Issue 50 • December 2013 1 • GameOn Magazine Battlefield 4 Review


Issue 50 • December 2013 1 • GameOn Magazine Battlefield 4 Review
Battlefield 4 Review
Issue 50 • December 2013
1 • GameOn Magazine
2 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 3
Welcome dear readers to Issue #5 of the World of Warcraft Community magazine. For just about two
months now we have been enjoying and exploring Draenor and all it has to offer us. Events and holidays
continue to line up our calendars keeping us all pretty busy in-game. We hope your having a blast too!
This issue has got some familiar features returning with The Lore-Down: the New Warlords - Part 2, Pets Among
Us - a battle pet guide for zones in Draenor, and How to Achieve… coming back this issue with mount collecting.
‘To be continued…’ we have articles from last issue wrapping up the History of the
Conflict Between Orcs and Humans and Adventuring through Draenor.
With the release of the first raid tier this expansion, we have our staff’s and some of their guildies’
opinions on Highmaul Raiding as well as a Highmaul word search that is printable so you can take it to
go. Be sure to check out the guide on PvE addons, a good start for any up and coming new raiders.
Thanks for reading and from the WoW Community Magazine we hope you have a fantastic
holiday season and a great New Year in-game and out. See you all in 2015!
Steve Greenfield
Managing Director
E-mail: [email protected]
Leanne Dugan
The GameOn Magazine
4 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
Editor: Leanne Dugan
Design: Kris West
Assistant Editor: Ashleigh Ayn Sult
Additional Design: Steven Dawson
Additional Design: Jessica Greenfield
Staff Writer: Christian Wootton
Staff Writer: Heather Cook
Staff Writer: Leanne Dugan
Staff Writer: Erik Rhyne
Staff Writer: Luke Grimish
Staff Writer: Andrew Spalding
Staff Writer: Ashleigh Ayn Suit
Staff Writer: John M. Miller
The GameOn Magazine
Additional Proofing: Emsey P. Walker
Photography: Ashleigh Ayn Sult
Do you appreciate alliteration? Marvel at a wellplaced metaphor? Do you enjoy the therapeutic
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By Chris Wootton
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 7
Normal-mode dungeon gear
elcome kiddies to
Steel” will send you in for an Iron
Grimrail Depot. One
Autocannon and will result in
has the chance to have a tertiary
of the new batch of dungeons
the transmog item The Bloody
stat, and Heroic-mode dungeon
for Warlords of Draenor.
Bandanna which just screams
gear has the chance to have a
John Rambo. “Cleaving Time”
tertiary stat, Extra Socket, and/or
twist, this place is one of the
will send you in to get an Iron
be Warforged for a +6 item level
more interesting dungeons
Limbcleaver. This will get you
boost.Most of the dungeon loot
in the expansion due to the
“Gamon’s Braid”, a beautiful
is the same across the range,
main concept…. A FECKIN’
little toy that will turn you into the
but the bosses have individual
GREAT TRAIN! Oh come on,
Tauren everyone loves to gank,
loot too. Don’t forget though boys
who doesn’t like trains?!
the one and only Gamon. If you
and girls, this isn’t individual loot
complete the challenge master
unless your leader sets it to be.
With 4 bosses and a bit of a
It’s a level 100 dungeon that
Nitrogg Thundertower drops
on normal mode drops ilevel
for this dungeon and get a realm
615 gear with 630 kit in heroic
best time you earn the title “the
the Scepter of Brutality and
mode, and has 4 bosses.
Grimrail Suplexer”. Players on
Thundertower’s Targeting Reticle.
As with all the other dungeons,
the legendary ring quest will
Railmaster Rocketspark drops
you’ll get sent here by Inn or
get sent here in heroic mode to
the Overseer’s Final Word.
Tavern NPCS The quest “Cold
grab a core of iron by Khadgar.
Skylord Tovra drops the
The GameOn Magazine
8 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
Arrowbreaker Greatshield,
to interrupt or stun because
occasional slam. Those missiles
Thunderlord Flamestaff, and
if they finish the cast you’re
are going to pop 50K fire damage
Tovra’s Lightning Repository.
going to get an Iron star in the
on everyone within 3 yards of
face and that is going to hurt.
impact so “don’t stand in the
Some of the trash can be a pain
stupid” and you’ll be ok. Slam will
in the behind and might wipe a
low geared group. Watch out for
Grimrail Engineers, these guys
In the depot itself you find
hit everyone, so it’s just boring
old damage mitigation on that.
can throw an ability called 50,000
the team of Rocketspark and
On heroic mode, there’s a kink in
volts at the dps and healers
Borka. These two are a goblin
that slam will interrupt casting
and it’s chain lightning that’ll
gearhead and a troll who’s
and prevent anything from that
put some serious hurt on the
been hitting the ‘roids. It’s a
school of magic briefly. DPS
squishies. You can’t interrupt this,
fast paced fight that will test
meter monkey’s can concentrate
but you can CC or stun the sods
your awareness especially
on hitting Rocketspark when
to put them back in their place.
if you’re the meatshield.
they can and Borka the rest of
the time and it’s just dps them
As if that wasn’t bad enough, on
Rocketspark is going to fly
occasion they will run to an Iron
around, throwing missiles at
Star and start to cast activating.
two random people while Borka
Once you’ve avoided mad
This ability is one you also want
stays on the floor throwing the
dash, stayed out of the stupid
The GameOn Magazine
down evenly and we’re all happy.
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 9
and got rid of these two it’s on to
boss 3, Nitrogg Thundertower.
This bit and onwards is in the
train, so Unreal Tournament
players will be getting ASHispeed flashbacks by now. Tank
and spank him to 60% and he’ll
run for his assault turret and
the fun begins. This is when the
sides of the train open up and you
can go around the cargo that’s
in the way and kill boomers if
you’re DPS to grab shells that you
can fire at him from blackrock
turrets. Healers need to hide
behind obstacles when he’s
using suppressive fire and tanks
need to pick up reinforcements.
Check the dungeon journal
for the intricacies of the fight
but it’s basically learning
to duck behind boxes when
he’s laying the hurt down.
Boss 4 is Skylord Tovra.
Skylord Tovra is cake. Keep
away from the freezing snares,
avoid standing in the path of
spinning spears, and move out of
dead, so don’t do it!
the diffuse energy pools created
long and the only place you’re
when this guy flies overhead and
going to be able to stand is off the
casts thunderous breath. The
train and that leads to a messy
and girls, Grimrail Depot,
soft enrage for this fight is that
death under the wheels. Squish!
choo choo and all. Good luck
every time thunderous breath is
On Heroic and Challenge
used more of the platform gets
modes, standing in the
covered by the pools, so take too
stupid will get you very very
Well there you have it boys
have fun, and remember…
it’s all the tank’s fault. ;) ■
By Chris Wootton
The GameOn Magazine
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By John M. Miller
ey there guys, Eilthis is
flask with no material cost, the
back in action with the
question of yes or no doesn’t
matter nearly as much and that’s
launch of Warlords! While gear,
potions, and foods have flown y
When you’re running around
where stat crystals come in.
Introduced with Mists of
in a whirlwind of activity, there’s
beatin’ up baddies, be it in
always been a few items that
dungeons, raids, or quest zones,
Pandaria, the Crystal of Insanity
stick around in my bags. People
you want to be getting the best
was a highly sought after item. It
always ask me what I think are
return on your investment.
increased all stats by 50, half that
some of the most useful items
Flasks and potions are strong,
of a regular flask, but was not
to have around for Warlords of
but just expensive enough that
consumed when used, only gated
Draenor, so I figured I’d let ya’ll
you wouldn’t want to use them
by a cooldown. It was a huge hit,
in on my secrets, so here we go:
for just anything. But, if you could
less stats but a permanent item
get the stats similar to that of a
that you could use for anything
The GameOn Magazine
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from dailies, to dungeons, or even
item. This was hotfixed rather
mount. Any zone where there’s
wipe nights in raids. Originally it
quickly, but those two weeks
puddles, lakes, or even rivers is
was dropped by the rare spawn
will always be a fond memory.
easier to get through with this
item; I never leave without it.
Sulik’shor in the Valley of the
Four Winds and he was camped
constantly because of it; but when
Obtained via a high rep with
the Timeless Isle was introduced
The Anglers from the Mists of
you could obtain your own crystal
Pandaria expansion, this fishing
by looting glowing fragments at
raft has carried me farther than
discussed above, foods can have
the cave near the Celestial Court.
I ever expected it to. When you’re
a lasting effect on how powerful
trying to get from Point A to Point
your character feels, providing
newer, more powerful, version
B in World of Warcraft, or really
buffs, health, and mana to help
was added as a reward from the
anywhere, water is one thing
keep them out in the field. When
Inn, which invites adventurers
you’ll dread having to deal with.
I was taking on the challenge of
In Warlords of Draenor a
and heroes from Warcraft lore
Just like with the crystals we
Outside of being a Death
leveling within the first day one
to give you dungeon quests in
Knight, Warlock or Shaman
of the most notable issues was
exchange for wonderful rewards.
options have always been limited,
needing to stop and eat to heal up
As a fun fact, at launch and for
but this item changed that forever.
after a massive pull. This either
two weeks afterwards, this item
You can glide across water like
cost money or resources to keep
was weighted way too heavily,
it was nothing, and if you mash
up and eventually just lead me to
offering 200 of every stat, an
spacebar hard enough you’ll
passive regeneration and healing.
almost laughably overpowered
be going nearly as fast as a
That is, until I met Ba’ruun.
The GameOn Magazine
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Ba’ruun is a large fungal giant
rare spawn located within the
mushroom forest West of Elodor
double from the Inn, this item will
stick around for quite a while.
These kinds of items, to me,
The Ever-Blooming Frond,
almost go without explanation,
in Shadowmoon Valley. It’s a
another Inn quest reward, is
but their use and whereabouts
permanent food item, usable in
similar to the Bountiful Bloom, a
can help many generations of
any zone, which restores 60%
permanent item which restores
new, or even old, players who may
of your maximum health and
health and mana; but this item
have missed the use they had.
mana on a five minute cooldown.
works as a buff, restoring a
It’ll save you a lot of cash, in the
percentage of your health and
my guild told me I should
long term, not needing to buy
mana every second, topping
add this, half as a joke and
water for mana or bandages for
you off faster than Ba’ruun’s
half as a cruel reminder
health and will scale with your
and with the extra benefit of
that it’s an underutilized
character, meaning, outside of its
not needing to stop and use it.
tool. Set it to Stormshield,
• Hearthstone: Everyone in
or better yet, one of the
Pandaren capitals, and have
easy access to just about
anywhere you need to be.
