bulletin - Columbus Dental Society


bulletin - Columbus Dental Society
Autumn 2014
663 Park Meadow Rd., Suite F
Westerville, Ohio 43081
Phone: 614-895-2371
E-mail: [email protected]
Autumn 2014
CDS Executive Committee
Timothy March, DDS
Sharon Parsons, DDS
Fred Alger, DDS, MS
Joseph Mess, DDS, MS
Inside This Issue:
President’s Message..............................................................3
ODA Annual Session............................................................5
CDS New Logo Contest........................................................6
Ohio Good DEED Program..................................................7
Success Triangle.....................................................................8
Immediate Past President
Tara Haid, DDS
Continuing Education Opportunities................................9
Executive Director
CDS 2014 ODPAC Donors...................................................9
Polly Mowery
Upcoming Events
November 12
Success Triangle
CDS Office
December 4
Holiday Party
Hubbard Grille
December 5
Dr. John Flucke
Practice Digital Dentistry…
Brio at Polaris
8:15am – 3:00pm
You can visit our website for information on courses offered through the
Columbus Dental Society:
Dental Radiology
Monitoring Nitrous Oxide Sedation
President’s Message
Timothy March, DDS
As this is my last message to our members, I would like to express my
sincere gratitude to all of those in the CDS family that have contributed to
advance our profession this past year. It takes a dedicated team that has
included the members, Board of Directors, and Committee members
working collectively.
Boy, time flies! I am appreciative of all of your support throughout the
years. The memories of this will last a lifetime. The clear message that I
received from our members is that there is no distinct and simple task that
we as a society can do, but there are many avenues that we need to do to
increase our value to our members.
To that end here are a few of this year’s accomplishments that we as a society have accomplished
and are trying to get finalized.
We improved our website so that you can change your personal settings, and we have created a
section for the public to search for dentists and better understand what we do.
We are still in the process of setting up a Dental Disability Service where members can have short
term coverage in their office while they are unable to perform the profession that they love. Dr.
Parsons is hard at work on this project.
We have modified the position of Treasurer with a 3 year term as this will allow us to create more
discretion over our funds. I thank Dr. Male for accepting this role.
We are starting an ad campaign to provide a referral service for our members through print,
online, and radio media. Our dedicated Membership Committee chaired by Dr. Bogan deserves a
tremendous amount of credit for their great work!
Our “In the Loupe” e-mail blasts have kept our members aware of upcoming events our society
We are in the process of negotiating with vendors so that reward points can be applied to our
member dues.
Our Program Committee headed by Dr. Ward has an outstanding list of three speakers for next
year that promises to be a great value for outstanding education.
The General Membership meetings had outstanding attendance throughout the year, and we look
forward to this trend continuing. Just as important is the tremendous camaraderie that we
experienced this year.
We are looking into having a program similar to the Success Triangle (the very successful
program for dentists who have been out of school for less than 10 years), and have FREE or very
low cost CE for ALL DENTISTS that will be geared toward practice management. Look for details
in the upcoming months, and your suggestions on this are greatly appreciated. We want this to be
YOUR study club. Over the years, one of the most invaluable things that I have done is becoming
President’s Message (continued)
Timothy March, DDS
involved in numerous study clubs. Here is an area where our society might enhance our ability to
have more efficient and productive practices.
Thanks to all that have made our quarterly Bulletin such a success. It’s looking as good as ever as
our Editor, Dr. Joseph Mess, has done a fantastic job with our “new look.”
Make a difference. I think that each one of us can and need to be a part of the continued
advancement of our profession. Being in leadership may not fit into your plan. But there is no better
way to serve than to volunteer. I personally see patients at the Faith Mission Homeless Shelter one
Thursday a month. Check the CDS website or call us and we would be happy to discuss the options
available throughout Central Ohio to help get desperately needed care to some folks that just need a
little help..
As you can see, we are in this together. In today’s changing dental landscape, organized dentistry
must and will adapt to the many challenges that we will face.
One last story I’ll share is an interesting place that I ran across on my recent visit to San Antonio for
the ADA Annual Session. While walking back to my Hotel room with my wife we saw some friends
that are part of the Cincinnati Dental Society sitting at a table in an area with several picnic tables and
chairs. This outdoor restaurant was called The Friendly Spot. It seemed to cater to many of the social,
culinary, recreational, and family needs in the neighborhood. There was really something for
everyone (as this was a very diverse population). In an area surrounding a nicely manicured grassy
lawn were the following: a covered bar where food and drinks were ordered, a big screen projection
TV, a playground for children, a parking area for bicycles and motorcycles, and a barbecue pit and
grills.. Did I mention 250 beer selections and a full bar? What more do you need?
