Front page 1 - The Villager Newspaper
Front page 1 - The Villager Newspaper
Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid Austin, Texas Permit No. 01949 This paper can be recycled Vol. 37 No. 12 Website: Email: [email protected] Phone: 512-476-0082 Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy passed away at age 77 RAPPIN’ Tommy Wyatt Citizens needed to serve The city of Austin is in the process of developing a new Master Plan for Austin. The last master plan was done in 1979 and it was called The Austin Tomorrow Plan. This plan was adopted after many months of work by citizens of Austin who came together to discuss the many needs of the city. The plan has been updated and adjusted so many times that it is no longer a good working document. The city has opened up the process and is looking for citizens to serve on Comprehensive Planning Citizens Advisory Committee (CPCAC). This body of volunteers will be charged with making sure that an extensive range of public participation and citizen input occurs during the two-year development of the Comprehensive Plan. If you are interested in how our city is taking shape and want to have your thought known, this is the perfect opportunity to get involved. As one who served on The Austin Tomorrow committee during the last planning process, this can be a very rewarding experience. Some of us need to stop talking and start doing. We all have the responsibility to help make this city one that will be accommodating for our children and grandchildren. Things don’t just happen. It takes many years of planning and development to have a livable city of which we can all be proud. The deadline was originally August 20th to sign up for the CPCAC, but it has been extended for a few more days. So, anyone interested can get an application from the city webpage -hhpt:// complan. The completed application should be sent to Candy Parham at: [email protected] In order to have some say as to how your community will look in the future, we all need to participate in these worthwhile committees that are on going in our city. It is not good enough to say that you are not going to participate because “they are going to do what they want to any way.” They will only do it if your are not there to provide your input. If you need more information about the CPCAC, call 974-7630. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, longtime Democratic senator and the patriarch of the Kennedy political family, has died after a lengthy battle with brain cancer. The Kennedy family released a statement early Wednesday morning saying, “Edward M. Kennedy – the husband, father, grandfather, brother and uncle we loved so deeply – died late Tuesday night at home in Hyannis Port. We’ve lost the irreplaceable center of our family and joyous light in our lives, but the inspiration of his faith, optimism, and perseverance will live on in our hearts forever. We thank everyone who gave him care and support overthis last year, and everyone who stood with him for so many years in his tireless march for progress toward justice, fairness and opportunity for all. He loved this country and devoted his life to serving it. He always believed that our best days were still ahead, but it’s hard to imagine any of them without him.” In recent weeks, Kennedy had received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Obama, and his sister, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, died. News came last week that the senator had sent a letter to the governor of Massachusetts, asking that he work to change the state’s laws of succession to fill his Senate seat quickly through a direct appointment, rather than through a lengthier special election process. Kennedy’s letter, as well as his absence from the White House Medal of Freedom ceremony and his sister’s funeral, fueled speculation that his health condition was grave.Democrats and Re- publicans alike had voiced their regret this year that Sen. Kennedy had not been in Washington to shepherd health care reform through the Senate. Before he died, Kennedy called health care reform the cause of his life. Sen. Judd Gregg (R-N.H.) called Kennedy “the consummate legislator,” while Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) described him as a reliable partner on important issues. “He always kept his word, and that is far less common around here than a lot of people think,” McCain told Politics Daily earlier this summer, speaking of Kennedy’s legislative style. “We just sat down together and worked out a proposal. He didn’t start it; I didn’t start it. We just sat down and said OK, here’s what we want to achieve — what do we have to do?” McCain said. Fax: 512-476-0179 August 28, 2009 City Manager selects firm for investigation recommended by Citizen Review Panel City Manager Marc Ott today announced the selection of KeyPoint Government Solutions, a national leader in compliance monitoring, to perform an independent investigation into the May 11 shooting of Nathaniel Sanders II. KeyPoint has an extensive reputation for conducting police-related investigations. KeyPoint recently completed an eightyear term as the court-appointed monitor for the Los Angeles Police Department. “I have confidence in KeyPoint,” Ott said. “The City has used this firm in the past and I trust its ability to complete a thorough review of this case.” A report from KeyPoint is due in late September. The Civil Service 180-day timeline for the Chief of Police to make a final decision on the case is Nov. 7. The Travis County Grand Jury issued a no-bill in the criminal investigation of Austin Police Officer Leonardo Quintana on Aug. 5, finding no criminal culpability in the officer’s actions. The APD Internal Affairs investigation was completed Aug. 11, at which time it was submitted to Chief of Police Art Acevedo, the Police Monitor’s Office and the Citizen Review Panel for further review. Austin City Manager Marc Ott The Citizen Review Panel met Aug. 18 and subsequently issued a formal request of the City Manager to solicit an independent investigation. Ott agreed to honor that request out of respect for the critical role that the Citizen Review Panel has in the process, explaining that his decision was not predicated on his personal opinion of the investigation. The KeyPoint team will be led by Jeffrey Schlanger, President and CEO of KeyPoint since its inception in 2003. Schlanger has more than 30 years of experience in law, law enforcement and police department monitoring. He served as Deputy Monitor and general manager of the LAPD monitorship for its en- tirety. Schlanger served on the Executive Committee of the Working Group on National Guidelines for Police Monitors. Prior to his position as President of KeyPoint, Schlanger served as a Practice Manager at Kroll Inc., operated a private law and investigation firm and served 12 years as an Assistant District Attorney in New York County. KeyPoint, based in Loveland, Colo., has offices in Reston, Va.; Los Angeles; and New York. The firm also is a leading provider of security-clearance background and employment screen services U.S. federal government agencies such as the Office of Personnel Management and the Department of Homeland Security. Public figures from across the political spectrum reacted with sadness to the senator’s passing. Sen. Orin Hatch (R-Utah), one of Kennedy’s closest friends, said, “Today America lost a great elder statesman, a committed public servant and a leader in the Senate, and I lost a treasured friend.” Former First Lady Nancy Reagan released a statement calling Kennedy “a dear friend,” while Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said, “It was the thrill of my lifetime to work with Ted Kennedy.” Reid called Kennedy “a friend, the model of public service and an American icon,” and added, “The liberal lion’s mighty roar may now fall silent, but his dream shall never die.” President Obama released a statement at 4:30 a.m. See Kennedy page 7 City of Austin to accept $2 million in HUD Federal stimulus funds to create legacy projects and jobs City officials were joined by Congressman Lloyd Doggett and representatives from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as well as area nonprofits today at a news conference to announce an investment in Austin’s economy and community with $2 million in Community Development Block Grant Recovery (CDBG-R) funds awarded by HUD and made possible through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Re- covery Act). The money will fund four community development projects that will address infrastructure needs in East Austin and offset construction costs for nonprofit facilities. The projects combined will create more than 100 construction jobs and help create or retain more than 150 permanent jobs in the next 18 months. These projects, funded by CDBG-R, will be in East Austin and will serve low-income residents. See Stimulus page 7 Back to School Bash and Safety Fair Draws Hundreds Winn Elementary School students practice safe-walk-to-school skills on Saturday, August 22, at the Austin School District’s Annual Back-to-School Bash and Safety Fair at the Delco Activity Center. Principal Lucila Duncan received a proclamation from Austin Mayor Lee Leffingwell for hosting the demonstration. Approximately 8,000 students and parents participated in a bike rodeo and practiced emergency resuscitation techniques on training mannequins. Additionally, 800 students received free bike helmets; some 100 immunizations were administered; and about 1,700 qualifying students received free back packs with school supplies. All students who attended received free school supplies. Parents had opportunities to speak with representatives of dozens of community organizations that partner with the District. Austin Police Department and Fire Department officers were also on hand to demonstrate