Annual Report Master - Women`s Law Center of Maryland
Annual Report Master - Women`s Law Center of Maryland
DIRECT SERVICES EDUCATION ADVOCACY RESEARCH LITIGATION POLICY ANALYSIS JUDICIAL SELECTION LEGISLATIVE ACTION 2008 ANNUAL REPORT The Women’s Law Center of Maryland. Inc. 305 West Chesapeake Avenue, Suite 201, Towson, MD 21204 Phone (410) 321-8761 Fax (410) 321-0462 [email protected] THE WOMEN’S LAW CENTER Officers & Board President Alex Strubing Paradise Vice President Leigh Goodmark Treasurer Elizabeth Caplan Past President Bobbie Steyer At-Large Board Members Rebecca Caldwell Johanna Diamond Susan Elgin Dorcus Gilmore Rebecca Herr Emily Hunt Margaret Johnson Francine Krumholz Alexandria Lunn Michele McDonald Ginger Robinson Reena Shah Gusty Taler Staff Executive Director L. Tracy Brown Chief Operating Officer Jessica Morgan Legal Projects Manager Laure Ruth Development Director Valerie Rupp ELH Project Director Jill Wrigley Administrative Assistant Jan Arado MEDOVI Project Director Deepa Bijpuria Staff Attorneys Suzanne Bailey Ellen Hare Alicia Leibowitz Jessica Spartana Legal Advocates Waleska Blotny D. Crystal Mack Dear Women’s Law Center Supporter: It has been another extraordinary year at the Women’s Law Center. Our direct services and education programs provided over 8,200 Marylanders free legal representation, information and advice. We introduced a valuable new resource to the legal community, the Kaufman Alimony Guidelines, a tool designed to promote fair financial distribution in divorce. Our advocacy efforts produced results while our legislative alerts kept our members aware of proposed legislation we monitored, and encouraged grassroots support of issues that could impact women’s rights. We also reached a benchmark in 2008 with the conclusion of our five year strategic plan. In 2003, the Women’s Law Center Board and staff completed an ambitious strategic plan that resulted in a vision statement, mission statement and key focus areas to guide priorities and direct organizational resources for five years. The Board is revising this successful plan to guide our work in coming years. We have provided some highlights of our work over the last five years to give you a better idea of the positive impact the activities outlined in our strategic plan have made to the community. As we reflect on the activities, we are energized by the achievements we have made and inspired to continue to work until our vision of a legal system that provides justice and fairness to women is a reality. Our vision is ambitious but attainable. Members and donors allow us to engage in meaningful advocacy on behalf of individual clients and on a state-wide level. Dedicated volunteers give their time and energy to provide high quality legal services to individuals in need. The Women’s Law Center was founded on the passionate belief that the battle for equality can be won through the legal system. Our supporters make us strong. Relying on this strength, we work to empower women and build a just legal system. The results speak for themselves. Each number in this summary represents a life impacted by our services. We invite you to join us as a member, donor or volunteer. In the next year, we plan to introduce new programs and activities for our members. With your support, we will continue to work to close the gender gap and open the doors of justice to all of Maryland’s women and children. Best regards, Alexandra Strubing Paradise President VISION MISSION L. Tracy Brown Executive Director A legal system that provides justice and fairness to women. To serve as a leading voice for justice and fairness for women by advocating for the rights of women through policy analysis, advocacy, litigation, education, research, judicial selection, legislative advocacy and direct services. The Women’s Law Center is a membership organization that offers opportunities for its members to support and participate in advocacy on behalf of women and families. FIVE YEAR SUMMARY OF SERVICES Highlights: July 1, 2003—June 30, 2008 THE BOARD AND STAFF OF THE WOMEN’S LAW CENTER OF MARYLAND, INC. IDENTIFIED IMPRESSIVE GOALS WHEN CREATING ITS FIVE YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN IN 2003. FIVE YEARS LATER, IT IS CLEAR THAT THE GOALS WERE MET AND, IN MANY CASES, EXCEEDED. ORGANIZATIONAL PLANS CURRENTLY UNDERWAY WILL BUILD ON THE SUCCESS OF THE STRATEGIC PLAN, LEADING THE WOMEN’S LAW CENTER CONTINUING EFFORTS TO ACHIEVE ITS MISSION. LEADERSHIP Strategic plan goal: Increase effectiveness through alliances, legislative advocacy, participation in the judicial selections process and proactive response to issues affecting women’s rights. • Introduced email Legislative Alerts to keep our members informed about issues affecting women’s rights • Conducted judicial selection interviews and submitted recommendations for hundreds of judicial candidates • Testified on over 150 bills and filed or participated in amicus activities THE WOMEN’S LAW CENTER OF MARYLAND IS PLEASED TO LIST SOME OF THE MANY ACCOMPLISHMENTS MADE MARYLAND THROUGH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS PLAN. ON BEHALF OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN 20,870 Family Law Hotline callers aided 10,879 Legal Forms Helpline callers assisted 3,032 POARP clients served 2,362 Publications distributed (hard copies only) 1,746 Family Law Hotline pro bono hours YEARS 577 Employment Law Hotline callers assisted* 501 Employment Law Hotline pro bono hours* 341 MEDOVI clients served 293 Bills affecting women’s rights monitored 242 Judicial Selections interviews conducted 166 Reduced Fee Custody project clients served * *Notes that a program began during the five year period DIRECT SERVICES Strategic plan goal: Address unmet and critical legal needs for women to identify and implement systemic changes to improve the response of the legal system to women. • Added an Employment Law Hotline and a Spanish Legal Forms Helpline • Opened POARP offices in Carroll County Circuit and District Courts in addition to the existing offices in Baltimore City and Baltimore County • Launched the Reduced Fee Custody project MEMBERSHIP Strategic plan goal: Diversify membership base and provide opportunities to foster active member involvement. • Partnered with law students at University of Maryland and University of Baltimore to form Students Supporting the Women’s Law Center groups at the schools and included student leaders as Women’s Law Center Board members, helping to promote Board diversity • Expanded events and networking opportunities for members and friends • Enhanced pro bono opportunities for attorneys by adding a hotline, expanding the hours of existing hotlines, and introducing technology that allows volunteers to answer hotline calls remotely RESEARCH AND POLICY Strategic plan goal: Address unmet and critical legal needs for women with the goal of identifying and implementing systemic changes to improve the response of the legal system to women. • Released Custody & Financial Distribution, Families in Transition: Exploring Family Law Issues in Maryland and Your Money Matters • Established the Justice in Divorce project • Introduced the Kaufman Alimony Guidelines DIRECT LEGAL SERVICES Providing access to justice to women and children in need 2008 ANNUAL REPORT The Women’s Law Center’s family law projects offer individuals free legal representation that is critical to achieving a successful outcome in court. Attorneys help clients gain safety, maintain custody of their children and establish independence from an abusive partner, regardless of their ability to pay. All of our family law projects are administered through the Women’s Law Center’s Bruce A. Kaufman Center for Family Law. PROTECTIVE ORDER ADVOCACY AND REPRESENTATION PROJECT (POARP) POARP attorneys represented 524 victims of domestic violence, helping them to attain protective orders, establish safety plans and providing referrals to other agencies to ensure that clients are safe and secure. An additional 707 individuals received important information and referrals. POARP provides free attorneys to victims of domestic violence seeking protective orders through the civil circuit courts in Baltimore City and Baltimore County and the Circuit Court and District Court in Carroll County. POARP offices are conveniently located at the courthouses where petitions for protective orders are filed. This project is funded through the Administrative Office of the Courts. MULTI-ETHNIC DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (MEDOVI) PROJECT MEDOVI provided legal representation in immigration hearings and supporting services to 49 clients, information and referrals to an additional 119 victims, and technical assistance to 74 professionals who work with foreign-born victims. MEDOVI is a state-wide program that caters to the special, and often complicated, needs of foreign-born victims of domestic violence. To better serve this vulnerable community, a Spanish-speaking Legal Advocate was hired to expand outreach efforts in the Hispanic community. Free interpreter services and a multi-lingual voice mail system are available for those who do not speak English or Spanish. Support for this program is provided by Victims of Crime Act funds administered by the Maryland Department of Human Resources, United Way of Central Maryland, the Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention, and the Administrative Office of the Courts. REDUCED FEE CHILD CUSTODY PROJECT IN AND OUT OF THE COURT ROOM, OUR PROGRAMS MAKE A PROFOUND DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF WOMEN IN NEED. POARP attorneys work closely with clients to help them understand the protective order process and their rights. Clearly the services provided this year made a positive impact and filled a crucial need. POARP clients reported: • POARP again if abused • 100% felt our services were easier to use because they are located in the courthouse Forty three low-income citizens of Baltimore County involved in contested custody cases received free access to an attorney because of the Reduced Fee Custody Project. Through this program, the Women’s Law Center screens cases and places clients with experienced attorneys who provide their services for free to clients. The attorneys involved in this project agree to be paid a significantly reduced fee by the Women’s Law Center to represent clients and to continue their service for the duration of the case, even if the payment cap is exceeded. This project is funded by the Maryland Legal Services Corporation. 