Pharmacological Treatment of Urinary Incontinence
Pharmacological Treatment of Urinary Incontinence
FELLOWS ARTICLE Pharmacological Treatment of Urinary Incontinence Lucio M.A. Cipullo, MD, Fulvio Zullo, MD, Cosimo Cosimato, MD, Attilio Di Spiezio Sardo, MD, Jacopo Troisi, MD, and Maurizio Guida, MD Abstract: We present an overview of the current pharmacological treatment of urinary incontinence (UI) in women, according to the latest evidence available. After a brief description of the lower urinary tract receptors and mediators (detrusor, bladder neck, and urethra), the potential sites of pharmacological manipulation in the treatment of UI are discussed. Each class of drug used to treat UI has been evaluated, taking into account published rate of effectiveness, different doses, and way of administration. The prevalence of the most common adverse effects and overall compliance had also been pointed out, with cost evaluation after 1 month of treatment for each class of drug. Moreover, we describe those newer agents whose efficacy and safety need to be further investigated. We stress the importance of a better understanding of the causes and pathophysiology of UI to ensure newer and safer treatments for such a debilitating condition. Key Words: urinary incontinence, pharmacological treatment, anticholinergic, USA pharmacotherapy cost evaluation (Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg 2014;20: 185Y202) T he term urinary incontinence (UI) refers to any type of involuntary urinary loss [International Continence Society (ICS)]. Urinary incontinence has an observed prevalence of 25%, and this tends to increase with age.1 Normal functions of the female lower urinary tract are the storage of urine within the bladder and the timely release during micturition at appropriate intervals. Bladder and urethra act together as a functional unit during filling and voiding phases. Effective micturition and bladder control both require a well-functioning nervous system altogether with local regulatory factors.2 Functional impairment at various levels may result in bladder control disorders, which can be roughly classified as disturbances of storage and disturbances of emptying. The various types of UIs in women, according to the ICS, are reported in Table 1.3 The annual incidence of UI in women ranges from 2% to 11%, with the highest incidence occurring during pregnancy. Rates of complete remission of UI range from 0% to 13%, with the highest remission rates after pregnancy.4 The annual incidence of overactive bladder (OAB) ranges from 4% to 6%, with annual remission rates of OAB ranging from 2% to 3%.5 Although conservative and behavioral therapy are important in the UI management in women, many patients may benefit from pharmacological therapy. The aim of this article was to provide an overview of the current therapeutical options in the pharmacological management of women with UI. New developments in the drug treatment of this condition are also pointed out. Drug therapy recommendations are based on the Oxford Classification System for Levels of Evidence.6 The prices of the single drugs reported in this article and the weighted average cost for a monthly treatment are based on the US rates. From the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics of San Giovanni di Dio and Ruggi d’Aragona Hospital, University of Salerno, Salerno, SA, Italy. Reprints: Lucio M.A. Cipullo, MD, University of Salerno, Largo Ippocrate n- 1, 84131 Salerno, SA, Italy. E-mail: [email protected]. The authors have declared they have no conflicts of interest. Copyright * 2014 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins DOI: 10.1097/SPV.0000000000000076 Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery & FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY AND NEUROPHYSIOLOGY OF THE LOWER URINARY TRACT The female bladder and urethra have a somatic (pudendal) and an autonomic (sympathetic and parasympathetic) innervation (Fig. 1). The pudendal nerve arises from the sacral nerve roots S2YS4 and supplies the external urethral sphincter. The parasympathetic nerves, which govern bladder contraction, are derived from the second, third, and fourth sacral segments of the spinal cord to the detrusor muscle. Sympathetic nerve supply of the bladder originates in the intermediolateral nuclei in the thoracolumbar region (T10-L2) of the spinal cord. Bladder storage and voidance involve a complex interplay of efferent and afferent signals in a way that parasympathetic, sympathetic, somatic, and sensory nerves can work synergically.7 Contraction of the detrusor smooth muscle and relaxation of the outflow region result from the activation of parasympathetic neurons (S2YS4). The predominant effects of the sympathetic nerves in the lower urinary tract are inhibition of the parasympathetic pathways at spinal and ganglion levels and mediation of contraction of the bladder base and the urethra. During bladder filling, the outlet is closed, and the bladder smooth muscle is quiescent. When bladder volume increases to the micturition threshold, the activation of a micturition center in the dorsolateral pons (the pontine micturition center) elicits bladder contraction and the reciprocal relaxation of the urethra, leading to bladder emptying. During voiding, sacral parasympathetic pelvic nerves provide an excitatory input (cholinergic and purinergic) to the bladder and an inhibitory input (nitrergic) to the urethra (Fig. 2). These peripheral networks are integrated by means of a feedback and feedforward regulation at spinal cord and brain levels.8 There is increasing evidence showing that the urothelium has got specialized sensory and signaling properties, including expression of nicotinic, muscarinic, tachykinin, adrenergic, bradykinin, and transient receptor potential receptors, close physical association with the afferent nerves, and ability to release chemical molecules such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP), acetylcholine (ACh), and nitric oxide (NO).8Y10 At present, the functional role of the muscarinic receptors in the urothelium has largely been indirectly investigated, that is, by studying the effects after urothelium removal or administration of pharmacological inhibitors. Thus, it seems that the muscarinic receptors in the urothelium also contribute to the overall bladder function regulation, but their specific roles have not been fully established.11 The parasympathetic pelvic nerves stimulate the detrusor muscle via the muscarinic receptors M2 and M3. These receptors are activated by ACh, whereas purinergic receptors (P2X1) are activated by ATP, inducing relaxation of the urethral smooth muscle, mediated by NO. Apparently, most muscarinic receptors in the bladder are found on the detrusor smooth muscle cells. Although the detrusor expresses far more M2 (80%) than M3 (20%) receptors, it seems that detrusor contraction under physiological conditions is largely (if not exclusively) mediated by the M3 receptor.12Y16 The >1-adrenoceptors (ARs) and the 3 A-AR subtypes (A1, A2, and A3) have been investigated in the human detrusor. Human urothelium as well contains all 3 receptor subtypes.17,18 Real-time PCR and immunostaining revealed high concentrations of A3-AR throughout the urothelium, the detrusor Volume 20, Number 4, July/August 2014 185 Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Cipullo et al Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery & Volume 20, Number 4, July/August 2014 FIGURE 1. Innervation of the lower urinary tract (LUT) (A) with relative distribution of the different classes of afferent fibers in the bladder wall and urethra (B) and efferent pathways and neurotransmitter mechanisms that regulate the LUT (C). Adapted from Kanai et al9 and Fowler et al.10 smooth muscle, and the peripheral nerves,19Y21 and the functional evidence of their important role in both normal and neurogenic bladders is convincing.22Y28 The human detrusor