GLBTT Directory 2010 - DRAFT COPY - English


GLBTT Directory 2010 - DRAFT COPY - English
Table of Contents
Healing Our Nations .................................................................................................................4
Wayves ...................................................................................................................................6
The Mermaid and the Cow Campground ...................................................................................7
AIDS New Brunswick/SIDA Nouveau-Brunswick .........................................................................9
The UNB Safe Spaces Project ..................................................................................................11
boom!nightclub .....................................................................................................................13
PFLAG Canada- Fredericton ....................................................................................................14
Spectrum ..............................................................................................................................15
UNB Sexuality Centre .............................................................................................................16
Gay Spaces............................................................................................................................17
Integrity Fredericton ..............................................................................................................18
OUTLaw ................................................................................................................................19
Coy Lake Camping and RV Park ..............................................................................................20
Triangles ...............................................................................................................................21
SIDA/AIDS Moncton ...............................................................................................................22
PFLAG Canada – Moncton Chapter ..........................................................................................23
Transgender Support Group ....................................................................................................24
River of Pride - Riviere de Fierte Inc ........................................................................................25
UN sur DIX ............................................................................................................................26
PFLAG Canada- Saint John ......................................................................................................27
Port City Rainbow Pride Inc ....................................................................................................28
Element Dance Bar ................................................................................................................29
AIDS Saint John ....................................................................................................................30
UNBSJ Q-Collective ................................................................................................................31
Centenary-Queen Square United Church ..................................................................................32
The Catalyst Society ..............................................................................................................33
PFLAG Canada- Sackville, NB/Amherst, NS Chapter ..................................................................34
BATHURST 35 Nor Gays Inc. .............................................................................................................35
AIDS New Brunswick/SIDA Nouveau-Brunswick .......................................................................36
Egale Canada ........................................................................................................................37
PFLAG Canada .......................................................................................................................38
If your organization would like to be included in future printings of this guide, please
forward all information to [email protected].
2010a edition
Healing Our Nations
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Monique Fong - Executive Director
15 Alderney Drive, Suite 3
Dartmouth, NS B2Y 2N2
Phone: 1-800-565-4255
Fax: (902) 492-0500
E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
Web Site:
Formed: 1993
Our purpose is to educate First Nations people about HIV and AIDS. Knowing
the risks associated with the spread of HIV and defining the myths and facts
about AIDS is the first step to healing our nations. Eliminating the spread of
HIV in First Nations communities is not the only focus of our organization
because we see this disease as a symptom of a greater problem. Our goal is to
help First Nations people rediscover their pride, traditions and spirituality in
an attempt to improve child development and eliminate family violence,
substance abuse, depression, and suicide.
Programs/Services: The following are some of the programs and services offered by Healing
Our Nations:
A toll-free number that won't cost you anything to call, won't show up on
your phone bill, and we won't know who you are if you call.
By law we can't tell anyone you have HIV or AIDS, but we can offer
support to anyone who has HIV or AIDS.
Information if you want to go for an HIV test. We can answer questions;
tell you where to go for a test, and what a positive or negative test result
means. You don't have to tell us who you are, but we will ask very
personal questions.
Help in dealing with all the feelings that come up and who to tell when a
First Nations person finds out they have HIV or AIDS. We can try to guide
you and we will never tell someone else that you have HIV/AIDS.
Support if you have HIV/AIDS and don't know where to turn, we can
meet in private or you can visit our office. Nobody will know what we
talked about and it is up to you if you want to meet in person or on the
Information on treatments for HIV/AIDS, including some Indian
Medicines that can help you stay healthier longer.
• We offer financial help for First Nations people living with HIV/AIDS in
Atlantic Canada. You can call us and ask about the A.P.H.A. Fund. By law, all
of this is confidential and we will do everything to protect your identity.
•We also provide free training and education to communities so that people have
more awareness about what HIV/AIDS is, how it is spread and how it isn't
spread. This is gained through the following workshops:
- Basic HIV/AIDS 101
- Basic Hepatitis A, B, C 101
- Addictions & HIV/AIDS
- Women & HIV/AIDS
- Youth and HIV/AIDS
- Healthy Sexuality
- Aboriginal Sexuality and Gender
- HIV/AIDS in Prison
- Living with HIV/AIDS
- Family Based Support Model and Training
- Two-Spirit People
- Hep C
- STI's
- Advanced Training
- Cross Cultural Training
- Crystal Meth and HIV
Languages: Healing Our Nations offers services in English and Mi'kmaq.
