Return of Christ - Portfolio Connect


Return of Christ - Portfolio Connect
End of the Age
Return of Christ
Planet X
"The Most High has looked on his times, and they are over.
His ages have come to an end."
ver 8.0 - August 2016
Robert Codell
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This study of End Times was done to the best of my ability to filter out incorrect ideas and include only relevant info
based mainly on Scripture and other peoples work I felt had some value.
If you feel you have found any errors or additions or just want to comment then please email me at:
[email protected]
This work is designed to be read along with viewing each Youtube clip ( blue hyperlink).
Latest versions can be downloaded from the web at:
Page 2
Return of Christ
Summary details of various End of the Age ideas
Day of the Lord
Coming of the Son of Man
Marriage of the Lamb
Jewish Feasts
Two Witnesses
3 Days of Darkness
Final Harvest
Is there an final 7 year period ?
Christ's revealing & return
Jewish traditional weddings
Main Jewish Feast Days & significance
Enoch & Elijah return to earth
How to deal with this topic from scripture
Evidence for the Last Harvest
Pre-tribulation rapture - is it correct ?
Some things to prepare before tribulation
1. Main Topics
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
2. Writings & Prophesy
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Early Church Fathers
Syballine Oracles
2 Esdras
Epistle of the Apostles
Ancient Prophesy
Other writings
Modern Prophesy
Vassula Ryden
Biblical Chronology
Various topics
Ancient Prophesy of End Times
Old Testament (Apocrypha)
Post Resurection, pre-Ascension Epistle
End Times - Words of advice
Other ancients texts
End Times - Planet X & various revelations
True Life in God ministries
Timeline of Bible events since Adam
Planet X
The Kolbran
Leviathan & Behemoth
Greek Mythology
Celestial Sword
Solar Eclipse
Planet X orbit
Sky Trumpets
Comet Warnings
Biblical evidence
Planet X - an ancient historical & prophetic anthology
Apostate Dragon & secular accounts
Planet X - 'Phaeton'
Slaying of the Leviathan
3 hours darkness at Christ's crucifixion
Estimated oribital period & return
Record & analysis
Comets and any links
The Woman
Decoding the Apocalypse
Various topics
Babylon of Today
Dreams & Visions
Bible Codes
Birth Pains of a pregnant woman
Understanding the book of Revelations
Days shortened, Famines, Israel, Magog etc
Mystery Babylon in today's age
More evidence from dreams & visions
Hidden Bible codes
Rapture - part 2
Christ's resurrection
The year 2023
Legend of the Jews
Christ's birth date
Christian persecutions
Further Rapture study & objections
Various predictions for Australia
Coming Alien deception
3 days and 3 nights in the tomb
Abraham enters the Promised Land in 2023 (AM)
more info on 210 years in Egypt versus 400.
more info on the birth date of Christ
3. Planet X
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
4. Other
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
5. Appendices
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Appendix 6
Appendix 7
Appendix 8
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Return of Christ
Brief Overview
I will attempt to show that we are very close to the start of the final 7 years of Tribulation and the return of Christ. My main arguments:
* Linking Abraham's birth & year of exit to the Promised Land to the years since Christ and the Jewish nation today (1948 & 2023 AD).
* Parable of the fig tree tied to the Jewish nation being established in 1948 and a generation being 70-80 years (between 2018 & 2028 AD)
* Biblical Chronology showing we have elapsed almost the full 6,000 years since the creation of Adam (mine will be in 2022 AD).
* Possible fullfillment of the biblical 'Woman' in the heavens (Constellation Virgo) mentioned in Revelations 12:1 in Sept 2017.
* Catholic prophesy mentioned by some about 100th anniversary of Fatima in 1917 may show a special event in the heavens.
* Judah Ben Samuel (1217 AD) amazinging accurate past predictions, and of 2017 being the final significant year regarding Jerusalem.
* Sky trumpets that mainly started in early 2012 AD around the world as a possible 7 year warning of destuctions to come (2019)
* Orbital analysis of previous recorded Planet X events can be lined up in the future starting Sep 2015 to a mid & post trib period.
* The Jews started rebuilding their temple off location since 2009 and can quickly transfer to the temple mount in Jerusalem.
* Pastor Neville Johnson claims (Nov-14) an Angel said that within the next 7 years Christians will no longer be able to buy or sell.
* Many modern Christian dreams say Obama will be the last US President - one in 1971 says he will be the 12th from Truman (he is) read
* One prophesy (2008) claims Israel's P.M. Netanyahu will be the leader during the End Times of his 3rd term (3rd term in Mar-15)
Please note as of 2/6/2016 nothing too extraordinary has happened since Sept-2015 - but still on my watchlist for now…
Before the end of the age, a falling away must happen first (it seems in the faith) and the man of sin is revealed (2 Thes 2:3-4)
Most agree there will be a final 7 year period which starts from when Israel makes a 7 year peace agreement with the Arab Nations.
Jesus 2nd coming seems to be when things are most dark at the very end with clouds (Ezek 32:7-10, Joel 2:1-2 & 9-11, Zeph 1:14-18).
Also see Mark 13:24-27, Math 26:64, Rev 14:15, Isaiah 30:26-28, Ezek 32:2-8, Joel 2:30-32, Dan 8:24
Even though nobody knows the day or hour, I don't believe its wrong to try and have a rough timeframe of events to try prepare
yourself as you see the Day approaching (Heb 10:25). No estimates can be foolproof and are just that - only estimates.
Christ tells us to watch and pray and not be like foolish virgins (Math 25:8-13, Mark 13:33,37 & Luke 21:34) so the following is food
for thought on some of the more interesting ideas going around that I felt had value and see if they might fit together like a puzzle:
Sky Trumpets
Youtube video
Since late 2011 & early 2012, strange sounds from the sky have been reported all over the world sounding like trumpet sounds.
Till today I have not found any credible explanation for these anywhere, even though many have tried. Most people recording this are
just ordinary people. Search for any country in Youtube under "strange sounds from sky" and you will find hundreds of uploaded clips.
I have listened to over a hundred myself and categorised them into places and times. Not including strange cymbal & drum sounds,
but only trumpet sounds, I came up with 7-8 different trumpet tones repeated around the world (excluding a few hoaxes).
In the book of Revelations mentions the seven Angels of God with 7 trumpets (Rev 8:2 & Ezek 33:4), See Chapter 26 for more
Parable of Fig Tree
In Mathew 24 Jesus spoke about the parable of the fig tree (Israel) - when you see it bring forth leaves then know that His return
is in that generation. Pslams 90:10 mentions a generation is 70-80 years. If you believe that the green shoots start from 1948 when
Israel became a nation again then this would make Christ's return to be between 2018 to 2028.
Planet X
Youtube video
Also known by other names as Destroyer, Nibiru, Red Dragon or Nemesis. The idea that this planet has been the main cause of earth's
previous cataclysims has a lot of evidence from the Biblical, extra biblical & historical sources. It explains many historical occurences
such as changes in Earth's calendar, rotation & axis tilt, destruction by meteors, global flooding & partial extinction of the dinosaurs.
It can explain why the solar eclipse during Christ's crucifixion as well as future events as told in the book of Revelations & other
ancient records. See Planet X in Section 3 for more..
3 Days of Darkness
It has been said that at the 100th anniversary of St Mary's aparition in Fatima (1917) there will be seen great things (2017): Youtube video
It also closely matches another interesting prediction from Scott Clark on Rev Chapter 12 for Sept 23rd 2017 :
Youtube video
And also its not far from what astronomer Gil Broussard thinks about the return of Planet X (2016):
Youtube video
See these references Ex 10:21-23, Joel 2:1-11, Isiah 13: 6-15, 26:10-21, 24:10-19, 8:21, Amos 5:6-9 & 18, 8:8-11 & 5:18, Zech 14:6, Ezek 30:3
Other Catholic references
Catholic Prophesy Youtube video
Other - According to others, a cosmic event will be seen 3 days prior to the darkness. A massive earthquake will also precede just prior the 3 days of darkness.
Sign in the Heavens
A sign of the cross is said to appear in the heavens at the same time of Planet X's return. This is mentioned within the Catholic
prophesy about the 3 days of darkness plus other Protestant prophesy I have heard on this topic.
It seems to be mentioned in the Bible also - see Zech 12:10, Math 24:30.
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Vassula Ryden
According to Vassula Ryden (True Life in God), Saint Mary appeared to her to warn others about the future events said in a prayer:
"Lash not on Your flock distress and anguish, for the waters will run dry and nature will wither: all will succumb at Your wrath leaving
no trace behind them. The heat of Your Breath will put aflame the earth turning it into a waste! From the horizon, a star will be seen;
the night will be ravaged and ashes will fall as snow in winter, covering Your people like ghosts; Take mercy on us, God and do not
assess us harshly..". The above is part of the whole message which came to her on 7th Jan 2008 - See Chapter 17 for more
Garabandal Warning
Catholic Prophesy: St Mary appreared to 4 young girls in 8/8/1961, at the end, was certain nations would be completely wiped out.
It was said that many christians would be killed also. Before that there would be a holy warning seeing ourselves as God sees us.
A sign in the heavens like 2 stars colliding but not hitting the earth.
Summary on Timing
Abraham, the father of God's promises to both the Jews & Gentiles was born in the year 1948 AM (from Adam) - Christ like a 2nd Adam
could be said to restart the time clock in a sense. If that were true then its very interesting the Jews became a nation again in 1948 AD
Abraham according to the book of Jasher, goes into the promised land for 20 yrs then back to Haran for 5 yrs. He then leaves to go back
into the promised land (age 75) for good in the year 2023 (from Adam). Could the initial 20 yr period symbolise the time of the Jews
till Christ? - which is about 2,000 yrs and the 2nd period relate to both Christians & Jews at the end of 2022 AD / start of 2023 AD?
The parable of the fig tree by Jesus (Math 24:32), is compared to the re-establishment to the Jews in Israel in 1948. He mentions this
generation will not pass away till all these come to pass. (between 2018 & 2028). One generation is said to be 70-80 years (Psalms 90:10)
There is a strong prediction with Judah Ben Samuel that in 2017 the Jews will get back in control of the Temple area
They will then be able to transfer the temple there from another location in which they have mostly completed.
It's possible that they will enter a 7 year peace agreement soon afterwards which would end in 2024.
click here
This 7 year agreement is in Revelations where it is mentioned that after 3.5 years , the antichrist will show himself (if not before)
(current temple location is Mitzpe Yericho, Youtube video has been taken down).
The Catholic prophesy of the 3 days of darkness at its 100th anniversary (Oct 2017) also closely matches Scott Clarke's prediction that
it is Planet X (Abaddon/Apollyon meaning Destroyer) in Revelations 12:1 where at the end of Sept 2017 is fullfilled in the sky via Virgo
and 3 other planets in formation with moon at her feet & clothed with the sun (Rev 12:1-4). Check this yourself using 'Stellarium'.
It's clear from the Bible that the earth will be destroyed a 2nd time with fire. See Isiah 13:4-22, 24:6, 2 Pet 3:10
Its very possible the the return of Planet X could be the cause of both the 3 days of darkness as well as the earth being scorched (Rev 8:7)
If these estimated dates are correct then many Christians will be martyred for their faith before 2022/2023 (Rev 20:4) during either
the tribulation or the great tribulation period. For those left till the end may see the return of Christ, not when there is faith but when
things are most dark (ie darkest part of the night is just before the sun rises) and lines with with numerous versus (see summary).
Please note there is no 'pre-tribulation' rapture of the church as this contradicts many passages of scipture. God's protection of course
is very biblical and He will save those in the faith from God's wrath. This however doesn’t mean we wont have persecution.
The true rapture happens after some tribulation has occurred with the dead rising first, we then will follow them.
The verse 'one will be taken and another left' (Math 24:40) is not talking about a rapture but rather the 'taken' are those who are killed .
read the whole thing in context. A good Youtube video:
Video 1
Video 2
see Chapter 8 for more as we discuss a mid-trib rapture event
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Opening Summary
I am very aware that many have tried and failed in predicting the future return of Christ, I have simple collected various ideas
together and the result I got from them I felt was complelling enough that I decided to write about it:
Regarding Abraham going into the Promised Land in 2023 (AM): this could point towards either the final 7 Years starting in
Sept 2022, OR may still yet represent 2015-2022 as the years to keep an eye on but I am yet to see any major events to show we are in
the time of sorrows currently…(famines, earthquakes, war etc)
In terms of timing of Planet X events I believe one event will happen midway in the 7 year period - at the 3.5 year mark which is what
many old testament scriptures allude to about the coming of the Antichrist & how Israel wil be punished at that time for accepting a
false messiah. This agrees with all biblical references about the Day of the Lord being the last 3.5 years where is mentioned many
times about being a period of darkness, which is what these Planet X events cause. This agrees with prophesy from the Sibylline
Oracles how Israel will be punished at that time but also the whole world for their sins (Jer 25:29). Joel 1 & 2 mentions the ceasing of
sacrifices linked to night time, crops failing, famine & fires in the day of the Lord as a Lion which is the midway period (Dan 9:27).
It makes more sense it coming in the last 3.5 years to match the period termed by Christ 'the Great Tribulation', whereas the first 3.5
years a 'time of sorrows'.
It matches more closely the 6th Seal in which 5 Seals have already been opened from Sept-15 till Mar-19 ? (comp Rev 6:9-10 & 7:14).
Only a small remant of the Jews will survive and will be so bad most of the worlds population will be killed from it and it's after effects.
The second Planet X event might be towards the end of the 7 year period which matches a number of passages in the Sibylline Oracles
that speak of 2 events (Bk 3:86-90), whereas the 2nd will destroy the Antichrist (Rev 19:21) and burn up the whole world just prior to
God's judgement & start of the Millenium on earth in peace under Christ's rule. Remaining Christians will be taken up just before this.
From my study below, I attempt to show that there are 2 Planet X's - the 'Destroyer' & 'Wormwood'.
In Luke 17:26-30, Christ compared the revealing of the Son of Man firstly to Noah's day, then also to Lot's day in Sodom & Gommorah.
Isaiah 54 links Noah's flood to the 'Destroyer' & Jeremiah 23 links Sodom & Gommorah's judgement to 'Wormwood'.
In the book of Revelations both the Destroyer (6th Seal) and Wormwood (7th Seal) are also mentioned in the same order.
I beleive this means Christians will be here on earth during the first part of God's wrath but safely protected by God as was Noah in
his day. Israel was also protected during the plagues in Egypt prior to the Exodus which is also linked to the 'Destroyer'.
Just as Lot had to be taken out of Sodom, so too Christians will be taken out of (raptured or gathered up) at that time just before Christ
comes with fire from the heavens. (2 Pet 3:7, 2 Thess 1:8, Rev 1:14).
Questions and Answers
Q - If the final 7 years period corresponds to a Hebrew 7 year cycle, can it be the 2022-2029 period instead of your estimate of 2015-2022 ?
A - Sounds reasonable but would end in 2029 AD which is 1 year after the maximum years expected according to the parable of the
fig tree ending after a max of 80 yrs from 1948 (2028) so less likely. What about the idea of the 100th anniversary of Fatima 2017?
What about Judah Ben Samuel's amazing past predictions and of 2017 being the 50th year (Jubilee) since taking Jerusalem in 1967 ?
Q - If the final 7 years period didn’t correspond to a Hebrew 7 year cycle, what would be your next idea after 2015 as the start ?
A - My second most likely guess for the start of the the last 7 years would be 2017. It being a prominent year indeed for the Jews.
It is 70 years after the UN agreement to create a nation of Israel in November 1947, 120 years from the founding of Zionism, 100 yrs
from the freeing of Jerusalem from the Ottoman Empire, and 50 years from when Israel gained control over Jerusalem in the
Six-Day-War of 1967.
2017 is also very prominent from the prophesy of Judah Ben Samuel (1217 AD) regarding Jerusalem - see Ancient Prophesy for more.
Keeping it Positive
Many things on this topic below might be disturbing so have put some helpful versus about these events to keep things in perspective:
Psalms 46:1-2 - "God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Therefore I will not fear, though the earth be removed,
and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea. Though its waters roar and be troubled.."
Isaiah 54:7-15 - "With a little wrath I hid my face from you for a moment; but with everlasting kindness I will have mercy on you, says
the Lord your Redeemer".."For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but My kindness shall not depart from you, nor
shall My covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord" and "O you afflicted one, tossed with tempest, and not comforted, behold, I will
lay your stones with colorful gems, and lay your foundations with sapphires.." (ie heavenly dwelling).
Nahum 1:7 - "The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him".
Joel 2:23 - "Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God; for He has given you the former rain faithfully, and
He will cause the rain to come down for you - the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month". (related to the Holy Spirit)
Psalms 91:1 - "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the
LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him will I trust". Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from
the perilous pestilence...You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in
darkness, nor the destruction that lays waste at noonday." Also see Pslams 27:5
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Chapter 1
Day of the Lord
According to man there is a final 7 year period that finalises the End of the Age and includes all the end of world catastrophies
mentioned in the Bible. After doing some research on this I have found this to strong backing from Biblical and extra Biblical texts:
Book of Daniel
In the book of Daniel (Dan 9:24-26) mentions Christ coming after 69 weeks with a final week remaining to make up the full 70 weeks
mentioned - "to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophesy, and to anoint the Most Holy". The word 'seal' here
can also mean 'to stop' or 'make an end' which could be interpreted 'to complete'. Anointing the Most Holy mentioned here fits well
with the Jewish Feast of Trumpets which incorporates Kingship into the Feast as mentioned in Psalms 47.
Also mentioned is a final 3.5 year period which comes after the abomination of desolation (Dan 12:11-12) for 1290 days or just over
3.5 yrs using 360 day years, which is the default even till now in the Jewish calender (adjusted to match 365.25 days every few yrs) .
Gospel of Mathew
Jesus mentions here about the same 'abomination of desolation' from Daniel's writings (Math 24:15-27) as yet to happen in the future.
In verse 21, Jesus says it will be a time of 'great tribulation' so it makes sense that this 'great tribulation' is 3.5 years in length.
Book of Revelation
The same 'times, time & half a time' (3.5 years) is mentioned in the book of Revelation (Rev 12:14) in which a Jewish remnant will be
kept safe from the antichrist in the end time which seems to line up with the 144,000 (Rev 7:4). This period is also 1260 days
(Rev 12:6) - which is exactly 3.5 years using 360 day years or 42 months (Rev:13:5).
Revelations mentions 2 woes coming which encompas the 2 witnesses and their ministry (Elijah & Enoch) of 1260 days (Rev 11:3-14)
which is also the time of the antichrist (Rev 13:5). In summary it appears that there are 2 lots of 3.5 years being 7 years in total.
Book of Esdras
Regarding the end times, it mentioned is "it will last about a week of years" (7 years).
Sybaline Oracles
This book mentions "seven lengths of time in the revolving years" (day years instead of solar years - Bk 3:905) as connected
somehow to the days of God wrath on the ungodly and Planet X coming around with destruction. (Bk 3:830-925).
Epistle of Titus
This non-canonical epistle is said to be written by Paul's disciple Titus, also called Pseudo-Titus by some.
It mentions "so a period of seven years is (now) appointed under the antichrist", which seems to agree with a final 7 years period.
Apocalypse of Baruch (Oxyrhynchus Fragment III)
"The measure and counting of that time are two parts a week of seven weeks" (Ch 28:1)
Seems to mean 2 lots of 3.5 years of a total of 1 week (7 years) of 7 weeks or a Jubilee cycle of 49 years.
The actual Day of the Lord however seems to only be the last 3.5 years while the first 3.5 might be called the time of sorrows by
Christ as according to scripture the Day of the Lord:
Is all darkness
Includes Israel spoiled with darkness
Is night time
Starts with trumpets
Day of wrath, desolation & darkness
Cruel with wrath & darkness
Comes with His weapons
Shake the heavens (3rd time)
Amos 5:18-20, Joel 2:2
Zechariah 14:1-16
2 Peter 3:10-12
Zeph 1:16 & Joel 2:1
Zeph 1:15 (1st was in Enosh's day by fire & water, 2nd was Noah's flood)
Isaiah 13:9-10
Isaiah 13:5
Isaiah 13:13
The 'time of sorrows' is known for economic collapses, wars, famines and persecutions while the Day of the Lord is known for God's wrath
poured out, the antichrist and his short kingdom before Christ returns to setup His millennial reign on earth.
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Chapter 2
Coming of the Son of Man
Days of Noah & Lot
Christ talked about His second coming in Luke 17:26-30 comparing to to firstly Noah's day then to Lot's day in Sodom. He says that it
will happen suddenly in both but I believe Christ is saying much more than just that here.
I mention in the 'Planet X' chapter that Noah's flood was the result from Planet X-1 - known as the 'Destroyer/Leviathan'
I also discuss in the same chapter how Jeremiah 23:10-20 links Sodom & Gommorah's judgement from God to 'Wormwood'.
The book of Revelations mentions both the Destroyer/Leviathan (6th Seal) and Wormwood (7th Seal) in that order.
I believe I have proved well enough that the 6th Seal is the mid-way of the 7 year tribulation period and some evidence to say that the
final destruction of fire happens towards the end of that period.
If you link the Destroyer up to Noah's Day and Wormwood to Sodom then you have the same thing I found written in the ancient text
of the 'Kolbran' and also matches the same order and type of events I expect to happen in the future during the final 7 years
tribulation - ie firstly destructions by water - earthquakes & mega tsunamis along with some fires (Destroyer) and then destruction
to the earth by fire (Wormwood) just prior to God's Day of Judgement and the new Millenium.
This means Christians will be here on earth during the first part of God's wrath but protected by God just like Israel was during the
Exodus and Noah was in the Ark during the Flood. As Lot had to be taken out of God's wrath in Sodom by God's Angels, so too the 5
wise virgins will be gathered/raptured up at that time before Christ comes with fire from the heavens. (2 Pet 3:7, 2 Thess 1:8, Rev 1:14)
"but he who endures till the end shall be saved" - Math 24:13
Thief in the night
Christ said He will come back as a thief in the night. I believe there are a number of things He was saying here - not just that it will be a
surprise or suddenly. St Paul links this to spiritual darkness also at that time and I also believe it will be physically dark then as well.
The main meaning I believe is that Christ will come again to destroy the ungodly people (tares) from off the earth like a thief while
collecting His wheat into the barn (Math 13:30). God's latter harvest is also likened to grapes in the winepress of His wrath (Rev 14:19-20)
Another mention of 'thief in the night' is in Jeremiah 49:8-23 which relates to the punishment of God.
This agrees with what Christ said in Math 24:37-44 about one will be taken and the other left - ie the ones left are not the
wicked as the 'taken' here in this context relates to the wicked in Noah's day who were 'taken' away first (vs 39).
It unfortunately also means He may also take away some spiritually asleep Christians who are not ready at His coming (Rev 3:3 & 16:15)
At the time of the Rapture, Christ will also come like a thief in the night as the world at that time will be run by the Antichrist (Satan)
during the last 3.5 years so when Christ returns will snatch away the 5 wise Virgins before destroying the world by fire.
This agrees with what Jesus said about His return - "when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:8).
Recent Visions
Sarah Minet
There are many modern day visions & dreams about this futute time to come, a few examples below:
Sarah Minet (1979) - I understood, without asking, that the great worldwide earthquake and the wind were somehow caused by a
huge object, like a planet or something, that had come very close by the earth and disrupted everything and that it was near the end
that this happened. I then was back into space viewing the entire earth from a distance. I saw this huge fireball, two or three times
bigger than the earth, approach the earth. It was extremely bright red and gold in color and then engulfed the entire earth. When I saw
this, because it was so different than everything else, I asked what it was. I was impressed that it was the burning of the earth that is
described in the scriptures. I understood that just before it came Jesus had appeared to the earth and the good people that I had seen
earlier had left the earth with Him and were no longer on the earth. The only people left were the few wicked who had survived the
devastations earlier, but were not many.
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Chapter 3
Marriage of the Lamb
Jewish traditional weddings
The first step, the Betrothal was the establishment of the marriage covenant, usually when the bridegroom took the initiative
and negotiated the price he must pay to purchase her. Once the bridegroom paid the purchase price, the marriage covenant was
established and the young man and woman were regarded as husband and wife. From that moment on, the bride was declared to be
consecrated or sanctified - set apart exclusively for her bridegroom. The bride also went through a baptism as a symbol of a new life.
The groom and bride then drank from a cup of wine over which the betrothal had been pronounced as a covenant symbol also.
After the marriage covenant was established, the groom left his bride at her home and returned to his father's house, where he
remained separated from his bride for about a year. This afforded the bride time to gather her trousseau and prepare for married life.
During this period of separation, the groom prepared a dwelling place in his father's house to which he would later bring his bride.
At the end of the period of separation, the bridegroom came - usually at night - to take his bride to live with him.
The groom, the best man, and male escorts left the father's house & conducted a torch-light procession to the home of the bride at
night. Although the bride was expecting her groom to come for her, she did not know the time of his coming.
As a result, the groom's arrival was preceded by a shout, which announced her imminent departure to be gathered with him.
After the groom received his bride, together with her female attendants, the enlarged wedding party returned from the bride's home
to the groom's father's house where the wedding guests had assembled.
Shortly after their arrival, the bride and groom were escorted by the other members of the wedding party to the bridal chamber. Upon
receiving the news, the wedding guests remained in the groom's father's house for the next seven days, celebrating the wedding feast
Chapter 4
Unfulfilled Jewish Feasts
7 main Feasts in Leviticus
There is a lot of discussion that Jesus has fullfilled the first 4 Spring feasts but not the last 3 fall feasts yet, which He will when He
returns.. Christ when He came fullfilled the Feasts of Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits & Pentecost.
Left remaining would then be the Feasts of Trumpets, Atonement & Tabernacles.
An interesting note is that first 4 Spring feasts are all in regard to a male lamb and grain offerings (grain crops) and during the Fall
feasts is a time for red grapes (God's judgement ?). Also Christ's coming is compared to both former and latter rains (Hos 6:3) in
which the former rains come in the Spring time and the latter rains come in the Fall, just prior to the final harvest.
The first 3 feasts only relate to fine flour/sheaf offerings and eating unleavened bread only, but at Pentecost they were told to offer
leavened bread, a bit like a cycle going from unleavened to leavened.
St Paul mentions that the Feasts and Sabbaths "are" a shadow of things to come (Col 2:17). The word 'are' used in almost all
translations is still in the present tense at the time of writing to the Colossians so tends to agree with the above scenario of still
unfulfilled feasts.
Chapter 5
The Two Witnessses
Enoch & Elijah
The book of Revelations (11:13) mentions 2 witnesses that will return to earth from heaven on a mission to warn of God's coming
disasters and judgements on Israel and the world for 3.5 years (1260 days). This is expected to be Enosh & Elijah who are the only two
known people to have not yet have died who were both previously raptured into Heaven. 'The Apocalypse of Peter' which was an early
church document held in high esteem just as the book of Revelations mentions these same two will return again. After their ministry
they will be killed then ascend into heaven after 3.5 days (Rev 11:11). Whether they appear in the first 3.5 years or the last 3.5 years is
not clear but one lady mentions she had a dream from God about them coming 10-14 days before Planet-X comes (mid trib) so as
mainly to encompass the final Great tribulation period. She seems believable so I accept what she has to say and makes more sense
them coming during the final 3.5 yrs. Church Father Hippolytus also mentions the two Prophests will be Enoch and Elijah.
(Treatise on Christ and Antichrist ch 43).
Many like Mark Biltz claim the return of Christ will occur on the Feast of Trumpets in September at the end of a 7 year cycle. This lines
up with the date the 2 witnesses are raptured also as they start early April one year according to my estimate & end in late September
3.5 years later.
(If you use 10 days, then the date virtually exactly matches as expected = Apr-19 (Passover) + 1260 + 3.5 days = late Sept (Feast Trumpets)
Note - this is after the Rapture of the church so I don’t expect the Rapture to be on this date - others have claimed that Christ told them wont be at at a time they expect!
