Marque Newsletter Volume 2, issue 2


Marque Newsletter Volume 2, issue 2
Marque Newsletter
Volume 2, issue 2
February 2012
Grant Cooper taking out the Flag that lost him the title in the January Motorkhana for a great 2 nd place.
Photo Courtesy Lindsey Brown
In This Issue
Presidents Blog P2
Lindsey Brown‟s Pic‟s P4
Motorkhana P4
Track Update P5
Setting the Calendar P6
Minutes from AGM P7
Office Bearers P9
Events Calendar P10
Community Page P11
Race Results PXX
Marque Newsletter
Volume 2, issue 2
Written by Skimmo
For those members who have been competing at our club‟s Sprint Series over the last couple of years would remember Bruce
competing in his lovely Toyota TA22 Celica. He would come up from Mackay a couple of times a year to compete.
John Bruce McCubben passed away recently at the age of sixty-eight. He is survived by his lovely wife Gail and two married
daughters Lisa and Kylie.
Many in the North Queensland rally scene over the last forty odd years would have known and universally liked Bruce. He was a
true gentleman and was always ready for a chat and a laugh. In those early days he was a cane farmer from Iona - just south of
Home Hill.
His first major motor sport event was the 1970 Ampol Round Australia Trial in company with one of his brothers [Ian] in a Mark 1
Cortina. I can imagine the discussions over who was driving each day of that long event. Both brothers get car sick big time while
in the passenger seat.
After returning from that event he started competing in the then farm truck [an EH Holden ute] in local club events. I would
presume a fair bit of practicing was done around the farm headlands and local dirt roads.
In 1973 he purchased a brand new LJ Torana XU1. It was a special order for motor sport purposes with all the good go faster gear
and minus the carpets. This was converted to a rally car with the help of his father-in-law [Les] and McKaig‟s Hiway Motors. That
car was superseded in the early eighties by a Datsun Stanza, built also with help from the above group.
As anyone who has competed in rallys - finishing is the real trick. Bruce was certainly good at that and his results were right at the
pointy end of the field.
He later sold the farm and moved to Mackay. His next foray in motor sport was in his TA22 Celica. He did compete in Targa
Tasmania in that car and various bitumen events after that.
Apart from his family - his other life long passions also included athletics and golf. He was still running in masters events as a
sprinter till very recently. The golf obsession started in Home Hill. He coached many juniors in both sports including the Burdekin‟s
famous golfer Karrie Webb.
We will all miss you and I am very proud to call you a friend.
I must congratulate everyone who came along to the “set the calendar for 2012”. Great turn out once again with over 50
enthusiasts showing up to have an input. What a top club.
We have been running motorkhana‟s for the early part of the year in the heat. And how hot it has been. Daniel Weller won the first
event, Wade Hickey then psyched out Grant Cooper to win the second, and all the while Graham Prowse has been lurking, waiting
for the errors and pouncing when they happen. The most entertaining part has been watching all of the old players get profoundly
lost whilst trying to work where to go next. However, I can‟t talk; at least they are doing it. I have however been working with the
kids, teaching them how to manoeuvre a car through the series of poles. It is great to see the enjoyment they are getting, and I
am looking forward to the new program we will be running for them in the next event.
REMEMBER, if your kids are 12 or over, they can come along and for a measly $10 they can be brow beaten by me for a whole
day. Of course, they get to compete in our club owned reasonable priced race Suzuki Swift, which thanks to RJ Panel and Paint
looks fast, but luckily for me it is not.
Once again we have a big year ahead of us. Hopefully we will see many of the new faces along with all of us old faces. Regardless,
I am looking forward to a lot of fun once again.
I will leave you all there and see you soon.
Zed‟s rule
Marque Newsletter
Volume 2, issue 2
I know Christmas has been and gone and December 2012 will be on us before we know it, but, I received these photo‟s from Wilf
the day after my January issue went out which is a pity as it would have been fitting to include it in the first issue for the year .
Thanks for your contribution Wilf.
