Exhibition review
Exhibition review
19 th EDITION 20-23 MARCH BIEL, LEBANON 4 - 9 P.M. Meet the entire foodservice industry face to face at the region’s annual hospitality and food event horecashow.com EXHIBITION REVIEW AN EVENT BY JOIN THE CONVERSATION Dekwaneh, Beirut - Lebanon, P.O.Box 90155 Jdeidet El Metn, 12022020, Beirut - Lebanon, Tel.: +961 1 480081, Fax: +961 1 482876, [email protected], hospitalityservices.com.lb HORECA 1012 EXHIBITOR’S LIST AUSTRALIA MEAT & LIVESTOCK AUSTRALIA FRANCE ATELIER DES CHEFS GROUPE BEL PAIN D’EPICES MIREILLE OSTER PERNOD RICARD AND NEXTY S.A.R.L. PIERRE AZAR TRADING S.A.L. - VALRHONA ROBOT - COUPE SEB - NEXTY S.A.R.L. TEFAL – HAILA & CO. IRAN AYSUDA IRAN BEHNOUSH COMPANY MEHR SANAT ESPADANA PAYA CONSERVE SAHARKHIZ SAFFRON CO. SHOKOOH. BONAB. CO. ITALY BOVO S.R.L. BUSSY S.R.L. CARTOTECNICA TADDIA S.P.A. CASTELMAC SPA CIGUSTA COQUUS - LUX S.R.L. GEL - MATIC ITALIA S.R.L. IACOBUCCI EQUIPMENT & SERVICES - MIDDLE EAST FZCO ISA S.R.L. PREGEL S.P.A. TECHNOGEL S.P.A. UGOLINI SPA JORDAN AL NABIL COMPANY FOR FOOD PRODUCTS THE DELIGHTS SHOP KSA BAJA DELICACY LOUNGE KUWAIT TRESOR GENERAL TRADING & CONTRACTING CO. LEBANON 3M GROUP SERVICES 53 DOTS A.P. TECH. ABDO H.MOUKARZEL - SIGNS MAKERS ABI RAMIA BROS S.A.R.L. ABI SEMAAN MARCHE MODERNE ACE - AUTOMATION & CONSULTING ENTERPRISE S.A.R.L. ADYAR AL FURSAN FOR GENERAL TRADING S.A.R.L. AL KANATER AL RABIH - SONACO AL RIFAI ROASTERY S.A.L. AL SINAA WAL IKTISSAD AL SULTAN FOOD STUFF CO. ALFA INTERFOOD S.A.L. ALPHA EST. FOR INDUSTRY & TRADE AMBASSADE DE FRANCE – UBIFRANCE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY - AUT AMG MEDICAL ARLA KALLASSI FOODS LEBANON ARMOBEL ART METAL S.A.L. ARTS, SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY IN LEBANON - A.U.L ARUBA - HINTRAG ASHEIKH SALIM COMPANY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ASSOCIATION OF LEBANESE INDUSTRIALISTS ATYAB - BOULOS OLIVE OIL AUCE - AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF CULTURE & EDUCATION AUTOXPERT S.A.L. AZWAK DELIGHT S.A.L. BAKALIAN FLOUR MILLS SIDUL S.A.L. BALKIS S.A.L. BANQUE LIBANO - FRANÇAISE S.A.L. BARAKAT INTERNATIONAL LEBANON S.A.R.L. BARISTA ESPRESSO BATROUN MOUNTAINS WINERY BAYT.COM BBOX ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN BEABLOO ME BEFCO S.A.L. BEIRUTNIGHTLIFE.COM BEIRUTRESTAURANTS.COM BEKAPLAST CO. BIM POS BIOMASS S.A.L. BOECKER PUBLIC HEALTH S.A.L. BOLERO BONJUS BOOKERIA BOUTIC'HOTEL BUREAU VERITAS LIBAN S.A.L. BUSINESS UNLIMITED BUZZ-FREEZ-CHATEAU KA-KASSATLY CHTAURA CAFÉ ABI NASR / ETS. RAFIC ABI NASR CAFÉS RICHARD - GABRIEL BOCTI S.A.L. CALIFOOD CO. S.A.R.L. CALVATIS MEA CASTANIA NUTS CAVE DU MONASTERE ST. JEAN CDS - JURA LEBANON CHATEAU KHOURY CHATEAU KSARA S.A.L. CHATEAU MUSAR CHATEAU QANAFAR S.A.R.L. CHATEAU ST. THOMAS CHLALA INTERNATIONAL CONVIVIO S.A.R.L. COPAR CREATIVE IMPACT CRYSTAL DECO THE ART OF GLASS DAILY PRODUCTS CO. (NADEC) DAIRY KHOURY & CO. S.A.L. DAL MARE GROUP S.A.R.L. DEKERCO S.A.R.L. DOMAINE DES TOURELLES DOSSCHE MILLS - DEINZE (BELGIUM) EDUCOM OVERSEAS ELECTRO GROUP INTERNATIONAL ELODEA ELSA S.A.L. EMBASSY OF ITALY - ITALIAN TRADE COMMISSION EMF TRADING LTD. ENGINEERING, DESIGN, & MANUFACTURING S.A.R.L. - EDM ENOLOGIA S.A.L. ENTOTOX PUBLIC HEALTH S.A.R.L. EQUIP'HOTEL ETS. ANTOINE MASSOUD ETS. SALIM BAYOUN