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Chapter 6
3 Days of Darkness
Proof from Scriptures
The arrival of Planet X seems likely to return as I see it within the next 10 years or so - my personal estimate at this stage being early
2019. I will first link the 3 days of darkness (or time of darkness) to the Day of the Lord and being hidden at that time from scripture:
Isaiah 26:9-20 - "Come, my people, enter your chambers, And shut your doors behind you; Hide yourself, as it were, for a little
moment, Until the indignation is past. For behold, the Lord comes out of His place To punish the inhabitants of the earth for their
iniquity; The earth will also disclose her blood, And will no more cover her slain".
The context is about the Day of Punishment with the resurrection of the dead 19 , mentions night-time during His judgements 9 with fire
and floods (pouring) 16 . Also mentions the time of Israel's child birth (of Christ) 18 with demons let loose on the earth - 'Rephaim' 19
Isaiah 60:2 - "..the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people.."
This connects massive floods/tsunamis to the conversion of the Gentiles 5 and the bringing of Gold (Christians) into God's House 6-7
Jeremiah 6:25 - "Do not go out into the field, nor walk by the way. Because of the sword of the enemy, fear is on every side."
The context of this chapter is talking about coming destruction starting noon-day after trumpet warnings with a lengthened night-time .
Also mentions peace or a peace agreement, then destruction in the night-time with sea roaring and spears & arrows etc.
Also is mentioned as labor pains on a pregnant woman (ver 24).
Zechariah 14:6 - "It shall come to pass in that day that there will be no light; the lights will diminish. It shall be one day which is
known to the LORD - neither day nor night. But at evening time it shall happen that it will be light". This is in the Day of the Lord
Zephaniah 2:3 - "Seek the Lord, all you meek of the earth, Who have upheld His justice. Seek righteousness, seek humility. It may be
that you will be hidden In the day of the Lord's anger. The day of the Lords anger I believe is talking about the Day of the Lord.
Before the Exodus out of Egypt, Israel had 3 days of darkness. I believe this is a good example of what to expect again in the future.
The book of Jasher adds extra details than what we have in the Bible on this topic saying "At that time died many of the people of
Israel who had rebelled against the Lord and who would not listen to Moses and Aaron" & "who were the ones who had said that they
would not leave Egypt"…"The Lord plagued them in the three days of darkness, and the Israelites buried them..".
As you can see, having obedience is a needed to survive as even some beleivers died because they were not obedient to God at that time.
Each man needed to stay in his own home the whole time also and close up all windows etc.
I have heard that if any true Christians die during this event will be considered as being martyred so as not counted as part of God's wrath.
Prophesy of Job (Leviathan)
Not many would expect that Job 3:1-26 is actually a prophesy of the future coming of Leviathan:
(New American Standard Bible)
*Unborn babies will be taken by God -"Let the day perish on which I was to be born, And the night which said 'A boy is conceived.'
*During a time of prolonged darkness with no electrcity or lighting - "May that day be darkness...Nor light shine on it" 4
*People will feel abandoned - "Let not God above care (regard) for it" 4
*Outside be terrifying & ruled by evil - "Let darkness & black gloom (shadow of death) claim it..Let the blackness of the day terrify it" 5
*All will suffer during this time & one long night - "Let it not rejoice among the days of the year" 6 & "Let no joyful shout enter it" 7
*Will be short & barren - "Let it not come into the number of the months" 6 & "let that night be barren (childless)" 7
*Will feel like a curse - "Let those curse it who curse the day, Who are prepared to rouse Leviathan" 8
*The stars will dim in their light - "Let the stars of its twilight be darkened" 9
*Its passing will be during this long night of more than 24 hours - "Let it wait for light but have none" 9
*Great cracks in the earth?/birth of Woman - "Because it did not shut the opening (doors) of my womb (mother’s)" 10
*kneeling & prostrate in prayer? - "Why did the knees receive me, And why the breasts, that I should suck?" 12
*Won't be able to sleep - "I would have slept then, I would have been at rest" 13
*Rich will be underground - "With kings and with counselors of the earth, Who rebuilt (built) ruins (desolate places) for themselves" 14
*The rich will think financial safety is in God & Silver - "Or with princes who had gold, Who were filling their houses with silver" 15
*Children & babies will also be taken by God - "As infants that never saw light" 16
*The wicked are taken away in death, but the aged to Heaven - "There the wicked cease from raging, And there the weary are at rest" 17
*Demons in hell are free to run around on earth - "The prisoners are at ease together, They do not hear the voice of the taskmaster" 18
*No work will be done and affects all alike - "The small and the great are there, And the slave is free from his master" 19
*Those who repent at this time will have salvation & light - "Why is light given to him who suffers, And life to the bitter of soul" 20
*Resurrection of dead - "Who long for death, but there is none, and dig for it…"Who rejoice greatly & exult when they find the grave" 22
*God will hide His Elect inside - "Why is light given to a man whose way is hidden, whom God has hedged in" 23 (Gen 7:16)
*After will be famine & seas roaring - "For my groaning comes at the sight of my food, And my cries(roarings) pour out like water" 24
*Mad panic & social unrest results - "I am not at ease, nor am I quiet, And I am not at rest, but turmoil comes" 26
Other verses:
Pslams 88 talks about being in darkness, being shut up (inside), God's wrath going over, terrors (outside), water & waves, uses the
word "abomination", being close to death, feeling forsaken by God, the dead rising and says "Shall thy wonders be known in the dark?"
Isaiah 2:10 - "Enter into the rock, and hide in the dust, from the terror of the Lord and the glory of His majesty"
Ver 12 mentions this relates to the Day of the Lord. Ver 19 ...God comes to "shake the earth mightily".
Prov 27:12 - "A prudent man forsees evil and hides himself; the simple pass on and are punished".
One lady in a dream was told by Jesus regarding the darkness - it is not only a physical phenononum, but also spiritual in which case
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not to go out at all into it for any reason - if you have to then come back quickly & remove your clothes (outside) & shower thoroughly
to wash it off with prayer for a full cleansing. She also mentions a period of about 7 days to stay inside before coming out.
Possible Rescue Event
Even though I don't see any pre-tribulation rapture event, I do believe from studying modern visions and certain scripture that there
will be a rescue event or small rapture for young children immediately prior to the 3 days of darkness who cannot bear through that
time. Many modern dreams tell much the same story of God's mercy will take to heaven those that cannot bear that time of young
children. An interesting scripture I found that may relate to this is in Joel chapter 2 which is talking about God's judgement to come
from Planet X in the Day of the Lord (vs 1) with darkness. It mentions the trumpet will blow and both the moon & sun will grow dark
(vs 10). It says "gather the children and nursing babies; let the bridegroom go out from his chamber, and the bride from her dressing
room". Revelation 12:5 says "And her child was caught up to God and to His throne" during the Planet X coming (Leviathan) as
mentioned previously which may not be the best quotes but something to think about..
Chapter 7
Final Harvest
Youtube Video
I believe there will be a good outcome from the 3 Days of Darkness for Christians mentioned in the Bible once completed:
Isaiah 60:1-5 - "Arise, shine; For your light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover
the earth, and gross darkness the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come
to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising…Then you shall see and become radiant,, and your heart shall swell with joy…"
This word 'gross' is only mentioned one other time in the old testament in Jer 13:16 which speaks about the God's punishment & captivity
of the Jews. It also mentions a time compared to birth pains and linking the darkness to the 'shadow of death' (Isaiah 9:2 & Psalms 44:19).
The video above speaks of bringing in the final havest after tribulation and agrees with Isaiah 9:3 as "according to the joy of harvest.."
An interesting link about the Exodus to God's temple, where Christians can be likened to Gold & Silver in God's heavenly temple - see
Hagg 2:5-9 also Psalms 119:119. Here Israel 'spoiled the Egyptians' and took away with them Gold & Silver for the Lord's temple.
I believe this can be likened to the Final Harvest with a mass conversion (spoiling) from the world to Christ just after God's
judgements on the world (Egypt) via 'Leviathan' which will come again at a mid tribulation period.
Chapter 8
Pre-Tribulation Rapture
The belief in a pre-tribulation rapture seems very clear to me to be an error postulated by some in recent times.
This idea was not held by the church anywhere up until the 18th century and goes against many Biblical verses.
You should be aware that it's mentioned in the Bible that Christians are not appointed to wrath so how do we consider this ?
Jesus mentioned many times that we will go through tribulation on earth for our faith. Even if we are to suffer for our faith, this is still
within the will of God for some Christians as our real life is in Heaven (not here). Jesus was an example to follow, not just in word but
in deed also. Did you not know that all of the 12 Apostles were martyred for their faith (John later recovered from being boiled alive).
Did you know that hundreds of thousands of Christians were martyred for their faith during the first four centuries of the Church?
This understanding seems to have been lost in our modern civilisation and you should know any suffering for Christ has it's eternal
reward in Heaven and so from a Biblical perspective is not something to necessarily always run away from.
Jesus asked God "I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one" (Jn 17:15).
He mentions time and time again that "he who endured to the end will be saved" (Math 10:22). He mentions "do not fear those who
can kill the body….But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell" - ie God (Math 10:28).
Saint Paul mentions "in your patience possess your souls". Note just how much suffering St Paul went through in his life..
Actually Jesus says to Ananias about St Paul "For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name's sake" (Acts 9:16).
Why 'must' he suffer ? - it is because he would become a strong example of following & teaching about Christ. We should know the
world's prince is Satan so would be in opposition to his earthly kingdom.. We are called to be separate from the world also..
In the old Testament, did you know that Israel during the Exodus is a spiritual type of Christians in the world in the last time ?
Phaoroh is a type of the antichrist persecuting and murdering the children of Israel. God's protection during this time was miraculous
with Israel only being protected from disasters (God's wrath) at that time which will again occur some time in the future.
We should also know that God knows our limitations and will not allow any temptation to go beyond our ability so faith is necessary
to stay in peace. After the rapture, there will be some of course that remain until Christ returns to the earth itself...after all the natural
disasters and Christian persecutions mentioned in the book of Revelation.
Saying we only in modern times will be excluded from persecutions before they happen is un-biblical and to me a serious error.
St Paul says "for our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding & eternal and eternal weight of
glory". The most trusted of all Protestant preachers I know of today is Prophet Sadu Sundar Selvaraj who says Christ came to him to
explain the scriptures how there is no pre-tribulation rapture and that Christians will go through the Great Tribulation period.
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Common Misconceptions:
Luke 21:36 - "Pray to be counted worth to 'escape' all these things that will come to pass and to "stand" before Jesus".
The word 'escape' in greek is 'ek-fyoo-go' denotes, to 'flee out' or 'flee from' as well as 'run away' or 'flee away' - not being taken up by
God. If God was taking about being taken up to heaven in this verse the greek word would be different. It would use 'har-padzo', which
means 'taken away', 'take', 'seize', 'catch up' or to forcably take away. 'Har-padzo' is used in these verses: 2 Cor 12:2-4, 1 Thes 4:17
and Rev 12:5.
Mathew 24:40 (short version Luke 17) - "One will be taken and the other left".
The word "taken" in greek is 'paralambano' meaning 'receice' or 'take' or 'assume an office' and by extension 'in same proximity', 'near',
local', 'take away'. It is in relation to any familiar or personal action.
From this its fairly clear that it relates to someone personally receieving something in their close proximity or locality and best
matches being killed, not taken up to heaven. If God was taking Christians up to heaven in this verse the greek word used would be
different. It would use something like 'ahee-ro' ' which means 'taken up', 'take away', 'raise', 'carry', 'remove' or 'lift up'.
Ahee-ro is used in these versus - Math 13:12, Luke 9:17 & 11:52.
If you only read Mathew 24 in context its clear that being taken means killed (vs 39) ie pre-flood people in Noah's day were 'taken away'.
Verse 40 straight after also mentions the same word 'taken' in the same context.
Jesus says He will shorten the days before He comes only because of the elect sake who would not survive unless He does (Mark 13:20).
He also says that "after that tribulation " the sun & moon will be darkened, and then He will gather His elect - (Luke 13:24).
Mid-trib Rapture
Youtube video
According to some there will be a mid trib rapture around the time of God's Planet X judgements..(or first fruits on the latter harvest)
One common Protestant idea is after the 3 days of darkness, God will rapture his bride - some, after having dreams about this say 3
weeks later, others 40 days & others up to 5 months later.
If you are confident being taken in this rapture then from the mouths of some popular protestant preachers mention only 10-20% of
all evangelical Christians will make the mid tribulation rapture cut so even if this event did occur it's possible you won't make it at
that time. I only say this to warn you so as not to be complacent or lukewarm...
The rest will go through the great tribulation period according to these witnesses…Prepare for the worst but hope for the best ! Video
In 2 Thess 2:1-12 Mentions our gathering to our Lord Jesus Christ won't happen until the anti-christ is revealed and sits in the temple
of God making himself as God. This happens midway of the 7 year period. It also says when Christ comes will destroy the antichrist
with His coming, which happens at the end of the 7 year period so could the rapture be separate to Christ's coming or same thing ?
Many modern Protestants claim to have dreams from God that link a rapture event to the coming of Planet X where they say many
people will ascend to heaven or raptured at that time with the others left behind. Does a possibility exist for a 2 part return if you
combine: Luke 12:38 (2nd & 3rd watch?), Math 25:1 (5 foolish vigins), 1 Thess 1:10 (delivered from wrath) & 5:9 & all the above verses?
I mentioned in chapter 1 that the dead could be raised mid trib period rather than at the end and seems to better match 1 Thess 4:15.
Post Mid Trib Rapture
1. Isaiah 26:17-27 links both the time of Israel’s delivery (of child) in verse 18 to the resurrection of the dead in verse 19 and the
punishment or wrath of God in verse 20. St Paul also links Israel’s acceptance of Christ to the resurrection of the dead in Rom 11:15.
Note, the Septuagint in verse 18 has instead: we have “brought forth the breath of thy salvation , which we have wrought upon the earth:
we shall not fall, but all that dwell upon the land shall fall.”.
2. The Woman giving birth in Revelations 12 is linked to the 7 headed ‘Great Red Dragon’/Serpent which I believe is known in the
Old Testament as ‘Leviathan’ & ‘Destroyer’. Verse 3 says it appears in the heavens, just as the Woman does. This Dragon is also linked
to the sea (Rev 12:17). The coming one world order also arises just after from the sea near the Dragon (Rev 13:1) as a beast so actually
matches Ken Peters dream below very well if you say it was caused by Planet X (Leviathan). Others have made excellent commentary
on this 2nd beast which means the One World Order will have something from the 6 previous world governments that existed before
(Assyria, Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Greeks & Romans). In other words, the antichrist will run this new world order (Rev 13:2) for 3.5
years or 42 months in Rev 13:5.
Therefore the Dragon (Leviathan) comes mid-trib as the Woman is nourished “for a time, times, and half a time”. The Dragon is linked
to Leviathan as it says “And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried
away of the flood”. Leviathan will burn many things up but particularly known for mega tsunamis & floods – ie see Noah’s flood & the
Exodus in Isaiah 54:8-10, 16 (waster=destroyer) and Psalms 74:13-15. Job 26:13 - the Septuagint calls Leviathan the ‘Apostate Dragon’
ie antichrist. Scripture here is both literal & symbolic. Literally the heavenly events symbolize what’s happening on earth with
Israel & the Antichrist.
3. Isaiah 24:1-23 links God’s wrath (day of the Lord) to punishing the ‘host of exalted ones’ in verse 21 (Devil & his angels) read
Rev 12 and see point 2 above, as a mid trib event. Also mentions earth being ‘desolate’ (abomination that causes desolation) and
destructions from the sea (v 14 &15) and the curse that “devoured” the earth as a sea monster does (Leviathan) as the “windows from
on high are open" (Note - The word “curse” in Job 3:8 in most translations is linked to “Leviathan”)
4. Jeremiah 4:4-31 links up Israel’s birth of their child (Christ) in verse 31 to God’s wrath (verse 26) & desolation (verse 27) as they
go into the rocks (verse 29). This must be a mid trib event if you link this up to point 2 & 3 above. The tribe of Dan can be linked to
antichrist, “a voice declares from Dan” in verse 15 with the “watchers” (2 witnesses?) afterwards that “come from a far country, and
give out their voice against the cities of Judah” in verse 16 (just prior to mid trib).
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(Note - The word “watchers” in Strong’s Concordance here does not refer to angels to some other)
5. Joel 1:5-20 links up the ceasing of temple sacrifices (verse 13) to the Day of the Lord (verse 15). Note: Daniel 12:11 shows the
temple sacrifices stopped mid trib or after 1260 days (Dan 11:30).
It mentions a fire from God (vs 18), crops failing, famine etc. Chapter two continues saying it is a day of darkness with earthquakes,
sun and moon going dark etc, gathering of the people, bridegroom & bride out of their dwellings (which is symbolic I think of the
the rapture). Verse 20 mentions a foul odor (sulfur) and doing ‘monstrous’ things (ie Leviathan). Then it mentions the coming of the
latter rain (vs 23) in 1st month (March) and can be lined up to a mid trib if you start at September 3 years earlier. Verse 31
summarizes that sun going dark and moon to blood happens before the day of the Lord plus a Jewish remnant saved (144,000) and
matches the 6th Seal in the book of Revelations and the same book chapter 12 with a remnant of Jews saved, sun & moon dark etc,
and then the final Harvest (latter rain).
6. Ken Peters detailed vision in 1980 of end times (Prophesy Club). He briefly mentions in his dream the dead are raised then
mentions the antichrist appearing with a new government saying “God’s judgment took them away” with many things happening on
earth after this like social chaos all of a sudden, marshal law, everyone knew a lot of people went missing, some saying that Christ had
come, new world government, abandoned babies, Seasons 100% out of order, famines, crops failing, the earth tilting like a drunk (52
minutes into his talk) etc then afterwards beheading Christians etc (great tribulation). This definitely all sounds like a mid trib
resurrection of the dead (after some cataclysmic event-sounds like Planet X).
7. Five foolish virgins as explained in ‘The Epistle of the Apostles’ is a very interesting ancient text. Clearly more than any other
distinguishes the wise from the foolish virgins as taken to heaven the 5 wise virgins as they are prepared and not sleeping. It clearly
mentions that the foolish ones have to now go through the worst of the great tribulation with death and possible torture. This means
Christ comes to take His bride somewhere soon after mid trib – I personally think within 6 months after mid trib but can't be 100%
sure as many verses also mention the bringing in of the final harvest and glory awakening after a dark period (3 days darkness?) and
matches virtually all modern Christian dreams on this topic, not to mention Ken Peters also from above.
To me, the points above line up with the coming of Leviathan, resurrection of the dead, and Israel bringing forth a child (faith in
Christ) which all happen around the mid trib period.
Christ may have alluded to a 2 part coming or however you like to describe this in Luke 12:38 and when Christ talked about the days
of Noah & Lot – as I see it, this links the Day of the Lord firstly to Noah's day (Leviathan/Destroyer) to mid trib with 8 souls saved by
going through God’s wrath but under God’s protection. If you link Lot's day & Wormwood after Leviathan comes with 4 souls saved,
is 50% left and agrees with a possible 2 part rapture with half taken after mid trib but before post trib.. I thought that was interesting.
Revelation also mentions Wormwood (7th Seal – 3rd trumpet) in Rev 8:11 comes after Leviathan so tends to give credence to God’s
wrath being pretty much the entire last 3.5 years as both Planet X events still only encompass the 1st woe of 3 woes in total (Rev 9:12).
The last woe being the 7 Thunders (after 7 Seals and 7 Trumpets).
The Abomination that causes desolation (Abomination of desolation) seems to happen just after the Jews accept their false messiah
as the surviving remnant have to go away for 3.5 years (Rev 12:1-14) so this must be mid trib also.
God’s time of wrath is not just a single day or month but Revelations mentions it starts at the 6 Seal, then 7 trumpets and then
7 Thunders. The 5th Trumpet by itself is 5 months long (Rev 9:5) and the 6th Trump has 33% of all people killed by what looks to be
massive volcanic activity (fire, smoke & brimstone) with tails like serpents.
I was amazed to find ‘The Epistle of the Apostles’ text only a few days after I prayed to God about this ‘left behind’ idea as before I
could not line up all the Christian dreams & scriptures properly before this.. This gave me confidence in the ‘Post Mid Trib’ rapture
as I call it..
I do believe Christ wants to keep the timing of the rapture secret as He says that “if the master of the house knew the time, he would
not have allowed the thief to break in and steal”, where I think each person is the master of his own house (their body) and in this
case, Christ is the thief as He says about His coming many times.
I have been a staunch post trib believer for years but had to face what I was reading and re-evaluate my thinking which makes more
sense this way.. I did have trouble even still for a while as its hard to change a long held belief..
Final Comment: It seems likely to me there being a "Post Mid Trib" rapture soon after the Antichrist to agree with the 5 foolish virgins
parable and Joel 2 regarding the rapture of elders, babies & children and not to mention numerous Christian rapture dreams some are
having in this regards. Most say that this happens within 6 months after the mid tribulation period. See Appendix 2 for more study on this..
Lots Day dream
Left behind
Page 13
Chapter 9
We are told by Christ to be prepared like the 5 wise virgins for an extended wait. Obviously Jesus is talking about being spiritually
ready rather than with physical things like food & water but at some future time, I would also add a few physical things into the mix
as well as is only wise if you believe in end time tribulations as recorded in the Bible. Although a bit hidden, the book of Revelations
does mention a lot of natural disasters including floods, plagues, famines & poisoned water similar to what the Hebrews went
through in the Exodus.
Time of Sorrows
The first 3.5 years of the 7 year tribulation is called by Christ the 'time of sorrows'. It is known for mostly man-made problems such as
an economic collapse, wars, Christian persecutions and some natural disasters like earthquakes, disease and famine (see Revelation
Seals 1-5).
The first things first seems to be the economic collapse of the US dollar which some say starts with the Euro Dollar. Soon after this
comes hyper inflation and high interest rates so most people will lose their mortgage if they cant afford this. There will be riots and
social unrest as they see the value of their cash collapse to almost nothing eventually. According to Neville Johnson, this financial
collapse seems to affect every country. He says, the best thing to do is to get out of debt then to put any savings into Gold & Silver
before the collapse happens. The price of food will sky rocket so once you see these things beginning then quickly get a supply of food
and water to last some months.
The next problem expected to happen is a devastating meteor impact on America's coast that will kill many and split the country in
two. After these events then wars and rumors of wars will increase with Russia, China and maybe north Korea & Iran will invade
America and cause its total collapse via nuclear weapons. This is what many christian dreams are saying at least.
Towards of the end of the time of sorrows, a one world currency should be in place and a one world government will start to emerge
also. The Antichrist will be revealed and from his many wars will slowly be accepted by the Jews as their Messiah.
Great Tribulation
Soon after the Jews accept the Antichrist as their Messiah, it seems God will punish them & the world for their sins via Leviathan.
Around this time or just prior, the dead in Christ are expected to rise from the dead and ascend into Heaven with their new bodies.
The 3 days of Darkness is expected to cover that time when it passes over so follow the Bible in what to do at that time - see chap 20.
Soon after everything is in total chaos with the new Antichrist announced to the world as the new World Leader with no resistance.
When the 'Planet X' event happens, as mentioned by a number of sources, electricity will stop working and may not return again after
depending on what part of the earth you live when this happens and the level of damage/number of deaths as some parts will suffer
worse than others. Scripture mentions the earth's rotation will stop during the 'Planet X' event and cause the earth to wobble on it's
axis, according to one person 4 times, ending almost upside down. The changes due to this happening will be huge. First there will be
massive flooding all over the world from the rotation stopping and sea levels trying to find a new equilibrium. I don't recommend
living anywhere near the coast (Zeph 2:5) unless high up above sea level…although this still may not be any guarrantee. If you feel
confident in your current location you should still have a backup location to go to just in case things are worse than expected
(after the 3 days of darkness). I have heard some shocking things from one person about sea going up hundreds of meters in some
parts of the world (truly insane stuff!)
The scientific take on this is that the seas would all head for the polar regions totally covering those areas & reducing sea levels at the
equator . From the axis tilt of the earth there will be extremes of temperature changes and no electricity. Famine will eventuate in
most parts of the world. Ensure sufficient food & water. Without electricity most peoples toilets will stop flushing within 2-3 days.
Ensure any preparations are portable, able to be taken with you if have to move in a hurry. Some suggestions are: portable gas bottles
for cooking, pre-sealed dried foods like oats, rice, other grains, sugar, spices, flour will last years if sealed correctly. I recommend
getting one of those vacuum food sealers which are quite cheap and preparing portion sized bags as a backup. If we get all our end
times timing wrong then you can still eat those items anyway...Canned foods will last well as will freeze dried foods though a bit more
A good website click here
Don’t forget containers of water (or water filter) as we need a lot for cooking, cleaning & drinking, not to mention water is needed by
the body to digest, so if you don’t have water, best not to eat (you can go without food for weeks but only a few days without water).
Post Mid Trib Rapture
I could be wrong but I expect there will be a Post Mid Trib rapture after the Final Harvest. Many modern Christian dreams attest to
this. Many verses allude to it being some time after the 3 Days of Darkness where Christians will bring in the Final Harvest. At the
time of the gathering together then only 50% of Christians will be ready to go with Christ when He comes for His Bride while the rest
are left to go through the Great Tribulation (5 foolish virgins). Don’t miss your chance to go to Heaven and enjoy Christ's Heavenly
banquet. You will need to be pure & holy - in thoughts & deeds to make it though. The time of sorrows will test every Christian to see
who is who. You should put aside all bitterness and try and help your neighbour best as you can in love with food & the Gospel.
Post Trib
Those left who were not beheaded during the last 3.5 years, will witness Christ's final 2nd Coming to earth after the Rapture.
Not before however a flaming fire on the earth to cleanse it before the Milleniual reign of Christ on earth. Be ready when He comes!
From quite a number of peoples visions from God on Youtube, it seems appropriate to put aside a store for yourselves as well as others who
do not or are unable to, or don't know anything about what's ahead. Don't go overboard though in relying on that rather than God though.
Most importantly, we are told in the Bible to store up spiritual food for the 7 years of spiritual famine like Joseph did in Egypt so
above everything else, we need to be spiritually one of the 5 wise virgins… I liked this Youtube video:
Page 14
Chapter 10
Early Church Fathers
6,000 years
"He meaneth this, that in six thousand years the Lord shall bring all things to an end; for the day signifyeth
a thousand years" - Epistle of Barnabas (70 AD) Ch 15:3-5
I have for this purpose considered Barnabas as Saul's companion and Church Father.
This was a very popular early christian writing whichever way you look at it..
"And six thousand years must needs be accomplished, in order that the Sabbath may come, the rest, the
holy day on which God rested from all His works" - Hippolytus (170 AD)
"Therefore, since all the works of God were completed in six days, the world must continue in it's present
state 'through six ages, that is, six thousand years…" - Lactantius (240AD)
"For in as many days as this world was made, in so many thousand years shall it be concluded" and
" is evident, therefore, that they will come to an end at the six thousand year" - Irenaeus A.H. Bk 5, 28:3
Comes from the tribe of Dan as quoted in Jeremiah 8:16, "This too, is the reason that this tribe is not
reckoned in the Apocalypse (Rev 7:507) along with those who are saved" - Irenaeus A.H. Bk 5, 30:2
Comes from Bashan (Golan Heights) "Dan is a lion's whelp; he shall leap from Bashan" - Hippolytus II 14
First expedition after taking control is against Tyre & Berytus (Beirut) Lebanon area - Hippolytus 2:52
Will gather together the dispersed Israel imitating a saviour to deceive them - Hippolytus II 54
At the request of the Jews, will persecute Christians everywhere (Luke 18:1-8) - Hippolytus II 58
Edom, Moab & Ammon (Jordan) shall align with him first (Isaiah 11:14) - Hippolytus 40
Hippolytus (170 AD) Appendix
Family members will betray one another to death, disrespect & lust will be common place. (ch 7)
False pastors/prophets, liars, theives & fornicators will abound along with lovers of money (ch 8)
He will imitate a virgin birth, particularly love the Jews, coming initially peacefully, gently, respectful and
loveable. He will do miracles imitating Christ like raising the dead, casting out demons & healing sick (24)
Change his tune to evil & defeat the 3 Kings then build the temple in Jerusalem for the Jews. (ch 25)
The first 3.5 years are for the 2 winesses to preach and the last 3.5 years for the antichrist. (ch 25)
He will change day into night and vise versa, bring fire down from heaven. At this time there will come a
terrible famine, draught & pestilence, dead fish in the sea & terrible stench & dried up rivers etc (Planet X?)