• Jiana’s Locket: A portal
anyone in group with you
can use to head to Dalaran
• Brawler’s Ring: Instant
travel to the Brawl’gar
Arena in either Stormwind
or Orgrimmar.
• Argent Crusader’s
Tabard: Fast travel to both
Northrend and Dalaran,
and from there Stormwind/
Orgrimmar. I keep it around
just because of this.
• Wrap of Unity: Once you
can get to Stormwind/
Orgrimmar you can rule
the world, so go for it. The
easier it is for you to get
The GameOn Magazine
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here there better, since it
new purchasable versions are just
the time in front of that screen
just leads everywhere else.
as handy, but at a small price.
doing the grindier aspects of the
game, and boy howdy are reps
• Signet of the Kirin Tor: This
gets you to Dalaran, a great
place to get to the Caverns
The Salyin Battle Banner
one of them. A nice increase to
rep gain not enough for you?
of Time super fast. Also
is a drop from the rare spawn
How about some bonus honor?
Salyin Warscout in the Valley
Maybe free experience for newer
Did I mention Stormwind?
of the Four wins, in the bottom
characters? Cus’ that’s as good
right corner of the map.
as it gets, so deal with it.
• Wormhole Generators:
Any Engineer should keep
It turns you invisible for about
I hope anything here happens
these around, they’re just
2 seconds then sounds a big,
to catch your eye, since they’ve
too handy! Easy travel to
red, scary lizard man away from
been really helpful over the
almost anywhere in the
you that enemies love to follow.
years, at least for me. Being able
world, outside of Pandaria
It’s saved my life from huge
to travel as fast as possible is
since that’s a dice roll.
packs of mobs more times than
one of the first steps to success
Always bring a parachute,
I can count, although it doesn’t
in WoW and that can be done
which leads into:
work in raids anymore. Great
by teleporting, floating, or just
for just running through things
taking less time between stops.
or confusing Horde in Ashran.
So see if any of these might help,
The Goblin Glider has
Guild Battle Standards: With a
find them, and make ‘em yours!
been a staple of Engineering
new expansion comes new reps,
And trust me when I say that I
awesomeness since its
PvP zones, and nights sitting
know a thing or two about having
introduction, so of course it’s
in front of a screen. One of the
stuffed bags, so happy hunting! ■
going to keep the titles. It does
best things you can do is make
everything you need it to and the
it so that you spend as little of
By John M. Miller
The GameOn Magazine
14 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By Ashleigh Ayn Sult
y main has a bag space
The biggest offenders are
treasure (If only I had a Firestone
things like the old school
to complete my set). The last
8 years since her creation, and
Insignias of the Crusade and
Dusksteel Throwing Knives while
429 days of played time, she’s
the Dawn. I only have 6 of one
turning in junkboxes for ‘the
racked up a lot of weird things and
and 1 of the other, but I hate
Insane’. A grey book of prohibited
has a full void storage to prove
the idea of deleting them. They
magics, that likely belongs on
it. I have to admit dear readers, I
were so important and seem
my bank alt, but I’ll likely think
have a serious in-game hoarding
so cool now. And Archmage
is garbage the second I mail
problem. Which admittedly, is
Vargoth’s staff, it’s still not a toy.
it to her. Every Brewfest Stein
weird for a player who moved
Oh, and my Grand Spellstone,
(thanks Blizz for only making 4 so
3,000 miles with a suitcase, a few
which you can no longer make
far). And a blackened Urn, now
shipped boxes and nothing else.
as a warlock, but somehow still
problem. After just under
languishes in my bags, and I
The GameOn Magazine
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grey, but I feel guilty about selling.
and on for a year and a half only
white smoke flares from an
Let us not even mention four
to find it for 10,000 gold while
incident where an officer of mine
legendary items (not counting
hanging out on a PvE server.
got hacked 6 years ago and ours
multiplied endlessly, somehow.
the new clusters) and the five
Day of the Dead costumes that
There’s also the silly items
on my alts and bank alt, such as
I even hoard macros that
letters from friends, every bundle
are long defunct. Who knows
of flowers and cakes, rings, and
when I’m going to need a Divine
transmog piece imaginable, just
necklaces from birthdays and
Intervention and Soulstone/
incase, along with random bits
good or bad days. Old materials
Battle Rez rotation marco for
of PvP gear and tabards that I
such Devout Candles or original
Deathbringer Saurfang’s Boiling
will never wear but feel obligated
stacks of Red War Fuel line my
Blood mechanic? What if I need
to keep because they’ll count
priest’s banks. I’m strangely
to run the core on Lady Vashj
for an achievement someday.
stocked up on Bowels ‘N’ Brains
all over again? What if I need to
There’s also the rarest white item
for the day I feel like my guild
target both of Rhyolith’s feet in
in the game that I camped off
needs them, and I’m still finding
alternation with fel flames to
are kept around “Just for show”.
Then there is almost every
The GameOn Magazine
16 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
turn him just perfectly? I mean,
have it. I even have a macro to
me remember people who aren’t
sure, I can just target his right
make rainbows, because that’s
around as much or at all anymore.
foot and fel flame is no longer a
going to get my raid in order.
Mostly though, these things
spell, but what if? I don’t need
at least 70% of this stuff, but I
Don’t get me wrong, ye holders
of clean bags. I’m not unhappy
because they’re an artifact to
with my space problem, I could
another time. A different era.
clean house tomorrow if I wanted
Achievements from before there
to. (Most of my alt’s banks have so
were achievement points. I know
much space that they have maybe
I’m not the only one to have
two transmogs at most.) Seeing
these things. When the veterans
some of these things makes
start linking ancient items,
me laugh, especially when I see
these are the hilarious things
a Distant Land full of the best
we share. Why did we ever have
Wrath-era stamina gems gold
these? Who knows, but we’re
could buy collecting dust in my
never getting rid of them. ■
warlock’s bank. They even help
The GameOn Magazine
are hard to get rid of simply
By Ashleigh Ayn Sult
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The GameOn Magazine
18 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By Luke Grimish
and found themselves in a mire
two bitterest of enemies would
would not be so insensitive
of death and destruction not
be not only possible, but integral
as to recount here the
easily escaped from. I will instead
to the survival of both peoples?
The tale of just how orcs and
unimaginable horrors of the
remain true to my goal: an
Third War with such brevity.
inquiry into the relations of orcs
humans united is a sketchy one;
I myself served in the Third
and humans during this time.
some claim that the benevolent
War as one of the few priests
It was during this strange era
spirit of Medivh conspired to bring
of Silvermoon still loyal to the
that orcs and humans would
the two jaded enemies together
Grand Alliance, and would not
unite for the first time. Who could
on the alien shores of Kalimdor.
wish to see it treated with such
have imagined, that day when
When Thrall lead his New
reckless scholarship. Suffice it to
Stormwind crumbled beneath
Horde across the Great Sea,
say that better historians than I
the iron-shod boots of the Horde,
it was under the auspices of
have already tackled such matter,
that the coming together of these
Medivh, in the guise of a great
The GameOn Magazine
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Prophet. Dragging their fateful
survivors of the scourging of
together in a friendship that
net wide over history, the Horde
Lordaeron over the sea to a new
would only end in recent times.
would save not one but two
life in the then semi-mythical
entire races from extinction
lands of Kalimdor. Upon her
Alliance was the rebellion of
as it travelled: the Darkspear
arrival in Kalimdor, the orcs
Grom Hellscream. Gorged on
Trolls and the Tauren, who still
and humans took up their old
demon blood, and enraging the
honor this blood-bond today.
hatreds once again, but the
ancient guardians of the forests
Prophet Medivh, taking fate
of Kalimdor, the Night Elves, the
heeded the call of the Prophet,
into his own hands, brought the
demon-crazed Warsong Clan
and led the downtrodden
two young charismatic leaders
were thwarted by the unlikely
Jaina Proudmoore, like Thrall,
The first test of the Orc-Human
The GameOn Magazine
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alliance of human and orcish
settlers. For the Night Elves, the
wounds of this battle have not
healed; it is likely what dragged
the Night Elves out of their
isolation, and into the arms of the
humans, a race as alien to them
it. An Alliance foothold in a vast
allies and dependents continued
as the green-skinned invaders.
Horde-dominated wilderness,
to fight in places where the
The greatest achievement
Theramore naturally lead the
conflagration sparked by the
of that union was the repelling
Grand Alliance in this new post-
meeting of the two races never
of the Legion at Hyjal. My
war world. When Jaina’s father,
died out: in the valleys of Alterac,
hands shake as a write this. I
the Second War hero Admiral
the eaves of Ashenvale, and the
remember too well the sight
Proudmoore, stumbled across
highlands of Arathi. Though these
of orc and human, arrayed
Kalimdor’s shores, he took up
factions had no love for each
shoulder to shoulder against
the fight against orckind as if
other, the unfailing character of
demon and ghoul. The blood of
that bloody conflict had never
their overlords, Lady Jaina and
many races mingled together
ceased. It is a testament to the
Thrall, kept them from bloodshed.
on the battlefield that day.
Lady Jaina’s belief in the coming
The partnership proved a
together of the races, and the
lucrative one when once again
pursuit of peace, that she chose
the Legion poured through the
to rise up against her father’s
Dark Portal into Azeroth. Through
slopes of Hyjal would be tested
genocidal depredations, rather
the combined efforts of these
again and again. The founding
than stand with her own blood.
bitter enemies, Azeroth was
This friendship forged on the
of Orgrimmar, and its Alliance
Some four years on,
once again spared a fiery death.
counterpart at Theramore,
tensions would remain high.
This of course, would not last.
would forever remain bubbling
A conspiracy by the Burning
Unbeknownst to the people
cauldrons of passions, always
Blade, playing on old hatreds,
of the Horde and the Alliance,
threatening to overflow. The
very nearly brought Orgrimmar
seemingly minor events were
fortress of Northwatch was built
and Theramore to blows. This
pushing them closer and closer
to halt the advance of the orcs
would prompt the Lady Jaina
toward conflict. In Outland,
south into Dustwallow Marsh.
and her Orcish counterpart to
Thrall found the sullen heir of
For years, the human settlers of
ratify an official peace treaty.
Hellscream, a young leader
Theramore maintained a tenuous
For almost a decade, orcs and
named Garrosh. All the while,
grip on that strip of land, on a
humans never officially warred
the lost king Varian Wyrnn would
continent that spared no love for
upon each other. Instead, their
be on the path to rediscovering
The GameOn Magazine
22 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
his legacy, and his rightful place
flare up once again in Northrend.
of Azeroth would only serve to pit
Conflict over resources in
the factions against one another
These warlike leaders, driven
Grizzly Hills, and an opportunist
with renewed desperation. It was
by the bitterness of past losses,
strike by a Horde general upon
during this time that Thrall made
would push the already teetering
Alliance forces beleaguered by
the unwise decision to name
peace over the precipice of war.