EUROTRADE CATERING EQUIPMENT FAIR TRADE LEBANON FARHAT BAKERY EQUIPMENT FNB TRADING FOOD PLUS MARKETEERS FOODORAMA FREDY WORLD EST. TRADE & INDUSTRY FRESCA GARFF GROUP GEMCO S.A.R.L. GENERAL PROMOTION ME S.A.L. GETAWAY GHALICO GHANEM DEVELOPMENT & TRADING (GDT) GHATTAS TRADING GM&A GOLD BY MOUKARZEL GROHE MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA GWR CONSULTING HBOUBNA HICE S.A.L. HISAR BY SOLEA HODEMA CONSULTING SERVICES HOREPA PACKING & TRADING HOREQUIP S.A.R.L. HOSPITALITY NEWS MAGAZINE I. HAKIM DOWEK & SONS S.A.L. ICHIBAN GROUP ICU S.A.R.L. (INNOVATIVE CONCEPTS UNDERTAKERS) I-DAW IDEAZ FACTORY IESCO S.A.R.L. INDUSTRIAL & PRINTING SYSTEMS INTERAL S.A.R.L. INTERBRAND S.A.L. INTERNATIONAL TRADE CENTER INTHRA S.A.R.L. IPEC S.A.R.L. ISO LIBAN ISTIRADGT JABAL NATURAL JEAN ZAKKA FILS S.A.L. JOE BARZA CULINARY CONSULTANCY JOUEIDI DEVELOPMENT KAMAPLAST KARAM WINERY KAROUT GRAND STORES KEBBI SOCIETE POUR LE COMMERCE KFF FOOD AND BEVERAGE KOBAYTER FRERES S.A.L. LABEL PLUS S.A.R.L. LE CUIR LEATHER AMENITIES LE ROYAL HOTELS & RESORTS - BEIRUT LE VENDOME BEIRUT LEBANESE FRANCHISE ASSOCIATION LEBANESE MEZZE ESTABLISHMENT LIBAN LAIT LIBANFRUITS LIBANPACK LIBRAIRIE ANTOINE LONG RANGE SYSTEMS LUISCO MAALOUF INDUSTRY & TRADING CO. MABSOUT & IDRISS / HOSPI FOODS MAGIC CARPET MANYFOOD S.A.R.L. MATADOR CHOCOLATE MATIGNON IMAGES ET TABLEAUX MAURICE JABRA S.A.L. MEDILINE MEFOSA FOOD SAFETY MEN DAYETNA FOOD COMPANY MEPTICO MG HOTEL SUPPLIES MIDDLE EAST AIRLINES AIRLIBAN MIDDLE EAST FOOD MAGAZINE MINA ELITE FOR INDUSTRY MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE MINISTRY OF TOURISM MODE-EX SAMI KARAM MODERN BRANDS CO. MOKBEL FOR FOOD STUFF MORACO MULTI-NATIONAL BUSINESS CO. (MBC) NAJJARCO. S.A.R.L. NANSA NASR TRADING GROUP S.A.R.L. NATGAZ S.A.L. NAY WATER NESTLE PROFESSIONAL NESTLE WATERS NOVABURO - AQUASAFE OJAMCO PRINT & PACK INDUSTRY OMEGA SOFTWARE OUMSIYAT PATE BOULANGER (SEA SLIM) PHOENICIA HOTEL POLYTRA S.A.R.L. POWER HORSE - GABRIEL BOCTI S.A.L. PRIMOGEL PRUNELLE S.A.L. QUALEB - MOET RBML MICROBIOLOGY LABS RITCOM MANAGEMENT CONSULTING GROUP ROTANA HOTELS ROYAL GOURMET S.A.L. SABITECH BAKERY EQUIPMENT SAGESSE UNIVERSITY - FACULTY OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT SALTEK SAMTEC SANNINE SANNINE ROASTERY SELECT MARKETING & SERVICES SFEIR INDUSTRIES GROUP SFG OUBARY S.A.R.L. SIBLOU SLEEP COMFORT SNOBIZ SOCIETE INDUSTRIELLE DE CONDITIONNEMENT (S.I.C.) SOCIETE JABRA S.A.L. SODI - PERRIER SOFIL CATERING SOFTWARE GROUP SOLARCO SOLEA SOLECTRON SOM3A'S EDIBLE ARRANGEMENTS SOUK EL TAYEB SPANISH GOURMET LEBANON SPECIFICO & CO. STE. ASSAAD GABRIEL & FILS STE. BREISS GROUP STE. DACCACHE GREEN LINE S.A.R.L. STE. ETS. MICHEL NAJJAR TAANAYEL LES FERMES TAWRID - FAIREY WATER SAFETY TELETRADE HOLDING GROUP THE FEDERATION OF THE CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE, INDUSTRY & AGRICULTURE IN LEBANON THE NIELSEN COMPANY THE ROASTER S.A.L. TIME OUT BEIRUT TIRE BOUCHON S.A.L. - TERROIRS ET VINS TOMADO S.A.R.L. TQCSI TRADING GATE S.A.R.L. TRAMA TRANS MEDITERRANEAN AIRWAYS TURNKEY VENTURES UCI "UNITED COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CO." U-FOOD S.A.L. UNICO S.A.L. UNIGAZ INTERNATIONAL UNIMAR USAID USEK - LE CORDON BLEU USINE LAVELUXE IND. VACUUM BAGS S.A.R.L. VARY FOOD S.A.R.L. VIGNIA VERDE S.A.R.L. - EXPERTS