AnnuAl RepoRt


AnnuAl RepoRt
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Annual Report
July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011
Le t te r f ro m th e C hairma n
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Dear Friends,
The past year marked one of thoughtful, strategic change for CIM as the Board of Trustees, staff, faculty and students
embarked on a strategic plan and a path of new initiatives. As part of the process, we evaluated not only what we are
known for, but how we want to be known. With the help of a strategic branding agency, we interviewed hundreds of
constituents to find out what CIM means to them. We formed internal task forces to identify new programs and set
priorities. Motivated by what we learned, we developed a new look with a vibrant new logo, beautiful imagery and
engaging ways to tell our amazing story. Our new tagline, “Your Gift. Magnified.”, speaks to the student experience,
and to CIM’s exemplary history of fiscal responsibility – and spotlights the value of loyal donors like you.
Annual Report
Letter from the Chair
CIM exceeds annual fund goal
Distribution of Funds
recognizing cac
Alumni Donors
Annual Fund
• Our CIM@Severance Hall series expanded from two to four concerts this year, thanks to the generosity
of donors like you. This gave our students twice the opportunity to play on the same stage as their renowned
instructors and to bask in the splendor of that beautiful hall. It was at one of these concerts that we inaugurated
our very first class of Faculty Emeriti – commemorating their years of exemplary service.
• In January, the Women’s Committee brought One Singular Sensation featuring Marvin Hamlisch
to Severance Hall in a benefit concert that raised nearly $100,000. As a special treat, CIM vocalists shared
the stage with the CIM Orchestra and Mr. Hamlisch, singing Broadway favorites.
• In November, CIM proved that although classical music is deeply rooted in history, the way we deliver
information to the community doesn’t have to be. We became the first conservatory to launch a mobile
app for all three smartphone platforms in partnership with Now audiences can have
access to concert listings, a live news feed and videos in the palm of their hand. Best of all, this service, like
the majority of our concert events, is presented at no charge.
16 Gifts in Kind
17 Corporations and foundations
• Our collaboration with the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) Cleveland entered its second year,
as Harmonic Hues: CIM@MOCA created a fusion of modern art with new music performed in
MOCA’s dynamic galleries.
18 The Legacy Society
20 Scholarships
and Other Funds
• The third thrilling season of the Mixon Hall Masters Series began when tenor Vinson Cole (now a
member of our faculty) and pianist George Darden performed in October. Roberto Díaz, Curtis president
and former principal viola of the Philadelphia Orchestra and National Symphony, was joined by pianist
Kwan Yi in November. The season concluded with a sold-out performance by pianist Leon Fleisher.
23 honors and memorials
27 Officers of the Institute
board of Trustees
• On Commencement weekend, CIM was proud to host Honorary Doctorates, Itzhak and Toby Lynn
Perlman. Undeniably the reigning virtuoso of the violin, Mr. Perlman, with wife Toby, founded the
Perlman Music Program. The Perlmans hosted a public “fireside chat” with their friend, CIM and Perlman
Music Program faculty member, Merry Peckham.
28 Executive Staff
Faculty Senate
CIM is known for its long held traditions of inquisitive creativity, serious dedication to artistry at the highest
level and its devotion to the future lives of its sutdents. During the last year we’ve seen those traits magnified
— thanks to the dedication of thousands of individuals, corporations, foundations and government entities.
We are pleased to present our Annual Report to you as we celebrate all that has been accomplished in the last year.
I’m eager to share what comes next and I am joined by President Joel Smirnoff as we look forward to a very exciting
future for the Cleveland Institute of Music.
Thank you for your enthusiasm and dedication.
A. Malachi Mixon, III
Chairman of the Board
Cleveland Institute of Music
Annual report | 2010–2011
Cleveland Institute of Music
Annual report | 2010–2011
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d i stri buti o n o f f u n d s
The Cleveland Institute of Music ended the fiscal year with an Annual Fund Campaign
that exceeded its goal – raising $1,340,653 against a goal of $1,336,000. This
achievement was announced on July 8 at CIM’s Annual Meeting. Other announcements
included a balanced operating budget for the sixteenth year in a row.
Here are some highlights from the 2010-2011 fiscal year:
• 100% Trustee participation in the Annual Fund, as well as much
increased Trustee engagement in all development activities.
• CIM welcomed 21 new members to its Opus 10 Society, thus
bringing to 313 the number of donors who have given to CIM for 10
or more years.
• The Ernest Bloch Society, which honors donors to the Annual
Fund of $1,500 and above, welcomed 23 new members, bringing
its total to 129.
• The Legacy Society, which celebrates individuals who have
included CIM in their estate planning, increased by six for a total
membership of 204.
TOTAL $24,287,400
TOTAL $24,285,300
Tuition and Fees 79.1%
Investment Income 8.1%
Annual Fund 5.5%
Other Income 4.1%
Auxiliary Enterprises 3.2%
Instructional 37.4%
Student Financial Aid 37.4%
Institutional Support 15.8%
Academic Support 4.7%
Auxiliary Enterprises 2.5%
Student Services 2.2%
Thanks to the support of
Cuyahoga Arts & Culture…
• CIM hosted alumni, parents and friends events in five cities this year
— Chicago, Miami, San Francisco, Washington D.C. and Cleveland —
as part of a five-year alumni engagement plan that has been created
with the CIM Alumni Association.
The Cleveland Institute of Music is among the more than 130
new and returning organizations from across Cuyahoga County
that shared in nearly $15 million from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture
(CAC) during its 2011 funding cycle.
• CIM continued to benefit from a two-year grant of $697,580 each
year from Cuyahoga Arts and Culture (CAC), the organization
created to manage funds made available through Cuyahoga County’s
cigarette tax.
CAC is a sub-division of the State of Ohio, which collects a
dedicated tax on cigarettes sold in Cuyahoga County to fund
local arts and culture organizations. Voters in Cuyahoga County
approved the creation of CAC in 2006, and since then CAC
has invested nearly $50 million in hundreds of arts and culture
programs and become the fifth largest public arts funder in the U.S.
In addition to Annual Fund attainment, CIM raised $51,871 for the endowment fund,
$179,250 for special projects and contingent funds and $40,214 in board-designated funds.
CIM’s fundraising success this year was made possible by the efforts of the
Development Staff and the Development Committee of the board. Thanks to the
many Trustees who assisted in the Committee’s efforts by signing solicitation letters,
making follow up calls and contacts and introducing new people to CIM.
In addition, two businesses held benefits for CIM; Wyse Advertising had a holiday
email campaign, and the Lilly Pulitzer store at Legacy Village held a grand re-opening
celebration, with 10% of event sales donated to CIM. In addition, Baker Hostetler
and US Bank provided corporate support for concerts.
“More people need to be aware of the incredible impact that
this public funding for the arts is having in this region,” says
CAC Board President Steven Minter. CAC’s support of CIM will
enable the school to continue offering free world-class concerts
and other programs to citizens of Greater Cleveland and the
Northeast Ohio region. It also enables CIM to continue its
active outreach programs, whereby CIM students present
performances at retirement communities, hospitals, non-profit
organizations and schools throughout Greater Cleveland. The
award also helps CIM provide the level of scholarship needed to
attract and retain the best and brightest students from around
the world – students who, in turn, provide the experience of
live classical music to people throughout our region.
The Development Committee extends its thanks to the entire CIM family of trustees,
volunteers, donors, alumni, parents, students and staff who have given their “time,
talent and treasure” so willingly to CIM.
CIM students, faculty, staff, administration and all in our
community who benefit from CIM’s programs are grateful for
the ongoing support of Cuyahoga Arts & Culture.
CIM’s supporting organizations continued to raise both funds and awareness for CIM.
The “mini-benefits” of the Women’s Committee were very well-attended, as was
the Women’s Committee biennial benefit in Severance Hall this January — Marvin
Hamlisch in performance with the CIM Orchestra. The Alumni Association and the
CIM Women’s Committee provided significant and much-appreciated support to
CIM as the result of their many activities.
Thank you!
Cleveland Institute of Music
Annual report | 2010–2011
Cleveland Institute of Music
Annual report | 2010–2011
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A lu m n i
Do n o r s
Reta Biehle Alder (BM ‘46)
Virginia P. Clancy (BM ‘42)
Marguerite Gilbert (BM ‘49)
Pattison S. Kuntz (BM ‘47)
James H. Parnell, Jr. (BM ‘49)
Mildred Miller Posvar (BM ‘46, HDMA ‘83)
Evelyn Freeman Roberts (BM ‘41)
Colette J. Romzick (BM ‘45)
Louise D. Savage (BM ‘47)
Dr. Harriet A. Alger (BM ‘51)
Eleanor Pudil Anop (BM ‘48, MM ‘52)
Samuel Bennett (MM ‘59)
Elizabeth A. Chesko (BM ‘56)
Dominick J. Cocca, I (BM ‘53)
Elliott M. Golub (BM ‘56)
Dr. William R. Martin (BM ‘51)
Laura Engoglia Panichi (BM ‘56)
Nancy Rek (BM ‘52)
Dr. Raymond B. Sidoti (BM ‘51, MM ‘54)
Georgeanna K. Whistler (BM ‘49, MM ‘51)
Linda M. Allen (BM ‘62, MM ‘64)
Lawrence Barnhart (MM ‘66)
Elizabeth Bennett Clendenning (MM ‘60)
Nicolas S. (MM ‘62) and Rosalie J. (BM ‘62, MM ‘67)
Angelo M. Fortini (BM ‘61)
William L. Foster (MM ‘68)
Dr. Andrew (BM ‘67) and Nancy (BM ‘67) Froelich
Priscilla Fullerton (BM ‘64)
Harriet Goler (BM ‘63)
Jacqueline Hofto (MM ‘69)
Joela J. Jones (BM ‘66, MM ‘67)
Gerald W. Kohn (BM ‘67)
Lois S. Latnik (BM ‘64)
Jean Marshall (MM ‘66)
Cecelia O’Linn (BM ‘59, MM ‘63)
David E. Ralph (BM ‘66, BM ‘67)
Edith Warner Reed (BM ‘44, MM ‘68)
Nancy H. Reynolds (BM ‘66)
Juanita McCullough Schubert (BM ‘67, BM ‘68, MM ‘69)
Donna Lee Shriner (BM ‘69)
David and Nancy (BM ‘65) Wild
Thomas M. Zale (BM ‘63)
Anonymous (2)
Eric A. Arbiter (MM ‘74)
Dr. Janet S. Becker (BM ‘79)
Richard Bell (MM ‘78) and Clare Bell (BM ‘78)
Judson L. Billings (MM ‘79)
Evelyn S. Boyd (MM ‘70)
Michael P. Burke (BM ‘61, MM ‘72)
Bruce Conrad (BM ‘70, MM ‘73)
Bonnie M. Cook (BM ‘77)
Paul R. Critser (BM ‘78)
Mrs. Virginia D. Crumb (BM ‘77)
William Fay (MM ‘74)
Katherine L. Fleisher (MM ‘74)
Marshall Griffith (BM ‘75, MM ‘77)
Faith M. Grosso (MM ‘76)
Sally Horak Hundemer (BM ‘71)
Morris Jacob (BM ‘75, MM ‘77)
Dr. David Nelson Jex (DMA ‘78)
Dr. Timothy Michael Kalil (BM ‘74, MM ‘76)
Judith I. Larsen (BM ‘71)
William D. (MM ‘74, DMA, ‘77) and Cynthia M.
(BM ‘73, MM ‘73) Lawing
Susan M. Linder (MM ‘71)
Sarah-Theresa Y. Murakami (BM ‘67, BM ‘68, MM ‘69, AD ‘74)
Judith B. Oliver (BM ‘75)
Marcine Behm Petrea (MM ‘73)
Roger E. Rehm (BM ‘75, MM ‘75)
Mrs. Karen E. Rockwell (MM ‘77)
Gene Roy (BM ‘66, MM ‘73 )
Paul Schenly (BM ‘69, MM ‘71)
Jeanne Segal (BM ‘75, MM ‘77)
Dr. Stephen J. Szaraz (DMA ‘75)
David W. Taggart (BM ‘76)
Andrea K. Wagoner (BM ‘74, MM ‘75)
Dr. Susan Reed Waller (DMA ‘77)
Charles M. (BM ‘73) and Audrey E. (BM ‘73) Ward
Dr. Katharine Warne (DMA ‘75)
Stephen D. (‘75) and Carolyn G. (‘75) Warner
Dolores R. White (MM ‘74)
Denise A. (MM ‘79) and Charles E.
