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technet-rail 2010 GmbH Geographic Information Systems for the railway industry How data becomes solutions. How data becomes solutions. Our philosophy Railway transportation is a sector that is constantly in upheaval. As a significant mobility factor, the railway industry is in the never-ending process of having to prove its strength and competitiveness day in Thanks to our more than 20 years of expe- day out. Innovative and customer-oriented rience in surveying, we develop software services for passenger and cargo transport programs that enable state of the art cus- are in demand as never before. tomer-specific software solutions. This also includes 3-D capture and 3-D data process- technet-rail helps the railway industry to ing of infrastructure data, the development develop innovative and future oriented ser- of navigation and simulation models as well vices. We are among the market leaders in the area of geographic data-based products as the conception of passenger information systems. for railway companies. Every one of our solutions aims at giving our customers a head start in the field of their market. That advantage gives our customers the significant benefit for their work. The technet-rail team looks forward to working with you. Dr. Ivo Milev Managing director technet-rail 2010 GmbH Creative hotspot for railway software. The company: technet-rail Managing Director Dr. Ivo Milev attends to upcoming trends and perspectives of technet-rail was established in 2010 emer- geographical data-based information. Our ging from technet GmbH founded in 1989. Our scope of services encompasses custom- state-of-the-art specialist knowledge enables us to constantly further develop soft- er consulting and software development for ware programs and to be able to adapt these several applications in the railway industry. to ever-changing requirements. We offer our clients individual, innovative The industry trusts in us and complex software solutions in the area of transport and railway construction, sur- Our current customer base consists of veying, integration of geographic data, 3-D more than 200 engineering offices and laser scanning, inertial systems, satellite- major railway companies. We work with aided navigation as well as multi-sensor sys- Deutsche Bahn AG, Leica Geosystems AG, tems in road and railway construction. Schweizerische Bundled knowledge creates new solutions Bundesbahnen Österreichische Bundesbahnen (SBB), (ÖBB), Luxembourg Railways (CFL), the Russian State Railways as well as key en- technet-rail‘s team of specialists has been ergy bundling years of knowledge from the sur- providers and chemical com- panies in Europe and the USA (e.g. veying and engineering sectors, from the BayerCorpScience). fields of computer science, mathematics and cartography. As a UN consultant for technet-rail 2010 GmbH global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), Foundation 2010 (previously technet GmbH since 1989) Company headquarters Managing director Employees Services Berlin Dr. Ivo Milev 10 Software development and consulting, including surveying, geographic data-based applications, 3-D laser scanning, satellite navigation, multi-sensor systems, customized programming High-tech as a foundation for modern data management. The process: 3-D laser scanning technet-rail uses 3-D laser scanning technology to capture and process terrestrial data. The benefits of this method: extreme speed, precision and seamless recording of the en- Innovative surveying method makes use of satellites vironment with the aid of millions of 3-D object points as well as a broad range of usage technet-rail is one of the very few data integrators that uses state-of-the-art kinematic of the acquired data. surveying systems. This process involves Track and close topography seamlessly captured the combination of 3-D laser scanners with real-time navigation and the use of satellite systems (GNSS), such as GALILEO, GLONASS 3-D data is the basis of the most various and GPS. These innovative surveying sys- types of analyses in rail traffic. technet-rail tems have been applied numerous times by technet-rail in projects for customers from uses the captured track geometry to calcu- Germany, the Netherlands and Russia, in late driving dynamics or to test the target particular in the monitoring and control of track geometry (Quality Control). Further applications are clearance measurements and the identification of clearance gauge. rail and road conditions as well as volume calculations and deformation analyses. These applications are used to assess and secure transports with bulky or oversized loads. The topography in the vicinity of the technet-rail – Partners of system leaders track, such as buildings, masts and other facilities can be assessed within a radius of 200 meters and analyzed. technet-rail cooperates with leading manufacturers of 3-D laser scanners, such as Riegl, Topcon, Leica, Zoller & Fröhlich and Faro, which is why we have direct conversion codes of all binary manufacturer formats. This allows