Arthas’ Scourge at Icecrown,
Garrosh Hellscream Warchief,
arguably stand as the first time
stepping down to pursue the path
during the joint invasion of
since the Alliance’s landing at
of the Shaman. Perhaps Thrall
Northrend would serve as flint
Kalimdor that orc and human
felt that his people, in these
to the tinder of these young,
clashed. Orcs and humans
tumultuous times, would need
volatile leaders. Although Thrall
were no longer glaring at each
the strength of an Orc whose
and the Lady Jaina did their best
other across an ill-kept fence of
values echoed those of the Old
to contain the conflict to the
diplomacy and shared fears. War
Horde. Regardless, it would do
Forsaken rebels responsible for
between the races was renewed.
much to undo the peace he had
the slaughter of both Alliance and
sacrificed so much to maintain.
on the throne of Stormwind.
The incident at the Wrathgate
Horde troops, old hatreds would
The GameOn Magazine
Deathwing’s second breaking
Garrosh pushed further into
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 23
the lands of the Night Elves in
to drag innocent peoples into
in the marshes of the Black
order to secure the verdant fields
its mad conflict: the Jinyu and
Morass so long ago would forever
and lumber that his people had
Hozen, natives of Pandaria, then
alter the history of the world;
long coveted. This in turn would
the Pandaren themselves. A
that apart, these races drag
drag Theramore and Northwatch
whole continent, its blessed vales
the free peoples of Azeroth into
into the conflict. The human and
untouched for millennia, would
its conflict like a kraken drags
dwarvish forces secured holdings
be rent in twain by the pride of
ships into the sea; that together,
in the Barrens, a longtime
Hellscream. If it were not for the
there is no force in the universe
hunting-ground of the Tauren,
rebellion of the Darkspear Trolls,
that they cannot overcome.
and somewhat sacred to the
the war may well have dragged on
people of the Horde. On either
into the present day. Collapsing
Burning Legion. No doubt this
side, refugees would be accepted
from within, Garrosh’s True
statement will make me seem a
into the ranks of the Horde and
Horde could not withstand the
fool to my peers. Such a ludicrous
the Alliance, serving only to
combined might of the Alliance
notion sullies the sacrifices made
increase their deadly potency
and the rebels. In the Siege of
at Hyjal, and on the shattered
in war. The Goblins brought
Orgrimmar, the mad Warchief
world of Draenor. Nevertheless,
their devastating knowledge of
and his Kor’kron loyalists fell.
I dread the day that the Horde
siegecraft to the Horde, and to
Even now, he awaits judgement in
and the Alliance together stamp
the Alliance, the accursed people
far-off Pandaria. With Orgrimmar
out the Legion threat for good.
of Gilneas brought the savagery
and all the leaders of the Horde
Its hosts driven back into the
and fierceness only possessed by
at Varian’s mercy, it would have
Nether, all approaches sealed,
those who have lost everything.
taken little for the Alliance to
all demon-worshippers rooted
dismantle the Horde in one fell
out, these two giants will have
Destroyer, the war would find
stroke. King Varian, however,
nothing to bind them together. By
itself being fought even in lands
made the wise decision to
this time, there is no doubt that
hitherto unknown. Any hope of
grant mercy to their one-time
all races will march under black
Thrall and Jaina restoring their
allies. For now, there is peace
sigil or golden lion. Those who
famous friendship was shattered
between these perennial foes.
do not will have been crushed.
Undeterred by the fall of the
I fear for a future without the
I fear a world without the
when Hellscream annihilated
Theramore and Northwatch Hold.
Legion. On that day, Azeroth
Robbed of her adopted homeland,
Here ends the history of
will be a world divided, torn
Lady Jaina would cast aside the
the conflict between orcs and
apart by little tin Grunts and
mantle of peacemaker, and take
humans. From this inquiry, some
Footmen moving across an
up the sword of war. The Horde
conclusions may be drawn: that
infinitely bigger game-board. ■
and the Alliance would continue
that first clash of orc and human
By Luke Grimish
The GameOn Magazine
24 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By Heather Cook
Mods (DBM). This article has
the “main hub” so to speak.
aiding is one of the biggest
been based on first hand personal
This is something that must be
sources of entertainment
experience with both add-ons in
downloaded for any additional
for WoW players. At nearly 7
a raiding environment; but it has
plugins to run. Alongside the
million players last quarter, at
also taken into consideration the
main hub there’s a vast variety
least 70% of them will have raided
opinions of others and facts about
of additional plugins you can
at some point of their WoW life.
the add-ons themselves which
download depending on what
Be it in LFR, Flex, casual guild
can be found across the web.
you require; for example, if
raiding or hardcore world firsts
BigWigs is an older addon;
you’re in a guild that’s locked
it’s something everyone will likely
having been around since 2007
for level 60/70/80 members that
experience at least once. With the
it’s reached to over 14 million
enjoy running old content you’ll
raiding scene so vast and boss
total downloads by players. It
download the pack required
encounters arguably becoming
is considered one of the two
for those raids, or, if you’re
more technical with increasing
the most customisable and
a casual PvP’er you might
coding advances, the importance
CPU friendly addons; which is
download the PvP pack that
of using a boss encounter addon
highly desired for those players
allows you to track the captures
to aid players heightens. In this
who have lower spec system
of flags, towers and bases.
issue we’re going to be looking
or are trying to squeeze every
at the two biggest players of
fraction of performance they
other encounters, BW also
this particular genre of addons:
can in during an encounter.
allows players to track their
BigWigs (BW) and Deadly Boss
BW comes with a core setting,
As well as the tracking of
own spells, blessings and
buffs. Although it’s not as
advanced as other specialised
trackers, it allows those who
want to keep their addons to a
minimum whilst providing vital
information that can be tracked
to the second rather than to
the minute; a very helpful tool
when using specific spells.
The vast options for
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 25
customising the BW addon
means that no two people have
to have the same style. Bar size,
warning positions and text font
are just some of the details that
players can change to choose
the look that suits them. BigWigs
has been around for many
years and the reason is that
it’s just too good not to use.
For installation and guides to
use and customise BigWigs check
out the Curse Gaming page at:
Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) can
be viewed much like the twin
brother to BigWigs as it can carry
out the same options and actions
that BW offers. It has been in
existence since 2006 and is seen
as one of the big contenders in the
“must have” addons scene with
the total downloads so far from
Curse alone being a staggering
90 million! Always ready for any
expansion launch or new raid
tier, DBM provides players with
the same details as BW such as
spells countdowns, multiple boss
healths (think Mimiron’s phase
three or the Four Horsemen of
Naxxramas), tower captures in
The GameOn Magazine
26 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
saving CPU usage; if you’re not
generally one for PvP’ing you’d
not require the battlegrounds
download for example, or if you’ve
got the boss encounter figured
out you may opt out of showing
the bars and the announcements.
It should be noted, if you have
particular plugins turned off,
DBM will not load unless you are
in a dungeon or battleground that
has a plugin enabled and will only
load for that particular instance,
protecting your CPU usage.
You can check out the DBM
guide and more information on
the Curse Gaming page at:
battlegrounds and buff timers.
DBM is on the more heavier
side of CPU usage however, and
night when I’m concentrating
on other things in-game!
Much like BW, DBM is
Between Deadly Boss Mods
and BigWigs there is very few
can often cause people with lower
customisable and allows players
differences; but those differences
spec PC’s to encounter slower
choose locations, sizes and
can be enough for one player to
frame rates as the sheer amount
looks for their own customised
love one more than the other.
of information is provided to it
user interface. If you don’t wish
Both addons interact with the
is substantial. Though you can
to spend hours setting your UI
other, allowing guilds and players
opt out of the amount of details
up then the default settings
the ability to take their pick.
and spells that are announced
are generally acceptable and
The best option for each player
I’ve personally always found
easy to follow; unless you’ve
to go for with these addons is
DBM to be the superior of the
positioned your bars at awkward
downloading both and playing
two for the extra added details
angles and portraits in different
around with the settings to
they provide me with, even if the
positions. DBM also comes with
choose which you prefer more
sound option that I’ve chosen
the additional plugins allowing
and suits your play style. ■
generally makes me jump out
players to decide what they want
of my seat six or seven times a
to download.. This does help in
The GameOn Magazine
By Heather Cook
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 27
GameOn Magazine is currently hiring
for a new Community Magazine for War
Thunder, the WWII vehicular combat
game from Gaijin Entertainment!
If you would like to be part of this
upcoming magazine, please click this
page to fill out an application form!
The GameOn Magazine
28 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By Ashleigh Ayn Sult
hile it doesn’t have
my 10 man team, A group code
who were ready to raid and
a place in the most
named “Shiva” which was full
excited about Warlords.
hardcore of paths of raiding
of people who just really liked
progression, organized Cross
each other, and loved smashing
poking me to raid lead the
Server raiding provides
through content on our off
problem was that, while it was my
raiders who want to raid in a
nights while doing it well. I went
job to find more people to raid, I
more moderate setting a way
on to raid and raid-lead other
didn’t want to recruit. Recruiting
to find community, stability,
places with other people, but
for a group where members
familiar voices and most of
nothing was as fun as raiding
have been together for at least
all gear week after week.
was with Shiva. At the end of
five to seven years is nearly
Mists, I found myself suddenly,
impossible, especially when the
of my most enjoyable raiding
accidentally, the guild leader
appeal of the group is killing stuff
experiences was not my 25 man
of a group that contained many
very well and enjoying doing it
raiding team. Instead, it was
of the former Shiva members,
together. Call it lazy, but the last
In Wrath of the Lich King, one
The GameOn Magazine
But once everyone started
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 29
thing in the world I wanted to do
was recruit for raids and weed
through people to find some who
have a good personality and who
jive with the people I know.
