Pesach Newsletter 2011 - The Louis Brier Foundation


Pesach Newsletter 2011 - The Louis Brier Foundation
Spring 2011 } Pesach 5771
May your ‫פסח‬
be a celebration
of Peace, Health
& Happiness
Mi’Dor L’Dor is published by the Louis Brier Jewish Aged Foundation
We are a non-profit charitable organization raising funds to support programs and services benefitting elderly residents at Louis Brier Home & Hospital.
New Annual Giving Donor Wall
Founding members of the To Life! 2011 Annual Giving Campaign
who contribute a minimum of $2,500 each year for three years will
have their names inscribed on the Annual Giving Donor Wall near
the entrance to Louis Brier. Still in the early design stage, these artist
sketches provide an idea of what the new donor wall could look like.
Overhead View
Tree of Life plaque
Option 1
Donor Wall sponsor
valence strip light
tilted slab / panel with
glass donor plaques
8” thick concrete wall
Concrete wall to gen
Tilted panel may be erally match existing Sign wall at 41st
Removable plaque granite slab, zinc, stainless steel, cop - overall length approx. 16’.
system and layout
not yet designed. per, etc. Panel approx 12’ long x 2’
ead View
Overhead View
Louis Brier Home &
Proposed New Dono
r Recognition Wall
tion A
Option 3
March 11/11
Tree of Life plaque
Donor Wall Sponso and
r Nam
Tree of Life plaque
Option 2
Donor Wall sponsor
valence strip light
tilted slab / panel with
glass donor plaques
8” thick concrete wall
tilted slab / panel
glass donor plaques
Louis Brier Home & Hospital
Proposed New Donor Recognition
Louis Brier Home
& Ho
Option C
Proposed New Donor spital
Recognition Wall
March 11/11
Option C
valence strip light
March 11/11
2 # thick concret
e wall
length approx. 16’.
existing Sign wall at 41st - overall
Concrete wall to generally matchzinc, stainless steel, copper, etc. Panel approx 12’ long x 2’
Tilted panel may be granite slab,
TES: and layout not yet design
Removable plaque
Louis Brier Jewish
Aged Foundation
Overhead View
Concrete wall to gen
ed pan
el lmay be granitematch existing Sign wall at 41st - ove
uis Brier Hom
3. e &Rem
slab, zinc, stainless
rall length approx
ovable plaque sys Wal
l layout
steel, cop
. 16’.
tem and
not yet designed. per, etc. Panel approx 12’ long x 2’
posed New
Donor Recognition
Life plaque and
ion A
This edition of Mi’Dor L’Dor has been printed on Forest Stewardship
Tree of
Louis Brier Home
Sponsor Name
Wall environmentally
Donor –
Council (FSC) paper
responsible paper. Why FSC?
March 11/11
Proposed New Do & Hospital
nor Recognition
Wall is the gold standard of forest management systems worldwide. FSC is an
FSC paper
Option B March
international certification system for forests and forest products supported by WWF
Canada, Greenpeace, and the
David Suzuki Foundation.
We have
new ...
tilted slab / panel with
glass donor plaques
valence strip light
2 # thick concrete wall
This table illustrates the resources that
have been saved in the production of the
6,500 units of Mi’Dor L’Dor printed.
th approx. 16’.
wall at 41st - overall leng
x 2’
Panel approx 12’ long
rally match existing Sign
Concrete wall to gene ite slab, zinc, stainless steel, copper, etc.
Tilted panel may
and layout not yet desig
Spring 2011 } Pesach 5771
In this issue
Enhancing lives through
annual giving – Gary Segal
Foundation Reflections
Harry Lipetz
Lorne Cristall
Unquestionably a
Community Treasure
Bob Markin
Lorne Cristall
Unquestionably a
Community Treasure
2011 To Life! Annual
Campaign – to Maintain,
Sustain & Enhance
Michelle Dodek
To Life! 2011 Annual
Giving Vision & Reply Card
To Life! letter to the
community & event
milestones 2003 – 2011
Louis Brier Home &
Hospital programs
funded by the foundation
A Chaplain’s Reflections –
One Year Later
Rabbi Hillel Brody
12 – 13
unite2nite – Marie Doduck
& Committee, sponsors
16 – 17
and photo collage
Battle of the bands 2011
photo collage, sponsors
& Committee
Arnie Shuchat
18 – 19
happier, more productive lives.
Read more on page 6
Louis Brier Jewish Aged Foundation Board Members 2010 – ­2011
Art in the Garden
Elliot Nitkin
We Welcome
Remembering Ralph
Laurie Epstein
Remembering Sam Zack
Vanessa Trester
We Care Tribute Cards
24 – 32
We Remember
Top 18 Wish List Items
Ask a prominent B.C. Supreme
Court Justice, community leaders
and long-time friends and you will
find total consensus: Lorne Cristall
is a unique, very special person.
Utilizing unparalleled leadership
skills and especially unstinting
kindness and dedication, his
services and philanthropy have
helped numerous organizations to
thrive and countless people to lead
34 – 35
Harry Lipetz
Sandra Bressler
Vice President
Lee Simpson
Immediate Past President
Mark Zlotnik
Chair Investment Finance Committee
Arnie Sadovnick
Treasurer Investment Finance
Rick Cohen
Investment Finance Committee
Eli Borodow, Lorne Cristall, Marie Doduck, Michael Geller,
David Goodman, Dr. Peter Gropper, Irving Kates, Chaim
Kornfeld, Harvey Permack, Richard Wenner, Sam Zalkow
Advisory Council
Max Fugman, Josephine Margolis-Nadel, Joseph Segal
We make every effort to
accommodate the needs
of our readership and look
forward to hearing from you.
Please write to us with any
comments or suggestions
you have.
Employees and agents of
the Snider Campus of Care
and Foundation assume no
responsibility for damages,
errors or omissions related to
this published material.
Cover Photo Credits
Robert Albanese Dina Goldstein
Marian Lucas Lane
Sharon Tenenbaum
Lianne Cohen
Katrina Kalem
Sandra MacPherson
Editorial Committee and Contributors: Dvori Balshine, Rabbi Hillel Brody, Michelle Dodek, Marie
Doduck, Laurie Epstein, Dr. Judith Globerman, Peter Kafka, Ken Levitt, Harry Lipetz, Bob Markin,
Elliot Nitkin, Glenda Saitowitz, Arnold Shuchat, Gary Segal, Vanessa Trester, Joanne Wilson
Design and Production: Barbi Braude
Mi’Dor L’Dor } Publication of the Louis Brier Aged Foundation
Enhancing lives through annual giving
by Gary Segal
we have successfully raised much needed
funds for capital campaigns and endowed
programs for the long term benefit of this
Snider Campus of Care. But it has been my
long-­expressed desire and hope to see the
launch of an Annual Giving campaign -­to
provide a recurring source of unrestricted
funds that can be relied on to sustain
and enhance the extra care, services,
equipment and programs that truly make
this place special – and that hope is now
a reality. For our elderly residents it is
incumbent upon us to help make their
lives today as joyful, comfortable, free and
independent as possible.
This is my last Mi’Dor L’Dor
message as my second two
year term as President
comes to an end in June.
These four years have
passed very quickly and
much has transpired in my
own family life.
The nature of the Louis Brier Home and
Hospital is such that over the course of
just one year, let alone four, many activities
and events take place that impact the lives
of our residents and their families and
loved ones. In the last four years we have
welcomed many new residents and sadly
said goodbye to many others. That is the
natural cycle of life. But at the Brier we
are tasked with the sacred obligation to
honour our elders, treat them with dignity
and respect, and provide them the best
care and comfort we can possibly give
them while they reside with us. I can tell
you from personal experience that while
mindful of their duty, our dedicated team
of volunteers, staff, management and
Board perform this task with a sense of
care and devotion.
In recent years, with the indispensable
help of our Foundation Board and staff,
During my tenure two of the things
that I always looked forward to were
the opportunity to spend time with our
residents and their family members
and hear about their experience at the
Brier, and the Board education sessions
where we were privileged to receive
staff presentations on their areas of
responsibility. The staff give us insights
into our efforts to deliver to our residents
the best quality of life possible, and the
residents and their families let me know
how we are doing (on the whole very well).
For those who have not experienced
having a loved one reside at Louis Brier,
let me assure you that your donations
will touch the lives of our residents and
make a difference.
I am proud to admit that many staff
presentations to our Board have brought
tears to my eyes and the eyes of others
for two reasons: 1) hearing many real
anecdotes about the life-­changing impact
that a certain program or therapy has had
on our seniors, and 2) being touched by
the obvious passion, emotion and true
caring of our Brier staff. Just to give one
example, at the most recent presentation
by Megan, Louis Brier Music Therapist,
she explained to us the many tangible
and intangible benefits of the innovative
music therapy programs for our residents
and their spouses or families, such as:
increased social interaction, decreased
anxiety, enhanced memory recall,
improved quality of life, better mobility
and circulation, helpful anger and pain
management and, even if just for fleeting
moments, “bringing out the whole and well
person” and allowing families to reconnect
with the essence of their loved one. Similar
impacts are made by our occupational
and physical therapy, cultural, recreational
and Jewish programming, nursing
care, mobility equipment and research.
Knowing the tremendous quality of life
benefits that the current levels of extra
care provide, we must ensure that, at
a minimum, we can sustain them and,
ideally, enhance them. Our new and
long overdue multi-­year Annual Giving
campaign is critical to doing just that.
In my inaugural message some four years
ago I wrote “it is said that an important
measure of a society is how we deal with
our elders”, and accordingly our community
should be very proud of Louis Brier; it is a
vital community institution that requires and
deserves the support of everyone.
Please, put yourselves in the place
of our residents and do whatever you
can to help make a difference in their
lives. Maybe you have or had a family
member here or know someone who
does, maybe you can simply relate to
or understand what they may be going
through and are thankful for your own
circumstances, or maybe you realize
that in some direct or indirect way we
are all potential users of Louis Brier
and would like it to be the best it can
be. Whatever perspective you may have,
whether out of a feeling of obligation or
from the heart, we must all do our part.
Spring 2011 } Pesach 5771
by Harry Lipetz
For many years you have read about the residents and activities of
the Louis Brier Home & Hospital and The Weinberg Residence in
this publication. You have seen the smiling faces of our seniors while
involved in various activities including music therapy, synagogue
services, visits with our Chaplain, bus outings, or just relaxing in
the beautiful facilities and gardens, working in the computer room,
enjoying visits from community Jewish school children and being
with generations of their own families.
Much of what I have described did not
materialize from Government funding
but rather through the generous support
of many members of the Greater
Vancouver Jewish Community. The
Louis Brier Jewish Aged Foundation
(“The Foundation”) was established for
the sole purpose of raising funds and
encouraging Community support for our
senior residents.
This issue of Mi’Dor L’Dor is unique in
that for the first time it is featuring not
the recipients of its efforts but rather
the Foundation itself to confirm our vital
work on behalf of nearly 300 residents
of the Snider Campus who come to us
at what is probably the most vulnerable
time in their lives.
The Brier is not a recipient of funding
from The Jewish Federation of Greater
Vancouver and has chosen from its
inception to rely on raising funds
independently. This success, in the past,
can be seen from without by simply
looking at the beautiful buildings resulting
from major capital campaigns.
More importantly the success of the
Foundation can be seen within the walls
of the Home.
Without the annual funding of the
Foundation many vital programs
would either be reduced or no longer
available. Many programs including
additional physiotherapy, music therapy,
synagogue funding, kosher food and
volunteer coordination are funded by
the Foundation. Simply put, the monthly
or annual income of the Home and
Hospital is not sufficient to sustain
and maintain the programs as they are
presently offered to our residents. It is
the goal of the Foundation and the hope
of the Brier that we go even further and
enhance what is already excellent to an
even higher level.
The Louis Brier Jewish Aged Foundation
is about to embark, for the first time, on
an annual giving campaign without a
specific project. In the past campaigns
have been project based such as our last
campaign to establish an endowment
fund for a Chaplain. The 2011 campaign
is fashioned after the successful
campaign at Baycrest, Toronto’s Jewish
Home, for a multi-­year commitment from
members of the Jewish Community.
The goal of the 2011 campaign is to
seek a three year commitment from the
families of residents and the entire Jewish
community. A successful campaign will
provide the Home and Hospital funds
they can rely on from year to year. This
is very important for budgeting purposes
and helps the CEO and program directors
concentrate on delivery of services.
Please, when called upon to help
to improve the lives of our seniors,
respond with the support they deserve.
Be recognized along with your friends
and family on our new wall of annual
donors to be constructed in a prominent
location within the Home.
Mi’Dor L’Dor } Publication of the Louis Brier Aged Foundation
Unquestionably a Community Treasure
by Bob Markin
His motivation
What Lorne has done for the community
locally, abroad, in Israel, as a leader
and a philanthropist is second nature
to him. You might say that this year’s
Chai Award Honouree at the Louis Brier
Jewish Aged Foundation’s 2011 To
Life! Celebration on May 18th is the
continuation of a legacy that has seen
the Cristall Family lead and participate
in community service over several
generations. Among Lorne’s many
community passions is the Louis Brier,
the community’s prized from generation
to generation facility and he emphasizes
that “its importance is paramount. If we
didn’t have the Brier, we wouldn’t have a
Ask a prominent B.C. Supreme Court
Justice, community leaders and long-time
friends and you will find total consensus:
Lorne Cristall is a unique, very special
person. Utilizing unparalleled leadership
skills and especially unstinting kindness and
dedication, his services and philanthropy
have helped numerous organizations to
thrive and countless people to lead happier,
more productive lives.
