WM Paper 2
WM Paper 2
f rr\ -4^ Ya [ | - , Dar 6rur^^r e'rf)te*:Sitn' tPl< IE- I - / / th z'n{' pti'l€ts LtY' fi ttY aY nt't n'a'fuel MeasureBoltzmann's ConstantUsinga Diode,/ \'/ =rrr- George C. Zhang F,xn'&in-y Abstraqt Fnrst r tll]{istv?t. /)Ftt'peuf;cfufirmtt';e EtllrLJ Fin e c*t'i u c-o&& tnlrp in#ym,alr., t\a-^4r* ln6re e^''g'l ' ';l 1";d ;'t;;;;';de,the .,,...n$FP,i?a'oaffi;,orr^g@n"aioa" u." (r:, !:a,# Al'tY, # 1:n1ty"1x';*lv( measire,iin order,o ."rHil#Jot,r.n"nn's consta#/Asa resuh,the measured / /l'laj u<' fu c ,n 'g'wc-tc'n€le f^ ': Wu j""A Boltznrann Boltznrann constantis (1.380 constant (1.380-+ * 0.006)x1 - ' - - " / " 0-23 0.006)x1g-23t t /g /K,. wruyq Vilttdgv Intrq'iuctill c.,' ,,lcr, *{ 9to;t-8nra' ' (alt,< wyt,it \ 5 / t a t k b r 4' f f i I 'E'ft*"'t . ,i ;:1 \,/ 8"lrJ{fr+t A diorl,:is a two-terminalcircuitelementthat minimizescurrentflow in one WfuU I directigl Eloltzmann'sconstant is an important physical constant that relates Vvlti't energ)at tt e individualparticlelevelwith temperatqndIn 19 1949,William Shockley ly_ T/-r 6-B \,/ \ st?tg,qhis diodeequationthat relatesthu 4jElg.EIUfSnfl of ti {$qggJrffi{: IJoltzmann's c-onstant. T/iisrelationship is thediode/ - Z \'\\-\\ 6jtrapa6'ssisti€;lrl .>) whclr '\ ffind (urPt<': n Fc n,tva rv 'fl/,rIJA , 4t:froJs". on,f, i,'X.a'( rot, fr/tie fu,6 oh/l"iliot{t e at€ r,o+ e -Bj*rftg lv u,'fu/ f uY €f k,:t{,r,t " 'fit t,,^6. rw A((AL'kI" t c'nnt** " r ". cr, ,r r,,. .r...n, ,h;"r;; thediode,/,fr*A 1oisthereverse saturation curreng tatt l/ u^e v.Xp b,t,, ,"tl;4k- t'11 I/ is flrevoltageacrossrhediodgr,," ,/ e is themagnitude -ofchargeaf}$1g ,yy#ri. ftheetemen it fto'fsrBoltzmann'sconsra?z' (*t i ttre .1't''at6t'ta4/5 f is the absolutetemperatureoF#ffin, '#a diorlo1 iSlte,gt^t- WJ*, -*EEc, HN h*,1 '7 t.e measure Boltzmann'sctnstant through a diode, We describehow to linear.$zc thc Shockle,Orf"jr,ation.^Finally,we discussthesignificant of our measuremenr.,/ Merhad . I r _, Ggtt4 ' lt ; sf'ttt,'l +o a/p@^ *14' oluY,< W W t"fno ''ffiPaawt ' A f(E'*'ur r ..L ^..