Fender Passport PD-250
Fender Passport PD-250
PASSPORT POWERED PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEM Model: PD-250 SERVICE MANUAL From http://rc5.ru FENDER PASSPORT PN: 069-2001-003 CONTENTS Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Theory of operation . . . . . . . . . . Service notes and changes . . . . Parts Lists: Mixer Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/4” Phone Jack Board . . . . Mic/Line Board . . . . . . . . . . . Digital Reverb Board . . . . . . Stero Power Amp Board . . . Protection Board . . . . . . . . . RCA Tape Output Board . . . LED Indicator Board . . . . . . Wireless REG Ass’y . . . . . . . SMPSU Board . . . . . . . . . . . Main Tower Ass’y . . . . . . . . . Wireless REG Casing Ass’y Speaker Cabinet Ass’y . . . . Packing Accessories . . . . . . Quick Service Modules . . . . Export Standard Spares Kit . Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schematic Diagrams . . . . . . . . . PCB Layout Drawings . . . . . . . . Exploded View Diagrams . . . . . . .. 4 .. 5 .. 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fender Musical Instruments Corp. 7975 North Hayden Road Scottsdale, AZ 85258 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 10 10 11 12 13 14 14 14 14 17 19 19 20 20 21 22 23 27 33 THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2 PASSPORT POWERED PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Feb. 2002 REV A IMPORTANT NOTICE The information contained herein is CONFIDENTIAL and PROPRIETARY to Fender Musical Instruments Co. It is disclosed solely for the use by qualified technicians for the purposes of equipment maintenance and service. It is not to be disclosed to others without the express written permission of Fender Musical Instruments Corporation. All specifications subject to change without notice. For warranty repair service, only Fender specified part numbers are to be used. It is recommended they also be used for post-warranty maintenance and repair. Parts marked with an asterisk(*) indicated the require use of that specific part. This is necessary for RELIABLILITY and SAFETY requirements. DO NOT USE A SUBSTITUTE! A coded naming convention is used in the description of certain parts. The codes and what they mean are as follows: CAPACITOR CODES CAP AE CAP CA CAP CD CAP MO CAP MPF CAP MY CAP PFF HARDWARE CODES = Aluminum Electrolytic = Ceramic Axial = Ceramic Disk = Ceramic Monolithic = Metalized Polyester Film = Mylar = Polyester Film/Foil BLX CR HWH M NI OHP PHB PHPS SMA SMB SS TF ZI RESISTOR CODES RES CC REW CF RES FP RES MF RES WW = = = = = Carbon Comp Carbon Film Flame Proof Metal Film Wire Wound 3 = Black Oxide = Chrome Plated = Hex Washer Head = Machine Screw = Nickel Plated = Oval Head Phillips = Pan Head Phillips = Pan Head Phillips Sems = Sheet Metal "A" Point = Sheet Metal "B" Point = Stainless Steel = Thread Forming = Zinc Plated PASSPORT POWERED PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS When we use the term dB to indicate a voltage amplification factor (gain), no reference is implied. 101 dB of Voltage Amplification means that if you take 20 time the Log (base 10) of the output voltage divided by the input voltage, the answer will be 101 dB When we use the term dBu to indicate a voltage level, we are implying a 0.775 volt reference voltage level. Thus, a voltage level expressed as +4 dB was calculated by taking 20 times the log (base 10) of the actual voltage (1.23 volts) divided by the reference voltage (0.775 volts) The choice of a 0.775 volt reference was not arbitrary. dBm is a common method of rating power levels (as opposed to our voltage level ratings). The 0 dBm reference is one milliwatt (1/1000th watt). If an output device produces 0 dBm into exactly 600 ohms, the voltage level is 0.775 volts. Thus, for true 600 ohm lines, the dBm power terminology and our dBu voltage terminology are equivalent. Specifications are subject to change without notice. System: Frequency Response: 20Hz. to 40kHz ±1dB (at tape output) 30Hz. to 30kHz ±2dB (at speaker output with processor threshold exceeded) Distortion: <0.05% 20Hz. to 20kHz. @ below rated output Signal to Noise Ratio: >70dB @ 1W, DIN A Processor Frequencies: Level sensitive with boost at 70Hz. and 15kHz. Microphone EQ: Specially designed combinations of boost and cut. Stereo EQ: ±12dB @ 50Hz., ±15dB @ 15kHz. System EQ: Specially designed for differing acoustic environments. Gain Stages: (Gain Switch set to high) +54dB ±2dB (Microphone input to send outputs) +24dB ±2dB (line input to send output) +0dB ±2dB (Stereo to tape output) +12dB ±2dB (Stereo to send output) +32dB ±2dB (Return to speaker output) Power Output: 125W/CH @ 8 ohms with both channels driven with THD < 1% Return Input Impedance: 47k ohms Channel Separation: >40dB @ 1kHz. Aux Return Sensitivity: 0dBu for rated output power @ 1kHz. 4 PASSPORT POWERED PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEM THEORY OF OPERATION MIXER SECTION The mixer section is mainly made up of operational amplifiers as gain stages and therefore a technical description will not be used here. Following is a basic circuit description to familiarize you with the layout of the circuit. The first section is made up of 4 microphone / line inputs each with a first stage preamplifier for balanced or unbalanced inputs (found on Mic input board), one knob contour control, auto-pad level control where the signal splits off into rev/aux send and main signals with the main signals going to a pan circuit. Here the main signal is split between left and right channel signal bus. The second mixer section consists of two stereo pair inputs with RCA and 1/4" stereo phone jack connections. This circuit consists of an auto-pad level control, low frequency and high frequency tone controls, rev/aux send control and balance control with signals feeding the left and right audio bus. The audio bus is connected to three FETs which perform ducking of the signals on the bus, with the exception of Channel One, which is the drive circuit for the VIP ducking circuit. This function is provided by U2A. Bus signals are buffered and drive the tape output connections and are directed by SW1A/B which performs the function of switching this signal as left and right main with reverb mix or left and right summed into left and aux signal on right channels. Main left and right level controls are auto-pad confirguration and drive the send output connectors. Note: Channel 1 Mic/Line reverb function will be affected by VIP control making announcements on Channel 1 dry. The mixer board also contains part of the signal processor circuit and the system EQ circuit for the power amplifier. These circuits are an integral part of the power amplifier and appear after the return signal path. These circuits will all be discussed later in this document. Digital Reverb Section The digital reverb section utilizes a digital reverb IC M65841SP (IC402) and one dual op amp (IC401A/B) to perform the reverb function. +5v regulation is on board with input voltage derived from the +15v supply. RC filters make up the timing functions and gain levels of the processor with regeneration and line driving provided by IC401A/B and regen mix provided by VR401(this part may be fixed resistor on later models). Foot switch control of the reverb facility is provided and controlled by TR401 which controls the logic level at pin 2 of IC402 Reverb function is mono but fed to both right and left busses. Signal Processor Circuit and System EQ Circuit The signal processor is partially located on the mixer board but is an integral part of the power amplifier section. The operation of this circuit is performed by level detecting (Z204/207 on amp board) and storing (D204/205/209/210, C215, 230 on amp board) the output peaks of the power amplifier to create approximately 0v bias at the gate of FET Q4 and Q5 on the mixer board. This in turn changes the filter characteristics of circuits made up around U16A/B which at low levels boosts the low and high frequencies of the signal. At high signal levels with the gate voltages approaching or at 0v, the circuit becomes flat in response. This circuit is post return and therefore does not modify the response of the signal at the send outputs. 