New Member Forms
New Member Forms
New Patient Packet office of Mark Holthouse, M.D. Steps to complete: 1. Download ‘New Patient Packet’ and SAVE onto your computer. 2. While completing this ‘New Patient Packet’ be sure to frequently ‘SAVE” this document should you decide take a break while in process of completing the form. 3. Upon completion, submit this packet to our office no less than 5 days in advance of your 1st visit. This is very important as it allows our clinical team to be best prepared for your visit. 4. Once complete choose one of the of following ways to submit to our office: a. Print & fax to: 916.358.5200 4901 Golden Foothill Parkway b. Print & mail to: El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 Mark Holthouse, M.D. n1Health Center for Functional Medicine 4901 Golden Foothill Parkway | El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 p 530-676-1003 | Adult Medical Questionnaire Our ability to draw effective conclusions about your present state of health and how to improve it depends, to a significant extent, on your ability to respond thoughtfully and accurately to both these written questions and those posed by the clinician during your consultations. Health issues are usually influenced by many factors. Accurately assessing all the factors and comprehensively managing them is the best way to deal with these health challenges. Your careful consideration of each of the following questions will enhance our efficiency and will provide for more effective use of your scheduled consultation time. These questions will help to identify underlying causes of illness and will help us formulate a treatment plan. PATIENT’S PERSONAL INFORMATION: Today’s Date: _____________ Last Name: ______________________________ First Name: _________________________ MI: __________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________ State: _________________ Zip: ________________________ Home #: _______________________ Work #: _______________________ Cell #: ______________________ Marital Status: (circle one) S M D W Sex: (circle one) M F Date of Birth: ______________________________ Social Security #: _________________________________ Employer/Occupation: _______________________________________________________________________ Spouse’s Name: ________________________________ Spouse’s best phone #: _________________________ Spouse’s Social Security #: _____________________________________ PATIENT’S INSURANCE INFORMATION: Please present insurance cards to receptionist. Primary insurance company’s name: ___________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________ City: ___________________ State: ______ Zip: ____________ Name of Insured: ________________________________________ Date of Birth: _______________________ Relationship to insured: (circle one) Self Spouse Child Other Insurance ID #: __________________________________ Group #: ___________________________________ Secondary insurance company’s name: __________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________ City: ___________________ State: ______ Zip: ____________ Name of Insured: ________________________________________ Date of Birth: _______________________ Relationship to insured: (circle one) Self Spouse Child Other Insurance ID #: __________________________________ Group #: ___________________________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT: Name of person: _____________________________________ Relationship: ___________________________ Address: ______________________________ City: ___________________ State: ______ Zip: ____________ Home #: _______________________ Work #: _______________________ Cell #: ______________________ 1. Please check appropriate box(es): African-American Native American Hispanic Caucasian Mediterranean Northern European Asian Other 1 2. Please list current problems in order of priority, and fill in the other boxes as completely as possible: DESCRIBE PROBLEM Example: Postnasal Drip MILD/ MODERATE/ SEVERE Moderate TREATMENT APPROACH Elimination Diet SUCCESS Moderate a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 3. With whom do you live? (Include children, parents, relatives, and/or friends. Please include ages.) Example: Wendy, age 7, sister _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Do you have any pets or farm animals? If yes, where do they live? Indoors Yes No Outdoors Both indoors and outdoors 5. Have you lived or traveled outside of the United States? Yes No If so, when and where? ______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Have you or your family recently experienced any major life changes? Yes No If yes, please comment: ______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Have you experienced any major losses in life? Yes No If so, please comment: _______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 8. How important is religion (or spirituality) for you and your family’s life? Not at all important Somewhat important Extremely important 9. How much time have you lost from work or school in the past year? 0–2 days 3–14 days More than 15 days 10. Previous jobs: _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 2 11. Unfortunately, abuse and violence of all kinds (verbal, emotional, physical, and sexual) are leading contributors to chronic stress, illness, and immune system dysfunction; witnessing violence and abuse can also be very traumatic. If you have experienced or witnessed any kind of abuse in the past, or if abuse is now an issue in your life, it is very important that you feel safe telling us about it, so that we can support you and optimize your treatment outcomes. Please do your best to answer the following questions: a. Did you feel safe growing up? Yes No b. Have you been involved in abusive relationships in your life? Yes No c. Was alcoholism or substance abuse present in your childhood home, or is it present now in your relationships? Yes No d. Do you currently feel safe in your home? Yes No e. Do you feel safe, respected, and valued in your current relationship? Yes No f. Have you had any violent or otherwise traumatic life experiences, or have you witnessed any violence or abuse? Yes No g. Would you feel safer discussing any of these issues privately? Yes No 12. Past Medical and Surgical History: ILLNESSES a. Anemia b. Arthritis c. Asthma d. Bronchitis e. Cancer f. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome g. Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis h. Diabetes i. Emphysema j. Epilepsy, Convulsions, or Seizures k. Gallstones l. Gout m. Heart Attack/Angina n. Heart Failure WHEN COMMENTS 3 o. Hepatitis p. High Blood Fats (cholesterol, triglycerides) q. High Blood Pressure (hypertension) r. Irritable Bowel s. Kidney Stones t. Mononucleosis u. Pneumonia v. Rheumatic Fever w. Sinusitis x. Sleep Apnea y. Stroke z. Thyroid Disease aa. Other (describe) INJURIES a. Back Injury b. Broken Bone (describe) c. Head Injury d. Neck Injury e. Other (describe) DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES a. Barium Enema b. Bone Scan c. CAT Scan of Abdomen d. CAT Scan of Brain e. CAT Scan of Spine f. Chest X-ray g. Colonoscopy h. EKG i. Liver Scan j. Neck X-ray k. NMR/MRI l. Sigmoidoscopy m. Upper GI Series n. Other (describe) OPERATIONS a. Appendectomy b. Dental Surgery c. Gallbladder WHEN COMMENTS WHEN COMMENTS WHEN COMMENTS 4 d. Hernia e. Hysterectomy f. Tonsillectomy g. Other (describe) h. Other (describe) 13. Hospitalizations: WHERE HOSPITALIZED WHEN FOR WHAT REASON a. b. c. d. e. 14. How often have you have taken antibiotics? LESS THAN 5 TIMES Infant/Child Teen Adult MORE THAN 5 TIMES 15. How often have you have taken oral steroids (e.g., cortisone, prednisone, etc.)? LESS THAN 5 TIMES MORE THAN 5 TIMES Infant/Child Teen Adult 16. What medications are you taking now? Include nonprescription drugs. DATE DOSAGE STARTED MEDICATION NAME a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Are you allergic to any medications? Yes No If yes, please list: ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 17. List all vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional supplements that you are taking now. Indicate dosage in mg or IU and the form (e.g., calcium carbonate vs. calcium lactate) when possible. 5 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. VITAMIN/MINERAL/ SUPPLEMENT NAME DATE STARTED DOSAGE 18. Infancy/Childhood: QUESTION YES NO a. Were you a full-term baby? A preemie? b. Were you breast-fed? Bottle-fed? c. As a child, did you eat a lot of sugar and/or candy? DON’T KNOW COMMENT 19. As a child, were there any foods that you had to avoid because they gave you symptoms? Yes No If yes, please name the food and symptom (Example: milk – gas and diarrhea): __________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 20. Place a check mark next to each food/drink that is part of your current diet. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. USUAL BREAKFAST None Bacon/sausage Bagel Butter Cereal Coffee Donut Eggs Fruit Juice Margarine Milk Oat bran Sugar Sweet roll Sweetener Tea √ a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. USUAL LUNCH None Butter Coffee Eat in a cafeteria Eat in restaurant Fish sandwich Juice Leftovers Lettuce Margarine Mayo Meat sandwich Milk Salad Salad dressing Soda Soup √ a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. USUAL DINNER None Beans (legumes) Brown rice Butter Carrots Coffee Fish Green vegetables Juice Margarine Milk Pasta Potato Poultry Red meat Rice Salad √ 6 r. s. t. u. v. Toast Water Wheat bran Yogurt Other (List below) r. s. t. u. v. w. x. Sugar Sweetener Tea Tomato Water Yogurt Other (List below) r. s. t. u. v. w. x. y. Salad dressing Soda Sugar Sweetener Tea Water Yellow vegetables Other: (List below) 21. How much of the following do you consume each week? a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. Candy Cheese Chocolate Cups of coffee containing caffeine Cups of decaffeinated coffee or tea Cups of hot chocolate Cups of tea containing caffeine Diet sodas Ice cream Salty foods Slices of white bread (rolls/bagels) Sodas with caffeine Sodas without caffeine 22. Are you on a special diet? Vegetarian Diabetic Dairy restricted Yes No Vegetarian Blood type diet Other (describe below): __________________________ __________________________ 23. Is there anything special about your diet that we should know? Yes No If yes, please explain: _______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 24. Do you have symptoms immediately after eating, such as belching, bloating, sneezing, hives, etc.? Yes No If yes, are these symptoms associated with any particular food or supplement(s)? Yes No If yes, please name the food or supplement and symptom(s) (Example: milk – gas and diarrhea): _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 25. Do you feel you have delayed symptoms after eating certain foods (symptoms may not be evident for 24 hours or more), such as fatigue, muscle aches, sinus congestion, etc.? Yes No 26. Do you feel much worse when you eat a lot of : High-fat foods High-protein foods Refined sugar (junk food) Fried foods 7 High-carbohydrate foods (breads, pastas, potatoes) Other: ____________________________ 1 or 2 alcoholic drinks 27. Do you feel much better when you eat a lot of : High-fat foods High-protein foods High-carbohydrate foods (breads, pastas, potatoes) Other: ____________________________ 28. Does skipping a meal greatly affect your symptoms? Refined sugar (junk food) Fried foods 1 or 2 alcoholic drinks Yes No 29. Have you ever had a food that you craved or really “binged” on over a period of time? Food craving may be an indicator that you may be allergic to that food. Yes No If yes, what food(s)? ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 30. Do you have an aversion to certain foods? Yes No If yes, what foods? __________________________________________________________________ 31. Please fill in the chart below with information about your bowel movements: a. Frequency More than 3x/day 1–3x/day 4–6x/week 2–3x/week 1 or fewer x/week √ c. Color √ Medium brown consistently Very dark or black Greenish Blood is visible Varies a lot Dark brown consistently Yellow, light brown Greasy, shiny appearance Daily Occasionally Excessive Present with pain Foul smelling Little odor b. Consistency Soft and well formed Often float Difficult to pass Diarrhea Thin, long, or narrow Small and hard Loose but not watery Alternating between hard and loose/watery 32. Intestinal gas: 33. Have you ever used alcohol? Yes No If yes, how often do you now drink alcohol? No longer drinking alcohol Average 1–3 drinks/week Average 4–6 drinks/week Average 7–10 drinks/week Average more than 10 drinks/week Have you ever had a problem with alcohol? Yes No If yes, please indicate time period (month/year): from ________ to ___________ 8 34. Have you ever used recreational drugs? Yes No 35. Have you ever used tobacco? Yes No If yes, number of years as a nicotine user: _____ Amount per day: _____ Year quit: _____. What type of nicotine have you used? Cigarette Smokeless Cigar Pipe Patch/Gum 36. Are you exposed to secondhand smoke regularly? Yes 37. Do you have mercury amalgam fillings? No Yes 38. Do you have any artificial joints or implants? 39. Do you feel worse at certain times of the year? If yes, when? Spring Summer Yes No No Yes No Fall Winter 40. Have you, to your knowledge, been exposed to toxic metals in your job or at home? If yes, which one(s)? Lead Cadmium Arsenic Mercury Aluminum 41. Do odors affect you? Yes Yes No No 42. How well have things been going for you? a. At school VERY WELL FAIR POORLY VERY POORLY DOES NOT APPLY b. In your job c. In your social life d. With close friends e. With sex f. With your attitude g. With your boyfriend/girlfriend h. With your children i. With your parents j. With your spouse 43. Have you ever had psychotherapy or counseling? Yes No Currently Previously If previously, from ______ to _______ What kind? ________________________________________________________________________ Comments: ________________________________________________________________________ 44. Are you currently, or have you ever been, married? Yes No If so, when were you married? __________ Spouse's occupation: __________________ When were you separated? __________ Never When were you divorced? __________ Never 9 When were you remarried? __________ Never Spouse’s occupation ____________ Comments: ________________________________________________________________________ 45. Hobbies and leisure activities: _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 46. Do you exercise regularly? Yes No If so, how many times a week? 1 time 2 times 3 times 4 or more times When you exercise, how long is each session? Less than 15 minutes 16–30 minutes 31–45 minutes More than 45 minutes What type of exercise is it? Jogging/walking Tennis Basketball Water sports Home aerobics Other: ______________________________________ 10 Paternal Grandfather Paternal Grandmother Maternal Grandfather Maternal Grandmother Child(ren) Child(ren) Child(ren) Child(ren) Sister(s) Sister(s) Brother(s) Father Please place age at diagnosis where appropriate. Brother(s) GENETIC RISK ANALYSIS Mother 47. Age (if still alive) Age at death Colon Cancer Breast Cancer Other Cancers -‐ List Type ______________ Heart Disease Stroke Hypertension Obesity/Overweight Diabetes High Cholesterol Arthritis (<60 years old) Multiple Sclerosis Rheumatoid Arthritis / Lupus / Psoriasis Ulcerative Colitis / Crohn's Disease Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Celiac Disease Asthma / Chronic Bronchitis Eczema/Hives Food Allergies or Sensitivities Environmental Sensitivities Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Dementia or Parkinson's Substance Abuse (alcoholism, drugs) Depression Anxiety ADHD Autism Thyroid Disorders Other _____________________ Other _____________________ Other _____________________ 11 ADULT TOXIN EXPOSURE QUESTIONNAIRE If you have been exposed to any of these in the LAST 12 MONTHS please check: (Y) Yes (N) No (?) Unknown (P) for exposure more than 12 months ago Community Do you have regular exposure to: Automobile exhaust Y N ? P Notes Farm/Industrial/Power plant or lines Radio tower Landfill/Dump Hydro tower Home and/or Work Environment Do you live in a: House Apartment Building Do you work in a: House Office Building Bathing/Showering water source: Well Public Works Do you have regular exposure at home or work to: Y N Forced air heat Renovations (new carpets; add ons; etc…) Basement cracks or dirt floor Damp basement or crawl space Wet windows or outside closet walls Water leaks (ceilings, walls, floors) Visible mold Old or cracking ceiling tiles Old or cracking vinyl linoleum flooring Crumbling pipe insulation Crumbling wall or ceiling insulation Old or cracking paint Carpets or rugs Stagnant or stuffy air Gas or propane stove Coal or wood stove Other gas appliance (water heater, furnace) Regular contact with smokers ? Mobile Home Factory Bottled P Notes 12 Hobby and Work Activities Do you have regular exposure to: Pesticides or herbicides Harsh chemicals (varnish, glue, gas, acid…) Welding or soldering Metals (Lead, Mercury, etc) Paints Photo developing / Dark room Airplane travel Cleaning chemicals Y N ? P Notes Personal - Diet Drinking/Cooking water source: Well Public Works Caffeine? What kind: How Much: Do you regularly eat: Fish (fresh, frozen, canned, etc.) Artificial sweeteners (Circle one): NutraSweet, Equal, Aspartame, Splenda Alcohol Animal products Bottled Filtered Y N ? P Y N ? P Y N ? P Notes How often? What percentage of your animal product is organic? Do you wash your produce What percentage of your produce is organic? Deep fat fried foods Sodas, juices, drinks containing High Fructose Corn Syrup – how many per day? Do you have: Allergies Sensitivity to smells (gas, perfume, paint, etc…) Artificial materials in the body (implants, pins, joints, etc…) Immunizations Have you ever: Used tobacco Experimented with recreational drugs Led a high stress lifestyle Experienced a stressful or traumatic event Been under anesthesia Had an illness during foreign travel Had an illness while camping or hiking Had food poisoning 13 Dental Y N ? Notes Do you currently have amalgam fillings or caps? How many amalgam fillings do you have now? Have you removed or lost dental fillings or caps? Did you have fillings as a child? How many fillings did you have? Did you have your Wisdom teeth removed? At what age? Any complications such as dry socket or abscesses? Do you have any root canal treated teeth? How many and when were they placed? Did your mother have dental fillings prior to giving birth to you? During her pregnancy with you? Other: Please list all PRESCRIPTION or OVER THE COUNTER medications you currently take on a regular basis, including birth control pills and allergy injections: Name of medication Dose (mg, ML, IU) How often do you take it? How long have you taken it? If you have side effects, please specify Please list all VITAMINS/MINERALS, HERBS, or OTHER SUPPLEMENTS you currently take on a regular basis: Name of supplement Dose (mg, ML, IU) How often do you take it? How long have you taken it? If you have side effects, please specify Drug Adverse Reactions: Please list ANY medication / anesthetics / immunizations you have had to stop taking because of side effects or allergic reactions: Name of medication/ immunization Type of side effects or allergic reaction that caused you to stop it Age Year 14 Mark Holthouse, M.D. n1Health Center for Functional Medicine 4901 Golden Foothill Parkway | El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 p 530-676-1003 | Authorization for Disclosure of Health Information Patient Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________ 1. I authorize the use or disclosure of the above named individual’s health information as described below. 2. The following individual or organization is authorized to make the disclosure: Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine, Inc. Mark Holthouse, M.D. 4901 Golden Foothill Parkway El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 3. The type and amount of information to be used or disclosed is as follows: (include dates where appropriate). _______ Complete health records* _______ Lab results/X-ray reports _______ Physical Exam _______ Consultation reports _______ Immunization record _______ Other (please specify): ___________________ * I understand that the information in my health record may include information relating to sexually transmitted disease, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It may also include information about behavioral or mental health services and treatment for alcohol and drug abuse. 4. This information may be disclosed to and used by the following individuals or organization, by phone, fax, mail and in person with patient: Name: ____________________________________ Relationship: ___________________________ Name: ____________________________________ Relationship: ___________________________ Name: ____________________________________ Relationship: ___________________________ 5. I understand that I have a right to revoke this authorization at any time. I understand that if I revoke this authorization I must do so in writing and present my written revocation to the health information management department. I understand that the revocation will not apply to my insurance company when the law provides my insurer with the right to contest a claim under my policy. 6. I understand that authorizing the disclosure of this health information is voluntary. I can refuse to sign this authorization. I need not sign this form in order to assure treatment. I understand that I may inspect or copy the information to be used or disclosed, as provided in CFR 164.524. I understand that any disclosure of information carries with it the potential for an unauthorized redisclosure and the information may not be protected by federal confidentiality rules. _____________________________________________ Signature of patient or legal representative _____________________________ Date Mark Holthouse, M.D. n1Health Center for Functional Medicine 4901 Golden Foothill Parkway | El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 p 530-676-1003 | Consent for Functional Medicine Care As a health care consumer Notice of nonstandard nature of treatment. Integrative care approaches are often unreviewed via traditional methods and therefore unrecognized by the FDA and mainstream medicine. These approaches are foreign to most traditionally trained western medical practitioners and most professional medical associations. Integrative, functional medical approaches to illness are considered in many situations as unproven therapeutic options to disease management. These approaches are taught and practiced by highly trained physicians and other health care providers across the globe. In addition to their traditional training in western medical approaches many, (all here at Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine, Inc.), have received extensive, additional training in areas such as nutrition, natural supplements, stress management and other healthy lifestyle practices. Education and experience in the practice of integrative medicine: Mark E. Holthouse M.D, FAAFP. Dr. Holthouse has been a leader in developing the emerging field of Functional-Integrative Medicine. He is board certified in Family Medicine, is a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, a member of the American Board of Integrative/Holistic Medicine, and is now board-eligible to become on of the first "Specialists in Integrative Medicine by the American Board of Integrative Medicine and the American Board of Physician Specialists. Marc Fierro , L.Ac., P.A.- C. Licensed Physicians Assistant U.C. Davis, Licensed Acupuncturist, and herbologist with 20 years of experience in Traditional Chinese Medicine and graduating from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in 1991. (A four year post graduate degree) 3rd degree Black belt instructor in Choi Lai fut, Tai Chi and Qi gong. Nature of the treatment offered discussed with patient Purpose/Risks/Benefits/Indications and alternatives discussed with patient Conventional vs CAM options discussed A holistic/ CAM review of symptoms does not infer that Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine, Inc., and/or its providers are taking on your PCP (primary care physician) responsibilities. All routine medical care is assumed to be managed by your regular provider outside of our clinic. If you are also a primary care patient, established here and actively receiving all routine medical care, we are also your PCP office and we accept that responsibility. Patient printed name______________________________________ Patient signature __________________________________ Date_________________________ Witness___________________________________ Date_____________________________ 1 Mark Holthouse, M.D. n1Health Center for Functional Medicine 4901 Golden Foothill Parkway | El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 p 530-676-1003 | Informed Consent Regarding Nutritional and Herbal Supplements According to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as amended, Section 201(g)(1), the term drug is defined as an “article intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease.” Technically, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, herbs, or homeopathic remedies are not classified as drugs. However, these substances can have significant effects on physiology and must be used rationally. In this office, we provide nutritional counseling and make individualized recommendations regarding use of these substances in