Anyone who was in town Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, may have seen Santa and his Helpers motoring around in MGs. Graham
Williams driving his MGB, was dressed in his Santa suit, whilst Yorky and myself sported Santa hats and drove our MG TCs; all
three cars were decorated appropriately.
Quite frankly I felt like a bit of a goose, but the crowd obviously enjoyed the spectacle, particularly the group of revellers on the
balcony at the Seaview Hotel on The Strand Christmas Eve who gave a rousing cheer as we motored by. Even a police car
following us Christmas Day got into the act at one stage with flashing lights and a blast on the siren.
I had a sleigh bell in my car and gave it a good workout, but Graham thought it was a tinny rattle in his car and couldn‟t work out
where it was coming from!
A great bit of Christmas fun!
Wilf Hardy.
Lindsey Brown’s Pic’s
Marque Newsletter
Volume 2, issue 2
Tales From A Motorkhana byWade Hickey
The 2012 motorsport calendar has started off with a big
hoorah for me with a win at the Walsh‟s Auto Motorkhana on
the 22nd January. Firstly I must throw a big thank you to
Townsville City Council for letting us run at the fantastic Lou
Lister Park venue and all the officials who helped out before,
during and after the event.
The event started with a massive 43 entries (the biggest
field I‟ve ever seen) with a total of 35 seeing the day out. It
was a bit of a rollercoaster ride with the competition being
the most fierce I have ever encountered at a motorkhana.
With the reigning winner Daniel Weller returning in the ever
feared datsun stanza and Grant Cooper bringing his „A‟ grade
weapon, Yvonne‟s S15 (from what I can tell it only cost him
dinner out to borrow the car). Always lurking in the top 5
was Graeme Prowse and Lindsay Brown just waiting to
pounce on any little mistake.
Being car 1 wasn‟t as scary as people think, it‟s a good way
to get the nerves under control and get settled in for a day
of hot competition. After the second run the times showed
Grant and I separated by a mere 0.16 seconds, this was
shaping up to be a showdown of epic proportions!
A minor mistake in test 3 caused me to hit a pole and get a
5 second penalty which saw me drop from 1 st to 5th in one
foul swoop. Time to kick it into overdrive and try to reel in
some time on Grant. Test 3 and 4 saw Daniel hit back with
the quickest times having found his rhythm moving him up
to 2nd.
the cake came when Grant clipped a pole adding 5 seconds
to his time (I think people several blocks away could hear
my cheers).
The final results ended with myself taking the win from
Grant by just 0.19 seconds and Graeme hot on our heels
0.31 seconds further back.
Thanks to everyone for a great day and some of the best
competition ever! Well done to all the juniors and we all
hope to see more and more coming out and getting behind
the wheel.
Bring on the next round where the pressure is on from the
old timers Michael and Geoff throwing down the challenge to
us “youngsters”.
Yours In Motorsport
First outright
Second outright
Third outright
Class B
Class c
Class D
Class J1
Class J2
Fastest Lady
Wade Hickey
Grant Cooper
Graeme Prowse
Lindsay Brown
Daniel Weller
Keith Williams
Layne Barrett
Darcy Saxby
Bronwyn Wakefield
I managed to put down the quickest time for run 5 edging
me 1.5 seconds closer to 1st place. Daniel gave us all a sigh
of relief and some loud cheers when he went the wrong
way, dropping him way down the order and out of the hunt
for the win.
Heading into the final test for the day saw Grant in 1 st,
Graeme in 2nd and myself in 3rd, separated by just 4.35
seconds, one mistake from any of us was going to spell the
end. After putting the pressure on Grant I decided it was
time to remove the spare tyre from the boot (who said I get
competitive). Laying down the quickest time for the final run
was the best start I could have hoped for, then the icing on.
Marque Newsletter
Volume 2, issue 2
Written by Skimmo
Our annual Zinc Sprint Racing Series the Townsville Kart Track is about to kick off again with a Come and Try Day on March 24.
Then Round 1 is scheduled for April 21. On top of that full year series is the two day event at the V8 Reid Park track on the 1 st and
2nd September.
Other events on the radar are the four TCAC hill climbs on Mt Stuart. I am also working with a group from Proserpine on having
Sprints at the new Whitsunday complex. There is also a prospect that the Mareeba Sprints will come back to the CAMS system this
year so that they can be properly insured to run events.
