trom the :J5irector
trom the :J5irector
~ ~ ~ ~ Q trom the :J5irector ~ :J5e.f!Z .. Established on 1983. NSIT has carved a niche for IISeIi amongsllnd"'s prelTll8f ,nshlules. At U.s po,nt in bme. wilen the nation rs m need of molivated and sl<llkld manpower for fUolhng the research and developmenl programs. NSIT makes a slgnificanl oonlrlbuhon of more lhan SOO graduate and post-graduale sludenls ev8<y year. Here. lhelechrucal skills of sharp m,ndS are honed under the able guidance of the best-in-class facully. A hoghly compellhve exam (CEElAIEEE) ensures NSIT gets lhe creme de la crbme. An amalgamaOon of all such faclors have helped NSIT rank second In placemenl records all over lhe country by DATAOUEST-IDC survey 2008. The survey also hoghhghted NSIT althe 10th position among lI1e lop nolch engineenng colleges of Ind,a. The Besllnsbtute Award (The BHARTI VIDYA BHAWAN Award) by IndlOn Sooely fO( Technical Assoaation (ISTE). 2002 ,s anolh8f fealh8f ,n our cap. NSITians have won laurels fOf their alma mater in S8V0fal nallOnal and international competitions. Year after yea,. sludenls of this esleemed Instilule have avaikld inl8fnships & MSIMBA off..s in some 01 the mosl prestigIOUs ulllvers,Oes across the globe. Th.. provides tnem wlll1 a world class exposufe and a vanegated "'among experience coupled wllI1 a lucratrve career developmenl opportunlly' an behall of the NSIT 'al11lly. I InVile a. 01 our past and prospeclrve recru lors fO( lI1e Campus Placement 50s..., 2011-12. o. Raj Senoani. o.rector. NSIT. Aboul NSIT & Courses off..ed 3 Why NSIT? 4 Leveraging our Delhi Advantage 5 A Factual Prom rs e 6 Divisions: EleClronocs & CcmmurucallOO Engg. 7 Instrumentation & Control Engg. 8 Computer Engg. 9 InfotrnallOl1 Technology 10 Manufaetunng Processes & AutomallOl1 Engg. 11 Biotechnology 12 Poslgraduate Stud,es 13 Beyond Walls 15 Mentors of the World 17 Global Road-Map 18 Placement Cell 19 Facts and FlQures 20 ~~~ • Ylae,,,,,n\ Ci\'l '/.IIata ~Ul Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology (fonnerly, Delhi Institute of Technology) was established in 1983 by Delhi Administration with the approval of the Govt. of India to meet the growing demand of manpower in high-tech areas of Engineering & Technology. It functioned at Kashmere Gate till June 1998 and shifted to its fully residential campus at Dwarka, New Delhi in July 1998. It is an administratively autonomous body affiliated to the University of Delhi, offering Bachelors of Engineering and Masters of Technology degrees in various disciplines. ~\ .~ ~U.\ ~ Ili.'/.an Ul . Cllennal 11 .~ ~1." 1".' 11.1 11 ." Keeping in mind the immediate need of industry, the institute was developed in a manner that it would not only fulfill its obligation towards promoting research in high level technology but also discharge its responsibilities of providing a well knit industry-technology interlace. Within a span of 25 years since its inception in 1983, NSIT has carved a name for itself and it is now an established Institution with well equipped modern Laboratories, well laid down 'Profile of Growth' and a strong commitment for achieving excellence in technical education and research. Process Contro l echnology (60) Information Syst ems (CDE),7 Batch Profile · M.Tech. '09 3 illa~alllnNeIS\ \~ 1~.' Indl ie "" ~ We choose the very best and make them better. NSIT is a leader in the field of engineering. Its built on excellence - an excellent faculty to stimulate and challenge students, and excellent peer groups for students to compete and collaborate with. Our distinguished professors & visiting lecturers include the very best thought leaders in the country today. NSIT offers not just a degree; it offers an experience and a way of life. We believe in the spirit of innovation, in innovating new ideas for the future. The DATAQUEST-IDC Survey 2008, which ranks NSIT among the top 10 Tech schools of the country, stand a testimony to the erudite academic standards of the Institute. It also places NSIT at 2nd position all over the country in terms of placements. Additionally, we have been enlisted in the top 100 engineering institutions all over the world by NARIC survey, UK. When you come to NSIT looking for talent, not only will you have a tough time cutting down to numbers you are looking for but also you're rest assured about the future of your finn as you have