5 PASSPORT POWERED PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEM THEORY OF OPERATION Power Amplifier NOTE: In cases where the amplifier circuits are identical between the left and right channel. Only components related to the left channel will be discussed for simplicity. The first stage of the power amplifier after the processor is comprised of FET Q201 which performs muting during power up and down of the unit. This is accomplished by controlling the gate voltage of the FET Q201 and the charge on C203. At initial power up the FET is biased on as the voltage across the gate is basically 0Vdc. As the negative rail increases, Z201 and R204 apply a negative voltage to the gate biasing Q201 into the off state. At power down, the gate of Q201 is pulled high with R203 and D201 as the negative rail collapses. The first stage fo voltage amplification is performed by a discrete differential circuit comprised of Q202, 203, 204, 205. Each end of the differential pair provides drive to pre-driver complimentary transistors Q206, 209 and Q207, 210, the outputs of which are effectively summed through biasing transistor Q208 and VR202. It is interesting to note that if VR202 should become open circuited, bias current will be minimized and not destroy the output devices. Adjustment of VR202 is mainly to minimize crossover distortion at low signal levels as with conventional amplifiers. Gain of this stage is determined by R217 (4.7k) / R205 (120) or 4.7K /120=39.17. In terms of dB we have, 20 x log (base 10) of 39.17 = 31.85 dB. Distortion is minimized with negative feedback to one side of the differential pair allowing for low distortion. Typical distortion may be as low as 0.05% THD up to clipping. The driver stage is a proprietary design which performs three main functions and is comprised of Q211, 213. Firstly, this stage utilizes a bootstrap circuit made up of Z202, 203, C210, 211, D202, 203 and R228. This circuit allows the driver transistors to swing above the rails eliminating the need for a higher voltage tap from the power supply and at the same time, minimizing the power dissipation in the drivers. Trickle current is supplied to the drivers during initial power up through R225, 226 after which the bootstrap takes over. Secondly, having the drivers in this configuration allow the output to swing closer to the rails and keeps the drivers from clipping before the output devices. The third function of this circuit is that if the speaker outputs are shorted to ground, the drive to the output devices is minimized since the bootstrap circuit is discharged and only the trickle current is supplied to the driver stage, thus protecting the amplifier SOA. The output section is comprised of Q212, 215 and Q214, 216 in a two up and two down configuration further increasing the amplifier SOA. Additional output protection is provided by the switched mode power supply which is discussed later. 6 PASSPORT POWERED PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEM THEORY OF OPERATION Switch Mode Power Supply Unit (SMPSU) This unit is not recommended to be serviced in the field except by replacing the complete module as a total assembly. The following information is provided to assist in the trouble shooting of the unit. Please note that the mains fuse must be replaced with exactly the same grade of fuse for safety regulations and to avoid risk of damage and potential fire hazard. The mains input to the SMPSU allows for operation from 90-130V in 115V setting and 190-250V in the 230V setting. The output of the SMPSU is ±15V DC to power the operation amplifiers and K51V dc for the main power supply rails of the power amplifier. The unit also has connectors for the LED status indicators, main power switch, amplifier protect circuit and auxiliaries ±36V dc Input for an optional DC-DC converter for 12Vdc operation. SERVICE TIP: You can connect to the auxiliaries Input to test the output voltage to the rails before you open the set for service to get an indication of a possible power supply fault as it is connected to the rail output. Do not short these terminals. The SMPSU incorporates several protection circuits other than the fuses, including over current protection in which the unit will shut down and the protect LED will light and must be reset with the main power switch. Secondly, the unit will protect itself if the voltage on the rails sags to below ±33V dc after which it will go into protect mode. The reason for this is that during normal operation with 8 ohm loading, the rails will remain at about ±48V dc and with 4 ohm loading are allowed by design to sag to around 36V at full output. If loads lower than this are applied, either the rails will sag lower or the current will be exceeded and the unit will go into the protection mode. The protection PCB connected to the amplifier board serves this purpose. Service Notes on Changes and Updates Mixer Board VIP circuit values for Z1 and R11 have been changed from 4.7V to 10V and 2.2M to 1M respectively after the first 100 sets production. This allows more even channel ducking and shorter ducking recovery time. Please update early sets if returned for servce. Stereo Power Amplifier circuit values for Z201, and R206 have been changed from 4.7V to 6.8V and 10K to 1K respectively after the first 100 sets production. These changes improve turn off transient pop noise. Please update early sets if returned for service. Digital Reverb circuit value for VR401 is a fixed resistor with a value of 18K. This resistor controls the reverberation regeneration feedback and its value may vary from model to model depending on the local requirements. 