The Fabrics which are used to made to traditional costumes in Saudi


The Fabrics which are used to made to traditional costumes in Saudi
ISS & MLB︱September 24-26, 2013
The Fabrics which are used to made to traditional costumes in
Saudi Arabia
Tahani Nassar Al-ajaji
Princess Nora Bint Abdul Rahman University
Saudi Arabia
[email protected]
This research is concerned with studying The Fabrics which are used to made to
traditional costumes in Saudi Arabia. settlement areas through documentation and
classification of traditional fabrics for costumes in the research area. The research also
identifies Types and colors of fabrics.
This research employs the historical descriptive methodology as well as a multitude of
techniques and tools to collect the scientific research materials, thereby ensuring that
full and accurate information and data are obtained. Tools have included the following:
questionnaires, personal interviews, audio recordings, observation, museums and
acquisitions, traditional and digital photography, and illustrations. The study has
documented traditional fabrics types in terms of their names . The study concluded that
the existence of a similarity between traditional fabrics for costumes in Najd Bedouin
settlement areas and those of traditional fabrics in a number of Kingdom’s regions and
desert areas in Arab countries. Major recommendations of the research have included
the following: creation of a website for folk heritage of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
encompassing all Kingdom regions and cities, encouraging and supporting individuals
who seek to preserve this heritage as well as makers and craftsmen and creating
contemporary job opportunities for them to protect the folk heritage which is
threatened by obsolescence, encouraging scientific research which aims at revealing the
characteristics of this folk creativity and at utilizing it to develop the society by collecting,
displaying and studying folk heritage specimens.
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Introduction and research problem:
Traditional fabrics is considered as a documentary resource through which the image
of a given community is portrayed with all its economic, social and psychological aspects,
as well as the manifestation of the interaction of humans with their environment. Due
to its vast size, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is distinguished by its multicultural diversity.
Thus; every area of the kingdom is characterized according to its habits, customs, and
natural environment. Such diversity in life styles produces diversity in the Costumes and
handcraft styles and decoration among Bedouins and city dwellers. To preserve heritage
from being lost or forgotten due to social and economic changes as well as Bedouins
settling down in villages and cities, the researcher has chosen this vital part of heritage.
Research goals:
- Determine the forms of traditional costumes in Saudi Arabia.
- Pinpointing the methodology followed in execution and decoration through observing
the styles, raw materials, colors, types and sources.
Search Terms:
Traditional: this word is derived from tradition which is the inherited practices
transferred through generations.
fabrics: The Fabrics which are used to made to traditional costumes in Saudi Arabia.
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Traditional Costumes: Clothing styles that are passed on within the group of the groups
have no beginning and no designer. Reflect customs and traditions of the community
they belong to. It also reflects the patterns and evolution of life.
Previous Studies:
1- Study of Alajaji, Tahani Nasser (2011), Ph.D. Dissertation titled: Costumes and
Traditional Embroidered Costumes in the Bedouin settlements of Najd, Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia.
2- The study of Al-Bassam, Leila Saleh (1408H, 1988), a Ph.D. dissertation. Its
subject is: Techniques and decorations of Traditional Clothing in Najd and it
constitutes a comparative field study between men’s and women’s clothing. The
study aims at studying and comparing the techniques and materials used for
decorating men’s and women’s traditional clothes.
3- The study of Al-Bassam, Leila Saleh (1985), a published Master’s dissertation
titled: “The Traditional Heritage of Women’s Clothing in Najd”. It aims at
studying traditional clothes in Najd, their types, techniques and decorations.
4- Study Mutairi, Seetah Mohammed (2003) Ph.D. thesis, theme: the study of
traditional textiles and preservation methods and documented.
Research Procedures:
Research Methodology:
This research has employed the historical and descriptive methodology.
Styles of Collecting the Scientific Material:
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Multiple styles and tools were used in collecting the scientific material to ensure that
complete and accurate information and data have been obtained. Tools have included
the following:
Questionnaire ,Personal interviews , audio recordings , observation , museums and
acquisitions , traditional and digital photography.
1-Traditional costumes in some regions Saudi Arabia:
Traditional clothes are considered to be an authentic resource that reflects the way of
traditional life for any society. It is also considered as an element that reflects the
cultural, social and economical conditions of a given society. Moreover, it is a mean of
distinguishing the society’s art. Varied traditional costumes in Saudi Arabia, the
following are some of those costumes:
Alzaboon (northern region)
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Wedding dress (Western Region)
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Al-Shemagh and Al-thob ) Men(
Underwear: Alserwal, Alshalha
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2- Traditional fabrics for costumes in Saudi Arabia:
Used natural fabrics: cotton, silk and wool, and industrial fabrics were used and blended
as they emerge in the region, the following are some common fabrics used:
fabric Alchalka:
fabric is made of natural wool, it printed in the form of decorative and Rhode colorful,
and it used made Almukta and Alkurtah. It is the same fabric used in some regions of
the Kingdom.
fabric Alchalka
Rose fabric:
It is average thickness, it is used made Almukta, Altoob and Alkurtah, dress for
women, it is a viscose mixed with cotton and it has several colors and it contains
inscriptions printed.
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Rose fabric
fabric Kht Albuldh( line the town):
It is cotton. It used in the work of Underpants. It weaves with stamen cotton
thread, and it is punctuated by white yarn dyed to give effect Edger
Velor or velvet fabric:
It used in the work of Alzaboon, Alsayeh and Aljubbah . Cotton fabric with texture and
Berri . It is used by the rich.
