Biodiversity Case Studies


Biodiversity Case Studies
The recolonisation of Carmeuse quarry sites by the Eurasian Eagle Owl.
The Eurasian Eagle Owl (bubo bubo) is an impressive species both because of its size (nearly 80
cm tall and weighing 3 kg for the female adult) and its appearance (speckled plumage, large crest,
bright orange pupils).
It had totally disappeared from our regions after the Second World War and made a timid reappearance in the eastern part of Belgium in the early 1980s. It appears that these first Eurasian
Eagle owls come from Germany and the Central Eastern countries; they then gradually
recolonised sites in the south of the country.
For several years, Carmeuse Belgium has studied the development of the flora and fauna in its
quarries, both in activity and after rehabilitation. Carmeuse is particularly careful to create
favourable conditions for the creation of new habitats.
The scientists with whom Carmeuse works closely have ringed a number of young owls in order
the study the development of the population and to follow the movements of these superb
nocturnal raptors.
This operation was carried out in partnership with researchers from the Royal Natural Sciences
Institute of Belgium, who are very familiar with climbing techniques as well as the very delicate
technique of handling these birds.
The first observation on a Carmeuse site was conducted at the Frasnes quarry in May 1987. Since
then, the species has recolonised several quarry sites, including every Carmeuse site in Belgium.
Thus in 2008 seven nests were recorded in our Belgian quarries, both active and closed. These
observations, made by specialists, have enabled us to count ten juveniles which, once fledged,
will continue the recolonisation of the country by this fabulous bird. This rate of frequentation of
our sites is particularly high. No less than 10 % of the Belgian population of Eurasian Eagle Owls
have chosen to breed in our quarries – one Belgian owl out of ten is 'Carmeusian'!
Royal Natural Sciences Institute of Belgium
Company: Carmeuse
Country: Belgium
Preserving and developing a sand martin population on an industrial site. Context
The quarry of Frasnes produces industrial limestone for several applications such as sugar industry, construction, glass, …The plant includes a large pond for water clarification with fine limestone piles nearby. The quarry provides alternative nesting areas for this swallow which is very sensitive to habitat (river banks) degradation.
In partnership with a local birds specialist NGO, the Company helped to develop an artificial colony in an exhausted part of the quarry. During each winter, the nesting area is refreshed or repaired in order to receive the birds returning from Africa in April.
This sand martins colony is now the biggest in Belgium with more than 200 nests. It gives birds specialists the opportunity to closely follow the evolution of swallows via capture and ringing of the birds.
ASBL “Les Bocages”, Frasnes‐lez‐Couvin, Belgium
Seilles, Belgium
Conversion of a quarry into a natural zone, while maintaining and increasing biodiversity.
Carmeuse has operated the Moha site since the early years of the 20th century. The rule has
always been that sites are rehabilitated as extraction progresses.
After exploitation (in 1972), the site of the Vallêche pond beside the Mehaigne was used as a slag
pond: the sides of the pond were raised as it was filled with the deposits of clay. The banks were
replanted at the same time.
At the end of its use as a slag pond in the late 1980s, a wetland area was maintained on part of
the site, the remainder being replanted with trees of different species.
Over time, human intervention was required to enable the site to maintain its current character.
Apart from the traditional maintenance of a wooded area, these works included:
 Fighting the lowering water level, which entailed sealing the banks;
 Preventing an anarchic growth in carp numbers;
 Controlling the reed bed which tended to invade the entire pond.
Today the site is home to interesting wild life: eagle owls, grey herons, song thrushes, little
grebes, slow worms, green and common frogs, etc.
This experience shows the scope of rehabilitation to create significant biodiversity. However, this
is not possible without human intervention and monitoring, and sometimes requires the
adaptation of planting to suit the area (in particular the choice of species).
In the region, this type of pond is a valuable substitute for the sugar refinery ponds which have
now disappeared, and is often used by resting migratory birds.
Company: Hoffmann Mineral
Country: Germany
Expansion of a network of biotopes for amphibians especially the Yellow‐bellied Toad (Triturus Variegata)* and Greated Crested Newt (Triturus cristatus)*, both classified as endangered to critically endangered species. Context
The company, extracting Neuburg silicious earth since 1963, after recultivating, developes shallow pools for collecting surface water on the unstructured soil to establish long‐term biotopes on crude soil and preserve them at early stages of natural succession what is crucial to reproduction of bombina variegata. At later stages Triturus
cristatus finds its place beside the earlier entering Trituris alpestris, Trituris vulgaris and European trea frog.
To develop a sustainable network of shallow pools for the reproduction of bombina variegata. Suitable biotopes are found in present open pit mines, on recultivated former exploitation sites and also in between.
Over a large area the network is already established.
Amphibian specialist BUND Bavaria.
Société/Groupe : AGS (filiale d’IMERYS)
Carrière de Jard, Saint-Pierre-du-Palais(17), France
Etude d’espèces colonisatrices et mesures compensatoires
Lac de Jard
AGS a exploité la carrière de Jard située dans le département de Charente Maritime
dans les années 1970. Elle se situe au Sud-est d’Angoulême sur la commune de
Saint Pierre du Palais. Le site exploitait des lentilles d’argile kaolinitique à teneur
remarquable en alumine.
Le site se trouve à l’Est d’une ZNIEFF de type 2 et d’une zone Natura 2000 pour la
protection des berges du Lary et du Palais, les deux cours d’eaux avoisinants. Les
zones humides de Charente sont riches en biodiversité.
Cette ancienne carrière, mise en eau dans les années 80, est aujourd’hui une zone
humide autour de laquelle faune et flore spécifiques se sont installées.
Piment royal
Plusieurs milieux ont été mis en évidence sur les berges du lac de Jard :
-une végétation de type landes tourbeuses et aulnaie a colonisé les abords de
l’étang. Le sol siliceux régulièrement soumis à inondations y favorise le
développement d’une espèce protégée : le piment royal, plante de la famille des
- les berges de l’étang abritent un ensemble de roselière, Cariçaie (plante flottante)
et Typhaie (herbes immergées) qui accueillent la Gomphe de graslin (libellule
protégée par la directive habitat).
- sur les haies à proximité du site, la pie grièche écorcheur (espèces protégée par
la directive oiseaux et est répertoriée dans le livre Rouge National) a été observée.