7 PASSPORT POWERED PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEM PARTS LIST MIXER SECTION PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLY QTY PART # DESCRIPTION REFERENCE DESIGNATION 18 007-0001-000 GP IC DUAL OP AMP TL072/T1 6 2 5 1 6 4 6 4 4 4 2 14 8 2 4 22 007-0002-000 007-0003-000 007-0004-000 007-0022-000 007-0005-000 007-0006-000 007-0007-000 007-0008-000 007-0009-000 007-0010-000 007-0012-000 007-0013-000 007-0014-000 007-0015-000 007-0016-000 007-0017-000 GP DIODE 1N4148 GP DIODE ZENER 10V 1/2W 5% GP XSTR N-CH JFET J112 TO-92 GP WIRE AWG#22 GP CAP MY .0015µF 100V 10% GP CAP MY .0047µF 100V 10% GP CAP MY .001µF 100V 10% GP CAP MY .015µF 100V 10% GP CAP MY .022µF 100V 10% GP CAP MY .047µF 100V 10% GP CAP CD 22pF 50V 10% GP CAP CD 33pF 50V 10% GP CAP CD 47pF 50V 10% GP CAP CD 100pF 50V 10% GP CAP CD 680pF 50V 10% GP CAP AE 1µF 50V 20% 13 1 3 3 1 2 1 2 8 10 4 4 1 2 12 1 6 12 9 8 007-0018-000 007-0019-000 007-0020-000 007-0021-000 007-0022-000 007-0023-000 007-0024-000 007-0400-000 007-0026-000 007-0027-000 007-0028-000 007-0029-000 007-0030-000 007-0401-000 007-0031-000 007-0032-000 007-0033-000 007-0034-000 007-0035-000 007-0036-000 GP CAP AE GP CAP AE GP RES CF GP RES CF GP RES CF GP RES CF GP RES CF GP RES CF GP RES CF GP RES CF GP RES CF GP RES CF GP RES CF GP RES CF GP RES CF GP RES CF GP RES CF GP RES CF GP RES CF GP RES CF U1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12,13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 D1,2,3,4,5,6 Z1 Q1, @VR 3A PIN 2 TO 3 C2,14,23,32,79,82 C86 ,87,88,89 C46,47,59,60,74,76 C3,15,24,33 C48,49,61,62 C92,93,94,95 C70,71 C7,9,19,21,28,30,39,42,43,52,55,56,65 C5,17,26,35,50,51,63,64 C78,81 C4,16,25,34 C6,8,10,18,20,27,29,36,38,40,41,44, 45, 53, 54, 57,58,69,72,73,84,85 C1,13,22,31,66,67,68,75,77,80,83 C12 R102,103,106 R88,89,90 R9 R117,118 R10 R119,121 R120,122,125,126,127,128,137,138 R57,58,74,75,83,85,95,99,100,104 R1,12,23,24 R5,16,27,38 R101 R139,140 R47,49,50,51,53,54,64,66,67,68,70,71 R105 R97,98,129,131,133,135 R2,3,13,15,24,26,35,37,45,46,62,63 R48,52,65,69,81,109,112,123,124 R6,17,28,39,55,56,72,73 .47µF 10µF 1/8W 1/8W 1/8W 1/8W 1/8W 1/8W 1/8W 1/8W 1/8W 1/8W 1/8W 1/8W 1/8W 1/8W 1/8W 1/8W 1/8W 1/8W 50V 25V 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 20% 20% 100Ω 470Ω 680Ω 1K 2.2K 3.3K 6.8K 10K 12K 15K 20K 22K 27K 30K 33K 39K 47K 68K 8 PASSPORT POWERED PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEM PARTS LIST MIXER SECTION PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLY CONTINUED QTY PART # DESCRIPTION REFERENCE DESIGNATION 13 007-0037-000 GP RES CF 1/8W 5% 82K 20 007-0038-000 GP RES CF 1/8W 5% 100K 8 2 2 8 4 7 42 11 32 4 27 3 15 3 5 3 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 14 007-0039-000 007-0402-000 007-0040-000 007-0041-000 007-0043-000 007-0044-000 007-0045-000 007-0046-000 007-0047-000 007-0048-000 007-0049-000 007-0050-000 007-0051-000 007-0052-000 007-0053-000 007-0054-000 007-0055-000 007-0056-000 007-0057-000* 007-0058-000* 007-0059-000* 007-0060-000* 007-0061-000 007-0062-000 007-0063-000 007-0082-000 GP RES CF 1/8W 5% 120K GP RES CF 1/8W 5% 150K GP RES CF 1/8W 5% 470K GP RES CF 1/8W 5% 1M GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 4MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 5MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 6MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 7MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 8MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 9MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 10MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 11MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 12MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 13MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 14MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 15MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 16MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 17MM GP CABLE JMPR 3CKT UL2547 380MM GP CABLE JMPR 3CKT UL2547 320MM GP CABLE JMPR 8CKT UL1007 450MM GP WIRE AWG#18 BLACK UL1007 200MM GP JM2422-2M WAFER CONNECTOR GP JM24182-6P WAFER CONNECTOR GP JM24182-12P WAFER CONNECTOR GP CONTROL VERT 100K X 2 B 17 007-0083-000 GP CONTROL VERT 100K X 2 B W/DETENT 1 4 1 1 007-0084-000 007-0085-000 007-0064-000 007-0403-000 GP SWITCH SLIDE 2P2T PCB SHORTING GP NY PCB STANDOFF (REVERB BOARD) GP PCB ASSY MIXER PD250 GP PCB ASSY MIXER PD250 9 R4, 4,1 9, 21, 22, 25, 30, 32, 33, 36, 41, 43, 44 R7,8,18,20,29,31,40,42,79, 80, 86, 87, 94, 96, 107, 108, 130, 132, 134, 136 R59,60,61,76,77,78,82,84 R141,142 R111,114 R11, 91,92,93,110,113,115,116 CN6 CN2,3,5 CN13 CN4 CN1 VR2A,3A,4A,7A,8A,11A,12A,15A, 16A, 18A/B, 21A/B, 25A, 27A, 30A VR1A,5A/B,6A,9A/B,10A,13A/B, 14A, 17A/B, 19A/B, 20A/B, 22A/B, 23A/B, 24A, 26A, 28A, 29A, 31A/B SW2A/B (RAW BOARD) (STUFFED) PASSPORT POWERED PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEM PARTS LIST 1/4” PHONE JACK SECTION PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLY QTY PART # 2 1 1 1 2 5 1 7 10 1 007-0020-000 007-0046-000 007-0051-000 007-0065-000* 007-0060-000* 007-0066-000 007-0062-000 007-0067-000 007-0068-000 007-0217-000 1 1 007-0069-00 0070404-000 DESCRIPTION REFERENCE DESIGNATION GP RES CF 1/8W 5% 100Ω GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 7MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 12MM GP CABLE JMPR 12CKT UL1007 300MM GP WIRE AWG#18 BLACK UL1007 300MM GP JM24182-3P WAFER CONNECTOR GP JM24182-6P WAFER CONNECTOR GP JACK PCB STEREO GP JACK PCB MONO GP CABLE JMPR 12CKT AWG#18 OFC 600MM GP PCB ASSY PHONE JACK GP PCB ASSY PHONE JACK R529,530 CN1 CN14,15 CN2,9,10,11,12 CN5 PJ1,2,3,4,5,6,7 PJ8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17 TO AMP SPEAKER OUTPUT CN13 (RAW BOARD) (STUFFED) MIC/LINE AMPLIFIER SECTION PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLY QTY PART # DESCRIPTION REFERENCE DESIGNATION 4 16 007-0071-000 007-0002-000 GP IC DUAL OP AMP LM833 GP DIODE IN4148 4 8 2 8 20 007-0015-000 007-0072-000 007-0073-000 007-0023-000 007-0033-000 GP CAP CD GP CAP AE GP CAP MY GP RES CF GP RES CF U501,502,503,504 D501,502,503,504,505,506,507,508 509,510,511,512,513,514,515,516 C503,506,509,512 C501,502,504,505,507,508,510,511 C513,514 R503,504,510,511,517,518,524,525 R501, 502, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 526, 527, 528 5 5 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 007-0045-000 007-0046-000 007-0047-000 007-0074-000 007-0075-000 007-0076-000 007-0077-000 007-0078-000 007-0079-000 007-0080-000 007-0081-000 GP JUMPER WIRE .6 X 6MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6 X 7MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6 X 8MM GP CABLE WIRE 3CKT UL2547 100MM GP CABLE JMPR 6CKT UL2547 180MM GP CABLE JMPR 5CKT UL2547 280MM GP CONNECTOR SPADE TAB (GROUND) GP JACK XLR PC 90 DEFREE GP JACK RCA PC 90 DEFREE 4 CKT GP PCB ASSY MIC PREAMP GP PCB ASSY MIC PREAMP 100pF 2.2µF .1µF 1/8W 1/8W 50V 50V 100V 5% 5% 10 10% 20% 10% 1K 33K @ MIC PCB CN9,10,11,12 CN4 MIC INPUT MIC1,2,3,4 STEREO INPUT RCA1 (RAW BOARD) (STUFFED) PASSPORT POWERED PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEM PARTS LIST DIGITAL REVERB SECTION PRINTED CIRCUIT BOAED ASSBMLY QTY PART # DESCRIPTION REFERENCE DESIGNATION 1 1 1 1 1 3 6 2 6 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 3 6 3 7 3 6 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 007-0086-000 007-0001-000 007-0087-000 007-0088-000 007-0089-000 007-0010-000 007-0011-000 007-0090-000 007-0091-000 007-0092-000 007-0093-000 007-0339-000 007-0019-000 007-0094-000 007-0095-000 007-0096-000 007-0097-000 007-0023-000 007-0098-000 007-0025-000 007-0099-000 007-0027-000 007-0029-000 007-0035-000 007-0100-000 007-0038-000 007-0041-000 007-0101-000 007-0045-000 007-0047-000 007-0049-000 007-0053-000 007-0062-000 007-0103-000 007-0104-000 GP IC DIGITAL REVERB M65841SP GP IC DUAL OP AMP TL072/T1 GP IC REGULATOPR +5V NJM78L05 TO-92 GP XSTR NPN 9012G/H TO-92 GP CAP MY .0056µF 100V 10% GP CAP MY .047µF 100V 10% GP CAP MY .01µF 100V 10% GP CAP MY .1µF 50V 20% GP CAP MY .33µF 50V 20% GP CAP CD 27pF 50V 