med sculpt - West Coast Laser
med sculpt - West Coast Laser
MED SCULPT THE ULTIMATE IN BODY SCULPTING | ™ WITH ULTRASOUND TECHNOLOGY ALDERM w w w . a l d e r m n a . c o m invasive, Body Contouring technology. The various levels of intensity offered by the MedSculpt offers the operator the flexibility to provide a wide range of non-invasive procedures, such as cellulite, tissue toning, localized fat and tissue relaxation, and pre & post liposuction treatment. In addition, the revolutionary elastomeric membrane piece allows treatments to be administered effectively without sacrificing patient comfort. The MedSculpt offers patients a toned, smoother and healthier tissue, as well as general remodeling of the entire treated area. ULTR ASOUND TECHNOLOGY represents the latest advancement in computerized, non- BODY SCULPTING B y combining massage with ultrasound energy, the MedSculpt CELLULITE TISSUE TONING FAT & TISSUE RELAXATION PRE & POST LIPOSUCTION tx. HOW CELLULITE’ IS FORMED All the muscles of the body are wrapped in a padding of fatty connective tissue. The fatty cells of padding, bathed in a liquid medium, are held in place by a network The result, “remarkable and long BEFORE lasting.” of fibers, nourished and cleansed by AFTER Giuseppe Pacilli, MD ITALY body fluids - these fluids cleansed by body fluids - these fluids cleanse the fatty BEFORE tissue. Cellulitis, or “liposdistrophia cutanea AFTER is formed when the cleansing process is slowed down thus flooding the tissue with waste materials that thicken into gelatin-like substance TECHNOLOGY and hardens to form immovable pockets. The MedSCULPT works by directly targeting the compacted layer of cells. The elastomeric membrane, made of special resin (synthetic rubber) subjects the tissues to an intense mechanical message, MedSculpt stimulating the venous and lymphatic circulation and allowing the reabsorption of the stasis liquid. Shifting of the subtaneous fat occurs represents the latest as the elastomeric membrane lifts up, folds, advancement in presses and stretches the skin according to a computerized, noninvasive, computerized sequence. Body Contouring Technology Ultrasound can also be added in conjunction by combining Massage with the benefits of the intense mechanical massage to ensure deeper action on the treated with Ultrasound tissue. The oscillation of tissue particles, induced technology. by Ultrasound, determines the breaking up of the fibres and improves the metabolism of tissues. 2. 1. the special shape of the elastomeric membrane and the depression generated by the pneumatic circuit are the main features to obtain a deep mechanical massage. the suction motion and the shape of the interface membrane pulling the skin vertically, bending and pressing it, produces the blunt dissection of the bellow tissues. PATIENT PROTOCOL The patient protocol for the MedSCULPT consists of eight sessions with the vacuum operated massage, scheduled twice a week, before beginning hydrolipclasias/ultrasound treatment. The number of the latter sessions range from four to six, at three week intervals. This is followed by an additional ten sessions of massage ...membrane lifts, folds, presses and streches the skin... hydrolipoclasias / ultrasound session. handpieces with interchangeable membranes MedSCULPT comes equipped with two body handpieces connected to the unit to address a number of various treatments. Both the handpieces are provided with a display that shows both number and duration of treatment in use. Interchangeable elastomeric membranes are available with different sizes and hardness, to obtain a differentiated messaging action. Elastomeric handpiece The special shape of the elastomeric membrane and the depression generated by the pneumatic circuit are the main features to obtain a deep mechanical message. The suction motion and the shape of the interface membrane pulling the skin vertically, bending and pressing produces the blunt dissection of the bellow tissues. Ultrasonic Handpiece Generated from mechanic energy waves that interact with the biological tissues, the acoustic vibration frequency beyond human audio (>20kHz) is known as Ultrasound. By releasing ultrasound waves of proper frequency, the acoustic vibration is transmitted to the targeted tissue in conjunction with the mechanical effect delivered by the Ultrasonic Handpiece. This effect stimulates the arterial, venous and lymphatic circulating thus improving the reabsorption of stasis liquid and redistributing the subcutaneous fat. 10.4” touch-screen display or wireless keyboard A wide 10.4” high resolution touch screen display or the wireless keyboard serves as the main control panel allowing the operator to easily adjust parameters according to the patient’s skin characteristics. For less experienced operators, the display offers an “autosetting” mode in which the system advises the most suitable profile in accordance to the patient’s skin characteristics. FEATURES alone, twice a week, starting four days after the final BODY CONTOURING ULTR ASOUND TECHNOLOGY - Efficacious - Always Outpatient Procedure - No patient downtime - Extremely fast - Reduced number of treatments - Minimal side effects - Advanced managing software ADVANTAGES Power Supply: Line Fuses: Power Absorption: Max. Vacuum: Number of Exits: Preselected Programs: 220/240 V AC (or 100/130 V) ; 50/60 Hz monophase 4 at 230 V (46.3 AT for 100/130 V version) 500 VA 850 mbar 3, which can be selected from the display 120 programs : Elastomeric handpiece (72 programs) ; Ultrasound handpiece (48 programs) Ultrasound Frequency: Max. Ultrasound Density.: Dimensions: Weight: 3 MHz (10% allowance) 3 W/cm2 19.69 “ x 31.5 “ x 73.23 “ (h) 115.7 lbs. SPECIFICATION Applications: Cellulite ; Tissue Toning ; Reflexology ; Pre and Post Liposuction tx. Safety Class: FDA ; CE ALDERM, NA LLC ALDERM w w w . a l d e r m n a . c o m 17951 Sky Park Circle, Ste. G Irvine, California 92614 Tel: 800.254.8505 Fax: 949.250.8821 International Distributor: General Project (GP) Florence, ITALY [email protected]