2016 March Newsletter_v1_Inside Pages


2016 March Newsletter_v1_Inside Pages
Future USS Sioux
City (LCS 11) mast
stepping ceremony
held in January ‘16.
Eighteen reservists
participate in reenlistment ceremony
held on LCS 9.
Governor Walker
visits Fincantieri Bay
Shipbuilding in
January ‘16.
FMM Launches LCS 11 - Sioux City
On Saturday, January 30, 2016 Lockheed Martin and Fincantieri Marinette
Marine (FMM) christened and launched
the future USS Sioux City (LCS 11),
the latest single-hull littoral combat
ship. The ceremony took place in
Marinette at the FMM shipyard.
ADM Michelle Howard, Vice Chief
of Naval Operations, was the principal
speaker. Mary Winnefeld, wife of retired
ADM James “Sandy” Winnefeld, Vice
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
will serve as the ship’s sponsor. The high-
light of the ceremony was when Mrs.
Winnefeld smashed a champagne bottle
across the ship’s bow to execute the side
launch into the Menominee River.
“It is an honor and a privilege to serve as
the sponsor of the future USS Sioux City
and to be a part of this major milestone
along the way to her assuming her place
as part of the great U.S. Navy fleet,” said
Mrs. Winnefeld. “I also look forward to
an ongoing relationship with her courageous crews and their families throughout the ship’s lifetime.”
“The Christening and launch of Sioux
City is a proud event for FMM,” said Jan
Allman, President and CEO of FMM.
“It showcases the craftsmanship and engineering capabilities of our workforce.
We are confident that this ship will play a
vital role in the fleet, and carry the spirit
of our industry team as she sails the globe.”
The future USS Sioux City is the first
naval vessel to be named in honor of
Sioux City, Iowa, the fourth-largest city
in the state. Sioux City was founded in
1854 at the navigational head of the
Missouri River and takes its name from
a group of North American Indian tribes
that make up the Great Sioux Nation.
Continued on P3
In the reorganization, manpower planning moved from Manufacturing to
PP&C. This provides a more centralized
approach in the deployment of resources.
It also ensures that we can employ the
resources where they are most needed
and allows the hull managers more time
to focus on their core work.
Hello everyone. It’s hard to believe that
spring is here already. It has been a very
busy first quarter and many have asked
when we will be having our next quarterly communication. I plan to schedule
one for the second quarter of 2016.
In the interim, we are cascading our
scorecard objectives and status on our
TV screens, team boards and yard wide
To further stabilize and improve our
metrics, the focus of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) during the first quarter
has been on reorganization. Two key
areas of reorganization we have completed are in PP&C and Manufacturing.
This year will be very challenging for
us as we have seven (7) hulls under
production with three (3) scheduled to
deliver in 2016.
We now have three (3) key functional
areas in the shipyard at the director level.
Dave Tomlin — SOC 1-4
Andrea Tanferna — Building 10
Diego Balzano and Joe English —
Co-Directors of the Waterfront
This restructuring provides dedicated
leadership in each of these areas and
helps us to fully utilize our talent and
focus on execution.
The second part of the PP&C
reorganization moved sub-contracting
management and vendor support from
Purchasing to PP&C. This enables us to
better control/manage our cost and
Our latest area of improvement is a
newly established “Tiger Team,” whose
goal is to develop a standard Bill of Material (BOM) and stabilize “should cost”
and “ship configuration” data for the LCS
ships. This team will:
a. Update the LCS design data
with all modifications currently
in the backlog
b. Update cost information for
each ship
c. Review and revise procedures
to update the ship configuration
database going forward
d. Review IT systems required to
maintain ship configuration,
with special focus on interconnection and alignment of
the engineering, supply chain
and manufacturing databases
We have developed key milestones for
this project, and I will update you on its
progress and impact as we move through
this year. Finally, I want to provide you
with an update on the program itself. As
you are aware, there is a recommendation
from the Secretary of Defense to reduce
the number of LCS ships from 52 to 40
and to down select to one variant. This
reduction is not supported by the Secretary of the Navy, but it has polarizes the
political landscape.
Earlier this month, I spent two days on
Capitol Hill with Lockheed Martin; and
our supply base spent an additional day
on the Hill meeting with over 40 Congressmen and Senators. The purpose of
these meetings was to present an
overview of the LCS Freedom Class Program that showcased the ship’s capabilities, and the affordability of the program
with a 52 block buy.
We requested a “call to action” from
every person with whom we met. We
urged them to support USN LCS shipbuilding and the 52 ship requirement —
including supporting the three (3) ship
buy in FY 17 and FY 18. These meetings
make a difference and we hope they have
a positive influence on the future of our
program. We have many advocates for
the program, however this process takes
time and its impact may not be realized
As a Company, we must remain focused in
our key areas of daily execution:
1. Maintaining and driving our safety,
care and protection in every building
and on every hull.
2. Striving for quality, building our
modules and hulls right the first
time, eliminating errors.