100% would use • 98% said they felt safer after going to court with POARP attorneys EDUCATION Empowering women with access to reliable information about their rights 2008 ANNUAL REPORT Access to reliable information is a powerful source of equality for women. The Women’s Law Center educates women through a diverse selection of publications and one-on-one attorney consultations through its three legal information hotlines. These resources equip callers with accurate information to enable them to make effective decisions and more successfully use the law to defend their rights. FAMILY LAW HOTLINE Now in its 17th year of operation, this hotline gave 5,828 callers valuable information and advice about family law issues. The Family Law Hotline operates seven hours per day each weekday. Volunteer attorneys provided over 430 hours of meaningful and convenient pro bono service through the Hotline. Calls came from every jurisdiction in the state and covered a broad range of topics relating to divorce, custody, visitation and child support. Funded by the Maryland Legal Services Corporation, the Hotline is operated in partnership with the Legal Aid Bureau. EMPLOYMENT LAW HOTLINE Operating for three and a half hours per week, the Employment Law Hotline served 401 callers during its first full fiscal year in operation. Hotline attorneys answer nearly nonstop calls concerning a variety of employment-related issues including discrimination in the workplace, sexual harassment, wage and overtime violations, and family and medical leave. Due to the high demand for this hotline, the Women’s Law Center is planning to expand hotline hours in the future. Funding for this project is provided by the Open Society Institute of Baltimore, the Marjorie Cook Foundation, Baltimore Community Foundation, and Brown, Goldstein & Levy, LLP. LEGAL FORMS HELPLINE THE COST OF INJUSTICE IS TOO GREAT. Many of our clients report that our services are their only chance to speak with an attorney about important issues affecting their lives and rights. 94% of our POARP clients would not have had representation because they could not afford an attorney. The Helpline removed barriers to justice by enabling 2,067 Marylanders to more effectively handle their family law case without an attorney. Legal Forms Helpline attorneys help callers choose and complete Domestic Relations forms and explain how to file the forms. Helpline attorneys impart valuable information and advice to help pro se litigants better understand legal procedures pertinent to their situation and gain access to the courts. A separate toll-free number with access to a bi-lingual attorney is available for Spanish-speaking pro se litigants. The Helpline is funded through the Administrative Office of the Courts. PUBLICATIONS The Women’s Law Center distributed over 300 hard copies of its publications and countless additional copies were downloaded from our website. Publications include: Your Money Matters: A Guide to Financial Independence for Women; Legal Rights in Marriage and Divorce (Spanish and English); Legal Rights of Unmarried Cohabitants; Sex Discrimination in Employment (Spanish and English); and Battered – What Can I Do? (Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Korean, Arabic and Vietnamese). RESEARCH, POLICY ANALYSIS AND LEGAL REFORM Identifying and addressing inequities that impact women 2008 ANNUAL REPORT As the leading voice for justice and fairness for women in Maryland, the Women’s Law Center actively conducts research and policy analysis. The findings of these efforts are disseminated to inform advocates, policy-makers and litigants and determine the course of action for our legal reform efforts. In recent years, we have focused much of our attention on the effects of divorce on Maryland’s women and families through the Justice in Divorce project. This project facilitates advocacy and legal reform to advance positive outcomes for women and children in divorce. In 2006, the Women’s Law Center completed data collection and analysis of family law cases that were filed in FY2003 and published Families in Transition: Exploring Family Law Issues in Maryland. This research replicated the prior analysis of FY1999 case filings to explore how the family law landscape changed during the four years between the two studies. Based on the research findings, the report offered policy recommendations about alimony, representation in custody cases, utilization of court services and screening of domestic violence cases. In FY2008, the Women’s Law Center actualized a key recommendation made in Families in Transition: Exploring Family Law Issues in Maryland with the introduction of the Kaufman Alimony Guidelines. Project Spotlight Families in Transition: Exploring Family Law Issues in Maryland, a 2006 Women’s Law Center study, showed that only 16% of litigants in Maryland requested alimony and as