(BM ‘77, MM ‘78) Wilkinson III
Vera Z. Yanko (BM ‘72)
Anonymous (2)
Joel Becktell (BM ‘85, MM ‘87)
Eric W. Bower (MM ‘82)
Lisa Nelson Boyko (BM ‘85)
Cynthia L. Bunge (BM ‘78, MM ‘80)
Dr. Gloria Fok Cook (BM ‘74, MM ‘76, DMA ‘84)
Katherine L. deGruchy (BM ‘85, MM ‘86)
Alan R. DeMattia (MM ‘80)
Mary E. Feldmann-Miller (MM ‘83)
Karen Gottlieb (MM ‘80)
Laura Reisch Itzkowitz (BM ‘85)
Ok-Sim Nam Kim (AD ‘87)
Steven M. Kohn (MM ‘84)
Yolanda Kondonassis (BM ‘86, MM ‘89)
Anne Elizabeth Lockard (MM ‘83)
Virginia Wieland Mast (MM ‘80)
Victoria Raja McGinnis (BM ‘89)
Ida Mercer (DMA ‘86)
Dr. James C. Mobberley ( DMA ‘82)
Elizabeth Capie O’Donnell (MM ‘81)
Cleveland Institute of Music
David S. Rosen (BM ‘83)
Gayle Ross (MM ‘88) and Philip Eisenman (‘82)
Alison Simpson (BM ‘80)
Calvin Stokes, Jr. (BM ‘88, MM ‘89)
Paul J. Sykes (BM ‘80)
Gerardo Teissonniere (BM ‘85, MM ’89)
Christopher J. Toth (BM ‘88, AD ‘89)
Laura P. Van Orden (MM ‘89)
Alice Vermeer (MM ‘84)
C. Scott Weber (BM ‘85)
Linda D. White (MM ‘89)
Earl Reddish Yowell (MM ‘81)
Blake Martin Brasch (BM ‘93)
Kathryn Brown (AD ‘93)
Christine Lynn Davis (BM ‘97)
Amir Eldan (BM ‘98)
Patrice Renee Ewoldt (MM ‘94)
Jeremy Frank (MM ‘99)
Elinor Freer (BM ‘91)
Allison M. Gagnon (DMA ‘99)
David W. Gilson (BM ‘91, MM ‘91)
Dr. Richard D. Glazier (DMA ‘95)
Kevin A. Harbison (BM ‘92)
Dr. Christopher J. Haritatos (MM ‘92)
Kathryn Laura Harsha (MM ‘99)
Carolyn H. Huebl (BM ‘94, MM ‘94)
Liz Huff (BM ‘98, MM ‘99)
Emily Jarrell Urbanek (DMA ‘99)
Brooke Joyce (MM ‘97)
Vivek H. Kamath (BM ‘96)
Kyra K. Kester (BM ‘91)
Dr. Melissa S. Kraut (BM ‘90)
Peter K. Miller (MM ‘83, MM ‘94)
Bassam Nashawati (MM ‘94, PS ‘95)
Eliesha Gabrielle Nelson (MM ‘99)
Dr. Paul A. Nitsch (DMA ‘95)
Jose-Luis Novo (MM ‘94)
Miss Susan A. Perelman (BM ‘94)
Dr. Lisa M. Rainsong (DMA ‘99)
Roger Roe (MM ‘92)
Stephen M. Rose (BM ‘92) and Jeanne Rose (BM ‘91)
Joseph V. Rush (BM ‘93, MM ‘95)
Xiao-Lei Salovara (BM ‘88, MM ‘90, AD ‘92)
Mari Sato (BM ‘94)
Janice Rumi Shimasaki (MM ‘97)
Marc I. Silverstein (PS ‘94)
Charmian B. Stewart (BM ‘94, MM ‘96)
Lembi Veskimets (BM ‘95, MM ‘97)
Jason Brian Vieaux (BM ‘95)
Cecily L. Ward (BM ‘92, MM ‘94)
Paul J. Zdunek (MM ‘94)
Jessica M. Hung (‘07)
Borah Kang (MM ‘06)
Alicia M. Koelz (BM ‘03)
Martin M. Leung (BM ‘08)
Laura M. Motchalov (MM ‘03)
Margo Schwartz Newton (MM ‘00)
Andrew J. Peters (MM ‘00)
Irene M. Roberts (MM ‘08)
Frank Rosenwein (BM ‘00)
Hannah E. Shields (BM ‘02)
Megan X. L. Tam (BM ‘03)
Dr. Kia-Hui Tan (MM ‘98, DMA ‘01)
Loren P. Toplitz (MM ‘01)
Adrienne Wager (MM ‘06)
Adam R. Whiting (MM ‘05)
Maria E. Schwartz (MM ‘08, PS ‘10)
A n n ua l F u n d
The Bloch Society was formed in 1980 and named in honor of
CIM’s first director, Ernest Bloch. Membership is extended to those
individuals who contribute $1,500 or more to CIM’s Annual Fund. We
thank them for their exemplary support.
Gay Cull Addicott and Edward Addicott
Ann and Hugh Calkins
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl A. Kearns
Mrs. Elliot L. Ludvigsen+
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Manuel
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McAfee
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. McCartan
Barbara and Mal Mixon
Mr.* and Mrs. Richard W. Pogue (* Richard W. – HDMA ‘06)
Barbara S. Robinson (HDMA ‘06)
Dr. Katharine Warne (DMA ‘75)
Mr. Charles T. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bittenbender
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bourne
Mr. David Brooks
Brent M. Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fridkis
Iris and Tom Harvie
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Hipple
Carl M. Jenks
Mrs. Sidney D. Josephs
Mrs. Mina N. Kulber +
Charles and Susan Marston
Elizabeth F. McBride
Nancy W. McCann
June and Robert McInnes
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Park
Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Ratner
Dr. Tom Rose
Drs. Melvin S. and Miriam B. Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. John Sciarappa
Ms. Kim Sherwin
Joel Smirnoff and Joan Kwuon (PS ‘95)
James A. and Sally Smith
Karin Stone
Mrs. Marie S. Strawbridge
Rose Wong
FOUNDER - ($10,000 +)
PATRON - ($5,000 - $9,999)
Mrs. Norman E. Berman
Mr. D. McGregor Brandt, Jr.
Mr. Jim Brickman
Mr. and Mrs. Pitt A. Curtiss
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Deioma
Terry and Shirley Donley
Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd H. Ellis - Hastings Community
Foundation - Jeffrey Wallace Ellis Donor Advised Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Gratry
Dr. Francis R. Gross and Dr. Jane Sembric Gross
Mr. James D. Ireland III
Dr. Vilma L. Kohn
Douglas and Charlotte McGregor
Mrs. Edith D. Miller
Mr. Bert and Dr. Marjorie Moyar
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn M. Riley
Dr. Ellen N. Rothchild
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott L. Schlang
Mrs. David A. Seidenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Thomas
Mr. Oscar Villarreal
Julie Albers (BM ‘01)
Dr. Nancy Jean DeSalvo (DMA ‘00)
Eileen B. Diskin (BM ‘05)
Rosalie C. Gilbert (BM ‘08)
Rebecca L. Gitter (BM ‘01)
Rachel A. Huch (MM ‘08)
Annual report | 2010–2011
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Cleveland Institute of Music
BENEFACTOR - ($3,000 -$4,999)
MEMBERS - ($1,500 - $2,999)
Anonymous (3)
Hope S. and Stanley I. Adelstein
Mr. and Mrs. A. Chace Anderson
Mrs. D. Robert Barber
Mrs. Henry T. Barratt
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Bolton
Eric (MM ‘82) and Karen Bower
Margo and Tom Brackett
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Breen
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Brodhead
Mrs. Harry Cagin
David P. (HDMA ‘09) and Linda S. Cerone
Mr. Thomas W. Coffey and Ms. Melodie Grable
Robert (HDMA ‘98) and Jean Conrad +
Janet S. Curry and Richard E. Rodda
Ms. Barbara A. Davis
Elise and Laura Demitrack
Annual report | 2010–2011
Peggy A. Demitrack
Hank and Mary Doll
Dr. and Mrs.* Nicholas Drakos (*Margo Tatgenhorst
Drakos ’95)
Mrs. Rebecca F. Dunn
Bob and Ann Gillespie
Deane A. and John D. Gilliam
Mr. Larry Gogolick
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Gotschall
Megan and Pete Granson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Gries
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Harper
Eleanor Maxine Hayes
John Alburn Hellman
Dr. Donald K. Herman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hoffmann
Mr. Richard A. Horvitz
Miss Lillian L. Hudimac
Jeffrey Irvine and Lynne Ramsey
Mrs. Brooks M. Jones
Pam and Steve Keefe
Ok-Sim Nam Kim (AD ‘87) and Dr. Chin-Tai Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Lafave, Jr.
Fredrick S. Lamb
Mrs. Jack W. Lampl, Jr.
Mr. William C. Laufer
Edward A. and Catherine L. Lozick
Mrs. Sheldon S. MacLeod
The Milton and Tamar Maltz Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Malz
Mrs. Leonard Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Meisel
A. Grace Lee Mims
Dr. Joan R. Mortimer
Ray and Mary Murphy
Dr. and Mrs. Dieter H. Myers
Lois S.+ and Stanley M. Proctor
Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin
Susan A. Rothmann, Ph.D. and Philip Paul, Ph.D.
Prof. Alan M. Ruben
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Saks
Mr. Paul Schenly (BM ‘69, MM ‘71)
Estate of Arlene Schneider
Mrs. Henry Schoenewald
Holly Selvaggi and Clark Harvey
John F. Shelley and Patricia Burgess
Jean M. Shenk+ and Wilbur Shenk
Marv and Judy Solganik
R. Thomas and Meg Harris Stanton
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Swift
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Vernon
Dr. Susan Reed Waller (DMA ‘77)
Joy and Jerry Weinberger
Georgeanna K. Whistler (BM ‘49, MM ‘51)
Dr.+ and Mrs. Richard Allen Wiant
Sonali Bustamante Wilson, Esq.
Beryl Rubinstein
($500 - $1,499)
Anonymous (3)
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Aten
Ruth Baker
William and Jane Baldwin
John, Peg+ and Julia Barber
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Barone
Mrs. Aloise O. Bates
Mr. Joel Becktell (BM ‘85, MM ‘87)
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Beer
Mr. Samuel Bennett (MM ‘59)
Drs. Nathan and Sosamma Berger
Mr. Richard J. Bogomolny and Ms. Patricia M. Kozerefski
Lisa Nelson Boyko (BM ‘85)
Jeanette Grasselli Brown and Glenn R. Brown
Brenda and Marshall Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley I. Busch
Mrs. Pauline Cole Bushman
Cleveland Institute of Music
Ms. Karen Carcione
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Carlisle
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Carpenter
Mrs. Gordon Champlin
Ms. Mary E. Chilcote
Mr. Douglas R. Cornelsen (‘63)
Mr. Eben G. Crawford
Dr. Adrian Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. de Coningh, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mathew F. deConingh
Mr. Mark Dimaline
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Duvin
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver F. Emerson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Esarove
Ms. Patricia J. Factor
Mr. and Mrs. Gene A. Faubel
John, Linda and Anne Francis
Mariellen Frank
Jerome C. Fritz
Dr. and Mrs. Edward H. Gabelman
Mr. Elliott M. Golub (BM ‘56)
Sally Good
David and Harriet Griesinger
Mr. Garth E. Griffith
Marshall (BM ‘75, MM ‘77) and Anne Griffith
Nancy and James Grunzweig
Estate of Marcia G. Handke
Mr. Bruce G. Hearey
Roberta Helfgott, M.D.
Gregg Henegar (‘75)
Mrs. David H. Hoag
Marguerite B. Humphrey
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Isaacs
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Jack, Jr.
Mr. Morris Jacob (BM ‘75, MM ‘77)
Judy and Donald Jacobson
Mrs. Joan Jagow
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Jarosz
Joela J. Jones (BM ‘66, MM ‘67) and Richard Weiss
Mr. Sanford Kadish
David D. and Gloria D. Kahan
Ms. Marcia E. Kampfe
Albert J. Kanter D.D.S.
Paul Kantor and Virginia Weckstrom
Bernard and Nancy Karr
Joseph P. and Nancy F. Keithley Foundation
Ingrid Lantner, M.D.
Mrs. Dee T. Latimer
William D. (MM ‘74, DMA ‘77) and Cynthia M. Lawing
(BM ‘73, MM ‘73)
Dr. and Mrs. K. D. Lee
Ronald and Barbara Leirvik
Toby Devan Lewis
Ms. Cathy Lincoln
Emma Lincoln
Mr. Jeffrey A. Litwiller
Mr. Herbert Lubick
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Lugibihl
Alex and Carol Machaskee
Mrs. Robert H. Martindale
Bill and Hilda Mattlin
Dr. Lolita M. McDavid and Mr. Lee A. Trotter
Annual report | 2010–2011
Victoria Raja McGinnis (BM ‘89)
Christine Gitlin Miles
Allen+ and Ruth Miller
Ms. Sydell L. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mitchell
Priscilla G. and David B. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Morley
Mr. Donald W. Morrison
John and Charlotte Newman
Mrs. Nancy Patrick
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer I. Paull
Bob Perry
Mrs. Mildred Miller Posvar (BM ‘46, HDMA ‘83)
Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Putze
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin, Jr.
Jack (HDMA ‘97) and Barbara Renner
Mr. James D. Robenalt
Mrs. Evelyn Freeman Roberts (BM ‘41)
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Salaff
Ms. Dorothy M. Sawyer
Dr. Mary Schiller
Mr. and Mrs. Kim P. Sebaly
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver E. Seikel
Ms. Kathleen Seitz Watson
Dr. Gerard Seltzer and Phyllis Seltzer
Mr. Marc I. Silverstein (PS ‘94)
Mrs. John A. Sims
Mrs. Mervyn D. Sopher
Paul J. Sykes (BM ‘80)
Ms. Megan X. L. Tam (BM ‘03)
Dr. Kia-Hui Tan (MM ‘98, DMA ‘01)
Dr. Julie Tebo and Mr. Paul Danes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Tomsich
Jean and Stephen Toombs
Mr.* and Mrs. C. Scott Weber (*C. Scott - BM ‘85)
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Tilles Weidenthal
Ellen Rubinstein Weld
Mr. Max W. Wendel
Helen Sue+ and Meredith Williams
Ms. Margaret W. Wong and Mr. Kam Chan
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Wuliger
Ms. Jane Zimring
Cleveland Institute of Music
Victor Babin SOCIETY
($250 - $499)
Anonymous (3)
Richard and Yuni Aaron
Ms. Nezzera Ablan
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Adelstein
Mr. and Mrs. Leif Ancker
Eleanor and Richard M. Aron
Mr. Tom Bachtell
Lawrence Barnhart (MM ‘66)
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Bayman
Mr. and Mrs. H. William Beechler
Mr. Jeff Berlin
Dr. Harvey Buchanan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Burk
Alice and Don Cairns
Ms. Jean S. Calhoun
Margaret Calkins
Mrs. Webb P. Chamberlain
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Chapnick
Mrs. Virginia P. Clancy (BM ‘42)
Dr. and Mrs. William R. Clark
Mrs. Richard Collier
Virginia Colville
Mr. and Mrs.* David A. Cook (*Bonnie M. - BM ‘77)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Cooley III
Ms. Inez G. Corrado
Sam and Kay Cottone
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Dickenson II
Ms. Susan Dicriscio
Ms. Elaine Douvas (‘73) and Mr. Robert Sirinek
Jayne and Jim Early
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Fabens III
Mr. and Mrs. Irving B. Fine
Jorja Fleezanis (‘72) and Michael Steinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Florenz
Mr. and Mrs. Dempwolf Frey
Priscilla Fullerton (BM ‘64)
Ms. Susan R. Gallop
Mr. Hartwell Gary
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Gerrity
Ms. Rebecca L. Gitter (BM ‘01)
Ms. Carole E. Handler
Martha and Frank Harding
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Harris
Ms. Kathryn Laura Harsha (MM ‘99)
Mr. Robert T. Hexter
Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Horst
Joan Yellen Horvitz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Horvitz
Ms. Jessica M. Hung (‘08)
Anne S. and J. David Hunter
Mr. William M. Jones
Ms. Gwen Kanastab
Ms. Amy C. Kaplan and Mr. Steve Steinreich
Drs. Stephen and Elizabeth Kaufman
Rabbi Roger C. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Klieber
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart F. Kline
Ms. Alicia M. Koelz (BM ‘03)
Ms. Elin Koko
Ms. Kristen Kollar
Yolanda Kondonassis (BM ‘86, MM ‘89) and Michael Sachs
Charlotte R. Kramer
Dr. Ronald H. Krasney
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. LeBrun
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Lederman
Mr. Martin M. Leung (BM ‘08)
Susan and Howard Levin
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Levine
Mr. Shien-Chang Liao and Ms. Shu-Ling Chen
Drs. Carole and Dan Litt
Mr. Jerome Lowenthal (HDMA ‘08)
Mr. Jack N. Mandel
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Mandel
Jack & Lilyan Mandel Family Foundation
Joseph & Florence Mandel Family Foundation
Morton & Barbara Mandel Family Foundation
Dr. James S. Marshall
Mr. Kenneth D. Marshall
Dr. William R. Martin (BM ‘51)
Mrs. Nicole V. Mawby
Kimberly Meier-Sims and Stephen Sims (MM ‘88)
Dr. James C. Mobberley (DMA ‘82) and
Mrs. Laura S. Moore
Jane A. and Thomas W. Morris
Drs. Richard and Beth Nelson
Jose-Luis Novo (MM ‘94)
M. I. Nurenberg and Joanne M. Klein
Leslie and Donald O’Bell
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Osborne, Jr.