Halifax, Nova Scotia
P.O. Box 34090, Scotia Square
Halifax, NS B3J 3S1
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Advertising contact: Jim Bain, Advertising Manager
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (902)889-2229
Formed: 1984
Wayves exists to inform Atlantic Canadian lesbians, gay men, bisexuals
and transgender people of activities in their communities, to promote
those activities and to support their aims and objectives.
Programs/Services: Wayves is an independent publication, published 11 times a year, by a
non-profit collective. Anyone who contributes to Wayves is
automatically considered to be part of the collective and is welcome to
participate in all meetings and discussions. Wayves reserves the right to
refuse material that might be reasonably considered heterosexist, racist,
sexist or an attack on individuals or communities.
Wayves publishes primarily in English but welcomes French articles;
“Sports Briefs,” a regular column, is bilingual
The Mermaid and the Cow Campground
Nova Scotia
[email protected] l
The Mermaid & the Cow is a lesbian-owned campground in northern
Nova Scotia that is dedicated to providing a safe, relaxing and
congenial camping experience for members of the LGBT communities
and their queer-positive friends.
Tenting site (1-2 adults) / night
Cottage (up to 2 adults) / night
Cabin total 3-4 adults / night
* Accompanying children under the age of 12 are welcome at no
charge *
Seasonal site (with 20-amp hookup)
$ 700 for entire 3-month
(Very limited availability)
$ 550 for entire 3-month
Seasonal site - regular
Seasonal site - regular
$ 300 for one month
AIDS New Brunswick/SIDA Nouveau-Brunswick
Fredericton, New Brunswick
Nicholas Scott – Executive Director
AIDS New Brunswick
65 Brunswick St.
Fredericton, NB E3B 1G5
Phone: (506) 459-7518
Fax: (506) 459-5782
Toll Free Helpline: 1-800-561-4009
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Formed: 1986
AIDS New Brunswick is a provincial organization committed to
facilitating community-based responses to the issues of HIV/AIDS.
The aim is to promote and support the health and well-being of
persons living with and affected by HIV/AIDS and to reduce the
spread of HIV/AIDS in New Brunswick.
AIDS New Brunswick’s office is open Monday to Friday, 8:30AM to
12:30PM and 1:30PM to 4:30PM. Many of our programs/services are
accessible by telephone, walk-in and/or e-mail. After hours services
are available by appointment only. We offer:
A toll-free, HIV/AIDS Helpline 1-800-561-4009 (anonymous &
A Resource Library/Centre, including a private computer
A web site:
Individual counseling
Education sessions/consultations
Policy consultations
Information displays
Condom distribution
Needle exchange program (Fredericton)
Support funds for persons living with HIV/AIDS
Treatment information
Peer support
Skills-building opportunities for persons living with HIV/AIDS
A Speakers Bureau
Awareness events
Volunteer opportunities
* Note: We offer numerous books and videos (which may be
borrowed), pamphlets and other resources specific to gender and
sexual identity and GLBTQ issues, in general. AIDS NB also has a
section at the Fredericton Public Library which can be accessed from
any other library Province wide. The books are mailed to your local
library for easy access. We also host dances 2 times per year: One in
February and another in October/November.
AIDS New Brunswick offers services in English and French. We also
have a bilingual office in Bathurst.
The UNB Safe Spaces Project
Fredericton, New Brunswick
UNB Safe Spaces Project.
UNB Sexuality Centre
c/o The Paper Trail
P.O. Box 4400 (21 Pacey Drive)
Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3
Phone: (506) 453-4989
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Formed: 1998-1999
The UNB Safe Spaces Project involves the placement of stickers on
doors, in offices, and in residence rooms. These stickers promote an
area as a “safe place” so individuals can be open about their sexual
orientation without fear of homophobia or harassment. Any student,
staff, or faculty member is welcome. This initiative is intended to
show gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, two-spirited, queer and
questioning individuals (GLBTTQ) that support is all around them. It
also shows those who display stickers that their support is an important
and not uncommon thing. It also provides positive peer pressure
towards homophobic individuals, showing them that their intolerance
is not appropriate.
The Sticker Program
The sticker means that you believe discrimination on the basis of
sexual orientation is wrong. It means that you believe that the
systematic and society-condoned silencing of people who are different
is wrong. It means that you will not allow homophobic or transphobic
jokes or comments in your office, and you will encourage anyone
making such comments to stop. It means that if someone tells you
they are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, two-spirited, queer or
questioning their sexuality, you will not make an issue of it, or treat
them any differently than any other person.
