Community Newsletter


Community Newsletter
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Focus on
Vol. 1, Spring, 2015
Your child can't sit still at the dentist? See page 3
New ER Provides Faster Care For All
ince Touchette Regional Hospital
opened its new, expanded
Emergency Department on New Year’s
Day, patients have been thrilled with the
speed of service and added comfort.
Thirty-percent larger than our previous
ER and featuring 12 private patient
rooms, the ER not only treats more
patients, but treats them sooner.
According to Beth Bogacki, Director,
Emergency Services, visits to the ER
have increased 40% since it opened
while wait times have been significantly
ER: 618.332.5481
For ER patients like Terri Scurlark of
Centreville, the improvements were clear
the moment she walked in.
“I really had a great experience. Not only
does the new ER look great, the staff
is excellent. I was greeted with a smile,
and just a few minutes later, I was taken
back to the examining room where I
was registered and treated. The service
was really fast – I was in and back home
within two hours.”
The ER’s new layout places doctors
and nurses in the center of the facility to
respond more quickly to patients’ needs
and improve monitoring.
Summer Safety Fest
Saturday, June 6, 2015
10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Walgreens Parking Lot
2510 State St., East St. Louis
“The environment really is state-of-theart,” said charge nurse, Fran Jones, RN.
“The setting allows for greater patient
confidentiality and gives nurses greater
visibility of, and access to, our patients.”
“The service was
really fast – I was
in and back home
within two hours.”
-Terri Scurlark, Centreville
In addition, Touchette’s modern ER
offers the ultimate in care and safety for
patients. Triage is done at the bedside
to guarantee privacy while in-room
TVs, climate control and a call system
ensure comfort and convenience. Two
enhanced Behavioral Health rooms also
provide a safe and calming environment
for those patients facing emotional
What hasn’t changed is Touchette’s
dedication to quality care. But today,
we’re delivering it to our patients faster
and more efficiently than ever before!
618.332.5481 if our ER team
can be of service to you.
Play. Learn. Stay Safe.
oin Touchette and Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation for
Safety Fest, our 4th annual community event! Your kids will learn
important tips for staying safe this summer, and you’ll get the information
you need to keep your family healthy all year long!
Displays covering everything from First Aid to Car Seat Safety
Free safety demonstrations
Children’s activities
Face painting
Giveaways and raffles
Free food and drinks
To learn more, visit
5900 Bond Ave
Centreville, Il 62207
Meet Dr. Verna Porter
Obstetrics & Gynecology
þ19 years of experience
What is your overall philosophy to care?
To deliver the best healthcare, I strive to
develop strong relationships and trust with
my patients. My goal is to empower my
patients while assisting them to achieve
their highest quality of life. I strive to keep
the lines of communication open so that
they can feel comfortable discussing
sensitive issues with me.
What makes Touchette’s Maternity
Department stand out from others in
the area? I’ve practiced in a number of
different environments, and Touchette’s
Maternity Department stands out because
of its nursing dedication to both moms and
þ Breastfeeding Advocate
babies. The Bibs & Booties Boutique is a
wonderful example of this fact. The store
is 100% supported by donations from
OB nurses, hospital employees and the
community and provides diapers, clothing
and infant care items to our patients.
In addition, many of the nurses have
longstanding careers with Touchette. Some
of the nurses that were here when I trained
as a resident in 1998 are still providing
excellent care to our patients.
How do you promote the importance
of breastfeeding among your patients?
We stress the important health benefits
to both moms and babies. We know that
breast milk is easier for babies to digest,
helps with infant development, and
decreases the risk of SIDS. We also know
that mothers who breastfeed bond better
with their babies, return to pre-pregnancy
weight faster, and decrease their chances
for certain health risks.
Call Today for an Appointment!