also contains A2-ARs: most probably, both receptors are involved in the physiological effects (relaxation) of noradrenaline in this structure.21,29,30 Sympathetic postganglionic neurons release noradrenaline (NA), which activates A3 adrenergic receptors to relax the bladder smooth muscle and activates >1-adrenergic receptors to contract the urethral smooth muscle. Somatic axons in the pudendal nerve also release ACh, which produces a contraction of the external sphincter striated muscle by activating nicotinic cholinergic receptors. Parasympathetic postganglionic nerves also release ATP, which excites the bladder smooth muscle, and NO, which relaxes the urethral smooth muscle. Targets of the stress urinary incontinence (SUI) pharmacological treatment are the > and A-ARs, whereas in the OAB/urgency urinary incontinence (UUI) treatment, the site of interaction is the muscarinic receptor (Figs. 3 and 4). TABLE 1. Types of UI in Women (Modified)* Type of Incontinence SUI Urge incontinence (UI) Mixed incontinence (MI) Special forms *From Bump et al.3 186 Definition/Symptoms Involuntary urine loss during physical exertion/exercise (coughing, sneezing, sports) without urgency Involuntary urine loss combined with sudden sensation of urgency Y With detrusor instability (formerly motor urge incontinence) Y Without detrusor instability (formerly sensory urge incontinence) Involuntary urine loss associated not only with urinary urgency but also with physical exertion. It can be with predominant SUI or UUI symptoms Among others, neurogenic incontinence, extraurethral incontinence (eg, in the presence of fistula), overflow incontinence, giggle incontinence FIGURE 2. Micturition reflexes. [Representation from Yoshimura et al.8 * 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery & Volume 20, Number 4, July/August 2014 Pharmacological Treatment of UI FIGURE 3. Continence with drugs for UUI (pooled with random effects from RCTs). [Representation from Shamliyan et al.31 A thorough knowledge of the body distribution of muscarinic receptors is mandatory to start an appropriate pharmacological treatment (Table 2). It is important to keep in mind that drugs acting on the muscarinic receptors are not specific for those present in the lower urinary tract.2,12,13 This suggests that these drugs may cause systemic adverse effects (AEs) (Tables 2b and 2c). Theoretically, drugs with selectivity for the bladder could be obtained if the receptor subtype(s) mediating bladder contraction and those producing the main AEs of antimuscarinic drugs were different. Unfortunately, this does not seem to be the case. PHARMACOTHERAPY TREATMENT OF OAB AND UUI Overactive bladder is the term used to describe the symptom complex of urgency, with or without urge incontinence, usually with frequency and nocturia. Overactive bladder symptoms are FIGURE 4. Treatment discontinuation due to AEs from drugs for UUI (pooled results from RCTs by using rate arcsine transformation). [Representation from Shamliyan et al.31 * 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 187 Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery Cipullo et al & Volume 20, Number 4, July/August 2014 TABLE 2A. Distribution of Muscarinic Receptors Type M1 G Protein and Transduction Mechanism Gq/11 Location (Decreasing Concentration) Brain (cortex, hippocampus); spinal cord; salivary glands jIP3, DAG ,K+ conductance jCa2+ conductance Agonists Ach Antagonists Atropine Oxotremorine Muscarine Carbachol Scopolamine Diphenhydramine Dimenhydrinate Dicycloverine Thorazine Tolterodine Oxybutynin Ipratropium Pirenzepine Telenzepine Chlorpromazine Haloperidol Gi/o ACh Atropine ,cAMP Conductance: Methacholine Carbachol Dicycloverine Thorazine ,Ca2+ jK+ Oxotremorine Muscarine Diphenhydramine Dimenhydrinate Tolterodine Oxybutynin Ipratropium Methoctramine Tripitramine Gallamine Chlorpromazine ACh Atropine Bethanechol Carbachol Oxotremorine Pilocarpine Diphenhydramine Dimenhydrinate Dicycloverine Tolterodine Oxybutynin Ipratropium Darifenacin Tiotropium ACh Carbachol Oxotremorine Atropine Diphenhydramine Dimenhydrinate M2 Gq/11 M3 Heart; brainstem, cerebellum; gastrointestinal (GI), bladder Exocrine glands, bladder; GI wall smooth muscle and sphincters jIP3, DAG jCa2+ conductance Gi/o ,cAMP Conductance: M4 CNS ,Ca2+ jK+ Gq/11 M5 188 Dicycloverine Tolterodine Oxybutynin Ipratropium CNS; ciliary muscle of eye ACh Carbachol Oxotremorine Same to M4 * 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery & Volume 20, Number 4, July/August 2014 Pharmacological Treatment of UI TABLE 2B. Muscarinic Agonist Effect and Related AEs in Different Districts Organ System Muscarinic Receptors Agonist Effect M2 Negative dromotropic, chronotropic, and inotropic Vasodilatation Bronchial smooth musculature stimulation; jbronchial secretion jTone and muscle contraction; jsecretion Heart Vascular system Respiratory system Gastrointestinal tract Exocrine glands Urinary tract Eyes M3 (endothelial) M1-M3 M1-M3 M3 M3 (more than) M2 M3-M5 jSecretion Contraction of bladder detrusor muscle; jureters peristalsis; sphincter relaxation Miosis (for contraction of pupillary sphincter muscle); accommodation lock (for contraction of ciliary muscle); ,intraocular pressure due to involuntary contractions of the detrusor muscle during the filling phase of the micturition cycle. These involuntary contractions are termed detrusor overactivity (DO) and are mediated by ACh-induced stimulation of the bladder muscarinic receptors. Urgency urinary incontinence is an involuntary loss of urine associated with urgency. Urodynamic testing shows an involuntary leakage from the urethra synchronous with the sensation of a sudden, compelling desire to void that is difficult to defer; during filling cystometry, involuntary detrusor muscle contractions can be detected.31 Drug therapy continues to have an integral role in the management of women with OAB, and there are now a number of different agents available (Table 3). Despite the clinical advantages of many of the pharmacological agents available, the occurrence of significant AEs and impaired compliance has limited their use. The availability of bladder selective drugs in the near future, once daily dosing and differing the routes of administration, may increase the compliance. However, in many cases, drugs may be considered as an adjunct to conservative therapy. An optimal treatment should be individualized, taking into consideration a number of factors, such as the patient’s comorbidities AE Excessive reduction of cardiac contractility Hypotension Bronchospasm Diarrhea, drooling, nausea, sickness, abdominal cramps Sweating Urinary retention Accommodation problems, lachrymation and concomitant medications, together with the pharmacological profiles of different drugs. DRUGS WITH MIXED ACTION Oxybutynin Oxybutynin (Table 4a) is a tertiary amine that undergoes an extensive first-pass metabolism to its active metabolite, N-desmethyl oxybutynin, which occurs in high concentrations and is thought to be responsible for a significant part of the action of the parent drug. T1/2 = 2 hours. It has a mixed action consisting of 32,33: - Nonselective antimuscarinic = M1 and M3 99 M2 is its primary mechanism of action; - Direct smooth muscle relaxation (antispasmodic) = may involve blockage of Ca2+ channels; - Local anesthetic properties = important only for intravescical infusion; - Antihistamine properties. TABLE 2C. Muscarinic Antagonist Effect and Related AE in Different Districts Organ System Heart Vascular system Respiratory system Gastrointestinal tract Exocrine glands Urinary tract Eyes CNS Muscarinic Receptors M2 M3 (endothelial) M1-M3 M1-M3 M3 M3 (more than) M2 M1-M3-M5 M1-M2-M4-M5 Ganglia and autonomic nerves * 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins M1 Antagonist Effect jHeart rate Slightly vasodilation Bronchodilation; jbronchial secretion; prevention of laryngospasm in anesthesia ,Motility; ,secretion ,Secretion ,Tone and