We need to continue to look for ways to
improve our efficiencies and/
or lower our cost so we can
deliver our ships on plan.
Sincerely, Jan
Reminder: This is your newsletter,
and we want your input. Please
email your ideas for stories or ask
questions that can be addressed in
the future issues to Tina Dyer,
Communication Coordinator at
([email protected]).
Sioux City (LCS 11) Continued
Continued from P1
The ceremony represents a significant
contribution to Sioux City’s long, rich
history of ties to America’s men and
women in uniform. “I chose the name for
this littoral combat ship from America’s
heartland to honor the patriotic, hardworking citizens of Sioux City, and for
their support of and contributions to
the military,” Secretary of the Navy Ray
Mabus stated four years ago when he
announced the naming of USS Sioux City.
“The christening and launch marks an
important step toward this great warship’s entry into the fleet,” Mabus continued. “The hard work and dedication
of our nation’s shipbuilders have ensured
this ship will serve as a representation
of both Sioux City and our Navy and
Marine Corps’ ability to deliver presence
for decades to come.”
Sioux City Mayor Bob Scott was among
a group of city leaders in Marinette for
the events surrounding the christening
and launch of Sioux City. “From now,
for at least 50 years, there will be a ship
out on the ocean that’ll have our name
on it and I think that’s kind of cool,”
Scott said.
The construction of the future USS
Sioux City began in 2013. Following the
January christening and launch, Sioux
City will continue to undergo outfitting
and testing before delivery and commissioning by the Navy in 2017.
The 53 core crew members
will be based in Mayport,
FL, and will operate
across the
News from the Program Office
LCS 7 successfully got underway
for Builders Trials in December,
and will resume/complete trials
in the spring of 2016.
LCS 9 is pressing close behind
7, completing final stage testing
to enable Propulsion Alignment
in the spring in final preparation
for commencing trials.
LCS 11 successfully launched on
LCS 19 is the next hull on the
January 30, 2016. By using the revised
launch criteria developed by 9, 11 is
projected to see reduced time spent
transitioning to the test phase.
horizon, with Production Readiness
Review held on March 7-8, 2016.
LCS 13 is progressing towards a
named; Minneapolis-St. Paul and
Cooperstown respectively. This rounds
out the ten ship block buy and extends
our backlog to 2021. With the current
workload constant or increasing for
the foreseeable future, we all need to
keep pressing, in every SOC, every day,
in order to meet the performance goals
of each milestone. The quarterly Shipbuilding Production Progress Conference (SPPC) with the customer was
held this month, we had much to brag
about, let’s keep it that way!
summer launch, raising the bar on both
erection schedule and launch criteria.
LCS 13 is benefiting from all the best
practices of previous hulls.
LCS 15 is blazing along with erection
in Bldg. 10, under a more compressed
schedule than LCS 13. LCS 15 includes
many innovations in both Outsourcing
and Engineering Producibility.
LCS 17 now has 38 of 71 total modules in construction, and is pressing
close behind LCS 15.
LCS 21 and LCS 23 have been
LCS 11 (Sioux City) Mast Stepping
January 2016 – Fincantieri Marinette
Marine (FMM) conducted a maststepping ceremony for Sioux City (LCS
11) in Marinette on Friday, January 29th.
In attendance were the crew of the
future USS Sioux City, representatives
from the U.S. Navy (SUPSHIP),
Lockheed Martin, the Pre-Commissioning Unit (PCU) for Sioux City (LCS 11)
and the Mayor of Sioux City, Iowa.
In current naval tradition, coins and
other items that highlight the heritage
of the ship are placed in a container
and welded into the mast. The coins are
meant to bring the ship luck as well as
"pay the crew's way" in the event the
ship sinks - an ode to the shipbuilding
tradition that dates back to the ancient
Greeks and Romans.
Joining Mary Winnefeld, the
ship's sponsor, in placing coins
and other artifacts representing
the heritage of the ship and namesake
city into the container were the ship's
prospective commanding officers, CDR
Ken Lieberman and CDR Shockey
Snyder, distinguished guests from
Sioux City, Iowa, and the LCS Team.
In the container was an industry Christening coin, a plank owner coin, a LCS
Squadron 2 Challenge Coin, and several
other artifacts representing the sponsor
and name sake.
The future USS Sioux City mast stepping container
holding artifacts representing the heritage of the
ship and the namesake city.
FMM will seal and weld the container
into the ship's mast near delivery.
Following the ceremony, Mrs. Winnefeld
toured the ship for the first time. She
met a number of FMM shipbuilders as
she walked the Airborne Mission Zone
(AMZ), bridge, and common crew areas.
She thanked those she met for the hard
work that had gone into building this
remarkable ship.
Ship Sponsor, Mary Winnefeld touring the FMM
Steel Fabrication/Panel Line building with Lockheed
Martin’s Joe North.
Greetings from LCS 11 Ship Sponsor, Mary Winnefeld
Good Afternoon!