Noriko Fujii Paukert
Michael and Patricia Pendry
Mr. James F. Petras
Mr. Charles J. Petrovic +
Dr. and Mrs. Gosta Pettersson
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Piety
Steven and Paula Pike
Roger Roe (MM ‘92)
Dr. Eugene and Jacqueline Ross
Mrs. Bruce F. Rothmann
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Roush
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Rush
Xiao-Lei Salovara (BM ‘88, MM ‘90, AD ‘92)
Dr. and Mrs. Martin I. Saltzman
Annual report | 2010–2011
Betty T. and David M. Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Schneider
John and Barbara Schubert
Ms. Lorraine Schuchart
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart J. Schultz
Felicia and Jack Shapiro
Dr.* and Mrs. Raymond B. Sidoti (*Raymond S. BM ‘51, MM ‘54)
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Sihler, Jr.
William P. and Erica Steffee
Betsy and Bill Steinbrink
Mr. and Mrs. Roger M. Synenberg
Mr. Gerardo Teissonniere (BM ‘85, MM ‘89)
Shirley and Carl Topilow
Martha and Edward Towns
Tim and Nancy Treadway
Ms. Christeen C. Tuttle
Laura P. Van Orden (MM ‘89)
William and Alice (MM ‘84) Vermeer
Ms. Lembi Veskimets (BM ‘95, MM ‘97)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walton
Stephen D. (‘75) and Carolyn (‘75) Warner
Mr. William B. Watterson and Ms. Melissa K. Richmond
Dr. and Mrs. William M. Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Weber
Ms. Elizabeth S. Welfling
Mr. and Mrs. Almar T. Widiger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wilcox
Mrs. James A. Winton
Supporting Contributor
($100 - $249)
Anonymous (15)
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Abel
Drs. Tom and Abby Abelson
Dr. Rachel Abernethy
Ms. Emily A. Adams
Ms. Julie Albers (BM ‘01)
Reta Biehle Alder (BM ‘46)
Dr. Harriet A. Alger (BM ‘51)
Eleanor Pudil Anop (BM ‘48, MM ‘52)
Mr. Eric A. Arbiter (MM ‘74)
Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Augustus
Lynne M. Bajec
Bonnie M. Baker
Mr. Scott L. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ball
Dr. Lester A. Ballard, Jr.
Drs. David and Carola Bamberger (David & Carola
HDMA ‘04)
Ms. Cynthia Bassett
Mr. Mitchell J. Bassman
Norma E. Battes
Dr. Janet S. Becker (BM ‘79)
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall T. Bedol
Mr. Lawrence M. Bell
Virginia and Marvin Belveal
Ms. Barbara A. Bennet
Ms. Leigh A. Bennett
Mr. William E. Benson (‘73)
Mr. LeRoy Berry
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Bertsch
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Bingay, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. John Blakemore
Mr. Stanley Blum
Flora Blumenthal
Ms. Karen Borland
Ms. Kevaly Bozes
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Branagan
Mr. Blake Martin Brasch
Mrs. Elizabeth W. Breckenridge
Jane M. Breckling
Mr. Paul S. Brentlinger
Mr. Robert W. Briggs
Stephen and Lesley Brown
Michael P. Burke (BM ‘61, MM ‘72)
Ken and Polly Burns
Ms. Mary R. Bynum
Mr. Marc S. Byrnes
Mrs. Jean L. Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Caputo
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Carpenter
Leigh and Mary Carter
Mr. David C. Carver
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Chesko (BM ‘56)
Mr. and Mrs. Homer D. W. Chisholm
Mr. and Mrs. Moon Cho
Cleveland Institute of Music
Ms. Dorothy B. Cibula
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ciulla
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Clark
Elizabeth Bennett Clendenning (MM ‘60)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Cohen
Mr. Ronald Coleman
Mr. Neil Anyon Collie
Dr. Lydia C. Colson
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred F. Connors, Jr.
Bruce Conrad (BM ‘70, MM ‘73)
Ms. Louise Cooper
Mr. Michael A. Costanzo
Dr. Dale H. Cowan
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cox
Mrs. Virginia D. Crumb (BM ‘77)
Mr. Craig J. Cullinan
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Curtiss
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Danford
Mr. Harry L. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. B. Neil Davis
Mrs. George Dawson
Mr. Jeff Dean
Mr.* and Mrs. Alan R. DeMattia (* Alan R. - MM ‘80)
Mr. Alex Derkaschenko
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Dettelbach
Mr. James A. Dingus, Jr.
Mr. Scott Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Dobbins
Kirsten Docter and Paul Cox
Ms. Cecilia Dolgan
Mrs. John Drollinger
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Dunbar
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Edinger
Dorothy P. Egre
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Eiben
Tom and Cindy Einhouse
Emily and Carl Einstein
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Eklund
Mr. Amir Eldan (BM ‘98)
Dr. and Mrs. Jack S. Elder
Ms. Lin Emmons
David Englander, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas V. Epp
Mrs. Donald J. Erb
Tom and Helen Evans
Mrs. Marvin Evenchik
Ms. Patrice Renee Ewoldt (MM ‘94)
Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Falkner
Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Fernandez
Dr. Keith Fitch
Mr. Steve Flanders
Leon (HDMA ‘91) and Katherine L. (MM ‘74) Fleisher
Ms. Alayne Fodor-Gopal and Dr. K. V. Gopal
Mrs. Ruth Fonoroff
William L. Foster (MM ‘68)
Ms. Rita W. Frantz
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Coburn Freer
Elinor Freer (BM ‘91)
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Freimuth
Lee and Alice Fritts
Annual report | 2010–2011
Dr. Andrew (BM ‘67) and Nancy (BM ‘67) Froelich
Barbara and Peter Galvin
Mr. Richard K. Gardner
Dr. Amit Garg
Ms. Georgia T. Garner
Ms. Cordelia Gary
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Gathercole
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gaynier
Dr. and Mrs. Saul Genuth
Mr. and Mrs. Roger George
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gerlach
Germaine Gibian
Marguerite Gilbert (BM ‘49)
Nikhil and Nikhita Goel
Ms. Isabelle Goeser
Ms. Judith J. Goetz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Goldfarb
Mr. William M. Goldstein
Mr. Alan Goldstine
Dr. Murray A. Goldstone
Harriet Goler (BM ‘63)
Ms. Karen Gottlieb (MM ‘80)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Grafton
Mr. James D. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl E. Greene
Dr. and Mrs. Francis A. Greicius, Jr.
Mr. Stanley W. Grossman
Ms. Fern J. Grunberger
The Drs. Kenneth and Martha Grundy
Mr. and Mrs. John Guinness
Dr. Mary Frances Haerr and Mr. Kal Zucker
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hall
Vera W. Hall
Dr. and Mrs. Clive Hamlin
Mr. James L. Harkins
Charlene Harner
Paul Harris (‘76)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Brad A. Harte
Mr. and Mrs. George N. Havens
Ms. Ann Marie Hawkins
Rabbi and Mrs. Michael Hecht
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Hellman
Mrs. Phyllis A. Henry
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Herrick
Mrs. Charles Hickox
Mr. George Hicks
Ms. Shawna L. Hofstetter
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Holden
Dr. Lansing C. Hoskins and Patience Cameron Hoskins
Gladys and Robert Howson
Ms. Carolyn H. Huebl (BM ‘94, MM ‘94)
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hueter
Ms. Charlene Hyle
Dr. and Mrs. Scott R. Inkley
Pamela and Scott Isquick
Dr. and Mrs. James S. Jacobsohn
J. Stephen and Kathryn M. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jones
Mrs. Pearl Josephs
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Jouriles
Cleveland Institute of Music
Mr. +and Mrs. Joseph F. Juhos
Dr. and Mrs. Donald W. Junglas
Mr. and Mrs. Julian Kahan
Dr. Timothy Michael Kalil (BM ‘74, MM ‘76)
Mr. Vivek H. Kamath (BM ‘96)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howard Kanner
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kartalis
Mr. Milton Katz
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Katzenmeyer
Dr. Louise J. Keating
Ms. Ursula E. Keck
Mr. and Mrs. Tikon Kim
Ms. Juanita A. King
Dr. Nina Klein
Jean and Allan Kleinman
Mr. Clark W. Knierman
Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Koblenz
Ms. Betty A. Kocour
Mr.* and Mrs. Steven M. Kohn (*Steven M. - MM ‘84)
Mr. and Mrs. S. Lee Kohrman
Marilyn Kornowski
Dr. Melissa S. Kraut (BM ‘90)
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Krembs
Mrs. Justin Krent
Janice Krohn
Kathy Krohn
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Krum
Marjorie Lamport
Ms. Lenore E. Landorf
Mr. Louis G. Lane (HDMA ‘95)
Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. LaPine
Judith I. Larsen (BM ‘71)
Mr. and Mrs. Victor F. Leanza
Ms. Annie Wu Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram H. Lefkowich
Dr. Frederic J. Levine and Dr. Janine R. Martyn
Mr. Bracy E. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lewis
Scott M. and Rochelle M. Lewis
George R. Lezius
Dr. and Mrs. Chien-Wei Liao
Ms. Gail Liffman
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Lindblad
Ms. Carol A. Lombardini
Mr. Martin A. LoSchiavo
Miss Vivian R. Louis
Mrs. Kenneth E. Love
Ms. Dorothy Lungmus
Mrs. H. Stephen Madsen
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Mahon
Ms. Sonia Margles
Dr. and Mrs. Martin A. Markowitz
Ms. Sheila Markowitz
Jean Marshall (MM ‘66)
Virginia Wieland Mast (MM ‘80)
John S. and Rosemary Maulbetsch
Ms. Cathy J. McCall
Mrs. Arch J. McCartney
Eleanor Bonnie McCoy
Vicki and Alastair McDonald
Mr. William J. McLaughlin
Mr. David T. McNamara
Annual report | 2010–2011
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mead
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meckler
Mr. Robert A. Meigs
Ida (DMA ‘86) and Glenn Mercer
Ms. Claudia Metz
Mr. G. Christopher Meyer
Antoinette S. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller
Jennie M. Miller
John Paul Miller
Robert and Sally Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Mitchell
Miss Helen M. Moise
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moroscak
Mr. and Mrs. George G. Morris, Jr.
Mr. Thomas E. Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Morse
Dr. John J. Moskwa (‘70)
Jane M. Mueller
Mr. Wally Mueller
Ms. Betty J. Mulcahy
Mrs. Max Muller
Ms. Sarah-Theresa Y. Murakami (BM ‘67, BM ‘68, MM ‘69, AD ‘74)
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Musick
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Myers
Barbara H. Nahra
Mr. and Mrs. Samir Nasr
Deborah L. Neale
Eliesha Gabrielle Nelson (MM ‘99)
Ms. Margo Schwartz Newton (MM ‘00)
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Nishimura
Dr.* and Mrs. Paul A. Nitsch (*Paul A. - DMA ‘95)
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Nudelman
Ms. Lory Nurenberg
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Oberdick
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony S. Ocepek
Mr. Thury O’Connor
Ms. Cecelia O’Linn (BM ‘59, MM ‘63)
Judith B. Oliver (BM ‘75)
Mr. Michael Orr and Ms. Alyson Chapman
Ms. Kathleen A. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy B. Parks, Jr.
Drs. James A. and Marian Patterson
Ms. Rita Pearlman
Miss V. Lillian Politella
Mr. Richard H. Popeney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Porter
Mr. David Pothier (‘69)
Ms. Eugenia Poustyreva and Mr. Michael Goronok
Mr. Paul A. Primeau
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Prober
Drs. Laura and Martin Rabinowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Rapp
Ms. Carla Rautenberg
Roger E. Rehm (BM ‘75, MM ‘75)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Reid
Nancy H. Reynolds (BM ‘66)
Ms. Marlene Ricanati
Ms. Carole A. Rieck
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard W. Ringenbach
Mr. Robert H. Rist
Mrs. Charles Ritchie
Ms. Irene M. Roberts (MM ‘08)
Mr. Dwight Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. George Roby
Jackie and Norton Rose
Stephen M. (BM ‘92) and Jeanne (BM ‘91) Rose
Mr. Frank Rosenwein (BM ‘00)
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Ross
Gene Roy (BM ‘66, MM ‘73)
Mrs. Barbara P. Ruhlman
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Rush
Joseph V. Rush (BM ‘93, MM ‘95)
Mrs. Florence B. Rutter
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Safran
Ms. Joan Saks
Barry and Eva Sands
Ms. Mari Sato (BM ‘94) and Mr. Daniel Lockwood
Mr. and Mrs. Franz Sauerland
Mr. Robert F. Scarr
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Schaut
Mr. Herbert Schilling
Mr. Richard T. Schneider
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Schubert
Juanita McCullough Schubert (BM ‘67, BM ‘68, MM ‘69)
Ms. Carol K. Schulman
Ms. Kathryn Schulman
Bobbie Schwartz
Dr. and Mrs. Hans E. Segal
Jeanne Segal (BM ‘75, MM ‘77)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shafran
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Shannon
Sandra Shapiro and Ted Waterbury
Mr. Peter D. Shapleigh
Hannah E. Shields (BM ‘02)
Ms. Janice D. Shields
Mr. and Mrs. F. Richard Shilander
Janice Rumi Shimasaki (MM ‘97)
Donna Lee Shriner (BM ‘69)
Mrs. Bert E. Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence N. Siegler
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Simon
Ms. Vicky Slater and Mr. Carl Wartman
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Smith, Jr.