(ch 27). Wild animals will attack humans for food and no rain will fall to earth at that time (ch 31)
He will push everyone to take the mark of the beast due to the starvation, lies & false appartaion of bright
angels. He will falsely show his ascent to heaven and back again with trumpets & hymns etc (ch 29)
He will hunt down those in the country who would not approach for food or for belief in him (ch 29)
Even those who take the mark, he will hardly feed those who are starving to death (ch 31)
Church services will fail and only possible in peoples houses (ch 34) but the days will speed at that time as
a small remnant of Christians are left, hiding away in caves & mountains (ch 35)
"..six hundred years of Noah, in whose time the deluge occurred because of the apostasy (600) & the cubits
of the image (Nebuchdnezzar's idol 60x6 cubits) for which these just men (Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego) were
sent into the fiery furnace, do indicate the number of the name of that man (antichrist)" -Irenaeus AH5, 29:2
2 Witnesses
to come are: Enoch and Elijah - Tertullian Ch 50, Hipplytus II 43,
History of Joseph ch31 says 4 in total being Enoch & Elijah, Schila & Tabitha
10 Kings
10 Kings that shall destroy Babylon, afterward 3 will be taken over by the antichrist - Irenaeus Bk 5, c26
The 3 kings taken over by the antichrist are Egypt, Libiya & Ethiopia - Hippolytus II 25
Clay mixed with iron are in the 10 toes, or last 10 Kings - Hippolytus II 47
Planet X
Psalms 19:5-6 "like a bridegroom coming out of His chamber…it's rising is from one end of heaven, and it's
circuit to the other end; And there is nothing hidden from its heat" or 'conflagration' - Hippolytus II 64
Scarcely 10% of humans overall will survive and of Christians, one third will remain (Sibyl) - Lactantius B7,16
(90% taken = 25% taken (Rev 6:8), then about 30% (Rev 8:10), then a 3rd (Rev 9:15) - based on original amount is 89% taken)
"those who believed in our Christ would dwell a thousand years in Jerusalem; and that thereafter, the
general, and in short, the eternal resurrection and judgement of all men.." (St John) - Justin Martyr 2nd Ap c81
"and 6,000 years must needs be accomplished, in order that the Sabbath may come…for a day with the
Lord is as a thousand years.." - Hippolytus II 4. Also see Lactantius Bk 7, 22 & 24, Papias VI
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Chapter 11
Syballine Oracles (alternative prophesy)
The word Sybal translated from Greek means 'Gods council'
Wikipedia quote regarding these: "So common was the invention of such oracles in early Christian times that Celsus called Christians
(sibyl-mongers or believers in sibyls). The preservation of the entire collection that has come down to us is due to Christian writers"
A number of early church Fathers quotes from these sibyl's as if it was scripture like Justin Martyr, Tertullian & Clement..
I consider the syballine oracles can be used as a reference as many parts have been proven correct in history (although encrypted).
It makes for a very interesting read though from unconfirmed sources. It consists of 14 books written by various authors supposedly
under 'God's' direction about future prophesy & end times events. Book III is said to be written by the wife of one of Noah's sons…
It has many apocalyptic themes and descriptions that match very closely the book of Revelations in the Bible.
Book 2 1-60, mentions Vulcans firey destruction from God, with storms, then famine/murders & plagues. Afterwards peace
for a time then a sign in the heavens - a star as a cross and then the Christians contest for their heavenly crown via martyrdom.
Book 2 65-190 truly excellent summary for Christian living - one of the best I have ever read…
Book 2 210-225 mentions the Beliar (anitchrist) promoting peace with false miracles, claiming to be the Messiah.
Book 2 230-260 afterward seems to be mass volcanoes and dense mist (darkness) over the earth with sulfur, force of fire & ashes
everywhere. After these things, the dead are resurrected and judged.
Book 3 60-110 mentions an initial 'firey cataract' and then the antichrist coming from Samaria - he even raises some dead people to
delude the world (Jews & some Christians). Afterwards comes the 2nd 'firey cataract' where the antichrist & ungodly people are
killed, the stars fall to the earth and sky rolled up like a scroll & the earth is melted together then God's judgement.
Book 3 840-910 mentions the earth tilting, dark mist, volcanoes & meteorites, brimstone then hail. Also talks about a 7 year period
and a cross looking star in the heavens, simultaneous solar & lunar eclipse, dense fog & symbols in the clouds (of war).
Book 4 mentions a fire with a trumpet will burn everything into black dust, then comes the resurrection and judgement of God.
Book 7 mentions fire & brimstone drying up the earth & sea, a time of darkness, death & hunger.
Book 8 mentions in the end people will be lovers of money & failing marriages. Mentions water as blood, fire from heaven, a dragon
with fire, hell, storms & darkness, massive earthquakes, drying up of the waters, plagues & murders, a trumpet, resurrection and
judgement etc.
download it here
Agreement with scripture
7 yr period
Dan 9:27
3 Woes
Rev 9:12
1 Thes 4:16
Dan 11:21
Mark of Beast Rev 19:20
1 Thes 5:4
Planet X
Rev 9:11
Math 24:19
Earth tilt
Isiah 24:19
Change Times Dan 7:25
Math 24:7
Rev 19:17
Rev 20:4
Rev 20:4-6
Syballine Oracles
"seven lengths of time in the revolving years" Bk 3:905
"Three evil signs of life to be destroyed" BK 2:237 (also BK 3:63, 303, BK 8:225, BK 14:333, 386)
"greatest omen with sword & trump" Bk 4:225, "the trump shall send.." Bk 8:313
"Beliar (Belial) shall come and many signs perform" Bk 2:210, Bk 3:75-89 (means worthless, see Dan 11:21)
"shall be a selling of their freedom among most men" Bk 2:14
"dark gloom shall be o'er all the earth" Bk 5:460-474 /508 (Bk 2:243/267, Bk 4:69, Bk 12:97, Bk 14:280/294)
"chariot celestial" Bk 2:234, "firey cataract" Bk 3:65, "firey swords" Bk 3:842, "Vulcan's fiery flame" 2:20
"Alas for women in that day…who shall be found with burden in the womb" Bk 2:238-240
"And in those days shall earth, all-mother, reel" Bk 3:840, 890
"and change of times" Bk 2:199
"fruits shall fail..famines, plagues & thunderbolts" Bk 2:13,24
"and beasts be gorged with flesh" Bk III 870, "rage of jackals & wolves, manslaughter" Bk 2:9
"show from heaven a crown for contest unto men who wrestle…give his martyrs an immortal prize" 2:40-53
"during those thousand years shall produce an infinite multitude.."
Additional Info
Rev 8:8
Chapter 10
Time speeds Mark 13:20
Noah's flood
Deut 33:22
"4th year a great star" & "From heaven into the dreadful sea" Bk 5:206-223 (strong acopalyptic tones)
when "women do not bear the harvest time of mortal men is come" Bk 5:207
"unto all ages of fast-hastening time"Bk 3:60, "will to all appear with the two lights as time hastens on" 2:235
"He massed clouds & bid the sun's bright disk" & "he thundered loud" & "all the winds were aroused" 1:265
"from the Sebastenes (Samaria), Beliar shall come.." Bk 3:77
The wording here appears to agree with a 7 year period with the destruction coming in the 4th year (of the 7 year period ?).
The quote "4th year a great star...From heaven into the dreadful sea" matches Rev 8:8 where comes the 'mountain burning with fire'.
Planet X (6th Seal) comes mid-way in the 4th Year, or start of the 'Great Tribulation' so the timing of this mountain (7th Seal) fits in
well here coming soon after Planet X in the 4th year. If Sept 2015 was the start of the 7 Years then this would be between April and
Sept 2019. A lot of overlap and similar ideas mentioned here supposedly by 10 different writers spanning many years…
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Chapter 12
2 Esdras
read it online here
Fourth book of Ezra (after Ezra & Nehemiah & Esdra1) hence also known as 4 Esdras
Chapter 9:18 seems to backup the account of 'Planet X' event during the exodus "And bowing the heavens….Your glory passed
through the four gates of fire, earthquake, wind and ice, to give the law to the descendants of Jacob..".
Chapter 9:19 has an archangel talking about the end times where "the land will be barren of faith", "land which you now see ruling
will be waste", "the sun will suddenly shine at night, and moon during the day". Mentions "stone will speak. People will be troubled,
and the stars will fall"., "One will reign whom those who live on earth do not expect" (antichrist), "fire will often break out", "salt
waters will be found in the sweet" (ocean flooding), "all friends will conquer one another", "full storehouses will suddenly be found
empty" (famine), "The trumpet will sound, and when all hear it, they will suddenly be terrified . At that time friends will make war on
friends like enemies", "the waters of fountains willl cease" (drought). Also mentioned is "it will last about a week of years" (7 years).
Chap. 9:44 mentions a time limit-"The Most High has looked on his times and they are over. His ages have come to an end"
Chapter 12:23 mentions in the last days "the Most High will raise up three kings, and they will renew many things in it, and will rule
the earth", "They are the ones who will sum up his wickedness and perform his last actions". (last 3 dominions)
Chapter 13 is a vision of the last days of Christ's judgement in particular to destroying those who come up to attack the Jews as he:
"flew with the clouds of heaven, "everything trembled", "those who he didn’t protect and heard his voice "melted as wax melts when
heated", "looked like a stream of fire coming out of his lips, and a storm of sparks from his tongue", "All these were mingled, the
stream of fire, the flaming breath and the great storm..", "and burned them all up", leaving nothing behind "but only the dust of ashes
and smell of smoke". It continues saying "Understand that those who are left are more blessed than those who have died"
It then mentions the select Jews departing to go to a place called 'Arzareth' via narrow passage of the Euphrates River for 1.5 years.
Chapter 15:23 seems to be talking about end of the world events "A fire will go out of his angry, and consume the foundations of the
earth and the sinners, like straw that is kindled" and "a terrifying sight, appearing from the east! . The nations of the dragons of
Arabia will come out with many chariots, and from the time that they set out, their hissing will spread over the earth.." 29, "another
will pour a severe storm on the earth, and their own storm, and there will be blood from the sword as high as a horse's belly
(Rev 14:20 & Enoch 100:1-12).
Verses 40 continues "The great and mighty clouds shall be puffed up full of wrath..and they shall pour out over every high and
eminent place an horrible star (Wormwood ?). Fire, and hail, and flying swords, and many waters, that all fields may be full, and all
rivers, with the abundance of great waters.
Next is mentioned "They will destroy cities and walls, mountains and hills, trees of the forest, and grass (see Rev 7:3) of the
meadows, and their grain"42. Also "They will pour out the storm and all its anger on her (Babylon). The dust and smoke will go up to
the sky.." and "those who survive will serve those who have destroyed her" (America under the Russians ?) 45
Chapter 16
"Can any man drive away a hungry lion in the wood?, or can anyone quench the fire in stubble, when it has begun to burn?" 6
This verse once again links a Planet X event to a lion from his wood or thicket (see Jer 4:7) as the 'Destroyer'.
Mentions a sword, fire and destruction from God, along with thunder, lightning & earthquakes. "The fish also will be troubled",
(see Rev 8:9). "The fire is kindled, and will not be put out until it consumes the foundations of the earth" and "The beginning of
sorrows and great mournings; the beginning of famine and great death; the beginning of wars…Behold famine and plague, tribulation
and torments are sent as scourges for the correction of men"19.
"there shall be three or four left by them that search their houses with the sword"31, or very few people will be left on earth after this
and "In the wars shall their bridegrooms be destroyed, and their husbands shall perish of famine" 34
then "just as a woman with child, in the ninth month…there will not be a moments delay" 38 (the Woman giving hirth - see Rev 12:2).
"O my people, hear my word: make yourself ready to battle, in those evils be as pilgrims on the earth" 40
"they shall take away some of you, and feed you, being idle, with things offered to idols"68 which speaks of being deceived with the
lies of the antichrist or possibly even giving some the mark of the beast in exchange for food to those who are not prepared.
"Fear God: leave off your sins and forget your iniguities, to have no more to do with them forever: so shall God lead you forth,
and deliver you from all trouble"67
"For there shall be in every place, & in the next cities, a great insurrection upon those that fear the Lord. They will be like mad men,
sparing no one, but plundering & destroying those who fear the Lord..will destroy & plunder their goods, and drive them out of their
houses" 71-72. "Then shall be known, who are my chosen & they shall be tried as gold in the fire"73, "Be not afraid neither doubt;
for God is your guide"75
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Chapter 13
The Epistle of the Apostles
read here
Post Resurrection, Pre-Ascension epistle
This is claimed to be a letter written by the Apostles to the churches not long after the resurrection of Christ. Copies have been found
in Egypt & Ethiopia. Christ mentions about His return "I will come as the sun which bursts forth, shining seven times brighter than it
in glory, while I am carried on the wings of the clouds in splendor with my cross going before me, come to the earth to judge the
living and the dead" (see Isaiah 30:26). Christ says about the timing of His return "when the hundred and twentieth year is
completed, between pentecost & passover will the coming of my Father take place". The only answer I can see is 120x50=6,000 or
return in the year 6,000 AM which equates to approx 2022 AD - based on my Biblical chronology.
Note that in the book of Adam & Eve, God promised to come and get Adam from Hades after five & half Great Days (5,500 yrs). The
millenial chronology as I call it is distinguished by starting at 1,000 and adding an extra 100 years into the first 5 ancestors which Flavius
Josephus uses. If you remove this additional 1,500 years it then matches the 1st coming of Christ around 4,000 AM and the 2nd coming
around 6,000 AM.
End of the Age
Christ says in regards to the end of the age "Then shall they that believe and they that believe not hear a trumpet in the heaven, a vision
of great stars which shall be seen in the day, wonderful sights in heaven reaching down to the earth; stars which fall upon the earth
like fire, and a great and mighty hail of fire. The sun and the moon fighting one with the other, a continual rolling & noise of thunders
and lightnings, thunder and earthquake; cities falling and men perishing in their overthrow, a continual dearth for lack of rain, a
terrible pestilence and great mortality, mighty and untimely, so that they that die lack burial: and the bearing forth of brethren and
sisters and kinsfolk shall be upon one bier (corpse container). The kinsman shall show no favour to his kinsman, nor any man to his
neighbour. And they that were overthrown shall rise up and behold them that overthrew them, that they lack burial, for the
pestilence shall be full of hatred and pain and envy: and men shall take from one and give to another. And thereafter shall it wax yet
worse than before. (Bewail ye them that have not hearkened unto my commandments, Eth. 2.)
And again we said unto him: Lord, will not then the nations say: Where is their God? And he answered and said unto us: Thereby
shall the elect be known, that they, being plagued with such afflictions, come forth. We said: Will then their departure out of the
world be by a pestilence which giveth them pain? He answered us: No, but if they suffer such affliction, it will be a proving of them,
whether they have faith and remember these my sayings, and fulfil my commandments. These shall arise, and short will be their
expectation, that he may be glorified that sent me, and I with him. For he hath sent me unto you to tell you these things & that ye may
impart them unto Israel and the Gentiles and they may hear, and they also be redeemed and believe on me and escape the
woe of the destruction. But who escapes from the destruction of death, him will they take and hold him fast in the prison-house in
torments like the torments of a thief.
We said to him: Lord, will they that believe be treated like the unbelievers, and wilt thou punish them that have escaped from the
pestilence? And he said unto us: If they that believe in my name deal like the sinners, then have they done as though they had not
believed. And we said again to him: Lord, have they on whom this lot hath fallen no life? He answered and said unto us: Whoso hath
accomplished the praise of my Father, he shall abide in the resting-place of my Father.
Then said we unto him: Lord, teach us what shall come to pass thereafter? And he answered us: In those years & days shall war be
kindled upon war; the four ends of the earth shall be in commotion and fight against each other. Thereafter shall be quakings of
clouds, darkness, and dearth, and persecutions of them that believe on me and against the elect. Thereupon shall come doubt and
strife and transgressions against one another. And there shall be many that believe on my name & yet follow after evil and spread
vain doctrine. And men shall follow after them & their riches, and be subject unto their pride, and lust for drink, and bribery, and
there shall be respect of persons among them, but they that desire to behold the face of God & respect not the persons of the rich
sinners, and are not ashamed before the people that lead them astray, but rebuke them, they shall be crowned by the Father. And
they also shall be saved that rebuke their neighbours, for they are sons of wisdom and of faith. But if they become not children of
wisdom, whoso hateth his brother and persecuteth him and showeth him no favour, him will God despise and reject.
But they that walk in truth and in the knowledge of the faith, and have love towards me, for they have endured insult, they shall be
praised for that they walk in poverty and endure them that hate them and put them to shame. Men have stripped them naked, for
they despised them because they continued in hunger and thirst, but after they have endured patiently, they shall have the
blessedness of heaven, and they shall be with me for ever. But woe unto them that walk in pride and boasting, their end is perdition.
Five Foolish Virgins
And ye shall be like the wise virgins which watched and slept not, but went forth unto the lord into the bridechamber: but the foolish
virgins were not able to watch, but slumbered. And we said unto him: Lord, who are the wise and who are the foolish? He said to us:
Five wise and five foolish; for these are they of whom the prophet hath spoken: Sons of God are they. Hear now their names. But we
wept and were troubled for them that slumbered. He said unto us: The five wise are Faith and Love and Grace and Peace and Hope.
Now they of the faithful which possess these shall be guides unto them that have believed on me and on him that sent me. For I am
the Lord and I am the bridegroom whom they have received, and they have entered in to the house of the bridegroom and are laid
down with me in the bridal chamber rejoicing. But the five foolish, when they had slept and had awaked, came unto the door of the
bridal chamber and knocked, for the doors were shut. Then did they weep and lament that no man opened unto them.
We said unto him: Lord, and their wise sisters that were within in the bridegroom's house, did they continue without opening unto
them, and did they not sorrow for their sakes nor entreat the bridegroom to open unto them? He answered us, saying: They were
Page 18
not yet able to obtain favour for them. We said unto him: Lord, on what day shall they enter in for their sisters' sake? Then said he
unto us: He that is shut out, is shut out. And we said unto him: Lord, is this word determined? Who then are the foolish? He said to
us: Hear their names. They are Knowledge, Understanding, Obedience, Patience, and Compassion. These are they that slumbered in
them that have believed and confessed me but have not fulfilled my commandments. On account of them that have slumbered, they
shall remain outside the kingdom and the fold of the shepherd and his sheep. But whoso shall abide outside the sheepfold, him will
the wolves devour, and he shall be condemned and die in much affliction: in him shall be no rest nor endurance, and although he be
hardly punished, and rent in pieces and devoured in long and evil torment, yet shall he not be able to obtain death quickly.
And we said unto him: Lord, well hast thou revealed all this unto us. Then answered he us, saying: Understand ye not these words?
We said unto him: Yes, Lord. By five shall men enter into thy kingdom and by five shall men remain without: notwithstanding, they
that watched were with thee the Lord and bridegroom, even though they rejoiced not because of them that slumbered. He said unto
us: They will indeed rejoice that they have entered in with the bridegroom, the Lord; and sorrowful because of them that slumbered,
for they are their sisters. For all ten are daughters of God, even the Father. Then said we unto him: Lord, is it then for thee to show
them favour on account of their sisters? He said unto us: <It is not mine,> but His that sent me, and I am consenting with Him.
It is fairly clear from this that the idea of being left behind is actually correct but obviously happens at the mid tribulation period or soon
afterwards. Christ mentions "they were not yet able to obtain favour for" the foolish virgins but shown later that they can enter but as
through great hardship, even terrible torture! - don't be a foolish virgin !
Chapter 14
Ancient Prophesy
Some ancient prophesies relating to the End Times
St Francis of Assisi (1226 AD) said when talking about the end of the world "for in those days Jesus Christ will send them not a true
Pastor, but a Destroyer".
Judah Ben Samuel (1217 AD) a famous Jewish Rabbi correctly predicted the status of Jerusalem since 1517 till today. He correctly
predicted the Turks rule of Jerusalem for 400 years (8 Jubilees) from 1517-1917, and also the 'no-mans land' status for 1 Jubilee
from 1917-1967. He then correctly predicted Jerusalem will be in control of the Jews from 1967, signifying "the beginning of the
Messianic end time", till 2017. 2017 being a prominent year for them..
Web page
Hopi Indian Prophesy (33-430 AD) has many similarities to what I have found on this topic amongst other things they were told
like the coming of white men, cars, planes & roads etc. Jesus is said to have appeared to them saying he will return after the 3rd
world shaking (after Enosh's day & Noah's flood), when the electricity would stop & tap water would be no good (from Red Kachina/Planet X).
Revelations mentions the waters made bitter & from the 3 days of darkness prophesy electricity is said to stop at that time.
Mentions a 7 year period, strange births, opened gateways social unrest & end of the age at this 3rd world shaking.
Also mentions earths axis will tilt, destruction by 'Red Kachina', famine, possible nuclear weapons & W.W. 3
Clip 1 Web
Clip 2 Clip 3
Some quotes:
"There are two water serpents, one at each pole with a warrior sitting on his head and tail. These command nature to warn us by her
activities that time is getting short, and we must correct ourselves. If we refuse to heed these warnings, the warriors will let go of the
serpents; they will rise up, and all will perish".
"Industrialized nations will become careless in getting more the resources out of the earth. Believing all these things will last forever,
soon natural resources will be depleted. Fuel shortages will occur; industrial machinery will come to a standstill. The machinery used
for planting, harvesting and transport will become useless. Supermarket shelves will become empty of farm produce. The farmers
and those who grow their own food will not sell their produce. Money will become worthless. The white man with all his intelligence
and technology will not be able to repair the damage. We will see extraordinary events in Nature and Earth, including humans".
"The Hopi play a key role in the survival of the human race through their vital communion with the unseen forces that hold nature in
balance. The pattern is simple: The whole world will shake and turn red and turn against those who are hindering the Hopi".
"The liberators will come in from the west with great force; they will drop down from the sky like rain. They will have no mercy. We
must not get on the house tops to watch. They will shake us by our ears, like children who have been bad. This will be the final
decisive battle between good & evil. This battle will cleanse the heart of people & restore our mother Earth from illness & the wicked
will be taken away"
In summary, although not biblical, they also mention the same things I have found elsewhere like 2 Planet X objects, a lack of resources
and fuel, famines plus an economic crash. They mention earthquakes, red dust & meteors (like rain) as well as the epic battle between
good and evil with the evil doers will be removed just as we find in the Bible.
St Malachy (1148 AD) who was a Catholic Archbishop. He prophesied all of the remaining 112 Popes of Rome until the last one
being the current one (Pope Francis). It is mentioned for the 112th Pope that "in the extreme persecution of the holy Roman Church,
there will sit Peter the Roman who will nourish the sheep in many tribulations. When they are finished the city of seven hills will be
destroyed and the dreadful judge will judge His people". The full name of the Pope is Jorge Bergoglio.
According to one explanation, the name Bergoglio actually breaks down to "Petrus Romanus." Berg- in several languages means stone,
mountain, hill, cliff, boulder, or rock. Berg translated to latin is "Petrus". Oglio is a river in Italy that points to Rome.
His parents were born and raised in Italy, and he is the "Head of Rome", hence have Petrus Romanus, Peter the Roman, Rock of Rome.
Page 19
St Hildegard (1150 AD) prophesied "Before the comet comes (Planet X?), many nations, will be scourged by want and famine.
The great nation in the ocean that is inhabited by people of different tribes and descent (USA?) will be devastated by earthquakes,
storm(s) and tidal wave(s). It will be divided (New Madrid Fault?) and, in great part submerged... The comet will by its tremendous
pressure force much of the ocean and flood many countries, causing much want and many plagues. All coastal cities will live in fear,
and many of them will be destroyed by tidal waves, and most living creatures will be killed, and even those who escape will die from
horrible diseases. For in none of those cities does a person live according to the Laws of God."
Saint Nilus (450 AD) was a leading ascetic writer of the 5th century. His feast is kept on Nov-12th in the Byzantine & Roman
Calendar. He Prophesied "After 1900, toward the middle of the 20th century, the people of that time will become unrecognizable.
When the time for the Advent of the Antichrist approaches, people's minds will grow cloudy from carnal passions, and dishonor and
lawlessness will grow stronger. Then the world will become unrecognizable. People's appearances will change, and it will be
impossible to distinguish men from women due to their shamelessness in dress and style of hair. These people will be cruel and will
be like wild animals because of the temptations of the Antichrist. There will be no respect for parents & elders, love will disappear,
and Christian pastors, bishops and priests will become vain men, completely failing to distinguish the right-hand from the left. At
that time the morals and traditions of Christians and the Church will change. People will abandon modesty and dissipation will reign.
Falsehood and greed will attain great proportions, and woe to those who pile up treasures. Lust, adultery, homosexuality secret
deeds and murder will rule in society." "At that future time, due to the power of such great crimes and licentiousness, people will be
deprived of the grace of the Holy Spirit, which they received in Holy Baptism, and equally of remorse."
"The Churches of God will be deprived of God-fearing and pious pastors, and woe to the Christians remaining in the world at that
time; many will completely lose their Faith because they will lack the opportunity of seeing the light of knowledge from anyone at all.
Then they will separate themselves out of the world in holy refuges in search of lightening their spiritual sufferings, but everywhere
they will meet obstacles and constraints."
Choctaw Indians have an ancient prophesy about the return of their chief diety 'Nanishta' related to natural disasters and floods:
"There will come a year when Nanishta prevents summer from coming & allows most of the trees to disappear. Days will become
shorter. He will cause the hair of all children to turn white as if from old age. The land will become unfarmable causing widespread
famine. Nanishta will come back down to the Earth for what is called the Third Removal. He will gather all the Choctaws and
Chickasaws who have not abandoned their heritage and begin leading them toward the mountains, where game animals of all kinds
have been evacuated to. Along the way the Choctaw people will begin crying, like so many did on the Trail of Tears long ago.
Nanishta will transform those falling tears into a flood that will kill all the other people of the world. The Choctaws & Chickasaws will
be safe in the mountains but everyone else will die trying to reach higher ground. When the flood waters subside the Choctaws and
Chickasaws will come down to repopulate the Earth while nature heals itself to the point where the land is as lush and green as it
was centuries ago".
I have found a number of things here match what is expected to happen when Planet X returns in regards to children and also called the
3rd removal just as the Hopi Indians do. Seasons will be turned upside down causing famine along with massive flooding.
The Apocalypse of Baruch
"When a stupor shall seize the inhabitants of the earth, and they shall fall into many tribulations, and again when they shall fall into
great torments. And it will come to pass when they say in their thoughts by reason of their much tribulation: 'The Mighty 'One doth
no longer remember the earth'—yes, it will come to pass when they abandon hope, that the time will then awake." (ch 25).
"Into 12 parts is that time divided, and each one of them is reserved for that which is appointed for it. In the 1st part there shall be
the beginning of commotions (sorrows?). And in the 2nd part slayings of the great ones. And in the 3rd part the fall of many by death.
In the 4th part the sending of the sword. In the 5th part famine & the withholding of rain and in the 6th part earthquakes and terrors.
[7th Wanting] The 8th part a multitude of specters (ghosts/phantoms) & attacks of the Shedim (demons). In the 9th part the fall of
fire. 10th part rapine (property seizure) & much oppression, in the 11th part wickedness & unchastity. And in the 12th part
confusion from the mingling together of all those things aforesaid. For these parts of that time are reserved, and shall be mingled one
with another and minister one to another. For some shall leave out some of their own, and receive in its stead from others, and some
complete their own and that of others, so that those may not understand who are on the earth in those days that this is the
consummation of the times" (c.27)
"Whatever will then befall will happen to the whole earth; therefore all who live will experience (them). 2 For at that time I will
protect only those who are found in those self-same days in this land" (Israel).
