Raven-M_Installation_Guide-RevA2 - DOG-Sec


Raven-M_Installation_Guide-RevA2 - DOG-Sec
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Authorized Customer Use
Legal Information
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic and mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written
permission of Mango DSP Ltd.
Copyright © 2008 Mango DSP Ltd. All rights reserved.
Mango DSP Ltd. reserves the right to make changes in specifications at any time without
notice. The information furnished by Mango DSP in this material is believed to be
accurate and reliable. However, Mango DSP assumes no responsibility for its use.
Mango DSP is a trademark and “Processing the Digital Vision” is a service mark of Mango
DSP Ltd.
ObjectVideo is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as a
trademarks/service mark of ObjectVideo, Inc.
ObjectVideo OnBoard (with and without logo design) is a trademark/service mark of
ObjectVideo, Inc.
Windows, the Windows logo, Windows 98/2000/Millenium/XP/Vista, and Windows NT,
are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United
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Apple, the Apple logo, and QuickTime are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.,
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Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their
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Java is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Contact Information
Mango DSP
Har Hotzvim Industrial Park
P.O. Box 45116
Jerusalem, 91450 Israel
83 East Ave
Norwalk, CT. 06851 USA
111 North Market Street
Suite 810
San Jose, CA 95113 USAl
[email protected]
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Detailed Revision History
Ira Kravitz, Gilad Taub
Ira Kravitz, Gilad Taub
Release with IVS 3.0
Ira Kravitz
Edit Chapter 4
Part Number 385-00091-002 Raven-M Installation Guide
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................ 4
LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................... 5
LIST OF TABLES...................................................................................................... 6
WEEE DISPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS ......................................................................... 7
ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT ....................................................................................... 8
INTRODUCTION........................................................................... 8
PACKAGE CONTENTS ............................................................................................ 9
HARDWARE DESCRIPTION...................................................... 10
CONNECTING THE CABLES .................................................... 12
PRELIMINARY SETTINGS......................................................... 14
Hardware Setup..................................................................................................................................................14
Network Setup ....................................................................................................................................................14
Running HyperTerminal ...................................................................................................................................29
Configuring the Board .......................................................................................................................................32
RAVEN-M I/O.............................................................................. 40
RS232/RS422/RS485 Connector........................................................................................................................40
Terminal Block Connector ................................................................................................................................41
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
List of Figures
Figure 1: Raven-M Chassis Front Panel
Figure 2: Raven-M Chassis Rear Panel
Figure 3: Raven-M Front Panel Connectors
Figure 4: Raven-M Rear Panel Connectors
Figure 5: Local Area Network Setup
Figure 6: TCP/IP Properties
Figure 7: IP Address
Figure 8: Accessing the Board
Figure 9: NetBoardDiscovery Utility Screen Capture
Figure 10: The IVS 3.0 Software Web Browser
Figure 11: Insert User Password
Figure 12: Change User Password
Figure 13: Network Settings Setup
Figure 14: New IP Address
Figure 15: Reset Prompt
Figure 16: System Reset
Figure 17: Ping the Raven-M Board with new IP Address
Figure 18: Netboard Discovery with New IP Address
Figure 19: Flash Update Page
Figure 20: Shutdown Prompt
Figure 21: Shutdown Message
Figure 22: Running HyperTerminal
Figure 23: HyperTerminal New Connection
Figure 24: HyperTerminal Connect To
Figure 25: HyperTerminal COM1 Properties
Figure 26: HyperTerminal Console
Figure 27: Mango DSP Bootloader Screen
Figure 28: System Console - IP Configuration Screen
Figure 29: Serial Port - Set Diagnostics
Figure 30: Serial Port - Reset CPU
Figure 31: Serial Port - Diagnostic Mode
Figure 32: Failsafe Flashburn – DSP Flash Utility
Figure 33: Serial Port - Firmware Update
Figure 34: HyperTerminal’s Ymodem Transfer Protocol
Figure 35: Serial Port - Repair Filesystem
Figure 36: Serial Port - Memory Tests
Figure 37: Serial Port - Baud Rate
Figure 38: Serial Port - Password Access
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
List of Tables
Table 1: Summary of Menu Options................................................................................... 24
Table 2: RS232/RS422/RS485 Connector........................................................................... 40
Table 3: Terminal Block Connector Pinout ....................................................................... 41
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
WEEE Disposal Instructions
Do not dispose this device together with unsorted household waste. Improper disposal
may be harmful to the environment and human health. Please refer to your local waste
authority for information on return and collection systems in your area.