I am still basking
in the warm glow
of a wonderful
Congratulations to Recent
LCS Bull Rider Winners
launch weekend.
The entire visit
quickly! The
FMM recognizes the following team and
individuals who have earned this award
during the 4th quarter of 2015 and thank
them for their dedication to FMM and the
launch made
success of the LCS program.
was perfect and
went by way too
national news
Individual Awards
on CNN and
• 1st time Nominees –
Tammany Kakuk
and Ken Schell
• 2nd time Nominees –
Erik Eisenzoph,
Eric Fiel and
Jennifer Gruszynski
CBS; so hopefully the entire
shipyard is
taking pride
in their
incredible ship.
Team Awards
Let the entire
team know how grateful
I am of their hard work and dedication.
Thank you, Mary
LCS 11 Honorary Flower Girl
January 2016 – Katie Olson, daughter of
Fincantieri Marinette Marine employee
Alger ‘Odie” Olson, was named honorary
flower girl at the recent launch events of
the future USS Sioux City.
Post-Launch GT
Exhaust System
Installation Team
• 1st time Nominees –
Kelly Urbaniak,
Joshua Albert, Tracy
Braley, Noah Furst,
David Mills and
Brian Graznow
• 2nd time Nominees –
Terry Poquette,
Kieth Salo, Pat Recla
and Charlie Droptiny
Katie is seen here presenting
the ship sponsor,
Mary Winnefeld,
with a bouquet of
flowers at the LCS
11 pre-launch breakfast.
Re-Enlistment Ceremony Held on LCS 9
On December 5, 2015, eighteen U.S. Navy
Reservists from the NOSC Green Bay, WI
division attended a re-enlistment ceremony
held on the deck of the future USS Little
Rock (LCS 9). Among the eighteen
reservists was Tyler Cahill – a native of
Marinette and a Fincantieri Marinette
Marine welder of nearly 4 years. Tyler has
previously been deployed to Iraq and
Afghanistan with the U.S. Navy SEABEE’s.
Many of the reservists have
served in Iraq and Afghanistan
as electricians, welders, pipefitters, etc.; and for some, this was
their first time on a ship.
Sue Lesperance, FMM HR
Labor Relations Manager spoke
to several reservists regarding
future employment opportunities
at FMM. After the ceremony
concluded Sue stated, “This was
the first time I had the opportunity to be part of a re-enlistment
ceremony.” She continued, “It
reiterated what our enlisted men
and women do for our country
and how important the product
is that we build for them.”
In addition, the reservists were
given a guided Little Rock (LCS 9)
tour from the Ship Area Manager.
Tyler Cahill, FMM welder and U.S. Navy reservist,
being sworn-in by repeating the enlisted Oath from
LTJG T.J. Biagioni, U.S. Navy.
“FMM greatly appreciates the
skills our many employees that
have served in the military bring
to the workforce,” said Bethany
Skorik, FMM Public Relations
Manager. “We’re proud of Tyler,
and welcome suggestions on
ways to highlight and support
those that have served, or are
currently serving.”
The reservists are briefed on LCS Freedom Variant, the
pilot house of Little Rock (LCS 9), the propulsion system
and the LCS Mission Module concept.
Tyler Cahill receiving his re-enlistment certificate from
LTJG T.J. Biagioni, U.S. Navy.
Pictured are the reservists following a Little Rock (LCS 9)
ship tour.
Jim stayed in the Navy Reserves. He
served aboard the USS John R. Pierce
(DD-753) and USS Harold J. Ellison
(DD-864). In 1982, as a Radioman 1st
Class (E-6), Jim applied and was selected
for a Direct Commission in the Supply
Corps as an Ensign (O-1). He went on to
graduate from the Navy Supply Corps
School-Athens, GA; a condition of
retaining the Commission.
James J. Moczarny
Jim enlisted in the U.S. Navy Reserves
in April 1970 after drawing #1 in the
December 1969 “Draft Lottery.” In 1971
he began his active duty as a Radioman
(RM). His first duty station after
Radioman ”A” School was on the USS
Davidson (DE-1045) Pearl Harbor, HI.
In 1972 the Davidson was sent to Vietnam where the ship became a member
of the 1972 “Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club.”
After her Vietnam tour, the Commander
of the 7th Fleet named the Davidson the
“Biggest Little Destroyer in WESPAC,”
for Naval Gun Line as well as Search &
Rescue efforts in the North Tonkin Gulf,
and Cua Viet River.
Upon release from active duty in 1973
During the remainder of his military career Jim had Material and Contracting pay
billets at the Navy Supply Depot, Subic
Bay; Navy Supply Centers Oakland, San
Diego, and Bremerton, WA; Amphibious
Construction Battalion One, Coronado,
CA; SUPSHIP Bath-Bath, ME; Garden
City-Long Island; Boston; Chicago;
Washington, DC; and Grand Rapids, MI.
Allan S. Zempel
Al joined the U.S. Air Force in 1983.