"For then it will be necessary to show the living that the dead have come to life again, and that those who had departed have
returned (again). And it shall come to pass, when they have severally recognized those whom they now know, then judgment shall
grow strong, and those things which before were spoken of shall come".
Page 20
Chapter 15
Other writings
Various ancient writings
The Apocalypse of Peter
And this shall come at the day of judgement upon them that have fallen away from faith in God and that have committed sin: Floods
(cataracts) of fire shall be let loose; and darkness & obscurity shall come up and clothe and veil the whole world and the waters shall
be changed and turned into coals of fire and all that is in them shall burn, and the sea shall become fire. Under the heaven shall be a
sharp fire that cannot be quenched and floweth to fulfil the judgement of wrath. And the stars shall fly in pieces by flames of fire, as if
they had not been created and the powers [firmaments] of the heaven shall pass away for lack of water and shall be as though they
had not been. And the lightnings of heaven shall be no more, and by their enchantment they shall affright the world [probably: The
heaven shall turn to lightning and the lightnings thereof shall affright the world]. The spirits also of the dead bodies shall be like unto
them [the lightnings?] and shall become fire at the commandment of God.
And so soon as the whole creation dissolveth, the men that are in the east shall flee unto the west, unto the east; they that are in the
south shall flee to the north, and they that are in the south. And in all places shall the wrath of a fearful fire overtake them and an
unquenchable flame driving them shall bring them unto the judgement of wrath, unto the stream of unquenchable fire that floweth,
flaming with fire, and when the waves thereof part themselves one from another, burning, there shall be a great gnashing of teeth
among the children of man. Then shall they all behold me coming upon an eternal cloud of brightness: and the angels of God that are
with me shall sit [prob. And I shall sit upon the throne of my glory at the right hand of my Heavenly Father; and he shall set a crown
upon mine head. And when the nations behold it, they shall weep, every nation apart.
The Proto-Gospel of James
The Birth of Mary also called Revelation of James
Mentioned here by the wise men "We saw a magnificent star shining among the stars and overshadowing them, so that the other
stars disappeared. And thus we knew that a king had been born in Israel, and we came to worship him" (21:2). Also mentions Christ
born in a cave near Bethlehem & later taken to a manger when the infants started to be killed by Herod. (22:2) - seems there was a star
of Bethlehem. From what I have read, it seems this cross in the heavens will return just prior to Christ's return as a testimony to the world
"Moreover, a great star, larger than any that had been seen since the beginning of the world, shone over the cave, from the evening
to the morning. And the prophets who were in Jerusalem said that this star pointed out the birth of Christ, who should restore the
promise not only to Israel, but to all nations" - Gospel of Pseudo Matthew
Gospel of the Egyptians
Clement of Alexandria uses this as one of his non-canonical quotes. We read that the Lord on being asked when His kingdom would
come answered to Salome "For as long as women bear children" (Clement Misc III 64:1) which echoes things I have read from the
Syballine Oracles. Cassian indicates also about Christs remarks as "When the two shall be one, and that which is without as that
which is within, and male with the female neither male nor female" (2nd Clement 12:2)
Seems to be saying when men are like women and women like men (these days) but also when the physical (without) and spiritual
(within) will be joined together as one. Planet X arrives is known to stop women giving birth at that time.
Chapter 5:10 mentions the Last Day of God's judgement, with sinners "burned in the flames of a blazing fire", and "in those days,
when He directs a cruel fire at you, where will you flee".
Legend of the Jews - The Ascension of Enoch
The archangel "further revealed to him (Enoch) that the duration of the world will be seven thousand years, and the eighth
millennium will be a time when there is no computation, no end, neither years, nor months, nor weeks, nor days, nor hours".
Page 21
Chapter 16
Modern Prophesy
Some modern visions & dreams
Prior to Tribulation
Economic Collapse - from Sept 2014 till Sept 2015
Youtube Video
Time of Destruction
2017 Destruction from the sky - Dark Star/Planet
dark ash clouds (received October 2011):
2017 God's judgement starting
Youtube Video
Destruction from the sky - dark clouds, storms & meteors
Destruction from the sky - Dark Planet on fire
Destruction from the sky - meteors
Destruction from the sky - dark clouds & storms
End times tsunamis & earth axis tilt
Destruction from the sky - Planet X, darkness & axis tilt
Youtube Video
Youtube Video
Youtube Video
Youtube Video
Youtube Video
Youtube Video
Youtube Video
During Tribulation
During the tribulations, people will be untrustworthy:
Mark of the Beast - America in great detail !
Mark of the Beast
Youtube Video
Youtube Video
Youtube Video
Other - Another guy with almost same ideas & timesas me
Youtube Video
Ken Peters
Youtube video
According to Ken Peters detailed vision in 1980, the antichrist is perfectly handsome (chizeled face) and to appears soon after the
ressurection of the dead. He also mentions a massive earthquake (megaquake) and massive persecution of the Christians world
wide. He says the anitchrist is very charismatic and smooth, promising solutions to the problems. He blames the Christians as the
reason for the problems and shows up on large screen tv's initially as the internet & all communications are shut down for 2 weeks.
He mentions "new times" & "new order" to bring the world together as one "in peace" he says. There is no resistance to his lies and
is accepted by the world. Not long after severe draughts and famines started and the army takes over from the local Police limiting
freedoms and monitoring everyone in many ways. For about 4-6 months afterwards, a great revival takes place with Christians.
It will be a huge contrast compared to unbeleivers with many miracles happening until the Christian persecutions start.
Around this time according to Ken is the time of the Abomination that makes desolate when you have to escape from evil forces
and the government which will start imprisoning & killing Christians.
Combined Prophetic Word
Some interesting Protestant Prophesy
(PS) - Prophet Sadhu Sarej
(KP) - Ken Peters
(MS) - Maurice Sklar
(ER) - Efrain Rodriguez
(GE) - General research
(my comments)
(MS) Israel will go to war with Iran and other Arab nations will join in leading to a Middle East nuclear war. (PS) Israel will suffer
heavy losses (MS) and oil prices will dramatically increase causing the collapse of the Euro then the US Dollar (Sept 15 ?) and other
currencies, leading to a new global currency.
(PS) America will betray Israel to split Jerusalem in a land for peace agreement. Soon after this America will be divided in two along
with massive tsunamis as punishment from God. (GE) This will happen from a large meteor falling near Pueta Rico on the East Coast
and another on the West coast. This agrees with many others talking about the future of America which will have a massive inland
lake dividing the country from an earthquake which happens from the meteor strike. (ER) Many Christians will die from this event
and large parts of the West Coast will fall into the Oceans and much of the East Coast will be destroyed from the tsunami.
(GE) Queensland will be hit by a tsunami and a large earthquake will also cause a tsunami there between South Australia and
Tasmania. A tsunami will also come from the Timor Sea and affect the Northern Territory.
(MS) Russia (Gog of Ezekial 38) with a new President will expand it's borders and reclaim many old satellite countries as well as
parts of the Middle East, but failing with Israel - being destroyed (by Planet X) as they invade from the north. America will also have
a nuclear war with Russia, and lose, becoming their slaves. The world economies will be in turmoil and the antichrist will arise here
from the near east amidst worldwide chaos. He will be filled with irrisitable charm, (KP) be tall & handsome like no other.
(MS) God will release His 2 witnesses plus other Evangelists & Apostles will preach to the masses doing miracles of healings,
supplying food & water and bring great revival here along with God's judgements. (GE) Some say after 40 days (or some months)
will be the rapture according to some people (see chapter 8)
Page 22
Chapter 17
Vassula Ryden
True Life in God (TLIG)
web page
It seems Vassula Ryden has been receiving messages from God for over 25 years, recording many things echoing much from
scripture. Her main website - True Life in God has all her messages there or can be read in hard copy also.
I found her recent book "Heaven is real but so is Hell" very inspiring. It mainly has messages about improving your faith and
relationship with God - I recommend it to anyone. Regarding the end of the world topics a few quotes are mentioned here:
1. May 12, 1990
then I shall send you out throughout the earth and your message will be to proclaim My Infinite Love, and I promise you, you who
love Me, that in those days of darkness which will come on the whole world, I will keep you safe and I will lock you in the depths of
My Sacred Heart; I shall be with you;
2. September 19, 1991
the Hour is coming when the world will find itself only in distress and darkness, the blackness of anguish and will see nothing but
night; bewildered, they will call out to Me, but I shall not reply, I shall not listen to their cry; frenzied, they will blaspheme My
Revelation, Wisdom and the Truth; the whole world will be inundated by distress upon seeing the Ark of the Covenant, My Law…
3. February 18, 1993
the sixth seal is about to be broken and you will all be plunged into darkness and there will be no illumination for the smoke
poured up out of the Abyss will be like the smoke from a huge furnace so that the sun and the sky will be darkened by it; 5 and out
of My Cup of Justice I will make you resemble snakes, vipers, I will make you crawl on your belly and eat dust 6 in these days of
darkness; I will crush you to the ground to remind you that you are not better than vipers .... you will suffocate and stifle in your
sins; in My anger I will tread you down, trample you in My wrath! see? My four angels are standing anxiously now around My
Throne, waiting for My orders; when you will hear peals of thunder and see flashes of lightning know that the Hour of My Justice
has come; the earth will shake and like a shooting star, will reel from its place, 7 extirpating mountains and islands out of their
places; entire nations will be annihilated; the sky will disappear like a scroll rolling up, 8 as you saw it in your vision, daughter; 9 a
great agony will befall on all the citizens; and woe to the unbeliever!
4. May 25, 1993
repent! generation, your sins have dried up your soul, why die, generation? repent and you will live! repent, because there is not
much time left now; the Destroyer will reveal himself in these coming days, entirely!
5. December 22, 1993
when My Day comes, the sun will turn as black as coarse sackcloth; the moon will be aflame & the very foundations of the earth will
shake, and like entrails pouring out of an abdomen, the earth will vomit out its demons; when this happens, men will long for death
but will not find it! then, the sky will roll like a scroll and immediately will dissolve in flames and all the elements will melt in the
heat; 8 that day is coming and sooner than you think; I will fulfil these prophecies in your own lifetime; when that Day comes, good
and bad will perish alike;
6. December 28, 1993
My prophets are sent to you to call out in dismay: "repent! for God's anger will enkindle a fire that will burn you up!" but you do
not listen, because you take My calls as a threat; when they cried out in pain: "repent! for the Destroyer is well in every city and
not one of you will escape! the Valley has become now a massive tomb; repent! or else you will die there too!"
7. March 31, 1995
for just over three days & three nights2 you shall not be able to continue as you want; but this silence will be broken by My Own
Hand upon opening the sixth seal; 3 rejoice, for I shall be with you soon! My Voice will be heard & My enemies will tremble and beat
their breasts.
8. May 25, 1993
"...repent! generation, your sins have dried up your soul, why die, generation? repent and you will live! repent, because there is not
much time left now; the Destroyer will reveal himself in these coming days, entirely! oh Vassula! whom can I urge to hear and
warn? Whom am I to speak to and who will listen?
Vassula Ryden's messages here agree with other study on this topic about the 3 days of darkness and after the smoke blotting out the
light(1). She alludes to suffocating (in the fumes), being inundated (floods), the earth tilting, earthquakes, lightning, shooting stars
(meteors) and a great woe on all people especially un-beleivers. Satan and his host of demons will be on the earth (5.) at that time
(3 days of darkness?) with intense heat. She even mentions the 'Destroyer' coming as the 6th Seal and that the 3 days of darkness
immediately preceding this.
Page 23
Chapter 18
Biblical Chronology
Chronology from Adam till today
I wanted to see if the more common idea of about 6,000 years since the time of creation held true from a Biblical perspective.
The Bible mentions "one day is as a thousand years" and by extension the 6 days of creation equals 6,000 yrs (2 Pet 3:8, Psalms 90:4)
The Sabbath Day being an expected 1,000 year rest.
Adam died in the same 'Day' that he sinned in the year 930 AM (Gen 2:17 & 5:5 / Jub c5) and no other lived over 1,000 yrs.
The timing of the 1st coming of Christ in the Old Testament could be found from a number of possible ways:
-Measurement of the altar of sacrifice 20 x 20 x 10 cubits = 4,000 cubits (4,000 yrs) 2 Chron 4:1
-Measurement of the Ark of the covenant mercy seat 2.5 +1.5 cubits = 4 cubits
-In bondage to the Philistines for 40 years Judges 13:1, or in the wilderness for 40 years
Within the Year Column, the key dates used in my cumulative calculations show in Red, while the rest are for information only.
In the Year section, any 2 more dates that cross reference each other from different scriptures have the same background colour.
Outside the Year Column, any Hyperlinks also show up in Blue which you can click for select Youtube videos & other references.
In the BC/AD column, colour coding for the Kings:
Blue for tribe of Judah (Jerusalem)
Purple for rest of Israel (11 tribes)
Notes like 'gen 1' etc is the generation number from Adam according to the Gospel of Mathews Gospel.
I have added a column for dates out of the Book of Jubilees, Josephus & the Book of Jasher
Note that Josephus has a starting date of 1,000 and adds another 100 years into each of the 6 lineages from Seth to Methusaleh
(except Enoch) - this gives an extra 1600 years as compared to most other chronologies.
The main point of note is that the Jewish calculation does not have the year zero in it.
When calculating the years between one person to another, a simple addition sufficed when one was based on the year of ones
birth however, when calculating between events not starting at zero the current year is always considered the first year and thus
an addition of the number of years less one is required for such instances. (ie in the 3rd year from today, you would add 2 not 3).
Note - I have mostly used dates from Adam as year 1 or 1 AM (Anno Mundi) meaning the year after Creation.
Books Used
I have referenced from the New Testament (NKJV), the Old Testament (Masoretic) & from Maccabees I & II (Apocrypha)
I have added useful information from the book of Jasher (2 Sam 1:18) and from the works of historian Flavius Josephus (c. AD 70).
I have also pieces out of the Book of Jubilees & the Book of Enoch.
I have also made a few references to the Septuagint (LXX) of the Old Testament when it had more details.
Work done
The first 3,400 years until the temple destroyed was relatively easy compared to the next period till Christ (c. 600 years)
in which I wasn’t confident in any one source.
From the destruction of the temple till the birth of Christ:
The Jews have about 490 years, Falvious Josephus has 633 years, I have 626 years & Wikipedia has 586 years.
I have at least confirmed in my mind that we are currently close to being around the 6,000 years mark.
I feel the accuracy of my timeline is within plus or minus 50 years or so and there is always the issue of rounding as well.
This is mainly due to different chronologies, in particular the Jewish record versus modern scholars of around 120 years.
I am not going to try and reconcile the two. Even modern scholars vary quite a bit in their determination of historical dates due
to similar names of Kings used in the past, overlapping periods instead of subsequent ones, insufficient/inaccurate records.
I have relied 95% on the Masoretic Old Testament & extra Biblical records except for a few alternative sources.
I have from Adam till Christ 3,975 years, while Josephus has 5,713 (or 4,113 after excluding the extra 1,600 yrs),
Eusebius & Jerome both have 3,942 years, Isaac Newton has 3,940 years, and the Venerable Bede 3,944 years.
Page 24
Moder Jose Jasher
n dates phus
3975 BC
3969 BC
3906 BC
3899 BC
3846 BC
3741 BC
3696 BC
3651 BC
3581 BC
3516 BC
3354 BC
3289 BC
3102 BC
3071 BC
3046 BC
3046 BC
2989 BC
2934 BC
2920 BC
2836 BC
2741 BC
2686 BC
2554 BC
2440 BC
2430 BC
2420 BC
2325 BC
2325 BC
2320 BC
2319 BC
2318 BC
Jasher c31
Josephus I 19:9
Genesis 37:28
2283 BC
2253 BC
2219 BC
2189 BC
2157 BC
2127 BC
2126 BC
2098 BC
2028 BC
2018 BC
1980 BC
1979 BC
1970 BC
1978 BC
1958 BC
1953 BC
1950 BC
1942 BC
1929 BC
1929 BC
1928 BC
1927 BC
1820 BC
1903 BC
1893 BC
1891 BC
1889 BC
1888 BC
1880 BC
1868 BC
1853 BC
1850 BC
1820 BC
1798 BC
1789 BC
1777 BC
1776 BC
1760 BC
Jasher c70
1758 BC
Adam is created - generation 1 (17th 2nd month).
Eve is created from Adam's rib (1 week later on 6th day)
Adam & Eve sin in the Garden
Cain born
Abel born
Seth born - gen 2
Enosh is born - gen 3
In the days of Enosh (c.280) men sinned, supposedly 1/3 earth destroyed
Kenan is born - gen 4
Mahalaleel is born - gen 5
Jared is born - gen 6
Enoch is born - gen 7
Methuselah is born (name means 'his death shall bring judgment') - gen 8
Lamech is born - gen 9
Watchers (Angels) supposedly descend around here to later create Nephilim.
Adam dies, aged 930 (Friday 15th Barmudeh 9th hour -bk Adam & Eve)
Cain dies (stone house fell on him) 860 years old
Enoch taken up by God age 365
Seth dies, aged 912
Noah is born (10th from Adam)
Enosh dies, aged 905 (Noah 184 yrs old)
Kenan dies, aged 910
Mahalaleel dies, aged 895
Jared dies, aged 962
in 480th yr Noah, God gives men 120 years warning before flood
Noah 490 yrs old marries Naamah (580 yrs old !)
Japheth, Shem & Ham born (birth order) Shem 2yrs gap-Jasher c5
Lamech (Noah's father) dies, aged 777
Noah starts building the ark for 5 years
Flood comes - Methuselah dies same year age 969 (Noah 600 years old)
Flood over after 1 year & 10 days
Arphaxad son of Shem is born 2nd year after flood (Shem 100 yrs old)
Cainan son of Arphaxad born (Father of Shelah) ?!
Shelah son of Arphaxad is born (Sala)
Eber is born (Heber - Hebrews comes from this name, Josephus) (gen 14)
Peleg is born (Phaleg-means division - peoples were spread over the earth, J)
Reu is born (Ragau) (Jasher has Yen here)
Serug is born (meaning sin & transgression)
Nahor is born (meaning destitution?)
Tower of Babylon finished (after 43 years) - 63 years from birth of Reu
Terah is born
Abraham is born (10th from Noah) - gen 20
Sarah is born (daughter of Terah)
Peleg dies, aged 239
Nahor dies, aged 148
Noah, dies age 950
Abraham goes into Canaan 1st time age 50
God makes covenant with Abraham (age 70 Jasher c13) he returns to Haran
Abraham goes into the promised land of Canaan age 75 (2nd time)
Reu dies, aged 239
Ishmael is born, Abraham age 86
God commands Abraham to circumcise all males (age 99)
God destroys Sodom & Gomorrah (most likely Planet X event)
Isaac is born (Abraham age 100) - gen 21
Serug dies, aged 230
Shem dies, aged 600
Abraham takes Isaac (age 25) to be sacrificed
Terah dies, aged 205
Sarah dies age 127
Lot dies here age 140 with Isaac aged 39
Isaac is married at the age of 40, to Rebecca
Arphaxad dies, aged 438
Jacob & Esau born (Isaac 60 years old) - gen 22
Abraham dies, aged 175
Shelah dies, aged 433
Shem dies, aged 600
Jacob (age 70) leaves to go to Laban in Haran to get away from Esau
Eber dies, aged 464
Joseph son of Jacob born - Jacob 91 yrs old
Jacob leaves Laban after 20 years in his flocks (after initial 2yrs)
Joseph sold to Egypt age 17 (for 20 pieces of silver)
Latin Vulgate (& Testament of Gad) says 30 pieces of silver - see Math 26:14
Joseph goes to prison for 12 yrs after serving Potiphar for 1 year
Genesis 5:3-32
Genesis 5:3-32
Jasher c2
Genesis 5:3-32
Genesis 5:3-32
Genesis 5:3-32
Genesis 5:3-32
Genesis 5:3-32
Genesis 5:3-32
Josephus I 3:1
Genesis 5:24
Genesis 5:3-32
Jasher c5
Jasher c5
Genesis 5:32
Jasher c5
Genesis 7:6
Genesis 8:14
Genesis 11:10-26
Luke 3:36
Genesis 11:10-26
Genesis 11:10-26
Genesis 11:10-26
Genesis 11:10-26
Genesis 11:10-26
Genesis 11:10-26
Jubiless c.10
Genesis 11:10-26
Genesis 17:17
Jasher c13
Gen 15:17
Genesis 12:4
Genesis 17:16
Jasher c17
Jasher c17
Genesis 21:5
Josephus I 13:2
Jasher c24
Genesis 25:20
Genesis 25:25
Genesis 25:7
Noah & Methuselah
Noah & Methuselah
Noah & Methuselah
Noah & Methuselah
Noah & Methuselah
15th of 1st month
3161 1056
3261 1656
3553 1948
3623 2018
3653 2048
3713 2108
Page 25
Genesis 35:28
Jasher c49
Jasher c49
Jasher c50
Jasher c50
Jasher c58
Jasher c58
Genesis 50:22
Jasher c81
Josephus III 3:5
Enoch 93
Josephus IV 4:6
Numbers 33:39
Numbers 33:39
Joshua 1:1
Joshua 10:12 & Jasher c88
Judges 2:8
Acts 13:20
1 Sam 4:14
Psalms 18
2 Sam 2:10
2 Sam 2:10
2 Sam 5:4
2 Samuel
1 Kings 2:11
1 Kings 6:1
1 Kings 6:38
Book Enoch
1 Kings 11:42
1 Kings 14:21
1 Kings 12:20
1 Kings 14:21
1 Kings 14:31
1 Kings 14:31
1 Kings 15:9
1 Kings 14:20
1 Kings 15:25
1 Kings 15:25
1 Kings 15:33
1 Kings 15:33
Moder Jose Jasher
n dates phus
1748 BC
1747 BC
12 Patriarchs
Jasher c58
Jasher c63
Jasher c63
Jasher c63
Turin papyrus
Jasher c66
Jasher c66
Jasher c68
Acts 7:23
Jasher c75
Jasher c77
Turin papyrus
Exodus 12:40
time of the Judges
time of the Judges
time of the Judges
time of the Judges
Nathan & Gad
Nathan & Gad
Nathan & Gad
Nathan & Gad
2228 Isaac dies, aged 180 (Jacob 120 yrs old)
2229 Joseph becomes Governor of Egypt -age 30 (also called Imhotep)
Pharoah calls Joseph 'Zaphnath Paaneah' by Djoser (his 18th yr, 3rd Dynasty)
1746 BC 2230 7 Years of plenty start
1739 BC 2237 7 year famine starts
1738 BC 2238 Jacob enters to Egypt age 130 (2nd yr famine)
1721 BC 2255 Jacob dies in Egypt (age 147)
1706 BC 2270 Magron, son of Pharoah reigns in Egypt age 41 when Joseph was 71 yrs old
1667 BC 2309 Magron's reign ends after 40 yrs
1667 BC 2309 Joseph dies age 110 (after Jacob)
1665 BC 2311 Reuben dies age 125 - 2 yrs after Joseph (ie 13 years the elder of Joseph)
1666 BC 2310 Pharoah, son of Magron reigns next
1646 BC 2330 The last of Jacob's sons dies (Levi) age 137 - 93 years after entering Egypt
1646 BC 2330 Israel now starts to be afflicted in Egypt
1637 BC 2339 Pharoah, son of Magron dies & Melol his son rules age 20 (Israel in servitude)
Melol, is known to be Pharoah Neferkare Pepi II (Phiops II or NetjerKhau)