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
About this Document
This document contains installation instructions for installing a Raven-M Video Server on
your network.
Chapter 1:
The Raven-M is a standalone DSP based multimedia server supplying compressed video
and audio streams over a TCP/IP network via standard RTP/RTSP streaming protocols.
In addition, nodes supporting video and audio output may also act as clients, receiving
streams from other nodes on the network and playing them to the local outputs.
For streaming video and running the Object Video OnBoard video analysis software, the
Mango IVS 3.0 application is used.
The Raven-M uses one TI DM642 DSP as one network node for two analog video inputs,
one video output, one stereo audio input, and one stereo audio output.
Follow the steps outlined in this document for a successful installation of the Raven-M on
you Local Area Network (LAN).
1. Check the package contents
2. Connect the video camera to the Raven-M server
3. Connect the Raven-M to the network
4. Setup the network
5. Connect the external power supply
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Package Contents
The package contains the following:
Raven-M Video server
DC Power Supply
Terminal block connector
Product CD including Installation Guide and Users Manual
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Chapter 2:
Hardware Description
Front Panel
Figure 1: Raven-M Chassis Front Panel
Indicators: The four LED indicators on the front panel are status LED’s as defined
LED 1 = Video Input 1
LED 2 = Video Input 2
LED 3 = Not Used
LED 4 = Not Used
Video Inputs: The Raven-M allows two separate analog video inputs. Video is
connected using a 75 ohm coax cable to the two BNC video input connectors on the front
Video Output: The Raven-M allows one analog video output. The video is connected
via a 75 ohm coax cable to the BNC video output connector on the front panel.
Audio Input: The Raven-M Board receives one stereo audio input channels on a 3.5 mm
stereo connector.
Audio Output: The Raven-M Board transmits one stereo channel on a 3.5 mm stereo
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Hardware Description
Rear Panel
Figure 2: Raven-M Chassis Rear Panel
Serial Ports: The Raven-M has one serial DB-9 connector, which contains an RS232 and
an RS485/RS422 interface. Pinout information for the DB-9 connectors can be found in
Chapter 5 of this document.
24-pin I/O Terminal Connector: The Raven-M board provides four sets of STDP type
relay contacts. Each is comprised of the Common Contact, the Normally Closed Contact,
and the Normally Open Contact. The current through the contacts should not exceed
1Amp. The Raven-M board also provides four TTL alarm inputs. The alarm inputs are
designed as a digital logic input (pulled up high to 3.3VDC). Pinout information for the
24-pin Terminal Block can be found in the Raven-M Installation Guide.
Ethernet ports: The Raven-M board connects to the network using a standard Ethernet
DC Power Input: Connection to the external DC power supply.
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Chapter 3:
Connecting the Cables
For viewing video, the video cables, Ethernet cable and power cable must be connected.
The figure below shows the rear panel with the BNC cables for four video input channels
and two video output channels, as well as the audio input and output. Connected also
are the RS232 connectors, RJ45 Ethernet connector, power connector, and the terminal
block mating connector for the alarms and relays
To connect the cables:
1. Connect the Raven-M video inputs and outputs using standard 75 ohm coaxial
video cable.