During his first three years on active
duty he served as an Aircrew Life Support Technician at Offutt Air Force Base
(AFB) in Omaha, NE. The following
three years he was stationed at Hickam
AFB in Oahu, HI, where he was a Flightline Coordinator, Squadron Safety NonCommissioned Officer (NCO) and a
member of the Accident Investigation
Team. Al’s last duty station was K.I.
Sawyer AFB in Upper MI, where he was
a Life Support Equipment Trainer for
one year.
Jim retired as a Commander Supply
Corps USNR (O-5) in May 2001.
In 2009-10 Jim worked for FMM as a
Contracts Administrator; he returned in
August 2013 as a Contracts Manager.
You can join the others posted on
the FMM “Wall of Honor,”
or be featured on this page by
contacting Marissa Axtell, x6604,
to complete a registration form.
Marine Trivia
Q: If you spot three black spheres hanging
in a vertical line on the ship’s mast,
what does this indicate?
Answer found on page 16.
During his years of service Al earned
the Good Conduct Medal with oak leaf
cluster, Longevity and Long Tour Overseas ribbons, and in addition, received
Combat Survival Instructor training
and NCO Leadership training.
In 1990 Al retired from the U.S. Air
Force as a Sergent (E4).
Al joined FMM in June of 2006. He
is currently an electrician and most recently working on LCS 11 (Sioux City).
Fincantieri Marinette Marine continues to look for men and women who want
to be part of America’s premier shipbuilding team. Visit www.marinettemarine.com
or www3.apply2jobs.com/fmg for job opportunities or use your smart phone
to click on the quick response (QR) code to the right to link to the jobs site.
FMM Celebrity
R/V Reuben Lasker researching near San Diego
Paper Nautilus
Who are these FMM manufacturing
management superstars?
Celebrity #1: This person has a
passion for Eagles and his favorite
colors are orange and blue. He also
stated that when he is reborn...it will
be as a tour guide.
January 2016 – The Lasker was conducting research in the Pacific Ocean, ~350
nm offshore in the San Diego area. During
a slow speed tow along the surface of the
water they deployed the MANTA (Neuston)
net and captured a Paper Nautilus.
Paper Nautilus (Argonauts), are a group
of pelagic octopuses. They are called
paper nautiluses, referring to the paperthin eggcase that females secrete.
The Argonauts are found in tropical and
subtropical waters worldwide; they live in
the open ocean. Of its names, “argonaut”
means sailor on the Argo; “nautilus”
meaning sailor, because it
was formerly supposed that
Argonauta used their
arms as sails
when they were
at the surface.
DoD Announces OPM Database Breach
Celebrity #2: You may have seen
this shipbuilding veteran working in
contracts, purchasing, plan vault
or manufacturing throughout her
nearly 14 years at FMM.
December 2015 – Personal information was stolen from a breach of the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM), Department of Defense (DoD) databases. The information
included 21.5 million background investigation applicants and non-applicants, primarily
spouses or co-habitants of applicants. This information included personally identifiable
information (PII), like names and Social Security numbers, as well as findings from
interviews conducted by background investigators.
Minimizing the impact of this theft on DoD personnel is a top priority, thus the Government
contracted with ID Experts to offer a suite of identity theft and credit monitoring services to those who were affected. A letter was sent to the individuals believed to be affected.
If you think that it is likely that you were affected and are eligible for these credit
monitoring and identity theft protection services, but did not receive a letter, or if you
received a letter and lost your PIN; OPM recently launched an online verification center
website and a call center.
The online verification center will be accessible from the OPM Cybersecurity Resource
Center (www.opm.gov/cybersecurity) 24-hours per day, seven days a week, through the
end of December, 2018. If you are unable to access the website, or if you have questions
that cannot be answered online, please contact the call center at 866-408-4555 to speak
directly with an agent. This call center will be available from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. EST,
Monday through Friday.
Alan Bird (FMM) Nominated for Award
In December of 2015 the International
Society of Allied Weight Engineers
(SAWE) announced the nomination of
Alan Bird, Fincantieri Marinette
Marine’s Sr. Weight Engineer, to become
a Fellow in the SAWE Fellowship. Alan
expressed, “I was shocked to find I had
been nominated.”
This prestigious award is defined as:
Fellow - a person or persons who have
achieved distinction in mass properties
engineering, or who have materially
contributed to the advancement of the
Society, and who have been elected to
the Fellowship by a three-fourths vote
of the Board of Directors.
Alan is co-chairman for the Marine
Group of the
Standards and
Practices Committee. This committee
makes the policies
and guidelines for
marine weight
He recently teamed up with several
software developers to create new and
innovative processes to validate the
data in the weight reports, and to make
the data in the reports easier to obtain
and highly accurate.
The U.S. Navy (NAVSEA) sees Marinette
Marine as a leader in weight engineering
and we have Alan to thank for it.
