REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING JUNE 22, 2015 BOARD OF EDUCATION Ridgewood, New Jersey JUNE 22, 2015 Education Center Executive Session 6:30 p.m. Regular Public Meeting 7:30 p.m. AGENDA ***** MEETING REGULATIONS At all regular meetings, two opportunities are provided for citizens to make comments. The public comment periods will be scheduled after presentations and approximately 9:00 p.m. or just prior to the end of the meeting, whichever occurs first. The first opportunity may be limited by the presiding officer to conclude at about 8:00 p.m. in order for the Board to continue with its scheduled agenda. The second opportunity will occur at about 9:00 p.m. at the discretion of the presiding officer taking into consideration a break point in the agenda. At every opportunity for public comment, citizens are invited to comment on subjects on the agenda or general topics. At the discretion of the presiding officer, public comments may be permitted at other times. Persons wishing to speak must, upon being recognized, rise, sign in, and state their names and addresses. Each speaker shall be limited to four minutes. The Board Recorder will note the time. A speaker who has not finished in the allotted time will be directed by the presiding officer to summarize quickly and relinquish the floor within 30 seconds. Comments shall be limited to issues. If personal remarks or discourteous statements are made, the presiding officer shall require the speaker to stop. No person will be recognized for a second time until all others asking to speak have been heard. Mission Statement The Ridgewood Public Schools, committed to a tradition of excellence and innovation, in partnership with the community, provide a rich and challenging learning environment, enabling students to maximize their unique potentials to become life-long learners and productive, responsible citizens. 1 REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING JUNE 22, 2015 I. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Ms. Brogan II. FLAG SALUTE AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Ms. Brogan III. OPENING STATEMENT BY PRESIDING OFFICER Ms. Brogan IV. PRESENTATIONS Ms. Brogan A. RESOLUTION HONORING INES BUNZA WHEREAS, Ines Bunza has served as President of the Learning Services Home and School Association (LSHSA) from 2005 to the present; and WHEREAS, Ines has provided her exemplary skills to the Ridgewood Public School system and community in a variety of additional volunteer positions, including Treasurer of the Travell Elementary School Home and School Association, Treasurer of the Benjamin Franklin Middle School Home and School Association, Treasurer of the Ridgewood High School Home and School Association, member and President of the Federated Home and School Association, member of numerous Ridgewood Board of Education Committees, Treasurer for Project Graduation 2014, Treasurer of the Historical Society, Treasurer of the Foundation, Treasurer and active member of the Access Ridgewood Committee; and WHEREAS, of all these volunteer groups she has been honored to be a part of, LSHSA is closest to her heart; and WHEREAS, Ines has been instrumental in creating a strong, vibrant and connected special needs community in Ridgewood through her efforts with LSHSA; and WHEREAS, Ines has been a tireless advocate for Ridgewood families with children with special needs, listening to them with her kind disposition, guiding them with her abundant wisdom, comforting them with her personal experience and supporting them with her warm friendship, as they journey through the Ridgewood schools or those outside of the District; and WHEREAS, she has earned the trust, respect and admiration of general education and special education teachers and administrators alike who know Ines always has a calm mind, clear heart and the best of intentions for Ridgewood schools and all its families; and WHEREAS, she has educated and softened minds of those without children with special needs by kindly opening their eyes to 2 Dr. Fishbein REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING JUNE 22, 2015 a world, needs and people they might not have known; and WHEREAS, the personal brand of professionalism, sense of humor, warmth and friendship that Ines brought to the office of President of LSHSA has been much appreciated and will be greatly missed; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Ridgewood Board of Education expresses its gratitude and appreciation for all of Ines’s volunteer efforts, but most importantly today, for her outstanding service as LSHSA President for the last 10 years. V. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Ms. Brogan VI. CONSENT ITEMS Ms. Brogan A. ATTENDANCE AT CONFERENCES As listed on Attachment A. Dr. Fishbein B. ADMINISTRATION Dr. Fishbein i. Receipt of Suspension and Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) Reports The Board has received confidential information regarding suspensions and investigations of HIB that have occurred since the last Board meeting. Dr. Fishbein ii. Approval: Affirm the Superintendent’s Decision on a Long Term Suspension Approval to affirm the Superintendent’s Decision for a long term suspension for Student #503872 to be on home instruction as of May 12, 2015. A Board hearing was to be held on May 18, 2015 but was waived by the parent. Dr. Fishbein iii. Approval: Affirm the Superintendent’s Decision on a Long Term Suspension Approval to affirm the Superintendent’s Decision for a long term suspension for Student #903569 to be on home instruction as of May 21, 2015, and discussed at the Board hearing held on June 8, 2015. Dr. Fishbein iv. Acceptance of the Final Report on the Audit Corrective Action Plan for the 2013-2014 School Year Acceptance of the Final Report on the Audit Corrective Action Plan for the 2013-2014 School Year. Dr. Fishbein The Board has received background information. 3 REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING JUNE 22, 2015 v. Approval: Settlement Agreement SE#1/2015-2016 Approval of Settlement Agreement SE#1/2015-2016 between the parents of Student #602182 and the Ridgewood Board of Education. Dr. Fishbein The Board has received background information. vi. Approval: 2015-2016 Professional Development Plan Approval of the 2015-2016 Professional Development Plan. Dr. Fishbein The Board has received background information. vii. Approval: 2015-2016 Mentoring Plan Approval of the 2015-2016 Mentoring Plan. Dr. Fishbein The Board has received background information. viii. Approval: Authorization to Submit an Application and Accept Funds for the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA) Grant for Fiscal Year 2016 Approval to submit an application for and accept funds in the amount of $1,043,418 (Basic) and $36,614 (Preschool) allocated to the Ridgewood Public Schools under the ongoing IDEA grant program. Dr. Fishbein The Board has received background information. ix. Approval: Authorization to Submit an Application and Accept Funds for the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Grant for Fiscal Year 2016 Approval to submit an application and accept funds in the amount of $250,208 allocated to the Ridgewood Public Schools under the ongoing NCLB grant program as follows: Title I Title II-A Title III Dr. Fishbein $ 154,709 $ 74,280 $ 21,219 Total $ 250,208 The Board has received background information. C. CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Dr. Fishbein i. Approval: Field Trips Approval of field trips, as listed on Attachment B. 4 Dr. Fishbein REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING JUNE 22, 2015 ii. Approval: Agreement between the Ridgewood Public Schools and Sage Educational Enterprises Approval of an agreement between the Ridgewood Public Schools and Sage Educational Enterprises, Rochelle Park, NJ to provide school based counseling and related counseling services at Ridgewood High School for the period September 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, in the amount of $123,950. Dr. Fishbein The Board has received background information. iii. Approval: Proposal with Conquer Mathematics for Summer 2015 Approval of a proposal with Conquer Mathematics for Summer 2015, in the amount of $2,700 for the services listed below. • Producing a pacing guide for the enVision 2.0 Math Program to the Ridgewood 2015-16 school calendar; • Providing information and insight on pacing and structure of a daily math schedule for a 45-minute block for grades K-5; • Producing a pacing guide for the Connected Mathematics 3 Program to the Ridgewood 2015-16 school calendar; • Providing information and insight on pacing and structure of a daily math schedule for grades 6-8. Dr. Fishbein The Board has received background information. iv. Approval: Proposal with Eduscape Learning to Provide Professional Development – Going from One-to-many to Oneto-one Approval of a proposal with Eduscape Learning to provide professional development, Going from One-to-many to One-toOne, in the amount of $7,960. Dr. Fishbein The Board has received background information. v. Approval: Agreement for Consultant Services with Gravity Goldberg, LLC Approval of an agreement for consultant services with Gravity Goldberg, LLC for ten on-site professional development days at the cost of $2,000 per day. Dr. Fishbein The Board has received background information. vi. Approval: 2015-2016 Ridgewood High School Sports Schedule Approval of the 2015-2016 Ridgewood High School sports schedule, as listed on Attachment C. The schedule has been reviewed and endorsed for equal educational opportunity. 5 Dr. Fishbein REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING JUNE 22, 2015 vii. Approval: Agreement with Progressive Therapy of NJ for ABA Consultation Services & Direct ABA Therapy Approval of an agreement with Progressive Therapy of NJ for ABA Consultation Services & Direct ABA Therapy for the period July 9, 2015 through June 30, 2016, at the rate of $110 per hourly rate for coordination/consultation for 2 hours per week, not to exceed $220 per week and $70 per hourly rate for direct therapy for 9 hours per week, not to exceed $630/wk, 1 hour per month for a team meeting, not to exceed $110 per month and $70 per hourly rate for a team meeting with the therapists (3 therapists) for one hour per month, not to exceed $210 per month. Dr. Fishbein The Board has received background information. viii. Approval: School Staffing Agreement with Maxim Healthcare Services, Inc. Approval of a School Staffing Agreement with Maxim Healthcare Services, Inc. to provide nursing services to students for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2015 at the following rates: Dr. Fishbein Charges will be based on a rate of $40 per hour for services provided by a LPN, not to exceed eight hours a day, and $52 per hour for services rendered by a RN, not to exceed eight hours a day. Periods of work completed less than one hour will be computed on a pro rata basis to the nearest quarter hour. Time worked in excess of the hour of the hourly limit mentioned in this section will be reviewed on a per case basis to determine if the hours worked will be authorized and paid by the school. The Board has received background information. ix. Approval: Proposal from Jenna Leigh Tate to Provide New Course Curriculum Writing Approval of a proposal from Jenna Leigh Tate to provide new course curriculum writing in the amount of $3,600. Dr. Fishbein The Board has received background information. x. Approval: Proposal from Ela Ben-Ur to Provide New Course Curriculum Writing Approval of a proposal from Ela Ben-Ur to provide new course curriculum writing for Design Thinking Curriculum Collaboration in an amount not to exceed $3,150. The Board has received background information. 6 Dr. Fishbein REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING JUNE 22, 2015 D. HUMAN RESOURCES Dr. Fishbein i. Appointments (Appointments subject to receipt of appropriate documentation and the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) certificate, if required.) Dr. Fishbein Administrator BELL, Robert – Supervisor of Wellness & Health and Physical Education K-12, effective July 1, 2105 through June 30, 2016. Dr. Fishbein $130,000 Mr. Bell’s credentials are as follows: • University of Scranton, Scranton, PA Master of Science in Educational Administration – 2009 • East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg, PA Master of Education in Health & Physical Education – 2005 • LaSalle University, Philadelphia, PA Bachelor of Arts in History – 2002 Experience: • Wayne Hills High School, Schuyler-Colfax Middle School, and John F. Kennedy Elementary School; Health, Physical Education, Drivers Education, and Adapted Physical Education Teacher – 2007 to present • Wayne Public Schools, Head Cross Country Coach, Head Indoor/Outdoor Track & Field Coach, and Head Ice Hockey Coach – 2008 to present • East Stroudsburg University, Department of Athletics; Assistant Cross Country, Track & Field Coach – 2003-2005 Teachers BATISTA, Giselle – School Psychologist, Ridgewood High School, effective August 31, 2015 through June 21, 2016. Ms. Batista anticipates receiving a NJDOE School Psychologist Certification. Account # $69,660 Cl. MA+30, St. 1 Revision: DeTORA, Cynthia – from 1.0 FTE Leave of Absence Replacement English Teacher, Ridgewood High School, effective August 31, 2015 through June 21, 2016, approved by the Board at its meeting on May 18, 2015, to 0.8 FTE Leave of Absence Replacement English Teacher, Ridgewood High School, effective August 31, 2015 through June 21, 2016. Ms. DeTora possesses a NJDOE Standard Certificate as an English Teacher. From: $55,693 Cl. BA, St. 1 To: $44,554 Cl. BA, St. 1 Revision: DiPALMA, Hana – from Leave of Absence Replacement First Grade Teacher, Somerville School, effective August 31, 2015 through June 21, 2016, approved by the Board at its meeting on June 1, 2015, to Leave of Absence Replacement First Grade Teacher, Somerville School, effective August 31, 2015 $55,693 Cl. BA, St. 1 7 REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING JUNE 22, 2015 through November 30, 2015. Ms. DiPalma possesses a NJDOE Provisional Certificate as an Elementary School Teacher in Grades K-6. DOWNING, Hayley – First Grade Teacher, Orchard School, effective August 31, 2015 through June 21, 2016. Ms. Downing possesses a NJDOE Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing as an Elementary School Teacher in Grades K-6. She will be registered into the NJDOE Provisional Program. Account # $55,693 Cl. BA, St. 1 FREIMAN, Lauren – Fifth Grade Teacher, Travell School, effective August 31, 2015 through June 21, 2016. Ms. Freiman possesses a NJDOE Standard Certificate as an Elementary School Teacher in Grades K-6 and a Standard Certificate as a Teacher of Students with Disabilities. Account # $63,793 Cl. MA, St. 3 KOBAN, Joseph – Technology Specialist, IT Department, effective July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. Account # $43,000 LOUROS, Brittany – 0.5 FTE Kindergarten Teacher, Orchard School, effective August 31, 2015 through June 21, 2016. Ms. Louros possesses a NJDOE Certificate of Eligibility as an Elementary School Teacher in Grades K-6. She will be registered into the NJDOE Provisional Program. Account # $27,847 Cl. BA, St. 1 MAGER, Elyse – RISe Teacher, Ridge School, effective August 31, 2015 through June 21, 2016. Ms. Mager possesses a NJDOE Standard Certificate as an Elementary School Teacher in Grades K-6 and a Standard Certificate as a Teacher of Students with Disabilities. Account # $57,693 Cl. BA, St. 4 MARUSSICH, Rachael - Leave of Absence Replacement LLD Teacher, Willard School, effective August 31, 2015 through June 21, 2016. Ms. Marussich possesses a NJDOE Standard Certificate as a Teacher of the Handicapped and a Standard Certificate as an Elementary School Teacher in Grades K-6. Account # $55,693 Cl. BA, St. 1 SCHECHTER-FRIEDMAN, Laura – Learning Disability Teacher Consultant, Ridgewood High School, effective August 31, 2015 through June 21, 2016. Ms. Friedman possesses a NJDOE Standard Certificate as a Learning Disability Teacher Consultant, Standard Certificate as an Elementary School Teacher in Grades 5-8 with Science, and Standard Certificate as an Elementary School Teacher in Grades K-5. $69,083 Cl. MA, St. 6 8 REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING JUNE 22, 2015 Account # STRIANO, Hailey – Leave of Absence Replacement Second Grade Teacher, Somerville School, effective August 31, 2015 through June 21, 2016. Ms. Striano possesses a NJDOE Certificate of Eligibility with Advance Standing in Elementary School Teacher in Grades K-6 and a Certificate of Eligibility with Advance Standing in Teacher of Students with Disabilities. Account # Long-term Substitute FINIZIO, Lisa – Second Grade Teacher, Travell School, effective August 31, 2015 through October 24, 2015, at a daily rate of $125 per day until the assignment ends. Account # HEINTZ-MARRON, Karen - Fourth Grade Teacher, Orchard School, effective August 31, 2015 through December 23, 2015, at a daily rate of $125 per day until the assignment ends. Account # KISIC, Rebecca – Fourth Grade Teacher, Willard School, effective August 31, 2015 through January 22, 2016, at a daily rate of $125 per day until the assignment ends. Account # MORRISROE, Nicole – Second Grade Teacher, Travell School, effective August 31, 2015 through January 2, 2016, at a daily rate of $125 per day until the assignment ends. She will be registered into the NJDOE Provisional Program. Account # Summer 2015 Painters, effective June 29, 2015 through August 28, 2015, each at seven hours per day LUG, Raymond – Supervisor, at an hourly rate of $20.00 TRACY, Marc – Painter, at an hourly rate of $15.00, when acting as Supervisor, at an hourly rate of $20.00 FABISH, Christopher – Painter, at an hourly rate of $15.00 RIVERA, Victor – Painter, at an hourly rate of $15.00 SCHOENBERGER, Gerald – Painter, at an hourly rate of $15.00 SPADACCINI, James – Painter, at an hourly rate of $15.00 VALICENTI, Joseph – Painter, at an hourly rate of $15.00 WEISS, Ilene – Painter, at an hourly rate of $15.00 Account # Temporary Employees Summer 2015 – July 1 through September 1, 2015 – Ridgewood High School student employees: Luc Bontoux, Matthew Discepolo and Peter Yannella, each to receive an hourly rate of $8.25, each not to exceed 212 hours ($5,247) 9 $55,693 Cl. BA, St. 1 REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING JUNE 22, 2015 Account # Summer 2015 – June 23, 2015 through September 1, 2015 – Ridgewood High School student employees: Luke Higgins, and Luke Reinke, each to receive an hourly rate of $8.00, each not to exceed 212 hours ($3,392). Account # Temporary Employees – Buildings and Grounds – Summer 2015 Each at an hourly rate of $8.75: Jacob Hall-Goldman, Vera Mudry, and Tyler Sullivan Each at an hourly rate of $8.50: Thomas-Joseph Campanello, Jon Creed, Jonathan Dauber, Jake Dawson, Max Oltmanns, Garrett Parsekian, and Hyun Seung An Each at an hourly rate of $8.00: Patrick Arthurs, Davil Backsheev, Matthew Barnes, Matthew Benjamin, Wade Butler, Tim Dever, Matthew Ebert, Nadya Fromm, Zach Gluckow, Patrick Holland, William Holland, Brendan Hughes, Aidan Karch, Matthew