Lorne’s community leadership is quiet,
thoughtful and concerned and over the
decades it has never failed to inspire for its
sincerity and conviction. His continuous
and continuing 45-year dedication to
community betterment is impressive.
Kol ­ha’kavod
Brier Foundation president Harry Lipetz
explained that the Chai Award was
established to recognize individuals who
give of their time, expertise and resources
to enhance the lives of both present and
future Home and Hospital residents.
“Lorne has exemplified these qualities
over many years, serving the Brier as
Vice-­President, President for three
terms, Life Governor and Foundation
Board Member. He has demonstrated
leadership in the care of the elderly and
we are grateful to be able to honour him
with the Chai Award this year”, Harry
said. Louis Brier Foundation Director of
Development Dvori Balshine said that
Lorne leads and fundraises for the Home
and Hospital and does everything with a
personal commitment. “He exemplifies
the Brier Foundation mission statement
from generation to generation and
understands just how many people are
in a situation where they need a facility
such as the Louis Brier”, she stated.
Former long-­time Louis Brier Executive
Director Ken Levitt can only describe
Lorne’s leadership as outstanding. Ken
recalled that Lorne’s presidency carried
added responsibilities during the 1990
Building campaign, “Lorne very astutely
recognized the challenges he faced and
because of his skills as a mediator and a
consensus builder, he was instrumental
in building a very strong board of
Ken said that the words of Louis Brier
Past President Chaim Kornfeld are most
à propos — “If Lorne was Secretary-­
General of the United Nations, his
leadership abilities would bring about
peace in the world today”. Lorne’s
character and personal qualities are
truly second-­to-­none. A close friend
for over 50 years, B.C. Supreme Court
Justice Bruce Cohen stated that he has
witnessed firsthand Lorne’s consistent
deep respect for his elders, loyalty to
family and friends, work ethic, integrity,
honesty and leadership skills. “These
qualities have served him well as a
husband, father, businessman and
community leader. He has generously
dedicated and contributed his time and
resources to many community institutions
which will serve and assist those
institutions and the entire community for
generations to come.”
On a more personal level, Justice Cohen
referred to Lorne’s wise counsel, grace,
wit and charm. “We have learned from
how Lorne faces life’s challenges with
courage and dignity and in this respect
he has been an inspiration and a role
model to his family and friends.”
Spring 2011 } Pesach 5771
What is the most important task facing the community today?
“We must influence the younger generation to make a commitment towards the building of a
stronger community. This is the most critical thing of all.” Lorne Cristal
In a statement with which countless
people would instantly concur, Justice
Cohen stressed “Lorne is in every sense
of the word a mensch, someone to
admire and emulate, and a person of
noble character.” Larry Izen, another
half-­century-­plus close friend, readily
agreed, “Lorne is a great listener,
extremely wise, an outstanding judge
of issues and character, constantly
philanthropic, and has always shown
exceptional integrity, fairness and
courage. In short, in every way, he is a
great human being.”
2009 Chai Award recipient and this
year’s Louis Brier Foundation 2011
To Life! Celebration Chair, Lee Simpson,
is also a friend spanning many decades.
“To me, Lorne has always represented
wisdom, strength...and courage”, she
said. “The ability to face challenges
with grace and hope are characteristics
worthy of acknowledgement. He certainly
deserves this award for his longstanding
commitment to the Brier and to the
elderly in our community past, present
and future.”
Family Tradition
When Lorne lends his talents and energy
to a cause or organization, in the back-­
of-­his-­mind are the qualities his parents
exemplified in their lives. His mother
Fae Cristall was for decades a prominent
Hadassah leader, as well as a very active
participant in the then United Jewish
Appeal, the former Jewish Community
Fund and Council, B’nai B’rith Women,
Hillel and in many major campaigns on
behalf of Israel. Lorne described her as
“a major influence in my community
involvement.” Lorne’s father, Alex Cristall,
although not active in the community
due to work responsibilities, nevertheless
“often spoke of the need for community
support and was philosophically a strong
part of my participation”, Lorne said.
Leadership and Philanthropy
In addition to his extensive involvement
at the Brier, Lorne has served as vice-­
president and president of Vancouver
Talmud Torah, vice-­president of Canadian
Friends of the Hebrew University,
canvasser leader for the Combined
Jewish Appeal, board member and
president of Congregation Beth Israel,
vice-­president of Canadian Friends of the
Hebrew University, and a key founder
and supporter of King David High School.
Mi’Dor L’Dor
The Cristalls receive much nachas from
their wonderful family and community
service. Sylvia, Lorne’s charming and
devoted wife, has taken leading roles in
Vancouver Talmud Torah, Congregation
Beth Israel, Camp Hatikvah Foundation,
the Jewish Federation, and particularly
Hadassah-­Wizo which she has long
and diligently served locally, regionally
and nationally.
Daughter Jodi is a Beth Israel board
member, and operates Mayers Packaging
Ltd. Daughter Jackie serves on the boards of
Camp Hatikvah and Jewish Family Service
Agency and is married to Gary Morris. They
have two children, Ashley and Justin.
Son Alex is the youngest president
ever of the Jewish Community Centre
and works with Lorne in the successful
family real-­estate development and
management company the Cristall Group
– CGI Developments. Alex and his wife,
Jodi Oshry, have three children, Sydney,
Tyler and Andrew.
Lorne’s days entail keeping track of
developments at the family business,
attending to family and friends – and yes,
without question, helping the community,
instinctively carrying on the Cristall Family
tradition of service to others.
Today, he continues to serve on the
Louis Brier and the Talmud Torah
Foundation Boards and is Co-­Chairman
of the major upcoming campaign for the
redevelopment of Congregation Beth
Israel, a project he describes as “a major
dream that we have in our community”.
Lorne actively supports and fundraises for
King David High School as well as many
endeavours benefiting the State of Israel.
Lorne’s wonderful sense of humour and
positive outlook on life shows in everything
he does.
He is an inspiration and a
mensch and, unquestionably,
a community treasure.
Mi’Dor L’Dor } Publication of the Louis Brier Aged Foundation
Spring 2011 } Pesach 5771
From the Louis Brier Jewish Aged Foundation Board of Directors & Staff
With all good wishes for a Happy & Healthy Passover
Dvori Balshine
Director of Development
Louis Brier Foundation
Bold New Campaign to Maintain, Sustain & Enhance
by Michelle Dodek
Everywhere you turn there is a capital campaign underway for something in the Jewish
community and our culture seems to demand that we continue to build while less thought
is given to how we will maintain what we have created.
According to Louis Brier Foundation’s
Director of Development, Dvori Balshine,
the Foundation is taking a new approach
this spring and launching the To Life!
2011 Annual Campaign instead of
focussing on a special project.
There is much to celebrate at the Louis Brier
and the goal of the To Life! 2011 Annual
Campaign is to maintain the beautiful
environment and enriched services, to
sustain the level of Yiddishkeit, the overall
care and extra programming and further
enhance the quality of life of the residents.
Dvori is passionate when she says that “I
care about Vancouver’s Jewish community
and feel that the Louis Brier is one of the
most important organizations we have.”
The Louis Brier Foundation provides
many Jewish extras to the Louis Brier
Home & Hospital including kosher food,
music therapy, programs, a synagogue
and Yiddishkeit not provided by
government funding.
The Louis Brier Home & Hospital is a
mainstay in the Jewish Community. It is
a home for those who can no longer live
independently or need special care and
support that their families cannot provide.
“There are also those in our community
who have no one to care for them in
their old age,” Dvori said. “As a Jewish
Community and as individual Jews, it is
our obligation to care for our elders. The
Louis Brier Foundation relies completely
on the dedication of donors to pay for the
extras offered to residents. The community
needs to contribute to provide the level
of care and programming that our elderly
deserve.” she said.
While government funding and residents’
fees cover basic needs, the Foundation
plays a vital role in maintaining the
quality of life of Snider Campus residents
and provides more than $450,000
annually to make this place hamish for
close to 300 residents.
As Director of Development of the Louis
Brier Foundation, Dvori is proud to play a
key role in keeping this beautiful institution
a model for other homes for the aged.
People tell her all the time that this is the
nicest Home in the Lower Mainland. “And
they are right!”
Dvori and her husband, Michael came
from Israel in 1969 and quickly integrated
into the community. They are now the
proud grandparents of seven beautiful
grandchildren. Dvori joined the Louis Brier
Foundation eight plus years ago just before
the opening of the Weinberg Residence.
It is her commitment to her family and
community that fuels her belief in the value
of supporting the Louis Brier Jewish Aged
Foundation with its bold new campaign.
This is the inaugural year of the
Foundation’s Annual Giving Campaign
and an initiative Dvori hopes will continue
for many years to come to maintain,
sustain and enhance the lives of residents
at the Louis Brier.
The fruit of the righteous is a Tree of Life
You can support the Weinberg programs, services
and the Golden Key Endowment fund by inscribing a leaf
Gold Leaf $1,800 | Silver Leaf $720 | Copper Leaf $540
Rocks are also available for $5,400 or $3,600
Call the Louis Brier Jewish Aged Foundation at 604-261-5550 for more information
“As my father planted trees for me so I shall plant for my children”
Mi’Dor L’Dor } Publication of the Louis Brier Aged Foundation
To Life 2011 R
Annual Giving Vision
To provide a recurring source of unrestricted funds that can be relied on to maintain,
sustain and enhance the extra care, service, equipment and programs to help make our
residents’ lives today as joyful, comfortable and independent as possible.
To Life_Letterhead:Layout 1 3/4/11 11:46 AM Page 1
Spring 2011 } Pesach 5771
The Louis Brier Jewish Aged Foundation | 1055 West 41st Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6M 1W9
Telephone: 604.261.5550 | Fax 604.261.5565 | Email: [email protected]| www.louisb
Honourary Chairs
Samuel Belzberg
Joseph Segal
Campaign Chairs
Harry Lipetz
Gary Segal
Campaign Committee
Rick Cohen
Marie Doduck
Louis Eisman
Bob Golden
David Goodman
Larry Izen
Brent James
Ken Levitt
Bev Libin
Spring 2011 Dear Friends of Louis Brier Home & Hospital Funds we can rely on ... these five words represent the single most important gift you can give to the Louis Brier Home and Hospital. While Government funding ensures a basic level of care, we rely on community contributions to provide our residents with the enhanced quality of life deserved by our residents and expected by o
ur community. The Louis Brier does not have a membership base that synagogues and other community organizations are able to draw on for financial support. A total of 218 elderly at the Louis Brier benefit greatly from your financial assistance that is so vital for providing exceptional recreational and Jewish programming, kosher food, volunteer coordination, a
nd increased music, art, physio and occupational therapies — annually — to maintain, sustain and enhance overall resident care. Harvey Permack
The Louis Brier Foundation has conducted many successful project-­‐based campaigns. However, in 2011 we are asking you to make a commitment to support us for more than one year at a time. Mark Zlotnik
Why is multi-­‐year funding important? Dinner Chair
Stable and reliable funding allows Louis Brier to plan and budget more efficiently and cost effectively for consistent delivery of exceptional services and programming over a number of years. It also fulfills our obligation to our elderly to provide the care and caring that makes a real difference in their daily lives. Rose Mikelberg
Lee Purkin Simpson
Dinner Committee
Sharilyn Bell
Beth Bogner
Sandra Bressler
Judith Cohen
Carolyn Kramer
Marion Eisman
Shari Gaerber
Laurie Gasoi
Linda Glasner
Nancy Goldberg
Marla Groberman
Marlene Hershfield
In the coming weeks you will be approached by Louis Brier Foundation Board members and canvassers to make your commitment to the Louis Brier’s To Life! 2011 Annual Campaign. To culminate this successful campaign there is a celebration planned for Wednesday, May 18th at the Four Seasons Hotel to honour Lorne Cristall who will receive the Chai Award. We are hopeful that you will do your very best to show leadership and make a commitment of funds we can rely on. Very warm regards Elaine Lipetz
Roberta Mickelson
Rose Mikelberg
Connie Permack
Helen Pinsky
Yvette Porte
Nanci Segal
Director of Development
Dvori Balshine
Gary Segal President – Louis Brier Home & Hospital Co-­‐Chair To Life! 2011 Campaign Harry Lipetz President – Louis Brier Foundation Co-­‐Chair To Life! 2011 Campaign 12
Mi’Dor L’Dor } Publication of the Louis Brier Aged Foundation
Without the many years of dedicated service and exceptional generosity of our community leaders the
Louis Brier Jewish Aged Foundation would not have achieved these milestones. We thank everyone
who has volunteered their valuable time and financial support over the years to maintain, sustain and
enhance a quality of life our residents so richly deserve. It is our hope that this mitzvah of serving
the community will continue to be passed down from generation to generation. The Chai Award was
established in 2003 to recognize the dedication of our community leaders.
Major Campaign Years –
Saluting Our Community
S 2003 – Golden Key Endowment Fund.
Joseph and Rosalie Segal are honoured
at the Gala dinner celebrating the
opening of the Weinberg.
S 2005 – Chai Endowment Fund honours
Bernard Reed for his $3 million gift.
Hershey Porte is the first recipient of the
Chai Award.
S 2007 – Burn the Mortgage Campaign.