Safety Culture Ownership Program & Education (SCOPE)
February 2016 – Fincantieri Marinette Marine would like to
recognize the managers who met their goals for safety observations in 2015. The SCOPE program was implemented
in 2013 and has played a major role in reducing injuries in
the Facility. The goal of the SCOPE program is to recognize safety as an important part of day-to-day activities.
An important pillar of the SCOPE program is to “see
safety” in aspects of every job. Recognizing fall hazards,
deck openings,
proper tooling, body
position and many
others are all important parts of “seeing
safety.” FMM incident rates were over
9.0 in 2012. Since the
inception of the
SCOPE program
incident rates have
decreased by
almost two thirds.
With continued
support of the SCOPE program and buy-in
from all FMM employees, we will continue to push for zero
incidents. With everyone’s support we will reach this goal
in 2016. Thanks to all for keeping safety in mind in 2015 and
for years to come.
For their 2015 achievements, our safety department would
like to recognize the following: Jeff Anderson, William
Bezio, Dan Bourdeau, Adam Bourdelais, David Brandon,
John Coyne, Chris DeMeuse, Terry Denny, Curt Dolata,
Chris Doss, George
Feliciano, Dave
Harter, Gary Ihde,
Shane Kuehl, Bob
Luisier, Roger
Hummel, Eduardo
Lopez, Eric Luke,
Jeff Menard, Mike
Paquet, Dave Pullen,
John Richards, Bruce
Rodeghier, Tom
Ruby, Jeff Sanders,
Leonard Schmidt,
Kevin Stumbris,
Darren Sundman,
Scott Tess, Brian Tonn, Mike
VanKirk, and Randall Vann.
FBS’s Winterfleet in Full Production!
The December arrival of the John G. Munson
and the American Courage marked the official
beginning of Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding’s
The Mesabi Miner arrived in Sturgeon Bay prior
to the New Year and went straight to drydock.
The American Spirit was the next to drydock in
mid-January, the Wilfred J. Sykes in February,
and Munson will round out the winter dockings
in the large graving dock later this month. Julie
Koch, FBS Contract Manager stated, “We’ve had
our share of machinery rebuilds and shell/internal repairs that come from the dock inspections.”
The Scrubber boats; the Lee A. Tregurtha
and James R. Barker will depart during the
month of May. Tug Michigan and barges
Great Lakes and Alpena are scheduled to
depart by the end of May. “This year our
Winterfleet has been extended,” continues
Julie Koch.“Lots of work, but nothing Bay
Shipbuilding crews can’t handle!”
After completion of repairs, departures began in
mid March with Arthur M. Anderson, Cason J.
Callaway, Mesabi Miner and Wilfred J. Sykes.
”We are extremely pleased to deliver these
vessels on time and within contracted
costs,” said Francesco Valente, Fincantieri
Marine Group (FMG) President and CEO.
”The quality delivered on this workhorse
ATB is a testament to the hard work and
craftsmanship of the seasoned professionals of Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding.”
FBS Delivers
Second Moran ATB Unit
December 2015 – Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding
(FBS) delivered the Articulated Tug Barge (ATB)
Unit comprised of the tug Leigh Ann Moran
and tank barge Mississippi, to Moran Towing
Corporation. Although another ATB barge was
previously delivered in May 2015, this is the first
complete ATB unit delivered to Moran under a
2014 contract.
The Leigh Ann Moran is a 6000-HP tug and the
Mississippi is a 150,000-barrel barge. Its full load
displacement, including lightship weight and
cargo weight, is 24,259-Long Tons. The ATB unit
will work along the East coast of the United
States and in the Gulf of Mexico.
One more ATB unit, a 5300-HP tug and 110,000barrel barge, is scheduled for delivery the second
quarter of 2016.
Governor Walker visits Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding
January 2016 – Wisconsin Governor
Scott Walker visited Fincantieri Bay
Shipbuilding (FBS) to discuss a wide
range of subjects related to State
economic development issues. He met
with Fincantieri Marine Group President and CEO Francesco Valente,
FMG Legal Affairs Representative,
Beau Boulter and FBS Vice President
and General Manager, Todd Thayse.
Walker said he is working to keep
foreign investments in the state and
praised Fincantieri Marine Group and
their three Great Lakes Shipyards for
their economic contributions to the
state. “We know FMG provides good
paying jobs, family supporting jobs, and
we’ll make sure they continue,” he said.
Governor Walker meets with Francesco Valente, FMG President and CEO;
Government Affairs Representative, Beau Boulter; and Todd Thayse, FBS
Vice President and General Manager.
Governor Walker met several members
of the FBS shipbuilding team and saw
firsthand the large number of ships of
the Great Lakes Winter fleet in for
multiple repairs.
Camera Usage in the
FMM Shipyard
This should serve as a quick reminder about
FMM rules on cameras and photography.
Take control of your health!
Invest in your long-term health and reduce
your 2017 Medical Premiums by completing
an HRA.