Macolino, Thomas Muchel, Brendan Nolan, Brian Nolan, Vanessa Reis, Chris Santucci, Connor Seaman, Andrew Setton, and Gwyneth Spincken Account # 2015 Ridgewood High School Summer School Staffing It is recommended that the Board approve the 2015 Ridgewood High School Summer School Staffing, as listed on Attachment D 2015 Summer School Special Needs Staffing It is recommended that the Board approve the 2015 Summer School Special Needs Staffing, as listed on Attachment E 2015 Summer Special Programs Personnel (on an as needed basis), as listed on Attachment F 2015 Summer Ridgewood Community School Employees, as listed on Attachment G Fall 2015, Winter 2015, and Spring Assignments, as listed on Attachment H 2016 Coaching ii. Change of Assignment BUNZEY, Craig – from 1.0 FTE Physical Education Teacher, Ridgewood High School, effective August 31, 2015 through June 21, 2016 to 1.0 FTE Physical Education Teacher and 0.5 FTE RISe Physical Education Teacher, Ridgewood High School, effective August 31, 2015 through June 21, 2016. RISe Account # 10 Dr. Fishbein From: $109,043 To: $114,480 REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING JUNE 22, 2015 ENMORE, Jaeson – from Technology/Media Technology Coordinator, Ridgewood High School, to Associate Systems Administrator, District, effective July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. Account # From: $48,486 To: $70,000 HOWELLS, Lynn – from Network Coordinator, Benjamin Franklin Middle School to K-12 Technology Coordinator, District, effective July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. Account # From: $78,458 To: $86,000 QUIRK, Brian– from 1.0 FTE Physical Education Teacher, Ridgewood High School, effective August 31, 2015 through June 21, 2016 to 1.0 FTE Physical Education Teacher and 0.5 FTE RISe Physical Education Teacher, Ridgewood High School, effective August 31, 2015 through June 21, 2016. RISe Account # From: $102,593 To: $107,708 ROMERO, Monica – from 0.6 FTE Spanish Teacher, Ridgewood High School, to 0.7 FTE Spanish Teacher, Ridgewood High School, effective August 31, 2015 through June 21, 2016. From: $51,589 Cl. MA+30, St.13 To:$60,188 Cl. MA+30, St.13 SCHMITZ, Maryann – from Secretary to Director of Guidance, Ridgewood High School, to Data Coordinator, Ridgewood High School, effective July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. Account # From: $58,962 To: $70,000 iii. Salary Adjustment for the 2015-2016 School Year LaFEMINA, Fred – 0.8 FTE Social Studies Teacher, Ridgewood High School, effective August 31, 2015 through June 21, 2016, approved by the Board at its meeting on June 1, 2015. Mr. LaFemina possesses a NJDOE Standard Certificate as a Teacher of Social Studies, and Teacher of English. Dr. Fishbein From: $50,234 Cl. MA, St. 1 To: $51,034 Cl. MA, St. 2 KUBO, Tomo – Technology/Media Technician, Benjamin Franklin Middle School, effective July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. From: $42,945 To: $43,945 MICHELS, James – Technology/Media Technician, Benjamin Franklin Middle School, effective July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. From: $42,945 To: $43,945 TRETOLA, Al – 1.0 FTE Business Teacher, Ridgewood High School, effective August 31, 2015 through June 21, 2016, approved by the Board at its meeting on June 1, 2015. Mr. Tretola is currently enrolled in the NJDOE Provisional Program and will From: $55,693 Cl. BA, St. 1 To:$56,693 Cl. BA, St. 2 11 REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING JUNE 22, 2015 continue to fulfill the requirements necessary to receive his NJDOE Standard Certificate as a Teacher of Comprehensive Business. VALERE, Neil – Technology Media Technician, Benjamin Franklin Middle School, effective July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. From: $46,013 To: $47,013 ZEQIRI, Elnor – Technology/Media Technician, George Washington Middle School, effective July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. From: $47,278 To: $48,278 iv. Resignations for the Purpose of Retirement Administrator STAAB, Patricia – Supervisor of Special Education, Education Center, effective September 30, 2015, with fourteen years of Ridgewood service. Dr. Fishbein Teacher KIBITELSKY, Lorraine – Second Grade Teacher, Somerville School, effective July 1, 2015, with thirty years of Ridgewood service. McCABE, Shirley – Health Teacher, George Washington Middle School, effective July 1, 2015, with forty-six years of Ridgewood service. Secretary ALLEVI, Ann – Child Study Team Secretary, Ridge School, effective October 1, 2015, with fifteen years of Ridgewood service. v. Resignations Teacher BERLINER, Wayne – Seventh Grade Science Teacher, George Washington Middle School, effective July 1, 2015. Dr. Fishbein Classroom Aide GUINAN, Kaitlin – Leave of Absence Replacement Second Grade Teacher, Travell School, effective June 19, 2015. vi. Unpaid Personal Leave of Absence McCULLOUGH, Amanda – Math Teacher, Ridgewood High School, effective June 1, 2015 through June 19, 2015, with a reinstatement date of August 31, 2015 Dr. Fishbein vii. Supplemental Pay Beyond Contract Summer 2015 Communications Coordinator • Debra Anderson, at an hourly rate of $57.39, not to exceed 80 hours ($4,591.20). Account # Dr. Fishbein 12 REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING JUNE 22, 2015 Ridge School Fifth Grade Instrumental Concert – June 4, 2015 • Annmarie Pecorelli – at an hourly rate of $39.11, not to exceed two hours ($78.22) Account # Lego Club • Maris Ferreira, Special Education Classroom Aide, to provide support for a special education student participating in an after school activity, June 4, 2015, at an hourly rate of $16.49, not to exceed one hour ($16.49) Account # Moving Classroom, at an hourly rate of $39.11, not to exceed 12 hours, per the REA/Board Agreement, dated September 26, 2005 • Rebecca Dodd, twelve hours, for a total of $469.32 Account # Benjamin Franklin Middle School Overnight Field Trip to Washington, D.C., June 3-5, 2015 • Remove: Erin Corcoran, Michael Lauricella, Jason Ordini, and Kristin Rosolanko, each to receive $200 per night, for two nights ($1,600). Replace: Theresa Caliendo and Danielle Klion, each to receive $200 per night, for two nights ($800) Account #11.401.100.0101. Planning Time, Dorney Park Musical Field Trip Competition • Jason Curcio, at an hourly rate of $39.11, not to exceed two hours (78.22) • Carol Sharar, at an hourly rate of $39.11, not to exceed 10 hours ($391.10). Account #11.401.100.0101. Guidance Department – 2015 Summer Hours • Revision: David Tashian - from an hourly rate of $77.77, not to exceed 140 hours ($10,887.80), approved by the Board at its meeting of May 18, 2015, to an hourly rate of $72.91, not to exceed 140 hours ($10,207.40) • Revision: Meredith Wearley - from an hourly rate of $58.07, not to exceed 140 hours ($8,129.80), approved by the Board at its meeting of May 18, 2015, to an hourly rate of $54.44, not to exceed 140 hours ($7,621.60) Account # 13 REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING JUNE 22, 2015 Camelbeach Water Park Field Trip – June 15, 2015 Four Chaperones for students with IEP’s, at an hourly rate of $39.11, not to exceed two and half hours ($391.12). Lisa Cermack, Elisa Cerrina, Danielle Klion, and Mark Stankiewicz Account #11.401.100.0101. Four Chaperones – 8th Grade Dance, each at an hourly rate of $39.11, each not to exceed 2.25 hours ($352) Lisa Cermack, Elisa Cerrina, Danielle Klion, and Mark Stankiewicz Account #11.401.100.0101. George Washington Middle School • Revision: Overnight Field Trip to Washington, D.C., June 1012, 2015, from 12 Chaperones TBD, each for two nights, at $200 per night ($4,800), approved by the Board at its meeting of October 20, 2014, to 12 Chaperones: Brittany Daidone, Alyssa DiStefano, Natalie Garvin, Mary Glackin, Katherine Kashmanian, Diane Kuiken, Alicia Molta, Michael Piacenza, Basil Pizzuto, Michael Ryter, Jaclyn Sayers, and Suzanne Simone, each for two nights, each at $200 per night ($4,800) and Mary Glackin, Nurse, for three days at $130 per day ($390) for a total of $5,190. Account #11.401.100.0101. Overnight Field Trip to Fairview Lake Camp, September 30 October 2, 2015: 20 Chaperones TBD, each to receive $200 per night for two nights ($8,000) and One Nurse TBD, for three days at $130 per day and $200 per night for two nights ($790) for a total of $8,790) Account #11.401.100.0101. Eighth Grade Promotion – June 17, 2015 • Nicholas Guillermain, Special Education Classroom Aide, to provide support for a special education student participating in an Eighth Grade Promotion Party, June 17, 2015, at an hourly rate of $16.49, not to exceed two and half hours ($41.23). Account # After-School Learning Center • Kaitlyn Krysiak – at an hourly rate of $39.11, not to exceed nine hours ($351.99) Account #11.401.100.0101. Guidance Department – 2015 Summer Hours • Revision: Michael Mullin from an hourly rate of $56.77, not to exceed 140 hours ($7,947.80), approved by the Board at its meeting of May 4, 2015, to an hourly rate of $71.63, not to exceed 140 hours ($10,028.20) 14 REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING • JUNE 22, 2015 Revision: David Pfeiffer from an hourly rate of $50.37, not to exceed 140 hours ($7,051.80) approved by the Board at its meeting of May 4, 2015, to an hourly rate of $66.24, not to exceed 140 hours ($9,273.60) Account # Ridgewood High School Senior Prom • Ann Spadaccini, Special Education Classroom Aide, to provide support for a special education student participating in Ridgewood High School prom, May 29, 2015, from 5:45 p.m. – midnight, at an hourly rate of $16.49, not to exceed six and a half hours ($107.19) Account # Graduation • Ann Spadaccini, Special Education Classroom Aide, to provide support for a special education student participating in Ridgewood High School graduation, June 18, 2015 from 4:00 p.m. – 11:30 p.m., at an hourly rate of $16.49, not to exceed seven and a half hours ($123.68) Account # Music Support – Graduation – June 18, 2015 • Remove: Gary Fink, at an hourly rate of $39.11, not to exceed five hours ($195.55). Replace: John Luckenbill, at an hourly rate of $39.11, not to exceed five hours ($195.55). Account # Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment Technology Coach • Remove: Jennifer Landa, at an hourly rate of $51.92, not to exceed six hours ($311.52) Replace: Patrick Bernardo, at an hourly rate of $51.92, not to exceed six hours ($311.52). Account # School Nurse Service – Summer 2015 • Revision: Suzanne Donovan, Nurse Aide, Ridgewood High School from at an hourly rate of $31.59, not to exceed thirty hours ($947.70), to at an hourly rate of $31.59, not to exceed forty hours ($1,263.60) Account # Summer 2015 Department Support • Sheila Borchers, Secretary to Supervisor of Mathematics, at a daily rate of $234.36, not to exceed three days ($703.08) Account # • Charlene LaBenda, Secretary to the Supervisor of Fine and 15 REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING • • • JUNE 22, 2015 Applied Arts, at a daily rate of $176.10, not to exceed three days ($528.30) Account # Charlene LaBenda, to process Ridgewood High School Graduation Video Orders, at an hourly rate of $25.16, not to exceed ten hours ($251.60) Account # Clara Polulak, Secretary to Supervisor of English and Social Studies, at a daily rate of $238.95, not to exceed three days ($716.85) Account # Nancy Wrocklage, Secretary to Assistant Principal and Student Services, at an hourly rate of $35.09, not to exceed forty-two hours ($1,473.78) Account # E. FINANCE Dr. Fishbein i. Acceptance of Restricted Donations Resolved, the Board of Education accepts the following restricted gifts for the 2014-2015 school year to be used as indicated: Dr. Fishbein Donor Ahold Financial Services Albert R. Eng Class of 2015 Juwen K. Gao Amount $ 107.87 Use To purchase supplies for the RED program. Account Number $ 1,000.00 $ 2,643.01 $ 250.00 To be used for the RHS Varsity Baseball Team. To pay chaperones for the senior prom. To be used for RHS choir activities. Sunflower Portraits, Inc. Willard HSA Willard HSA $ Willard Activity Fund $22,234.04 To be used to purchase general supplies for the RED program. To be used for field trip transportation expenses. To purchase three ChromeBook carts and 75 ChromeBooks. To be used to fund co-curricular stipends. 220.60 $ 200.00 $25,148.22 Acceptance of a gift in kind from the BFMS HSA of an outdoor fitness structure valued at $11,995. Acceptance of a gift in kind from the Jon C. Vandevander Memorial Foundation of a wrestling mat to be used for the RHS & Ridgewood Junior Wrestling programs in memory of Phil Ross, Jr., valued at $8,630. Acceptance of a gift in kind from the RHS HSA of a Go Pro Phantom 2 Quadcopter to be used to film activities at Ridgewood High School. Acceptance of a gift in kind from the RHS Student Congress of a tripod and dolly suspension system valued at $309.89. 16 Dr. Fishbein REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING JUNE 22, 2015 Acceptance of a gift in kind from the Ridge HSA of a front walkway, benches, and landscaping, valued at $15,000. ii. Approval: Agreement Between First Presbyterian Church and the Ridgewood Board of Education for Use of Their Parking Lot Approval of an agreement between First Presbyterian Church and the Ridgewood Board of Education to permit enrolled Ridgewood High School (RHS) students to park a maximum of seventy-one (71) automobiles in the parking lot, Monday through Friday, during which RHS is in session from September 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at a cost of $37,000. There is no increase from the 2014-15 school year and the fee is paid for by the students. Dr. Fishbein The Board has received background information. iii. Approval: Award of Energy for America Time and Material Bids for the 2015-2016 School Year Approval of the award of Energy for America Time and Material Bids for the 2015-2016 school year, as listed on Attachment I. Dr. Fishbein iv. Approval: Membership in the U.S. Communities Purchasing Alliance Approval of membership in the U.S. Communities Purchasing Alliance which provides procurement resources and solutions to local and state government agencies, school districts (K-12), higher education, and nonprofits. Participants have access to a broad line of competitively solicited contracts with best class national suppliers. Dr. Fishbein There is no cost to the district. v. Approval: Authorization to Increase Emergency and Capital Reserve Authorization for the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to increase Emergency Reserve by $300,000 and increase Capital Reserve by any remaining excess fund balance that exceeds $750,000. This entry will be a Fiscal Year 2015 closing entry. Dr. Fishbein vi. Approval: Renewal Service Agreement for Landscaping, Tree Removal, Snow Removal and Storm Clean Up Services Approval of the Renewal Service Agreement for Landscaping, Tree Removal, Snow Removal and Storm Clean Up Services with Pat Scanlan Landscaping, New City, NY, for the period July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016, in the amount of $77,025. This represents an increase of $1,850 from the 2014-2015 school year. Dr. Fishbein 17 REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING JUNE 22, 2015 vii. Approval: Cooperative Pricing Agreement between the Ridgewood Public Schools and the Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission (MRESC) Approval for the Ridgewood Public Schools to be a participating contracting unit with the MRESC, for the provision of goods and services that may include supplies and materials, time and material bids, energy aggregation, and such other items that two or more participating contracting units in the system agree can be purchased on a cooperative basis. Dr. Fishbein The Board has received background information. viii. Approval: Report of Awarded Contracts Pursuant to PL 2015, Chapter 47, the Village of Ridgewood Board of Education intends to renew, award, or permit to expire the contracts included in this link previously awarded by the Board of Education. These contracts are, have been, and will continue to be in full compliance with all state and federal statutes and regulations; in New Jersey Title 18A:18, et. seq., NJAC Chapter 23, and Federal Uniform Administrative Requirements 2CFR, Part 200. Dr. Fishbein ix. Approval: Installation of BFMS Front Yard Driveway through an Existing Village of Ridgewood Bid Approval of installation of BFMS Front Yard Driveway through an existing Village of Ridgewood road paving bid, as a change order, in the amount of $88,325.72. Dr. Fishbein x. Approval: Disposal of Textbooks Approval of the disposal of textbooks as listed on Attachment J. Dr. Fishbein xi. Approval: Two Additional Received Students for the 2014-2015 School Year Approval of the two additional received students listed below, for the 2014-2015 school year. Dr. Fishbein Home District School Location Newark, NJ (a/o 5/19/15) YCS – George Washington M.S. Hackensack, NJ Parsippany-Troy Hills, NJ Cornerstone Day School Mountainside, NJ xii. Approval: Toilet Room Facilities for Early Intervention, PreKindergarten and Kindergarten Classrooms at Glen School for the 2015-2016 School Year Approval to use the alternate method of compliance in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:26-6.3(h) 4ii and iii by providing toilet rooms adjacent to or outside the classroom in lieu of individual toilet rooms 18 Dr. Fishbein REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING JUNE 22, 2015 in each classroom. xiii. Approval: Award of Bid for the Printing and Binding of RCS Brochures for the 2015- 2016 School Year Approval of the award of bid for the Printing and Binding of RCS Brochures for the 2015-2016 school year to Deans Graphics, as per bids received on June 17, 2015 and listed below. All bid responses are on file in the Business Office. Bidder Brochure #1 Brochure #2 Brochure #3 Courier Printing Corp. No Bid No Bid $1,276 Deans Graphics $13,578.80 $13,578.80 $1,225 Dr. Fishbein xiv. Approval: Tax Shelter Annuity Brokers for the 2015-16 School Year Approval of the Tax Shelter Annuity Broker for the 2015-16 school year as listed below: Security Benefit Dr. Fishbein xv. Approval: Budget Appropriation Transfers Resolved, the Board of Education approve transfers for May 2015 as shown in the Journal Entry listing pursuant to Policy 6422. Dr. Fishbein xvi. Approval: Secretary’s Line Item Certification Whereas, the Board of Education has received the Report of the Secretary for the month of May 2015; Dr. Fishbein Whereas, in compliance with N.J.A.C. 6:20-2A.10(d), the secretary has certified that, as of the date of the report(s), no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the district board of education, now, therefore, be it Resolved, the Board of Education accepts the above referenced reports and certifications and orders that they be attached to and made part of the record of this meeting, and Be it Further Resolved, in compliance with N.J.A.C. 6:20- 2A.10(e), the Board of Education certifies that, after review of the secretary’s monthly financial reports (appropriation section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of its knowledge, no major account or fund has been overexpended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6:20-2A.10(a) (1), and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the school year. 19 REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING JUNE 22, 2015 xvii. Acceptance of Board Secretary and Treasurer Report Whereas, the Board of Education has received the report of the Secretary and Treasurer for the month of May 2015; now, therefore, Dr. Fishbein Be it Resolved, the Board of Education accepts the above referenced reports and orders that it be attached to and made part of the official record of this meeting. VII. APPROVAL OF BILLS DATES May 22 June 1 June 17 June 18 May 28 May 29 June 15 May 14 June 18 May 28 June 12 June 1 June 8 DESCRIPTION Columbia Bank On-Lines Columbia Bank On-Lines Columbia Bank On-Lines Columbia Bank On-Line Columbia Bank Off-Line Columbia Bank Off-Line Columbia Bank Off-Line Columbia Bank Voided Check Columbia Bank Voided Check Payroll Transfer Payroll Transfer Food Service Food Service Ms. Brogan CHECK NUMBERS 69884 69885-69997 69998-70246 70247 *38049 **38050 38052 69407 70054 1212 1213 TOTAL * Manual ck 38048 used as replacement for lost ck 67931 ** Manual ck 38051 used as replacement for lost ck 69237 AMOUNTS 3,100.00 388,968.72 1,989,556.12 163,065.80 43,713.10 2,460.00 6,577.00 (33.00) (166,928.12) 2,964,176.72 3,284,278.61 93,497.25 137,582.19 REVIEWED BY M. Lenhard M. Lenhard C. Krauss C. Krauss M. Lenhard M. Lenhard C. Krauss M. Lenhard C. Krauss M. Lenhard C. Krauss M. Lenhard C. Krauss 8,910,014.39 VIII. BOARD MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS Ms. Brogan IX. BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS Ms. Brogan X. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC XI. DISCUSSION ITEMS Committee Assignments Ms. Brogan Ms. Brogan XII. ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES June 1, 2015 Executive Session & Regular Public Meeting June 8, 2015 Executive Session Ms. Brogan XIII. OTHER BUSINESS Ms. Brogan XIV. MOTION TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION Ms. Brogan XV. RECONVENED PUBLIC MEETING Ms. Brogan XVI. ADJOURNMENT Ms. Brogan 20 REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING JUNE 22, 2015 Coming Meetings July 20, 2015 Regular Public Meeting 4:00 p.m. Education Center August 24, 2015 Regular Public Meeting 5:00 p.m. Education Center 21 JUNE 22, 2015 ATTACHMENT A 2014 – 2015 CONFERENCES FOR APPROVAL Staff Member Cheplic, Matt RHS Name of Conference Location & Dates Advanced Placement Summer Institute Fairfax, VA June 23-26, 2015 Estimated Cost for Approval $1,695 # of Sub Days required 0 Estimated Cost for Approval $ 90 # of Sub Days required 0 Professional Development $ 545 0 Professional Development $ 545 0 $2,200 0 Rationale Professional Development 2015 – 2016 CONFERENCES FOR APPROVAL Staff Member Gigante, Stefanie RHS Bell, Robert RHS Cook, Keith RHS Conforth, Kellie RHS Bomzer, Kelly RHS Bostler, Monica Willard Comissiong, Olga RHS Downing, Hayley Orchard Emery, Jillian RHS Ferreri, Mark RHS Ferreri, Mary Orchard Gorman, Thomas RHS Griffith, Rosanna RHS Gronau, Dara RHS Imbruglia, Lauren BFMS Kuiken, Diane GWMS Michels, James BFMS Palumbo, Helene RHS Name of Conference Location & Dates Google Certification Exams Online July 2015 Stronge Training for New Administrators Piscataway, NJ July 2, 9, and 16, 2015 Stronge Training for New Administrators Piscataway, NJ July 2, 9, and 16, 2015 AP Summer Institute Rome, Italy July 13-17, 2015 Google Summit Ramsey, NJ July 14-15, 2015 Google Summit Ramsey, NJ July 14-15, 2015 Google Summit Ramsey, NJ July 14-15, 2015 Google Summit Ramsey, NJ July 14-15, 2015 Google Summit Ramsey, NJ July 14-15, 2015 Google Summit Ramsey, NJ July 14-15, 2015 Google Summit Ramsey, NJ July 14-15, 2015 Google Summit Ramsey, NJ July 14-15, 2015 Google Summit Ramsey, NJ July 14-15, 2015 Google Summit Ramsey, NJ July 14-15, 2015 Google Summit Ramsey, NJ July 14-15, 2015 Google Summit Ramsey, NJ July 14-15, 2015 Google Summit Ramsey, NJ July 14-15, 2015 Google Summit Ramsey, NJ July 14-15, 2015 22 Rationale Professional Development Professional Development (at no cost to the district) Professional Development $ 199 0 Professional Development $ 199 0 Professional Development $ 199 0 Professional Development $ 199 0 Professional Development $ 199 0 Professional Development $ 199 0 Professional Development $ 199 0 Professional Development $ 199 0 Professional Development $ 199 0 Professional Development $ 199 0 Professional Development $ 199 0 Professional Development $ 199 0 Professional Development $ 199 0 Professional Development $ 199 0 JUNE 22, 2015 ATTACHMENT A 2015 – 2016 CONFERENCES FOR APPROVAL Staff Member Piacenza, Michael GWMS Roberts, Deirdre GWMS Romero, Monica RHS Schmitz, Maryann RHS Seroka, Shari Education Center Stoughton, Gail RHS Taylor, Tara RHS Valere, Neil BFMS Wu, Greg BFMS Davenport, Erica Education Center Zeqiri, Elnor GWMS Buxenbaum-Turner, Kim Education Center Dodd, Leah GWMS Fleming, Laura RHS Taylor, Tara RHS Ross, Stephanie ITDC /Glen Moore, Laura RHS Nyhuis, Jeff RHA Labowsky, Hsuan Lillian RHS Name of Conference Location & Dates Google Summit Ramsey, NJ July 14-15, 2015 Google Summit Ramsey, NJ July 14-15, 2015 Google Summit Ramsey, NJ July 14-15, 2015 Google Summit Ramsey, NJ July 14-15, 2015 Google Summit Ramsey, NJ July 14-15, 2015 Google Summit Ramsey, NJ July 14-15, 2015 Google Summit Ramsey, NJ July 14-15, 2015 Google Summit Ramsey, NJ July 14-15, 2015 Google Summit Ramsey, NJ July 14-15, 2015 Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 Basics Parsippany, NJ July 16, 2015 Global Knowledge Network + New York, NY July 20-29, 2015 LRP’s Special Education Director’s Summit Portland, OR July 23-24, 2015 Omega Mindfulness & Education Rhinebeck, NY July 31 – August 2, 2015 Manhattan College Advanced Placement Bronx, NY August 3 -7, 2015 EQuIP Training for Supervisors and Lead Teachers Trenton, NJ August 4-7, 2015 Handwriting Without Tears PreK Readiness and Writing Workshop Princeton, NJ August 21, 2015 National Association of College Admissions Counselors Annual Conference San Diego, CA September 28 – October 3, 2015 National Association of College Admissions Counselors Annual Conference San Diego, CA September 28 – October 3, 2015 New Jersey Science Convention Princeton, NJ October 13, 2015 Estimated Cost for Approval $ 199 # of Sub Days required 0 Professional Development $ 199 0 Professional Development $ 199 0 Professional Development $ 199 0 Professional Development $ 199 0 Professional Development $ 199 0 Professional Development $ 199 0 Professional Development $ 199 0 Professional Development $ 199 0 Professional Development $ 97 0 Professional Development $3,331 0 Professional Development $3,445 0 Professional Development $ 395 0 Professional Development $1,409 0 Professional Development $ 175 0 Professional Development $ 253 0 $2,610 0 Rationale Professional Development Professional Development Professional Development Professional Development 23 (to be funded by the HSA) $2,610 0 (to be funded by the RAA Professional Development Budget) $ 175 0 JUNE 22, 2015 ATTACHMENT A The total cost for these conferences is $15,037. Upon Board approval of all of these conferences, the total expenditure for travel and conferences for 2015-16 will be $36,692 leaving a balance of $154,746 remaining in the $191,438 approved by the Board for travel and conferences. The total cost of substitutes for these conferences is $0. Upon Board approval of these conferences, the total expenditure for substitutes for travel and conferences for 2015-16 will be $0. 24 FIELD TRIPS FOR APPROVAL June 22, 2015 ONE DAY TRIPS Date 10/23/15 ATTACHMENT B School RHS Approx. # of # Anticipated Est. Annual Meets # and Chaperones Substitutes Cost of Subs Total Event Requirements yes yes Group of and dates @ $90 per day for Cost Students for each teachers and $130 To per day for Nurse District $0 $0 40 grade 12 science 3 0 students 25 OVERNIGHT FIELD TRIPS FOR APPROVAL June 22, 2015 Overnight Trips DATES SCHOOL ATTACHMENT B Approx. # and # Unpaid # Paid Chaperones Chaperones Anticipated # Anticipated Est. Cost for Substitutes Cost of Subs Total @ $90 per day Cost Group of And # of Students Overnights Teacher/Nurse and dates Chaperones for each @ $200 per for each Overnight 9/30/15 to 10/2/15 GWMS 220 grade 6 students 0 21 for two $8,400 nights 26 for teachers To and $130 per day District Annual Meets Event Requirements for Nurse 0 $390 $8,790 yes yes JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Baseball Boys Varsity S Friday 03/11/16 S Friday 03/11/16 S Saturday 03/12/16 S Tuesday 03/15/16 S Thursday 03/17/16 S Friday 03/18/16 S Saturday 03/19/16 S Monday 03/21/16 Tuesday 03/22/16 S Tuesday 03/22/16 Wednesday 03/23/16 S Wednesday03/23/16 Thursday 03/24/16 Friday 03/25/16 Saturday 03/26/16 Wednesday 03/30/16 Thursday 03/31/16 Saturday 04/02/16 Monday 04/04/16 Wednesday 04/06/16 Thursday 04/07/16 Friday 04/08/16 Monday 04/11/16 Tuesday 04/12/16 Wednesday 04/13/16 Friday 04/15/16 Saturday 04/16/16 Monday 04/18/16 Tuesday 04/19/16 Wednesday 04/20/16 Thursday 04/21/16 Friday 04/22/16 Monday 04/25/16 Tuesday 04/26/16 Wednesday 04/27/16 Passaic County Tech St. Joseph Regional St. Joseph Regional Rutherford High School St. Joseph Regional North Bergen High School Bergen Tech Westwood High School OPEN DATE (Trip to Florida) West Milford High School OPEN DATE (Trip to Florida) Pascack Hills High School OPEN DATE (Trip to Florida) OPEN DATE (Trip to Florida) OPEN DATE (Trip to Florida) Ramapo High School Montclair High School Paramus High School Hackensack High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Eastside High School Indian Hills High School Tenafly High School Indian Hills High School Teaneck High School Don Bosco Prep Westwood High School Pascack Valley High School Fair Lawn High School Passaic County Tech Pascack Hills High School Ramapo High School Paramus High School Pascack Valley High School Hackensack High School Place Home Away Home Away Away Away Home Away Away Away Away Home Away Away Away Away Away Home Away Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Home Away Away Home Away Home Away Away Home Time 4:00PM 4:15PM 1:00PM 4:00PM 4:15PM 4:00PM 12:00PM 4:00PM TBA 4:00PM TBA 4:00PM TBA TBA TBA 4:15PM 4:00PM 11:00AM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:00PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 2:00PM 4:15PM 4:00PM 4:15PM 4:00PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 27 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 1 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Baseball Boys Varsity Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Wednesday Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Sunday Monday Saturday Sunday Saturday Saturday Saturday 04/29/16 04/30/16 05/01/16 05/02/16 05/04/16 05/04/16 05/06/16 05/07/16 05/08/16 05/09/16 05/10/16 05/11/16 05/15/16 05/16/16 05/21/16 05/22/16 05/28/16 06/04/16 06/11/16 Northern Highlands Regional High School Dumont High School OPEN DATE (BCCA County Tournament) Indian Hills High School Bergenfield High School Lodi High School Northern Valley - Old Tappan Ramsey High School OPEN DATE (BCCA County Tournament) Northern Valley - -Demarest Bergenfield High School Paramus Catholic High School OPEN DATE (BCCA County Tournament) Morristown High School OPEN DATE (States Round 1) OPEN DATE (BCCA County Tournament) OPEN DATE (States Round 2) OPEN DATE (States Round 3) OPEN DATE (TOC Championship) Place Away Home Home Home Home Away Away Home Home Home Home Home Home Away Home Home Away Away Away Time 4:15PM 10:30AM TBA 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 3:30PM TBA 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM TBA 4:00PM TBA TBA 4:15PM TBA TBA Passaic County Tech St. Joseph Regional Rutherford High School St. Joseph Regional North Bergen High School Bergen Tech Westwood High School West Milford High School Pascack Hills High School Ramapo High School Montclair High School Paramus High School Hackensack High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Place Away Away Home Home Home Away Home Home Away Home Home Away Home Away Time 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:00PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM Boys Junior Varsity Friday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday Monday S Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Monday Wednesday 03/11/16 03/12/16 03/15/16 03/17/16 03/18/16 03/19/16 03/21/16 03/22/16 03/23/16 03/30/16 03/31/16 04/02/16 04/04/16 04/06/16 Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 28 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 2 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Baseball Boys Junior Varsity Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Monday Saturday 04/07/16 04/08/16 04/11/16 04/12/16 04/13/16 04/15/16 04/16/16 04/18/16 04/19/16 04/20/16 04/21/16 04/22/16 04/23/16 Eastside High School Indian Hills High School Tenafly High School Indian Hills High School Teaneck High School Don Bosco Prep Westwood High School Pascack Valley High School Fair Lawn High School Passaic County Tech Pascack Hills High School Ramapo High School Tri-Conference JV Baseball Invitational OPEN DATE Paramus High School Ridgewood H.S. Place Home Home Away Home Home Home Away Home Home Away Home Away Time 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 11:00AM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM Away TBA 04/25/16 04/27/16 04/29/16 04/30/16 04/30/16 05/02/16 05/03/16 05/04/16 05/06/16 05/07/16 05/09/16 05/10/16 05/11/16 05/12/16 05/14/16 05/16/16 05/21/16 Paramus High School Hackensack High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Dumont High School Clifton High School Indian Hills High School Dumont High School Bergenfield High School Northern Valley - Old Tappan Ramsey High School Northern Valley - -Demarest Bergenfield High School Paramus Catholic High School OPEN DATE (BNC Tournament) OPEN DATE (BNC Tournament) Morristown High School OPEN DATE (BNC Tournament) Home Away Home Away Away Away Away Away Home Away Away Away Away Away Away Home Away 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 9:00AM 2:30PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM TBA TBA 4:15PM TBA 03/11/16 St. Joseph Regional Place Home Time 4:15PM Boys Freshman Friday Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 29 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 3 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Baseball Boys Freshman Saturday Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday S Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday Monday 03/12/16 03/15/16 03/17/16 03/18/16 03/19/16 03/22/16 03/23/16 03/30/16 03/31/16 04/02/16 04/04/16 04/06/16 04/07/16 04/08/16 04/11/16 04/12/16 04/13/16 04/15/16 04/16/16 04/18/16 04/19/16 04/20/16 04/21/16 04/22/16 04/25/16 04/26/16 04/27/16 04/29/16 04/30/16 05/01/16 05/02/16 05/04/16 05/06/16 05/07/16 05/09/16 St. Joseph Regional Rutherford High School St. Joseph Regional North Bergen High School Bergen Tech West Milford High School Pascack Hills High School Ramapo High School Montclair High School Paramus High School Hackensack High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Eastside High School Indian Hills High School Tenafly High School Indian Hills High School Teaneck High School Don Bosco Prep Westwood High School Pascack Valley High School Fair Lawn High School Passaic County Tech Pascack Hills High School Ramapo High School Paramus High School Pascack Valley High School Hackensack High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Dumont High School OPEN DATE Indian Hills High School Bergenfield High School Northern Valley - Old Tappan Ramsey High School Northern Valley - -Demarest Place Away Home Home Home Away Away Away Away Home Home Away Home Home Home Away Away Away Away Away Home Away Away Home Home Away Home Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Away Home Time 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:00PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 30 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 4 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Baseball Boys Freshman Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Monday Saturday 05/10/16 05/11/16 05/11/16 05/12/16 05/14/16 05/16/16 05/21/16 Bergenfield High School Paramus Catholic High School Paramus Catholic High School OPEN DATE (BCCA Freshmen Tournament) OPEN DATE (BCCA Freshmen Tournament) Morristown High School OPEN DATE (BCCA Freshmen Tournament) 12/18/15 12/20/15 12/22/15 12/28/15 Ramapo High School Ramsey High School Paramus High School Holiday Tournament vs Pascack Hills OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Place Away Away Away Away Away Home Away Time 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM TBA TBA 4:15PM TBA Place Away Away Away Time 7:00PM TBA 5:30PM Away 4:00PM Away Home Away Away Home Home Home Home Away Home Away Away Away Away Home Home Home TBA 7:00PM 7:00PM 12:30PM 4:15PM 7:00PM 2:30PM 4:15PM 7:00PM TBA TBA TBA 7:00PM TBA 7:00PM 4:15PM 7:00PM Basketball Boys Varsity Friday Sunday Tuesday Monday Wednesday 12/30/15 Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Monday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Friday 01/05/16 01/07/16 01/09/16 01/12/16 01/14/16 01/16/16 01/19/16 01/21/16 01/23/16 01/25/16 01/27/16 01/28/16 01/30/16 02/02/16 02/04/16 02/05/16 Holiday Tournament OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School River Dell High School Hackensack High School Northern Valley - Old Tappan West Morris/Mendham High School Bergenfield High School Northern Valley - -Demarest Wayne Hills High School OPEN DATE (Bergen Jamboree) OPEN DATE (Bergen Jamboree) St. Joseph Regional OPEN DATE (Bergen Jamboree) Ramapo High School Paramus High School St. Anthony High School (Coaches vs. Cancer) Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 31 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 5 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Basketball Boys Varsity Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Tuesday Thursday 02/09/16 02/11/16 02/16/16 02/18/16 02/23/16 02/24/16 02/26/16 03/01/16 03/03/16 Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Hackensack High School OPEN DATE Bergen Catholic High School OPEN DATE (Sectional Quaterfinals) OPEN DATE (Sectional Semifianls) OPEN DATE (Group Semis) OPEN DATE (Group Finals) Place Away Home Away Home Home Home Home Away Away Time 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM TBA TBA TBA TBA Place Away Away Home Home Home Away Away Home Home Home Home Away Home Away Home Home Home Time 5:30PM 4:00PM TBA TBA 5:30PM 5:30PM 11:00AM 5:30PM 5:30PM 4:00PM 5:30PM 5:30PM TBA 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM Boys Junior Varsity Friday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Friday 12/18/15 12/22/15 12/29/15 12/30/15 01/05/16 01/07/16 01/09/16 01/12/16 01/14/16 01/16/16 01/19/16 01/21/16 01/23/16 01/28/16 02/02/16 02/04/16 02/05/16 Ramapo High School Paramus High School OPEN DATE (Holiday Tournament) OPEN DATE (Holiday Tournament) Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School River Dell High School Hackensack High School Northern