The Friendly Spot was able to get everyone COMFORTABLE (greeted nicely and professionally) and
EASILY seated at a table in “comfortable” seats. The staff was PERSONAL as well as the patrons
around us. And of course the SERVICE was friendly, timely, and they LISTENED. They certainly
VALUED my time as I had to narrow down my beer selection from a comprehensive list. It was
SPECIAL because of all the little things that added to the experience. To accomplish this takes great
These are some of the things that your Society Board Members, Officers, and Councils have tried to
bring to our members throughout the year. The amount of communication, input, and action by this
dedicated group exceeded my expectations. Thank you all for bringing you passion, intellect, insight,
and experience to every meeting.
The Committee and Council Chairs consisting of Drs. Sharon Parsons, Fred Alger, Britt McCarty,
Tara Haid, Kyle Bogan, Jim Male, and Denise Hering are to be commended for a tremendous effort
this year. In addition, Dr. Shaun Rotenberg has helped with our ad campaign as well as our
integration into social media. I also want to thank Drs. John Nusstein, Jim Cottle, and Kate Varley for
their service on various committees as well as to our outgoing Board members. I want to thank Dean
President’s Message (continued)
Timothy March, DDS
Patrick Lloyd as well, as he brings a wealth of information and advice to our meetings and programs.
Behind the scenes, Polly, Michelle, and the Nitrous Oxide and Radiology training staff have earned us
the most profitable CE year in our history!
I am excited about this upcoming year as well. Incoming President, Dr. Sharon Parsons, will provide
outstanding leadership as she has been an asset to me this past year. I thank her and all of you who
individually and collectively supported my term as President in ways I cannot express. I will always be
grateful. To all of the members and officials with whom I have had the privilege to serve, THANK
YOU. Thank you for your service, your loyalty, your leadership, and your guidance.
2014 ODA Annual Session
The House of Delegates is the legislative and authoritative body of the Ohio Dental Association. The
House of Delegates is comprised of 131 delegates, who are chosen by the 25 component societies.
The House of Delegates meets once a year, during the ODA Annual Session to debate and vote on a
wide range of policy issues.
During this past year, the Columbus Dental Society has been well represented by one of our very
own members – ODA President, Dr. Paul Casamassimo. We thank him for his leadership and
service to our profession. At the conclusion of this year’s House of Delegates meeting, members of
our society congratulated him on a successful year (pictured below).
CDS New Logo Contest
Are you a graphic designer “wanna-be”
(when not practicing dentistry)?
Then enter the contest and show us your stuff
The Columbus Dental Society needs your creativity and skills to help design a more modern and
exciting logo that not only catches the eye, but enhances our new tagline of “Making Columbus
Smile.” While the caduceus is symbolic of healthcare, it doesn’t really send a meaningful message to
consumers – and thus it’s time to update the CDS brand and develop a new look.
The new logo will be launched during the society’s print and online media campaign that will start by
March 2015, and will be also used in advertising, online and in all print collateral materials of the
The logo contest is open to any Columbus Dental Society member – and all logo designs must be
submitted by members. However, you can get help from friends, family members, staff and others in
creating your design. All designs will be reviewed by the CDS Membership Committee and the winner
selected at the January 15, 2015 meeting. The dentist who submits the winning design will receive
free admission to each of the three all-day CE programs that will be offered by the Columbus Dental
Society in 2015; this is a $695 prize package. The winning dentist will also be recognized in The
The criteria and rules include:
All submissions must be received at the Columbus Dental Society office no later than end of
business on Monday, January 5, 2015. The logo must be placed in a document and saved as
a PDF file so that the staff can open the file and print a copy.
The logo should reflect Making Columbus Smile; the tagline does not need to be a part of the
logo but the logo should be created in a style that easily allows for placement of the tagline
adjacent to the logo.
The design should be developed in two or four-color. The CDS reserves the right to change
the colors of the winning logo; the winner would be asked to assist the society with this and to
provide a copy in black and white.
The logo design should be submitted to the CDS by email to [email protected] or by
bringing it to the society office on a CD-ROM/DVD or flash drive by the date shown above.
The Columbus Dental Society will own and retain all rights of use of the winning logo.
Ohio Good DEED Program
By ODA Staff
The Ohio Dental Association was recently recognized by the Ohio
Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Excellence Program
The Ohio EPA recognizes the ODA as a bronze level participant for
establishing and facilitating the Ohio Good DEED (Dedicated to
Environmental Excellence in Dentistry) program to recognize and
encourage dentists to reduce and recycle dental wastes.