Le piment royal a fait l’objet d’étude particulière. AGS a mis en place des mesures
pour comprendre les conditions de vie de cette plante et ainsi pouvoir protéger
son environnement :
Aulnaie sur les berges de l’étang contenant le piment
Octobre 2009 – MIF –1/2
• L’installation de trois piézomètres a été effectuée pour déterminer les conditions
hydrauliques favorables à la plante. De même, un pluviomètre situé sur le site
permet de compléter ces données.
• Les matériaux issus du forage sont conservés et étudiés pour mesurer le taux
d’H₂O du substrat.
• La zone a été balisée pour la circonscrire.
De plus cette biodiversité est prise en compte pour toute modification de l’utilisation
du site.
A terme, les résultats de cette étude pourraient permettre la création d’un site
naturel pour le grand public.
Piézométre et balise
• Consultation du Bureau d’étude GEOARMOR concernant les aménagements à
Octobre 2009 – MIF –2/2
Société/Groupe : AGS (Filiale d’IMERYS)
Localisation : Touvérac, Touvérac (16), France
Création d’un milieu riche en faune et flore protégées : piment royal, cistude
Site de Touvérac
AGS exploite depuis le début du 20 ème siècle les gisements de kaolins en
Charente(16) et Charente Maritime(17). La carrière de Touvérac, localisée au Sudest d’Angoulême sur la commune de Saint-Pierre-du-Palais, n’est plus exploitée
depuis les années 90.
Cette carrière a été remise en état et forme maintenant une zone humide de 35 ha.
Depuis 1995, cette zone a été reconnue ZNIEFF de type 1 et est en zone Natura
Parmi la flore protégée, le piment royal ainsi que la Simethis à feuille plane sont
présents sur le site. La faune est de même très variée avec la Cistude d’Europe
(tortue), la fauvette pitchou (oiseaux) ainsi que le damier de la succise (papillon).
Compte tenu de l’intérêt de la biodiversité qui s’est développé autour des trois
bassins, une procédure de classement en Réserve Naturelle Régionale est en
Cistude, piment royal,
damier de la sucisse, presles
Initialement la zone étant composée de champs et de forêt, suite à l’exploitation de
nouveaux milieux se sont développés :
• une zone humide est représentée par plusieurs lacs (l’étang de la
charbonnière et les terriers des renards et le plus important de Touvérac.
• des zones sèches sur substratum sablonneux.
• des pelouses et des pinèdes ont été aménagées.
Le site, propriété d’AGS (32 ha) et du CREN* (plus d’1ha) a été loué au CREN par
un bail emphytéotique pour 30 ans pour un euro symbolique. Depuis 1995, cette
association s’occupe de la gestion du site par la restauration des environnements et
leurs entretiens. Ce lieu est devenu en une dizaine d’année une référence pour sa
biodiversité. Des inventaires sont en cours pour déterminer l’évolution des
*voir section : Partenaires
Terriers des renards
Octobre 2009 – MIF –1/2
populations végétales et animales.
Ce site est ouvert au public. Depuis 2003, des belvédères y ont été aménagés et
des panneaux informatifs sensibilisent la population à différentes thématiques: la
géologie, la faune, la flore.
La gestion du site de Touvérac est confiée au Conservatoire Régional des
Espaces Naturels
Charente Nature
DREAL et conseil général de Charente
Office de tourisme
Panneaux explicatifs sur les berges de
l’Etang de la charbonnière et des terriers
des renards.
Octobre 2009 – MIF –2/2
Société/Groupe :
Pays : France
(100 à 150 caractères
maxi, espaces compris)
(200 à 350 caractères
maxi, espaces compris)
(1 000 caractères maxi,
espaces compris)
Imerys Terre Cuite
Etendre une carrière d'argiles tout en conservant le patrimoine faunistique et
floristique du site
L'extension de la carrière de Blacourt (Oise) est essentielle à la pérennité de l’activité de
l’usine de tuiles de Imerys Terre Cuite à Saint Germer de Fly (Oise). Ce projet doit
toutefois prendre en compte la présence sur le site de six espèces végétales protégées.
Imerys Terre Cuite, en collaboration avec le bureau d’études Ecothème, a décidé de
restaurer et d'entretenir tout un complexe de landes humides acides, milieu
particulièrement rare et menacé dans le nord de la France et en Europe. Ce plan
ambitieux :
prévoit de recréer ou favoriser des milieux adéquats à l’implantation de certaines
espèces végétales protégées (création de mares,…) et de déplacer les plus
importantes stations d’espèces végétales dans ce nouvel environnement. Cette
démarche très originale, qui s’étalera sur une dizaine d’années, permet notamment
de compenser la destruction d’une partie du milieu et de préserver ainsi l’intégrité
écologique sur le plan de la faune, de la flore et des habitats ;
envisage l'adhésion au réseau écologique et européen NATURA 2000, intéressé
par une partie de la zone naturelle ;
exclut du projet d'extension de la carrière un secteur de landes humides très
originales qui accueillent la majorité des espèces animales et végétales
remarquables du site de Blacourt (18 hectares concernés).
(300 à 400 caractères
maxi, espaces compris)
Depuis l'autorisation du projet par la Préfecture de l'Oise, en août 2007, la restauration
des landes humides à été lancée avec la création des milieux récepteurs pour la
transplantation des espèces végétales protégées ainsi que d'une barrière hydraulique
sur le secteur contigu à la zone d’extraction.
Une dizaine d'années seront nécessaires pour évaluer la réussite du projet.
Ecothème, bureau d’études spécialisé
Biodiversity case studies (web format) – Imerys –1/1
Société/Groupe :
Localisation :
Carrière de « la Verrerie », Lureuil (36), France
Création d’une mare de substitution pour la préservation d’un milieu à forte
valeur écologique
Carrière dite « la Verrerie »
Le site de la Verrerie est exploité pour la particularité de ces argiles dont les
propriétés physiques sont recherchées dans l’industrie du carrelage. Cette carrière
est localisée sur la commune de Lureuil, à quelques kilomètres de Châteauroux
dans la province Berrichonne.
La région nommée "région aux 1000 étangs" est protégée par différentes entités
dont le Parc Naturel Régional de la Brenne fait partie. Le site de la Verrerie, situé au
Nord-ouest de ce parc, contient des zones humides riches en faune. L’une des
espèces la plus connue est la Cistude d’Europe, tortue à carapace très sombre
emblématique de cette région. Elle est rare et de fait se trouve inscrite dans la liste
Rouge des espèces de reptiles menacées en France métropolitaine.