1614 BC 2362 Pharoah Melol orders Hebrew male babies to be killed (125th yr)
1611 BC 2365 Miriam & Aaron born (elder to Moses)
1608 BC 2368 Moses born (son of Amram, son of Jochebed - Josephus III 5:3)
1607 BC 2369 Moses nursed by his mother 2 yrs then is son of Pharoah's daughter 'Bathia'
1570 BC 2406 Joshua born
1568 BC 2408 Moses left Egypt age 40 (a warrior in Egypt)
1543 BC 2433 Pharoah Melol ends his reign (leper) & dies 10 years later from his sickness
1533 BC 2443 Adikam son of Merlol is Pharoah (called Ahuz) age 20 - for 4 years (206th yr)
Adikam is said to be Neferkare the younger (Merenre Aniemsaf II) 6th Dynasty
1528 BC 2448 Moses returns to Egypt age 80 (40 years a Shepherd)
1528 BC 2448 Israel leaves Egypt (210 yrs in Egypt - see notes)
1528 BC 2448 length of year said to have changed from 320 days to 360 days here ?
1528 BC 2448 Israel leaves with about 600,000 men plus wives & children
quails as food in Arabian Gulf not Sinai Penisula (Exodus 16:13)
1528 BC 2448 Law of God given to Israel
Enoch predicts revelation & law within the 22nd-28th generations (25th here)
1493 BC 2483 Joshua & Caleb spy out the land
1488 BC 2488 Miriam, Moses's sister dies after 40 yrs out of Egypt
1488 BC 2488 Aaron dies age 123
1488 BC 2488 Moses dies age 120 (40 yrs a Leader & Prophet of Israel & 40 yrs after Egypt)
1488 BC 2488 Joshua take over from Moses (age 82- Jasher c82)
1488 BC 2488 Sun & moon to stand still for a whole day after hailstones (comp Josh 10:2 & Is.28:27)
1460 BC 2516 Joshua dies age 110 (Jasher c90)
1444 BC 2532 Elders judge Israel for 17 years
Salmon son of Nahshon is born - gen 29
Boaz son of Salmon is born - gen 30
Obed son of Boaz is born - gen 31
Jesse son of Obed is born - gen 32
2807 Saul the King of Israel - son of Kish
1161 BC 2815 Eli dies age 98 (after 40 yrs) Josephus V x:xx
1159 BC 2817 David son of Jesse is born 302 years after Joshua dies - gen 33
2827 Samuel the Prophet
1134 BC 2842 Leviathan here ( floods, earthquakes, smoke, fire, darkness, meteorites, lightning)
2846 Saul son of Kish is killed
2846 Ishbosheth son of Saul reigns over Israel age 40
2847 Ishbosheth son of Saul dies (in 2nd year)
1129 BC 2847 David the King rules Israel (age 30)
1092 BC 2884 Solomon is born - gen 34
1089 BC 2887 David dies (after king 40 years)
1054 BC 2922 Rehoboam son of Solomon is born - gen 35
1052 BC 2924 Solomon the King rules Israel
1200 BC 2776 Eli the Priest of Isreal
1049 BC 2927 Temple starts to be built 480 yrs after leaving Egypt (Solomons 4th yr rule)
1042 BC 2934 Temple building completed (after 7 years)
Enoch predicts building of the Temple in the 35th generation (ie Rehoboam)
1013 BC 2963 Solomon dies with 40 years rule
1013 BC 2963 Rehoboam rules over 2 tribes Judah & Benjamin age 41
1013 BC 2963 Jeroboam son of Nebat rules over Israel (10 tribes) he created idols
996 BC 2980 Rehoboam ends his reign over Judah age 58
996 BC 2980 Abijam (Abijah) son of Rehoboam rules Judah (18th yr Jeroboam)
994 BC 2982 Abijam son of Rehoboam rule ends over Judah after 3 years
994 BC 2982 Asa son of Abijam reigns over Judah (20th yr Jeroboam)
993 BC 2983 Jeroboam son of Nebat reign over Isreal ends after 22 years (age 27)
993 BC 2983 Nadab son of Jeroboam reigns over Isreal (2nd yr Asa)
992 BC 2984 Nadab son of Jeroboam reign ends over Isreal after 2 year
992 BC 2984 Baasha son of Ahija reigns over Isreal
969 BC 3007 Baasha son of Ahija reign ends over Isreal after 24 years
Page 26
1 Kings 16:8
1 Kings 16:8
1 Kings 16:23
1 Kings 16:23
1 Kings 16:29
1 Kings 15:9
1 Kings 15:24
1 Kings 16:29
2 Kings 8:16
1 Kings 15:24
2 Kings 8:16
2 Kings 8:16
2 Kings 9:29
2 Kings 9:29
2 Kings 8:26
2 Kings 9:2
2 Kings 12:1
2 Kings 10:36
2 Kings 13:1
2 Kings 13:1
2 Kings 13:10
Elijah & Obadiah
Elijah & Obadiah
Elijah & Obadiah
Elijah & Obadiah
Elijah & Obadiah
Elijah & Obadiah
Elijah & Obadiah
Elijah & Obadiah
Elijah & Obadiah
Elijah & Obadiah
Elijah & Obadiah
Elisha & Jonah
Elisha & Jonah
Elisha & Jonah
Isaiah & Amos
Isaiah & Amos
Isaiah & Micah
Isaiah & Micah
2 Kings 14:25
2 Kings 14:13
2 Kings 14:23
2 Kings 14:1-17
2 Kings 15:1
2 Kings 14:23
2 Kings 15:8
2 Kings 15:13
2 Kings 15:17
2 Kings 15:17
2 Kings 15:23
2 Kings 15:32
2 Kings 15:1
2 Kings 15:33
2 Kings 15:33
2 Kings 16:1
2 Kings 16:1
2 Kings 17:1
2 Kings 16:1
2 Kings 16:20
2 Kings 18:10
2 Kings 17:1
2 Kings 17:6
2 Kings 20:6
2 Kings 18:1
2 Kings 20:6
2 Kings 21:1
2 Kings 20:21
2 Kings 21:19
2 Kings 22:1
1 Esdras 1:22
2 Kings 22:1
2 Kings 23:31
2 Kings 23:31
Jer. 25:1,11,12
Jer. 20:1
2 Kings 23:36
2 Kings 24:6
2 Kings 24:10
Tobit 14:4-8
2 Kings 24:17
Judith 1:1
2 Kings 25:1
2 Kings 24:17
Josephus X 11:4
2 Kings 24:17
Jer. 25:1,11,12
Hosea, Isaiah & Micah
Hosea, Isaiah & Micah
Hosea, Isaiah & Micah
Isaiah & Micah
Isaiah & Micah
Isaiah & Micah
Isaiah & Micah
Isaiah & Micah
Isaiah & Micah
Isaiah & Micah
Jeremiah & Zephaniah
Jeremiah & Baruch
Jeremiah & Baruch
Jeremiah & Baruch
Jeremiah, Ezekial
Jeremiah, Ezekial
Jeremiah, Ezekial
Jeremiah, Ezekial
Jeremiah, Ezekial
Jeremiah, Ezekial
Moder Jose Jasher
n dates phus
969 BC
968 BC
964 BC
958 BC
957 BC
954 BC
954 BC
936 BC
934 BC
930 BC
930 BC
923 BC
923 BC
923 BC
923 BC
923 BC
917 BC
895 BC
895 BC
879 BC
879 BC
878 BC
878 BC
878 BC
864 BC
864 BC
850 BC
838 BC
824 BC
801 BC
800 BC
800 BC
790 BC
789 BC
788 BC
787 BC
787 BC
772 BC
772 BC
769 BC
761 BC
758 BC
758 BC
755 BC
753 BC
753 BC
744 BC
744 BC
730 BC
730 BC
676 BC
676 BC
675 BC
675 BC
658 BC
645 BC
645 BC
645 BC
643 BC
642 BC
635 BC
635 BC
635 BC
635 BC
635 BC
632 BC
631 BC
626 BC
625 BC
625 BC
625 BC
Elah son of Baasha reigns over Israel
Elah son of Baasha ends reign over Israel
Omri becomes king of Isreal (after Zimri)
Omri ends as king of Isreal after 6 years in Tirzah (12 in total)
Ahab son of Omri reigns in Isreal (38th yr Asa)
Asa reign ends over Jerusalem (41 years)
Jehoshaphat son of Asa reigns over Jerusalem (age 35)
Ahab son of Omri ends his reign in Isreal after 22 yrs
Joram son of Ahab reigns over Israel age 32
Jehoshaphat reign ends over Judah after 25 years
Jehoram (Joram) son of Jehoshaphat reigns over Judah (5th yr Joram)
Jehoram son of Jehoshaphat reign ends over Jerusalem after 8 years
Joram son of Ahab reign ends over Isreal after 11 years
Ahaziah son of Jehoram reigns over Judah age 22 (2 Kings 8:25)
Ahaziah reign ends over Judah after 1 year
Jehu son Jehoshaphat son of Nimshi king of Israel-he killed Joram & Ahaziah
Jehoash (Joash) son of Ahaziah reigns over Jerusalem - 7th yr of Jehu
Jehu reign over Israel ends after 28 years
Jehoahaz son of Jehu reigns over Isreal (23rd yr of Joash son of Ahaziah)
Jehoahaz son of Jehu reign ends over Isreal after 17 years
Johoash (Joash) son of Jehoahaz reigns in Israel (10 tribes) 37th yr Jehoash
Jehoash reign ends over Jerusalem after 40 years
Jonah the Prophet active around this time
Amaziah son of Joash/Jehoash becomes king of Judah age 25 (2nd yr Joash)
Johoash son of Jehoahaz ends as king of Israel after 16 years
Jeroboam son of Joash/Jehoash reigns in Israel (15th yr Amaziah)
Amaziah son of Joash ends as king of Judah after 29 yrs (15 yr of Joash)
Azariah/Uzziah son of Amaziah king of Judah age 16 (27th yr Jeroboam)
Jeroboam son of Jehoash reign ends in Israel after 41 yrs
Zechariah son of Jeroboam reigs in Isreal for 6 months (38th yr Uzziah)
Shallum son of Jabesh reigns in Isreal (39th yr Uzziah) for 1 month
Menahem son of Gadi reigns in Isreal (39th yr Azaraiah)
Menahem son of Gadi reign ends in Isreal after 10 years
Pekahiah son of Menahem reigns in Isreal (50th yr Azariah)
Pekah son of Remalia reigns over Isreal after 2 years
Uzziah (Azaraiah) son of Amaziah reign ends after 52 years age 67
Jotham son of Uzziah reigns over Jerusalem age 25 (2nd yr Pekah)
Jotham son of Uzziah reign ends over Jerusalem age 40 (after 16 yrs)
Ahaz son of Jotham (son of Uzziah) king of Judah age 20 (17th yr Pekah)
741 BC
Pekah son of Remalia reign ends over Isreal (killed by Hoshea)
Hoshea son of Elah king over Isreal (12th yr Ahaz)
Ahaz son of Jotham reign ends over Judah after 16 years
Hezekiah son of Ahaz reigns over Judah age 25 ( 3rd yr of Hoshea) gen.43
725 BC
Shalmanesa King of Assyria besiges Samaria
Hoshea son of Elah reign ends over Isreal after 9 years
Israel taken captive by Assyria - predicted by Enoch after 42nd gen.
722 BC 4961
Hezekiah son of Ahaz gets 15 yrs more (10 step sun shift) / extra 8 hrs (Hippolytus)
Leviathan flyby - length of year changes from 360 days to 365.25 here
Hezekiah son of Ahaz reign ends over Judah after 29 years
Manasseh son of Hezekiah reigns over Judah age 12 - gen 44
Manasseh son of Hezekiah reign ends over Judah after 55 years
Amon son of Hezekiah reigns over Judah age 22 - gen 45
Amon son of Hezekiah reign ends over Judah after 2 years
Josiah son of Amon reigns over Judah age 8 - gen 46
Josiah (Josias) re-instates the Passover 18th yr of his reign
Jeconiah son of Josiah is born around here - gen 47
Josiah son of Amon reign ends over Judah after 31 years
Jehoahaz (Johanan) son of Josiah reigns over Judah age 23 for 3 months
Jehoiakim (Eliakim/Joacim) son of Josiah reigns over Judah age 25
Jeremiah's prophesy about Babylonians destroyed after 70 years starts here
Nebuchadnezzar II king of Babylon 1st yr reign in 4th yr Jehoiakim
Jehoiakim son of Josiah reign ends after 11 years (taken to Babylon)
600 BC
Jehoiachin (Joacim) son of Jehoiakim reigns over Judah age 18 for 3 months
Jerusalem taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon (8th yr)
597 BC
Time of Tobit & Tobias his son in Ninevah (Babylon)
Zedekiah (Mattaniah) reigns over Jerusalem age 21 (Jehoiachin's Uncle)
Time of Judith in 12th-18th yr of Nabuchodonosor King of Babylon
God talks to Ezekiel in his 30th yr (also 30th yr of Jubilee cycle)
Nebuchadnezzar II king of Babylon besiges Jerusalem (17th year as King)
Zedekiah reign ends after 11 years
Josephus - from Saul is 22 Kings over Jerusalem 514 yrs (I have 506 yrs)
Destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem
587 BC 5113
Jeremiah's prophesy about the return from Babylon after 70 years starts here
Page 27
Math 1:12
Baruch 1:2
Ezekiel 29
Ezekiel 29-32
Dan 9:24-27
Josephus X 11:1
Jer 52:31
2 Esdras 3:1
2 Esdras 7:28
Josephus X 11:2
Josephus X 11:2
Josephus X 11:2
Dan 8:1-27
Dan 5:31,9:1
Josephus X 11:5
Ezra 1:1 & 5:13
Dan 9:24
Jer. 25:1,11,12
Bel & Dragon
Dan 10-11
Esther 1:3
Jer. 25:11
Exra 4:5-7
Zech 1:1
Wikipedia 13.
Math 1:13
Enoch 93:10
Ezra 6:15
Jer. 29:10
Hippolytus 15
Ezra 7:7
Neh. 5:14
Neh 5:14
Neh. 5:14
Ezra 6:14
Ezra 6:14
Ezra 6:14
1 Macc 1:10
Enoch 93:11
1 Macc 1: 20
1 Macc 1:54
Josephus 5:4
1 Macc 1:54
1 Macc 1:41
1 Macc 1:41
Josephus X 11:7
1 Macc 6:16
Dan 8:14
1 Macc 7:1
1 Macc 9:3-18
1 Macc 10:1
1 Macc 10:57
1 Macc 11:19
1 Macc 11:17
1 Macc 13:41
1 Macc 13:41
1 Macc 14:27
1 Macc 16:14
1 Macc 16:23
Josephus III 8:9
621 BC
606 BC
606 BC
604 BC
Shealtiel son of Jeconiah is born around here - gen 48
Book of Baruch
Wormwood flyby - dried up Nile, fires, blood rivers, sun & moon dark & desolation
Egypt invaded by Nebuchadnezzar & desolate for 40 yrs (37th yr Nebuchadnezzar)
Daniels 70 week prophesy starts here in 21st yr of Jerusalem (Hippolytus)
Nebuchadnezzar II king of Babylon reign ends (43 yrs as King)
Evil-Merodach reigns as king of Babylon (37th yr Jehoiachin's captivity) 560 BC
Prophet Esdra has visions from Archangel Uriel (30th yr after destruction)
599 BC
596 BC
596 BC
581 BC
577 BC
575 BC
575 BC
575 BC
575 BC
575 BC
574 BC
575 BC
573 BC
565 BC
565 BC
563 BC
560 BC
560 BC
559 BC
555 BC
555 BC
555 BC
555 BC
554 BC
554 BC
541 BC
541 BC
529 BC
519 BC
333 BC
329 BC
322 BC
311 BC
174 BC
168 BC
166 BC
166 BC
166 BC
166 BC
166 BC
166 BC
162 BC
162 BC
162 BC
161 BC
160 BC
151 BC
149 BC
144 BC
144 BC
141 BC
141 BC
141 BC
134 BC
134 BC
66 BC
The Maccabees
The Maccabees
The Maccabees
The Maccabees
The Maccabees
The Maccabees
The Maccabees
The Maccabees
The Maccabees
The Maccabees
The Maccabees
The Maccabees
The Maccabees
The Maccabees
The Maccabees
The Maccabees
The Maccabees
Moder Jose Jasher
n dates phus
Esdras told Jesus will be born within 400 years from here
Evil-Merodach reign ends after 18 years (Josephus X 11:2)
Niglissar son of Evil-Merodach (Nergal-sharezer) reigns next (4 yrs)
Labosordacus son of Niglissar (Labashi-Marduk) reigned next (9 months)
Belshazar son of Nebuchadnezzar is monarch of Babylon
Daniel has a vision of the future of Israel in Belshazar's 3rd yr reign
Belshazar reign ends in 3rd year (kingdom split between Medes & Persians)
Darius I the Mede (son of Ahasuerus/Cyaxares II) is made king of Babylon
Darius I goes away into Media with Daniel leaving Cyrus to be king of Babylon
Cyrus II (Persia) decees temple be rebuilt (1st yr King of Babylon)
536 BC 5143
7 wks of yrs (49) from temple destroyed till Cyrus (messiah in Isiah 44:28-45)
Jeremiah's prophesy about the fall of the Babylonians after 70 years fullfilled
history says Cyrus took Babylon about 10 yrs before his reign ended (c.540 BC)
Bel & the Dragon - Daniel in Babylon during Cyrus King Persia
Daniel has a vision of the future of Israel in Cyrus's 3rd yr reign
Cyrus II reign ends 10 years after taking Babylon
526 BC
Ahasuerus translates Xerxes also called Astyages by Josephus
Esther saves the Hebrews from Haman (3rd yr of Ahasuerus) or Xerxes I
Darius I the Great (Media) 16 years after Cyrus II
520 BC
Artaxerxes (Persia) seems to follow Ahasuerus here (Cyrus son of Darius)
2nd year of Darius - building the temple started again (2 Chron 36:21)
Cyrus of Persia here is matched to 1st year of the 55th Olympiad (560 BC)
Zerubbabel (Zorobabel) son of Shealtiel is born around here - gen 49
Enoch predicts restoration & teaching at end of 49th generation
Temple is rebuilt (6th yr of Darius I the Great) after 70 years
515 BC
Jeremiah's prophesy fullfilled about returning to Jerusalem after 70 yrs (2 Chron 36:19)
Daniel's prophesy fullfilled - Jerusalem rebuilt after 49 yrs by Jesus son of Johsedec
Ezra comes up from Babylon to Jerusalem (7th yr of Artaxerxes)
Jeremiah comes to Jerusalem from Babylon (7th yr of Artaxerxes)
Nehemiah governor of Judah (20th yr of Artaxerxes)
Nehemiah starts to rebuilding wall of Jerusalem (20th yr King Artaxerxes)
Nehemiah ends rule & building for 12 years (32nd yr Artaxerxes)
Artaxerxes (Persia) ends after 41 years (Cyrus son of Darius)
Artaxerxes II dies around 358 BC
Artaxerxes III (Orchus) of Persia dies around 338 BC
Artaxerxes IV of Persia dies around 336 BC
Alexander III the Great son of Philip II
335 BC
Alexander III the Great takes out Darius I & Cyrus in Granicum
332 BC
Alexander III the great dies after 12 years reign (253/47)
323 BC 5396
1st Year of the Greeks (AG) in the Seleucid Empire (goat in Dan 8:5)
312 BC
Antiochus IV Epiphanes son of Antiochus reigned (137th yr of Greece)
175 BC
Enoch predicts righteous judgement via sword during 50-56 generations
Antiochus IV Epiphanes invades Jerusalem & desocrates the temple (143rd)
Abomination of desolation setup in the temple (145th yr Greeks)
153rd Olympiad of the Greeks (c. 164-167 BC as 1st = 776 BC)
167 BC
Antiochus IV erected the idol Zeus in the jewish temple and polluted it
Antiochus IV tried to change calendar and stop their observances
Mattathias & 5 sons started fighting Antiochus
167 BC
Mattathias dies (146th Year of the Greeks)
167 BC
see Josephus 1296 days
Antiochus IV the Greek king dies (149th yr Greeks)
164 BC
Restoration of temple of Jerusalem (149th year)
Daniel's vision before temple cleansed is 6 years (2,300 days)
Demetrius son of Seleucus leaves Rome to the sea coast (150th)
Judas Maccabbeus dies (152nd year Greeks)
162 BC 5565
Alexander son of Antiochus (Epiphanes) took Ptolemais (160th yr)
King Alexander married Cleopatra of Egypt (162nd yr)
King Ptolemee reigned king after Alexander died (167th year)
Zabdiel the Arabian beheaded Alexander in Arabia - sent it to Ptolemee
Isreal freed from yoke of heathen (170th year)
Temple recaptured and purified by the Maccabees
Simon son of Mattathias becomes High Priest (170th year)
Simon is killed in Jericho by Ptolemee (177th year)
John son of Simon takes over
Death of Queen Alexandra (67 BC)
Page 28
Josephus III 8:9
Josephus III 8:9
Josephus III 8:9
Enoch 94:1
Math 1:10-20
Josephus III 8:9
34 BC
16 BC
4 BC
2 BC
9 AD
33 AD
67 AD
70 AD
Moder Jose Jasher
n dates phus
3942 Death of Antigonus (35 BC)
3960 Herod finishes the Temple (17 BC)
3972 Death of Alexander & Aristobulus (5 BC)
Enoch predicts righteous judgement in 57th-63rd generations (9th week)
3976 Jesus is born - Sept 2 BC (15th Tishrei, or Feast of Tabernacles) 60th gen
3987 Banishment of Archelaus (9 AD)
4011 Jesus is crucified - March 33 AD (14th Nisan, or Feast of Passover)
4045 Jerusalem surrounded (67 AD) approx generation 61
4048 Destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem (2nd time)
from temple destruction till today
1947 AD 5925 Jews get their land back and become a nation again (1948 years after Christ)
2011 AD 5989 Sky Trumpets started early 2012 (strange sounds from the sky worldwide)
2016 AD 5993
Some interesting future predictions
Padre Pio
Scott Clarke
2017 AD 5995 Something significant said to happen here (Oct 2017) Scott Clarke/Catholics
2019 AD 5997 Planet X could return in early 2019 (after 3.5 years) if Sept 2015 is the start of last 7 yrs
2022 AD 6000 Abraham goes into the promised land in 2023 AM (end of 2022 AD) - any parrallels ?!
Non Canonicle references used
Non canonicle means not authorised as part of the official Bible. There were many disputed texts while beneficial did not make it
into the Bible, and others as banned from reading altogether (ie gnostic works). The below are believed to be part of the disputed:
Book of Jasher
The book of Jasher forms part of the Jewish homilies (not canon), used to help explain certain things within their scripture.
Interestingly, the Old Testament refers to the Book of Jasher 2 times (2 Sam 2:18, Joshua 10:13)
The Book of Jasher also refers back to the book of Joshua in the Old Testament (Jasher c90).
After Adam, the dating of the Enoch & Lamech's birth date is out by 100 years each as doesn’t total 930 years when Adam dies.
If you add the extra 200 years at that point, the dating then matches our standard masoretic version of the Old Testament.
The Book of Jasher clearly shows the 120 years warning God gives the world via Noah in his 480th yr while the masoretic text does
not. Also, the exact amount of 430 years to the day as recorded in Exodus 12:4-41 makes perfect sense when compared to Jasher's
records in that is indeed 430 years (2448 - 2018 = 430 years) else Saint Paul would out in his dating by 220 years (Gal 3:17).
St Paul possibly gleans information from the book of Jasher mentioning "Jannes & Jambres" as the majicians in Moses's day
(2 Tim 3:8) which is not mentioned elsewhere in the Bible but is in the book of Jasher.
Jasher was also one of the main texts that the Jewish writings of the Talmud (AD 200-800) & Seder Olam (AD 169) draw from.
Book of Enoch
Not in the actual canon of the Jewish Bible, but very popular amongst early Christians for the first couple of centuries with some
of early church fathers quoting from it. It has many allusions to the coming of Christ and as well as a prophetic element, which
interestingly lines up quite well with actual events based on the number of generations from Adam. I used Mathews Gospel
geneoligy record for this. The New Testament Epistle of Jude quotes from the book of Enoch (Jude 1:14-15) as also does James
(James 5:1-5 = Enoch 94:6-9). The Orthodox Churches of Ethiopia & Eritrea still consider the book of Enoch as scripture.
Book of Jubilees
This is an ancient Jewish religious work. The chronology given in is based on multiples of seven; the jubilees are periods of 49
years - seven 'year-weeks', into which all of time has been divided. It's recorded dates seems clear to me to be inaccurate compared
to most other sources particularly from the birth of Noah onwards…I have only added it's dating in for interest sake with little
reference to it.
Time in Egypt
430 years in Egypt (Ex 12:40) is incorrect when it was 430 years from Abraham's promise till the exodus (2448-2018=430).
The 400 years of affliction was from Abraham's seed (Isaac) till the exodus out of Egypt (2448-2048=400 yrs).
Both Flavious Josephus in Book II 15:2 as well as St Paul in Galations 3:17 mentions this.
Thus it was 220 yrs from God's promise to Abraham till Jacob came to Egypt and 210 years from Jacob in Egypt till the exodus.
Jewish chronology also shows 210 yrs in Egypt as does the book of Jasher in a considerable amount of detail.
The Book of Jubilees has some of its dates a bit out compared to most other sources, nontheless it has 238 yrs in Egypt.
Thus its sort of 5 to1 argument for a 210 year span in Egypt versus 430 years.
The Septuagint (LXX) is more accurate here saying the total years were 430 "in the land of Egypt and the land of Chanaan" (Ex 12:40)
see Appendix 3 for more
Mismatched dates
Jehoiachin (Joacim) son of Jehoiakim reigns over Judah age 18 for 3 months (2 Kings 24:6 & 1 Esdras 1:43) doesn’t match
2 Chron 36:8.
Daniel 9:24 From the 'word' is translated as 'decree' or 'command' in some bibles but can only relate to the 'word' from God
(to Jeremiah) as no dates match up to any signifinace otherwise for the first 49 years. Trying to fit an expected date in to a later
Page 29
period doesn’t match well for Daniels' extra 63 weeks.
Year of the Greeks
I was not able to confidently link the end of the Medes/Persians era with the Greek era (Seleucid) starting with Alexander the Great.
There seemed to be no extra biblical info using the book of Maccabees to link the two. After much trying, I have used Josephus's
date range of 253 years from Cyrus 1st year in Babylon till Alexander the Great's death around 323 BC.
From John son of Simon (135 BC) to the death of Queen Alexandra (67 BC) I have used Josephus's records being 88 yrs
but also added an extra 13 years to match modern day historical records which then lined up all the way to Alexander's death (323 BC)
I started the Seleucid era 11 yrs after the death of Alexander the Great which lines up with modern dating even though Josephus
has 18 years. Other than these external references, I have only used the Masoretic Old Testament plus the book of Maccabees I & II.
Daniel's 70th Week
I was able to get the first 49 years (7 weeks of years) in Dan 9:24 to line up to Cyrus's 1st year in Babylon but not the last 62 wk
period. For this reason I don’t claim to have everything down 100% - perhaps in the future will find the answer to this.
Interestingly, if I use the Jewish dating records, the full 70 weeks comes to 70AD (from the equivalent of my date in 3351).
The Year 2023
You might think how convenient my timeline comes to 2022 AD (for 6,000 yrs) matching some alternative ideas mentioned below..
Actually I came up with it totally independantantly of any the research below and when I saw my results was quite shocked actually.
If Jesus was not born in the year 0 (1 BC) then my idea of matching 1948 AM (from Adam) to 1948 AD doesn’t work (see Appendix 2)
Unmatched Dates
The Book of 2 Esdras 7:28 mentions that the Messiah will be born within 400 years from 597 BC on my timeline.
Ezekial Prophesy - (Ezek 4:4-6) Total years is 430 yrs less 70 from Babylon = 360, Lev 26:18 Equals 7 times amount = 2,520 years.
2520 years + -573BC = 1947 AD…end of Jews punishment but I have 555 BC, or 18 years too little perhaps ?
The book of Enoch mentions Noah talking to Enoch about local catastrophe but Enoch is raptured before Noah is born…(ch 65).
Here I have attempted to link the 6 days of creation to a fulfillment within the relevent 1,000 year period:
Creation event
Day of
Gen 1:1-5
Gen 1:6-8
Sky between 2
Gen 1:9-13
Land, Sea &
Millenial fullfillment
1000 God "separated" light from darkness ie being in communion with God versus being
without (sin is darkness). Adam knew good & evil here after sinning, dying 930 AM
2000 He also sent a flood here and the ark rested between the 2 waters above & below.
Noah was born 1056 AM & died 2006 AM.
3000 Initial separation of Gods people (land) from rest of the world (sea).
Abraham hears Gods call 2,022. Could resemble parting of the Red Sea in 2,667.
Green herbs may resemble fruit of God
Gen 1:14-19 Sun, Moon & stars
4000 Greater light and lesser light being the son or Son of God and the moon
the church which reflects the light of God.
The stars resemble the saints in heaven after Christ
Gen 1:20-23
Sea & sky
5000 Fish & birds created resembling whose who believe (birds) versus those who
Gen 1:25-31
beasts & Man
6000 the beast could resemble the world government and antichrist while man
don’t (fish) (Jesus's disciples were fishermen) see Rev 10:5 & Rev 19:17
resembles the New man that will exist at the end of this time when Christ returns
Rev 20:1-6
7000 1,000 years rest with Christ in His kingdom
Some interesting references on this topic - Isiah 46:10. For comparison work from Wikipedia on comparative chronologies:
click here
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Chapter 19
Planet X
Summary & Biblical evidence
Planet X is also known as the Egyptian 'Destroyer', the Sumerian 'Nibiru', the Babylonian 'Marduk', the Hebrew 'Leviathan',
the Greek 'Phaeton', the Hindu 'Treta Yuga', the Hopi Indian 'Red Kachina', the Celtic 'Frightener' and the Chinese 'Red Dragon'.
It is said to have been responsible for the major earth changes in the past. It never strikes the earth but passes close enough to
cause meteor destruction & large scale volcanic activity, massive earthquakes & tsunamis.
There is a lot of hisorical as well as some biblical evidence to show changes to the earth's year length in days at various times that
co-inside to make a common & coherent story about this.
Major earth changes mentioned in the Bible as shown in my chronology (previous chapter) are:
Noah's Flood (1656 AM), Sodom & Gomorrah (2047 AM), the Exodus from Egypt (2448 AM), Joshua's long Day (2493 AM) and
Hezekiah's sun reversal (3232 AM). 'AM' stands for 'Anno Mundi' or the year from Creation of Adam.
Christ's crucifixion (4031 AM) may also be one of those times to explain the solar & lunar eclipse on the same day (see Chapter 25).
Not in the Bible but in Enosh's day (c.280 AM) was the first event mentioned in 'The Kolbran', book of Jasher (Ch 2) & Legend of the
Possibly 2 Planet X's
On examination of biblical chronology and major earth changes best fit to not one but actually two different types of these Planet X
type celestial objects as mentioned in Revelations as 'fiery red dragon' as well as planet/star 'Wormwood' (Rev 6:12,8:11 & 12:3).
Notice how Joshua's Long Day is only 41 years after the Exodus event so it is very unlikely due to a single cause.
Interestingly the American Indian Hopi prophesy also agrees with this saying "two water serpents, one at each pole with a warrior
sitting on his head and tail" (object with a tail). The Hebrew book of Jasher briefly mentions an earth catastrophe causing local
flooding in the days of Enosh that was caused by another 'monster' different to the 'Destroyer' (see below).
Biblical Evidence
New Testament
Revelations 6:12-17 " And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became
black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her
untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every
mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief
captains, and the mighty men and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the
mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitts on the throne, and from the
wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
Notice how both a solar & lunar eclipse is mentioned at the same time - this is not a normal eclipse. The falling stars or meteors drop
down and everyone hides themselves underground as the heavens (sky) or clouds roll in suddenly like a scroll.
Worldwide destruction from the falling meteors, earthquakes, floods & fires will result.
