

Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s)
Date of birth
147 rue du faubourg poissonnière75009 PARIS
+33 6 130 616 76
[email protected]
Work experience
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
From 1988
Research Professor
Professor of international relations, « Maître de conférences des Universités »
Sciences-Po (Institut d’Etudes Politiques), Paris
From 2010
Professor (part time)
Course on Interdisciplinary aspects of (in)security
King’s College London, department of war studies, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS , United Kingdom
Education and training
Principal subjects/occupational skills
Octobre 2002
Habilitation for direction of research of doctoral students (HDR)
« terrorism, war, internal and external security » "terrorisme, guerre, sécurité intérieure, sécurité
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
direction of M. Bertrand Badie, jury Mrs Malcolm Anderson, Michel Dobry, Wolf Dieter Eberwein,
Pierre Hassner, Rémy Leveau.
Title of qualification awarded
Title of qualification awarded
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects/occupational skills
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
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National examination for « Maître de conférences des Universités »
Sciences-Po (Institut d’Etudes Politiques), Paris
Doctoral thesis in political science
« The personal power in Central Africa », « Le pouvoir personnel en Centrafrique »
Univeristé Paris Sorbonne, Paris
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Level in national or international
Title of qualification awarded
Direction de M. le Professeur Conac, mention « très honorable avec félicitation du jury à l’unanimité »
Master thesis in history
Principal subjects/occupational skills
« Faustin Elie Soulouque, emperor in Haiti-1849-1859 »
Level in national or international
DEA d’Histoire de M. Chevalier, mention « très bien »
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects/occupational skills
Level in national or international
Title of qualification awarded
Level in national or international
Title of qualification awarded
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Master thesis in political science
« Empire, tyranny and dictature »
DEA de Sciences Politiques de M. Duverger, mention « très bien »
Maîtrise de Droit et Sciences Politiques
« très bien »
Licence de Droit
Paris I Sorbonne UER II mention bien
Personal skills and
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
European level (*)
English Spanish
Spoken interaction
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
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Spoken production
Activities abroad •
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Part time professor at King’s College London, department of war studies from 2010, - previously
visiting professor Course on European (in)security (2004-2009)-
Visiting Professor at University of Ottawa ( 3 September 2014 – 31 October 2014)
Visiting professor at PUC Rio de Janeiro ( May 2009-August 2009) (May 2011-August 2011)
(May 2013-August 2013)
Visiting researcher at University of Queensland Brisbane Australia (July – September 2004).
Research on detention centers for foreigners and post 11 September policies against terrorism
Visiting professor at Northwestern University Chicago September 2003 Courses on Liberty and
Security in Europe and the US, and French-US relations: a politics of friendship? and November
2003 King’s college London, center for international relations, department of war studies, Course
on European (in)security
Visiting professor at the London Centrer for International Relations U of Kent September 2002 à
December 2002- Course on European internal security : justice and home affairs, a long term
perspective concerning policing.
Visiting fellow at the London Centrer for International Relations U of Kent October 1999December 1999, September 2000- February 2001 Course on Constructing (in)security in Europe
with Jef Huysmans September 2001- February 2002, European internal security : justice and
home affairs, a long term perspective concerning policing
Visiting fellow at the university of Tampere (Finlande) course on « Frontiers and security » 1-12
April 2000
Visiting researcher at the Robert Schumann Center , European University Institute of Florence;
Août-December 1998. Research on the third pillar of the EU and Europol.
Visiting fellow at San Diego State University, June 1991-January 1992 and again in April 1993.
Research on the securitization of the border between San Diego and Tijuana
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Main Courses •
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Course Renseignement, surveillance et obéissance- Ecole doctorale de sciences-po. 2014
Course Doctoral Training Course KCL : Visualising security : applying quali-quantitative methods
with lessons from French sociologists (Latour & Bourdieu).