Over the years we’ve had
dozens of perfectly good recruits
just not work out because they
just don’t fit in with us and our
overall demeanor. It’s hard being
the new kid in a group with years
of inside jokes. I’ve discovered
that it’s easier to weed through
my friends and the friends of
my friends to see who fit. So, I
put out a call on social media
and poked people on real ID. I
in people from outside of us, so
but no one is super focused on,
actually got a ton of responses. If
in all reality it was them, they
or worried about, Mythics. New
I had wound up taking everyone
and us. But it wasn’t. Everyone,
content is coming out in February,
who responded, I could have had
for the most part, was really
and there’s lots of things to do in
two raid groups and raided with
excited to be together. Even
the game together. Mostly, people
another Mythic team. While I
with our limited raid times, we
just want to kill things, and not
could have had a pile of gear, that
killed everything we could pretty
have people be horrible. So far,
wasn’t at all the efficient social
quickly, people fixed mistakes;
our biggest bumps in the road
raiding group that I imagined.
and when we struggled on a boss,
have been: the holidays, forgetting
we came back the next night and
to share Battle Tags, a few too
with a old friend from the
one-shot it. Everyone seems to
many tanks, and storms that have
server most of my friends came
be of the same sense of humor,
caused power outages. That’s not
from and we decided to mostly
not caring what we nickname
to say there won’t be more bumps
combine our two main groups (I
the bosses, and happy to as one
in the future, but, at the same
used the word smoosh a lot; he
happy smooshed up raid group.
time, it tells me that community
begged me to stop every time I
We have no clue what will
In the end, I wound up chatting
did). At first I was worried that it
happen when and if we get to
was going to be a them and us
Mythic content. People in our
thing, even though I had brought
group are competent raiders
always finds a way and there
will be more solutions too. ■
By Ashleigh Ayn Sult
The GameOn Magazine
30 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By Leanne Dugan
o you want to be a mount
are 15 total achievements, not
into. In-game you will be able to
collector and brag about
including Feats of Strength,
see exactly where or what each
related to mount collecting.
mount drops from, whether or
all the epic, 0.01% drop rate,
stunning mounts the World of
First off, pop open your mount
not it is Horde or Alliance only
Warcraft has to offer; but how
tab (Shift P) in-game or pull
(faction symbols are beside them)
do you even begin? This issue
up your main character on the
or obtainable by both. As we look
we are going to be looking at
Blizzard armory to look at the
through the where’s and the how’s
just how to start this journey
mounts available for you to obtain.
of mount collecting (do note I will
(because it is going to take
This is will give you a good idea of
not be listing all 300+ of them
you a long, long time). There
just what you are getting yourself
off) this is my tip to you, pick one
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 31
Mammoth, and One Hump or
Two? (also requires exalted
with Ramkahen reputation).
‘Awake the Drakes’,
one of the newest mount
achievements, requires you to
have already collected some
of the painstakingly hard-toget drops. The Azure and Blue
Drakes both drop from the Eye
of Eternity (both difficulties).
The Black and Twilight Drakes
drop from Obsidian Sanctum,
on 10 and 25 respectively;
completing the encounter with
all three drakes alive while
killing Sartharion, commonly
referred to as OS3D, will result in
a guaranteed drop. The Onyxian
Drake is a drop from Onyxia’s
Lair in Duskwallow Marsh and
drops on both difficulties. The
Blazing drake is from Madness of
Deathwing in Dragon Soul; it can
drop of both normal and heroic
difficulties. The Bronze Drake is
or one set of mounts and grind
that cost an arm and a hoof
a drop within heroic Culling of
them. You will not have the time
are the Grand Expedition Yak,
Stratholme, an instance found
nor the sanity to go grinding every
Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth,
in the Caverns of Time; you will
mount in the game simoutlanely,
Vial of the Sands and Get to the
need to beat the timer to save
unless you’re a robot. If you are,
Choppa! While not costing nearly
the bronze dragon inside to have
then go ahead and have at it.
as much you will need some
it drop. Both the Red Drake and
gold to purchase these from
the Purple Netherwing Drake
biggest gold sinks in the game.
vendors to get the achievements
are reputation grinds, you will
Some notable achievements
Armored Brown Bear, Wooly
need to get your reputation with
Mounts are by far one of the
The GameOn Magazine
32 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
Wyrmrest Accord and Netherwing
can you start to climb that list?
achievements within the mount
to exalted to purchase these.
I’m sorry. I’m about to break
count: ‘Stable Keeper’ (10),
All of these are easily done at
your spirits... you must rep grind,
‘Filling up the Barn’ (25), ‘Leading
max level, you are only fighting
rep grind and continue to rep
the Cavalry’ (50), ‘Mountain o’
against RNG, so make sure
grind and I almost forgot, don’t
Mounts’ (100), ‘We’re Going to
to sacrifice a gnome daily.
forget to do some rep grinding.
Need More Saddles’ (150), ‘Mount
Mount Count… oh the envied
As well you will spend weeks
Parade’ (200), ‘Mountacutar’
mount count. Mount collectors
on end sacrificing gnomes in
(250); from 50 onwards, each
everywhere brag about how many
hopes for raid and dungeon drops
achievement rewards a unique
they have and how close they are
that have ridiculously low drop
mount which joins into your count.
to realm top they are. So where
chances. There are 7 cumulative
The GameOn Magazine
Here are some brief overviews
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 33
of how to stock up your mount
some unusual nicknames
mounts to offer. Once your
count. If you want more detail
amongst players, such as the
friend has purchased 60 days
on mounts be sure to head to
sparkle pony (aka Celestial
of game time after their initial, wowhead.
Steed). Always watch out for
month free play from purchasing
com or your wow armory profile
special promotions from Blizzard,
the game, you will be notified
at us(eu)
as some of them reward free
that you are eligible for one
The Blizzard store, either
mounts, like the Hearthsteed (a
of these 5 mount choices.
online or the in-game feature,
promotion done for Hearthstone)
The Trading Card Game also
has a total of 9 current mounts
or Spectral Wind Rider/Gryphon
has a number of mounts to drool
for purchase. Each one has a
(Scrolls of Resurrection).
over, 18 in total. These can be
unique design that have coined
Recruit-A-Friend has 5
obtained from having ridiculous
The GameOn Magazine
34 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
and remember never
total and vice versa. There are 47
give out your WoW
racial mounts for both factions to
account information),
collect, and you will need to have
or purchasing
an exalted reputation (oh look, rep
the actual cards
grinding) with all factions except
from the various
for the race of your character.
expansions of
the game on
There are also mounts
Blizzard’s store
exclusive to PvP, make sure
or at a store in your
home city that sells
gaming paraphernalia.
Each playable race in-game
you earn them on a character
you wish to show them off on,
as some are not account wide.
With 14 total mounts, 10 of which
amounts of gold on your account
has a number of mounts to
are account wide, you will need
and watching your auction house,
collect, they differ per faction and
to grind a fair amount of honor
using places such as e-Bay
keep in mind your count will be
points and arena/rbg wins to
or (ensure
dependant on which faction you
add these to your collection.
to use personal caution when
are on. Alliance only mounts do
purchasing loot cards from online,
not count towards a Horde toon’s
The GameOn Magazine
The Argent Tournament in
Icecrown has many mounts that
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 35
you will spend months doing
dailies for. You will also need
exalted reputation (I told you you
would be rep grinding) to earn
them all with varying factions. 14
of the 15 mounts obtained here
require either 100 Champion
Seals, 150 Seals or 5 seals and
some gold; the 15th mount is
a Paladoink only mount, that’s
right you must be the class that
no one who plays it ever seems
to know how to buff is to learn it.
Throughout every expansion
there have been dungeon and raid
Rare spawns are another
‘Glory of the …. Raider’ achieves
drops that some of us have spent
source of many mounts, there is
award mounts and are easily
hours chasing after. In classic
21 drops throughout the entirety
done at this point in the game.
WoW there are 5 total, Burning
of the game that will have you
Crusade there are 4 drops, Wrath
hunting hard to find mobs to kill
thing I was talking about? Every
of the Lich King has 10 combined
and knocking on wood that they
expansion has had mounts that
drops, Cataclysm saw 11 total,
drop the mount. Ones of the most
have required reputation to
Mists of Pandaria has only 4 raid
coveted being the Time-Lost
purchase, some for large sums
drops, and Warlord’s has only 1
Proto-Drake in Storm Peaks.
or gold some for minimal prices.
raid drop at this time. So have fun
Achievements? Wait we already
Remember that rep grinding
Now into the sixth expansion in
running places Karazan, Undead
love getting those, so sure give
WoW there are currently (some
Stratholme and Mogu’shan Vaults
me some mounts while I’m
already talked about) almost
over and over and over again.
already on DnD. Most of these
120 mounts that require revered
achievements do require some
or exalted reputations. Did you
to offer: Jewelcrafting, Tailoring,
strenuous work to get your hands
really think I was kidding? So
even Alchemy has one. With
on, but can be accomplished with
pack it in for the long haul, pick a
the release of Warlord’s there
some effort. If you’re not already
mount or 6 to go after, and have
is now 20 in game craftable
working towards it, “What a Long
fun out there in Azeroth adding
mounts. Most of them are fairly
Strange Trip” awards one my
up those achievement points and
costly and some require you to
favourite mounts, but it will take
wracking in that mount count. ■
have the profession to learn it.
you a year to get. Many of the
Many professions have mounts
By Leanne Dugan
The GameOn Magazine
36 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By Erik Rhyne
ome called him a hero,
son, who just wanted to right
or challenged his leadership.
while others say his name
a wrong his father started.
Upon taking the mantle, Grom
in spite. Some call him him a
Not much is known of Grom
had his lower jaw tattooed
redeemer, and others call him a
in his early years. The first
black symbolizing his status.
fool and corruptor. Everyone calls
information known of him
Grom lead ferocious raids
him by one name: Grommash
is brought to us by Marrad
into ogre territory, leading to a
“Grom” Hellscream. Leader of
shortly after his ascension to
retaliation that nearly obliterated
the Warsong Clan and father to
Warchief of the Warsong Clan.
the Warsong Clan. Grom’s wife,
Garrosh Hellscream, in Warlords
Being only a few years older
Golka, was critically injured in the
of Draenor, he’s the Warchief
than Durotan, questions arose
attack, and begged her husband
of the Iron Horde. That role is
after the death of the current
to end her life. Rather than
something brought on by his
warchief. No one questioned
answer her plea, Grom called her
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 37
a “wolf with no teeth” and left her
to die. To take his out his anger, he
of “Warlord with the Iron Will”.
When the Orcs began to see
Gul’dan stopped any potential
risks by getting Blackhand
into the role as his puppet.
led a counterattack, which led into
the Draenei as a threat, and
a trap set by an ogre warlord. The
chieftains such as Durotan spoke
warlord, tied Hellscream to a tree
up against hostility, Grom was
allow Blackhand to have
and over many days tortured him.
one of the first to speak up in
all the glory, and that was
While refusing to feed him Grom’s
favor of attacks. Slowly, under
Hellscream’s first mistake. At
body withered, to the point where
the banner of stopping this new
the appropriately named (today)
the warlord taunted him saying
“old” enemy, the various Orc
Throne of Kil’jaeden, the orcs
he would end Grom’s life. Getting
clans became united to create the
came together to accept a gift
too close to him, Grom leaned
Horde. Hellscream was one many
bestowed upon them. Truly it was
out and bit and killed the ogre.
thought would vie for supremacy
a curse. Hellscream would be
This earned Hellscream the title
to lead to the united force.
the first Orc to drink the Blood
However, Grom wouldn’t
The GameOn Magazine
38 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
of Mannoroth; this caused Grom
to grow in size and ferocity, at
the cost of his free will. After the
majority of the Horde standing
there followed suit, Grom charged
down the mountain leading the
attack on the Draenei capital
Shattrath. After its destruction,
the Horde waited for a chance
to let loose their aggression.