Revelations 9:2 "..and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace. And the sun and the air were darkened because
of the smoke of the pit". 9:7-9 "And the shape of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle…they had hair like womens hair,
and their teeth were like lions teeth. And they had breastplates like breastplates of iron…like the sound of chariots with many
horses running into battle. They had tails like scorpions, and there were stings in their tails. And their power was to hurt men five
months. And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in the Greek he
has the name Apollyon".
This is either remaining meteor showers or more likely volcanic activity with lots of small volcanic rocks & darkness for 5 months.
They have long black tails like womens hair made up of iron which do damage from the small impacts as well as the poisonous fumes in
their tails. They have king over them or rather are a consequence of Abaddon (Planet X). Both Abaddon & Apollyon mean ' Destroyer '.
Notice how they are once again described like horses & chariots for battle just as the first 4 seals are in Rev 6:1-8. This lines up with some
Old Testament references below and remind me of the angel of death during the Exodus which was a Planet X events also. Note Planet X
is the literal explanation of these verses but there is a spiritual understanding to them also- ie the angel of the bottomless pit etc
Revelations 12:1-3 "Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her
head a garland of twelve stars. Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth. And another sign appeared in
heaven: behold, a great firey red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads".
12:15-16 "So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away
by the flood but the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood.."
I believe the literal meaning of this is compared to Planet X as the dragon which shows up near the womb of the Virgo constellation in
the heavens when there are 12 stars (or lights) around her head which according to some lines up with an initial date of Sept 2017.
The vigin (Virgo) is 'clothed with the sun' or seen at night time illuminated by Planet X's trail of firey red colour.
The spiritual understanding here is Israel which gives birth to a 'male child' or Christ in their hearts at this time after going through the
pains of childbirth which is a very significant topic in the Bible regarding end times. Literally floods of water eventuate from this Planet X
but for the Jews in Jerusalem, an earthquake opens up the ground and so doesn’t drown them or spiritually the Antichrist tries to destroy
them but a remnant escapes into hiding. Here the 7 headed Leviathan/Destroyer is linked to the Antichrist (read Psalsm 74:13-15).
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Old Testament
Additional information taken from the Septuagint (LXX )
Ezekiel 7:1-28 "..the Lord says to Israel, The end!, the end has come on the four corners of the land..look, a unique disaster
(after disaster) is coming"5…"An end has come! has awakened against you..Destruction (Doom) is coming to you…pour out my
wrath…while your abominations are in your midst..pride has blossomed (will break the staff of the wicked one ) 10…let not the buyer
rejoice or the seller mourn the seller shall not return to what was sold even though he may live 13..sound the trumpet..the sword is
outside, and the pestilence and famine inside…in the day of the wrath of the Lord..they made the images of their abominations
(from him)…they shall pollute my secret place and defile it 22…destruction will come upon destuction 26 (woe upon woe ).
This passage is about the antichrist as well as Planet X destructions on Israel as well as the world (4 corners). The antichrist is the
abomination in their midst (in their temple) and he is buying their souls via the mark of the best as they cannot return to what was sold
afterwards. Famine and pestilence result to those who survive inside in the Day of the Lord (last 3.5 years). The abomination makes
desolate and defiles the holy place of the temple. Note in Job 41:34 mentions the punishment of pride is Leviathan (as Planet X).
Jeremiah 6:22-28 "..Behold, a people from the north..raised from the farthest parts of the earth..they are cruel and have no mercy;
their voice roars like the sea; and they ride on horses, as men of war set in array (as fire on horses and chariots ) ..anguish has seized
us, the pangs as of a woman in travail...clothe yourself with sackcloth, and roll about in ashes...for the destroyer will suddenly come
upon us". "the bellows blow fiercely, the lead is consumed by the fire 29..people will call them rejected silver as the Lord has rejected
them". The context is talking about coming destruction on Jerusalem starting noon-day after trumpet warnings with a lengthened night
time. Also mentions 'peace, peace!' 14 , then destruction (1 Thess 2:3) at night with seas roaring with spears & arrows after their
abominations. Also is mentioned as labor pains on a pregnant woman (ver 24) which is a common theme echoes in scripture as well as in
Revelations chapter 12.(Note - destroyer can be translated as spoiler, plunderer or thief )
Jeremiah 4:4-31 "Circumcise yourself to the Lord…lest my fury come forth like fire, and burn so that no one can quench it…Blow the
trumpet in the land. Take refuge! Do not delay! For I will bring disaster from the north, and great destruction. The lion has come up
from his thicket, and the destroyer of nations is on his way. He has gone forth from his place to make your land desolate. Your cities
will be laid waste without inhabitant. For this, clothe yourself with sackcloth, lament and wail. For the fierce anger of the Lord has
not turned back from us. Behold He shall come up like clouds, and his chariots like a whirlwind. His horses are swifter than eagles.
Woe to us, for we are plundered!..O my soul, the sound of trumpet, the alarm of war. Destruction upon destruction is cried, for the
whole land is plundered. How long will I see the standard, and hear the sound of the trumpet?.. I beheld the earth, and indeed it was
without form, and void, the heavens had no light. I beheld the mountains, and indeed they trembled, and indeed there was no man
..shall the heavens above be black. The whole city shall flee from the noise ( land has recoiled from the noise )..and climb up on the
rocks (gone into caves & groves ) the anguish as of her who brings forth her first child, the voice of the daughter of Zion..for my soul
is weary because of murderers!".
The context here is referring to warning Israel, trumpets then to hide from God's fury (Planet X) or as a lion again coming from the north
in clouds likened again to chariots & horses. Two lots of destructions are mentioned (2x Planet X's) and possibly the sign of the Son of
Man (heavenly cross) with more trumpets until the earth is laid waste in darkness and earthquakes and people become murderous.
Jeremiah 49:8-23 "..For I will bring the calamity of Esau upon him, the time that I will punish him…If thieves by night, would they
not destroy until they have enough ?..His descendants are plundered, his bretheren and his neighbours, and he is no more…The
earth shakes at the noise of their fall..Behold, He shall come up and fly like the eagle, and spread His wings over Bozrah; The heart
of the mightly men of Edom in that day shall be like the heart of a woman in birth pangs. Against Damascus. "Hamath and Arpad are
shamed.. There is trouble on the sea, it cannot be quiet".
This is about God's judgement and as birth pangs of a woman on certain areas. Planet X flying up quickly with earthquakes & floods.
Notice how the comparison to Jesus's saying about coming as a thief in the night ..
Nahum 1:3-6 "the Lord has His way in the storm (destruction & whirlwind), and the clouds are the dust of His feet. He rebukes the
sea and makes it dry…", "The mountains quake before Him, the hills melt, and the earth heaves (recoils) at His presence, yes the
world and all who dwell in it….His fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by Him". 8"but with an overflowing
flood He will make an utter end of its place and darkness will pursue His enemies..From you comes one who plots evil against the
Lord, a wicked counciler".
This chapter is about future judgement on Nineveh capital of Babylon (America?) with storms, earthquakes, floods, fire & darkness
along with the antichrist (wicked counciler). Note that it mentions the world heaves or tilts and that rocks are thrown down (meteors).
Nahum 2:3 "The shield of his mighty men is made red, the valiant men are in scarlet: the chariots shall be with flaming torches in
the day of his preparation & the fir trees shall be terribly shaken. The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall justle one against
another in the broad ways: they shall seem like torches, they shall run like the lightnings. He shall recount his worthies: they shall
stumble in their walk; they shall make haste to the wall thereof, and the defence shall be prepared. The gates of the rivers shall be
opened and the palace dissolved.
The context is about restoration and best fits a Planet X event in (red planet) with flaming torches (meteors) & lightnings. His followers
will stumble due to the darkness (3 days?) but be safe inside protected by angels as the heats melts and floods overcome the earth.
Ezekial 20:47- "..Behold, I will kindle a fire in thee, and it shall devour every green tree in thee, and every dry tree: the flaming flame
shall not be quenched, and all faces from the south to the north shall be burned therein. And all flesh shall see that I the LORD have
kindled it..21:7-19 "...thou shalt answer, For the tidings; because it cometh: and every heart shall melt, and all hands shall be feeble,
and every spirit shall faint, and all knees shall be weak as water: behold, it cometh, and shall be brought to pass, saith the Lord GOD.
... A sword, a sword is sharpened, and also furbished...this sword is sharpened, and it is furbished, to give it into the hand of the
slayer (destroyer)...smite thine hands together, and let the sword be doubled the third time, the sword of the slain: it is the sword of
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the great men that are slain, which entereth into their privy chambers. 19 appoint thee two ways, that the sword of the king of
Babylon may come: both twain shall come forth out of one land" (mega floods then fires?)
Seems clear that it is repeating the idea of 2 swords (Planet X's) coming from the one place (outer space) doing double damage this time.
It mentions the 3rd earth shaking (with both hands) which is very similar to Hopi Prophesy and compared to the king of Babylon.
Isaiah 54:16 - "Behold, I have created the smith that blows the coals in the fire, and that brings forth an instrument for his work;
and have created the spoiler (waster/destroyer) to destroy". Verse 9 of this chapter links this to Noah's flood - the Destroyer.
Isaiah 13:5-32 - "They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, even the Lord and His weapons of indignation, to destroy
the whole land. Wail, for the day of the Lord is at hand! It will come as destruction from the Almighty. Therefore all hands will be
limp, every man's heart will melt, & they will be afraid. Pangs and sorrows will take hold of them; they will be in pain as a woman in
childbirth; they will be amazed at one another; their faces will be like flames. Behold, the day of the Lord comes, cruel, with both
wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate; and He will destroy the sinners from it. For the stars of heaven and their
constellations will not give their light; the sun will be darkened in its going forth (dark at sunrise), and the moon will not cause its
light to shine. I will punish the world for its evil… I will make a mortal more rare than fine gold (more precious than gold tried in the
fire)..Therefore I will shake the heavens (the heavens shall be enraged), and the earth will move out of her place..Everyone who is
found will be thrust through…Their children will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be plundered and their
wives ravished.
This a clear passage about the Day of the Lord with God's weapons (note plural) from the ends of heavens and again reference to the
birth pains of pregnant woman. Mentions flames & melting, darkness & many deaths. God shaking the heavens is another common way
of describing these Planet X events with a changed earth orbit & axis rotation. Also will be many terrible acts of violence at that time.
Isaiah 21:1-30 - "The burden of the desert of the sea. As whirlwinds in the south pass through; so it cometh from the desert, from a
terrible land. 2 A grievous vision is declared unto me; the treacherous dealer dealeth treacherously, and the spoiler spoileth. Go up,
O Elam: besiege, O Media; all the sighing thereof have I made to cease. 3 Therefore are my loins filled with pain: pangs have taken
hold upon me, as the pangs of a woman that travaileth: I was bowed down at the hearing of it; I was dismayed at the seeing of it.
4 My heart panted, fearfulness affrighted me: the night of my pleasure hath he turned into fear unto me.
I believe is talking about Leviathan here (from the sea) coming up from a terrible land (space), the treacherous dealer linked to the
Spoiler (see below) often translated Destroyer/Plunderer in which the rest of night is turned into fear for everyone (3 days darkness).
Isaiah 24:1-23 - "Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth
abroad the inhabitants thereof. 6 Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the
inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left. 11 all joy is darkened, the mirth of the land is gone. 16 From the uttermost part
of the earth have we heard songs...I am ruined! Woe to me! The treacherous dealers have dealt treacherously…Fear (terror) and the
pit (hole) and the snare are upon you, O inhabitant of the earth 17…for the windows from on high are open, & the foundations of the
earth are shaken. The earth is violently broken, the earth is split open, the earth is shaking exceedingly. The earth shall reel to and
fro like a drunkard, and shall totter like a hut; its transgression shall be heavy upon it.. In that day the Lord will punish on high the
host of exalted ones, and on the earth, kings..
I have added this passage to show how the 'treacherous dealer' is linked to Leviathan with the earth tilting upside down, earthquakes,
destruction from the heavens with fire & darkness. God will also throw down Satan and his angels at that time to the earth (Rev 12:7-13).
The abomination that makes desolation is alluded to 12 and mentions a full shaking of the final harvest of grapes & olives 13 (Jer:48:43-44)
Isaiah 26:17-27:1 - "Like as a woman with child, that draweth near the time of her delivery, is in pain & crieth out in her pangs; so
have we been in thy sight, O LORD.. Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that
dwell in the dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs & the earth shall cast out the dead. Come, my people, enter thou into thy
chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. For behold,
the Lord comes out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; The earth will also disclose her blood and no
more cover her slain. In that day the Lord with His severe sword, great & strong, will punish Leviathan (Dragon) the fleeing serpent,
Leviathan that twisted serpent..that is in the sea"
The context of Chapter 26 is talking about rising from the dead & hiding yourself from God's wrath or Day of the Lord. Once again the
birth pains of a pregnant woman is mentioned and possibly volcanoes and/or blood coloured waters.. Could the sword of God be the
celestial cross on its side (looks like a sword) that hacks the fleeing Dragon (Leviathan) as similiarly happened in Enosh's day ?
(see next chapter)
Job 41:9-25 regarding the Leviathan above, God says to Job - "His sneezings flash forth light, his eyes are like the eyelids of the
morning. Out of his mouth go burning lights; sparks of fire shoot out. Smoke goes out of his nostrils..his breath kindles coals, a flame
goes out of his mouth…sorrow dances before him. His heart is as hard as stone…He makes the deep boil like a pot…he leaves a
shining wake behind him..he is king over all the children of pride". (see Job 26:13 - 'the fleeing serpent' or LXX as 'apostate dragon')
I believe this Leviathan can be taken symbolically to be referring to the 'Destroyer' as hard as stone and boiling up seas and burning the
land and coming up from the direction of the sea (south of the ecliptic).
Apocalypse of Baruch (Oxyrhynchus Fragment 3) 29:4 says "…then the Messiah will begin to be revealed. Behemoth will be
revealed from his place and Leviathan will ascend from the sea, those two great monsters which I created on the fifth day of
creation, and will have kept until that time, and then they will for food for those who are left".
I believe it's talking symbolically about God's 2 Planet X's that will bring His judgement on the earth rather than meaning dinosaurs.
Job 40:10-25 regarding the Behemoth above God says to Job - "he eats grass like an ox…he moves his tail like a cedar. He is the first
of the ways of God; only He who made him can bring near His sword...He lies under the lotus trees, in a covert of reeds and marsh.."
I believe this Behemoth can also be taken symbolically to be referring to 'Wormwood' hidden covertly under cover with a long tail.
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Amos 5:6-19 - Mentions an a fire devouring the land, Wormwood, the constellations Pleiades and Orion, day becoming night,
world wide floods, ruin rained down from above, destroyed crops, being an evil time, a remnant in Israel, the Day of the Lord,
terrible darkness and the Day of the Lord like meeting a lion then a bear - ie first the Destroyer (Abbadon) as a Lion (see Jer 4:7)
then Wormood as a Bear.
Lamentations 3 - Mentions "affliction by the rod of His wrath", walking in darkness, "in dark places", being hedged in so as not to
go outside & heavyness (3 days of darkness), "he has been to me like a bear lying in wait, like a lion in ambush" (Wormwood & Destroyer)
Also mentions desolations, His bow and arrows, drinking Wormwood and being covered with ashes and broken teeth from gravel
stones. Being covered with clouds is mentioned, desolation, destruction and tribulation, overflowing of waters & destruction, and
being silenced from stones being thrown down (meteors).
Psalms 18:4-50 - Mentions distress, floods, earth shaking even the foundation of the hills, smoke, a devouring fire which kindles
coals, the heavens bowing down, darkness and God flying upon the wings of the wind. Also mentions the brightness before Him, the
passing of thick clouds along with hailstones and coals of fire. It then talks about much thunder along with hailstones and coals of
fire as being His arrows. The earth opening up (or drying up ) and seeing the channels of water along with the foundations of the
world from the blast of the breath of God. God came and rescues His chosen (or will do ) according to your innocence and
righteousness. Also talks about God enlightening our lamp during the darkness (3 days darkness? ).
Jeremiah 15:6-21 - The context is about God's destruction using a 'winnowing fan' and a "plunderer (destroyer) at noonday; I will
cause anguish and terror to fall on them suddenly"…"her sun has gone down while it was yet day".."Can anyone break iron, the
northern iron and the bronze?".."I will make you cross over with your enemies into a land which you do not know; for a fire is
kindled in My anger, which shall burn upon you". It talks about an incurable wound and "waters that fail" at that time also.
Plunderer is another word for Destroyer and agrees with other mentions of this coming suddenly and at at midday. Other versus mention
it being made up of iron & brass.
Jeremiah 23:10-20 - The context is God's wrath on Israel in the latter days with darkness, storms & whirlwind, likening Jerusalem
to Sodom and Gomorrah and feeding them with Wormwood. False prophets talking about peace when it is God's judgement.
I found an interesting connection how Sulfur & brimstone that came upon those in Sodom & Gomorrah is linked here to Wormwood
Jeremiah 25:9-38 - Context is about God's judgement on all nations starting in Jerusalem, "I will call for a sword on all the
inhabitants of the earth"29. "The Lord shall roar from on high...give a shout"30, "a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the farthest
parts of the earth 32 wallow in ashes (dust)…the time has come for you to be slaughtered"34, "the peaceful habitations are cut down
because of the fierce anger of the Lord"37, "He has left his lair like a lion; for their land is desolate because of the fierceness of the
This is about God plundering the Jews (and all nations) with a shout (& trump) likened to a lion coming from his lair (with a roar).
Other verses
Jer 48 - Mentions Plunderer/Destroyer, dried up waters, living in caves, destroyed Summer crops, birth pangs & the yr of punishment
Isaiah 2 & 3 - The terror of the Lord & living in caves, shaking of the earth, famine & drought, sin as Sodom and God's judgement.
Isaiah 30:6-28 - Mentions false prophets, the coming of our Lord but before that His wrath with fire, floods & hailstones on feast day
Isaiah 17-18 - Mentions the harvest of Israel, the glory of Jacob waning from desolation with few left, roar of the seas & birds of prey
Isaiah 9 & 10 - The the wrath of God, wickedness burnt up, smoke, people as fuel for the fire, brother against brother & severe famine
Isaiah 66:15,24 - The wrath of God with flames of fire and chariots, like a whirlwind to judge all flesh, many deaths & eternal hell,
the day of punishment & desolation that come from afar, the Holy One will burn his thorns & briers in one day with only a remnant left.
Ezek 22:14-31 - Mentions the fire of God's wrath on re-gathered Israel, day of indignation, like a roaring lion with false prophets
Isaiah 47:8-18 - Mentions heat and draught, the day of doom and double destruction.
Pslams 50:3-4 - Mentions fire & storms before God and His judgement and the gathering of the Jews. Also see 2 Sam 22:1-36
Joel 1:1-20 - Famines & fires in the day of the Lord when temple sacrifices are stopped - wheat & barley plus sheep of the flocks perish!
Nahum 1:1-15 - Mentions the 'wicked counciler' coming from Nineveh, Babylon (America?) that shall not pass through Judah anymore..
Isaiah 28:14-22 - The timing 'pass over' (Passover), floods, God's wrath, Gibeon (Joshua's Long Day, Josh 10:12) & Perazim (2 Sam 5:20)
From these versus I put forward this argument about the 2 Planet X's:
1. Leviathan - aka Dragon/Sepent in sea, linked to the Destroyer (Plunderer/Spoiler) as a Lion. Linked to Noah's flood & the Exodus.
2. Wormwood - likened to Behemoth and a bear - linked to Sodom & Gomorrah.
The length of time of each events or 'year of punishment' seems to be a period of one year (Jer 23:12 & 48:44, Isaiah 34:8) but it is clear
one of these events happens at or soon after the midway period (3.5 years) during the time of the Abomination of Desolation.
There is good evidence to say that the dead are raised mid trib (Isaiah 26:17-21). Here it mentions birth pains as a woman draws
near to her delivery. It mentions to enter your chambers and hide yourself until the indignation is overpast. The word "overpast"
means to 'pass over' & linked to the festival of Passover (Exodus) and interestingly matches the same time of year I expect this to
happen again (chapter 25). The same word is only mentioned once more in the Bible (Psalms 57:1) which talks about taking refuge
under God's 'shadow' and protection. Interestingly mentions being among 'lions' & men who are set on fire. It mentions God's glory
being above all the earth then our glory being awakened to preach & praise God among the nations.
See the '3 Days of Darkness' for more (Light from the Darkness). Further Reading - Amos 3:8
Video Video2
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Chapter 20
The Kolbran
read it online here
Also known as the 'Kolbran bible' (ie Kolbran book)
This is an ancient secular work giving alternative accounts of biblical & other events in an 11-book historical and prophetic
anthology. The Kolbran was supposedly originally penned in Hieratic by Egyptian academics after the exodus out of Egypt by the
Hebrews (1530 BC). The Egyptian writings in the first 6 books was later added to Celtic traditions (Coelbook) in the last 5 books.
I only have the first 6 here.
Enosh's Day - Sky Monster c. 3696 BC (c. 280 AM)
According to Jasher chapter 2, around the time of Enosh (c. 280), God supposedly destroyed 1/3 of mankind by localised flooding.
The Kolbran Bk I 3:1-15 mentions a firey destruction from heaven very similar to Revelation/Syballine Oracles causing local floods:
Some quotes are: "God caused a dragon from out of Heaven to come and encompass her about..", "it lashed its tail, it breathed out
fire and hot coals, and a great catastrophe was inflicted upon mankind", "behind it trailed a flowing tail of smoke. It spewed out
cinders & hot stones, and its breath was foul and stenchful, poisoning the nostrils of men. Its passage caused great thunderings and
lightnings to rend the thick darkened sky, all Heaven and Earth being made hot. The seas were loosened from their cradles and rose
up, pouring across the land. There was an awful, shrilling trumpeting..", "they were burnt with a strange ash", "leaving earth
wrapped in a dark and glowering mantle". "The bowels of the Earth were torn open", "it poured down fiery destruction amid a welter
of thick black blood.","The Earth vomited forth great gusts of foul breath". It says this "breath" killing some and others "smothered
under a cloud of red dust and ashes". Still more details are "The first sky-monster was joined by another" soon after but not at the
same time saying "the many bladed sword of God cut them in pieces (star as a cross), and their falling bodies enlarged the land and
the sea". After the 2nd destruction the heavy darkness slowly removed while the rain and floods came. "there were now times of
light and times of darkness","the foul air was purified", "He looked up into the Heavens above in fear for the awful powers of
destruction lurking there" and finally "one generation groped in the desolation and gloom, and the thick darkness was dispelled".
In Bk I 4-15 of the Kolbran, mentions an alternative account of this event taken from the "scroll of Kerobal Pakthermin":
"God caused a sign to appear in the Heavens, so that men should know the Earth would be afflicted, and the sign was a strange star",
"it put forth horns and sang" (the star), "God manifested Himself in the Heavens, His voice was as the roll of thunders and He was
clothed with smoke and fire. He carried lightnings in His hand, and His breath, falling upon the Earth, brough forth brimstone and
embers. His eye was a black void, and His mouth an abyss containing the winds of Destruction","the sun and the moon hid
themselves in fear and there was a heavy darkness over the face of the Earth", "Heavens above with a mighty roar and a loud
trumpeting", "great fires and smoke rose up from the ground and men gasped for air. The land was rent asunder and swept clean by
a mighty deluge of waters", "The Northland tilted and turned over on its side" (earth axis shift).
Bk II 2:4 mentions there was longer years at the time of Enosh (Enos) - (after the events above via rotation speed increase?)
In Bk II 2:5-30 mentions an interesting account of Eloma, in the time of Enosh who heard Gods voice and her 3 sons preached to the
world. God says to Eloma about men not serving God like "it is the grain being winnowed from the chaff" and a number of things
echoeing scripture. Bk II 3:5 mentions the Dinosaurs - "In olden times, there were spawned great monsters and beasts in fearful
form, with frightful gnashing teeth & long ripping claws; an elephant was but a rat in comparison with them..", "this was
beforetimes, when the Destroyer still slumbered in the upper vaults of Heaven". Seems to say some of these Dinosaurs were killed
off by a previous destruction by fire - "turned to stone", and not caused by the Destroyer, but by a different 'monster'.
Noah's flood - Destroyer 2320 BC (1656 AM)
Bk II 4:15 Has a very interesting account just prior to Noahs flood with signs in the heavens appearing at this time saying "Then, the
day came when the Lady of the Night (Virgo) changed her garment for one of a different hue, and her form swept more swiftly across
the skies. Her tresses streamed out behind in gold and copper, and she rode in a chariot of fire". It mentions time speeding up..
Bk II 4:15-22 Has an amusing account of Noah's Ark and how he built it with help from the government of the day called "Hanok".
It mentions him building a great ship to take away those who trouble the king leaving the king in peace to their own 'enjoyment'.
He gets the kings blessing to build near the sea but says he needs to build it near the mountains and the sea will come to him.
The people all mock Noah & call him mad and "Commander of the Sea" but didn’t stop him as created work for them as payed for by
the king of Sarapesh. It was built near lake 'Namos' and the length stated as 300 x 50 cubits (matches Gen 6:15-16) with 3 decks,
7 levels & 7 partitions. It was pitched inside and out over the ''askara' (acacia?) wood. Great stones were hung from ropes of plaited
leather (see Ron Wyatt discoveries)
It mentions all the living creatures came in along with grain and seeds etc. It's mentions the locals mocked them daily & replied:
"have your hour, for ours will surely come". Verse 23 says the king & family (14 people) came in the ark but seems in error here.
Verse 24 onwards mentions the coming of the Destroyer at Noah's flood "There riding on a great black rolling cloud, came the
Destroyer, 'newly released from the confines of the sky vaults, and she raged about the Heavens, for it was her day of judgement.
The beast with her opened its mouth and belched forth fire, hot stones & vile smoke. It covered the whole sky above and the meeting
place of Earth and Heaven could no longer be seen. In the evening the places of the stars were changed, they rolled across the sky to
new stations; (earth's axis tilt) then the floodwaters came. The floodgates of Heaven were opened and the foundations of the Earth
were broken apart..Next mentions storms and whirlwinds, "there was a time of great heat; then came a time of bitter cold", "there
was an awful sound above. The pillars of Heaven were broken and fell down to Earth", "The stars in the Heavens were loosened from
their places, so they dashed about in confusion" (earth axis swaying). "The Destroyer passed away into the fastness of Heaven", "the
ship came to rest upon Kardo, in the mountains of Ashtar, against Nishim in the Land of God". (see Jubilees chapter 17 for more).
Bk III 21:10 mentions "O Supreme Power (God), who alone can deflect the Awesome Ones of Heaven from their path of destructions,
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who alone can turn aside the skyboulders and break the winds of the hurricane".
Bk III 25:50 mentions "You are the Great One, who existed before the upheaval of the mountains, who tore apart the land and waters
in the infant years of man".
Bk III 29:12 mentions "Great Mistress of the Stars (Virgo), let us abide in peace, for we fear the revelation of your horns. Remain ever
constant as a good wife to the Lord of the Day. When women are as men and inconsistent as women, the hour approaches when the
Great Lady will wander. When man & woman meet as one in likeness, the Fiery Heralds will appear in the darkness of the sky vault".
Bk IV 13:10 mentions in ancient times "the revenging dragon was called up out of the heavenly abyss, and it lashed the land with
fire and thunder. The whole land was filled with its smoky breath and men choked to death", "land was split apart", & "the sea rolled
in upon it". Bk IV 20:21 mentions after 92 generations, then a catastrophic day, when war is waged in the red-hued darkness amid
mighty blast" and "fire shall leap forth from the heart of a stone".
Bk V 3:1 says "Men forget the days of the Destroyer. Only the wise know where it went and that it will return in its appointed hour.
It raged across the Heavens in the days of wrath, and this was its likeness: It was as a billowing cloud of smoke enwrapped in a
ruddy glow, not distinguishable in joint or limb. Its mouth was an abyss from which came flame, smoke and hot cinders".