An HRA (Health Risk Assessment) entails filling
out a short questionnaire, conducting a 12-hour
fasting blood draw, and
having a simple physical
completed that will check
your height, weight and
’s HRA
blood pressure. Studies
have shown that when
combined and monitored,
April 2, 2016
these three data points
can assist in spotting
health conditions (or the
May 31, 2016
start of conditions) such
as high blood pressure,
diabetes, and high cholesterol.
If you completed an HRA through the company
last year, your results will include a comparison so
you can see the results of your efforts towards a
healthier YOU! Additionally, this year optional
and employee paid PSA testing is available to male
employees for $25.00.
For more details, please see the
packet that was mailed to your
home earlier this month.
Only authorized photography is permitted at FMM.
When pictures are taken and intended for
dissemination externally, the FMM Export Compliance Manager must
be consulted before the pictures are sent. FMM is
guided by very
specific export rules and
photography at FMM is
strictly controlled. Remember that the entire Littoral
Combat Ship is a defense
article. Therefore, all exports
must be reviewed to ensure that
they are in compliance with the
International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR).
Photography should only be done by using FMM issued
or approved cameras. Engineering and area managers have
cameras issued to them by FMM. These cameras have been
checked-in by security. Each FMM and contractor camera
have an accompanying media card to confirm that it has
been authorized by Security, and the person responsible
for the camera is aware of the FMM photography rules.
Unfortunately, there is always the temptation for someone
to share unauthorized pictures on social media. This activity is likely to result in severe consequences for whomever
took the unauthorized pictures.
photography in the
shipyard is authorized
for general distribution is when the shipyard is open to visitors
for a ship launch. On
these occasions great
preparations are made
to ensure the yard is
ready for general photography by visitors.
Mobile Security Series
Part 4 of 5
Did you know your personal
cell phone or tablet may have
security vulnerabilities?
According to Gartner’s ”Predictions
2014: Mobile Security Won’t Just Be
About the Device,” 75 percent of
mobile apps will fail basic security tests
in 2015. Mobile Security can be broken
down into 5 categories; Physical Loss
and Theft, Malware, Insecure Wi-Fi,
Exploitation of Mobile Apps, and Privacy and Caution.
This newsletter feature is the fourth of
this 5-part series:
Part 4 - Exploitation of Mobile Apps
According to TrendsLabs, out of the
1.4 million high-risk or malicious
mobile apps in the Android market,
53% of these are classified as premium
service abusers. Premium service abuser
mobile apps are capable of accessing
the SD card data of the mobile device,
monitoring and reading messages, sending out predefined messages, accessing
and viewing contact lists and tracking
locations. Some are even able to register
victims to overpriced services while
adware aggressively pushes ads and can
even collect personal information without the victim’s consent. Since some
apps may have hidden behaviors that
can steal private data, modify user settings and initiate unauthorized messages and transactions:
• Download mobile apps from
legitimate app stores
• Download only mobile apps
with good ratings and reviews
• Install security software to
detect mobile apps containing
• Minimize the installation of
unnecessary mobile apps
• Keep software up to date for
software bug fixes and security
• Security Update of Software
For instance, Apple released an
update for its iOS 6 and iOS 7
operating systems to provide a
fix for the SSL connection verification issue. Without installing
the update, iPhone and iPad
devices are vulnerable to manin-the-middle attacks, which
mean attackers can spy on user
connections to websites over
untrusted Wi-Fi network that are
supposed to be using encrypted
The FMM Hotline Task Force Team
wants to know if you have witnessed any
unsafe practices, quality of work issues,
theft, or breach of security throughout
any FMM building or the yard.
Call 715-735-4754 and leave an anonymous
and secure message outlining your concern
and include,time, date, ship, building and/or location of incident.
Knowledge is Power
FMM’s Information Technology (IT)
Division is offering on-line training. To
schedule an on-line training session; it’s
as simple as submitting a meeting invite
through the FMM Outlook calendar.
Microsoft Office: Word
• Word 2003 (Consolidated)
• Word 2007 (Consolidated)
• Word 2010 (Consolidated)
s Navigation and Printing
s Templates and Formatting
s Customizing Documents
• Word 2013
s The Basics
s Formatting
s Advanced Options
Microsoft Office: PowerPoint
• PowerPoint 2003 (Consolidated)
• PowerPoint 2007 (Consolidated)
• PowerPoint 2010 (Consolidated)
s Creating Presentations and Using
s Customizing Presentations
s Multimedia and Delivery Formats
• PowerPoint 2013
s The Basics
s Creating On-Screen Elements
s Customizing Presentations
Microsoft Office: Excel
• Excel 2003 (Consolidated)
• Excel 2007 (Consolidated)
• Excel 2010 (Consolidated)
s Navigating and Managing Worksheets
s Formatting
s Using Formulas and Functions
• Excel 2013
s VLOOKUP, Formulas and Cond. Logic
s Navigating and Managing
s Formatting Data, Text & Tables
s What-If Scenarios, Charts & Graphs
s Advanced Operations, Conditional
Formatting, Macros & Printing
The full course list is located on the
Bridge under Shared Documents –
IT Documents – IT Online
Training Courses. Sign-up for
training today!