contraction of bladder and ureters; ,urination rate Mydriasis; accommodation lock ,Cognition = sedation, amnesia AE Tachycardia (for vagal block); arrhythmias Dry mouth; constipation; Urinary retention; difficulty voiding Cycloplegia; blurry vision Delirium (rare); hallucination (?); drowsiness Inhibition of slow postsynaptic potentials; jrelease ACh (for lock of presynaptic receptors) 189 Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Cipullo et al Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery TABLE 3. Drugs Used in the Treatment of OAB/UUI* (Modified) Drug LoE GoR Antimuscarinic drugs Darifenacin Fesoterodine Solifenacin Tolterodine Trospium Propantheline Atropine Drugs acting on membrane channels Calcium antagonist K+-channel openers Drugs with mixed actions Oxybutynin Propiverine Antidepressants Duloxetine Imipramine >-Adrenoreceptor antagonists Alfuzosin Doxazosin Prazosin Terazosin Tamsulosin A-Adrenoreceptor agonists Mirabegron (A3) Albuterol (A2) Terbutaline (A2) COX inhibitors Indomethacin Flurbiprofen Toxins Botulinum toxin (neurogenic), injected into bladder wall Botulinum toxin (idiopathic), injected into bladder wall Capsaicin (neurogenic), intravescical RTX (neurogenic), intravescical Other drugs Baclofen, intrathecal Hormones Estrogen Desmopressin, for nocturia. 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 A A A A A B C 2 2 1 1 A A 2 3 C C 3 3 3 3 3 C C C C C 2 3 3 B C C 2 2 C C 2 A 3 B 2 2 C C 3 C 2 1 C A Oxybutynin has showed improvement in quality of life (QoL) and leakage episodes or voids in the 24 hours, when compared to placebo, in several trials. When compared to tolterodine, there are no differences in terms of clinical efficacy, but fewer withdrawals due to adverse events with tolterodine [relative risk (RR), 0.52; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.40Y0.66] and less risk of dry mouth (RR, 0.65; 95% CI, 0.60Y0.71).34Y36 Oxybutyninbased drugs include immediate release (IR) formulation, extended Volume 20, Number 4, July/August 2014 release formulation (ER or XL), syrup, and a transdermal release. The OROS-based oxybutynin is an ER formulation (Ditropan XL). Oxybutynin ER ensures a smoother plasma concentrationtime profile and a lower maximum plasma concentration than those seen with oxybutynin IR. The ER formulation improves drug tolerability, facilitating one-daily intake. Long-term and short-term studies have reported significant improvements in health-related QoL with oxybutynin ER therapy. In addition, pharmacoeconomic studies have suggested that oxybutynin ER is more cost effective than oxybutynin IR, and at least as cost effective as tolterodine IR.37 The use of oxybutynin gel elicits more local AEs compared to placebo (6.8% vs 2.8%).38 However, the gel formulation may offer a better combination of reduced local and systemic AEs and is an alternative to oral preparations in those women who experienced intolerable antimuscarinic AEs (Tables 4b, 4c, and 4d). Propiverine *Assessments have been done according to the Oxford modified system and ICS.7 COX inhibitor indicates cyclooxygenase inhibitor; GoR, grade of recommendation; K+, potassium; LoE, level of evidence. 190 & Propiverine hydrochloride is a benzilic acid derivative compound. It is rapidly absorbed and has a high first-pass metabolism. Its mixed action involves antimuscarinic and Ca2+ channel antagonism.33 Propiverine has more recently been introduced as a long-acting once-daily preparation and may be useful in those women unable to tolerate other antimuscarinic drugs. Adverse effects are dry mouth (14%) and other AEs not well documented. ANTIMUSCARINIC DRUGS Recent large meta-analyses of the most widely used antimuscarinic drugs have clearly shown that these drugs provide a significant clinical benefit (Table 5).31,39,40 However, none of the commonly used antimuscarinic drugs are an ideal first-line treatment for OAB/DO patients. There is no consistent evidence that 1 antimuscarinic drug is superior to an alternative antimuscarinic drug for the cure or the improvement of UUI. An optimal treatment should be individualized, taking into consideration any associate conditions and concomitant medications and the pharmacological profiles of different drugs. Recommendations on the use of these drugs41 are shown in Table 6. Contraindications are uncontrolled narrow-angle glaucoma, significant cardiac arrhythmias, urinary retention, gastric retention, myasthenia gravis, severe renal and hepatic diseases, acquired cognitive impairment and dementia (Alzheimer disease), and concomitant treatment with acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors. The treatment of OAB/DO in the elderly deserves specific considerations. Overactive bladder is more common in the elderly, where it causes a detrimental effect on the QoL. It has been established that 30.9% of women older than 65 years have this condition. Studies have shown that 40% of patients with Alzheimer dementia experience OAB.42 Many of these patients are taking AChE inhibitors like donepezil, galantamine, and rivastigmine. AChE inhibitors fall under the parasympathomimetic group of medications, whose effects are antagonized by antimuscarinic drugs.43 Overactive bladder treatment in patients taking AChE inhibitors remains difficult. A pilot study44 found improvement in OAB symptoms with the use of propiverine hydrochloride in patients taking Donepezil for cognitive impairment, without changes in cognition. More research is required in this field. Solifenacin This compound is a bladder-selective antimuscarinic33 agent that has greater specificity for the M3 receptors over the M2 receptors and has much higher potency against M3 receptors in smooth muscle than it does against M3 receptors in salivary glands (Table 7a). It shows a long half-life. Its long-term efficacy has been assessed in a 12-month follow-up study of 1637 patients.45 * 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery & Volume 20, Number 4, July/August 2014 Pharmacological Treatment of UI TABLE 4A. Oxybutynin Costs Overview Drug Name Oxytrol patch (3.9 mg) Active Ingredient Dose Prices for 30 d of Treatment Oxybutynin $42.71 Gelnique (gel) Oxybutynin chloride Anturol (Gel) Oxybutynin chloride Ditropan XL (ER) (5 mg) (10 mg) Oxybutynin chloride Oxybutynin Cl ER (5 mg) (10 mg) Oxybutynin chloride 36-mg patch applied twice weekly (every 3Y4 d); delivers 3.9 mg/24 h; rotate administration sites (abdomen, hip, buttock) 10% , 1 g applied daily to dry, intact skin; rotate application (abdomen, thigh, shoulder, upper arm) 3%, 3 pumps (84 mg); applied as above; may rotate site if necessary 5Y10 mg q.d.; may be increased to a maximum of 30 mg/d; swallowed whole; should not be chewed, divided, or crushed 2.5Y5 mg b.i.d; max 5 mg q.i.d. Oxybutynin Cl (IR) (5 mg) Oxybutynin UD syrup (200 mL) (480 mL) Oxybutynin chloride 2.5Y5 mg b.i.d. or t.i.d.; max 5 mg q.i.d. $24.3 (5 mg) $20.52 (10 mg) $4.03 Oxybutynin chloride Usual dose is 1 teaspoonful (5 mg/5 mL) b.i.d or t.i.d. Max q.i.d. $37.04 (200 mL) $6.45 (480 mL) $39.09 ,$150 $88.76 (5 mg) $94.46 (10 mg) b.i.d. indicates twice daily; q.d., once daily; q.i.d., 4 times daily; t.i.d., 3 times daily. TABLE 4B. Efficacy and Safety of Oxybutynin* Conclusion SoE & Increased continence rates and improved UI & Increased treatment discontinuation due to AEs; dry mouth was the most common AE & IR oxybutynin resulted in greater rates of AEs and dry mouth compared with controlled-release oral or transdermal oxybutynin & Higher vs lower doses resulted in greater improvement in UI, the same rates of dry mouth, and greater rates of treatment withdrawal High High Low Low *Adapted from Shamliyan et al.31 SoE indicates strength of evidence. There was a significantly greater reduction in urgency episodes in the solifenacin arm compared to the placebo arm (P G 0.001) and the difference in the median length of warning time was 31.5 seconds TABLE 4C. Prevalence of AEs of Oxybutynin Compared With Placebo (Modified)* AE & & & & & & & & & & Treatment failure Dry mouth Dry skin Blurred vision Constipation Discontinuation: AEs Headache Serious AEs Urine retention Dysuria RA, % RC, % 12.2 34 10 10.4 7.3 10 4.1 3.7 3.2 0.8 22.9 15 10.4 9.1 5.5 5 4.5 2.0 0.5 0.2 *Adapted from Shamliyan et al.31 RA indicates rate in active treatment group; RC, rate in control group. * 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins in the solifenacin group compared to the 12.0 seconds of the placebo group (P = 0.032).38 When compared with oxybutynin, solifenacin showed a better efficacy with lower AEs.42 There were statistically significant differences in QoL, patient reported cure, all favoring solifenacin. The recommended starting dose of 5 mg once daily has been compared to 10 mg, showing lower rate of frequency and urgency. The dry mouth was significantly lower with solifenacin when compared to tolterodine. Solifenacin 5 mg once daily is the usual starting dose, which could be increased to TABLE 4D. Comparative Effectiveness* Head to Head SoE Oxybutynin vs tolterodine: & Greater rate of treatment discontinuation due to AEs & No difference in improvement in UI rates & Low adherence to drug treatment; 950% of women stopped treatments within 1 y High Moderate Moderate *Adapted from Shamliyan et al.31 191 Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery Cipullo et al & Volume 20, Number 4, July/August 2014 TABLE 5. Patient-Centered Clinically Important Outcomes With Pharmacologic Interventions for UUI Compared With Placebo (Modified)* Outcome and Drug Continence & Fesoterodine & Oxybutynin & Solifenacin & Tolterodine & Trospium Clinically important improvement in incontinence & Darifenacin & Fesoterodine & Oxybutynin & Solifenacin & Tolterodine & Trospium RCTs RA, % RC, % RR (95% CI) 2 4 5 4 4 61 27 39.2 53.2 28.3 48.5 16 28.1 43.7 16.6 1.3 (1.1 1.7 (1.3 1.5 (1.4 1.2 (1.1 1.7 (1.5 3 2 9 2 7 2 48.4 42 53 60.2 45 32.4 33 32 32 43 37 25.4 1.3 (1 to 1.5) 1.3 (1.2 to 1.5) 1.5 (1.2 to 1.9) 1.5 (1.0 to 2.1) 1.3 (1.1 to 1.4) 1.1 (0.6 to 2.0) to to to to to 1.5) 2.1) 1.6) 1.4) 2.0) Absolute Risk Difference (95% CI) 0.13 (0.06 to 0.11 (0.06 to 0.11 (0.06 to 0.09 (0.04 to 0.11 (0.08 to 0.20) 0.16) 0.16) 0.13) 0.14) 0.12 (0.06 to 0.17) 0.10 (0.06 to 0.15) 0.17 (0.10 to 0.24) 0.18 (0.10 to 0.26) 0.10 (0.04 to 0.15) 0.08 (j0.10 to 0.25) SoE Low High High High High High High Moderate Low High Low *Adapted from Shamliyan et al.31 RCT indicates randomized controlled trial. 10 mg once daily for better efficacy but with increased risk of dry mouth (Tables 7b and 7c). Tolterodine Tolterodine (Table 8a) is a tertiary amine which is rapidly absorbed. Its low lipid solubility implies a poor capacity to cross the blood-brain barrier.33 T1/2 = 2Y3 hours. This drug is metabolized into the liver to its 5-hydroxymethyl derivative, which is an active metabolite having a similar pharmacokinetic profile and is thought to significantly contribute to the therapeutic effect.46 It is a competitive muscarinic receptor antagonist with relative functional selectivity for bladder receptors,47 and, although it shows no specificity for receptor subtypes, it does seem to target the bladder over the salivary glands.48 No differences in QoL and improvement of leakage episodes are reported when comparing tolterodine with oxybutynin in 8 trials. Where the prescribing choice is between oral IR oxybutynin and tolterodine, tolterodine might be preferred for reduced risk of dry mouth. The starting dose is 2 mg twice daily. The effects of 1-, 2-, and 4-mg doses were similar for leakage episodes and micturitions in the 24 hours, with a greater risk of dry mouth with the 2- and 4-mg doses at 2 to 12 weeks (Tables 8b and 8c).36 Trospium Trospium chloride is a quaternary ammonium compound (this means that it crosses the blood-brain barrier to a limited extent and hence would seem to have few cognitive effects) that shows low biological availability (Table 9a).40 T1/2 = 20 hours. Its mechanism of action is nonselective for muscarinic receptor subtypes: it blocks detrusor smooth muscle receptors as well as receptors in the ganglia.33 The efficacy and tolerability of once daily trospium chloride has also been confirmed in a further large study of 564 patients with OAB49; this drug seems to have a meaningful impact on QoL.50 However, in 4 comparative studies, TABLE 6. Recommendations for Antimuscarinic Drugs* Offer IR or ER formulations of antimuscarinic drugs as initial drug therapy for adults with UUI. If IR formulations of antimuscarinic drugs are unsuccessful for adults with urge urinary incontinence, offer ER formulations or longer-acting antimuscarinic agents. Consider using transdermal oxybutynin if oral antimuscarinic agents cannot be tolerated due to dry mouth. Offer and encourage early review (of efficacy and AEs) of patients on antimuscarinic medication for urge urinary incontinence (G30 d) When prescribing antimuscarinic drugs to elderly patients, be aware of the risk of cognitive AEs, especially in those receiving cholinesterase inhibitors. Avoid using oxybutynin IR in patients who are at risk of cognitive dysfunction. Consider use of trospium chloride in patients known to have cognitive dysfunction. Use antimuscarinic drugs with caution in patients with cognitive dysfunction. Do an objective assessment of mental function before treating patients whose cognitive function may be at risk. Check mental function in patients on antimuscarinic medication if they are at risk of cognitive dysfunction. GR A A B A C A B B C C *From EAU Guidelines on Urinary Incontinence, edition presented at the 27th EAU Annual Congress, Milan 2013. ISBN 978-90-79754-71-7. 192 * 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery & Volume 20, Number 4, July/August 2014 TABLE 7A. Solifenacin Costs Overview Drug Name Active Ingredient VESIcare Solifenacin succinate Pharmacological Treatment of UI TABLE 8A. Tolterodine Costs Overview Prices for 30 d of Treatment Dose 5Y10 mg q.d.; $70.23 (5 mg) swallowed whole $70.62 (10 mg) with water TABLE 7B. Efficacy and Safety of Solifenacin* Conclusion SoE & Increased continence rates and greater benefits with the higher dose in women with urgency and mixed UI & Increased risk for dry mouth, constipation, and blurred vision; 10 mg increased the risk for severe dry mouth and constipation & Resulted in treatment discontinuation due to AEs more often than did placebo High High Drug Name Active Ingredient Detrol LA 2 mg (IR) Tolterodine tartrate 2Y4 mg q.d.; swallowed whole with liquid Detrol LA Tolterodine 4 mg q.d.; 4 mg (IR) tartrate swallowed whole with liquid Detrusitol Tolterodine 4 mg q.d.; XL 4 mg tartrate swallowed whole with liquid Tolterodine Tolterodine 2Y4 mg q.d.; tartrate 2 mg tartrate swallowed whole with liquid Tolterodine Tolterodine 4 mg q.d.; tartrate 4 mg tartrate swallowed whole with liquid Darifenacin Darifenacin is a tertiary amine with a long half-life. It has moderate lipophilicity and is a highly selective M3 receptor antagonist which has been found to have a 5-fold higher affinity for the human M3 receptor, compared to the M1 receptor (Table 10a).56 Its efficacy has been investigated in a multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study which enrolled 561 patients with symptoms of OAB.57 It is available for TABLE 7C. Prevalence of AEs of Solifenacin Compared With Placebo (Modified)* *Adapted from Shamliyan et al.31 * 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ,$87 ,$29 (for 2 mg) ,$32.33 Conclusion SoE & Increased continence rates and improved UI & Improved QoL & AEs, including autonomic nervous system disorders, abdominal pain, dry mouth, dyspepsia, and fatigue, were significantly more common in women taking tolterodine & Discontinuation of the treatment and stopping the treatment because of AEs did not differ compared with placebo High Low High RA, % RC, % 27.7 21 3 4 11 5 3 2.4 1.5 30.1 5 2 4 3 4 4 0.8 1.3 High *Adapted from Shamliyan et al.31 oral