The sticker does not mean that you are gay, lesbian, bisexual,
transgendered, two-spirited, queer or questioning your sexuality. It
does not mean that you are a political activist in GLBTTQ issues. It
does not mean that you discriminate against straight students, staff or
faculty. Persons interested in getting a sticker can contact the project.
The UNB Safe Spaces Project is very open to feedback - They exist
because of honest and open discussions, and they don't shy away from
hard questions. If you have any questions, concerns, suggestions or
comments, they welcome them. You can send your feedback by email
(confidentiality is, of course, assured), or through campus mail to
UNB Student Affairs & Services, attention Safe Spaces Project.
The UNB Safe Spaces Project offers services in English
Fredericton, New Brunswick
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 463-2666
474 Queen Street
Fredericton, N.B.
Open Wednesday to Sunday.
PFLAG Canada- Fredericton
Fredericton, New Brunswick
E-mail: [email protected]
Formed: 2004
PFLAG is an organization that provides support, education and
resources on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity for gay,
lesbian, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, two-spirit, intersex, queer
and questioning (GLBTT2IQQ) persons and their families and friends.
Contact [email protected] for meeting information.
PFLAG offers services in English.
Fredericton, New Brunswick
Spectrum executive
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Formed: 1993
Spectrum is an organization that is involved with gay, lesbian, bisexual,
transgender, two-spirited, and questioning (LBGTQ) students, faculty
members and staff at the University of New Brunswick and Saint Thomas
University in Fredericton, New Brunswick. This group also involves
members of the community and aims to create a safe and supportive
environment on campus open to all, regardless of sexual orientation or
sexual identification. Spectrum aims at fostering a sense of community,
and encouraging healthy social relationships within and outside the
organization, and promoting a sense of belonging for all members.
Spectrum aims at providing educational materials and resource
information. Spectrum also aims at being a central, visible, and available
presence on campus for those interested or concerned with issues
surrounding sexual orientation or sexual identity. Spectrum’s intent is to
advocate for equal rights and fairness in dealings with government,
organizations, and the universities, both for the campus community and
the community at large.
Spectrum is a support organization that meets weekly on
campus to provide social support for LBGTQ youth and their allies. The
main objective of the organization is to help LBGTQ students lead healthy
personal lives despite challenges relating to sexuality. Spectrum provides a
liaison to the gay community for people was are closeted and otherwise.
Spectrum often provides closeted individuals with their first contact with
other LBGTQ persons in a supportive social atmosphere. Other objectives
of Spectrum include promoting a LBGTQ-friendly attitude, working with
counselling services to provide contacts for closeted persons who need to
talk with other LBGTQ students, promoting healthy attitudes and lifestyles
of LBGTQ students, and providing students with an environment where
they can meet others, feel comfortable, and talk openly and honestly.
Spectrum also provides peer and social support for LBGTQ people who
are out and for those who are just coming out.
Spectrum meets every Friday night during the academic year at 7:00 PM
in the Sexuality Center (Room 203) of the Student Union Building on the
UNB campus. They do not take attendance at their meetings, nor keep a
membership list. The names of non-executive Spectrum members are held
in strict confidence and new members and LBGTQ-friendly heterosexuals
are always welcome.
Spectrum provides pamphlets and literature on a wide variety of LBGTQ
issues. This is primarily done through our resource library, which is
housed in the UNB Sexuality Centre. We also work with the UNB Safe
Spaces project. Campus groups and organizations wanting information or
speakers on LBGTQ issues are encouraged to approach Spectrum.
Spectrum offers services in English.
UNB Sexuality Centre
Fredericton, New Brunswick
Sexuality Centre Coordinator
c/o The Paper Trail
PO Box 4400
Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3
Location: UNB SUB Room 203 (across from the Ballroom)
Phone: 452-6272
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Search UNB Sexuality Centre
Formed: September 2005
The UNB Sexuality Centre is dedicated to promoting understanding and
positive attitudes through education on issues surrounding sexual health,
sexual orientation and relationships. The centre strives to provide a safe
space and supportive environment within the university community for
people of all origins, religions, sexual orientations, genders, ages and
The UNB Sexuality Centre offers:
A safe & supportive environment for students who self identify as gay,
lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, transsexual, queer, questioning, etc.
Information on subjects such as safer sex, HIV/AIDS, sexually
transmitted infections (STIs), anti-violence, relationships,
heterosexism and homophobia, etc.