To make an appointment with Dr. Porter
or any of Touchette’s excellent
OB/GYN physicians, contact the Women
and Newborn Services Department at
Know the Facts About Breastfeeding
Make the Best Choice for Your Baby
Breastfeeding is the most beautiful gift you can give your
newborn. At Touchette, our Maternity Department is dedicated to
teaching our new moms about the benefits of breastfeeding and
helping you through those difficult first days.
“There are so many myths out there that stop a mom from
breastfeeding,” said Theresa Schultz, Director of Women and
Newborn Services. “And a lack of support from friends and
family is one of the biggest barriers. At Touchette, we strive to
educate moms about breastfeeding long before delivery and
provide the continual support they need.”
Did you know Breastfeeding...
• Protects your baby – Breast milk contains the
vitamins and nutrients needed to help your baby grow
and the antibodies that fight off infection.
• Is free – With formula costing up to $1,500 a year,
breast milk is the healthier, more affordable choice.
• Reduces Illness Rates – Breastfed babies are less
likely to get sick, and mom lowers her risk of breast and
ovarian cancer.
• Helps mom lose weight – By burning off 600
calories a day, you can get back to your pre-baby weight
faster and recover from childbirth more quickly.
• Is Easier Than Formula – You can feed your baby
anytime, anywhere he needs it.
Touchette has launched a number of programs to encourage
breastfeeding, such as skin-to-skin contact in the delivery
room to stimulate bonding. In addition, two certified lactation
counselors are on staff to guide mom through those first feedings
and provide support after she goes home.
“We strive to educate moms about
breastfeeding long before delivery
and provide the continual support
they need.”
- Theresa Schultz, Dir. of Women & Newborn Services
In addition, Touchette is participating in the Breastfeeding
Community Collaborative, a partnership to build breastfeeding
awareness throughout St. Clair County. As part of the initiative,
WIC breastfeeding peer counselors are available at Touchette
every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and by phone anytime.
Said Dr. Verna Porter, “Our expanded focus is aimed at
increasing the rates of initiation and continuation of breastfeeding
to improve both immediate and long-term health for both moms
and babies in our community.”
Does your child have difficulty sitting still at the dentist?
Dental Program Ensures Children With
Special Needs Have Access to Quality Care
Seven-year-old Londen faced a number of
dental issues, including tooth abscesses,
that caused her significant pain. Because
fear and anxiety made it difficult for her to
sit still in the dentist’s chair, treatment under
sedation was the only option to provide the
relief she needed.
Londen was referred by her dentist to
the Special Needs Dental Program at
Touchette. After she was sedated, pediatric
dentist Dr. Kenneth Rawson performed
a year’s worth of dental work – including
caps, fillings and extractions – in less
than two hours, giving Londen the
healthy smile she deserved.
“Not only does she no longer have
abscesses, she has no other dental
problems,” said her grandmother. “It has
meant a big difference in her life.”
The Special Needs Dental Program,
a collaboration between Touchette,
Southern Illinois University School
of Dental Medicine (SIU/SDM), and
Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation
provides an affordable dental care option
for families with no place else to turn.
The Program serves children who have
difficulty sitting still at the dentist
because of anxiety or age as well as those
with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome,
autism, ADHD and other neurological
disorders, and genetic syndromes. It is the
only program in Illinois outside Chicago
that offers dental anesthesia for children on
Touchette dental surgeons perform
restorative care under general anesthesia.
From the treatment of cavities to tooth
extractions, each treatment plan is
customized to the patient’s physical, mental
and emotional needs.
A $500,000 grant from the Illinois
Children’s Healthcare Foundation
has enabled the program to expand its
services to treat more children than ever
before, including the opening of a second
operating room at Touchette, and SIU/
SDM has added Dr. Andrea Bell, a dental
Call Today! For more information on the Special Needs Dental
Program, please call 618.332.2740, ext. 109 or go to
Strap on Your Sneakers
to Save Lives June 13!
Register for Race for the Cure
The Susan G. Komen St. Louis Race for the Cure will again fill
the streets of St. Louis on Saturday, June 13, 2015. Walk or
run – either way, you’ll make a positive step in the fight against
breast cancer.