-;/a - 1 ydu ' W!n0'/' )t'i/n[LL(r71. r vue tl,ht ttdlj\-' a frs)n, (,) ly f/^!L In this,experiment, assuming th{junction YV*r *- /tu-bsd €8, ev O) ac7p v'v \ of E-$ris a perfect diode".ttrediode voltagcssLfpose to be largeenoug$th.a&,,ctar ))& so thq,ifiormulS canbe simVlifielz 16.rrJ AP@ ky*n S.efryade6,'ssutyfrt/ns. v r=roe#o Lu) r'/ {lt 'fhe di'rde's I - 7 curve is nonlinear as the simplified Shockleydiode equation ]I'r, Ul rahz ut /+ yl* ral* + #1- tlttr i i describes.FIowever,a linear relationshipof tXg1dlg4gqryqlljo the diodevoltage 7 is irtrplicitand describesa*t1l e Inl=lnlo*n;rv, C )), Therefore,Boltzmann's constantis calculated from the abovelinearrelationship . HOrl Plure@ to avo:io{ iistnS ^')^ , ,], 1'hecomponentssuch as a 2N3904transistor ' g5nfilw*"asurement. trr".t*uiii ..,,,n1..:^ ,! ,o'r7hf,un /. / .. lt w';t ^ f r ,.- .L h,) ,/isrrik ,A,v f/.t- fow|/t'4 WlVfr .ua'bJ P*,iole, 9P[;t, oj*tr, li' ii { y:';{:: vlg sI'| #; ;* #.f: '[*'udt+i'w'rcspectivelv' {'*ct*,s /,1124€. PB-503 rtt/tconstructed orpaGlobalSpecialties ,/ ---*J42aC4 " 6it;u*^ W**i;:; ;;il;;;; in /i,tia/r*{ /Aanu'{ 4o f,t P,ttan lqu n6 tt4('0t( " amplifier,a 5.0kO(5Tt+Flresistor,and a 10.0kOlmeZf\esistor are usedin the ||e:::l:,;^"ProtoBoard"circuir "f BAa,gW No.zlwuekiLHpn"Kto" -*, !-on,a LF356 7 '*tn'va"-b" eaot' to"pdna"'#s? t 2 t' /ilwurq" al;tvo(, (mt"u"t' refv{tu ,"'riir I nI cr\nnt' NIc:t- *s=*fl+ 5111F 5ko r 10ko r t tzax+ \-7 +15V L E zrulgo+ Potentiometer 1kn II VoltmeterA / VoltmeterB { ano(#,2 W +^,4 Tg*!Bc. iI where 76 is the potential at Point B, Rroozris the actual resistanceof a 10.0kCl(1 In orderto calculatlgg@$gr.Stanford Research SR715LCRMetermeasures the actual tt0*Rre si stancetaafi}9-9 940 ! 0,00 1B Ff I the absolute $lz tempbratureoithe diodeis assumedto be room temperaluret{6t is298J + 0.5K.,) ,. -/' \ l ,{ :: i , ! I i'ilr v l,/ t | ' l1w',1 w(4 / ,'t 1., ' 6'tettr+vne4l n . l Duringmeasurements, startingthe potenti alVt at0V,the potential76 shouldbe \ f However' asI/uincreases' ,,ssatur ** ^o'"/' fr;; #:" ;"ffi;,sro*rv b"iuw" Trleeare (ot lhanui'| experimentallymeasuredBoltzmann constant is 1,380x 10-2311rc.ptncethe diodecurrentI andthe diodevoltage7 are implicitly --^--- , r=.-- ,S linearrelated,the slopeis calculatedby MATLABtrydSa.O 475; inaddit*ena{,: Bottzmann's constant isproportional to*"_t:? "t fu -?,,4uK 4P ) lnt nee( r,={{ 0 Pef+t t't Srur Plx 0+ b-'&)rs V Aar€. with the valueof fi wherem is the slopefrom linearregression knT {,U V*ltu-rtLs StouVhu Qian hsPt nrt h/r(s'e. {k-vJ'ut ('h"v( n ' @Ailo,n fiq- met/wct'of e is 1.602x70-1eJ.I3l \ ,ri' . runE,,pt;y .. $fu! Unft l@-fr-sgwe L'n€ar(,t hwe, ono{ ,; ilir relative uncertainty formula is describedas: ,iri) Am W|er 4o ,p AT (;)' + ( r)' n ' A relwvnwslhit'lter fb'a s affMw&,4 constan,{(.OO0* $s aresult,the relativeuncertaintyof measuredBoltzmann's ,n",r4teb,tt,"e to-r3J/K. ,/ Un 6or{a),-{3 \ t\ fot"aaU :{ ri: r: r,.i. , , .,', tllr' j I Ir Vri::*eo V5 ln -x\w-d * 3$.