intake. Significant decreases in frequency and severity of urgency, micturition frequency, and number of incontinence episodes were also observed, along with an increase in bladder capacity. Darifenacin was well tolerated. The incidence of CNS TABLE 8C. Prevalence of AEs of Tolterodine Compared With Placebo (Modified)* AE Treatment failure Dry mouth Dizziness Blurred vision Constipation Discontinuation: AEs Headache Urine retention Discontinuation: treatment failure ,$80.89 TABLE 8B. Efficacy and Safety of Tolterodine* trospium seems not to be better than oxybutynin in terms of efficacy.51Y55 It is available in oral IR and XR formulations. A comparison that might benefit from further research is the evaluation of trospium versus oxybutynin or tolterodine in terms of safety. Because trospium is a quaternary amine and oxybutynin and tolterodine are tertiary amines, we could expect less neurological AEs in patients with cognitive impairment. Patients already on multiple medications could benefit from this compound because of its low metabolism by liver enzymes (Tables 9b and 9c). & & & & & & & & & ,$77 (for 2 mg) High *Adapted from Shamliyan et al.31 AE Price for 30 d of Treatment Dose & & & & & & & & & & & & & General body disorders Treatment failure Dry mouth Autonomic nervous system disorder Blurred vision Constipation Discontinuation: AEs Headache Urine tract infection Discontinuation: treatment failure Nasopharyngitis Diarrhea Serious AEs RA, % RC ,% 22.3 9 18.4 27.2 1.3 4 4 4 2 0.7 3 2 1.8 18 16 6.7 15.5 3 3 3 4 3 1.6 3 2 3.1 *Adapted from Shamliyan et al.31 193 Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery Cipullo et al & Volume 20, Number 4, July/August 2014 TABLE 9A. Trospium Costs Overview Drug Name Active Ingredient Dose Sanctura (IR) (20 mg) Trospium chloride Sanctura XR (60 mg) Trospium chloride Trospium chloride (20 mg) Trospium chloride Trospium chloride (60 mg) Trospium chloride 20 mg b.i.d., at least 1 h before meals or on empty stomach 60 mg q.d. in morning, at least 1 h before breakfast, with water or on empty stomach 20 mg b.i.d., at least 1 h before meals or on empty stomach 60 mg q.d. in the morning, at least 1 h before breakfast, with water or on empty stomach TABLE 9B. Efficacy and Safety of Trospium* Conclusion SoE & Increased continence rates & Dry mouth, dry eye, dry skin, and constipation occurred more often than with placebo & AEs resulted in treatment discontinuation more often than did placebo High Moderate High *Adapted from Shamliyan et al.31 and cardiovascular adverse events were comparable to placebo (Tables 10b and 10c).58 Fesoterodine Price for 30 d of Treatment ,$88 ,$96.42 ,$69.45 ,$39 leakage episodes. Patients taking fesoterodine had higher risk of withdrawal due to adverse events. Fesoterodine, 8 mg daily, is more effective than tolterodine ER, 4 mg daily, for the cure and the improvement of UUI (Tables 11b, 11c, and 11d).41 Atropine Sulfate Drug Name: Levsin Derived from the plant Atropa belladonna, this is the prototype of all antimuscarinic agents.33 It is rarely used for the treatment of OAB/DO because of its systemic AEs, which preclude its use as an oral treatment. However, in patients with neurogenic DO (NDO), intravesical atropine may be effective for increasing bladder capacity without causing any systemic AEs, as shown in open pilot trials.60Y64 Sublingual form may have fewer AEs, whereas intravescical form may be effective without AEs.33 Propantheline Bromide Drug Name: Pro-Banthine Fesoterodine is a new and novel derivative of 3,3diphenylpropyl-amine. Fesoterodine is a competitive muscarinic receptor antagonist (Table 11a).59 After oral administration, the compound is rapidly hydrolyzed in its active metabolite, 5-hydroxymethyl tolterodine (5-HMT), which is responsible for the antimuscarinic activity of the drug and has the same activity as tolterodine. T1/2 = 7Y8 hours [approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of OAB]. The lipophilicity and permeability across biological membranes has been shown to be considerably lower for 5-HMT as compared to tolterodine, and 5-HMT formation from fesoterodine by the ubiquitous nonspecific esterases is more consistent.60 The efficacy of fesoterodine versus ER tolterodine has been evaluated in 3 trials, later included in a recent Cochrane review36: fesoterodine was superior to tolterodine in terms of reduction of urgency episodes, frequency, and It is a quaternary ammonium compound with a nonselective antimuscarinic action. It has a low (5%Y10%) and individually varying biological availability. After metabolization has occurred, TABLE 9C. Prevalence of AEs of Trospium Compared With Placebo (Modified)* TABLE 10B. Efficacy and Safety of Darifenacin* AE & & & & & & & Dry mouth Diarrhea Central nervous system disorders Constipation Discontinuation: AEs Headache Urinary tract infections *Adapted from Shamliyan et al.31 194 RA, % RC, % 15.1 2.5 3.9 9.3 5.8 3.3 2.6 4.5 4 3.8 2.6 3.9 3.5 1.3 TABLE 10A. Darifenacin Costs Overview Drug Name Active Ingredient Dose Price for 30 d of Treatment Enablex ER Darifenacin 7.5Y15 mg q.d.; (7.5 mg) hydrobromide swallowed whole (15 mg) with liquid; should not be chewed, divided, or crushed $84.62 (7.5 mg) $84.64 (15 mg) Conclusion SoE & At 7.5 and 15 mg, improved urgency UI and several domains of QoL when compared with placebo & Caused AEs more often than did placebo; among examined AEs, darifenacin increased rates of constipation, dry mouth, dyspepsia, and headache & Higher dosage (30 mg/d) did not result in better benefits but caused greater rates of AEs & Treatment discontinuation rates due to AEs were the same with darifenacin and placebo High Moderate High High *Adapted from Shamliyan et al.31 * 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery & Volume 20, Number 4, July/August 2014 Pharmacological Treatment of UI TABLE 10C. Prevalence of AEs of Darifenacin Compared With Placebo (Modified)* TABLE 11C. Prevalence of AEs of Fesoterodine Compared With Placebo (Modified)* AE AE RA, % & & & & & & & & & & & & & 4 27 5.7 7 11 6 2 2.1 2 2.5 2 3.7 2 & & & & & & & Dry mouth Constipation Discontinuation: AEs Dyspepsia Urinary tract infection Serious AEs Discontinuation: treatment failure RA, % Pl, % 22 14.6 4.6 4.4 2.9 1.2 1 5.6 5.7 3.3 1.3 2.3 2.1 1.7 *Adapted from Shamliyan et al.31 Pl indicates placebo. TABLE 11A. Fesoterodine Costs Overview Drug Name Active Ingredient Dose Treatment failure Dry mouth Influenza-like symptoms Headache Constipation Discontinuation: AEs Discontinuation: treatment failure Back pain Upper respiratory tract infection Nasopharyngitis Nausea Abdominal pain Urinary tract infection RC, % 8 7 8 6 3 3 3 3 3.5 3.3 3.1 2.7 2 *Adapted from Shamliyan et al.31 Price for 30 d of Treatment $90.57 (4 and 8 mg) treatment option for women affected by nonneurogenic voiding dysfunction.70 its metabolites remain inactive.65 The effect of propantheline on OAB/DO has not been well documented in controlled trials satisfying current standards; it can be considered effective, and may, in individually titrated doses, be clinically useful.7 A-Adrenoceptors have been previously treated. The exact mechanism of signaling pathway involving this class of drugs at the urothelium level has to be clarified. Several studies conducted in vitro and in vivo have shown a myorelaxant effect of A-AR agonists; however, role of the A3-AR agonists remains to be elucidated.7 A number of A3-AR selective agonists, including solabegron (phase II), are currently being evaluated as potential treatments for OAB in humans. Toviaz ER Fesoterodine 4Y8 mg q.d.; swallowed (4 mg) fumarate whole with liquid; (8 mg) should not be chewed, divided, or crushed A-AR AGONISTS >-ADRENERGIC ANTAGONISTS Mirabegron Their mechanism of action is urethral sphincter tone increase. So far, there are no controlled clinical trials showing that >-adrenergic antagonist is an effective alternative in the treatment of OAB/DO.7 A randomized controlled trial (RCT), comprising 