Referrals to campus and community services and organizations
Workshops and presentations about sexual health, sexual orientation
and other surrounding sexuality issues.
A library of resources for students trying to understand sexual health,
sexual orientation and relationships.
A home base for Safe Spaces and Men Against Sexual Aggression
(MASA) programs.
A meeting space for campus groups who respect & support the centre's
mission, including Spectrum.
English. Some volunteers may be able to converse in French but we do not
officially offer services in French at this time.
Gay Spaces
Fredericton, New Brunswick
Larry Dickinson
Gay Spaces
P.O. Box 1492, Station A
Fredericton, NB E3B 5G2
Phone: (506) 455-2856
Email: [email protected]
Web Site:
Formed: 1997
To help find gay friendly housing. This is NOT a personals page to
help you find a date! Our goal is to provide housing help.
If you are an individual looking for a gay friendly place to live or have
a room / house / apartment for sale or rent in a Gay Friendly
environment, e-mail us and we will advertise it for you here FREE. If
you are looking for someone to share accommodations we will also
post your ad.
Gay spaces offers services in English.
Integrity Fredericton
Fredericton, New Brunswick
Integrity Fredericton
(GLB Anglicans and Friends)
Unitarian Fellowship
Fredericton, NB
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Search Integrity Fredericton
Formed: 2004
Our Primary goals are:
to encourage Christian gay men and lesbians in their spiritual lives.
to support the Church in its commitment to seek and serve Christ in
all people.
•to reach out to LGTB communities in Christian love and service.
Integrity Fredericton was formed in October 2004 to support
and encourage Gay Men and Lesbians in their spiritual lives. A Eucharist
followed by a coffee hour discussion is held at 4:00pm on the third
Sunday of each month at The Unitarian Fellowship, Fredericton, NB. For
more details, check out their website.
Integrity Fredericton provides services in English.
Fredericton, New Brunswick
[email protected]
Facebook: search for UNB OUTLaw
OUTLaw is a student-run LGBTQ social support group for students at
UNB's law school. The association provides input on legal matters that
concern the Rainbow community. The members are willing to confer
informally with Rainbow people and their allies on legal matters, and
to offer peer support.
Coy Lake Camping and RV Park
Gagetown, New Brunswick
Phone- 1-506-488-2567
Facebook: search Coy Lake Camping
We are conveniently located 2 kms off the TCH#2 at Exit 330 between
Fredericton and Moncton. Only 80 kms from Saint John!
We offer full service pull-thru sites with 50, 30, and 15 amp hook-ups. Inground heated pool, recreation building and store!
Moncton, New Brunswick
234 St. Georges St.
Moncton, NB
Phone: (506) 857-8779
E-mail: [email protected]
A bar for the GLBT community, offering progressive music played by
DJ da Boss, plus dance floor, pool tables, video games, and daily drink
Doors open at 8 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday.
Moncton, New Brunswick
Debby Warren - Executive Director
80 Weldon Street
Moncton, NB E1C 5V8
Phone: (506) 859-9616
Fax: (506) 855-4726
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Formed: 1989
SIDA/AIDS Moncton’s focus and mission is to improve the quality of
life of those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS and to reduce the
spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections
• Self-help groups for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS, including their
families and friends
• Referral Services
• Subsidized Housing
• Access to Workshops
• Provide Treatment Information Updates
• Information Line (506) 859-9616
• Condom Distribution Program
• Resource Library, Pamphlets, Videos
• Public Speaking on HIV/AIDS-related issues
• Public Awareness Campaigns
• Peer Education Material for Youth
• Support Groups for GLB Youth
• Presentations/Workshops on Issues Faced by GLB Youth
• Sex 101 for Parents’ Resource Training Manual
• SIDA/AIDS Moncton Provides Services and Programs Throughout
Southeast NB (Westmorland, Albert, and Kent Counties)
SIDA/AIDS Moncton provides programs and services in English and
PFLAG Canada – Moncton Chapter
Moncton, New Brunswick
Cherie MacLeod
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Formed: 1996
PFLAG Canada is a national voice that speaks for a more accepting
Canadian society by providing support, education and resources on
issues of sexual orientation and gender identity. Through our PFLAG
Chapter and Contact network, we actively assist in the recognition and
growth of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, two-spirit,
intersex, queer and questioning persons and their families and friends,
within their diverse cultures and societies.