Janet and Bill Smith
Nancy King Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon C. Sponseller
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Staph
Charmian B. Stewart (BM ‘94, MM ‘96) and Scott Williams
Calvin Stokes, Jr. (BM ‘88, MM ‘89)
Bob and Audrey Strother
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Sturman
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sugerman
Mr. Bertalan L. Szabo
Ms. Lorraine S. Szabo
Ms. Marilyn Szalay
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan B. Taft
Mr. David W. Taggart (BM ‘76)
Mr. Nelson S. Talbott
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Teren
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart H. Theis
Cleveland Institute of Music
Mr. Jeff Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Titas
Loren P. Toplitz (MM ‘01)
Ms. Ruth Ellen Toth
Leonard and Kerstin Trawick
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Tripp IV
Drs. Howard and Sara Tucker
Dorothy Ann Turick
Mr. Lawrence C. Turnock
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Tuthill
Mr. Livingston H. Ulf
Mr. Howie Vactor
Mr. Jason Brian Vieaux (BM ‘95)
Mr. and Mrs. Les C. Vinney
Mr. Gary B. Wachs
Mr. and Mrs. Allen C. Waddle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wade
Ms. Adrienne Wager (MM ‘06)
Andrea K. Wagoner (BM ‘74, MM ‘75)
Mr. Norman Wain
David and Mollye Wakser
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Walter
Ms. Carole Walters
Mr. Richard A. Walther
Ms. Katharine Warne
Mrs. Ann W. Waters
Donald E. and Lisa Watts
Bertha Weil
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weiner
Ms. Janet Sue Weinstein
Mr. Bernard Weiskopf
Ms. Eleanor J. Weisman
Robert C. Weppler
Ms. Marilyn W. Weston and Mr. Raymond Mendelsohn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. White III
Mr. Adam R. Whiting (MM ‘05)
Mr. and Mrs. Yoash Wiener
David and Nancy (BM ‘65) Wild
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wilharm, Jr.
Charles E. Wilkinson, III (BM ‘77, MM ‘78)
and Denise Wilkinson (MM ‘79)
Ms. Edna H. Williams
Mr. Truman E. Witt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolff
Mr. Paul Wolke
Lori Wright
Mr. Peter C. Wykoff
Ms. Dolores Yankauskas
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yap
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Young
Mrs. Sally K. Young
State Representative Kenny and Pam Yuko
Thomas M. Zale (BM ‘63)
Mr. Paul J. Zdunek (MM ‘94)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Zito
Ms. Carmela Zoltoski
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Zweifel
Annual report | 2010–2011
($1 - $99)
Anonymous (11)
Mrs. Robert A. Abele
Ms. Anne B. Adamson
Sylvia K. Adler
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Adler
Ms. Linda M. Allen (BM ‘62, MM ‘64)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Alpern
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Anderson
Mr. Thomas J. Aquaviva
Mr. Matthew Arnold
Mrs. Nancy B. Arnson
Mr. William W. Atkinson
Mr. Paul Augustine
Ms. Beth I. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Barton
Ms. Amy Bartter
Mr. Peter Baszuk
Ms. Lucy L. Beattie
Devra Beyer Becker
Mr. and Mrs. B. William Bedy
Richard (MM ‘78) and Clare (BM ‘78) Bell
Dr. Ronald and Diane Bell
Ms. Karen Bena
A.W. and Joanne Benkendorf
Ms. Elaine B. Bercu
Ms. Ruth Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Lance C. Bergstrom
Ms. Netta Berman
Ms. Carol A. Bernhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Berrie
Dr. and Mrs. Howard J. Berusch
Mr.* and Mrs. Judson L. Billings (*Judson L. - MM ‘79)
Ms. Rashida Blair
Mr. Roger Blatnick
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Blattner
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Bletcher
Dr. Carol E. Blixen and Dr. Jack Wilson
Dr. and Mrs. Dieter Bloser
James and Betty Blue
Ms. Helen Bogart
Elaine Bolasny
Ms. Marian Bonem
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Botel-Barnard
The Right Reverend and Mrs. David C. Bowman
Ruth Turvy Bowman
Cleveland Institute of Music
Ms. Rebecca S. Boxer and Mr. Paul M. Allen
Evelyn S. Boyd (MM ‘70)
Dr. and Mrs. C. K. Brandeberry
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Briedis
Ms. Elizabeth Brinkman
Dr. Robert Brody and Ms. Mary Ann Conn-Brody
Ms. Helen I. Broszczuk
Ms. Kathleen L. Brown
Kathryn Brown (AD ‘93) and Robert Schilz
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Brown
Mr. William M. Brown
Mrs. Joseph R. Broz
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Brucken
Mrs. Sarah W. Bryan
Ms. Cynthia L. Bunge (BM ‘78, MM ‘80)
Mr. Mark Bunnell
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Burko
Ms. Karen I. Burt
Mr. Robert Bush
Ms. Robin Bushman
Lois L. Butler
Mr. James L. Calhoun
Dr. and Mrs. Mauricio Camacho
Ms. Helen Carbon
Terry Carlin
Mr. Michael Cavallo
Mrs. David J. Cavell
Ms. Pauline S. Caylor
Ms. Martha C. Chapman Laurila
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Chessin
Mr. Gary Chottiner
Mr. Dominick J. Cocca I (BM ‘53)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Cody
Ms. Muriel Nickman Cohen and Mr. Sol S. Comet
Mr. Steven J. Cohen
Nicolas S. (MM ‘62) and Rosalie J. (BM ‘62, MM ‘67)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Coombs
Ms. Rebecca Cortese
Ms. Lynda L. Cox
Mr. John H. Creech
Mr. William W. Currie
Ruth Dancyger
Jane and Bob Daroff
Ms. Christine Lynn Davis (BM ‘97)
Mr. Gerald B. Davis and Ms. Marleen Leventhal
Dr. and Mrs. L. Scott Dean II
Ms. Katherine L. deGruchy (BM ‘85, MM ‘86)
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Deioma
Mr. Joseph Delauro
Ms. Fedora DeMattia
Mr. and Mrs. Bourne P. Dempsey
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Demsey
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Dennis
Ms. Leigh-Anne Dennison
Dr. Nancy Jean DeSalvo (DMA ‘00)
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Diamond
Dr. and Mrs. Louis D’Isidori
Ms. Eileen B. Diskin (BM ‘05)
Mr. William Dismukes
Mr. and Mrs. A. Richard Dobrin
Ms. Xiaohong Duan
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Eckardt
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Edelstein
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eichenbaum
Les and Ellie Einhorn
Mrs. Daniel Ekelman
Dr. Brenda Ellner
Mrs. Jeanne Epstein
Mrs. Morris Everett
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Everett Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Falkner
William (MM ‘74), Kris and Katherine Fay
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E. Feinberg
Mr. John Ferrante
Ms. Emily Jane Fitzpatrick (‘00)
Mr.* and Mrs. Angelo M. Fortini (*Angelo M. - BM ‘61)
Ms. Kristin Fosdick
Mr. Jeremy Frank (MM ‘99)
Mrs. Betty P. Freed
Ms. Susan Freed
Jacqueline K. Freedman
Mr. Sydney S. Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Z. Frumker
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Fry
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Fuller
Mary Jane Funta
Mr. Leon Gabinet
Ms. Allison M. Gagnon (DMA ‘99)
Mr. Peter D. Garlock
Mr. Sean Garrigan
Mr. and Mrs. Russ Geiger
Annual report | 2010–2011
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Gifford
Ms. Rosalie C. Gilbert (BM ‘08)
Mrs. Rita Gill
David W. Gilson (BM ‘91, MM ‘91) and Suzanne Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Glaser
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Glauber
Mr. and Mrs. Neil T. Glazer
Dr. Richard D. Glazier (DMA ‘95)
Mr. Lyle E. Gleason
Ms. Gayle Godek
Ms. Marjorie Gold
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Gold
Mr. Larry Goldberg
Mr. Bernie Golias, Jr.
Ms. Katie Gorton
Mrs. Margaret Goss
Ms. Eleese Gossselin
Mrs. George V. Goulder
Mr. James C. Gray and Ms. Julie E. Micheletti
Ms. Elaine H. Green
Ms. Etya - Iva Grinberg
Ms. Kristine Gripp
Mr. and Mrs. Ron M. Grobelny
Ms. Olga Gueints
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gulley
Mr. and Mrs. David Gurarie
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gurich
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Hanson
Mr. Kevin A. Harbison (BM ‘92)
Dr. Christopher J. Haritatos (MM ‘92)
Mr. Alan Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hart
Mrs. Joseph Havlina
Mr. George Havranek
Barbara R. Hawkins
Mr. Frank J. Heinrich
Mr. Robert A. Heiser
Mrs. Jack A. Heller
Ms. Connie Herron
Ms. Paula Hessinger
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hestley
Ms. Faye A. Heston
Ms. Jane Hill
Ms. Judy Hoerner
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Hoffman
Jacqueline Hofto (MM ‘69)
Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Holly
Mr. Bill Honsaker, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Horner, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Hritz
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Hrusch
Dr. and Mrs. Yung T. Huang
Ms. Rita S. Hubar
Ms. Rachel A. Huch (MM ‘08)
Ms. Liz Huff (BM ‘98, MM ‘99)
Sally Horak Hundemer (BM ‘71)
Dr. Meade G. Ignacio-Francisco
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Irvin
Laura Reisch Itzkowitz (BM ‘85)
Mr. and Mrs. Andris Jakobsons
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander M. Jamieson
Ms. Emily Jarrell Urbanek (DMA ‘99)
Dr. David Nelson Jex (DMA ‘78)
Mr. Merritt Johnquest
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Johnson
Ms. Linda Jones Carlson
Ms. Ida C. Jones
Richard L. Jones
Mr. Jayson Jordan
Brooke Joyce (MM ‘97) and Jennifer Self
Ms. Leah Kagan
Mr. Boris Kaluszyk
Ms. Norma Kamen
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kamkha
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Kan
Mr. Robert A. Kana
Ms. Borah Kang (MM ‘06)
Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. Kanter
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kaplan
Ms. Maxine Karns
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Kaufman
Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Kawentel
Mr. and Mrs. Joel H. Kay
Dr. and Mrs. C. William Keck
Cleveland Institute of Music
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kendel
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley B. Kent
Ms. Kyra K. Kester (BM ‘91)
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Keuler
Mr. Alex Kezdi
Ms. Heidi Kilbane
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kisch
Ms. Irene K. Knipper
Dr. and Mrs. Ehud Koch
Mr. Paul Kohanski
Mr. Gerald W. Kohn (BM ‘67)
Ms. Madelyn Koltcz
Mr. and Mrs. William Konow
Ms. Agnes J. Koporc
Mrs. Harold H. Koppel
Ms. Ursula Korneitchouk
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Kosiorek
Ms. Eileen M. Kovacik
Mr. Bertram Kramer
Ms. Lindsay Krause
Ms. Jacqueline L. Kronenberg
Mrs. Eleanor E. Krongold
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kroot
Mr. and Mrs. William Kubat
Ms. Teresa Kuehn
Mr. William Kunkin and Ms. Elke Chodorow
Pattison S. Kuntz (BM ‘47)
Ms. Laurie Lake
Ms. Kyla Lamport
Mr. Ken Lapine
Lois S. Latnik (BM ‘64)
Ms. Alice Laubach
Ms. Melinda M. LaVigne
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Lazarus
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lebit
Mrs. Harold Lebovitz
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Legris
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Lenhart
Ms. Dorothy M. Lessam
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Levey
Gerda Levine
Mrs. Lenore Levine
Ms. Ann L. Levy
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew N. Levy
Mr. Lyle Lewis
Harry and Jan Libby
Ms. Judith G. Lichtig
Ms. Susan M. Linder (MM ‘71)
Mr. and Mrs. Allen K. Linger
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Link
Ms. Donna Lipson
Ms. Rashil Lobachevskaya
Ms. Anne Elizabeth Lockard (MM ‘83)
Ms. Martha K. Lottman
Dr. and Mrs. James Lowder
Mr. Scott Lucas
Annette G. Lusher
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Lux
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maciejewski
Mr. and Mrs. U. Harold Males
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Malherek
Annual report | 2010–2011
Ms. June Mandel
Dr. and Mrs. Morris J. Mandel
Mr. John Manning
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Marcus
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Marcus
Jeff and Rosemary Margulies
Mr. Joel P. Marhefka
Mr. and Mrs. Yuri Markovich
Lucia Markovich
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Marsh
Mrs. Arthur J. Marvan
Mr. Charles S. Mason
Ms. Claudia Mateescu
Ms. Joyce Mauldin
Ms. Zinaiza Mazur
Mr. and Mrs. John G. McDonald
Mr. John J. McHale
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. John E. McMahon
Judith and Ted McMillan
Mr. and Mrs. John McNeill
Ms. Nancy Meacham
Mr. Michael Meisel
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Menendez
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Merhar
Ms. Armaida Miller
Judith Miller
Ms. Maureen Miller
Peter K. Miller (MM ‘83, MM ‘94) and Mary E.
Feldmann-Miller (MM ‘83)
Mr. Richard H. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mitchell
Ms. Betty Jo Mooney
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Moore, III
Mr. Peter B. Moore and Ms. Sharon J. Jenkins
Ms. Laura M. Motchalov (MM ‘03)
Mr. Thomas Mulready
Mr. Gordon F. Musch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Myotte
Mr. George B. Naff, Jr.
Barbara and Jay Nagel
Ms. Carol I. Nagle
Mr. Bassam Nashawati (MM ‘94, PS ‘95)
Mr. William Neubert
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Nilson
Ms. Shirley Nixon
Mr. Robert J. Norwick, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Nudelman
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Odhner
Ms. Elizabeth Capie O’Donnell (MM ‘81)
Ms. Patricia O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. W. James Ollinger
Frank and Gail Opaskar
Ms. Laura M. Orazi
Rosemary and Doyle Owen
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Palesky
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Pannill
Mr. and Mrs. William Pappas
Ms. Nancy Parker
Mr. James H. Parnell, Jr. (BM ‘49)
Ms. Andrea Peck
Cleveland Institute of Music
Merry Cadence Peckham
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Peltz
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Pendleton
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Perelman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perelman
Miss Susan A. Perelman (BM ‘94)
Judge Ralph J. Perk
Mr. Nathaniel Persin
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Peskin
John D. Petcher, M.D.
