ÿþO EI vuosikertomus 2 0 0 9
ÿþO EI vuosikertomus 2 0 0 9
O u l u S o u t h e r n I n s t i t ut e An n ual R e p o r t 2 00 9 O u l u S o u t h e r n I n s t i t u t e A n n ua l R e p o r t 2 0 0 9 O O ulu Southern Institute is, with the exception of the University Centre of Kajaani, the only regional unit of the University of Oulu. It is located in the Oulu South region, which is 50-150 km south of Oulu. The purpose of the unit is to promote academic research, education and regional development in ulu Southern Institute is, with the exception of the University its area of influence in order to foster the growth and development of Centre of Kajaani, the only regional unit of the University of Oulu. industry and commerce. Oulu South region is well-known for its strong It is located in the Oulu South region, which is 50-150 km south entrepreneurship and active business life. There is a small number of of Oulu. The purpose of the unit is to promote academic reinternational or global companies, and most of the enterprises are search, education and regional development in its area of influence in order small or medium sized. Their production is, however, notable and their to foster the growth and development of industry and commerce. Oulu South operations are internationally oriented. region is well-known for its strong entrepreneurship and active business life. There is a small numberhas of international or global companies, and most Oulu Southern Institute intensive collaboration with vocational of the enterprises are small or medium sized. Their production is, education organizations, with the local units of the Universitieshowever, of Apnotable and their of operations internationallyand oriented. plied Sciences Centralare Ostrobothnia Oulu and with regional development organizations. The Oulu South Higher Education Centre Oulu Southern Institute has intensive collaboration with vocational education network is also cooperating actively to develop the region. This colorganizations, with the local units of the Universities of Applied Sciences of laboration has proven to be beneficial for the region. n Central Ostrobothnia and Oulu and with regional development organizations. The Oulu South Educational Network is also cooperating actively to develop the region. This collaboration has proven to be beneficial for the region. Team: Eelis Kokko, Martti Saarela, Tanja Risikko, Eija Korjonen, Eija-Riitta Niinikoski Photography: Tii Amperla, Oulu Southern Institute Layout and image processing: Tii Amperla Print: Joutsen Median Painotalo Oy 2010 THE Y E AR 2 0 0 9 Researchers at the Institute have proven their quality and skilfulness especially by the EU FP7 program. The digital holography research group continued the coordination of the six million-euro Real 3D project. The underground neutrino astroparticle physics research group continued as a partner of the European LAGUNA consortium with the aim of showing that the Pyhäsalmi mine is the most favourable location for very large research instruments in the future. These instruments will be financed and built by the European scientific community in one of the seven possible locations. O F Approximately 94 percent of the Institute’s funding came from sources external to the University of Oulu, and just six percent came as basic funding from the university. The top projects financed by the EU’s 7th Framework Programme and structural funds (ESF and ERDF) of EU and those financed by TEKES (Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation) proceeded and continued to employ Institute’s personnel in 2009. Other important sources of funding included the main university, the State Provincial Office of Oulu (Department of Education) and the Council of Oulu Region. Companies’ role as co-financers in TEKES projects increased in importance, but funding from the local communities and the associations of local subregions was, however, the foundation of R&D work at the Institute. O V ER V I E W The discussion of the imbalanced financing of the Aalto University and the other universities was realized in the difficulties in securing financing for the other universities. Oulu Southern Institute organized a remarkable donation of 200,000 euros to the University of Oulu through the Kerttu Saalasti foundation. Local communities are participating in the donation by repaying the capital to the foundation during the next three years. G ENER A L I n 2009, active, successful research and development work continued at the Oulu Southern Institute despite the continuing structural change of the Finnish university institution and the heated discussion around it. This caused some uncertainty regarding the work of the Institute. The University’s quality assurance system was updated during 2009 and audited at the end of the year. It was shown to be well-done and it fulfilled the criteria for acceptance. The Institute’s quality team performed excellently in developing the quality system of the unit. The University rewarded the Institute for its outstanding work with praise and a monetary prize. In addition, the Institute was rewarded at the University’s opening ceremony for its high-quality regional development work and for its entrepreneurial attitude to the work. In conclusion, the year 2009 was a success at the Institute. Personnel and Cooperators The personnel of the Institute comprised 45 research managers, researchers and other staff members at the end of 2009. Seven members of the personnel have doctorate degrees in their discipline, and 25 have other university degrees. Their intellectual contribution to the development of the Oulu South area should not be underestimated. Oulu Southern Institute carries out regional development work, which is the social service function of the University of Oulu as determined by the Universities Act and emphasized by politicians at the end of 2009 and beginning of 2010. The new Act passed in August 2009 should contain a clearer definition of this third task of universities. Institute representatives attempted to append a cla-rification of this to the Act but were not successful. The Institute’s most important collaboration partner in 2009 was again the Educational Municipal Federation of the Kalajokilaakso Region (KAM). Co-operation with the Central Ostrobothnia University of Applied Sciences and its CENTRIA Research and Development unit con- tinued fruitfully in the RFMedia laboratory in Ylivieska. Representatives of local companies and employer organizations participated more actively than ever before in the work of project steering groups and various seminars and workshops. The Institute cooperated very closely with vocational education organizations and local units of the Universities of Applied Sciences of Central Ostrobothnia and Oulu as well as with regional development organizations. Members of Oulu South Educational Network cooperated very actively to develop the region. This collaborative approach has proven to be beneficial for the region. Cooperation with the councils and regions of Central Ostrobothnia and Pietarsaari was conducted under the “Bothnia cooperation umbrella”. The most important cooperation areas were analyzed and development teams began their work. The goal is to use the sparse human and financial resources in cooperation in the most fruitful way. Professor Jorma Rantanen prepared a report in 2008 concerning cooperation possibilities between Oulu Southern Institute, the University Centre Chydenius of Kokkola, Central Ostrobothnia University of Applied Sciences, and the Educational Municipal Federation of the Kalajokilaakso, Central Ostrobothnia and Pietarsaari areas. The cooperation between these organizations and regions and also between other Finnish and foreign organizations and regions will be more and more important in the future. This is possible with hard work and enthusiasm. It is the only way to build our common future. Successful R&D work The FMT research group (Future Manufacturing Technologies) continued their research in laser-assisted production technologies of the future for the metal and thin sheet industry at the ELME Studio in Nivala. Again in 2009 KAM cooperated most actively with the team. Cooperation with the Technology Village of Nivala, with the subregional development company NIHAK OY and with the Raahe and Kemi-Tornio production studios also continued actively. New projects were started with various sources of funding in cooperation with companies. The role of internatioal partners in the projects was further strengthened in 2009 and has continued by placing one of the researchers of the team in the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany in 2010. RFMedia laboratory at the Ylivieska Technology Village has