 2010
Rock Pushing
By Rex Johnson, Co-Director
We see many stories and
testimonies forwarded around
the Internet or sent to us
across the e-mail systems.
One that came recently was
about the man who had a
huge rock on his property.
One day the Lord told the
man to push the rock.
Although the rock was easily
ten or twelve times his size
the man vowed to obey the
voice of the Lord and set to
work pushing on that rock.
Each day for many, many
days the man pushed on the
rock. Through rain and
sunshine, heat and cold he
pushed with his arms while
facing the rock. Sometimes
he backed up to the rock and
braced his legs to push. The
rock did not move.
discouraged and Satan was
continually whispering to him
that he would never move the
rock. Eventually the man
became so discouraged over
his lack of success that he
cried out to the Lord. He
reminded the Lord that he had
been faithful every day and
asked Him if He was ever
going to help the man move
the rock?
The Lord’s answer was to
remind the man that He had
not asked him to move the
rock – only push. The Lord
reminded the man that when
he wanted the rock to move it
would move. The Lord
pointed out that because of his faithfulness of
pushing each day the man was now tanned
and healthy, had very strong arms, legs and
back and was now ready for the important
work the Lord wanted done. His faithfulness
and obedience had prepared him for greater
There is a parallel in this story to a Covenant
Keeper’s stand for the restoration of their
marriage. When the Lord spoke to you with instruction to stand on
your marriage covenant it was equivalent to telling you to push on
an immoveable object. Your “pushing” will take many different
forms – all of which will be making you spiritually healthier and
You push by studying the curriculum or approved materials, by
attending group meetings if possible, by attending special area
meetings and Yellow Ribbon Day celebrations. You push by
attending the annual conference in the USA or your country. Your
rock pushing may take the form of “zipping your lip” when you have
been hurt and rejected by the one you love.
The scripture in 2 Chronicles 20:17-18 comes to mind, "You will not
have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see
the deliverance the LORD will give you, O Judah and Jerusalem.
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them
tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you."
In other words – your position is to “just push”. Do not ask why you
must do this, do not say you are afraid, do not be discouraged. Go
out and “push” and the Lord
will be with you. You “push”
the rock and the Lord will
“move” that rock.
Be prepared.
It’s more
than the Boy Scout motto.
Be prepared to “push”. Only
the “ready to push” will see
the opportunity to do so.
Pushing the rock is your job,
moving the rock is His job.
As you mature in your stand and grow in spiritual strength you
learn how to minister to others who are in need and speak out for
marriage covenant. Push that rock! Marriage restoration will come
– on the Lord’s timetable.
APRIL 2010
The Beautiful Garden
By Patty Stewart, Canada
Over the years, my love of flower gardens has been a source of joy and
illustrations for God’s instruction to me. When I was growing up, the scent of
my grandpa’s roses and sweet peas would fill his backyard. It’s amazing how
the scent of these flowers brings me back to my grandpa’s garden and all the
wonderful memories associated with it.
Grandpa was a minister in the United Church and
he and grandma lived in the manse beside his
church in Ottawa, Ontario. My grandpa had a
wonderful Victorian rose garden with paths that
we would run around in. I have wonderful family
memories…the church bell ringing on Sunday
morning, getting dressed up and going to church,
grandpa’s preaching, the amazing pipe organ and
the choir singing the “Hallelujah Chorus.” These
were the events that laid a spiritual foundation
that God used to lead me to his throne of Grace
and finally to accept Jesus as my Savior and
Just Saved!
I gave my life to Jesus at a
struggling with feelings of
bitterness and unforgiveness
towards my earthly father who
had taken his own life when I
was a teenager. When I prayed
the prayer of salvation, I
thanked the Lord for forgiving
me for not forgiving my father. I
was set free! I left the church
service and went for a walk,
enjoying the presence of the Lord. My senses
were overwhelmed by the smell of lilacs blooming
all along the road. Whenever I smell lilacs I
remember that “just saved” moment!
During my stand, I found that God’s word used
many garden references to teach me, give me
hope, and promises for reconciliation. God used
the fig tree in Luke 13:6-8 as an illustration of
standing for my marriage. Every year that I
prayed for my husband, I would check again and
again to see if “there was any fruit” but (I) was
always disappointed. Finally (the Lord) said to
me, the gardener, ‘Give it one more chance.
Leave it another year, and I’ll give it special
attention and plenty of fertilizer”. For seven years
I prayed daily for my husband. Little did I know,
but there was spiritual fruit being born while he
was in the “far country.” The Holy Spirit was
watering him with His Spirit; my husband called
out to God in his despair and the Lord set him
free and sent him home!