This would come, but not to
Grom and the Warsong Clan.
When the Horde first made its
As the Alliance pushed the
to Draenor, Hellscream stayed
march through the Dark Portal,
Horde back into the Blasted
and protected the Azeroth side of
Gul’dan ordered the Warsong
Lands, Ner’zhul tasked Grom
the Dark Portal. After the portal
Clan to stay behind. Gul’dan
with getting the Skull of Gul’dan
was finally closed, Grom and
manipulated the intimidating Orc,
so Ner’zhul could open up new
his Warsong Clan escaped into
because he feared what Grom
worlds for the orcs to attack.
the wilds to hide, and survive.
may do in Azeroth. Luckily, for
Grom killed Hurkan Skullsplinter,
the Warsong Clan they were left
leader of the Bonechewer
is exactly what Grom did. As
behind, and they did not have to
Clan, and then demanded his
he aged, Grom realized the
face any of the repercussions that
replacement swear an oath to this
foolishness he and the orcs
others did from the Second War.
new Horde. Rather than returning
lived with, due to forgoing
The GameOn Magazine
Over the next 15 years, this
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 39
past traditions. Additionally,
freeing the internment camps
searched for any help, and
Hellscream battled his own
littered across Lordaeron.
came across a fountain of blood.
demons, namely the demon
When the Horde, under Thrall’s
Unbeknownst to Hellscream, this
blood still coursing through him.
leadership, felt it was time to
fountain was set by Mannoroth,
While many orcs succumbed
move to Kalimdor, the Warsong
to bring the orcs back under his
to a general malaise, Grom
Clan followed unquestioningly.
sway. Needing a way to protect his
fought against this, further
backing his iron will reputation.
During this time, Grom came
However, this brief respite for
clan, Grom drank and convinced
Hellscream was short lived. When
other members to drink as well.
clearing out land for lumber for
This sent the Warsong clan
into contact for the first time with
the Horde’s new capital, Night
back into a rage, causing them
Thrall. Hellscream taught the
Elves attacked. Grom retaliated
to attack with renewed fervor.
young Orc more about various
and killed numerous before the
Grommash charged, and
Orc nations and traditions;
demigod Cenarius came to their
Cenarius proved no match to
eventually helping the young orc
defense. Unable to attack, let
the empowered Hellscream.
and Orgrim Doomhammer in
alone defeat Cenarius, Grom
After his defeat, Mannoroth once
The GameOn Magazine
40 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
again appeared and horrified
and made the deathblow, causing
Outland, to talk to Garrosh. His
the Orc when he was informed
an explosion to ripple through
intent, was to show the younger
of the control he had lost once
Demon Fall Canyon. With his
Hellscream how much of a hero
again. That would be one of
close friend beside him, the red
his father was. Obviously, people
the last thoughts Grom would
haze lifted from Hellscream’s
can argue this was not the best
have until he, and his clan, were
eyes. He died knowing the curse
choice for Thrall to make.
turned into mindless slaves.
that had plagued his people for
Mannoroth forced Hellscream
decades was finally over. Some,
Is Grom Hellscream a
to despise and want the blood of
like Thrall, believe his death
redeemed soul, hero? Or is
his friend, Thrall. He waged war
not only redeemed the Orcs,
he a villain Azeroth is better
against friends, and the humans,
but also Hellscream himself.
off without? Regardless,
in an attempt to wipe them off
While many, in the Alliance
Hellscream is an iconic figure
the face of the world. Thrall
especially, considered Hellscream
who helped set the foundation
fought through the corrupted
a menace, members of the Horde
for what Azeroth is today.
orcs, eventually subduing
revere him. During the Harvest
Grom. With the help of Jaina
Festival event, Members of the
we see in Warlords of Draenor.
Proudmore, Thrall broke the sway
Horde travel to Ashenvale to pay
This Hellscream is wanting
over the Warsong Chieftain.
respects to their fallen hero.
to conquer all of Azeroth. It is
Additionally, Thrall named his
our turn to charge through the
way to Ashenvale to hunt down
keep in Orgrimmar, “Grommash
Dark Portal and stop him. ■
the demon lord. In an intense
Hold” in honor of his fallen
battle, Grommash got in close
friend. Thrall also headed to
Grom and Thrall made their
The GameOn Magazine
But, this isn’t the Grommash
By Erik Rhyne
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 41
The GameOn Magazine
42 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By Christian Wootton
hanks to space limitations
what they did with fury warriors.
Everyone knows I have an alt
this is an edited version of
I’m not a fan of what they did
of everything, but Druid and
the responses made by the Horde
with arms, but the fury warrior
Hunter are my two mains.
for Life crew. The unexpurgated
is awesome. I can basically hold
Rich: I started early, my very
Audio of this little interview can
any weapon I find in either hand
first character I ever rolled was
be found in episode number 112
and just start smacking stuff.
a Troll Rogue and I played that
for some time along with an
of the Horde for Life Podcast on
iTunes, at and is
Kristine: My main is Tikaya
Undead Warlock. I played the
my Druid, aka Tika. My second
Rogue up until the guards got
favourite is a hunter. Hunter was
nets. When the guards got nets
the first class I created. My first
within a week I was “I’m done”.
was Lauren the Tauren Hunter.
So I got on my Undead for the
She was my main through all
longest time and then I rolled
Knight for a very long time,
of Vanilla, she was the one I
Armada. I’m in a sort of midlife
from the middle to end of Wrath
raided on when we used to do
crisis with Armada I don’t know...
to current I was on a Worgen
Molten Core, AQ, all of that
I’m getting to 100 first, so I guess
Death Knight forever. Now I am
good stuff, so I actually played
if that’s your definition that’s the
playing an Orc Warrior. I love
a Hunter for a good long time.
answer but I play every class.
available to stream directly here.
GameOn Mag: Who are you?
What classes do you play?
Dustin : I played a Death
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 43
the announcement that he was
joining Ego Networks. One of
the guys I started the website
with said “George has joined
Ego Networks, maybe this is
something we should look into,
joining some kind of network.” I
checked out,
I checked out what George was
doing, so I saw that Horde for Life
was on there and I have to say
that the name has a connotation.
I had listened to a lot of podcasts
that were terrible and I thought
oh my god, it’s just going to be
a lot of rambling and raving and
“For the Horde!” but I listened
to it and It was when Rich was
still doing it solo and I thought
there would be a total lack of
intelligent conversation but Rich
was talking about addons. He
broke it down into spreadsheet
add-ons, quality of life add-ons,
and then about add-ons that
basically did the game for you;
The only classes I’ve never
culture in general and a podcast
and he talked about the pros and
played with any regularity are
called The Geek Domain and
cons of each. I thought this title
a Monk and a Mage, and I’m
the first person I reached out to
is deceiving, this guy is having
really excited to play a Monk.
was George Wow from the mana
intelligent conversation. I want to
cooler. He gave us a little guest
be a part of this guy’s network. I
spot on his show and gave us a
emailed Rich and said “Hey, I’m
shout out. He would guest on
the editor in chief and host of
our show, we would guest on
The Geek Domain podcast and
his show and then George made and we’re
GameOn Mag: How
did the crew meet?
Dustin : Some friends and I
ran a website about just geek
The GameOn Magazine
44 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
interested in joining your network.
lot of things on instinct. When I
calling for members at one time
I even used Georges name. Rich
first moved to Wyrmrest Accord
in trade chat and I whispered him
emailed me back right away and
and was looking to start a new
and immediately got an invite. I
said let’s talk over Skype and we
Horde family. I was checking out
was like “Yay! I’m in this guild”
had a one and a half to two hour
the guilds and thinking where
and I didn’t know anything about
conversation. That was how we
I wanted to be and I remember
the guild I just had a feeling that
met, and I emailed you at some
looking at the guild finder list
this was the guild I had to be in.
point and said “you know, I love
and seeing the name “Horde For
I’m still glad that I went with that
WoW. Mind if I guest spot on the
Life” and just had this feeling
feeling. Dustin and Rich got me on
show” you said sure and after the
in my stomach and I thought
to the show as there druid expert
show with you and Ron we talked
“that’s the guild I want to join”
when they were doing class
for an hour and a half and you
and I remember putting in an
veterans. Rich emailed Dustin
said “third chair?” and I said sure
application and I did something on
and let him know that although I
and it just sort of went from there.
the website and I had never heard
wasn’t a quote unquote expert I
back from anyone. It went a few
had been playing for a long time.
weeks and I was thinking “Oh no,
During the show Dustin thought
was I rejected? “ and Rich was
I would be a good addition to the
Kristine: I joined the guild
Horde for Life and I tend to do a
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 45
show when I read an email with
to do a podcast about. I toyed
running down a mountain
an expletive in it and didn’t miss
with doing a sports show right
in Winterspring and thought
a beat skipping over it. Dustin
out of podcasting, but I spend
“this game looks dumb”. Had
apparently messaged Rich saying
all of my time playing the game
they shown me an Orc or an
a female voice would be good for
so, why not talk about it?
Undead I would have thought
different because I wanted a
the show because it would open
up the listening population.
GameOn Mag: Why WoW?
game that was visceral. It was
Rich: I was not initially
only by happenstance that I
interested in the game. I was
was invited to the beta and saw
playing Asheron’s Call and
the original Warcraft trailer
Rich: I’ll quickly answer this
remember watching some
and started to get interested.
one, our key is the developmental
youtube footage of a Gnome
When I started playing the
GameOn Mag: What
is Horde for Life?
angle. Of all the things that
the other podcasts do, which
we do to because we need to.
the big focus is the blue sky,
talking about the future.
GameOn Mag: Who’s idea was it
in the first place to podcast? We
know Rich started on his own,
but was that his idea or was it the
guild poking him with a stick?
Rich: I had heard other people
doing it, and I come from a
broadcasting background. I loved
the game and couldn’t think
of anything else I would rather
talk about. I’m into other things
outside of the game, I’m into
sports, I’m into politics, I’m into
lots of stuff. I’m into finances,
I’m into cars, but I don’t want to
do a podcast about them. This
is the only thing I really want
The GameOn Magazine
46 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
game I thought it was different,
and even in 2004 I noticed the
polish. From that point forward
I was pretty much hooked.
GameOn Mag: The general
format for Horde for Life seems
to follow the chat show method
rather than multiple hosts
“phoning in” their individual
sections of the show. Was
it a deliberate choice?