Mr. Andrew J. Peters (MM ‘00)
Marcine Behm Petrea (MM ‘73)
Mr. Costa Petridis
Reverend and Mrs. Arthur Pickett
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Pierce
Ms. Carmen R. Pierson
Ms. Mary Jo Piunno-Lackamp
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Poe
Ms. Elinor G. Polster
Richard W. Pope
Mrs. Barbara Pophal
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Portmann
Ms. Tiffany Preston
Drs. Thomas G. and Theresa P. Pretlow
Ms. Laureen Primmer
Ms. Sylvia Profenna
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Pullar
Quentin and Gay Quereau
Mrs. Ethel M. Quinlan
Dr. Lisa M. Rainsong (DMA ‘99)
Ms. Maya Ramakrishnan
Dr. and Mrs. Jospeh Rapotec
Edith Warner Reed (BM ‘44, MM ‘68)
Mr. and Mrs. James Reidhead
Mrs. Ernest Rek
Mr. and Mrs. William Resseger
Mr. Harold Retzler
Ms. Susan L. Reusser
Ms. Clare Rimnac and Mr. Thomas Hering
Dr. Norman Robbins
Ms. Gwendolyn D. Roberts
Ms. Judith S. Rocker
Mrs. Karen E. Rockwell (MM ‘77)
Ms. Charlotte L. Rodriguez
Ms. Claire Lee Rogers
Dr. A. John Rose
Mr. Daniel J. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe L. Roseman
Mr. David S. Rosen (BM ‘83)
Mr. Eric R. Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Rosenberg
Mr. Jacob Rosenberg
Ms. Sally S. Rosenfield
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosenow
Michael and Madeline Rosenshein
Drs. Alta and Arnold Rosenzweig
Mr. Rich Rosich
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Roskoph
Gayle Ross (MM ‘88) and Philip C. Eisenman (‘82)
Jerry and Devorah B. Ross
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Roth
Ms. Joyce M. Rubino
Ms. Betty B. Rubins
Mr. Paul A. Ruck
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ruhaak
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ruppe
Dr. Norman B. Rushforth
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Sabino
Marjorie Bell Sachs
Dr. Michael J. Salkind and Dr. Carol T. Gill
Roger and Elizabeth Salomon
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Saltzman
Ms. Rosalie Salyards
Victor Sandorf
Dr. and Mrs. Steve Sanford
Mrs. Hinda Saul
Mrs. Louise D. Savage (BM ‘47)
Dr. and Mrs. Morton Schagrin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scher
Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Schmidt
Dr. Rachel R. Schneider (‘50)
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Schobel
Ms. Audrey Schregardus
Lynn A. Schreiber
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schreibman
Mrs. Miriam Schulman
Mr. Erik L. Schumacher
Ms. Maria E. Schwartz (MM ‘08, PS ‘10)
Mr. Marvin S. Schwartz
Drs. Ilze and Richard Schwartz
Ralph M. and Roslyn Seed
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Seider
Dr. and Mrs. Melvin Shafron
Mr. Amnon Shai
Elaine M. Shakley
Ms. Viktoria Shalashova
Dr. and Mrs. Donald J. Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Shiff
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Shiverick
Marius and Alexandra Shpaner
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Sihler
Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Silberger
Ms. Laura M. Silver
Ms. Mildred Silver
Dorothy and Reuben Silver
Ms. Alison Simpson (BM ‘80)
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Z. Singer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Singer
Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Singer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Singler
Annual report | 2010–2011
Ms. Lisa M. Sipes
G. Michael and Kathy Mead Skerritt
Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Smith
David and Rita Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Smith
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bernard Smith
Ms. Jennifer Smith (‘95)
Wayman W. Smith
Dr. Peter M. Sockol and Ms. Bonnie R. Weiss-Sockol
Mr.* and Mrs. Richard Solis (*Richard - ‘69)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Spehar
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Stanescu
Dailon Stauvers
Dr. Murray Stein
Mrs. Joyce K. Steinhoff
Miss Mary Stevulak
Mr. and Mrs. Harold O. Stewart
Mort and Marcia Stone
Peter Stone
Dr. and Mrs. John G. Suess
Ms. Megan Swerbinsky
Dr. Vicki A. Switzer and Mr. John McFarlane
Dr. Stephen J. Szaraz (DMA ‘75)
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Taddeo
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Taft
Dr. Stanley Tager
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Tarantino
May and Bob Targett
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Tartakoff
Ms. Anne Tavill
Mr. Charles H. Teare
Mr. Dennis Terez and Dr. Nancy J. Conrady
Mr. and Mrs. Anatoliy M. Teverovskiy
Ms. Nicole Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ticktin
Dr. Thomas A. Timko
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tishkoff
Ms. Lucy Toledano
Mr. Christopher J. Toth (BM ‘88, AD ‘89)
Mr. Yuriy Tsimbler
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Turk
Ms. Marge Turk
Mr. Jack G. Ulman
Dr. Diane Urista
Mrs. Gunta Usis
Mrs. Lois Valentine
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Vliet
Ms. Marjorie E. Vanek
Mr. Larry Vavro
Ms. Shirley C. Veale
Mr. Elmer Vegh
Richard Vidugiris
Mr. Ken Vinciquerra
Ms. Dhruva Vyas
Ms. Shirley Wachsberger
Charles M. (BM ‘73) and Audrey E. (BM ‘73) Ward
Mr. Michael Ward
William C. Ward and Cecily L. Ward (BM ‘92, MM ‘94)
Ms. Peggy Wardin
Mr. and Mrs. E. Terry Warren
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Warshay
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Watterson
Mr. Melvin Waxman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Waxman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Weil
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Weilerstein
Ms. Margaret H. Weiner
Mr. Milton H. Weinstein
Ms. Joan L. Halpern Weise
William B. Weisel
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weisman
Mrs. Richard C. Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Jay V. Weiss
Mr.+ and Mrs. Loren F. Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Weissman
Ms. Rena Weissman
John and Anne Weitz
Mr. and Mrs. F. Earl Wensel
Ms. Vicki Wert
Ms. Linda D. White (MM ‘89)
Mrs. Marvin L. Whitman
Mrs. Thomas R. Wigglesworth
Mrs. Robert Wightman
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Wilkoff
Ms. Janet D. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Williams
Mr. David E. Wilson
Todd R. Wilson
Mrs. Janet Winzenburger
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Withrow
Ms. Cynthia Wochner
Dr. and Mrs. Emanuel Wolinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Woodcock
Paul and Susan Wuest
Mrs. Sheila A. Wyse
Dr. Kent Young
Mr. Earl Reddish Yowell
Dr. Norman Zaworski
Mr. A. Paul Zeitzew
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron H. Zhang
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus W. Ziegler Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Ziff
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zigmond
Ms. Florence Zinker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zyromski
Cleveland Institute of Music
2 0 1 0 / 2 0 11
Ms. Barbara Andelman
Ms. Susan J. Andres
Mr. Arthur Bacher
Ms. Clurie Bennis
Ms. Evelyn Botnick (BM ‘40) +
Eric (MM ‘82) and Karen Bower
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Conner
Ms. Emily Dennis
Mr. Carl I. DiGiovine
Mr. and Mrs. Maximilian Dimoff
Mrs. Bruce W. Elliott
Mr. Richard K. Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Gratry
Ms. Sandra Green
Ms. Elisha Hermann
Mr. James D. Ireland III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Jackson
Steven M. Kohn (MM ‘84)
Janice and Bernard Krohn
Kathy Krohn
Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Mayers
Mrs. Grete Miller
William and Gwen Preucil
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Relyea
Mr. Timothy Rericha
Gene Roy (BM ‘66, MM ‘73 )
Estate of Arlene Schneider
Ms. Jean M. Sommer
Mrs. Jean Geis Stell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Taylor
Ruth D. Vinney Family Trust
Mr. Jeffrey Charles Wagner (‘78)
Dr. Katharine Warne (DMA ‘75)
Ms. Harriett A. Weitzner
Mrs. Louise Wohl
Vera Z. Yanko (BM ‘72)
2 0 1 0 / 2 0 11
Co r po rati o n s a n d
M atchi n g G i f t Co m pa n i e s
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Amica Companies Foundation
Applied Industrial Technologies
AT&T Foundation
AVI Foodsystems, Inc.
Baker Hostetler
Bank of America Matching Gifts Program
Caterpillar Foundation
CBiz Inc.
The Cliffs Foundation
Dickenson and Associates
Donley’s, Inc.
Eaton Corporation Matching Gift Ptrogram
Eli Lilly and Co. Foundation
The Giant Eagle Foundation
Grainger, Inc.
Great Lakes Publishing Company
High Temperaature Technologies
Howard, Wershbale & Company
HWH Architects Engineers Planners, Inc.
IBM Corporation
The Invacare Corporation
The Lubrizol Foundation
Majestic Steel USA
2 0 1 0 / 2 0 11
Fo u n dati o n s
a n d Orga n i z ati o n s
Access to the Arts
ACMP Foundation
Actors’ Equity Association
AFTRA Cleveland Local
AFTRA Nashville
AFTRA New York Local
AFTRA Phoenix
Alliance of Motion Picture & Television Producers
Vitya Vronsky Babin Foundation
The Cecilian Musical Club
CIM Alumni Association
CIM Women’s Committee
The George W. Codrington Charitable Foundation
Cohen, Weiss and Simon LLP
The Collacott Foundation
Fairmount Temple
Fortnightly Musical Club
William O. & Gertrude Lewis Frohring Foundation
The Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation
Annual report | 2010–2011
Materion Corporation
McCarthy, Lebit, Crystal & Liffman Foundation
NACCO Industries, Inc.
Ohio CAT
Ohio Commerce Bank
The Plain Dealer
Preformed Line Products
Progressive Insurance Foundation
Rockwell International Corporation Trust
Salibello & Broder
The Sherwin-Williams Company
Siemens Corporation
SIFCO Industries, Inc.
Squire, Sanders & Dempsey L.L.P.
Tucker Ellis & West LLP
UBS Financial Services Inc.
US Bank, NE Ohio - U.S. Bancorp Foundation
Vulcan Materials Company
Wells Fargo
Western Reserve Partners LLC
Westlake Reed Leskosky Architects
Wyse Advertising, Inc.
The Avedis Zildjian Company
Cleveland Institute of Music
Gries Family Foundation
Group Benefit Associates
The Dorothea Wright Hamilton Fund
The Hankins Foundation
George M. and Pamela S. Humphrey Fund
Italian American Cultural Foundation Italian Art Song Award
The Martha Holden Jennings Foundation
The Thomas Hoyt & Katharine Brooks Jones Foundation
Kulas Foundation
Lampl Family Foundation
Phillip Lattin Family Charitable Private Foundation
The Laub Foundation
Victor C. Laughlin, M.D. Memorial Foundation Trust
The Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage
Elizabeth Ring Mather and William Gwinn Mather Fund
The Murch Foundation
John P. Murphy Foundation
The Music and Drama Club of Cleveland
David and Inez Myers Foundation
Northern Ohio Opera League
Notre Dame College
Ohio Federation of Music Clubs
Park Synagogue Senior Adults &the B’nai Jeshurun
Hazak Group
The Payne Fund
The Presser Foundation
Harold C. Schott Foundation
The Segal Company
Dorothy Richard Starling Foundation
The Temple-Tifereth Israel
Three Village Condominium Association
The Tower Club of Springfield
Helen Curtis Webster Award by the Fortnightly Music Club
The S. K. Wellman Foundation
The Wuliger Foundation
The Farny R. Wurlitzer Foundation
Annual report | 2010–2011
2 0 1 0 / 2 0 11
Legacy S oci et y
The Legacy Society was established in 1999 to celebrate donors
who have remembered CIM in their financial and estate plans. The
planned gift of a bequest, trust, insurance or life income arrangement
creates a legacy to benefit future generations of talented students.
Anonymous (5)
Joseph Adams +
Hope S. and Stanley I. Adelstein
Mr. John E. Allen
John H. Baird +
Dr. Larry A. Baker (MM ‘73, DMA ‘84)
Mrs. Samuel B. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Balaguer
Marguerite A. Barany +
D. Robert Barber+ and Kathleen L. Barber
Alfred B. Barksdale +
Margaret B. and Henry T. + Barratt
Ruth Beckelman +
John + and Ruth + Bemis
Mignon J. Bennett + (BM ‘35)
Eleanor H. Biggs +
Dorothy F. H. Bodurtha +
Eugene Bondy +
Margaret K. + and John J. + Braham
Sally and Ted Brown
Helen C. Brown +
Helen E. Brown +
John + and Inez + Budd
Ann and Alfred J. Buescher
Elna Burns +
Mrs. Pauline C. Bushman
Frances J. Buxton + (BM ‘37)
Marjorie L. Byers +
Ann C. and Hugh Calkins
David P. (HDMA ‘09) and Linda S. Cerone
Elizabeth N. Chamberlain
Evelyn Chernikoff
Frederick M. Clarke
Regina Clarke +
Sylvia Coben +
Gay C. and Robert R. + Cull
Jan Curry and Richard E. Rodda
Mr. and Mrs. Pitt A. Curtiss
Martha + and George Dalton
Mrs. Emil Danenberg +
Barbara A. Davis
Elizabeth M. Day
Marjorie I. Day
Edward H. deConingh +
Ann Dick +
Dr. and Mrs. M. S. Dixon, Jr.
Hank and Mary Doll
William F. Dollard
Robert Doolittle +
Mrs. John Drollinger
Tom and Cindy Einhouse
Roger B. Ellsworth
Cleveland Institute of Music
Edith V. Enkler +
Mr. and Mrs. William Esplandiu
Dr. Wilma M. Evans +
Patricia J. Factor
Betty Farnsworth +
Alice S. Feiman + (BM ‘32, MM ‘36)
Herman C. Froelich +
Priscilla Fullerton (BM ‘64)
Dr. Henry S. Fusner
Mr. Joseph A. Gabalski (MM ‘97)
Robert D. Gilbert +
Rocco Gioia +
Marianne Gogolick +
Lucille Goldsmith +
Mr. Gerald Goodman
Loretta Gregoric +
Barbara Griesinger +
Dr. Marshall G. Griffith (BM ‘75, MM ‘77)
Ronald F. Grinage + (MM ‘82)
Henry S. Grossman +
Graham L. Grund
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley P. Gulick
Norma Gurland +
Marvin G. Halber +
Marcia G. Handke +
Homer C. Hartzell +
Adel Heinrich
Donald K. Herman, M.D.