2. Connect the audio input and output using standard 3.5 mm audio cables.
Figure 3: Raven-M Front Panel Connectors
Figure 4 shows the rear panel of the board with the RS232 connector, RJ45 Ethernet
connector, power connector, and the terminal block mating connector for the alarms and
3. Connect the Raven-M server to the network using a standard network cable.
4. Connect the power using the supplied external DC power supply.
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Connecting the Cables
5. Connect a standard 9-pin RS232 connector to the RS232 port.
6. Alarms and TTL inputs are connected via the terminal connector.
Figure 4: Raven-M Rear Panel Connectors
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Chapter 4:
Preliminary Settings
Hardware Setup
Connect the power supply to the DC input on the rear of the unit and plug it in. Within a
few seconds the front panel LEDs should light up, indicating that the unit is functional
and ready for network connections.
Network Setup
The Raven-M must be configured for use with your LAN so that it will be accessible and
will not interfere with other network hosts. However, the default setting for new units
may not be compatible with your network.
Consult your network administrator if you are on a corporate LAN and are
unsure about any of the following steps.
You first need to set up the computer so you can access the board with the default
settings that usually come with the shipped board.
You can see the board on your network by pinging the board or by using the
NetBoardDiscovery utility as described in the procedure.
You can then change the network settings to suit whatever address you want for the
The following procedure assumes you are using a Windows 2000/XP
computer that receives its IP address automatically from the network
environment using DHCP, but the general procedure would be the same for
any environment or operating system.
To set up the network connections:
1. Disconnect your workstation from the network and, using a crossed LAN cable or
an Ethernet switch, connect it to the network input on your Raven-M.
2. Right-click the My Network Places icon on the Windows desktop and select
The Network and Dial-up Connections window appears.
3. Right-click the Local Area Connection and select Properties.
The Local Area Connections Properties window appears.
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Preliminary Settings
Figure 5: Local Area Network Setup
4. Double-click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) (highlighted in blue).
The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window appears.
Figure 6: TCP/IP Properties
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Preliminary Settings
5. Select the Use the following IP address option.
6. Change the settings according to the settings in the Figure below using an IP
address that is different than the IP address of the board, such as
Figure 7: IP Address
This will enable you to access the Raven-M, which is initially set to the fixed IP address
7. Click OK.
You should now be able to ping the Raven-M.
8. Open a command window: From the Start menu choose Run; In the Run window
text-box type cmd and click OK.
9. In the CMD window, type: ping
The result should look like the window to below. If you do not receive a reply, make
sure you have followed all steps above.
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Preliminary Settings
Figure 8: Accessing the Board
Using NetBoardDiscovery:
Another way to discover the IP address given to your board is by running the
NetBoardDiscovery utility included with this package. This Windows-based application
listens for all Raven boards on the network and displays their IP address, MAC address,
board type and version information.
When you run the NetBoardDiscovery utility, a screen appears which shows all the
boards on the network as shown in Figure 9 below.
Figure 9: NetBoardDiscovery Utility Screen Capture
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Preliminary Settings
Since you are connected directly to the Raven-M board you do not see other
boards on the network.
Each node comes with a pre-set and globally unique MAC address. You cannot modify
this address.
Changing the IP Address of the Raven-M board
To change the IP address of the board:
1. To access the Web configuration, open a web browser (supported browsers are
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 and later and Mozilla Firefox) and in the
address text-box enter the unit's IP address. (For example, enter the following IP
You should receive the following page (the exact version information may, of course,
Figure 10: The IVS 3.0 Software Web Browser
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Preliminary Settings
The left pane contains a menu listing all the options available. When an option is
selected its sub menu options appear.
The right pane contains the work area for the currently selected option.
You are now ready to change the network settings.
To set the network node:
1. From the System menu choose the Network Settings sub-menu.
2. If you are prompted for a password, the username is user and the password is
Figure 11: Insert User Password
This password is required for all menu items except "About", and can be
changed by clicking "Change PW" under the System menu.