Louis Eisman receives the Chai Award.
The Dinner Gala celebrates the burning
of the Weinberg mortgage with the
production of Broadway Salutes the
Brier by an Israeli group.
S 2009 – Chaplaincy Fund. Lee PurkinSimpson receives the Chai Award.
S 2011 – To Life! 2011 Maintain, Sustain,
and Enhance Annual Giving Campaign.
Lorne Cristall will receive the Chai Award
at an evening of celebration in May.
Community Outreach
S 2003-2011 – Louis Brier Foundation
publishes 19 editions of its very own
Mi’Dor L’Dor From Generation to
S 2003-2011 – production of four videos
capturing the Life and Times of Louis
Brier residents.
S 2004 – Debbie Friedman z’l concert at
the Chan Centre.
S 2006 – The Louis Brier 60th Birthday
Party with the Chai Folk Ensemble from
Winnipeg at the Stanley Theatre. Event
sponsors are hosted at a pre-concert
reception at the Bau-Xi Gallery.
S 2008 – Chai Folk Ensemble from
Winnipeg to celebrate 60th Anniversary
of Israel at the River Rock.
S 2008 – established the Annual
Battle of the Bands From Generation
to Generation with the support of
Richmond Jewish Day School. Third
Annual Battle of the Bands held at
River Rock in February 2011.
S 2008 – Tree of Life at Weinberg
dedicated by the Averbach family
in memory of Lou & Betty Averbach.
Spring 2011 } Pesach 5771
S 2008 – Power of Giving Reception at
Van Dusen Gardens promoting a better
understanding of Planned Giving for
accountants and lawyers.
Foundation Presidents
S 2010 – Power of Women Lecture Series
featuring Dr. Karen Gelmon, Lilian Broca
and Barbara Yaffe.
S 2010 – Sol Zim unite2nite pre-Chanukah
community from generation to generation
celebration at the River Rock.
Special Events
S 2003 – Weinberg dedication of a glass
sculpture honoring Edith Lando, C.M.
and Miriam Lando Matoff.
Artists: Diana Zoe coop with John Nutter.
S 2004 – Dedication of the Gallery of
Donors Wall.
S Mark Zlotnik 2003-2005 S
S 2006 – Dental Clinic Upgrade with the
support of many dentist donors, UBC
School of Dentistry and the community.
S November 2005, 2007, 2009 & 2011
Chai Tea to dedicate new donors on the
Gallery of Donors Wall.
Dedicated by
Larry Rice & Joanne Sheps
In Honour of our Fifth Anniversary
August 25, 2007
Dedicated by
the Mina and Margolis Families
In Loving Memory of Celia Margolis
In Memory of
My Mother Pauline Litsky
Abrasha and Chava Wosk
Synagogue Renovations
S Etched glass door donated by the
Segal Family and Yosef Wosk
Glass Artist: Joel Berman.
S New me’chitza donated by the Hammer
Family in Memory of Leon and in Honour
of Lola Hammer.
S 51 new chairs dedicated through
community donations.
S Lee Purkin-Simpson 2005-2009 S
S New embroidered ark cover.
S New dedication of Sefer Torah by the
Thau Family in memory of Rubin Thau.
Louis Brier Art Collection
S 400 plus pieces of art donated
by donors.
Other Enhancements
S Fayerman Family refurbishiment and
upkeep of the Shalom Garden In Memory
of Min Fayerman.
S Social Hall renovations made possible
by Paul & Edwina Heller.
S Yamaha baby grand piano donated
by Ellen Cohen.
S Harry Lipetz 2009 to present S
Mi’Dor L’Dor } Publication of the Louis Brier
Brier Aged
Aged Foundation
Funded by the Foundation
Occupational & Physical Therapy
Music & Entertainment
The Home recognizes the value of music
therapy in the lives of our elderly. On a
regular basis, we organize individuals
or groups to come and entertain our
residents and encourage them to
participate. Donations go towards
sponsoring performances, musical
instruments and material.
Dental Clinic Improvement
Our “Reaching Out, Geriatric Dentistry
Program,” establishes a partnership between
the Faculty of Dentistry at UBC and our
Home. Dentists, dental students and dental
hygienists come and work in our own dental
office and provide our residents with full
dental assessments, up-to-date methods in
geriatric oral care, regular cleaning, and take
the opportunity to educate the care staff and
companions on helping with oral hygiene.
This fund provides financial support
of up-to-date equipment, furnishings
and material.
The centre of spiritual life for our Snider
Campus, the synagogue provides a means
for our residents to continue their daily
prayer, attend services for all holidays,
and to say kaddish. Donations financially
assist kiddushim, programs, and items
such as siddurim, talitot, and kippot.
The Green Thumb Club –
Horticultural Therapy
Residents come alive when they
get to play in the dirt! Gardening is
therapeutic at any stage of your life!
This fund supports the purchase
of electric beds, specialized
mattresses, lifts, electric and manual
wheelchairs, walkers and other
much needed equipment.
Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy are
so important in maintaining, sustaining and
enhancing residents’ mobility. This service is
provided to those in Intermediate Care, Extended
Care and Special care. These services are not
fully covered by the province and your donation
supplements the costs of therapy.
Kosher Food
This fund helps supplement the cost of quality
kosher food for the daily meals of the residents in
the Louis Brier. This fund enables us to continue
giving our elderly a variety of fresh fruit and
vegetables, soup twice a day, and bagels, with lox
and cream cheese, just to name a few.
From bus outings and bingo to cultural events and
recreational activities – all contribute to making the
Home a warm and culturally rich environment.
Go to our Spring Wish List page 35 & 36 to see how you can assist
us in funding these outstanding programs.
Spring 2011 } Pesach 5771
A Chaplain’s
One Year Later
by Rabbi Hillel Brody
I strive to be to residents and their families what they need me to be. Be it rabbi, counselor, friend, or
just someone with a warm smile. I do that through private one-­on-­one visitations, group classes and
discussions on topics of interest and by simply stopping to chat when I see someone in the hall. This is my
way of saying, “You are worth my time because you are important to me.” rabbi hillel brody
I took up the position of Chaplain at Louis
Brier Home and the Weinberg Residence
a year ago.
The beauty of a position such as mine
is also one of its greatest challenges. I
never know what to expect on any given
day. The spiritual needs of our residents,
families, and staff vary widely from
person to person and from day to day.
What this adds up to is that when my day
at Louis Brier begins, I often do not know
which of a wide range of emotions I may
be asked to share in.
Spirituality is a subtle thing. It means
different things to different people. While
I certainly have my own perspective on
what spirituality means to me, in my
role as Chaplain I seek to listen and
understand what spirituality means
to each resident. This listening and
validation of what is important to each
individual is in itself a form of care.
In many instances, I find that my
role consists largely of providing
accompaniment to our residents as
they travel through this stage of their
life’s journey.
I strive to be to residents and their
families what they need me to be. Be it
rabbi, counselor, friend, or just someone
with a warm smile. I do that through
private one-­on-­one visitations, group
classes and discussions on topics of
interest and by simply stopping to chat
when I see someone in the hall. This is
my way of saying, “You are worth my time
because you are important to me.”
A useful tool which we have put into
practice is the Spiritual Assessment. I
sit down to talk with each new resident
about what is important in their lives and
to get a sense of how they are managing
the transition. This serves a number of
purposes. The information I gather about
their spiritual and religious backgrounds
allows the interdisciplinary care team to
provide programming which is in line with
residents’ needs. This assessment also
provides an entrée for me into the life of
this resident. I engage in conversation
and get a sense of this person, just as
they get a sense of me and the role I
can play for them. This forms the basis
for developing a relationship through
which I can continue to offer nurturing
spiritual care.
Some residents are not physically or
cognitively able to engage in verbal
communication. For these residents,
the spiritual assessment takes the form
of talking to the person’s family. This
method of learning about each resident
allows me to determine whether we
are doing everything we can to foster
spiritual health.
I often say that I get more from my
relationships with residents than they
get from me. Being a part of this
special environment is a blessing
which I cherish.
Mi’Dor L’Dor } Publication of the Louis Brier Aged Foundation
Ben & Esther Dayson Charitable Foundation
Jill Diamond & Andrew Abramovich
Gordon & Leslie Diamond
Harry & Elaine Lipetz
Marsid Family Foundation
Gary & Nanci Segal
Mark & Laurie Zlotnik
David & Shelley Ail
Robert Beiser
Allan Black
Joseph & Frances Cohen
David Feldman
Ernie Fleischer
Michael & Kathi Fugman
Joseph & Karyn Gold
Mitchell & Lynne Gropper
Bev Libin & Howard Reich
Mark & Susie Kierszenblat
Ralph Markin
Robert Markin
Norman & Lola Pawer
Sidney & Toby Rubin
Eugene A. Schwartz
Irving & Marcia Sirlin
Joanne Wilson
Naomi Wolfe
Uri & Sara Ariel
Robert Friedland
Richard Cohen & Ellen Mosocvitz
Shining Lights
Lorne & Sylvia Cristall
Victor Elias & Helen Pinsky
Izzy Fraeme z’l
Howard Gerber
Leon & Rose-­Marie Glassman
Bud & Cheryl Herman
Kahn Family Foundation
Mendy & Lana Landa
Lohn Foundation
Mark & Gerri London
Stan & Sheila Saibil
Arnold & Anita Silber
Herbert & Barbara Silber
Art Szajman
Angel Tickets
Dr. Martin & Paulette Fishman
Douglas & Ruth Freeman
Ian Cohen & Michelle Gelfand
Dr. Peter & Maria Gropper
Philip & Keren Gertsman
Susan Quastel
Vicki Sprinkling
Abraham & Liz Saade
Dr. Basil & Robyn Segal
Arnie & Karen Winrob
Media Sponsors
For the first time ever five Jewish
organizations joined together
to present unite2nite – a preChanukah community celebration
at the River Rock Theatre on
Wednesday, November 17 2010.
The school choirs wowed the
audience with their enthusiastic
singing and professionalism
along with New York Entertainer
Sol Zim accompanied by a world
class 10-piece band.
Students from Richmond Jewish
Day School, Vancouver Talmud
Torah and King David High
School performed Chanukah
favorites with Sol Zim and the
band for an appreciative sold-out
crowd of 950 supporters.
The concert was organized by
the Louis Brier Jewish Aged
Foundation and the Jewish
Seniors Alliance.
The Vancouver Jewish Men’s
Choir joined Sol Zim to close out
the concert.
Jewish Independent
Independent Times
Programme Design
& Production
Barbi Braude
The concert exceeded all our expectations in
bringing the community together to celebrate
the festival of light.
Marie Doduck
Unite2nite Committee Chair
Sydney Bild & Lianne Cohen
Spring 2011 } Pesach 5771
Mi’Dor L’Dor } Publication of the Louis Brier Aged Foundation
Our very special
thanks to Howard
Blank and the Staff at
River Rock Theatre
Arnie Shuchat
BOB Committee Chair
2011 Sponsors & Committee
Jeffrey & Charlotte Bell
Andrew & Lisa Altow
David & Shannon Gorski
Keil Investment Group/Scotia McLeod
Howard & Anne Marie Mickelson
Pediatric Dental Group PDG
Signarama – David Newman
Rochelle Moss & Family
Dr. Neil & Michelle Pollock
Cheryl Stein & Richard Schreiber
The Shuchat Group
Alan Seltzer & Mindy Zimmerman
Mark & Yolanda Babins
Bong Wear
Bruce & Amalia Coleman
Phil & Keren Gertsman
Mark & Susie Kierszenblat
Max & Leona Pinsky
Gary & Nanci Segal
Steveston Pizza Co Inc
George & Freda Wertman
Martin & Louise Wright
Heidi & Dan Lipetz
Battle of the Bands
2011 Committee
Arnie Shuchat, Chair
Andrew Altow
Jeffrey Bell
Dvori Balshine
Eric Bernal
Debbie Cossever
Devra Epstein
Jonathan Gale
Linda Gewis
Shannon Gorski
Alex Jackson
Shay Keil
Allan Landa
Joe Markovitch
Stephan Marliss
Howard Mickelson
Glenda Saitowitz
Cheryl Stein
Joanne Wilson
Mindy Zimmering
Debbie Aarons
Sid Bild
Dena Bild
Adele Berezan
Golriz Boroomand
Grace Chen
Anat Halevy
Donna Moscovitz
Audrey Moss
Jeff Moss
Lainie Moss
Ben Numerow
Susan Numerow
Shoshana Parker
Natasha Saitowitz
Allan Seltzer
Libby Seltzer
Noah Seltzer
Rinata Yaffe
After organizing this Battle of The Bands event for
the third year, one thing seems clear — if we asked
each of the 400 attendees how the evening went
we would probably get 400 different opinions. Some
think it is a contest — the ones who got up to dance
to cheer the friend or relative in the band who sold
them tickets. Others had an opinion about the type
of music, the volume, the food, the ticket prices, the
venue, the drink prices... yadda yadda.
Notwithstanding the rock and roll music element,
the event still had to withstand the Jewish, postevent and inter-musical act quality control and profitability
analysis. And from all the talk I heard, the event was once again
a success. We are learning and getting much better at making
each event more entertaining and inclusive.
A short Marliss Production video got the old folks at the Louis
Brier in on the act by having them introduce each band. They
also ran a short video of Richmond Jewish Day School students
performing a musical number to a hot new song.