Dustin : the show is based
on interaction between the
community and the hosts so
without the organic chat style
format you don’t have a show.
Rich: It’s really the only
choice. The only exception to
that would be if we all lived
in the same area, then we’d
all be in a room together.
GameOn Mag: One of your
regular spots in the show is
Food for the Gods and for a
long time a crusade was a
wardrobe tab, which eventually
came into existence in the
form of transmogrification.
Now you’re on to housing, and
garrisons are close, but not quite
there. When will you consider
the crusade complete?
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 47
Dustin : Certainly not now.
Kristine: Never!
talked about currencies and how
YouTube channel still, and it
they needed to consolidate that,
was amazing. That is by far my
and then the eventual destruction
fondest memory of the game.
of the PvP and PvE walls.
Kristine: I have 3. My first is
Rich: Definitely not now, by my
estimation we had three major
GameOn Mag: What is
raiding Molten Core because
and 2 minor crusades. We had a
your fondest memory of
everybody was so silly. We’d all
crusade for wardrobe as I called
your past in WoW?
make camp fire and dance around
it, which eventually became
Dustin : It would have to be
‘em when I was a tree and I just
transmog, so yay win for our
downing the Lich King for the
remember goofing off with all
team. Then there was a major
first time. I was a big Warcraft
my friends. It was the first time
crusade to remove resilience
RTS snob and a big lore snob.
I had ever experienced anything
from the game. To me that was
After the Frozen Throne a big
like that in a game so it was a
an even bigger win because there
question was “where’s Arthas?”
very special memory for me.
was no reason to think that they
and we didn’t get him for another
My second is doing transmog
were going to remove resilience
two expansions. It was a big
Friday’s with our guild and all
from the game, whereas everyone
deal when we finally got to fight
the people I got to meet in our
thought this game needs a
Arthas. Our guild which was not
guild. My third is happening
wardrobe tab. Then there was the
a big guild by any standards,
right now because all my guild
housing which we will talk about
had been hard at work on the
friends are coming back and it’s
in episode #113 and maybe the
content for a long time and we
so nice to reunite with everybody.
garrison is part of that solution
downed Arthas the night before
but it is an ongoing crusade. Then
Cataclysm launched. The video
there were two minor ones, we
of that fight is on my personal
Rich: When I look at memories
I have two classifications. One is
The GameOn Magazine
48 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
nobody really there and we do
some quests and so on, but we
didn’t know what Stranglethorn
Vale was. It was those types of
moments that make me super
jealous of new players. When
new players complain they
don’t know all the things we do
I think they have the one thing I
cannot have again. The sense of
wonder and discovery. For actual
moments in game I would have
to say fighting in front of the
Alterac Valley NPC’s before they
had ques. Obviously Southshore
/ Tarren Mill. Gadgetzan Ganking
was so much fun before they put
in the evil nets on the guards and
from a raid perspective the first
time downing Yogg Saron. Ulduar
in general was so much fun.
those enduring moments of awe.
had to take 40 screenshots of it.
Not necessarily an action, but
The second is my son and I, both
something you saw and you just
Undead, and we were levelling in
took a moment and you never
Brill and got to 11 or so and we
mention other games and your
forget them. I have two of those,
saw the zeppelin and wondered
like or dislike of certain aspects.
the first is the first time I entered
“where does it go? I don’t know,
ESO and the lack of inspection,
Black Rock Mountain. It’s weird
let’s do it.” So it was this world
Housing in Wildstar, Rich and
because when I look back on it I
of discovery and we got on it and
the wall of collectors boxes (we
am still presented with the awe
were freaking out on this zeppelin,
shan’t mention Conan, I promise).
but it’s in a different context.
not knowing if we weren’t going to
What aspect of past expansion
When I first walked in there I
get jumped by a dozen players on
in WoW that didn’t make it to
had just got the game and I see
the other end because we were
release makes you wonder
this enormous statue with these
on a PvP server. So the fog lifts
what Blizzard were drinking?
chains that are bigger than me
as we come rolling in to Grom’gol
rising out of the lava and I just
and of course we land and there’s
The GameOn Magazine
GameOn Mag: You often
Dustin : Apparently we recently
found out we were supposed to
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 49
have skiing in Wrath of the Lich
Kristine: I am not an expert in
raid that Alliance and Horde can
King and that never made it and
Blizzard politics, but I have to say
play together and then completely
that was like “really? You thought
that with how much I love this
break down those barriers. I
that would be a good thing?”
expansion, whatever changes
want to be able to play a Horde
are taking place, in my opinion,
Draenei, or Horde Human. I
are positive changes. I’m so
have no idea how they would
think of, I am not very good at
stinking happy about the game
do it, but that’s what I want.
keeping up with Blizzard news
right now I cannot complain.
Kristine: Nothing I can
Rich: Aside from the garrisons
so I usually just play the game
and get pleasantly surprised
by whatever comes up.
Rich: The only thing I can think
Rich: I think that the recent
and stuff like that, it will continue
departures were a good thing.
to be more accessible, it will
There was a time when I referred
continue to be easier. In addition
to Greg Street in an ivory tower
to whatever expansion we see.
of is not something that didn’t
because he was very myopic in
make it into game. There are a
his direction. I remember saying I
few WTF’s. One is the way they
don’t even want him on my show
get hold of you should they
did Silvermoon. What made them
because he’s not thinking right.
wish to hear tales of Dustin
think that an instanced zone
Yet, since his departure, every
falling through ceilings, Rich
with no roofs and not a regular
decision that I’ve seen ash been
apologising for his hate of CRZ
traditional city wasn’t weird?
a positive one. The one I did have
for all this time, and Kristine
a problem with I back tracked on.
wanting to ban shoes on trolls?
I think the people in charge now
Dustin : I can be emailed at
GameOn Mag: How do you think
GameOn Mag: How can readers
the recent high profile departures
are an upgrade, by and large.
[email protected],
of two of the old guard are going
The old guard were the ones who
On twitter I am @DTurley
to change WoW and Blizzard?
said the silhouette was sacred.
Kristine: I am on
Dustin : I think any changes
that are going to be made we
have already seen. Some things
may be affected like open
world flying and PvP, but I don’t
GameOn Mag: Where do you
see WoW going in the future?
Dustin : Continued accessibility
is the only direction this can go.
Rich: Email
com ,Twitter @hflpodcast.
think that the overall vision is
changing dramatically because
Twitter. @Tikathetree
Kristine: One of the first quests
you still have the big honchos
you have in this expansion is
in charge. The big stuff isn’t
rescuing a Draenei. As a Troll I
going to really change much.
want to end this expansion with a
Gamertag on Xbox live and
Steam, ChargerRich ■
By Christian Wootton
The GameOn Magazine
50 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By John M. Miller
owdy, hey there guys!
three, I usually just used the
nor any temperature too low,
Eilthis is back from his
two most common counters and
so I grabbed a parka, left my
adventures across Draenor and
then had my Turnip leading the
garrison, and returned with a
I wanted to let you know what
charge, just in case what I wanted
list to fight off the flyers, beasts,
I used to beat up all the little
was a the front of the line.
critters, and crabs of the zone.
critters between Shadowmoon
But that shouldn’t have too
and Frostfire, and trust me that
much effect, even though I use
there was a lot of brawlin’ to
a Turnip, a gentle touch with
do. The pets below will help you
whatever pets you choose will
the king of Magic damage, a
face off against everything a
have the same general effect.
remorseless killing machine
zone has to offer, and is pretty
Have some bandages around,
that the likes of which few Flying
cheap too, nothing terribly
but I almost always would go
types will ever recover from.
rare or hard to obtain is really
eight minutes between one heal
Unless there’s a weird “Type
used or even required.
and then wanting another.
Changing” ability involved I will
One point I’d like to make
before diving into the meat of
this explanation: Even though
Nexus Whelpling / Sprite
Darter Hatchling:
The Nexus Whelpling is
pick him against every flying type,
As an Alliance player,
every time. He has double type
advantage and a great move set,
these are teams of three where
Frostfire is such a strange zone to
he’s perfect. The best defense is
you’ll be able to counter almost
me. It’s far away from everything,
an amazing offence, so no worries
every pet in the zone, I always
it’s cold, there’s nothing to do, and
there, just cut through your
had my Terrible Turnip with me
they wouldn’t stamp my parking
enemies before they scratch you.
to put pets in their places (In
ticket. The place is terrible. But,
Sprite Darter is almost as good,
my pet journal). So even if I list
for pets, no distance is too long
with the benefit of a health swap
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 51
too thin to try and farm wins
There’s Flying types, Beasts, and
and there’s only two new pets
for flavor, Aquatic types. Once
The Yeti is your pick to counter
to capture! Sometimes a simple
again, I’ll be relying on the ol’
the Beasts and Critter you’ll
life is the best life. There’s only a
copy/paste again, but with some
encounter in the zone. With
Beast and Aquatic to capture, with
flair thrown in for the zone, since
his Mechanical passive, Beast
Critters as the assisting pets.
I need to earn my keep somehow!
for longer fights, your choice.
Tranquil Mechanical Yeti:
abilities to spam, and flashy,
Any Flying Pet: Same ol’
So here’s how were gonna do it:
high-burst abilities to shut down
same ol’, there’s a frog to kill
stray Beast types, he’s a solid all-
and flying counters Aquatic,
ol’, once again you’ll have a few
around choice for the secondary’s
just don’t kill it too fast, it’s
froggy menaces, so grab a flyer to
you’ll face in the zone.
all been explained before.
take them out quickly, just to keep
Any flying pet. Chi-Chi is my
Kun-Lai Runt: Humanoid
Any Flying Pet: Same ol’ same
things going quick and spread the
favorite: There’s a few aquatics
with Beast abilities, the perfect
you’ll want to capture in the zone
combination against Critters
and any flying pet fits the bill, just
and this little guy’s just great,
Hatchling: You know ‘em, you love
try not to kill them too quickly. I
a solid pet to have around.
‘em, the gruesome, twosome
don’t have a preference for Flying
Tranquil Mechanical Yeti: This
damage out across your team.
Nexus Whelpling / Sprite Darter
themselves. As always, my go-
types, their moves are all very
is just my personal choice, to
to picks against flying types, but
similar. Maybe a moth, for cocoon
be honest. I love the Yeti and
I guess, at this point, I trust you
strike, avoid some damage.
you should too! He’s cheap and
enough to pick your own favorite
effective, but any Mechanical
Magic dealing enemy. These
will work here, just play with it.
two are just the perfect ones.
Tranquil Mechanical Yeti:
Nagrand is a simple zone,
very relaxing and quite refreshing.