Community Garden
Just recently, I spent the afternoon with a fellow
stander in the downtown area of our city. The
highlight of our trip was
finding the most beautiful
tended to by the local
apartment dwellers. Each
plot was in full bloom so
we wandered through
and found a bench to sit
and enjoy our picnic
lunch. What a blessing it
was to have discovered
this garden.
The next morning, I read in God’s word…”I am
overwhelmed with joy in the Lord my God! His
righteousness will be like a garden in early springfilled with young plants springing up everywhere!”
Is. 62:10, 11
I continue to pray Psalm 1 for my husband as I
did during my stand. I thank God that he has
planted my husband “along the riverbank, bearing
fruit each season without fail. His leaves never
wither, and in all he does, he prospers.”
God is the Great Gardener and we are
privileged to work alongside Him as we pray
and stand for our marriages.
APRIL 2010
By Joyce Hasty, Director of Prayer
Have you ever been in a
situation where you had no
control whatsoever and there
appeared to be no way out?
Recently I found myself
trapped in my seven foot
bathtub, for I had fallen straight
back into it while trying to reach
a towel. I had realized I was
dizzy and thought I should stop
and go lie down - but all too
A “suddenly” had
occurred and I had hit the back
of my head on the tub, which
produced a painful result.
For about twenty minutes I sat
motionless in that cold tub,
stunned and confused. I was
overwhelmed and realized that
I could not move. I began to
bind the spirit of fear and soon
I seemed to have my wits
about me.
I realized that every door to
my home was bolted and
locked and that the only entry
was by key. My garage door
was locked from the inside and
there was no key. (That now
has been corrected.) There
was a telephone in the
bathroom, but I could not reach
I did not have the strength to
stand up and I thought, “How
long will it be before someone
misses me, calls or comes by?”
All sense of hope had left me
and almost forty minutes had
now passed. I had been
praying in the Spirit between
the thoughts and crying out to
the Lord, “Help me!”
Finally, it occurred to me that
God was telling me to move
back to the shallow end of the
tub and so I did. I sat there
waiting for His next direction
which was, “Turn around and
put your good leg out of the tub
as far as you can.”
What happened next? I don’t
know. It was a supernatural
happening. I can’t remember
how I got out of the tub but I
was suddenly standing up on
the floor. I believe that some
big angels raised me up and
lifted me out so I would not
dash my foot against a stone
(tub, that is).
I stood there praising the Lord
and thanking Him for my
rescue! The “suddenly” had
been defeated and overcome
within that hour. I bound the
fear, concern or entrapment
again by that tub. No weapon
formed against me will prosper.
I came to the realization that
getting out of this situation
without any natural tools such
as Life Alert, phone nearby the
tub, and only one handrail, and
ignoring the dizziness is a
great set up for suddenlies for
which one is not prepared. I
later learned when talking to
my doctor that I had too much
of a prescribed medication that
had not allowed for my weight
loss plus I had a sinus
infection. But God’s grace and
mercy lifted me up and out.
A good process for believers to
1. Bind the spirit of fear and
any other truth-hindering
spirits. 2 Timothy 1:7
Cry out to the Lord and
hear His voice and follow
His directions. Revelation
Be obedient to His Word,
for obedience is better than
sacrifice. 1 Samuel 5:22
Believe that you receive
what you prayed and asked
for. Luke 1:37, Mark 5:22
and 1 John 5:14-15
By following the above process
along with praying His Word
you are putting actions to your
faith. Predicaments such as
mine that need a quick answer
very often need solving through
a process while other prayers
instantaneously. Let faith arise!
God wants to help us and He
wants to use our lives to help
others as we choose to hear
and obey His voice. Be aware
of His promptings and you will
see Him working miracles
around you. Look for them!
Watch for the supernatural!
God can heal your marriage in
a twinkling of His eye. He is
able to get you or your spouse
into a position of agreement to
miracle. Prayers avail much.
The following scriptures may
provide encouragement and
strength in your daily prayer
lives: Romans 4:20-22; Mark
9:23; 2 Corinthians 9:8-9;
Ephesians 3:20-21; 2 Timothy
APRIL 2010
Covenant Moments From Around The World
Together Again
CK appreciated being able to
look after his sick child, and
experienced more of what it is
like to be a father.
CK's wife accepted an invitation
to dinner on Christmas eve with
CK’s family.