emergency vehicles, including the police helicopter. More photos of the Bash are posted at the District’s online gallery at <>. Page 2/THE VILLAGER/August 28, 2009 EDITORIALS/COMMENTARY Editorial, Commentary or Letter to the Editor Fax to 512.476.0179 Email to [email protected] Mail to 1223-A Rosewood Avenue, 78702 Boycotting Glenn Beck’s Sponsors is not Enough George E. Curry NNPA Columnist Some of the nation’s blue chip companies – many that rely on African-American consumers for a significant portion of their profits – advertised on right-winger Glenn Beck’s incendiary program on Fox TV. They include: Procter & Gamble, Kraft Food, ConAgra (maker of Healthy Choice foods), Clorox, UPS, the U.S. Postal Service, Honda, General Electric, Travelocity, State Farm Insurance, Geico, Farmer’s Insurance, Pfizer, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Office Depot, RadioShack, Sprint, CVS, Red Lobster, Nestle, Progressive Insurance and pharmaceutical companies Roche and Sanofi-Aventis (maker of Plavix)..Beck touched off a firestorm when he labeled President Obama “a racist” who has “deep-seated hatred for White people.”, an Internet-oriented Black grass roots advocacy group, quickly organized a petition drive urging advertisers to stop sponsoring his show. One by one, more than 30 sponsors, some claiming there had been a “miscommunication” about their ever wanting to advertise on Beck’s program, requested that their spots be aired elsewhere on the Fox network. While this was a partial victory for, it did not address the larger issue of Fox’s overall hostility toward progressives and people of color. As noted, “For its part, Fox News said through a spokeswoman that while some advertisers have ‘removed their spots from Beck,’ they have just shifted to ‘other programs on the network, so there has been no revenue lost.” Hear that? No revenue lost. When commercial sponsors or Fox experience lost revenue, that’s when we’ll get the change we’ve been waiting for. Meanwhile, Beck supporters have organized to pressure advertisers to stay with the controversial host. Interestingly, many of the major companies that advertised on Beck’s radio and TV shows until it became a public liability, specifically told ABC radio that they didn’t want any of their ads airing on liberal Air America pro- grams., the watchdog group, obtained an internal memo in 2006 that named the companies, including Wal-Mart, Office Depot, General Electric, Farmers Insurance, Nestle, Red Lobster, State Farm, Travelocity, the U.S. Postal Service and Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. Other companies that advertised on the television and radio programs of conservatives Rush Limbaugh and Lou Dobbs (who likes to pretend he’s an independent) while prohibiting ads from running on Air America were: JC Penney, Frito-Lay, Home Depot, Visa, the American Heart Association, the U.S. Navy, Bayer and Allstate. Allstate and Red Lobster said, contrary to the memo, they never requested that their commercials not appear on Air America.Beck’s attack on Obama was not an isolated one. Earlier, he said Obama’s congressional priorities were driven by his support of reparations and the desire to “settle old racial scores.” He said the president was moving the U.S. “into a system of fascism” and called Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor “a racist.” Rush Limbaugh, apparently reading from the same playbook, alleged Obama “is the greatest living example of a reverse racist.” He claimed, “Obama’s entire economic program is reparations.” And he said, “Of course, I want Obama to fail.” He added, “We are being told that we have to hope he succeeds, that we have to bend over, grab the ankles…because his father was Black.” CNN’s Lou Dobbs claims that the birth certificate provided by Obama is not “the real document.” He incredulously asserted, “A certificate of live birth is not a birth certificate.” What are we to think of companies that support loud mouths that make such outlandish charges? I have two suggestions for the boycott organizers. First, continue to monitor companies that remain sponsors on Glenn Beck’s radio and TV programs. I’ll print the list of all of the companies in this space once you’ve completed the research. My second recommendation is that we compile a list of companies that sponsor the radio and TV programs of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Lou Dobbs. Cross check the names of those firms with our major Black radio stations. I know we can’t list everyone, but let’s start with radio programs hosted by Joe Madison, Bev Smith, Tom Joyner, Steve Harvey, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Michael Eric Currently, the proposal does not include exemptions for S corporations or other small businesses, many of which file as individuals for tax purposes. This surtax may affect the income of half of all small businesses with 20 to 249 employees. Individually the self-employed woman entrepreneur continue to struggle with an uphill battle not only with daily business challenges but also spiraling costs of finding quality family healthcare coverage. Therefore, many hire part-time workers specifically to avoid healthcare costs because no financial incentive exists for them otherwise. Today, small business owners face over 5 percent annual increases in healthcare premiums along with an economic downturn and rising overhead expenses. It is unusual to find self-employed health insurance that reaches the same levels of coverage offered by larger company employers. The primary issue being sta- tistically the risk of a consistently healthy individual is generally lower than spread over a group. This results in higher expenses for the individual seeking the same level of services. The first detail a self-employed person should look for in health insurance is what coverage they’re actually going to need. Full comprehensive health insurance gets very expensive. For example, raising deductibles, or accepting that you don’t need certain types of industrial compensation are useful ways to trim back costs and keep the health insurance affordable. By talking to local neighbors about healthcare, friends, other business owners, or accountants many women entrepreneurs save a lot of money by learning from the experiences of others. Many consider the U.S. Treasury Health Savings Accounts (HSA) that allows employees or employers not covered by another plan to make tax deferred contributions. This practical healthcare option can result in a solid employee benefit and savings for home based or small business employers. Other women entrepreneurs get involved with church, minority and small business non-profit social organizations that provide health insurance education including the Minority Professional Association,,,, Woman’,, . Throughout history, there are many models of successful female entrepreneurs such as Madame C. J. Walker (born Sarah Breedlove) listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the First Female African-American to become a millionaire by her own achievements. Further, the well known story of Oprah Winfrey’s life is truly inspiring as she overcame many challenges. Today, Oprah is Glenn Beck Women Entrepreneurs and Healthcare Today’s women entrepreneurs are vital to the growth of the nation’s economy employing over 13 million workers in the United States. Representing 38 percent of all privately held firms, women entrepreneurs are at the heart of any sustainable recovery for job creation and revenue growth. And yet, we find millions of women entrepreneurs juggling healthcare and childcare costs while attempting to maintain a healthy household. It is safe to say, these modern day hustlers understand how to stretch a dollar better than ever before. These women entrepreneurs possess an uncanny sense of determination. Their high tech savvy and natural social genius is often superior. Recent estimates including by the Center for Women’s Business Research indicate the nation has over 10 million businesses owned by women that generate close to $1.8 trillion in sales. These extraordinary women entre- preneurs by necessity always share one unique quality in their ability to think outside the box for creative solutions. As our nation’s healthcare conversations focus on the 46 million uninsured, many women entrepreneurs across the country are already meeting such challenges for their families. Some have found health insurance through a spouse employer, or even by joining the American Farmers Association or American Farm Bureau both offer many self-employed business owners access to affordable group coverage. The controversial U.S. House of Representatives healthcare bill known as the America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 due for upcoming vote in September; proposes that a surtax on individuals who make $280,000 or more a year, although there have been discussions about raising the limit to $500,000 or more (the tax would range from 1 percent to 5.4 percent of income). James Clingman NNPA Columnist What a life, huh? We have a President who seems to think he can change the political landscape; he seems to believe that hundreds of years of political gamesmanship can be swept aside, and common sense will prevail. He subscribes to the notion that all he has to do is make a speech, do a town hall meeting, or an interview explaining his agenda, and all will be well in Washington and in this country. He seems to be asking the Rodney King question over and over again. And coming from the President of the Untied States, someone who knows how politics works, it sounds even more ridiculous.Barack Obama was swept into office by a riptide of emotion, hope, and exasperation at the previous eight years. He was ballyhooed and ushered in on the fragile wings of instant stardom and fame, so much so that it seems he even