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NPS Form 10-900 (Rev 8/2002)
OMB No. 1024-0018
Dø¡ u¡d
United States Department of the lnterior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places
Registration Form
This form is for use in nominating or requesting determinations for individual properties and districts. See instructions in How to Complete the National
Register of Historic Places Registration Form (National Register Bulletin l6A). Complete each item by marking "x" in the appropriate box or by
entering the information requested. lf any item does not apply to the property being documented, enter "N/A" for "not applicable." For functions,
architectural classification, materials, and areas of significance, enter only categories and subcategories from the instructions Place additional entries
and narrative ¡tems on continuation sheets (NPS Form 1 0-900a). Use a typewriter, word processor, or computer, to complete all items.
1. Name of Property
USS Blueback (SS 581)
Other names/site number
2. Location
street & number 1495 Water Avenue located on the east bank of the Willamette River
city of town
county Multnomah
not for publication
zip code 97214-3345
3. State/Federal Aqencv Certification
request for
As the designated authority under the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended, I hereby certify that this X nomination
determination of eligibility meets the documentation standards for registering properties in the National Register of Historic Places- and meets the
meet the National
procedural and professional requirements set forth in 36 CFR Part 60. ln my opinion, the property X meets
- does( not See
continuation sheet for
Register Criteria. I recommend that this property be considered significant X nationally
I //,a r
Oreqon State Historic Preservation Office
State or Federal agency and bureau
ln my opinion, the property
_ meets
does not meet the National Register criteria.
Signature of certifying official/Title
See continuation sheet for additional comments
State or Federal agency and bureau
4. National
Park Service Certification
l, hereby, certify that this property is:
entered in the National Register
See continuation sheet
determined eligible for the National Register
See continuation sheet
determined not eligible for the National Register
removed from the National Register
other (explain:)
Signature of the Keeper
Date of Action
USS Blueback (SS 581)
Multnomah Co., OR
Name of Property
County and State
5. Classification
Ownership of
(Check as many boxes as
_ building(s)
Gategory of
Number of Resources within Property
(Check only one box)
(Do not include prev¡ously listed resources in the count.)
public - Local
public - State
public -
(Enter "N/4" if property is not part of a multiple property listing)
Number of contributing resources previously
listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
6. Function or Use
Historic Functions
Current Functions
(Enter categories from instructions)
(Enter categories from instructions)
DEFENSE: Naval Facility
7. Description
Architectural Glassif ication
(Enter categories from instructions)
(Enter categories from instructions)
other: HULL:
METAL: HY-80 Steel
Narrative Description
(Describe the historic and current condition of the property on one or more continuation sheets)
Multnomah Co., OR
USS Blueback (SS 581)
Name of Property
8. Statement
Applicable National Register Criteria
Areas of Significance
(Mark "x" in one or more boxes for the criteria qualifying the property
(Enter categories from instructions)
for National Register l¡sting)
Property is associated with events that have
made a significant contribution to the broad patterns
of our history.
Property is associated with the lives of persons
significant in our past.
Property embodies the distinctive characteristics
of a type, period, or method of construction or
represents the work of a master, or possesses high
artistic values, or represents a signifìcant
and distinguishable entity whose components lack
individual distinction.
Property has yielded, or is likely to yield,
information important in prehistory or history.
Period of Significance
Significant Dates
Griteria Considerations
(Mark "x" in all the boxes that apply)
Property is:
Significant Person
(Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
owed by a religious institution or used for
religious purposes.
removed from its original location.
a birthplace or grave.
Cultural Affiliation
a cemetery.
a reconstructed building, object, or structure.
a commemorative property.
US Navv / lnqalls Ship Building
less than 50 years old or achieving signifìcance
within the past 50 years.
CMDR. Donad Kern
Portsmouth NavalYard, Bueau of Ships
Narrative Statement of Significance
(Explain the significance of the property on one or more continuation sheets)
9. Maior B
(Cite the books, articles, and other sources used in preparing this form on one or more continuat¡on sheets)
Previous documentation on file (NPS):
determination of individual listing (36 CFR 67 has been
llsted ¡n the National Register
determined eligible by the Natlonal Register
designated a National Historic Landmark
recordedbyHistoricAmericanBuildingsSurvey#recorded by Historic American Engineering Record #
Primary location of additional data:
State Historic Preservation Office
Other State agency
Federal agency
Local government
Oreqon Musem of Science and lndustry
Name of repository:
USS Blueback (SS 581)
Multnomah Co.. OR
Name of Property
County and State
10. Geoqraphical Data
Acreage of
Less than one
UTM References
(Place additional UTM references on a continuation sheet)
1 10
Zone Easting
Zone Easting
Verbal Boundary Description
(Describe the boundaries of the property on a continuation sheet)
Boundary Justification
(Explain why the boundaries were selected on a continuation sheet)
Form Prepared By
name/title R.G. Walker, editied bv DanielAnderson Oreqon SHPO lntern
organization Oregon Museum of Science and lndustry
street & number 1495 Water Avenue
telephone (503\797-4624
city or
1 Auqust 2008
state OR
Additional Documentation
Submit the following items with the completed form:
Gontinuation Sheets
Maps: A USGS
map (7.5 or 15 minute series) indicating the property's location.
A Sketch map for historic districts and properties having large acreage or numerous resources.
Photographs: Representative black and white photographs of the property.
Additional items: (Check with the SHPO or FPO for any additional items)
Propertv Owner
Oreqon Museum of Science and lndustry
number 1495 Water Avenue
city or town Portland
street &
telephone (503) 797 -4624
code 97214-3345
Papenvork Reduction Act Statement: This information is being collected for applications to the National Register of Historic Places to nominate
properties for listing or determine eligibility for listing, to list properties, and to amend existing listings. Response to this request is required to obtain a
benefit in accordance with the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended (16 U.S.C.460 et seq.).
Estimated Burden Statement: Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average I 8.1 hours per response including time for reviewing
instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and completing and reviewing the form. Direct comments regarding this burden estimate or any aspect of
this form to the Chief, Administrative Services Division, National Park Service, PO Box 37127, Washington, DC 20013-7127: and the Office of
Management and Budget, Paperwork Reductions Project (1024-0018), Washington, DC 20503.