for years been the main location of R&D work in ICT at the Oulu Southern Institute. The most important projects in 2009 were carried out in cooperation with the Centria research and development unit of the Central Ostrobothnia University of Applied Sciences. The six million-euro Real 3D -project (Digital holography for 3D and 4D real-world objects, capture, processing, and display) has been financed by the EU Seventh Framework Program. The research group led by Thomas Naughton has conducted high-class work with nine European research groups and companies. International cooperation has been active with an extensive international exchange of researchers. The astroparticle physics research group continued to set up its research instrument, EMMA (Experiment with MultiMuon Array) in the Pyhäsalmi mine, which is Europe’s deepest working mine with a highly qualified infrastructure. Astroparticles are observed 85 meters under the ground level to filter out the non-specific radiation with the help of the soil layer. EMMA is the only experiment worldwide observing radiation at that level. The core of the experiment is built from detectors bought from CERN and from Russia. Cooperation with the University of Jyväskylä and with the Technical Universities of Munich and Karlsruhe was active in 2009. A memorandum of understanding was signed in 2009 between the Universities of Jyväskylä and Oulu and the company Kalliosuunnittelu Oy Rockplan Ltd and the Canadian owner of the mine, Inmet Mining Ltd, about the research work performed by EMMA and LAGUNA (Large Apparatus for Grand Unification and Neutrino Astrophysics) experiments in the mine. LAGUNA is a consortium consisting of European particle physicists and rock mechanical engineers. The consortium received 1.7 million euros in funding from the EC for a two-year perdiod (June 2008 - June 2010) to conduct an infrastructure study. This continued intensively in 2009. In this infrastructure study, technical possibilities and limitations, costs and timing of the construction of massive large-volume detectors deep underground are being investigated for seven possible underground sites in Europe. The Technology Education group of the Institute continued its work at the Teknokas Center in Ylivieska providing continuing technology education in Finland as professional development of teachers. In 2009 the intent was to expand the work to secondary vocational education with funding from the Finnish National Board of Education. Cooperation was conducted most actively with the city of Tampere at its technology center Hermia. The special expert speaking at the seminars was Managing Director and designer Ristomatti Ratia. International cooperation at the Oulu Southern Institute continued and was intensified further in 2009. Rese-archers from St. Petersburg (State Polytechnical University), South Korea (Gwangju Institute), India, Poland and Ireland visited Ylivieska for varying periods. The FMT research group maintained cooperation with the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany and with the Luleå University of Technology in Sweden. The Future Oulu Southern Institute kept its annual planning and development days for personnel at the Oulanka Biological station in Kuusamo in September. The seminar participants also visited Pentik center in Posio, where entrepreneurs Anu and Topi Pentikäinen gave an interesting lecture about the history of the company. The growth of the company from a small seed to an international success story may give everybody an excellent example of the importance of skilfulness, strong will and an uncompromising attitude on the development of an organisation. Finally, Oulu Southern Institute participated actively in regional development work with the members of the Oulu South Educational Network (OEK) in 2009. A new strategy for the umbrella organisation was written during the year under the leadership of the Institute. The role of the organisation will be important in the regional development during the new COCO (Cohesion and Competitiveness) Programmes as the developer of education and innovation systems in the Oulu South region. n E e l i s Ko k k o , P h D , M B A D i r e c t o r, O u l u S o u t h e r n I n s t i t u t e t u University of Oulu OULU SOUTHERN INSTITUTE t Universities u Universities of Vocational Applied Sciences schools RFMEDIA LABORATORY FUTURE WIRELESS DATA DIGITAL MEDIA MANUFACTURING TRANSMISSION TECHNOLOGIES DIGITAL HOLOGRAPHY TEKNOKAS CUPP TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS a n d ELME STUDIO Research E d u c a t io n Education Companies Regional development R e gio n a l Oulu Southern Institute: main research fields. Oulu Southern Institute coordinates the Oulu South Educational Network (OEK), which is a virtual organization based on an agreement signed by the educational organizations of the region. The aim of the OEK network is to continuously increase the expertise and innovation activities, thereby enhancing success in the region and all of Northern Finland. Oulu Southern Institute provides student counselling and organizes examinations for distant learning students and plans Masters and Bachelor degree programmes for adults in the region in cooperation with different faculties of the universities. One of the Oulu Southern Institute’s key tasks is the development of the regional innovation environment. New ways of making national and international (academic) knowledge available for local entrepreneurs and other actors is planned and implemented by experts at the Institute. SMEs and development organizations are offered new possibilities to participate in R&D projects and international collaboration. In 2009, research group members published 40 scientific publications, including 11 refereed articles in international scientific journals and 21 refereed articles in international conference publications or combined works. n D e v e l o p m e nt T he main research fields of the Oulu Southern Institute are technology education, astroparticle physics, wireless data transmission and communication, digital media, digital holography, and future manufacturing technologies. Research activities are conducted in cooperation with the faculties of the University of Oulu or other universities and other national and international partners. The research groups are led by research managers, who are merited experts in their fields. 11 R e s e a r c h , International partners Region Municipalities Development agencies T E K N O K A S R & D g ro u p Contact: Esa-Matti Järvinen, PhD R e s e a rch D i re c t o r [email protected] h t t p : / / w w w. o u l u . f i / t e k n o k a s 13 Researchers of Teknokas are developing the contents and methods as well as materials and equipment for technology education. One of the main activities is to arrange continuing professional development in technology education to primary and secondary school teachers, and to support them in implementing the cross-curricula theme of technology education in their teaching and in school culture. Thus, the center is responding to the challenges of technology education posed by the reformed curricula. The activities also include the promotion of innovation potential of SMEs by organizing activities promoting innovation processes for the personnel of companies. The content areas include automation and robotics, mechanisms, structures, electronics, energy, design and chemistry. As technology normally develops through innovations, the main goals of technology education also include the development of children’s, students’ and adults’ skills in observing and solving problems related to the built environment. At the same time technology education encourages them to develop their own creativity. Cooperation partners include Central Ostrobothnia University of Applied Sciences, Design Museum and the Finnish National Board of Education, which launched an evaluation of cross-curricular themes in the National Core Curriculum for Basic Education and invited Oulu Southern Institute to be an expert member of technology education in the evaluation forum. The center has several international partners and collaborates widely in the field of technology education research. The nationwide TEKNOKAS Innovation and Technology Education programme (started 2008) continued and the Teknokas Continuing Education Programme 2009-2011 began in April. Cooperation with Technology Centre Hermia in Tampere and the city of Tampere was further strengthened. In Finland’s capital region the Teknokas activities and cooperation were also substantial. The results of that work are published in Finnish and international scientific journals. The training material package “Keksitään lisää” was produced in cooperation with