Elizabeth D. Hicks +
June and Paul B. + High
Ruth Hirshman von Baeyer +
Dorothy L. Hofrichter +
Gertrude S. Hornung +
Patience Cameron Hoskins
Phillip T. Hummel +
Adria D. Humphreys +
Frank H. Hurley +
John C. Jackson +
Hazel A. Johnson + (BS ‘31)
Nancy Kurfess Johnson, M.D.
Annual report | 2010–2011
Sandrea Johnson +
The Family of Martha and Frank Joseph
Mort + and Emilie Kadish
David D. and Gloria D. Kahan
Etole and Julian Kahan
Dr. Timothy Michael Kalil (BM ‘74, MM ‘76)
Helen Kearns
Janet G. Kimball +
Carter Kissell +
Jay Robert Klein +
R. Robert Koch +
Dr. Vilma L. Kohn
James A. Kozel
Donald Krahn + (‘68)
Ed and Jan Kulback
Mina N. Kulber +
Nicholas H. Kusevich Family +
Helen A. + and Frederick S. Lamb
Carolyn C. Lampl
Louis G. Lane (HDMA ‘95)
Marie Lapick + (TC ‘26)
Phillip Lattin +
Mrs. Fay A. LeFevre +
Carmel P. + and Paul R. + Leon
Mrs. Bennett Levine and children Barbara, Janice, Frederic
Sharon Levine
Yetta Levine +
Norma Levy +
Drs. Carole and Daniel Litt
Arthur Loesser +
Rae Lowe +
Laurie S. Lubick + (BM ‘90, MM ‘91)
Mrs. Elliot L. Ludvigsen +
H. Stephen and Carol O. Madsen Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Manuel
Marianne M. Mastics (BM ‘40, AD ‘42)
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McAfee
Joseph B. McClelland +
Helen M. and David R. McDermott
Bruce G. McInnes
William D. McLaughlin +
Christine Gitlin Miles
Nadine Miles +
Edith and Ted + Miller
Robert and Sally Miller
Barbara and Mal Mixon
Mary B. Moon +
Judith Morrison +
Joan Rothwell Mortimer, Ph.D.
Deborah L. Neale
Alice M. Nilges
Alice Q. Osborne +
Leonard + and Virginia + Parks
C. K. “ Pat” Patrick + and Nancy Patrick
Mrs. John G. Pegg +
James F. Petras
Charles J. Petrovic +
Peter Pfouts +
Eunice Podis Weiskopf +
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Pogue
Ada Polster +
Jane Kottler Post +
Cleveland Institute of Music
Paul A. Primeau
Lois S. + and Stanley M. Proctor
Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin
Mary Williams Rautenberg + (BM ‘33, AD ‘33)
Ruth E. Rea +
David A. Reed +
Carole A. Rieck
Louise Ritchie +
Barbara S. Robinson
Phyllis Rosenthal +
Dr. Eugene and Jacqueline Ross
Bruce + and Lola Rothmann
Martin Rubin
Ruth G. + and Sam H. + Sampliner
Martha Bell Sanders +
Susanna M. Sands +
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Satava III
Sanford Saul +
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott L. Schlang
Lynn A. Schreiber +
Wynell Schweitzer +
Holly Selvaggi
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Shapiro
Susie W. Sharp
Kim Sherwin
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Simon
Edith H. Smith +
Frank E. Taplin, Jr. +
Pauline Thesmacher + (BM ‘34)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Thomas
Elizabeth M. Treuhaft +
Frank T. Troha +
Dorothy Ann Turick
Elliot Veinerman +
Dorothy C. Vogelin +
Ms. Clare R. Walker
Dr. Susan Reed Waller (DMA ‘77) and D. Roger Waller
Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Warren
Joy and Jerry Weinberger
Alvaretta West + (MM ‘50)
Phyllis Edith West +
Georgeanna K. Whistler (BM ‘49, MM ‘51)
Dr. and Mrs. Alan H. Wilde
Mr. Meredith Williams
Annette E. Willis +
Elaine V. Wunderlich + (TC ‘32, BM ‘33)
Jane Zimring
Ruth Zuback +
Frances S. Zverina +
Sylvia Zverina +
+ deceased
2010-2011 Charitable Gift
Ann and Alfred J. Buescher
Dr. Henry S. Fusner
2010-2011 Bequest
The estate of Sanford Saul +
Annual report | 2010–2011
Sch o l ar s hi ps
a n d Ot h e r F u n d s
Anonymous Endowed Scholarship
David and Linda Cerone Scholarship
Victor Babin Memorial Scholarship
Laura & Earl Rogers Endowed Scholarship
in Voice
George Coombe Endowed Preparatory
Michelina and Gaetano Gioia Memorial
John V. Kuczmarski Memorial Scholarship
Rostropovich Scholarship
CYWS Scholarship Endowment Fund
Charlotte P. Kuhn Memorial Scholarship
Beryl Rubinstein Scholarship
William H. Gerhauser II Scholarship
Deborah Lynne Kulber Piano Fund
Rubinstein Memorial Scholarship
Linda Greenbaum Scholarship
Martha Bell Sanders Memorial Scholarship
Lillian Husak Preparatory Scholarship
Dr. Sam & Sarah Sato Scholarship Fund
Huser Family Scholarship
The Carolyn and Jack Lampl, Jr. Scholarship Fund
Elizabeth E. Scherrer Memorial Scholarship
in Cello
Kaplan Preparatory Scholarship in Bassoon
Russell Landgrabe Memorial Scholarship
Julius & Sophie Schmiedl Memorial
Scholarship in Violin
Kurt Loebel Memorial Scholarship
Dorothy P. Schmitt Memorial Scholarship
Olga Radosavljevich Endowed Scholarship
Gogolick Memorial Fund
Mr. Larry Gogolick
Bernhard Goldschmidt Scholarship Fund
Josephine Grasselli Memorial Scholarship
David J. Cavell Memorial Scholarship for Violin
Alumni Association Scholarships
Edwin A. Kraft & Marie S. Kraft Scholarship
in Organ
Deane A. and John D. Gilliam
2 0 1 0 / 2 0 11
Stanley I. and Hope S. Adelstein Special
Purpose Scholarship
Mildred Drews Gilliam Memorial Scholarship
Mrs. David J. Cavell
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Curtiss
Bob and Sally Gries Scholarship
Robert Hays Gries Scholarship
Jerome Gross Memorial Scholarship
Estate of Mina N. Kulber
William B. Kurzban Scholarship Fund
Carl G. Lampl Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mrs. Jack W. Lampl, Jr.
Ms. Elin Koko
Siemens Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Marcus
Ms. Amy C. Kaplan and Mr. Steve Steinreich
Chalifoux-Salzedo Scholarship
Daniel and Ethel Hamburger Scholarship
Alice Pond Chisholm Scholarship
Marcia G. Harvey Scholarship Support
Lecture Recital Club Scholarship
Arthur Schnabel Scholarship in Piano
Margaret Randall Memorial Scholarship
CIM Memorial Scholarship
Marion S. Hewgley Memorial Scholarship
Mary Eaton LeFevre Scholarship
Ruth D. Sihler Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Heinrich Scholarship
Robert Ingram & Carrie Scott Leitch
Mary Williams Rautenberg Memorial
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Sihler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Sihler
Vitya Vronsky Babin Foundation Scholarship
Dr. Starling A. and Elva H. Cumberworth
Scholarship Fund
Vitya Vronsky Babin Memorial Scholarship
Marcel Dick Scholarship in Composition
Dr. Samuel B. Baker Scholarship Fund for
Israeli Students
The Honor Society Scholarship (Pi Kappa
Carmen Mihalache Dimulescu Piano
The Patience Cameron Hoskins Scholarship
for Flute
Florence Lewitt Cello Scholarship
Cloyd Duff Timpani Scholarship
Israeli Student Scholarship Fund
The Links, Inc., Cleveland Chapter Scholarship
John C. Jackson Scholarship for Strings
Winifred T. Sperry & Meta T. Walker
Ruth M. Edwards Scholarship in Piano
Rosa Lobe Memorial Scholarship
Grant Johannesen Scholarship in Piano
Ellen R. Steiger Memorial Scholarship
Louis E. Emsheimer Memorial Endowed
Scholarship Fund
Arthur Loesser Memorial Scholarship
Martha Joseph Tribute Scholarship
Rae Lowe Scholarship
Mary S. Stone Memorial Fund
Laurie S. Lubick Scholarship for Oboe
Marcel Tabuteau Scholarship Fund
Martha Zeit Memorial Scholarship
Pauline Thesmacher Memorial Scholarship
In Loving Memory of Frank J. & Ellen M. Troha
Moses William Beckelman Chair in Cello
Janet P. Udelson Scholarship
Eleanor Briggs Chair in Violin
Marianne Mastics Scholarship in Piano
The Dorothy Van Sickle Scholarship of The
Musicical Art Society
CIM Chamber Music Residency Fund
S. Livingston Mather Endowed Scholarship
George Vassos Scholarship
Joseph B. McClelland Scholarship for Voice
Eric von Baeyer and Ruth Hirshman von
Baeyer Memorial Scholarship
Scott L. Baker
D. Robert Barber Scholarship
John, Peg+ and Julia Barber
Mrs. D. Robert Barber
KeyBank Foundation
Moses William Beckelman Chair in Cello
Estate of Ruth Beckelman
John H. and Ruth T. Bemis Endowment Fund
Clara G. Bickford Piano Scholarship
Eugene Bondy Memorial Scholarship
Ann and Hugh Calkins
Mr. Earl Reddish Yowell
Donald J. Erb Scholarship
Dr. James C. Mobberley (DMA ‘82) and
Mrs. Laura S. Moore
Winifred Boynton Scholarship Fund
Ellis A. and Alice S. Feiman Memorial
Scholarship in Cello
Brass Department Scholarship
Elsa Findlay Dalcroze Scholarship Fund
Hank and Mary Doll
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Z. Singer
James C. Brooks Scholarship
Daniel Brown Memorial Fund
Harry A. & Stella K. Brown Scholarship
M.E. & F.J. Callahan Endowment Scholarship
Gertrude E. Freeman and Lisa Freeman
Roberts Memorial Scholarship
Mrs. Evelyn Freeman Roberts (BM ‘41)
Mort Kadish Scholarship for Violin
Ms. Susan DiCriscio
Bruce and Valeris Gates
Shawn and Erin Gates
Mr. Sanford Kadish
Mary Koliada
David Kostoroski
Richard & Donna Kostoroski
Robert Kostoroski
Thomas and Caroline Kostoroski
Martha and Hugh Martin
Ms. Kathleen A. Parker
Erin and John Ulrich
Paul and Carmel Leon Scholarship forVoice
Ward Lewis Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Isaacs
Mr. Herbert Lubick
John Mack Scholarship in Oboe
Roger E. Rehm (BM ‘75, MM ‘75)
Caroline White Macnaughton Scholarship
William O. & Gertrude L. Frohring
Carter & Ann Kissell Scholarship Fund
William D. McLaughlin Scholarship
The GAR Foundation Scholarship
Dr. Sydney & Gussie B. Klein Scholarship
Darius Milhaud Endowment
Frances Koma Knapp Scholarship
Ms. Katharine Warne
Dr. Katharine Warne (DMA ‘75)
Cleveland Institute of Music
Annual report | 2010–2011
Edith & Vincent K. Smith Piano Scholarship
Martha Swann Smith Piano or Theory
Scholarship Fund
Dr. Sam Sato Scholarship Endowment
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Klieber
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lewis
Kimberly Meier-Sims and Stephen Sims
Drs. Melvin S. and Miriam B. Rosenthal
The Sherwick Fund Preparatory Scholarship
Rhoda Unger Preparatory Scholarship
Josephine Valencic Memorial Scholarship for Voice
Ms. Cecilia Dolgan
Mary Elizabeth Callahan President’s Chair
Frank Griesinger Clarinet Chair
Reinberger Chair in Piano
Susan Palm Waller Flute Scholarship
Dorothy O. Schmitt Opera Chair
Watts Minority Scholarship
Vincent K. and Edith Smith Faculty Chair
in Composition
Dr. Susan Reed Waller (DMA ‘77)
Mary J. Monachino Scholarship
Alice B. Weeks Memorial Scholarship
Lionel Nowak Memorial Scholarship Fund
Joy Weinberger Scholarship Fund for Voice
Edith G. Orlean Scholarship
Alvaretta West Scholarship
Mary W. Parks Memorial Scholarship
Carol Williams Memorial Scholarship
Herbert Strong Memorial Fund
Dante and Mary Picciotti Scholarship in Piano
Charlotte Demuth Williams Scholarship
Ida Whitman Library Fund
Eunice Podis-Weiskopf Scholarship
Jane Post Memorial Scholarship
Ernst & Clara Silberstein Scholarship Fund
Ms. Carla Rautenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Kim P. Sebaly
William Preucil Endowment for the
Concertmaster Program
Hilary Anchor Memorial Scholarship
John R. and Mary S. Ranney Scholarship
Helen L. Baker Scholarship
Ruth Rea Scholarship Fund
Betty Belkin Memorial Scholarship
Delores P. Rebman Memorial Scholarship
Dorothy Belkin Memorial Scholarship
Charles W. & Louise M. Ritchie Scholarship Fund
CIM Guitar Studies Endowment
Cleveland Institute of Music
Mr. and Mrs. Leif Ancker
Ward Lewis Library Fund
CIM Alumni Association
Mrs. Marvin L. Whitman
Bernard Adelstein Commencement Prize
in Trumpet
William D. (MM ‘74, DMA ‘77) and Cynthia M.
(BM ‘73, MM ‘73) Lawing
Max Berman Prize
Irvin Bushman Memorial Prize in Singing
Mrs. Pauline Cole Bushman
Annual report | 2010–2011
Alice Chalifoux Prize in Harp
Bruce Collie Prize
Mr. Neil Anyon Collie
Ellis A. Feiman Memorial Award in Cello
Henry Fusner Keyboard Prize
George F. Goslee Prize in Bassoon
Gregg Henegar (‘75)
William Kurzban Commencement Prize
William D. (MM ‘74, DMA ‘77) and Cynthia M.