an easy and quick import and further processing of nearly any kind of scanning data. ATrack Railway infrastructure data – modular and sophisticated. The service package: SiRailData Many national railway networks already Verm.esn have railway databases. technet-rail has developed complex solutions with which we can visualize, analyze and process existing infrastructure data – in line with customer requirements. with automatic distance measurement to the axis of track, collision test) and the export of measuring points. Five integrated modules ATrack stands for automatic track recognition. The module offers automatic track SiRailManager Our five modules for the railway industry can be purchased as standalone solutions or as a package (SiRailData). and gradient calculation. It enables error analyses to bridge measurement gaps and transformations of measured points to the calculated track geometry. The SiRailScan module encompasses extensive software for the evaluation of laser scanning data. Various functional scopes such as the Basic, Architecture and Railway oped by technet-rail. It is used, for example, to create track plans, to optimize tracks and modules are available. SiRailScan The module Verm.esn is used for track planning. This software has been further devel- to calculate different transformations. The SiRailViewer module is used to view scan data and to load geometric data. The module is suitable for clearance measurements (e.g. to calculate the platform edge We use the SiRailManager database module to process, administer and update our customers‘ databases. An important role in this respect is the enhancement and harmonization of data such as track networks and SiRailViewer IvL plans. The latter does not only document the current track geometry but also the property ownership of the railway operator. SiRailScan enables the direct import of proprietary (in-house) data formats from all significant laser scanner manufacturers. With MODULE: SiRailScan this, the universal visualization and analysis of any 3-D scan material is possible without Potential collision points – clearly visible any problems whatsoever. Conversion to several graphics formats The program can simulate train passages and conduct collisions tests based on the SiRailScan works with a special graphics en- determined track geometry. Potential colli- gine that was optimized to cater to the char- sion points are colored in and displayed in acteristics of 3-D raster data. The program a separate window for initial analysis. The can generate all standard output formats program can also perform axle-based meas- such as DXF, DGN, 3DS, GeoTIFF/ECW and urements. The clearance gauges that are de- provides high-resolution visualization in the termined by the collision test undergo vec- image file formats BMP, TIFF and AVI. torization and can then be exported in the desired file format. SiRailScan determines the actual track ge- Perfect for infrastructure modeling ometry without any constrains and high precision manner. In this process, the inner In addition, the determination of the ac- sides of the toprail are modeled on the basis tual track geometry can also be used for of point cloud data and the track‘s actual po- comparisons with the planning status sition and height are calculated. Track distance neighboring track 3.4833 m (actual-target comparisons). SiRailScan is the perfect tool for modeling railway infrastructure, e.g. semi-automatic modeling of overhead line and their digitalization. A point cloud is a list of Cartesian 3-D coordinates that is created by scanning objects or surfaces e.g. with 3-D scanners. Analyzing track data. Manufacture independent. SiRailScan (SRS) is a technet-rail-developed, cross-platform software for the evaluation and analysis of 3-D laser scan data. It can be used to simulate train passages to determine and localize clearance gauge and to conduct target-actual comparisons of track geometries. MODULE: SiRailViewer Because of a special component, the software SiRailViewer can analyze data in a geographic context. The benefit for the user is that georeferenced scans can be portrayed in their geographic surroundings. Further applications are orthoviews, registration of static scans, point-cloud-based sections, creation of digital surface models and coloring a point cloud with a hand-held picture. Plans of railway systems in any desired detail Quick view of track dimensions The evaluation functions of the SiRailViewer focus on the important area of clearance gauge analysis (pursuant to the Obstacles gauges standard EN 15273-1). In this case, the software combines the track network data of the railway company with the data acquired SiRailViewer can combine scans with various types of data. The program combines also data of several origins and precisions such as airborne topographic data, ORTHOphotos, LIDAR data, digitized raster data as well as LIMEZ data. This facilitates the handling of large volumes of data and simplifies the evaluation. by the survey train. This visualizes all relevant With the SiRailViewer the user can determine a