Kerhokeskus Koulutyön tuki ry and with designer Ristomatti Ratia. The material is included in the outcomes of the EU Year of Innovation and Creativity 2009, in which Teknokas was one of the actors. International Seminars and Exchange Activities Cooperation was conducted with Design and Technology Education lecturer Dr. Keith Good from Greenwich University, England. Prof. Good visited Ylivieska in September and gave a lecture and workshop for teachers participating in the Teknokas continuing training course. The Teknokas group visited the International Technology Education Association Conference and exhibition in Louisville (KY), USA, in March and the Design and Technology Education Conference and exhibition in Birmingham, England, in November. The training material package “Keksitään lisää” was translated and published in English as “Let’s Invent More”. This was done in collaboration with Jyväskylä University UPDATE -project (Understanding and Providing a Developmental Approach to Technology Education). The material was introduced and an invited lecture was given in the International Technology Education Conference in Madrid in November. The material package has also been translated into the Catalan, Spanish and Estonian languages. n TE K N O K A S T EKNOKAS is the first nationwide innovation and technology education center in Finland. It provides nationally and internationally significant know-how and training that serves teachers, students and employees of enterprises in developing and transmitting technological know-how. It also enables the region’s youth and industry to know each other better, which will improve the vitality of the region in the long run. CU PP R E S EARCH G ROU P C o n t a c t : Ti m o E n q v i s t , P h D R e s e a rch D i re c t o r [email protected] http://cupp.oulu.fi 15 CUPP – gramme for research (FP7). Over a hundred researchers provides excellent opportunities to carry out from ten countries are involved in the project, in which a research on astroparticle physics. At the European large-scale research apparatus and its location present, a larger experiment called EMMA (Experiment will be selected from the seven available candidates. The with MultiMuon Array) has been prepared and initial main research topics of LAGUNA detectors are superno- measurements have begun. The EMMA experiment is vae, solar and geoneutrinos and proton decay. evaluated by the international Scientific Advisory Board the research activities, including EMMA experiment, in Pyhäsalmi, are of high scientific quality. The Pyhäjärvi site is a very prominent candidate to host a largevolume, next-generation liquid detector that is under investigation in the EU - FP7 Design Study LAGUNA, in which the CUPP research group is participating as a partner. The LAGUNA study is comparing three different types of large-volume liquid detectors and seven possible location sites across Europe. The detectors are GLACIER (liquid argon), LENA (liquid scintillation) and MEMPHYS (water Cherenkov). The sites are Boulby (UK), Canfranc (Spain), Frejus (France), Umbria (Italy), Pyhäsalmi (Finland), Slanic (Romania), and SUNlab (Poland). This study showed that it is possible to build any of those detectors in Pyhäsalmi. LAGUNA consortium will give its recommendations in the summer 2010. With external funding rock overburden of 75 meters to filter out low-energy from the Council of Oulu Region, a detailed study of the muons of an air shower, with cutoff energy of 45 GeV. influence of a possible close-by nuclear power plant on Thus only high-energy muons are detected, which is im- the LENA detector at Pyhäsalmi was started in 2009. portant as they carry out much more information about This study will be completed in 2010. The decision for the initial collisions than low-energy particles. The main constructing the detector will be made by the European research topics are the cosmic-ray composition at the astroparticle physics organization ASPERA in 2011 or knee region of the energy of particles and the investiga- 2012. tion of the so called muon bundles observed at CERN for the first time. The detector area of EMMA array is approximately 135 square meters divided into nine detector stations of 15 square meters each. The array is able to measure the muon multiplicity, their lateral distribution and also the arrival direction of the air shower. In particular, the capability of lateral distribution measurements makes EMMA different from the other underground cosmic-ray experiments. The main funding sources of the CUPP research group in 2009 have been the State Provincial Office of Oulu (ERDF including state funding), EU-FP7 (LAGUNA project) and the Council of Oulu Region. International Seminars and Exchange Activities The LAGUNA Consortium general meeting was held in Pyhäsalmi at the beginning of September. The SAB meeting was held at the end of September. The interna- LAGUNA Design Study (Large Apparatus for Grand tional collaboration of the EMMA experiment had several Unification and Neutrino Astrophysics) is an ongoing meetings throughout the year. n two-year infrastructure project of 1.7 million euros fun- P h ysi c s EMMA is a new-type, cosmic-ray experiment. It uses the U n d e r g r o u n d (SAB). The SAB stated in its last meeting report that fo r ded by European Union’s Seventh Framework Pro- by INMET Mining Ltd, Canada) in Pyhäjärvi C e n t r e T he 1400-meter-deep Pyhäsalmi mine (owned R F M E D I A L A B O R ATO RY C o n t a c t : J o u n i Te r v o n e n , D S c ( Te ch . ) R e s e a rch D i re c t o r [email protected] h t t p : / / w w w. r f m e d i a . f i 17 R F MED I A W i r e l e s s D a t a Tr a n s m i s s i o n ( W DT ) Successful cooperation between the two research organisations within RFMedia laboratory continued in the spearhead focus area of Wireless Product and Testing Applications for Machines and Systems. There have been several joint projects between Oulu Southern Institute and CENTRIA under this umbrella funded mainly by TEKES, the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovations. In 2009 active projects were Ubiquitous Computing in Maintenance Using Sensors and RFID Tags (SensoTag), Real Fusion, Comprehensive Testing (COMPTEST), and LTE Field Test Pilot (LTE FTP). In the SensoTag project researchers of Oulu Southern Institute participated successfully in application of WSAN (Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network) technology. The results of the project have been presented in two international scientific conferences and in six other technical seminars including the final seminar of the VAMOS programme of TEKES. Real Fusion, another joint project studying WSAN technology, began in 2009. The work of the project focused on new system architectures of the sensor network technologies in real-time practical environments using embedded hardware and software interfaces. The project included two research areas: 1. Industrial real-time environments: monitoring, control and remote diagnostics, user interfaces, distributed data processing, and 2. Sensor fusion: WSAN, identification and positioning methods. The aim of the COMPTEST project was to solve the challenges of comprehensive testing due to the increases of both the complexity of the components and dimensions of test systems. One task concentrated on items of RF radiation and leakage in cables and connectors when the frequencies are higher than before. This task included both automated measurement campaign with the network analyzer and the radiated emissions from the cables were measured in a radio anechoic chamber. The emission measurements were carried out in the EMC test laboratory of the CENTRIA Research and Development unit. Another task has been to study the telecommunication network start-up with the practical case of mobile WiMAX. This task included the development of the laboratory test bed and mobile WiMAX field trial in Ylivieska during the second half of 2009. The COMPTEST project included research exchange between Oulu Southern Institute and Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), South Korea. GIST is the principal investigator of the Korean parallel collaboration project titled Development of Low Power/Low Cost MIMO Receiver for Mobile WiMAX, which began in 2009. RFMedia Laboratory joined the Cooperative Traffic ICT (CT) Research programme in TIVIT (ICT SHOK) in the autumn 2009 when the second year of CT programme started. RFMedia Laboratory participates in LTE FTP project together with three industrial partners. The project studies the 3G LTE based networks and terminals as one L AB O R ATO RY R FMedia Laboratory is a media and ICT knowhow centre located in Ylivieska. The laboratory constitutes research groups of the Oulu Southern Institute and of CENTRIA Research and Development, which is the research organization of the Central Ostrobothnia University of Applied Sciences. The research groups of Oulu Southern Institute are Wireless Data Transmission, Digital Media, and Digital Holography. 