the best of the best to choose from. Information (ICE), 12 n Batch Profile · B.E. '09 4 NSITians have made it their habit to leave a mark where ever they go. To boast of our academic prowess, we have students with MS/MBA admissions offers from the likes of MIT, California, Georgia Institute of Technology, Michigan, Texas i.e. the top notch institutions in the world. NSITians have also been active in shouldering the social responsibility. Be it One Laptop per Child (OLPC, MIT) or making a difference in the neighbourhood, we have left no stone unturned. The latest addition to our list of achievements is the "Best Mechanical Design among Asian Teams" tag, achieved by the ATV of Team Motorsports at Mini Baja, South Africa 07. I ~e era gir- g 0 r At NSIT, we are proud of our unique mix of world-class faculty, students, alumni and staff. As one of the top engineering colleges based in Delhi, we are enviably positioned to attract the finest technical talent, allowing us to leverage a powerful combination of great talent and great location to maintain a superior competitive advantage. To have the corporate houses of many of the world's biggest companies on our doorstep enables us to foster dynamic relationships with key corporations. Such close partnerships allow us to support our faculty's strong linl~s to industry. Students, in particular, benefit from unparalleled access to a broad range of global recruiters . Getting placed is no longer an issue. The right student being able to make to it to the right company is what the college aims at. Truly, being in the national capital has not only provided an edge but helped us prosper to great heights in very short span of time. S But that's just a piece of the pie. Titles like BBC University Challenge, SIMAGINE Cup, Code4Bill etc. are proof enough of the all-round development NSIT offers. NSIT also boasts of internship offers from NASA and selection of students in Google Summer of Code'OS. Over the past two years we have had 50 research papers from students alone and more than 150 of them from faculty, credits to research and innovative work being done at the institute. 'Hitting the bull's eye' is the way of life at NSIT. 6 * -~~~ Instrumentation & Control ~~t I Electronics and Communication Engineering Deptt. ofNSIT is one of the reputed departments amongst technical colleges all over India. It offers courses in wide areas which produce the best brains in technical fields every year. A portfolio of renowned companies for the recruitment of electronics engineers in the previous years is the best indicator of this. Under the guidance of our HoD Prof. Raj Senani, who currently holds the reputation of publishing more than 100 papers in international journals, students of this department are exposed to the best and the latest knowledge available in the field. In a course of three year college has pro ided students with in-depth knowledge of courses ich are pre-requisites for. any future electronics engineer. Practical kii ledge is also imbibed by the well-equipped laboratories having tll est available techiiology, Main listings oftliese s follows: Division of .' Started in 1989, this offers many courses of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering apart from a variety of courses from Instrumentation Technology, Modern Control Theory, Robotics, Industrial Electronics, Computer Controlled Instrumentation, A"rtificial Intelligence, Sensors and Transducers, PC InterlaCing, Telemetry etc. A holistic approach has been adopted while framing curriculum, updating inlrastructural facilities and im?roving teaching methods. The courses, which have not found a berth in the core curriculum, have been incorporated as elective courses. Students do intensive use of Microprocessors and Compu n rstand the hardware and software mentation. ourses on industrial business aspect of Intelligent I economics and manag ent are an integral part of the curriculum. The Mechatronics laHora 0 developed in NSIT lor 'm?arting training in the field of electronic a mechanical systems as the hrst one of its kind in India. ~ ~l\O~~~TS \NS1RU,.. • • • • • • • 7· Electronics Signal and Systems Network Analysis and Synthesis Linear Integrated Circuits Analog Filter Design Microprocessors Analo & Digital Communication Digita circuit and Design y • • • • • • • • Computer System Architecture