The ODA developed the Good DEED program in conjunction with the
Ohio EPA to recognize dental offices for voluntarily pursuing
environmentally friendly practices. The Ohio Good DEED program
currently has more than 173 dentists, 368 dental students, 70 dental
graduate students and 279 dental faculty members participating.
The program has two levels of participation. The first level of participation is the Gold Tier, which requires
dentists to follow the American Dental Association’s Best Management Practices (BMPs) for amalgam waste,
which includes ISO 11143 compliant amalgam separators, and to comply with waste disposal laws currently in
The second level of participation, the Gold and Green Tier, requires dentists to follow all of the components
from the Gold Tier, plus implement basic recycling and 10 other pollution prevention practices. Examples of
pollution prevention practices include using Star Energy appliances, unplugging appliances, using
biodegradable disposable cups, using energy efficient low-mercury lighting, or using stainless steel endodontic
suction tips.
To participate, dentists report their compliance with a checklist to the ODA indicating they follow all work
practices required. Participants then receive a certificate from the ODA. A certificate is reissued every two
The Ohio EPA’s E3 Program recognizes Ohio businesses and organizations that reduce waste and improve
efficiency. The program has a three tiered approach, and the bronze level recognizes entities that demonstrate
significant progress in impact to the environment (such as waste reduction) or resource conservation.
Participants also must demonstrate some level of progress in other environmental areas.
Dentists interested in participating in the Ohio Good DEED program can find more information at
epa.ohio.gov/ocapp/mercury_reduction_dental.aspx or by calling the ODA Department of Dental Services at
(800) 282-1526.
You can find additional information about The Ohio Good DEED program on the ODA’s website at
We would like to hear from you!
Do you have some thoughts you would like to share with your fellow dentists?
Contact Bulletin Editor, Dr. Joseph Mess at
[email protected].
Success Triangle
The Success Triangle is a series of complementary continuing education courses for our new and
younger members who have been in practice 10 years of less.
Wednesday, November 12
Peri-Implant Disease and Maintenance: How to ensure long term
success of dental implants
Dental implants have become a predictable means to replace missing teeth and support a wide
variety of dental prosthetics. As implant restorations have gradually become more routine therapy,
Dr. Sean Rotenberg
Dr. Rotenberg attended the Medical College of Georgia School of Dentistry and
received his certificate in Periodontics and Master of Science Degree from The
Ohio State University College of Dentistry. Dr. Rotenberg serves on the Board
of Directors for the Columbus Dental Society and is a board-certified Diplomate
of the American Board of Periodontology. He maintains a private practice in
Columbus and is a clinical assistant-professor at OSU.
Location: Columbus Dental Society Office
Registration & Dinner: 6:00pm
Course Presentation: 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Register by calling Michelle at 614-895-2371 or emailing [email protected]
There is NO CHARGE for this event, however, a credit card must be provided to confirm you
registration and a $25 fee will be collected if you do not attend.
On Thursday October 23rd, our second Success Triangle
event of 2014 was held at the Columbus Dental
Society’s headquarters in Westerville. Dr. Ankur Gupta,
a general dentist from North Ridgeville, Ohio, delivered
a great presentation on “Practice Management” to a
packed room of our new and younger members.
Register by calling the dental society at 614-895-2371
Friday, December 5
“Practice Digital Dentistry in the Operatory of the Future”
Dr. John Flucke
8:15am – 3:00pm
Brio Tuscan Grille, Polaris
7 CE Hours
Learn the advantages and the design of a digital operatory. See a real-world scenario of a
fully integrated digital operatory and how technology can improve patient treatment and
increase efficiency. Dr. Flucke will cover the design, devices, and strategy of bringing all
aspects of technology to your fingertips. Spend an interactive day with dentistry’s
“Technology Evangelist.”
For more information about Dr. Flucke and this course, click here.
CDS 2014 ODPAC Donors
ODPAC, the Ohio Dental Political Action Committee, is dentistry’s voice in the political arena and has
a proven history of protecting dentists, patients, and dental practices from unnecessary government
ODPAC is a federally registered political action committee that advocates on behalf of dentists in
Ohio. The political arm of the ODA, ODPAC advocates for the dental profession by supporting the
campaigns of pro-dentistry candidates for office. ODPAC is funded through voluntary contributions
made by members of the Ohio Dental Association.
To learn more about ODPAC, click here.
During this contribution year (which concluded on October 31st), more than 180 Columbus Dental
Society members contributed to ODPAC. The total amount raised for ODPAC by our members
exceeded $30,000.
A list of CDS members who contributed to ODPAC this year
can be found on our website by clicking here.
Contributions to ODPAC for 2015 can be made at https://oda.org/donate/odpac