believed was his time to shine, his time to teach, his time to enlighten; but he blew it big time and squandered his fifteen minutes of fame with that immature, naïve, rhetorical question.In this country, Mr. President, as you well know, the political system of which you are now at least the titular leader is a system grounded in rancor and adversity, a system that wreaks of discord, a system comprising childlike adults who always want their way, and a system based on a 250-year struggle for the ultimate aphrodisiac: power. You are in charge of a system whose participants have fought like cats and dogs over every little thing, and now you pose the question, “Can’t we all get along?”After years of being beat up, all while watching it take place before our eyes on the evening news; most of the folks who elected you are not down with the Rodney King inquiry. We expect much more from you. Get some backbone, stand up to the political thugs and do the right thing. Don’t go down as simply a “big-baller,” be a true “shot-caller.” And how about looking out for Black folks every now and then too? After all, you are the President. Farrah Gray NNPA Columnist admired as one of the most influential entrepreneurs in the world. Regardless of the challenges, women have always played a critical national role whether it was as rural farm hands, military defense factory workers during WWII or today as innovative entrepreneurs employing over 13 million people. These determined small business leaders offer valuable experience and knowledge that promotes the constructive dialogue necessary for overcoming obstacles as our nation seeks answers to creating affordable healthcare solutions. Why are They Becoming Hysterical? Can’t We All Get Along? the hype. But, now that he is in office, and the crazies have come out of woodwork, he finds himself having to respond to the ire of many of the same folks who hailed him as their new chief on January 20, 2009.Obama is busy plugging holes in the dike and is fast running out of fingers. He was forced to take time to have a beer with two guys who had a spat, and offered it to us as a teachable moment that would demonstrate we can indeed all get along. He is on the road explaining his healthcare plan, trying desperately to get his opponents to get on board and get along with him as well. He is attempting to be all things to all people, albeit disciplinary when it comes to Black people; but that’s another article. All of this in his utopian endeavor to have us all get along.Memo to President Barack Obama: After Rodney King was beaten senseless by those police officers, all he could utter is “Can’t we all get along?” All he could muster the nerve to say before the cameras of the world, before a public shocked beyond their imagination at what happened to him, recorded for everyone to see, was “Can’t we all get along?” It Dyson, Gary Byrd in New York and Cliff Kelley in Chicago. Let’s use those as starters; we can expand the list later. Once the list of major sponsors has been compiled, the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) should compare that list against its national advertisers and publicize that information. Simultaneously, we should develop a list of companies that are supportive of the Black Press and make their names public as well. Working with these two lists, we will be able to identify those companies that support us and those that support our ardent foes. The list should be compiled every year. The next step is a natural one: We shouldn’t support companies that don’t support us. According to the Selig Center for Economic Growth at the University of Georgia, the annual buying power of African Americans will grow from $318 million in 1990 to $1.2 trillion in 2013. We shouldn’t spend one cent with companies that support the likes of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Lou Dobbs while neglecting to support the Black Press. Harry C. Alford NNPA Columnist I have been on this earth for over six decades and I have never seen such a repetitious amount of temper tantrums, paranoia, propaganda and verbal eruptions directed towards political leaders. All of a sudden our structured and proven leadership models are becoming inefficient. The old saying of the late columnist Robert Novak seems to have taken hold: “Love your country; don’t trust the government”. Just what is causing this? Here’s my take. We have always had a crisis to deal with such as The Depression, World War II, Korean War, Civil Rights Movement, Vietnam War, etc. It was rather easy then because they came one at a time. In this modern era of nanoseconds and instant information, things are starting to come at rapid fire. We are involved in two wars simultaneously with no apparent end in sight. The reasons for them are faulty at best and the respect and care we give our brave troops is less than admirable and, in fact, despicable. We are still going through the sub-prime mortgage fiasco in addition to the Wall St. Bailout, record unemployment and the worst debt our national treasury has ever seen. From a leadership perspective the solutions are not clear. Fear has set in and what Franklin D. Roosevelt warned us about (“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”) has settled in and is gripping our conscience. We cannot overlook the race factor in all of this. Our sports heroes in just about all sports happen to be Black even if their last names are Hispanic. White kids love hip-hop and rap as much as anyone. The ultimate was the election of a Black president. These are not good times for people of racial animus. In fact, it is their worst nightmare and that is leading to scary ideas going through their heads. The reality is that we need big and strong leadership and the thought that it is going to come from a person of color is just too much for the old school thinking. It is quite amazing that sto- ries such as our President is an illegal alien or that he is planning death panels to kill off the sick and tired or is a Nazi (what happened to the communist name calling) seems to be persuading those who are vulnerable to such paranoia. The “Birthers”, “Deathers” and others are getting time on national television and are subjects of intellectual debate. This is too scary for a democratic society. FDR, fear is everywhere right now. Perhaps the scariest acts that we see are oddballs coming to public rallies strapped with pistols and assault rifles. I’m sure most are just very eccentric and looking for attention but how many of these idiots may evolve into the next Timothy McVeigh (Oklahoma bomber) or Lee Harvey Oswald (President Kennedy assassin). Let’s pray that the Secret Service will do their job protecting our President but how much collateral damage will be caused if their “ticker” goes off? It seems to be a tragedy ready to happen. This thing isn’t about healthcare. Healthcare is just the biggest punching bag at the time. It will be something else next. August 28, 2009/The Villager/Page 3 Kennedy Was Champion Of Church-State Separation, Says Americans United The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, today issued the following statement on the death of U.S. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.): “Sen. Ted Kennedy was a great champion of churchstate separation. It’s not just that he consistently voted to support that principle – he really got it. He deeply understood that only a high and firm wall of separation between church and state could protect our liberties. He knew the reasons why our Founders established churchstate separation and why we need to preserve it. He got how church-state separation protects the rights of both religious and non-religious people. “One of the things that made Sen. Kennedy so effective was his powerful presence. I first met him in the 1970s during a meeting designed to address issues of concern to residents of Washington, D.C. There were probably 40 people in the room, all squabbling about how to proceed. When Sen. Kennedy walked in, all talking stopped. (D-Mass) U.S. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy He outlined a plan of action, and we divided up the work. “In subsequent years, I had many occasions to work with Sen. Kennedy and his staff. Although he belonged to a powerful political family, I always found him to be down to earth and engaging. He always took the time to intensely study whatever issue came before him, and his command of the facts and the workings of the Senate were impressive. “When Sen. Jesse Helms tried to push a school HOSPITAL PHARMACY prayer amendment through the Senate, Ted Kennedy stood up to block it. When President Ronald Reagan sought to put Robert Bork on the Supreme Court, Ted Kennedy led the charge to stop him. When bills were introduced in Congress to fund religious schools with tax funds, Ted Kennedy was the first to speak up in opposition. “At the same time, Sen. Kennedy was a consistent supporter of the free exercise of religion and deplored any effort to chisel away at this cherished right of the American people. “At Americans United’s 50th anniversary celebration in 1997, Kennedy sent videotaped remarks commending AU’s work. ‘Through the years,’ Kennedy said, ‘we have worked well together to ensure that when the First Amendment says [Congress shall make] no law [respecting an establishment of religion], it means no law. May it always be so.’ “Sen. Kennedy truly cannot be replaced. He was an institution and will be remembered as one of the great heroes of religious liberty and church-state separation. Americans United sends its condolences to the senator’s family. We mourn his passing but honor his legacy – a legacy of freedom that will stand for many years to come.” All Nations Christian Center to hold Revival and Women’s Day Service All Nations Christian Center Church of God In Christ will present a Revival and Fifth Sunday Women’s Day Service this weekend. The revival will be Friday and Saturday, August 28 and 29, 2009 at 7 p.m. and Women’s Day will be Sunday, August 30 at 3 p.m. The Guest Speaker is Evangelist Dorothy Crosson. “The public is invited to join in this Holy Serving Austin since 1970 Let us Fill your next Perscription! SAVE TIME The community & surrounding areas are cordially invited to a “Summer Gospel Explosion 2009, Saturday, August 29th, 2009 @ 5:30 PM, @ Shiloh Primitive Baptist Church, 385 FM 20, Bastrop,TX, Elder R. H. Howard, Pastor. The Inspirational Praise Leader will be Sister Brenda HumphriesHoward of KFIT Gospel 1060 AM, Austin, TX. The special guest will be The Original Wonderful Harmonizers, of Huntsville, TX. Other guests will include The Moriah Sisters of Austin, TX and The Heavenly Praisers of Bastrop, and the guest soloist will be Sister Berneice Williams of Bastrop. For more information contact Demetria Washington @ 303-3609. Lone Star Women’s Ministry to host Saturday event Lone Star Missionary Baptist Church, 268 Shiloh Road, Bastrop, TX., Rev. Fred Blackman, Pastor, Women’s Ministry cordially invites all women to join us for an afternoon of fellowship, food, and fun, on Saturday, August 29, 2009 @ 3:00 PM. Our dynamic speakers will be speaking on the fruit of the Spirit. Our speakers will be Sister Brenda Hubert (Love), Sister Willie Hickey (Joy), Sister Gloria Norfleet (Peace), Sister Evelyn Edmondson (Longsuffering) and Sister Ernestine Simms (Faith). Songs of Love will be by Sister Mickey Taylor & Sister Barbara Anderson. Theme:”Live by The Spirit” This I say then, walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Galatians 5:16. For more information contact Sister Hattie McMarion @ 303-6823 or Sister Lula Reese @ 303-1664. Church news, announcement? If so, contact the Villager at 476-0082 Ghost filled service,” says Missionary Martha Campfield, Women’s Department President. Superintendent W. N. Little is Founder and Pastor and Evangelist Serual Little is First Lady. The Christian Center is located at 4 Chisholm Trail Road, Round Rock, Texas. For more information, call (512) 388-1313. DOUBLE “R” GROCERY We cash ALL Tax Refund Checks Check Out Ask your doctor to call your prescription in to us and we’ll have it ready for you when you get here! 2115 E. MLK Blvd. 512-476-7338 Summer Gospel Explosion 2009 at Shiloh Baptist THE AIRPORT FLEE MARKET Saturdays and Sundays Austin, Texas 78702 www.PHRX.Net Open Mon-Fri 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat 9 a.m. - Noon We can stretch your advertising budget.Just call us at 512.476.0082 450l East Martin luther King Blvd. 1149 Airport Blvd. Visit the church of your choice on Sunday Agape Baptist Church David Chapel Missionary Baptist Church Maranatha Faith Center 2211 East MLK Blvd. Office: 512-472-9748 Fax: 512-472-5399 In “The Centre” Bldg. F-15 7801 N. Lamar Blvd. (SE Corner of N Lamar and 183) AGAPE is a chuch for all people. “Where Jesus Christ is Magnified and the love He exhibited is Exemplified.” Come, receive God’s unconditional lovefor you. For there is no greater love! Church Services Sunday Services Discipleship Training 8:15 A.M. Sunday School 9:00 A.M. Worship 10:00 A.M. Rev. Joseph C. Parker Jr. Nursery services available Pastor St. Peter’s United Methodist Church4509 Springdale Road 512- 926-1686 Fax 512-929-7281 Sunday School 9:30 AM Sunday Worship 11:00 AM Mid-Week Service Thursday: Praise, Prayer and Bible Study 7:00 PM Call 454-1547 for Transporation Website Rev. H. Ed Calahan Pastor JOSHUA CHAPEL CHRISTIAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1006 Yeager Lane, Suite 102-A Austin, Texas We invite you to come and worship with us Sunday Services Worship Sunday School Worship Service Rev. Jack C. Gause Pastor 8:30 A.M. 9:45 A.M 11:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. Ebenezer Baptist Church 1010 East 10th Street 512-478-1875 Fax: 512-478-1892 Radio Ministry (KIXI 970 AM TV Ministry (ACTV. Ch 32) Bus Ministry 9:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. Call 512-478-1875 Rev. Lois Hayes, Pastor Sunday Services Sunday School Morning Service Wednesday Service 9:00-10:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. -12Noon 7:00 - 8:00 P.M. Floyd Fontenot, Sr., Founder Floyd Fontenot, Jr., Pastor Imani Community Church Davis Elementray Auditorium 8:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Wednesday Midweek Prayer Service 7:00 P.M. Child Development Center Ages 0-5 years (Daily) 512-478-6709 5214 West Duval Road Sunday School Worship Service •Power Hour Bible Life Group 9:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. Imani Complex & Office, 11800 Mustang at Duval Austin, Texas 78727 Office: 512-343-9300 Rev. Dr. Jacquelyn Donald-Mims AFRICAN ASSEMBLIES of GOD CHURCH A growing church ministering to African American and other nationals Come worship with us Sunday Services Worship Service Sunday School Discipleship Training Worship Service Rev. Marvin C. Griffin Pastor Sunday School 10:00 A.M. Worship Service 11:00 A.M. WEDNESDAY Bible Study 6:30 P.M. SATURDAY New Jesus is Coming Again The church fellowship where everybody can be somebody! Member Assimilation 10:00 A.M. Wednesday Evening Bible Study Sunday Services 4930 South Congress Avenue, C-302 512-750-4628 512-804-2537 Sunday Worship Wednesday Prayer Meeting 11:30 A.M. 6:45 P.M. Rosewood Avenue Missionary Baptist Church 1820 Rosewood Avenue, Austin, Texas 78702 (512) 476-8201 Fax (512) 476-5693 “Divine Enpowerment for Bold Ministries” Weekly Services Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Wed. Night Bible Fellowship 6:30 p.m. The Spencer & Ora Lee Nobles “Hope Center” (512) 476-6722 Place of Worship The Church of Glad Tidings 2700 Northland Dr. Austin, TX 78756 For more information, contact Pastor Jonah Ghartey 512-873-8103 [email protected] Aligned with Matters of Eternity St Annie A.M.E. Church 1711 Newton Street Austin, Texas 78704 Voice mail (512) 444-4509 E-mail: [email protected] Sunday School 9:30 A.M. Morning services 10:45 A.M. Rev. Derwin D. Gipson, Pastor Rev. Coby Shorter, III Pastor We b s i t e : w w Mount Sinai Missionary Baptist Church 5900 Cameron Road Austin, Texas 78723-1843 (512) 451-0808 (512) 302-4575 Fax Web Site - WORSHIP SERVICES Sunday Worship - 7:45 a.m. & 11 a.m. Church School - 9:45 a.m. Bible Studies - Mon, 6:30 p.m. & Wed., 12 noon Wednesday Night Worship - 7 p.m . “Ministries For Mankind” Luke 4:18 A.W.. Anthony Mays, Senior Pastor Page 4/THE VILLAGER/August 28, 2009 Manor FFA Youth Receive National Honor Yellow Jacket Field gets a clean sweep Thomas Hollywwood Henderson (standing 3rd from left) and Councilmember Sheryl Cole (Standing 3rd from right) join youth from the Boys and Girls Club-Rosewood and sponsors after Yellowjacket Field cleanup. Staff member Damon Luckett is seated center By Natomi Austin Manor FFA Chapter officers By Adrienne Ison Staff Reporter Summer vacation did not stop Manor youth, members of “Future Farmers of America”, from spending time positively, to earn great recognition. The Manor FFA Chapter received a National Chapter Award and was recognized as a Superior Chapter during the FFA Dallas Convention, which they attended July 7 -10. During the course of the week the Manor FFA Chapter Officer Team were given the opportunity to meet members from other chapters and participate in a variety of activities; were able to plan meetings and activities for the upcoming year, were able to participate as voting delegates throughout the week Several Manor members received awards at the convention. Cody Gardner and John Watson were awarded their Lone Star FFA Degrees. This is the highest award bestowed on members by the State Association. Marah Ingalsbe was awarded a $5,000 Star of Texas Fair & Rodeo scholarship. All three members are 2009 graduates of Manor High School. Two Manor FFA members were also selected to participate in the State FFA Chorus. Bruce Shelby and Jenae Fairrow were selected after completing an application and submitting an audition tape. The State Chorus performed at each General Session of the Convention. Earlier in the year FFA Officer Bruce Shelby, became the first student from Manor to ever be elected as the District Officer. This position is an earned accomplishment. As Centex District Reporter Bruce is now responsible for all of the Austin Schools and surrounding areas including, Round Rock, Pflugerville, Del Valley and Bastrop. He and other FFA leaders are responsible for organizing leadership camps, and showing the various branches how to govern their specific chapters, including the earning of awards. The officers expressed that they are looking forward to a year filled with many exciting opportunities for the members as they help the Texas FFA “Inspire, Engage, & Achieve.” Friday Night Lights readies for new season The starting of Season 4 of the acclaimed DirecTV/ NBC television series “Friday Night Lights” and the casting office will opened this week. The show begin filming as of 9/2/09 until approximately 12/23/09 in AUSTIN, TX. They are currently looking to fill our general EXTRAS and FEATURED EXTRAS positions with NEW faces who have never worked on “Friday Night Lights” before. (Austin or Texas LOCALS ONLY- they will NOT fly anyone to Austin, pay for gas or provide housing!). AGES-HISPANIC men, women and children, ALL AGES-Football Players: 18-23 years old, all ethnicities especially African American and Hispanic, young looking, athletic, football experience helpful but not required, must know how to put on pads and uniform-Pop Warner/Pee Wee Football Players: 5-12 years old, African American, some football playing experience is helpful-CheerleadTHE PRODUCERS ers & Dance Team: female, ARE SEEKING:-AFRI- 18-23 years old, all CAN AMERICAN men, ethnicities especially African women and children, ALL American and