order to upgrade the quality of foods in a patient’s diet and to supply nutrition to support the physiological and biomechanical processes of the human body. Although these products may also be suggested with a specific therapeutic purpose in mind, their use is chiefly designed to support given aspects of metabolic function. Use of nutritional supplements may be safely recommended for patients already using pharmaceutical medications (drugs), but some potentially harmful interactions may occur. For this reason, it is important to keep all of your healthcare providers fully informed about all medications and nutritional supplements, herbs, or hormones you may be taking. Sale of Nutritional Supplements at Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine, Inc. You are under no obligation to purchase nutritional supplements at our clinic. As a service to you, we make nutritional supplements available in our office. We purchase these products only from manufacturers who have gained our confidence through considerable research and experience. We determine quality by considering: (1) the quality of science behind the product; (2) the quality of the ingredients themselves; (3) the quality of the manufacturing process; and (4) the synergism among product components. The brands of supplements that we carry in our facility are those that meet our high standards and tend to produce predictable results. While these supplements may come at a higher financial cost than those found on the shelves of pharmacies or health food stores, the value must also include assurance of their purity, quality, bioavailability (ability to be properly absorbed and utilized by the body), and effectiveness. The chief reason we make these products available is to ensure quality. You are not guaranteed the same level of quality when you purchase your supplements from the general marketplace. We are not suggesting that such products have no value; however, given the lack of stringent testing requirements for dietary supplements, product quality varies widely. If you have concerns about this issue, please discuss them with our staff. I, ___________________________________________________________, have read and understand the above statement on ____________________ (date), witnessed by ______________________________, ___________________ (date). (to be witnesed at first appointment) (to be completed at first appointment) Mark Holthouse, M.D. n1Health Center for Functional Medicine 4901 Golden Foothill Parkway | El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 p 530-676-1003 | Guidelines for Use of Technology Communications We utilize various technologies for communication as a convenience for our members. Please follow the guidelines listed below and be aware that these guidelines may require modification as the need arises. 1. Please keep email content to the following topics: a. Request for prescriptions refills - triplicate requests only (others should remain through your local or mail-away pharmacy first) b. Request for appointments - non-urgent c. Non-urgent related healthcare issues d. Billing or insurance related matters e. Membership related questions or concerns 2. Please use the general topic in the subject line of your email so that we can assist in delivering your email to the correct staff member. 3. Our email system is not encrypted. While we will treat your communication with the same care we do your medical records and phone calls, please do not include sensitive information in your email. Specifically, do not include your social security numbers or other financially sensitive information. Your communication may be viewed by your physician and his/her staff, a covering physician, his/her medical assistant or the practice coordinator. 4. Please keep emails brief and concise. 5. Please include your name and date of birth in the body of all email communications. 6. Please be aware that all attempts will be made to reply to emails as quickly as possible, but replies may take more than 1 business day. Please do not include urgent or time sensitive requests in email. Please use the telephone for all urgent requests. 7. We will not be able to respond to medical emergencies via email. The email cannot replace the physician-patient relationship. 8. A copy of your email will be placed in your medical record. 9. I understand and consent to the use of online video technologies for visits with the providers. Technology Informed Consent I herby authorize Mark Holthouse, MD and/or Mark Fiero, P.A. to communicate with me via email/online video regarding non-urgent, non-time sensitive healthcare issues. Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Print Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Mark Holthouse, M.D. n1Health Center for Functional Medicine 4901 Golden Foothill Parkway | El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 p 530-676-1003 | Wellness Assessment Form The information collected on this Wellness Assessment Form will help inform your n1HealthCoach about your current health status and help them get to know you. Collecting this data will assist in the assessment of your overall wellness and in creating an exercise and nutrition plan to address your specific needs. Please complete the entire form. All information contained on this form will be kept strictly confidential. The services and suggestions of the n1HealthCoach are at all times meant to help with your general feeling of wellness and are in no way meant to diagnose or treat any disease. Member Name: _____________________________________ Sex: _______ DOB: ___________________ Home Phone: ___________________ Work Phone: __________________ Cell Phone: ___________________ Email Address: ________________________________________ Marital Status: ________________________ Occupation: _____________________________________________ Travel Required?: ___________________ Please select the technologies you have access to: Computer Internet Email Skype Social Media In order of importance to you, what are your main concerns in regards to physical activity, eating right, sleeping well, and being at a healthy weight? 1. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have family to support you on your journey towards optimal health and wellness? __________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Dietary Habits: How many meals do you have per day and when?: ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ How many snacks do you have per day and when?: _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you usually eat meals: _____With family _____Home alone _____With friends _____In front of TV _____At a restaurant _____Fast food _____On the run _____While doing other activities How many glasses of water do you drink per day? _________________________________________________ Do you consume beverages with your meals? _____No _____Yes If so, what do you drink? _____________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you feel that there are restrictions on your diet? _____No _____Yes If so, what are they? ______________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe your diet (circle one): Meat Eater Vegetarian Vegan Other: __________________________ What foods do you crave, if any?: ______________________________________________________________ Do you avoid certain foods? _____No _____Yes If so, what are they and why do you avoid them? _________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you experience any symptoms after meals? _____No _____Yes If so, please explain: ________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Please complete a seven-day food journal and bring it to your appointment. List what you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks each day, noting meal times and portions whenever possible. Lifestyle: How many hours of sleep do you get per night? ___________________________________________________ How do you feel when you awaken? ____________________________________________________________ How often do you exercise? __________________________________________________________________ What type of exercise do you do and for how long? ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have access to exercise equipment? _____________________________________________________ Do you vacation regularly? _______________________ When was your last vacation? ___________________ Do you enjoy your work? _____________________ What are your typical work hours? ____________________ Do you smoke? ________________________ If so, how much? _____________________________________ Are you around second-hand smoke? _____________ Do you use recreational drugs? ____________________ What are your interests and hobbies? ___________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any pets? ______________________________________________________________________ Please list how many hours you spend in a typical day doing the following: Driving ____________ Watching TV ____________ Reading ____________ Using a computer ___________ Hobbies/Relaxing ____________ Is there anything else you would like to share with me? _____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 Name:______________________________ Date of Birth:______________________ Please be honest with each of the following questions. Place a check in the box the best describes your current state. Physical Activity I am not active and I do not plan to start. Pre-Contemplation I am not active but I am thinking about starting. Contemplation I am getting ready to become active. Preparation I do some activity but need to do more. Action I have been active regularly for several months. Maintenance Eating Well (Nutrition) I do not eat well and don’t plan to change. Pre-Contemplation I do not eat well but I am thinking about changing. Contemplation I am planning to change my diet. Preparation I sometimes eat well but need to do more. Action I have eaten well regularly for several months. Maintenance Managing Stress I do not manage stress well and plan no changes. Pre-Contemplation I am thinking about making changes to manage stress. Contemplation I am planning to change to manage stress better. Preparation I sometimes take steps to manage stress better but need to do more. Action I have used good stress-management techniques for several months. Maintenance Weight Management I don not manage my weight well and plan no changes. Pre-Contemplation I am thinking about making changes to weight management. Contemplation I am planning to change to manage my weight better. Preparation I sometimes take steps to manage my weight but need to do more. Action I have used good weight-management techniques for several months. Maintenance Thank you for taking the time to complete this wellness assessment. 3 Mark Holthouse, M.D. n1Health Center for Functional Medicine 4901 Golden Foothill Parkway | El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 p 530-676-1003 | How Healthy Is Your Diet? Circle your answers after careful thought, then add up your points (numbers in parentheses). 1. How many fruits do you normally eat each day (1/2 cup fresh or dried fruit, 1 medium piece, 1 cup unsweetened juice)? A. 0 (-2) B. 1 (0) C. 2 to 3 (+2) D. 4 or more (+3) (score) _____ 2. How many vegetable servings do you normally eat each day (1 cup leafy greens, 1/2 cup any other veggie, raw or cooked)? A. 0 (-4) B. 1 (0) C. 2 (+1) D. 3 (+2) E. 4 or more (+3) (score) _____ 3. How many different varieties of vegetables do you eat in a normal month? A. 2 or less (-4) B. 3 to 4 (0) C. 5 to 6 (+1) D. 7 to 8 (+3) E. 9 or more (+4) (score) _____ 4. How many times do you eat dried beans or peas (legumes, lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans, green peas, etc.) in a normal week? A. 0 (-2) B. 1 to 2 (0) C. 3 to 4 (+1) D. 5 to 6 (+2) E. 7 or more (+3) (score) _____ 5. How many times do you eat red meat in a normal week? A. 6 or more (-4) B. 4 to 5 (-3) C. 1 to 3 (-1) D. Less than once a week (+2) E. 0 (+3) (score) _____ 6. How many times do you eat in a fast food restaurant in a normal week? A. 6 or more (-5) B. 4 to 5 (-4) C. 1 to 3 (-3) D. Less than once a week (-2) E. 0 (0) (score) _____ 4 Mark Holthouse, M.D. n1Health Center for Functional Medicine 4901 Golden Foothill Parkway | El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 p 530-676-1003 | 7. In a typical day, what do you drink most often? A. Soda (regular or diet) (-4) B. Caffeinated coffee or tea (-1) C. Decaffeinated coffee or tea (0) D. Milk or fruit juice (0) E. Herbal tea or water (+3) (score) _____ 8. How many 12 oz. cans of soda do you drink in a normal day? A. 6 or more (-5) B. 4 to 5 (-4) C. 2 to 3 (-3) D. 1 (-2) E. Less than 1 (-1) F. 0 (0) (score) _____ 9. How often do you eat fish in a typical week? A. Never (-2) B. Once (+1) C. Twice (+2) D. 3 to 5 times (+3) (score) _____ 10. In a typical week, how often do you eat whole grains (100% whole grain bread, whole oats, brown rice, quinoa, whole rye crackers)? A. Never (-3) B. 1 to 2 times a week (-1) C. 3 to 4 times a week (0) D. 5 to 6 times a week (+1) E. 1 or more times a day (+3) (score) _____ 11. How often do you eat sweets such as cookies, cakes, or ice cream? A. 1 or more times a day (-3) B. Every other day (-2) C. Twice a week (-1) D. Once a week (0) E. 2 to 3 times a month (+1) F. Rarely (+3) (score) _____ 0 Your Total Score__________________ Scoring: 22–28 – Great eating habits 17–21 – Pretty good eating habits 10–16 – Needs some improvement 9 or less – Needs much improvement; try to change one habit at a time This document was created by the Institute for Functional Medicine. This document may be copied or printed for your own use but cannot be resold or repurposed for commercial use. 5 MEDICAL SYMPTOM QUESTIONNAIRE BASED ON THE PAST 48 hrs 30 DAYS rate each of the following symptoms based upon your typical health profile. NAME DATE Please se he scale 0 1 2 own elow o escribe he severity f our 0 Never r almost never ave e mptom Occasionally ave t, effect is not severe Occasionally ave t, effect is severe Headaches Dizziness/Faintness Insomnia TOTAL this section) 0 Watery or itchy eyes Swollen, reddened or sticky eyelids Dark circles under eyes Vision problems (excluding near or farsighted) TOTAL this section) HEAD EYES 0 TOTAL this section) 0 Stuffy nose/Excessive mucus formation Sinus problems Hay fever/Sneezing attacks Nose bleeding TOTAL this section) 0 Gagging, frequent need to clear throat Sore throat, hoarseness, loss of voice Swollen/Discolored tongue, gums, lips Canker sores TOTAL this section) 0 Acne Hives, rashes, dry skin Hair loss Excessive hair growth Excessive sweating/Body odor Flushing, hot flashes TOTAL this section) 0 Irregular or skipped heartbeat Rapid or pounding heartbeat Chest pain TOTAL this section) 0 Chest congestion Asthma, frequent bronchitis Difficulty breathing Frequent coughing TOTAL this section) NOSE MOUTH/ SKIN HEART LUNGS ch section) 3 4 Frequently have it, effect is not severe Frequently ave t, effect is severe 0 Nausea, vomiting Diarrhea, loose stools Constipation, hard/infrequent stools Bloated feeling Belching, passing gas, burping Heartburn/acid taste in mouth Intestinal/stomach pain TOTAL this section) 0 Pain or aches in joints/Arthritis Warm, swollen joints Stiffness or limitation of movement Pain or aches in muscles Muscle weakness TOTAL this section) 0 Excessive eating/drinking Strong/Excessive craving certain foods Overweight/Obese Difficulty losing weight Water retention Difficulty gaining weight TOTAL this section) 0 Fatigue from mental exhaustion Fatigue from emotional exhaustion Hyperactivity (mind or body) Restlessness (mind or body) TOTAL this section) 0 Poor memory Confusion, poor comprehension Poor concentration Poor physical coordination Difficulty making decisions Speech difficulty Learning disabilities TOTAL this section) 0 Mood swings Anxiety, fear, nervousness Anger, irritability, aggressiveness Depression/Sadness Obsessive, compulsive behaviors TOTAL this section) 0 Frequent illness Frequent or urgent urination Genital itch or discharge TOTAL this section) DIGESTIVE TRACT JOINTS / MUSCLE Itchy ears Frequent ear infections Popping of ears Ringing in ears EARS mptom please otal WEIGHT ENERGY / ACTIVITY MIND EMOTIONS OTHER SUM OF ALL SECTIONS ABOVE: 0 6 Mark Holthouse, M.D. n1Health Center for Functional Medicine 4901 Golden Foothill Parkway | El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 p 530-676-1003 | Notice of Privacy Practices Privacy Officer: Mark Holthouse, M.D. Effective Date: Sept. 2008 THIS NOTICE DESCRIBES HOW MEDICAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU MAY BE USED AND DISCLOSED AND HOW YOU CAN GET ACCESS TO THIS INFORMATION. PLEASE REVIEW IT CAREFULLY. We understand the importance of privacy and are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your medical information. We make a record of the medical care we provide and may receive such records from others. We use these records to provide or enable other health care providers to provide quality medical care, to obtain payment for services provided to you as allowed by your health plan and to enable us to meet