USS Blueback (SS 58'1)
Multnomah Co., OR
Name of Property
County and State
NPS Form 10-900-a
OMB Approval No. 1024-0018
United States Department of the lnterior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places
Gontinuat¡on Sheet
Constructed in 1959, the USS Blueback is a Barbel Class fast-attack submarine designed to dive to a depth of
over 700 feet. At the time of construction, the Blueback and her two sister ships were the most technologically
advanced submarines in the world. The design incorporated a revolutionary tear-drop hull shape that enabled
superior under-water handling with the latest control, communication, and offensive systems. At 219 feet long
and with a beam (width) of 29 feet, the Blueback displaced2,146 tons when surfaced and 2,637 tons
submerged. When the Blueback was launched in 1959 she was the last diesel-electric sub to be commissioned
by the US Navy. Of the three Barbel Class submarines, the Blueback is the only extant ship. The Blueback
was decommissioned in 1990 and acquired in 1994 bythe Oregon Museum of Science and lndustry (OMSI) in
Portland. Museum staff has carefully restored the ship to its in-service appearance, altering only what was
necessary to make the ship accessible to the public.
The USS Blueback is moored on the east bank of the Willamette River, The bow faces upstream to the south
toward the Ross lsland Bridge (OR 26). Downtown Portland is easily visible on the West side of the river to the
northwest. The Marquam Bridge (l-5) crosses the river a few hundred feet to the north of the Blueback's home
por1. The east side of the river retains an industrial feel and association despite the recent conversion of
nearby warehouses and factories to mixed-use developments.
As a ship, the Blueback retains its historic setting because it is located in an appropriate maritime environment.
Although inland, Portland is a Pacific Ocean port and the city regularly receives ocean-going commercial-ship
traffic traveling along the Columbia and Willamette Rivers. Designed to travel great distances and assigned to
various ports throughout its service career, the Blueback is not historically associated with any particular
The Blueback was ordered in 1956 by the US Navy, and her keelwas laid in 1957 by lngalls Shipbuilding
Corporation of Pascagoula, Mississippi. She was finally pommissioned 15 October 1959. The Blueback is
219ft.6in. long and has a beam (width) of 29ft. She was designed to accommodate 77 crewmembers plus
officers as her active duty crew.
The Blueback was instantly recognizable as a member of the Barbel Class when she was launched. ln 1959
the number of active duty subs built around the now familiar tear-drop shape came to a grand total of three,
Blueback and her two sister ships. The design, which now is automatically associated with the word
"submarine," was, at the time, an innovation yet to be tested in active duty. Where previous subs were similar
in shape to surface ships, with flat decks, pointed prows, and raised conning towers, the Barbel subs were
cylindrical in shape, with a rounded nose and a tapered tail. The only other submarine built with this "tear drop"
USS Blueback (SS 581)
Multnomah Co. OR
Name of Property
County and State
NPS Form 10-900-a
OMB Approval No. 1024-0018
United States Department of the lnterior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places
Gontinuat¡on Sheet
Section number
form was the test-bed submarine Albacore (AGSS-569), which pioneered the design. This submarine was
strictly for scientific research on hydrodynamics, speed, and optimal design, and was not intended for combat
Blueback and the other "B Gals" were also the first active duty submarines to be built out of high tensile HY-80
steel alloy, allowing a dive depth of over 700ft and a crush depth of over 1000ft. The ship was built with a
double hull; the inner, or "pressure hull" was what gave the sub its strength, the outer hull was designed for
maximum hydrodynamic qualities and minimize sound. The sub was equipped with one screw, or propeller,
which allowed the Blueback a maximum speed of 21 knots when submerged and 17 knots while surfaced.
While relatively devoid of features, the hull is punctuated with various fittings such as cleats, ladders, and
access hatches. Panel lines between the steel plates can be seen along the entire submarine. With the
exception of the tail and bow areas, the top surface of the ship is flattened for sailors to walk on. This area
conceals a long sonar antenna, and is surrounded by railing made of metal posts and steel cable. A distinctive
horizontal gap of about twelve inches runs several feet below the deck area. At the bow (nose), submerged
below the water, are six hatches covering the torpedo tubes, three on each side. A centered hatch at the top of
the sub on the bow can be opened to allow torpedoes to be brought into the sub. There are three other
hatches on the deck. One is at the bow, another is approximately centered in the deck above the officer's
wardroom, and the last is located closer to the stern. The Blueback's exterior is painted black, and the ship's
number and other markings are stenciled in white.
The Blueback's most notable exterior feature is the tapered vertical structure, or sail, located on the front third
of the ship's deck. The sub's dive planes (small winglets that direct the sub up or down in a dive) are mounted
on either side of the sail. Like most submarines, the sail is equipped with several different antennas of various
shapes and sizes projecting from the top of the structure, including periscopes, and a snorkel tube. From front
to back, the projections are: periscope number 1, periscope number 2, the UHF/IFF antenna, the high signal
frequency AN/BRA ll antenna, a dome shaped BRD-68 radio direction finder and electronic counter measure
antenna, a football shaped very low signalfrequency AT/317E antenna, a whip antenna, and the snorkel
induction head valve and snorkel exhaust valve. The various antennas and devices are painted black, natural
metal, or gray with black camouflage stippling. While in active service, the antenna and snorkel tube were
retracted when underwater to protect them. These devices are currently fully extended for display. An interior
port-side hatch from the main hull into the sail allows access for maintenance; however, this area is not a
habitable com partment.
Other notable exterior features are the stern planes at the extreme rear of the ship. Four stern planes extend
from the main hull, two vertical and two horizontal. The two horizontal planes have smaller rectangular sonar
domes mounted vertically at the end of each. The propeller mount is located behind the planes at the extreme
rear of the ship where the hull narrows to a cone. With the exception of the top veftical plane, the stern planes
are submerged, even when the sub is surfaced. The location of the submerged planes is marked with orange
USS Blueback (SS 581)
Multnomah Co., OR
Name of Property
County and State
NPS Form 10-900-a
OMB Approval No, 1024-0018
United States Department of the lnterior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places
Gontinuat¡on Sheet
The Blueback's interior is a Spartan, utilitarian affair, with linoleum floors, Formica paneled walls, stainless
steel fixtures, and steel bulkheads and fittings painted neutral gray throughout. lt is immediately apparent to the
visitor that every spare inch of space needs to be utilized on a submarine. Storage compartments, knobs,
levers, wires, and pipes are crammed into every available space, which is a characteristic found throughout the
ship with few exceptions. Along its length the ship is divided into three main compartments. The torpedo
compartment at the bow and this area is the largest space in the ship. The Midship compartment in the center,
and is at the widest point in the ship. This area contains the living quarters and control center. The machinery
compartment is located at the rear of the boat and includes the engines and related controls. The midship
compartment is divided into three floors, the upper two of which house the living spaces and the control center,
the bottom deck primarily houses the massive batteries, but also dry goods. The torpedo and machinery
compartments have two decks each, with the main space on the top deck and the lower deck serving as space
for additional equipment or storage. Each main compartment is divided further into more spaces that are
connected with a central hallway, just wide enough for two people to pass. Each space has a curved side wall,
as the submarine is circular in cross section. To prevent flooding in the event of an emergency, watertight
doors separate several spaces throughout the ship.