10% GP CAP CD 560pF 50V 10% GP CAP MO .033µF 50V 10% GP CAP AE 10µF 25V 20% GP CAP AE 47µF 10V 20% GP CAP AE 100µF 10V 20% GP CAP AE NP 1µF 50V 20% GP RES CF 1/8W 5% 33Ω GP RES CF 1/8W 5% 1K GP RES CF 1/8W 5% 3.3K GP RES CF 1/8W 5% 4.7K GP RES CF 1/8W 5% 7.5K GP RES CF 1/8W 5% 10K GP RES CF 1/8W 5% 15K GP RES CF 1/8W 5% 47K GP RES CF 1/8W 5% 75K GP RES CF 1/8W 5% 100K GP RES CF 1/8W 5% 1M GP CERAMIC RESONATOR 4.19MHz GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 6MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 8MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 10MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 14MM GP JM24182-6P WAFER CONNECTOR GP PCB ASSY REVERB GP PCB ASSY REVERB IC402 IC401 IC403 Q401 C406 C408,409,410 C412,414,416,418,427,429 C420,423 C411,413,415 C424,425 C404,407 C402, 403 C419 C422 C421 C405 R411,413,415 R428,429 R401,425 R412,414,416 R418,420,422 R402,408,426 R403,404,405,406,407,409,410 R432,433,434 R417,419,421 R427 R430 X401 11 CN7 (RAW BOARD) (STUFFED) PASSPORT POWERED PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEM PARTS LIST STEREO POWER AMPLIFIER SECTION PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD ASSYMBLY QTY PART # DESCRIPTION REFERENCE DESIGNATION 2 2 8 6 2 2 2 2 4 4 10 007-0105-000 007-0004-000 007-0106-000 007-0107-000 007-0108-000 007-0109-000 007-0110-000 007-0111-000 007-0112-000 007-0113-000 007-0002-000 GP SPRING COIL (INDUCTOR) GP XSTR N-CH JFET J112 TO-92 GP XSTR NPN MPSA06 TO-92 GP XSTR PNP MPSA56 TO-92 GP XSTR NPN MPSA43 TO-92 GP XSTR PNP MPSA93 TO-92 GP XSTR NPN BD139 TO-126 GP XSTR PNP BD140 TO-126 GP XSTR NPN 2SC5242(0) TO-3P GP XSTR PNP 2SA1962(0) TO-3P GP DIODE IN4148 2 1 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 4 4 4 2 4 1 6 2 2 2 4 8 2 2 2 2 4 007-0114-000 007-0351-000 007-0115-000 007-0014-000 007-0015-000 007-0116-000 007-0117-000 007-0118-000 007-0073-000 007-0017-000 007-0119-000 007-0120-000 007-0121-000 007-0122-000 007-0123-000 007-0124-000 007-0125-000 007-0023-000 007-0126-000 007-0127-000 007-0128-000 007-0130-000 007-0131-000 007-0132-000 007-0133-000 007-0134-000 007-0135-000 007-0136-000 007-0137-000 GP DIODE ZENER 33V 1/2W GP DIODE ZENER 6.8V 1W GP DIODE ZENER 4.7V 1W GP CAP CD 47pF 50V GP CAP CD 100pF 50V GP CAP CD 220pF 50V GP CAP CD 470pF 50V GP CAP CD 1000pF 50V GP CAP MY .1µF 50V GP CAP AE 1µF 50V GP CAP AE 47µF 50V GP CAP AE 10µF 63V GP CAP AE 100µF 16V GP CAP AE 1000µF 16V GP RES CC 1/4W 5% GP RES CC 1/4W 5% GP RES CC 1/4W 5% GP RES CC 1/4W 5% GP RES CC 1/4W 5% GP RES CC 1/4W 5% GP RES CC 1/4W 5% GP RES CC 1/4W 5% GP RES CC 1/4W 5% GP RES CC 1/4W 5% GP RES CC 1/4W 5% GP RES CC 1/2W 5% GP RES CC 1/2W 5% GP RES CC 2W 5% GP RES CC 2W 5% L201,202 Q201,217 Q202,203,206,208,218,219,222,224 Q204,205,209,220,221,225 Q210,226 Q207,223 Q211,227 Q213,229 Q212,215,228,231 Q214,216,230,232 D201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210 Z204,207 Z201,value may vary by model Z202,203,205,206 C207,209,222,224 C201,216 C208,223 C204,219 C231,232 C214,229 C202,203,217,218 C215,230 C212,213,227,228 C205,206,220,221 C210,211,225,226 R219,222,248,251 R205,234 R214,218,243,247 R206, value may vary by model R207,211,216,236,240,245 R215,244 R203,232 R202,231 R201,213,230,242 R208,209,210,212,237,238,239,241 R204,233 R229,258 R217,246 R227,256 R225,226,254,255 5% 5% 5% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 100Ω 120Ω 150Ω 1K 1.5K 3.9K 5.6K 12K 47K 120K 3.3M 1K 4.7K 4.7Ω 6.8K 12 PASSPORT POWERED PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEM PARTS LIST STEREO POWER AMPLIFIER SECTION PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD ASSYMBLY CONTINUED QTY PART # DESCRIPTION REFERENCE DESIGNATION 8 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 9 5 3 3 4 2 1 4 1 1 007-0138-000 007-0139-000 007-0140-000 007-0137-000 007-0061-000 007-0338-000 007-0066-000 007-0044-000 007-0045-000 007-0047-000 007-0049-000 007-0051-000 007-0053-000 007-0055-000 007-0141-000 007-0142-000 007-0143-000 007-0144-000 GP RES WW 5W 5% .22Ω GP RES WW 5W 5% 270Ω GP RES SEMI-FIX 200Ω GP RES SEMI-FIX 100K GP JM2422-2M WAFER CONNECTOR GP JM2422-4M WAFER CONNECTOR GP JM24182-3M WAFER CONNECTOR GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 5MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 6MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 8MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 10MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 12MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 14MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 16MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 18MM GP JUMPER WIRE .8MM X 16MM GP PCB ASSY POWER AMPLIFIER GP PCB ASSY POWER AMPLIFIER R220,221,223,224,249,250,252,253 R228,257 VR202,204 VR201,203 SPEAKER CONNECTOR +/-50V CONNECTOR + GROUND FROM PROCESSOR BOARD (RAW BOARD) (STUFFED) AMPLIFIER PROTECTION CIRCUIT PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD ASSYMBLY QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 PART # 007-0108-000 007-0002-000 007-0145-000 007-0146-000 007-0147-000 007-0121-000 007-0148-000 007-0129-000 007-0147-000 007-0135-000 007-0150-000 007-0151-000 DESCRIPTION GP XSTR NPN MPSA56 TO-92 GP DIODE IN4148 GP DIODE ZENER 5.1V 1/2W 5% GP DIODE ZENER 12V 1/2W 5% GP DIODE ZENER 15V 1/2W 5% GP CAP AE 100uF 16V 20% GP RES CC 1/8W 5% 3.3K GP RES CC 1/8W 5% 10K GP RES CC 1/8W 5% 100K GP RES CC 1/2W 5% 4.7K GP PCB ASSY AMPLIFIER PROTECT GP PCB ASSY AMPLIFIER PROTECT 13 REFERENCE DESIGNATION Q601 D601 Z602 Z601 Z603 C601 R604 R601,603 R605 R602 (RAW BOARD) (STUFFED) PASSPORT POWERED PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEM PARTS LIST RCA TAPE OUTPUT PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD ASSYMBLY QTY PART # DESCRIPTION REFERENCE DESIGNATION 1 1 1 1 007-0066-000 007-0152-000 007-0153-000 007-0154-000 GP JM24182-3P WAFER CONNECTOR GP JACK RCA PC 90 DEGREE 2 CKT GP PCB ASSY TAPE OUTPUT GP PCB ASSY TAPE OUTPUT TO PROCESSOR BOARD TAPE OUTPUT (RAW BOARD) (STUFFED) LED INDICATORS PRINTED CIRCUIT BOAED ASSYBMLY QTY PART # DESCRIPTION REFERENCE DESIGNATION 1 1 4 1 1 1 007-0155-000 007-0156-000 007-0157-000 007-0257-000 007-0158-000 007-0159-000 GP LED GREEN 3MM DIFFUSED (POWER) GP LED RED 3MM DIFFUSED (PROTECT) GP INSULATION SLEEVE .5MM X 4MM GP JM24182-4P WAFER CONNECTOR GP PCB ASSY LED INDICATORS GP PCB ASSY LED INDICATORS D27 D23 LED LEADS1 TO SMPSU (RAW BOARD) (STUFFED) WIRELESS REG ASSEMBLY PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLY QTY PART # DESCRIPTION REFERENCE DESIGNATION 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 007-0090-000 007-0017-000 007-0227-000 007-0363-000 007-0364-000 007-0365-000 007-0366-000 007-0367-000 GP CAP MO .1µF 50V 10% GP CAP AE 1µF 50V 20% GP JM24182-2P WAFER CONNECTOR GP IC LM317HVT NS REGULATOR GP RMF 1/4W 1.3K GP RMF 1/4W 240R GP PCB REG ASSY GP PCB REG ASSY C601 C602 CN601,602 U601 1% AT R601 1% AT R602 ( RAW BOARD ) ( STUFFED ) SWITCH MODE PSU CIRCUIT PRINTED CIRCUIT BOAED ASSYBMLY QTY PART # DESCRIPTION REFERENCE DESIGNATION 1 1 1 2 1 007-0160-000 007-0161-000 007-0162-000 007-0163-000 007-0164-000 GP TRANSFORMER EE-16 GP CHOKE COIL TOROID 18 X12X 6MM GP TRANSFORMER TOROID 18 X12X 6MM GP CHOKE COIL TOROID T80-26 GP CHOKE COIL EE-35 COM MODE T4 L4 T1 L1,2 L3 14 PASSPORT POWERED PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEM PARTS LIST SWITCH MODE PSU CIRCUIT PRINTED CIRCUIT BOAED ASSYBMLY CONTINUED QTY PART # DESCRIPTION REFERENCE DESIGNATION 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 4 1 4 3 1 2 1 1 1 6 5 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 4 1 1 1 6 3 1 007-0165-000 007-0166-000 007-0167-000 007-0168-000 007-0169-000 007-0171-000 007-0172-000 007-0173-000 007-0174-000 007-0002-000 007-0175-000 007-0176-000 007-0114-000 007-0178-000 007-0179-000 007-0180-000 007-0011-000 007-0007-000 007-0006-000 007-0181-000 007-0092-000 007-0119-000 007-0072-000 007-0182-000 007-0183-000 007-0184-000 007-0185-000 007-0186-000 007-0187-000 007-0188-000 007-0189-000 007-0190-000 007-0191-000 007-0192-000 007-0193-000 007-0194-000 007-0195-000 007-0126-000 007-0196-000 GP CHOKE COIL TOROID T50-90 GP CHOKE COIL TOROID 12 X6 X4MM RF GP TRANSFORMER EE-28 50/60Hz GP TRANSFORMER EE-42 130Hz GP CHOKE COIL TOROID T30-40 RF GP IC SWITCH MODE CONT.UC3842AN GP IC REGULATOR +15V NJM7815 TO-220 GP IC REGULATOR -15V NJM7915 TO-220 GP DIODE IN4001 GP DIODE IN4148 GP DIODE RECTIFIER BRIDGE BR108 GP DIODE MUR1540 FAST RECOVER GP DIODE ZENER 30V 1/2W 5% GP XATR POWER FET IRF840 GP XATR NPN 2N3904 TO-92 GP XATR PNP 2N3906 TO-92 GP CAP MY .01µF 100V 10% GP CAP MY .001µF 100V 10% GP CAP MY .0047µF 100V 10% GP CAP MY .0022µF 100V 10% GP CAP MO .1µF 50V 20% GP CAP AE 47µF 50V 20% GP CAP AE 2.2µF 50V 20% GP CAP AE 100µF 50V 20% GP CAP AE 470µF 25V 20% GP CAP AE 470µF 63V 20% GP CAP AE 560µF 250V 20% GP CAP CD 100pF 1kV 10% GP CAP CD 470pF 1kV 10% GP CAP mpf .33µF 275V 20% GP CAP CD 330pF 400V 20% GP RES CC 1/4W 5% 22 GP RES CC 1/4W 5% 51 GP RES CC 1/4W 5% 180 GP RES CC 1/4W 5% 470 GP RES CC 1/4W 5% 680 GP RES CC 1/4W 5% 1K GP RES CC 1/4W 5% 1.5K GP RES CC 1/4W 5% 4.7K L5 L102 50 Hz TRF T3 L101 U3 U2 U1 D15,16,18,25,26 D9,19,21,22,24 D1 D10,11,12,13 Z80 Q1,2,3,4 Q5,7,8 Q6 C25,27 C23 C24 C26 C17,18,20,22,28,32 C13,14,15,16,30 C29 C31 C8 C11,12 C5,6 C7 C9,10 C1,2 C3,4 value may vary by model R18 R4,5,7,8 R19 R21 R22 R6,9,29,35,36,37 R31,32,38 R33 15 PASSPORT POWERED PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEM PARTS LIST SWITCH MODE PSU CIRCUIT PRINTED CIRCUIT BOAED ASSYBMLY CONTINUED QTY PART # DESCRIPTION REFERENCE DESIGNATION 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 4 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 007-0129-000 007-0197-000 007-0198-000 007-0199-000 007-0200-000 007-0201-000 007-0405-000 007-0202-000 007-0203-000 007-0205-000 007-0206-000 007-0207-000 007-0044-000 007-0046-000 007-0047-000 007-0049-000 007-0052-000 007-0054-000 007-0208-000 007-0209-000 007-0210-000 007-0211-000 007-0212-000 007-0213-000 007-0214-000 007-0215-000 007-0216-000 007-0218-000 007-0219-000 007-0220-000 007-0221-000 007-0222-000 007-0223-000 007-0224-000 007-0225-000 007-0226-000 007-0227-000 007-0228-000 007-0229-000 007-0230-000 GP RES CC 1/4W 5% 10K GP RES CC 1/4W 5% 20K GP RES CC 1/4W 5% 24K GP RES CC 1/4W 5% 200K GP RES CC 1/4W 5% 270K GP RES CC 1/2W 5% 1.5K GP RES CC 2W 5% 1.5K GP RES CC 1/2W 5% 100K GP RES CC 1/2W 5% 470K GP RES CC 2W 5% 47 GP RES CC 2W 5% 100 GP RES CC 2W 5% 180 GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 5MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 7MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 8MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 10MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 13MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 15MM GP JUMPER WIRE .6MM X 23MM GP SLEEVE INSULATOR 5MM X 13MM GP SLEEVE INSULATOR 5MM X 15MM GP SLEEVE INSULATOR 5MM X 23MM GP SPEAKER GAP SURGE ARRESTOR GP RES SEMI-FIX 1K GP CABLE JMPR AWG#18 UL1007 450MM GP CABLE JMPR 2CKT UL1007 600MM GP CABLE JMPR 2CKT UL1007 220MM GP CABLE JMPR 2CKT UL1007 220MM GP CABLE JMPR 4CKT UL1007 600MM GP CABLE JMPR 4CKT UL1007 800MM GP CABLE JMPR UL1007 100MM GP CABLE JMPR UL1007 100MM GP CABLE JMPR 4CKT UL1007 600MM GP CABLE JMPR 2CKT UL1007 60MM GP CABLE JMPR UL1007 220MM GP CABLE JMPR UL1007 220MM GP JM24182-2P WAFER CONNECTOR GP JM2422-3M WAFER CONNECTOR GP PCB ASSY SMPSU SECTION GP PCB ASSY SMPSU SECTION R24,26 R28 R30 R23 R20 R32,34 R11,12 R2,3 R1 R13,14 R10 R15,16 16 SPARK GAP VR1 FROM IEC SOCKET +/-15V TO MIXER BOARD TO SPEAKER CONNECTORS TO GROUND @ JACK BOARD TO +/- 50V INPUT AT AMP BOARD FROM +/-36 VOLT INPUT CONN. FROM +36 VOLT FUSE CONN. FROM -36 VOLT FUSE CONN. TO LED INDICATOR CKT BOARD TO PSU FAN TO 120/240 VOLTAGE SELECTOR TO 120/240 VOLTAGE SELECTOR TO PSU FAN CN20 ( FROM AC IN) (RAW BOARD) (STUFFED) PASSPORT POWERED PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEM PARTS LIST MAIN TOWER CASE ASSYBMLY QTY PART # DESCRIPTION 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 29 2 4 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 4 2 1 1 2 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 007-0406-000 007-0407-000 007-0408-000 007-0233-000 007-0409-000 007-0235-000 007-0236-000 007-0237-000 007-0410-000 007-0239-000 007-0240-000 007-0241-000 007-0242-000 007-0243-000 007-0411-000 007-0412-000 007-0413-000 007-0247-000 007-0248-000 007-0249-000 007-0251-000 007-0252-000 007-0253-000 007-0254-000 007-0255-000 007-0256-000 007-0144-000 007-0230-000 007-0403-000 007-0104-000 007-0081-000 007-0070-000 007-0159-000 007-0154-000 007-0151-000 007-0259-000 007-0350-000 007-0261-000 007-0262-000 007-0263-000 007-0264-000 GP SHEET FRONT PD250 GP TOWER SIDE CABINET (A) PD250 GP TOWER SIDE CABINET (B) W/TAP PD250 GP HANDLE LATCH GP CABLE DOOR PD250 GP DOOR SLIDE LATCH GP MASTER LEVEL KNOBS GP MIXER CONTROL KNOBS GP TOWER FOOT BAR GP RIB (AT TOP OF TOWER FOR 0 RING GP SPKR LATCH SAFETY CATCH LEVER GP HANDLE COVER PP GP COMPARTMENT WALL PARTITION GP SPRUE CAP ON SIDE OF TOWER GP NAME LOGO PLATE GP FRONT SHEET METAL PANEL PD250 GP FOOT SUPPORT STEEL BAR GP SPKR LATCH TENSION SPRING COIL GP SPKR LATCH LINKAGE U BARS GP SPKR LATCH HINGE PLATE GP SMPSU SHIELD CAN BOTTOM GP SMPSU SHIELD CAN TOP ZI GP MOUNTING BRACKET (AMP PCB) GP SMALL L MOUNTING BRACKET GP LONG L MOUNTING BRACKET GP DIE CAST HEAT SINK GP POWER AMPLIFIER PCB ASSEMBLY GP SMPSU PCB ASSEMBLY GP MIXER PCB ASSEMBLY PD250 GP REVERB PCB ASSEMBLY GP MIC PREAMP PCB ASSEMBLY GP PHONE JACK PCB ASSEMBLY GP LED INDICATORS PCB ASSEMBLY GP TAPE OUTPUT PCB ASSEMBLY GP AMPLIFIER PROTECT PCB ASSEMBLY GP 750MM 0 RING TOWER SEAL GP IRON POWER TOROID CORE (GND) GP 12V COOLING FAN FOR SMPSU GP WIRE BUSHING GP WIRE BUSHING GP IEC AC/FUSE PANEL MOUNT SOCKET REFERENCE DESIGNATION 17 PASSPORT POWERED PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEM PARTS LIST MAIN TOWER CASE ASSYBMLY CONTINUED QTY PART # DESCRIPTION REFERENCE DESIGNATION 2 1 2 4 8 4 20 1 4 1 1 4 1 1 17 17 30 20 8 2 8 4 10 8 5 20 20 8 1 1 1 4 16 16 4 4 2 8 2 007-0265-000 007-0267-000 007-0268-000 007-0278-000 007-0270-000 007-0271-000 007-0272-000 007-0273-000 007-0274-000 007-0347-000 007-0348-000 007-0349-000 007-0414-000 007-0415-000 007-0277-000 007-0279-000 007-0280-000 007-0281-000 007-0282-000 007-0283-000 007-0284-000 007-0285-000 007-0286-000 007-0287-000 007-0288-000 007-0289-000 007-0290-000 007-0337-000 007-0291-000 007-0292-000 007-0293-000 007-0294-000 007-0295-000 007-0296-000 007-0297-000 007-0298-000 007-0299-000 007-0300-000 007-0345-000 GP 6.3A TIME LAG FUSE GP AC POWER SWITCH 2P1T GP GM TYPE FUSE HOLDER HOUSING GP GM FUSE