Cistude d’Europe
L’ouverture d’une carrière sur ce site a remis en question l’existence d’un habitat
floristique et faunistique. L’étude environnementale réalisée en 2007 a révélé la
présence de cistude dans une zone humide. La suppression de cet environnement
pendant l'exploitation a été compensée par des mesures de préservation de ce
patrimoine écologique.
2 types de mesures ont été pris:
la création d’une mare de substitution aux abords de l’exploitation et de
transfert des individus. Un milieu favorable à l’accueil d’une flore aquatique et
amphibienne a été recrée. Ainsi, la topographie du fond de la mare et son substrat
ont été travaillés.
un grillage pour empécher le retour des tortues dans la zone en activité a
été mis en place.
Mare de substitution
Octobre 2009 – MIF –1/2
La mare de substitution a été recolonisée de manière naturelle par un ensemble de
roselière. Des amphibiens et des libellules ont d’ores et déjà repris possession du
Un inventaire va être réalisé pour évaluer le bilan écologique de cette action.
Parc Naturel Régional de la Brenne
Observation lors des inventaires dans la mare originelle
Octobre 2009 – MIF –2/2
Société/Groupe : IMERYS
Carrière de Ménez Du, Loqueffret (29), France
Etude et entretien d’une parcelle pour contribuer à la meilleure connaissance
du milieu mésophile
Carrière de Ménez Du
La carrière de Ménez Du est exploitée par le groupe IMERYS pour son kaolin. Elle
se situe dans la région bretonne des Monts d’Arrée au Sud de Morlaix sur la
commune de Loqueffret.
Le site, dans les Monts d’Arrée, fait partie du Parc Régional Naturel d’Armorique. De
plus, il est classé en ZNIEFF de type 2 pour sa richesse écologique remarquable. La
lande mésophile est particulièrement protégée dans cette région avec 2 espèces :
Les sphaignes de la pylaïe et les Drosera rotundifolia. Ces deux plantes
carnivores sont rares en France. Les milieux favorables à leur développement sont
les zones très humides et acides du type lande ou tourbière.
Drosera rotundifolia
Lors des différents inventaires réalisés dans le cadre de la demande d’ouverture de Localisation
la carrière, l’impact majeur était lié au défrichement d’une partie de la lande.
Cependant, des zones écologiquement les plus intéressantes ont été repérées dans
le domaine autorisé non exploité.
Plusieurs types de mesures ont été pris pour développer la lande des Mont d’Arrée
et la diversifier :
- une collaboration sur toute la durée de l’exploitation, avec des agriculteurs locaux
pour la mise en valeur des parties non exploitées, consiste en un fauchage ou une
mise en pâture contrôlés des terrains.
- la parcelle D446 identifiée à fort potentiel écologique est étudiée en collaboration
avec le FCBE* et autres partenaires locaux. L’objectif de cette étude est de
déterminer les associations végétales au cours de l’évolution de la lande et de
mettre en évidence les paramètres favorables au développement de certaines
espèces rares. Depuis 2001, l’évolution de la lande est suivie sur cette parcelle.
Pour se faire, des placettes de 4 m² ont été défrichées partiellement ou totalement.
Parcelle D446 : lieu de l’étude
* voir section : Partenaires
Octobre 2009 – MIF –1/2
- En fin d’exploitation, l’objectif sera de restituer un sol propice à la lande en tenant
compte des observations réalisées sur la parcelle D446 étudiée. La restitution d’un
terrain de caractéristique semblable à celui d'origine, de par sa nature et sa
topographie, sera réalisée.
Les suivis réalisés par AQUATERRA permettent de connaitre l’évolution de la
parcelle D446. En 2002 et 2004, des espèces rares ont été inventoriées sur
certaines des placettes.
Le site a été colonisé de manière remarquable par la Drosera rotundiflora. Cette
espèce absente initialement s’est développée sur l’ensemble des sols ensoleillés
et nus de la parcelle. Dans les zones où la lande s’est densifiée, l’étude a montré
une disparition de la plante. Il s'agit donc d'une espèce pionnière colonisant un
milieu pauvre.
D’autres espèces telles que l’Osmonde royale ainsi que la Sphaigne ont été
observées occasionnellement sur le site. Elles font l’objet de statut de protection
Plant de Drosera rotundiflora
Un inventaire va être réalisé sur les zones réaménagées pour valider ce nouveau
milieu de substitution créé.
Recommandation pour la gestion de la parcelle D446 par la Fédération
Centre-Bretagne Environnement
Opération de suivi par AQUATERRA
Osmonde royale
Octobre 2009 – MIF –2/2
Société/Groupe : IMERYS
Site de Montpothier, Saulsotte - Montpothier (10, 51, 77), France
Localisation :
Lac du site de Montpothier
Valorisation de biodiversité dans le cadre de la réhabilitation du site de
La carrière de Montpothier a fait l’objet d’une exploitation à ciel ouvert d’argile
réfractaire jusqu’en 1998. Cette ancienne carrière est située à 10 km au Nord de
Nogent-sur-Seine dans le département de l’Aube.
En 1998, le réaménagement a été réalisé en plusieurs phases : un reprofilage du
terrain d’une part, un aménagement des plans d’eau d’autre part.
Le site a été classé en Znieff depuis 2000 mais il est reconnu pour son contenu
écologique depuis 1990. Depuis la fermeture du site, de nouveaux milieux se sont
développés et ont permis l’épanouissement d’un patrimoine écologique de premier
ordre qu'IMERYS souhaite préserver et favoriser.
Vue aérienne du site
Un partenariat a été réalisé avec le conservatoire du patrimoine de Champagne
Ardenne pour la gestion du site. Depuis 2007, le conservatoire s’occupe des
opérations d’entretien sur le site, de sa valorisation et il a effectué des suivis
Les milieux à forte valeur écologique ont été inventoriés et entretenus lorsque
nécessaire :
• les mares temporaires peu profondes se forment sur les terres de remblais
argileux et abritent plusieurs espèces d’amphibiens.
les pelouses pionnières qui se développent sur un substratum acide bien
alimenté par les eaux, contiennent des espèces végétales protégées.
la cladiaie, type de roselière poussant sur les substrats alcalins à faible
profondeur d’eau, s’est développée sur les bords d’un chenal et est un lieu
d’habitat privilégié pour les insectes.