The sub is entered through an added stainruay just aft of the officer's wardroom, or mess. The wardroom
contains a u-shaped seating area that is quite similar to a corner booth at a restaurant with Formica and
stainless steel sufaces for the table and a vinyl bench seat. The area includes the pantry, a small half kitchen
about the size of a broom closet, and the executive officer's quarters. Just fore of the officer's wardroom, on
the starboard (right) side, is the yeoman's room, or ship's office, where records and the ship's typewriter are
found. Across from this space, on the port (left) side is the ship's radio room, equipped with several different
types of communications devices. This room is roughly as big as an average-sized bathroom. Moving fonruard
down a narrow hallway toward the bow is the attack center. This hallway-shaped space is crammed with
equipment used to track the speed and heading of torpedo targets and compare this information to the sub's
speed and heading. Using this information a solution can be calculated for the crewmen to know where to
"aim" their torpedo to hit the selected target. ln this area, painted bulkheads and pipes are the only finishes,
other than the linoleum floor.
Ahead of the attack center is the ship's command center. The small room is dominated by two periscopes in
the center. Since there are no windows on a sub, periscopes are how the sub observes activities on the
surface and how surface torpedo targets and hits are confirmed. Also located in the command center are the
dive controls, which are located in a long bank of switches controlling hydraulic actuators and gages, designed
to monitor and control ballast, dive angle, dive depth, and the roll of the submarine as it turns. At the bow end
of the room on the port side are the navigation controls, which look like an airplane cockpit. There are two
seats here, each equipped with its own control yoke (similar to an airplane) and a console littered with gauges,
switches, levers, and lights. lt is also in the command center where the ship's chart table is located on the port
side of the room. The whole control room is about the size of an average bedroom found at home.
Back in the hallway between the attack center and command center, a very narrow and steep set of steel stairs
leads down to the second deck. Fonryard of this stainruay is a locker used to store the ship's small arms and
ammunition for immediate use should the need arise. The torpedo room is the foremost room in the sub and is
also the largest. The room is mostly filled by the two banks of torpedo storage racks. The sub has six torpedo
Multnomah Co., OR
USS Blueback (SS 581)
Name of Property
OMB Approval No. 1024-0018
NPS Form 10-900-a
United States Department of the lnterior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places
Continuat¡on Sheet
Section number
tubes, and carries a total of 22 weapons on board. lt is capable of firing several types of torpedoes, but the
most common was the Mark 37 wire-guided torpedo. ln addition, the sub carried several shorter Mark 57
mines. The weapons are brought into the ship via a loading hatch from the top of the ship's bow. A hydraulic lift
rises from the torpedo room floor to align the weapon in one of the racks. When the tubes need to be loaded
for firing, a hydraulic rammer pushes the torpedo into position, and then pushes the weapon into the tube. Also
in this room is an escape hatch, right above the heavy watertight hatch. Should the sub be in trouble, sailors
could egress the sinking sub through this hatch.
Behind the torpedo room are the crew's head and the crew's showers. On the port side aft of the stainruell is
the ship's sonar control center. The sonar room is the sub's eyes and ears undenruater, the sensitive
equipment identified and located ships, submarines, and other obstacles. Any information gathered here was
passed up to the control room and the attack center. The sub has sonar sensors and masker emitters in
several locations. Some are located in the bow though they are covered by special bulkheads and cannot be
seen from outside the sub, and several large sensors are located in vertical additions to the horizontal planes
at the stern. Masker emitters are located all over the hull, though they also cannot be seen from the exterior.
Their job is to constantly project small amounts of white noise to distort or hide the sub's presence from enemy
Just aft of the sonar room and crew's washroom are the bunk rooms. The ship had only enough bunks for the
men to sleep in three rotating shifts. The bunks are stacked three high on both sides of the central aisle, each
bunk is just big enough for a sailor to fit into. Sailors were very limited in the amount of personal storage space,
each being given a small drawer four inches tall under the bunk for his personal possessions. Scattered
throughout the crew's living area are some larger lockers, which would also be used to stow personal
belongings. The crew quarters are vinyl floored, with light wood-pattern Formica paneling with polished steel
trim throughout.
Aft of the crew's quarters was the ship's galley, where the kitchen, frozen stores, chilled stores, and dry stores
were located and prepared. Dining facilities for20 crewmen are located in the galley, so as with sleeping, the
crew had to take their meals in shifts. The galley is one of the biggest rooms on the ship, lt is finished with vinyl
floors like the rest of the sub and painted bulkheads for walls. Fixtures throughout the room, such as the
refrigerator and pantry doors, sinks, and other appliances are made of stainless steel. The four tables in this
space have Formica tops with polished steeltrim. Bench seats are located on either side.
Aft of the galley and separated by a small watertight door is another deck hatch, and beyond this are the ship's
engines. Two of the Fairbanks-Morse diesels are on the second deck; the third is offset in the center below
them. The engines do not drive the propeller directly; rather, they generated electricity to run an electric drive
motor, which spins the propeller. Since diesel engines require air to run, when the sub is undenvater a device
called a snorkel is raised from the sail to the surface, allowing air to be brought inside the sub and exhaust
expelled. The electric motor allows the sub's diesel engines to be shut off, so the sub can run on battery
power. Electric power is the most silent way to move a sub, even more so than the more modern nuclear
powered subs since it requires no pistons or moving parts, keeps vibration to a minimum, and does not require
air to run. For those reasons, electric power was used whenever the sub was below snorkel depth or did not
want to be detected. The engine room is crowded with painted pipes and bulkheads and has a steelfloor.
