August Monthly Report
August Monthly Report
WFP LESOTHO Monthly Report August, 2013 RESULTS: Total Beneficiaries Reached 196,883 Total Food Distributed 200.9 mt HIGHLIGHTS Ladies water one of thousands of trees which have been planted in the district of Mafeteng under the Cash for Assets programme (Photo: WFP/Catherine Robar) WFP has partnered with the Government of Lesotho to improve capacity building through a trip to the WFP Brazil Centre of Excellence Against Hunger. Between 25 August and 6 September WFP accompanied high level Government officials to Brazil to learn about how other countries are managing their School Meals programme. The Government learned new skills which will further prepare it to take over the School Meals programme at the end of 2014. The Government of Lesotho and multiple stakeholders including WFP have completed the signing the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) compact, with the official signing which took place on September 4th. CAADP aims to help African countries reach a higher path of economic growth through agriculture-led development., CAADP addresses policy and capacity issues across the entire agricultural sector and African continent. The process is African-led and owned, and represents African leaders' collective vision for agriculture in Africa. This ambitious and comprehensive vision for agricultural reform in Africa aims for an average annual growth rate of 6 percent in agriculture by 2015. The 17th Southern Africa Regional Climate Outlook Forum (SARCOF-17) has announced the long-range rain forecast for the region. Between the months of October 2013 to January 2014 Lesotho is predicted to experience normal to above normal rainfall. February and March however are expected to receive above normal levels of rainfall. AUGUST AT A GLANCE WFP is working in line with the Government of Lesotho's goal of improving national food security and reducing malnutrition. 2013 projects include Emergency Operations (EMOP 200499) which has a goal of reaching 289,195 beneficiaries, School Meals Programme (DEV 200199) which aims to reach 125,000 beneficiaries by the end of 2013 (150,000 in 2014), and the Country Programme (CP 200369) which will reach 124,500 beneficiaries in 2013 (447,600 people over the 5 year duration of this programme). Cross cutting issues include HIV/AIDS, Gender, Capacity Building, and Disaster Risk Reduction. These projects have enabled WFP to reach 196,883 beneficiaries, with an overall goal of reaching 563,695 beneficiaries as the year progresses. WFP's progress has been hindered due to the delay in receiving pledged funds. Many regions of Lesotho are experiencing severe drought. Seen here is the Southern district of Mafeteng. (Photo: WFP/Catherine Robar) Main Food Commodities and Fuel Prices School Feeding According to Petroleum Fund, in August petrol and diesel prices in- The late arrival of maize meal and Corn-Soya Blend (CSB) led to the creased by 3.5% and 2.9% respectively; while paraffin prices increased late delivery of commodities to primary schools and pre-school. As a by 12% when compared to prices in July. Compared to a year ago, result deliveries for the third quarter were completed in the second petrol and paraffin prices increased by 21%; while diesel prices by week of August, rather than the first week as planned. 18%. Prices of maize meal (main staple food) remained almost unchanged The post-distribution report is being finalised. The report will show compared to the previous month (June), (Bureau of Statistics). However compared to the previous year (July 2012), maize meal prices increased by 5%. the specific amount of food distributed, number of schools reached and number of beneficiaries (pre-school and primary school children). A total of 125,000 school children in 628 primary schools were planned to be reached with 1000mt of food commodities, while 50,000 preschool children in 2200 pre-schools were planned to be reached with about 500 mt of food commodities. Emergency Operations (EMOP) The LVAC vulnerability assessment conducted in May/June 2013 indi- Nutrition cated that 223,055 people will be food insecure in 2013/14, represent- The Supplementary Feeding Programme works to address and preing an improvement over last years results, however still showing a vent a further deterioration of malnutrition among vulnerable groups, significant food insecure population in all livelihood zones except the specifically children under 5 years of age, pregnant and lactating Northern Lowlands. As a result, the Food for Work programme and women who have been affected by the food insecurity and economic Targeted Vulnerable Group Feeding have been put on hold as WFP crisis. The northern districts comprised of Butha-Buthe, Maseru and undergoes a re-targeting strategy. Leribè were recently sensitized on the programme implementation. Preparations are on-going to provide nutritional support to undernourished clients in these districts. July Output Results **Primary Schools and ECCDs on holiday from June 21-July 29 Programme Project Beneficiaries Reached (individuals) Food Delivered (metric tons) Emergency Operations (EMOP 200499) Targeted Vulnerable Group Feeding (TVGF) Programme on hold Programme on hold Resilience Building (Cash for Assets) 6,213 119.2 Resilience Building (Food for Work) Programme on hold Programme on hold Nutrition 22,028 46.6 Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) 48,743 10.7 School Meals 119,899 24.3 Country Programme (CP 200369) School Meals Programme (200199) 2013 EMOP Funding Food (USD) ECHO Total (USD) 4,062,415.00 4,062,415.00 South Africa DIRCO Government of Lesotho USAID/FFP 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 UN Cerf 2,339,518.00 2,339,518.00 1,605,136.00 UK/DFID School Feeding Funding Cash and Vouchers 1,605,136.00 Total 2013 Allocated Funding (USD) 3,855,328.00 768,147.00 4,623,475.00 Switzerland 537,634.00 537,634.00 CIDA 503,525.00 503,525.00 Country 2013 Allocated Programme Funding Funding (USD) China 500,000.00 500,000.00 South Africa DIRCO 5,664,057.00 Luxembourg 262,123.00 262,123.00 Japan 4,199,675.00 Saudi Arabia 109,548.66 6,752,348.66 Total 9,863,732.00 Total 5,667,551.00 109,548.66 12,419,899.66 Produced by WFP Lesotho Send any comments to [email protected] Page 2/2