By all accounts, the music was loud enough to get lost in, but not
too loud to disable communication between friends. The opening
act introduced a young band this year – Mother Father. The
other four bands notched their performances up since last year
and some made a special effort to include other musicians and
another generation or parent/child to make it more fun.
If you are somewhat perceptive, you will notice that the theme
of this evening was inclusiveness, music, joy, dancing — all
things that should be easy to sell. We try to bring the community
together, all ages, for a night of great live music for the purpose
of raising money for the care of the elderly at the Louis Brier
Home and Hospital and for Jewish education at the Richmond
Jewish Day School.
The music played, the
dance floor rocked, the
prizes made everybody
winners and all of
the performers and
attendees seemed to
have a great time.
Spring 2011 } Pesach 5771
Sydney Bild & Lianne Cohen
Mi’Dor L’Dor } Publication of the Louis Brier Aged Foundation
Art in the Garden
By Elliot Nitkin
Improve function. Improve life.
Chair, Louis Brier Foundation Art Committee
Electric-motor driven movement:
Increase circulation & flexibility
Flex stiff legs & arms
C.P. (neuro
& spasms
) Strengthen weak muscles
Have you ever wondered what motivates
artists and how they create their works of art?
All of your questions and more will be answered in
the fall when the Louis Brier Foundation presents
its first ever Garden Party for our residents, their
families and friends.
Everyone can circulate in the garden watching artists
create while music plays in the background and
refreshments are served in a relaxed atmosphere.
Artists’ work will be available for purchase as a silent
auction fund raiser for the Louis Brier Foundation in
support of programs for residents at Louis Brier and
the Weinberg.
Please feel free to contact
Elliot Nitkin at 604 ­351-­9251 if you
have any suggestions or ideas.
[email protected]
Keep in touch
We are updating our
mailing list. Please
let us know if your
details have changed.
604.261.5550 or [email protected]
Spring 2011 } Pesach 5771
We Welcome
the following new residents to
the Louis Brier Home & Hospital
and Weinberg Residence
July 22nd, 2010 – February 28th, 2011
Margaret Bailey
Paul & Ruth Bass
Coleman & Faye Belogus
Leonard Cooper
George Farquhar
Naomi Frankenburg
Laszlo Gati
Marion Geller
Harold Gordon
Rosely Gordon
Isaac Goslin
Lola Haber
Orville Hamilton
Elsie Jones
Alice Kalensky
Myrna Kolberg
Anna Leith
Arthur Lipman
Klara Noik
Mercedes Ong
William Ornstein
Naomi Potter
Elsa Rosenberg
Chaze Segal
Shirley Segal
Friedrich & Beverley Schonbach
Florentina Tamir
Charles Tarnow
Shirley Terrio
Jessica Thomson
Dorothy Werker
Louis Winkler
Mira Zaslavski
Mi’Dor L’Dor } Publication of the Louis Brier Aged Foundation
prepared to take that train ride
with no food. Lucky for him, a
benevolent Jewish organization
provided him with a Voorsht and
a loaf of bread for the trip, or this
story would never be told.
His final destination was a small
town in Northern Alberta called
Speddon where Morris, his
wife Lena and their 4 daughters
Ralph Rosenberg
by Laurie Esptein
Ralph Rosenberg was born on
April 12th, 1909 in the Shtetl
of Lomza, Poland, 50 miles from
There are a lot of lessons all of us can learn
from a life like Ralph Rosenberg’s. Most of
us will never experience his longevity, but
what’s important, he knew his long life was a
gift from the Lord he served so faithfully, and
he never wasted it.
He was the only child of Nossan and
Sora Leah Rosenberg. His early years
were spent pursuing the study of Torah.
Ironically, this, a most peaceful of pastimes
was counterbalanced by almost daily
confrontations with flagrant Anti-Semitism.
He literally had to fight for his right to be
the peace loving man he always strived
to be. He was one exam away from
becoming a Rabbi when he received an
invitation from his half Brother Morris (a
man he’d never met) to come and join him
and his family in Canada.
Seeing a difficult future for a Jewish Rabbi
in Poland, he accepted the offer and armed
with heady dreams and ‘pockets full of no
money’, he boarded the Empress of France
bound for Quebec City. Green as grass, he
expected a short ride to Edmonton, and
In 1930 he moved to Edmonton,
where he met Becky Hanson, (Beckywoo,
as he affectionately called her) the woman
he spent the next 75 years with. Like all
couples, there were their oil and water
moments, but mostly this relationship was
Schmaltz and Schmaltz. As unalike as they
appeared to be at times, their union was
substantial and it endured happily.
They produced two strapping sons, Nathan
and David, who are honest, hard working,
reliable and thoroughly likeable people who
appreciate their good fortune in having
such a great role model for a father (not to
mention the genes they have inherited).
They and their spouses (Trudy and Marty)
produced 4 grandchildren (Tina, Lee,
Hayley & Stephen) who have provided
ongoing naches through the years. Sara,
Lee’s partner, co-created a 3rd generation
representative, Aaron, who Ralph never
tired of bragging. Tina and husband
Jojo have created the most recent great
grandchild, Rayne, whose only deficit will be
in not getting to know Zeide Ralph.
He apprenticed as a watchmaker, he
learned how to become a World Class egg
grader, a job he returned to many times,
he owned and operated the Farmers
Chicken Market, Ideal Produce, and above
all else, with Becky, owned and ran the
Polar Bar, an amazing store that served
multiple flavors of homemade ice cream;
each one made lovingly by Ralph. He rose
early in the morning to make his ice cream
and used only the finest ingredients. He
took enormous pride in his creations, and
people drove in from miles away to eat at
the Polar Bar. Ultimately, Care and Hard
Work succumbed when the A&W opened
up across the street with the new game in
town; Soft Ice Cream. Ralph lacked any
killer instinct or the stomach to compete in
business, and the Polar Bar closed.
Ralph lost his entire family in Poland
during the Holocaust. He never found out
what happened to his Mother; she just
disappeared. It haunted him throughout his
life. Anyone who heard him daven the El
Male Rachamim on Yom Kippur, knows how
“in pain” he really was at his losses.
Ralph accepted a position as Shamash at
the Beth Israel Congregation in Edmonton.
His self esteem started to return when it
became apparent his religious background
was of great use to the congregation. His
nickname there became Seexty Seex, cause
his daily announcement was “please turn
to page Seexty Seex for the Kaddish. He
denied knowing he had an accent, but
always with a smirk.
In 1977, at age 67, he retired and he and
Becky moved to Vancouver. He immediately
started a love affair with the Louis Brier
Home. They needed a Spiritual guide and
he needed a place to be that guide.
For the first 22 years, Ralph made the
pilgrimage to the Brier from his Richmond
home. It was a Labour of Love. He made
wonderful new friends, and his efforts were
appreciated. He used to swear he got more
back than he gave, but why quibble.
Then, 12 years ago, he and Becky moved
into the Home. And so the circle closed.
Ralph who over 90 years before had
practically lived in the shul studying to be a
Rabbi, essentially came home. Talk about
a perfect fit. Louis Brier was essentially a
shul to him that conveniently offered Room
69 as a place to sleep and relax and the
rest was a place where he could eat, visit
and be entertained.
Spring 2011 } Pesach 5771
His morning and evening walks to the
minion took seconds, not minutes.
Ralph lost his beloved Beckywoo in 2005
and those of us closest to him worried
about his ability to cope, let alone bounce
back. We needn’t have worried. Though
he missed her till the end, this man had an
incredible will to live and too much respect
for life to wallow. After fighting thru his initial
grief, he carried on his daily routines with
the vigor of a much younger man.
His close friendship with Sylvia Hill helped
him immeasurably, and is a tribute to his
ability to attract strong people into his life.
Big lessons to be learned for a man to keep
going after 75 years of love. He seemed to
be running on Energizer batteries.
Although hardly a new age man, he was not
a technophobe! When his granddaughter
Hayley went to live in Israel, he wanted to
be able to say hi to her. So, at the ripe age
of 95, Ralph walked into the computer
room and [email protected]
was born. He was able to satisfy his need
to keep informed by reading the Jerusalem
Post online and played a mean game of
solitaire. I never stopped getting a kick out
finding him in the computer room. 100 years
old and still fascinated by a world he would
never inherit.
He was everything that can be great
about Judaism. He rose every day with
the idea of giving to people. He was NOT
evangelical about his beliefs and nobody
ever received lectures about it. In later
years, his arm twisting became gentler
when trying to find a Minion.
Farewell Ralph, and Yasha Koach on a life
very well lived.
Oneg Shabbat in memory of Ralph
on Friday, April 15th at 2:30 pm
and dedication of a wheelchair
Torah Table
Sam Zack
by vanessa Trester
At most Weinberg and Louis Brier events Sam would
usually speak on behalf of the residents. It seems
only fitting on this very sad day that I say a few words
in honour of our beloved Sam. Sam moved into the
Weinberg in March 2004.
I remember when I first met Sam and his daughter Marilyn – he was
hesitant to make a move to Weinberg. But when he finally decided it was
time, there was no looking back. Once Sam moved in, he fully embraced
Weinberg life.
He was our Resident Council President for many years and he was so
proud of his position and the positive impact he could have upon our
residents. He was thrilled when issues were resolved, meetings went
smoothly and most of all when residents were happy.
Working with Sam was such an incredible joy for me and clearly his
continued re-­election to the position meant his fellow residents had great
confidence in him. Sam meant so much to so many of us at Weinberg.
He was so proud to be a resident and would often sing our praises.
He had so many endearing qualities that you couldn’t help but fall in
love with him. He was a kind, warm, caring man who also enjoyed a good
kibitz, along with many hugs and kisses. I personally had a very soft spot
for him in my heart and I will greatly miss his regular visits to my office,
our special chats and the support and encouragement he always gave me.
I know he will be missed by all the staff, companions and residents as
well. He leaves a very big hole in our hearts.
May he rest in peace.
Mi’Dor L’Dor } Publication of the Louis Brier Aged Foundation
We Care Tribute Cards
August 1st 2010 – 28 February 2011
There are times when
words just aren’t enough to
express how you feel about
someone who has made an
extraordinary difference in
your life.
Making a contribution to
the Louis Brier Foundation
in tribute to or in memory
of an individual is a way of
ensuring your gift has a long
and lasting impact.
All contributions help to
maintain, sustain and
enhance the lives of our
elderly right here in our
Contributions can be
made to Special Funds
— Medical/Dental
— Music Therapy
—Special Care Unit
—Endowment Fund
—Wish List
—Kosher Food Fund
—Special Companion Fund
—Golden Key
Endowment Fund
—Chai Endowment Fund
— Art Fund
—Chaplaincy Program Fund
—Nursing Care
For inquiries regarding contributions, call us at:
Fax: 604-261-5565
[email protected]
Visa & MasterCard accepted
Your tax-deductible donation
will be acknowledged with a
beautifully designed card.