Valley - Old Tappan West Morris/Mendham High School Bergenfield High School Northern Valley - -Demarest Wayne Hills High School St. Joseph Regional Ramapo High School Paramus High School St. Anthony High School (Coaches vs. Cancer) Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday 02/09/16 02/11/16 02/16/16 02/23/16 Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Hackensack High School Bergen Catholic High School Away Home Away Home 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 12/18/15 Ramapo High School Place Away Time 4:15PM Boys Freshman Friday Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 32 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 6 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Basketball Boys Freshman Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Friday 12/22/15 12/29/15 12/30/15 01/05/16 01/07/16 01/12/16 01/14/16 01/19/16 01/21/16 01/28/16 02/02/16 02/04/16 02/05/16 Paramus High School OPEN DATE (Holiday Tournament) OPEN DATE (Holiday Tournament) Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Hackensack High School Northern Valley - Old Tappan Bergenfield High School Northern Valley - -Demarest St. Joseph Regional Ramapo High School Paramus High School St. Anthony High School (Coaches vs. Cancer) Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday 02/09/16 02/11/16 02/16/16 02/23/16 02/24/16 Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Hackensack High School Bergen Catholic High School Tappan Zee High School Freshmen County Semifinals Place Away Home Home Home Away Home Home Home Away Away Home Home Home Time 4:00PM TBA TBA 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM Away Home Away Home 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 5:30PM Wednesday 02/24/16 Tappan Zee High School Freshmen County Semifinals 7:00PM Thursday 02/25/16 Tappan Zee High School Freshmen County Championship 7:00PM Friday 02/26/16 Tappan Zee High School Freshmen County Championship 7:00PM 12/18/15 12/22/15 12/26/15 12/28/15 01/05/16 01/07/16 01/09/16 01/12/16 Ramapo High School Paramus High School OPEN DATE (Westwood Tournament) OPEN DATE (Westwood Tournament) Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Hudson Catholic High School Hackensack High School Girls Varsity Friday Tuesday Saturday Monday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Place Home Home Home Home Away Home Home Away Time 7:00PM 4:15PM TBA TBA 7:00PM 7:00PM 1:00PM 7:00PM Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 33 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 7 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Basketball Girls Varsity Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Tuesday Thursday 01/14/16 01/16/16 01/19/16 01/21/16 01/26/16 01/27/16 01/28/16 01/30/16 02/02/16 02/04/16 02/09/16 02/11/16 02/13/16 02/16/16 02/23/16 02/24/16 02/26/16 03/01/16 03/03/16 Northern Valley - Old Tappan Ramsey High School Pascack Valley High School Northern Valley - -Demarest Bergenfield High School OPEN DATE (County Tournament) Paramus Catholic High School OPEN DATE (County Tournament) Ramapo High School Paramus High School Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Dumont High School Hackensack High School Academy of the Holy Angels OPEN DATE (Sectional Quaterfinals) OPEN DATE (Sectional Semifinals) OPEN DATE (Group Semis) OPEN DATE (Group Finals) Place Away Home Away Home Home Away Home Away Away Away Home Away Away Home Away Away Home Away Away Time 7:00PM 1:00PM 7:00PM 4:15PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 4:15PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 5:30PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 2:00PM 4:15PM 7:00PM 7:00PM TBA 7:00PM 7:00PM Ramapo High School Paramus High School OPEN DATE (Westwood Tournament) OPEN DATE (Westwood Tournament) Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Hudson Catholic High School Hackensack High School Northern Valley - Old Tappan Ramsey High School Pascack Valley High School Northern Valley - -Demarest Bergenfield High School Paramus Catholic High School Place Home Home Home Home Away Home Home Away Away Home Away Home Home Home Time 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 11:30AM 5:30PM 5:30PM 11:30AM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM Girls Junior Varsity Friday Tuesday Saturday Monday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday 12/18/15 12/22/15 12/26/15 12/28/15 01/05/16 01/07/16 01/09/16 01/12/16 01/14/16 01/16/16 01/19/16 01/21/16 01/26/16 01/28/16 Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 34 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 8 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Basketball Girls Junior Varsity Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Tuesday 02/02/16 02/04/16 02/09/16 02/11/16 02/13/16 02/16/16 02/23/16 Ramapo High School Paramus High School Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Dumont High School Hackensack High School Academy of the Holy Angels Place Away Away Home Away Away Home Away Time 5:30PM 4:00PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 12:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 12/18/15 12/22/15 12/26/15 12/28/15 01/05/16 01/07/16 01/12/16 01/14/16 01/19/16 01/21/16 01/26/16 01/28/16 02/02/16 02/04/16 02/09/16 02/11/16 02/13/16 02/16/16 02/23/16 Ramapo High School Paramus High School OPEN DATE (Westwood Tournament) OPEN DATE (Westwood Tournament) Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Hackensack High School Northern Valley - Old Tappan Pascack Valley High School Cancelled - Northern Valley - -Demarest Bergenfield High School Paramus Catholic High School Ramapo High School Paramus High School Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Dumont High School Hackensack High School Academy of the Holy Angels Place Home Home Home Home Away Home Away Away Away Home Home Home Away Away Home Away Away Home Away Time 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:00PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 11:00AM 4:15PM 4:15PM 09/08/15 09/11/15 Hackensack High School Harry Groves Spiked Shoe Invitational OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Place Home Time 4:30PM Away TBA Girls Freshman Friday Tuesday Saturday Monday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Tuesday Cross Country Boys Varsity Tuesday Friday Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 35 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 9 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Cross Country Boys Varsity Wednesday 09/16/15 Monday Saturday Monday Saturday Monday Monday Saturday Thursday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday 09/21/15 09/26/15 09/28/15 10/03/15 10/05/15 10/05/15 10/10/15 10/15/15 10/24/15 11/07/15 11/14/15 11/21/15 12/05/15 Maroon Invitational OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Ramapo High School Bowdoin Invitational OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Paramus High School Shore Coaches Invitational OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Garret Invitational OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. BNC Freedom Division Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. County Group Championships OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Sectional Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. State Group Meet OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. State Meet of Champions OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Nike Cross Nationals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Place Time Away Home TBA 5:15PM Away Home TBA 5:00PM Away Home Home TBA 4:45PM 4:45PM Away TBA Home TBA Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Place Time Away TBA Away TBA Boys Freshman Saturday Saturday 09/12/15 09/26/15 Season Opener OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Passaic County Coaches OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 36 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 10 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Cross Country Boys Freshman Saturday Thursday 10/03/15 10/29/15 Brett Taylor Invitational OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Doc Braver Frosh/Novice Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Place Time Away TBA Away TBA Place Away Away Away Home Time TBA TBA TBA 5:00PM Away TBA Away Home TBA 5:45PM Away Home TBA 4:30PM Away Home Home TBA 4:15PM 4:15PM Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Girls Varsity Thursday Friday Saturday Tuesday Saturday Friday 08/27/15 08/28/15 08/29/15 09/08/15 09/12/15 09/18/15 Monday Saturday 09/21/15 09/26/15 Monday Saturday 09/28/15 10/03/15 Monday Monday Saturday Thursday Saturday 10/05/15 10/05/15 10/10/15 10/15/15 10/24/15 OPEN DATE (Trip to Vermont) OPEN DATE (Vermont Trip) OPEN DATE (Vermont Trip) Hackensack High School Harry Groves Spikes Shoe Invite OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Maroons Invite OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Ramapo High School Bowdoin Invitational OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Paramus High School Shore Coaches Invitational OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Garrett Invite OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. BNC Divisional Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Bergen County Group Championships OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 37 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 11 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Cross Country Girls Varsity Saturday 11/07/15 Saturday 11/14/15 Saturday 11/21/15 Sectional Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. State Group Meet OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. State Meet of Champions OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Place Time Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Place Time Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Place Time Away TBA Away TBA Place Away Home Home Home Home Time 10:00AM 10:00AM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM Girls Freshman Saturday Saturday Thursday 09/26/15 10/03/15 10/29/15 Wednesday 11/04/15 Passaic County Invite OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Brett Taylor Invitational OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Doc Braver Invitational OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. State JV and Freshmen Championships OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Boys/Girls Varsity Saturday Saturday 10/31/15 11/28/15 BMOC OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Nike Regionals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Football Boys Varsity S Tuesday S Saturday S Friday Friday Friday 08/25/15 08/29/15 09/04/15 09/11/15 09/18/15 Pascack Valley High School Morristown High School Ramapo High School Marshfield High School Fair Lawn High School Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 38 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 12 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 ATTACHMENT C Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Football Boys Varsity Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Saturday 09/25/15 10/02/15 10/09/15 10/16/15 10/23/15 10/30/15 11/06/15 11/13/15 11/20/15 12/05/15 Eastside High School J.F. Kennedy HS Clifton High School Paramus High School Hackensack High School Passaic Co Technical Institute Passaic High School Sectional Quarterfinals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Sectional Semifinals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Sectional Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Place Away Away Home Home Home Away Away Time 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM Home 7:00PM Away 7:00PM Away TBA Boys Junior Varsity Saturday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday 09/12/15 09/14/15 09/21/15 09/28/15 10/05/15 10/12/15 10/19/15 10/26/15 11/02/15 Marshfield High School Passaic High School Fair Lawn High School Eastside High School J.F. Kennedy HS Clifton High School Paramus High School Hackensack High School Passaic County Tech Place Home Home Away Home Home Away Away Away Home Time 10:00AM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 08/29/15 09/05/15 09/12/15 09/19/15 09/26/15 10/03/15 10/10/15 OPEN DATE Ramapo High School Passaic High School Fair Lawn High School Eastside High School J.F. Kennedy HS Clifton High School Place Home Away Home Away Home Home Away Time TBA 9:00AM 9:30AM 9:30AM 9:30AM 9:30AM 9:30AM Boys Freshman S Saturday S Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 39 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 13 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Football Boys Freshman Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Place Away Away Home Home Time 9:30AM 9:30AM 9:30AM 9:30AM Place Away Home Time TBA 4:00PM Away 4:15PM Ramapo High School Tenafly High School Paramus Catholic High School Indian Hills High School Mahwah High School FDU Tournament (tentative) OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Tri-with Ramapo & Northern Highlands Northern Highlands Regional High School Ramapo High School Ridgewood H.S. Home Home Home Home Home 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM Away 8:00AM Away 4:15PM Paramus High School Don Bosco Prep Northern Valley - -Demarest Hackensack High School Clarkstown South High School Bergen Catholic High School Wayne Valley/Wayne Hills/DePaul De Paul Catholic High School Ridgewood H.S. Wayne Hills High School Wayne Valley High School Home Home Home Home Home Home 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM Away 4:00PM St. Joseph Regional Home 4:00PM 10/17/15 10/24/15 10/31/15 11/07/15 Paramus High School Hackensack High School Passaic County Tech Bergen Catholic High School 04/02/16 04/04/16 04/04/16 OPEN DATE (Ridge Red Devil Classic) Northern Highlands Regional High School Tri-with OT and Bergen Tech Bergen Tech Old Tappan Ridgewood H.S. Golf Boys Varsity Saturday Monday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 04/05/16 04/06/16 04/07/16 04/11/16 04/12/16 04/13/16 Thursday 04/14/16 Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday 04/15/16 04/18/16 04/19/16 04/20/16 04/21/16 04/22/16 04/25/16 04/26/16 Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 40 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 14 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Golf Boys Varsity Thursday Monday 04/28/16 05/02/16 Thursday 05/05/16 Friday Monday Thursday Thursday 05/06/16 05/09/16 05/12/16 05/19/16 Ramsey High School Division Day OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Big North Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Bergen County BNC Boys Golf Tournament OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Public Schools Qualifier OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Odell Nassar Team County Tournament OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Luciano Individual Tournament OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Place Home Time 4:00PM Away 4:00PM Away 8:00AM Away 7:30AM Away 8:00AM Away 8:00AM Away 8:00AM Place Away Time TBA Away Home Home 9:00AM 4:00PM 4:00PM Away 11:00AM Away 4:00PM Home 4:00PM Away 4:00PM Girls Varsity Saturday Tuesday 04/02/16 04/05/16 Wednesday 04/06/16 Thursday 04/07/16 Monday 04/11/16 Tuesday 04/12/16 Wednesday 04/13/16 Thursday 04/14/16 OPEN DATE (Ridge Red Devil Classic) Lady Cougar Invitational OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Northern Highlands Regional High School River Dell High School Girls Red Devil Invitational Golf Tournament OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Tri with IHA & Westwood Immaculate Heart Academy Ridgewood H.S. Westwood High School Old Tappan Tri with IHA & Indian Hills Immaculate Heart Academy Indian Hills High School Ridgewood H.S. Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 41 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 15 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Golf Girls Varsity Monday Tuesday 04/18/16 04/19/16 Wednesday 04/20/16 Thursday Friday Monday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Monday Tuesday 04/21/16 04/22/16 04/25/16 04/27/16 05/03/16 05/04/16 05/05/16 05/09/16 05/10/16 Wednesday 05/11/16 Thursday 05/19/16 Place Home Time 4:00PM Away 4:00PM Away Home 4:00PM 4:00PM Away 4:00PM Away 4:00PM Academy of the Holy Angels Ramsey High School Immaculate Heart Academy BWCAA County Tournament OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Home Home Home 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM Away 2:00PM Old Tappan State North Sectional OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Big North Girls Tournament OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. State Finals (Team/Individual) OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Away 4:00PM Away 8:00AM Away 4:00PM Away 9:30AM Place Away Away Time TBA TBA Old Tappan Tri with Indian Hills/Ramsey Indian Hills High School Ramsey High School Ridgewood H.S. Arcola Invitational OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. River Dell High School Tri with Glen Rock & Bergen Tech Bergen Tech Glen Rock High School Ridgewood H.S. Quad with PCTI/Northern Highlands/BT Bergen Tech Northern Highlands Regional High School Passaic Co Technical Institute Ridgewood H.S. Boys/Girls Varsity Monday Tuesday 03/28/16 03/29/16 OPEN DATE (Ocean City Maryland Trip) OPEN DATE (Ocean City Maryland Trip) Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 42 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 16 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Golf Boys/Girls Varsity Wednesday 03/30/16 Thursday 03/31/16 OPEN DATE (Ocean City Trip) OPEN DATE (Ocean City Trip) Place Away Away Time TBA TBA Place Time Away TBA Away Home Home Home Away Away Away Home Home Home Home Home Away Away Home Away Away Home Away Home Away Home Away Away Away Home Home TBA 6:00PM 6:00PM TBA 7:00PM 7:15PM 7:00PM 5:30PM 7:40PM 9:00PM 6:00PM TBA TBA TBA 5:00PM 4:30PM 7:15PM 5:00PM 8:45PM 7:10PM 5:00PM TBA 6:30PM 6:30PM 5:00PM 4:20PM TBA Ice Hockey Boys Varsity S Saturday 11/21/15 S Sunday 11/22/15 Saturday Sunday Friday Saturday Friday Saturday Friday Monday Friday Tuesday Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday Friday Saturday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Wednesday Friday Monday Friday Wednesday 11/28/15 11/29/15 12/04/15 12/05/15 12/11/15 12/12/15 12/18/15 12/21/15 12/25/15 12/29/15 01/04/16 01/06/16 01/08/16 01/09/16 01/10/16 01/22/16 01/23/16 01/29/16 01/30/16 02/06/16 02/07/16 02/17/16 02/19/16 02/22/16 02/26/16 03/02/16 Pre-season jamboree OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Pre-season Jamboree OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Passaic Valley High School Ramsey High School River Dell High School Clifton High School Ridge High School Paramus Catholic High School Randolph High School Fair Lawn High School Morristown High School Chatham HS OPEN DATE (Pepsi Classic) OPEN DATE (Pepsi Classic) OPEN DATE (Pepsi Classic) St. Joseph Regional Passaic Valley High School River Dell High School Glen Rock High School Montville High School