One more prospect is the Gladstone Club running a two day sprint at the new Emerald racing complex in late August. That won‟t
be too far for the Bush family race team to travel.
Paul and Michael skidding around in the wet at Proserpine
Wow - what a year we have coming. In an effort to get the Proserpine track on line with sprint racing a
couple of us travelled down to their opening meeting in early December. Paul and Kathy Martin with their Evo
along with Michael and I with my Z did demonstration laps during the day. It got a lot of the locals interested. I am
currently working with the track owners to get the CAMS track licence paperwork in place so that they can run sprints this year.
All these competition events available to us.
Marque Newsletter
Volume 2, issue 2
Sunday 5th Feb 2012. DRIVE TO HERVEYS RANGE
Seeing a clear sky when I surfaced on Sunday was a relief,
although I couldn‟t come to the meeting in our MX5 I was
thinking how relieved some of the other
Marquers with convertible‟s would be.
The meeting was held in the Shed at the rear of the Tea
Room and departure point was outside BBQ Galore.
Jen and I took off early on the pretence I wanted to get
some photo‟s of the cars coming up the hill but as it turned
out I only just managed to get in position before the first
cars came along.
Whilst we are on the topic of limited rego‟s the monthly
calendar will again list a time and departure point for those
members with limited rego wanting to go for a ride in their
pride and joy, This is to cover you legally. Remember this
not an outing for regular registrations but that‟s not to say
they can‟t go along.
The outcome of the meeting is we now have a calendar
which hopefully will be agreeable to most if not all the
members. There is a lot of activity most months and there
are still things which are not listed and can be called up
during the year to fit in as required.
An interesting point for those just looking for a cruise on a
Friday night is the one organised by the “Saints” Hot Rod
Club. They depart from outside Dick Smith, Domain Central
at 7pm the first, ,second and third Friday of every month.
The last Friday of the month is departed from Annandale
Shops. These cruises are well organised and take in a wide
area of the city terminating at one of the local Coffee
Outlets. These are the same group of enthusiasts who
helped with their flash machines
at the last Poker
/Observation Run we had last year.
An important issue to surface at the meeting was the Walk
for Life Relay. Rather than have a drive in memory of Don,
the Club is going to participate in the event and looking for
volunteers to be a part of the walk. More info will be
available closer to the time which is set for 26 th and 27th
May. Noel Radford is heading this project and will be able to
help with any questions.
The Marque Club is listing this activity in its monthly calendar
so those with limited rego‟s can partake in these cruises too.
Anyone looking for
For more info about the Saints and their cruises contact Les
Gibney for assistance.
Marque Newsletter
Volume 2, issue 2
Location: Annandale Community Centre. Minutes by Alan
Meeting Opened: at 19:45
Present: Graeme Prowse, Graham Williams, Peter Brown,
Rex Goadby, Michael Seymour, Warren Skimmings, Jeff
Phillips, Noel Radford, Denise Skimmings, Alan Nelson,
Andrew Nelson, Melanie Chatfield, Shane Corradi,
Gibney, Janet Gibney, Martin Arrowsmith, Terry Smith, Rob
Harris, Wilf Hardy, Michael Slattery, Gary Hickey, Ray
Scagliotti,, Todd Martin, Kathy Martin, Jeff Sutherland,
Kaylene Stone, Lindsay Stone, Lindsay Brown.
Apologies: Yanni Cambetis, The rest of Hickey Clan, Mal
Burgess, Sandra Burgess, Paul Martin, Kent Sutton. Leon
Addison, Ivan Evans , Janelle Eggins, Rod Zaverdinos.
Minutes of the previous AGM: Read by Secretary Nelson;
Michael Seymour moved that be accepted as correct and the
motion was carried unanimously.
Business arising from minutes: No business arising from
previous minutes.
President Report: Michael Seymour thanks Gary Hickey
and Yanni Cambetis for their work with the two
motorkhanas. Both events attracted 44 competitors, with 16
new members drawn to the club through the events.