few as 6% received an award. The study concluded that the unpredictable nature of alimony hinders attorneys from providing reliable advice to clients, resulting in few requests and even fewer awards. KAUFMAN ALIMONY GUIDELINES The Kaufman Alimony Guidelines, a free, downloadable service created to help legal professionals develop reliable alimony advice, received a warm welcome from the legal community upon its debut in April 2008. The Bruce A. Kaufman Center for Family Law, a project of the Women’s Law Center, and private funders underwrote the development of the Guidelines to help attorneys shape informed alimony advice and, ultimately, achieve equitable results for Maryland's families. The Kaufman Alimony Guidelines factor in the length of marriage, age of the claimant, whether there are children and the earning potential of the claimant. The software calculates child support and tax rates to present a clear picture of the financial status of both parties. The recommendation generated provides a launch point for attorneys and decision makers to shape informed alimony advice for their clients. Hundreds of attorneys have already downloaded the software to help their clients. Users are required to register at to access the software. Maryland attorneys can obtain a password to download the software by emailing [email protected]. Support for the Kaufman Alimony Guidelines is provided through a generous challenge grant from the Lyn P. Meyerhoff Foundation, contributions to the Women’s Law Center’s Justice Fund and individual contributions directed toward this project that enabled us to introduce this valuable resource to the community. ADVOCACY Working for equality through broad change 2008 ANNUAL REPORT The Women’s Law Center works for systemic change to ensure that the legal system acts in the best interest of women and children. Advocacy is critical to the realization of our mission. We provide convenient access to summaries of proposed legislature to encourage individual involvement. Testimony submitted on key bills by our staff and volunteers is an important educational resource for decision makers. Amicus briefs help appellate courts understand the impact of key cases on the legal rights of women. Judicial selections efforts operate to insure an impartial judicial system. Our work, multiplied by the grassroots support of our members and friends in the community, makes a true impact on issues that affect women in Maryland every day. LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY The Women’s Law Center actively participated in the legislative process by monitoring and taking positions on bills that address domestic violence, sexual assault, family law, reproductive rights, equal pay and other issues that impact women. In FY2008, the Women’s Law Center: • Monitored over 80 bills and submitted written and oral testimony on 34 key bills • Involved members in the legislative process by sending 30 legislative alerts to galvanize grassroots action • Provided administrative staff support that enabled the Maryland Legislative Agenda for Women (MLAW) to be an independent voice for Maryland’s women in the legislative process. THE ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT PROVIDED BY THE WOMEN’S LAW CENTER made it possible for Maryland Legislative Agenda for Women, a statewide coalition of women's groups, to communicate effectively with its members and other women’s advocates to develop, disseminate and support a legislative agenda for women. AMICUS AND COALITION EFFORTS The Women’s Law Center signed on to amicus briefs in pivotal cases and participated in coalitions to help provide decision makers with information and perspective on issues affecting the legal rights of women. Amicus efforts included support for Baby v. State, which gained national attention and addressed whether a woman can withdraw consent to intercourse after penetration, and cases before the Supreme Court that involved Title VII and Title IX claims. Federal legislation that addressed equal pay and unemployment issues was also supported. Women’s Law Center staff members participated in committees and coalitions to help facilitate policy changes that will positively impact the legal rights of women and increase access to justice, such as MSBA Delivery of Legal Services Section Council, Domestic Violence Coordinating Committees, Marylanders for the Right to Choose, and the Pro Bono Resource Center. JUDICIAL SELECTIONS Deeply committed to promoting a system that is free of gender bias, the Women’s Law Center interviews and submits recommendations regarding candidates for judicial vacancies. The Judicial Selections Committee is comprised of Women’s Law Center members who possess a wide range of legal experience. One of our most active groups of volunteers, members of the committee conduct rigorous interviews employing an objective, confidential process. Candidates are ranked using specific selection criteria including judicial demeanor, integrity, experience, and commitment to a judicial system free of gender bias. The Committee communicates its ranking and observations to the Judicial Nominating Commission