Clifton High School Fair Lawn High School Paramus Catholic High School River Dell High School Paramus Catholic High School Pascack Valley High School Ridge High School OPEN DATE (Sectional Quarterfinals) Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 43 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 17 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Ice Hockey Boys Varsity Friday Monday Wednesday Friday 03/04/16 03/07/16 03/09/16 03/11/16 OPEN DATE (Sectional Semis) OPEN DATE (Sectional Championship) OPEN DATE (Group Semifinals) OPEN DATE (Group Finals) Place Home Away Away Away Time TBA TBA TBA TBA Pascack Valley High School St. Joseph Regional St. Joseph Regional Ramsey High School Summit High School Pascack Valley High School Ramapo High School Summit High School Don Bosco Prep Morris Knolls High School Passaic Valley High School Kinnelon High School Howell High School Passaic Valley High School St. Joseph Regional Passaic Valley High School Kinnelon High School Place Home Away Home Home Away Away Home Home Home Away Away Away Home Home Away Home Away Time 9:15PM 2:15PM 8:20PM 6:15PM 9:00PM 5:00PM 4:15PM 4:45PM 6:15PM 4:30PM 4:45PM 6:15PM 6:20PM 7:40PM 6:15PM 5:30PM 2:45PM Memorial High School Wayne Hills High School Westfield High School Belleville High School Manalapan High School Ramapo High School Paramus High School Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Place Home Away Home Away Home Away Away Home Home Time 6:00PM 2:00PM 2:00PM 3:00PM 4:00PM 7:00PM 11:00AM 6:00PM 7:00PM Boys Junior Varsity Friday Saturday Sunday Thursday Saturday Saturday Tuesday Monday Friday Friday Monday Thursday Friday Friday Thursday Friday Sunday 12/04/15 12/12/15 12/13/15 12/17/15 12/19/15 01/02/16 01/05/16 01/11/16 01/22/16 01/29/16 02/01/16 02/04/16 02/05/16 02/05/16 02/11/16 02/12/16 02/14/16 Soccer Boys Varsity Tuesday 08/18/15 S Wednesday08/19/15 S Saturday 08/22/15 S Wednesday08/26/15 Friday 08/28/15 Thursday 09/10/15 Saturday 09/12/15 Thursday 09/17/15 Saturday 09/19/15 Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 44 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 18 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Soccer Boys Varsity Monday Friday Monday Thursday Friday Saturday Monday Wednesday Thursday Sunday Tuesday Friday Monday Saturday Tuesday Friday Friday 09/21/15 09/25/15 09/28/15 10/01/15 10/09/15 10/10/15 10/12/15 10/14/15 10/15/15 10/18/15 10/20/15 10/23/15 10/26/15 10/31/15 11/03/15 11/06/15 11/13/15 Tuesday 11/17/15 Saturday 11/21/15 Hackensack High School Northern Valley - Old Tappan Bergenfield High School Northern Valley - -Demarest St. Joseph Regional OPEN DATE (BCCA County Tournament) Ramapo High School OPEN DATE (BCCA County Tournament) Paramus High School OPEN DATE (BCCA County Tournament) Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Hackensack High School Bergen Catholic High School Sectional Prelims OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Sectional Quarterfinals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Sectional Finals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. State Public Semifinals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Public State Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Place Home Away Home Away Away Home Home Away Home Away Away Away Away Home Time 6:00PM 4:15PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 4:15PM TBA 6:00PM TBA 6:00PM TBA 7:00PM 6:30PM 7:00PM 6:00PM Home TBA Home TBA Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Place Home Away Home Away Home Home Home Time 4:00PM 12:00PM 12:00PM 3:00PM 4:00PM 4:15PM 3:00PM Boys Junior Varsity Tuesday 08/18/15 S Wednesday08/19/15 S Saturday 08/22/15 S Wednesday08/26/15 Friday 08/28/15 Thursday 09/10/15 Saturday 09/12/15 Memorial High School Wayne Hills High School Westfield High School Belleville High School Manalapan High School Ramapo High School Paramus High School Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 45 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 19 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Soccer Boys Junior Varsity 09/17/15 09/19/15 09/21/15 09/25/15 09/28/15 10/01/15 10/09/15 10/10/15 10/12/15 10/14/15 10/15/15 10/18/15 10/20/15 10/23/15 10/26/15 10/31/15 Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Hackensack High School Northern Valley - Old Tappan Bergenfield High School Northern Valley - -Demarest St. Joseph Regional OPEN DATE (BCCA County Tournament) Ramapo High School OPEN DATE (BCCA County Tournament) Paramus High School OPEN DATE (BCCA County Tournament) Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Hackensack High School Bergen Catholic High School Place Away Home Away Home Away Home Home Home Away Away Away Away Home Away Home Away Time 4:15PM 3:00PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 1:00PM S Wednesday08/19/15 S Saturday 08/22/15 Wednesday 08/26/15 Friday 08/28/15 Tuesday 09/08/15 Thursday 09/10/15 Saturday 09/12/15 Thursday 09/17/15 Saturday 09/19/15 Monday 09/21/15 Friday 09/25/15 Thursday 10/01/15 Friday 10/09/15 Saturday 10/10/15 Monday 10/12/15 Wednesday 10/14/15 Thursday 10/15/15 Wayne Hills High School Westfield High School Belleville High School Manalapan High School West Orange High School Ramapo High School Paramus High School Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Hackensack High School Northern Valley - Old Tappan Northern Valley - -Demarest St. Joseph Regional OPEN DATE (BCCA County Tournament) Ramapo High School OPEN DATE (BCCA County Tournament) Paramus High School Place Away Home Away Home Away Away Away Home Home Home Away Away Away Away Home Away Home Time 10:00AM 10:00AM 3:00PM 4:00PM 4:15PM 4:15PM TBA 4:15PM 11:00AM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM Thursday Saturday Monday Friday Monday Thursday Friday Saturday Monday Wednesday Thursday Sunday Tuesday Friday Monday Saturday Boys Freshman Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 46 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 20 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Soccer Boys Freshman Saturday Sunday Tuesday Friday Monday Saturday 10/17/15 10/18/15 10/20/15 10/23/15 10/26/15 10/31/15 Bergen Tech OPEN DATE (BCCA County Tournament) Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Hackensack High School Bergen Catholic High School Place Home Away Away Home Away Home Time 10:00AM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 11:30AM 08/23/15 08/26/15 08/29/15 09/01/15 09/03/15 09/04/15 09/08/15 09/10/15 09/12/15 09/16/15 09/19/15 09/21/15 09/24/15 09/26/15 09/29/15 10/02/15 10/04/15 10/05/15 10/08/15 10/11/15 10/13/15 10/16/15 10/18/15 10/19/15 10/22/15 10/25/15 10/27/15 Good Counsel High School Pope John High School Pennington School Kearny High School Wayne Valley High School Morristown High School Academy of the Holy Angels Ramapo High School Paramus High School Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Hackensack High School Paramus Catholic High School Northern Valley - Old Tappan Cancelled - Mahwah High School Northern Valley - -Demarest OPEN DATE ( BCWCA County Tournament) Bergenfield High School Pingry School OPEN DATE (BCWCA County Tournament) Ramapo High School Paramus High School OPEN DATE (BCWCA County Tournament) Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School OPEN DATE (BCWCA County Tournament) Hackensack High School ( Senior Day) Place Home Home Away Away Away Home Away Home Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Home Home Home Away Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Home Time 11:00AM 7:00PM 11:00AM 4:00PM 4:00PM 7:00PM 4:00PM 4:15PM 1:00PM 7:00PM 5:00PM 7:00PM 4:15PM 11:00AM 4:15PM 4:15PM TBA 4:15PM 4:15PM TBA 7:00PM 7:00PM TBA 4:15PM 4:15PM TBA 4:15PM Girls Varsity S Sunday Wednesday S Saturday S Tuesday Thursday S Friday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Wednesday Saturday Monday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Friday Sunday Monday Thursday Sunday Tuesday Friday Sunday Monday Thursday Sunday Tuesday Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 47 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 21 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Soccer Girls Varsity Thursday Sunday Monday Thursday Monday 10/29/15 11/01/15 11/02/15 11/05/15 11/09/15 Tuesday 11/10/15 Thursday 11/12/15 Tuesday Saturday 11/17/15 11/21/15 Beacon High School OPEN DATE Sectional Prelims. OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Sectional Quarterfinals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Sectional Semifinals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Sectional Semifinals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Sectional Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. State Public Semifinals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Public State Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Place Home Away Time 4:15PM TBA Home TBA Home TBA Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Place Home Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Home Home Home Away Home Away Time 5:00PM 11:00AM 4:00PM 4:00PM 5:00PM 4:15PM 4:15PM TBA 4:15PM 1:00PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 11:00AM 4:15PM Girls Junior Varsity Wednesday S Saturday S Tuesday Thursday S Friday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Wednesday Saturday Monday Thursday Saturday Tuesday 08/26/15 08/29/15 09/01/15 09/03/15 09/04/15 09/08/15 09/10/15 09/12/15 09/16/15 09/19/15 09/21/15 09/24/15 09/26/15 09/29/15 Pope John High School Northern Valley - -Demarest Kearny High School Wayne Valley High School Morristown High School Academy of the Holy Angels Ramapo High School Paramus High School Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Hackensack High School Paramus Catholic High School Northern Valley - Old Tappan Cancelled - Mahwah High School Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 48 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 22 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Soccer Girls Junior Varsity Wednesday Friday Monday Thursday Sunday Tuesday Friday Monday Thursday Friday Tuesday Thursday 09/30/15 10/02/15 10/05/15 10/08/15 10/11/15 10/13/15 10/16/15 10/19/15 10/22/15 10/23/15 10/27/15 10/29/15 Lyndhurst High School Northern Valley - -Demarest Bergenfield High School Pingry School Cancelled - OPEN DATE Ramapo High School Paramus High School Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Lyndhurst High School Hackensack High School Beacon High School Place Away Away Away Away Home Home Home Away Home Home Away Home Time 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 08/26/15 08/29/15 09/01/15 09/03/15 09/04/15 09/10/15 09/12/15 09/16/15 09/19/15 09/21/15 09/26/15 09/29/15 10/02/15 10/05/15 10/08/15 10/13/15 10/16/15 10/19/15 10/22/15 10/27/15 Pope John High School Northern Valley - -Demarest Kearny High School Wayne Valley High School Morristown High School Ramapo High School Paramus High School Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Hackensack High School Northern Valley - Old Tappan Cancelled - Mahwah High School Northern Valley - -Demarest Ramsey High School Paramus Catholic High School Ramapo High School Paramus High School Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Hackensack High School Place Home Home Away Away Home Home Home Away Home Away Away Home Home Away Home Away Away Home Away Home Time 5:00PM 11:00AM 4:00PM 4:00PM 5:00PM 4:15PM 11:00AM 4:15PM 9:00AM 4:15PM 11:00AM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:00PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 03/11/16 Passaic County Tech Place Away Time 4:15PM Girls Freshman Wednesday S Saturday S Tuesday Thursday S Friday Thursday Saturday Wednesday Saturday Monday Saturday Tuesday Friday Monday Thursday Tuesday Friday Monday Thursday Tuesday Softball Girls Varsity Friday Superintendent Dr. Daniel Fishbein 06/19/2015 Principal Dr. Thomas A. Gorman *=League Event 49 Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Maureen Chiaramonte Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Keith Cook Page 23 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Softball Girls Varsity Thursday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Friday Saturday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Monday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday 03/17/16 03/18/16 03/19/16 03/21/16 03/22/16 03/23/16 03/30/16 03/31/16 04/02/16 04/04/16 04/06/16 04/07/16 04/08/16 04/11/16 04/12/16 04/13/16 04/13/16 04/15/16 04/16/16 04/16/16 04/18/16 04/19/16 04/20/16 04/21/16 04/21/16 04/22/16 04/25/16 04/25/16 04/26/16 04/27/16 04/29/16 04/30/16 Rutherford High School North Bergen High School Bergen Tech Westwood High School West Milford High School Pascack Hills High School Ramapo High School Montclair High School Paramus High School Hackensack High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Eastside High School Indian Hills High School Tenafly High School Indian Hills High School Teaneck High School Teaneck High School Don Bosco Prep Emerson High School Westwood High School Pascack Valley High School Fair Lawn High School Passaic County Tech Pascack Hills High School Pascack Hills High School Ramapo High School Paramus High School Paramus High School Pascack Valley High School Hackensack High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Fair Lawn High School (Coaches vs. Cancer) Place Home Home Away Home Home Away Home Home Away Home Away Home Home Away Away Home Home Home Home Away Home Home Away Home Home Away Home Home Home Away Home Away Time 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM TBA 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM TBA Saturday Sunday 04/30/16 05/01/16 Dumont High School OPEN DATE (BCWCA County Tounrament) Away Home 4:15PM TBA Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 50 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 24 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Softball Girls Varsity Monday Wednesday Wednesday Friday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Sunday Monday Saturday Sunday Saturday Saturday Saturday 05/02/16 05/04/16 05/04/16 05/06/16 05/06/16 05/07/16 05/08/16 05/09/16 05/10/16 05/11/16 05/15/16 05/16/16 05/21/16 05/22/16 05/28/16 06/04/16 06/11/16 Indian Hills High School Bergenfield High School Lodi High School Northern Valley - Old Tappan Northern Valley - Old Tappan Ramsey High School OPEN DATE (BCWCA Tournament) Northern Valley - -Demarest Bergenfield High School Paramus Catholic High School OPEN DATE Morristown High School OPEN DATE (States Round 1) OPEN DATE (BCWCA County Tournament) OPEN DATE (States Round 2) OPEN DATE (States Round 3) OPEN DATE (TOC Championship) Place Away Away Home Home Home Away Home Away Away Away Home Home Away Home Home Away Away Time 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM TBA 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM TBA 4:15PM 4:15PM TBA TBA 4:15PM TBA Passaic County Tech Rutherford High School North Bergen High School Bergen Tech Westwood High School West Milford High School Pascack Hills High School Ramapo High School Montclair High School Paramus High School Hackensack High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Eastside High School Indian Hills High School Tenafly High School Indian Hills High School Place Away Home Home Away Home Home Away Home Home Away Home Away Home Home Away Away Time 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM Girls Junior Varsity Friday Thursday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday 03/11/16 03/17/16 03/18/16 03/19/16 03/21/16 03/22/16 03/23/16 03/30/16 03/31/16 04/02/16 04/04/16 04/06/16 04/07/16 04/08/16 04/11/16 04/12/16 Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 51 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 25 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Softball Girls Junior Varsity Wednesday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday Monday Wednesday Wednesday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Monday 04/13/16 04/15/16 04/16/16 04/18/16 04/19/16 04/20/16 04/21/16 04/21/16 04/22/16 04/25/16 04/26/16 04/27/16 04/29/16 04/30/16 05/02/16 05/04/16 05/04/16 05/06/16 05/07/16 05/09/16 05/10/16 05/11/16 05/16/16 Teaneck High School Don Bosco Prep Westwood High School Pascack Valley High School Fair Lawn High School Passaic County Tech Pascack Hills High School Pascack Hills High School Ramapo High School Paramus High School Pascack Valley High School Hackensack High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Dumont High School Indian Hills High School Lodi High School Bergenfield High School Northern Valley - Old Tappan Ramsey High School Northern Valley - -Demarest Bergenfield High School Paramus Catholic High School Morristown High School Place Home Home Away Home Home Away Home Home Away Home Home Away Home Away Away Home Away Home Away Away Away Away Home Time 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 03/11/16 03/17/16 03/18/16 03/19/16 03/22/16 03/23/16 03/30/16 04/02/16 04/04/16 04/06/16 Passaic County Tech Rutherford High School North Bergen High School Bergen Tech West Milford High School Pascack Hills High School Ramapo High School Paramus High School Hackensack High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Place Home Away Away Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Time 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM Girls Freshman Friday Thursday Friday Saturday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Saturday Monday Wednesday Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 52 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 26 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Softball Girls Freshman Friday Tuesday Saturday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday Monday Wednesday Wednesday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Monday 04/08/16 04/12/16 04/16/16 04/16/16 04/18/16 04/19/16 04/20/16 04/21/16 04/22/16 04/25/16 04/25/16 04/26/16 04/27/16 04/29/16 04/30/16 05/02/16 05/04/16 05/04/16 05/06/16 05/07/16 05/09/16 05/10/16 05/10/16 05/11/16 05/16/16 Indian Hills High School Indian Hills High School Emerson High School Westwood High School Pascack Valley High School Fair Lawn High School Passaic County Tech Pascack Hills High School Ramapo High School Paramus High School Paramus High School Pascack Valley High School Hackensack High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Dumont High School Indian Hills High School Bergenfield High School Lodi High School Northern Valley - Old Tappan Ramsey High School Northern Valley - -Demarest Bergenfield High School Bergenfield High School Paramus Catholic High School Morristown High School Place Away Home Away Home Away Away Home Away Home Away Away Away Home Away Home Home Home Away Away Home Home Home Home Home Away Time 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 03/11/16 03/11/16 03/15/16 03/18/16 03/19/16 03/21/16 03/22/16 St. Joseph Regional Passaic County Tech Rutherford High School North Bergen High School Bergen Tech Westwood High School West Milford High School Place Away Home Away Away Home Away Away Time 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM Tennis Boys Varsity