Hispanic, MYEC cute-African American and Hispanic, coaches: 28-60, athletic, previous coaching experience helpful but not required ALL POSITIONS ARE PAID POSITIONS at $7.25 per hour (with 8 hour guarantee). Some extras positions do pay more. They are also casting general extras (Fans, Teachers, Students, Restaurant Patrons, Townspeople, etc.) for this project- open to ALL ages, all ethnicities especially AF- On August 10, 2009 over twenty young girls and boys from the Boys and Girls club in Rosewood area made a strong commitment. They made a decision to do something great for their community by cleaning up Yellow Jacket Field. Yellow Jacket Field is historically known as a field that many people in the Rosewood community have grown to love and appreciate as apart of the community. Sonya Johnson and Damon Luckett are the key staff members at the Boys and Girls Club-Rosewood that spearheaded the opportunity for these young people to give back to the community. The young people from the Boys and Girls club were greeted by Councilmember Sheryl Cole that afternoon. Councilwoman Cole first thanked the young people for their hard work in the community. She noted that these young people volunteered to take on the task of cleaning up the field which is something most young people don’t like to do. Councilwoman Cole talked about what she does as a councilmember for the City Of Austin and took questions from the audience. Austin Police Officer Eric Oakmon and a few of his colleagues, Lieutenant Ken Cannaday, Commander William Bastow and Officer Dale Cooper also came to greet the young people and congratulate them on their volunteer efforts at Yellow Jacket Field. Officer Oakmon talked about his work with the Eastside Story program and many other community programs. A native of East Austin, Officer Oakmon wanted to let the young people know that there is opportunity through sports, which the field promotes. And, there are upcoming programs that students will be able to participate in that will promote health and team building through basketball. The highlight of the day was a talk from former NFL football player Thomas “Hollywood” Henderson. He talked abut how sports are a great way to go on to college and get a degree. “Education is the key to d whatever you want to do,” Henderson states. Henderson was responsible for many of the improvements needed on Yellow Jacket Field for the community use. After the small talks our young volunteers were rewarded with certificates and an opportunity to play video games on the mobile game unity Games2U. Thanks to all the young people that made their investment in East Austin! At the V illa ger e can str etc hy our Villa illag er,, w we stretc etch your advertising b udg et. Just call us a budg udget. att 512.476.0082 RICAN AMERICAN and HISPANIC. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED!!!! If you are not already in the talent database, you MUST fill out a FREE profile at www.onlocationcasting .net in order to be considered for extra work. You MUST attach 1-2 recent photos, otherwise your profile will automatically be deleted. Upgrades that are offered are OPTIONAL and they are not necessary in order to work on “Friday Night Lights”. MAKE SURE TO LIST YOUR SPECIAL SKILL (football, dance, cheerleading, coach, skateboard, etc.) in your profile!!!! Please DO NOT input a credit card and DO NOT PAY for anything once you register your talent application!!!If you are already in the talent database, please DO NOT create a new talent profile. However, please be sure to log-in to your profile and make sure all of your contact information & photos are current. You cannot be hired if you do not have accurate phone numbers listed. If you look different then the photo you have in your profile, please update you picture(s) as well. BizAid August 28, 2009/THE VILLAGER/page 5 The Diaspora As another week comes, the Diaspora will be highlighting about another trailblazing member of the African community in Central Texas. The person of the week is unlike other individuals whom the Diaspora wrote about, because she is new to Central Texas. Although Nina Nacanannabo is fairly new to Central Texas, she knows that Central Texas will give her the opportunity to get her piece of the “American Dream”. She was willing to leave her native country and also leave Houston, TX because she believes that the business environment of Central Texas is suitable to her ability to achieve her dream. Nina was born and raised in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso which is a landlocked country in West Africa. She attended “Lycee Technique of Ouagadougou High School”. She also learned how to braid hair during this period. After graduating from high school, she spent three years at the university where she studied and received a pre-law degree from St Thomas Aquin University. After obtaining a green card, she came to the United States where she studied Basic English for the past year. Upon finishing English classes, she plans to attend the University of Texas at Austin’s Business School. Not only is she planning to get a bachelor degree, but also plans to attain a MBA degree. While seeking a business degree, Nina also plans to open her own business. After recently leaving Houston to settle in Central Texas, Nina plans to utilize her entrepreneur spirit to open up a hair salon. Moreover, she moved from Houston to Austin because she believes that this region would allow her to build a business. Although she doesn’t have a salon, she is currently braiding hair based own appointments. Some of the types of braids she offers are kinky braids, free style, cornrows, and microwave braids. Since, she doesn’t have a salon, she can be contacted at (832) 5378745 for a braiding appointment. After settling down in Central Texas, she plans to eventually open up a hair salon. Snapshot at Austin City Government Austin City Council On August 19, 2009, the City Council went into a closed meeting to discuss the city's budget. Then on August 20,, 2009 the City Council held a regular council meeting in which they approved the minutes of August 6, 2009 council meeting and also discussed 67 items. The agenda included items such as: water utility; increasing the lease at Bergstrom Airport; communications and technology management; contract and land management; the city’s convention center; the city's purchasing office; planning and development review; public works; transportation; and zoning ordinances/restrictive covenant. Furthermore, the city council had an executive session to discuss "legal issues related to Cause No. D-1-GN07-001790; Archer-Western Contractors, Ltd., an Illinois Limited Partnership v. City of Austin, Texas; In the 201st Judicial District Court of Travis County, Texas (concerns Ulrich Water Treatment Plant). (Private Consultation with Attorney - Section 551.071)." Aerial of beautiful Austin, TX City of Austin Watering Rules On August 24, 2009 the city of Austin began a Water Restriction Stage 2 Level. The city of Austin will establish a Level 2 water restriction because of the ongoing drought. Moreover, the ongoing drought has caused a drop in the combined storage level of less than 900,000 acre-feet in Lakes Travis and Buchanan. Consequently, residents of the city of Austin and commercial businesses will be restricted to outside water usage on certain days. These are the following days that residents can use outside watering: on Saturdays, residential customers (4 or fewer units) with addresses ending in odd numbers can use outdoor watering; On Sundays, residential customers (4 or fewer units) with addresses ending in even numbers can use outdoor watering; On Tuesdays, Commercial and multifamily customers (including common areas of condominiums or homeowners’ associations) with street addresses ending in odd numbers can use outdoor watering; and on Fridays, commercial and multifamily customers (including common areas of condominiums or homeowners’ associations) with street addresses ending in even numbers can use outdoor watering. Moreover, Stage 2 Level Watering means that the restriction established by the city affects the outside usage of watering. Individuals can only wash their cars during designated outdoor water use days from 12 a.m. to 10 a.m. and from 7 p.m. to 12 a.m. Individuals must use a handheld bucket or a hose equipped with a shut off nozzle. Individuals may wash their cars at a commercial car wash at any time and on any day. A person may schedule an automatic system no earlier than 12:01 a.m. on their designated water use day. All cycles must be complete by 10:00 a.m. that same day. Furthermore a stage two watering level prohibits the washing of sidewalks, driveways, parking areas, or other paved areas except when necessary to alleviate an immediate health or safety hazard. Also, individuals are prohibited from conducting or participating in a charity car Wash. Moreover, these are only a few of instances that individuals can use water for outdoor purposes. Not only the city has restricted water usage, but will also enforce the restriction by fines. The city of Austin is in the process of enlisting additional personnel to "investigate all reported watering violations." Moreover, the personnel enlisted by the city will conduct patrols and investigations scheduled around the clock. Before the agent issues a violation, they must witness and document the violation. A violation of the city's management ordinance (Chapter 6-4 of City Code) is considered a Misdemeanor C, carrying a fine of $500. The African Diaspors Section By Tsoke (Chuch) Adjavon Summerfest in Austin TX. On August 22, 2009, KAZI 88.7 FM radio celebrated their 27th anniversary by organizing a Summerfest in Austin TX between the hours of 10 am to 10 pm. The Summerfest which was held in the Monarch Event Center had a festive atmosphere but yet a serious