Heartingly, a number of junior competitors are included in
this number of additional members. Michael was pleased to
see the number of juniors at these events as a positive sign
with fitted well with the new junior programs being run by
Finically this up coming year should be a better one for the
club as most of the expenditure on new equipment occurred
in the past year, although one more computer is to be
Treasurer’s Report: Denise Skimmings
Cheque account balance: $16,772.27
Investment account:
March 2012.
$43,243.90 due for reinvestment in
The 2010/11 financial statements: audited and tabled for
There were still some monies to be banked form the
Motorkhana and few bills to be paid in respect of the same
Current we currently have 31 members who‟ve paid their
dues for the coming year plus a large quantity that paid
All Positions were declared vacant and nominations
called: Michael Seymour
They are as follows:
Les Gibney
Rex Goadby
Jo Chaunut
Pat Driscoll
Geoff Parnell
Alan Nelson
Gary Hickey
Tod Martin
Rex Goadby
Janelle Eggins
Alan Nelson
Janelle Eggins
Noel Radford
Jeff Phillips
Alan Nelson
Rex Goadby
Terry Smith
All Nomination were accepted and carried by acclamation:
An auditor was not appointed for a variety of reasons, least
of all the need for timely auditors to prevent delays in future
Annual General Meetings
General Business:
Badges : Wilf Hardy indicated that with his travel to and
from Malaysia that he‟d investigate the cost to have badges
made in that part of the world as they would probably be
cheaper than anywhere else. Warren Skimmings is to give
Wilf the results of his extensive, comprehensive, not to
mention time consuming research into the matter of badges.
Club shirts: The outgoing Secretary has now purchased a
club shirt.
Web Site: Due to Donn‟s passing we have been unable to
access and edit the web site in spite of having the password
and access codes. Lindsay Brown has contacts that may be
able to rectify this, if not Rex Goadby‟s contacts should be
able to reinstate the web site.
From this, Alan Nelson raised the issue of succession
planning in as much that the
younger part of the
membership are not represented on committees and they
need to ensure the long term health of the Club. Michael
Marque Newsletter
Volume 2, issue 2
Seymour mentioned that half of the Club‟s membership is
under the age of 30 and was planning to get a number of
the younger competitors involved in the processes within
the Club and that was one reason why a race Committe had
not been appointed.
Secretary elect Gibney incisively suggested that we could
just ask the sub 30 year olds to be involved and suggested
that a “Junior President” position could be created. The
suggestions were well received and confirmed that Mr
Gibney‟s nomination was a stroke of genius.
There was a discussion about the Sale of Donn Grierson‟s
Torana and the gearbox. Lindsey able to look at the car in
near future for blue plated.
Warren Skimming‟s reported the Sprint series would have 7
rounds, a come and try day and a further event at the Reid
Park V8 venue (First weekend in September). After lengthy
discussion the Mareeba facility is likely to be brought back to
the CAMS fold. The track Licence for a Proserpine facility
should be issued in the next three weeks, with a sprint
meeting in Emerald run by the Rockhampton club is likely to
be the week end before our V8 Track event. It is hoped that
these two events may lure competitors for the South East
Corner. Michael Seymour reported that with these venues
we will hopefully have a North of the Tropic Championship
once again. Reflecting the rally Championship that ran in the
1970s and 1980s.
Jeff Phillip asked where we‟re at with DECAMAG – Largely
waiting „till after the Council elections before the agitation
started again.
The V8 events Office is Townsville has now closed as part of
restructure of that organisation.
Jeff also asked if there was any possibility of the Club
reinstating the Mount Stuart Tarmac Rally. Michael Seymour
advised that due the current “Blame Culture” that existed
with the Police service and the couple of high velocity
mishaps of one competitor it was unlikely the event would
happen. The possibility of engineering solutions to reduce
the risk was low given the length of the road and the three
agencies involved in the oversight of the road.
Lindsay Stone recommended that we should keeping doing
what we do well and let that generate its own momentum.
Melanie Chatfield raised the need for an Officials Briefing
before the Drivers Briefing for the sprints to iron out a few
wrinkle and the need for more Officials, especially running
the time system. After all Melanie, and a number of other
officials would like to have a driver now and then.