(BM ‘73, MM ‘73) Lawing
Dr. Joseph and Bess Scharff Leven Prize in Piano
Bennett Levine Memorial Award in Chamber
Dr. Janice Levine and Mr. Brian Igoe
Ms. Nezzera Ablan
The Rosalia Ablan Memorial Prize in Guitar
Ms. Nezzera Ablan
Bernard Adelstein Commencement Prize
in Trumpet
William D. (MM ‘74, DMA ‘77) and Cynthia M.
(BM ‘73, MM ‘73) Lawing
The Alumni Association Jim Hall Graduate
Studies Scholarship
CIM Alumni Association
John Alexander Bel Canto Award
The Horace and Marie Arnold Viola Award
Victoria Raja McGinnis (BM ‘89)
Brickman Piano Scholarship
John Q. Hammous Foundation
Darius Milhaud Commencement Prizes
Irvin Bushman Memorial Prize in Singing
Joseph and Elsie Scharff Prize in Violin
Alice Chalifoux Prize in Harp
Dr. Katharine Warne (DMA ‘75)
Sadie Zellen Commencement Prize
The Michael and Amelia Ablan Award in Guitar
Mrs. Pauline Cole Bushman
Yolanda Kondonassis (BM ‘86, MM ‘89)
The Cleveland Heights Alumni Chapter of
Mu Phi Epsilon Scholarship
Rosa and Samuel Lobe Memorial Fund of The
Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland
Dr. Donald Erb Prize in Composition
Dr. Margaret Brouwer
Mrs. Donald J. Erb
Dr. Keith Fitch
Dr. Marshall G. Griffith (BM ‘75, MM ‘77)
Mr. Steven M. Kohn (MM ‘84)
Fortnightly Musical Club Award
Fortnightly Musical Club Fund of The Cleveland
The Dewey and Mary Gilley Memorial Award
Dr. Mary Schiller
The Boris Goldovsky Prize in Opera
Drs. David and Carola Bamberger (HDMA ‘04)
George F. Goslee Prize in Bassoon
Gregg Henegar (‘75)
The Dr. Jerome Gross Prize in Violin
Marcia G. Harvey Scholarship Support
Estate of Marcia G. Harvey
The Italian Art Song Prize
Italian American Cultural Foundation
William Kurzban Commencement Prize
William D. (MM ‘74, DMA ‘77) and Cynthia M.
(BM ‘73, MM ‘73) Lawing
The Rosa Lobe Memorial Award in Accompanying
Rosa and Samuel Lobe Memorial Fund of
The Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland
The Pauline Thesmacher Award
Dr. Mary Schiller
The Robert Vernon Prize in Viola
Ms. Lembi Veskimets (BM ‘95, MM ‘97)
Dr. Calvin E. Weber Award in Trumpet
Mr.* and Mrs. C. Scott Weber (* C. Scott
BM ‘85)
Helen Curtis Webster Award by the Fortnightly
Music Club Fund of The Cleveland Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. K. L. Wu Memorial Award
in Piano
Robert and Annie Lee
Avedis Zildjian Percussion Scholarship
Daniel Brown Memorial Fund
Cavani String Quartet Endowment
Drs. Melvin S. and Miriam B. Rosenthal
Maxine E. Cummins Memorial Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. LeBrun
Barbara Eaton Memorial Fund
John Gilliam Visiting Artist Fund
Jerome Gross Memorial String Quartet Fund
Edgar A. Hahn Fund
Gertrude Hornung Memorial Fund
Martha J. Joseph Tribute Fund
William A. McAfee Memorial Fund
Mellon/National Endowment for the Arts Fund
William Murtfelat Memorial Fund
NCB Fund
Louis G. Pierce Memorial Fund
The Carole A. Rieck Fund for Preparatory
Larry and Barbara Robinson Fund
Peter Salaff Chamber Music Guest Artist Fund
Verna Straub Memorial Fund
Music and Drama Club Award
The Frances E. Sykora Chamber Music
Outreach Performance Fund
The Presser Foundation Scholarship
University Circle Chorale and Chamber
Music Fund
Samuel R. Wade, Jr. Memorial Fund
Cleveland Institute of Music
Annual report | 2010–2011
In Honor of Sally Curtiss to the David and
Linda Cerone Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Curtiss
In Honor of Sally Curtiss
Dr. Vicki A. Switzer and Mr. John McFarlane
In Honor of Frank and Jo Anne Caputo
In Honor of Peter W. Danford
In Honor of Bernard Adelstein
In Honor of David P. Cerone
In Honor of James Darling
Ms. Julie Albers (BM ‘01)
Drs. Carole and Dan Litt
Barbara S. Robinson
In Honor of Lawrence Angell
Drs. Carole and Dan Litt
Barbara S. Robinson
In Honor of Dorothy Ashevson to the David J.
Cavell Memorial Scholarship
Mrs. David J. Cavell
In Honor of David Bamberger to the Opera Program
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Freimuth
In Honor of Damiein A. Bassman for
Scholarship Support
Mr. Mitchell J. Bassman
In Honor of Margaret Brouwer
Levey Fund
Soonhee and Moon Cho
In Honor of Richard Aaron for Scholarship Support
E. J. Kulas Fund
Kathryn Brown (AD ‘93)
Linda Jones Carlson
Dr. Mary Schiller
Mr. Robert L. Wilcox
The Cleveland Institute of Music gratefully acknowledges the
generosity of those individuals who honor or remember someone
special through support of CIM. Unless specified, donations have
been designated to the Annual Fund.
Dr. Sydney & Gussie Klein Visiting Chamber
Music Ensemble Fund
Elizabeth Stevens Memorial
The Elizabeth Stoeckler Stevens Prize in Lieder
In Honor of Janis Christiansen
In Honor of Samantha J. Cho
In Honor of Robert Brooks
Darius Milhaud Award
The Presser Foundation
The Avedis Zildjian Company
The Arthur Loesser Memorial Award in Piano
The Music and Drama Club of Cleveland
2 0 1 0 / 2 0 11
Helen Curtis Webster Award by The
Fortnightly Musical Club
Ralph S. Schmitt Memorial Fund
Mrs. Pauline Cole Bushman
Dr. Katharine Warne (DMA ‘75)
Kimberly Meier-Sims and Stephen Sims
Antoinette S. Miller
Barbara S. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott L. Schlang
Mrs. David A. Seidenfeld
Kimberly Meier-Sims and Stephen Sims (MM ‘88)
Dr.+ and Mrs. Richard Allen Wiant
Mr. Thomas E. Morrison
Drs. Carole and Dan Litt
Barbara S. Robinson
Mrs. David A. Seidenfeld
Dr. Kia-Hui Tan (MM ‘98, DMA ‘01)
In Honor of Kay Brover
Mrs. Betty P. Freed
Ms. Elaine Douvas (‘73) and Mr. Robert Sirinek
Eric (MM ‘82) and Karen Bower
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Deioma
Mr. Bruce G. Hearey
Mr. Morris Jacob (BM ‘75, MM ‘77)
Dr. Timothy Michael Kalil (BM ‘74, MM ‘76)
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl A. Kearns
Ok-Sim Nam Kim (AD ‘87) and Dr. Chin-Tai Kim
Fredrick S. Lamb
Drs. Carole and Dan Litt
Kimberly Meier-Sims and Stephen Sims
Antoinette S. Miller
Barbara S. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott L. Schlang
Mrs. David A. Seidenfeld
Kimberly Meier-Sims and Stephen Sims (MM ‘88)
Dr. Kia-Hui Tan (MM ‘98, DMA ‘01)
William and Alice (MM ‘84)* Vermeer
Dr.+ and Mrs. Richard Allen Wiant
In Honor of Linda & David Cerone
Janet and Bill Smith
In Honor of Linda Cerone
Eric (MM ‘82) and Karen Bower
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Deioma
Mr. Morris Jacob (BM ‘75, MM ‘77)
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl A. Kearns
Ok-Sim Nam Kim (AD ‘87) and Dr. Chin-Tai Kim
Fredrick S. Lamb
Drs. Carole and Dan Litt
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Falkner
Barbara S. Robinson
In Honor of Hank and Mary Doll to the Brass
Department Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Z. Singer
In Honor of Dr. Richard Gardner
Mr. Thomas E. Morrison
In Honor of David Gilson
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan B. Taft
In Honor of Harriet Goler
Dr. Donald K. Herman
In Honor of Barbara Bolton Gratry
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Gerrity
In Honor of F. Dean Guy
Antoinette S. Miller
Barbara S. Robinson
Dr. Kia-Hui Tan
Dr. Diane Urista
In Honor of Adeline E. Huss
Ms. Gayle Godek
In Honor of Carlo Isada
Drs. Richard and Beth Nelson
In Honor of David N. Brown
Mr. Tom Bachtell
Mr. Blake Martin Brasch
David W. Gilson (BM ‘91, MM ‘91) and
Suzanne Harrington
Antoinette S. Miller
Barbara S. Robinson
In Honor of Frank Caputo
Eric (MM ‘82) and Karen Bower
Mr. Morris Jacob (BM ‘75, MM ‘77)
Ok-Sim Nam Kim (AD ‘87) and Dr. Chin-Tai Kim
Antoinette S. Miller
Barbara S. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott L. Schlang
Dr. Kia-Hui Tan (MM ‘98, DMA ‘01)
Jean and Stephen Toombs
William and Alice (MM ‘84) Vermeer
In Honor of Jo Anne Caputo
Eric (MM ‘82) and Karen Bower
Mr. Morris Jacob (BM ‘75, MM ‘77)
Ok-Sim Nam Kim (AD ‘87) and Dr. Chin-Tai Kim
Antoinette S. Miller
Barbara S. Robinson
Jean and Stephen Toombs
William and Alice (MM ‘84) Vermeer
Cleveland Institute of Music
Annual report | 2010–2011
In Honor of Judy Jacobson
Mrs. Nancy B. Arnson
Janet S. Curry and Richard E. Rodda
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Marcus
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Marcus
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Roskoph
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Safran
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sugerman
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ziegler
In Honor of Joseph F. Juhos
Lucia Markovich
Antoinette S. Miller
Barbara S. Robinson
In Honor of Paul Kantor
Eleanor Pudil Anop (BM ‘48, MM ‘52)
In Honor of Maurice Kaplow for Scholarship Support
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Shiff
In Honor of Katz Grandson - Baby Katz to
the David I. Kaplan Preparatory Scholarship
in Bassoon
Ms. Amy C. Kaplan and Mr. Steve Steinreich
In Honor of Mary Lou Kocour
Antoinette S. Miller
Barbara S. Robinson
In Honor of Kulas Foundation Trustees
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas V. Epp
In Honor of Louis Lane
Sally Good
Pamela and Scott Isquick
Drs. Carole and Dan Litt
Barbara S. Robinson
Lola Rothmann
Susan A. Rothmann, Ph.D. and Philip Paul, Ph.D.
In Honor of Miriam S. Levinson
Kevin and Ann Mead
In Honor of Julie A. Links
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Link
In Honor of Ida Rose Luntz
Mrs. George V. Goulder
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Lux
In Honor of Connie and Dick Manuel
Lois S.+ and Stanley M. Proctor
In Honor of Ernest Marcus
Steven and Paula Pike
In Honor of Ernest Marcus for Scholarship
Mrs. Betty P. Freed
In Honor of Hilly Marcus for Scholarship Support
Mrs. Betty P. Freed
In Honor of Lucia Markovich for Scholarship
Devra Beyer Becker
Ms. Rebecca S. Boxer and Mr. Paul M. Allen
Ms. Xiaohong Duan
Dr. Amit Garg
Ms. Olga Gueints
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron H. Zhang
In Honor of Toni Miller
Janice Krohn
Kathy Krohn
In Honor of Michael Miller to the Brass
Department Scholarship
Hank and Mary Doll
In Honor of Mal Mixon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moroscak
In Honor of Brenda Pickett Watson
Mr.* and Mrs. Judson L. Billings (*Judson L.
MM ‘79)
Mrs. Jean L. Caldwell
Marshall (BM ‘75, MM ‘77) and Anne Griffith
Dr. Christopher J. Haritatos (MM ‘92)
Ms. Anne Elizabeth Lockard (MM ‘83)
Antoinette S. Miller
Eleanor Pudil Anop (BM ‘48, MM ‘52)
In Honor of Richard Pogue
Mrs. Gordon Champlin
In Honor of William Preucil
Eleanor Pudil Anop (BM ‘48, MM ‘52)
In Honor of Stanley Proctor
Mr. and Mrs. A. Chace Anderson
In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Rappaport
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Falkner
In Honor of Benjamin Reidhead
Mr. and Mrs. James Reidhead
In Honor of Beverley Rinaldi
Eric (MM ‘82) and Karen Bower
Ms. Eileen B. Diskin (BM ‘05)
Ok-Sim Nam Kim (AD ‘87) and Dr. Chin-Tai Kim
Barbara S. Robinson
In Honor of Barbara Robinson
In Memory of Michael Lee Allen
In Honor of Gene J. Roy
In Memory of Gretchen Aquaviva
Mrs. Gordon Champlin
Janet S. Curry and Richard E. Rodda
Antoinette S. Miller
Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin
Barbara S. Robinson
In Honor of Gene J. Roy for Scholarship Support
Mr. Jim Stoneham
In Honor of Michael Sachs to the Brass
Department Scholarship
Hank and Mary Doll
In Honor of Peter Salaff
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Pierce
Eleanor Pudil Anop (BM ‘48, MM ‘52)
In Honor of Peter Salaff for Scholarship
Mr. Amir Eldan (BM ‘98)
Ms. Mari Sato (BM ‘94) and Mr. Daniel Lockwood
In Honor of Paul Schenly
Mr. Martin M. Leung
In Honor of Elliott L. Schlang
Mrs. Gordon Champlin
In Honor of Cynthia Scott to the Dr. Sam
Sato Scholarship
Cathy Lewis
In Honor of Kevin M. Shannon
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Shannon
In Honor of Margarita Shevchenko
Lynda and Anthony Cox
In Honor of Jay and Toby Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Koblenz
In Honor of Joel P. Smirnoff
Sally Good
Mrs. David A. Seidenfeld
In Honor of Joshua Smith
Ms. Lorraine S. Szabo
In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Solganik
Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meckler
In Honor of Mark Stillman
Drs. Richard and Beth Nelson
In Honor of Ellen Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Breen
Mrs. Gordon Champlin
Ms. Juanita A. King
In Honor of CIM Students and Carl Topilow
In Memory of D. Robert Barber to the
D. Robert Barber Scholarship
Mrs. D. Robert Barber
John, Peg+ and Julia Barber
In Memory of Rose Bauer
Steve and Paula Pike
In Memory of Eugene Brown to the Hilary
Ancker Memorial Preprartory Scholarship
Susan Weir-Ancker and Leif Ancker
In Memory of John Bryan, Sr. to the Samuel B.