Friday Friday Tuesday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 53 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 27 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Tennis Boys Varsity Wednesday Thursday Saturday Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday Monday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday 03/23/16 03/31/16 04/02/16 04/04/16 04/06/16 04/07/16 04/08/16 04/11/16 04/12/16 04/12/16 04/13/16 04/15/16 04/16/16 04/18/16 04/19/16 04/20/16 04/21/16 04/22/16 04/25/16 04/26/16 04/27/16 04/29/16 04/30/16 05/02/16 05/04/16 05/04/16 05/05/16 05/06/16 05/07/16 05/08/16 05/09/16 05/10/16 05/11/16 05/12/16 05/14/16 Pascack Hills High School Montclair High School Paramus High School Hackensack High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Eastside High School Indian Hills High School Tenafly High School Indian Hills High School Indian Hills High School Teaneck High School Don Bosco Prep Westwood High School Pascack Valley High School Fair Lawn High School Passaic County Tech Pascack Hills High School Ramapo High School Paramus High School Pascack Valley High School Hackensack High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Dumont High School Indian Hills High School Bergenfield High School Lodi High School OPEN DATE (BCCA County Tournament) Northern Valley - Old Tappan Ramsey High School OPEN DATE (BCCA County Tournament) Northern Valley - -Demarest Bergenfield High School Paramus Catholic High School OPEN DATE (Sectional Quarterfinals) OPEN DATE (Sectional Semifinals) Place Home Away Home Away Home Away Away Home Home Home Away Away Home Away Away Home Away Home Away Away Home Away Home Home Home Away Away Away Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Time 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM TBA 4:15PM 4:15PM TBA 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM TBA TBA Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 54 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 28 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Tennis Boys Varsity Monday Tuesday Thursday Saturday 05/16/16 05/17/16 05/19/16 05/21/16 Morristown High School OPEN DATE (Sectional Finals) OPEN DATE (Group Semis) OPEN DATE (Group Finals) Place Away Home Away Away Time 4:15PM TBA TBA TBA Passaic County Tech Rutherford High School North Bergen High School Bergen Tech Westwood High School West Milford High School Pascack Hills High School Ramapo High School Montclair High School Paramus High School Hackensack High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Eastside High School Indian Hills High School Tenafly High School Indian Hills High School Teaneck High School Don Bosco Prep Westwood High School Pascack Valley High School Fair Lawn High School Passaic County Tech Pascack Hills High School Ramapo High School Paramus High School Pascack Valley High School Hackensack High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Dumont High School Place Away Home Home Away Home Home Away Home Home Away Home Away Home Home Away Away Home Home Away Home Home Away Home Away Home Home Away Home Away Time 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM Boys Junior Varsity Friday Thursday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday 03/11/16 03/17/16 03/18/16 03/19/16 03/21/16 03/22/16 03/23/16 03/30/16 03/31/16 04/02/16 04/04/16 04/06/16 04/07/16 04/08/16 04/11/16 04/12/16 04/13/16 04/15/16 04/16/16 04/18/16 04/19/16 04/20/16 04/21/16 04/22/16 04/25/16 04/26/16 04/27/16 04/29/16 04/30/16 Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 55 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 29 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 ATTACHMENT C Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Tennis Boys Junior Varsity Monday Wednesday Wednesday Friday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Monday 05/02/16 05/04/16 05/04/16 05/06/16 05/06/16 05/07/16 05/09/16 05/10/16 05/10/16 05/11/16 05/16/16 Indian Hills High School Lodi High School Bergenfield High School Northern Valley - Old Tappan Northern Valley - Old Tappan Ramsey High School Northern Valley - -Demarest Bergenfield High School Bergenfield High School Paramus Catholic High School Morristown High School Place Away Home Away Home Home Away Away Away Away Away Home Time 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 04/05/16 04/07/16 04/11/16 04/13/16 04/14/16 04/15/16 04/20/16 04/22/16 04/25/16 04/27/16 04/28/16 04/29/16 05/02/16 05/03/16 05/04/16 05/09/16 05/10/16 Hasbrouck Heights High School Mountain Lakes High School Hackensack High School Tenafly High School Clifton High School Teaneck High School Bloomfield High School Chatham HS Wayne Hills High School Rutherford High School Hasbrouck Heights High School Bloomfield High School Park Ridge High School Clifton High School Tenafly High School Rutherford High School Chatham HS Place Away Home Away Home Home Away Home Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Away Home Away Time 4:15PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM Ramapo High School Paramus High School Place Home Home Time 4:15PM 4:15PM Boys Freshman Tuesday Thursday Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Wednesday Friday Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Monday Tuesday Girls Varsity Thursday 09/10/15 Wednesday 09/16/15 Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 56 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 30 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Tennis Girls Varsity Thursday Monday Thursday Tuesday Thursday 09/17/15 09/21/15 09/24/15 09/29/15 10/01/15 Friday 10/02/15 Tuesday 10/06/15 Wednesday 10/07/15 Thursday Friday 10/08/15 10/09/15 Friday Tuesday 10/09/15 10/13/15 Tuesday Thursday 10/13/15 10/15/15 Thursday Friday Sunday 10/15/15 10/16/15 10/18/15 Tuesday 10/20/15 Tuesday 10/20/15 Wednesday 10/21/15 Friday 10/23/15 Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Hackensack High School Northern Valley - Old Tappan Sectional Prelims. OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Northern Valley - -Demarest Bergenfield High School Sectional Quarterfinals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Paramus Catholic High School Sectional Semifinals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Ramapo High School Sectional Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Paramus High School Group IV Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School TOC Quarterfinals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. TOC Semifinals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Hackensack High School TOC Finals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Academy of the Holy Angels Place Away Home Away Away Time 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM Home Home Home TBA 4:15PM 4:15PM Home Home TBA 4:15PM Away Away TBA 4:15PM Away Away TBA 4:15PM Away Home Away TBA 4:15PM 4:15PM Away TBA Home Home TBA 4:15PM Away Away TBA 4:15PM Place Away Time 4:15PM Girls Junior Varsity Thursday 09/10/15 Ramapo High School Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 57 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 31 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Tennis Girls Junior Varsity Wednesday Thursday Monday Thursday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Friday 09/16/15 09/17/15 09/21/15 09/24/15 09/29/15 10/02/15 10/06/15 10/08/15 10/09/15 10/13/15 10/15/15 10/16/15 10/20/15 10/23/15 Paramus High School Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Hackensack High School Northern Valley - Old Tappan Northern Valley - -Demarest Bergenfield High School Paramus Catholic High School Ramapo High School Paramus High School Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Hackensack High School Academy of the Holy Angels Place Away Home Away Home Home Away Away Away Home Home Away Home Away Home Time 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 09/09/15 09/10/15 09/14/15 09/16/15 09/18/15 09/25/15 09/28/15 09/30/15 10/05/15 10/07/15 10/08/15 10/13/15 10/14/15 10/16/15 10/20/15 10/23/15 Rutherford High School Park Ridge High School Cresskill High School Leonia High School Mahwah High School Chatham HS Tenafly High School Rutherford High School Park Ridge High School Cresskill High School Leonia High School Glen Rock High School Chatham HS Tenafly High School Mahwah High School Bergen County Technical School Place Home Away Away Away Home Away Away Away Away Home Home Away Home Home Away Home Time 4:15PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:15PM 4:00PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 12/05/15 West Orange High School Place Away Time 12:00PM Girls Freshman Wednesday Thursday Monday Wednesday Friday Friday Monday Wednesday Monday Wednesday Thursday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Tuesday Friday Wrestling Boys Varsity Saturday Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 58 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 32 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Wrestling Boys Varsity Wednesday 12/09/15 Friday 12/11/15 Saturday 12/12/15 Wednesday 12/16/15 Saturday 12/19/15 Wednesday 12/23/15 Tuesday 12/29/15 Wednesday 12/30/15 Saturday Sunday Wednesday Friday Wednesday Friday Wednesday Friday Wednesday Friday Saturday 01/02/16 01/03/16 01/06/16 01/08/16 01/13/16 01/15/16 01/20/16 01/22/16 01/27/16 01/29/16 01/30/16 Tri-Match Kearny High School Ridgewood H.S. West Milford High School Tri-Match Elmwood Park High School Park Ridge High School Ridgewood H.S. West Orange High School Tri-Match Northern Valley - Old Tappan Ridgewood H.S. River Dell High School Mt. Olive Tournament OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Garfield High School BCCA Wrestling Tournament OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. BCCA Wrestling Tournament OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. BCCA Holiday Tournament OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. BCCA Holiday Tournament OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Hackensack High School Northern Valley - -Demarest Northern Highlands Regional High School Northern Valley - Old Tappan Ramapo High School Bergenfield High School Indian Hills High School Bergen Catholic High School Tri with Watchung Hills and Bridgewater-Raritan Bridgewater-Raritan High School Ridgewood H.S. Watchung Hills Reg High School Place Time Home 5:00PM Home Away 5:00PM 12:00PM Home 5:00PM Away Home TBA 7:00PM Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Away Away Home Away Home Away Away Home Home TBA 7:00PM 6:00PM 7:00PM 6:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 6:00PM 6:00PM Away 9:00AM Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 59 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 33 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Wrestling Boys Varsity Tuesday Wednesday Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday 02/02/16 02/03/16 02/08/16 02/10/16 02/12/16 02/13/16 Friday Saturday Wednesday Friday Saturday Friday 02/19/16 02/20/16 02/24/16 02/26/16 02/27/16 03/04/16 Saturday 03/05/16 Sunday 03/06/16 Indian Hills High School Paramus High School OPEN DATE (Team State Sectionals) New Milford High School Mahwah High School Fair Lawn Quad Fair Lawn High School OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. OPEN DATE (District 6 Championship) OPEN DATE (District 6 Championship) OPEN DATE (Regions) OPEN DATE (Regions) OPEN DATE (Regions) State Championships OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. State Championships OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. State Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Place Home Away Home Home Home Time 6:00PM 7:00PM TBA 6:00PM 6:00PM Away Home Home Home Home Home TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Place Away Away Time 5:00PM 5:00PM Away TBA Away TBA Home Away Away 9:00AM 4:30PM 5:00PM Boys Junior Varsity S Wednesday12/09/15 Tuesday 12/22/15 Saturday 12/26/15 Sunday Saturday 12/27/15 01/02/16 Wednesday 01/06/16 Friday 01/08/16 West Milford High School Garfield High School Ridgefield JV Tournament OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Ridgefield Park JV Tourament OPEN DATE Ridgefield Memorial High School Ridgewood H.S. Quad OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Hackensack High School Don Bosco Prep Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 60 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 34 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Wrestling Boys Junior Varsity Saturday Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday 01/09/16 01/13/16 01/15/16 01/16/16 01/17/16 Monday 01/18/16 Wednesday Friday Wednesday Friday Saturday 01/20/16 01/22/16 01/27/16 01/29/16 01/30/16 Wednesday 02/03/16 Friday 02/05/16 Saturday 02/06/16 Sunday 02/07/16 Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday 02/09/16 02/10/16 02/12/16 02/13/16 02/14/16 Kinnelon High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Northern Valley - Old Tappan Quad OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. North Bergen Frosh tournament OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Steinert JV Tournament OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Ramapo High School Bergenfield High School North Bergen High School Bergen Catholic High School JV Quad OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Paramus High School Saddle Brook/Glen Rock OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Forsh County Tournament OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Kinnelon JV Shootout Kinnelon High School OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Mahwah High School New Milford High School Hawthorne High School Fair Lawn High School JV Region II Tournament OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Place Home Away Home Time 9:00AM 4:00PM TBA Home 9:00AM Away 9:00AM Away Away Away Away Home TBA 6:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 6:00PM Home Away 9:00AM 5:00PM Home 5:00PM Away 9:00AM Away Away Away Away Away TBA 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 9:30AM Home 8:00AM Place Time Away TBA Boys Freshman Saturday 02/06/16 BCCA Freshmen Tournament OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 06/19/2015 *=League Event 61 Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 35 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Track Boys Varsity Wednesday Saturday Saturday Monday Friday Friday Saturday 03/30/16 04/02/16 04/02/16 04/04/16 04/08/16 04/08/16 04/09/16 Monday 04/11/16 Wednesday 04/13/16 Friday Saturday Tuesday Friday 04/15/16 04/16/16 04/19/16 04/22/16 Northern Highlands Regional High School OPEN DATE OPEN DATE Tri-Meet w Ramapo & Paramus Paramus High School Ramapo High School Ridgewood H.S. Arcadia Invitational OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. OPEN DATE Arcadia Invitational OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Hackensack High School County Relays OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. County Relays OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. County Relays OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Indian Hills High School Penn Relays OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Place Home Away Away Time 4:15PM 8:00AM 4:15PM Home 4:00PM Away Away TBA 4:15PM Away Away TBA 4:15PM Home 4:15PM Away 4:15PM Away Home 8:00AM 4:15PM Away TBA Place Home Home Away Time 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM Home 4:00PM Away Away TBA 4:15PM Girls Varsity Wednesday Wednesday Saturday Monday Friday Monday 03/30/16 03/30/16 04/02/16 04/04/16 04/08/16 04/11/16 Northern Highlands Regional High School Northern Highlands Regional High School OPEN DATE Tri-Meet w Ramapo & Paramus Paramus High School Ramapo High School Ridgewood H.S. OPEN DATE Hackensack High School Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 62 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 36 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 ATTACHMENT C Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Track Girls Varsity Wednesday 04/13/16 Friday 04/15/16 Saturday 04/16/16 Tuesday 04/19/16 County Relays OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. County Relays OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. County Relays OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Indian Hills High School Place Time Home 4:15PM Away 4:15PM Away Home 8:00AM 4:15PM Place Time Home 4:00PM Place Time Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Place Away Time 3:30PM Girls Freshman Thursday 05/12/16 Girls Freshman BC Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Boys/Girls Varsity Saturday 04/23/16 Friday 05/20/16 Saturday Friday 05/21/16 05/27/16 Saturday 05/28/16 Friday 06/17/16 Saturday 06/18/16 Penn Relays OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. East Coast Relays OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. East Coast Relays OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. State Group Championships OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. State Group Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Nationals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Nationals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Swimming Boys Varsity Monday 12/07/15 Don Bosco Prep Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 63 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 37 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 ATTACHMENT C Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Swimming Boys Varsity Saturday Sunday Sunday 01/23/16 01/24/16 01/24/16 Wednesday 01/27/16 Wednesday 02/03/16 Friday 02/05/16 Wednesday 02/10/16 Monday 02/15/16 Sunday 02/21/16 BMOC Tappan Zee High School OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Bergen Invitational OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. BMOC OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. BNC Freedom Division Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. State Sectionals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. State Sectional Semifinals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. State Sectional finals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. State Semifinals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. State Finals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Place Time Away 4:00PM Away 7:00AM Away 4:00PM Away 5:00PM Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Place Time Away 7:00AM Away 7:00AM Away 4:00PM Away 5:00PM Girls Varsity Saturday Sunday Sunday 01/23/16 01/24/16 01/24/16 Wednesday 01/27/16 BMOC OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Bergen Invitational OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. BMOC OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. BNC Freedom Division Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 64 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 38 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Swimming Girls Varsity Wednesday 02/03/16 Friday 02/05/16 Wednesday 02/10/16 Monday Sunday 02/15/16 02/21/16 State Sectionals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. State Sectional