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Velor or velvet fabric.
Silk cloth restaurant metal strings (Jacquard Fabric):
It Used in the work of the work of Alzaboon and Aljubbah ready.
Silk cloth restaurant metal strings (Jacquard Fabric)
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Discussion of findings:
1- The research came up with the fact that showed there is a similarity among the
fabrics for costumes Between regions of Saudi Arabia
2- There was also a similarity between the fabrics for costumes in Saudi Arabia and
neighboring Arab countries
3- Alternative fabrics imported from other countries.
1-Development of Folklore, so as to keep pace with the latest developments, taking into
account keeping of roots and values.
2-To encourage scientific research that aims to detect the properties of this popular
creativity and benefit from it in the development of society, by collecting the samples of
folklore and present them and study and utilize them in various fields of life.
3-To encourage investment in the fashion industry with interest of environmentally
agreable production to Saudi Arabia.
Ross,Heather colyer. The Art Of Arabian Costume A Saudi Arabian
Profile .California . Arabesque commercial . 1994.
Cuddihy, Kathy. SAUDI CUSTOMS AND ETIQUTTE. Dubai : Oriental press.
-Topham,john. TRADITIONAL CRAFTS OF SAUDI ARABIA. Riyadh: Alturath .2005.
‫ ماكا التااا البا ب‬: ‫ ال وحا‬، ‫ا‬
‫م) التااا التلليا ل لبس ال الءساا جا‬5891 ( ‫ ليلى صاال‬، ‫البسام‬
. ‫ول الخليج ال ا ي‬
ISS 1052
‫‪ISS & MLB︱September 24-26, 2013‬‬
‫البسام ‪ ،‬ليلى صال (‪5899‬م) األساليب وال خارف ج البس ال التللي ةا جا‬
‫ا ‪ .‬دراسا مي ا يا ملار ا‬
‫ين مس ل الاجال والءسا ‪ ،‬رسال دكتوراه ‪ ،‬كلي التا ي للبءات قسم االقتصاد البء ل ‪ ،‬الاةاض‪.‬‬
‫البسام ‪ ،‬ليلى صال وص ق ‪ ،‬مءى (‪5888‬م) تبا ه البس ل الءساايي البا بي جا الاولن ال ا ا ‪ ،‬ماتتبا‬
‫آجاق االقتصاد البء ل وتح ةات اللان الحادل وال باون ج حباة البيئ وتءبيا الب تبا‪ ، ،‬كليا ال راعا‬
‫اإلسكء رة ‪ ،‬اإلسكء رة ‪.‬‬
‫البسام ‪ ،‬ليلى صال وص ق ‪ ،‬مءى (‪5888‬م) األزةا الب وة وأساليب زخاجتها دراسا ملار ا اين مصاا‬
‫البلك عب ال ة ‪ ،‬ج ة‪.‬‬
‫والببلك ال ا ي الس ودة ‪ ،‬الء وة األولى لسقتصاد البء ل جام‬
‫ال ادر ‪ ،‬ولي محب (‪5898‬م) األزةا الب بي ج ال ااق ‪ ،‬غ اد‪ :‬دار الاشي ‪.‬‬
‫حبام ‪ ،‬حسن (‪5891‬م) األزةا الب بي وتلالي ها ج سورةا ‪ ،‬دمبق ‪ :‬مءبورات وزارة الثلاج ‪.‬‬
‫دوزل ‪ ،‬رةءهارت (‪5895‬م) الب م البفصل أسبا البس ل عء ال اب ‪ ،‬تاجب ‪:‬أكام جاضل ‪ ،‬غ اد ‪:‬‬
‫دار الحاة ‪.‬‬
‫ال اج ‪ ،‬تها‬
‫اصا(‪1001‬م) مس ل الءسا التللي ة ج‬
‫البءطل الببالي دراس مي ا ي ‪ ،‬رسال‬
‫ماجستيا‪ ،‬كلي التا ي لسقتصاد البء ل والتا ي الفءي ‪،‬الاةاض‪.‬‬
‫ال اج ‪ .‬تها‬
‫اصا (‪1055‬م) األزةا والببغوالت التللي ة البطازة ج‬
‫من الببلك ال ا يا‬
‫الس ودة ‪ ، .‬رسال دكتوراه ‪.‬‬
‫ج ا ‪ ،‬ليلى عب الغفار(‪5881‬م) البس ل التللي ة للءسا ج مك البكام أساليبها وتطاة ها دراس مي ا يا‬
‫‪ ،‬رسال ماجستيا‪ ،‬كلي التا ي لسقتصاد البء ل والتا ي الفءي ‪ ،‬الاةاض‪.‬‬
‫ج ا ‪ ،‬ليلى عب الغفار(‪1001‬م) أساليب زخاج البس ل التللي ة للءسا جا الح ااز دراسا ملار ا ‪ ،‬رساال‬
‫دكتوراه ‪ ،‬كلي التا ي لسقتصاد البء ل والتا ي الفءي ‪ ،‬الاةاض‪.‬‬
‫ج ا ا ‪ ،‬ليلااى عب ا الغفااار (‪1009‬م) البس اال التللي ة ا لءسااا قبيل ا الاشاااة ة ‪ ،‬م ل ا الثلاج ا الب ا بي ‪ ،‬ال ا د‬
‫الثالث‪. 591- 560:‬‬
‫‪ISS 1053‬‬