2 Iron Stop 2014 Catalog
2 Iron Stop 2014 Catalog
2 Iron Stop 2014 Catalog 1.800.800.1819 x 455 Patents US 6,783,815; US D472,183 All designs copyright Woodstream Corp. © 2014 Table of Contents Wind Spinners Designer Wind Spinners.....................................4 Animated Wind Spinners....................................9 3D Wind Spinners............................................12 Gazing Ball Wind Spinners...............................13 Crystal Wind Spinners......................................14 Crystal Twisters Designer Crystal Twisters..................................16 Animated Crystal Twisters.................................18 Classic Crystal Twisters.....................................20 Whimsical Crystal Twisters...............................22 Wind Chimes Designer Wind Chimes.....................................23 Licensed Products Mossy Oak Wind Spinners................................24 Collegiate Collection........................................26 MLB Collection................................................30 Accessories Spiral Tails........................................................35 Motors & Hooks...............................................36 Mini Shepherd Hook........................................37 Merchandising Displays and Headers.......................................38 Index................................................................42 Iron Stop is the world market leader in the wind spinner category. Our wind spinners are laser cut out of high quality steel and powder coated for weather resistance. Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality products and great customer service. All of our wind spinners are made by Iron Stop Inc., in America. We employ nationally acclaimed artists to create unique, attractive designs. Our products make a great addition to any home or garden décor. To Order: Specialty.WoodstreamDealerPortal.com | [email protected] Fax: 800-800-1770 | Woodstream Customer Service: 800-800-1819 x 455 www.ironstop.com 3 Red-Bellied Woodpecker NEW D136-10 | D136-6 Green Hummingbird NEW D252-10 | D252-6 Goldfinch NEW D138-10 | D138-6 Chickadee NEW D139-10 | D139-6 Cardinal Pair NEW D132-10 | D132-6 4 Iron Stop 2014 Catalog 1.800.800.1819 x 455 DESIGNER Wind Spinner Collection Our Designer Collection features full-color, vibrant designs that are rich in detail. New for this year are five beautiful spinners starring popular birds. Designer wind spinners are available in two sizes (10” and 6.5”) and are easily added to outdoor locations using our new mini shepherd hook (shown on page 37). Bass D110-10 | D110-6 Stained Glass Cross NEW D151-10 | D151-6 Butterfly D120-10 | D120-6 Dolphins D160-10 | D160-6 All Designer Wind Spinners are available in 10 inch and 6.5 inch. Cross D150-10 | D150-6 Dragonfly D170-10 | D170-6 www.ironstop.com 5 Frog D157-10 | D157-6 Fire Department D190-10 | D190-6 Fleur de Lis D156-10 | D156-6 Red Hummingbird D250-10 | D250-6 6 Iron Stop 2014 Catalog 1.800.800.1819 x 455 Kokopelli D263-10 | D263-6 Motorcycle D275-10 | D275-6 Lighthouse NEW D271-10 | D271-6 Palm Tree D287-10 | D287-6 www.ironstop.com 7 Peace D290-10 | D290-6 Cosmic Splash D283-10 | D283-6 Tractor D340-10 | D340-6 8 Iron Stop 2014 Catalog 1.800.800.1819 x 455 Sailboat D480-10 | D480-6 Hyper Splash D258-10 | D258-6 USA Flag D142-10 | D142-6 Shamrock D302-10 | D302-6 Sun D315-10 | D315-6 Wolf D388-10 | D388-6 All Designer Wind Spinners are available in 10 inch and 6.5 inch. ANIMATED Wind Spinner Collection Art comes to life in the