July - CIFI


July - CIFI
A Mission for Spreading the Gospel
It Has Been a Busy Month
he last month has been
very busy. Of course,
every month is busy. This past
month has seemed to be particularly busy. We had two
Missionary Interns with us.
They were certainly a great
help! We have had wonderful
celebrations of Christ at The
English Church. The Bible
studies we conduct continue to
grow. On Sundays, we con-
his month we had a wonderful time taking our
Tuesday night Bible study to
the neighborhood doing street
evangelism and singing. The
Bible study group visited businesses and homes singing and
talking about Jesus. We
brought along our musical
instruments. Our instruments
and singing could be heard
throughout the neighborhood.
Everyone had a great time.
After about two hours of touring the neighborhood, the
group returned to the mission
apartment for hamburgers and
hot dogs and cake.
Participants in the Tuesday
night Bible study enjoying
singing together and praising God.
tinue to enjoy lunch with many
people. Usually on any given
Sunday, we will have 35 to 45
people come to the mission
apartment for lunch. It is a
great time to celebrate the provisions God provides for us.
People enjoy gathering together to study God’s Word
and to sing.
The Bible study group stop
at a local store to sing to
patrons and the shop
The group stopped at one
home where they sang to Consuelo. Consuelo is 91 years
old. She accepted Christ as
her Savior in 2007. One of the
workers in the mission was
doing street evangelism in the
neighborhood. He stopped at
Consuelo’s house and wanted
to tell her about Jesus. She
told him to leave. He kept
returning. One day she invited
him into her house. On that
day, she prayed that Jesus
come into her heart.
Christian International Foundation, Inc.
Luis F. Thomen 353B #201A
Ensanche Quisqueya
Santo Domingo, D.N.
Republica Dominicana
Office: 809-567-9013
Bill: [email protected]
Peg: [email protected]
Websites: www.cifimission.com
July 18, 2009 Vol. 2
Special Prayer Requests:
 We need another person or
couple to join with us in the
work in the Dominican Republic. Please pray for God’s
calling for others to serve
fulltime with the mission.
Our friend and Sister-in-Christ,
91 year old Consuelo. Our Bible study group stopped at her
house to sing to her. She is a
great blessing to all of us.
During the month, the worship
praise team from The English
Church was invited to lead Jesucristo Fuente de Amor church in
worship. Fuente de Amor is the
Spanish language church we attend. The English Church worship team did a great job in leading people in worshiping God
through music. It was a great
Worship team leader Ivan Ortiz
along with the worship team
lead the Spanish church in music.
 Pray for our new outreaches
through The English Church
and mission radio broadcast
in English. .
 Churches in the United States
commit and firm-up there
schedules for sending short
term mission teams.
 Please pray that more individuals and churches will
commit to supporting the work
in the Dominican Republic.
 Please pray for Bill and Peg
as they travel to the US to
raise support for the work of
the mission.
 Please pray that the mission
continues to focus on where
God is working and follow
 The mission continues to have
a need for a four wheel drive
vehicle. Please pray that the
mission is donated the needed
vehicle or a church or individuals will provide the money
necessary to purchase the
Page 2 July 18, 2009
M eet M i ssi o nar y Inter n Jo hn Hem i ngwa y
n Monday, June 29, 2009, Missionary
Intern John Hemingway arrived in Santo
Domingo. Since his arrival, John has been
active and busy working in the mission. He has
been a great blessing to everyone with whom he
has come in contact.
what I'll really end up doing. Some of my
favorite activities include playing sports
such as basketball, ping
pong, and ultimate frisbee,
going to the
lake, and hange asked
ing out with
John to
write something
my friends.
about about himJohn at the mission disMy father is on
self and why he
the board of
John with another Missionary Intern,
came to the DoMissionary
directors for
Samantha Ward.
minican Republic. Here is what he had to say.
Fernando Santana.
CIFI, and notition.
fied me of the
“I am a college student going into my junpsychology
with Bill and
ior year at Wayland Baptist University in
it, I knew I
Plainview, TX. At Wayland, I have a dual
to serve
major in psychology and secondary educaGod in the Dominican Republic. Since arriving here, I have not once been disappointed by that decision.”
Members of Our Team Go On A Mission
Trip to the Town of Duverge
n June 30th, several people who work
with the mission went on a short term
mission trip to the Town of Duverge. They
went to give Bible studies to children, present a
drama, and participate in church services.
lease pray for John as he works with
the mission. John returns to the United
States on July 28th.
n the mission trip, the team did wonderful work. We are anticipating that
people who work with the mission will do
more mission trips.