USS Blueback (SS 581)
Multnomah Co., OR
Name of Property
County and State
NPS Form'10-900-a
OMB Approval No. '1024-0018
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places
Continuat¡on Sheet
The sub's engines, batteries, electric-drive motor, and drive related machinery are all controlled from the
maneuvering room, which is the room furthest aft on the second deck, right behind the diesel engines
themselves. ln this room, all the ship's power systems, engines, and generators can be monitored via a system
of gauges, or shut down in the case of an emergency. This room has wood-colored Formica-paneling with
many types of gauges and levers set into the walls. Consoles are located on the fore and aft walls, with seats
for crewmen who are monitoring the gauges. Just aft of this room is a small, narrow, steel walkway that leads
to the stern of the sub where crewmen could perform maintenance on the shaft.
The massive batteries are located on and fill nearly the whole of the third deck. The sub has two batteries;
each one has 252 cells rated at 500 volts. The batteries give the sub a submerged endurance of over 100
hours at three knots, or 30 minutes at full speed. After the sub has reached its battery limit, the batteries need
to be recharged, which is accomplished by running the diesel engines while snorkeling undenruater or at the
surface for several hours. The battery rooms are lined with rubber to keep corrosive battery acid from
damaging bulkheads. ln addition, the rooms are watertight in order to keep seawater from getting into the
batteries in case of an emergency.
During its service history the USS Blueback was modified by the US Navy to incorporate the latest
technologies; however, these modifications do not negatively impact the vehicle's character-defining features
or significance. The only notable modification is the relocation of the dive planes from the vessel's bow to the
conning tower in 1964.
The Blueback is currently maintained as a museum ship by OMSI. Generally, any changes made to the
Blueback were done to facilitate the safety of visitors to the ship. To that end, an entry hatch has been added
to the pod, or left side of the hull, roughly center - it opens directly aft of the officer's wardroom. This entry
hatch has a double hatch, with a covered porch and a railing on the stairs. To keep the sub from drifting and to
compensate for the changing levels of water in the Willamette River, two large mooring brackets were welded
to the port side of the hull, which are connected to the pilings on the dock, allowing the sub to rise and fall as
the water level changes. ln addition, the Blueback's massive five-blade brass propeller was removed, and is
now set up as a memorial right outside the museum's main building on the walkway that leads down to the
dock. The propeller is not included as part of this nomination.
To prevent water and debris from seeping into the sub, openings such as ballast tanks and the six torpedo
tubes, which will not be used by a museum ship, have been welded closed. Other minor modifications involve
the removal of classified or sensitive equipment by the Navy, such as one of the periscopes. Replacement
parts, however, have been used wherever possible, as is the case with the two periscopes. Several Plexiglas
panels have been installed in various places in the ship. ln the engine room, for example, Plexiglas panels
have been added to one engine to show its inner workings to visitors. Usually, these panels take the place of
an existing solid metal access panel, and are there to show what is behind without having to open the panel.
Multnomah Co., OR
USS Blueback (SS 581)
NPS Form
OMB Approval No. 1024-0018
United States Department of the lnterior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places
Continuat¡on Sheet
Aside from these minor modifications, the Blueback's appearance is identical to what it was during its service
and retains a very high degree of physical integrity throughout. ln keeping with its current use as a museum
ship, guided tours are offered several times a day. OMSI's goal is to keep the submarine as authentic as
possible to give visitors the best presentation of life on a submarine. As such, the sub is meticulously
maintained so that everyone, young and old, can see a Cold War submarine "in action."
USS Blueback (SS 581)
Multnomah Co., OR
Name of Property
County and State
NPS Form 10-900-a
OMB Approval No. 1024-0018
United States DepaÉment of the lnterior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places
Continuat¡on Sheet
number 8
Commissioned in 1959, the USS Blueback (SS-581) is nationally significant under Criterion "C" in the area of
Engineering as the last surviving example of a Barbel Class submarine. The period of significance is the year
that the Blueback was completed and launched. Only consisting of three ships, the Barbell class combined
proven WWll-era diesel-electric motor technology with a revolutionary tear-drop hull shape, high-strength steel,
and other improvements that were incorporated into later submarine designs. The technological advance was
driven by the transition in submarine warfare from the older Fleet Boat system to the modern nuclear-powered
vessels of the Cold War. However, the Blueback and her sister ships were a transitional design. After
independently studying nuclear power in the Nautilus test ship and the tear-drop hull shape with the Albacore
test submarine and the active-duty Barbell Class, these technologies were combined to create the modern
nuclear submarines used by the U.S. Navy from the Cold War to the present. As the last diesel-electric
submarine to join the US Navy and the last to be decommissioned, the Blueback represents an important
transition in maritime technology and navel warfare.
The ability of the submarine to approach and destroy enemy vessels in complete secrecy has captivated naval
commanders for centuries. Legend has it that Alexander the Great descended beneath the waves near the city
of Tyre in a primitive diving bell in 332 B.C. A design in a sketch book by Leonardo da Vinci represents a
submersible covered in goatskins. A design by an Englishman in the late 1500s included the concept of a
double hull and trim and ballast systems, but was never built. lt was the United States that made the first
military submarine . ln 1776, a Yale University student named David Bushnell designed and built an eggshaped submarine called the Turtle. The small vessel came equipped with a hand powered screw, a drill bit,
and a waterproof time-bomb that could be attached using the drill bit. On 6 September 1776, Sergeant Ezra
Lee of the Continental Army used the Turlle to make an abortive attack on the HMS Eagle. Though no damage
was done, and no one was hurt, it was a promising start for military submarines. The first successful use of
submarine in combat occurred eighty years later when the Confederate submarine H. L. Hunley attacked and
sunk the USS Housatonic during the Civil War.1
Military submarines became important weapons in WWI with the German development of the dreaded
Unterseeboot fleet, commonly called U-boats. Drastic improvements in submarine construction were made just
prior to WWl, such as improved diesel engines, better periscopes and torpedoes, and wireless systems. These
new technologies allowed the subs to operate far from home base and to be more lethal and secretive than
ever. The U-boats wreaked havoc upon the merchant fleets of the North Atlantic, almost completely cutting
England off from its allies. ln one well-known incident, the elderly U-9 sank three British cruisers and inflicted
over 1,400 casualties. Clearly, submarines were the key to owning the seas. Upon entering the war, the United
States began turning out subs as fast as possible, and continued to do so on through WWll.2
lTom Clancy Submaine: A Guided Tour lnside a Nuclear Warship (New York: Berkley Books, 1993).