our professional and legal obligations to operate this medical practice properly. We are required by law to maintain the privacy of protected health information and to provide individuals with notice of our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to protected health information. This notice describes how we may use and disclose your medical information. It also describes your rights and our legal obligations with respect to your medical information. If you have any questions about this Notice, please contact our Privacy Officer listed above. TABLE OF CONTENTS A. How This Medical Practice May Use or Disclose Your Health Information B. When This Medical Practice May Not Use or Disclose Your Health Information C. Your Health Information Rights 1. Right to Request Special Privacy Protections 2. Right to Request Confidential Communications 3. Right to Inspect and Copy 4. Right to Amend or Supplement 5. Right to an Accounting of Disclosures 6. Right to a Paper Copy of This Notice D. Changes to This Notice of Privacy Practices E. Complaints A. How This Medical Practice May Use or Disclose Your Health Information This medical practice collects health information about you and stores it in a chart and on a computer. This is your medical record. This medical record is the property of this medical practice, but the information in the medical record belongs to you. The law permits us to use or disclose your health information for the following purposes: 1 Mark Holthouse, M.D. n1Health Center for Functional Medicine 4901 Golden Foothill Parkway | El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 p 530-676-1003 | 1. Treatment. We use medical information about you to provide your medical care. We disclose medical information to our employees and others who are involved in providing the care you need. For example, we may share your medical information with other physicians or other health care providers who will provide services that we do not provide. Or we may share this information with a pharmacist who needs it to dispense a prescription to you, or a laboratory that performs a test. We may also disclose medical information to members of your family or others who can help you when you are sick or injured. 2. Payment. We use and disclose medical information about you to obtain payment for the services we provide. For example, we give your health plan the information it requires before they will pay us. We may also disclose information to other health care providers to assist them in obtaining payment for the services they have provided to you. 3. Health Care Operations. We may use and disclose medical information about you to operate this medical practice. For example, we may use and disclose this information to review and improve the quality of care we provide, or the competence and qualifications of our professional staff. Or we may use and disclose this information to get your health plan to authorize services or referrals. We may also use and disclose this information as necessary for medical reviews, legal services and audits, including fraud and abuse detection and compliance programs and business planning and management. We may also share your medical information with our “business associates”, such as our billing service, that perform administrative services for us. We have a written contract with each of these business associates that contains terms requiring them to protect the confidentiality of your medical information. Although federal law does not protect health information that is disclosed to someone other than another healthcare provider, health plan or healthcare clearinghouse, under California law all recipients of health care information are prohibited from re-disclosing it except as specifically required or permitted by law. We may also share your information with other health care providers, health care clearinghouses or health plans that have a relationship with you, when they request this information to help them with their quality assessment and improvement activities, their efforts to improve health or reduce health care costs, their review of competence, qualifications and performance of health care professionals, their training programs, their accreditation, certification or licensing activities, or their health care fraud and abuse detection and compliance efforts. 4. Appointment Reminders. We may use and disclose medical information to contact and remind you about appointments. If you are not home, we may leave this information on your answering machine or in a message left with the person answering the phone. 5. Sign In Sheet. We may use or disclose medical information about you by having you sign in when you arrive at our office. We may also call out your name when we are ready to see you. 6. Notification and Communication with Family. We may disclose your health information to notify or assist in notifying a family member, your personal representative or another person 2 Mark Holthouse, M.D. n1Health Center for Functional Medicine 4901 Golden Foothill Parkway | El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 p 530-676-1003 | responsible for your care, about your location, your general condition or in the event of your death. In the event of a disaster, we may disclose information to a relief organization so that they may coordinate these notification efforts. We may also disclose information to someone who is involved with your care or helps pay for your care. If you are able and available to agree or object we will give you the opportunity to object prior to making these disclosures, although we may disclose this information in a disaster even over your objection if we believe it is necessary to respond to the emergency circumstances. If you are unable or unavailable to agree or object, our health professionals will use their best judgment in communication with your family and others. 7. Marketing. We may contact you to give you information about products or services related to your treatment, case management or care coordination, or to direct or recommend other treatments or health-related benefits and services that may be of interest to you, or to provide you with small gifts. We may also encourage you to purchase a product or service when we see you. We will not otherwise use or disclose your medical information for marketing purposes without your written authorization. 8. Required by Law. As required by law, we will use and disclose your health information, but we will limit our use or disclosure to the relevant requirements of the law. When the law requires us to report abuse, neglect or domestic violence, or respond to judicial or administrative proceedings, or to law enforcement officials, we will further comply with the requirement set forth below concerning those activities. 9. Public Health. We may, and are sometimes required by law, to disclose your health information to public health authorities for purposes related to: preventing or controlling disease, injury or disability; reporting child, elder or dependent adult abuse or neglect; reporting domestic violence; reporting to the Food and Drug Administration problems with products and reactions to medications; and reporting disease or infection exposure. When we report suspected elder or dependent adult abuse or domestic violence, we will inform you or your personal representative promptly unless in our best professional judgment, we believe the notification would place you at risk of serious harm or would require informing a personal representative we believe is responsible for the abuse or harm. 10. Health Oversight Activities. We may, and are sometimes required by law, to disclose your health information to health oversight agencies during the course of audits, investigations, inspections, licensure and other proceedings, subject to the limitations imposed by federal and California law. 11. Judicial and Administrative Proceedings. We may, and are sometimes required by law, to disclose your health information in the course of any administrative or judicial proceeding to the extent expressly authorized by a court or administrative order. We may also disclose information about you in response to a subpoena, discovery request or other lawful process if reasonable 3 Mark Holthouse, M.D. n1Health Center for Functional Medicine 4901 Golden Foothill Parkway | El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 p 530-676-1003 | efforts have been made to notify you of the request and you have not objected, or if your objections have been resolved by a court or administrative order. 