Course on International Political Pociology of surveillance- U of Ottawa – Master (PSIA)Sciences-Po Paris –Master 2
Course on International Political Sociology of liberty and security Master (PSIA)
Course on Human Rights and security at the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA)
Sciences-Po Paris –Master 2
Course on interdisciplinary approaches to security at the war studies department King’s College
London from 2010 - Master
4 doctoral students under my supervision : 2 doctoral students at KCL, 2 doctoral students at
Sciences Po- topics : Europeanisation of the british intelligence service? The social history of
police cooperation: from ICPC to Europol. The securitization of humanitarian life. The notion of
societal security in the nordic countries.
My 9 previous PHD students have find academic jobs in less than 6 month after they have
finished their PHD. 6 of them are lecturers, 1 has a post doc, 2 are in the top staff of important
NGOs. Topics: role of G8 Lyon group on internal security norms, US homeland security and
networkcentric warfare, counterinsurgency and peacemaking, European borders and
neighbourhood policy, governmentality of diaspora, the EU norms on freezing of assets, the
making of list of terrorists, the border controls in central asia and the EU collaboration, the
Macedonian diaspora, the notions of failed and fragiles states and their international
Diminution of the courses and administrative obligations related to the responsibility of the
scientific coordination of the ANR UTIC and the 7th Framework Programme Source in 2014.
Some Courses done in previous years
Liberty and Security : Doctoral school – 14 hours with Ariane Chebel d’Appolonia (public policies)
and Sebastien Laurent (historian)
Regulation of conflicts : MR1 -56 hours module including 28 hours course with Elspeth Guild in
Critical Approaches to Security in Europe : Doctoral School (with Cost funding) co organized with
Renaud Dehousse – creation of the CASE collective.
Liberty, Security and Justice in Europe – (delivered in English in Sciences-Po) : optional course
MR2 20hours
Sociology of globalization : Comparative and International Approaches – MR2 28 hours from
Pirates, Terrorists, Mercenaries : optional course MR2 20 hours
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Research Funding For CERI
Scientific coordinator of the ANR- UTIC : on “”Les usages des technologies liées à l’interception
des communications téléphoniques et Internet par les services de police et de renseignement et
par leurs prestataires privés : la France dans son environnement européen”. CERI-Paris X
nanterre- U Borrdeaux Montesquieu- programme 2014-2019
• The programme AESIF 2013 is a research funded under the DIME-SHS of Sciences-Po-PRES. It
develops a quali quantitative methodology through web crawling in order to analyse the impact of
the European policing in terms of societal security and the perceptions of this impact by citizen,
media and activists.
• The programme PRES-Cité 2013-2014 on Migration et contrôle des frontières : approche
comparée Brésil-Union Européenne : workshops and doctoral supervision in host institution
• The programme CHALLENGE, The Changing Landscape of European Liberty and Security, [Ref.
CIT1-CT-2004-506255] of the 6th FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME priority 7 security of the EC
Commission. As Scientific coordinator of the Challenge integrated programme of the 6th
FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME on the relation between security and liberty in the European
Union. I have coordinated the different 14 workpackages and I was
responsible of the WP2, WP16 and WP17 (the last two concern the scientific coordination as
such and the observatory website).I was the scientific coordinator of the programme and I
worked closely with the administrative coordinator in Belgium (CEPS). I was also responsible for
the team organising the website of the programme. Challenge gathered 23 partners – 4.499.999
euros for five years- (Sciences-Po receives for the three WP2,16 and 17, : 90 000euros, for 5
years 450 000 euros)
• The programme ELISE « European Liberty and Security : security issues, social cohesion and
institutional developement of the European Union» of the 5th FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME of
the DG research, (Shared Cost RTD action IHP-KAI-2001-1) with 6 other partners (Sciences-Po,
universities of Genoa, Athens, Keele, King’s college london, Niemegen, and the think tank CEPS
in Belgium) I have been responsible for the French workpackage and after the scientific
coordinator of the project. Total 967 000 euros (120 000 euros for Sciences-Po in three years
from September 2002 to September 2005).