VIGNE & VIN VISION GROUP HOSPITALITY RECRUITMENT VITRUM S.A.R.L. VODKA PLUS WALID'S TRADING WELL-BEING TRADE WILBI S.A.R.L. WINES OF LEBANON - IXSIR ZAKKA MULTITEC S.A.R.L. ZIZETTE GROUP MEXICO LEGOLAS GRUPO INDUSTRIAL OMAN AATCO POLAND BEY TRADE POLAND BOKS - POL BOMEX CHOCOMOCO PG GROUP / BLOW PHOENICIAN POL - FOODS TECHNO - DREW WIRELAND SRI LANKA ESWARAN BROTHERS IMPERIAL TEAS (PVT) LTD. SWEDEN MIXMASTER SYRIA MAHMOUD FOR SWEETS THAILAND ASA BANGKOK LIMITED CHALONG CO., LTD. CHANG AWARDS (1959) LIMITED S.P.A. INTERNATIONAL FOOD GROUP SUREE INTERFOODS CO., LTD. THAI SHING YE INTER - MARKETING CO., LTD. TUNISIA TUNISIE PORCELAINE BASHAN TARIMSAL ÜRÜNLERİ PAZARLAMA SANAYİ VE DIS TİCARET A.S. EKTA FLOUR MILLS INC. GESAS GENERAL FOOD INC. KAFKAS PASTA SEKERLEME SAN. VE TIC. A.S. KESKINOGLU IC & DIS TICARET LTD STI KRISTAL KOLA VE MESRUBAT SAN. TIC. A.S. KURTAY INSAAT KOZMETIK VE GIDA DIS TIC. LTD. STI. MEMISSAN GIDA VE AMBALAJ PAZ. SAN. VE TIC. LTDI. STI. PAK IHRACAT A.S. SELTEN ULUSLARARASI FUAR VE AKS. TIC. LTD. STI. SUNAR PAZARLAMA VE DIS TIC. LTD. STI. TURKISH POULTRY PROMOTION GROUP TURKISH SEAFOOD PROMOTION COMMITTEE HEARD AND SEEN HORECA 19th edition HORECA 2012 tations ec surpasses all exp The largest hospitality and food exhibition in Lebanon opened its doors and confirmed Beirut as “Capital of Taste” Under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Tourism Fady Abboud, HORECA 2012 inaugurated its muchanticipated annual show at Biel on Tuesday, March 20, in the presence of distinguished personalities and presidents of unions and associations, as well as ambassadors and media representatives. HORECA executive director, Joumana Dammous-Salamé, voiced her delight at having Italy as the "Country in the Spotlight" this year.Fifteen Italian companies grouped to promote their expertise in the field of equipment, food, wines and spirits, products, materials and hospitality management services. The largest and best attended exhibition, HORECA 2012, is a magnet for both Lebanon and the region’s hospitality industry and has played an important role in boosting the country’s economy, with participants extending from well beyond the region’s borders and including official pavilions. The four-day event attracted a staggering 12,000 visitors from various industry fields across the region. They visited an extensive variety of exhibitors and attended an exceptional array of more than 9 daily activities that included a series of competitions and live shows, in which more than 400 participants from a multitude of establishments showcased their skills over. The Annual Hospitality Forum, a series of workshops, took place alongside Horeca covering several topics on the latest consumer and product trends influencing the industry. The Int'l Food Safety Seminar by The Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Lebanon (FCCIAL) was held on March 22. And the National Food Industry Day by the Syndicate of Lebanese Food Industries in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy and Trade and United Agency for International Development UNIDO was held on March 23. Horeca 2013, the 20th edition will take place from April 9 -12 70 - Hospitality News - N° 81 - APR / MAY 2012 HORECA FACTS Exhibitors: More than 400 | Visitors: +12,000 Square meters: 