Monthly meetings and consultations between and at meetings. English
speaking meetings are held the 3rd Monday of each month from 7:30
PM – 9:30 PM, except for the month of December when it meets on
the 2nd Monday. Contact persons are also available for information
and support.
PFLAG Canada - Moncton offers programs & services in English,
with some information in French.
Transgender Support Group
Moncton, New Brunswick
E-mail: [email protected]
Formed: 2004
Transgender Support Group promotes the health and well-being of
transgendered persons, their families and friends through:
- support; helping them to cope with an adverse society and;
- education; helping to enlighten an ill-informed public to end
discrimination and secure equal human rights.
Moncton Transgender Support Group provides opportunities for
dialogue about gender identity, and acts to create a society that is
healthy and respectful of human diversity.
Monthly meetings and consulting between meetings. English speaking
meetings are held the 3rd Sunday of each month from 1:30 PM – 3:30
PM., except in December when the meeting is held on the 2nd Sunday.
Contact persons are available for information and support.
Moncton Transgender Support Group offers programs & services
in English with some information in French.
River of Pride - Riviere de Fierte Inc
Moncton, New Brunswick
Paul LeBlanc- Chairperson
Facebook: Moncton’s River of Pride
Intersex and
commemorate and
River of Pride is a wholly volunteer-managed, non-partisan, not-forcommittee that organizes Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender,
Two-Spirit Pride events in Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe to
celebrate vast diversity within our communities!
These events are organized for and on behalf of all lesbian, gay,
bisexual and
transgender individuals and groups, and all others who support
the struggle for
the rights of these communities. In the spirit of
Diversity, it welcomes the
participation of all, regardless of age,
creed, gender, gender identification,
language, HIV status, national
origin, physical, mental or developmental ability,
race, religion or sexual
English and French
UN sur DIX
Moncton, New Brunswick
UN sur DIX – L’Association des étudiant(e)s gais, lesbiennes et
L’Université de Moncton
Yves Goguen, (B.A.A., L.L.B.), président
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail (support group): [email protected]
Formed: 2004
Contribuer au mieux-être des étudiant(e)s gais, lesbiennes et bisexuel
(le)s du campus de Moncton.
En participant à des discussions de groupe, en siégeant sur des comités
pancanadiens et en contribuant à diverses activités communautaires,
UN sur DIX cherche à éduquer et à sensibiliser les pouvoirs publics et
la population en générale. Nous organisons sur le campus de
nombreuses conférences portant sur une panoplie de sujets reliés à
l’acceptation sociale de l’homosexualité et nous offrons l’occasion aux
membres de participer à des colloques de niveau national à cet effet.
L’association mène aussi des campagnes de sensibilisation contre
l’homophobie en créant des messages d’intérêt public qui sont diffusés
ou publiés sur le campus et à travers la province.
Pour les étudiant(e)s qui éprouvent de la difficulté à accepter et à vivre
leur orientation sexuelle, un service de soutien individuel et de groupe
est offert sur le campus. Des sessions sont organisées par une personne
formée en relation d’aide et se déroulent dans une atmosphère de
respect et de confidentialité.
UN sur DIX offre des programmes and services en français.
PFLAG Canada- Saint John
Saint John, New Brunswick
Mack MacKenzie, (506) 648-9227
Wayne Harrison (506) 648-9700
E-mail: [email protected]
Mailing address: 27 Wasson
Court, Saint John, NB, E2K 2K6
Meetings held
at: Community Health Centre, 116 Coburg St., Saint John, NB
Web Site:
Formed: 1996
PFLAG Canada - Saint John NB is a Chapter of PFLAG Canada and
it deals with sexual orientation and gender identity issues from a
family perspective, providing support, education and resources in the
Greater Saint John area. Our compassionate volunteers open their
hearts and homes and give freely of their time to listen to people in
their time of crisis. If you are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender,
transsexual, two-spirit, intersex, queer or questioning (GLBTT2IQQ)
or if you care about someone who is, let us help.
We are part of the national voice that speaks for a more accepting
Canadian society by providing support, education and resources on
issues of sexual orientation and gender identity. We actively assist in
the recognition and growth of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender,
transsexual, two-spirit, intersex, queer and questioning persons and
their families and friends within the Greater Saint John area.
Monthly meetings, consulting between meetings and contact persons
available for information and support.
The first Friday of every month, except July & August, from 7:00 –
9:00 PM.
PFLAG Canada - Saint John offers programs and services in English
but we are always welcoming of members of the Acadian and other
members of the francophone community to join us.