Figure 12: Change User Password
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Preliminary Settings
3. Insert the password and click OK; the Network Settings screen appears.
4. You should see the current IP Address of the Raven-M board (
Figure 13: Network Settings Setup
5. In the Network Settings area you can configure the Raven-M for your network.
For this example change the IP Address to
It is recommended that you use the "Fixed" setting and set the network
settings manually. If, however, you wish to use DHCP for automatic
configuration, you can enter a unique hostname and select “Auto: Use
DHCP”. Be forewarned, however, that the given hostname is not registered
in the DHCP server while obtaining the IP address and therefore has no
practical use.
Click Save when done, to confirm your new settings. You will be prompted to reset the
board. Press on Click here to reset the board.
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Preliminary Settings
Figure 14: New IP Address
6. Click OK in the confirmation message window to reset the board.
Figure 15: Reset Prompt
It is normal for the reset to take a few minutes to complete.
During the reset the following screen is displayed.
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Preliminary Settings
Figure 16: System Reset
You have now completed setup for your network node.
Once reset has completed the Raven-M board is connected and ready to begin working
with the web server IVS 3.0 software. The Web browser will automatically redirect to the
About page.
You can view the new network setting on the Network Setting page. You can also use
the NetBoardDiscovery utility, or ping the board. It should now be safe to connect the
unit to your LAN. Remember to undo the changes made to your workstation’s LAN
settings. Make sure everything is functioning by pinging the node using the new IP
address or hostname. The new settings are burned to nonvolatile Flash memory and will
remain until changed.
To ping the Raven-M board:
1. Open a command window: From the Start menu choose Run; In the Run window
text-box type cmd and click OK.
2. In the CMD window, type: ping (or whatever the new IP
address is set to).
The result should look like Figure 17 below.
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Preliminary Settings
Figure 17: Ping the Raven-M Board with new IP Address
Once you have reconnected to the network you should see the Raven-M board with the
new address on the network using the NetBoardDiscovery utility as shown Figure 18:
Figure 18: Netboard Discovery with New IP Address
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Preliminary Settings
A summary of all the menus and sub-menus of the IVS 3.0 software is shown in Table
1: Summary of Menu Options:
Table 1: Summary of Menu Options
Menu Option
Displays general information about the application.
Live Video
Displays live video feed from two cameras.
TTL Status
Reads TTL input status; enables setting (1 or 0) Relay Outputs
PTZ Control
Allows controlling of a Pan Tilt Zoom (PTZ) camera
Video Settings
General Video
Enables selecting analog or digital video.
Analog Video
Enables setting analog video settings.
Digital Video
Enables setting digital video settings.
Enables setting streaming parameters.
Running Streams
Displays running streams.
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Sub-menu: Streaming
Enables setting video streaming
general parameters.
Sub-menu: MPEG-4
Enables setting MPEG-4 settings/
Sub-menu: H.264
Enables setting H.264 settings/
Sub-menu: MJPEG
Enables setting MJPEG. settings
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Menu Option
Preliminary Settings
Sub-menu: Streaming
Enables setting audio streaming
general parameters.
Sub-menu: MPEG 1/2
Enables setting MPEG audio
Layer 2
Sub-menu: MP3 (MPEG
Enables setting MP3 audio
1/2 Layer 2)
Displays G.11 parameters (no
Sub-menu: G.711
configurable parameters
Video Analytics
Enables setting video overlay configuration, resetting analytics
Rule Management
Enables setting up rules.
Activation Management
Enables local key activation.
OnBoard Configuration
Enables configuring the views.
Event Management
Displays the Video Analytics Event Manager.
Response Management
Enables configuring responses, adding a new response.
Network Settings
Enables setting network settings (Host name, IP Address,
Change Password
Enables changing your password.
Clock Setup
Enables setting the real time clock
Flash Update
Enables updating the firmware.