freely configurable part of the track. Within that part all platform points and their distance to the axis are mapped. The narrowest area is shown automatically. The edge points can be saved and exported with all information. data in real-time, showing for instance the track axis, radius, superelevation, gauge, track ID and chainage. SiRailViewer also contains measurement functions, clearance frames and a collision test pursuant to the Euronorm for Obstacles gauges. In addition to scan data, extensive map material can also be fed into the system. This enables the visualization of plans in various degrees of detail, thus facilitating analy- sis. Of course, photos, videos and geometric Kinematic scans are point clouds generated with the use of moving laser scanners instead of stations. Here, two or more laser scanners are mounted to a vehicle. This procedure is particularly suitable for long-distance objects such as track routes, streets, bridges, tunnels and large-scale building complexes. data such as LIRA profiles (clearance gauge vectorised lines), sections and surfaces can be embedded. SiRailViewer by technet-rail harmonizes all data and ensures clear access. Visualizing scan data. Straight to the point. All relevant parameters are visualized MODULE: ATrack The ATrack module automatically calculates the track geometry with regard to position (track) and height (gradient). This is based With SiRailViewer technet-rail has developed a module that is particularly suited for the visualization of static and kinematic scan data. It enables the execution and visualization of clearance analyses and collision tests. on the positions and heights of points as a result of continuous measurements. Automatic track recognition and calculaResult gradient.GRA tion including of track elements (e.g. circle, Old gradient.GRA clothoid, straight line), track element param- Constructive eters (radii, lengths, tangent direction) and main track points (coordinates, kilometer stations). ATrack enables the graphic visualization of tracks, curvatures and measurement points with descriptions and distances. AE NW = 182.83 NW = 182.82 AE AE NW = 182.79 In terms of gradients, ATrack calculates the height of a certain track at the press of Program add-on BÜ-Master for railroad crossings Visualization of gradients a button. This also applies to the gradient variation and the determination of start and Verm.esn is optimally complemented by end points of the gradient. The respective BÜ-Master. BÜ-Master is a high-performance tangent length on main gradient points is automatically calculated. graphic and construction software used for Kilometrierung 182.9697 < A further benefit that ATrack has to offer: 194.7830 the documentation of railroad crossings. It < 222.7675 also complies with the standards of Deutsche Bahn AG: Railway station and track plans of Preceding filtering of measurement data al- the geographic information system of the lows the detection of major errors and closes measurement gaps. Km: 194.9476 R.: 448.4137 Seperator: 194.7830 Deutsche Bahn AG (DB-GIS) are imported Automatic track calculation – Curvature In the railway sector, the gradient is used to describe the height of the track route. The gradient reflects the inclination ratio. here and symbolized pursuant to pertinent standards. The software enables the import, e.g. of the DB-GIS work order and the generation of out- Curvatures are scaled graphic representations of the element progression of a track. Therefore it is an integral element of railway planning. put files at a scale of 1:200 and access an extensive symbol library of traffic and road signs. BÜ-Master The geographic information system of the Deutsche Bahn AG encompasses all railway geodata and topology, topography, buildings, technical facilities and railway crossings. They are geometrically and geographically precision captured and visualized in the railway-specific DB-REF-System. 50.23 90.24 13.87 140 95 37 23 67 98 116 121 114 88 ( 69 ( 34 ATrack is an efficient module for the automatic measurement-point-based determination of tracks and gradients. The ( program is also suited to process large volumes of data. Track elements and inclination ratios can be calculated in a few seconds. The GUI is very user-friendly. 271 MODULE: Verm.esn ) 1 0.888 4.110 4.998 4.997 1.134 5.000 ( 5 4 4 5 4 3 3 2 1 Calculating tracks. Efficient and user friendly. 