and the Governor. In FY2008, the Judicial Selections Committee interviewed 47 candidates for judicial openings. VOLUNTEERS 2008 ANNUAL REPORT Volunteers are the key to the Women’s Law Center’s success. From hotline attorneys to law students involved with the Students Supporting the Women’s Law Center at the University of Baltimore School of Law and the University of Maryland School of Law, volunteers work side-by-side with staff to plan and implement projects that change lives. We offer volunteer opportunities for all individuals who would like to do their part to promote equality through the legal system. EMPLOYMENT LAW INITIATIVE ADVISORY COMMITTEE This dedicated group has played an instrumental role in the development and continued success of our employment law initiative. The Committee’s scope reaches from Hotline operational procedures to outreach and marketing. Committee members worked actively with staff to plan the launch of the Employment Law Hotline, draft Hotline intake forms, recruit volunteer attorneys, update resource materials for volunteers, and provide input on the content and design of outreach materials. Volunteer Spotlight Their diligent work continues. The Committee closely evaluates the work of the Hotline at quarterly meetings to ensure the Hotline effectively meets the needs of the community and addresses the Women’s Law Center’s mission. Recently, the Committee offered strategies and advice to the Board of Directors regarding the expansion of the employment law initiative. The Women’s Law Center is grateful to the Employment Law Advisory Committee for the expertise and guidance it has generously given to meet and exceed the expectations of our employment law initiative. THANK YOU HOTLINE VOLUNTEERS Jennifer Alexander Pamela Ashby Margaret Attanasio Rubin Ballesteros Zoa Barnes Donna Beard Kathleen Cahill Denise Clark Andrew Dansicker Catherine Drummond Gwenlynn D’Souza Deborah Thompson Eisenberg William Ferris Thomas Gagliardo Gregg Greenberg Dorothy Haynes Julie Janofsky Daniel Katz Mary Keating Frederick Kobb Neil Lebowitz Stephen Lebau Jennifer Lester Martin Lessans Rhonda Lipkin Michael Malone Sherae McNeal Elizabeth Milito David Preller Letecia Rollins Jill Savedoff Joyce Smithey Suzanne Snedegar Linda Spevack Heather Sunderman EVENTS & MEMBER OPPORTUNITIES 2008 ANNUAL REPORT From our beginnings as a grassroots organization, members have been the core of the Women’s Law Center. Our members challenge us and enable us to evolve with the changing times to make the most difference in the lives of Maryland’s women and children. In turn, the Women’s Law Center continually works to provide opportunities to keep members informed, involved and engaged. Last year, we introduced a new event, Art for Change, and expanded our delicious networking event, Wine & Chocolate. We celebrated our 35th anniversary by honoring three remarkable individuals at our Annual Meeting and Awards Ceremony. We co-sponsored numerous events and conferences to provide educational opportunities for our members. In addition to social events, communications with members increased through e-newsletter messages about topics important to members, including legislative alerts. ANNUAL MEETING AND AWARDS CEREMONY The Women’s Law Center paid tribute to three individuals who have worked tirelessly to advance international legal rights of women at its 2007 Annual Meeting. Honorees were: • • • Susana SáCouto, Director of the War Crimes Research Office at American University Washington College of Law, who received the 22nd Annual Dorothy Beatty Award Leslye E. Orloff, Associate Vice President and Director Immigrant Women Program for Legal Momentum, who received the 15th Annual Rosalyn B. Bell Award Patricia Chiriboga-Roby, an attorney with Immigration Legal Services at Catholic Charities, who received the Access to Justice Award The 2nd annual Wine & Chocolate, hosted by Bikram Yoga in Hampden, gave members an excuse to eat dessert first. Scrumptious treats donated by some of Baltimore’s premiere restaurants and chocolatiers were paired with fine wines at this pre-dinner networking event. FEATURED EVENTS SUPPORTED BY THE WOMEN’S LAW CENTER • Art for Change • Thanks to donations from local artists and a hard-working Committee, the Women’s Law Center’s first art sale was a success. Guests shopped for hand-crafted artwork on a late fall afternoon at the cozy Sobo Café in Federal Hill. • • Having It Our Way: Women In Maryland’s Workplace Circa 2027: A free, full-day symposium about the current status of employment law and an analysis of future changes needed to better protect women and families. From the Streets to the Courts: University of Maryland School of Law Students Supporting the Women’s Law Center’s symposium examining the relationship between prostitution and the legal system Maryland Immigration Rights Fair: MEDOVI staff members offered free legal consultation at this event organized by Catholic Charities Hispanic Apostolate/Immigration Legal Services. Morning Mixer with Eve Gartner: A morning mingle sponsored by the Women’s Law Center was followed by a discussion about the impact of Gonzales