Port City Rainbow Pride Inc
Saint John, New Brunswick
Don Uhryniw, President
Port City Rainbow Pride Inc
Mahogany Manor
220 Germain St, Saint John, NB E2L 2G4
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Formed: 2003
Port City Rainbow Pride Inc. is dedicated to supporting and
empowering people of all sexual orientations and gender identities in
participating in and contributing to the Greater Saint John Community,
including celebrating diversity, educating the community on such
issues as discrimination, violence and harassment, and promoting
awareness, inclusivity and equality for all.
There is an annual PRIDE Week held in the city of Saint John. You can
also become a member by contacting the group. Membership is free
upon reviewing application.
Port City Rainbow Pride Inc. offers its services in English.
Element Dance Bar
Saint John, New Brunswick
14 Charlotte Street, Saint John, New Brunswick
Email: [email protected]
AIDS Saint John
Saint John, New Brunswick
Julie Dingwell- Executive Director
AIDS Saint John
115 Hazen Street
Saint John, NB E2L 3L3
Phone: (506) 652-2437
Fax: (506) 652-2438
E-mail: [email protected]
Founded in 1987, AIDS Saint John is a non-profit community-based
organization aimed at:
a) Improving the quality of life of those infected and affected HIV/
b) Striving to reduce the spread of HIV by promoting healthy choices
in the community at large. This will be accomplished through
education and public awareness, support and advocacy
Programs/Service: (provided in southwestern New Brunswick, Sussex to St. Stephen
including the
Fundy Isles)
! Emergency/discretionary funds for people living with HIV
! Advocacy
! Treatment Information
! Education Programs
! Health Promotion/referrals
! AIDS Awareness Events
! Needle Exchange (Free prevention materials and products such as
! Support for PLWHIV
! Networking/skills building opportunities PLWHIV
! Resource Library
! Annual Candlelight Memorial
! World AIDS Day
! Annual AIDS Walk
! Anonymous Testing
AIDS Saint John provides programs and services in English.
UNBSJ Q-Collective
Saint John, New Brunswick
Phone: (506) 648-5737
University of New Brunswick, Saint John campus
Office: Oland Hall, Room G18
Organization’s email: [email protected]
Web Site:
Staff Contact: Kevin Bonner, Director of Student Services
Phone: (506) 648-5680
Fax: (506) 648-5816
Email: [email protected]
Formed: 2003
The UNBSJ Q-Collective is an inclusive social and support
organization for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transidentified, Questioning
(LGBTQ) students, faculty and staff at UNBSJ (University of New
Brunswick Saint John). The purpose of this group is to create a
supportive and safe campus for anyone dealing with sexual orientation
and/or gender identity issues at UNB Saint John. We work closely with
the Administration, Student Services, the SRC, the Deans, many
faculty members, staff, other student organizations, and the Greater
Saint John LGBTQ community as well.
The UNBSJ Q-Collective is what its members make it and is “open to
everyone who is open”. We are proud to be a supportive and active
member of for Saint John New Brunswick’s Port City Rainbow Pride
Some of our past events have included: Movie Nights, Dances,
Rainbow Peace March, National Day Against Homophobia and
Transphobia, Guest Speakers, Pub Socials, Pride Week in Saint John
and other cities, bowling, softball. We operate 12 months of the year,
not just the regular academic year.
The UNBSJ Q-Collective offers some limited services and support
material in languages other than English, thanks to PFLAG Canada’s
Communities Encourage Campaign,
Centenary-Queen Square United Church
Saint John, New Brunswick
Rev. Don Uhryniw
Centenary-Queen Square United Church
215 Wentworth St.
Saint John, N.B., E2L 2T4
Tel.: 506-634-8288
Fax: 506-642-6514
Email: [email protected]
Congregation founded in 1791; it became an Affirming Congregation
in 2001
In response to God’s call, Centenary-Queen Square United Church is
committed to welcoming and accepting all people regardless of age,
gender, race, sexual orientation, differing abilities, ethnic background
or economic circumstance. Following Jesus’ example and teaching,
we work for justice and inclusion by offering love, hope and
compassion through worship, study and service.