Animated Collection. Each one of these best-selling designs has been detailed to show incredible clarity and depth of field. Clouds move behind the hummingbird beating his wings; dragonflies fly above ponds of water while their shadows mirror their every move. Each design offers a unique animation that has to be seen to be believed. Butterfly NDA120-10 Sepia Butterfly DASEP120-10 Dolphin DA160-10 ALL OF OUR WIND SPINNERS ARE PROUDLY MADE IN THE USA! www.ironstop.com 9 Cardinal Pair NEW DA132-10 10 Iron Stop 2014 Catalog 1.800.800.1819 x 455 Sepia Hummingbird DASEP250-10 Sepia Dragonfly Hummingbird DASEP170-10 NDA250-10 Horse DA240-10 Patriotic Vertigo NDA142-10 DA291-10 Downy Woodpecker DA135-10 ALL OF OUR WIND SPINNERS ARE PROUDLY MADE IN THE USA! www.ironstop.com 11 3D Wind Spinner Collection Our 3D Collection features eye-popping designs that seem to jump right out at you. The themes of buzzing dragonflies, feeding hummingbirds and magical fairies are expressed in dazzling designs. Butterfly D6110-10 Fairy D6031-10 Dragonfly D6125-10 Hummingbird D6135-10 12 Iron Stop 2014 Catalog 1.800.800.1819 x 455 ALL OF OUR WIND SPINNERS ARE PROUDLY MADE IN THE USA! GAZING BALL Wind Spinner Collection Whether it is the ultra-modern Galaxy design or the alluring Gazing Butterfly, these spinners reflect light in amazing ways and feature quality stainless steel gazing balls. Butterfly D1515-10 Galaxy NEW D1501-10 Splash D1532-10 Teardrop D1538-10 www.ironstop.com 13 Sun D7545-10 14 Iron Stop 2014 Catalog CRYSTAL Wind Spinner Collection A faceted crystal adds fascination to these wind spinners. New for 2014 are 6” versions of the butterfly, flower and indigo teardrop. These sparklers are beautiful in a window! Butterfly D7515-10 | D7515-6 Zenith Splash D7533-10 Flower NEW Hyper Splash NEW Indigo Teardrop Viridian Teardrop D7526-10 | D7526-6 D7538-10 | D7538-6 ALL OF OUR WIND SPINNERS ARE PROUDLY MADE IN THE USA! D7531-10 D7536-10 www.ironstop.com 15 Monarch Butterfly TWS125-3M Dragonfly NTWS170-4M 16 Iron Stop 2014 Catalog 1.800.800.1819 x 455 DESIGNER Crystal Twister Collection Imagine one of these crystal beauties shining in a sunny window. A rainbow of color rotates around the room as the crystal refracts the sunlight. Madame Butterfly NEW Sailboat TWC121-2M TWS480-2M Hummingbird NEW TWC251-7M Cardinal TWC130-7M US Flag NTWS142-7M www.ironstop.com 17 ANIMATED Crystal Twister Collection Our popular Crystal Twisters come alive with the addition of delightful animations. Butterfly NACT120-2M Dolphin ACT160-2M Sepia Butterfly ACTC120SEP-2M 18 Iron Stop 2014 Catalog 1.800.800.1819 x 455 Cardinal Pair NEW ACTS132-7M Sepia Dragonfly Horse ACTC170SEP-6M Hummingbird ACT240-4M Patriotic NACT142-7M NACT250-7M Vertigo ACTS291-2M Sepia Hummingbird ACTC250SEP-2M Downy Woodpecker ACTS135-2M www.ironstop.com 19 20 Iron Stop 2014 Catalog 1.800.800.1819 x 455 CLASSIC Crystal Twister Collection Our collection of 12” classic crystal twisters fills any sunny spot with beautiful dappled rainbows. Hang them in multiples to enjoy the sparkling color offered by all available sunlight! Copper/Amber Copper/Blue 8069-3 Copper/Green 8069-2 Silver/Amber 8068-3 Copper/Red 8069-4 Silver/Blue 8068-2 8069-7 Silver/Green 8068-4 Silver/Red 8068-7 www.ironstop.com 21 WHIMSICAL Crystal Twister Collection Swooping lines and three dimensional forms make this line of Crystal Twisters a whimsical delight. Hummingbird Dragonfly WHS250-7M WHS170-4M Butterfly WHS120-2M 22 Iron Stop 2014 Catalog 1.800.800.1819 x 455 Fairy WHS180-5M DESIGNER Wind Chime