The mission team presented an outdoor
worship service.
A group from the mission waiting for a
bus to take them to Duverge. The
group includes Missionary Interns
Samantha Ward and John Hemingway.
lease pray for the people who work
with us.
Please Consider...
Please prayerfully consider making a financial contribution to the work of the
mission. Any contribution should be
over and above the tithe to your local
church. All contributions should be sent
Christian International Foundation, Inc.
5407 South 173rd Avenue
Omaha, NE 68135
n addition to their missionary duties in Duverge, the group climbed a mountain. They
are a very energetic group!
he mission team was led by Missionary
Associate Alex Novas. Alex is a great
Some of the mission team at the top of
leader. He set the agenda for the team, made
the team budget, and advise each member as to the mountain the team climbed.
their duties during the mission trip.
Please do NOT put our names on the
memo line. Your contributions are tax
deductible through Christian International
Foundation, Inc. A 501 c3 organization.
Thank you and God bless you!
Page 3 July 18, 2009
The CIFI Board
Our First English
Church Picnic
n August 15, 2009, the Christian International, Inc. (CIFI) Board of Directors will be meeting in the Conference
n July 28th, The English Church had
Room at Westside Church in Omaha, NE.
a wonderful celebration with a picThe CIFI board meets twice a year. At the nic. The picnic was held at Mirador Sur
board meetings, we present the activities
and plans of the mission. We also present
financial data regarding contributions and
expenses. The board members set policy
for the mission. They are also very involved in developing the strategic plans for
the mission. The board has two active
committees. They are the Committee on
Policies and Procedures and the Personnel
Committee. We are blessed with a wonderful group of board members. They all
take their responsibility quite seriously.
The committee members are as follows:
CIFI’S Radio Program
e have made a change regarding the hosting of CIFI’s radio program in Santo
Domingo. The program is now hosted by Alex
Novas and Carolina Ozoria. They are two young
Dominicans who speak English and do a wonderful job hosting CIFI’s Living for Christ radio
Short term missionaries from Youngs-
1. Lee Merritt, Attorney with Woods and town, Ohio. They joined the members
of The English Church at the picnic.
2. Mark Pearson, President of Anchor
Capital Management, Inc. Savage, MN
3. Jim Hayes, Senior Pastor, Cornerstone
Baptist Church, La Vista, NE
4. Randy Ferguson, SBC, North American
Mission Board, Church Planting Group
5. Lori Brown, Teacher, Omaha, NE
6. Mark Hemingway, Consultant in long term
care, Keller, TX.
7. Bill Pearson, Missionary, CIFI
8. Peg Pearson, Missionary, CIFI
Pastors Eliseo and Leyani Moises relaxing at the picnic. They are graduates of Vista International University
and Seminary in Cuba. They both
have a master’s degree in theology
and are a great asset to the work of
The English Church.
Board members Jim Hayes, Randy Ferguson, and Mark Hemingway (left to
right) discussing mission activities
with Bill.
ll board meetings are open to anyone who
would like to attend. If you would like to
attend a board meeting, please contact Bill or
Peg Pearson. Please pray for our board members.
t the picnic, people played games,
ate great food, and talked about Jesus. Everyone brought something to
share. The mission provided meat and
buns for hamburgers and hotdogs. The
group consumed about 100 hamburgers
and 60 hotdogs. We had approximately
90 to 100 people attending the picnic.
We plan on repeating the picnic next year.
Everyone had a great time!
John Hemingway is at the radio station
and is interviewed by Carolina Ozoria
and Alex Novas. They did a great job
interviewing John.
hen we moved to the Dominican Republic
as missionaries, we determined that we
wanted God to be big and we are to be small.
We also determined that we wanted Dominicans
teaching Dominicans. On The Living for Christ
radio program, Alex and Carolina are teaching
Dominicans. They present Bible studies, pray
for people in their country, invite people to
church, and present the Gospel. It is Dominicans teaching and leading Dominicans. Please
pray for Alex and Carolina as they continue in
this work.
Please Remember
To Pray for Us
s we continue to work in the Dominican
Republic, please continue to pray for us.
The demands on our time and resources continue
to increase. We are greatly blessed by God. We
realize that it is your prayers and resources that
are helping in our work. The remaining days in
2009 and all of 2010 are going to be full of work
and spreading the Gospel. Please continue to lift
us up in prayer. God bless you!