tone to it. The Summer Fest had many vendors who offered music, food, and arts and crafts. The Travis County Health and Human Service Mobile Van offered free screening for blood pressure, blood sugar, pregnancy and STDs. Although people were in a festive mood, there were also seminars in which people could discuss relevant issues that concern the African American community in Austin. For instance, a seminar on "Race Relations" and "It's Time to Stop" were hosted by Stanley W. Allen. “The definition of Community/ Communities" was hosted by Richard Smith. "Starting and Growing a Business in Today's Economic Environment" was hosted by Hopeton Hay and the National Association of Black Accountants. Moreover, these were examples of the seminars that a participant could attend. Around 3:30 PM, there were approximately 400 participants who don’t include the vendors, volunteers, musicians, and speakers present at the Monarch Event Center. Moreover, this event was widely attended by the members of the community and also by the businesses that serve the community. During this time, the Villager was able to gather "sound bites" from the volunteers and the vendors that were present at the event. For instances, Willie S, Anderson a volunteer stated that, “The event was a time to support the vendors in the area and also a time of fellowship with the community." Richard Smith, stated, "It is time to reach out to the community and to show the vitality of KAZI in the community." Cydney Murray stated, "The event was geared and relevant to all people and to all age groups." She also stated, “This event is a celebration and a time for people in the community to learn about the organizations that serve the community." Finally, Ruth Yonamine, a vendor from BiG Austin, stated that, "As a nonprofit organization, the event allowed them to talk to a numerous amount of people about the program that they offer to individuals who are seeking to open a up a business.” She also stated that, "On October 1, 2009 they will be organizing a summit.” WE ARE THE VILLAGER CCAACC Page 6/THE VILLAGER/August 28, 2009 Summer Utility Bill Assistance Available Due to the extreme summer temperatures, the City of Austin is offering a one-time, six-month-term Deferred Payment Arrangement option to assist customers having difficulties paying their summer utility bills. Generally utility payment plans are limited to four-month terms. “July was the hottest month on record and it appears we will break the alltime record in Austin for the total number of days over 100 degrees,” said Austin Mayor Lee Leffingwell. “The extreme heat coupled with the downturn in the economy requires additional consideration for citizens facing financial difficulties.” Customers who wish to request a six-month payment plan should contact the City of Austin before Oct. 1, 2009. Under this payment arrangement, customers will pay 25 percent of the total account balance as a down payment within seven calendar days of making the Deferred Payment Arrangement, with the remaining balance spread across six equal installments. The installment payments must be made in addition to payment of current bill charges each month. City of Austin utility customers who remain current on their DPA installments and monthly usage charges will not be subject to disconnection. “Increased awareness of this new six-month DPA option, as well as other AE customer assistance programs, will help citizens who are struggling to pay their high summer bills,” said Austin City Council Member Chris Riley. “Austin Energy has done a great job of working with Council staff and concerned citizens to make necessary changes in response to Austin’s record high temperatures.” The exceptional heat has resulted in significant increases in residential electric use due to air conditioning. With temperatures peaking at or above 100 degrees (espe- cially for multiple days in a row) air conditioners will still run eight hours or more a day – even with thermostats set at 79 or 80. And for those keeping their house cool in 100 degree-plus temperatures, the average air conditioner has been running up to 15-17 hours out of 24 on average. The result is much higher summer electric bills. For instance, single family homes in Austin (excluding apartments) on average used about 887 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity during both March and April of this year. June average usage jumped to 1,927 kWh and in July hit a record 2,157 kWh average. The utility bill translation of those jumps goes from a March and April average electric bill of about $88 to a June bill of $203 on average and a July bill of $235— virtually a tripling of electric bills from spring to summer due almost totally to air conditioning. Council Member Laura Morrison added, “This is also a perfect time for qualified home owners and rent- ers to apply for Austin Energy’s free energy efficiency improvements programs. These programs can help customers reduce their monthly energy consumption, which will result in lower utility bills.” Customer Assistance Discount Program The City of Austin Customer Assistance Discount Program provides utility bill discounts that can total $44.90 a month for a residential customer using a monthly average of 1,000 kilowatt-hours. The program is available to customers already receiving benefits through programs such as Medicaid, State-paid Medicare, Supplemental Security Income, Travis County energy assistance programs or Travis County or City of Austin medical assistance programs. Customer Assistance (PLUS 1) Financial Support Program Emergency utility bill assistance, or Plus 1, is available to help pay utility bills of customers facing extraordinary situations such as loss of job or medical problems. The funding is distributed through some 15 community assistance groups such as Travis County Family Support Services. The City of Austin provides about $300,000 a year in funding and Austin utility customers provide about $45,000 in additional funding. “Austin citizens have been generous throughout the years in assisting those less fortunate and we appreciate their participation very much,” said Austin Energy General Manager Roger Duncan. “Those who would like to provide funding assistance can simply add a contribution to any utility bill payment and indicate the contribution on their payment statement.” Free Energy Efficiency Improvements Austin Energy provides free efficiency improvements to qualified customers who own a home, or to those who rent if they have lived in the rented house at least three months. Efficiency improvements include additional attic insulation, duct sealing, solar screens and more. The program will also make limited repairs on homes so that energy efficiency improvements will be effective. This might include installing new entry doors and window repair. Levelized billing can also help This program lets you pay the same electric bill amount each month throughout the year to avoid a large jump during summer months. It works like this: your energy use over the previous 12 months is added up and divided by 12. Any projected increase in the fuel charge for the coming year is factored in and you get a set electric bill amount to pay each month. If your energy usage exceeds your set payments, the overage is simply factored into the average for the next year, which means you get 12 months to pay it off. Customers can drop out of the program at any time. Customers should call 494-9400 or visit for information or application forms on the utility assistance programs outlined above. DUKES ELECTED TO ADVISORY COUNCIL OF NCSL WOMEN’S LEGISLATIVE NETWORK AUSTIN — State Representative Dawnna Dukes (D- District 46) has been elected to the Advisory Council of the Women’s Legislative Network of the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). The Women’s Legislative Network of NCSL includes all women state legislators by virtue of their election to office. There are currently 1,788 women serving in state legislatures across the country. The Network’s mission is to promote the participation, empowerment, and leadership of women legislators through: · Sponsoring forums and workshops on topics of interest to women legislators, · Hosting events for women legislators at NCSL meetings, and · Partnering with other organizations to provide resources and services. Recent Network programming has addressed policy topics of financial stability and women’s health. Representative Dukes was elected to the Advisory Council on July 22 at the Women’s Legislative Net- work annual business meeting during the NCSL Legislative Summit in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. “It is a real privilege for me to serve on the Advisory Council of the Women’s Legislative Network,” said Representative Dukes. “I look forward to meeting with women leaders throughout the country to share ideas and learn from one another about the critical issues of the day.” The Advisory Council of the Women’s Legislative Network is made up of two or three women from each state who serve as their state’s liaisons to the Network’s Executive Board. NCSL is a bipartisan organization that serves the legislators and staff of the states, commonwealths and territories. It provides research, technical assistance and opportunities for policymakers to exchange ideas on the most pressing state issues and is an effective and respected advocate for the interests of the states in the American federal system. Texas State Representative Dawnna Dukes Reagan High School September PTSA Meeting The new school year has begun and what better way to hit the ground running than to be a part of the Reagan PTSA. In addition to being informed about issues such as the chain of command at Reagan and beyond, getting to know your student’s counselors, AP’s, and other administration here at Reagan, there is a