12. Law Enforcement. We may, and are sometimes required by law, to disclose your health information to a law enforcement official for the purposes such as identifying or locating a suspect, fugitive, material witness or missing person, complying with a court order, warrant, grand jury subpoena and other law enforcement purposes. 13. Coroners. We may, and are often required by law, to disclose your health information to coroners in connection with their investigations of death. 14. Organ or Tissue Donation. We may disclose your health information to organizations involved in procuring, banking, or transplanting organs or tissues. 15. Public Safety. We may, and are sometimes required by law, to disclose your health information to appropriate persons in order to prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to the health or safety of a particular person or the general public. 16. Specialized Government Functions. We may disclose your health information for military or national security purposes or to correctional institutions or law enforcement officers that have you in their lawful custody. 17. Worker’s Compensation. We may disclose your health information as necessary to comply with worker’s compensation laws. For example, to the extent your care is covered by workers’ compensation, we will make periodic reports to your employer about your condition. We are also required by law to report cases of occupational injury or occupational illness to the employer or workers’ compensation insurer. 18. Change of Ownership. In the event that this medical practice is sold or merged with another organization, your health information/record will become the property of the new owner, although you will maintain the right to request that copies of your health information be transferred to another physician or medical group. B. When This Medical Practice May Not Use or Disclose Your Health Information Except as described in the Notice of Privacy Practices, this medical practice will not use or disclose health information that identifies you without your written authorization. If you do authorize this medical practice to use or disclose your health information for another purpose, you may revoke your authorization in writing at any time. C. Your Health Information Rights 4 Mark Holthouse, M.D. n1Health Center for Functional Medicine 4901 Golden Foothill Parkway | El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 p 530-676-1003 | 1. Right to Request Special Privacy Protections. You have the right to request restrictions on certain uses and disclosures of your health information, by a written request specifying what information you want to limit and what limitations on our use or disclosure of that information you wish to have imposed. We reserve the right to accept or reject your request, and will notify you of our decision. 2. Right to Request Confidential Communications. You have the right to request that you receive your health information in a specific way or at a specific location. For example, you may ask that we send information to a particular email account or to your work address. We will comply with all reasonable requests submitted in writing which specify how or where you wish to receive these communications. 3. Right to Inspect and Copy. You have the right to inspect and copy your health information, with limited exceptions. To access your medical information, you must submit a written request detailing what information you want access to and whether you want to inspect it or get a copy of it. We will charge a reasonable fee, as allowed by California and federal law. We may deny your request under limited circumstances. If we deny your request to access your child’s records or the records of an incapacitated adult that you are representing because we believe allowing access would be reasonably likely to cause substantial harm to the patient, you will have a right to appeal our decision. If we deny your request to access your psychotherapy notes, you will have the right to have them transferred to another mental health professional. 4. Right to Amend or Supplement. You have a right to request that we amend your health information that you believe is incorrect or incomplete. You must make a request to amend in writing, and include the reasons you believe the information is inaccurate or incomplete. We are not required to change your health information, and will provide you with information about this medical practice’s denial and how you can disagree with the denial. We may deny your request if we do not have the information, if we did not create the information (unless the person or entity that created the information is no longer available to make the amendment), if you would not be permitted to inspect or copy the information at issue, or if the information is accurate and complete as is. You also have the right to request that we add to your record a statement of up to 250 words concerning any statement or item you believe to be incomplete or incorrect. 5. Right to an Accounting of Disclosures. You have a right to receive an accounting of disclosures of your health information made by this medical practice, except that this medical practice does not have to account for the disclosures provided to you or pursuant to your written authorization, or as described in paragraphs 1 (treatment), 2 (payment), 3 (health care operations), 6 (notification and communication with family) and 16 (specialized government functions) of Section A of this Notice of Privacy Practices or disclosures for purposes of research or public health which exclude direct patient identifiers, or which are incident to a use or disclosure otherwise permitted or authorized by law, or the disclosures to a health oversight agency or law enforcement official to the extent this medical practice has received notice from that agency or official that providing this accounting would be reasonably likely to impede their activities. 5 Mark Holthouse, M.D. n1Health Center for Functional Medicine 4901 Golden Foothill Parkway | El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 p 530-676-1003 | 6. Right to a Paper Copy of This Notice. You have a right to a paper copy of this Notice of Privacy Practices, even if you have previously requested its receipt by email. If you would like to have a more detailed explanation of these rights or if you would like to exercise one or more of these rights, contact our Privacy Officer listed at the top of this Notice of Privacy Practices. D. Changes to this Notice of Privacy Practices We reserve the right to amend this Notice of Privacy Practices at any time in the future. Until such amendment is made, we are required by law to comply with this Notice. After an amendment is made, the revised Notice of Privacy Protections will apply to all protected health information that we maintain, regardless of when it was created or received. We will keep a copy of the current notice posted in our reception area, and will offer you a copy at each appointment. E. Complaints. Complaints about this Notice of Privacy Practices or how this medical practice handles your health information should be directed to our Privacy Officer listed at the beginning of this Notice of Privacy Practices. If you are not satisfied with the manner in which this office handles a complaint, you may submit a formal complaint to: Department of Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights Hubert H. Humphrey Bldg. 200 Independence Avenue, S.W. Room 509F HHH Building Washington, D.C. 20201 You will not be penalized for filing a complaint. 