Exodus from Egypt - Destroyer 1528 BC (2448 AM)
Bk V 5:1 mentions "The Doomshape, called the Destroyer, in Egypt, was seen in all the lands thereabouts. In colour, it was bright
and fiery; in appearance, changing and unstable", "it was not a great comet or a loosened star, being more like a fiery body of flame",
"it remained close to the sun, whose face it hid. There was a bloody redness about it, which changed as it passed", " and caused
many plagues, hunger and other evils. It bit the skin of men and beast until they became mottled with sores", "there was an awful
hail of hot stones and coals of fire", "the channels of water were turned back unto themselves when the land tilted" & "the sky itself
roared like ten thousand lions in agony…", and "the moisture inside the land is all dried up..", "It covers about a fifth part of the sky"
and "spawns a host of terrible things...".
"The peole spoke of the god of the slaves (Hebrews), "the god of the slaves was not to be found in the swamplands or in the brickpits"
"The people cried out to the Pharaoh in their distress, but he stopped his ears and acted like a deaf man", the waters were bloody
and polluted. "the gloom of a long night spread a dark mantle of blackness…none knew when it was day and when it was night". "The
Earth turned over, as clay spun upon a potter's wheel", "pregnant women miscarried and the seed of men was stopped", "even the
great one, the first born of Pharaoh, died with the highborn in the midst of the terror...there were nine days of darkness and
upheaval. Afterwards for the Egyptians came total lawlessness, rape & murder as the land remained in a dark redness. Wild animals
and plagues invaded the abodes of man. The people turned to wickedness in their weakness while the virtuous were mocked. Men
went mad from fright, others watched from their rooftops but the Heavens hurled wrath on them and they died".
Mentions gold, silver & gems were given to the slaves, and they left soon after led by "a priest prince of the inner courtyard" ( Moses).
Mentions "In seven days, by Remwar, the accursed ones (Hebrews) journeyed to the waters", crossing the wilderness and shut in by
mountains. "They turned before Noshari and stopped at Shokoth, the place of quarries. They passed the waters of Maha and came by
the valley of Pikaroth, northward of Mara" till the waters ahead. Mentions Pharaoh chasing them to get the slaves back by "the
saltwater shores". It continues on to describe the seas parting and the Hebrews escaping exactly as recorded in the the Bible..
End of the Age prophesy - Destroyer (Day of the Lord)
It mentions when the stars are not constant in their movement, "a great light appears redly in the skies". It continues:
"When blood drops upon the Earth, the Destroyer will appear, and mountains will open up and belch forth fire and ashes. Trees
will be destroyed and all living things engulfed. Waters will be swallowed up by the land, and sea will boil. The Heavens will burn
brightly and redly; there will be a copper hue over the face of the land, followed by a day of darkness. A new moon will appear and
break up and fall". "They will hear the trumpet.." and "they will be eaten up in the flames of wrath & consumed by the breath of
the Destroyer"
These are the signs of it's return: "a hundreed and ten generations shall pass into the West", "men will fly in the air as birds and
swim in the sea as fishes", "women will be as men and men as women; passion will be a plaything of man". Amongst other things
mentioned "Fathers will no longer instruct their sons, and the sons will be wayward. Women will become the common property of
man and will no longer be held in regard and respect, they will possess great riches but be poor in spirit...The heralds of doom will
come softly as theives to the tombs ; men will not know them for what they are; men will be deceived; the hour of the Destroyer is at
hand", "There will be the great body of fire, the glowing head with many mouths and eyes ever changing. Terrible teeth will be seen
in formless mouths, and a fearful dark belly will glow redly from fires inside...The greatest warriors will charge against it in vain..
great boulders will be hurled crushing them into red powder". It also says "great salt waters and roaring torrents pour towards the
land", "the flames going before will devour all the works of men, the waters following will sweep away whatever remains" and "the
dew of death will fall softly, as grey carpet over the cleared land".
I think its very clear that this "Destroyer" perfectly matches the book of Revelation in the 6th Seal & 1st Woe (Rev 6:12).
Wormwood is mentioned after this in the 7th Seal (3rd Trump) and seems to match Enosh's Day 'monster' as also part of the 1st
Woe. It mentions another star like a sword cutting at this 'Planet X' - ie heavenly sign believed to be like a cross and trumpet sounds
of warning, thick darkness and things burnt up along with volcanoes (sulfur & brimstone) as the 3rd woe (Rev 9:18).
I think a better explanation of Revelation 12 may actually be as above with the 'Planet X' as clothing Virgo in a different colour
although you still need to account for the 12 stars at her head and moon at her feet (Rev 12:1-6) in terms of the timing of this event.
In short, it seems like these previous catastophic events were the result of one of these 'Planet X' coming round in its orbit at certain
times. Further analysis of 'Planet X's' orbital period and return expected is shown in Chapter 25.
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Chapter 21
Leviathan & Behemoth
The biblical meaning of the word in strongs concordance is a large Sea Serpent/monster and is linked to the 'constellation of the
dragon'. Psalsm 74:13-15 mentions how Leviathan being a sea monster is linked to the Exodus - having many heads.
Psalms 44:19 links the "place of Dragons" to the "shadow of death".
Psalms 91:13 links the lion/young Lion to the dragon/serpent - seems to be the same thing here.
Isaiah 27:1 "In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish Leviathan the piercing serpent, even
Leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea". God will again bring His 'Sword' against 'Leviathan'.
Isaiah 51:9 - "Art thou not it that hath cut Rahab (Egypt/pride), and wounded the dragon?". Verse 10 confirms the context is linked to
the Exodus with God drying up the seas etc and "cut" the Dragon via a celestial sword. Also Pharoah could also be Rahab here (Ezek 29:3)
being the pride of Egypt and symbolically compared to Satan & the Antichrist.
Secular Accounts
If you compare the following ancients secular accounts regarding Planet X, it links 'Bemotha' to 'Behemoth':
The 'Kolbran' - Egyptian texts: "CRT 3:16 "The first sky-monster was joined by another, which swallowed the tail of the one going
before, but the two could not be seen at once. The sky-monsters reigned and raged above the Earth, doing battle to possess it, but
the many bladed sword of God cut them in pieces, and their falling bodies enlarged the land and the sea".
The 'Kolbran' - Coelbook texts: "CRT 6:5 "Back in the dreamingtime, when the Great Gods strove among themselves for dominion of
the skyspaces, and the wide expanse of the Earth was rent apart by unearthly wildfire, Bemotha was cut apart by the bright arrows
of Shemas"
These two quotes seem to be talking about the same event with the Planet X named 'Bemotha' by the ancients which is very similar
to the name 'Behemoth' as recorded in the book of Job for God's greatest creation or the "first of the ways of God; only He who made
him can bring near His sword" (Job 40:10-20) - quite an amazing comparison of Biblical and secular accounts !
In the same passage in the book of Job, God finishes talking about Behemoth, then also mentions 'Leviathan' in the same context as
another one of His mighty creations (v20-28).
"Shemas" is a very old word of lost meaning but seems to come from the Hebrew 'shemesh' (sheh'-mesh) which means the Sun.
In ancient mythology, 'Shemesh' was either the sun god or the sun itself.
Jewish Legend
The Leviathan was a monstrous fish created on the fifth day of Creation. The Leviathan will be slain and its flesh served as a feast to
the righteous in [the] Time to Come, and its skin used to cover the tent where the banquet will take place."
There is religious hymn recited on the festival of Shavuot (celebrating the giving of the Torah), known as Akdamut, wherein it says:
"...The sport with the Leviathan and the ox (Behemoth)...When they will interlock with one another and engage in combat, with his
horns, Behemoth will gore with strength, the fish [Leviathan] will leap to meet him with his fins, with power. Their Creator will
approach them with his mighty sword [and slay them both]." Thus, "from the beautiful skin of the Leviathan, God will construct
canopies to shelter the righteous, who will eat the meat of the Behemoth [ox] and the Leviathan amid great joy and merriment, at a
huge banquet that will be given for them." Some rabbinical commentators say these accounts are allegorical (Artscroll siddur, p719),
or symbolic of the end of conflict.
Book of Enoch
(Book of Noah - a fragment 60:7&24)
"And on that day were two monsters parted, a female monster named Leviathan, to dwell in the depths of the ocean over the
foundations of the waters. But the male is named Behemoth, who occupied with his breast a waste wilderness name Duidain…..and
I besought the other angel that he should show me the might of those monsters… Thou son of man, herein thou dost seek to know
what is hidden". And the angel of peace who was with me said to me: 'These two monsters, prepared conformably to the greatness
of God, shall feed . . .
The text here after 'shall feed' is lost in all versions I can find. I believe the Apocalypse of Baruch completes this by saying "they will be for
food for those who are left" (see chapter 19) as it talks about the exact same two creations of God and the same names mentioned.
This topic is evidently a secet - only a few understand & know about it as mentioned above.
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Chapter 22
Secular Accounts
Taken from Velikoskie's Worlds in Collision, mentions that around the time of the Exodus, numerous accounts make mention of a red
circular disc desribed like a comet in ancient mythology and traditions. He mentions Zeus of the Greeks, Odin of the Icelanders, Ukko
of the Finns, Perun of the Russian pagans, Wotan (Woden) of the Germans, Mazda of the Persians, Marduk of the Babylonians, Shiva
of the Hindus and Typho of the Greeks. Many of these make mention of the sky falling down to the earth (3 days darkness) in which
the air was lacking oxygen and killed many by this along with meteors, fires, lightning, floods and volcanic eruptions. He also
mentions that the earth's rotation changed and the planet became hot with parts of the rivers and seas boiling.
Velikosky mentions numerous other traditions backing up these accounts up from the Indians in British Columbia, North Pacific
and Colorado. Also the Mayans (Popul-Vuh)
Greek 'Phaeton' (16th Century BC)
In Greek mythology, numerous accounts make mention of a Planet X like celestial body called 'Phaeton' (Phaethon).
The story says Phaeton, son of Helios (the Sun) ventured to mount his father’s chariot of four swift horses of Sol [Helios] - Aethon
(Blaze), Eous (Dawn), Pyrois (Fire) and Phlegon (Flame), but lost control and came too close to the earth which "seemed ablaze, and
black smoke hovered on the air". It is said while high in the air that "his face grew pale, his knees in sudden fear shook, and his eyes
were blind with light so bright". Afterwards, Zeus smote Phaethon with a thunderbolt and "..the youth is thrown from the chariot
and is falling headlong-for his hair is on fire and his breast smouldering with the heat.." where he fell into the Eridanos River. Then
Zeus brought back the sun to its accustomed course. The Argonauts were plagued by the nauseating stench from Phaeton’s
smouldering body in the River.
In the beginning Phaeton meets his Father (Sol) and clings to him before riding his firey chariots. Phaeton comes from the East as
"the Stellae (Stars) took flight". It is said "the parched fields crack deep, all moisture dried, and every summit flames.." and the dry
corn its own destruction feeds...These are but trifles. Mighty cities burn with all their ramparts; realms and nations turn to ashes;
mountains with their forests blaze. Athos is burning, Oete is on fire, and Tmolus and proud Taurus Cilix & the crest of Ide, dry whose
springs were once so famed. He (Phaeton) breathed vapours that burned like furnace-blasts, and felt the chariot glow white-hot
beneath his feet. Cinders and sparks past bearing shoot and swirl and scorching smoke surrounds him..". It continues "this seven
mouths gaped dusty, seven vales without a stream then with a quake, a mighty tremor that convulsed the world.." and Mother Tellus
(Earth) says "Scarce can my throat find voice to speak’ the smoke and heat were choking her. See my singed hair! Ash in my eyes,
ash on my lips so deep!..Why shrinks that main, his charge, and form the sky so far recoils?.." & "Tellus (Earth) could speak no more,
nor more endure the fiery heat and vapour, and sank back to her deep caverns next the Manes (Ghosts of the Underworld)".
Phaeton had three sisters (seven according to Hesiod) who are said "calling day & night Phaethon who never more would hear their
moans" and "four times the waxing crescent of the moon had filled her orb, in their wonted way, wailing was now their wont, they
made lament.." for Phaeton and "Sol [Helios] meanwhile, dishevelled, his bright sheen subdued as in the gloom of an eclipse...Then
all the deities surround Sol [Helios] and beg him and beseech him not to shroud the world in darkness..".
It says the same disaster dried the Ismarian rivers (Greece), Hebrus (Maritsa River,Greece), Strymon (Struma River,Greece and
Bulgaria), the Rhenus [Rhine River,Italty & Germany] and Padus [Po River,Italy], and Thybris [Tiber River,Rome] and created the
Sahara Desert. It mentions "wide seas shrink and where ocean lay a wilderness of dry sand spread; new peaks and ranges rise, long
covered by the deep".
Ovid, Metamorphoses 1. 750 ff
Other References - Philostratus the Elder-Imagines 1. 11, Quintus Smyrnaeus-Fall of Troy 5. 300, Apollonius Rhodius-Argonautica 4. 619 ff
Aeschylus' lost play-T he Heliades or Daughters of Helius.
Seems quite clear here we are dealing with a Planet X body, not a comet or such thing as the firey chariot of Sol departed but Phaeton
(the rider) was thrown down to the ground in flames (meteors) after burning up the earth. It is mentioned it dried up the lands from the
deserts of Africa to all Europe (pretty much the known world). It mentions it coming from the direction of the Sun, from the east as the
earth tilted and changed the constellations in the sky. After the burning and lightning came earthquakes, famine, drought and pestilence
with darkned skies for 4 months.
In one translation by Henry Riley, he explains that Phaeton was the fourth in lineal descent from Cecrops, King of Athens around 1580 BC.
This timing lines up very closely to the Exodus out of Egypt within 60 yrs to my biblical chronology.
40 years after the Exodus however is recorded in the Bible another Planet X event that made the day 'stand still for about a whole day'
which more closely matches to this Greek account of Phaeton than the exodus as it was 'white hot' and matches 'Wormwood' (Rev 8:10-11) .
The early Church Father - Lactantius (240 AD) mentions in his 2nd Book that "the conflagration of the world, as is said to have happened
in the case of Phaethon..".
In a hymn by Kalir, the Leviathan is a serpent that surrounds the earth and has its tail in its mouth, like the Greek Ouroboros and
the Nordic Midgard Serpent. Legend has it that in the banquet after the end of conflict, the carcass of the Leviathan will be served as
a meal, along with the Behemoth and the ziz. This echoes the Jewish traditions also.
Leviathan may also be interpreted as the sea itself, with its counterparts Behemoth being the land and ziz being the air and space.
Others liken the mention of Tiamat and other similar monsters who represented the sea as a foe to the gods in myths of nearby
cultures. The Canaanite Baal cycle myth involve a confrontation between Hadad (Baal) and a seven headed sea monster named
Lotan. Lotan is the Ugaritic orthograph for Hebrew Leviathan. Hadad defeats him.
Biblical references also resemble the Babylonian creation epic Enûma Elish in which the storm god Marduk slays his mother,
the sea monster and goddess of chaos and creation Tiamat and creates the earth and sky from the two halves of her corpse.
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Chapter 23
God's Sword
Heavenly Sword
Isaiah 34: 5 mentions "For my sword shall be bathed in heaven.." & "The sword of the LORD is filled with blood" 6.
It links this to the "day of the Lord's Vengeance" or Day of the Lord with "heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll" (Rev 6:14).
Here mentions Idumea (south Judea) & the Jews (people of my curse) and mentions God's judgement
Chapter 24
Solar Eclipse
3 hours of darkness - Christ's crucifixion (32/33 AD)
A quote from a historian of Julius Africanus (XVIII.1) around 220 AD mentions that the 3 hours cannot be a solar eclipse:
“On the whole world there pressed a most fearful darkness; and the rocks were rent by an earthquake, and many places in Judea and
other districts were thrown down. This darkness Thallus, in the third book of his History, calls, as appears to me without reason, an
eclipse of the sun. For the Hebrews celebrate the Passover on the 14th day according to the moon, and the passion of our Savior falls
on the day before the Passover; but an eclipse of the sun takes place only when the moon comes under the sun.
And it cannot happen at any other time but in the interval between the first day of the new moon and the last of the old, that is, at
their junction: how then should an eclipse be supposed to happen when the moon is almost diametrically opposite the sun?
Let opinion pass however; let it carry the majority with it; and let this portent of the world be deemed an eclipse of the sun.."
Phlegon records that, in the time of Tiberius Caesar, at full moon, there was a full eclipse of the sun from the sixth hour to the ninth–
manifestly that one of which we speak. But what has an eclipse in common with an earthquake, the rending rocks, and resurrection
of the dead, and so great a perturbation throughout the universe? Surely no such event as this is recorded for a long period."
Note - Interestingly, Africanus mentions a "perturbation throughout the universe", meaning the orbits of the celestial planets being
disturbed from an unknown member at that time.
Lunar Eclipse
Christ's crucifixion (32/33 AD)
Mark Biltz, a Christian Pastor has done some research mentioning in his book 'Blood Moons' on page 147, that there was a full lunar
eclipse on passover of 32 AD after a solar eclipse on Nisan 1. He also mentions that in 33 AD there was a total solar eclipse on
Nisan 1, then a partial lunar eclipse on passover . He doesn’t know for sure what is the correct year of Christ's crucifixion but shows
the moon was in eclipse (red) at that time rather than making the sun in eclipse to go dark.
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Chapter 25
Planet X's Return
Wikipedia webpage
Based on 2 confirmed Planet X events being Noah's flood (1656 AM) and the Exodus out of Egypt (2448 AM), we can try predict its
orbital period & possible return to earth. In 33 AD at Christ's crucifixion, there was darkness over the land for 3 hours between the
6th and 9th hour. This can't have been a solar eclipse as they don’t last for more than about 7 minutes of totality so we expect this
same event happened at this time to block out the sun for this length of time - obviously from a safer and more distant orbit.
Also a total solar eclipse cannot occur during a full moon which is what the Jewish Passover always falls on.
I have tried using various orbits like the obvious 792 years (2448-1656) as well as factors of it like 396, 264, 198 etc..but found the
period of 396 years worked very well with little adjustment to match all the events above. I added a small amount of orbital decay
(speed decrease) which amounted to about a 2 month longer period for each 395 year cycle.
Without knowing the exact number of years from Adam till Christ, I modified this figure until I could link our 33 AD to one of the
cycles of the orbit to see when the next event came out to be - these are the results I got doing this for the Destroyer & Wormwood:
Destroyer - 395 Year Orbit
Noah's Flood
Exodus from Egypt
David's Victory
Hezekiah's reversal
Christ's Crucifixion
Mid Trib
Christ Born (AM)
Since creation
Orbit length (yrs)
Orbital decay
(per orbit)
2342 BC
1551 BC
1156 BC
766 BC
33 AD
2020 AD
Hebrew Religious Calendar (in decimal)
0.13 = 17th day of 2nd month (pre Exodus)
0.04 = 14th day of 1st month (Passover)
Exact month unknown. Link 2 Sam 5:20 (Baal-Perazim) to Isaiah 28:21 and Pslams 18
year & month only an estimation
0.04 = 14th day of 1st month (Passover)
0.04 = 14th day of 1st month (Passover)
You can see that I had to add 20 years to my existing timeline for this to work (Christ's birth from 3,977 to 3,997 AM)
I have estimated the shadow reversal in Hezekiah's day to be 15 years before his reign ended in 3,246 AM which seems reasonable but
might be incorrect - hence why an 6 years difference in my results. Six years out of 395 is not too bad though (1.5%).
Note 2020 is the low end estimate; with the high end estimate about 10 years later in 2030.
So my best guess would be between 2020 and 2030 - in that decade period if my numbers were roughly correct.
Zachariah Setchin mentions in his book a 3,600 year orbit for Nibiru, but believe it means a 3,600 close flyby rather than its actual orbit.
3,600 yrs (lunar calendar) is 3548 solar yrs (30 day months) added to 1528 BC (Exodus) less 1yr (Christ born 2BC not 1BC) = 3548 years
in about 2019…
Wormwood - 441 Year Orbit
Enosh's day
Sodom & Gom.
Joshua's long day
Egypts 40 yrs
Mid Trib
Christ Born (AM)
From creation
Orbit length (yrs)
Orbital decay
(per orbit)
3715 BC
1950 BC
1509 BC
627 BC
2020 AD
Hebrew Religious Calendar (in decimal)
unknwon any particulat year here but did agree with Enosh's Day age 45 (see the Kolbrin)
pre exodus calendar - during unleavened bread - ie Passover or 1st month
unknown what month here
God's 40 year judgment on Egypt - 37th yr Nebuchadnezzar (Ezek 29-32)
can be lined up to close proximity of Leviathan (the Destroyer)
When I came up with these numbers I was impressed that the final date could be lined up to around the same time as Leviathan with
no orbital decay needed at all.
In summary, if adding 20 yrs was actually correct then would mean we are already within the Millenial period already since
2001/2002. None of the expected years have been adjusted to try and fit any particular model. I was able to line up the events for
both as expected for a mid period event for 'the Destroyer' and 'Wormwood'.
It agrees with my interpretation & timing of these events from both old and New Testaments in chapter 19 (see Jer 4 & 23, Amos 5).
Note that 2020-2030 is my best guess period of time - there is a possibility it could be a few years later than 2030.
Page 40
Chapter 26
Sky Trumpets
Youtube clips from around the world on 'Sky Trumpets' sounds categorized based on my observations from late 2011 till 2014:
Length blasts
Rest Periods
Sound type
Multi-boom, stop/start, like animal /whale moan, airy like a shofar
High/settle low & low/settle high, airy, at times like metal gates opening
Low/deep, stop/start, consistant monotone
Very low gutteral, vibrating resonance, constant tone (2-3 levels)
Ship blast, deep, strong, monotone, clear horn sound, Drilling machine, some explosive sounds
Deep, constant, Piano 2 finger, slight vairaition in start to end
Typical Shofar, high pitched horn with large variations of sound length & pitch, airey sounds
very airey (only) sound of maybe Shofar type trumpet
either 1 or 4 has a almost like a mans yelling at the end..
Note, there are many others recorded but not all were long enough or good enough quality recording to work out which horn sound it
was.. Some recordings didn’t specify which town it was or even what date it was recorded on.
3 or 4
2 or 7
3 or 5
4 or 5
Costa Rica
Costa Rica
Czech Republic
Hong Kong
New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand
1pm & 17/8/12
High pitched shrill/varied piches, not typical horn like
Minas Gerais
Minas Gerais
San Paolo
San Paolo
Coklin, Alberta
Windsor, Ontario
Windsor, Ontario
varied harp like trumpet
Drum sounds just prior to an earthquake !
Strange Harp sounds mixed with bashing sound
Ruble noise
high pitched squeels - metal doors opening
low resonance/trumpet, constant 3/4 tones one like mans voice.
low resonance/trumpet, multi mono tones
High piched constant sound like train on tracks braking or train siren/horn
Slight echo resonance, feedback resonance, fairly constant sound
harpish multi twang
very airey only sound
Baguio City
Page 41
5 or other?
4 or 5
Chapter 27
Harp sounds
at times were also some metallic trumpet sounds
low resonance/trumpet, constant 3/4 tones one like mans voice.
maybe a hum instead
maybe a hum instead
Blackmountains, Arizona
Chicago Illinoi
Florida (central)
Los Angeles
North Battleford
During a Storm
Queens, NY
rattling sound …?
South Jersey
Tallahassee, Florida runble noise
Tampa Bay
during baseball game
Terrace, BC
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Comet warnings
Traditionally, comets have been known to prelude calamities or changes in government on the earth. It can be shown at times the
calamaties happen within about a year and in other cases 3.5 to 4 years later.
Take for example these events:
Event Year
World War 1
Temple Destruction
Dome of the Rock
New York twin towers
70 AD
688 AD
American Civil War
Yom Kippur War
Comet Year
66 AD
WW1 started July 2014 (Great Comet)
Jewish 2nd Temple destruction (Halley's Comet)
Dome of the Rock mosque building started on temple mount
Twin towers destruction in America (Hale-Bopp Comet)
Comet Kohoutek in 73/74
What about modern times…well as you might remember Comet Ison came in the sky's looking like a second sun in October 2013
If we add 4 years to this comes to October 2017….interesting..
Josephus in his book on the Wars of the Jews mentions "in Thus there was a star resembling a sword, which stood over the city, and
a comet, that continued a whole year. Thus also before the Jews’ rebellion, and before those commotions which preceded war..".
Halleys comet lines up very well here with an orbit of about 77 years, but was also a sword star - believed to be the same sword (or
a cross, when turned) mentioned coming around 270 AM and in the Syballine Oracles after Planet X, plus could also be the Star of
Bethlehem, which directed the wise men to find Christ…yet to do an orbit calculation and return estimate for this..
Page 42
Chapter 28
The Woman
Birth pangs of pregnant woman
As you read in Chapter 19, the concept of the birth pangs of a pregnant woman and God's final judgements (via Planet X) is a
recurring theme. This also mentioned in the book of Revelations chapter 12 where the Dragon (symbolically Satan) tries to destroy
the male child being born of the woman. I believe this woman relates particularly to the Jewish nation as mentioned many times in
the old testament. The Jews have yet to receive their Messiah and God will use terrible trouble of increasing magnitute and
frequency to cause them to repent and receive Christ as their Messiah (retold in the story of Joseph in Egypt causing trouble to his
brethern until they repented).
Biblical quotes:
Revelation 12:1-17 - "And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet,
and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. And there
appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his
heads....and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.
And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron and her child was caught up unto God, and to his
throne. And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there 1,260 days.
...And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child…
And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is
nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went
to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
As I see it, the moon is symbolic of the church under her feet, with the woman as being above or preceding the church but at this time
close to it. She has 12 stars above her head, which is symbolic of the 12 tribes of Israel. It says the woman brought forth a male child, or
rather Israel finally brought forth faith in Christ to their hearts. Christ, was previously been caught up into the heavens after His first
coming. The woman flees from the Dragon (Satan) or rather the antichrist which will appear at that time, soon after the Planet X
destructions during the great tribulation period of the last 3.5 years. The antichrist fails to destroy all Israel so goes off now to persecute
all Christians worldwide as they are of her seed and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 5:3 - "But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. For you
yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then
sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape".
Romans 11:15 - "For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the
dead?". "them" are the Jews and the receiving of them is when they accept Jesus Christ.
Micah 4:10 & 5:3 - "Be in pain, and labour to bring forth, O daughter of Zion, like a woman in travail…" & "Therefore will He (Jesus)
will give them (Jews) up, until the time that she which travaileth hath brought forth: then the remnant of his brethren (144,000 ?)
shall return unto the children of Israel".
Jeremiah 4:31, 13:21 & 30:6-7 - "For I have heard a voice as of a woman in travail, & the anguish as of her that bringeth forth her first
child, the voice of the daughter of Zion, that bewails herself, that spreads her hands…" and "What wilt thou say when he shall
punish you?, for you have taught them to be captains, and as chief over thee: shall not sorrows take thee, as a woman in travail?" &
"Ask ye now, and see whether a man doth travail with child? wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as a woman
in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness? Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of
Jacob's trouble, but he shall be saved out of it.
Isaiah 26:16-18 - "Lord, in trouble have they visited thee, they poured out a prayer when thy chastening was upon them. Like as a
woman with child, that draweth near the time of her delivery, is in pain, and crieth out in her pangs; so have we been in thy sight,
O Lord. We have been with child, we have been in pain, we have as it were brought forth wind; we have not wrought any
deliverance in the earth; neither have the inhabitants of the world fallen".
Wind can also be understood as 'Spirit'. No deliverance was brought to the earth as all the earth was also to suffer the same birth pains.
Ezekiel 21: 3 - "As I live, saith the Lord God, surely with a mighty hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with fury poured out, will
I rule over you: And I will bring you into the wilderness of the people, and there will I plead with you face to face. Like as I pleaded
with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so will I plead with you, saith the Lord God. And I will cause you to pass
under the rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant.."
We read above how Christ is to rule with a rod of iron, and the bond of the covenant being the faith in Jesus Christin the New Covenant.
Page 43
Chapter 29
Book of Revelations
Decoding the Apocalypse
The book of Revelations throughout the Christian era has been a book hard to understand as some think it is literal and others say it
is symbolic. During my short time of study have found a interesting solution to this.