364 women with OAB, revealed no effect of tamsulosin versus placebo.66 On the other hand, voiding symptoms in women with functional outflow obstruction, or lower urinary tract symptoms, were successfully treated with an >1-AR antagonist.67,68 In women, these drugs may produce stress incontinence due to their >-lytic mechanism.69 Tamsulosin demonstrated effectiveness in female patients with voiding dysfunction, independently of the obstruction grade. A recent study on >1-AR antagonists offers an initial In June 28, 2012, the FDA approved Myrbetriq (mirabegron, hitherto known as YM-178) to treat adults with OAB/UUI. Myrbetriq relaxes the detrusor smooth muscle during filling by activation of A3-ARs, increasing bladder capacity (Table 12a).71,72 Its safety and efficacy were demonstrated in 3 double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter clinical trials (Table 12b).70 Recommended starting dose is 25 mg once daily; 25 mg is effective within 8 weeks.72 In a study by Nitti et al,73 1329 patients were randomized to receive placebo, mirabegron 50 mg, or 100 mg once daily for 12 weeks. At the final visit, mirabegron 50 and 100 mg showed statistically significant improvements in efficacy and mean volume voided/micturition compared with placebo. Chapple et al74 compared the long-term administration safety and efficacy of mirabegron 50 and 100 mg and tolterodine TABLE 11B. Efficacy and Safety of Fesoterodine* Conclusion SoE TABLE 11D. Comparative Effectiveness and Safety* & & & & Low High Low High Head to Head Increased continence rate when compared with placebo Improved urgency UI and better response with 8 vs 4 mg Improved QoL Resulted in higher rates of AEs and discontinuation of the treatments due to AEs; AEs were more common with 8 than 4 mg *Adapted from Shamliyan et al.31 * 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins SoE Fesoterodine vs tolterodine Greater rates of continence Greater rates of reduced UI Greater rate of treatment discontinuation due to AEs Low High Moderate *Adapted from Shamliyan et al.31 195 Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery Cipullo et al TABLE 12A. Mirabegron Costs Overview Drug Name Active Ingredient Dose Myrbetriq Mirabegron 25 mg q.d.; swallow 25 mg whole with water, with or without food Myrbetriq Mirabegron 50 mg q.d.; swallow 50 mg whole with water, with or without food & Volume 20, Number 4, July/August 2014 TABLE 12C. Prevalence of AEs of Mirabegron 50 mg, 100 mg Compared With Placebo (Modified)* Price for 30 d of Treatment ,$240.99 ,$240.99 in a 12-month, 3-arm, parallel-group study (with no placebo arm). Both mirabegron and tolterodine improved key OAB symptoms from the first measurement after 4 weeks, and effectiveness was maintained throughout the 12-month treatment period. Van Kerrebroeck et al75 have demonstrated a significant reduction of incontinence episodes and micturition frequency. In patients with severe renal impairment or with moderate hepatic dysfunction, maximum dose is 25 mg once daily. In patients with end-stage renal disease or with severe hepatic impairment, the use of this drug is not recommended. In pregnancy, it can be used only if the benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk of the fetus. Myrbetriq is not recommended in breast-feeding mothers because it is excreted in human milk. In a proof-of-concept study of mirabegron 100 and 150 mg twice daily,76 AEs were reported by 45.2% of patients, and the incidence was similar among those treated with placebo (43.2%) and mirabegron (43.8%Y47.9%). The most commonly reported AEs were treatment-related gastrointestinal disorders, including constipation, dry mouth, dyspepsia, and nausea. There was no patient-reported acute retention. In a study reported by Khullar et al,77 the incidence of AEs was similar across the placebo, mirabegron 50 and 100 mg groups (50.1%, 51.6%, and 46.9%, respectively; Table 12c). Comparative studies with tolterodine,78,79 shown in Table 12d, were also carried out. NEUROTOXINS Botulinum Botulinum toxin (BONT onabotulinumtoxinA) is a neurotoxin produced by Clostridium botulinum (Table 13). Uninhibited urinary bladder contractions in people with some neurological conditions can lead to the inability to store urine. The treatment consists of Botox injection into the bladder that induces detrusor relaxation, an increase in its storage capacity, and a decrease in UI.80 In 2011 the FDA approved Botox injections to treat UI in people with neurologic conditions, such as spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis, experiencing OAB. Observational studies are currently in progress with the aim to assess Botox efficacy and safety in neurogenic treatment in patients affected by Parkinson disease, and to assess risks and AE RA 50 mg, % RA 100 mg, % RC, % Hypertension Urinary tract infection Headache Nasopharyngitis Dry mouth Constipation 6.1 2.7 3.2 3.4 2.8 1.6 TABLE 12D. Comparative Effectiveness Head to Head Mirabegron vs tolterodine: The incidence and severity of treatment-emergent serious AEs (primary outcome parameters) were similar across the mirabegron 50 mg (59.7%), mirabegron 100 mg (61.3%), and tolterodine sustained-release 4 mg (62.6%) groups.76 During 12 mo of treatment, 2.8% of mirabegron 50 mg once daily recipients reported dry mouth compared with 8.6% with tolterodine ER 4 mg once daily recipients.77 On the basis of descriptive analyses from a 12-mo trial, once-daily mirabegron 50 mg and tolterodine ER 4 mg were both efficacious in reducing urinary symptoms and improving health-related QoL.77 benefits of its long-term use for OAB/UUI treatment.81Y83 The recommended dose is 200 U of BOTOX per treatment, and should not be exceeded. Adverse effects are urinary tract infections and retention. Vanilloid Receptors Agonist These receptors are present on the afferent sensory neurons innervating detrusor and urethra. The rationale for intravesical vanilloid agonist application in patients with DO was offered by the demonstration that capsaicin, after bladder C-fiber desensitization, suppresses involuntary detrusor contractions dependent upon a sacral micturition reflex.84 The C-fiber micturition reflex is usually inactive but it was shown that it is enhanced in patients with chronic spinal-cord lesions above sacral segments and in those with chronic bladder outlet obstruction.85 Capsaicin Capsaicin has been used for intravescical instillation in patients affected by NDO.7,33 Capsaicin suppresses involuntary detrusor contractions after chronic spinal cord lesions above TABLE 13. Botulinum Costs Overview Conclusion Drug Name 196 6.6 1.8 2 2.9 2.6 1.4 *Adapted from Khullar et al.77 TABLE 12B. Efficacy and Safety of Mirabegron Mirabegron caused a statistically significant improvement from baseline compared with placebo in the numbers of urgency incontinence episodes and micturitions per 24 h.73 Mirabegron 25 and 50 mg, both doses were associated with significant improvements in efficacy measures of incontinence episodes and micturition frequency.75 4.9 3.7 3 2.5 2.8 1.6 Active Ingredient Dose OnabotulinumtoxinA Total dose 200 U, Botox 200UNT as 1 mL (~6.7 U) injections across 30 sites into the detrusor Price for a Single Dose $939.20 * 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery & Volume 20, Number 4, July/August 2014 TABLE 14. Drugs Used for SUI Treatment (Modified)* Drug Duloxetine Midodrine Clenbuterol Estrogen Methoxantine Imipramine Ephedrine Norephedrine (phenylpropanolamine) Pharmacological Treatment of UI TABLE 15B. Efficacy and Safety of Duloxetine* LoE GoR 1 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 B C C D D D D D *From Thüroff et al5 and Andersson et al.7 GoR indicates grade of recommendation; LoE, level of evidence. sacral segments. Intravesical capsaicin for NDO was studied in 6 noncontrolled and 1 controlled clinical trials. After capsaicin has been dissolved in 30% alcohol and 100 to 125 mL of sterile water, 1 to 2 mM are instilled into the bladder