7,000 sqm of stands & 2,000 sqm of daily events Pavilions: France, Iran, Italy, Thailand & Turkey Individual companies: Cyprus, France, Iran, Italy, Jordan, KSA, Kuwait, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Syria, Thailand, Turkey & UAE HEARD AND SEEN HORECA News from HORECA Quality products from established suppliers U-Food sal, a leading distributor of multinational brands operating in Lebanon, was established in 1994 to import fresh products from France and has grown to become one of the major players in the specialty cheese market. Over the years, U-food has evolved to include a large and innovative assortment of quality food products. It is the sole representative of international brands and its major suppliers are mainly European companies. U-Food’s participation at Horeca 2012 was really distinguished. They presented Diamantina, Australia’s finest beef, and were one of the silver sponsors of the Salon Culinaire. They organized several tasting sessions at the Meat Livestock Australia (MLA) booth where professional buyers were able to taste different Diamantina cuts. In addition to the Salon Culinaire, U-Food presented Boursin’s new concept, Boursin Tartine, at the French pavilion. Visitors were able to appreciate Boursin’s Tartine éclats de Noix, Ciboulette corsée and well-known Ail et Fines herbes flavors. u-foodsal.com Behind every great recipe, a great product Tanmia was the Platinum sponsor of the highly successful, lively and animated Atelier Gourmand. Throughout the show chefs and food connoisseurs imparted their skills. Two of the leading culinary artists that exhibited their talents in front of an appreciative audience were chefs Daoud Hanna and Khalil Maalouf. Chef Daoud Hanna, 2nd place winner in Top Chef 2011, and Chef Khalil Maalouf, gold medal winner of the Kuwaiti’s HORECA 2011 in the Lebanese Mezza category, both welcomed the idea of cooking with Tanmia chicken, because it meets their standards of health, cleanliness and taste. On the menu were Chef Daoud’s Warm Chicken Salad and Chef Khalil’s Chicken Filet with Herbs and Lemon Sauce. Both meals were meticulously prepared by the chefs using Tanmia and were tasted by the visitors who described them as innovative and succulent. Trust Tanmia for the most creative, delicious meals and to awaken the chef in you. tanmia.com 72 - Hospitality News - N° 81 - APR / MAY 2012 ANNUAL HOSPITALITY FORUM Syndicate of Lebanese Food Industries seminar International Food Safety seminar Packaging Innovation Park Mohammad Najia, Ghassan Aidi at the Gold Club Lounge Hospitality Services stand Librairie Gourmande Media Lounge NIES FLORAL SYMPHO Hospitality News - N° 81 - APR / MAY 2012 - 73 HEARD AND SEEN HORECA LINAIRE U C N O L A S Y IT L HOSPITA TITION E P M O C F E H C R & JUNIO 1 2 5 9 10 74 - Hospitality News - N° 81 - APR / MAY 2012 3 6 7 11 12 4 8 Judes and organizing committee Ecole Hotelière Zgarta students Joe Barza, Claire Verneil, Guillome Gomez, Jean-Francois LeMercier Arabic Sweets Gold Alaa Ashrafi Le Royal Hotel Beirut (2) • Silver Ziad Iskandaran Moevenpick Hotel & Resort Beirut • Bronze Mohamad Ali Chennawi Al Tom Brothers • Mahmoud Ondash Phoenicia Hotel Beirut Cold Canapés Gold 1st Gold • Raouf Zeaiter Le Royal Hotel Beirut (23) • Hadi Saroufim Le Vendome Beirut