19 R F MED I A The development of wireless data transmission knowledge continued also as a part of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) project International RFMedia Research Laboratory. Topics include embedded wireless data transmission product solutions, testing and applying of new telecommunication systems, and radio channel related expertise, e.g. prediction models, radio channel characterisation and measurements, coexistence and interference scenarios, radio resource and spectrum management methods. Digital Media Digital Media research within the International RFMedia Research Laboratory project concentrated in 2009 on usability issues, especially on human-computer-interaction with mobile devices. New partners, ideas, and practises on usability issues and testing with actual end users were achieved via participation on the national Living Lab pilot of networked regional centres (The Regional Centre Programme). Visual perception has been studied in cooperation with the digital holography research group. Furthermore, the Oulu based company LudoCraft Ltd has been cooperating as an external expertise company in studying the possibilities and required actions when utilising games and game-like virtual environments to create new research, development and business activities in Oulu South. Surveys for both educational organisations and companies were conducted. One of the key activities in 2009 was organizing the Virtual Vieska event. Innovative GIS Network in Oulu Region (InnoGIS) is a collaborative ERDF project of Oulu University of Applied Sciences (School of Renewable Natural Resources). The other partners in the project in addition to Oulu Southern Institute are CENTRIA Research and Development and the University of Oulu (Department of Geography). Oulu Southern Institute is a responsible partner in the task of usability, user interfaces and interactive development environment, i.e. the main research topics are the usability of GIS (Geographic Information System) systems and social media applications in the innovation network. I n t e r n a t i o n a l S e m i n a r s a n d E x ch a n g e Activities The first joint result seminar of Finish-Korean collaboration projects Comprehensive Testing, COMPTEST and Development of Low Power/Low Cost MIMO Receiver for Mobile WiMAX was organised in August 2009 in Oulu. Associate Professor Seokjoo Shin from Chosun University, School of Computer Engineering visited RFMedia Laboratory August 2 - 7, 2009 as a representative of the Korean collaboration project. Plan Manager Myoung-Shin Kwak from Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) visited RFMedia Laboratory November 23-December 4, 2009. Ms. Kwak represented the principal partner of the Korean collaboration project. n L AB O R ATO RY technology enabler of 4G wireless broadband access. The idea is to pilot LTE and other 4G network functionality and added value versus existing telecommunication networks in traffic environment via concrete end-to-end use cases and practical field testing pilots. D I G I TA L H O LO G R A P H Y R E S E A R C H G R O U P C o n t a c t : Th o m a s N a u g h t o n S c i e n t i f i c Le a d e r [email protected] w w w. d i g i t a l h o l o g r a p h y. e u 21 Oulu Southern Institute’s digital holography team coordinated in 2009 a European Commission-sponsored FP7 Collaborative Project on digital holography called Real 3D. The Real 3D – Digital holography for 3D and 4D real-world objects’ capture, processing, and display -project is a research project funded under the Information and Communication Technologies theme of the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme. It brings together nine participants from academia and industry in seven countries. This three-year project marks the beginning a long-term effort to facilitate the entry of a new technology (digital holography) into the three-dimensional capture and display markets. In 2009, the digital holography team also held a European Commission Intra-European Marie Curie Fellowship and Academy of Finland funding for its digital holography research programme. The main funding sources of the research in 2009 were EU - FP7, EU - Marie Curie, and the Academy of Finland. I n t e r n a t i o n a l S e m i n a r s a n d E x ch a n g e A c t i v i t i e s Associate Professor Dr. Naveen Nishchal, Indian Institute of Technology, and Dr. Conor Mc Elhinney, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, each joined the digital holography team for three months during the summer of 2009. n H O L O G R A PH Y T he digital holography team conducts research on visual perception, image processing, and usability issues of digital holograms. Digital holograms are a new form of digital media that can capture three-dimensional properties of a realworld physical object or scene in a single image. The full potential of digital holography for industrial inspection and metrology, bio-imaging and medicine, and communication and entertainment is only recently being studied. Members of the team of the Oulu Southern Institute have pioneered aspects of hologram image processing. The team is globally one of the only research teams studying visual perception aspects of digital holography. The team is also actively working on broad applications of digital holography, including industrial metrology, digital holographic microscopy, bio-imaging, and optical image processing (including optical encryption and optical computing). One of the novel research topics involves converting digital holograms into stereoscopic formats that can be viewed through conventional means, such as the anaglyph display shown in the picture opposite. D I G I TAL F U T U R E M A N U FACT U R I N G T E C H N O LO G I E S Contact: Kari Mäntyjärvi, M Sc R e s e a rch D i re c t o r [email protected] h t t p : / / w w w. o u l u . f i / f m t 23 The key research areas of future manufacturing technologies are laser technology applications in the cutting, joining and forming of ultra high strength steel materials. Laser technology research is focused on using the technology for manufacturing products from sheet metal. The foundation for the expertise was laid by a donated professorship in 1999-2003, which continued as a permanent position in the University of Oulu, and by two In 2009 the FMT research group grew to a group of fourteen people. Eight of them worked in Nivala and the other six in Oulu at the main university campus. The group has presented and published its research results in twenty international conference proceedings, with the three most recent publications in 2009. The main funding sources of the research in 2009 were EU (ERDF) and TEKES (Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation). International Seminars and Exchange Activities FMT group has an active cooperation with Luleå University of Technology in Sweden and with the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany. n TECHN O L O G I E S The main objective of the research activities is to develop new production technologies and implement them in manufacturing industry and products in the Oulu South region. Educational activities in the university as well as in the vocational education are enhanced in the field of production technology. The research group promotes cooperation with educational organizations of the region by carrying out joint development projects. research and development projects: New production methods in sheet metal industry and Expertise in Laser and high speed machining technology. The development project “Innovative Production Technologies” began in 2007 and is focused on production methods and processes of the future. This project is administrated by the Educational Municipal Federation of the Kalajokilaakso Region and funded by the European Regional Development Fund. In 2009, the research activities are elaborated in two research projects: Usability of UltraHigh-Strength Steels and Roll Forming of Tailored Heat Treated Ultra High-Strength Steel Strips, both funded by the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (TEKES). The project, “Expertise of Forming High Strength Steels”, administrated by the Oulu Southern Institute and funded by European Regional Development Fund, began in December 2009. The research activities in 2009 were focused on the properties of the new materials and on developing new processing applications for them. The ELME research and development projects are carried out