VLSI Design Electro Magnetics Transmission Lines Antenna Theory Control Systems Programming in C++ Basics of Data Structures • • • • • • • • Introduction to C+ + Computer Graphics Data Structures Analog & Digital Electronics Digital Integrated Circuits Linear Integrated Circuits Digital Signal Processing Analog & Digital Communication • • • • • • • • Telemetry & Data Transmission Instrumentation&Measurement Microprocessor Control Systems Process Control Biomedical Instrumentation Artificial Intelligence Transducers & Components 8 The Division of Computer engineering was started during the 1984-85 session. Students from this branch have a knack for coding but also an indepth knowledge of the hardware aspect of programming as well. In the COE de artment, the thrust is to co,v~~ej.r-'t";l-I..IUJ;.,..... basic and specialized c rses as per industry needs. Som of them are: • Introduction to • et orking • Data structures • Multimedia - -. Micr processors • Computer Graphic • Software Engineering • Par.iliel Computing • Computer System Architecture • heoretical Computer Science • Discret Mathematic and Design 0 • Database Management Algorithms ~---~Systems • CompJer and Translator design • Computer communications and switching theory • Electronics • Linear Integrated Circuits • Digital Circuits and Systems • Principles of Communications • Microprocessors and their Application • Signals and systems • Electromagnetics 9 In this high-tech era, the study of information technology is indispensable for the modern industries and econom . The RE. Information Technology curriculum not only emphasizes on computer science but also encompasses subjects related to rna agement, electronics, business, communication etc. Further, Industrial Traini rm an integral component of t curriculum so s the students are able to eet the challenges • Programming faced by today's industries. It is • Biscrete Mathematics undoubtedly the H upcoming brancu...~J.!J,ata structures with better future p , han any who perating Systems toilay. omputer Graphics exist in the c ml?etiti Although recently esta as liown Software Engineering a spectacular 'placement recor stuH ts • Analysis and design of st Algorithms laying their hands on some 0 the MNCs and proving to be the greates a ts • Computer Networks these companies have ever possessed. • Relational Database Management System The subjects studied ar • Multimedia • Theory of Computation • Digital & Analog Electronics • Information Theory and Coding Techniques • Microwave & Satellite • Object oriented Technolog) 10 In today's world, manufacturing is an im'portant barometer in gauging the development in a country. It is also important to notice the transformation taking place vis-a-vis the automation of manufacturing systems. Keeping this in mind t e course has been tailor-made for the industry with each student having the required amount of expertise not only in engineering subjects gut also in critical management related issues such as production m nagement, quality control, & financial management. Started in the batch of 1995-96 the department aims at providing its students' 00 s an(! knowledge necessary to succeed in this competitive wor . The All Terrain icle has won accolaHes at various international fficiency at practical comyetitions a this shows their implementation Some of tHe subj Ult:U4l1i.l1ii.__-'- Fluids & Thermodynamics - Man lacturing Processes - Ind strial Control Systems obotics and CAM - Mechanical Design - Metreology and Statistical Qauality Control - Mechatronics - Analog and Digital Electronics - Transducers and Measurements - Computer GraphiCS - FinanciallPersonnel Management - Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery - Machine Tools, CNC & Automation - Microprocessors 11 Biotechnology has seen a significant • growth in the last few years. With increasing pace of development and recombinant DN genomics technology, a biotechnology engineer has been perceived as a catalyst for Hri n ging about a change in the modern society. But there has been a dearth of highly qualified 'tech nical' man he , the institute l:ield. Keeping this in started the departm of Biotechnology - Cell Biology 2004-05 with an - Microbiology from academic sessi intake of 20 stud n s. The aim was 0 _ _ - .. Molecular Biology produce highly globally - I strumentation in competitiv pro The