Baker Scholarship for an Israeli Student
Scott L. Baker
In Memory of Rosaline Cameron
Ms. Beth I. Baker
Jerry and Beryle Burko
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E. Feinberg
Patience Cameron Hoskins
Ms. Norma Kamen
Esther and Mark Palesky
Essy and Bob Perelman
Peter Stone
In Memory of Rosaline Cameron for
Scholarship Support
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Roth
In Memory of James B. Cline for Scholarship
Ms. Karen Borland
In Memory of Bruce D. Collie to the Bruce D.
Collie Commencement Endowment
Mr. Neil Anyon Collie
In Memory of Michael Ryan Dean
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Withrow
In Memory of Carmen M. Dimulescu+ to the
Carmen Dimulescu Scholarship
Ann and Hugh Calkins
Pamela and Scott Isquick
Drs. Carole and Dan Litt
Barbara S. Robinson
Annual report | 2010–2011
Bob and Jenny Kottler
In Memory of Donald J. Erb to the Donald J.
Erb Scholarship
In Memory of Marianne Gogolick to the
Gogolick Memorial
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hoffmann
Eric (‘73) and Valerie S. Benson
Dr. James C. Mobberley (DMA ‘82) and
Mrs. Laura S. Moore
In Memory of John E. Ferritto
Mr. David W. Taggart (BM ‘76)
In Memory of Ruth Friedman
In Honor of David Zauder
In Memory of Babs Glickman for Scholarship
In Memory of Babs Glickman to the Ida
Whitman Library Endowment
In Honor of George Vassos
Eric (MM ‘82) and Karen Bower
Ok-Sim Nam Kim (AD ‘87) and Dr. Chin-Tai Kim
Drs. Carole and Dan Litt
Antoinette S. Miller
Noriko Fujii Paukert
Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin
Barbara S. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott L. Schlang
Mrs. David A. Seidenfeld
Mrs. Jean L. Caldwell
CBiz Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Cohen
Mr. Gerald B. Davis and Ms. Marleen Leventhal
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Demsey
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Duvin
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Gold
Mr. Larry Goldberg
Ms. Carole E. Handler
Ms. Ann Marie Hawkins
Mr. Robert A. Heiser
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Hoffman
Howard, Wershbale & Company
Mr. Chris Hunter
Judy and Donald Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howard Kanner
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Kaufman
Jean and Allan Kleinman
Mrs. Lenore E. Landorf
Mrs. Edward Lebit
Gail and Kenneth Liffman
The Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage
McCarthy, Lebit, Crystal & Liffman Foundation
Notre Dame College
Ohio Commerce Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Peltz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Ratner
Jackie and Norton Rose
Mr. and Ms. Thomas J. Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Saltzman
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott L. Schlang
Barbara and Richard Schreibman
Ms. Carol K. Schulman
Ms. Kathryn Schulman
Ralph M. and Roslyn Seed
Mrs. David A. Seidenfeld
Ms. Kathleen Seitz Watson
Joel Smirnoff and Joan Kwuon (PS ‘95)
Mr. and Mrs. Roger M. Synenberg
Three Village Condominium Association
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Weil
Mr. and Mrs. Jay V. Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wensink
In Memory of Patricia Jansen Doyle
In Honor of Niraj Varma
Drs. Richard and Beth Nelson
Cleveland Institute of Music
Mr. Thomas J. Aquaviva
In Memory of Gertrude E. Freeman to the
Gertrude E. Freeman and Lisa Freeman
Roberts Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart J. Schultz
Jeanne Segal (BM ‘75, MM ‘77)
Mrs. Evelyn Freeman Roberts (BM ‘41)
Steve and Paula Pike
In Memory of Harriet Glazier for Scholarship
Dr. Richard D. Glazier (DMA ‘95)
In Memory of AB Glickman to the Huser
Family Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Marcus
In Memory of Babs Glickman
Ms. Elaine B. Bercu
Eric (MM ‘82) and Karen Bower
Lois L. Butler
Cleveland Institute of Music
Mrs. Marvin L. Whitman
Mr. Larry Gogolick
In Memory of Marcia Handke
Mr. Peter D. Shapleigh
In Memory of Leroy R. Hoffman
Ms. Lucy L. Beattie
Mr. and Mrs. Lance C. Bergstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Edinger
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Hellman
Dr. and Mrs. C. William Keck
Mr. and Mrs. Allen K. Linger
Charles and Susan Marston
Ms. Nancy Parker
Ms. Carmen R. Pierson
PNC’s Wealth Management Department’s Staff
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Portmann
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ruhaak
Dr. and Mrs. Morton Schagrin
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Smith
Ms. Edna H. Williams
Mr. Peter C. Wykoff
In Memory of Leroy R. Hoffman for
Scholarship Support
Ms. Marlene Miller
Dr. George Tiller
Annual report | 2010–2011
2 0 1 0 / 2 0 11
Officers of the Institute
Gay Cull Addicott
A. Chace Anderson
Carl E. Baldassarre
Charles A. Bittenbender
Judy D. Bourne
Peter J. Brodhead
Ann C. Calkins
Thomas W. Coffey, Esq.
Jeffrey M. Davis
Mathew F. deConingh
Rosemary Deioma
Terrance K. Donley
Margo Tatgenhorst Drakos
Christopher M. Gorman
Jeffrey P. Gotschall
Crawford T. Harvie
Eleanor M. Hayes
John A. Hellman
Richard J. Hipple
Carl M. Jenks
James M. Malz
Richard A. Manuel
Alexander McAfee
Vice President, COO &
Assistant Treasurer
Dean of Conservatory
In Memory of Rachel Huser to the Huser
Family Scholarship
In Memory of Russell Landgrabe to the
Landgrabe Memorial Scholarship
In Memory of Morry Ilovitch to the Samuel B.
Baker Scholarship for an Israeli Student
In Memory of Ingrid Loebel
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Marcus
Scott L. Baker
In Memory of Esther Isenstadt to the David I.
Kaplan Preparatory Scholarship for Bassoon
Ms. Amy C. Kaplan and Mr. Steve Steinreich
In Memory of Apostle Johnson
Ms. Kevaly Bozes
In Memory of Joseph F. Juhos
Ms. Fedora DeMattia
In Memory of Mortimer R. Kadish to the
Mort Kadish Scholarship for Violin
Ms. Susan DiCriscio
Bruce and Valeris Gates
Shawn and Erin Gates
Mr. Sanford Kadish
Mary Koliada
David Kostoroski
Richard & Donna Kostoroski
Robert Kostoroski
Thomas and Caroline Kostoroski
Martha and Hugh Martin
Ms. Kathleen A. Parker
Erin and John Ulrich
In Memory of David I. Kaplan to the David I.
Kaplan Preparatory Scholarship for Bassoon
Ms. Amy C. Kaplan and Mr. Steve Steinreich
In Memory of Shirley Helen Kursh to the
David J. Cavell Memorial Scholarship
Mrs. David J. Cavell
In Memory of Ruth Lamm
Ms. Anne B. Adamson
Ms. Judith J. Goetz
Mrs. Harold H. Koppel
Drs. Carole and Daniel Litt
Antoinette S. Miller
Theresa P. Pretlow
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Tartakoff
In Memory of Ruth Lamm for Scholarship
Ms. Fay May
Ms. Elin Koko
Jean and Stephen Toombs
In Memory of Kurt Loebel
Jean and Stephen Toombs
In Memory of Laurie S. Lubick to the Laurie S.
Lubick Scholarship for Oboe
Mr. Herbert Lubick
In Memory of Molly F. Ludvigsen
Mrs. Charles Hickox
In Memory of John Mack to the John Mack
Scholarship for Oboe
Ms. Elaine Douvas (‘73) and Mr. Robert Sirinek
Roger E. Rehm (BM ‘75, MM ‘75)
In Memory of Judith Morrison to the Maxine
E. Cummnins Memorial
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. LeBrun
In Memory of Richard Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott L. Schlang
In Memory of Richard Myers for Scholarship
In Memory of Doris Ornstein
Judith I. Larsen (BM ‘71)
In Memory of Jack Radunsky to the Jack
Radunsky Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Timothy Michael Kalil (BM ‘74, MM ‘76)
In Memory of Mary Rautenberg to the Mary
Williams Rautenberg Memorial Scholarship
Ms. Carla Rautenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Kim P. Sebaly
In Memory of Elis Requiro
Drs. Carole and Daniel Litt
Ms. Janet Sue Weinstein
In Memory of Howard A. Roberts for
Scholarship Support
AFTRA New York Local
AFTRA Phoenix
Ms. Carol Agins
Alliance of Motion Picture & Television Producers
Mr. LeRoy Berry
Cohen, Weiss and Simon LLP
Mr. John Eilhardt
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Fry
Group Benefit Associates
Ms. Joan L. Halpern Weise
Ms. Paula Hessinger
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Isaacs
Mr. Mike Kichaven and Ms. Ilyanne Morden
Ms. Carol A. Lombardini and William L. Cole
Mr. Harry Mar
Mr. Neil Portnow
Mr. Andres Puerta
Ms. Anee Raulerson
Salibello & Broder LLP
The Segal Company
Mrs. Leslie Smith
In Memory of Lisa Freeman Roberts to
the Gertrude E. Freeman and Lisa Freeman
Roberts Scholarship
Assistant Secretary
Vice Chairmen
Lolita M. McDavid, MD
A. Grace Lee Mims
Richard W. Poque
Shawn M. Riley
James D. Robenalt
Barbara S. Robinson
Susan A. Rothmann, PhD
Elliott L. Schlang
Holly Selvaggi
John F. Shelley
David L. Simon
James A. Smith
Marvin Solganik
Harold O. Stewart
Karin Stone
Christopher J. Swift
Paul J. Sykes
Oscar Villarreal
Joy Weinberger
Sonali Wilson
Rose Wong
Charles T. Young
President of CIM
Joel Smirnoff
In Memory of Raymond Weiss
Stanley I. Adelstein
Edward R. Brown
F. J. Callahan
John D. Gilliam
Graham Grund
Douglas J. McGregor
Robert F. Miller
Stanley M. Proctor
Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin
Sarah N. Sato
Lyman H. Treadway
In Memory of Dr. K. L. Wu for the Dr. and
Mrs. K.L. Wu Memorial Award in Trumpet
Mrs. Evelyn Freeman Roberts (BM ‘41)
In Memory of Ruth Sihler to the Ruth Sihler
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Sihler, Jr.
In Memory of Sally Steiger
Bill and Hilda Mattlin
In Memory of Clinton Warne to the Darius
Milhaud Endowment
Ms. Katharine Warne
Mr. Jeffrey Novak
Ms. Annie Wu Lee
Alumni Association President
Loren P. Toplitz
Friends of CIM
Douglas M. Bunker
Women’s Committee President
Janet Curry
Dave Brubeck
Christoph von Dohnányi
In Memory of Betty Zimmer
Antoinette S. Miller
Bill, Jan, Emily and Matthew Resseger
Barbara S. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. F. Richard Shilander and Family
Actors’ Equity Association
AFTRA Cleveland Local
AFTRA Nashville
Cleveland Institute of Music
Annual report | 2010–2011
Cleveland Institute of Music
Annual report | 2010–2011
executive staff
Joel Smirnoff, President; Mary Elizabeth Callahan Chair
Eric W. Bower, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Dr. Adrian Daly, Dean of the Conservatory
Kristen Kollar, Comptroller
Chris Haff-Paluck, Director of Performance
Anne Hunter, Director of Preparatory and Continuing Education
Megan Granson, Director of Development
Lorraine Schuchart, Director of Marketing and Communications
Lori Wright, Director of Concerts and Events
faculty senate
Judson Billings | head, secondary piano
Ronald Bishop | head, tuba **
Kathryn Brown | associate head, piano
Janina Ceaser | head, harpsichord
Eric Charnofsky | head, music literature
Franklin Cohen | head, clarinet, Frank K. Grieinger Chair
John Clouser | head, bassoon *
Katherine DeJongh | chair, Preparatory winds and brass
Elizabeth DeMio | At-Large, Preparatory
Maximilian Dimoff | head, double bass *
Bruce Egre | head, audio recording
Keith Fitch | head, composition, Vincent K. and Edith H. Smith Chair
Stephen Geber | head, cello **
Jeffrey Irvine | viola
Mark Jackobs | At-Large, viola*
Yolanda Kondonassis | head, harp, chair of Preparatory harp
Joan Kwuon | artistic director, Preparatory violin
Kimberly Meier-Sims | director, Sato Center for Suzuki Studies
Richard Nelson | head, music theory
Derek Nishimura | At-Large, Preparatory
Noriko Paukert | voice
Anita Pontremoli | head, collaborative piano
Stephen Rose | violin
Frank Rosenwein | head, oboe*
Carol Ruzicka | administrative director, Preparatory strings
Michael Sachs | chairman, brass; head, trumpet*
Peter Salaff | director, string chamber music
Paul Schenly | head, piano; The Reinberger Chair in Piano
Mary Schiller | head, voice
Sean Schulze | chair, Preparatory piano, Conservatory piano pedagogy
Laura Shuster | Suzuki viola
Joshua Smith | head, flute*
Richard Solis | head, horns*
Brian Sweigart | chair, eurhythmics
Carl Topilow | director, orchestral program; head, conducting
Robert Vernon | head, viola*
Jason Vieaux | head, guitar; chair, Preparatory guitar
Richard Weiner | co-head, timpani and percussion*
Paul Yancich | co-head, timpani and percussion; chair, Preparatory percussion
*Cleveland Orchestra member
** Retired Cleveland Orchestra member
11021 East Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44106
216.791.5000 |
Cleveland Institute of Music is generously
funded by Cuyahoga County residents
through Cuyahoga Arts and Culture.

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