'Clancy, Submarine.
USS Blueback (SS 581)
Multnomah Co., OR
Name of Property
County and State
NPS Form 10-900-a
OMB Approval No. '1024-0018
United States Department of the lnterior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places
Continuat¡on Sheet
Section number
The purpose of a submarine during WWI and WWll was simply to sink other ships. These "Fleet Boats" worked
in concert with the surface fleet to track down and eliminate threats, often well into enemy controlled seas.
Fleet boats, aesthetically, are little different from their surface counterparts - they had a flat deck, a pointed
prow or nose, a conning tower, and surface armament in the form of several anti-aircraft machine guns and a
larger deck gun for use against lightly-armored surface vessels. The batteries of these older subs did not store
enough electricity to allow the ship to stay under for very long. Because of this, the ships were designed for
maximum sudace handling characteristics, where they spent the majority of their time. These early submarines
only submerged to escape detection. The U.S. Balao class, for instance, had a battery endurance of 48 hours
at a meager two knots an hour. Battery power was drained more quickly if the sub tried to travel faster. On the
surface the fleet boats kept up with surface ships, maintaining a speed of about 21 knots. When submerged,
most fleet boats could only dive to a maximum of around 400 feet. This is shallow compared to modern subs,
which can dive nearly twice that depth.3
The American submarines in \ A/Vll included three separate types or classes, Gato, Balao, and the later Tench,
which were all virtually identical. 311 feet long with a beam of 27 feel, these fleet ships were made to knife
through the water on the surface. Gato and Balao were heavily armed with ten torpedo tubes, six fon¡vard, four
aft. They carried a large store of torpedoes, but were also armed with more conventional weapons as well.
Balao, the most numerous class of American fleet subs, was armed with a forward facing five-inch deck gun,
and four machine guns, which was a typical arrangement at the time. Each sub carried a limited store of
torpedoes, no matter how long their patrol might be. Often commanders would opt to.save a torpedo and sink a
stricken enemy vessel with surface weapons, unless the target was heavily armored.a
When WWll ended, the United States found itself in an ideological, and sometimes armed, conflict with the
USSR. While open warfare was limited, the conflict largely polarized the world into pro-US or pro-Soviet
governments. ln contested nations, proxy wars between the two combatants and their allies raged, sometimes
for years or decades.s
Although open conflict between the US and the USSR was largely avoided, both nations sought to intimidate '
the other by the size and potency of their forces and by developing new weapons. During this period, military
technology saw a rapid burst of growth as the US and the USSR tried to achieve an advantage, and naval
forces were no exception. Up to \l/Wll, the pinnacle of surface fleet development was the battleship - a literal
floating fortress. During WWll, it was shown that carrier-borne aircraft could sink any surface ship. The aircraft
carrier's ability to locate and destroy enemy vessels from hundreds of miles away led to major changes in
navel warfare after WWll, including the use of submarines. Because of airplanes, subs could no longer remain
on the surface for long, if at all. Radar and enemy spy planes made the ships far too vulnerable on the
surface.o ln addition, because of the advances in submarine detection technology and surface ship weapons,
Cold War subs could not fire torpedoes without being quickly detected by the enemy and destroyed. However,
t John L. Pimlott, editor, Ihe Woñd at Arms: The Readels Digesf tllustrated History of lVWll(New York: The Reader's Digest
Association, Ltd., 1989), 58.
William T. Allison, Jeffrey Grey, and Janet G, Valentine, Ameican Military History: A Suruey From Colonial Times to the
Present (New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007), 305.
Pimlott, 62.
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because submarines were hard to detect under the surface, these ships could still be called upon for missions
that required secrecy, such as intelligence gathering missions or coved operations.
An effective way at improving technology quickly is to reverse engineer a superior machine. ln \ÂAffll, the US
captured several German U-Boats, which were widely held to be the best submarines in the world at the time.
By reverse engineering these captured subs, American scientists hoped to determine how to best improve
American ships. What they found led to the creation of four goals for American submarine development:
increased battery capacity, more streamlined hulls, snorkel systems, and improved fire control systems. With
these goals in mind, the American Navy began the GUPPY (Greater Undenruater Propulsion Power) program,
which simply took WWll subs and retrofitted them to be more effective. Surface weapons were removed
because they were no longer needed and only increased drag on the submarine when submerged. The
conning tower became much less boxy and more streamlined. Snorkels, or long tubes that can be extended to
let air into the sub, allowed the subs to run under diesel power even while under the surface.' From these
GUPPY boats came the Tang Class of submarines. Purpose built with the GUPPY improvements, these subs
were the pinnacle of submarine technology when they were revealed in 1947 . Though they were the most
advanced subs in the world, they still had flat decks and tall conning towers. They were also slow, managing
top speeds of only 15 knots atthe surface and 18 knots submerged.s
Though the Tang Class represented the best technology of the time, the Navy still sought to improve these
designs. One field of research was nuclear technology, which would allow a submarine to stay submerged for
long periods of time. The Navywas also interested in improving handling and performance.'lnstead of
pursuing both nuclear power and improved peformance in a single design, the Navy developed each concept
separately using non-combat concept submarines constructed solely to test new designs and technologies.
The improvements developed from these ships were incorporated into combat vessels.
Launched 5 December 1953, the Albacore (AGSS-569) was designed to test hydrodynamics, noise reduction,
and generally to make improvements wherever possible. Albacore was the first sub in the world to be built with
the now familiar "tear drop" -shaped hull. Previous sub types had flat decks and pointed prows to maximize
speed and maneuverability on the surface. ln contrast, the Albacore was a cylinder with a rounded nose and a
tapering tail that allowed it to move more easily while submerged. The new hull shape increased the speed of
the ship under the surface dramatically. lt was so quick and so maneuverable that when submerged that
sailors dubbed its movements "hydrobatics." The Albacore was also the first to pioneer the aircraft controls that
all subsequent subs would use. ln place of the hand-cranks and -wheels used by previous classes of ship, a
simple yoke and pedals would do. The Albacore was at the fore of a new trend in submarine development that
emphaéized hydrodynamics and undenruater efficiency over sudace performance.to The Barbel class was
developed directly from the tests conducted on the Albacore. The contract to build the first ship of the class,
Gary E. \Neir, Forged ln War: The Navat-tndustrial Complex and American Submarine Construction, 1940-1961Washington:
Naval Historical Center, Department of the Navy, 1993),112.
uweir, 1'ls.
rbid, 140.