Milieux à forte valeur écologique
Octobre 2009 – MIF –1/2
les substrats nus ou peu végétalisés favorisant le développement
d’espèces de mousses pionnières, habitat de reptile et d’insecte, se
trouvent sur les talus, zones de remblais ou d’éboulis de l’ancienne
L’inventaire réalisé en 2007 a révélé un contenu floristique et faunistique
exceptionnel. Plus de 260 espèces végétales ont été recensées dont 11 d’intérêt
patrimonial et 180 espèces animales dont 35 d’intérêt patrimonial.
Concernant la flore, le site de Montpothier est la seule station connue dans l’Aube
pour la Vulpie Ciliée (graminée), des mousses tel que Gymnostomun calcareum,
Pottia caespitosa et la seconde station pour l’Orchis brulé (orchidée).
Pour la faune, des reptiles et amphibiens, listés dans les annexes de la directive
habitat faune-flore, sont présents tels que le Triton crêté, le lézard vert.
16 espèces d’oiseaux de la liste rouge des espèces nicheuse menacées ont été
recensées dont L’Engoulevent d’Europe (directive oiseaux annexe I) la Bouscarle
de Cetti.
Le Murin de Bechstein est aussi présent. Au niveau européen, cette chauve souris
possède le statut de protection prioritaire.
Photographie du CPNCA
Un complément d’inventaire doit être réalisé dans les mois à venir.
En Haut : la bouscarle de Cetti et le lézard vert.
en Bas : l’orchis brulé, grillon bordelais, le triton crêté
Le Conservatoire du Patrimoine Naturel de Champagne Ardenne
Région Champagne Ardenne et Conseil Régional Champagne Ardenne
L’agence de l’eau Seine Normandie
Octobre 2009 – MIF –2/2
Company: Imerys Minerals Ltd
Country: United Kingdom
The Woodland Project – Restoration of the landscape of mid‐Cornwall’s clay mining regions for the benefit of both the environment and the community. Context
The woodland project is a post‐mining restoration project. It aims to restore the landscape of the china clay area in Cornwall. It follows on from the Heathland Project. From 1997 to 2004, 750 hectares of lowland heath land – another endangered habitat ‐ was restored on former mining sites. Together, the two projects form the biggest initiative of their kind in Europe
Imerys Minerals Ltd. is a key partner in a 31/2‐year program that involves planting a million trees. Under the Woodland Project, tips and surrounding areas on former mining sites will be planted with native broadleaved species to restore biodiversity and improve the landscape. Upland oak and ash woodland has been identified as an endangered habitat in the United Kingdom. To restore the sites, “non native” or commercially planted species will be removed and oak, ash and other native hardwoods will be reintroduced. These deciduous trees open up the woodland floor, enabling wildlife to flourish.
This will make a substantial improvement to the local landscape and make a valuable contribution by Imerys to the re‐creation of local biodiversity. The total budget for the project is £2.5 M. This project has many funding sources, the principle ones being Objective One, DEFRA and Imerys. Imerys’ contribution is approx. £0.5M made up of contributions in kind whereby Imerys carry out landscaping activities as a part of the project. Result
Mid 2007: creation and management of 300 ha of new woodland, 300 ha of restoration of existing woodland, 180 ha of conversion of existing tree belts to native broadleaved trees, plus the creation of 12 kms of new access routes increasing community access. It is also hoped that as the woodland becomes established there will be economic opportunities for small businesses e.g. crafts, wood fuel suppliers etc.
English Nature works closely with Imerys co‐ordinating the activities. Other partners: Forestry Commission, Restormel Borough Council, Cornwall County Council, DEFRA and Objective One.
Company: IMI Fabi S.p.A.
Country: Italy
Title: “Nature trail of the miner”‐ biodiversity conservation at Brusada‐Ponticelli
IMI Fabi (talc producer) follows a code of practice consistent with policies of sustainable
development. In 2009, the company launched several projects for the identification and
safeguarding of rare botanic species around the mine of Brusada Ponticelli and the raising of
public awareness on biodiversity, i.e.
1) An educational and environmental laboratory
2) An experimental area to test the most suitable re‐naturation techniques for the area.
3) A initiation project for the conservation of rare indigenous species in Valmalenco
4) A nature trial with 8 panels on the key characteristics of local environmental morphology.
During summer 2009, a survey carried out with the help of biologists identified 4 rare species:
Armeria Alpina, Carex bicolor, Saxifraga Rotundifolia and Sanguisorba dodecandra. These
species have been cultivated ex–situ in a laboratory and after germination been reintroduced in
the nursery for biodiversity preservation. The biologists also helped to design the panels for the
nature trail especially with information on local fauna and flora and on the evolution of species.
The biologists tested two different local seed mixes in view of identifying the best one for use in
local restoration.
Three of the above mentioned species have been successfully reproduced in the nursery,
whereas the fourth species (Carex Bicolor) has found some difficulty in germinating and is still in
the laboratory for a new attempt of reproduction. The comparison of two indigenous seed
mixes led to the identification of the best restoration technique.
The new nature trail is now open to the public; visitors can book guided tours at the City Hall
each month. Didactic activities and a permanent laboratory kit have been developed especially
for schools, so that children can experience the meaning of biodiversity through the workshops.
Partners: Dr. Maria Grazia Cicardi (biologist) and Dr. Federica Gironi (biologist)
Company: IMI Fabi Sardegna S.r.l. Country: Italy
Title: Sa Matta Mine nature trail ‐ increasing the awareness of biodiversity treasures
IMI Fabi (talc producer) follows a code of practice consistent with policies of sustainable
development. The company supports several programmes aimed at biodiversity conservation
and builds on its previous successful experiences (ref. Brusada‐Ponticelli mine in Lanzada (SO)).
The Sa Matta Mine biodiversity project consisted of the creation of a nature trail located in the
charming Mediterranean area adjacent to the Sa Matta mine with the aim to increase awareness
about life form varieties within this specific geographic region.
A careful analysis of the environmental aspects of the area around the Sa Matta mine has been
carried out, whereby the locally most widespread trees and shrubs were identified. Next, the
educational trail was designed, along a lake winding up the hill opposite the mine entrance. A
foot bridge was positioned on the lake and is used as an observation deck. Information panels
have been placed at key locations along the trail, highlighting the natural resources of the area.