Semifinals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. State Sectional Finals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. State Semifinals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. State Finals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Place Time Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Place Away Home Home Home Away Away Away Away Home Time 8:15PM 7:15PM 7:15PM 8:15PM 4:15PM 8:15PM 3:30PM 3:30PM 7:15PM Place Time Away TBA Away TBA Away Away Away 4:30PM 1:00PM 4:15PM Boys/Girls Varsity Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Monday Tuesday 12/01/15 12/03/15 12/15/15 12/17/15 01/05/16 01/11/16 01/19/16 01/25/16 02/02/16 Indian Hills High School Northern Valley - -Demarest Paramus High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Hackensack High School Ramapo High School Passaic County Tech Clifton High School Fair Lawn High School S Friday 03/11/16 S Saturday 03/12/16 Kent Island OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Hereford HS & Broadneck HS & Howard HS OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Lacrosse Boys Varsity S Wednesday03/16/16 S Saturday 03/19/16 Wednesday 03/30/16 Bridgewater-Raritan High School Seton Hall Prep Montclair High School Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 65 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 39 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Lacrosse Boys Varsity Saturday Saturday Tuesday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Wednesday Saturday Tuesday Saturday Tuesday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Wednesday Saturday Tuesday Friday Monday Wednesday Saturday 04/02/16 04/02/16 04/05/16 04/09/16 04/12/16 04/14/16 04/16/16 04/19/16 04/27/16 04/30/16 05/03/16 05/07/16 05/10/16 05/14/16 05/17/16 05/19/16 05/21/16 05/24/16 05/25/16 05/28/16 05/31/16 06/03/16 06/06/16 06/08/16 06/11/16 Somerville High School Hunterdon Central Reg. HS Bergen Catholic High School Mountain Lakes High School Glen Ridge High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Westfield High School New Canaan High School Don Bosco Prep Pascack Hills High School Pascack Valley High School Bergen Catholic High School Ramapo High School Wayne Hills High School Randolph High School Northern Highlands Regional High School West Morris Central High School OPEN DATE (Sectional Quarterfinals) Shawnee High School Pingry School OPEN DATE (Sectional Semis) OPEN DATE (Sectional Championship) OPEN DATE (Group Finals) OPEN DATE (State Semifinals) OPEN DATE (TOC Championship) Place Home Away Home Away Home Home Away Away Away Away Away Home Home Away Away Away Away Home Away Home Away Away Away Away Away Time 12:00PM 1:00PM 4:15PM 1:00PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 3:00PM 5:30PM 4:15PM 4:00PM 4:15PM 5:00PM 4:15PM 1:30PM 6:00PM 3:30PM 6:00PM TBA 7:30PM 5:00PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Bridgewater-Raritan High School Bridgewater-Raritan High School Seton Hall Prep Seton Hall Prep Montclair High School Hunterdon Central Reg. HS Bergen Catholic High School Mountain Lakes High School Place Away Away Away Away Away Away Home Away Time 6:00PM 6:15PM 3:00PM 6:15PM 6:15PM 2:30PM 6:15PM 6:15PM Boys Junior Varsity S Wednesday03/16/16 Wednesday 03/16/16 S Saturday 03/19/16 Saturday 03/19/16 Wednesday 03/30/16 Saturday 04/02/16 Tuesday 04/05/16 Saturday 04/09/16 Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 66 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 40 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Lacrosse Boys Junior Varsity Tuesday Thursday Saturday Saturday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday Tuesday Wednesday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Wednesday Saturday 04/12/16 04/14/16 04/16/16 04/16/16 04/19/16 04/26/16 04/27/16 04/29/16 04/30/16 05/03/16 05/04/16 05/07/16 05/10/16 05/12/16 05/14/16 05/17/16 05/19/16 05/21/16 05/25/16 05/28/16 Glen Ridge High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Westfield High School Westfield High School New Canaan High School Pascack Hills High School Don Bosco Prep Ramapo High School Pascack Hills High School Pascack Valley High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Bergen Catholic High School Ramapo High School Summit High School Wayne Hills High School Randolph High School Northern Highlands Regional High School West Morris Central High School Shawnee High School Pingry School Place Home Home Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Home Home Away Away Away Away Away Away Home Time 6:15PM 6:15PM 5:00PM 6:15PM 6:15PM 4:15PM 6:15PM 4:30PM 6:15PM 6:15PM 4:30PM 6:15PM 6:15PM 6:15PM 6:15PM 6:15PM 6:15PM 6:15PM 6:15PM 6:15PM Chatham HS Bridgewater-Raritan High School Bridgewater-Raritan High School Seton Hall Prep Montclair High School Hunterdon Central Reg. HS Somerville High School Bergen Catholic High School Mountain Lakes High School Glen Ridge High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Livingston High School Westfield High School Place Away Home Home Away Home Home Away Away Home Away Away Away Home Time 10:00AM 4:00PM 4:15PM 11:00AM 4:00PM 11:00AM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:15PM 11:00AM Boys Freshman S Saturday 03/12/16 Wednesday 03/16/16 S Wednesday03/16/16 S Saturday 03/19/16 Wednesday 03/30/16 Saturday 04/02/16 Saturday 04/02/16 Tuesday 04/05/16 Saturday 04/09/16 Tuesday 04/12/16 Thursday 04/14/16 Thursday 04/14/16 Saturday 04/16/16 Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 67 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 41 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Lacrosse Boys Freshman Tuesday Wednesday Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday Tuesday Friday Saturday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Wednesday Saturday 04/19/16 04/20/16 04/25/16 04/27/16 04/29/16 04/30/16 05/03/16 05/06/16 05/07/16 05/07/16 05/10/16 05/12/16 05/14/16 05/17/16 05/19/16 05/21/16 05/25/16 05/28/16 New Canaan High School Chatham HS Delbarton High School Don Bosco Prep Summit High School Pascack Hills High School Montville High School Darien High School Bergen Catholic High School OPEN DATE Ramapo High School Summit High School Wayne Hills High School Randolph High School Northern Highlands Regional High School West Morris Central High School Shawnee High School Pingry School Place Home Away Home Home Away Home Away Home Away Away Away Home Home Home Home Home Home Away Time 4:00PM 4:30PM 4:15PM 4:00PM 6:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 5:00PM 4:00PM 5:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM Place Away Home Time 10:00AM 4:30PM Away Away Home Home Home Away Home Home Away 9:00AM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM TBA TBA Away 4:15PM Girls Varsity S Saturday 03/12/16 S Thursday 03/17/16 S Saturday 03/19/16 Friday Monday Thursday Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday Saturday 04/01/16 04/04/16 04/07/16 04/11/16 04/13/16 04/15/16 04/16/16 04/16/16 Tuesday 04/19/16 Garden City High School Bridgewater-Raritan High School Play Day at Suffern OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. West Essex High School Indian Hills High School Randolph High School Mountain Lakes High School Glen Ridge High School Chatham HS OPEN DATE (Gains For Brains) OPEN DATE (Gains for Brains, ColdSpring Harbor Showcase) Summit High School Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 68 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 42 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Lacrosse Girls Varsity Saturday Saturday Wednesday Saturday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Wednesday Saturday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Monday Wednesday Saturday 04/23/16 04/23/16 04/27/16 04/30/16 04/30/16 05/03/16 05/05/16 05/07/16 05/09/16 05/10/16 05/12/16 05/13/16 05/16/16 05/17/16 05/19/16 05/24/16 05/25/16 05/28/16 05/31/16 06/01/16 06/03/16 06/06/16 06/08/16 06/11/16 Moorestown High School Oak Knoll High School Kent Place School West Morris/Mendham High School Dwight-Englewood High School Pascack Valley High School Mahwah High School Northern Highlands Regional High School West Morris Central High School Glen Ridge High School OPEN DATE Immaculata High School Westfield High School Hillsborough High School Montclair High School OPEN DATE (Sectional Quarterfinals) Bridgewater-Raritan High School Lenape Valley Regional High School OPEN DATE (Sectional Semis) Summit High School OPEN DATE (Sectional Championship) OPEN DATE (Group Finals) OPEN DATE (State Semifinals) OPEN DATE (TOC Championship) Place Away Home Home Away Away Home Home Away Home Away Away Away Away Away Away Home Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Time 1:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 1:00PM 7:00PM 6:00PM 4:00PM 3:00PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 3:30PM 6:00PM TBA 4:00PM 12:00PM TBA 5:00PM TBA TBA TBA TBA Garden City High School Bridgewater-Raritan High School Bridgewater-Raritan High School West Essex High School Indian Hills High School Randolph High School Mountain Lakes High School Glen Ridge High School Chatham HS Place Away Home Home Away Home Home Home Away Home Time 5:45PM 5:45PM 6:00PM 5:45PM 5:45PM 5:45PM 5:45PM 5:45PM 5:45PM Girls Junior Varsity Saturday Thursday S Thursday Friday Monday Thursday Monday Wednesday Friday 03/12/16 03/17/16 03/17/16 04/01/16 04/04/16 04/07/16 04/11/16 04/13/16 04/15/16 Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 69 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 43 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Lacrosse Girls Junior Varsity Tuesday Wednesday Saturday Saturday Saturday Wednesday Saturday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Friday Saturday Monday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Saturday Wednesday 04/19/16 04/20/16 04/23/16 04/23/16 04/23/16 04/27/16 04/30/16 05/03/16 05/03/16 05/05/16 05/07/16 05/09/16 05/10/16 05/11/16 05/12/16 05/13/16 05/13/16 05/14/16 05/16/16 05/16/16 05/17/16 05/18/16 05/19/16 05/25/16 05/28/16 06/01/16 Summit High School Kent Place School Moorestown High School Oak Knoll High School Moorestown High School Kent Place School West Morris/Mendham High School Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School Pascack Valley High School Mahwah High School Northern Highlands Regional High School West Morris Central High School Glen Ridge High School River Dell High School OPEN DATE Immaculate Heart Academy Immaculata High School Immaculate Heart Academy OPEN DATE Westfield High School Hillsborough High School Immaculate Heart Academy Montclair High School Bridgewater-Raritan High School Lenape Valley Regional High School Summit High School Place Away Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Home Home Away Home Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Home Away Away Away Away Time 5:45PM 5:45PM 3:45PM 5:45PM 5:45PM 5:45PM 5:45PM 4:30PM 5:45PM 5:45PM 5:45PM 5:45PM 5:45PM 4:30PM 5:45PM 4:15PM 5:45PM 12:30PM 4:15PM 5:45PM 5:45PM 4:15PM 5:45PM 5:45PM 5:45PM 5:45PM 03/12/16 03/17/16 03/17/16 03/19/16 03/30/16 04/01/16 04/04/16 Garden City High School Bridgewater-Raritan High School Bridgewater-Raritan High School Millburn High School Mountain Lakes High School West Essex High School Indian Hills High School Place Home Away Away Home Away Home Away Time 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:30PM 10:00AM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM Girls Freshman Saturday Thursday S Thursday S Saturday Wednesday Friday Monday Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 70 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 44 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Lacrosse Girls Freshman Tuesday Thursday Saturday Monday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Saturday Saturday Wednesday Saturday Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Thursday Wednesday Saturday Wednesday 04/05/16 04/07/16 04/09/16 04/11/16 04/12/16 04/15/16 04/19/16 04/21/16 04/23/16 04/23/16 04/23/16 04/27/16 04/30/16 05/02/16 05/03/16 05/05/16 05/06/16 05/07/16 05/09/16 05/10/16 05/12/16 05/13/16 05/16/16 05/17/16 05/19/16 05/25/16 05/28/16 06/01/16 Madison High School Randolph High School Montville High School Mountain Lakes High School Hunterdon Central Reg. HS Chatham HS Summit High School Pascack Valley High School Moorestown High School Oak Knoll High School Moorestown High School Kent Place School West Morris/Mendham High School Wayne Hills High School Pascack Valley High School Mahwah High School Ridge High School Northern Highlands Regional High School West Morris Central High School Glen Ridge High School OPEN DATE Immaculata High School Westfield High School Hillsborough High School Montclair High School Bridgewater-Raritan High School Lenape Valley Regional High School Summit High School Place Home Away Away Away Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away Away Away Away Home Away Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Time 4:15PM 4:00PM 10:00AM 4:00PM 4:15PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 11:00AM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:15PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM OPEN DATE (County Tournament) OPEN DATE (County Tournament) OPEN DATE Place Home Home Home Time TBA TBA TBA Ramapo High School Place Home Time 4:15PM Boys/Girls Varsity Monday 05/02/16 Wednesday 05/04/16 Friday 05/06/16 Volleyball Girls Varsity Thursday 09/10/15 Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 06/19/2015 *=League Event 71 Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 45 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Volleyball Girls Varsity Saturday Wednesday Saturday Monday Thursday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Friday Monday Wednesday Friday 09/12/15 09/16/15 09/19/15 09/21/15 09/24/15 09/29/15 10/02/15 10/06/15 10/08/15 10/09/15 10/13/15 10/15/15 10/16/15 10/20/15 10/23/15 10/26/15 10/28/15 10/30/15 OPEN DATE (Tournament) Paramus High School OPEN DATE (Tournament) Northern Highlands Regional High School Hackensack High School Northern Valley - Old Tappan Northern Valley - -Demarest Bergenfield High School Paramus Catholic High School Ramapo High School Paramus High School Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Hackensack High School Academy of the Holy Angels OPEN DATE (Sectional Quarter Finals) OPEN DATE (Sectional Semifinals) OPEN DATE (Sectional Finals) Place Home Home Away Home Away Away Home Home Home Away Away Home Away Home Away Home Home Away Time TBA 4:15PM TBA 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 7:00PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM TBA TBA TBA Ramapo High School OPEN DATE (Tournament) Paramus High School Indian Hills High School OPEN DATE (Tournament) Northern Highlands Regional High School Hackensack High School Northern Valley - Old Tappan Northern Valley - -Demarest Bergenfield High School Paramus Catholic High School Ramapo High School Paramus High School Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Place Home Home Home Away Home Home Away Away Home Home Home Away Away Home Away Time 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM Girls Junior Varsity Thursday Saturday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Monday Thursday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Thursday Friday 09/10/15 09/12/15 09/16/15 09/17/15 09/19/15 09/21/15 09/24/15 09/29/15 10/02/15 10/06/15 10/08/15 10/09/15 10/13/15 10/15/15 10/16/15 Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 72 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 46 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Volleyball Girls Junior Varsity Tuesday Friday 10/20/15 10/23/15 Hackensack High School Academy of the Holy Angels Place Home Away Time 5:30PM 5:30PM 09/10/15 09/12/15 09/16/15 09/17/15 09/19/15 09/21/15 09/24/15 09/29/15 10/02/15 10/06/15 10/08/15 10/09/15 10/13/15 10/15/15 10/16/15 10/20/15 10/23/15 Ramapo High School OPEN DATE (Tournament) Paramus High School Indian Hills High School OPEN DATE (Tournament) Northern Highlands Regional High School Hackensack High School Northern Valley - Old Tappan Northern Valley - -Demarest Bergenfield High School Paramus Catholic High School Ramapo High School Paramus High School Indian Hills High School Northern Highlands Regional High School Hackensack High School Academy of the Holy Angels Place Away Away Away Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Home Away Home Time 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:00PM 4:15PM 4:00PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 4:15PM Place Home Home Home Home Time 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM Away Home Home TBA 4:00PM 4:00PM Away 4:00PM Girls Freshman Thursday Saturday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Monday Thursday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Friday Bowling Boys/Girls Varsity Monday Wednesday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Monday Thursday Monday 11/30/15 12/02/15 12/08/15 12/10/15 12/12/15 12/14/15 12/17/15 01/04/16 Paramus High School Ramapo High School Hackensack High School Indian Hills High School FDU Singles Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Ramapo High School Ridgefield Park Don Bosco/ Old Tappan OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 73 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 47 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 ATTACHMENT C Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Bowling Boys/Girls Varsity Wednesday 01/06/16 Saturday 01/09/16 Monday Wednesday Thursday Saturday 01/11/16 01/13/16 01/14/16 01/16/16 Wednesday 01/20/16 Saturday 01/23/16 Tuesday 01/26/16 Wednesday 01/27/16 Saturday 01/30/16 Saturday Saturday Monday 02/06/16 02/13/16 02/15/16 Tenafly High School FDU Team Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Northern Highlands Regional High School Northern Valley - -Demarest Hackensack High School Girls County Tournament OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Northern Highlands Regional High School Boys County Tournament OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Indian Hills High School Paramus High School Boys County Tournament OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Girls State Sectional OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Boys State Sectional OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Girls State TOC OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Place Home Time 4:00PM Away Home Home Home TBA 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM Away Home TBA 4:00PM Away Home Home TBA 4:00PM 4:00PM Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Place Time Away 4:00PM Away 4:00PM Away 4:00PM Away 4:00PM Indoor Track Boys/Girls Varsity Monday 12/21/15 Tuesday 01/05/16 Friday Monday 01/08/16 01/11/16 Spiked Shoe Invitataional OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Big North Frosh/Novice Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Paul Schwartz Invitational OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. BNC Freedom Division Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Superintendent