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Preliminary Settings
Menu Option
System Administration
Enables changing system parameters (requires
Sub-menu: Reset User
Resets user password
Sub-menu: Change
Enables changing system
sysadmin PW
Sub-menu: Factory
Resets the board.
Shuts down the board.
Returns to factory defaults.
Consult the IVS 3.0 Users Manual for detailed information about using the
Mango web server.
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Preliminary Settings
Upgrading the firmware with software updates
To upgrade the Raven-M board’s firmware with software update received from
1. Select the Flash Update sub-menu under the System menu.
2. If you are prompted for a password, the username is user and the password is
After inserting the password the Flash Update screen appears.
Figure 19: Flash Update Page
3. Click Browse, browse for the updated .bin file and click Update Firmware.
When the process is complete, you will be prompted to reset the board. Click OK to
reset the board. The web page will return to the main About page.
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Preliminary Settings
Shutting Down the Raven-M Board
To turn off the Raven-M board:
1. Select the Shutdown sub-menu under the System menu.
2. Click OK in the confirmation message window to shutdown the board.
Figure 20: Shutdown Prompt
The board must be physically reset or power cycled in order to use it again.
Figure 21: Shutdown Message
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Chapter 5:
Accessing the Board with
the RS232 Serial Port
By connecting an RS232 cable between a PC and the board's serial port, the board may
be accessed to configure network parameters. This is especially useful in the unlikely
event of the board being inaccessible over the network. Simply run terminal emulation
software such as HyperTerminal or Tera Term (under Windows) or Minicom (under
Linux) on the PC and set it to 9600 baud, 8-N-1.
If you don’t have an RS232 port on
your PC you can connect the server to the USB port on your PC with a USB to RS232
T0 run HyperTerminal press Start, Programs, Accessories, Communications, and
Running HyperTerminal
To run the HyperTerminal application you need to set up and configure a HyperTerminal
session connection.
The following settings are required:
Bits per second: 9600; Data bits: 8; No parity; Stop bits: 1.
To run HyperTerminal:
1. Click
Start> Programs>Accessories>Communications>HyperTerminal.
Figure 22: Running HyperTerminal
2. In the Connection Description window enter a name of the new connection and
select an icon.
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Accessing the Board with RS232 Serial Port
Figure 23: HyperTerminal New Connection
3. Click OK.
The Connect To window appears.
Figure 24: HyperTerminal Connect To
4. In the Connect using drop-down list select COM1 or the COM port you are
connected to.
5. Click OK.
The COM1 Properties window appears.
6. Set up the connection properties according to Figure 25 below.
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Accessing the Board with RS232 Serial Port
Figure 25: HyperTerminal COM1 Properties
7. Click OK.
This enables you to connect to the server through the RS232 cable using the
HyperTerminal application. The HyperTerminal screen on your PC is the System console.
The RS232 acts as a console which enables various menu driven operations.
Figure 26: HyperTerminal Console
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Accessing the Board with RS232 Serial Port
Configuring the Board
There are two types of system consoles that can be used through the RS232 connection:
the IP Configuration Console for resetting the hardware and setting up network
parameters, and the Serial Port Diagnostic Mode Console for resetting the board, loading
the board in failsafe mode, updating firmware, repairing the filesystem, running
diagnostics, changing the board baud rate, and changing the password.
IP Configuration Console
If you are connected on HyperTerminal to the server and power is applied, the Boot
Process is executed. The Boot Process takes the IVS application and loads it. If the
application is not interrupted and allowed to proceed, you will receive a message on the
screen saying that the loading was complete. If you do not hit a key then the Boot
Process will be allowed to complete and the following screen is displayed:
Figure 27: Mango DSP Bootloader Screen
Insert the username user and password user617. The IP configuration screen will be
shown as follows:
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Accessing the Board with RS232 Serial Port
Figure 28: System Console - IP Configuration Screen
1 – Reset CPU
Select 1 to reset the hardware.
