Calsonic Kansei North America
Calsonic Kansei North America
Calsonic Kansei North America Transporta)on Management System User Training Guide 1 1. Why a new Transporta>on Management System (TMS) ? -‐ All modes of transporta)on in one system -‐ Streamlined Approval process integrated into TMS -‐ Default Ship From/Ship To Addresses (as provided) -‐ Parts (Items) Linked to Vendor or Supplier Code 2. Approval Requirements vary based on Freight Type (All Expedites), Non-‐Budgeted Freight Costs (all shipments ≥ $250), Rou>ng Instruc>ons (All Mode Excep>on) : a. Supervisor Approval: ($250-‐$999) b. Manager Approval: ($1,000-‐$2,499) c. Plant Manager Approval: ($2,500-‐$4,999) d. Senior VP Approval: ($5,000-‐$9,999) e. COO: ($10,000 and above) 2 Calsonic Kansei North America: Transporta>on Management System USER LOGIN CLICK on the Link below to access the Transporta)on Management System (TMS) URL: hTps:// Login ID: Login ID for the CK user is their CK e-‐mail address in all lowercase leWers! Password: password (all lowercase leWers) 3 Sample User LOGIN Screen Enter Login ID and Password Click 4 The Calsonic Domes)c Shipment Entry Load Board will display when the USER logs into the TMS. There are two buTons displayed at the boTom of the Load Board. To create a Domes)c shipment click on the buTon. To create an Interna)onal shipment click on the buTon. The Item informa)on that is required is different for a domes)c shipment vs. an interna)onal shipment Once you have selected shipment type (domes)c or interna)onal) then, click on to begin the shipment entry process. 5 Create Shipment Screen The “Company” field refers to the profile that has been stored for a given en)ty. For Calsonic vendors this profile this includes Company Users, default ship from/to addresses, and part numbers(items) that are shipped from that address. If Calsonic is the seller of goods, the Company profile includes the Calsonic loca)on that the parts are shipped from, the parts that are being shipped from that loca)on. If you as a Calsonic user are crea)ng a shipment and do not want to have access to the default ship from address, parts, etc. leave the company as Calsonic. If you do want to adopt the aTributes of a specific en)ty, then clear the “Calsonic” field and type the first three characters of desired en)ty in the company field. Available op)ons will populate in the box. Select the desired op)on. Note that the vendor/company name displays the Vendor Code at the end. Adop)ng a company profile allows access to the default Ship From Address, Part Numbers and Part Descrip)ons for this Vendor Code. 6 Create Shipment Screen (con>nued) OR Calsonic: Use the “Calsonic” Company profile if you do not want to select from a Vendor Codes specific parts. For example if you were shipping machine parts, tooling, etc. Select another Company if you want to adopt their profile … ship from address, parts, etc. 7 Completed “Origin” Box is displayed below.Contact name and phone number must be entered for the origin and des)na)on loca)ons. 8 Create Shipment Screen Click on to display the Des)na)on loca)on search screen. 9 Click to display the “Des)na)on” address op)ons. If informa)on is already displayed and you would like to start a new search, click on clear before you search. 10 The search can be filtered by any of the fields that are displayed. For example to see only addresses in the State of Tennessee, Enter TN in the State field and then click . To search on a specific country select a country from the drop down and click etc. 11 To display the street address hover over “Name” and click then click . Select Address1 and grab the right side of the window with the cursor to expand the window. The address1 line is now displayed. 12 Click on buTon next to “Des)na)on” address you would like to select. Then Click 13 Create Shipment (con>nued) SCROLL DOWN TO COMPLETE FORM, Do not click on the next un)l the create shipment form is complete. Pick-‐up Date and Time shipment is READY. Date format is mm/dd/yyyy and )me format is hh:mm AM or PM Pick-‐up Date and CLOSING Time of shipper. Date format is mm/ dd/yyyy and )me format is hh:mm AM or PM 14 Create Shipment Screen Select desired Services. If Expedite is selected only expedite carriers and rates will be displayed on the ra)ng screen. Otherwise, all rates (both standard and expedited) will be displayed. 15 Create Shipment Screen DO NOT SPECIFY EQUIPMENT. THIS SECTION IS UNDER DEVELOPMENT. 16 Create Shipment Screen (con>nued) Complete the REQUIRED reference fields that are displayed below. Required Reference Fields are indicated by *. The requestor is no)fied via email if the shipment requires approval. The Chargeback field indicates if the shipment costs will be charged to the responsible party if other than CKNA. Addi)onal reference fields are available by clicking on 17 DOMESTIC SHIPMENT: ADDING ITEMS TO BE SHIPPED Click on the Add Item buTon Click to view previously saved items to be shipped. If the item to be shipped is not listed enter the Item Id (op)onal) and Descrip)on. NOTE: For LTL shipments Freight Class, Quan)ty, Weight and NMFC Code must be entered. For small parcel shipments Freight Class and NMFC Code are not required. Dimensions should be entered if ship units are not going to be entered for this shipment, otherwise dimensions can be entered under the ship unit sec)on. 18 INTERNATIONAL SHIPMENT: ADDING ITEMS TO BE SHIPPED Click on the Add Item buTon Click to view previously saved items be shipped. If the item to be shipped is not listed enter the Item Id (op)onal) and Descrip)on. NOTE: must be entered. In order for the Commercial Invoice to be completed, the Item Id, Descrip)on, Actual Quan)ty(Qty), Actual Weight(Wgt), Total Customs Value ($), and Country of Manufacture must be completed. 