InterContinental (12) • Bassel Haidar Phoenicia Hotel Beirut (5) • Silver Rodrigue Jabbour Le Gray Hotel • Bronze Georges Khouryaty InterContinental Mountain Resort And Spa Mzaar Cold Platter Of Fish Poultry Or Meat Gold 1st Gold • Assaad Akl Burgundy Wine Bar (4) • Maroun Harb Le Royal Hotel Beirut (20) • Silver Ali Lakkis Moevenpick Hotel & Resort Beirut • Bronze Hani Younis Hazmieh Rotana Hotel • Hani Matar Holiday Inn Beirut Dunes Hotel • Hussein Kheireddine Phoenicia Hotel Beirut Live Cold Sandwich Making Competition Gold 1st Gold • Rita Kareh Shtrumpf (22) • Mahmoud Baarini Gala Catering (16) • Hamza Haj Hassan Le Gray Hotel (8) • Ihab Nassar Moevenpick Hotel & Resort Beirut (9) • Silver Dany Haber Casper And Gambinis • Fadel Abbas Choukeir Larissa Catering • Georges Hayek Le Royal Hotel Beirut • Mohammad Nehmeh Phoenicia Hotel Beirut • Ahmad Al Ess Phoenicia Hotel Beirut • Ali Hajj Hussein Safir Heliopolitan Hotel Beirut • Mazen Mattar Shtrumpf • Nicolas Sodette Sofil Catering • Pascal Khairallah Zouki For Lebanon • Bronze Mario Najem Casper and Gambinis • Ibrahim Khalil La Table D'Alfred • Mohamad Jaber Le Gray Hotel • Walid Moustafa Le Royal Hotel Beirut • Grace Abi Khattar Le Royal Hotel Beirut • Antoun Naiim Shtrumpf Live Creation Gold Antonio Chamoun & Hussein Shhoury La Table D'Alfred (3) • Silver Hussein Hajj Sleiman & Ziad El Haber Phoenicia Hotel Beirut • Bronze Abdo Chdid & Ali Hijazi Le Gray Hotel • Nabil Fayad & Ahmad Moussa Sofil Catering Live Fruit And Vegetable Carving Gold Tawee Chai Saithong Phoenicia Hotel Beirut (26) • Silver Charbel Karam Country Lodge Club & Resort • Issam Wehbeh Gefinor Rotana Hotel Live Meat Dish Competition Gold Khalil Ramadan & Amer Reslan Le Gray Hotel (13) • Silver Hilal Kaafarani & Mohamad Allam Momo At The Souks • Mohammad Allam & Ali Ayoub Phoenicia Hotel Beirut • Bronze Mohamad Ezzedine & Ali Saad Moevenpick Hotel & Resort Beirut • Wissam Abdel Baki & Khalil Rabah Phoenicia Hotel Beirut • Ibrahim Jomaa & Patrick Khoury Shtrumpf Live Mezza Gold Hicham Farhat & Alaa Assaf Phoenicia Hotel Beirut (11) • Silver Nadia Sahab & Kifah Mawafak Gefinor Rotana Hotel • Bronze Raed Kordab & Omar Taleb Capital Restaurant • Ibrahim Hazoury & Jad Hobeish Raouche Arjaan by Rotana Open Showpiece Gold Ahmad Farhat Four Seasons Beirut (1) • Mohamad Hamouch Moevenpick Hotel & Resort Beirut (17) • Bronze Richard Makhoul Gefinor Rotana Hotel • Omar Ghanam Le Gray Hotel Rabih Nehme Chady El Hajj Single Tier Novelty Cake Gold Nasser Merhi Safir Heliopolitan Hotel Beirut (24) • Silver Georges Bou Khazen Sofil Catering • Bronze Hussein Farhat Golden Tulip Galleria Hotel • Wael Daher Le Gray Hotel Six Course Set Dinner Menu Gold Nader Shamseddine Phoenicia Hotel Beirut (21) • Elie Menhem Le Royal Hotel Beirut (7) • Silver Alaa Masri Moevenpick Hotel & Resort Beirut • Hadi Khalil Sofil Catering • Bronze Rudy Gerges Gala Catering • Mohamad Oraybeh Hazmieh Rotana Hotel • Rami Samit Le Blanc Catering • Joe Hajj Le Vendome Beirut InterContinental Three Plated Dessert Presentation Gold Rami Boutros Bread and Roses (25) • Marie Therese El Kassis Le Royal Hotel Beirut (18) • Silver Saleh Al Mawla Le Gray Hotel • Ali Beddah Sofil Catering • Bronze Hassan Mattar Hazmieh Rotana Hotel • Hussein Nasser Holiday Inn Beirut Dunes Hotel • Kassem