12.22 85.89 2.217 2.778 4.999 4.985 planning. This includes the position and height of the track as well as geodetic calcu- Verm.esn offers a user-friendly and clear lations. The program enables e.g. the analy- ( 26.178 ) -506 ( 26.187 ) -487 Exceptional function range – simplified analysis The basic functions of Verm.esn are track functional scope and user interface. It visu- sis of driving dynamics and ATrack-based 26.572 alize IvL plans, track drafts including all determination of track geometry pursuant corresponding to the guidelines of Deutsche Bahn AG. parameters, color-coded element groups, the output of track optimi- ) ( 6.498 ) ( 6.492 ) 6.505 zation results with constrains and control Track plans, railway switch layouts and rail- points. Coordinates or point areas with dis- way switch height plans can be created. Any placement lines in position and height can potential correction values can be trans- Track planning with element parameters be shown. ferred to the track laying machinery of the track system. ) ( 2.498 253 ) ) 2.492 ( ) ( 2.504 A further program-add on – AXTRAN – is calculation with a station-guided line is also position and height. It offers the automatic main and single points can be computed. -212 ) analysis of existing track parameters with It`s possible to combine the track geometry constraints such as track or object points, with geographic data. 2.257 2.748 5.005 5.005 optimized in AXTRAN within a few seconds. 140 95 37 23 67 98 116 121 114 88 69 34 1 5 4 4 5 4 3 3 2 1 0.897 4.105 5.002 5.003 65.90 12.25 WA = 85.93 90.22 50.20 The add-on GVPlan enables the automatic UC 25 24 22 19 16 13 9 6 3 1 0 I = 40.00 railway data. The track and geographic data can be further processed with a broad range of drawing, text and object options. It also im- Trassen-Darstellung 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Klothoide Gerade Klothoide Kreis Klothoide Gerade Klothoide 1.0000 -914.0000 64.0000 30.0000 112.0000 81.0000 29.0000 65.0000 *.DXF and *.DGN. drawing of track plans pursuant to the re- Elemente Track optimization AXTRAN UA The graphics program TechCAD is a userfriendly extension of Verm.esn to visualize ports and exports data in the standard formats L: R: quirements of Deutsche Bahn AG. It is easy 81.0000 112.0000 to integrate buildings and symbols. TechCAD also has an extensive library containing all symbols used by Deutsche Bahn AG. It is possible to edit layers and their properties. AXTRAN Darstellung 13.86 TechCAD used for track optimization in terms of radius and length. Track geometries can be 1.134 5.000 Useful extension: track considering position and height. The possible. Based on existing track geometries 60– 500– 1:14 -388 ) ( Compatibility in a wide range Verm.esn enables the conversion to the 13 – – – – – – – – Länge Radius Länge Länge Radius Länge Länge Länge Y: 5406859.6473 X: 5653230.8932 Punkt: 11142 (Kreis) Km: 142.1910 Abstand: -1.5157 12.22 140 95 37 23 .217 2.778 99 4.985 ) 487 ) ) Planning and optimizing tracks. For the rail track database of DB AG. MODULE: SiRailManager 26.572 Verm.esn is used to manage track data of Deutsche Bahn 6.505 AG in an optimal and multifunctional manner. Among other possibilities Verm.esn can process the results of the modul ATrack for further analysis. Verm.esn is completely compatible with the rail track database and geographic information system of Deutsche Bahn AG (DB-GIS). This means: All calcu2.504lations and graphic outputs are based on DB AG guidelines. Unlimitedly expandable In addition, SiRailManager offers unlimited expansion options. It offers the possibility of integrating bridges, railway switches, tunnels or railway crossings. Further useful functions With SiRailManager, various information from the database can be extracted and are the visualization and combination of airMobile application combined with chainage lines and IvL plans. Based on the integrated data set, such as tracks, chainages and IvL plans, several 212 ) Creating measuring points, tracks and layers functions and evaluations are provided. Besides the physically installed version, SiRailManager is also available as a web application. In that way, stored information can be called with mobile end devices such as smartphones or tablet PC from anywhere. borne data, Ivl plans and data from web-based map services (such as Google or Bing). The user can create e.g. schematic plans or measuring points on a certain track. Measuring points can be saved, organized and edited in various layers. Additionally, information (coordinates, track, chainage, distance to track, 140 95 37 23 .257 2.748 05 5.005 radius, etc.) can also be exported to PDF file. Breite: 50.10629357454 Länge: 8.6431189263454 Strecke: 3900 RiKz: 1 Km: 197.9 + 39.48 Hannover 12.25 In addition to the status and location of the track facilities, IvL plans also show the property boundaries of the respective railway operator. They contain information on shafts, signals, slopes and railway crossings. Airborne topographic data are acquired by flying over the terrain on predefined routes to capture a seamless collection of aerial images. Flexible and mobile management of rail track databases. SiRailManager is a program by technet-rail used to display and manage complete national rail track databases. The program is a server based solution. technet-rail 2010 GmbH Imprint Publisher: technet-rail 2010 GmbH, Berlin. Conception, text and design: Bergmann & Partner, Agentur für Werbung und Verkaufsförderung GmbH, Berlin. Print: Druckerei J. Humburg GmbH, Berlin. Edition: 150. Status: September 2011. Picture credits: technet-rail 2010 GmbH, Adamus - www.fotolia.de, www.istockphoto.de TECH-1132/003 technet-rail 2010 GmbH · Goethestraße 42 10625 Berlin · Tel. +49 30 89 65 03 90 [email protected] · www.technet-rail.de