• Among the significant research contracts, I have been responsible fo the French CERI team for
the research contract on “The methods through which violent radicals mobilise support for
terrorism and find new recruits”, under the programme “radicalisation of violence” of the EC
Commission DG JLS, 01/02/07- 01/02/08 in collaboration with Fernando Reinares (URJC
Madrid) and Peter Neuman (King’s College London), and later on, of the briefing note on the
subject for the European Parliament
• I have received many other research contracts, and most of them have been offered to the CERI
under my initiative. I have worked with other researchers for the Ministry of Defense (DAS) with
Jean François Bayart, and with Beatrice Pouligny and Gilles Dorronsoro. Among the most
previous significant contracts, I was responsible for the coordination of the network of the DGXII
“Security, frontiers, immigration” Nov 1994-1996 with the CERI, University of Edinburgh, Free
University of Berlin, Scarman Centre in Leicester, University of Florence
For the Center for study of conflicts
• Director of the Center for study of conflicts (Centre d’Etudes sur les Conflits : Cultures et Conflits,
C&C). The Center is a non profit organisation (association loi 1901). The Center created in 1990
in order to publish the quarterly journal Cultures et Conflits with benevolents is now a well known
research center. It has different fundings coming from Ministry of Defense, Interior, Justice, EC
Commission, CNRS, CNL. It has 3 persons full time and a total of 7 persons employed under
research contracts. The annual budget is 300 000euros.
• The programme IN:EX, Converging and conflicting ethical values in the internal/external security
continuum in Europe Research area: SEC-2007-6.5-02 Ethical implications of the continuum of
internal and external security Project start date: [2008-04-01] Ref Record Control Number:
88231. The Programme is under the coordination of PRIO. I was the responsible of the
workpackage 1 (Centre d’Etudes sur les Conflits). INEX gathered 7 partners -2.400 000euros.
C&C received 302 000 euros for the three years.
• The Center organise conferences and seminars, has a web site The main activity
is the publication of the journal Cultures & Conflits. I have been the main responsible for finding
the contracts and grants. From last year a deputy director helps me for this task.. The Center for
study of conflicts is one of the partner of Challenge 6thPCRD and had regularly tenders with the
European parliament on the subject of security, border, migration.
For King’s College London
• The programme SOURCE (Virtual centre of excellence for research support and coordination on
societal security) is a Network of Excellence (NoE) Call identifier: FP7-SEC-2012-1 Topic: SEC2012.7.4-2- Network of Excellence Coordinator: J. Peter Burgess. Didier Bigo is leader of the
partner 9 and contribute to the Workpackages 2,6,8,12. January 2014- Decembre 2018.
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• European
The programme
(smart surveillance practices and privacy impact assessment). is a 36Surname(s) First name(s) ©
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month collaborative project that is expected to provide strategic knowledge on the state of the art
of surveillance studies, emerging smart surveillance technologies, and the adequacy of the
existing legal framework. In addition to addressing these core research goals, the project will
entail the development and validation of scenarios around future smart surveillance systems, and
Editorial Responsibilities •
Administrative Responsibility •
and facilitation of academic
exchange •
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Founder and Co-Editor until January 2012 of the quarterly journal International Political Sociology
with R.B.J. Walker. International Political Sociology is the fifth journal of the International Studies
Association. The journal is distributed by Blackwell. It has been ranked by ISI in 2011as the 5th
journal of sociology and the 7th in political sciences in the world.
The journal is distributed with the other ISA journals to 4000 institutions and 3500 individuals.
International Political Sociology was added to the group of International Studies Association
journals published by Blackwell last January 2007. Responding to the diversification of both
scholarly interests and regional concerns in contemporary international studies, it especially
draws on traditions of historical, legal, economic and political sociology, as well as on the
burgeoning literatures on socio-political theory. Recognizing that so many of the primary forms of
scholarship informing contemporary international studies have built upon narrowly AngloAmerican forms of social science in general and the discipline of political science in particular, it
especially seeks to address the kind of sociological analysis that has characterized thinking
Editor of the quarterly journal Cultures & Conflits (C&C) from 1990, published by l’Harmattan and
in English each year from 2001 to 2005 as the fifth issue of Alternatives,global, local, political,
Lynne Rienner. From 2007 the best articles of Cultures et Conflits will be translated and
published as a yearbook (discussion with 2 editors). The website is C&C
has been awarded the title of Best online social science journal by the Canadia Association of
students in 2006.