Majed Phoenicia Hotel Beirut Live Lebanese Dish Silver • Georges Debes & Rami Saade Capital Restaurant • Mohamad Haidar & Chady Bou Chakra Le Royal Hotel Beirut • Bronze Kamil Feghali & Maroun Hamzo Casper & Gambinis • Dany Tabet & Yehya Rawas Moevenpick Hotel & Resort Beirut • Hicham Farhat & Ahmad Tahan Phoenicia Hotel Beirut • Abdallah Sleiman & Hussein Haydar Saida Rest House Cup Cake Competition Bronze Ali Zein Moevenpick Hotel & Resort Beirut Live Junior Chef Competition Gold Elie Abi Nader & Elie Haddad AUST - American University of Science & Technology (27) Hospitality News - N° 81 - APR / MAY 2012 - 75 HEARD AND SEEN HORECA 13 17 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 27 24 25 26 • Silver Georges Nassar & Marc Hage CIT - Centre International des Sciences Techniques • Christian Akiki & Michael El Murr NDU - Notre Dame University • Rita Yazbeck & Natacha Keuchguerian USJ - Institut des Gestion des Entreprises • Firas Merhej & Walid Francis NDU - Notre Dame University • Bronze Rita El Hage & Junaya Nakhal University of Balamand • Ahmad Jouni & Issa Mokdad AUL - Arts, Sciences & Technology University in Lebanon • Michelle Nasr & Ahmad Al Sayed AUST - American University of Science & Technology • Rami Mahmoud & Bachir Harballi Ecole Hoteliere - Bir Hasan • Yves Osta & Rodrick Al Achkar LTA - Lycee Technique Ajaltoun Live Junior Cold Sandwich Making Competition Gold Rachel Bado NDU - Notre Dame University (19) • Elie Haddad AUST - American University of Science & Technology (6) • Naiim El Mir LTA - Lycee Technique Ajaltoun (14) • Kamil Sayah USJ - Institut des Gestion des Entreprises • Silver Ahmad Jouni AUL - Arts, Sciences & Technology University in Lebanon • Rouba Ayoub AUST American University of Science & Technology • Ahmad Al Sayed AUST - American University of Science & Technology • Elie Abou Nader AUST - American University of Science & Technology • Raymonda El Chami LTA - Lycee Technique Ajaltoun • Sarah Baydoun NDU - Notre Dame University • Micheal Abi Nakhoul NDU - Notre Dame 76 - Hospitality News - N° 81 - APR / MAY 2012 University • Christiane Awad NDU - Notre Dame University • Flavia Khoury University of Balamand • Bronze Marc Hage CIT - Centre International des Sciences Techniques • Rita El Kai LTA - Lycee Technique Ajaltoun • Tony Jabbour NDU - Notre Dame University Service Competition Gold Marc Sfeir & Reine Zgheib LTA - Lycee Technique Ajaltoun (15) • Silver Lyne Jisr & Flavia Khoury University of Balamand • Bronze Rouba Ayoub & Samer Sokhen AUST - American University of Science & Technology • Maria Garahed & Marina Jisry CIT - Centre International des Sciences Techniques • Melissa Haddad & Celine Daou NDU Notre Dame University • Joseph Zaylah & Melissa Nicolaos NDU - Notre Dame University HEARD AND SEEN HORECA Hospitality Salon Culinaire Winners ESTABLISHMENT NAME GOLD SILVER BRONZE MERIT CATEGORIES ENTERED • Le Royal Hotel Beirut 5 2 2 2 11 • Phoenicia Hotel Beirut 4 4 5 2 15 • Le Gray Hotel 2 2 4 8 • Moevenpick Hotel & Resort Beirut 2 3 3 8 • Bread And Roses 1 1 • Burgundy Wine Bar 1 1 • Four Seasons Beirut 1 1 • Gala Catering 1 1 2 • La Table D'alfred 1 1 2 • Le Vendome Beirut InterContinental 1 1 2 • Safir Heliopolitan Hotel Beirut 1 1 • Shtrumpf 1 1 2 • Sofil Catering 4 1 5 • Gefinor Rotana Hotel 2 1 3 • Capital