Another observation point has been built on top of the hill, from where one can enjoy a
spectacular view, showing the mining activities below.
The Sa Matta nature trail has become an educational trail, with its 8 panels positioned describing
the main characteristics of this habitat, pointing out its natural aspects: information on the local
fauna and flora, the pond’s vegetation, the Mediterranean low and high scrubs, as well as the
site’s restoration techniques and mining activities. This allows for self guided tours designed to
teach the viewers about the biodiversity they are seeing with information they will remember
long after their visit. This is a great way to show how mining activities can go hand in hand with
the beauty and biodiversity of Mediterranean vegetation.
Partners: Dr. Maria Grazia Cicardi (biologist) and Dr. Federica Gironi (biologist)
Company: Country: Dumont Wautier (Lhoist Group) & 2 Partners
Creation of a natural reserve and a geological path in the former quarry of Ampsin, nearby Liege.
The city of Ampsin has a long tradition of mining activities. Hypolite Dumont, the ancestor of the Lhoist family, was the “quarry master” in Ampsin in 1889. In 2007, the excavation of limestone in Amspin definitely stopped after more than a century and the rehabilitation agreed with the authorities was realised by the company “Dumont Wautier” member of the Lhoist group, with the view to promoting an educational and environmental future of the site.
The Ampsin project is a close cooperation between the city council of Amay, the Department of the Nature and Forests Administration of the Walloon Region and the company “Dumont Wautier”. The aim of the project is the creation of an official Natural Reserve, managed by the qualified experts from the administration with the view to promoting natural open habitat such as stretch of water and former cliffs and to encouraging the colonisation of protected species.
For the three partners, it is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate that quarry activities and the promotion of biodiversity is not incompatible. It is also a very valuable example to dedicate a new area for education and social responsibility. Result
A formal convention has been signed between the City, the Department of the Nature and Forests Administration and the company Dumont Wautier in 2008. The convention organises the cooperation between the parties for the next 30 years. The Natural Reserve covers 28 ha, which will be partially opened to the public. A more restricted and protected area will be visited only on guided tour. A geological path equipped with dedicational information has also been created. The formal inauguration took place on 31 March 2009.
The City of Amay, the Department of the Nature and Forests Administration of the Walloon Region and the company Dumont Wautier (Lhoist Group).
Omya GmbH
A-9722 Gummern, Austria
The main goal of the Long-term Biodiversity Index (LBI) is to measure the impact of a quarry on
the local biodiversity. Core is the comparison of the actual state to the original state following the
principles of EIA Directive and ISO 14 000 family of standards, particularly 14 040 et sqq. and 14
063. Based on this the optimal strategy for the renaturation can be choosen.
This project is carried out since 2004 in a partnership between Omya and WWF-Austria.
The mining area of OMYA in Gummern, Austria provides two major habitat types: the rocky sites
of marble mining areas and the mostly revegetated/renatured dumping areas of the not used
materials of lower quality. The quarry is mainly surrounded by managed forests.
Each year about some million tons of raw material are taken from the quarry and about 50% are
to be deposited on the mining waste dump. This leads to major changes on the level of habitats
for plant and animal species.
The Long-term Biodiversity Index (LBI) is a measuring method for biodiversity. The value of
impact of a quarry, gravel pit or landfill is indicated by a number in percent.
To provide an international comparable result (benchmarking), the biodiversity within the quarry
is set into relation to the biodiversity of the surrounding landscape and it is taken into account, if
a species is endangered or not.
In the mining site of Gummern plant species, birds and spiders have been selected for
monitoring. Since 2004 every year the data on this species is collected in a standardised way and
gives high valuable information on the biodiversity on different sites within the quarry and the
surrounding area.
The collected and analyzed data show that the biodiversity in the renatured areas of the waste
dump as well as of the mine increased compared to the surrounding areas and is getting higher
year by year. The information on the needs of rare and endangered species helps to adopt the
recultivation/renaturation concept to ensure a positive development of biodiversity in the
ongoing process.
Company: Omya GmbH, Gummern
Country: Austria
Living Quarry
In just 12 years a disused quarry site at Gummern, Austria has been transformed into a wetlands nature reserve. Solution
Local school kids from the Perau Grammar School in Villach have made a big contribution. They’ve created small biotopes and dragonfly ponds on what was once an ugly slag heap. They’ve also done careful mapping exercises and planted section after section themselves, bringing their studies of Biology and Ecology out of text books and into a real environment.
The former quarry site is now a natural haven of wildlife for all kids. Trout, newts, yellow‐bellied toads and tadpoles exist in the pools, alongside a wide variety of arthropods – amongst them beetles, spiders and crayfish. None of this great work would have been possible without the quarry site. Partners
Perau Grammer School
Company: Kreidewerk Rügen
Country: Germany
Bringing Nature Back
The Rügen chalk quarry in Germany is an excellent example of just how important careful mining is for the protection of endangered species and biotopes. In this part of Germany, nature conservation at disused chalk quarries is protected by law.
Once the mining company has ceased operations, the quarries remain barren for only a short time before nature starts to take over. To begin with, flowering plants such as Coltsfoot and Orchids appear and soon after the habitat develops from species‐rich, chalky soils to woodland. Result
The Rügen landscape was influenced by chalk quarrying and renaturing through the centuries. One of the most interesting and beautiful stages in this transformation is the growth of the grasslands –
one of the most animal and plant rich habitats of all.
Chalk Museum Gummanz ‐ The history of chalk and its different applications are explained and there is also an outdoor exhibition. Omya and the Rügen chalk plant supported the construction of this museum and will continue with their participation in the future.
Société/Groupe :
Pays : France
Quartz & Sables du Lot, groupe Imerys
Accroître la biodiversité d'un site par sa réhabilitation
En 2006, les Quarts & Sables du Lot entament la réhabilitation de la première tranche
du site où ils exploitent un gisement de quartz de très grande qualité depuis cinq ans. Le
souhait de la direction est alors reconstruire un environnement naturel exceptionnel. En
mettant l'accent sur la biodiversité.