Zimbabwe: “I came to know
about Covenant Keepers through
a friend and joined the group in
Zimbabwe in mid 2008. The
helped me to stand for my
marriage. It was not easy to
stand, but through Christ Jesus I
managed. My husband came
back home from the noncovenant. I am happy he is back
but there are “little foxes” that still
appear in my marriage. So
please send me the newsletter to
encourage me.”
QLD: CK praising God for a
great Christmas, even seeing
husband briefly.
NSW: Husband has left partner
and has good communication
with CK.
VIC: CK leader has two healed
marriages from her group.
SA: CK's daughter able to see
her dad.
CK’s husband phoned her land
line, instead of their son's cell
phone. CK has a new Godly love
for her husband.
CK had a family meal, including
her husband. Later he came
back to CK’s house and had cup
of tea and cake.
CK had a positive encounter
when her husband popped in
briefly and unexpectedly.
CK was very aware of God's
grace & presence when meeting
with her in-laws, her husband &
the non-covenant partner.
CK spoke to her husband after
more than 2 years of no contact.
He contacted their daughter who
happened to be there for CK’s
birthday. She asked him if he
wanted to speak to CK and he
said yes and wished her a happy
communication with wife has
CK sent Happy Birthday text to
his wife. She replied, "Thank you.
Bless your day too."
AZ: CK’s husband invited her to
be his friend on Facebook. He is
in touch with her son and has
him listed on Facebook also. Mal
On Valentine’s Day CK was
invited by brother-in-law and wife
to join them and CK’s husband
for lunch later in the month.
Praise the Lord!
CA: CK spent the day with her
CT: CK’s husband responded to
a short Merry Christmas email
with a Merry Christmas email in
GA: CK’s husband came for four
days. Hugged and kissed her
good-by and said he and other
woman broke up.
CK’s husband told relative that
his home life with the other
woman is miserable.
MN: CK was inducted into the
University of Minnesota Gymnastics Hall of Fame in January.
OK: CK’s husband called her
Valentine’s Day.
CK’s mother-in-law told her she
would always be her daughter.
CK and husband text messaged
for ten minutes after the super
Two CK’s are having communication with their mates.
ORE: CK had awesome email
from hubby – no strife.
CK spent time with husband
recently during an evening.
CK was able to talk with his son
about covenant. Son said it gave
him hope.
Ck’’s husband needed a job and
thanked her for praying.
CK got snowed in with
hubby! He visited the area just as
the snow began.
CK reports that her husband is
definitely changing.
WA: CK took his son to dinner
and a movie for his 18th birthday.
Son opened up and talked with
his Dad for the first time in a long
CK and husband are communicating better and laughing
together. Their son is more
APRIL 2010
CK has new job with Christian employer.
CK was given a week’s holiday at a resort in
CK able to take her boys to her family in America;
they felt the Christian love.
CK received a good price for her home & has a
smaller one being built.
CK got a new job easily when she moved to a new
CK’s daughter is having triplets!
CK thankful for covenant teaching at her church.
CK got her job back after being away 20 yrs.
CK is back at work after stroke.
CK was able to face family problems with
confidence in God.
New Zealand
Ck was given a generous donation to help pay for
car repairs.
CK invited the CK group to help her celebrate her
30th wedding anniversary. She has been standing
for 20years.
CK's son has decided to go back to church. He now
understands that being a Christian is a total
CK's son has said that he is at peace with his Dad
and has reached a place of acceptance.
GA: CK is in process of getting a CD produced with
13 original songs.
LA: CK knew her job as a teacher was at risk due
to budget cuts and she was given a date when the
school would close. Thanks to prayer and a letter
from CK’s students, the minds of those in charge of
the school district were changed and the school was
not closed. The students saw that their actions
made a difference and saw God answer prayer.
OK: CK was able to spend time with mother-in-law
on Valentines Day.
OR: CK’s mediation was postponed due to illness
of husband’s lawyer.
CK met with brother-in-law and was able to witness
to him.
CK’s daughter has reunited with her husband.
PA: CK desperately needed a vehicle and a truck
was given to him.
WA: After a very long time, CK is again having a
wonderful time with his children.
Our group agreed this was a very interesting lesson
as a number shared that many a time we forget who
the real enemy is, then launch battles at the wrong
person. A number shared that their battles have
been targeted at their spouses, non-covenants and
other relatives. The revelation that our spouses or
other people are not our enemies left us making a
recommitment of faith in Jesus and His word. We
discovered that prayer and reading the Word were
the powerful weapons that could assist us to
become over comers. We ended with ministry as we
prayed for one another.