A zone so relaxing has a pretty lax
requirement for pet collectors and
battlers alike. Pets are spread
As usual, you’re free to pick any
Talador is pretty standard,
Mechanical you like, he’s just my
almost exactly the same layout as
favorite. Also has the bonus of
dealing with a random critter. I
never saw any critters, but hey,
The GameOn Magazine
52 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
never hurts to be prepared.
Ah, good ol’ Shadowmoon,
much better than that frozen
Here we go:
Any Flying Pet: Same ol’ same
rock the Horde call a home! The
ol’, there’s crabs that need to be
zone, there’s only three types of
battling here is pretty simple
taken down a peg or two, just be
pets. Flying, Critter, and Beast
and there’s even a few spot
sure not to kill them too hard to
types litter the landscape, with
you’re able to farm a bit. If you’re
avoid missing out on a capture.
only one pet, the Wasp types,
looking for an exciting line-up of
having an Aquatic secondary.
pets you’ll be battling, though,
Darter Hatchling: The dynamic
Not much to say about this zone
this isn’t really the place. You’ll
duo is back, watch as Moths
outside of the hilarious bird
be fighting crabs, moths, and
fall before you like kindling to a
people; I wouldn’t farm pet wins
weird little bug monsters almost
fire. Good times, good times.
here and I didn’t particularly enjoy
exclusively. The benefit to this is
the journey for the newer pets.
that your team shapes up quite
my preference in mechanical,
nicely, so much so I can almost
there’s really only one Beast type
copy/paste some of my choices.
in the entire zone, but he’s still
A pretty straightforward
Nexus Whelpling / Sprite Darter
Hatchling: You know, trust me
here, these two choices
Nexus Whelpling / Sprite
Tranquil Mechanical Yeti: Still
super flashy and adorable!
are still good.
Mechanical Yeti: As you may have
guessed, this little guy is still
my go-to choice for beatin’
Critters and Beasts alike
into little piles of pulp.
This one is as much
Gorgrond is a zone
absolutely riddled with bugs,
birds, and other buzzing
beasties. Between a
beefy Dragon type
pet with a balance
a freebie as anything
set of Magic
else, but I guess
abilities, a fast
you can use a
punching hard
flyer. The two
hitting Mechanical,
above will get
you everywhere,
and a token Beast
to mop up random
but I like to have
Critters, this zone will bow before
my Turnip around for capturing
you. You’ll cut through teams
my precious new pets.
consisting of three Flying types
like butter, you’ll smash lonely
bugs beneath your beasties feet,
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 53
you’’ a whole bunch
looks the Nexus Whelping is
Big damage and big speed, so
of battles is what you’ll do!
my choice against every flying
it’s down to your favorite. Even
But that aside, here are
pet, weird moves aside. I have
knowing these are better, I still
a similar, but not quite as
pick my Tranquil Mechanical
fervent, respect for the Darter
Yeti, just for a flashy ending.
Hatchling, I love ‘em both.
my picks for this zone:
Nexus Whelpling / Sprite Darter
Hatchling: The Nexus whelping
has always impressed me as
Kun-Lai Runt: Humanoid to
So there we have it, my choices,
a pet, I’m sure I’ve mentioned
take reduced critter damage,
zone by zone, of what you’ll want
this. Between an above-average
powerful beast moves that
on your team! I’d use a list like
move set, double advantage
you can spam to victory, and a
this to figure out the best way
against flying pets, and good
passive that heals him? The Runt
to farm as many pet battle wins
is my pick against critters with
as I could, but there’s also the
low damage, and this is almost
framework for more! This will
always the case in Gorgrond.
help you see how certain pet
Any nice beast can do almost
types and move combinations
as well, I just prefer the runt.
can shut down a certain pet,
Darkmoon Tonk / Lil’ Bling:
show you the advantage of
There’s very few beast types in
synergy in a pet’s abilities, and
Gorgrond, in fact, as far as I’ve
also help you farm pets in zones.
seen there’s only two pets. But it’s
Whatever you need to use it for!
good to have a nice mechanical
around, just to speed things up
Best of luck to you and
your pets in Draenor! ■
against the odd beast type. The
Tonk and Bling are two opposites:
By John M. Miller
The GameOn Magazine
54 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By Andrew Spalding
ast month I took you
through some of the
areas of Draenor. Unfortunately,
Tanaan Jungle is still not out as
a playable zone after the intro to
the expansion with no entry date
in sight, but hopefully we will
see it soon. In the meantime,
here is a bit from the last three
zones of the expansion.
Bathed in a beautiful orange
and red, Talador is the home
of many of the most culturally
significant areas for the Draenei.
The Iron Horde has reached the
shores and is fighting not only
against the heroes of Azeroth
and the Draenei and Blood Elves,
but also the Burning Legion.
Auchindoun is the mausoleum
of the Draenei and is the
place where the souls of all
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 55
the deceased Draenei reside.
main timeline, this becomes the
disparity between the flying
It is currently under siege by
hub city of Outland, housing both
Arakkoa of Skyreach and the
demons as Teron’gor attempts
Draenei and Blood Elves alike
flightless wretches of the land.
to take it for the Shadow Council,
under the authority of the Naaru.
potentially granting them access
Zangarra is a mushroom
Sethekk Hollow was once the
home of the dead god Sethe.
to innumerable amounts of
forest on the eastern edge of
Sethe’s blood became the pools
souls to corrupt and control.
Talador. Khadgar has made an
which corrupt the Arakkoa into
Auchindoun will one day be
outpost here with the Kirin Tor.
the flightless, insane beings you
destroyed, leaving its four wings
Here is where he will craft your
see in Outland. Only the power
to be taken by various groups
legendary ring after you finish the
of Anzu, the Dread Raven Lord,
and become instances in the
quest-line which you can aquire
can bring back their sanity.
shattered remains of Outland
from Khadgar’s Servant in your
Built on the southeastern
garrison starting at level 98.
capital for the Draenei. It was
Terokk, the greatest king
of the Arakkoa, and his
shore of the Sea of Zangar,
Shattrath City was once a trade
Skettis was built by Anzu,
Home of the Arakkoa,
Talonpriests. It is the capital
of the Arakkoa Outcasts, who
taken by the Iron Horde, driving
the Spires of Arak is a forest
were expelled from Skyreach
the citizens out of the city, and
full of massive spires that
with Terokk for practicing
subsequently taken by Socrethar
reach higher than seemingly
shadow magic and worshipping
and the Burning Legion. In the
possible. There is a huge
gods other than Rukhmar.
The GameOn Magazine
56 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
Skyreach is the capital of the
Adherents of Rukhmar, who
were the original Arakkoa. They
worship the sun god Rukhmar.
Rukhmar created the Arakkoa
and after Sethe’s curse infected
Anzu and those who followed
him, Rukhmar cast them all down
into Sethekk Hollow to become
the wretched race we see today.
Nagrand translates from
Orcish to “Land of Winds” and
where most major events in
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 57
Orcish history took place. It was
Warlords of Draenor timeline,
cutting off his own hand. Kargath
here that the Orcish tradition
Oshu’gun has been taken by the
would go on to start and lead
of Kosh’harg occurred and
Warsong Clan and the Pale Orcs.
the Shattered Hand clan out of
where Gul’dan introduced
the Orcs to demon magic.
Oshu’gun is the remains of a
The Throne of the Elements is
refugees that revolted with him.
the center of elemental powers
in Draenor. It is here that the
I hope that this has given
Naaru dimensional ship called
Furies, or leaders of the various
all of you at least a little bit
the Genedar that brought some of
elementals, reside. There is
of extra knowledge about the
the Draenei to Draenor and has
always a keeper of the elements,
world that you have explored
come to be highly revered by the
who keeps the furies calm and
for the past month and half,
Orcs of Nagrand. For years, the
the elements in balance.
and I hope that you will all go
exploring a little deeper to find
leaders of the Orc clans would
Highmaul is the center of
gather here at every equinox to
the Gorian Empire of ogres. It
out some of the more minute and
discuss various matters in an
was here that Kargath led the
interesting details of Draenor. ■
event called Kosh’harg. In the
uprising against the ogres after
By Andrew Spalding
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58 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By GameOn MAG
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 59
he spread of the fungus
does feel exactly like we’re raiding
Also the trash feels like it has
during the Brackenspore
a large stronghold instead of just
a reason to be there, what with
playing connect the boss. - Bram
Chogall’s attack and the ogre’s
encounter is manageable,
The Twin Ogrons is by far my
defending high maul against
nightmare at worst. It was
favourite encounter in Highmaul.
us and them. Hate? - Nothing
very inconsistent, sometimes
The banter between the two
at this point. was a bit miffed
spreading from patches that had
half-wits just puts me in stitches
that Bladefist was falling over
just been cleared, popping up
every time. “Bored. Let’s kill ‘dem
dead rather than escaping.
directly under the boss. - Mishuun
now” and “Dey squeal when ya
we hardly interacted with him
smoosh ‘em” makes me /giggle.
this expansion. - Celest (EU)
barely, at best and an absolute
Tectus is a delicate balancing
I like how the fights all have
act that really requires raiders
Not to mention that the encounter
to pay attention not to the boss
itself is a maze of amazing
different mechanics. In some
but to each other. The spread of
entertainment; the fire mazes, the
games its just dps boss until hp
Gift of Earth and having everyone
run away - no back to the boss -
= 0, which is rather boring! Each
move just perfectly to keep it’s
no run away quickly! Can’t say I
boss in Highmaul has different
path away from people fleeing
enjoined power healing shrooms
mechanics to deal with that keeps
Earthen Pillars makes the fight
on Brackenspore, or being LoS’d
it interesting and challenging.
really fun. If I was doing it with a
by the pillars on Tectus, or the
What I don’t like? Not much ....yet!
group that was less good about
sheer amount of tank damage
Apart from the fire dance on Twin
communication I would likely
from the Butcher, but Phemos
Ogron that reminds me of the fire
fake food poisoning anytime the
and Pol so much <3. - Aali
dance on Heigan in Naxxramas
fight came around. - Dravvie
The layout doesn’t feel linear. It
Each boss fight is a unique
battle with a variety of mechanics.
that I remember struggling to
learn *twitches*. - Isharra (EU)
I really enjoy Highmaul for the
most part. It’s somewhat strange
that Kargath is the first boss of
the expansion, and he seemed
a little out of place in Highmaul,
but I really enjoyed the encounter.
The increase in difficulty seemed
steep, but hotfixes are smoothing
that out. The last bosses look
promising in terms of difficulty
and complexity.- Penseroso (US) ■
By GameOn MAG
The GameOn Magazine
60 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By Chris Wootton
ne thing Beast Mastery
hunters like yours truly
Once dear old Ma is dead in
a pool of her own ectoplasm
Bonepickers in Gorgrond.
• A Wooden Bowl which
love is the spirit beast pet.
she’ll drop Shadowberries.
drops from Gorebound
The newest of these is Gara.