Avant l’ouverture de la carrière, le site comptait bon nombre de chênes et de
châtaigniers. Quatre habitats naturels ont été privilégiés :
• Marécages. Trois mares, reliées entre elles ont été creusées, bordées d’argile
recouverte de terre. Il s'agit de limiter les crues et d’accueillir les oiseaux
• Landes sèches. Une petite colline de sable en provenance de la carrière a été
plantée d’espèces traditionnelles telles que ajoncs, bruyères et genêts.
• Bois. Des arbres à grandes feuilles ont été plantés à plusieurs endroits sur le site.
• Prairies. Une zone ouverte de 9400 m² devrait attirer la faune locale sur le site. C’est
aussi un lieu de promenade fleurie qui offrira une vue sur l’ensemble du site
A fin 2008, deux ans après le lancement du projet le bilan est positif :
En matière de flore, 110 espèces végétales ont été repérées sur le site dont 3
protégées (la lobélie brûlante, le millepertuis des marais et le scirpe à tiges nombreuses)
et les plantations arbustives ont très bien repris (tx de reprise > à 90 %) en particulier,
les aulnes, charmes, fruitiers sauvages, frênes, alisiers,… Seul le châtaignier ayant du
mal à s’installer. Chênes, saules, , … ont très bien repris.
Dans les mares, on observe le développement spontané d'une flore hygrophyle
dominée par des joncs et les massettes.
Dans les prairies, dominent les espèces semées : la houlque laineuse, le dactyle
aggloméré, le lotier corniculé, le plantain Lancéolé, l'Achillée millefeuille, la petite
pimprenelle, des fétuques et du trèfle. Développement important de deux graminées: la
houlque laineuse et la flouve odorante
Le recouvrement de la zone de landes sèches progresse bien (30 % contre 5 % en
2007) : présence de callune, de Genêts cendré accompagnés de fougère, de jeunes
plants de Châtaigniers et de chênes.
Biodiversity case studies (web format) – Imerys –1/2
En ce qui concerne la faune, amphibiens, reptiles et insectes se sont développés :
• Amphibiens Installation d'une population de grenouille vertes, de l'alyte accoucheur
(crapaud) et de la salamandre tachetée dans les mares.
• Reptiles: au moins 10 individus de lézards des murailles, trois individus de couleuvres
verte et jaune et une couleuvre à collier présents sur la réhabilitation
• Insectes: au moins 23 espèces de coléoptères (hannetons, scarabées, coccinelle...)
ont été repérés dans les différents milieux : le nombre d'orthoptères (grillons,
sauterelles, criquets...) a triplé depuis fin 200 et environ 12 espèces ont été repérées
sur le site ; au moins 8 espèces d'odonates (libellule)sur le site réhabilité et de
nombreuses preuves de reproduction constatées ; enfin, au moins 13 espèces de
rhopalocères (papillons) ont été décomptées sur le site
• Oiseaux: au moins 30 espèces présents sur le site notamment le pinson des arbres,
le héron cendré, la mésange bleue, la buse variable, l'alouette lulu... En 2008, le site a
accueilli sa première espèce nicheuse, un couple d'alouette lulu
• Mammifères :
Aucun inventaire particulier n’a été mené sur ce groupe en 2007 et 2008. Cependant,
quelques observations ont été réalisées lors des prospections herpétologiques. La
Taupe et plusieurs individus de Campagnol sont toujours présents sur le site. Le
Sanglier a profité de brèches dans la clôture pour visiter le site et utiliser les mares
comme abreuvoir (plusieurs groupes de traces observées sur les vasières).
L’Office National des Forêts a prodigué ses conseils dans le choix des espèces à
réimplanter sur le site et a mené la campagne de plantation.
Etdue du projet confiée à Biotope, une société de conseil spécialisée en écologie.
Biodiversity case studies (web format) – Imerys –2/2
Company: Caminauer Kaolinwerk GmbH
Country: Germany
Habitat Network Caminau (Biotopverbund Caminau)
High quality reclamation of former lignite mining landscape with high diversity of species with the offer to lively experience the biodiversity especially to children. Solution
Development of environmental concepts by means of labour‐market policy. Small areas with different biotopes were created in cooperation with an initiative to educate and qualify unemployed workers in contrast to former large scale recultivation with fast‐growing softwood in Eastern Germany.
Various projects with school classes and children from kindergardens have been initiated to impart knowledge about the nature and biodiversity and additional to offer the opportunity for have convenient experience suitable for children.
Dendrological nature trail, dead wood park, collection of plants “Arboretum sinensis”, “Benjes”
hedges, “hotels" for insects and grasslands of herbs and wild flowers, sensory path, forest playground Partners
Förderwerk Land‐ und Forstwirtschaft Sachsen e.V.
2 partners
Abandonment of a permitted limestone mining area to conserve a
country-wide important habitat of orchids with several orchid species
The Rheinkalk GmbH operates in Salzhemmendorf limestone quarries and lime kilns. The
quarry “Voska” is operated since mid of the 19th century. Due to the use of different
mining technologies different shapes of walls were created. Especially in the northern part
of this quarry there are big cliffs and wide areas of raw limestone underground, the
bottom of former mining. Although Rheinkalk has an unlimited permit this area was not
mined for a long period. Here orchids settled in the time of the operational break. Because
of the excellent habitat conditions a huge, important orchid population developed over
the years. After some years of the operational break this area was planed to be mined,
which would have destroyed the orchid population.
The solution was a public contract between the land Niedersachsen and Rheinkalk, in
which an abandonment was fixed. Rheinkalk spared the mining of permitted limestone and
the land declared the support of further extensions and mining operations. The benefit for
Rheinkalk is a non-formal handling of a strictly protected species and the acceptance of
support by the authorities for future projects, e.g. extension of quarries.
Around the quarry Voska several species of orchids have successfully and continuously
reproduced and formed an important, great population. The mining area created a raw
soil, which is in combination with non-forestal reclamation the precondition for a orchidhabitat.
The partner are Rheinkalk GmbH and the land Niedersachsen.
3 partners
Temporary use of the quarry Dachskuhle for a cross-county-vehicle
testing area in combination with a important population of midwife toads
(alytes obstetricans).
The Rheinkalk GmbH is located in Wülfrath and operates limestone quarries and lime
kilns. Rheinkalk GmbH always operates a few quarries isochronously. The quarry
Dachskuhle is a small one and only in sporadic operation to keep the permission. So for an
interim use APS Wülfrath installed a testing area for Land Rover cross-country-vehicles.