v. Carhart on women's reproductive rights led by Ms. Gartner, who argued the case in front of the Supreme Court, at this Planned Parenthood of Maryland event. FINANCIALS July 1, 2007—June 30, 2008 2008 ANNUAL REPORT STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES INCOME The Women’s Law Center of Maryland, Inc. Statement of Activities and Change in Net Assets for the Year Ended on June 30, 2008 with Summarized Financial Information for 2007 Income 2008 Grants $924,040 Contributions $119,176 Annual Meeting $22,735 Contract Income $5,000 Donated Services & Facilities $76,660 Membership Dues $10,779 Interest Income $17,939 Other Income $1,116 TOTAL $1,177,445 2007 $879,851 $128,689 $18,940 $5,000 $59,497 $9,945 $18,966 $716 $1,121,604 Expenses Program Services Management & General Fundraising TOTAL $962,778 $85,122 $44,616 $1,092,516 $848,186 $98,462 $62,295 $1,008,943 Change in Net Assets Net Assets at Beginning of Year Net Assets at End of Year $84,929 $814,008 $898,937 $112,661 $701,347 $814,008 Contract Income Donated Services & Facilities Dues Interest Income Other Income Annual Meeting Contributions Grants EXPENSES Management & General Fundraising Program Services STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION The Women’s Law Center of Maryland, Inc. Statement of Financial Position as of June 30, 2008 with Summarized Financial Information for 2007 Assets ASSETS Current Assets 2008 Cash and Cash Equivalents $678,706 Grants Receivable, current portion $258,659 2007 $609,639 $166,003 Contributions Receivables Prepaid Expense $17,500 $9,106 $28,110 $12,652 Total Current Assets Property and Equipment Security Deposit Grants receivable net of current portion $963,971 $24,900 $1,157 $816,404 $25,708 $1,157 $ - $53,333 $990,028 $896,602 TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Current Liabilities 2008 2007 Accounts Payable $2,974 $11,944 Accrued Payroll Expense $27,910 $21,055 Refundable Advance $60,207 $49,595 Total Current Liabilities $91,091 $82,594 Net Assets Unrestricted: Undesignated Unrestricted: Board Designated Temporarily Restricted Total Net Assets TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $622,062 $404,406 $53,642 $223,223 $898,937 $147,620 $261,982 $814,008 $990,028 $896,602 WOMEN’S LAW CENTER SUPPORTERS We recognize and thank the following donors who supported the Women’s Law Center through general contributions, in-kind donations, dues, workplace giving, grants, event sponsorships and volunteer efforts. JUSTICE FUND DONORS Legacy Circle ($5,000 and above) Susan C. Elgin Francine Krumholz Sheela Murthy Visionary Society ($2,500 - $4,999) Peter Angelos Venable Foundation Benefactor Circle ($1,000—$2,499) Elizabeth Caplan Lynne M. Durbin Leigh Goodmark Amy Macht Bobbie Steyer Gustava Taler Lois and Philip Macht Philanthropic Fund Safeway Foundation Target Advocacy Circle ($500—$999) L. Tracy Brown Danielle K. Citron Sally Gold and Elliott Zulver Philip Klein Kathleen M. McDonald Michele McDonald Paula Krahn Merkle Ginger Robinson Elisabeth Sachs Stephen and Sheila Sachs Herbert and Vera Wells Anonymous (2) Liberty Club ($250—$499) Francis Brown Marianna I. Burt Kathleen Cahill Cynthia Callahan Michele Curran Susan M. Erlichman Dorothy R. Fait Jo Benson Fogel Michael Hayes Emily Hunt Roann Nichols Hon. Christopher Panos Alexandra Strubing Paradise Leslie S. Ries Bryon L. Warnken Daniel M. Zerivitz Dragga, Callahan, Hannon, Hessler & Willis The Mediation Center Anonymous (3) Florence Byron Fowlkes Daniel Goldstein Alice Gorman Richard Granat Sharon Grosfeld Lee Hendler Ann F. Hoffman Marla Hollandsworth Ruth Clark Hooper Margaret E. Johnson Jeannette Karpay Caroline S. Keating Michael & Ellen Koplow Sharon Krevor-Weisbaum Julie E. Landau Cheri Levin Cynthia L. Lifson Gwendolen McLeod Sayra Wells Meyerhoff JoAnn Mayer Orlinsky Cecilia Paizs Jennifer Pelton Paula J. Peters Equity Club J. Paul Reiger ($100—$249) Margaret Richlin Sally D. Adkins Hon. Mary Ellen Rinehardt Boyce Ansley Susan M. Ringler Geraldine Aronin Lynn Sassin Mimi Azrael Reena Shah Sharon Bangert Everett G. Sillers Hon. Mary Ellen Barbera Joan S. Sills Winifred Borden Patricia Smith Sandra T. Brushart Nancy S. Spritz Kelly Bollinger Burke Rebecca Taylor Monna Gayle Clark Lois Traub Alisa G. Cummins Elizabeth Trimble Hon. Kathleen Dumais Hon. Barbara Baer Waxman Hon. Angela Eaves Deborah Weimer John Eidleman Jill Wrigley Deborah Thompson Eisenberg Abell Foundation Melvina C. Ford Anonymous (7) WOMEN’S LAW CENTER SUPPORTERS INDIVIDUAL DONORS Jonathan Acton II Hon. Sally Denison Adkins Hon. Madeleine Albright Jennifer Alexander Fannie C. Alston Peter Angelos Boyce Ansley Carla Dianne Apodaca Janice Arado Kimberly Arn Mercia E. Arnold Geraldine Aronin Laila K. Atallah Mimi Azrael Bruce J. Babij Deborah B. Bacharach Rebecca Saybolt Bainum Mary C. Baldwin Sharon Bangert Hon. Mary Ellen Barbera Linda C. Barclay Orlando Barnes M. Lauree L. Barreca Robert S. Beasley Nikki Behre Leslie G. Billman Catherine Bledsoe Barbara Blom Steven Blume Winifred Borden Carencay Bowen Cathy Brennan Laura F. Brown C. Christopher Brown Francis Brown L. Tracy Brown Sandra T. Brushart Jennifer Burdick