CONNECTOR INSERTS GP MICA INSULATOR TO-30 25 X20MM GP MICA INSULATOR 18 X12.7MM GP NYLON CABLE TIE 100MM GP BRASS PCB STANDOFF TUBE 6.2MM GP SHIELD CAN MOUNTING BRACKER GP AUX/REV SWITCH COVER GP MIC/LINE/PHONE JACK SHIELD PLATE GP POWER DEVICE MOUNTING BRACKET GP SAFETY LABEL PD250 GP SERIAL NUMBER LABEL PD250 GP NUT HEX M12 NI PHONE JACK MOUNT GP FLAT WASHER NI PHONE JACK NOUNT GP SCRW 3X6MM PHPS BLX GP SCRW 3X8MM PHPS BLX GP SCRW 3X8MMTF NI GP SCRW 3X.5X5MM PHB NI GP SCRW 3X.5X8MM PHPS NI GP SCRW 3X10MM FLT HEAD GP SCRW 3X.5MMX12MM PHPS BLX GP SCRW 3X16MM PHPS BLX GP NUT M3 NI GP WASHER SPRING TYPE M3 BLX GP WASHER FLAT TYPE MX BLX GP WASHER SPRING TYPE M3 ZI GP WASHER TEETH M4X4.3MM GP NUT M4 NI GP WASHER SPING TYPE NI GP SCRW 3X12MM PHB BLX GP SCRW 3X8MM PHB BLX GP SCRW 4X10MM PHB BLX GP SCRW 4X30MM PHB BLX GP SCRW 3X6 M BLX GP SCRW 3X6 M BLX GP SCRW 4X16M BLX GP RUBBER PLUG 18 PASSPORT POWERED PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEM PARTS LIST WIRELESS REG CASING ASSEMBLY QTY PART # DESCRIPTION REFERENCE DESIGNATION 1 3 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 007-0386-000 007-0290-000 007-0493-000 007-0500-000 007-0294-000 007-0498-000 007-0270-000 007-0387-000 007-0501-000 007-0416-000 007-0390-000 007-0421-000 007-0417-000 007-0418-000 007-0419-000 007-0420-000 GP T'NAL 2225A-20D 2x10 PIN GP METAL WASHER M3X0.5X8MM GP SPRING WASHER M3X0.9X5.5 GP M3 NUT NI GP M SCREW M3X12 P/H BLACK GP SCREW M3X10 (BLK) GP MICA INSULATOR25X40MM TO-3P GP ANT WIRE 2751-13-0 GP INSULATOR TO-220 TPYE GP BASS TUBE 2617-20-0 GP PLASTIC CABLE TIE (BLK) GP UL1007#26 R/B PCE99-0192 L=450MM GP UL1553#26 BLK PCE99-0227 L=190MM GP UL1553#26 GR PCE99-0194 L=190MM GP UL1553#26 GR PCE99-0195 L=130MM GP UL1007#26 R/B NK460 L=120MM CN606 U601 PCB U601 PCB U601 CN606 REG PCB U601 CN603 U601 REG PCB REG WIRE CN602 CN605 CN604 CN603 CN601 SPEAKER CABINET ASSEMBLY QTY PART # DESCRIPTION 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 2 54 20 12 8 4 007-0340-000 007-0422-000 007-0423-000 007-0424-000 007-0425-000 007-0426-000 007-0305-000 007-0427-000 007-0428-000 007-0429-000 007-0430-000 007-0370-000 007-0431-000 007-0432-000 007-0311-000 007-0068-000 007-0312-000 007-0313-000 007-0314-000 007-0346-000 GP SPKR STAND PLUG GASKET GP SPKR STAND PLUG GP SPKR BOX PD250 GP SPKR BAFFLE PD250 GP ENCLOSURE PD250 GP BAFFLE RUBBER GASKET GP SPKR BACK BOX COSMETIC TRIM GP SPKR FOOT (LEFT) PD250 GP SPKR FOOT (RIGHT) PD250 GP SPRUE CAP AT BACK OF SPKR BOX GP SPKR GRILLE MESH PD250 GP PD150 4OHM TWEETER GP PD250 ( II ) 4 OHM WOOFER GP LOGO PLATE GP JACK 1/4 PCB MONO GP SCRW 4X10 TF BLX GP SCRW 5X20 TF BLX GP SCRW 4X8 TF BLX GP SCRW 6X25 TF BLX GP SCRW 3X6 COUNTER SINK BLX REFERENCE DESIGNATION 19 PASSPORT POWERED PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEM PARTS LIST PACKING ACCESSORIES QTY PART # DESCRIPTION 1 1 007-0315-000 007-0316-000 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 007-0317-000 007-0318-000 007-0319-000 007-0320-000 007-0321-000 007-0398-000 007-0326-000 007-0327-000 007-0328-000 007-0329-000 007-0030-000 007-0331-000 007-0332-000 007-0333-000 007-0334-000 GP UL/IEC POWER CORD(UL/CSA VERSION) NORTH AMERICA,TAIWAN GP CE/IEC POWER CORD (EURO VERSION) CONT.EUR / ASIA EXPT HK, CHINA / AUSTRALIA GP BS/IEC POWER CORD(UK/HK VERSION) UK, HK GP CCEE POWER CORD(CHINA) GREAT WALL STD ( OPTION ) GP SAA/IEC POER CORD(AUST/NZ) AUS, NZ ( OPTION ) GP JIS/IEC POWER CORD W/GROUND PIN JAPAN ( OPTION ) GP MONO 1/4 PHONE JACK SPEAKER CORD GP OWNER'S MANUAL PD250 GP MICROPHONE GP MICROPHONE CABLE GP MICROPHONE CLIP GP MICROPHONE VINYL POUCH GP POLYBAG MAIN UNIT GP POLYBAG OWNER'S MANUAL GP CARTON BOX GP PACKING CUSHION GP SERIAL NUMBER LABEL ON BOX REFERENCE DESIGNATION SERVICE MODULES FOR QUICK REPAIRS QTY PART # DESCRIPTION REFERENCE DESIGNATION 1 1 007-0335-000 007-0434-000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 007-0144-000 007-0104-000 007-0159-000 007-0154-000 007-0151-000 007-0081-000 007-0404-000 007-0431-000 007-0435-000 007-0343-000 007-0344-000 007-0370-000 GP SMPS MODULE GP MIXER PANEL ASSEMBLY PD250 (INCLUDS KNOBS) GP PCB ASSY POWER AMPLIFIER GP PCB ASSY REVERB GP PCB ASSY LED INDICATORS GP PCB ASSY TAPE OUTPUT GP PCB ASSY AMPLIFIER PROTECT GP PCB ASSY MIC PREAMP GP PCB ASSY PHONE JACK GP PD250 4OHM WOOFER GP SPEAKER BOX ASSEMBLY PD250 GP HANDLE ASSEMBLY GP POWER AMP / SMPSU / HS ASSEMBLY GP TWEETER 4 OHM PD150 20 COMPLETE ASS'Y ( STUFFED ) ( STUFFED ) ( STUFFED ) ( STUFFED ) ( STUFFED ) ( STUFFED ) ( STUFFED ) MATCHED DRIVERS KIT COMPLETE ASS'Y COMPLETE ASS'Y MATCHED DRIVERS KIT PASSPORT POWERED PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEM EXPORT STANDARD SPARES KIT QTY PART # DESCRIPTION REFERENCE DESIGNATION 1 007-0341-000 EXPORT STD SPARE KIT PACK SEE LIST BELOW QTY PART # DESCRIPTION 12 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 12 4 10 12 4 6 4 12 1 12 007-0399-000 007-0403-000 007-0144-000 007-0104-000 007-0159-000 007-0154-000 007-0151-000 007-0081-000 007-0404-000 007-0431-000 007-0236-000 007-0237-000 007-0265-000 007-0326-000 007-0430-000 007-0341-000 007-0321-000 007-0344-000 007-0370-000 SERVICE MANUAL GP PCB ASSY MIXER GP PCB ASSY POWER AMPLIFIER GP PCB ASSY REVERB GP PCB ASSY LED INDICATORS GP PCB ASSY TAPE OUTPUT GP PCB ASSY AMPLIFIER PROTECT GP PCB ASSY MIC PREAMP GP PCB ASSY PHONE JACK GP PD250 4 OHM WOOFER GP MASTER LEVEL KNOBS GP MIXER CONTROL KNOBS GP 6.3A TIME LAG FUSE GP MICROPHONE, CABLE, CLOP, POUCH GP SPKR GRILLE MESH GP HANDLE ASSEMBLY GP MONO1/4 PHONE JACK SPEAKER CORD GP POWER AMP / SMPSU / HS ASSEMBLY GP TWEETER 4 OHM PD150 21 22 Block Diagram Mains Voltage Power Input Switch LED Board Stereo 2 In Stereo 1 In Mic/Line Input Board Level Rev/Aux PAN Level Rev/Aux PAN Contour Contour Switch Mode Power Supply Module -51V GND +51V DC Power Input Optional +15V GND -15V Level EQ LOW EQ HI Rev/Aux PAN Level EQ LOW EQ HI Rev/Aux PAN +15V GND Stereo Inputs -15V Contour Level Rev/Aux PAN Level Rev/Aux PAN Mixer Board Contour Mic/Line Inputs L +36Vdc GND -36Vdc R AUX Audio bus SPKR EQ Level Main Mode SW Master Reverb Protect Board Out IN Digital Reverb Board Stereo Power Amp Gnd +5V +15V REV/AUX Return Phone Jack Board Line4 Line3 Line2 Line1 R SPKR Out L SPKR Out Right Return Left Return R L REV/AUX Send Right PA Send Left PA Send Foot Switch Board Tape Out RCA PASSPORT POWERED PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM PASSPORT MIC Schematic Diagram XLR3 LINE3GND LINE3+ XLR2 LINE2GND LINE2+ XLR1 LINE1GND LINE1+ -3 -3 1 +2 -3 NC R518 1K R517 1K R515 33K R516 33K R511 1K R510 1K R508 33K R509 33K R504 1K R503 1K MIC3 MIC SOCKET CN11 CON3 3 2 1 NC R502 33K R501 33K MIC2 MIC SOCKET LINE 3 1 +2 CN10 CON3 3 2 1 NC MIC1 MIC SOCKET LINE 2 1 +2 3 2 1 CN9 CON3 +3 +3 +3 C508 2u2/50V C507 2u2/50V D509 4148 C505 2u2/50V C504 2u2/50V D505 4148 C502 2u2/50V C501 2u2/50V D501 4148 3 2 3 2 3 2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +3 D512 +4 4148 D511 4148 D510 4148 R519 33K 4148 D507 4148 U503A LM833 1 +4 +3 D508 +4 D506 4148 R512 33K 4148 D503 4148 U502A LM833 1 +4 +3 D504 +4 D502 4148 R505 33K U501A LM833 1 +4 5 6 R520 33K 5 6 U503B LM833 R521 33K 7 C509 100p U502B LM833 7 C506 100p 7 C503 100p U501B LM833 R507 33K R514 33K R513 33K 5 6 R506 33K C513 104 (+15V) +3 +4 +3 6 5 4 3 2 1 CN4 CON6 C514 104 +4 (-15V) -15V +15V LINE 1 LINE 2 LINE 3 