Restaurant 1 1 • Casper & Gambinis 1 2 • Country Lodge Club & Resort 1 1 • Larissa Catering 1 1 • Momo at the Souks 1 1 • Zouki for Lebanon 1 1 2 2 2 6 4 3 • Hazmieh Rotana Hotel 3 • Holiday Inn Beirut Dunes Hotel 2 2 • Golden Tulip Galleria Hotel 1 1 • Intercontinental Mountain Resort and Spa Mzaar 1 1 • Le Blanc Catering 1 1 2 • Raouche Arjaan by Rotana 1 1 2 • Saida Rest House 1 1 2 • Al Tom Brothers 1 1 1 1 • Eatalian 4 1 Live Junior Chefs Competition Winners ESTABLISHMENT NAME GOLD SILVER BRONZE MERIT CATEGORIES ENTERED • A.U.S.T - American University of Science & Technology 2 3 2 • L.T.A. - Lycee Technique Ajaltoun 2 1 2 5 • N.D.U - Notre Dame University 1 5 3 9 • U.S.J - Institut des Gerstion des Entreprises 1 1 1 • University Of Balamand 2 1 • A.U.L - Arts, Sciences & Technology University in Lebanon 1 1 • C.I.T. - Centre International des Sciences Techniques 1 2 • Ecole Hoteliere - Bir Hasan • L.A.U - Lebanese American University 78 - Hospitality News - N° 81 - APR / MAY 2012 1 1 8 3 3 1 3 3 3 4 2 2 HEARD AND SEEN HORECA ANESE B E L & D N A M R U ATELIER GO AGE CULINARY HERIT Khalil Maalouf The Atelier Gourmand & Lebanese Culinary Heritage is a deliciously unique event where prominent international chefs unleash their talent and invite trade visitors to participate in tasting sessions on a defined cooking or product theme. This year’s busy schedule included some not to missed highlights. Sleiman Khawand Mohamed Ourad Claire Verneil Daoud Hanna Conosci il Tuo Pasto Certification British forager, Miles Irving, came to Lebanon to explore its wild plants, and he discovered a strong tradition of using such plants in the Lebanon’s cuisine. “We hope that the new trend hitting Europe will incite Lebanese chefs to go back to this tradition that is still very much alive in their homes.” Tawlet Souk El Tayeb Hande Bozdogan Suzanne Husseini Miles Irving Remy Lefebvre and Barbara Massaad Turkey’s foremost female chef and founder of the Istanbul Culinary Institute, Hande Bozdogan, explained how the Mediterranean way of eating in the world started as a trend itself. With more olive oil and less butter, with more fish and less meat, with more grains and vegetable, the Mediterranean diet has became the healthy way of life, specially that is tastes so good. Tony Ramy, owner of Sultan Brahim restaurant group, revealed variations of our beloved hummus in a lively tasting session. Attendees’ taste buds were tickled by 11 varieties of hummus. “Choosing the right chick peas, one that is small and very dry, is essential is hummus making,” explains Ramy. Wearing miniature spoons and spatulas for earrings, Suzanne Husseini gave the public a taste of her unique cooking. Husseini has a very intimate relation with food. “When I cook any dish, I go back down memory lane to unique souvenirs around food. I try to breathe life into everything I cook” Al Sultan Brahim Team 80 - Hospitality News - N° 81 - APR / MAY 2012 E LAB IN W D N A E G A R E BEV take a bow rs gold medal winne Wine Service Competition Judges: Katty Hark, Fady leSidon,Najib Motran, Salim Hleywa, Gaby Bustros, Rania Chouaifaty Philippe Guillon and Najib Motran Aziz Wardy Nagy Rizk Fady Jaadan Wine Sevice Competition Winners Bernard El Helou Elie Nehme Sevag Jerejian Micheal Karam Adrea Fidora Bahaa Eddine