Ray Scagiolotti raised the issues of competitors times not
being available before the next round, especially for those
early in the race order and that the running order wasn‟t
always amended to reflect those competitors who‟d pulled
out of the event.
Alan Nelson advised that Competitors often didn‟t advise the
official of their pulling out (even though mentioned at the
driver‟s briefings and at times it is too difficult to match the
pace of competitors especially towards the end of the event.
Michael Seymour explained the monitor system that had
been used in the past so competitors were able to view their
results before the end the round had not been used in the
last season due to a variety of problems, and that it is
intended to fix the problem.
Michael then went on to declare the meeting closed. The
meeting was closed at 21:10 hours.
Paddy and Mick are two Irishmen working at the
local sawmill.
One day, Mick slips and his arm gets caught and
severed by the big bench saw, Paddy quickly puts
the severed limb in a plastic bag and rushes Mick
and the limb to the local hospital.
Next day, Paddy goes to the hospital and asks
after Mick. The nurse says “Oh, he‟s out in the
rehab exercising”.
Paddy couldn‟t believe it, but there‟s Mick out the
back exercising his now re-attached arm. The very
next day he‟s back at work in the saw mill.
A few days go by and then Mick slips and severs
his leg on another bloody big wood saw. So Paddy
puts the limb in a plastic bag and rushes him off to
the hospital.
Next day Paddy calls in at the hospital and asks
the nurse how he is. The nurse replies “he‟s out in
the rehab again exercising”. And sure enough
there‟s Mick doing some serious stuff on the
treadmill. Not long after this Mick is back working
as usual in the sawmill.
But as usual, within a week he has another
accident with the big saw and this time cuts his
head off. Wearily Paddy puts the head in a plastic
bag and carts Mick off to the hospital.
Several days later Paddy goes up to the hospital
and asks the nurse how his mate Mick is. “He‟s
Paddy is shocked, but not surprised. “I guess the
saw finally did him in”.
“No” she said. “Some
dopey bastard put his head in a plastic bag and
he suffocated”.
Marque Newsletter
Volume 2, issue 2
PO Box 7325, Garbutt BC, Qld. 4814
[email protected]
Michael Seymour
Ph 0413806567, [email protected]
Vice President
Warren Skimmings
Ph (H) 47733274,[email protected]
Les Gibney
Ph (H) 47239190, [email protected]
Denise Skimmings
Ph (H) 477733274, [email protected]
Race Committee
Pat Driscoll
Ph 0418778659, [email protected]
Alan Nelson
Ph (H) 47794521 (M) 0413551454, [email protected]
Gary Hickey
Ph 0400810232 [email protected]
Geoff Parnell
Ph (W) 47736663 (H) 47888143 (M) 041244984
Chief Scrutineer
Todd Martin
Social Committee
Graham Williams
Ph(W)47245255,(M) 0429673078 [email protected]
Rex Goadby
Ph 0402422324 [email protected]
Jeff Sutherland
Ph 0408716594
Tony Williams (Yorky)
Ph (W) 47797076 [email protected]
Social Secretary
Jo Chaunut
Ph 0419761972, [email protected]
Life Members
Alan Nelson, Denise Skimmings, Warren Skimmings, Geoff Parnell, Wilf Hardy
Marque Newsletter
Volume 2, issue 2
2012 Calendar.
Friday Night Cruises organised by the Saints Hot Rod Club.
These depart at 7pm from Domain Central the first, second and third Friday of each month and depart from Annandale Shopping
Centre every fourth Friday.
Sunday Drive for vehicles with restricted rego.
These drives depart at 9am each Sunday from MacDonalds car park Woolcock Street.
