IdahoPTV Reaches Out 2006
IdahoPTV Reaches Out 2006
I daho Public Television Touches Thousands of Idahoans in 2006 From statewide live call-in shows and Idaho Public Television productions to specialized workshops for child-care providers, parents and educators, IdahoPTVmade daily contact with the state’s citizens. Here’s the year in numbers: IdahoPTV Nurtures Children • 3,132 children benefited from 30 IdahoPTV Ready To Learn workshops in which 456 parents and child-care providers learned how public television could be used to foster reading and school readiness. 7 were offered with Spanish language translators. • 2,993 hours of children’s programming aired on analog television and 2,793 on IdahoPTV-Kids, a daytime digital channel. • 20 hours of programming that pertained to parenting aired within the overnight broadcast hours. IdahoPTV Supports Education • 6th year for Idaho’s First Lady to read to children on statewide television as part of a national effort. First Lady Vicki Risch was one of 43 first spouses who participated nationwide in READ FOR 2007. The program is archived for streaming on the IdahoPTV Web site ( • 1,497 attempted and completed phone calls and 628 e-mails from students to scientists on the DIALOGUE FOR KIDS science call-in show, which airs monthly during the school year. • 6,821,421 hits on the DIALOGUE FOR KIDS Web site during 721,417 visits. • 21,942 e-mails to educators, including 8,586 e-mail messages providing programming highlights and a link to the monthly Classroom Calendar, connecting IdahoPTV on-air programs and Web-based resources to classroom curricula. • 1,100 hours of overnight educational television, including 162 hours of professional development for teachers, as well as resources for K-12 classrooms made instructional materials available to schools throughout the state. • 498 hours of University of Idaho-produced programming aired on Educable, including 20 new productions made in the KUID studio by Journalism and Mass Media students. • 784 children contributed entries for the annual Reading Rainbow Young Writers and Illustrators Contest, 36 of whom received a certificate for first, second or third place in their grade level. continued Boise • Coeur d’Alene • Moscow • Pocatello • Twin Falls IdahoPTV Builds Community • 216 hours of Idaho-related programming were telecast through IdahoPTV’s statewide analog system, with hundreds more also scheduled on the digital system. • 12 presentations were made to civic, community and other groups throughout Idaho. • 917 people in Boise, Pocatello and Nampa attended screenings and discussions of films from the INDEPENDENT LENS series on important and thought-provoking social issues. • 46 national and regional awards were received for programs that IdahoPTV produced, including a regional Emmy. • 133 people asked questions of 15 DIALOGUE guests; 4,930 calls were attempted during the live shows; and 21,720 minutes of streamed video were downloaded from the DIALOGUE Web site. 2 radio stations re-aired DIALOGUE each week. • 13 IdahoPTV productions were in national distribution for public television stations. • 160 people attended an OUTDOOR IDAHO “A Palouse Paradise” premiere in Moscow. • 350 people in Boise and Coeur d’Alene attended VICTORY GARDEN events with the series’ Lifestyle co-host, Sissy Biggers. • 250 people attended a Tim Janis concert presented by IdahoPTV on the Idaho State University campus in Pocatello. • 5,840 hours of High Definition digital television were delivered free over the air in the regions of Coeur d’Alene, Moscow, Boise, Twin Falls, Pocatello and Idaho Falls; 8,760 hours of Standard Definition television on three digital channels — IdahoPTV Kids, IdahoPTV Learn, IdahoPTV Citizen — were delivered free over the air in the same regions. • 3,390 hours of DVS (described video service) enabled sight-impaired viewers to more fully learn from and enjoy a wide variety of programs. 4,236 hours of DVS were broadcast on IdahoPTV digital channels. • 7,760 hours of closed captioning programming, which included all IdahoPTV productions, enabled hearing-impaired viewers to more fully learn from and enjoy a wide variety of programs. • 18,395,850 hits on, the IdahoPTV Web site during 1,879,860 visits. • 407,697 hits on the IDAHO REPORTS Web site. 83,258 individual visitors were served. • 91,876 total minutes of archived video streaming were downloaded from IdahoPTV’s Website. Boise • Coeur d’Alene • Moscow • Pocatello • Twin Falls
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