CK’s son and daughter both did well on critical
school exams. CK praises God for bringing
moments of celebration to her family.
CK could not afford school fees so daughter had to
study at home. However, she passed her A Levels.
Come to sunny Brisbane November 12-14
Featuring Marilyn Conrad, USA Founder and Co-Director of Covenant Keepers
For information contact: Mary Johnson: [email protected] or call 041 553 6714
Willow Park Christian Centre - Eastern Beach, Auckland
October 29 – 31 Contact Joanne Fergusson at: [email protected]
APRIL 2010
Clifton Taulbert grew up and was educated in the Mississippi Delta during the era of legal segregation and
surprisingly, it was during those dire times of his young life that he experienced “Community” . . . the
power of intentional unselfishness. It changed his life! The world was introduced to his small community of
Glen Allan, Mississippi in his internationally acclaimed memoir, Once Upon a Time When We Were
Colored, which was also made into a movie and starred Phylicia Rashad.
A speaker, author and film maker, Clifton has lectured at many institutions of higher learning including
Harvard University, The University of Tulsa and the United States Air Force Academy. As a PulitzerNominated author and journalist, he has written nine books, including the internationally embraced book,
the Eight Habits of the Heart.
Clifton’s ability to connect with diverse individuals across a broad professional spectrum has introduced him to audiences
from members of the United States Supreme Court; as a personal guest of Sandra Day O’Conner, to CEOs of Fortune 500
Companies as well as educators around the world.
A graduate of Oral Roberts University, Clifton L. Taulbert is President and Founder of Freemount Corporation. He and his
wife, Barbara, live in Tulsa.
Mike & Marilyn Phillipps
Mike and Marilyn
Phillipps of 2=1
Ministries will be
ministering to leadership this year.
Their goal is to
train couples to
equip the saints for
the work of the ministry. They have
partnered with Covenant Keepers to
help equip our leaders also
The goal of 2=1 is to bring answers to
marriages and families from God’s
blueprint, the Bible. They believe
there is no impossible situation or
person and all families can be healed
and strengthened through these lifegiving principles from the Word.
Phil Stern
Phil Stern has been in
fulltime ministry for 33
years and has a passion
for the family. He and his
wife Linda have ten
children (yes, ten!) ages 30 - 7 and
are committed to the foundation of
marriage and the family.
Phil is
fulltime in Apostolic work and
ministers to families, churches and
pastors around the world. Phil and
Linda conduct Parenting Seminars to
help parents catch the vision to raise
their families as "Arrows in the Hand
of a Mighty Warrior.”
Former pastors of Cornerstone
Family Church in Tulsa, the Sterns
moved to St. Louis, Missouri in 2000
and pioneered Destiny Church. Their
older children are now the lead
pastors of the church which has gone
from 50 to over 1,300 members.
It has been several years since Phil
ministered at our conference and we
look forward to having him with us
this year. The Apostolic covering for
Marilyn and Covenant Keepers
ministry for many years, Phil's
messages and prophetic giftings will
be an encouragement to all.
Craig Hill
Craig Hill, Founder
Int’l, will also be
sharing. Craig is an
anointed Bible teacher
and popular speaker
world wide. The Ancient Paths is
Craig's most popular book and the
basis for the ministry's seminar
series, the Ancient Paths Seminar.
The author of many best selling
books and a leading authority on the
subject of Covenant, Craig is a dear
friend to this ministry and has
faithfully attended our conferences
and taught us about covenant. We
are blessed to have him speak and
look forward to what he has to share
with us. Craig and his wife, Jan, live
in Morrison, Colorado.
Charlyne Steinkamp
Charlyne Steinkamp
and her husband Bob
Marriage Ministries,
Inc. twenty years ago
Following her divorce
from an unfaithful and abusive Bob in
the 1980's, Charlyne realized that
God had not given up on her husband
as she had done. Charlyne began a
spiritual journey with God that
changed her life and saw the
Steinkamps remarried to each other
in 1987.
You have read her daily devotionals
on Rejoice Ministries web site, and
maybe even heard her on “Stop
Divorce” Radio or watched her and
Bob via the internet. Now see her in
person. What a treat you will
experience as Charlyne encourages
us to stand firm on the Word of God,
without wavering. She says, “Your
battle is to be fought in the prayer
closet and God will touch your
prodigal spouse. Trust Him to do
what He promises in His Word.” We
are blessed to have Charlyne with us
this year.