Collection This collection offers a 6.5” Designer Wind Spinner on top of a set of quality wind chimes finished with a color coordinated ball. These chimes are merchandised in a gift box that fits all displays. Sun DCH310-3 Butterfly Hummingbird DCH120-2 DCH250-7 Dragonfly DCH170-4 www.ironstop.com 23 LICENSED Mossy Oak® Collection All of these products use actual Mossy Oak® camo patterns to reflect the spirit of the outdoors. Animated Bass MODA110-10 Doe NEW MOD150-10 Deer MOD156-10 24 Iron Stop 2014 Catalog 1.800.800.1819 x 455 Animated Deer MODA156-10 Mallard Duck MOD105-10 Animated Salmon NEW MODA112-10 Mule Deer NEW MOD157-10 Elk MOD140-10 Trout MOD100-10 Official licensed product of Haas Outdoors, Inc., West Point, MS 39773 Animated Duck MODA105-10 Moose MOD220-10 Turkey MOD145-10 www.ironstop.com 25 LICENSED Collegiate Collection * Show your school spirit with an item from the Collegiate Collection. Our designs are school approved and officially licensed. University of Arizona University of Alabama CDT022-2M | C022-10 Arizona State University CDT021-3M | C021-10 Clemson University CDT033-3M | C033-10 26 Iron Stop 2014 Catalog 1.800.800.1819 x 455 C020-10 | CDT020-7M University of Arkansas Auburn University CDT015-7M | C015-10 CDT030-2M | C030-10 Duke University University of Florida CDT035-2M | C035-10 CDT039-2M | C039-10 Florida State University CDT040-7M | C040-10 Indiana University University of Georgia CDT045-7M | C045-10R1 University of Iowa University of Illinois CDT051-2M | C051-10 Iowa State University CDT056-7M | C056-10 CDT053-3MR1 | C053-10 CDT054-3MR1 | C054-10R1 University of Kansas Kansas State University University of Kentucky CDT055-2M | C055-10 Louisiana State University CDT067-6MR1 | C067-10R1 CDT060-6M | C060-10 University of Louisville CDT066-7MR1 | C066-10R1 * All Collegiate Products are subject to updates throughout the year. CDT065-2M | C065-10 University of Miami CDT048-4M | C048-10 www.ironstop.com 27 University of Michigan Michigan State University CDT031-4M | C031-10 CDT072-3MR1 | C072-10R1 Mississippi State University University of Missouri Montana State University University of Nebraska University of North Carolina University of Oklahoma Oklahoma State University University of Oregon CDT070-2M | C070-10 CDT075-7M | C075-10 CDT080-7MR1 | C080-10R1 CDT090-3M | C090-10 28 Iron Stop 2014 Catalog 1.800.800.1819 x 455 CDT074-3M | C074-10 CDT085-2M | C085-10 CDT104-4M | C104-10 University of Minnesota CDT079-2MR1 | C079-10R1 CDT100-7M | C100-10 Oregon State University CDT103-3MR1 | C103-10R1 Pennsylvania State University CDT102-2M | C102-10 CDT105-3MR1 | C105-10R1 Purdue University University of South Carolina University of Tennessee Texas A&M University Texas Christian University University of Texas Virginia Polytechnic Institute University of Washington Washington State University University of West Virginia University of Wisconsin CDT130-3M | C130-10 CDT155-3M | C155-10 CDT177-7M | C177-10 CDT135-7M | C135-10 CDT165-7MR1 | C165-10R1 CDT180-2M | C180-10 * All Collegiate Products are subject to updates throughout the year. CDT125-7M | C125-10 CDT134-6MR1 | C134-10R1 CDT178-6M | C178-10 CDT185-7M | C185-10 www.ironstop.com 29 30 Iron Stop 2014 Catalog 1.800.800.1819 x 455 MLB™ Licensed Products Collection* Officially Licensed by Major League Baseball properties, these designs let everyone know which team you support. Arizona Diamondbacks™ MLBDT200W-7M | MLB200W-10 Baltimore Orioles™ MLBDT100E-3M | MLB100E-10 Chicago Cubs™ MLBDT210C-7MR1 | MLB210C-10 Atlanta Braves™ MLBDT205E-7M | MLB205E-10 Boston Red Sox™ MLBDT105E-7M | MLB105E-10 Chicago White Sox™ MLBDT110C-8M | MLB110C-10 *Major League Baseball trademarks and copyrights are used with permission of Major League Baseball Properties, Inc. Visit MLB.com. All MLB Products are subject to updates throughout the year. www.ironstop.com 31 Cincinnati Reds™ MLB215C-10R1 | MLBDT215C-7MR1 Colorado Rockies™ MLBDT220W-6M | MLB220W-10 Houston Astros™ MLBDT170C-2M | MLB170C-10 Angels Baseball™ MLBDT130W-7M | MLB130W-10 32 Iron Stop 2014 Catalog 1.800.800.1819 x 455 Cleveland Indians™ MLBDT115C-7M | MLB115C-10 Detroit Tigers™ MLBDT120C-2M | MLB120C-10 Kansas City Royals™ MLBDT125C-2M | MLB125C-10 Los Angeles Dodgers™ MLB235W-10 | MLBDT235W-2M Miami Marlins™ MLBDT225E-8M | MLB225E-10 Minnesota Twins™ MLBDT135C-7M | MLB135C-10 New York Yankees™ MLBDT140E-2M | MLB140E-10 Philadelphia Phillies™ MLBDT250E-2M | MLB250E-10 Milwaukee Brewers™ MLBDT240C-2M | MLB240C-10 New York Mets™ MLBDT245E-2M | MLB245E-10 Oakland Athletics™ MLBDT145W-4M | MLB145W-10 Pittsburgh Pirates™ MLBDT255C-7M | MLB255C-10 Major League Baseball trademarks and copyrights are used with permission of Major League Baseball Properties, Inc. Visit MLB.com. All MLB Products are subject to updates throughout the year. www.ironstop.com 33 San Diego Padres™ MLBDT260W-2M | MLB260W-10 Seattle Mariners™ MLBDT150W-4M | MLB150W-10 Tampa Bay Rays™ MLBDT155E-2M | MLB155E-10 Toronto Blue Jays™ MLBDT165E-2M | MLB165E-10 34 Iron Stop 2014 Catalog 1.800.800.1819 x 455 San Francisco Giants™ MLBDT265W-3M | MLB265W-10 St. Louis Cardinals™ MLBDT270C-7M | MLB270C-10 Texas Rangers™ MLBDT160W-2M | MLB160W-10 Washington Nationals™ MLBDT275E-7M | MLB275E-10 Major League Baseball trademarks and copyrights are used with permission of Major League Baseball Properties, Inc. Visit MLB.com SPIRAL TAILS Our 12” tails are amazing, taking you back to the days of the old barber pole. People are continuously asking us, “Is that ball really climbing?” We just smile. Glows in the dark! Copper/Red 8046 Copper/Green Copper/Glow Copper/Gazing Copper/Crystal Copper/Amber Copper/Blue 8044 8057 8043 8060 8047 8045 Glows in the dark! Silver/Red Silver/Green Silver/Glow Silver/Gazing Silver/Blue Silver/Amber 8048 8042 8049 8051 8058 Silver/Crystal 8061 8050 www.ironstop.com 35 ACCESSORIES Motors & Hooks Easily display your favorite Iron Stop wind spinner or crystal twister virtually anywhere with our 36” Garden Hook. This hook makes decorating your yard or garden a breeze. The hook’s design allows it to hold our entire collection of wind spinners and crystal twisters. Change your decor with the season or as often as you change your mind. Accessorize your product with a solar or conventional motor. Battery Powered Motor 30 RPM Swivel Hooks (Uses one D Cell battery) 8010-30 Solar Powered Motor 8012 8002-25PK 7” Hooks Available in Copper 8026-I and Silver 8028-I 12 Packs: 8026-12PK and 8028-12PK Electric Powered Motor 8020 15” Hooks Available in Copper 8030-I and Silver 8035-I 12 Packs: 8030-12PK and 8035-12PK 36 Iron Stop 2014 Catalog 1.800.800.1819 x 455 New MINI SHEPHERD HOOK Landscape Decorator Now you can put beautiful color and motion anywhere on your property. Shepherd Hook GSTAKE-36 Choose any of our 10” Spinners and Twisters in this catalog. More available on-line. Three different 6.5” Crystal Spinners to choose from! See pages 15. Twenty-eight different 6.5” Designer Spinners to choose from! See pages 4-8. www.ironstop.com 37 MERCHANDISING Displays & Headers Iron Stop manufactures many