To place an order, or for more information about boot specifications
To place an order, or for more information about boot specifications
Leder-Gris Wax Oil Alt-Berg Boots Resole Service Mail Order/Bootfitting Advice To place an order, or for more information about boot specifications—contact the factory on 01748 850615/824717/[email protected] Order by email or telephone: [email protected]—01748 850615/824717 RRP £124.99 BSEN 20347 FED £94.30 BSEN 20347 FED £99.45 PEACEKEEPER P1 • Lightweight • General Duties RRP £101.00 RRP £134.99 PEACEKEEPER P1 AQUA • Waterproof • General Duties BSEN 20345 FED £78.60 RRP £115.00 BSEN 20345 FED £83.20 PEACEKEEPER P3 • Steel toecap (public order) • General duties PEACEKEEPER P3 AQUA • Waterproof • Steel Toecap BSEN 20347 RRP £113.00 BSEN 7971 FED £79.20 RRP £179.99 FED £129.00 THE BERGEN POLICE BOOT PEACEKEEPER P4 • Public order boot • Dog handlers/Firearms use • Incredibly lightweight • Maximum shock absorption Order by email or telephone: [email protected]—01748 850615/824717 RRP £149.99 RRP £159.99 FED £112.00 FED £116.00 WARRIOR MICROLITE • General Duties • Lightweight WARRIOR AQUA • Dog Handling • Lightweight and waterproof RRP £139.99 RRP £149.99 FED £104.60 FED £116.10 SNEEKER ORIGINAL MKII • Ultra Lightweight • Rapid deployment SNEEKER AQUA • Firearms • Rapid intervention BSEN 20347 BSEN 20347 RRP £154.99 RRP £164.99 FED £119.80 FED £127.20 FIELD &FELL MICROLITE FIELD &FELL ORIGINAL • Dog handlers/Firearms • Dog handlers/Firearms • Lightweight Order by email or telephone: [email protected]—01748 850615/824717 BSEN 20347 RRP £114.99 RRP £119.99 FED £87.00 BSEN 20345 FED £82.00 UNIPOL W1 UNIPOL W3 • Ladies ankle cut • General Duties • Ladies ankle cut safety boot RRP £164.99 RRP £159.99 FED £125.50 FED £129.00 BLACK BRECON BLACK MOUNTAIN • Lightweight Mountain • Rural Search Teams • Bad weather/rough terrain • Rural Search Teams BSEN 20347 RRP £184.99 FED £135.50 BLACK NORWAY • Bad weather/rough terrain • Dog handlers/search teams • LEDER-GRIS WAS • INCREASES WATER REPELLENCY DEVELOPED IN 1994 BY ALTBERG THE YORKSHIRE BOOTMAKERS • KEEPS LEATHER MORE SUPPLE • LEDER-GRIS IS A • SPECIALLY TRADITIONAL WAX OIL THAT MEETS THE NEEDS OF MODERN WATER REPELLENT LEATHERS FORMULATED FOR WATER REPELLENT LEATHER RRP £4.24 Fed Price £3.50 THE HISTORY OF LEDER-GRIS "In the early nineties I started to become unhappy with the water absorbency of the leather we were using on our gamekeeper boots - we were using a WR100 leather (when WR100 leather is flexed in water for 100 minutes and it must not absorb more than 6% of its weight in moisture). We had noted that after 6 months the leather we were using in our gamekeeper boots was absorbing 14% - over twice as much. Leder-Gris works on two levels Apply it with a brush - buff it in with the same brush LEVEL ONE The waxes remain on the surface to increase water repellency. LEVEL TWO The oil penetrates beneath the surface to help keep the leather supple. "I took the leather and boots to the laboratory in Leeds and the tannery quickly identified the problem - it was not the leather - but the leather treatment!!! "The gamekeepers had been using a bootcare product which contained a high amount of hydro carbon based solvents (i.e. coal/oil based waxes with paraffins, white spirits etc). These bootcare products had been developed many years previously for leathers tanned in the old way, however, the new water repellent boot leathers were different - and although these bootcare products were acceptable on some leathers - they had a tendency to neutralise the water repellent components tanned into the more modern WR100/Anfibio/Hydro type leathers. ORDERING By email: [email protected] By Telephone: 01748 850615/824717 State boot style, size, collar no., name, force and request Police discount. We will also need a daytime telephone number. If ordering by email, we will contact you with a delivery date and take card payment details over the phone. MAIL ORDER/ONLINE BOOT FITTING ADVICE We successfully supply many boots online - internet/mail order is a growing part of the business. There will always be an element of uncertainty about sizing but we have found the following advice works for over 90% of our online customers. 1. Medium/wide feet - go up ½ size on your SHOE size, you'll be wearing thicker socks with boots. 2. Narrow feet - stick with your SHOE size. 3. If you have a history of boot or shoe fitting problems its best NOT to order online. You'll need to visit the factory for a fitting assessment. Contact the factory in advance - you may need an appointment. THE BOOT RESOLE SERVICE "All Altberg boots can be resoled at the factory on the original lasts - the main thing is to keep the uppers in good condition. At our factory in Richmond we see boots which are over ten years old and on their 3rd or 4th resole!!! We also see boots which are less than two years old and beyond repair... The difference is the care of the upper and of course the harshness of the environment in which the boots have been used. "If the boot leather is in good condition then when the time comes the boots will be well worth a resole." "IT'S GOOD ECONOMICALLY...IT'S GOOD ENVIRONMENTALLY...ITS GOOD FOR COMFORT...WHY BREAK IN A NEW PAIR OF BOOTS?" 2010 PRICE GUIDE Resole - on last with original sole £45.00 inc. VAT Replacement rubber rand £12.00 inc. VAT Replacement rubber toe cap £10.00 inc. VAT ALL ALTBERG BOOTS CAN BE RESOLED AT THE FACTORY ON THE ORIGINAL LAST ALL ALTBERG BOOTS CAN BE RESOLED AT THE FACTORY ON THE ORIGINAL LAST