in cooperation with the industry. They are partly funded by companies and the municipalities of the Oulu South region. M A NU F A CTUR I N G The research group was founded in 2000. Since then, research facilities have been established, research and cooperation practices have been developed, and research projects have been started and conducted. Research activities take place in the ELME Studio in Nivala in close cooperation with Central Ostrobothnia University of Applied Sciences, Nivala Vocational College and with Nivala Technology Village Ltd. The ELME studio belongs to the Centre of Expertise Programme (OSKE) in Finland and is a part of the national ProMetal network. Part of the FMT research group operates at the main campus of the University of Oulu. The research activities in Oulu are carried out in close cooperation with the Production Technology Laboratory of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. F UTURE T he electronics’ mechanics and metal research group (ELME) focused its research topics on the Future Manufacturing Technologies (FMT). In 2009 the FMT group further elaborated its research activities in the field of innovative production technologies. R E G I O N A L D E V E LO P M E N T Contact: Eija-Riitta Niinikoski, MA Ta n j a R i s i k k o , D S c ( Te ch . ) Harri Jokela, M Sc Development Manager R&D Development Manager E d u c a t i o n a l C o o rd i n a t o r [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] h t t p : / / w w w. o u l u . f i / o e i n s t 25 The collaboration network was further expanded when the higher education organizations jointly agreed on collaboration topics in the Bothnia region. In education, research and innovation activities there are four emphasized themes: 1) entrepreneurship, 2) adult education, 3) wellbeing, culture and tourism, and 4) energy, environment and sustainable development. e d u c a t io n To increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of the area, the institutions of higher education in Oulu South and Bothnia regions have created joint strategies. First Oulu South Higher Education Strategy was written in 2001 and has been updated for the third time in 2009 to meet the future challenges. The main emphasis is on applied research and rapid transfer of expertise and technology to the enterprises and other organizations. Oulu South Higher Education Strategy is a central part of the regions’ new overall Cohesion and Competitiveness Programme (COCO). an d Oulu Southern Institute is an active actor in the regional innovation environment. It promotes and organizes academic research, education and community development. The Institute cooperates with the region’s enterprises as well as public development agencies and educational organizations. The aim is to improve the innovation actors’ competence and networking in order to foster the growth and success of the region. d e ve l o p m e n t According to the statistics in 2009, there were about 4 700 companies in Oulu South. Entrepreneurship is notable in the region. Also, young people are very entrepreneurially oriented. The enterprises are mostly microsized or small companies. Roughly 93% of the companies have less than 10 employees, 7% of the companies have 10 to 250 employees and there are only three large companies in the region. R e gio n a l I ndustrialized rural areas and an active, international business life are characteristic of the Oulu South region in Northern Finland, located in the southern part of the Oulu province in the county of Northern Ostrobothnia. Population of the area is roughly 90,000 inhabitants, and the relative number of young people is highest in Finland. O u l u S o u t h re g i o n c o m p r i s e s t h e N i v a l a - H a a p a j ä r v i , Yl i v i e s k a a n d H a a p a v e s i - S i i k a l a t v a s u b re g i o n s 27 Regional Development group members attended a factfinding and benchmarking trip to Bilbao in Spain in October. A report of the trip was published by the nationwide Innovation Network in November. EU Comission’s new R&D Programmes, funding possibilities and good practices were surveyed in various events including Regions Oulu Southern Institute carries out surveys of educational needs in cooperation with entrepreneurs and their organizations. Based on the results, the institute plans and realizes necessary development actions. Furthermore, the institute offers student counseling and guidance of academic studies including examination possibilities for distance learning students. Oulu Southern Institute is an active member of the Oulu South Educational Network, which is a virtual organization based on an agreement signed by the educational organizations of the region. Other active members of the network are the regional units of the Universities of Applied Sciences of Central Ostrobothnia and Oulu (in Ylivieska and Oulainen, respectively), the Educational Municipal Federations of Kalajokilaakso and SiikaPyhäjoki regions and the regional units of the Summer University of Northern Ostrobothnia (in Ylivieska and Pyhäjärvi). The first Oulu South Higher Education Strategy was composed in 2001 as a joint understanding of the goals of the members of Oulu South Educational Network. The third updating process was completed at the end of 2009. Oulu Southern Institute organizes an annual seminar with the Kerttu Saalasti Foundation. The 2009 seminar, held in June, focused on the topic Towards the International Research Center. n e d u c a t io n Collaboration with Nordregio expanded as Oulu Southern Institute took part in a project called Regional universities and university colleges (regional HEIs), their regional impact on innovation, attractiveness and economic performance. Collaboration in ELME Studio was studied as one example of the regional impact of universities and a lecture was given at an international conference in Reykjavik, Iceland in June. The project report (Higher education institutions as drivers of regional development in the Nordic countries) and the case studies (Interaction between higher education institutions and their surrounding business environment - Six Nordic case studies) are published by Nordregio (www.nordegio.se -> Publications). Education is one of the most meaningful ways to develop regions. The educational level in Oulu South is relatively low. The percentage of people over 15 years that have a post-secondary (university, polytechnic) education is only 17 %, which is clearly lower than the national average (25 %). However, eagerness to acquire a higher level of education is quite high according to the surveys done in recent years. an d Oulu Southern Institute participates in Regional trajectories to the knowledge economy - Nordic-European comparisons, a Nordic project (REKENE). It combines in-depth work in firms and in their regional context of public actors, higher education institutions, networks of firms and other actors. The project produces new academic knowledge while also delivering input to practice and policymaking. Education and Student Counseling d e ve l o p m e n t International Activities for Economic Change and Research Connection 2009 conferences. R e gio n a l Oulu Southern Institute has a coordinating and catalyzing role in the Oulu South innovation environment. In 2009, the institute’s regional development team has planned several new initiatives together with collaboration partners. These include for example the research and development program for micro and small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurship, which will be started in 2010. The international partners of Oulu Southern Institute 29 T h e M o s t I m p o r t a n t I n t e r n a t i o n a l P a r t n e r O rg a n i s a t i o n s i n 2 0 0 9 : Australia: Griffith University, Sydney University (TEKNOKAS) The Institute of High-Energy Physics in the Academy of China (CUPP) Denmark: Region Sjælland, Roskilde University (REKENE), University of Århus (CUPP) France: Laboratoire Souterrane de Modane, University of Paris (CUPP) Germany: Bremer Institut für Angewandte Strahtechnik (Real 3D), HOLOEYE Photonics AG, Germany (Real 3D), Technische Hochschule München, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (CUPP), University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FMT), Great Britain: Greenwich University, Open University Milton Keynes, University of Central England, Aberdeen University (TEKNOKAS), Institute for Underground Science at Boulby (CUPP) Holland: Eindhoven University of Technology (TEKNOKAS), Iceland: Akureyri Region Business Agency, University of Akureyri (REKENE) Ireland: Italy: National University of Ireland, Maynooth County Kildare (Real 3D) Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Napoli (Real 3D), Laboratori Nazionali di Gran Sasso (CUPP) Poland: Warsaw University of Technology (Real 3D) Russia: Spain: Nuclear Research Institute of the Academy of Russia in Moscow Radium Research Institute of V.G.Klop in St. Petersburg The Institute of High-Energy Physics in Protvino (CUPP) St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University (WDT) Laboratorio Subterraneo de Canfanc (CUPP) South Korea: Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (WDT) Sweden: Teknikens Hus Luleå (TEKNOKAS) Luleå University of Technology, Svensk Vertygsteknik Ab (FMT) University of Karlstad, Stockholm County Council, University of Stockholm, University of Linköping, Nordregion (REKENE) Switzerland : CERN (CUPP) Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lyncée Tec SA (Real 3D) Turkey: Bilkent Universitesi Bilkent Ankara (Real 3D) USA: Millersville University Pennsylvania (TEKNOKAS) Pa r t n e r s China: I n t e r n a t io n a l O ulu Southern Institute has an outstanding national and international network of partners. International cooperation includes e.g. conducting joint projects, exchanging researchers and teachers and publishing scientific articles. Active cooperation is performed in various European and Asian countries, in the United States of America, and in Australia. 