Biotechnology department has a team ate nd tructural Biology experienced faculty commit e 0 im rt - Immunology and quality education. Eminent teachers fr Immuno-technology the likes of AIIMS having 0 g a :de ic - Recombinant-DNA and industry experience re also invi ed Technology regularly as visitin faculty. he - Enzymology and Enzyme department also organizes lect s from Technology experts from time . e to bring - Biochemical Engg . students closer to the practical working - Bioprocess Technology environment of industry. Faculty and - Genomics and Proteomics students of the department are actively - Programming in C/C + + - Data Structure and involved in the research. Algorithms Some of the key subjects are mentioned - Database Management - Management, Accounting here. and Cost Control 12 MASTER of NSIT is one of the best colleges in India for pursuing Master of Technology. These are four semester specialized courses. The admission to the master program is through the GATE exam with the cut-off for NSIT being as high as 97%. Course in following disciplines are offered to the students: Signal Processing Digital Signal Processin . a ighly sop isticated and latest technology that requires skilled profe si nals. To meet this industrial requirement, very few colleges of India, in ding NSIT, are equipped for providing a platform in project oriented Si I Processing . It is a combination re earch work, project w rk and refinement in theory under the able guida est faculty. Some of the courses st • • • • Digital Signal Processing Analog MOS IC IJesign Digital System Design Signal Acquisition llows: i na Analysis ommunication Theory icroprocessor and its Application mbedded Micro-controllers Information Systems The course wor 'nclude e study of various aspects of design and development of various information systems and one full year devoted to thesis & research. Course is oriented towards imparting latest technologies in the students and preparing them to be efficient system designers and programmers . Curriculum includes these subjects : 13 TECHNOLOGY • • • • • • • Software Engineering Multimedia Databases Data Mining Object Orientation Rule Based Computing Emerging Trends in Information System Object Oriented Database Managment Process Control The field of process con rol is an exciting discipline. The main objective of this course is to im rt a solid application-oriented knowledge of the technology spanning e Industrial Control field Courses undertaken a • Modern Control • Process Instrumentatio • Robotics • Electric Drives ph.D Programs Full-time Teaching cum disciplines: wship (TRF) is provided in following -=--'5...........~... Electronics & Communication Engg. • Instrumentation & Control Engg . • Computer Engg. • Manufacturing Processes & Autmation Engg . • Information Technology • Biotechnology • School of Applied Science 14 Innovision The National Technical festival of NSIT is one of the best places for bright, young and talented minds to showcase their caliber and potential in the field of technology. From real world problems to paper-presentations on astronomical phenomena, creativity knows no bounds in Innovision. SPIC MACAY The SPIC MACAY chapter at NSIT, being one of the most active chapters in India is a hub tor social and cultural ideas at NSIT. It actively organises and oversees performances by great maestros like Pt. Biju Maharaj, Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia, Pt. Shiv Kumar Sharma and many other distinguished artistes on a very regular basis in the campus. Natyarang This event brings to life theatrical vibrancies in the student community of NSIT. Held annually, this showcases the best stage talent present in NSIT. Crescendo Year after year, the musical society of NSIT has produced some of the finest voices of India. It gives the young budding engineers, a chance to explore their creative and musical side. ---R ey o n a 11-- TECHNICAL SOCIETIES Besides these cultural activities, students at NSIT are actively involved in various technical activities, owing to the presence of some of the best The passion with which our student body embraces and see s involvement in co-curricular activities is unprecedented. Each year an extra ordinary number of student-led activities take place including: Moksha The National Cultural Symposium of NSIT provides a platform for the youth of the nation to showcase their talent in a plethora of different events and competitions. Students compete against their competing environment. Moksha stands as a rostrum for the youth to exchange, accentuate and contemplate over their ideas and imaginations. 