Board member of the journals: International Political Sociology, European Journal of International
Relations, Security Dialogue, Conflitti Globali, International Study Perspectives.
Co-editor of the Routkedge Collection of International Political Sociology with Tugba Basaran,
Emamnuel Pierre Guittet and Jef Huysmans. First book to appear in 2015.
Co-director of the ROUTLEDGE Liberty and Security Serie with Rob Walker and Elspeth Guild.
First book to be published in June 2008. 7 books in the serie.
Responsible of the coordination of the different departments of the King’s College London
research topic on war, conflicts and security for the doctoral school
Co-Responsible of the IPS doctoral school roving seminars 2013 Hawai, 2012 Rio de Janeiro,
2011 London, 2010 Paris. The IPS doctoral school gather each year 12 to 20 students and 8 to
12 professors of a network of universities developing courses and research programmes
connected to the development of an International Political Sociology
Facilitation and organisation of the CERI-KCL annual seminar between King’s College London
and Sciences Po. 2013 The European Union and the BRICS. 2013 Doctoral day of the IPSS on
quanti-qualitative methods. 2012 Knowledge, prevention and prediction.
Board member of the Medialab directed by Bruno Latour (2012).
Member of the Governing Council of ISA from 2004 to 1011.
Vice President of the International Studies Association 2008-2009
Former president and co-founder with Martin Heisler of the International Political Sociology
section (Sociologie politique de l'international) of the International Study Association.
Research Director of the program « national security and other forms of security» Centre for
Research of the military academy of Saint Cyr Coetquidan (CREC) from 2000 to 2005.
Member of the scientific advisory board of the Institute for Studies in Internal security, ministry of
interior (IHESI) from 2000 to 2004
Member of the board of the Center for prospective of the national gendarmeire (CPGN) from
1999 to 2003
Co-founder with Marie Claude Smouts of the SEI (section d’etudes internationales) de l’AFSP
(Association Française de Sciences Politiques) 1997
Member of the CNU (conseil national des universités), Commission de sciences politiques de
1992 à 1995
Deputy Director of the Institut Français de Polémologie from 1986 to 1992 ; responsible for
research programs on conflicts : the database POLEMOS, Research on antiterrorism in France
and Europe (see publications). (Fondation pour les Etudes de Défense Nationale) Co-editor with
Daniel Hermant of the journal Etudes Polémologiques from 1986 to 1990
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Research Activites ••
Participation to international
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Main research interests : Mobility, Conflict, Security, Fundamental Rights, Europe
Epistemology of International Relations, International Political Sociology as a project of
restructuring the bodies of knowledge concerning the “international” and the “global”, by a
networking of researchers coming from sociology, anthropology, comparative politics, criminology
and IR specialists. Discussion about IR writing and fieldwork. Comparative analysis of the
constitution of professional fields of transnational actors and approach of the limits and
boundaries between global, international and national.
International Political Sociology of (in)security. Critical approaches to security in Europe :
Analyses of the mobility of people, of the relations between flow and political order, of the
(in)securitization process and the role of field of the professionals of (in)security in the
management of unease, of the Ban-opticon as a form of governmentality.
Analyse of the claims concerning the emergence of a state of exception, or emergency and
derogation in different spaces (international, European, national) through a sociological approach
and their relations to freedom of movement
Internal security in the European Union : analyse of the different institutions and agencies,
relation between public and private actors, forms of policing at a distance : policing, hegemony
and empire at the transnational level.
European security institutions, analyse of the relations between the third pillar (area of freedom,
security and justice), second pillar and first pillar, mapping of the different internal security
agencies and analyse of the Europeanization enlargement process as a form of
Sociology of clandestine organisations and of the process of radicalisation of violence, in relation
to escalation theories and relational approach. Discussion about the relation between crime and
war, internal and external security.