These you need in your inventory
Legionnaires in Talador.
A big purple angry mother
when you go back to Gara for…
of a wolf that’s sort of epic to
use, and sort of epic to get.
Basic requirements for the
quest are pretty simple. Level
90 and Beast Mastery. That’s it.
drops from Sethekk
Once you go back to Gara
and interact with her, she’ll
sniff the berries, look at you
Gara is lying on a grave in
• An Elder Incense which
expectantly and… that’s all.
You’re not done yet!
Next you’re off to run all over
Prophets in Spires of Arak.
• A Small Fruit — Drops
from Warsong Marauders
in Nagrand.
• A Torn Cloth — Drops from
Necrophytes in Frostfire Ridge.
• And an Ancient Bone which
drops from Thunderlord
Shadowmoon Valley and if you
Draenor hunting for items to
walk up to her and interact, she’ll
make a Spirit Effigy! No, you
ignore you apart from letting
wouldn’t guess this, I didn’t see
and gather these ingredients, use
you scratch behind her ears.
any hints as to a next step. A bit of
the crude effigy and you make
To continue the quest, you
google-fu and a visit to eyes of the
a Spirit Effigy! So back to Gara
have to go kill… her owner.
beast (heya Bendak!) saved me a
it is, and you’ll find a disturbed
Mother Om’ra. It turns out
real bucket of frustration though.
grave in front of her. Interact
Giantslayers in Frostfire Ridge
Once you troll about the place
that it’s her grave, and we
The bits you need are:
with that, and dear old Ma will
have a serious Greyfriars
• A Crude Effigy which
wander up and tell you her story.
Bobby kind of vibe going on.
The GameOn Magazine
drops from Drywind
It’s all a bit endearing really, all
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 61
about Gara not leaving her side
until her soul was at peace.
Right after this, Void Lord Xan
turns up, throws his toys out of
the pram about you releasing
Mother Om’ra and nicks your
wolf from under your nose in
compensation. What an arse!
Anyone who has done the
at all healthy,
and as one of the
pillars of fate apexis crystal
Draenei around the tree will
are completely phased into the
daily will groan at this but… you
tell you “We brought this sapling
void. Said pet is our friendly
have to go get a Void Lantern
from our home, and now it is
neighbourhood spirit wolf and the
from there. Sorry guys.
dying. I cannot sense any evil
void is full of nasty level 100 elite
nearby, but I will keep trying.”
demons. Panic not, young hunter,
Head over there from Spires
of Arak, kill some Shadowmoon
As you are under the
there’s two types here. One
Voidtwisters and grab a Void
influence of the Void Lantern,
will splat you good and has 1.5
Lantern. Once you have it, head
you can see the evil. It’s a
million health, one is squishy and
back to Shadowmoon Valley
sodding great SWORD in
only has 250,000 health. Guess
and over to Elodor. From Elodor,
the tree! Yank it, I dare ya
which would be the best to kill?
ride south to a big dead tree.
Great Tree Valuundira is not
Well what do you know? You
now have a guardian pet and
That’s right, the squishy ones.
Have at it, and you’ll eventually
The GameOn Magazine
62 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 63
stealing idiots). Dismiss any pet
and hits like a truck so enjoy!
After killing the big weasel,
you have up, tame her and watch
Should you want more than one
he’ll pop a devastating nuke but
her be totally unlike other tamed
spirit wolf or have abandoned
you’re going to automagically use
beasties and not attack you.
Gara in a tequila fueled haze
get Void Arse Xan to show up.
deterrence so he might as well
Mother Om’ra will now let you
you can click the sword in the
be poking you with a celery stick.
and Gara know that she’s at peace
tree again, head on over to
Old ma Om’ra will show up again
and she hopes that Gara finds
65,37 on the map and tame the
and tell you that Gara is being
the same peace one day. *sniff*
Lost Netherwolf that’s hanging
sucked into the void (there will be
So there you have it, how to
one wolf per hunter if many are
tame the new Spirit Beastie, she
here, so don’t worry about tame
comes with the spirit beast heal
out under a little tree. ■
By Chris Wootton
The GameOn Magazine
64 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By GameOn MAG
ach expansion, each
patch and each update
So fellow gamers, here is our
staff’s wishlist for Christmas
too much cool looking stuff!
• Garrison Campaign’s, I do
that Blizzard makes to the game
2014 and the new year 2015.
really enjoy them; but what
there are items, changes, dreams
Any of it sound familiar?
about making them not
and desires we all have for what
might appear on screen when
--• I would like to see Brawler’s
always about killing stuff.
I want a treasure hunt!
• A Tabard pane that is account
we log in next. As we sit and
Guild have an option for
reminisce or whine about all the
healers and tanks. DPS get to
bound - I love my tabards,
things that drive us crazy or we
run in there and have a ball,
all kazillion of them, but
crave to see in-game with our
but those who main tanks
they aren’t on my main. To
guildies and friends, don’t forget
and healers have to switch
even think about all that
to make them known. Maybe they
specs, change toons or learn
grinding again… ./cry
aren’t so crazy; maybe others
a new spec all together.
feel exactly the same as you;
• I want a third void storage tab,
• I would love to see the guild
roster accurately track
maybe someone will say hey, that
seriously, the second one only
account-wide achievement
is a flipping fantastic idea and
made a dent in my inventory
points. Total achieve nut here,
Blizzard will catch wind of it.
space. Blizz, you just make way
but my achieves are spread
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 65
out between my two mains
new account. I’d settle for just
others. I’d love to think that I
from the years, so when
being able to chat with them.
want more than one of them
you look at the guild roster
that 21k is split in half.
• To see the inside of Shatt,
or the outside without the
in a raid like I do hunters.
• Better colorblind mode
Sargeri. The area is so
options! I can’t see some
what we brag about, through
pretty. I’m really hoping the
colors and struggle in
achieves and items. Can we
inside is a way pretty raid
game, and I just noticed one
have some absurd new item
with lots of cool new lore.
raid that we had a Shadow
that is insane and absolutely
• For the Alliance to stop losing
• Our legacy’s in game are
pointless other than to say ‘hey
Arathi Basin. Can we get a
remember 2015 when this…’
penalty other than a loss for
• The ability for EU & US to do
stuff together. I know it’s a pile
fighting on the roads??
• Better balancing for Shadow
Priest because I thought
the floor was moving!
• I wish that garrison buildings
would have at least some
customization, for example
of work, but I have so many
Priests and Warlocks. They’re
changing some colours
friends EU side that I’d love
performing alright in some
around or changing the
to play with without rolling a
areas, but really need help in
location of a cosmetic tower.
• Separate lockouts for 10
and 25 man legacy raids
• Previewing of cosmetic
enchants. Nuff said.
• All races becoming neutral
and new characters being able
to pick which faction to join
• I’d really like to see what
Bolvar is doing with the
Scourge up in Northrend.
Possible future expansion?
• Possibly redo all the tier sets
up to Dragon Soul to increase
their graphical fidelity, and
also add monk and DK options
where there aren’t any.
• The class accessories Blizzard
teased a while ago? ■
By GameOn MAG
The GameOn Magazine
66 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By Ashleigh Ayn Sult
Or, if you’re on a PvP server,
hile most of us are out
Thunder Bluff or Stormwind,
waiting for the ball to
(for you mount collecting folks
and are of a more mischievous
drop or finding someone to kiss
on a reputation grind, every bit
mindset, you could visit Booty
at midnight, there’s a secret
counts!) that has Smokywood
Bay, where the guards have all
party going on in the streets of
Pastures delivering even after
gotten so drunk they’ve fallen
Thunder Bluff and Stormwind.
the Christmas season is over.
asleep. Steal that thing you’ve
Every year, starting at 6am
Once you arrive at the city, the
always wanted. Do that back alley
realm time on the 31st of
revelers love getting /kisses. You
deal. But mostly: PvP to your
December and continuing all
can also collect a cup off a table,
heart’s content, the Bruisers
day until dawn of the next day,
and fill it at a nearby keg. I’ve
aren’t going to put a stop to
there are fireworks every hour
discovered that over the years, if
your fun tonight. Nothing says
celebrating the new year. In the
you don’t delete it, they frequently
bringing in the New Year like
streets themselves there are even
stay in your bags, making it so
a slaughter fest punctuated
free drinks and off duty soldiers
you can have a drunk character
by fireworks over the water.
of the Alliance and Horde.
super easy and very cheap. If
There’s also a yearly quest that
you’re on a RP realm, this is also
in the grassy past the moat at
gives 250 reputation with either
a great chance for walk up RP.
the edge of Stormwind. Look at
The GameOn Magazine
My favorite area to watch is
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 67
the Statues lining the
walkway into the city
and tilt your camera
up. It’s like watching
something straight
out of a Disney movie.
If you’re in Thunder
Bluff, just find a spot
that’s a bit clear of
buildings and look up
at the night sky, the
entire bluff is picture
perfect for a fireworks
show. It’s best if you
visit the kegs and fill
up your cup, allowing
you to stay nice and
drunk in game while
enjoying the show.
Wherever you decide
to watch, in game, or
out, Happy New Year
from all of us to you. ■
By Ashleigh Ayn Sult
The GameOn Magazine
68 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
Winter Veil
Winter Veil
a game we have
put together for you to do in your down time. Match the words that
go together from the two columns to complete it. Click on the image below to download it and print it off.
Stolen Present
Feat of Strength
Red or Green
Winter Hat
Christmas Tree
December 25th
Pets and Toys
Shimmering Reglia
The GameOn Magazine
Dungeons and
Milk and Cookies
Crashin' Thrashin'
In-Game Christmas
Winter Reveler
Engineering Fun
Lump of Coal
Small Eggs
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 69
Complete this Highmaul Raiding Wordsearch we have created just for you! Find the all the words listed
below and enjoy. Download it by
clicking on the image
below, then print it off to take with you.
WoW Community Magazine
c h
l r
b e
u s
t o
c n
h a
e n
r c
o e
i r
s s
r r
f o
b r
r b
e n
Iron Horde
i z p
r d k
k e r
i d a
cm i
h h s
d e i
r a e
t r r
f t y
r a e
f g o
a g h
o n h
n s w
e n s
n h i
k h e
e f u
Cutting Edge
Glory of the Raider
Record Kill
Gorian Empire
One Hundred
i o n g
i o e u
r d r i
e t p l
c e e d
p c p s
u t r a
l u em
v smy
e c a t
r g d h
i r e i
z o s c
emh n
pm r o
i a o r
c s om
d hma
mo s l
Shattered Hand
The GameOn Magazine
Brothers: The Thoughts of Two Gamers
Issue 48 • October 2013
70 • GameOn Magazine