sharing atmosphere to learn of tools available to assist you with information about your student. Even more importantly, there are opportunities to volunteer to make our campus a better learning environment for our students, a better teaching environment for our teachers and a better place to communicate, monitor and serve for our parents. There are opportunities to work together as a team to do whatever it takes to make our students successful here at Reagan High School. In addition, the students who are members of the PTSA are eligible for the Reagan High School PTSA Scholarship as well as the Texas PTSA Award. What more could you ask of a PTSA? Come join us at our next meeting where we will discuss where we currently stand as a school as well as where we’re going and what our plans are to get there. We will have entertainment and a guest speaker. We will welcome your questions/ comments. Please, share this invitation with a fellow parent, staff member, community member or student. We’ll see you there. - Jacqueline Chatham Texas Lottery Chips Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy passed away at age 77 from page 1 President Barack Obama and Senator Kennedy Wednesday morning, saying in part, “Michelle and I were heartbroken to learn this morning of the death of our dear friend, Senator Ted Kennedy,” he said. “I valued his wise counsel in the Senate, where, regardless of the swirl of events, he always had time for a new colleague. I cherished his confidence and momentous support in my race for the Presi- dency. And even as he waged a valiant struggle with a mortal illness, I’ve profited as President from his encouragement and wisdom.” Kennedy served in the United States Senate for 47 years after filling the seat of his older brother, John F. Kennedy, after JFK was elected president. Edward Kennedy became the patriarch of his large family after the untimely deaths of his three brothers Joe, Jack and Robert Kennedy. Delivering the eulogy for Robert Kennedy in 1968, Kennedy said, “My brother need not be idealized or enlarged in death beyond what he was in life, to be remembered as a good and decent man, who saw wrong and tried to right it, saw suffering and tried to heal it, saw war and tried to stop it. Those of us who loved him and who take him to his rest today, pray that what he was to us and what he wished for others will someday come to pass for all the world.” Kennedy will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery near his brothers JFK and RFK. Sen. Edward Kennedy was 77. August 28, 2009/THE VILLAGER/Page 7 Homemade Video Airs as New Don’t Mess with Texas TV Ad AUSTIN, Texas - A new video advertisement, produced by the winner of the first-ever Car2Can™ Contest, will join the Don’t Mess with Texas lineup of iconic television spots. Contest winner, Ryan Craig, of Austin, produced the video chosen as most creative in demonstrating ways to solve Texas’ litter problem—how to get trash from cars to trashcans instead of the side of roadways. A judges’ panel and public vote chose the winning video, which depicted Craig cleaning out a car by taping garbage bags to one side and using a giant fan to blow the trash out from the other side. That video has been edited down to a 30second commercial and will air during prime time on Austin TV stations. “The video is funny and should inspire people to clean out their cars but not throw their trash onto Texas roads,” said Doris Howdeshell, Travel Information Division Director for the Texas Department of Transportation. “The idea behind the Car2Can contest was to get Texans to use their creativity to get people to stop throwing stuff out the window and put it into a trashcan instead.” In addition to having his video featured during prime time television programming, Craig also won a $250 Wal-Mart gift card and a Gibson Epiphone Les Paul II guitar branded by Sweet Leaf Tea. The winning video can be seen at car2can. Pay Station ticket extended Grace period and Ticket Amnesty While there has been widespread support for the modern pay stations, with the ability to use credit and debit cards, we have found that some of our citizens have been unclear about the new process to place the parking stickers inside their vehicles. We want to take the extra time and steps necessary to allow all our citizens to understand the new process. As a customer service we will extend the grace period for those customers learning the new service, and issue only a warning on the first offense of incorrect display of receipt. For those tickets that have been issued to date, we request they all be dismissed and money returned to the customer. This request only applies to the Parking Violation No. 41274 “Incorrect display of sticker,” and not other issued parking tickets. We are stepping up our education efforts with new signage to be placed on the pay station that will notify drivers of the correct placement for the parking receipt (see preliminary sample below). Our warning citations will remind the customer that we require the parking receipt on the inside of the curbside windshield for visibility reasons. If the receipt is simply tossed on the dash board many times it ends up upside down or too far down on the dashboard to read. If that is the case, staff can’t determine if the car is parked legally or not. Our parking enforcement group will issue a warning first, while also recording their license plate number in our database, so that customers who do not follow the instructions and proper placement of the receipt a second time will be ticketed. To date, the City has installed 220 new parking pay stations replacing the single coin-operated parking meters in the downtown area. By November, the City expects to install nearly 500 pay stations, replacing the majority of the 3,500 single meter system. We anticipate these early adjustments will increase customer education and ensure satisfaction with the pay stations. Please call Steve Grass field at 974-1489 if you have any questions or concerns. For inf orma tion call informa ormation Gary W ar dian a War ardian att (512) 350-1272 NOW AVAILABLE City of Austin to accept $2 million in HUD Federal stimulus funds to create legacy projects and jobs from page 1 “Matching worthy projects with federal dollars is how we build a stronger community. This is another example of how federal stimulus dollars have been put to productive use in supporting worthy local initiatives,” said Congressman Doggett. “The City will continue to seek Stimulus opportunities to provide investment needed to increase economic efficiency,” said Mayor Lee Leffingwell. “These funds will help Austin create and preserve jobs, which is key to economic recovery. More importantly, this investment enables members of our community to build better lives for themselves by offering opportunity and a sense of dignity to those in need.” The Recovery Act awards $1 billion in CDBG-R funds to be distributed by HUD to cities, counties, insular areas and states. The City of Austin is one of 1,200 jurisdictions that received CDBG in fiscal year 2008, making it eligible to receive CDBG-R. The Austin City Council will vote to accept the funds at its regularly scheduled council meeting Thursday, Aug. 27, 2009. This will allow the Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Office to administer the funds to the following four projects: · $500,000 to LifeWorks for the purchase of land to construct a 32,000 square foot Resource Center to expand critical workforce, youth development, adult and youth education, and mental health services to low-income populations. LifeWorks will close on the land in September 2009. Ground breaking will occur in the first quarter of 2010. The Center is scheduled to open in mid-2011. The completed project will retain 130 professional jobs and will create 20 construction jobs during the erection of the facility. The ground-floor retail space will also create 20 part-time retail jobs. LifeWorks will achieve an Austin EMPLOYMENT/BIDS/ PROPOSALS/PUBLIC/ INFORMATION/ FOR SALE/FOR RENT/MISC Employment JANITORIAL WORKERS NEEDED ISS Facility Services, Inc. has openings for supervisory, floor men, and general cleaners for part-time evening employment. Apply at ISS Facility Services, Inc. Austin, M-F, between 4-6 pm, 8101 Cameron Road # 304. ISS Facility Services, Inc. is an Equal opportunity Employer (EOE) and promotes a Diverse Workforce. At the V illa ger e Villa illag er,, w we can str etc h stretc etch your advertising b udg et. Just budg udget. call us a att 512.476.0082 Green Building rating of at least three stars. · $500,000 to PeopleFund for the construction of the Center for Economic Opportunity. This twostory facility will provide comprehensive services to local small businesses and low to moderate income homebuyers. In addition, the facility will provide affordable office space to small businesses. The Center will be located in the Martin Luther King Station Area at 1700 Alexander Avenue and will provide a central location equipped with modern technology and with ready access to technical assistance. The shared office will serve as an incubator for small businesses. This project will create approximately 20 construction jobs and create two fulltime jobs upon completion. · $552,703 towards the historic renovation and new construction of the African-American Cultural and Heritage Facility, located at 912 East 11th Street, the site of the historic Detrick-Hamilton House. This project will create approximately 50 construction jobs and create four fulltime jobs upon completion by the designated tenants. · $250,000 to support the construction of sidewalks in historically disadvantaged neighborhoods of Central East Austin. Sidewalks are an essential component of public transit, which is used primarily by low- to moderate-income Austin residents, and also will enhance the lifestyles