Alvin Moss
Memorial Fund
Jeffrey & Lainie Moss
In Memory of Alvin Moss
Charles & Raj Chakal
Colin & Brenda Halliwell
Dr. Alan & Corinne Margulius
Geoffrey Feldman
Howard & Marla Jampolsky
Howard Reich & Bev Libin
Shmuel & Bernice Carmeli
Larry & Lynn Moss
In Memory of Alvin Moss
Brian & Paula Segal
Charles & Raj Chakal
Dr. Alan & Corinne Margulius
Geoffrey Feldman
Howard & Marla Jampolsky
Morley Levitt
Sheldon & Julie Kuchinsky
Shmuel & Bernice Carmeli
Lynn Moss
Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah
Shmuel & Bernice Carmeli
Rob Armstrong & Beverly Moss
In Memory of Alvin Moss
Geoffrey Feldman
Shmuel & Bernice Carmeli
Rochelle Moss
In Memory of Alvin Moss
Shmuel & Bernice Carmeli
Anita Ornstein
Memorial Fund
William Ornstein
In Memory of Anita Ornstein
Ronald & Brenda Appleton
Jeffrey & Hildy Barnett
Shirley Barnett
Dr. Abraham & Eve Benjamin
Michael & Barbi Braude
Dr. Bernard & Sandra Bressler
Jonathan Gale & Elena Butler
Sheila Gendis
Mona Kaplan
Irving & Sharon Kates
Hy & Lil Neuman
Dr. Garson & Shelia Romals
Aviva Roseman
Morley & Fay Shafron
Shirley Wenger
Art Fund
Drs. Mordechai & Hana Wosk
In Memory of Miriam Wosk
Renato Guarino
& Renee Switzer‑Guarino
Hy & Florence Bromberg
Mazel Tov on your marriage
Michelle & Eli Mina
William Ornstein
In Memory of Anita Ornstein
Michelle & Eli Mina
Battle of the Bands
Dan & Andrea Isserow
In Memory of Gabrielle Isserow
Arnold Shuchat
& Dr. Nadia Yechouron
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Harley & Tammy Godfrey
In Memory of Gabrielle Isserow
Arnold Shuchat
& Dr. Nadia Yechouron
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Jeffrey & Jill Topp
In Memory of your Grandfather &
Great Grandfather
Arnold Shuchat
& Dr. Nadia Yechouron
Louis & Carla Zivot
In Memory of your Uncle
Arnold Shuchat
& Dr. Nadia Yechouron
Belle Moss
Memorial Fund
Melvin & Daria Moss
In Memory of Belle Moss
Kenneth & Fay Golden
Mark & Gerri London
Michael & Pam Isman
Yosef Moshinsky
Happy Birthday
Ilana Strummer
Cantor Murray
Nixon Fund
Murray Robins
In Memory of Pam Robins
Marty & Elaine Nixon
Derek & Marilyn Glazer
In Memory of Sam Zack
Esther Nobleman
Jonathan & Francie Nobleman
In Memory of Pam Robins
Marty & Elaine Nixon
Kris & Esther Jonasson
In Memory of Pam Robins
Marty & Elaine Nixon
Program Fund
Deborah Rozenberg
Happy Birthday
Dr. Michael & Sharon Isaacson
Dr. Arturo & Marcela Manes
In Memory of Werner Lewinski
Bernard & Lee Simpson
Dr. Lewis & Nora Pullmer
In Memory of Sylvia Pullmer
Dr. Michael & Sharon Isaacson
Dr. Michael & Marion Elterman
In Memory of Rita Miller
Bernard & Lee Simpson
Isaac & Judy Thau
Thank You
Bernard & Lee Simpson
Nathan & Marty Rosenberg
In Memory of Ralph Rosenberg
Dr. Philip & Gladys Adilman
Morris & Marelynn Harowitz
In Memory of Belle Moss
Marvin & Francine Binder
Norman & Linda Gold
In Memory of Sydney Palay
Bernard & Lee Simpson
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Benno & Ilana
Strummer Fund
Roberto & Dr. Patricia Schwartz
In Memory of Olga Schwartz
Bernard & Lee Simpson
Ilana Strummer
In Memory of Benno Strummer
Bernard & Marilyn Hooper
Ilan Heller
Moty & Laura Gracen
William Ornstein
In Memory of Anita Ornstein
Bernard & Lee Simpson
Spring 2011 } Pesach 5771
David Gold
Memorial Fund
Andrew & Ruth Gillad
In Memory of David Gold
Alon & Adina Katsir
Benjamin & Susan Schimer
Dr. Brian & Judy Kotzer
Mark & Gerri London
Helen Aqua
Larry & Miri Garaway
Carl & Judi Wener
Happy Anniversary
Joseph & Karyn Gold
Alon & Adina Katsir
Benjamin & Susan Schimer
Dr. Brian & Judy Kotzer
Frances Roitman
Mark & Gerri London
Harper Hadden
Helen Aqua
Larry & Miri Garaway
Marvin Rothstein
Joseph & Karyn Gold
In Memory of David Gold
Alon & Adina Katsir
Benjamin & Susan Schimer
Bernard & Lee Simpson
Brian & Sheryl Ross
Danny & Valerie Zack
David & Barbara Feldstein
David & Susan Zacks
David Goodman & Lilian Broca
Dr. Brian & Judy Kotzer
Dr. Garson & Sheila Romalis
Dr. Monte & Marcy Glanzberg
Dr. Peter & Marla Gropper
Dr. Ronald & Judy Remick
Drs. Charles
& Joanne Weinberg
Fani Nilson
Gary & Linda Cutson
George & Yvonne Rosenberg
Mark & Geri London
Harold & Marla Groberman
Harry & Elaine Lipetz
Harvey & Connie Permack
Helen Aqua
Howard & Rosalind Karby
Juliet Zacks
Ken & Arlene Cristall
Kenneth & Linda Glasner
Larry & Miri Garaway
Larry & Wendy Kahn
Larry Vinegar
& Dr. Marcy Schwartzman
Leslie & Anita Rudolph
Mark & Erika Goodman
Michael & Phyllis Moscovich
Naomi Adler
Norman & Linda Gold
Norman & Sandra Miller
Peter & Carol Oreck
Ron Adler
Ronald & Brenda Appleton
Rosa Nitzan
Sam Shamash & Tracy Penner
Stanley & Shirley Schwartz
Judi Wener
Happy Birthday
Joseph & Karyn Gold
Shira Gold & Lucas Van Den
In Memory of David Gold
Peter & Gail Krivel‑Zacks
Derek & Marilyn
Glazer Fund
Barbara Chess
In Memory of Morley Chess
Derek & Marilyn Glazer
Dan & Barbara Cohen
In Memory of your Sister
Sheila Bermann
Dr. Julian & Maureen Collis
In Memory of Gabrielle Isserow
Sheila Bermann
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Harold & Florence Morris
Speedy Recovery
Sheila Bermann
Norman & Linda Gold
In Memory of Sydney Palay
Sheila Bermann
Pearl Palay
In Memory of Syd Palay
Sheila Bermann
Sheila Bermann
In Memory of Mike Burnstein
Dr. Errol & Susan Billinkoff
Steve Barer & Dr. Susan
In Memory of your Mother
& Grandmother
Derek & Marilyn Glazer
Sylvia Cristall
Happy Birthday
Sheila Bermann
Dr. Clifford Ames
Memorial Fund
Dr. Norman Sanders
Memorial Fund
Brianna Ames
In Memory of Dr. Clifford Ames
Dr. Barend Zack & Judy
Sarah Gray
In Memory of Gerry Gray
Maureen Glaisher‑Sanders
Bruce & Merle Ames
In Memory of Dr. Clifford Ames
Shmuel & Bernice Carmeli
Sonny & Marsha Wenger
Danielle Ames‑Spivack
In Memory of Dr. Clifford Ames
Dr. Barend Zack & Judy
Les & Tracy Ames
In Memory of Dr. Clifford Ames
Shmuel & Bernice Carmeli
Richard & Darlene Ames
In Memory of Dr. Clifford Ames
Shmuel & Bernice Carmeli
Surella Ames
In Memory of Dr. Clifford Ames
Sadovnick, Telford & Skov
Netty Prosterman
Shmuel & Bernice Carmeli
Dr. Gerald Norman
Bermann Fund
Aron Eichler
In Memory of Ida Eichler
Sheila Bermann
Carole Malkin
Speedy Recovery
Sheila Bermann
Dr. Roy Waldman Fund
Anna Sun
Thank You
Robert Waldman
Elsie Coave
Memorial Fund
Gerry & Nancy Zipursky
In Memory of Elsie Coave
Barry Ritter & Myrna Shefrin
Brian & Sheryl Ross
Bruce & Margot Carter
Dr. Michael & Sharon Isaacson
Fred & Eileen Cohen
Irv & Sandy Shore
Joyce Whittaker
Mark & Alana James
Nicholas & Linda Sonntag
Shelley Sasley
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Laurrie Zechoval
In Memory of Elsie Coave
Keith Brock & Tammy Zechoval
Evelynne Loomer
Birthday Fund
Evelynne Loomer Happy
Gershon Growe & Nomi Kaplan
General Fund
Louis Brier Board & Staff
Thank You
Dr. Howard & Arlyne Fenster
Alan & Becky Adirim
In Memory of Doris Stein
Lenore Garfield
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Alex & Charlene Zbar
Mazel Tov on your Wedding
Usher Hammer & Rose Parker
Amy Klein
Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah
Desiree Prisman
Andrew & Michelle Burnstein
In Memory of Mike Burnstein
Dr. Barry & Sandra Caplan
Golriz Boroomand
Mazel Tov birth of nephew
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Bernice Carmeli
Happy Birthday
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Andrew Kelly
& Anna Mae Wiesenthal
In Memory of Evelyn Wiesenthal
Max & Sharon Morton
Lesley Morris
Happy Birthday
David & Catherine Golden
Renia Perel
In Memory of Freda Sharon Perel
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Arnold & Vita Barkoff
In Memory of Bobbi Barkoff
Dr. Peter & Marla Gropper
Leo & Marlene Franken
Mazel Tov birth of granddaughter
Dr. Peter & Marla Gropper
Lynn Kagan
In Memory of Rita Kagan
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Barbara Karmazyn
In Memory of Mimi Karmazyn
Byrle & Lili Abbin
Rabbi Yosef Wosk
In Memory of Miriam Wosk
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Beatrice Zack
In Memory of Dr. John Zack
Claire Golumbia
Zena Rebak
Bernard & Lisa Conn
In Memory of Ida Weiner
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Mi’Dor L’Dor } Publication of the Louis Brier Aged Foundation
General Fund (cont)
Bob & Andrea Mohr and Family
In Memory of Joe Mohr
Bruce & Joy Zien
Bonnie Gertsman
Speedy Recovery
Ralph & Gina Blasbalg
Carol Schwartz
In Memory of Eugene Schwartz
Ruth Swanson
Rhoda Dardick
Thinking of You
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Chaim & Susie Micner
In Memory of Goldie
Duke & Sophie Harris
Charles Flader
Happy Birthday
Joel & Jackie Buller
Charles Shnier
In Memory of Elaine Shnier
Morley & Fay Shafron
Sonny & Marsha Wenger
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Clifford Margolis
Happy Birthday
Fishman Family Foundation
Janet & Paul Radman
Marion Prasow
Dan & Andrea Isserow
In Memory of Gabrielle Isserow
Sonny & Marsha Wenger
David Karmazyn
In Memory of Mimi Karmazyn
Byrle & Lili Abbin
Deborah Burnstein
In Memory of Mike Burnstein
Dr. Barry & Sandra Caplan
Mel & Pearl Enkin
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Deborah Rozenberg
Happy Birthday
Dr. George & Cynthia Bluman
Stephen Shapiro
Thank You
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Diane McTavish
In Memory of Dr. Murray Kliman
Bea Goldberg
Dina Orloff
Happy Birthday
Neal & Anna Nep
Doreen Globman
Happy Birthday
Dr. Lorne & Marjorie Pearlman
Dr. Arturo & Marcela Manes
In Memory of Werner Lewinski
Dr. Arthur & Judy Dodek
Dr. Garson Romalis
Thinking of You
Dr. Harvey Breen
Dr. Gershon Growe
& Nomi Kaplan
In Honour
Susan Quastel
Dr. Harold Krivel
Happy Birthday
Netty Prosterman
Dr. Harvey & Barbara Halperin
Thank You
Dr. Howard & Arlyne Fenster
Dr. Stanley
& Joycelaine Sunshine
Happy Anniversary
Bernard & Marilyn Hooper
Hy & Florence Bromberg
Mazel Tov on your marriage
Morley & Fay Shafron
Gary & Esther Davis
Dror Balshine
& Dr. Tamara Sussman
In Memory of Miriam Sussman
David Ravvin & Sara Levine
Ida Kaplan
In Memory of Sherie Kaplan
Sharilyn Bell
Drs. Alan & Jennifer Brookstone
In Memory of Joel Melamed
Philip & Liane Winkler
Ed Rothman
Speedy Recovery
Irving & Rhoda Dardick
Eileen Narod
In Memory of Wendy Narod
Alex Traktovenko
& Cynthia Singer
Dr. Kay & Haideh Boroomand
Mazel Tov birth of grandson
Brad Freedman & Pamela
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Etta Levinson
Happy Birthday
Sandy & Ruth Aren
Dr. Lorne & Marjorie Pearlman
In Memory of Sophie Partington
Alec & Ruth Becker
Irvin & Celia Lerner
Eyal Daniel & Ellen Wiesenthal
In Memory of Evelyn Wiesenthal
Jeff Balin & Jennifer Shecter
Max & Sharon Morton
Dr. Martin & Janet Braverman
In Memory of Bernice Braverman
Sandy & Ruth Aren
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Fay Oppenheim
Thinking of You
Rodney & Lynne Massel
Dr. Morris & Rachel Barer
In Memory of Aileen Barer