31 M e m b e r s o f t h e B o a r d i n 2 0 07 - 2 0 0 9 a n d t h e i r Pe r s o n a l D e p u t y M e m b e r s Kari Kuutti, professor, Department of Information Processing Science, chairman deputy Kari Pankkonen, development manager professor, Department of Electrical Engineering deputy Erkki Salonen, professor Jarmo Rusanen, professor, Department of Geography deputy Toivo Muilu, professor Juhani Niskanen, professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering deputy Jussi A. Karjalainen, professor Mikko Isohanni, administrative manager, Faculty of Education deputy Pauli Siljander, dean Kari Rummukainen, professor, Department of Physical Sciences deputy Kalevi Mursula, professor Olavi Jakkula, development director, Planning and Development unit deputy Matti Joensuu, development manager Eelis Kokko, director, Oulu Southern Institute Kari Valtanen, mayor, Nivala, vice chairman deputy Esa Jussila, managing director, Nivala-Haapajärvi subregion Pekka Pietiäinen, mayor, Pyhäjärvi/ Nivala-Haapajärvi subregion deputy Maija-Liisa Veteläinen, mayor, Haapajärvi/ Nivala-Haapajärvi subregion Jouko Luukkonen, mayor, Haapavesi/ Siikalatva subregion Asko Ojamäki, deputy Hannu Saarinen, managing director, Siikalatva subregion mayor, Ylivieska/ Ylivieska subregion deputy Timo Kiema, managing director, Ylivieska subregion Secretary of the board is Development Manager Eija-Riitta Niinikoski. There are three expert members representing the economics of the Oulu South region in the board; Merchant Martti Liuska (deputy Tapio Uusitalo), Managing Director Jyrki Niinikoski (deputy Jouko Hannula), Engineer Matti Tallgren (deputy Veli-Matti Karikoski). R e so u r c e s a n d Juha Röning, A d m i n is t r a t io n O ulu Southern Institute is the sole regional unit of the University of Oulu. It was initially established in 2000 and became permanently established in 2004. The Institute is led by the director with the help of the board. Board members are nominated by the rector of the University of Oulu, and they represent the cooperating departments and faculties of the University and the region. The board has two meetings annually. Chairman of the board is Professor Kari Kuutti. 32 Others 1 % A d m i n is t r a t io n Norden 0,04 % Enterprises 0,34 % EU/ Comission (FP7) 8 % Ministry of Education and other State Administrations 1 % Income financing 2009. Budget / University of Oulu 6 % Finnish Academy of Science 3 % Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovations (TEKES) 17 % Municipalities 23 % Provincial Federation10 % Foundations 2 % a n d County Administrative Board 37 % R e so u r c e s The budget of Oulu Southern Institute in 2009 was about 2.7M€; approximately 6 % of the budget came from the University of Oulu as basic financing and 94 % of it was financed by different sources of project funding e.g. EU: Comission´s 7th Framework Programme (FP7) and Structural Funds (ESF, ERDF, Interreg), Finnish Academy of Science, Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovations (TEKES), various foundations, funding from municipalities, regional public organisations and private companies. Internal services 1 % Rent 5 % Capital assets 1 % Expenses 2009. Other 7% Material 5% Outsourcing services 9 % Personnel 67 % Travel 5 % The main expenses consisted of personnel costs. Oulu Southern Institute rents the facilities for its activities. There were 45 full-time employees in the institute at the end of 2009. More than 15 % of them had doctorate degrees and approximately 56 % had other university degrees (MSc or MA), the rest were students or had other required qualification. R&D Manager Tanja Risikko finalised her doctorate degree and defended her doctoral thesis “Safety, Health and Productivity of Cold Work: A Management Model, Implementation and Effects” and qualified as a Doctor of Science (Tech.). Personnel of the Oulu Southern Institute work in three cities in the Oulu South region (Nivala, Ylivieska, Pyhäjärvi) and at the main campus in Oulu. 33 Quality Assurance System in Oulu Southern Institute O ulu Southern Institute was chosen as one of the internal quality units of the University of Oulu for the year 2010, and got monetary acknowledgement on the basis of systematic development of the QA system and documentation during 2009. According to the feedback, the Institute has recognized well the critical tasks and the developmental needs of its operations. In the feedback, it was also mentioned that according to the Institute’s Quality Handbook, the quality work seems to be an essential part of the Institute’s normal operation. The Institute’s QA system covers all functions and operations, which are described in the Quality Handbook. The QA system is based on the recognized characteristics and established QA methods of the whole university organization. The whole personnel of the Institute participated in documenting the QA system. The University of Oulu’s QA system was audited in November 2009. The Institute prepared for the audit by organizing internal trainings for all research groups and administrative bodies. There are three guiding principles in the Oulu University´s QA system: collaboration, enhancement-led evaluation and promotion of good practices. The fundamental functions of the university are education, research and social engagement. Oulu Southern Institute concentrates on social engagement. To be able to serve the needs of partners and interest groups, the Institute has described its responsibilities and operations very accurately in the Quality Handbook. The Institute’s QA system consists of both common elements and research group-specific information. The University of Oulu passed the audit implemented by the Finnish Higher Education Evaluation (FINHEEC), which evaluated the University’s QA system. n Ke r t t u S a a l a s t i Fo u n d a t i o n T he Kerttu Saalasti Foundation was established in 2000 by the municipalities and educational organisations of the Oulu South region together with the University of Oulu. The foundation supports the work done by the Oulu Southern Institute by granting scholarships and fostering collaboration between the Institute and the region. Counsellor of Education Mrs. Kerttu Saalasti (19071995), whose father was President Kyösti Kallio, was a member of Finnish Parliament and Minister of Education. The establishment of the University of Oulu in the 1950s was one of her most significant achievements. The biography of Kerttu Saalasti was published by the foundation in December 2008. The name of the book, Yhteinen hyvä – paras hyvä, tells about Kerttu Saalasti´s thinking; in different situations she wanted to find the common good and consider it the best. The biography was written by Dr. Tytti Isohookana-Asunmaa. n 34 R e s e a r c h R e s e a rch a n d D e v e l o p m e n t P r o j e c t s i n 2 0 0 9 a n d Th e i r M a i n F i n a n c i n g R e s o u r c e a n d D ev e l o p m e n t P r oj e c ts I N 2 0 0 9 TEKNOKAS - Nationwide Technology Education EU-ESF, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Employment and the Economy International RFMedia Research Laboratory Ubiquitous Computing in Maintenance Using Sensors and RFID Tags Comprehensive Testing – COMPTEST Innovative GIS Network in Oulu Region (InnoGIS) Cooperative Traffic ICT (CT)/LTE Field Test Pilot (LTE FTP) EU-ERDF TEKES/VAMOS program TEKES/ERDF EU-ERDF Real Fusion TEKES/Ubicom program Real 3D Holographic image processing and visual perception of digital holograms EU-FP7 Finnish Academy Holomobile Marie Curie Cosmic-ray experiment EMMA LAGUNA: Capacities/infrastructures/Design Study The influence of a possible close-by nuclear power plant on the LENA detector at Pyhäsalmi EU-ERDF EU-FP7 Council of Oulu Region Innovative production technologies - INTO Usability of ultra-high-strength steels - ULLE Roll Forming of Tailored Heat-Treated Ultra High-Strength Steel Strips – ULLA Investigation on the Usability of Ultra High Strength Structural and Wear Resistant Steels - KuURak EU-ERDF TEKES EU-ERDF/TEKES Expertise of Forming Ultra High Strength Steels – ROLLE EU-ERDF Developing the innovation environment in Oulu South region Regional trajectories to the knowledge economy Nordic-European comparisons, REKENE EU-ERDF TEKES/Tivit Oy EU-ERDF/TEKES Nordic Council 35 Resolution limits in practical digital holographic systems - Kelly DP, Hennelly BM, Pandey N, Naughton Thomas J, Rhodes WT. Optical Engineering, Vol. 48, No. 9, 2009, pp. 095801 1-13. Statistical investigation of the double random phase encoding technique - Monaghan DS, Gopinathan U, Situ G, Naughton Thomas J, Sheridan JT. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 26, No. 9, 2009, pp. 2033-2042. Analysis of phase encoding for optical encryption - Monaghan DS, Situ G, Gopinathan U, Naughton Thomas J, Sheridan JT. Optics Communications, Vol. 282, No. 4, 2009, pp. 482-492. The combined walkthrough: Measuring behavioral, affective, and cognitive information in usability testing - Partala T, Kangaskorte Riitta. Journal of Usability Studies, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2009, pp. 21-33. Optical computing - Naughton Thomas J, Woods D. Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 215, No. 4, 2009, pp. 1417-1430. Bendability of ultra-high-strength steel - Väisänen Anu, Mäntyjärvi Kari, Karjalainen Jussi A. Key Engineering Materials, Vols. 410-411, 2009, pp. 611-620. Other Journal Teknologiakasvatus ja lukio - mahdotonko yhtälö? - Karsikas Arto, Järvinen Esa-Matti. Dimensio, Vol. 73, No. 2, 2009, pp. 38-41. Maalipinnoitetun ohutlevyn liittäminen laserhitsauksella - Mäkikangas Jarmo. Ohutlevy, No. 2, 2009, pp. 18-20. C o m b i n e d Wo r k Extraction of three-dimensional information from reconstructions of in-line digital holograms - McElhinney CP, Hennelly BM, Javidi B, Naughton Thomas J. ¬Three-dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display, Chap. 15, Springer, New York, 2009. Javidi B (ed.), pp. 303-332. Optical computing – Naughton Thomas J, Woods D. Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, Springer, New York, 2009, Meyers RA (ed.), pp. 6388-6407. Conference Public ation Localization of microfibers within volumes using digital holographic video - Darakis E, Kempkes M, Khanam T, Rajendran A, Kariwala V, Naughton Thomas J, Mazzotti M, Asundi AK. OSA Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, DTuB6, Vancouver, Canada, 26-30 April 2009. 2 0 0 9 Three dimensional digital holographic profiling of micro-fibers - Kempkes M, Darakis E, Khanam T, Rajendran A, Kariwala V, Mazzotti M, Naughton Thomas J, Asundi AK 2009. Optic Express, Vol. 17, No. 4, 2009, pp. 2938-2943. Systematic errors of an optical encryption system due to the discrete values of a spatial light modulator - Monaghan DS, Gopinathan U, Kelly DP, Naughton Thomas J, Sheridan JT 2009. Optical Engineering, Vol. 48, No. 2, 2009, pp. 027001 1-7. P u b l i c a t io n s Decay properties of neutron-deficient isotopes of elements from Z = 101 to Z = 108 - Hessberger FP, Hofmann S, Streicher B, Sulignano B, Antalic S, Ackermann D, Heinz S, Kindler B, Kojouharov I et al.; Kuusiniemi Pasi 2009. The European Physical Journal A, 41, 2009, pp. 145-153. of Multi-pixel Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode and wavelength-shifting fibre-optics readout of plastic scintillator counters for the EMMA underground experiment - Akhrameev EV, Bezrukov LB, Dzaparova IM, Davitashvili ISh, Enqvist Timo, Fynbo H, Guliev ZhSh, Inzhechik LV, Izmaylov AO et al.; Joutsenvaara Jari, Kuusiniemi Pasi, Olanterä Lauri, Räihä Tomi, Sarkamo Juho. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 610, 2009, pp. 419-422. Lis t Scientific Journal Using commodity graphics hardware for real-time digital hologram view-reconstruction - Ahrenberg L, Page AJ, Hennelly BM, McDonald JB, Naughton Thomas J. Journal of Display Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2009, pp. 111-119. 36 Compression of digital hologram sequences using MPEG-4 - Darakis E, Naughton Thomas J. Holography: Advances and Modern Trends, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 7358, 735811, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-23 April 2009, Miler M, Hrabovský M (eds.), 735811 1-8. EMMA - an underground cosmic-ray experiment - Enqvist Timo, Bezrukov L, Fynbo H, Heikkilä E, Inzhechik L, Joutsenvaara Jari, Jones P, Jämsén T, Kalliokoski T et al.; Kuusiniemi Pasi, Olanterä Lauri, Räihä Tomi, Sarkamo Juho. Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 196, 2009, Capdevielle J-N, Pattison B, Engel R (eds.), pp. 255-258. Quantization noise: An additional constraint for the extended sampling theorem - Kelly DP, Pandey N, Hennelly BM, Naughton Thomas J. OSA Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, DWB12, Vancouver, Canada, 26-30 April 2009. The static and dynamic strength properties of laser-welded, work-hardened stainless steel - Keskitalo Markku, Mäntyjärvi Kari 2009. 12th NOLAMP Conference 2009, 24th-26th August 2009 in Copenhagen, Olsen F, Kristensen JK (eds.). Yb: YAG disc laser welding of austenitic stainless steel without filler material - Keskitalo Markku, Mäntyjärvi Kari. Key engineering Materials, Vols. 410-411, 2009, pp. 87-96. Sheet Metal 2009, 13th International Conference on Sheet Metal 6-8 April 2009, Shirvani B, Clarke R, Duflou J et al. (eds.). Visual perception of digital holograms on autostereoscopic displays - Lehtimäki Taina M, Sääskilahti Kirsti, Näsänen Risto, Naughton Thomas J. Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display 2009, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 7329, 73290C, Orlando, USA, 13-17 April 2009, Javidi B, Son J-Y, Martinez-Corral M et al. (eds.), pp. 73290C 1-7. Ambient intelligence in mobile field work - Luimula M, Pitkäaho Tomi, Tervonen Jouni. Conference Proceedings of 8th International Conference and Workshop on Ambient Intelligence and Embedded Systems, AmiES 2009, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 23-25 September, 2009. Developing geosensor network support for Locawe platform: application of standards in low-rate communication context - Luimula M., Shelby Z., Tervonen J., Markkula J., Weckström P. & Verronen P. Proceedings of the 2009 international conference on Pervasive services, London, UK, pp. 73-82. Segmentation and visualization of digital in-line holographic microscopy of three-dimensional scenes using reconstructed intensity images - Molony KM, Ryle JP, McDonnell S, Sheridan JT, Naughton Thomas J. Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXII, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 7443, 74431F, San Diego, USA, August 2009, Tescher AG (ed.), 74431F 1-10. Joining of colour-coated sheet metals with Yb: YAG disk laser - Mäkikangas Jarmo, Mäntyjärvi Kari, Ojala. 12th NOLAMP Conference 2009, 24th-26th August 2009 in Copenhagen, Olsen F, Kristensen JK (eds.). Water cooling in sheet metal laser hardening - Mäntyjärvi Kari, Järvenpää A, Karjalainen JA, Ojala J, Keskitalo Markku, Mäkikangas Jarmo. 12th NOLAMP Conference 2009, 24th-26th August 2009 in Copenhagen, Olsen F, Kristensen JK (eds.). UHS steel formability in flexible roll forming - Mäntyjärvi Kari, Merklein M, Karjalainen J.A. Key engineering Materials, Vols. 410-411, 2009, pp. 661-668. Sheet Metal 2009, 13th International Conference on Sheet Metal 6-8 April 2009, Shirvani B, Clarke R, Duflou J et al. (eds.). Cutting method influence on the fatigue resistance of ultra-high-strength steel - Mäntyjärvi Kari, Väisänen Anu, Karjalainen JA. International Journal of Material Forming, Vol. 2 Suppl. 1, 2009, van den Boogaard T, Akkerman R (eds.), pp. 547-550. Processing of optically-captured digital holograms for three-dimensional display - Naughton Thomas J, Kreis T, Onural L, Ferraro P, Depeursinge C, Emery Y, Hennelly BM, Kujawinska M. Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display 2009, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7329, 73290A, Orlando, USA, 13-17 April 2009, Javidi B, Son J-Y, Martinez-Corral M et al. (eds.), pp. 73290A 1-11. 