Sociology of policing and surveillance. Relations between IR approach to security and sociology
of surveillance. Analyse of the politics of prevention, and of the technology of profiling and
Discussion concerning the illiberal practices of the liberal regimes, reflections on liberty, equality
and democracy in a transnational age
In addition to the SOURCE (2013-1018) and UTIC programmes, I am also member of
different other international programmes
Guest Professor at the University of Copenhagen and member of the CAST
network of Karine Lund (2014)- as a follow up of the project of Ole Waever,
University of Copenhague (center for advanced security theory) with professors
Barry Buzan (International Relations, LSE), Assoc.Professor Daniel Deudney
(Politics, Johns Hopkins), Prof. Thomas Blom Hansen (Anthropology, Amsterdam),
Prof. Mattias Kumm (Law, New York University). Successful in December 20072007-2011, renewed in 2012
Expert for the European Parliament, Libe committee, on security questions 20052006 [Ref. IP/C/LIBE/FWC/2005-09]. Renewed in 2007 and 2010 as co-ordinator of
a team of 18 experts on liberty and security delivering briefing papers to the EU
Parliament. Until 2014. Tender renewed on 20 June 2014.
Member of IPSA, of WISC, of ISA, of ECISA, of BISA, of the CASE Collective, of
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Main Publications Books
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Bigo, Didier, Sergio Carrera, and Elspeth Guild (eds). 2013. Foreigners, Refugees Or
Minorities?: Rethinking People in the Context of Border Controls and Visas: Ashgate
Publishing Company.
Bigo, Didier, Sergio Carrera, Elspeth Guild, Rob Walker (Eds) (2010). Europe's 21st Century
Challenge: Delivering Liberty and Security. Londres, Ashgate. (second edition 2013)
Bigo, Didier, Emmanuel-Pierre Guittet, Amandine Scherrer (dirs.) (2010). Mobilité(s) sous
surveillance. Perspectives croisées UE - Canada. Montréal, Athéna.
Bigo, Didier, Laurent Bonelli, and Thomas Deltombe (dirs.) (2008). Au nom du 11
septembre... Les démocraties à l'épreuve de l'antiterrorisme. Paris, La Découverte.
Bigo, Didier, and Anastassia Tsoukala (Eds) (2008). Controlling Security. Paris, Centre
d'études sur les conflits/L'Hamattan.
Bigo, Didier, and Anastassia Tsoukala (Eds) (2008). Terror, Insecurity and Liberty. Illiberal
practices of liberal regimes after 9/11. Oxoan and New York, Routledge.
Book Sections
• Bigo, Didier. (2014) War and Crime, Military and Police. In War, Police and Assemblages of
Intervention, edited by Colleen Bell Jan Bachmann, Caroline Holmqvist: Routledge.
• Bigo, Didier. (2014) Death in the Mediterranean Sea: The Results of the Three Fields of
Action of Eu Border Controls. In The Irregularization of Migration in Contemporary Europe :
Detention, Deportation, Drowning, edited by Robin Celikates Yolande Jansen, Joost de Bloist:
Rowman International.
• Bigo, Didier (2014) Security, IR and Anthropology : Encounters, Misunderstanding and
Possible Collaborations. In The Anthropology of Security, edited by Catarina Frois Mark
Maguire, Nils Zurawski. Palgrave.
• Bigo, Didier (2013). Sécurité maximale et prévention? La matrice du futur antérieur et ses
grilles in Barbara Cassin Derrière les grilles : sortir du tout évaluation. Mille et une nuits,
• Bigo, Didier. (2013). The transnational field of computerised exchange of information in police
matters and its European guilds. In Transnational Power Elites: The New Professionals of
Governance, Law and Security: Niilo Kauppi, Mikael Madsen.
• Bigo, Didier (2013) Border, Mobility and Security in Niilo Kauppi A Political Sociology of
Transnational Europe ECPR studies serie 288p (under translation in japanese)
• Bigo, Didier. (2012). Analysing transnational professionals of (in) security in Europe. In R
Adler-Nissen Bourdieu in International Relations: Rethinking Key Concepts in IR:114.