VIP Visits- Last 90 Days
December 15, 2015
Dr. Jerry Hendrix, The Center for
December 16, 2015
a New American Security.
The Honorable Sean Stackley, Ass
istant Secretary of the Navy.
Updated prog ram brief and tour.
January 30, 2016
Upcoming Unity
Club Golf Outing
The 4th Annual Unity Club Golf
Outing will be held on Saturday,
May 21, 2016 at Little River Country
Club. This 4-person golf scramble
event is a great venue to strengthen
internal and external relationships.
Thirty-six (36) teams will hit the
golf course at 9:00 am. Check in
opens at 8:00 am sharp. The event
is open to Fincantieri Marinette
Marine employees and their significant others as well as FMM
vendors. The $50 per person ($200
per team) entry fee covers: golf, golf
cart, meals, contests and prizes.
Registration is open through May
13th. Please make checks payable
to Unity Club and drop them off
by Jayne Drys at the FMM
reception desk.
Christening and Launch of LCS 11
Sioux City
• Mrs. Mary Winnefeld, Ship’s Spo
• Admiral (Ret) James Winnefeld,
Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff
• The Honorable Tammy Baldwin
, U.S. Senator (WI)
• Admiral Michelle Howard, Vice
Chief of Naval Operations
• Ms. Gloria Valdez, Deputy Assista
nt Secretary of the Navy for Ship
February 27, 2016
Admiral John Richardson, Chief of
Naval Operations. Was briefed on
the LCS Program and toured the facil
ities and LCS 7
March 3, 2016
VADM Thomas S. Rowden, Comman
der, Naval Surface Forces, was
given a Program brief, and emphasi
zed the importance of the LCS in
the Fleet, and that the Navy is urging
shipbuilders to deliver their
much needed ships on schedule.
March 9, 2016
Mr. Mike Gallagher, congressional cand
idate for Wisconsin’s 8th District
Sturgeon Bay Shipyard Tour
The 23rd Annual Sturgeon Bay Shipyard Tour including: Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding (FBS), and CenterPointe Yacht Services, will take place on Saturday,
May 7, 2016, from
9:00 am – 2:00 pm.
This is the only day
of the year where
these two (2) yards
are open to the
public. Guided and
semi-guided walking
tours are available.
Plan for approximately three (3)
hours to visit the
two (2) shipyards
and see their current projects.
Adults - $12, Student Age 11 to 17 - $6
Here’s your Chance to Win VIP Parking for 2 Weeks
The FMM 2016 Tri-City
United Way giving goal is
$5,000; of which we have
raised $2,493 thus far.
As a reminder, with your
contribution you will be
entered into a drawing to
Win a VIP Parking spot at
FMM. Winners will receive
a two-week VIP Parking Spot
over the course of this year.
The goal of the Tri-City
United Way is to promote
healthy lifestyles, education
regarding health issues,
encourage smart choices,
and provide immunizations,
pre-natal and infant care. For
those afflicted with debilitating or terminal illness, United
Way agencies provide ongoing
therapy, care and counseling
for patients and their families.
• We can surpass our yearlong goal if everyone will
give as little as $1.00 per
pay period.
• You may designate your
gift to go directly to any of
the Tri-City United Way
partner agencies.
• Gifts made via the FMM
payroll deduction will be
taken from each paycheck
for the remainder of 2016.
• If you choose to make a
one-time donation, complete
a donation slip and make
check payable to Tri-City
United Way.
• Donation slips can be
picked up from the HR trailer
(Marissa Axtell); the FMM
front desk receptionist (Jayne
Drys); the department
admins. (Jennifer Bacon,
Tammy De King, Linda
Deloria, Barb Gadzalinski,
Diana Harnois, Jerri Noll,
Therese Salerno and
Rose Smith); or from
HR Manufacturing
(Nicole Lewis, second
floor of Building 31).
Your gift will help
make the community a
stronger and better place,
allowing the Tri-City
United Way to address
the root causes of the
most pressing needs to
create lasting change.
FMM Completes Third Annual Hygiene Drive
The employees of Fincantieri Marinette Marine and Lockheed Martin
(Marinette) can be proud to be a part of such a giving team and community.
Miles for
March 2016 – The team of employees
from Fincantieri Marinette Marine,
and Lockheed Martin Corp. (Marinette)
managed to pull off a successful third
annual Miles for Smiles campaign
collecting 341 Smile Miles in paper
products and hygiene items. The
combined collection was enough to
wrap around an LCS 2,231 times.
The willingness of our employees to
support the “Help for the Homeless”
drive and help those in need in the community weather life’s daily crises is remarkable. The donations provide basic
necessities to the recipients and help them
achieve larger life goals like housing,
employment, education and parenting.
Combined, the team’s Smile Miles collected items such as health and first aid,
personal care, baby care, toilet tissue,
paper towels, toothpaste, shampoo,
soaps, and cleaning items – as well as
significant cash donations to support
this worthwhile effort.