37 FinRus mobile technology - Researcher’s exchange between Russian and Finnish universities supported by EU - Nevala J, Tervonen Jouni, Korotkov AS. International Conference; International Education & Science Cooperation, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 2-6, 2008, 2009, pp. 252-254. Lis t Three-dimensional image watermarking using fractional fourier transform - Nishchal NK, Naughton Thomas J. ICOP 2009 - International Conference on Optics & Photonics, Chandigarh, 30 Oct - 1 Nov 2009, Chandigarh, India. of Perceptual quality of reconstructions of digital holograms: extending depth of focus by binocular fusion - Näsänen Risto, Metso A, Lehtimäki Taina M, Naughton Thomas J. Perception, Supplement, vol. 38. 32nd European Conference on Visual Perception, Regensburg, Germany, 24-28 August 2009, pp. 154-155. P u b l i c a t io n s Speed up of fresnel transforms for digital holography using pre-computed chirp and GPU processing - Pandey N, Kelly DP, Naughton Thomas J, Hennelly BM. Optics and Photonics for Information Processing III, Proc. SPIE 7442, 744205, San Diego, USA, August 2009, Iftekharuddin KM, Awwal AAS (eds.), pp. 744205 1-11. Study of lateral distribution function of charged particles in EAS at the knee region - Petkov VB, Sarkamo Juho, Räihä Tomi, Dzhappuev DD, Lidvansky AS. Proceedings of the 31st ICRC, Lodz 2009, Manios A et al. (eds.), pp. 1-4. Stereo vision based approach for extracting features from digital holograms - Pitkäaho Tomi, Naughton Thomas J. FRINGE 2009: The 6th International Workshop on Advanced Optical Metrology, Nürtingen, Germany, 14-16 September 2009, pp. 562-567. Multispectral lensless digital holographic microscope: imaging MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cancer cell cultures - Ryle JP, Molony KM, McDonnell S, Naughton Thomas J, Sheridan JT. Optics and Photonics for Information Processing III, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 7442, 744206, San Diego, USA, August 2009, Iftekharuddin KM, Awwal AAS (eds.), 744206 1-11. Cosmic-ray experiment EMMA: Tracking analysis of the first muon events - Räihä Tomi, Enqvist Timo, Joutsenvaara Jari, Karjalainen J, Kuusiniemi Pasi, Loo Kai, Olanterä Lauri, Sarkamo Juho, Heikkilä E et al. Proceedings of the 31st ICRC, Lodz 2009, Manios A et al. (eds.), pp. 1-3. RFID and wireless sensor and actuator networks in advanced production applications - Tervonen Jouni, Luimula M, Pieskä S, Pitkäaho Tomi, Alaspää J. The 5th International Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials MSM-2009, Vilnius, Lithuania, 22-25 October, 2009, pp. 117-118. Total Refereed, international Other, international Other, domestic Article (total) 40 32 6 2 Scientific Journal 11 11 0 0 Other Journal 2 0 0 2 Combined Work 2 2 0 0 25 19 6 0 Conference Publication 2 0 0 9 Smart wheel loader based on RFID and positioning technologies - Pieskä S, Luimula M, Alaspää J, Pitkäaho Tomi, Tervonen Jouni. Conference Proceedings of 8th International Conference and Workshop on Ambient Intelligence and Embedded Systems, AmiES 2009, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 23-25 September, 2009. 38 K ATSAU S V U O TEEN O ulun Eteläisen instituutti on aktiivinen toimija alueensa innovaatioympäristön kehittämisessä. Se toimii yhteistyössä alueen yritysten, kehittämis- ja koulutusorganisaatioiden kanssa. Toiminnan tavoitteena on alueen kilpailukyvyn ja menestyksen vahvistaminen. 2 00 9 Korkeakoulujen rakenneuudistuskeskustelu jatkui edelleen voimakkaana vuoden 2009 aikana. Keskustelu kohdistui ennen kaikkea opetusministeriön ohjailemaan yliopistojen väliseen resurssien jakoon, jossa Aalto-yliopisto selviytyi voittajana. Oulun Eteläisen instituutti hoiti hyvin oman osuutensa Oulun yliopistorahaston varojen kerryttämisestä yhdessä alueen kuntien kanssa organisoimalla olosuhteisiin nähden merkittävän 200 000 euron lahjoituksen yliopistorahastoon. Instituutin toiminnassa oli edelleen mukana keskimäärin 45 henkilöä. Heistä seitsemän oli tohtorin tutkinnon ja 25 muun korkeakoulututkinnon suorittaneita. Yksikkö sai yliopiston avajaisjuhlassa palkinnon toteuttamastaan yhteiskunnallisen palvelutehtävän suorittamisesta. Tämän lisäksi instituutti palkittiin vuoden aikana suorittamastaan laatujärjestelmän kehittämistyöstä. Instituutin laatukäsikirja toimii myös henkilökunnan perehdyttämismateriaalina. Instituutin rahoituksesta 94 % oli yliopiston ulkopuolista rahoitusta, jossa korostuu EU:n 7. puiteohjelman, Suomen Akatemian ja TEKES:in myöntämä rahoitus. Yliopiston perusrahoituksen lisäksi Oulun läänihallituksen sivistysosaston ja Pohjois-Pohjanmaan liiton rahoitus on tukenut ratkaisevasti instituutin toimintaa. Alueen kuntien ja seutukuntien rooli rahoittajana on myös ollut merkittävä. Vuosi 2009 oli kokonaisuudessaan aktiivisen, kansainvälisen toiminnan sävyttämä. Instituutti toimi Real 3D puiteohjelmahankkeen koordinaattorina ja LAGUNA –tutkimuskeskushankkeen partnerina osallistuen eurooppalaisen neutriinoastrohiukkasfysiikan tiedeyhteisön jäsenenä tulevaisuuden suurta mittalaitetyyppiä ja sijoituspaikkaa arvioivaan työhön, joka eteni v. 2009 nopeasti. Pyhäsalmi Mine Oy:n kaivos Pyhäjärvellä oli esillä yhtenä varteenotettavimmista tutkimuskeskuksen sijoituspaikkavaihtoehdoista. Hankkeen tilanteesta informoitiin vuoden aikana pääministeriä, ministeriöiden virkamiehiä, kansanedustajia, valtionvarainvaliokunnan työ- ja elinkeinojaostoa ja sivistys- ja tiedejaostoa sekä tutkimus- ja innovaationeuvostoa. EMMA-kokeen, joka on maailman ensimmäinen ja ainoa maan alle vastaavalle syvyydelle (85 m) asennettu kosmisia säteitä tutkiva koe, rakentaminen jatkui CERN:stä ja Venäjältä hankittujen tuikeilmaisimien asentamisella kaivokseen rakennettuihin mittausasemiin. Instituutin tulevaisuuden tuotantoteknologioiden tutkimusryhmän elektroniikan mekaniikan ja metallin tutkimus- ja kehittämistoiminta jatkui voimakkaana Nivalan ELME Studiossa yhteistyössä Kalajokilaakson koulutuskuntayhtymän ja Nivalan Teollisuuskylä Oy:n kanssa. Yhteistyö yritysten kanssa oli merkittävää ja toiminnassa TEKES-rahoituksen rooli korostuikin edelleen. Kokonaisbudjetiltaan kuuden miljoonan euron Real 3D -hanke oli merkittävin ICT-alan kehittämisympäristössä toteutetuista hankkeista RFMedia-laboratoriossa, joka on instituutin ja KPAMK:n CENTRIA- tutkimus- ja kehitysyksikön yhteinen toimintaympäristö. Se on samalla eräs valtakunnallisestikin edistyneimmistä ammattikorkeakoulun ja yliopiston yhteistyöhankkeista. Instituutin teknologiakasvatustoiminta (TEKNOKAS) jatkui myös vuoden 2009 aikana näkyvänä valtakunnallisena toimintana. Yhteistyötä tehtiin mm. Helsingin, Espoon, Vantaan ja Oulun kaupunkien kanssa. Tampereen teknologiakeskus Hermia oli edelleen yksi keskeisimmistä yhteistyökumppaneista. Teknologiakasvatuksen innovaatiotyöpajoja suunniteltiin toteutettavaksi ammatillisella toisella asteella. Oulun Eteläisen korkeakoulukeskus, jonka toimintaan instituutti osallistui aktiivisesti, vahvisti v. 2009 aikana ennestäänkin merkittävää rooliaan Oulun Eteläisen alueellisen yhteistyön ja kehittämistoiminnan toteuttajana. Jatkossa korkeakoulukeskus vastaakin alueen KOKOohjelman innovaatiotoiminnan toteuttamisesta ja kehittämisestä. n PER S O NNEL 3 1 . 1 2.2 00 9 Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n , Regional Development and Education Eelis Kokko, Director Eija-Riitta Niinikoski, Development Manager Tanja Risikko, R&D Development Manager Harri Jokela, Educational Coordinator Martti Saarela, Planner Maarit Uimaniemi, Departmental Secretary Eija Korjonen, Project Secretary Tii Amperla, Graphic Designer Leena Eskola, Research Trainee Te ch n o l o g y E d u c a t i o n ( T E K N O K A S ) Esa-Matti Järvinen, Research Manager Arto Karsikas, Project Planner Esko Piippo, Project Planner/ Graphic Designer Heli Vaara, Project Planner Jorma Kivi, Project Engineer Fu t u r e M a n u f a c t u r i n g Te ch n o l o g i e s Kari Mäntyjärvi, Research Manager Juha Niemelä, Project Manager Markku Keskitalo, Researcher Jarmo Mäkikangas, Researcher Anu Väisänen, Researcher Mikko Hietala, Researcher Antti Määttä, Researcher Antti Järvenpää, Researcher Jari Niskanen, Research Assistant Sanna Viirelä, Project Engineer (leave of absence) Ritva Saukko, Project Engineer Underground Physics Timo Enqvist, Research Manager Sirpa Räsänen, Project Secretary Pasi Kuusiniemi, Researcher Juho Sarkamo, Researcher Tomi Räihä, Researcher Jari Joutsenvaara, Project Planner Kai Loo, Researcher R FMedia Laboratory Jouni Tervonen, Research Manager Virve Sorvoja, Researcher Marjut Koskela, Research Assistant Riitta Kangaskorte, Project Engineer Kirsti Sääskilahti, Researcher Konstantin Mikhaylov, Researcher Jussi Väisänen, Researcher Thomas Naughton, Research Manager Taina Lehtimäki, Project Manager Risto Näsänen, Researcher Tomi Pitkäaho, Researcher Mikko Niemelä, Project Engineer Johanna Ojala, Project Secretary
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