• Bigo D. (2012) Globalisation and Security. In: Amenta E, Nash K & Scott A (eds) The New
Blackwell Companion to Political Sociology'. London: Blackwell
• Bigo, Didier. Security, Surveillance and Democracy. (2011). In Ball,Kristie, Kevin Haggerty
and David Lyon (2011) The International Handbook of Surveillance Studies. London,
• Bigo D & Piazza P. (2011) La transnationalisation de l’échange des données à caractère
personnel à des fins de sécurité. De graves impacts sur les trajectoires et le vécu des
individus ? In: Langlois SL (ed) Sphères de surveillance. Montréal.
• Bigo, Didier, Julien Jeandesboz, Francesco Ragazzi, Philippe Bonditti (2011). “Borders and
security:the different logics of surveillance in Europe”. In Bonjour, Saskia, Andrea Rea and
Dirk Jacobs, The Others in Europe. Brussels, Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles.
• Bigo, Didier (2010). Freedom and Speed in Enlarged Borderzones. The Contested Politics of
Mobility. Borderzones and Irregularity. V. Squire. Routledge.
• Bigo, Didier (2010). September 14, 2001: the regression to the habitus. Conflict, Security and
the Reshaping of Society. The Civilisation of War. A. Dal Lago and S. Palidda. Abingdon,
• Bigo, Didier (2010). Sicherheit und Immigration: Zu einer Kritik der Gouvernementalität des
Unbehagens. Politik der Unentschiedenheit. Die internationale Politik und ihr Umgang mit
Kriegsflüchtlingen. M. Misselwitz and K. Schlichte. Bielefeld, Transcript Verlag: 39-76.
• Bigo Didier, Elspeth Guild (2010). The Transformation of European Border Controls.
Extraterritorial Immigration Control. Legal Challenges B. Ryan and V. Mitsilegas, Brill
Academic Pub.
• Bigo, Didier (2009). Les flux internationaux : ordre politique et changement social, . Nouveau
manuel de science politique. A. Cohen, B. Lacroix and P. Riutort. Paris, La Découverte.
• Bigo, Didier (2009). Une police européenne. Nouveau manuel de science politique A. Cohen,
B. Lacroix and P. Riutort. Paris, La Découverte.
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Rob Walker (2009). Global -Terrorism: From war to widespread surveillance
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Warlike outlines of the Securitarian State. Life control and the Exclusion of people. G.
Rodríguez Fernández, C. Fernández Bessa, I. Rivera Beiras and H. C. Silveira Gorski.
Barcelona, Challenge - OSPDH - Universitat de Barcelona, pp. 9-26.
• Bigo, Didier (2009). The Ban and the Exception: Discussing the State of Exception. Terror,
Bigo, Didier (2009). Du panoptisme au Ban-optisme. Les micros logiques du contrôle dans la
mondialisation. Technologies de contrôle dans la mondialisation : enjeux politiques, éthiques
et esthétiques. P.-A. Chardel and G. Rockhill. Paris, Editions Kimé, pp. 59-80.
Bigo, Didier (2009). Contrôle migratoire et libre circulation en Europe. L'enjeu mondial. Les
migrations. C. Jaffrelot et C. Lequesne. Paris, Presses de Sciences Po - L'Express, pp. 165176.
Bigo, Didier (2009). Un espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice? Politiques européennes.
R. Dehousse. Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, pp. 331-352.
Bigo, Didier (2008). The Emergence of a Consensus: Global Terrorism, Global Insecurity, and
Global Security. Immigration, Integration, and Security. America and Europe in Comparative
Perspective. A. Chebel d'Appollonia and S. Reich. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press,
pp. 67-94.
Bigo, Didier (2008). EU Police Cooperation: National Sovereignty Framed by European
Security? Security versus Justice? Police and Judicial Cooperation in the European Union. E.
Guild and F. Geyer. Aldershot, Ashgate, pp. 91-108.