Jonathan Gale & Elena Butler
Mollie Korsch
Dr. Morton & Irene Dodek
In Memory of Annette Seydel
Rona Black
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Dr. Murray & Susan Isman
In Memory of Howard Isman
Shmuel & Bernice Carmeli
Dr. Peter & Jean Cooperberg
Mazel Tov on your Anniversary
Louis & Marion Eisman
Dr. Philip & Judy Zack
In Memory of Dr. John Zack
Stephen & Bonnie Gertsman
Dr. Sam Rothstein
Happy Birthday
Norman & Sheila Archeck
Dr. Saul & Lindsay Isserow
In Memory of Gabrielle Isserow
Dr. Peter & Marla Gropper
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Dr. Sidney Kirson
Speedy Recovery
Dr. Robert Mann
Ernie & Lynn Lutterman
Sheila Stern
Happy Birthday
Brian & Roberta Mickelson
Neal & Anna Nep
Gerri London
Mazel Tov on your Novel being
Ernie & Lynn Lutterman
Glennis Deslippe
In Memory of Ann Blaylock
Morton & Glennis Broverman
Gloria Harris
In Memory of Harry Harris
Arnold & Nassa Selwyn
Dr. Israel & Sheila Moskovitch
Joel & Eldean Steinberg
Mel & Elaine Charkow
Myer & Reita Goldberg
Rodney & Lynne Massel
Sandy & Ruth Aren
Ted & Molly Goodson
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Harold Charach
Speedy Recovery
John & Gerri Andrews
Harold Gordon
Best Wishes in your new Home
Harvey & Ellen Oreck
Harvey & Valery Hammer
In Memory of Lola Hammer
Harry & Elaine Lipetz
Igal & Alisa Fishman
Happy Anniversary
Moty & Laura Gracen
Kathryn Fishman
Thank You
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Inge Manes
Happy Birthday
Marcel & Karola Robitschek
Inge Manes
Thinking of You
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Celia Lerner
Speedy Recovery
Bernard & Vera Rozen
Irwin Woodrow
In Memory of Corinne Woodrow
Shirley Wenger
Jack & Brenda Karp
In Memory of Max Karp
Dr. Bernard & Sandra Bressler
Jack & Margaret Fraeme
In Memory of Izzy Fraeme
Hy & Lillian Neuman
Jay & Dinah Goldenberg
In Memory of your Father
Dr. Alan & Corinne Margulius
Joe & Beth Gubbay
In Memory of Ira
Neal & Anna Nep
Joe Markovitch
& Cheryl Burnstein
In Memory of Mike Burnstein
Dr. Barry & Sandra Caplan
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Joel & Ilene‑Jo Bellas
Happy Anniversary
Peter & Gail Krivel‑Zacks
Joseph & Frances Cohen
In Memory of Anne Levine
Bruce & Joy Zien
Joseph Kaufman
Happy Birthday Joseph
Irvin & Esther Zipursky
Joseph & Rosalie Segal
Thank You
Dr. Harvey Breen
Joy Salzberg
In Memory of Dr. Tsung Yi Ling
Dr. George & Cynthia Bluman
Susanna Choi
Spring 2011 } Pesach 5771
Judy Oberlander
Happy Birthday
Susan Quastel
Michelle Pullan
In Memory of Rosaline Pullan
Thomas Winkler & Caren Perel
Rodney & Lynne Massel
Happy Anniversary
Harry & Elaine Lipetz
Tom Gelmon
Happy Birthday
Larry & Miri Garaway
Ken Wosk
In Memory of Miriam Wosk
Louis & Marion Eisman
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Mickey Keil
Happy Birthday
Shay Keil
Ruby Gales
Happy Birthday
Brian & Roberta Mickelson
Bruce & Joy Zien
Vera Slymovics
In Memory of Joseph Slymovics
Gideon Laufer
& Dr. Helen Karsai
Dr. Lyall & Cynthia Levy
Kenneth & Fay Golden
Happy Anniversary
Jack & Lane Stein
Lea Minovitch
Speedy Recovery
Sarah Jarvis
Zena Rebak
Lenore Garfield
Mazel Tov Children’s Wedding
Esther Weinstein
Leonor Etkin
In Memory of Izzy Fraeme
Dr. Harvey Breen
Leslie & Nicky Raphael
Happy Anniversary
Judy Zaitzow
Lorne Weinstein
Happy Birthday
Lucien & Carole Lieberman
Lorne Cristall
Thinking of You
Herb Wittenberg & Freya Libby
Nathan & Eliana Zalkow
Lou & Friedah Segal
Speedy Recovery Lou
Zena Rebak
Lyle Pullan
In Memory of Rosaline Pullan
Jeremiah & Marni Katz
Marcus & Susan Stiller
In Memory of your Father &
Philip & Liane Winkler
Mark & Deborah Choit
In Memory of Karol Choit
Gloria Joachim
Mark & Tova Sandbrand
In Memory of Miriam Davidowicz
Dr. George & Cynthia Bluman
Meyer & Gail Mattuck
Shirley Wenger
Marsha Garfinkel
In Memory of Shirley Baron
Esther Weinstein
Marty & Elaine Nixon
In Memory of Abraham
Sonny & Marsha Wenger
Michael & Sandra Harris
In Memory of Harry Harris
Price Waterhouse Coopers
Gilda Iron
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Milton & Jackie Toft
Thank You
Sylvia Ruskin
Myer & Reita Goldberg
Happy Birthday Myer
Al & Eleanor Hornstein
Myrna Kolberg
Happy Birthday
Alex Traktovenko
& Cynthia Singer
Dr. Sam & Sally Veiner
Norman & Linda Gold
In Memory of Sydney Palay
Dr. Mel & Marlene Hershfield
Michael & Carol Millman
Peter & Linda Hough
In Memory of Rosemarie
Philip & Liane Winkler
Philip Vechter
In Memory of Charles & Belle
Al & Ann Hersh
Rabbi Hillel Brody
Thank You
Dr. Howard & Arlyne Fenster
Rachel Worth
In Memory of your Father &
Gabriel & Beatrice Deutsch
Ralph Schwartzman
Happy Birthday
Herb Wittenberg & Freya Libby
Ruth Rudin
Happy Birthday
Esther Weinstein
Lenore Garfield
Sadie Abelson
Happy Birthday
Claire Golumbia
Clare Shefrin
Leigh & Jill Luyt
Sarah Elias
Happy Birthday
Albert & Tamar Khalifa
Sarah Engelberg
Happy Birthday
Moty & Laura Gracen
Saul & Sandy Youssiem
Mazel Tov birth of grandson
John & Gerri Andrews
Sheila Bermann
In Memory of Mike Burnstein
Dr. Barry & Sandra Caplan
Sheldon & Julie Kuchinsky
In Memory of Irving Kuchinsky
Harry & Carol Segal
Shirley Levine
Thank You
Dr. Howard & Arlyne Fenster
Shirley Morris
Happy Birthday
Usher Hammer & Rose Parker
Renia Perel
Speedy Recovery
Dr. Helen Karsai
& Gideon Laufer
Shirley Wenger
Sidney & Sally Coleman
In Memory of Goldie
Brian & Sheryl Ross
Brian & Sidnee Bell
Bruce & Joy Zien
Shirley Wenger
Thomas Winkler & Caren Perel
Richard Bass
Happy Birthday
Michael & Vicki Northy
Stan & Vivian Garfinkel
In Memory of Sharon Haas
Aron & Roberta Gutman
Robert & Bonnie Zalkowitz
Happy Anniversary
Usher Hammer & Rose Parker
Larry & Miri Garaway
Susy Siegel
In Appreciation
Dr. Michael Balshine
Robert Devlin & Reesa Margolis
Happy Anniversary
Ron Campbell & Faye Margolis
Sylvia Cristall
Happy Birthday
Justice Bruce & Cecille Cohen
Larry & Donna‑Lee Izen
Robert Markin
Happy Birthday
Joel & Jackie Buller
Toby & Rochelle Feldman
In Memory of your Brother
Sarah Jarvis
William Katzin
Speedy Recovery
Colin & Michelle Romain
Yosef Moshinsky
Happy Birthday
Harvey & Connie Permack
Susan Quastel
Golden Key
Endowment Fund
Cas DeBeer
Happy Birthday
Dr. Perry & Karen Trester
Derek & Marilyn Glazer
In Memory of Sam Zack
Dr. Perry & Karen Trester
Doreen Rozen
Happy Birthday
Dr. Perry & Karen Trester
Dr. Phil Switzer
Thank You
Dr. Perry & Karen Trester
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Gordon & Leslie Diamond
Happy Anniversary
Dr. Perry & Karen Trester
Inge Manes
Thinking of You
Dr. Perry & Karen Trester
Janice Perles
Speedy Recovery
Dr. Perry & Karen Trester
Max Fugman
Happy Birthday
Murton & Helene Davis
Helene Davis
Happy Birthday
Harry & Ruth Dashevsky
Penny Sprackman
In Memory of Mel Sprackman
Vanessa Trester
Reni Belzberg
Happy Birthday
Harry & Ruth Dashevsky
Val Nathan
Happy Birthday
Dr. Perry & Karen Trester
Mi’Dor L’Dor } Publication of the Louis Brier Aged Foundation
Hannah Smith
Memorial Fund
Donna Digance
In Memory of Hannah Smith
Denis & Joyce Sjerve
Paige Milner
Pamela Brown
Raymond & Olga Macleod
Sheldon & Pearl Feldman
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Nathan Smith
In Memory of Hannah Smith
Chester & Shirley Wong
Denis & Joyce Sjerve
Raymond & Olga Macleod
Simma Holt
In Memory of Hannah Smith
Chester & Shirley Wong
Harold Gordon
Family Fund
Harold Gordon
Best Wishes in your new Home
Harvey & Ellen Oreck
Harry Gofsky Staff
Education Fund
Allan & Robyn Hanson
In Memory of Ralph Rosenberg
Mary Gofsky
Barbara Barker
In Memory of Sharon Haas
Ken & Leah Levitt
Barbara Hanson
In Memory of Ralph Rosenberg
Mary Gofsky
Bill Osten
Speedy Recovery
Ken & Leah Levitt
Sue Douglas
Speedy Recovery
Ken & Leah Levitt
Carole Gaynor
Thinking of You
Ken & Leah Levitt
Charl & Claire Hammer
In Memory of Lola Hammer
Ken & Leah Levitt
Dan & Andrea Isserow
In Memory of Gabrielle Isserow
Ken & Leah Levitt
Dan Levitt & Lisa Romalis
In Memory of Ralph Rosenberg
Mary Gofsky
Derek & Marilyn Glazer
In Memory of Sam Zack
Ken & Leah Levitt
Romy Ritter
Don & Sylvia Downton
In Memory of Charlotte
Ken & Leah Levitt
Dr. Garson & Sheila Romalis
In Memory of Ralph Rosenberg
Mary Gofsky
Hilda Smith
Happy Birthday
Ken & Leah Levitt
Dr. Martin & Janet Braverman
In Memory of Bernice Braverman
Ken & Leah Levitt
Happy Birthday Norman
Ken & Leah Levitt
Paul Haas
In Memory of Sharon Haas
Ken & Leah Levitt
Happy Birthday
Ken & Leah Levitt
Ruth Saunders
Happy Birthday
Ken & Leah Levitt
Dr. Murray & Susan Isman
In Memory of Howard Isman
Steve & Dori Whiteside
Ruth Saunders
Thinking of You
Ken & Leah Levitt
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Dr. Philip & Judy Zack
In Memory of Dr. John Zack
Ken & Leah Levitt
Saul & Sandy Youssiem
Mazel Tov birth of grandson
Ken & Leah Levitt
Dr. Saul & Lindsay Isserow
In Memory of Gabrielle Isserow
Ken & Leah Levitt
Sheila Romalis
Happy Birthday
Ken & Leah Levitt
Dr. Stanley Smith
Happy Birthday
Ken & Leah Levitt
Sherry Hanson
Happy Birthday
Ken & Leah Levitt
Mary Gofsky
Harold & Carol Braverman
In Memory of Bernice Braverman
Ken & Leah Levitt
Leonard & Liane Pawer
In Memory of Rosalynn Pawer
Ken & Leah Levitt
Leonard Smith
Happy Birthday
Ken & Leah Levitt
Les & Charlene Wessels
In Memory of Rosalynn Pawer
Ken & Leah Levitt
Linda Reid
Thank You
Ken & Leah Levitt
Lyle Pullan
In Memory of Rosaline Pullan
Ken & Leah Levitt
Carole Levitt
Speedy Recovery
Ken & Leah Levitt
Michael & Pam Isman
In Memory of Howard Isman
Steve & Dori Whiteside
Nathan & Marty Rosenberg
In Memory of Ralph Rosenberg
Mary Gofsky
Netty Prosterman
In Memory of Ralph Rosenberg
Mary Gofsky
Norman & Shirley Chess
Stan & Vivian Garfinkel
In Memory of Sharon Haas
Ken & Leah Levitt
Stewart Levitt
Happy Birthday
Ken & Leah Levitt
Mary Gofsky
Harvey & Valery Hammer
In Memory of Lola Hammer
Mark Fryfield
& Sharon Kositsky
Harvey Miller
In Memory of Nadine Miller
Mark Fryfield
& Sharon Kositsky
Harvey Cohen
Memorial Fund
Dr. Murray & Susan Isman
In Memory of Howard Isman
Jeffrey & Marcie Simons
Gloria Soloway
In Memory of Evelyn Soloway
Robert Cohen
Norman & Sheila Archeck
Thank You
Donna V. Cohen
Paul & Jodi Sprackman
In Memory of Mel Sprackman
Jeffrey & Marcie Simons
Sheldon & Debbie Nider
In Memory of Hilda Koren
Donna V. Cohen
Sheldon & Julie Kuchinsky
In Memory of Irving Kuchinsky
Jeffrey & Marcie Simons
Sidney & Sally Coleman
In Memory of Goldie
Donna V. Cohen
Stuart & Linda Pawer
In Memory of Rosalynn Pawer
Ken & Leah Levitt
Helen Kanee Education
Endowment Fund
Sydney Levitt
Speedy Recovery
Ken & Leah Levitt
Dan & Carol McArthur
In Memory of your Mother
Robert & Judith Kanee
Wendy Anthony
In Memory of your Husband
Ken & Leah Levitt
Dr. Philip & Judy Zack
In Memory of Dr. John Zack
Robert & Judith Kanee
Yvette Porte
In Memory of Rosaline Pullan
Ken & Leah Levitt