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the USS Barbel (SS-580) was awarded to Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, Maine on24 August 1955 and
her keel was laid down on 18 May 1956.
At the same time tests were conducted on the Albacore, the Navy introduced the USS Nautilus (SSN-571) as a
test bed for nuclear power plants. Funded by Congress in 1951 , the experimental Nautilus was finally launched
21 January 1954. Where Albacore researched hull design, Nautilus was intended to test power plants and
engine endurance. Nautilus looked quite similar to a Tang Class submarine, yet internally was very different.
Diesel engines existed solely as backups should the new nuclear generator stop working. The Navy quickly
realized that nuclear power submarines were limited in range only by the amount of food that could be stored
for the sailors. Nuclear generators require no oxygen, so the sub never has to surface or snorkel. They require
no refueling, so the sub is not limited in the distance it can travelfrom port. Since Nautilus had no need for
oxygen, she became the first sub to travel all the way under the polar ice cap, from the Bering Strait to the
Greenland Sea. From the new propulsion technology developed with Nautilus came the next class of subs.
The Skate Class was the first full class of submarines to be nuclear powered. They were developed directly
from the Nautilus, but, like Nautilus, they were not built with the hull design pioneered by Albacore. They were
still constructed much like the GUPPY and Tang subs: flat decked with a tall sail.11
The first class of submarines to put the two differing directions of development together was the Skipjack class.
Skipjack had the nuclear reactors from Nautilus, and the hull form and maneuverability advancements from the
USS Albacore and the Barbel Class. Production of the Skipjack boats was rushed. Funding was approved in
fiscal year 1956 and the first ship of the Skipjack class, the Skipjack, received its commission three years later
on 15 Apr 1959. Beginning with the Skipjack, all subsequçnt submarines utilized the tear-drop shape and
nuclear power among other innovations. Both the Albacore and Nautilus continued in service as test vessels
for new technologies. The Albacore was decommissioned in 1972 and in 1985 was taken out of the water and
set on a concrete pedestal in Albacore Park in Portsmouth Virginia. Decommissioned 1980, the Nautilus was
listed as a National Historic Landmark in 1982. ln 1985 it became part of the permanent collection at the US
Navy Submarine Force Museum in Groton Connecticut.l2
The first class of subs to employ the improvements pioneered by the Albacore was the Barbel class. The first
ship of the class, The Barbel (SS 580) was launched in July 1958 and commissioned six months later on l7
January 1959. Though nuclear power plants were used in mid-1950s in the Nautilus and later in the Skate
Class, the Blueback and the other Barbels would be diesel-electric. Diesel-electric subs under battery power
were, and are to this day, quieter than nuclear ships. Though nuclear subs never have to surface, their
reactors cannot be shut down, and the pumps that circulate coolant must be running constantly. Electricity, on
the other hand, requires no pumps, no engines, no reactors, and very few moving parts, so the amount of
noise they make is minimal and renders them nearly invisible to sonar when under battery power. At the time
ttclancy, Submarine.
t' US Navy Submarine Force
Museum, "History of USS Nautilus (SSN 571), http://www.ussnautilus.org/history.html>
(accessed 15 July 2008); Albacore Park Association, "Albacore Park," http://www.ussalbacore.org/html/albacore-park.html (accessed
15 July 2008)
USS Blueback (SS 581)
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the three Barbel Class submarines were ordered in 1955, diesel-electric motor technology was proven.
However, the Navy's changing priorities favored the fuel conservation and range advantages of nuclear
submarines over the stealth of diesel subs. Although only three of the Barbel Class subs were constructed, the
class represents the pinnacle of diesel-electric technology. These were the first active duty submarine to
include many of the advances in submarine design pioneered by the Albacore.
The Barbels were, at the time of their launch, arguably the world's best submarines. Though not nuclear
powered, the Barbels excelled at secrecy. At 21 knots submerged, they were faster than any other US
submarine except the Albacore. Their hulls were far more hydrodynamic than any other sub in the world at the
time - lending much greater maneuverability and noise reduction when submerged. Their internal electronics
were better than any other active duty US submarine - airplane controls in the command center like in
Albacore, push button ballast and dive controls, and advanced BQS 4 aclivelpassive Sonar equipment in the
nose. They were the first active duty subs to be constructed of HY-80 steel, which was stronger than previous
types and allowed for much deeper dive depths. All subsequent submarine types in the US would be built of
HY-80 steel. The Barbels were also among the most silent submarines in the world at the time. Masker
emitters placed in the hull covered the sub with a small amount of white noise to distort the sub's shape to
sonar, and the single propeller had been manufactured with extreme precision, to ensure it cut through the
water as quietly as possible.l3
Compared to any other active duty submarine in the world at the time of their launch, the Blueback and the
other Barbels had a truly distinctive appearance. The cylindrical hullwith rounded nose and tapered tail
differed so drastically from any other class of submarine in service at the time, and marked the Blueback as a
product of the hydrodynamic research conducted by Albacore. Like the Albacore and other Barbels, Blueback
originally had her diving planes mounted to the sides of her nose, which was the typical arrangement for all
previous submarine types. The dive planes are winglets that are designed to help point the nose of the sub
down in a dive, and up in a surfacing maneuver. While the boat is on the sudace, the planes rotate and fold up
hydraulically, so they are held vertically to keep out of the way. However, it was quickly realized that this
arrangement was only effective at low speeds, and that on a high-speed ship such as the Blueback the dive
planes were less effective in steering the ship and increased drag. The dive planes were relocated in 1964 to
their current position on the sail, where they are permanently held horizontally.'o The change was
subsequently mirrored in the design of other submarine types.
The Barbel's had other improvements as well. Submarines before the Albacore and the Barbels had a "conning
tower" rather than a sail. The tower on the hull had a pressurized room in it that housed the periscopes and
other equipment. ln these subs, sailors would have to climb up into the tower to use the periscopes, and would
have to relay what they saw down to the command center. ln the Barbels, the conning tower was eliminated.