Here clients can test their vehicles with the help of a skilled driver-team. The conditions at
the surface of the quarry are excellent for the settling of midwife toads. Limestone blocks
and some greater ponds with permanent water are the reasons for an important
secondary habitats in a densely populated area for an endangered and strictly protected
The toad-project is a cooperation between lime and automobil industry and local
authorities. In the quarry different areas were defined, the predominant part is used for
testing uses. Some smaller parts, especially the water ponds are strictly prohibited areas.
APS has committed to keep the vehicles out of parts of the testing area in time of
wandering. Also APS has committed to keep the vehicles clean and avoid leakages of oil
and lubricants. The benefit for Rheinkalk GmbH is the conservation of the permit by the
operation of APS, a non-formal handling of a strictly protected species and the award of
the measures as anticipated compensation for future projects, e.g. extension of quarries.
In the quarry Dachskuhle midwife toads are successfully and continuously reproducing, the
population is very resistant and healthy. The combination of commercial use and species
protection is continuously possible.
The partner are Rheinkalk GmbH, APS GmbH Wülfrath and the county Mettmann.
Rheinkalk GmbH & 5 partners
The „Uhu-Projekt“ – monitoring of eagle owls in the area between
Düsseldorf, Wuppertal and Essen, the so called Niederbergisches
Mining of limestone and producing of lime has a long tradition in the “Niederbergische
Kalkrevier”. So a great number of quarries are located between Düsseldorf, Wuppertal and
Essen. In these active and closed quarries the eagle owl has returned at first not
mentioned, but in growing numbers of birds. The quarries have became important
secondary habitats in a densely populated area for an endangered and strictly protected
The Uhu-Projekt is a cooperation between the lime industry and the local authorities.
These partners have signed a public law contract, in which duties and rights are fixed. For
three years an ornithologist is paid by the authorities and the lime industry to get detailled
informations about the owl-habitats in the quarries, about the development of the
population, about breeding and new generations and hunting practices of owls. Additional
measures shall be defined to improve the habitat conditions of the eagle owls, for example
to minimize flight barriers as overhead cables or release old dumps for better hunting
conditions. The benefit for the authorities is the financial and personnel input of the lime
companies, the benefit for the industry is a non-formal handling of a strictly protected
species and the award of the measures in the Uhu-Projekt as anticipated compensation for
future projects, e.g. extension of quarries.
In all quarries owls are successfully and continuously breeding. The population is very
resistant and healthy. Additional measures are done – an overhead cable was relocated in
the underground at Oetelshofen plant, old dumps by Rheinkalk are released from small
The partner are Kalkwerke H. Oetelshofen GmbH & Co. KG, Kalksteinwerk Neandertal
GmbH, Rheinkalk GmbH, City of Wuppertal and the county Mettmann.
Company: Rio Tinto Minerals Austria / Naintsch Mineralwerke GmbH
Country: Austria
The project “Habitat Mine” ‐ the investigation of plant and habitat diversity within and outside the mining area to gain information on how to treat the post mining landscape for ecological benefits.
Talc mining at Rabenwald dates back to 1820, today, approx. 100,000 tons of talc are mined annually, shipped to the nearby production plant by cable. Final talc products are shipped to customers all over the world. In order to prepare a new mining project at the Rabenwald mine, Rio Tinto Minerals Austria initiated an extensive biodiversity project. In 2001 this research project on biodiversity was initiated in cooperation with the nature park „Pöllauer
Tal”. The open pit area of Rio Tinto Minerals Austria Rabenwald mine makes part of this natural park, which covers 123 km2 in total. The biodiversity in the present and future mining areas was of special interest in order to draw conclusions for the sustainable development of local species and the region as a whole. Thus, a co‐operation between the Natural Park and Rio Tinto Minerals Austria began, representing a partnership of traditional antagonists: nature and mine. Solution
Biologists investigated the habitat mine for several months and found out that the habitat mine gives room to 27 types of biotopes and 220 different plant species. Some of the species are yet listed on the endangered species’ list, which means that the post mine area provides a habitat for those species to resettle. As a special focus, the scientists’ compared the concepts of re‐naturation (natural process that aims at closing up soils by pioneer plants) versus re‐cultivation (seeds of weeds are applied by a spraying method). The investigation of advantages and disadvantages of both concepts resulted in valuable recommendations for the sustainable development of the post mining landscape.
The results of this unique study have been widely communicated in the local community as well as to all major stakeholders. A two‐year‐exhibition at the area illustrated the major outcomes to thousands of visitors. Furthermore, Rio Tinto Mineral Austria produced a small booklet which was widely distributed to regional and national stakeholders. The study’s results on re‐cultivation and re‐naturation concepts have also been forwarded to the Austrian Mining Authorities which are in charge of legislation for re‐cultivation. The scientific results will be considered to optimize the legal framework and consequently increase ecological benefits for post mining areas.
Nature park „Pöllauer Tal”
Company: SCR Sibelco
Country: Belgium
Integration of restored silica sand quarries in a Natural Park and nature reserve
Sibelco is active in the middle of National Park Hoge Kempen. It has been an important partner in the realisation of this first Belgian national park for which Mr Ignace Schops, Regionaal Landschap, received the prestigious Goldman Prize in 2008. Objective
Mining and restoration of the new quartz sand quarry ‘Mechelse Heide Zuid’ at the border of the National Park Hoge Kempen.
The project foresees the move of the sand plant from the location ‘Berg’
(middle of the Park) to the new quarry location. Both the new and the existing quarry will be restored in such a way that they will be fully integrated in the national park and nature reserve. Result
Sibelco contributes to the realisation of the National Park which houses a lot of protected species and biotopes. Partners
RLKM, Community of Maasmechelen
Agentschap Natuur & Bos (gov. org.)
Arenas Silíceas , S.A. & Sibelco Minerales, S.A.
Explotación Minera “Pinar de la Plata”, Cádiz, Spain
The active participation in protecting the environment, the conservation of mining resources and
the efficiency of its use.
To implement an Environmental Management System certified under ISO-14001.
The area of Pinar de la Plata has undergone extraction and been restored by the company Arenas
Silíceas,S.A. since 1963 with the method of strip mining or transference. Nowadays, Group
Sibelco Minerals is the owner of the site.