Al Hariri Wine lovers and connoisseurs had the opportunity to sample local and regional production of wine and spirits. From wine to arak, passing by beer and nonalcoholic drinks, such as soft drinks, mineral water and juices, the Wine and Beverage Lab quenched every beverage enthusiast thirst. The Lab, hosted by wine specialist Mr. Najib Moutran, offered a series of workshops on wine and arak production, as well as samplings of the latest releases and blind tastings. Industry experts offered master classes and short workshops on wine, spirits and non-alcoholic beverages. Staged in an interactive setting, the sessions resulted in a unique exchange of professional know-how. Mazen Hajjar Wine Service Competition 1st Winner Elie Nehme La Posta Restaurant 2nd Winner Bernard El Helou Harbor 201 3rd Winner Bahaa Eddine Nazih al Hariri Momo at the Souks Best Wine List The Gathering Bar & Cellar Wine makers round table Hospitality News - N° 81 - APR / MAY 2012 - 81 HEARD AND SEEN HORECA IRGIN V A R T X E L A N IO THE NAT ETITION P M O C IL O E IV L O The National Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition that took place at HORECA 2012 revealed greater awareness in olive oil production and more educated Lebanese consumers. “This is the 7th year we organize the contest and it is the first time we have 9 nominees. In the previous years the number did not go over 4 or 5 nominees,” explains Nell Abou-Ghazale Hasbani, coordinator of the competition. The nominees were selected on the quality of their oil, which is tested in the lab for several indicators. Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) should test below 0.8% for acidity, below 20 for peroxides. Such attributes come from careful hand picking, quick pressing after picking, proper storage, etc. A panel of regional experts decided on the best EVVO by local producers and by local brands. However, continuous tasting and voting by visitors, as well as by members of the press revealed that the public is more aware of what good olive oil is all about. “In the past, when people tasted the EVVO, its bitterness was not very well received. 7 years later the votes are changing as the public is more aware that a good olive oil is a balance of bitterness, fruitiness and pungency,” says Abou-Ghazale Hasbani. Another competition was the Best Label & Bottle competition where the judges representing leading adverting agencies in town voted for the best label and bottle package. “Lebanese consumers like to see the oil they buy but oil is better protected when stored in dark bottles,” says Abou-Ghazale Hasbini Joseph Massoud - Biomass Guy Khoury rep - Biogourmet Producers category First • Raffoul Raffoul Cooperative for the development and manufacture of olive produce in Darboachter al Koura Ltd. • Second Joseph Khoury Willani • Third Katherine Ann Fawaz and Anwar Nakfoor • Guy Khoury Biogourmet SAL Brands category First • Qadisha Valley by Biogourmet SAL Best label & bottel category First • Biomass by Biomass SAL • Second Qadisha Valley by Biogourmet SAL • Third Sidonia by Greenpack for Lebanese Agro Industries SARL 82 - Hospitality News - N° 81 - APR / MAY 2012 Joweph Khoury-Willani Qadisha Valley rep - Biogourmet Raffoul Raffoul Cooperative rep
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