different displays for versatile merchandising. We have everything from counter top displays to gondola headers complete with lights and motors to merchandise your Iron Stop products. One thing is certain - we have the perfect display that will keep your product looking fresh and inviting. Sideload Wind Spinner Box In-line Slatwall Display Header (Header Only) 48” Slatwall Header: 8815-4 In-line & End-cap Gondola Display Headers (Header Only) 36” Header: 8810-3 48” Header: 8810-4 38 Iron Stop 2014 Catalog 1.800.800.1819 x 455 30” Metal Display Stand 8820M-1 30” Double Metal Display Stand with Wheels: 8820M-2 www.ironstop.com 39 Display Stand 8110M Display Stand 8025 40 Iron Stop 2014 Catalog 1.800.800.1819 x 455 Counter Top Display 8111H Counter Top Display 8111 Counter Top Display 8125 Display Stand 8110B Display Stand 8112 www.ironstop.com 41 INDEX 2014 Iron Stop Catalog Wind Spinners DESIGNER Wind Spinners: Available in 10” and 6.5” Crystal Twisters DESIGNER Crystal Twisters: ANIMATED Wind Spinners: Description 10” Item Number Pg Description Item Number Pg Description Item Number Pg Bass D110-10 5 Butterfly NDA120-10 9 Madame Butterfly TWC121-2M 17 Butterfly D120-10 5 Sepia Butterfly DASEP120-10 9 Monarch Butterfly TWS125-3M 16 Cardinal Pair D132-10 4 Cardinal Pair DA132-10 10 Cardinal TWC130-7M 17 Chickadee D139-10 4 Dolphin DA160-10 9 Dragonfly NTWS170-4M 16 Cross D150-10 5 Sepia Dragonfly DASEP170-10 11 Hummingbird TWC251-7M 17 Stained Glass Cross D151-10 5 Horse DA240-10 11 Sailboat TWS480-2M 17 Dolphins D160-10 5 Hummingbird NDA250-10 11 USA Flag NTWS142-7M 17 Dragonfly D170-10 5 Sepia Hummingbird DASEP250-10 11 Fire Dept. D190-10 6 Patriotic NDA142-10 11 Fleur de Lis D156-10 6 Downy Woodpecker DA135-10 11 Frog D157-10 6 Vertigo DA291-10 11 Goldfinch D138-10 4 Green Hummingbird D252-10 4 Red Hummingbird D250-10 6 Kokopelli D263-10 7 Lighthouse D271-10 7 Motorcycle D275-10 7 Palm Tree D287-10 7 Peace Sign D290-10 8 Sailboat D480-10 8 Shamrock D302-10 8 Cosmic Splash D283-10 8 Hyper Splash D258-10 8 Sun D315-10 8 Tractor D340-10 8 Wolf D388-10 8 USA Flag D142-10 8 Red-Bellied Woodpecker D136-10 4 3D Wind Spinners: Description Item Number Pg Butterfly NACT120-2M 18 Sepia Butterfly ACTC120SEP-2M 18 Cardinal Pair ACTS132-7M 18 Description Item Number Pg Dolphin ACT160-2M 18 Butterfly D6110-10 12 Sepia Dragonfly ACTC170SEP-6M 19 Dragonfly D6125-10 12 Horse ACT240-4M 19 Fairy D6031-10 12 Hummingbird NACT250-7M 19 Hummingbird D6135-10 12 GAZING BALL Wind Spinners: Sepia Hummingbird ACTC250SEP-2M 19 Patriotic NACT142-7M 19 Vertigo ACTS291-2M 19 Downy Woodpecker ACTS135-2M 19 Description Item Number Pg Butterfly D1515-10 13 Galaxy D1501-10 13 CLASSIC Crystal Twisters: Splash D1532-10 13 Description Teardrop D1538-10 13 Copper Crystal Twisters Multiple Colors 21 Silver Crystal Twisters Multiple Colors 21 CRYSTAL Wind Spinners: Description 42 Iron Stop 2014 Catalog 1.800.800.1819 x 455 ANIMATED Crystal Twisters: Item Number Pg Pg WHIMSICAL Crystal Twisters: Butterfly D7515-10 15 Description Item Number Pg Flower D7526-10 15 Butterfly WHS120-2M 22 Hyper Splash D7531-10 15 Dragonfly WHS170-4M 22 Zenith Splash D7533-10 15 Fairy WHS180-5M 22 Hummingbird WHS250-7M 22 Sun D7545-10 14 Indigo Teardrop D7538-10 15 Viridian Teardrop D7536-10 15 Wind Chimes Description Item Number Pg Butterfly DCH120-2 23 Dragonfly DCH170-4 23 Hummingbird DCH250-7 23 Sun DCH310-3 23 Licensed Products Accessories COLLEGIATE Collection: MOSSY OAK Collection: Description Item Number Pg Wind Spinner & Crystal Twister Pg Animated Bass