Centenary-Queen Square United Church offers inclusive worship and
community activities. Through its clergy, it offers Pastoral Counseling
and general support on all issues, but especially those related to sexual
orientation, sexuality and spirituality. There are two Bible Studies/
discussion groups and a small Sunday School. Additionally, there is a
lending library of several hundred volumes on matters concerning
sexual orientation and spirituality, which is open to the public. The
Congregation hosts a variety of activities such as the Gay Pride Week
Worship Celebration and a Service of Prayer and Hope on the National
Day Against Homophobia. It recently partnered with Port City
Rainbow Pride and Safe Spaces Saint John to sponsor a community
clean-up day.
Centenary-Queen Square United Church offers their services in
The Catalyst Society
Sackville, New Brunswick
The Catalyst Society
c/o Students' Administrative Council
152A Main St.
Mount Allison University
Sackville, NB E4L 1B4
Email: [email protected]
Formed: 1994
The Catalyst Society is Mount Allison University's Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Transgender and Allies (LGBTA) organization in Sackville,
NB. We provide support for LGBT students as well as non-labeled or
undecided people, and their friends and allies who are students at
Mount Allison University. Catalyst provides information about LGBT
issues for its members and the university student community.
Catalyst has organized public forums on LGBT issues, social
activities, and hosted guest speakers. Catalyst meets weekly during
the school terms. The main focus is social contact and support
meetings for LGBT students at Mount Allison University. Catalyst is
not active from April to September.
The Catalyst Society meets every week as a group in the Manning
Room (Chapel Basement) on campus. Each meeting starts with an
opportunity for group discussion about GLBTQ current events and life
events. The second part of each meeting varies and may include thing
such as a guest speaker, planning for an upcoming event, or a movie
night. New days and times will be posted in the fall once they are
For more information or to be added to our weekly mailing list (with
any irregular times, dates, and updates), please email the president at
[email protected]. All are welcome.
The Catalyst Society offers its services in English.
PFLAG Canada- Sackville, NB/Amherst, NS Chapter
Sackville, New Brunswick
PLAG Sackville, NB/Amherst, NS Chapter
Janet Hammock, Email: [email protected]
Marilyn Lerch, Email: [email protected]
14 Devon Avenue, Sackville, NB, E4L 3W2
Phone: (506) 536-4245
Formed: 1996
PFLAG is an organization that provides support, education and
resources on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity for gay,
lesbian, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, two-spirit, intersex, queer
and questioning (GLBTT2IQQ) persons and their families and friends.
We meet on the second Monday of every month (sometimes July and
August are exceptions) from 7:30-9:30 pm. The meeting location
alternates between the Sackville and Amherst; please call for location.
This Chapter of PFLAG Canada offers its services in English.
BATHURST Nor Gays Inc.
Bathurst, New Brunswick
Contact: nor Gays Inc.
P.O. Box 983
Bathurst, NB E2A 4H8
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Formed: 1991
Mission: Nor Gays Inc. is an association of gay, lesbian, and bisexual
men and women in the Bay of Chaleur region and North-Eastern part
of New Brunswick. The goal of the association is to create a bond
among the gay, lesbian and bisexual community. The group believes
that such a network will help to break the loneliness and solitude with
which people are confronted. Knowing that friends and colleagues
exist mitigates the isolation resulting from the lack of services
available in this area. To achieve this, the association organizes
activities designed to involve the gay, lesbian and bisexual community
to create greater communication and participation and, in doing so,
strengthen the bond of the community.
Programs/Services: Nor Gays Inc. has an Executive Council that is elected at an
annual general meeting. They operate a Bar in Petit-Rocher (GNG
Dance Club) and dances are held on specific dates listed on their
website. Dances are open to everyone 19 years of age and older. A
quarterly newsletter is mailed to association members to keep them
informed of news, activities and events. Nor Gays Inc. holds
an annual Gay Pride Camping Weekend on Labour Day weekend as
well as other activities and events. The group has been in operation
for about 10 years.
Languages: Nor Gays Inc. offers services in French and English.
AIDS New Brunswick/SIDA Nouveau-Brunswick
Bathurst, New Brunswick
Nicholas Scott – Executive Director
Toll Free in New Brunswick: 1-800-561-4009
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Formed: 1986
For more information see AIDS NB- Fredericton’s listing.
Egale Canada
Ottawa, ON
Egale Canada
310-396 Cooper
Ottawa, ON K2P 2H7
Tel: (888) 204-7777
Email: [email protected]
Greg Daborn (Atlantic Contact)
Email: [email protected];
Gemma Hickey (Atlantic Contact)
Email: [email protected]
Advances equality and justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transidentified people and their families across Canada
Lobbying/advocacy efforts, cross-Canada network co-ordination,
information resource, workshops on advocacy and anti-homophobia
and trans-phobia
Programs and Services available in both French and English
PFLAG Canada
Visit for a list of local chapters across the
PFLAG (formerly Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and
Gays) was born of a need by parents to help themselves and family
members deal with, understand, and accept their non-heterosexual
children and the new world they are thrust into when their children
"come out."