LINE 4 R STEREO 2 L R STEREO 1 L XLR4 LINE4GND LINE4+ -3 NC RCA1D RCA RCA1C RCA RCA1B RCA R523 33K R525 1K R524 1K R522 33K MIC4 MIC SOCKET RCA1A RCA 1 +2 3 2 1 CN12 CON3 LINE 4 +3 C511 2u2/50V C510 2u2/50V D513 4148 +3 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 6 D START = D501 D END = D516 R START = R501 R END = R528 C START = C501 C END = C514 7 C512 100p U504B LM833 R528 33K R527 33K STR1-L GND STR1-R STR2-L GND STR2-R 4148 D515 4148 CN25 CON6 +3 D516 +4 D514 4148 R526 33K U504A LM833 1 +4 MIC PCB 3 2 +4 4 8 LINE 1 4 8 4 8 4 8 23 C2 152 R1-3 7 3 VR3A 100KB 6 5 7 R2-2 PAN R1-2 D1 1N4148 4 1 3 U2A TL072 8 R1-3 8 U4B TL072 R2-3 R1-1 VR12A PAN 100KB 4 4 U5A TL072 2 8 1 3 PAN REV.AUX C37 33p C38 R39 1u/50V 68K R1-1 R1-3 2 C39 33p 1 4 7 3 U6A TL072 1 3 C48 223 3 LEVEL/STERE0 2 C57 VR21A 100KB R1-31u/50V R1-1 R1-2 BAL 4 U14B TL072 VR23A 100KB W/CC R74 10K R66 27K 3 R76 120K R79 100K R81 47K C63 47p CN7 WF5 2 1 1 U11A TL072 VR26A 100KB W/CC 1 3 R2-2 D6 1N4148 U12A TL072 6 -15V 7 5 C84 1u/50V U10B TL072 C88 472 R134 100K R1-3 R1-2 R117 1K U16A TL072 8 R115 1M C86 472 SYSTEM EQ R1-1 R1-1 R1-2 REV AUX 6 7 5 U11B TL072 R78 120K U12B TL072 R139 22K TO LEFT PA C90 0.47u/50V C92 473 C94 473 2 U18A TL072 Q START = Q1 Q END = Q5 1 3 VR31A 100KB W/CC C START = C1 C END = C97 8 R130 100K 1 VR30A 100KB R1-3 6 5 R133 33K 2 3 VR22B 100KB W/CC R129 33K 4 R109 47K R70 27K 7 8 U9B TL072 C65 33p R80 100K MASTER REV C60 EQ/HI 102 R61 120K R77 120K R START = R1 R END = R142 -15V G 4 R119 3K3 2 R120 6K8 -15V R126 C80 6K8 0.47u/50V C81 100p 3 C85 1u/50V R112 47K 7 R116 1M D R114 470K C76 102 G Q5 J112 -15V R118 1K R121 3K3 C82 152 U16B TL072 R132 100K C89 472 C87 472 SYSTEM EQ R2-1 R2-3 R136 100K C77 0.47u/50V R122 C83 0.47u/50V 6K8 C91 0.47u/50V C93 473 C95 473 R127 6K8 5 VR START = VR1 VR END = VR31 Z START = Z1 Z END = Z2 6 7 TO RIGHT PA 5 R138 6K8 6 R128 6K8 D START = D1 D END = D6 U18B TL072 -15V VR31B 100KB W/CC 7 S LEFT GND RIGHT R140 22K R135 33K 6 5 R113 1M 1 2 3 AUDIO OUT R131 33K R124 47K C73 1u/50V TO POWER AMP U17A TL072 4 C75 0.47u/50V U START = U1 U END = U18 CN6 WF3 1 S 3 2 1 TO POWER AMP R141 150K R137 6K8 8 Q4 J112 R125 6K8 C79 152 R2-2 MUTE LEFT RIGHT D R111 470K R143 100K C74 102 R1-3 R1-1 2 5 R75 10K R73 68K VR27A 100KB R1-1 C64 47p R69 47K C56 33p R72 68K R71 27K R142 150K VR ROTATION CONFIGURATION MIN(CCW) PINS 2/5 SHORTED TO 1/4 CENTER PINS 2/5 AT CENTER MAX(CW) PINS 2/5 SHORTED TO 3/6 8 C52 33p R123 47K C72 1u/50V R2-1 VR23B 100KB W/CC 4 R2-1 7 U8B TL072 R2-3 REV.AUX C51 47p 7 6 R1-3 6 VR19B 100KB W/CC C62 223 R68 27K EQ/LOW R56 68K VR25A 100KB R1-1 C78 100p PROC OUT CN5 CON3 FS REVERB IN REVERB OUT +15V GND T0 REVERB PCB R1-2 BAL R2-3 C47 EQ/HI 102 R53 27K R2-2 LEVEL/STEREO 2 C58 VR21B 100KB R2-31u/50V R2-1 C54 R63 1u/50V 39K R60 120K R2-2 VR20B 100KB W/CC R58 10K R2-1 R2-2 R2-3 R55 68K R2-2 R54 27K R2-1 R1-2 R2-3 R2-2 D4 1N4148 Z2 6V8 1W 5 4 3 2 1 +15V 8 U10A TL072 3 R1-1 C49 223 R51 27K R52 47K C43 33p R110 1M R1-1 EQ/LOW VR22A 100KB W/CC 2 -15V 7 5 R67 27K R1-3 R1-2 4 R1-3 U9A TL072 6 U14A TL072 R106 100 C61 223 R64 27K R65 47K 4 8 R2-3 EQ/LOW 5 1 C69 R97 1u/50V 33K 3 D5 1N4148 VR24A 100KB W/CC R98 33K 2 R95 10K 4 3 U8A TL072 R2-1 -15V R42 R43 100K 82K R44 82K C55 33p 2 VR19A 100KB W/CC LEVEL/STEREO 1 C45 VR18B 1u/50V 100KB C41 R46 1u/50V 39K R96 100K C68 R94 100K 0.47u/50V EQ/HI C59 102 8 1 FR0M PHONEJACK PCB R108 100K R41 82K VR17B 100KB W/CC C53 R62 1u/50V 39K R59 120K 1 2 -15V R32 R31 82K 100K R33 82K R40 100K A/RTN-R GND A/RTN-L 1 2 3 FROM PHONEJACK PCB R1-3 4 D3 1N4148 R1-1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 U15B TL072 VR13B 100KB W/CC C50 47p C46 R49 EQ/HI 102 27K R1-2 7 5 CN2 WF3 VR20A 100KB W/CC R48 47K C42 33p CN1 WF12 A GND A GND STR1-L STR1-R STR2-L STR2-R MAIN-L MAIN-R A/OUT M/RTN-L M/RTN-R FOOT-SW R1-2 R1-2 EQ/LOW R57 10K R50 27K R1-1 6 S R107 100K R1-2 R1-3 Q3 J112 R30 82K R2-2 PAN U7A TL072 8 LEVEL/STEREO 1 C44 R47 VR18A 1u/50V 27K 100KB R1-3 R1-1 C40 R45 1u/50V 39K S R1-2 2 8 U6B TL072 D G Q2 J112 8 5 D G S VR17A 100KB W/CC R2-3 6 C97 104 VR16A 100KB PAN R2-1 R1-3 4 1 2 R1-1 8 R36 C34 82K 680p C35 47p R1-2 R1-2 R1-1 C36 R38 1u/50V 15K R1-2 EQ R1-3 VR14A C31 100KB W/CC 0.47u/50V R37 39K LEVEL MIC/LINE4 VR15A 100KB R1-1 R1-3 D G Q1 J112 R2-2 R2-3 U4A TL072 C32 152 C33 153 R1-3 C71 22p R1-2 1 U5B TL072 R21 82K VR13A 100KB W/CC 2 3 R1-1 R22 82K R29 100K RIGHT VR29A 100KB W/CC R93 1M R1-3 C30 33p R2-1 R1-3 C29 1u/50V R28 68K 7 R35 39K R1-1 REV.AUX C28 33p R1-2 R1-1 R25 C25 82K 680p C26 47p 5 C96 104 R20 100K R92 1M R89 470 R90 470 R2-2 PAN R91 1M R88 470 VR9B 100KB W/CC R1-3 5 LEVEL MIC/LINE3 VR11A 100KB R1-1 R1-3 R26 C27 R27 39K 1u/50V 15K 6 +15V -15V VR9A 100KB W/CC 7 R1-2 R1-3 R1-2 EQ VR10A 100KB W/CC C22 0.47u/50V CN8 BWF2 PAN C21 33p 4 U3A TL072 5 6 8 6 R105 30K 4 SW1B SS22F05G6 MONO R1-2 C23 152 C24 153 R34 12K U15A TL072 4 1 3 U3B TL072 CN4 WF6 R24 39K 1 3 MONO STEREO R19 82K R1-1 5 FROM MIC PCB VR8A 100KB 2 7 R23 12K 2 3 R1-2 R1-1 R18 100K R1-2 C20 R17 1u/50V 68K 4 C17 47p REV.AUX C19 33p 6 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 R1-3 C16 680p R1-1 R1-1 R14 82K R2-1 R1-3 EQ R1-3 STEREO R104 10K 2 C70 27p R100 10K LEVEL MIC/LINE2 VR7A 100KB R1-1 R1-3 C18 R15 1u/50V R16 39K 15K R1-2 R13 39K VR6A 100KB W/CC -15V +15V LINE 1 LINE 2 LINE 3 LINE 4 R101 20K SW1A SS22F05G6 R99 10K C14 152 C15 153 R1-2 C13 0.47u/50V U13B TL072 D2 1N4148 R1-2 R12 12K 7 5 R85 10K C12 10u/16V R1-3 R103 100 6 R8 100K R11 1M R10 2K2 LEFT VR28A 100KB W/CC R1-1 C67 R84 120K 0.47u/50V -15V Z1 10V 2 TAPE OUT/L GND TAPE OUT/R 1 2 3 TO RCA PCB R87 100K R1-1 VIP CN3 CON3 U13A TL072 VR5B 100KB W/CC U2B TL072 R2-3 R1-3 1 U1A TL072 R83 10K VR5A 100KB W/CC C9 33p 8 U1B TL072 R9 680 R1-2 2 5 C10 1u/50V R102 100 2 3 VR4A 100KB PAN R1-2 6 C66 R82 120K 0.47u/50V R7 100K 1 R1-1 4 C8 R6 1u/50V 68K 8 R4 C5 82K 47p REV.AUX C7 33p 8 C6 R5 1u/50V 15K R2-1 R1-3 R3 39K C4 680p 4 R1-2 R1-1 R1-2 EQ R1-3 VR1A 100KB W/CC R1-2 R2 39K LEVEL MIC/LINE1 VR2A 100KB R1-1 R1-3 R1-1 R86 100K C3 153 R1-2 R1 12K C1 0.47u/50V +15V U17B TL072 PASSPORT Mixer Schematic Diagram 24 1 2 3 C216 100p AF/IN FROM MIX AMP RIGHT LEFT CN6 WF3 C201 100p S-GND POWER AMP GND C202 1u/50V SMPS GND R230 47K C217 1u/50V R201 47K CN16 L103 T68-26 Q217 J112 R232 5K6 R231 12K Q201 J112 R203 5K6 C218 1u/50V NP C219 470p A C203 1u/50V NP D206 1N4148 R233 3M3 C232 1000p R206 47K D201 1N4148 R204 3M3 C231 1000p R234 120 R205 120 U START END = U601 D START = D201 D END = D601 C204 470p L START = L201 L END = L202 R START = R201 R END = R602 R202 12K TP START = TP201 TP END = TP204 C START = C201 C END = C602 Z START = Z202 Z END = Z603 Q203 A06 Q219 A06 Q205 A56 C221 100u/16V R240 1K5 Q220 Q221 A56 A56 R239 120K C220 100u/16V R237 120K Q218 A06 R236 1K5 R211 1K5 Q204 A56 C206 100u/16V R210 120K C205 100u/16V R208 120K Q202 A06 R207 1K5 R241 120K R238 120K R212 120K R209 120K R242 47K TP203 NVZ6TL1 SVR B100K R213 47K TP201 NVZ6TL1 SVR B100K Q210 A43 R218 150 C208 220p R244 3K9 Q226 A43 R247 150 C223 220p R246 4K7 1/2W R245 1K5 TP204 NVZ6TL1 SVR B200R Q223 A93 R243 150 C209 47p R216 1K5 R217 4K7 1/2W R215 3K9 TP202 NVZ6TL1 SVR B200R Q207 A93 R214 150 C224 47p Q225 A56 Q209 A56 C222 47p Q222 A06 C207 47p Q206 A06 Q224 A06 Q208 A06 Q229 BD140 R251 100 R248 100 Q227 BD139 Q213 BD140 R222 100 R219 100 Q211 BD139 Q230 2SA1962 R250 r22 5W R249 r22 5W Q228 2SC5242 Q214 