${7tua-.33CSe? ,d*ms0 r{$f Cnflr*S.0&?9Et e* 0 00ssd aA f1 . LotUn frqurc \| L// Itu tcsr E9 Mlil fa coL'l,,l lst* no*M (l'ts o i, ,: i" ;l ,,r,:l nr or,2 or"1 ot/, o6f, o6it oiz I o6rl Uc{fl{t'5 {V) I'fJ i:i*## lfii',U+##-fiH Ti;I;'='J i'nt u tttt=squar*{ee)-is0.999g4, and reducedChi-square (rcs) is ' 69.9412. , / ll CC (s VAI ryb*a ori,PJ l'! v i,'r*o I {itu' cow({;4.t. '' o ;. ;##:.;',:ffi #w*:,;ilT;ru. T"";:*roW1.3B066x1o_}3]/4(pr@rangeofim€$ureo*-o,.,*"nn,, V' ! , **'d;crysi''' "'"Yr;"rraee Wl w\ w\VIOS in,o,,tlil6edoconstant3hadditiffin|y0,43o/oofun..,t"iffiffitheresultsoflinear N llr,rh ,yy^,, nn 4 Qft ,- '/"bj%/e ttlumoin ou{ff:,ttot,sothemeasured Boltzmann's constantis preciseandaccurat". ry@-, -, wen@sssllindicatesthattheLiffi@eddlodswm,6isltrongly L of a perfectdiodeberweenthe T"qI"9the diodevoltage7, sotheassumptions g jundtibnof E-B^na"#)) lforthediodevoltagesar@&g*.nthisexperiment, stuA^''(!-ulhsttw e%;;l i";;ffi""^;';;''g)n,n'4 '" vlLhr%4 (,V, T,be#-, gurrnwe,{'9 vtsiy f/Apga l 1::,. it.:i af t'*l <<| mwtts wv,re*oln-kl I r.:.. 'I I Becqg,$e of ror variances,reduced Chi-squareis much larger thafr,: .;i ] r 1 -,r, ,, i eatu$slan i,r.. e current through a diode and the voltage acrossa diode,the linearized diodecurrentis stronglycorrelatedto the diodevoltagelffihermore, Boltzmann's constantis WgffiWgim b& the slopeof that corretration. The experimentally / '/r with 680/0.ffi"n... measuredBoltzmann's constantis (1.380+ 0.006)x1O-zt11K (" 4l- ur1//rl?n, yla'1x- yp'?@* i'l . ,.i,tts' r I :,,'l t^6hft h4,v< lBA.r,/r*+f trl ho,',t I 1i{ i.},'i /) ^Urr WIL& arc- Vl-" f"[w(& full l v0/b5 , 4--F 2- a#ufi"a 6 l! a c4ie r,€/dz6 References R., Roller, D.8., Flum, Physics VolumeTwo:Electricity,magnetism,aryd / [1] [1982) light.HoldenDay.,SanFrancisco, CA. V Man, W., 49A: Advanced LabT: Manual and Blend,R., supplerhentaty [2013)."Ph [2] information"., SanFranciscoStateUniversity,,SanFrancisco,CA. | ,/ Burke, Lpa, S.M., TheNatureof Things".Brooks/Cole V I.R.,(1996)."Physics: [3] PublishingCompany.,PacificGrove,CA, , ,/' lfrg nzrul*l mNV-fv'W*^-u4 f r: ,l -I i ': I I tL, " r V b 3 I in Qk- -u/xt'v