The tower like projection on top of the hull simply stored the antennas, periscopes, and snorkel tubes, with no
room for sailors. All functions of the conning tower were relocated to the command center, eliminating the need
for a separate room and the chance of miscommunication. All subsequent suþ designs would follow the
Barbels in doing away with the conning tower. Other changes were made in the ship's systems. Like the other
Norman Friedman, lJ.S. Submarines Srnce 1945 (Annapolis, Maryland: Naval lnstitute Press, 1994), 33.
Friedman, 57.
USS Blueback (SS 581)
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number 8
Barbel-class submarines, the ships command center was one of the most advanced found in any submarine at
that time. The most advanced control, communication, and weapons systems of the time could be found on
The third and last of its class, the USS Blueback was launched from lngalls Shipbuilding Corporation in
Pascagoula, Mississippi on 16 May 1959. lngalls had never built a submarine before - in fact, no shipyard in
the entire southern United States had built a submarine since the early attempts during the Civil War. She was
compact, as submarines go, at219 feet, 6 inches long and 29 feet across. At the launch, Rear Admiral L. R.
Daspit, Director of Undersea Warfare Division of the Navy remarked on the "ideal tear-drop" hull design, noting
that "Blueback will have great speed and maneuverability." He continued, this "ship has the latest and best
electronic equipment yet designed, Blueback will be well equipped to act as a killer submarine on an
antisubmarine patrol, to act as a mine-layer, to perform reconnaissance missions, or.to do other military
missions whiclr reqrire surprise, stealth, or undetected operations for their success."15 lt was also noted at the
time that the Blueback would be the last diesel submarine.tu After being commissioned on 15 October 1959,
the ship went through a short "fitting out" period of arming and crewing before heading out in 1960 to her new
home in San Diego, California. There, she performed acceptance trials and training runs, before relocating to
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. ln 1965, she was deployed to assist American operations in Vietnam. Blueback spent
the next decade patrolling the Pacific and running "special assignments" in the Far East. For her service,
Blueback was awarded two battle stars for particþatìng in highþrofile engagements during Vietnam.lT
Unfortunately, much of Blueback's operational history is as yet still classified; however, her superior
engineering allowed the crew to complete a wide variety of reconnaissance and covert operations, just as she
was deigned to.
Compared to her nuclear contemporaries, Blueback and here sister ships were silent, efficient, and above all
reliable.ls Blueback's engines were far simpler than a nuclear submarine's, and were far less prone to having
engineering problems. The Blueback crew, to highlight that difference, created the Diesel Boats Forever (DBF)
pin, which quickly became very popular. Submariners on diesel boats would wear a DBF pin as a mark of pride
- the pin was equipped with slots for stars that could be added for each time the diesel boat was called on to
"rescue" a nuclear sub that had broken down, a smug way of humbling their compatriots aboard nuclear
Although only containing three ships, the Submarines of the Barbel Class enjoyed long service histories.
Barbel (SS-580), built by Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, Maine and commissioned in 1958, was
decommissioned in 1g89, partially scrapped in the 1990s and finally sunk as a target ship in 2OO1 . Her hulk lies
lngalls Shipbuilding Corporation, "Blueback is Commissioned," /ngal/s News, Pascagoula, Ml. 20 October 1959. USS
Blueback Collection, Oregon Museum of Science and lndustry, Portland, OR.
tu "Navy
Launchãs Last of Conventional-Type Subs at Yard in Pascagoula." Undated un-attributed newspaper clipping. USS
Blueback Collection, Oregon Museum of Science and lndustry, Portland, OR.
Department oithe Navy, Naval Historical Center, "Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, Blueback ll,"
http://www.history.navy.mil/danfs/b7lblueback-ii.htm (accessed January 30, 2008).
Friedman, 50.
tt pat¡ck Meagher, "The DBF Pin," Submarine Sailor, http://www.submarinesailor.com/history/dbfpin/dbfpin.asp (accessed
January 31, 2008).
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off the California coast under 3,600 feet of water. Bonefish (SS-582), built by New York Shipbuilding
Corporation of Camden, New Jersey, was commissioned in July 1959. Her career was cut short in 1988 by a
fire in the battery compartments that gutted the submarine, and killed three sailors. The damage was so
extensive that the sub had to be deactivated and decommissioned. Later in 1988, the sub was scrapped in its
entirety. Blueback was the last diesel-electric submarine to join the US Navy, and was also the last to leave.
She was decommissioned 1 October 1990, and laid up in the Pacific Reserve Fleet in Bremedon, Washington.
Her name was struck from the Naval Register 30 October 1990 after more than 30 years of service.2O
ln February 1994, the Oregon Museum of Science and lndustry (OMSI) purchased the dilapidated Blueback
and towed it to its current berth on the Willamette River in Poftland. When OMSI acquired the sub, it could
safely be called a "floating pile of junk." Rust and grime covered the majority of the hull, and the interior spaces
were little better; after 30 years of nearly constant use, followed by a several year long period of disuse, the
interior needed a good scrubbing. Bulkheads were removèd, cleaned, and painted. The outer hull needed
repairs, a good stiff cleaning to remove the rust, and a fresh coat of black paint. Currently, OMSI maintains the
Blueback as a museum ship, in such a condition that future submariners and "old salts" alike can experience a
little piece of life on a military sub.
The pivotal importance of the Cold War and the involvement of the U.S. Armed forces in this global conflict is
already well-recognized by historians. Although not yet 50 years old, the Blueback tells an important piece of
this stõry: How the US Navy developed and fielded new weapons in response to the changing realities of naval
warefare. The Blueback is the sole physical example of how this transition affected the design of submarines
after the loss of the two other sister ships decades ago. Although comparable in design, the USS Albacore, the
test-ship that pioneered the concepts used on the Blueback, never was intended for active combat and has lost
its integrity of setting. Because of the importance of the history and engineering that this resource represents
and its uniqueness, the Blueback meets the requirements under Criteria Consideration G.
ln the case of a vehicle, such as a ship, Criterion B does not apply because it is inherent in the design and
intent of a vehicle that it move from place to place. The Blueback maintains its historic setting because it is
located in an appropriate marine setting on the Willamette River'
During the Cold War the changing nature of navel warfare forced the development of faster, quieter, and more
technólogically advanced submarines. The USS Blueback represents the development of key technologies
during this period. For its time, the Blueback's hull was the most advanced design of any submarine in the
world when she was launched. This tear-drop design quickly became the standard hullform for all subsequent
submarines, both domestic and foreign. The hull design also pioneered the use of the "sail" over a traditional
conning tower. Other important technologies were developed on Blueback and her sister ships as well, such as
Collection, Oregon Museum of
'o LT Susan Haeg, Department of the Navy notice of Decommissioning and Release. Blueback
Science and lndustry, Portland, OR.