Calendar of Events
FMM United Way Campaign
Continues through 2016
YMCA Corporate Challenge
May 9-12, 2016
Celebrating FMM Anniversaries
Here’s cause for celebration – your employment anniversary! Celebrating your
anniversary demonstrates to all employees and prospects that, while others have
come and gone, FMM has flourished. FMM’s Senior Leadership Team recognizes
your accomplishments and wishes to spread awareness of your service.
40+ Years of Service
Kortbein, David
Wilch, Fred
Electrical Manager
20 Year Anniversary
Belongia, David
Unity Club Golf Outing
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Menominee Family Rec Day
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Jim Hodge Memorial Run
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Relay for Life
Friday, June 24, 2016
Menominee River
Century Bike Ride
Sunday, June 26
Marinette Logging
and Heritage Festival
July 8-10, 2016
5 Year Anniversary
Nutt, Ricky
Planning Assist.
Control Specialist
1 Year Anniversary
Amenson, Tamara Mechanic
Anziano, Arron
Mechanic - NTJ
Babic, Michael
Bales, Richard
Beauchamp, Kyle Mechanic
Bennett, Wendolyn Mechanic
Boerschinger, Jeffrey Supplier
Quality Technician
Bowler, Matthew Mechanic
Braley, John
Bronold, Todd
Program Cost
Analyst I
Bruce, Michael
Burk, Samuel
Technician I
Byers, Thomas
Crear Sr., Adrian Foreman
Fiel, Eric
Engineer II
Gromoske, Michael Foreman
Herrin, John
Kim, Oesoon
Helper Shipbuilder
King, Cassandra HR Administrator
Kostreva, Mark
Helper Shipbuilder
Lindsey, Lakevious General Foreman
Marlatt, Daniel
Mechanic - NTJ
Neubert, Todd
Mechanic - NTJ
Nichols, Kevin
Noe Jr., David
Mechanic - NTJ
O’Day, Jeffery
Area Manager
Robinson, William Journeyman
Schletty, Guy
Simon, Peter
Director of Finance
Sporrer, Andrew Mechanic
Sulk, Dustin
Helper Shipbuilder
Sundberg, Ryan
Mechanic - NTJ
Treptow Jr., William Journeyman
VanDenBerg, Steven Mechanic NTJ Shipbuilder
Wallin, Shane
Mechanic - NTJ
Wesoloski, Thomas Mechanic
Zimmerman, Christine Helper
February through April 2016
List may vary dependent on the
date list was pulled.
Whether you’re celebrating a milestone year (those ending in 0 or 5) or an in-between
year, your anniversary is a chance to remind the shipbuilding industry of FMM’s
continued success.
Announcing: FMM
A: According to Coast Guard
Navigation Rules, if three
black spheres are hung in a
vertical line on the ship’s
mast, this indicates
the ship
is aground.
Celebrity Guess Who
Celebrity #1: Dave Tomlin
Celebrity #2: Linda Deloria
© Marinette
10 Year Anniversary
Baumgarten, Nicholas Lead
Chaney, Ricky
Lead Shipbuilder
Flauger, John
Ship Area Manager
Johnson, Jim
Kukich, Bruce
Project Manager
Lingelbach, Kerry Journeyman
Becks, Susan
Marine Trivia
Ihander, Anthony Journeyman
Johnson, Robert Journeyman
Micheels, Scott
Lead Shipbuilder
Rivard, Daniel
Lead Shipbuilder
Schwenke, Mark Mechanic - NTJ
Vojcihoski, James Journeyman
Wauters, Gary
Lead Shipbuilder
Younk, Jason
Ceckiewicz, Jeanne Documentation
Control Specialist
Corey, Jennifer
Timekeeper Lead
Fewins, Tricia
Engineer I
Odgers, Kevin
Trade Planning
Roberts, Michael Sr Engineer
After years of hard work and dedication, it's time to take a permanent vacation!
Please join us as we offer best wishes to our recent FMM retirees.
Paul Bruno
David Hamrin
Mike Oczus
John Preston
Jan. 2016
Feb. 2016
Mar. 2016
Feb. 2016
38 years
13 years
19 years
14 years
David Smith
Kenneth Thoune
Cathy Windberg
Feb. 2016
Feb. 2016
Feb. 2016
6 years
43 years
21 years
...did you find the hidden ”Easter Egg” in the Holiday Beacon?
The idea of the hidden Easter Egg involves hiding media
content within another product. In the case of the Holiday
Beacon, a Christmas tree was hidden in a photo on page 15.
Congratulations Bonnie Philipps for locating the tree. She wins a
FMG hat and mini-portfolio. For this issue, we will be awarding the
same. One union and one non-bargaining unit employee are eligible.
Contact Tina at ext. 6894 if you find the Easter Egg in this issue.
Marine Corporation • 1600 Ely Street, Marinette, WI 54143 • 715-735-9341 • www.MarinetteMarine.com