Since 2008, Komen St. Louis has generously supported
Touchette’s START NOW Breast Cancer Awareness Program.
START NOW Program Managers have helped more than 9,300
women in St. Clair, Madison, and Clinton Counties navigate
their healthcare options, secure transportation to and from
appointments, and locate support services. Thousands more
have been impacted through free mammograms and breast
cancer education.
Register today! Sign up for Race for the Cure today
by calling the START NOW office at 618.332.6130 and we will
make your reservations.
May 5
Donate to
on Give
Touchette is participating in Give STL Day, a 24hour online giving event organized by The Greater
Saint Louis Community Foundation.
Just visit on May 5,
search for Touchette Regional Hospital, and make
a minimum $10 donation. Your gift is completely
tax-deductible and goes direct to Touchette,
helping us make a difference in the lives of so many.
Thank you!
to keep your
Family safe this spring!
With warm weather finally here, we get in such a rush to head
outdoors we often forget to take proper safety precautions –
which can result in a trip to the ER.
Becky Schnitzius, Director, Home Care spotlights some of
the most common issues we see at Touchette and how you
can help avoid them:
Scooter, bike and skateboard injuries –
Wear comfortable and proper fitting helmets and
be sure to fasten the safety strap. Accessorize
with safety gear, such as wrist, elbow and knee
pads, and ride only during daylight hours.
Asthma or allergies – Seasonal pollens can
Poisoning – Children are drawn to brightly-
Insect bite reactions – Use insect repellent
containing DEET, citronella or soybean oil, and if
bitten, clean with soap and water and apply an
antihistamine cream. If someone has a sudden
severe reaction, such as difficulty breathing, head
to the ER.
Upcoming events
inflame airways and worsen asthma. Avoid the
outdoors between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m., take a
shower and wash your clothes after being outside,
and use air conditioning when possible. If your child
is asthmatic, make sure he has his inhaler at all
colored chemicals. Keep all yard chemicals in their
original bottles and out of kids’ reach. And keep the
Poison Control Number handy – 1.800.222.1222.
Window falls – Open windows that kids can’t
reach, and open just a few inches. Keep them
latched so if kids do come near, they can’t lift them.
Make sure the screens are intact to limit a child’s
chance of falling through.
Mark your Calendars!
Women’s Health Jam
Summer Safety Fest
Saturday, May 2, 10 am – 1 pm
Saturday, June 6, 10 am – 12 pm
Healthy Living Expo Sponsored by AgeSmart
Susan G. Komen St. Louis Race for the Cure
Edwardsville Public Library
112 S. Kansas St., Edwardsville
2510 State St., East St. Louis
As part of the event’s Food, Fitness & Freedom focus,
Touchette will offer free health screenings and information
from the START NOW Breast Cancer Awareness Program.
Southwestern Illinois College
2500 Carlyle Ave., Belleville
Get the tips you and your family need to stay safe this
summer. With free demonstrations, children’s activities and
giveaways, this is one event you won’t want to miss.
Downtown St. Louis
Friday, May 29, 8 am – 12 pm
Touchette’s Cardiopulmonary Department will provide free
oximetry screenings during the event, which also features
more than 100 exhibitors and health screenings.
Saturday, June 13, 8:30 am
Join the START NOW team to help fund support services for
women facing breast cancer and research to end this lifethreatening disease.
Bibs & Bootie Boutique Crazy Bowls Fundraiser
Church of Christ Health Day
8625 State St., East St. Louis
Saturday, May 30, 9 am – 12 pm
Stop by to take part in a day of health and fun. Touchette will
provide diabetes education, blood pressure screening and
information from START NOW.
Redbird Lanes
1801 Camp Jackson Road, Cahokia
Friday, June 19, 7 pm
Show off your bowling skills and help support the Touchette
Bibs & Bootie Boutique, which offers free baby items to
expectant and new moms.
Scan the QR code on your smartphone to like us on Facebook!