Intensive reforestation of the affected area was carried out, planting stone pines, cork-oak,
broom and white cedars.
The company is undertaking a landscape recovery programme by restoring lands.
Astbury Mere Country Park, Cheshire, United Kingdom
Extensive restoration works before donating the land.
The site now home to Astbury Mere Country Park on the outskirts of Congleton was
formerly one of the UK’s most important silica sand quarries.
After extraction ceased, Sibelco UK completed extensive restoration works before
donating the land to Astbury Mere Trust in 1988. Since then we have retained an active
relationship and continue to support the Park on a number of levels.
Astbury Mere Country Park today welcomes over 100,000 visitors annually and was
recently awarded the prestigious Green Flag Award for the fourth consecutive year.
Spanning an area of 10 hectares, the Park provides panoramic views over Astbury Mere
and the surrounding countryside.
Habitats include mixed woodland, a pond and extensive wildflower meadows, whilst its
grasslands are acknowledged as being amongst the most biologically diverse in the locality.
New Platt Wood, Cheshire, United Kingdom
Restoration of a former quarry
The project formed part of a larger site restoration scheme, the first phase of which had
collected a Quarry Products Association Award in the late 1980s.
Restoration of the New Platt Wood site began in the summer of 1994 in association with
the landowner. The 5.4 acre plot was returned primarily to agricultural land with a lake
occupying one corner.
The land has since successfully produced good quality arable crops, cereals and potatoes.
Swathes of new woodland now merge naturally with established areas including a range of
native species. The lake, its margins having been seeded with a special wildflower mix,
now provides for fishing and also acts as a stand-by irrigation reservoir.
The New Platt Wood project collected a coveted Restoration Award from the Quarry
Products Association in 2001.
This project provides a good example of what can be achieved when mineral companies
and planning departments co-operate.
Although not large, the 5.4 hectare site has been restored to a small lake, the majority
being to agriculture. The five-year aftercare period has resulted in an area greatly
improved for agriculture and re-graded so well with the surrounding countryside.
Little Bradley Ponds, Devon, United Kingdom
Restoration of a former clay extraction site.
The 16 hectare Little Bradley New Pond site nestles in Devon’s Bovey Basin area, home to
the UK’s most important reserves of ball clay and close to Dartmoor National Park.
Restoration of the former clay extraction site began back in 1991 through a partnership
between Sibelco, Devon Wildlife Trust and Devon County Council.
Sibelco’s partnership approach to land management was recognized nationally in 2005
when our Little Bradley Pond scheme collected an ‘Award for Excellence in Restoration’
from the Quarry Products Association.
Today the site provides a diverse range of wildlife habitats and is officially recognised as a
Nationally Important Key Site for dragonflies. In recent years, twenty species of dragonfly
have been recorded of which thirteen species are known to have bred.
Devon Wildlife Trust
Devon County Council
Company: Country: Vapenka Certovy Schody (Lhoist Group) & 1 Partner Czech Republic
Land reclamation of the Husak’s Limestone Quarry, Czech Karst
The area is in a close touch with a Natura 2000 habitat protection area both
located inside the western part of the Landscape Protected Area Czech Karst
close to famous Koneprusy Caves.
The goal was to restore the former mining area and to return the place with all
surfaces back to nature in a short time.
The technical part consisted of the filling of the quarry with limestone sand and soil, the building of an entrance chimney from the entry to Zabka Cave (for the bats) and the technical cleaning of the rocky slopes from stones. Biological reclamation: forming of vegetation and new nature success surfaces introducing and grooving of typical karst plants and trees, building water reservoir and ponds for animals, places for raptors, etc.
A nice natural area connected with the protected landscape that has a higher biodiversity level comparing to that from before mining. It is a successful experiment and a good experience for other reclamations in two big quarries in the vicinity.
Landscape Protected Area Czech Karst Office.
Company: Zementwerke Leube GmbH
Country: Austria (Salzburg)
Biodiversity project for the protection and enlargement of populations of red listed plant species, endangered amphibians, reptiles, dragonflies and bee species.
In the surroundings of the quarry of the Zementwerk Leube GmbH a landscape–management plan is realized to reach the following targets: Protection and enlargement of the populations of 23 red list plant‐species (Juncus acutiflorus, Scorzonera humilis, Genista tinctoria, Cirsium rivulare, Betonica officinalis, Epipactis palustris, Typha latifolia, Selinum carvifolia, Crepis mollis, Menyanthes trifoliata, Euphorbia verrucosa, Asarum europaeum ssp. caucasicum, Astrantia major, Dactylorhiza incarnata ssp. incarnata, Polygala amarella, Primula farinosa, Trollius europaeus, Viola palustris, Eriophorum
angustifolium, Eriophorum latifolium, Gymnadenia conopsea, Pinguicula vulgaris), of 9 endangered amphibians and reptils (Bufo bufo, Rana temporaria, Mesotriton alpestris, Lissotriton vulgaris, Hyla arborea, Bombina variegata, Salamandra salamandra, Natrix natrix, Lacerta agilis), from 9 dragonfly species of which 2 are red listed (Ischnura pumilio, Erythromma
viridulum, Libellula depressa, Libellula quadrimaculata, Aeshna cyanea, Coenagrion puella, Pyrhosoma nymphula, Sympetrum striolatum, Enallagma cyathigerum), of 14 grashopper‐
species of which 3 are endangered (Conocephalus discolor, Corthippus dorsatus, Corthippus
montanus), of 34 bee‐species from which 4 are endangered (Lasioglossum laevigatum, Andrena
clarkella, Andrena praecox, Bombus wurfleini) and 1 species which is near extinction (Chalicodoma parietina) and the resettlement of 2 red list plant‐species (Centaurium erythraea, Cyperus fuscus).
The management‐plan includes the realization of different types of standing waterbodies, the mowing of Molinia‐meadows and semi‐natural dry grasslands and the building of special habitats for the endangered insects (for example sandheaps). In course of the resettlement‐projects seeds of the endangered species are collected in wild and seeded out in adequate habitats.
In the last 13 years the targets could be reached to great extent, all populations increased, the resettlement was very effective. The population of the bee‐species Chalicodoma parietina is in the meantime the only known in the province of Salzburg.
Institut für Ökologie, Haus der Natur Salzburg, Johann‐Herbst‐Str. 23, 5061 Elsbethen