19 SHIP UNITS If Ship Units are different than the Item Unit or items are combined in a Ship Unit, click on Add Ship Unit. Examples of when Ship Units are required: there is 1 item with 10 pieces shipping in 1 carton OR 3 parts shipping in 1 box OR 10 cartons shipping on 2 pallets. The total weight of the items cannot exceed the total weight of the Ship Units. Click on to select from default ship units including box, case, container, pallet, rack and pack. 20 Enter any applicable Special Instruc)ons in the Special Instruc)ons box. These will print on the Bill of Lading. Click to get carrier op)ons and rates. 21 The Carrier Op)ons will be displayed. Click on the buTon next to the carrier service to be selected. If the Least Cost Carrier is not selected the “Reason Code” field is required, click on to select the reason. 22 Example of Reason Code Drop Down Menu: Select the Reason Code, then Click to con)nue Shipment Booking Process 23 Create Shipment Screen (con>nued) The “Quote Saved” Box will display the shipment load number. Click OK. The user will now be returned to the Click to con)nue the Shipment Booking Process. 24 Before an Expedited Shipment can move into the Approval Process the Expedite Reason, Reason Code and Department must be entered. Click to complete these fields. If an expedite carrier has been selected that has a default rate of $10,000 the MUST be updated. 25 Update “Pending Expedite Cost” A temporary rate of $10,000 is set as the default. This rate must be updated by clicking on the in the Customer Rate box. Note: rates CANNOT contain commas. Enter the actual carrier rate in the rate box Click 26 Enter Expedite Reason Click to open the Box. Complete the required fields (indicated by *), click 27 EXPEDITE Approval Process Once the Customer Rate has been updated the shipment will move into the Approval Process. The field displays the approval status. Once all levels of approval have been received (level of required approval is based on the cost of the shipment) the shipment will move into the Ac)vity Type. 28 Booking the Shipment with the Carrier Click in the “Send Carrier Confirma)on” Box to tender the shipment to the carrier. Complete the fields in the “Tender” Box, then click NOTE: Include the carrier quote number or other applicable reference informa)on when sending the tender to the carrier. 29 Booking the Shipment with the Carrier (con>nued) Click to return to the Calsonic Shipment Entry Load Board. The carrier will receive a tender request e-‐mail. The carrier has the op)on to accept or decline the tender. If the tender is accepted, a reply is sent back to the TMS and the load will automa)cally be moved into the Booked status. NOTE: Do not click the Book buWon if you have sent the tender request to the carrier, the tender will be rejected if you have manually moved the load into the booked status. Click to complete the booking process ONLY if you are not sending the tender to the carrier. Click 30 Print Shipping Documents Click to Print Shipping Docs Click on the desired document in the “Filename” Column. Click on the to close the Documents box and return to the Calsonic Shipment Entry Load Board. 31 Send Shipping Documents via Email From the Calsonic Shipment Entry Load Board, Click the in the Box. To Email the Shipping Documents click 32 Sending Shipping Docs via E-‐mail (con>nued) Complete fields as desired. Click to send. 33 Premium Freight Approval Process – Sample E-‐mail Specifics of the load that is awai)ng review are provided in the body of the e-‐mail.. The requestor name and e-‐mail is provided in the event that the approver has ques)ons regarding the load. A load has been entered that is awai)ng your review. Please login using link below to approve or deny this shipment. The details of your order are as follows: Load Number: 103812LN Entered By: ricardo_deanda@ck-‐ Requestor Name: Jason Greeson Requestor Email: jason_greeson@ck-‐ Carrier: VANTEC Total Charges: $ 6500.0 Expedite Reason: Produc)on delay Expedite Reason Code: 04 -‐ Quality Shipper: PANASONIC CORPORATION AZA 5 li AWARA-‐SHI, FK 919-‐0697 Consignee: Calsonic Kansei North America, Inc. 633 GarreT Parkway Lewisburg, TN 37091 Department Number: 271 -‐ Warehouse II Link to login and approve/deny shipment: hTps:// Supervisor Approval Contact ($250-‐$999): ricardo_deanda@ck-‐ Manager Approval Contact ($1,000-‐$2,499): jason_greeson@ck-‐ Plant Manager Approval Contact ($2,500-‐$4,999): mamoru_hasegawa@ck-‐ Senior VP Approval Contact ($5,000-‐$9,999): mike_turner@ck-‐ COO Approval Contact ($10,000 and above):,eric_huch@ck-‐ 34 SAMPLE TENDER E-‐MAIL SENT TO CARRIER 35 INTERNATIONAL SHIPMENT BOOKING PROCESS: IMPORT INTO THE U.S. Click Complete the Master Ac)vi)es for the Commercial Invoice, Incoterms and Importer. Click . The Verify References box will open. Select the desired Incoterm, then click Click . The Verify Par)es box will open. IF the Importer is the same as the consignee, click .IF the importer of record is not the consignee, click “Add”, then click “ImporterOfRecord”. Complete the “Related Content” box, then click c 36 INTERNATIONAL SHIPMENT BOOKING PROCESS: EXPORT, AES FILING NOT NEEDED Click . The Verify References box will open. Select the desired Incoterm, then click 37 INTERNATIONAL SHIPMENT BOOKING PROCESS: EXPORT, AES FILING NEEDED Complete all boxes as displayed above. 38 To make a copy of an exis)ng shipment click on The create shipment screen will be displayed with the Origin and Des)na)on fields completed as well as the item and ship units. Addi)onal fields, (e.g., Reference Fields) are not copied from the original load and must entered. The “new” copied shipment can now be rated. 39 COPY: To copy a load, locate the load on your Load Board. Click the to open the details of the load. Then select . All load informa)on except the reference fields will be copied. CANCEL: To cancel a load, locate the load on your Load Board. Click the to open up details of the load. Then click on . Select . If the load has been tendered to the carrier, select “Revoke Tender” and then click 40
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