2SA1962 R221 r22 5W R220 r22 5W Q212 2SC5242 C226 1000u/16V Q232 2SA1962 R253 r22 5W R252 r22 5W C225 1000u/16V Q231 2SC5242 C211 1000u/16V Q216 2SA1962 R224 r22 5W R223 r22 5W C210 1000u/16V Q215 2SC5242 R255 6K8 2W Z206 4V7 1W Z205 4V7 1W R254 6K8 2W R226 6K8 2W Z203 4V7 1W Z202 4V7 1W R225 6K8 2W C212 10u/63V C227 10u/63V C213 10u/63V D208 1N4148 R257 270 5W R256 4R7 2W C228 10u/63V L202 COIL 1.2MMx10T 2u5 D207 1N4148 D203 1N4148 R228 270 5W R227 4R7 2W L201 COIL 1.2MMx10T 2u5 D202 1N4148 R258 1K 1/2W C214 100n D204 1N4148 R606 1K A C601 100u/16V Q601 A56 R603 10K 5V1 1/2W Z602 CN18B CON2 R602 4K7 1/2W 12V 1/2W Z601 R604 3K3 C230 4u7/50V D210 1N4148 C215 4u7/50V CN18A WF2 D601 1N4148 C229 100n D209 1N4148 Z207 33V 1/2W D205 1N4148 Z603 15V 1/2W R605 100K CN19 WF1 (187 TYPE) 1 R601 10K 2617-10 PR0TECT PCB R229 1K 1/2W Z204 33V 1/2W 2 1 2 1 Q START = Q201 Q END = Q601 CN14 BWF2 1 2 TO MIX AMP Vin CN13 BWF2 1 2 SPK/OUT C601 100n 3 FROM MIX AMP SPK/GND ADJ 1 Vout R602 1K3 1% U601 LM317HV 2 C602 1u/50V -52V 0V +52V CN602B WF2 2 1 2751-6 REG PCB CN17 BWF4 1 2 3 4 FROM SMPS TO WIRE DOCKING CN601B CON2 R601 240 1% CN601A WF2 MUTE LEFT RIGHT CN5 WF3 PROC/IN 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 25 PASSPORT Pwr Amp Schematic Diagram 5 4 3 2 1 Vin NC C423 100n C425 27p 26 SG GND 9 LOGIC GND 10 11 12 R433 47K VDD C421 100u/10V C424 27p 8 MODE2 X401 4.19MHz 7 MODE1 R427 100K C420 100n NC 6 REQ/ DEL1 Q401 9012 C422 47u/10V C427 103 C429 103 ECHOFB A-GND XOUT SEDATA/ DEL3 R434 47K 14 15 DEM4 D-GND OUT 13 OP3 OUT XIN 5 OP3 IN _____ EASY 4 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NC U402 M65841SP REVERB C418 103 29 R424 7K5 R423 75K C417 330n 30 R430 1M C416 103 31 R422 7K5 R421 75K C415 330n 32 C414 103 33 R420 7K5 R419 75K C413 330n 34 C412 103 OP2 OUT 35 R418 7K5 R417 75K C411 330n OP2 IN 36 R416 4K7 R415 33 Q ONLYONE = Q401 OP1 IN SECK/ DEL2 NC R414 4K7 R413 33 C410 473 OP1 OUT 3 Vcc 2 LPF1 IN 1 R411 33 C409 473 CCO 37 NC R412 4K7 C408 473 XTAL ONLY ONE = X401 GCO R429 1K R428 1K 38 REF 39 C407 560p R408 10K LPF1 OUT 40 NC C406 562 R407 15K +5V 3 U START = U401 U END = U403 CC2 R425 3K3 3 R403 15K C405 1u/50V NP R406 15K 1 U401A TL072 2 GC2 MUTE C426 330n R437 75K R436 7K5 16 17 C428 330n R439 75K R438 7K5 18 19 NC 20 CC5 R426 10K Vout +5V C419 10u/25V R441 20K 5 6 R405 15K R START = R401 R END = R441 C START = C401 C END = C430 CC1 GC5 C430 100u/25V 1 U403 78L05 R401 3K3 U401B TL072 7 R404 10K R410 15K GC1 CC4 TO MIXER PCB FS REVERB IN REVERB OUT +15V GND CN7 WF5 C402 333 C403 333 C401 1u/50V C404 560p R409 15K CC3 GC4 GND GC3 NC 2 4 8 R402 1K8 MIROCOMPUTER NC PASSPORT Reverb Schematic Diagram Phone PCB Copper Side Phone PCB Component Side Microphone PCB Copper Side Microphone PCB Component Side PASSPORT Input Section PCB 27 Reverb PCB Copper Side Reverb PCB Component Side Protect PCB Copper Side Protect PCB Component Side PASSPORT Rev/Protection PCB 28 Power Amplifier PCB Copper Side Power Amplifier PCB Component Side PASSPORT Power Amplifier Section PCB 29 Mixer Section PCB Copper Side PASSPORT Reg/RCA/LED PCB 30 Mixer Section PCB Component Side PASSPORT Reg/RCA/LED PCB 31 Regulate PCB Copper Side Regulate PCB Component Side RCA PCB Copper Side LED PCB Copper Side RCA PCB Component Side LED PCB Component Side PASSPORT Reg/RCA/LED PCB 32 1 5 4 2 3 1 H G D F E C B A MAIN UNIT ASSEMBLY EXPLODED VIEW No. DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER QTY 1 SPEAKER ASS'Y PD250 2 2 MIXER ASS'Y PD250 1 3 TOWER HOUSING ASS'Y PD250 1 4 HANDLE/LATCH ASS'Y 007-0343-000 1 5 PS/AMP MODULE ASS'Y 007-0344-000 1 A NICKLE PLATED SCREW 007-0282-000 8 B SPRING WASHER 007-0337-000 8 C BLACK ZINE SCREW 007-0294-000 4 D BLACK ZINE SCREW 007-0296-000 4 E RUBBER SCREW COVER 007-0345-000 2 F BLACK FLAT WASHER 007-0290-000 6 G BLACK SPRING WASHER 007-0289-000 6 H BLACK ZINE SCREW 007-0287-000 6 PASSPORT Main Ass’y Exploded View 33 5 1 9 11 2 1 21 6 13 3 7 21 10 12 20 4 8 15 REMARK: Each PD-250 has two speakers. 14 17 19 9 16 18 SPEAKER BOX ASSEMBLY EXPLODED VIEW No. DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER QTY 1 BLACK SCREW 007-0346-000 4 2 LOGO PLATE 007-0342-000 2 3 SPEAKER GRILLE 007-0430-000 2 4 BAFFLE GASKET 007-0426-000 2 5 BLACK SCREW 007-0312-000 20 6 HEX NUT (1/4" PHONE) WITH JACK 2 7 FLAT WASHER (1/4" PHONE) WITH JACK 2 8 1/4" PHONE JACK 007-0311-000 2 9 WOOFER PD250 4 OHM 007-0431-000 2 10 BLACK SCREW 007-0068-000 32 11 COSMETIC TRIM COVER 007-0305-000 2 12 SPRUE CAP 007-0429-000 2 13 SPEAKER BACK BOX 007-0425-000 2 14 SPEAKER STAND GASKET 007-0340-000 2 15 SPEAKER FOOT (LEFT) 007-0427-000 2 16 SPEAKER FOOT (RIGHT) 007-0428-000 2 17 SPEAKER STAND PLUG 007-0422-000 2 18 SPEAKER STAND PLUG SCREW 007-0314-000 8 19 SPEAKER FOOT SCREW 007-0313-000 12 20 SPEAKER BAFFLE 007-0424-000 2 21 TWEETER 007-0370-000 2 PASSPORT SPKR Box Ass’y Exploded View 34 1 3 2 5 2 4 4 5 2 3 6 1 2 No. DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER QTY 8 1 HANDLE LATCH 007-0233-000 2 7 2 LATCH LINKAGE 007-0248-000 4 3 LATCH SPRING COIL 007-0247-000 2 4 SAFETY CATCH 007-0240-000 2 8 5 LATCH HINGE PLATE 007-0249-000 2 7 6 LATCH/HANDLE COVER 007-0241-000 1 7 SCREW 007-0285-000 2 8 SPRING WASHER 007-0289-000 2 HANDLE ASSEMBLY EXPLODED VIEW 4 5 6 1 7 2 No. DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER 1 OWNERS MANUAL PD250 007-0398-000 QTY 1 2 PASSPORT PD250 069-2001-002 4 3 CARTON BOX ASS'Y 007-0322-000 1 4 MICROPHONE CABLE 007-0327-000 2 5 POWER CORD 007-0317/18/19/20-000 1 6 SPEAKER CABLES 007-0321-000 2 7 MICROPHONES/ACC. 007-0326/28/29-000 2 3 PACKING ASSEMBLY EXPLODED VIEW PASSPORT Handle Ass’y Exploded View 35 No. DESCRIPTION 1 POWER SWITCH 2 FRONT PANEL OVERLAY 3 FRONT METAL PANEL 4 LED PCB ASSEMBLY 5 RCA INPUT ASSEMBLY 6 INPUT SHIELD PLATE 7 MIC/LINE PCB ASS'Y 8 PHONE JACK PCB ASS'Y 9 REVERB PCB ASS'Y 10 MIXER PCB ASS'Y 11 REV/AUX SWITCH COVER 12 REV PCB STANDOFF 13 MASTER CONTROL KNOB PART NUMBER 007-0267-000 007-0406-000 007-0412-000 007-0159-000 007-0154-000 007-0081-000 007-0404-000 007-0104-000 007-0403-000 007-0347-000 007-0085-000 007-0236-000 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 2 2 No. DESCRIPTION 14 MIXER CONTROL KNOB 15 VR HEX NUT 16 VR FLAT WASHER 17 MIC ASS'Y SCREW 18 PHONE JACK HEX NUT 19 PHONE JACK F WASHER 20 RCA SCREW 21 FLAT WASHER (MIXER) 22 SPRING WASHER (MIXER) 23 MIXER SCREW PART NUMBER 007-0237-000 WITH VR WITH VR 007-0280-000 WITH JACK WITH JACK 007-0283-000 007-0290-000 007-0289-000 007-0280-000 QTY 29 31 31 8 17 17 2 10 10 10 9 12 8 21 23 22 7 6 10 14 13 15 11 16 5 15 16 4 17 3 20 MIXER ASSEMBLY EXPLODED VIEW 18 2 19 20 1 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9 10 13 12 11 5 19 4 35 11 3 10 13 12 11 10 12 11 6 12 11 DESCRIPTION SMPSU MODULE SHIELD CAN TOP SHIELD CAN BOTTOM POWER AMP PCB ASS'Y POWER DEVICE BRACKET RF FILTER TORIOD (GND) COMPARTMENT LATCH CAST ALUMINUM HEATSINK AMP BOARD BRACKET AMP\SMPSU SCREW MISC ASS'Y SCREW MISC FLAT WASHER MISC SPRING WASHER PART NUMBER 007-0335-000 007-0252-000 007-0251-000 007-0144-000 007-0349-000 007-0350-000 007-0235-000 007-0256-000 007-0253-000 007-0286-000 007-0281-000 007-0290-000 007-0289-000 QTY 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 2 8 16 16 12 8 7 POWER AMPLIFIER / SMPSU EXPLODED VIEW 10 6 PASSPORT 2 10 1 Mixer Ass’y Exploded View 36
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