Kelly Bollinger Burke Marianna I. Burt Kathleen Cahill Rebecca Caldwell Cynthia Callahan Laura C. Callahan-Mezan Ellen A. Callegary Hon. Evelyn Omega Cannon Elizabeth Caplan Richard Caplan Maureen Carpin Danielle K. Citron Monna Gayle Clark Kenya N. Colbert Jeanette Cole Natalie Collins John J. Condliffe Kate Condon William Conrad Hon. Charlotte M. Cooksey Ellen S. Cooper Hon. Mimi Cooper John P. Corderman Venise C. Cousin-Metts Danielle Cover Donna Cover Alisa G. Cummins Betsy Cunningham Michele W. Curran Mary Joel Davis Hon. Nancy Davis-Loomis Hon. Jacqueline E. Dawson Kathryn Delahanty Rieyn Delony Katrina J. Dennis Julie Dew Claudia Diamond Bridgid O. Donniez Mary Alane Downs Catherine A. Drummond Hon. Kathleen Dumais Lynne M. Durbin Alice Gail Dvoskin Hope B. Eastman Thomas Eastman Hon. Angela M. Eaves Deloers E. Edwards John Eidleman Deborah Thompson Eisenberg Susan Gelber Eisner Susan C. Elgin Elisabeth Eremita Susan M. Erlichman Dorothy R. Fait Suzanne Farace Brandy Fauntleroy Joanna Fine Mary Jane Fischer Patricia M. Flanigan Jo Benson Fogel Melvina C. Ford Florence Bryan Fowlkes Susan Francis Carolyn M. Frank Dan A. Friedman Debra Gardner Risa J. Garon Margaret R. Garret Hon. Susan K. Gauvey Elise Gelinas Chrissy Gemmill Manuel R. Geraldo Deneen Gill Dorcas Gilmore Susan Goering Sally B. Gold Sharon E. Goldsmith Daniel E. Goldstein Heather Gomes Louise Michaux Gonzales Linda Goodman Leigh Goodmark Alice Gorman Karen M. Gosnell Victoria L. Grace Richard S. Granat Jodi Grant Sharon Grosfeld Diane Groth Renee Guckert Wes and Toni Guckert Sandra R. Gutman Carisa Hall Monica Garcia Harms Stacey Winakur Harris Michael J. Hayes Lee M. Hendler Shelby & Coleman Herrod Wendy Hess Allen Hicks Pamela Himmelrich Darlene Hines Ann F. Hoffman WOMEN’S LAW CENTER SUPPORTERS INDIVIDUAL DONORS Continued Marla Hollandsworth Ruth Clark Hooper Lee Hopkins Abigail Ross Hopper Heather Hostetter Kathleen Huber-Scott Emily Hunt Cheryl Kelley Jacobs Robin Jacobs Richard B. Jacobs Margaret E. Johnson Lisae C. Jordan Wilhelm H. Joseph Wendy Kahn Dana K. Karangelen Jeannette Karpay Arlene Kaufman Jessica Berman Kaufman Caroline S. Keating Mary T. Keating Tammie Kelly Barrett King Bonnie A. Kirkland Steve Kleeman Philip Klein Steven M. Klepper Holly L. Knepper Frederick L. Kobb Kathryn Sullivan Kolar Dionne Koller Nadia Konstantinova Frederick Singley Koontz Michael & Ellen Koplow Rebecca Korzec Barbara Kraft Elinore R. Krell Sharon Krevor-Weisbaum Francine Krumholz Patty Kuzbida Julie E. Landau Kimberley Lang Hon. Theresa A. Lawler Ann M. Lembo Dorothy J. Lennig Cheri Wyron Levin Phillip C. Levin Susan Leviton Jennifer Liaw Cynthia L. Lifson Alice Lilly Rhonda B. Lipkin Craig J. Little Alison Loughran Donna Loughran Jacquelyn Lucy Alexandria Lunn Deborah Luxenberg Amy Macht Michael Malone Kathy Mancusi Connie G. Marvel Allyn Massey Hon. Albert J. Matricciani Jean E. Matthews Lorie A. Mayorga Michele J. McDonald Kathleen M. McDonald Gwendolen McLeod Paula Krahn Merkle Sayra W. Meyerhoff Elizabeth Milito Jessica Morgan Mindy Morrell Marilyn C. Moses Lindsay Moss Jane Murphy Mary V. Murphy Kyleen A. Murray Sheela Murthy Jennifer Muskus Christyne Neff Roann Nichols Christine Saverda Nielson Regina L. Oldak Margaret H. Oliver Tricia D. O'Neill Jo-Ann Mayer Orlinsky Amanda Owens Cecilia B. Paizs Hon. Christopher L. Panos Alexandra Strubing Paradise Shirley Parry Jennifer Pelton Linda Eve Percy Brian Perkins Paula J. Peters Paula Pitha-Rowe Nancy Pollack Carolyn I. Polowy Kelly Powers Alyssa Quinteros Hon. Gale Rasin Hon. Mae Catherine Reeves Margaret G. Richlin Gerald M. Richman Cynthia A. Richmond J. Paul Rieger, Jr. Leslie S. Ries Hon. Mary Ellen T. Rinehardt Susan M. Ringler Donna K. Rismiller Ginger Robinson Harriett Robinson Ria P. Rochvarg Stanley L. Rodbell Patience Roland Karen Rothenberg Valerie Rupp Laurence A. Ruth Hon. Stephen H. Sachs Sheila K. Sachs Elisabeth Sachs Joy Sakamoto-Wengel Mary Sanders Lynn B. Sassin Diana M. Savit Mark F. Scurti Wendy Seiden Reena Shah Stephen A. Shectel Kathleen Shemer Judith Shub-Condliffe Hon. Nancy B. Shuger Alison Silber Amy Silberman Everett G. Sillers Joan H. Sills WOMEN’S LAW CENTER SUPPORTERS INDIVIDUAL DONORS Continued Paula Skedsvold Patricia A. Smith Ellen Smith Sharron S. Smith Nancy S. Spritz Nevett Steele Susan R. Steinberg Betty A. Stemley Elyce Stern Bobbie Steyer Ferrier Stillman Philip Strubing Kathryn Sullivan Barbara G. Swain Gustava Taler Rebecca Kelly Taylor Lisa Telsch Gregory TenEyck Carolyn H. Thaler Linda Hitt Thatcher Shawn Theron Debra Thomas Kimberly Thorne Lois Traub Elizabeth H. Trimble Gwen Tromley Mary Vincitore M. Kim Ward Hazel A. Warnick Byron L. Warnken Randy S. Wase Hon. Barbara Baer Waxman Deborah Weimer Lynn F. Weinberg Alyssa Weinstein Nancy Weller Herbert & Vera Wells Lindsey White Craig Williams Alicia Wilson Leslie S. Winner Jill Wrigley Nina Wu Daniel Zerivitz Marla Zide Margaret Zierdt Elliott Zulver Anonymous (20) FOUNDATIONS AND FUNDERS Administrative Office of the Courts Altria Doors of Hope Marjorie Cook Family Fund Department of Human Resources, Office of Victim Services Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention Hoffberger Foundation Lois and Philip Macht Philanthropic Fund Maryland Legal Services Corporation Lyn P. Meyerhoff Foundation Open Society Institute Safeway Foundation Target United Jewish Endowment Fund United Way of Central Maryland Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation Venable Foundation BUSINESSES AND FIRMS American University Avery & Upton Baltimore Business Journal The Daily Record Dragga, Callahan, Hannon, Hessler & Willis, LLP Fait, Wise & DiLima, LLP Gallagher, Evelius & Jones, LLP Gordon, Feinblatt, Rothman, Hoffberger & Hollander, LLC Honeywell Immigration Legal Services/ Catholic Charities Kaufman, Ries and Elgin, PA Kerr McDonald, LLP Legal Momentum Lerch, Early & Brewer Chartered Law Office of Sally Gold The Mediation Center Mudd, Harrison & Burch, LLP Muskus & Muskus, LLC Salsbury, Clements, Bekman, Marder & Adkins, LLC Savit & Szymkowicz, LLP Shemer Bar Review Taylor & Ryan , LLC Turnbull, Nicholson & Sanders, PA University of Baltimore School of Law University of Maryland, School of Law Venable, LLP Wase, Wase & Grace, LLC Weinberg, Schwartz and Steyer, LLC WOMEN’S LAW CENTER SUPPORTERS REDUCED FEE CUSTODY PROJECT ATTORNEYS Stacey Andersen Kimberly Arn Brad Bauhof Harry Baumohl Victor Berger Toni Boettcher Harold Boyd Judith Brunton Kelly Bollinger Burke Aurora Cabrales Michael J. Cerri Fred Cohen Natalie Collins Debra Cromwell Stephen Cullen Elmer Davis Diana Denrich Jennifer Esworthy Amy Feldman Larry Feldman Joanna Fine Judith Hamilton Stacey Winakur Harris Eunice Hogan Chandra Walker Holloway Ronald P. Jackson, Jr. Robin Jensen Gwendolyn Johnson Steven Kleeman Nancy Knapp Peter Korzenewski Susan Land Max Lauten Nancy Levin Tamala Lunn Rebecca Magaziner Todd Mohink Eric Mueller IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS American Visionary Arts Museum Art with a Heart Baltimore Business Journal Baltimore Chapter – National Organization for Women Baltimore Choral Arts Society Bikram Yoga Hampden B & O Railroad Museum Cazbar Restaurant Centerstage Circuit Court for Baltimore City Circuit Court for Baltimore County Circuit Court for Carroll County Daedalus Books Daily Record Dogwood Deli Indigma Restaurant Ivy Bookstore Ixia Restaurant Jewish Museum of Maryland Mad River Bar and Grille Ma Petite Shoe Mars Supermarkets MICPEL Naron Chocolates National Museum of Dentistry One World Café Otterbein’s Bakery A People United Senator Theatre Spirits Sobo Café Ten Thousand Villages Tenzo Artisan Tremont Grand Wine Source Whole Foods Market Wockenfuss Word of Mouse Harvey Okun Carrie Polley Reuven Poupko David Preller, Jr. Jason Ridgell Schniqua Roberts Monica Scherer Mollie Shuman Steven Silberg Robert Smith Jennifer Spresser-Krivosh A. Jean Steigelman Arlene Thompson Shauntese Curry Trye Marty Voekel-Hanssen Annamaria Walsh Marla Zide Donya Zimmerman DONATIONS IN HONOR OF ALEX STRUBING PARADISE Boyce Ansley Louisa C. Barrett Richard Baruch Kate Condon Florence Bryan Fowlkes Betsy F. Gorman Shelby & Coleman Herrod Ruth Clark Hooper Caroline S. Keating Philip Strubing Herbert & Vera Wells Anonymous (4) We regret any omissions or inaccuracies that may appear in the list above and welcome hearing from you regarding any corrections. Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID MD Permit No. 305 W. Chesapeake Avenue Suite 201 Baltimore, MD 21204 2008 ANNUAL REPORT Yes, I want to join the Women’s Law Center! I want to join the WLC: r $50 Individual Member r $15 Student Member In addition to my dues, I would like to contribute to the WLC’s Justice Fund: r r r r r Equity Club $100 Liberty Club $250 Advocacy Circle $500 Benefactor Circle $1,000 Visionary Society $5,000 TOTAL PAYMENT: $_________ Mail this form to: Women’s Law Center of Maryland 305 W. Chesapeake Avenue Suite 201, Towson, MD 21204 Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________ State: ______________ Zip: ________________________ Phone: _____________________________________ Email: __________________________________________ r Check made payable to The Women’s Law Center of Maryland, Inc. is enclosed. r Please charge my rVISA rMasterCard Card Number __________________________________________________ Exp. Date: _________________ Name on Card ____________________________________ Signature: ______________________________ r I would like to spread my gift throughout the year (Benefactor Circle members and higher): Total amount $_________ Bill me monthly: $___________ Bill me quarterly: $__________ r r Check here to be included on our email list. (Your name will not be used or divulged to a third party.) Please contact me about volunteer opportunities. Disclosure Statement: The Women’s Law Center of Maryland is a charitable organization designated as tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3). A copy of our financial statement is available upon request by contacting the Women’s Law Center, 305 W. Chesapeake Avenue, Towson, MD 21204. Documents and information submitted under the State of Maryland Charitable Solicitations Act are available from the Office of the Secretary of State of Maryland, Annapolis, MD 21401 for the cost of copying and postage.