PFLAG Canada has broadened the scope and is a nation-wide
organization that deals with sexual orientation and gender identity
issues from a family perspective, providing support, education and
resources. Our compassionate volunteers across Canada open their
hearts and homes, give freely of their time and are there to listen to
people in their time of crisis. If you are gay, lesbian, bisexual,
transgender, transsexual, two-spirit, intersex, queer or questioning
(GLBTT2IQQ) or if you care about someone who is, let us help.
PFLAG Canada is a national voice that speaks for a more
accepting Canadian society by providing support, education and
resources on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity.
Through our PFLAG Chapter and Contact network, we actively
assist in the recognition and growth of gay, lesbian, bisexual,
transgender, transsexual, two-spirit, intersex, queer and
questioning persons and their families and friends, within their
diverse cultures and societies.
The education of others begins with self-education. We place
material on our web site as it becomes available to us. This may be
information that is not available elsewhere. But, because of its
primary importance, our first resource is reprinted from the web
site of PFLAG USA, whom we thank for their permission to do so.
Be sure also, when visiting our web site, to see our Links and
Forum sections for related organizations and web sites.
National online GLBT newspaper with feature columns, gay radio, city guides across
Canada, and news.
Atlantic Transgender
This website was made to provide a support/resource group for Transsexuals and their
significant others/supporters.
Canadian Human Rights Commission
The Canadian Human Rights Commission website contains information on discrimination.
Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archive
Their primary mandate is to collect and maintain information related to gay and lesbian life
in Canada. They gather material on people, organizations, issues and events. They arrange
that material, record it, store it -- and secure it for the future.
They make this information available to the public, for education and research. Over the
years they have helped hundreds of people -- students, artists, journalists, lawyers,
filmmakers -- working on various projects. CLGA also welcomes those who just want to
FLAG News Service
The FLAG NEWS SERVICE is a service of Fredericton Lesbians and Gays that has proved
to be very popular with recipients since 1998. The news service includes not only political
and activist updates but also lists events, potlucks, and anything else that might be of interest
to the GLBT community. Sign up by emailing James Whitehead at [email protected] and you
will receive, on average, 2-3 updates monthly. Please note that all recipients’ email addresses
will remain private and invisible to other subscribers. No third parties will be added to the list
(i.e., you cannot request someone other than yourself be added to the list). If you know of
someone who would benefit from the FLAG e-mails, please ask them to e-mail us
Gay Canada
Gay Canada is the Internet side of the Canadian Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Resource
Directory. It functions as both a primary method for displaying information that the
CGLBRD has collected and as an information gathering tool for the organization.
All information found at Gay Canada is available free of charge. The site includes Gay
Canada's National Directory of Businesses, Services, Resources and everything else that's
GLBT related in Canada.
Information for and about the gay and lesbian community in Canada, including businesses,
services, and sites written by people who live there and know what's happening first hand,
including the hottest spots and best things about their home town, and community
Gayscape Youth
This website has links to Canadian gay websites that would be of interest to youth.
Lesbians in Canada (LIC)
Online community of diverse Canadian women. Open to all adult women loving women,
including singles, partners, lesbians with children or husbands, or simply women questioning
their sexuality. Includes an email list, forum, and a chatroom.
This website is designed to meet the many diverse interests and needs of the Gay and Lesbian
community. The website holds a wealth of gay friendly information on travel, entertainment,
news, people, business, shopping and much more.
Canada’s gay community magazine. Features entertainment, news and current events.
People With A History
People with a History is not a Canadian specific site but presents the history of lesbians, gay
men, bisexuals and transgendered people. It includes hundreds of original texts, discussions,
and images. This website addresses LGBT history in all periods and regions of the world.
Project E
Project E: Education for Enlightenment for Everyone. This project is focused on sexual
orientation and homophobic harassment education.
Sexuality and U is committed to providing you credible and up-to-date information
and education on sexual health. This web site is made possible with the guidance and
collaboration of a team of distinguished Canadian medical organizations, and is administered
by the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada. is published by Pink Triangle Press, a not-for-profit organization born out of, and
committed to, the struggle of lesbians and gay men for sexual liberation and human