2 – Set Network Parameters
Select 2 to set network parameters such as Domain name, Host name, IP Address,
Subnet Address, Default Gateway, and the DHCP.
Figure 29: Serial Port - Set Diagnostics
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Accessing the Board with RS232 Serial Port
Serial Port Diagnostic Mode Console
If you interrupt the boot process while the board is first turned on, or when it is reset,
another menu driven console is enabled.
To enable the Serial Port Diagnostic Mode Console press 1 (for reset) and then hit any
Figure 30: Serial Port - Reset CPU
Insert the password bootpass. This brings up the following menu:
Figure 31: Serial Port - Diagnostic Mode
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Accessing the Board with RS232 Serial Port
This diagnostic menu allows you to reset the board, load the board in failsafe mode,
update firmware, repair the filesystem, run diagnostics, change the baud rate, and
change the password.
1 - Reset
Select 1 to reset the board and bring the console back to the original IP Configuration
2 - Failsafe Mode
Select 2 to load the board in the failsafe mode. This takes a few minutes. When the
board is loaded in failsafe mode the following screen is displayed in the About web page.
Figure 32: Failsafe Flashburn – DSP Flash Utility
Failsafe mode acts as a recovery mode from disastrous circumstances by burning the
application into Flash. In failsafe mode only the FlashBurn utility is enabled. You can
then either burn in the new application or reset the board without any change by
selecting the System Menu and clicking Reset.
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Accessing the Board with RS232 Serial Port
3 - Update the Board’s Firmware
Select 3 to update the Firmware. The following screen is displayed.
Figure 33: Serial Port - Firmware Update
Follow the instructions and send a file using the file transfer protocol Ymodem that is
available in HyperTerminal. When the file transfer is finished, wait for the Flash burn
process to finish and reset the board to load the new firmware (see 1 - Reset).
It is recommended that before you perform this process, change the serial port baud
rate to the highest possible value, 115200 (see 6 - Change Serial Port Baud Rate).
To send the file:
1. In the HyperTerminal Console from the Transfer menu choose Send File.
Figure 34: HyperTerminal’s Ymodem Transfer Protocol
2. From the Protocol drop-down list select Ymodem.
3. Click Browse.
4. In the Select File to Send window select the .bin file to load and click Open to
close the window.
5. Click Close. The file should start transferring now.
This process can take a long time depending on the size of the file being transferred.
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Accessing the Board with RS232 Serial Port
4 - Repair Filesystem
Select 4 to repair and reallocate the filesystem. This takes a few seconds, after which
the following screen is displayed:
Figure 35: Serial Port - Repair Filesystem
5 - Run Diagnostics
Select 5 to run the Mango Diagnostic utility. The diagnostic checks the board's memory
by sending patterns of data through the memory. The diagnostic tests take a few
minutes to run.
The tests consist of walking ones and zeros, counters, memory address
tests, patterns of A’s and 5’s, and random data.
The figure below shows the results of a successful diagnostic memory test.
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Accessing the Board with RS232 Serial Port
Figure 36: Serial Port - Memory Tests
6 - Change Serial Port Baud Rate
Select 6 to change the serial port baud rate. The following screen is displayed:
Figure 37: Serial Port - Baud Rate
Select the new baud rate, and when the confirmation message is shown, modify the
baud rate of HyperTerminal. After configuring HyperTerminal, it may be necessary to
press Enter once in order to redisplay the menu.
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Accessing the Board with RS232 Serial Port
7 - Change Access Password
Select 7 to change the access password. You will be prompted to enter the old
password and the new password.
Figure 38: Serial Port - Password Access
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Chapter 6:
Raven-M I/O
This section contains pin-out information for the RS232 connector and the terminal block
RS232/RS422/RS485 Connector
Table 2: RS232/RS422/RS485 Connector
Pin #
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Raven-M Video Server
Installation Guide
Raven- M I/O
Terminal Block Connector
Table 3: Terminal Block Connector Pinout
Pin #
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