15 Computer Society of India +IEEE Institite of Electronics & Electrical Engineers International Society of Technical Education "'AI!!!! q)[77 E • Society of Automotive Engineers 16 Men-&G:f,s of the World Glo a ~oaa-Map- Within a span of 25 years, NSIT has produced over 5000 engineers par excellence having expertise in their own fields . Time and again, NSITians have set a benchmark with their performance and made their presence felt. To enlist a few, following are among the top brass in the corporate world that NSIT has churned out: Atul Sikka Vice-President Aricent 17 Chetan Uberoy Chief Technical Officer MakeMyTrip Devesh Bhatnagar Vice- President Alcatel-Lucent Hemant Sakarwal Vice-President TCS Manish MiHal Vice-President American Express Pradeep Kumar Sr. Vice-President WNS Rajiv Sehgal General Manager Bharti Airtel Sanjeev Verma Country Head Halliburton Sudhir Kamath Vice-President SUN Group Swati Gupta Country Head Opera Solutions , In the present era of globalization, NSIT has student exchange programs with following institutes of international repute:• • • • • • • Ecole Polytechnique, Fraance Virginia Commonwealth University University of Western Australia University of Zurich University of Wolverhampton, UK Ecole des Mines de Paris Yuan Ze University, Taiwan • • • • • • • EPFL, Laussane ESC, Grenoble INP de Grenoble University of Leeds EFREL, France ESIGELEC, France University of Genoa Besides these esteemed universities, NSIT has collaboration with the French Embassy for its special program called " N + I" network which encompasses around 75 universities. Students from NSIT have been a part of prestigious internship program at places like MIT, NASA, University of Cranfield, UK and various other parts of the world which is proof enough of their caliber and international competence. 18 Placement Ce 1 The placement office handles all aspects of cam pus recruitments for the graduatin g students at NSIT. The office is well equipped with excellent infrastructure to support every stage of the pla cement process. Arrangement for Pre-placement Talks, Interviews, and Group Discussions etc. are all handled by the staff at the office. The following facilities are made available for the various activities: Facts & igu es - 100 so 90 • 2005-06 • 200&-07 • 200H18 80 • ·c• • 70 60 ~ ~ 50 '5 40 " Z Auditorium to conduct Pre-placement Talks 30 20 Conference Rooms for conducting Group Discussions Well furnished air-conditioned rooms for Interviews Lab with 50 PCs' equipped with Linux/Windows XP for conducting online tests The placement poli cies and other related activities are handled by Professor-in-charge Placements in consultation with the Student Representatives. The companies are encouraged to contact Placement Cell for initial discussions and Placement Office for confirming the schedule for recruitment. 5.28 5.7g '0 o 2005 -06 2006-07 2007-08 Year No. of Companies visiting NSIT Averag e Sa lary MediallSa lary Highe stSa lary (in lacs p"rannum) Compensation Details Sectorwise Distribution '08-'09 Actu arial NSIT has always had an excellent placement record with around BOO offers being made to around 440 students this year. The DataQuest IDC Survey'OB stands a testimony of this feat. With more than 20 international offers, NSIT boasts of a global presence. The diversity in profiles offered also highlight the varied exposure at NSIT. 2% Services 6% Educat ion 4% Non Technical 11% 19 20 • - Training & Placement Department Room No. 213, Administrative Block. Netajr Subhas Institute of TeChnology Dr. MPS Bhaua Professor In-charge Azad Hind Fauj Marg , T&P Department 91-9818192294 Sector-a. Dwarka New Delhl·11Q078 Nllish Goyal Phone No . +91 ·1 1·25099021 91 -9999605824 Fax No Mr. Rajesh Rawat Assistant Coordinator T&P Department 91 ·9810472670 Robin Gupta Student COOfdlnalor Student Coordinator 91 ·9711205824 : .91·11 ·25099022 Rushd Kau l Oeepesh Student Coordinator Student Coordinator 91 ·9873595335 : placements@nSllonhne .1n 91-9810428665 VIsit us at : www.nsitonnne.m [email protected]
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