Drs. Allan Kanee
& Thea Weisdorf
In Memory of Maxa Weiner
Robert & Judith Kanee
Harry Kositsky
Memorial Fund
Charl & Claire Hammer
In Memory of Lola Hammer
Mark Fryfield & Sharon
Charles Shnier
In Memory of Elaine Shnier
Mark Fryfield
& Sharon Kositsky
Robert & Judith Kanee
Happy Birthday Robert
Lilian Schacter
Rowesa Gordon In Memory of
your Mother
Robert & Judith Kanee
Stephen Pincus
In Memory of Pam Pincus
Robert & Judith Kanee
Tom Ots & Isa Elman
In Memory of Maxa Weiner
Robert & Judith Kanee
Spring 2011 } Pesach 5771
Ida Weiner
Memorial Fund
Bernard & Lisa Conn
In Memory of Ida Weiner
Allan Black & Roberta Beiser
Brian & Sheryl Ross
Dave & Bella Jampolsky
Dr. Alvin & Gayle Rossman
Dr. Israel & Sheila Moskovitch
Dr. Larry & Susan Goldstein
Ethel Kofsky
Fred & Eileen Cohen
Hartley & Paula Cramer
Harvey & Anita Granovsky
Herb & Binny Goldman
Irvin & Celia Lerner
Jerry & Shirley Kushner
Jerry & Sylvia Berkson
Joel & Jackie Buller
Karen Mason
Kenneth & Linda Glasner
Leonor Etkin
Mark & Deborah Choit
Mark & Gerri London
Mel & Geri Davis
Molly Tenenbaum
Norman & Sandra Miller
Norman & Sheila Archeck
Queenie Hamovich
Rodney & Lynne Massel
Rona Black
Sally Berry
Sidney & Sally Coleman
Harvey & Judy Weiss
In Memory of Ethel Weiss
Bernard & Lisa Conn
Iris Andrews
Memorial Fund
Dr. Gerald & Jackie Krystal
In Memory of Iris Andrews
Abe & Leyla Sacks
Anita Clements
Dr. Harold & Patricia Laimon
Dr. Lawrence
& Gertrude Brunton
Lucien & Carole Lieberman
Sally Berry
Kosher Food Fund
Dr. Henry King
Happy Birthday
Dr. Michael & Sharon Isaacson
Dr. Philip & Judy Zack
In Memory of Dr. John Zack
Dr. Bernard & Sandra Bressler
Frank Levine
Happy Birthday
Dr. Michael & Sharon Isaacson
Roxanne Eichhorn
Mazel Tov on your Award
Sonia Bellas
Sarah Mandelbaum
In Memory of Mary Knopp
Sonia Bellas
Serge Haber
Mazel Tov on receiving the
SFU Senior Leadership Award
Sonia Bellas
Sylvia Hill
In Memory of Muriel Welborne
Sonia Bellas
Lola Hammer
Memorial Fund
Charl & Claire Hammer
In Memory of Lola Hammer
Dave & Bella Jampolsky
Dr. Arthur & Judy Dodek
Dr. Bernard & Sandra Bressler
Helen Rittberg
Jack & Shirley Hyman
Joy Dobbs
Larry Rice & Joanne Sheps
Marsha Ablowitz
Maud Blitz
Eli & Michelle Mina
Mike & Tashie Pawer
Myer & Reita Goldberg
Neal & Anna Nep
Neil & Judy Kornfeld
Peter & Deborah Kafka
Phillip & Estelle Sanderson
Richard & Faye Elias
Richard & Nance Bass
Sidney & Sally Coleman
Sonny & Marsha Wenger
Stephen Simon & Bette‑Jane
Harvey & Valery Hammer
In Memory of Lola Hammer
Barrie & Ellen Yackness
Jemima Stein
Joy Dobbs
Marsha Ablowitz
Peter & Deborah Kafka
Sally Seidler
In Memory of Lola Hammer
Jemima Stein
Lyle Thompson
Memorial Fund
Beryl Libin
In Memory of Lyle Thompson
Sussex Realty Ltd
Bruce & Joy Zien
Carrie Mak
Ed Sokukawa & Monica Acs
Gerald Barron
Howard Reich & Bev Libin
Jacqueline Stevens
Marlene Cohen
Bobby & M.J. Thompson
In Memory of Lyle Thompson
Abe & Barbara Anhang
Bobby & Debby Brown
Dr. Alan & Corinne Margulius
Min Fayerman
Memorial Garden Fund
Marjorie Freedman
Memorial Fund
Elliott & Nancy Papp
Happy Holidays
William Lachman & Pamela
Dan & Reva Henslow
In Memory of Sandra
Antony & Tracey Mammon
Kenneth & Roberta Freedman
Happy Anniversary
Antony & Tracey Mammon
Sharon Rosenblatt
In Memory of your Mother
Antony & Tracey Mammon
Sid Miedzygorski
In Memory of Goldie
Antony & Tracey Mammon
Sidney & Sally Coleman
In Memory of Goldie
Antony & Tracey Mammon
Mary Knopp
Memorial Fund
Barbara Yaffe
In Memory of Allan Yaffe
Esther Caldes
Dr. Michael & Dvori Balshine
Esther Caldes
In Memory of Mary Knopp
Bernard & Lisa Conn
Gallia Chud
Larry Garfinkel & Sandi Karmel
Leonor Etkin
Linda Lall
Shirley Levine
Sidney & Sally Coleman
Susie Tam
Sarah Mandelbaum
In Memory of Mary Knopp
Alvin & Lois Ragosin
Jack& Henia Perel
Lenore Garfield
Leonor Etkin
Mark & Deborah Choit
Morley & Fay Shafron
Sidney & Sally Coleman
Aron Eichler
In Memory of Ida Eichler
Danny & Roz Oppenheim
Gordon Glanz & Miriam Karp
In Memory of Max Karp
Danny & Roz Oppenheim
Jack & Brenda Karp
In Memory of Max Karp
Danny & Roz Oppenheim
William & Pamela Lachman
Marty & Carole Stoffman
In Memory of Max Pollick
Danny & Roz Oppenheim
Rose Bateman
In Memory of Jim Bates
Danny & Roz Oppenheim
Terry & Gina Blumes
In Memory of your Father
Danny & Roz Oppenheim
Mona Chernov Fund
Derek & Marilyn Glazer
In Memory of Sam Zack
Morris Chernov
Lynn & Beverly Karowsky
In Memory of Sam Zack
Morris Chernov
Morris & Zelma
Charkow Family Fund
Dave Raznick
Happy Birthday
Cindy Charkow
Samuel & Frances Belzberg
Happy Anniversary
Cindy Charkow
Music & Entertainment
Alec Becker
Happy Birthday
Dr. Lorne & Marjorie Pearlman
Merle & Manuel
Rootman Family Fund
Ann Landsman
In Memory of Millie Westin
Herb & Binny Goldman
Kenneth & Fay Golden
Thank You
Manuel & Merle Rootman
Brana James
Speedy Recovery
Max & Phyllis Brown
Charles Shnier
In Memory of Elaine Shnier
Dr. Lorne & Marjorie Pearlman
Mi’Dor L’Dor } Publication of the Louis Brier Aged Foundation
Music & Entertainment
Fund (cont)
Dan & Andrea Isserow
In Memory of Gabrielle Isserow
Glenda, Natasha
& Louis Saitowitz
Melvin & Daria Moss
Dr. David Zack
In Memory of Sam Zack
& John Zack
Sally Seidler
Dr. Julian & Maureen Collis
In Memory of Gabrielle Isserow
Glenda, Natasha & Louis
Jerry & Joy Shapiro
In Memory of Rosaline Pullan
Irving & Barbara Rootman
Lyle Pullan
In Memory of Rosaline Pullan
Dr. Lorne & Marjorie Pearlman
Melvin & Daria Moss
In Memory of Belle Moss
Union of B.C. Performers
Michael & Pam Isman
In Memory of Howard Isman
Melvin & Daria Moss
Millie Weston
Happy Birthday
Herb & Binny Goldman
Norman & Jillian Aisler
In Memory of Harold Cohen
Melvin & Daria Moss
Development Fund
Dr. Julian & Maureen Collis
In Memory of Gabrielle Isserow
Sheldon & Marilyn Chandler
Fred & Eileen Cohen
Mazel Tov birth of grandson
Sheldon & Marilyn Chandler
Jack & Brenda Karp
In Memory of Max Karp
Sheldon & Marilyn Chandler
Jack & Shirley Hyman
Mazel Tov birth of granddaughter
Sheldon & Marilyn Chandler
Jonathan Lazar
In Memory of Maxine
Sheldon & Marilyn Chandler
Lyle Pullan
In Memory of Rosaline Pullan
Sheldon & Marilyn Chandler
Morley Greene
Mazel Tov birth of grandson
Sheldon & Marilyn Chandler
Derek & Marilyn Glazer
In Memory of Sam Zack
Dr. Judith Globerman
Myron & Ros‑Lynn Calof
Mazel Tov Justin & Lilianna’s
Sheldon & Marilyn Chandler
Keith Samuels
In Memory of Ralph Rosenberg
Aaron & Dr. Dessa Sadovnick
Yoseph Moshinsky
Happy Birthday
Sheldon & Marilyn Chandler
Olga Schwartz
Memorial Fund
Earl Dardick & Karin Schwartz
In Memory of Olga Schwartz
Dr. Alan & Lisa Boroditsky
Eduardo & Gloria Schwartz
In Memory of Olga Schwartz
Abe & Leyla Sacks
Roberto & Dr. Patricia Schwartz
In Memory of Olga Schwartz
Abe & Leyla Sacks
Arlene Howard
Claire Golumbia
Dr. Cecil Sigal
Dr. Edward & Edythe Blond
Dr. Harold & Patricia Laimon
Dr. Nathan Cannon
Dr. Perry & Karen Trester
Dr. Peter & Marla Gropper
Dr. Terry & Carol Kline
Edith Freeman
Gabriel & Shirley Hersch
Howard & Rosalind Karby
Irving & Rhoda Dardick
Irving & Sharon Kates
Jennie Fouks
Richard Markus & Judith
Lisa Kafka
Michael & Carol Millman
Michael & Phyllis Moscovich
Rheta Sigler
Philip & Shirley Swartz
Family Fund
Nathan & Marty Rosenberg
In Memory of Ralph Rosenberg
Alexander & Marie Ash
Arthur Toft
Debbie Litvack
Dr. Jack & Jennie Rootman
Dr. Judith Globerman
Dr. Nathan Cannon
Fred & Eileen Cohen
Golda Ostroff
Herb & Binny Goldman
Joel & Ilene‑Jo Bellas
Josef Brandt
Marilyn Snider
Marsha Garfinkel
Michael & Lori Yelizarov
Netty Prosterman
Phyllis Epstein
Ruth Singer
Sanford Cohen
Sarah Mandelbaum
Sherry Hanson
Shirley Wenger
Sylvia Hill
Phyllis Epstein
In Memory of Ralph Rosenberg
Sherry Hanson
Rehabilitation Fund
Bev Cooper
In Memory of Barry Cooper
Irving & Barbara Rootman
Neil & Louise Parker
Derek & Marilyn Glazer
In Memory of Sam Zack
Irving & Barbara Rootman
Reuben & Ida z’l
Sinclair Family Fund
Edie Thompson
Speedy Recovery
Philip & Shirley Swartz
Dr. Stanley & Joycelaine
Happy Anniversary
Joe Sinclair
Ralph & Becky
Rosenberg Family Fund
Sam Zack
Memorial Fund
David & Trudy Rosenberg
In Memory of Ralph Rosenberg
Alan & Candace Kwinter
Dr. Jack & Jennie Rootman
Joel & Ilene‑Jo Bellas
Murray & Susan Lieberman
Phyllis Epstein
Sheldon & Marilyn Chandler
Sherry Hanson
Beatrice Zack
In Memory of Dr. John Zack
Cory & Jackie Gurevitz
Dyan Glazer
Caron Blanke
In Memory of Sam Zack
Bernard & Marilyn Hooper
Derek & Marilyn Glazer
In Memory of Sam Zack
Bea Goldberg
Beatrice Zack
Brian & Sidnee Bell
Claire Golumbia
Daniel & Trudy Pekarsky
Danny & Valerie Zack
David & Grace Ehrlich
David & Rowena Huberman
Dr. Donald & Gloria Hendin
Earl & Donna Lesk
Gordon Slobin
Herb Wittenberg & Freya Libby
Howard & Rosalind Karby
Irving & Rhoda Dardick
Irving & Sharon Kates
Jack & Phyllis Lewis
Janet Kolof
Joel & Ilene‑Jo Bellas
John Anthony & Wendy Fouks
Judy Groberman
Justice Bruce & Cecille Cohen
Kenneth & Linda Glasner
Larry Rice & Joanne Sheps
Leonid & Marina Vinnitsky
Marvin & Francine Binder
Michael & Phyllis Moscovich
Morley & Lynn Lercher
Morley & Myrna Koffman
Norman & Marlene Franks
Norman & Sheila Archeck
Sam & Marcia Potter
Sari Zack‑Weintraub
Sharon Capadouca
Sheldon & Suzy Gurevitz
Sherry Hanson
Brian & Sheryl Ross
Stephen Bernstein &
Lilian Wright
Toby & Rochelle Feldman
Dr. David Zack
In Memory of Sam Zack &
John Zack
Dan & Patti Stein
Lucy Laufer
Howard & Rosalind Karby
Thank You
Cory & Jackie Gurevitz
Dyan Glazer
Lyle Pullan
In Memory of Rosaline Pullan
Cory & Jackie Gurevitz
Lynn & Beverly Karowsky
In Memory of Sam Zack
Beatrice Zack
Sari Zack‑Weintraub
Vanessa Trester
Thank You
Cory & Jackie Gurevitz
Dyan Glazer
Spring 2011 } Pesach 5771
Sid Doduck
Memorial Fund
Companion Fund
Catherine Golden
Happy Birthday
Drs. Alan & Jennifer
Barbara Yaffe
In Memory of Allan Yaffe
Dr. Judith Globerman
Dr. Jennifer Brookstone
Happy Birthday
David & Catherine Golden
Sol Zim unite2nite
Serge & Elinor Haber
Mazel Tov
Barrie & Ellen Yackness
Sophie Rosenstein
Memorial Fund
Gabriel & Charron Kalfon
In Memory of Sophie Rosenstein
Carmela Alimare
Connie Rimer
Eddie & Mildred Balten
Emile & Rachel Kalfon
Emile & Rachel Kalfon
Robert & Francesca Cadman
Sheldon & Marilyn Chandler
Shirley Wenger
Seymour & Louise Friedman
In Memory of Sophie Rosenstein
Connie Rimer
Emile & Rachel Kalfon
Morris & Roz Gitelman
Peter & Carol Oreck
Phil & Brenda Weinberg
Steve & Kala Solway
Special Care Unit Fund
Bev Cooper
In Memory of Barry Cooper
Stephen & Lois Kathnelson
Cathy Dennis
Happy Birthday
Dr. Nathan Cannon
Daniel Moscovsky
Speedy Recovery
Joseph & Lillian Radman
Sheila Stern
Happy Birthday
Isadore & Valerie Diamond
Shirley Morris
Happy Birthday
Isadore & Valerie Diamond
Bernard & Lisa Conn
In Memory of Ida Weiner
Joel & Ilene‑Jo Bellas
Charl & Claire Hammer
Memory of Lola Hammer
Jack Fugman Sales Ltd.