6 Mark Holthouse, M.D. n1Health Center for Functional Medicine 4901 Golden Foothill Parkway | El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 p 530-676-1003 | Acknowledgement of Receipt of Notice of Privacy Practices I hereby acknowledge that I have read a copy of this medical practice’s Notice of Privacy Practices. I further acknowledge that a copy of the current notice will be posted in the reception area, and that I will be offered a copy of any amended Notice of Privacy Practices at each appointment. PATIENT RECORD OF DISCLOSURE Signed: ________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Print name: _____________________________________ Phone: _______________________ Name and Address of Patient: __________________________________________________________________________________ If not signed by the patient, please indicate relationship: ______ Parent or guardian of minor patient ______ Guardian or conservator of an incompetent patient I wish to be contacted in the following manner (check all that apply) □ O.K. to leave message with detailed information □ On answering machine □ Leave message for me to call the office □ Do not mail to my home address □ O.K. to leave message with ______________________________________________ I authorize this office to release medical information to the following person(s): __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Record of Disclosures of Protected Health Information Date Disclosed to Whom, Address, Phone # What and Why Disclosed Who Sent 1 Mark Holthouse, M.D. n1Health Center for Functional Medicine 4901 Golden Foothill Parkway | El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 p 530-676-1003 | Patient Consent to Treatment I, the undersigned, hereby consent to the following Treatment: • Administration and performance of all treatments • Administration of any needed anesthetics • Performance of such procedures as may be deemed necessary or advisable in the treatment of this patient • Use of prescribed medication • Performance of diagnostic procedures/tests and cultures • Performance of other medically accepted laboratory tests that may be considered medically necessary or advisable based on the judgment of the attending physician or their assigned designees I fully understand that this is given in advance of any specific diagnosis or treatment. I intend this consent to be continuing in nature even after a specific diagnosis has been made and treatment recommended. The consent will remain in full force until revoked in writing. I understand that Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine, Inc., may include consent at satellite offices under common ownership. I, the undersigned, authorize Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine, Inc., to use and disclose my information for the purposes of treatment, payment, and healthcare operations as described in the Notice of Privacy Practices. A photocopy of this consent shall be considered as valid as the original. MEDICARE PATIENTS: I authorize to release medical information about me to the Social Security Administration or its intermediaries for my Medicare claims. I assign the benefits payable for services to Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine, Inc. I acknowledge that I have been given the Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine, Inc. Notice of Privacy Practices. I understand that if I have questions or complaints that I should contact the Privacy Official. Patient Initial: ________________ I certify that I have read and fully understand the above statements and consent fully and voluntarily to its contents. _____________________________________________ Signature of patient or legal representative _____________________________ Date 2 Mark Holthouse, M.D. n1Health Center for Functional Medicine 4901 Golden Foothill Parkway | El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 p 530-676-1003 | Personality Test Patient Name: _______________________ Please visit this link and complete your Personality Test online: After you have completed your Personality Test, you will be provided with a four-letter type formula. Please note your type formula below. My Type Formula is: _______________ 3 Mark Holthouse, M.D. n1Health Center for Functional Medicine 4901 Golden Foothill Parkway | El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 p 530-676-1003 | Request to Release Medical Records I, the undersigned patient, request a copy of my records: Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ___________________________ Social Security Number: _______________________________ Date of request: Date Records Needed: To: (Name of Provider or Facility): _______________________________________________________________ Address: __ ______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:_________________________________________ Fax:_______________________________________ Types of records requested: ❐ Treatment Summary ❐ Specific Information: ❐ Procedure report ❐ History and Physical ❐ X-ray reports ❐ Other: ❐ All Medical Records related to a Specific illness or injury ❐ Physical Therapy ❐ Lab Test Results I understand that: § My right to healthcare treatment is not conditioned on this authorization. § I may cancel this authorization at any time by submitting a written request to the address provided at the top of this form, except where a disclosure has already been made in reliance on my prior authorization. § If the person or facility receiving this information is not a health care or medical insurance provider covered by privacy regulations, the information stated above could be redisclosed. § Release of HIV-related information, mental health related care, or substance abuse diagnosis and treatment information requires additional authorization. § There may be a charge for the requested records. Please release the requested information to: Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine, Inc. Mark Holthouse, M.D. 4901 Golden Foothill Parkway | El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 Phone: 530-676-1003 | Fax: 916-358-5200 Records may also be sent via email to [email protected] Please process this request within 15 calendar days, as provided by law. A copy of this authorization shall be deemed as valid as an original. I hereby authorize you to furnish the medical information requested to Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine, Inc., including the results of laboratory tests for infectious disease, if applicable. _____________________________________________ Signature of patient or legal representative _____________________________ Date 4 Mark Holthouse, M.D. n1Health Center for Functional Medicine 4901 Golden Foothill Parkway | El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 p 530-676-1003 | Screening Tool for Sleep Apnea Developed by David White, M.D., Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA In whom should apnea be considered? If you suspect sleep apnea, ask you patient the following questions: 1. Snoring: a) Do you snore on most night (>3 nights per week) Yes (2) No (0) __________ b) Is your snoring loud? Can it be heard through a door or wall? Yes (2) 2. Occasionally (3) Frequently (5) __________ more than 17 inches (5) more than 16 inches (5) __________ __________ What is your collar size? Male: Less than 17 inches (0) Female: Less than 16 inches (0) 4. __________ Has it ever been reported to you that you stop breathing or gasp during sleep? Never (0) 3. No (0) Do you occasionally fall asleep during the day when: a) You are busy or active? Yes (2) No (0) __________ b) You are driving or stopped at a light? Yes (2) 5. No (0) __________ Have you had or are you being treated for high blood pressure? Yes (1) No (0) __________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Score 9 points or more: 6 - 8 points 5 points or less Refer to sleep specialist or order sleep study Gray area, use clinical judgment Low probability of sleep apnea 5 Mark Holthouse, M.D. n1Health Center for Functional Medicine 4901 Golden Foothill Parkway | El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 p 530-676-1003 | Pa5ent Name ______________________________ Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack Snack Exercise 6 Review of Current Symptoms Please check any current problems you have on the list below: Constitutional Fevers/chills/sweats Unexplained weight loss/gain Brittle nails Dry Skin Change in skin texture Change in hair texture Inability to stand heat Inability to stand cold Change in egergy/increased weakness Excessive thirst or urination Cough/wheeze Difficulty breathing Snoring Sleep apnea/CPAP Eyes Change in Vision (Explain) ___________________ Ear/Nose/Throat Difficulty hearing/ringing in ears Hay fever/allergies Bleeding gums Cardiovascular Chest pain/discomfort Palpitations Swelling in feet or legs or ankles Varicose Veins Pain in extremities with exercise Skin Acanthosis nigricans (dark lines around neck & under arms) Skin tags Flattening of nail beds Genitourinary Unusual frequency of urination Change in stream Sexual Problems with erectile dysfunction Gastrointestinal Abdominal Pain Blood in bowel movements Heartburn Nausea/vomiting Diarrhea/constipation Psychiatric Problems with sleep Depression Panic attacks Mania Anxiety Anger Issues Blood/Lymphatic Easy bruising/bleeding Unexplained Lumps Neurologic Light-headedness Headaches Memory Loss Loss of coordination Balance Problems Tingling, pain, or numbness in hands or feet Any other symptoms? If so please list them: 7