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push button ballast and dive controls, flight-yolk steering, and modern communication and weapons systems.
At the same time, the Blueback and her sister ships are unique in that they were built as diesel-electric
submarines during a time when the US Navy decided that it would be an "all nuclear" navy. The decision
meant that the Barbels served as some of the last diesel-electric subs in a navy of nuclear boats. Blueback
herself was in service after some of her newer successors had already been decommissioned. As the only
remaining ship of her class and as a physical link to the development of navel technology in the Cold War the
USS Blueback is eligible for the National Register under Criterion C in the area of Engineering.
Multnomah Co.. OR
USS Blueback (SS 581)
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OMB Approval No. 1024-0018
United States Department of the lnterior
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National Register of Historic Places
Continuat¡on Sheet
Bibliographical Note: This nomination to the National Register of Historic Places makes extensive use of the
archivãl materials located at the Oregon Museum of Science and lndustry (OMSI), located in Poftland OR.
These documents include technical manuals, correspondence, photographs, and drawings. Materials from this
source are noted as the "USS Blueback Collection."
Albacore Park Association. "Albacore Park." http://www.ussalbacore.org/html/albacore-park.html. Accessed 15
July 2008.
Allison, William T., Jeffrey Grey, and Janet G. Valentine. American Military History: A Survey From Colonial
Times to the Present. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.
Clancy, Tom. Suöm arine: A Guided Tour lnside a Nuclear Warship. New York: Berkley Books, 1993.
Departmentof the Navy, Naval Historical Center. "Dictionaryof American Naval Fighting Ships, Blueback ll."
http: //www. h istory. navy, m l/danfs lb7 lblueback-i i, htm. Accessed 30 Jan uary 2008.
Friedman, Norman. U.S. Submarines Srnce 19451. Annapolis, Maryland: Naval lnstitute Press, 1994.
Meagher, Patrick. "The DBF Pin." submarine Sailor. http://www.submarinesailor.com/history/dbfpin/dbfpin.asp.
Accessed 31 January 2008.
Pimlott, John L, editor, The World at Arms: The Readers Digesf lllustrated History of lAtWll. New York: The
Reader's Digest Association, Ltd., 1989.
US Navy Submarine Force Museum. "History of USS Nautilus (SSN 571)''
http://www.ussnautilus.org/history.html. Accessed 1 5 July 2008.
Weir, Gary E. Forged ln War: The Naval-lndustrial Complex and American Submarine Construction, 19401961. Washington: Naval Historical Center, Department of the Navy, 1993.
Multnomah Co., OR
USS Blueback (SS 581)
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United States Department of the lnterior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places
Continuat¡on Sheet
10 Page
All that area contained within extreme length and breadth of the vessel. The propeller, which is located on
shore east of the Blueback, is not included in this National Register nomination.
The boundary includes the entire volume of the vessel as she floats at her berth.
USS Blueback (SS 581)
Multnomah Co., OR
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United States Department of the lnterior
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National Register of Historic Places
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Section number
Paper and Ink:
Location of
USS Blueback
1495 Water Avenue, on the east bank of the Willamette River
Portland, OR 97 21 4-3345
DanielAnderson, Oregon SHPO lntern; Cara Kaser, OR SHPO Staff
14 February 2008
lmages printed with Epson UltraChrome pigmented ink on Epson Premium
Glossy paper
Oregon SHPO Office, 725 Summer St NE, Salem OR 97301
2 of 10:
3 of 10:
4 of 1O
Exterior View: Port and aft views, looking southwest
6 of 10:
7 of 10:
I of 10:
9 of 10:
10 of 10:
lnterior View: Second deck corridor through center of ship, looking north
1 of
5 of
Exterior View: Port side, looking west
Exterior View: Port and bow views, looking northwest
lnterior View: Command Center - dive controls to the left and steering consoles directly
ahead, port side, looking south
lnterior View: Torpedo room, forward compartment of ship, looking south
lnterior View: Crew Quarters, starboard side, looking north
lnterior View: Ship's Galley, port side, looking southeast
lnteriorView: Engine Room, starboard side, looking north
lnterior View: Propulsion Control Space, starboard side, looking west
USS Blueback (SS 581)
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Photo 2
USS Blueback (SS 581)
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Photo 3
Photo 4
USS Blueback (SS 581)
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Photographs Page
Photo 5
Photo 6
USS Blueback (SS 581)
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Photo 7
Photo 8
USS Blueback (SS 581)
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Photograohs Page
Photo 9
USS Blueback (SS 581)
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Continuat¡on Sheet
Section number Supplementary
Documentation Page
GeneralArea Map. Location of USS Blueback marked with arrow
USS Blueback at her dock, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR, Looking east.
USS Blueback (SS 581)
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OMB Approval No. 1024-0018
United States Department of the lnterior
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Section number Suoolementary
Documentation Page
USS Blueback, major compartments
39 !. s. !e¡-9P
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USS Blueback (SS 581), Multnomah Go., OR
Supplementary Documentation, Page 3
HullStructure Diagram
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USS Blueback (SS 581), Multnomah Co., OR
Supplementary Documentation, page 4
Compartmentation Diagram
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Multnomah Co., OR
ntation, page 5
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USS Blueback (SS 581), Multnomah Co., OR
Supplementary Documentation, Page 6
Propulsion Gontrol Space and
Control Center Diagram
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D¡3clt^¡cE GtcE
USS Blueback (SS 581)
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OMB Approval No. 1024-0018
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National Register of Historic Places
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Section number Supplementary
Documentation Page
Crew in Galley of USS Blueback, unattributed, no date. USS Blueback Collection
USS Blueback in port, thought to be Pearl Harbor, Billy Sparks, no date. USS Blueback Collection
USS Blueback (SS 581)
Multnomah Co., OR
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Section number Supplementarv
Documentation Page
USS Blueback shortly after purchase by OMSI, undergoing restoration,
view of port side aft, unattributed, no date. USS Blueback Collection