Peer review Journal articles
Collective article co-written by Zygmunt Bauman, Didier Bigo ,Paulo Esteves, Elspeth
Guild,Vivienne Jabri,David Lyon and R. B. J. Walker : After Snowden: Rethinking the Impact
of Surveillance International Political Sociology Volume 8, Issue 2, pages 121–144, June
Bigo, Didier (2014). The (in)securitization practices of the three universes of EU border
control: Military/Navy – border guards/police – database analysts in special issue Border
security as practice: An agenda for research, K Côté-Boucher, F Infantino, MB Salter Security Dialogue, 2014 June 45-3 p 209-225
Bigo, Didier (2014). Pierre Bourdieu y las relaciones internacionales: el poder de las
prácticas, las prácticas del poder in Relaciones Internacionales (24) Enero 2014 p33-76
(translation of IPS 5 with an introduction for spanish audience).
Bigo, Didier. (2013). A Sociologia Política Internacional Distante da Grande Síntese: Como
Articular Relações entre as Disciplinas de Relações Internacionais, Sociologia e Teoria
Política, Contexto Internacionais Sao Paulo-Rio de Janeiro. Setembro /2013
Bigo, Didier. (2012). Le nexus securité, frontière, immigration: programme et diagramme.
Cultures & Conflits (4):7-12.
Bigo, Didier and Guittet Emmanuel. (2011). "Northern Ireland as Metaphor. Exception,
Suspicion and Radicalization in the War against Terrorism". In Security Dialogue 42 (6)
4/2011, 483-498.
Bigo, Didier. (2011). Quand Montesquieu se transnationalise. Cultures & Conflits (1):183-191.
Bigo D. (2011) Pierre Bourdieu and International Relations: Power of Practices, Practices of
Power. International Political Sociology 5: 225-258.
Bigo D & Madsen MR. (2011) Introduction to Symposium “A Different Reading of the
International”: Pierre Bourdieu and International Studies. International Political Sociology 5:
Bigo Didier. (2011). "La sécurité en jachère" In Philippe Artières, Jean-Francois Bert, Frédéric
Gros, Judith Revel Foucault. Paris, Cahiers de l'Herne
Bigo, Didier (2010). "Frontières, territoire, sécurité, souveraineté." Ceriscope. 30 November.
Bigo, D. and P. Piazza, (2010), Les Conséquences Humaines De L’échange Transnational
Des Données Individuelles. Cultures et Conflits. 76 hiver 2009
Balzacq Thierry, Tugba Basaran, Didier Bigo, Emmanuel-Pierre Guittet, Christian Olsson
(2010). Security Practices. International Studies Encyclopedia Online. R. A. Denemark.
Bigo, Didier, Walker R.B.J. (2007). "Political Sociology and the Problem of the International."
Millenium. Journal of International Studies 35(3): 725-739.
Bigo, Didier (2007). "Exception et ban : à propos de l’ « état d’exception »." Erytheis, revue
éléctronique d'études en sciences de l'homme et de la société (2). In English and arabic
Bigo, Didier, and R. B. J. Walker (2007). "International, Political, Sociology." International
Political Sociology 1(1): 1-5.
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Reports, articles for Dissemination Strategy and impact.
Didier BIGO, Laurent BONELLI, Emmanuel-Pierre GUITTET et Francesco RAGAZZI. (2014)
Preventing and Countering Youth Radicalisation in the Eu. edited by Justice et Affaires Intérieures
(LIBE) Commission des Libertés Civiles: Parlement Européen.
Didier BIGO, Julien JEANDESBOZ, Médéric MARTIN-MAZE, Francesco RAGAZZI. (2014) Review
of Security Measures in the 7th Research Framework Programme Fp7 2007-2013. edited by
Justice et Affaires Intérieures (LIBE) Commission des Libertés Civiles: Parlement Européen.