MODA110-10 24 University of Alabama 26 Animated Deer MODA156-10 25 University of Arizona 26 Animated Mallard Duck MODA105-10 25 University of Arkansas 26 Deer MOD156-10 24 Arizona State University 26 Mule Deer MOD157-10 25 Auburn University 26 Doe MOD150-10 24 Clemson University 26 Mallard Duck MOD105-10 25 Duke University 26 Elk MOD140-10 25 University of Florida 26 Moose MOD220-10 25 Florida State University 27 Animated Salmon MODA112-10 25 University of Georgia 27 Trout MOD100-10 25 University of Illinois 27 Turkey MOD145-10 25 Indiana University 27 University Of Iowa 27 Iowa State University 27 University Of Kansas 27 Kansas State University 27 University of Kentucky 27 University of Louisville 27 Louisiana State University 27 MLB™ Collection: Wind Spinner & Crystal Twister Pg Arizona Diamondbacks™ 31 Atlanta Braves™ 31 Baltimore Orioles™ 31 Boston Red Sox™ 31 Chicago Cubs™ 31 Chicago White Sox™ 31 Cincinnati Reds™ 32 Cleveland Indians™ 32 Colorado Rockies™ 32 Detroit Tigers™ 32 Houston Astros™ 32 Kansas City Royals™ 32 Angels Baseball™ 32 Los Angeles Dodgers™ 32 Miami Marlins™ 33 Milwaukee Brewers™ 33 Minnesota Twins™ 33 New York Mets™ 33 New York Yankees™ 33 Oakland Athletics™ 33 Philadelphia Phillies™ 33 Pittsburgh Pirates™ 33 San Diego Padres™ 34 San Francisco Giants™ 34 Seattle Mariners™ 34 St. Louis Cardinals™ 34 Tampa Bay Rays™ 34 Texas Rangers™ 34 Toronto Blue Jays™ 34 Washington Nationals™ 34 University of Miami 27 University of Michigan 28 Michigan State University 28 University of Minnesota 28 Mississippi State University 28 University of Missouri 28 Montana State University 28 University of Nebraska 28 University of North Carolina 28 University of Oklahoma 28 Oklahoma State University 28 University of Oregon 28 Oregon State University 28 Pennsylvania State University 29 Purdue University 29 University Of South Carolina 29 University of Tennessee 29 Texas A&M University 29 Texas Christian University 29 University of Texas 29 Virginia Polytechnic Institute 29 University of Washington 29 Washington State University 29 West Virginia University 29 University of Wisconsin 29 Description Item Number Pg 7” Hook Copper 8026-1 36 7” Hook Silver 8028-1 36 15” Hook Copper 8030-1 36 15” Hook Silver 8035-1 36 36” Shepherd Hook GSTAKE-36 37 S-Hook Swivel 8002-25PK 36 Battery Powered Motor 8010-30 36 Electric Powered Motor 8020 36 Solar Powered Motor 8012 36 Spiral Tails Multiple Colors 35 Merchandising Description Item Number Pg Counter Top Display 8111 41 Counter Top Display 8111H 41 Counter Top Display 8125 41 Display Stand 8110B 41 Display Stand 8112 41 Display Stand - Metal 8110M 40 Display Stand - Metal Tree 8025 40 Inline Gondola Header - 36” 8810-3 38 Inline Gondola Header - 48” 8810-4 38 Inline Slatwall Header - 48” 38 8815-4 Metal Display One-Sided - 30” 8820M-1 39 Metal Display Two-Sided - 30” 8820M-2 39 www.ironstop.com 43 Designer Green Hummingbird, Page 4 Crystal Flower Page 15 Animated Cardinal Pair Page 10 Designer Lighthouse Page 7 Mossy Oak Doe Page 24 Mossy Oak Animated Salmon, Page 25 Crystal Hyper Splash Page 15 Designer Goldfinch Page 4 Designer Cardinal Pair Page 4 Designer Red-Bellied Woodpecker, Page 4 Galaxy Gazing Ball Page 13 Designer Chickadee Page 4 Woodstream Corporation 69 North Locust Street Lititz, PA 17543 800-800-1819 x 455 www.ironstop.com For image downloads, please visit www.woodstream.com and click on the Image Library. Patents US 6,783,815; US D472,183 All designs copyright Woodstream Corp. © 2014
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