and left in contact with the mucosa for 30 minutes. The pungency of alcoholic capsaicin solutions has prevented the widespread use of this compound.7 In the single randomized study comparing the capsaicin solution against the use of 30% ethanol, a significant reduction of urge incontinence was found. The pungency of alcoholic capsaicin solutions has prevented the widespread use of this compound. Conclusion The mean IEF at baseline was 12.50 (2.2), and 9.02 (1.3), 7.50 (0.9), 6.02 (0.86) at the end of 1, 2, and 3 mo of treatment with duloxetine, respectively. This shows that there was a statistically significant reduction in the incontinence episode frequency (IEF) at the end of each month when compared to the baseline. Statistical reduction in the IEF at the end of 1 mo. In patients not responding to treatment, the mean IEF at baseline was 13.10 (2.96) and 12.90 (2.88) at the end of 1 mo of treatment with duloxetine. There was a decrease of 30% in first month, around 40% to 45% at the end of second month and over 50% decrease in IEF in third month. *Adapted from Deepak et al.92 such as >1-AR agonists, estrogens, and tricyclic antidepressants have all been used anecdotally in the past for the treatment of stress incontinence, duloxetine is the first drug to be specifically developed and licensed for this indication.38 Drugs used for SUI are shown in Table 14. ANTIDEPRESSANT Selective Norepinephrine and Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors Duloxetine Resiniferatoxin This compound, derived from the cactus-like plant Euphorbia, is 1000 times more potent, but much less pungent, than capsaicin.7,33 Different resiniferatoxin (RTX) concentrations, 10 nM, 50 nM, 100 nM, and 10 KM, were tested. Resiniferatoxin brought a rapid improvement or disappearance of UI in up to 80% of the selected patients and a 30% decrease in their daily urinary frequency.86 Furthermore, RTX also increased the volume to first detrusor contraction and the maximal cystometric capacity. In general, in patients receiving 50- to 100-nM RTX, the effect was long-lasting, with a duration of more than 6 months being reported. In patients treated with 10-KM doses, transient urinary retention may occur.87 Currently, new experimental tests are in progress to test its safety and efficacy. Duloxetine (Cymbalta) is a potent and balanced serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor (Table 15a).88 T1/2 = 12 hours. Its elimination is mainly through hepatic metabolism. Its ability to stimulate the pudendal motoneurons (target: Onuf’s nucleus, in the sacral spinal cord) and to increase striated urethral sphincter contractility is thought to be the basis for its efficacy in women with SUI. Dmochowski et al89 randomized 683 women, 22 to 84 years old, to duloxetine or placebo. There was a significant decrease in incontinence episode frequency with duloxetine compared with placebo (50% vs 27%, P, 0.001), with comparably significant improvements in QoL (11.0 vs 6.8, P, 0.001). Duloxetine has been approved for the treatment of SUI in Europe, although the FDA PHARMACOLOGICAL TREATMENT OF SUI Stress urinary incontinence is defined as an involuntary loss of urine on effort or physical exertion (or on sneezing or coughing)7 associated with increased intra-abdominal pressure (stress test), in the absence of a detrusor contraction.31 Although various agents TABLE 15A. Duloxetine Costs Overview Drug Name Cymbalta Cap Oral 20 mg Cymbalta Cap Oral 40 mg Duloxetine 20 mg Duloxetine 40 mg Active Ingredient Dose Price for 30 d of Treatment Duloxetine 40 mg b.i.d. ,$218.55 Duloxetine 40 mg b.i.d. ,$132.84 Duloxetine 40 mg b.i.d. ,$67.18 Duloxetine 40 mg b.i.d. ,$50.99 * 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins TABLE 15C. Prevalence of AEs of Duloxetine Compared With Placebo (Modified)* AE & & & & & & & & & & & & Nausea Headache Insomnia Constipation Dry mouth Dizziness Fatigue Somnolence Anorexia Vomiting Increased sweating Discontinuation of AEs RA, % RC, % 25.1 14.5 13.7 12.8 12.3 11 10.1 8.4 6.6 6.2 5.7 91 3.9 8.7 2.6 1.7 1.7 2.6 3.5 0 0 1.7 0.9 *Adapted from Millard et al.93 197 Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery Cipullo et al TABLE 16A. Imipramine Costs Overview Drug Name Active Ingredient Tofranil CAP 25 mg Tofranil CAP 50 mg Tofranil CAP 75 mg Imipramine pamoate Imipramine pamoate Imipramine pamoate Dose Price for Package 25Y75 mg q.h.s. ,$17 (for 25 mg or b.i.d. q.h.s.) 25Y75 mg q.h.s. $25.50 (for 50 or b.i.d. mg q.h.s.) 25Y75 mg q.h.s. $36.50 (for 75 or b.i.d. mg q.h.s.) & Volume 20, Number 4, July/August 2014 cause the relative AEs. Several researchers have found a significant effect in the treatment of patients with DO96 although others report little effect.97 It may be used to treat SUI or mixed incontinence. In the light of this evidence and the serious AEs associated with tricyclic antidepressants, their role in DO remains of uncertain benefit, although they are often useful in patients complaining of nocturia or bladder pain.38 It has been known for a long time that imipramine can have favorable effects in the treatment of nocturnal enuresis in children, with a success rate of 10% to 70% in controlled trials.98,99 Adverse effects are shown in Table 16b. q.h.s. indicates every day at hours of sleep. has not approved it for this purpose. Liver toxicity and suicidal events represent a great concern. However, an observation study from Michel et al90 has shown that women with SUI treated with duloxetine doses lower than recommended reported a low incidence of AEs and suicide attempts were not reported. Cymbalta was first used to treat major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. Subsequently, FDA approved Cymbalta to treat chronic musculoskeletal pain, including discomfort from osteoarthritis, chronic lower back pain, and fibromyalgia, but failed the US approval for SUI amid concerns over liver toxicity and suicidal events, whereas it was approved for this indication in Europe, where it is recommended as an add-on medication instead of surgery. The efficacy and safety of duloxetine (20, 40, and 80 mg; Table 15b) for treatment of SUI has been evaluated in a study by Norton et al,91 that involved 48 centers in the United States, including 553 women with SUI, and Deepak et al.92 Duloxetine was associated with a significant dose-dependent decrease in incontinence episode frequency; reductions were 41% for placebo and 54%, 59%, and 64% for the 20-, 40-, and 80-mg groups, respectively. Discontinuation rates were also dose dependent; 5% for placebo and 9%, 12%, and 15% of 20, 40, and 80 mg, respectively.93 Nausea is the most frequently reported AE. There was a significant decrease in incontinence episode frequency and improvement in QoL in those women taking duloxetine 40 mg o.d. when compared to placebo.38 Escalating the dose upon initiation of the treatment has been shown to reduce the frequency of AEs.94 From the whole group, 20% of patients cancelled surgery after 2 months on duloxetine. The main adverse event was nausea, ranging from 23% to 25%. In these 6 trials, the percentage of withdrawals due to AEs resulted to be 17% in the drug group compared to 4% in the placebo arm.7 The most frequent AEs are reported in Table 15c. Dysphoric mood, irritability, agitation, paresthesias, anxiety, confusion, emotional lability, hypomania, and tinnitus are generally self-limiting; some have been reported to be severe. In a systematic review performed to assess duloxetine safety and tolerability for SUI, no case of suicide has been reported.95 An observational study on the same subject including 3233 women did not report any case of suicide during the treatment.90 Tricyclic Antidepressants Imipramine Imipramine is a tertiary amine of the tricyclic antidepressant group; its mechanism of action is norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake inhibition and it is thought to improve contraction of the urethral smooth muscle (Table 16a).2 This