David Parker
Joel & Ilene‑Jo Bellas
Michael & Pam Isman
In Memory of Howard Isman
Joel & Ilene‑Jo Bellas
Michael & Sami Wall
In Memory of Joe
Mel & Geri Davis
Murray Belkin
Happy Birthday
David & Sandi Crystal
Irene Gutmann
Irv & Susan MicFliker
Irving Laskin & Dr. Naomi
Jack & Melanie Bailey
Lee & Sue Cohene
Max & Sharon Morton
Michael & Carol Millman
Eyal Daniel & Ellen Wiesenthal
In Memory of Evelyn Wiesenthal
Rosa Ferera
Rochelle Moss
In Memory of Alvin Moss
Irving & Sharon Kates
Synagogue Fund
Rodney & Lynne Massel
Happy Anniversary
Leonard & Brenda Wall
Dr. Harvey & Barbara Halperin
Mazel Tov birth of grandson
Fred & Eileen Cohen
Sally Karlinsky
Thank You
Emily Khong
Francine Levine
In Memory of Ethel Goman
Herb & Binny Goldman
Dr. Murray & Susan Isman
In Memory of Howard Isman
Joel & Ilene‑Jo Bellas
Sidney & Sally Coleman
In Memory of Goldie
Jack Fugman Sales Ltd.
Gidi & Laurel Nahshon
In Memory of your Mother
Josef Brandt
Dr. Philip & Judy Zack
In Memory of Dr. John Zack
Joel & Ilene‑Jo Bellas
Stewart Levitt
Happy Birthday
Leonard & Brenda Wall
Ilana Strummer
In Memory of Benno Strummer
Herb & Binny Goldman
Josef Brandt
Ed Rothman
Speedy Recovery
Joel & Ilene‑Jo Bellas
Sydney Levitt
Speedy Recovery
Mark & Gerri London
Larry Garfinkel
Happy Birthday
Marsha Garfinkel
Ernie & Lynn Lutterman
Happy Anniversary
Mark & Gerri London
Tracey Schonfeld
Happy Birthday
Leonard & Brenda Wall
Marja Edel
Happy Birthday
Ilana Strummer
Gerri London
Happy Birthday
Leonard & Brenda Wall
William Ornstein
In Memory of Anita Ornstein
Jack Fugman Sales Ltd.
Mary Aranovitch
In Memory of Julius Solomon
Herb & Binny Goldman
Gloria Harris
In Memory of Harry Harris
Dr. Harold & Patricia Laimon
Irving & Sharon Kates
Norman & Marlene Franks
Sylvia Pullmer
Memorial Fund
Rabbi Hillel Brody
Thank You
Nathan & Marty Rosenberg
Charna Plottel
Speedy Recovery
Irving & Sharon Kates
Dr. Julian & Maureen Collis
In Memory of Gabrielle Isserow
Leonard & Brenda Wall
Hartley & Janis Kantor
In Memory of your Mother
David & Rowena Huberman
Evelynne Loomer
Happy Birthday
David & Rowena Huberman
Joanne Fernando
Thank You
Emily Khong
Joseph & Karyn Gold
In Memory of David Gold
Joel & Ilene‑Jo Bellas
Leonard Wall
Happy Birthday
Gerri & Mark London
Dr. Lewis & Nora Pullmer
In Memory of Sylvia Pullmer
Dr. Alan & Debbie Jeroff
Dr. George & Cynthia Bluman
Dr. Hymie & Fay Davis
Dr. Ivor & Gaynor Levin
Dr. Manuel Matas
Ralph Markin
Happy Birthday
Sanford Cohen
Sheldon & Marilyn Chandler
Mazel Tov birth of granddaughter
Fred & Eileen Cohen
Mi’Dor L’Dor } Publication of the Louis Brier Aged Foundation
Tamara Rabkin
Memorial Fund
Wilson Piano
Tuning Fund
In Memory of Dr. John Zack
Danny & Valerie Zack
Annette Krygier
Mazel Tov on birth of
Evelyn Miller
Dr. Simon Rabkin
& Zena Simces
Jack & Brenda Karp
In Memory of Max Karp
Dr. Simon Rabkin
& Zena Simces
Joseph & Karyn Gold
In Memory of David Gold
Dr. Simon Rabkin
& Zena Simces
Rabbi Feuerstein
In Memory of Shayndel Feuerstein
Dr. Simon Rabkin
& Zena Simces
Dr. Alison Kaplen
Happy Birthday
Philip & Jennia Litsky
Dr. Robert & Elke Mermelstein
Thank You
Philip & Jennia Litsky
Dr. Stanley & Joycelaine Sunshine
Happy Anniversary
Philip & Jennia Litsky
Jack & Shirley Hyman
Mazel Tov birth of granddaughter
Evelyn Miller
We Remember
Since our last issue, we have said
good-bye to the following residents
of The Louis Brier Home and Hospital
and the Weinberg Residence.
May their memory be for a blessing.
July 22nd, 2010 – February 28th, 2011
Ted Cohen
Memorial Fund
Rachel Worth
In Memory of Father & Grandfather
Evelyn Miller
Joanne Wilson
Helena Altman
Belle Moss
Beatrice Zack
In Memory of Dr. John Zack
Babs Cohen
Sam & Natalie Wiseman
Thinking of You
Philip & Jennia Litsky
Iris Andrews
Earl Moss
Norma Beckman
Eric Nicol
Karol Choit
Anita Ornstein
Derek & Marilyn Glazer
In Memory of Sam Zack
Babs Cohen
William Ornstein
In Memory of Anita Ornstein
Philip & Jennia Litsky
Elsie Coave
Sophie Partington
Catherine Cooper
Jonathan Price
Dr. Martin & Janet Braverman
In Memory of Bernice Braverman
Babs Cohen
Harvey Cohen
Memorial Fund
Miriam Davidowicz
Sylvia Pullmer
Irene Farden
Ralph Rosenberg
Jeffrey & Marcie Simons
In Memory of Hilda Koren
Sheldon & Debbie Nider
Edna Fenster
Sophie Rosenstein
Mark Gershkovich
Valerie Ronner
Sonya Givontmakher Clark Schacter
In Memory of Abraham Ben Esther
Lis, Vivian, Mijal &
Marcelo Grinfeld
Genia Gohman
Eugene Schwartz
David Gold
Mary Scott
Max Karp
Hannah Smith
Dr. Murray Kliman
Benno Strummer
Mary Knopp
Michael Vinnitsky
Lola Hammer
Ida Weiner
Harry Harris
Evelyn Wiesenthal
Peter Hyslop
Dr. Cyrus Wolfman
Bernard Michaels
Allan Yaffe
Eileen Narod
In Memory of Wendy Narod
Babs Cohen
Joseph & Frances Cohen
In Memory of Anne Levine
Babs Cohen
Michael & Pam Isman
In Memory of Howard Isman
Babs Cohen
Penny Sprackman
In Memory of Mel Sprackman
Babs Cohen
Sheila Bermann
In Memory of Mike Burnstein
Babs Cohen
Sheldon & Julie Kuchinsky
In Memory of Irving Kuchinsky
Babs Cohen
William Ornstein
In Memory of Anita Ornstein
Babs Cohen
In Memory of Rosa Marel
Dr. Nathan Schaffer &
Sarah Marel
In Memory of Helen Brice
Stephen Berne & Daeniela
In Memory of Yvonne BerkowitzHorwitz
Barbi Braude
In Memory of Al
& Sadie Ohrenstein
Bari-Elyn Wise
Tribute Card
Evelyn Kantor
Happy Birthday
Eleanor Dashevsky
Sam Zack
Spring 2011 } Pesach 5771
Tzedakah Boxes
Ava Belzberg
Lola Belzberg
Ellen Cohen
Brad Freedman & Pamela Wolfman
Kennedy Holmes
Ken & Leah Levitt
Chaim & Susie Micner
Alex Ritch
Yaelle Ritch
Sylvia Ruskin
Bernie & Lee Simpson
Remember to drop off your full Tzedakah
Boxes in the Foundation Office.
New Funds
Chartered Accountants
Canada and US Personal Corporate Tax
Private and Public Enterprises
Tax and Estate Planning
Accounting and Auditing Services
Owner-Manager Businesses
Arnie Sadovnick, CA CPA (WA)
Direct 604 688 7898
[email protected]
Michael Sadovnick, CA
604 688 7800 Ext 103
[email protected]
6th Floor, 543 Granville Street, Vancouver B.C. V6C 1X8
T. 604 688 7800 F. 604 688 7880
Elsie Coave Memorial Fund
David Gold Memorial Fund
Harold Gordon Family Fund
Lola Hammer Memorial Fund
Mary Knopp Memorial Fund
Hannah Smith Memorial Fund
Anita Ornstein Memorial Fund
Sylvia Pullmer Memorial Fund
Sophie Rosenstein Memorial Fund
Olga Schwartz Memorial Fund
Benno & Ilana Strummer Fund
Ida Weiner Memorial Fund
Sam Zack Memorial Fund
Donation of Art
Emile & Elaine Campbell
Dr. Michael & Linda Frimer
Jack & Brenda Karp
Roy & Sheila Leonard
Philip & Judy Parker
Lisa Wolfin
Jacob & Alice Zilber
Mi’Dor L’Dor } Publication of the Louis Brier Aged Foundation
Our Top 18 Wish List for Spring 2011
These are the Wish List items needed most today. If you would like to purchase something for
the Wish List please call 604 261-5550 to make sure the item is still needed.
Decorations –
Reusable for
special events
Electric Beds
Zenith Extra Low
Dept: Nursing
Quantity Needed: 5
Unit Price: $3,680.00
Total: $18,400.00
residents baking
Dept: Nursing
Quantity Needed: 5
Unit Price: $221.00
Total: $1,104.00
Dept: Recreation
Qty Needed: 50 wks
Unit Price: $173.00
Total: $8,625.00
Quilts for
Residents’ Rooms
Dept: Recreation
Quantity Needed: 1
Unit Price: $575.00
Total: $575.00
Dept: Rehab
Quantity Needed: 5
Unit Price: $173.00
Total: $863.00
Dept: Recreation
Quantity Needed: 1
Unit Price: $690.00
Total: $690.00
Dept: Housekeeping
Quantity Needed: 120
Unit Price: $196.00
Total: $23,460.00
Flowers for
Shabbat (1 week)
Dept: Recreation
Quantity Needed: 1
Unit Price: $230.00
Total: $230.00
Yoga Instruction
(1 session/week)
Dept: Recreation
Qty Needed: 50 wks
Unit Price: $81.00
Total: $4,025.00
Spring 2011 } Pesach 5771
Help support the ongoing daily activities at the Dr. Irving & Phyliss Snider Campus for Jewish Seniors.
We gratefully acknowledge the generosity of our Angels in support of our Wish List: Izzy & Valerie Diamond,
Isaac & Lynn Dwosh, Greenbrier Holdings Ltd, Sylvia Miriam Kohn, Marion Prasow, Harry Satanove &
Elspeth Flood and Rheta Sigler
Leg Ergometer
Dressers for
residents’ rooms
Dept: Rehab
Quantity Needed: 2
Unit Price: $4,025.00
Total: $8,050.00
Sara Lift
Dept: Recreation
Quantity Needed: 1
Unit Price: $1,725.00
Total: $1,725.00
Dept: Support Services
Quantity Needed: 4
Unit Price: $115.00
Total: $460.00
Dept: Nursing
Quantity Needed: 1
Unit Price: $13,225.00
Total: $13,225.00
Israeli Distance
Learning Program
Dept: Recreation
Quantity Needed: 1
Unit Price: $460.00
Total: $460.00
Dept: Support Services
Quantity Needed: 4
Unit Price: $460.00
Total: $1,840.00
Dept: Recreation
Qty Needed: 50 wks
Unit Price: $173.00
Total: $8,625.00
Dept: Recreation
Quantity Needed: 1
Unit Price: $460.00
Total: $460.00
Heel Positioning
Dept: Nursing
Quantity Needed: 2
Unit Price: $173.00
Total: $345.00
Happy Pesach from the Goodman Team!
Address Correction Requested
Louis Brier Jewish Aged Foundation
1055 West 41st Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6M 1W9