Didier Bigo, (CCLS) Sergio Carrera, CEPS, Nicholas Hernanz, CEPS, Julien Jeandesboz CCLS,
Francesco Ragazzi, (CCLS) Amandine Scherrer (CCLS). Open Season for Data Fishing on the
Web: The Challenges of the US PRISM Programme for the EU. CEPS Policy Brief No. 293, 18
June 2013
Didier Bigo, (CCLS) Sergio Carrera, CEPS, Nicholas Hernanz, CEPS, Julien Jeandesboz CCLS,
Francesco Ragazzi, (CCLS) Amandine Scherrer (CCLS). National Programmes for Mass
Surveillance of Personal Data in EU Member States and their compatibility with Eu Law: (2013) PE
Caspar Bowden, Didier Bigo (introduction) Amandine Scherrer (CCLS). The US National Security
Agency (NSA) surveillance programmes (PRISM) and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)
activities and their impact on EU citizens' fundamental rights (2013) PE 474.405
Julien Jeandesboz, CCLS (coordinator), Didier Bigo, CCLS, Ben Hayes, Statewatch,
Stephanie Simon, University of Amsterdam The Commission’s legislative proposals on Smart
Borders: their feasibility and costs (2013) PE 493.026
Bigo Didier CCLS Mr Gertjan Boulet (CEPS) Caspar Bowden (CCLS) Sergio Carrera (CEPS)
Julien Jeandesboz (CCLS) Amandine Scherrer (CCLS): Fighting cyber crime and protecting
privacy in the cloud (2012) PE 462.509
Bigo, Didier, Sergio Carrera, Ben Hayes, Nicholas Hernanz, and Julien Jeandesboz,
Evaluating current and forthcoming proposals on JHA databases and a smart borders system
at EU external borders (2012) PE 462.513
Bigo Didier CCLS (2011) International organised Crime in the European Union PE 462.420
Bigo Didier CEPS (2011) Towards a New EU Legal Framework for Data Protection and
Privacy. Challenges, Principles and the Role of the European Parliament PE 453.216
Scherrer A, Jeandesboz J, Guittet E-P, Bigo D, Bonelli L & Silva J. (2011) Developing an EU
internal security strategy, fighting terrorism and organised crime. Brussels: European
Parliament PE 462.423 EST60631.
Wright, David, Michael Friedewald, Serge Gutwirth, Marc Langheinrich, Emilio Mordini, Rocco
Bellanova, Paul De Hert, Kush Wadhwa, and Didier Bigo (2010). "Sorting out smart
surveillance". Computer Law & Security Review 26(4): 343-354.
Bigo, Didier, Julien Jeandesboz (2010). "The EU and the European Security Industry:
Questioning the ‘Public-Private Dialogue’." INEX Policy Brief (5), Bruxelles, CEPS.
Bigo Didier CCLS (2010) Review of security measures in the Research Framework
Programme PE 432.740
Bigo, Didier (2009). "Immigration controls and free movement in Europe." International
Review of the Red Cross 91(875): 579-591.
Bigo, Didier, Elspeth Guild, R.B.J. Walker (2009). The CHALLENGE Project: Final Synthesis
Report and Bibliography. Brussels, CEPS.
Bigo, Didier, Sergio Carrera, Elspeth Guild (2009). The CHALLENGE Project: Final Policy
Recommendations on the Changing Landscape of European Liberty and Security. Research
Paper n°16. Brussels, CEPS.
Bigo, Didier, Carrera, Sergio, Guild, Elspeth (2008). "What Future for the Area of Freedom,
Security and Justice? Recommendations on EU Migration and Borders Policies in a
Globalising World." CEPS Policy Brief 156.
Bigo, Didier (2007). "La mondialisation exige la circulation des migrants". Alternatives
internationales (Hors-série n°5): 50-52.
Bigo, Didier (2008). "Contrôle et mobilité des personnes." Revue de la gendarmerie nationale
227: 35-42.
Bigo, Didier (2008). "Le ‘phagocytage’ des questions de migration et de libre-circulation en
Europe par les enjeux de sécurité ?" Migrations Société 20(116): 73-84.
Bigo, Didier, Carrera, Sergio, Guild, Elspeth (2008). "The Commission's New Border Package.
Does it take us one step closer to a 'cyber-fortress Europe'?" CEPS Policy brief 154.
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December 2-4 2013 : CEPOL- third module : "policing in Europe" training course for
international master : visualising 40 years of European policing
September 2-13 2013 : co-organiser of EISS-ECPR : European International
Relations Summer School- University of Kent Belgium center, Co-sponsored by
Sciences-Po, King’s College London, CEPS.
August 19-25 2013 : co-organiser fourth IPS doctoral workshop University of Hawai
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