February 2012
5th Setting Calendar
19th Sunday
22nd Wednesday
26th Sunday
Heritage tea Room
Motorkhana, Lou Lister Park
Pub Dinner Vale Hotel
Poker / Observation Run
March 2012
11th Sunday
18th Sunday
20th Tuesday
24th Saturday
25th Sunday
BBQ Breakfast Mt Stuart
Motorkhana Lou Lister Park
Pub Dinner Bohle Barn
Come and Try Day - Sprints
Ingham Car Show
April 2012
18th Wednesday
21st Saturday
22nd Sunday
Pub Dinner Vic Park
Round 1 Sprints
Club Drive to Halifax for lunch at Pub
May 2012
5th,6th & 7th Sat, Sun & Mon
15th Tuesday
20th Sunday
26th Saturday
26th & 27th Sat & Sun
Richmond Festival. Car show on the Sunday
Pub Dinner West End
Heritage Society Car Show
Round 2 Sprints
Walk For Life Relay
June 2012
9Th,10th&11th Sat, Sun & Mon
20th Wednesday
23rd Saturday
Charters Towers Car Show and swap meet
Pub Dinner Kirwan Tavern
Round 3 Sprints
30th Saturday
July 2012
1st Sunday
6th,7th,8th Frid, Sat, Sun
14th July
21st Saturday
28th & 29th Sat & Sun
Car Show (associated with the V8‟s)
V8 Supercars
Cheese and Wine Night at the Parnell‟s
Round 4 Sprints
Christmas in July – Paluma
August 2012
4th Saturday
10th,11th & 12th Fri, Sat & Sun.
14th Tuesday
26th Sunday
Round 5 Sprints
Cairns Car Show and Swap meet
Pub Dinner Stuart Hotel
Marque Car Club Show Cotters Market
Sat /Sun
Poker run with Hot rod club. Date to be confirmed – charity run.
September 2012
1st & 2nd Sat & Sun
9th Sunday
12th Wednesday
Pit Straight Mechanix - Reid Park Sprints
Poker Run/Observation Run – Lunch at Rollingstone
Pub Dinner Rising Sun
Marque Newsletter
Volume 2, issue 2
23rd Sunday
29th Saturday
Club Drive to Giru for Pub Lunch
Round 6 Sprints
October 2012
7th Sunday
16th Tuesday
27th Saturday
Club Drive Mingela Pub for lunch
Pub Dinner Grazia‟s Daly
Round 7 Sprints
November 2012
14th Wednesday
18th Sunday
24th Saturday
Pub Dinner Kirwan Tavern
Poker Run / Observation Run
Club Christmas Party and Trophy Presentation.
December 2012
Christmas lights drive to be announced.
18th Tuesday
Pub Dinner, to be announced.
January 2013.
26th Saturday
Australia Day celebration BBQ / Party @ Jeff and Michelle Sutherlands place.
1958 Fiberglass Sunliner caravan, ideal for behind that classic
Suspension upgraded could go anywhere
V.G.C. $30,000.00
Phone:- 0409 897 658
To have your message in the ‘Community
Page’ email me with the details at
[email protected] and I’ll put it in
for the next issue. If you want it to run for
the following issue you will have to let me
know otherwise it will be removed,
ABN 82 509 309 487
Affiliated with CAMS Ltd
Membership Application/Annual Subscription 2012
(Subscription $40.00 per calendar year)
Date: __________________
Name: __________________________________
New & current members please complete the following:
Address: _______________________________
Contact Details:
Home: __________________
Work: _____________________
Mobile: __________________
E-Mail: ___________________________________________________
Wife / Husband / Partner’s Name: _______________________________________
Vehicle details
Make & Model: ___________________________Year: ________________
Colour: __________________Registration number: _______________ Is your car under S.I.V. Rego? Yes / No
(Please list details of any other vehicles overleaf)
Please fill out the above details, the membership card below and attach cheques/money order made payable to:
Marque Sports Car Register North Queensland Inc
and forward to:
The President – Michael Seymour
2/32 Carmel Street
PAYMENT DETAILS: If a direct deposit is your method of payment please circle YES here
M.S.C.R.N.Q.Inc. Bank details
Bank of Qld - BSB 124055
Ac. No. 20369426
Marque Sports Car Register NQ Inc
[Please attach direct deposit receipt to this form]
Please Supply me with:
Member No: ____
Valid To ____/____/______
Club Shirts @$35.00
Signature: _______________________
Name: _______________________
(Not Valid without a Club Stamp)