of residents and businesses in the area. This project will create 17 full-time construction jobs. · $200,300 will be used for Community Development Block Grant-Recovery administration. For more information about the City of Austin Stimulus opportunities, including the HUD-ARRA funds, visit stimulus. Classified Directory of African American Owned and Operated businesses and organizations in Austin and the Surrounding area. $2.00 each. Call 476-0082 or stop by 1223 Rosewood Ave. Page 8/The Villager/August 28, 2009 Villager Sportsville Akins scrimmage sets stage for first game By George Hardin SportsBeat The Akins High School Eagles held a scrimmage Friday, Aug. 21, at Toney Burger Stadium in preparation for the new AISD football season, which begins this week. Michael Zierlein, head varsity coach of the Eagles, who conducted the scrimmage with the Lanier Vikings, said, “I was pleased with the scrimmage. Our kids did fine. They ran the ball, played 100 percent all the time. So that’s what we’re looking for. They made some good plays and we still have some mistakes to correct but that’s going to happen when you’re playing 10 sophomores on varsity. It’s going to take them a while to get acclimated.” Zierlein added, “We’re going to rely on the guys who played last year on varsity to take them under their wing and lead the way. It’s just a matter of getting back to teaching. As for the year, I kind of see us improving as the year goes on. You do see the improvement that we might not have been seeing in the last couple of years. You see it in practice every day.” Zierlein mentioned some of the returnees that are expected to be a strong part of the new team when its takes the field. He said, “Konockus Sashington plays receiver and cornerback for us and he’s a Division I type athlete who’ll go on to play college [football] somewhere. We’re looking for some big things out of him. We have a receiver named Joel Johnson. He’s been a three-year letterman for us also. I’m really looking for him to step up and do even bigger things. We have a 6-foot 4, 250-pound tight end named Chris Auld who is a junior. He led our team in receptions last year and we’re looking for him to catch about 30 or 40 balls this year and help us with the running game as well.” Working with Zierlein are Jeff Mayfield, assistant head coach and defensive coordinator; Chad Seitz, co-offensive coordinator; Steve Riojas, co-offensive coordinator; Humberto Garza, offensive line coach; Chris Thomas, receiver coach; Steve Velasquez, linebacker coach; Ted Rodriguez, d-line coach; and Brent Ritter, secondary coach. Freshman coaches are Richard Westerlund, Bob Williams and Trey Crampton. Zierlein is entering his third year as head coach at Akins. The Akins Eagles will open their season in meeting Crockett High Aug. 28 at 7:30 p.m. at Burger Stadium. Also holding a scrimmage was Eastside Memorial High under the leadership of head coach Darrell Crayton. He said, “We have quite a few good players. Most of them are juniors. We do have a good senior, Ben Lugo, that’s a running back and linebacker. Mostly everybody else is juniors and sophomores. We have Brandon Williams coming back as a linebacker, and Desmond Shaw, probably one of the fastest athletes in the city. He went to the regionals in the district in track. He’s coming back as free safety. Basically we’re just a straight running team.” Eastside’s first game was set for Thursday, Aug 27, against Canyon Lake in Fischer, Texas. COMPETITION—A player from Lanier High tries to hold on to a pass as an Akins opponent moves against him during a scrimmage at Toney Burger Stadium. Photo by George E. Hardin. Burl Toler was NFL pioneer, rejected Orange Bowl player By George Hardin SportsBeat Burl Toler, the first African American hired as an official in the National Football League, died Aug. 16 at a hospital in Castro Valley, Calif., after a short illness. Funeral services were held Wednesday, Aug. 26, in San Francisco. He was 81. Toler was an All-America linebacker on the undefeated University of San Francisco (USF) 1951 team. He was the No. 1 draft pick of the Cleveland Browns, but suffered a career-ending knee injury in the 1952 College All-Star Game against the then Los Angeles Rams and was never able to suit up for the Browns. When Toler took the NFL position in 1965 he became the first African American official in any major team sport in the nation. After winning 47-14 over the College of the Pacific in the game that was supposed to determine which team would get a bowl invitation, USF was told by the bowl game committee to leave its two black players at home, but refused to do so. Besides Toler, the other black player was Ollie Matson, a running back who was born in the east Texas town of Trinity. Matson moved to California with his family as a child. He went on to play for four NFL teams. Matson was inducted into the Professional Football Hall of Fame in 1972. Ten players altogether went on to NFL positions from that USF team. The USF’s Gino Marchetti, referring to the game in which Toler was hurt, later told a reporter that the down in which Toler was injured “ruined him. The Rams ran a sweep and he took three guys out, but he never got up. I can remember it like it was yesterday. He was walking out of the locker room and fell.” The U. S. Senate in 2002 adopted a resolution, submitted by Senator Barbara Boxer (D-California), saying the team was a victim of prejudice and “the treatment endured by this team was wrong and that recognition for its accomplishments is long overdue.” Sports Illustrated called the team “the best team you never heard of.” Born in Memphis, Toler graduated from Manassas High School (the school from which this reporter graduated some years later) and played football at historically black LeMoyne College (now LeMoyne-Owen College) before deciding to continue his education in California at the urging of an uncle who lived in Oakland. Toler worked 25 years in the NFL before retiring and officiated at three Super Bowls. He was the head linesman at the 1980 Super Bowl. Toler’s son, Burl Toler Jr., and his grandson, Burl Toler III, played football for the University of California at Berkeley. Toler Jr. did not play professional football. (When I worked in public relations at LeMoyne-Owen College the wife of Toler Jr. was on the staff as a freshman counselor.) Vick Looking Good in Eagles Camp In Philadelphia, teammates of Michael Vick said the quarterback looks ready to play. Eagle Safety Quintin Mikell said, "I'm not a quarterback or a quarterback coach so I wouldn't know exactly, but as a defensive guy watching, I can tell you that he's ready." Coach Andy Reid hasn’t made any predictions on when Vick will make his Eagles debut, but sources say packages are in place to take advantage of Vick’s athleticism. Vick is eligible to play in the next preseason game, but not in the regular season. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said he would consider Vick for full reinstatement by no later than Week 6 (Oct. 18-19). Since Vick's first day with the Eagles, he has stayed after practice to work with offensive coordinator Marty Mornhinweg and assistant coaches. He was joined Monday for 20 minutes by Donovan McNabb and the other three QBs on the roster. The Eagles have kept practices open, but are not allowing the media to report on specifics, a standard policy around the NFL. But while the Eagles prefer to keep their intentions to themselves, it's clear Vick wasn't brought in only to be a backup quarterback and that he figures into the team's plans. Vick's skills are perfectly suited to run a Wildcat formation, and he's familiar with Philadelphia's version of the West Coast offense. "I think he's had about three coordinators who have all been similar in their style," McNabb said. "There is nothing for me to tell him. He's obviously watched throughout my career and he's run the offense himself. He'll get a chance to kind of see it in action, move around in it, try to run it and try to execute the plays." Offensive lineman Shawn Andrews stated Vick is "ready for another chance". Lowrate Approvals Time is short. So is a Super Simple home loan. Applying for a home loan has never been simpler... now you can apply for financing in minutes with Super Simple*, the quickest and easiest way to get a home loan. This loan cuts the stress and the bulk of the paperwork out of the process. With Super Simple, you won’t have to spend hours finding, copying and faxing documents. Plus, for flexibility, Super Simple loans are available with fixed and adjustable rates. Spirit Loan Center George Thompson *To qualify for reduced paperwork, applicants must meet certain requirements. Customers not meeting those requirements will be Equal processed under standard underwriting guidelines. All loans Housing subject to approval. Certian restrictions may apply. Lender Toler III served on the practice squads of the Oakland Raiders and Washington Redskins before playing arena football. More recently he signed a contract to play in the Italian Football League. Toler worked as a teacher in San Francisco and then became the city’s first black secondary school principal. In 2006, Benjamin Franklin Middle School, where he had served as a teacher, was renamed in his honor. He was inducted into the Bay Area Sports Hall of Fame in 2008. The accompanying plaque with Toler’s likeness says: “Burl Toler was the rock-solid center-linebacker on the now justly celebrated Burl Toler University of San Francisco football team of 1951 that finished undefeated, untied, and uninvited to the Orange Bowl that year, mainly because two of its great stars, Toler and Ollie Matson, were African- American. On a roster boasting three future NFL Hall of Famers, Ollie Matson, Gino Marchetti, and Bob St. Clair, Toler was considered by his teammates the most accomplished of all.”