One thing is that I have realized is that everything in the book of Revelations is not just literal but also spiritual together at the same
time! Yes, at the same time unlike all other prophetic word that separates the literal to the spiritual fulfillment at different times..
In case you didn't know all prophetic word has a 3 fold God Himself so makes sense that Gods word is this way the literal (body), spiritual & soul (comparitive). It can sometimes be a bit hard at times to work out which of the 3 interpretations
relates to which event. As I understand it, the literal & spiritual is one time & specific but the comparitive can be compared to
various ideas. As you might expect, the literal fulfillment usually (not always) comes first before the spiritual, with the spiritual one
the most important.
For example, two people on Youtube said they had a vision of the 3 days of darkness coming (like during the Exodus) and they
mention the darkness that could be felt was also actually the physical manifestation of evil as thick darkness that no-one should get
on them - how crazy is that ! So makes for reading Revelations in a new way altogether and agrees with the Catholic and Protestant
prophesy about this event in how to prepare in advance.
Biblical Examples:
Elijah's return - "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord" (Mal 4:5).
John the Baptist was said by Archangel Gabriel that "He will also go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah" (Luke 1:17). Jesus
said he was the fulfillment (spiritual) of this prophesy "..he is Elijah who is to come" (Math 11:14) and "Elijah (John the Baptist) has
come already.." (Math 17:10-13). All agree that Elijah will be one of the 2 witnesses during the last 7 years so he will be the literal
fulfillment at that time of the same prophesy. This is one of the few times where the spiritual fulfillment of the prophesy happens
before the physical.
Abomination of desolation - " the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering and on the wing of
abominations shall be one who makes desolate" (Dan 9:27). Also "they shall defile the sanctuary fortress; then they shall take away
the daily sacrifices, and place there the abomination of desolation" (Dan 11:31).
This prophesy was literally fullfilled by Antiochus IV Epiphanes around 166 BC. He accurately fullfilled everything at that time but
Christ still mentioned that it was yet to be fullfilled in the future with the antichrist or 'man of sin'( Math 24:15, Mk 13;14 & Luke 16:15).
This clearly shows the duel fullfillment of this prophesy, or both literal and spiritual if you like..
Exodus in Egypt (tba)
Bowing to image (tba)
Extra reading : The Clementine Homilies (ch 23) mention dual Prophesy fullfillement - ie the natural and spiritual whereas natural is first,
then the spiritual (based on St Peters testimony).
Page 44
Chapter 30
Days shortened
Many ancients texts mention that just before the coming of the Son of Man, the days will be shortened:
Book of Enoch - "And in those days of the sinners the years shall be shortened.." (ch 80)
Syballine Oracles - "unto all ages of fast-hastening time" Bk 3:60, "will to all appear with the two lights as time hastens on" Bk 2:235
Mathew 24:22 - "And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved.."
As has happened before, it is expected the earth's rotation speed & axis tilt will change when the Planet X comes by.
One lady claims to have a dream from God about how the axis tilt will change by 45 degrees as well as faster rotation speed by 33%.
She lines this up with Revelations 8:12 to say a shorter day by one third which matches this verse very well.
Is it possible that instead of a full 3.5 year solar orbit will effectively be 2 years & 4 months ? (2/3 x 3.5 yrs)
If this were true then would make sense about no-one knowing the day of Christ's return as the very calendar has now changed..
Many ancients texts talk about famines as a result of God's judgements:
Book of Enoch - "And their seed shall be tardy on their lands and fields and all things on the earth shall alter and shall not appear in
their time. The rain shall be kept back, and the heaven shall withhold it. In those times the fruits of the earth shall be backward and
shall not grow in their time and the fruits of the trees shall be withheld in their time. And the moon shall alter her order… (ch 80).
It is said when Planet X gets close enough it disturbs the Earth axis tilt, turning it upside down, putting seasons out of order & famines etc
Once God gathers back the Jews into the land of Israel, are appointed to a harvest, but not a good one. Seems to mean punishment
and birth pains (Hosea 6:11). Sounds like will be mega tsunamis - "I will pour out my wrath upon them like water" (Hos 5:10).
Also see Rev 12:15 even though Judea and Israel is about 600-700 metres above sea level!
Gog & Magog War
(not complete - under construction)
Ezekial 38 - This is the Gog & Magog war where God destroys the armies of the nations that come to invade Israel in the 'latter
years' after Israel is again gathered together (since 1948) from being scattered over the earth. It's mentioned when Gog/Magog come
to invade then God's firey wrath will come along with a 'great earthquake' in which "all men who are on the face of the earth shall
shake at My presence", "The mountains shall be thrown down…I will bring him (Gog) to judgement with pestilence and bloodshed;
I will rain down on him…flooding rain, great hailstones, fire and brimstone".
Verse 17 God asks a question about Gog - are you whom the prophets of old prophesied that I would bring you against them? I believe
there is a double meaning here not just talking about Gog (Russia) but really meaning the Destroyer as they come from the far north 'like
a cloud' v16 all of them riding on horses. Modern armies don't use horses plus Gog is only mentioned in Ezekiel: 38 & 39 in the Old
Testament about war. Rev 20:8 seems to also mentions this same Gog & Magog war but makes mention it is after the end of the 1,000
year millenium on earth. (Arabia? - Isaiah 21:1-17)
Abomination of Desolation
We know that the Antichrist is the Abomination (Obama Nation ?) that makes Desolate as mentioned in Dan 12. I think the
Desolation happens not just to Judah but also to the whole world as punishment from God (not Antichrist) for all the evil at that time
as it is the start to the Day of the Lord and His wrath. See Psalms 46:8, Zeph 1:15
From Revelation 12:1-14 we read how Israel (the Woman) gives birth to a male child (Christ) then escapes into hiding for 1260 days
or 3.5 times (3.5 yrs). This lines up the coming of the Leviathan/Destroyer to Mid Trib as the whole period is 7 years long
(chapter 17). Notice how it doesn’t say 3.5 years..rather it is linked to the number of days..
Science & the Bible
Mitochondrial DNA
Interestingly science backs the Biblical account of 6,000 of human activity on earth from studying Mitochondrial DNA and it's
molecular clock. It can also be established that we all share common DNA from one original woman. Parsons in 1997 found that
mutations in DNA occurred much quicker than originally thought which totalled 6,000 years of total human existance from one
single woman which they call it Mitchondrial Eve.
Page 45
Chapter 31
Babylon of today
Excellent video
There are numerous Christians today saying that they had a vision or dream that America is actually modern day Babylon - in
particular New York city. Many people like David Wilkinson etc mentions this and has backing from Scripture in both Old and
New Testaments. Revelations chapter 18 mentions quite a lot in this regards such as
Isaiah 51:1-58 - Mentions the end of Babylon (America), or a destroying wind, time of the Lord's vengeance, invasion by armies,
trumpets, floods & waves covering the land, plunderers from the north (Russia), like a stone thrown down (Meteor) (see Rev 18:21).
Jeremiah 25:22-33 - Kings of the coaslines, v29 etc
Isaiah 47:5 - Mentions judgement on Babylon with darkness, desolation, burnt with fire and power of the flame.
Jeremiah 51:42 - Mentions Babylon being covered with the waves of the sea (Oceans).
Ninevah used to be the capital of Babylon before it was destroyed aroud 612 BC just as New York used to be the capital of America.
Washington is actually built upon 7 hills, just like Rome was.
Chapter 32
Dreams & Visions
Lou Famoso (1964)
web page
Some excerpts from his story about a car accident and being in a coma for several days:
The next vision was of floods, many of them spilling across the Earth on different continents in different seasons and I am again
walking among it, feeling the force and taking in the smell of Death. Hundreds of Lives and acres upon acres of crops were lost as
well as hundreds of stock and wild animals floating away into the abyss. Then I was watching volcanoes from around the world
erupting, first one then another. The molten lava burying whole towns and villages and the people and animals within them. I gazed
among the ruins and saw little left of what once stood there. The last vision I saw in the screen were of earthquakes destroying
sections of almost every continent. One was a massive one in America, most others were in Europe and the Orient. Again thousands
are killed, structures are crumpled, the landscape leveled and I turned again to the Being and He said "There will not only be more of
what you have seen but there will come a time when it will all happen at the same time and it will come the same time of mans
greatest sins". I didn't have time to ask, when he said. They will turn from Me and claim themselves like Gods. With that Michael
beckons me to go with him and I am now part of the Universe. Novas, Suns, Planets, all that I looked at from the Earth, not so long
ago, or was it?
We traveled toward the beginning of it all, the inner portions of the Universe. Kazillions of planets around Kazillions of Suns and the
closer to the center we approached.
While drifting through ORION, I noticed two Blazing Celestial Bodies racing parallel to it's center, looking as Twin Arrows exiting
from an Archers Bow and headed straight for the "Blue Marble" of home. Immediately a vision of Millions of people crying because
of the devastation of portions of New York city came to me. I became aware of a strange feeling I had not known previously, and I
thought that might be because this was the city I had grown up in. I saw a huge Earthquake, a magnitude of 8.6 in someplace named
EUREKA. A ham operator or radio announcer was directing thousands of people migrating from areas of frequent disasters to places
of safety. A space station appeared to be falling from the heavens because of an internal explosion. Missiles were being
simultaneously fired into space from several Nations. I thought the Light Being had shown me all there was to see but these were
different, stronger and there was no pre-screening as before. Gabriel appeared beside me, I thought because I had felt shaky, but it
was to explain the now sprawling Galactic view of my Galaxy.
The Sun was expanding and spewing off huge plasma balls, more then it has ever done in it's past, and in the very direction the
planets would orbit through. I could not take my eyes from the Earth and as I watched what effect these eruptions would have on the
Earth, a large Mass passed me, larger then any of the Planets known to me, and as it passes, I see the Earth wobble wildly as would a
top toward the end of its spin. The rotation stopped and slowly started again but it was tilted now and I was drawn in closer like the
zoom of a lens. The ash clouds that had engulfed the Earth thinned, and like a tack welded piece of metal being dismantled, I could
see the Ocean bodies starting to rise, first the Pacific, along the "Ring of Fire", then the others, synchronistical. As the waters shifted
upon the landmasses, the landmasses started to sink under the waters added pressure upon it. When the pressures equaled out to
the spin of the changing axis, the Earth no longer looked as it did moments before. It was newer, cleaner, more beautiful with darker
Greens and lighter Blues.
Some of the new landmasses looked similar to a few of the other Planets I had recently visited with Michael. People were upon this
Earth and appeared happier and more content although seemingly living like the Native populations of old. Cities, built by the
Ancient Ones, that were buried beneath the Oceans were now being populated by the surviving people in this new world. I saw
Tribes joining tribes and small Nations forming, but it was what I didn't see that made my heart burst, there were no more wars,
true peace and happiness had finally befallen on mankind. Gabriel now tells me that this is His message that I must take back, to let
others know that there is little to fear for the Earth will go on forever, as did all the Planets I had visited. I am to tell the world to look
to ORION, and they will know when the new world will come upon them. I ask Him "What of the others there on Earth, during the
change?" Gabriel tells me that all will be lifted, some will be lifted higher then others and no longer enjoy the physical plane, while
some will be left on the Earth to replenish and rebuild the physical, they too will be of a higher elevation then any that are living
there now!
Page 46
Chapter 33
Bible Codes
There appears to be hidden meanings written in the Old Testament where the words are separated by a set number of spaces.
The english words have to be translated into Hebrew in order to check this. I found some intersting connections using this method:
Antichrist - can be compared to by King Uzziah in 2 Chron 26:16 how he was puffed up with pride and his own strength, went into
the Temple of the Lord to burn incence which was not lawful for him to do, with God punishing him, just like the antichrist will do.
The Bible codes linked to this passage are: Day, Destroyer, trump, ark, Sun, Moon, dark, flame, flood, sword, evil, curse, murder and
blood. Compare this to Revelation chapter 12
Chapter 34
Critical self examination
To be fair and reasonable I will show here any variances to my research below:
Timing of Planet X-2 (Wormwood)
I have shown that planet Wormwood comes after the Destroyer about 3 years later. Revelations mentions these together are the
first woe. On better investigation of the days being shortened after a Wormwood flyby, and allowing for woe 2 & 3 to occur
afterwards, as well as the pre-Wormwood Rapture concept, this means that it is more likely to come soon after the Destroyer maybe even as little as a few months afterwards as all 3 woes will take between 2-3 solar years in total (but still 1260 days or 42
months based on day years).
Notice how in the book of Revelation that all time references are either days, months or times but no "years" which is normally equated
to solar years and hence not included…
Page 47
Appendix 1
Christian Persecution
Mid Tribulation
Daniel 11:31-35 - " the abomination that maketh desolate….they that understand among the people shall instruct many:
yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days. Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen
with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries. And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to
purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed".
Appendix 2
Rapture - part 2 & objections
The most trusted of all Protestant preachers to me is Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj who seems to agree with a 2 part rapture quoting the 5
foolish virgins as evidence of this happening. See here:
Psalms 50:1-5 links God's appearance firstly to Judgement & firey destruction then to the gathering of His Saints to Him.
Isaiah 60 - Speaks about a heavy darkness, then God's glory & light with preaching to the world along with floods (after Planet X?),
then seems to mention martyrdom & a possible rapture "that fly as a cloud and as doves to their windows" then God's final wrath
then mercy and restoration on Israel and the new Millenium. No more violence or sadness with the Sun & Moon no longer needed..
Nahum 2:7 mentions the restoration of Israel after being plundered & from God's judgements (Planet X) of floods, fires & lightning
then being "brought up" & "her maidservants shall lead her as with the voice of doves, beating their breasts". This alludes to
Christians leading/going ahead of the Jews - flying up to Heaven (rapture?) like doves beating their wings soon after the mid
tribulation (Psalms 68:1-14)
Isaiah 54:1-17 the theme is about God's salvation to the Gentiles and also mentions a short moment of being forsaken of God at a
time of His wrath: "For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee" which all point to a post Mid
trib rapture..
Section 1: 3 Days of Darkness - the "gross" darkness is linked to the bringing in the final havest after the mid tribulations and
agrees with Isaiah 9:3 as "according to the joy of harvest.."
Section 1: Days of Noah & Lot - this links the Day of the Lord firstly to Noah's day & Planet X (Destroyer) to mid trib with 8 souls
saved. Then I link Lot's day & Planet X (Wormwood) to post trib with 4 souls saved. Note 8 souls saved mid trib then 4 saved post
trib is exactly 50% left and agrees with a possibel 2 part rapture with half taken after mid trib but before post trib..
Section 2: Epistle of the Apostles - this early text clearly points out that 5 wise virgins go to be with Christ first, then the other 5
foolish ones can also go but through much trouble & martyrdom in the Great Tribulation period which agrees with a 2 part rapture.
If the rapture was to occur just prior to the mid trib wrath of God then why would it say in Zeph 2:3 - " Seek ye the LORD, all ye
meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the
LORD'S anger". Also see Isaiah 2:10 (hidden from wrath), Psalm 104:35 (wicked taken away first)
Malachai 4 mentions the Day of the Lord will come as a furnace or oven burning up all the wicked and then mentioned with the
righteous: "Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings ; and ye shall go forth , and grow up as calves of the stall. And ye shall
tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts".
This seems to me to be an allusion of the rapture - just prior to this burning fire from God comes those that fear God will be taken.
Objections to Post Mid Trib Rapture:
Objection 1: Job 14:12-14 – “So man lies down, and rises not: till the heavens be no more, they shall not awake, nor be raised out of
their sleep. O that thou would hide me in the grave, that thou would keep me secret, until thy wrath be past, that thou would appoint
me a set time, and remember me!”
Answer 1: It does mention the resurrection of the dead after the heavens are no more & possibly after God’s wrath here but can be
linked up to just after a mid trib wrath from my study so doesn’t really settle the matter either way – really depends when God’s
wrath comes.
Objection 2: 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 - “The wrath is“In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump" It is one evening and
morning” & Isaiah 17:14 “And behold at evening trouble; and before the morning he is not. This is the portion of them
that spoil us, and the lot of them that rob us”.
Answer 2: The ‘Last Trump’ is not actually the last Trumpet in the book of Revelations as St Paul wrote this around 55 AD, while
St John wrote Revelations in the time of Domitian around 95 AD well after St Paul had died, so St Paul could have not have referred
to what St John would write 40 yrs later. Isaiah is talking about God’s punishment on a land with a multitude of various people by
mega tsunamis which all happens within 12 hours.. it is not necessarily talking about the Day of the Lord however nor the whole
book of Revelations.
Page 48
Appendix 3
A few are saying that the Indonesians will invade northern Australia also at some time (probably after America goes down). Video
Some modern Christian dreams say that just about every coast of Australia will have significant tsunamis - NSW, TAS, QLD, WA, NT
Dr Owuor, who seems to have had previous predictions come true mentions before a wave of revival comes to Australia, massive
earthquakes and tsunamsis will come first. North Western Australia will have a massive tsunamis, as will south Australia and
Tasmania. He also mentions Queensland and Sydney also. The south Australian one is mentioned to be around 100m high, and the
Sydney one could be much higher than this even..
Appendix 4
For a long time I have rejected the idea of Aliens as being too ridiculous. From studying this topic was surprised to find it has some
historical backing in the Kolbran similar to what is expected to happen in the future.
The Exodus from Egypt is an example of what will happen again in the future from Leviathan (Destroyer) as you read in the Bible.
The Kolbran adds that after Egypt was destroyed, "The broken land lay helpless and invaders came out of the gloom like carrion.
A strange people came up against Egypt and none stood to fight, for strength and courage were gone." It mentions they were called
the "Children of Darkness" and that "They fell upon the stricken land from behind the grey cloud, before the lifting of the darkness &
before the coming of the purifying winds." It says they "They oppressed the people and their delight was in mutilation and torture".
This makes some sense when you know that Aliens are just demon spirits manifesting in a body. If you believe the 3 days of
Darkness events then makes sense that these evil spirits would continue their deceit by appearing as a 'friendly' aliens instead after
this. My favourite Protestant preacher Prophet Sadu Sundar Selvaraj mentions this as well in some of his talks.
Read: Pslams 144:4-7, Lamentation 5 (God's wrath on Israel)
Appendix 5
3 Days & 3 nights
Christ's resurection after 3 days (32/33 AD)
At Christ's crucifixion, Jesus was buried for 3 days and raised from the dead 'within' (on) the 3rd day (Mark 14:58)…St. Mark also
says 'after' 3 days (Mk 8:31). It is clear from this that both 'after' and 'within' mean the same thing here, not necessarily being a full
3 days as we know it. In the original greek, the word 'after' can also mean 'amid' so it was on the 3rd day.
Knowing the Jewish tradition of the first day always being the current one when talking about events, makes perfect sense that 3
days can be calculated from Friday afternoon till Sunday morning as Friday is considered the first day (even if only 1 hour),
Saturday the 2nd, and Sunday as the 3rd day. In reality, this would equate to about 1.5 days (our time) from about Friday 5pm till
Sunday 5am.
This also matches well with the Feast of Firstfruits that the Jews were told to keep which symbolized Jesus's resurrection.
Passover starts at the end of the 14th (Friday evening) at twilight (Lev 23:5) as their days start and end in the evenings, the feast
of Unleavened Bread on the 15th (Sabbath) and Firstfruits the day after the Sabbath (Lev 23:11), in this case the next day was a
Sunday as Christ was crucified was just prior a 'High Sabbath' meaning the Feast Day coincided with the weekly sabbath day.
Note that the Feast of Pentecost was a full 7 weeks after the Feast of Firstfruits, or 50 days after the Sabbath..also corresponds to a
Sunday. This is partly why Christians put so much attention into Sunday (8th Day) rather than Saturday as the Jews do..
But if Jesus was in the tomb 3 days and 3 nights, that doesn’t agree with only 1.5 days….This part is mentioned in reference to Jonah
in the belly of the whale (Math 12:40). The greek word for 'days' used here also can mean a general (inexact) period of time and does
not have to equate to an exact 24 hour period like we think in the West, in most cases it doesn’t as the first day is already the first
day even if only 1 hr. Christ died during the solar eclipse on Friday afternoon (night1), the sun shone again after 3 hours (day1),
then came Friday evening (night2) and Saturday day (day2), then Sunday evening (night3) and finally Sunday morning (day3).
Extra reading - Proof of Christ's crucifixion on Friday (John 19:31 & 42), and rose on the Sunday or 1st day (Mark 16:2).
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Appendix 6
The year 2023
Wikipedia webpage
If Jesus was not born in the year 0 AD (our equivalent 1 BC) then my idea of matching 1948 AM (from Adam) to 1948 AD doesn’t
work. Some scholars think Jesus was actually born around 3-5 BC, while others say it is either 2 or 3 BC. Most, however agree that
Jesus had a 3 to 3.5 year ministry, therefore the crucifixion date is debated to be anywhere between 28-34 AD.
If I look at the constellations (ie Gods witness to non Jews prior to his coming, see Psalms 19:3-4 & Rom 10:18), it can be shown
using the astronomy program 'Stellarium' that Christ is crowned King (King planet - Jupiter) 3 times by the King maker star
(Regulus) in the King Constellation (Leo) at the time the Queen planet (Venus) is touching the Virgin Constellation (Virgo) just before
Venus crosses with Mercury (Messenger planet). This crowning started Sept 2 BC and ends May/June 1 BC (about 9 months). This is
while Jupiter is in the Leo constellation viewed from Jerusalem. Note, these are astronomical dates, which include year 0 so June 1 BC
here is actually our June 2 BC .
Another interpretation of this event is soon after the above when Jupiter enters the Virgo constellation Dec 1 BC while Venus is also
within Virgo and ends its retrograde motion within Virgo (exiting the legs) around Sept 0 AD, 9 months later (Sept 1 BC on our calendar).
If either of these two events actually coincide with the birth of Christ then should not be a problem in regards to my 2023 idea as
might just mean I am 1 yr out or that 1947 is a more correct year as the start of Israel, which it could easily be argued as the actual
signing of Israel into existence did occur in 1947…not 1948 so at most could mean 2022 AD is really 2023 years after Christ.
The second option seems to fit best in my opinion, using September of 1 BC then interestingly 2023 years after Christ seems to line
up to start right at the end of the next Jewish 7 year sabbatical cycle ending September 2022 AD ( Sept 2015-Sept 2022 ).
There is a dispute that Dec 25th was the conception date rather than the birth date of Christ which is said to be in Sept instead - see below
Year 0 info read here
Appendix 7
Legends of the Jews
Believed to be taken from the "Assumption of Moses"
Moses when 'discussing' with God about his acceptance of bringing to people of Israel out of Egypt on Mount Sinai, says :
"I have reckoned up the years with care, and I have found that but two hundred and ten have elapsed since the covenant of the
pieces made with Abraham, and at that time Thou didst ordain four hundred years of oppression for his seed."
God replies regarding this "..thy reckoning of the end is not correct, for the four hundred years of bondage began with the birth of
Isaac, not with the going down of Jacob into Egypt. Therefore the appointed end hath come."
Appendix 8
Christ's birth date
There is a lot of dispute about the exact year that Christ was born and also some dispute about December being the correct month.
A common idea is that Jesus was born sometime in 1 BC and thus turned 1 year old in 1 AD (no year 0 exists in our calendar).
It is believed Jesus had a 3.5 yr ministry (Dan 9:27) and started his ministry age 30 (Luke 3:23), thus crucified 33.5 yrs old March 33
AD, which is the 14th Nisan. The 3.5 year ministry seems correct from both a biblical and prophetic analysis ( Daniel's 70 wk prophesy).
It follows that if Christ was 33.5 yrs old in March 33 AD that he must have been born in September of 2 BC, which as you might
expect from studying the Jewish festivals that it coincides with the Feast of Tabernacles which falls on the 15th Tishrei, or mid
September 2 BC.
Therefore mid September 2 BC seems to be the month & year of Christ's birth best I can tell based on being crucifed 33 AD.
If, as some say He was crucified 34 AD instead then would be mid September 1 BC.
Simply put: If Christ was X yrs & 6 months old when crucified in March then means he was born in September of a particular year.
Interestingly, September lines up with celestial observations using Stellarium as one likely birth month and Passover 32/33 AD for the
lunar eclipse at His crucifixion. If Christ was born in September then it follows He was conceived in December also, hence a good reason
to still celebrate Christmas in December..
Haggai 2:18 - "Consider now from this day forward, from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month (December) , from the day that
the foundation of the Lord's temple was laid - consider it: 'Is the seed still in the barn?....But from this day forward I will bless you".
Some base their dates on Herod's death but the Gospel of Kailedy mentiones Jesus was born in the year before Herod's death,
when "Augustus Caesar ruled the Roman world". This would have to be around 1 AD. It says "The father was Joseph, son of Heli, a
carpenter of Galilee, and the mother Mary, his wife, who had been a virgin pledged to God and the Temple by her father Simon, son of
Yorkim, son of Nathan, son of Elazer."
Christ born (Gospel of Kailedy)
Page 50
"Then as Mary’s time was close upon her after the journey, a man took pity on her & provided a cave used as a stable. There the
travelers found shelter and rest. That night, Mary’s labors came upon her, and she suffered the pangs of childbirth and cried out in
pain. Nearby, some shepherds were tending sheep, for in the midst of so many strangers these needed protection, and, hearing her
cry went to help. They provided a shepherd’s basket which was filled with straw and placed it in the manger, and the Newborn Babe
was wrapped in the clothes brought for Him.
Now, the stable was against a hill, behind an inn where sages from the East were staying - men of Sastera, wise in the Books of
Heaven, and of Nimrod, who carried the cross of fire. So Joseph sent for them, requesting they come and foretell the child’s future,
for such was the custom"…
Gospel of the Infancy of our Saviour (Arabic)
"In the 309th of the era of Alexander, Augustus put forward an edict, that every man should be enrolled in his native place".
This date comes to 2 BC.
In Egypt it is recorded that Jesus said after 30 years He will be crucified in Jerusalem and was at that age around 3. (ch 23)
Easter Day
In our celebrations today in the West, we have Easter Day anywhwere from March 22nd - April 25th. In 2014 Easter Day was April
20th, but in 2016 will be March 27th. Seems strange to have such variations, here is some info from Wikipedia on the topic:
Following the Council of Nicaea, the date for Easter was completely divorced from the Jewish calendar and its computations for
Passover. Thereafter, in principle, Easter fell on the Sunday following the full moon that follows the Northern spring equinox (the
so-called Paschal Full Moon). However, the vernal equinox and the full moon were not determined by astronomical observation.
Instead, the Spring Equinox was fixed to fall on the 21st March, while the full moon (known as the ecclesiastical full moon) was fixed
at 14 days after the beginning of the ecclesiastical lunar month. Easter thus falls on the Sunday after the ecclesiastical full moon.
Sunday after the first ecclesiastical full moon falling on or after 21 March and the difficulty arose from doing this over the span of
centuries without accurate means of measuring the precise solar or lunar years…"
You can see from this they tried to link the full moon and 14 days after a set period (bit like the Jews do with Passover). Only problem is
that they didn’t rely on astronomical observations, hence didn’t actually coincide with a full a full moon..
The Clementine Homilies (ch 6) mention Jesus as starting His ministry in the Spring Season.
Joseph & Mary
The history of Joseph the Carpenter
The book makes mention of Jesus's earthly father Joseph and how he died age 111 on 26th Abib.
It says he was single for 40 years then married for 49 years before his wife died age 89 in which he had 4 sons and 2 daughters:
Judas, Justus, James the lesser & Simon with daughters Assia & Lydia who were all married except for Judas & James.
Thus St May was given to Joseph aged 90 to look after her when she was 12. At age 14 she conceived after being in Joseph's house
2 years. Is mentioned that Jesus was born in a cave near the tomb of Rachael, the wife of the Patricarch Jacob.
Thus Jesus was 21 years old when Joseph passed away. Jesus told Mary that even she will have to die in her flesh.
They went into Egypt for a whole year to get away from Herod before he died.
The boyhood of Jesus according to Thomas
According to this book, Jesus was 2 yrs old at that time when they went into Egypt.
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