drug is derived from chlorpromazine, so it has the same blocking effects on muscarinic (M1), adrenergic, and histaminergic receptors, that 198 >-Adrenergic Agonists Several drugs with agonistic effects on >-ARs have been used in the treatment of SUI. However, ephedrine and norephedrine (phenylpropanolamine) seem to have been the most widely used.100 There was weak evidence to suggest that use of an adrenergic agonist was better than placebo treatment.7 The limited evidence suggested that such drugs were better than placebo in reducing the number of pad changes and incontinence episodes, and in improving subjective symptoms. Phenylpropanolamine, clonidine (Catapres), ephedrine, and pseudoephedrine belong to this category. >-Adrenergic agonists are not selective for bladder receptors: they are not recommended in people with glaucoma, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, heart disease, or high blood pressure. The selective >1-AR agonist midodrine is approved for SUI in Portugal.101 Phenylpropanolamine Phenylpropanolamine is a nonselective >-ARs agonist which is capable to bind A-adrenergic receptors and enhances release of NE by presynaptic neurons.33 This drug can be effective in patients with mid-SUI, but it is no longer dispensed in the United States because of the AEs reported later. Phenylpropanolamine is approved in Finland for the treatment of SUI.101 Adverse effects are as follows: cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension, insomnia, headache, tremor, anxiety, and stroke (in women taking appetite suppressants). A-AR Antagonists A-Adrenoceptor antagonists inhibit urethral A-ARs and this may increase noradrenaline action on the urethral >-ARs.7 Propranolol has been reported to have beneficial effects in the TABLE 16B. AEs of Imipramine* & & & & & & & & & & & & & Peripheral antimuscarinic effects Orthostatic hypotension Hypertension Blurred vision Tinnitus Rush Headache Palpitation Dry mouth Dizziness Drowsiness Tachycardia Urinary retention *Adapted from Kanai et al.9 * 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery & Volume 20, Number 4, July/August 2014 Pharmacological Treatment of UI treatment of stress incontinence102,103 but no RCTs to support this action is present in literature. TABLE 18. Vagifem Costs Overview A-AR Agonists Drug Name A-Adrenoceptor stimulation is generally conceded to decrease urethral pressure,104 but A2-AR agonists have been reported to have a different action on fast- and slow-contracting skeletal muscle contractility.105 Clenbuterol, a selective A2-AR agonist, is approved for the treatment of SUI in Japan.106 PHARMACOTHERAPY OF MIXED INCONTINENCE The optimum treatment of mixed urinary incontinence (MUI) may often require multiple treatment modalities. One should treat most bothersome symptoms first.5 Behavioral therapy and lifestyle modification, such as moderate weight loss and caffeine reduction, should be considered first-line options for all women with MUI. Pharmacological treatment of the urge component with antimuscarinics is effective. The addition of pelvic floor muscle therapy may have an additional benefic effect. Often a surgical procedure for the incontinence stress component significantly improves both symptoms. Anti-incontinence surgery may have a positive impact on both the stress and the urge components of MUI; however, it seems that women with MUI may have lower cure rates compared to women with pure SUI. If the initial pharmacological approach fails, consider the use of botulinum toxin or neuromodulation. HORMONAL TREATMENT OF UI Desmopressin Desmopressin (Table 17) is a synthetic analog of vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone). Desmopressin (DDVAP) was found to be well tolerated and resulted in a significant improvement compared to placebo in reducing nocturnal voids/UI and increasing the hours of undisturbed sleep.5 Studies are in progress to test if desmopressin improves nocturnal enuresis in patients after radical cystectomy with bladder reconstruction, and the impact on sleep and daytime functioning. The drug is available in a range of formulations: intranasal solution (spray), injectable solution, tablets and, most recently, an oral lyophilisate. Intranasal and oral formulations are generally well tolerated, and AEs are usually minor. Usual adult dose, in oral formulations, is 0.2 to 0.6 mg every day at hours of sleep. One of the most feared AEs (although rare) is hyponatremia. However, precautions in prescribing desmopressin for this condition and compliance monitoring will help prevent this complication. Adverse effects are as follows: dizziness, headache, mood change, Active Ingredient Price for 30 d of Treatment Dose Vagifem 17A-estradiol 1 tablet q.d. for 2 wk, 10 mcg followed by 1 tablet twice weekly Vagifem 17A-estradiol 1 tablet q.d. for 2 wk, 25 mcg followed by 1 tablet twice weekly ,$70.49 ,$40.79 vomiting, weakness, loss of appetite, feeling restless or irritable, confusion, and hallucinations. Estrogens Bladder, urethra, and pelvic floor estrogen sensibility plays an important role in the continence mechanism (Table 18).7 Many studies have shown that oral estrogen replacement, alone or combined with a progesterone, has poor results in terms of continence. In the women health initiative study, HRT was found to increase the incidence of all types of UI at 1 year in those women continent at baseline. The most recent metaanalysis on the effects of estrogen therapy on the lower urinary tract showed that overall systemic administration resulted in worse incontinence than that of placebo.107 The use of local estrogen therapy may improve incontinence (RR, 0.74; 95% CI, 0.64Y0.86), reducing frequency and urgency.107 The subjective improvement in symptoms may simply represent local estrogenic effects reversing urogenital atrophy rather than a direct effect on bladder function. Reliable data are too scant to suggest the dose, type of estrogens, and route of administration. PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS Conclusively, considering the similar pharmacological profile of the different drugs used for the UUI treatment, we suggest starting with instant release form of antimuscarinic drugs. Darifenacin, solifenacin and tolterodine seem to offer a good bioavailability and efficacy with acceptable AEs. Assessment of efficacy and AEs of the treatment within 30 days from the beginning of the therapy is mandatory. Specific caution must be taken when using instant release oxybutynin in patient with cognitive dysfunction. Consider use of transdermal oxybutynin in those patients experiencing dry mouth. Regarding the use of duloxetine for SUI, the FDA has not given approval for this purpose. However, use of duloxetine in the daily practice with doses lower then recommended has shown a low incidence of AEs with a significant decrease in incontinence episode frequency and improvement in QoL. SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH The following classes of drugs need to be investigated to find out if they could be helpful in the treatment of any form of incontinence: TABLE 17. Desmopressin Costs Overview Drug Name Active Ingredient DDAVP Desmopressin 60 mcg melt acetate Minirin 0.2 mg Desmopressin acetate Desmopressin Desmopressin 0.2 mg acetate Desmopressin Desmopressin 60 mcg acetate * 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Dose 20Y60 mcg q.h.s. 0.2Y0.6 mg q.h.s. 0.2Y0.6 mg q.h.s. 20Y60 mcg q.h.s. Price for 30 d of Treatment ,$72.98 (for 60 mcg) ,$149 (for 0.2 mg) ,$123.28 (for 0.6 mcg) ,$80 (for 60 mcg) - Solabegron (A3-adrenergic agonist): phase II; Cizolirtine citrate (antimuscarinic agent): phase II; Tramadol (K-receptor agonist): off-label; Gabapentin: off-label; Aprepitant (neurokinin-1 receptor antagonist): off-label REFERENCES 1. Rortveit G, Hunskaar S. Urinary incontinence and age at the first and last delivery: the Norwegian HUNT/EPINCONT study. 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