APRIL 2010
JULY 22 – 25
“For This Very Purpose”
"For this very purpose I raised you up, to demonstrate My power in you, and that My Name
might be proclaimed throughout the whole earth." Romans 9:17
Four Days – Tulsa Radisson Hotel
41st & Highway 169
We have added an extra day. Opening session starts 7:00 pm Thursday evening, July 22nd. We
will end Sunday at noon, July 25th. Call the Radisson Hotel 918.627.5000 for reservations
No program for teens/tweens
HOTEL: Conference rate is $79+/night (1-4 per room). Call the Radisson Hotel at 918-627-5000 & tell them you are
with Covenant Keepers. One night’s deposit or a credit card is necessary to hold reservation (refundable per
hotel guidelines). Conference rate may not be available after June 30th.
DEADLINES: Registration by Wednesday June 30th includes three meals. After June30th, meals are not included.
CONFERENCE REGISTRATION: Early Bird Special—$95.00
(Must be received or postmarked on or before Wednesday June30th to qualify for this special price)
NOTE: After June 30 registration increases to $145.00
IMPORTANT: Conference registrations are not refundable. If you register and cannot attend the conference you
may transfer your registration or make your registration available to someone with special financial needs.
REGISTER ON-LINE AT covenantkeepersinc.org
Make checks payable to Covenant Keepers
NAME __________________________________________________________
ADDRESS _______________________________________________________
EXPIRATION ____________________________
CITY/STATE/ZIP __________________________________________________
ADULTS @ $95/$145 _______ TOTAL __________
NO CHILDCARE IS AVAILABLE (please do not bring children unless you provide your own childcare)
MAIL TO: Covenant Keepers Inc. 220 Westinghouse Blvd, Ste 405, Charlotte, NC 28273 USA Call: 704.248.8777
APRIL 2010
If you are interested in leading a Covenant Keepers group
contact your Regional Director. Leadership training will be
on Thursday, July 22nd at 1:00pm before the conference
begins. Trainees must be pre-approved by their Regional
Director and also complete and return leadership forms.
To identify your Regional Director email our office at
([email protected]). Contact your Regional
Director ASAP to start the approval process.
Send your registration on or before Wednesday, June
30 to qualify for our special rate. Early registration is $95
After June 30
registration increases to $145.
Registration form is on the bottom of this page (or register
online @ covenantkeepersinc.org). Registration includes
three meals. After June 30th no meals are included.
We also encourage you to make your hotel registrations
early to ensure that you receive the special conference
rate of $79 per night.
Renew your wedding vows at the 2010 conference.
Contact the office (704.248.8777 or info@covenant
keepersinc.org) for information and details.
Couples are invited to attend a special couples
session/meal at 5:00pm Saturday the 24th (Self-pay).
Thursday, July 22
New Leader Training……… …….……….…1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Registration…………………….…….…... ... .1:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Opening Session ………….......………………………….7:00 PM
Charlyne Steinkamp
Friday, July 23
Breakfast (included with registration)…… .………..……7:30 AM
Healed Marriage Testimony……………… ...……………9:00 AM
Craig Hill ……………………………………. …….……..10:30 PM
Leaders Come Together .........…………………………..1:30 PM
Mike & Marilyn Phillipps
Call to Prayer……………………………………....………1:30 PM
Dinner (included with registration)………………. ……...5:00 PM
Evening Session & Communion ...................................7:00 PM
Craig Hill
Saturday, July 24
Healed Marriage Testimony………....................... …….8:30 AM
Charlyne Steinkamp ………………..........……………..10:30 AM
Lunch (included with registration)……… ............ 12:00-3:30 PM
Fun Around the Lunch Table ........ ………………Clifton Taulbert
Couple’s Meal…………………………………….......... …5:00 PM
Evening Session ..... ………………………………………7:00 PM
Phil Stern
Sunday, July 25
Brown Bag Breakfast (included with registration) . …….7:30 AM
Phil Stern ……………………………………… ........ ……9:00 AM
Closing Session………………………………................11:00 AM
Preparing and running a conference is a huge undertaking
which requires careful planning, and many people to
make it a successful event. However, it is impossible for
our small staff to fulfill every task, especially this year after
moving our office to Charlotte..
Listed below are a few of the areas where your help is
vital to the success of our conference. Please prayerfully
consider sowing a few hours of your time to serve and
help us make our conference a huge success!
Sign-up by contacting us at 704.248.8777 or email us
at [email protected]
Many hands make light work!