Principal Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 74 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 48 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 ATTACHMENT C Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Indoor Track Boys/Girls Varsity Wednesday 01/13/16 Thursday 01/14/16 Friday 01/15/16 Friday Saturday 01/15/16 01/16/16 Friday 01/22/16 Monday 01/25/16 Wednesday 01/27/16 Saturday 01/30/16 Monday 02/01/16 Tuesday 02/02/16 Wednesday 02/03/16 Tuesday Saturday Saturday 02/09/16 02/13/16 02/13/16 Ridgewood Winter Games OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. State Group IV Relays OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. State Group IV Relays OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Yale HS Classic OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Yale HS Classic OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Ridgewood Winter Games OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Bergen County Relays OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Metropolitan Invitational OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. State Sectional Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Varsity Classic OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Ed Church Invitational OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Ed Church Invitational OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Lou Molino Invitational OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. State Group IV Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Milrose Games OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Place Time Away 4:00PM Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Away 4:00PM Away 4:00PM Away 4:00PM Away TBA Away 4:00PM Away 4:15PM Away 4:00PM Away 4:00PM Away TBA Away TBA Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 75 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 49 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 ATTACHMENT C Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Indoor Track Boys/Girls Varsity Tuesday 02/16/16 Tuesday 03/01/16 Friday 03/11/16 Saturday Sunday 03/12/16 03/13/16 Place Time Away 4:00PM Away 4:00PM Away TBA New Balance Indoor Nationals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Away TBA New Balance Indoor Nationals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Away TBA Place Home Time 4:30PM Away Home Away Away Home Home Away Home 12:00PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 5:00PM 4:30PM Home 5:00PM Away 5:00PM Bergen County Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Eastern States Invitational OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. New Balance indoor Nationals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Gymnastics Girls Varsity Thursday Saturday Friday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Friday Monday Tuesday Friday Tuesday 09/17/15 09/19/15 09/25/15 09/29/15 10/01/15 10/06/15 10/09/15 10/19/15 10/20/15 10/23/15 10/27/15 Wayne Hills High School Wayne Classic OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Wayne Hills High School Pascack Valley High School Academy of the Holy Angels Indian Hills High School Ramapo High School West Milford High School Randolph High School Montclair High School Bergen County Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. League A Championship OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Wayne Hills High School Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 76 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 50 JUNE 22, 2015 Team Schedule 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016 Ridgewood H.S. 627 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 ATTACHMENT C Keith Cook School Phone: 201-670-2800 ext 20510 Home Phone: Fax: 201-612-6262 [email protected] Gymnastics Girls Varsity Saturday 11/07/15 Thursday 11/12/15 Saturday 11/14/15 Sectionals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Team Finals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Individual Finals OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Place Time Away TBA Away TBA Away TBA Place Time Home TBA Girls Junior Varsity Saturday 10/31/15 Novice Meet OPEN DATE Ridgewood H.S. Superintendent Principal Admin. Assistant Athletic Director Dr. Daniel Fishbein Dr. Thomas A. Gorman Maureen Chiaramonte Keith Cook 77 06/19/2015 *=League Event Schedule Star 800-822-9433 Page 51 JUNE 22, 2015 ATTACHMENT D RIDGEWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2015 Ridgewood High School Summer School # 2014-2015 Classes Salary Full SS Salary Summer Name Assignment School Salary Appel Charles World History English 11 & 12 0.50 $ 67,693 $ 6,092 $ 3,046 Contreras, Colleen 0.50 $ 68,803 $ 6,192 $ 3,096 Ferenczi,Elainia Algebra I, Remedial 0.30 $ 67,693 $ 6,092 $ 1,828 Gordon, Julie Critical Reading & Writing 0.15 $ 81,403 $ 7,326 $ 1,099 Kase, Sean Financial Literacy 0.25 $ 62,193 $ 5,597 $ 1,399 Kay, James Chemistry, Remedial 0.50 $ 99,093 $ 8,918 $ 4,459 Kuiken, Diane Biology, Remedial 0.50 $ 99,093 $ 8,918 $ 4,459 Lauro, Livia Physical Education 0.50 $ 71,518 $ 6,437 $ 3,218 Nyhuis, Philip Geometry, Remedial 0.50 $ 65,093 $ 5,858 $ 2,929 Pinches, Katharine English 9 & 10 0.50 $ 84,453 $ 7,601 $ 3,800 Rosenfeld, Lauren Foundations of Algebra 0.20 $ 85,953 $ 7,736 $ 1,547 Scevola, Adam Algebra II, Honor 1.00 $ 65,093 $ 5,858 $ 5,858 Serafino, Lisa Algebra I, Remedial 0.20 $ 64,793 $ 5,831 $ 1,166 Tollefsen, Sara Algebra II, Remedial 0.50 $ 55,693 $ 5,012 $ 2,506 Wood, Danielle SAT Prep & Special Education 0.50 $ 90,236 $ 8,121 $ 4,061 Manke, Colleen Nurse 1.00 $ 78,653 $ 7,079 $ 7,079 Cook, Keith Co-Principal $ 5,722 Casatelli, Stacey Collins, Carla Co-Principal Administrative Assistant (TC - Hourly) $ 5,722 22.00 Salaries calculated at 9% of regular contracted salaries, in accordance with Article V of the REA/Board Agreement Salaries above regular contracted salary are calculated at the MA MAX 2014-2015 - MA MAX - $99,093 78 June 22, 2015 ATTACHMENT E 2015 SUMMER SPECIAL NEEDS STAFFING Teacher Glen School Carrera, Amy (85 Hrs.) Heibel, Kristie (20 DAYS.) Letavish, Kelly (85 Hrs.) McCann, Eileen (85 Hrs.) Rosenfeld, Patricia (85 Hrs.) Amaral, Carla Classroom Aides Hegewald, Nicole Lam, Antenette Lauritano, Scott Mertens, Meghan Mwangi, Robert Neville, Alaine Ostrovskaia, Olga Rodgers, Natane Tirico, Tamrin Troncone, Laurette Varady, Kelly Ridge School Osenbruck, Jennifer (105Hrs.) Classroom Aides Garcia, Lynn Kendrick, Deborah Scheideler, Courtney Smith, Angela Ridge School Keppel, Katherine (105 Hrs.) Simon, Megan (105 Hrs.) Tolve, Laura (105 Hrs.) Williams, Jennifer (105 Hrs.) Classroom Aides Brophy, Nancy Ferreira, Maris Gomez, Krystina Hans, Kathryn Jenkins, Megan Lawson, Mellisa Nunez; Lilian Rappetti, Luiann Sunden, Kristi Tucker, Annette Wassuta, Karyn Ridge School Dodd, Leah (85 Hrs.) Pepper, Jamie (85 Hrs.) Romano, Odalys (85 Hrs.) Tuohy, Kathleen (85 Hrs.) Classroom Aides Bernarducci, Laren Clark, Regina Connolly, Meredith Eidschun, Maura Ellis, Adelle 2014-15 Salary Assignment RED Program RISe Program RED Program RED Program RED Program RED Program $78,553 130 a day $75,803 $99,093 $95,773 Sum.School Full Salary $7,070 $62,243 $6,822 $8,918 $8,620 $5,602 SAIL Program SAIL Program SAIL Program SAIL Program RISe Program RISe Program RISe Program RISe Program $67,343 $64,793 $68,343 $65,093 $6,061 $5,831 $6,151 $5,858 RISe Program RISe Program RISe Program RISe Program RISe Program RISe Program RISe Program RISe Program RISe Program RISe Program RISe Program Special Needs - 4-5 Grades Special Needs - Kindergarten Special Needs - 1st Grade Special Needs - 2-3 Grades Special Needs Special Needs Special Needs Special Needs Special Needs 79 $99,093 $64,793 $87,703 $55,693 $47 $45 $59 $57 $16.49 $4,006 $2,600 $3,866 $5,054 $4,884 T/C $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C $37 $3,921 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 T/C T/C T/C T/C $40 $39 $41 $39 $4,243 $4,082 $4,306 $4,101 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C 59.46 38.88 52.62 33.42 5,054 3,304 4,473 2,840 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C - RED Program RED Program RED Program RED Program RED Program RED Program RED Program RED Program RED Program RED Program RED Program SAIL Program Hourly Sum. School Rate Salary $8,918 $5,831 $7,893 $5,012 June 22, 2015 ATTACHMENT E Felipe, Brenda Goodfriend, Elizabeth Griffith, Jennifer Hadfield, Kara Jackameit; Katie Krasinski, Kristen LeBlancq, Mary Lombardi, Gabrielle Maida, Melanie Marino, Nicole Menzies, Lauren Monnerat, Maria Obregon, Madeline Pfeiffer, Courtney Planthaber, Elizabeth Provede-Grasso, Catherine Reid, Jenifer Tuffy, Melissa Wiessner, Kelly Reilly 2015 SUMMER SPECIAL NEEDS STAFFING Special Needs Special Needs Special Needs Special Needs Special Needs Special Needs Special Needs Special Needs Special Needs Special Needs Special Needs Special Needs Special Needs Special Needs Special Needs Special Needs Special Needs Special Needs Special Needs Chicas, Christina DiMaulo, Theresa Mauriello, Frank McCann, Eileen Program Coordinator Nurse Principal Glen School Coordinator --83,890 --- Calculated at Summer School hourly rate: Annex 13 REA Agreement MA Max $99,093 80 $16.49 $16.49 $16.46 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 $16.49 T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C T/C 50.33 --- 4,800 7,550 12,935 500 --7,550 ----- --- JUNE 22, 2015 Name Assignment Azzopardi, Deirde Occupational Therapist Devaney, Eileen Elbaum, Gila LDT/C Psychologist Fink, Susan Gelenius, Mariann Social Worker LDT/C Gerald, Jane Social Worker District Behaviorist Giardino, Stacy Hanenberg, Brooke Head, Eileen Hegewald, Patricia Liuzzi, Jenna Main, Laurie Martell, Marisa Merck, Nancy Murphy, Laura Nowak, Eli Obregon, Maria Osenbruck, Jen Padykula, Wendy Simon, Megan Velazquez-Walters, Maria Williams, Jennifer Wood, Danielle Yook, HaeJin Zak, Lorraine ATTACHMENT F RIDGEWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2015 Special Programs Personnel (on as need basis) Hourly Rates Based on 14-15 Salary Guide 2014-2015 Total Salary Hourly Rate $105,773 $93,474 $54,160 $110,994 $107,708 $83,726 $88,676 $70.52 $58.42 $33.85 $69.37 $67.32 $52.33 $55.42 $47.18 Not to Exceed # Hours 50 $ 3,525.77 50 50 $ $ 2,921.06 1,692.50 50 50 $ $ 3,468.56 3,365.88 50 30 $ $ 2,616.44 1,662.68 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,415.40 5,088.67 3,013.47 2,327.81 2,390.16 3,525.77 5,088.67 3,634.77 2,242.50 3,577.50 829.91 2,960.10 863.91 3,634.77 867.91 1,409.94 1,505.13 $ 3,627.50 District Behaviorist Speech/Language Specialist LDT/C LDT/C LDT/C Physical Therapist Speech/Language Specialist Occupational Therapist Social Worker Psychologist Special Education Teacher Speech/Language Specialist Special Education Teacher Occupational Therapist Special Education Teacher Special Education Teacher Orchard School Child Study Team Secty $75,488 $109,043 $96,431 $74,490 $76,485 $105,773 $109,043 $109,043 $71,760 $114,480 $62,243 $88,803 $64,793 $109,043 $65,093 $90,236 $41.50 $59.20 $43.20 $72.70 $43.40 $56.40 $34,403 $21.50 30 70 50 50 50 50 70 50 50 50 20 50 20 50 20 25 70 Psychologist $116,080 $72.55 50 81 $72.70 $60.27 $46.56 $47.80 $70.52 $72.70 $72.70 $44.85 $71.55 Total Account # June 22, 2015 ATTACHMENT G Ridgewood Community School Summer 2015 Employees Summer Adventure Kathryn Bielicky Christine Bingham Stephanie Black Christina Chicas Kara Covella Christina Dimovska Rebecca Dodd Dawn-Lynn Dolfi Kate Droske Adele Ellis Michelle Jones Christopher Kearns Maria Kneer Karen Mendez Lauren Menzies Christopher O'Herlihy Jerome Ong Patricia A. Polise Jason Porod Nicole Redfer Kristin Rosolanko Theresa Ross Lauren Stacey David Stahl Nicola Stewart Paul Wyka Adult Classes Jean Michelle Robert Summer Music Academy Alex Bocchino Kenny Brescia Louise Butler Jason Curcio Gary Fink Mark Friedman Paul Larsen Nick Lenchner Arlene Locola John Luckenbill David Rimelis Carol Sharar Amanda Zampllino Sports/Other Camps Kelly Bomzer Robert Currier Tom Harney Medha Kirtane Karen Keyes Ron Knott Ajanta Kumar John Murtaugh Meaghan Palmer Annie Pecorelli Andrea Petrone James Ponchak Brian Quirk Alison Reeg Michael Rooney Deirdre Tobin Mike Troy Tom Trubac Aidan Walsh Torrance Watson Maksim Zaitzev DiCostanzo Kupfer Livingstone 82 June 22, 2015 ATTACHMENT H RIDGEWOOD HIGH SCHOOL FALL 2015-2016 COACHING ASSIGNMENTS ESTIMATE To be paid equal installments 10/15/2015 and 11/15/2015 ** New hire pending board approval Name Johnson, Charles Bailey, David Fabish, Chris** Johnson, Andrew Lucchesi, Michael Mandel, Aaron DeRisi, Michael Aday, Douglas Gyulay, Joseph Muller, Luke** Kourtesis, Anthonio Yearing, Jeffrey Mahler, Craig Couch, Andrew Ryan, Patrick** Hughes, Thomas** Opremcak, Stephen** Kirtane, Medha Tobin, Deirdre Staunton, Joseph Knott, Ronald Quirk, Brian Donnelly-Britt, Trecia Mendez, Karen Stahl, David Bomzer, Kelly Shaw, Kayleigh Position Step Head Football IV Assistant Football I Assistant Football II Assistant Football IV Assistant Football IV Assistant Football IV Assistant Football I Assistant Football I Head Boys Soccer IV Assistant Boys Soccer I Assistant Boys Soccer IV Head Girls Soccer IV Assistant Girls Soccer IV Assistant Girls Soccer I Head Boys Cross Country I Assist. Boys/Girls X-Country I Head Girls Cross Country IV Head Girls Tennis IV Assistant Girls Tennis IV Assistant Girls Tennis IV Head Volleyball IV Assistant Volleyball IV Assistant Volleyball I Head Gymnastics IV Assistant Gymnastics II Head Cheerleader Advisor II Assist. Cheerleader Advisor I Totals *Ratio is applied to the B.A. Maximum: 2014-2015 83 Ratio* 0.130 0.070 0.075 0.085 0.085 0.085 0.070 0.070 0.094 0.049 0.064 0.094 0.064 0.049 0.065 0.045 0.080 0.077 0.060 0.060 0.094 0.064 0.049 0.094 0.054 0.067 0.045 $87,703 Total Stipend 11,401.00 6,139.00 6,578.00 7,455.00 7,455.00 7,455.00 6,139.00 6,139.00 8,244.00 4,297.00 5,613.00 8,244.00 5,613.00 4,297.00 5,701.00 3,947.00 7,016.00 6,753.00 5,262.00 5,262.00 8,244.00 5,613.00 4,297.00 8,244.00 4,736.00 5,876.00 3,947.00 169,967.00 One-half 10/15/2015 5,700.50 3,069.50 3,289.00 3,727.50 3,727.50 3,727.50 3,069.50 3,069.50 4,122.00 2,148.50 2,806.50 4,122.00 2,806.50 2,148.50 2,850.50 1,973.50 3,508.00 3,376.50 2,631.00 2,631.00 4,122.00 2,806.50 2,148.50 4,122.00 2,368.00 2,938.00 1,973.50 84,983.50 One-half 11/15/2015 5,700.50 3,069.50 3,289.00 3,727.50 3,727.50 3,727.50 3,069.50 3,069.50 4,122.00 2,148.50 2,806.50 4,122.00 2,806.50 2,148.50 2,850.50 1,973.50 3,508.00 3,376.50 2,631.00 2,631.00 4,122.00 2,806.50 2,148.50 4,122.00 2368.00 2,938.00 1,973.50 84,983.50 June 22, 2015 ATTACHMENT H RIDGEWOOD HIGH SCHOOL WINTER 2015-2016 COACHING ASSIGNMENTS ESTIMATE To be paid equal installments 1/15/2016 and 2/15/2016 Name Troy, Michael Fiocchi, John Stroker, James Keyes, Karen Johnson, Andrew Kadus, Christopher Watson, Torrance Gyulay, Joseph Rooney, Michael Saladino, Joshua Opremcak, Stephen Davenport, Erica Bennett, Richard TBD Anzano, Catherine Lucchesi, Michael Cronk, Paul Jaskot, Steve Bomzer, Kelly Shaw, Kayleigh Position Head Boys Basketball Assistant Boys Basketball Assistant Boys Basketball Head Girls Basketball Assistant Girls Basketball Assistant Girls Basketball Head Wrestling Assistant Wrestling Assistant Wrestling Head Indoor Track Assistant Indoor Track Assistant Indoor Track Head Bowling Head Boys/Girls Swimming Assistant Swimming Head Ice Hockey Assistant Ice Hockey Assistant Ice Hockey Head Cheerleader Advisor Assist. Cheerleader Advisor Totals *Ratio is applied to the B.A. Maximum: 2015-2016 Step IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV II IV IV I IV IV I II I Ratio* 0.110 0.070 0.070 0.110 0.070 0.070 0.110 0.070 0.070 0.110 0.070 0.060 0.077 0.110 0.055 0.110 0.070 0.055 0.067 0.045 $87,703 84 Total Salary 9,647.00 6,139.00 6,139.00 9,647.00 6,139.00 6,139.00 9,647.00 6,139.00 6,139.00 9,647.00 6,139.00 5,262.00 6,753.00 9,647.00 4,824.00 9,647.00 6,139.00 4,824.00 5,876.00 3,947.00 138,480.00 1/2 Salary 1/2 Salary 1/15/2016 2/15/2016 4,823.50 4,823.50 3,069.50 3,069.50 3,069.50 3,069.50 4,823.50 4,823.50 3,069.50 3,069.50 3,069.50 3,069.50 4,823.50 4,823.50 3,069.50 3,069.50 3,069.50 3,069.50 4,823.50 4,823.50 3,069.50 3,069.50 2,631.00 2,631.00 3,376.50 3,376.50 4,823.50 4,823.50 2,412.00 2,412.00 4,823.50 4,823.50 3,069.50 3,069.50 2,412.00 2,412.00 2,938.00 2,938.00 1,973.50 1,973.50 69,240.00 69,240.00 June 22, 2015 ATTACHMENT H RIDGEWOOD HIGH SCHOOL SPRING 2015-2016 COACHING ASSIGNMENTS ESTIMATE To be paid equal installments 4/15/16 AND 6/15/16 Name Hommen, Kurt Scevola, Adam Tashian, David Saladino, Joshua Davenport, Erica Muro, Daniel Opremcak, Stephen Tobin, Deirdre Staunton, Joseph VanYperen, Jack Pounds, Michael Appel, Charles Brooks, Richard Rivera, Victor Auger, Patricia Lowes, Elizabeth Halm, Heather TBD Schoepfer, Warren Ryan, Patrick Mixon, Karla Johnson, Andrew Moore, Marissa Ransom, Robert Knott, Ronald Quirk, Brian Position Head Baseball Assistant Baseball Assistant Baseball Head Boys Track Assistant Boy Track Assistant Boys Track Assistant Boys/Girls Track Head Boys Tennis Assistant Boys Tennis Assistant Boys Tennis Head Boys Lacrosse Assistant Boys Lacrosse Assistant Boys Lacrosse Assistant Boys Lacrosse Head Softball Assistant Softball Assistant Softball Head Girls Track Assistant Girls Track Assistant Girls Track Head Girls Lacrosse Assistant Girls Lacrosse Assistant Girls Lacrosse Assistant Girls Lacrosse Head Boys Golf Head Girls Golf Totals * Ratio is applied to the B.A. Maximum: 2015-2016 Step IV II III IV II IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV II IV I IV IV IV I IV IV IV IV IV IV Ratio* 0.095 0.055 0.060 0.095 0.055 0.065 0.065 0.077 0.060 0.060 0.095 0.065 0.065 0.055 0.095 0.050 0.065 0.095 0.065 0.050 0.095 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.077 0.077 $87,703 85 Total Salary 8,332.00 4,824.00 5,262.00 8,332.00 4,824.00 5,701.00 5,701.00 6,753.00 5,262.00 5,262.00 8,332.00 5,701.00 5,701.00 4,824.00 8,332.00 4,385.00 5,701.00 8,332.00 5,701.00 4,385.00 8,332.00 5,701.00 5,701.00 5,701.00 6,753.00 6,753.00 160,588.00 1/2 Salary 4/15/2016 4,166.00 2,412.00 2,631.00 4,166.00 2,412.00 2,850.50 2,850.50 3,376.50 2,631.00 2,631.00 4,166.00 2,850.50 2,850.50 2,412.00 4,166.00 2,192.50 2,850.50 4,166.00 2,850.50 2,192.50 4,166.00 2,850.50 2,850.50 2,850.50 3,376.50 3,376.50 80,294.00 1/2 Salary 6/15/2016 4,166.00 2,412.00 2,631.00 4,166.00 2,412.00 2,850.50 2,850.50 3,376.50 2,631.00 2,631.00 4,166.00 2,850.50 2,850.50 2,412.00 4,166.00 2,192.50 2,850.50 4,166.00 2,850.50 2,192.50 4,166.00 2,850.50 2,850.50 2,850.50 3,376.50 3,376.50 80,294.00 June 22, 2015 ATTACHMENT I RIDGEWOOD BOARD OF EDUCATION SERVICE CONTRACTOR DIRECTORY 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR Boiler Cleaning & Repair Express Heating Co., Inc. 40 Bussell Court Dumont, NJ 07628 Bob Heisler Phone: (201)447-5576 Fax: (201)384-7614 Labor Rates Mechanic Mechanic Helper Markup % $73.45 /hr $73.45 /hr $20.40/hr 5% Plumbing Repairs William J. Guarini, Inc. 76 Fisk Street Jersey City, NJ 07305 Peter Csontos Phone: (201)656-1530 Fax: (201)656-0293 Labor Rates Plumber Welder Helper Markup % $86.20/hr $86.20/hr $45.90/hr 15% Glazing Repairs Suburban Glass & Mirror 231 Herbert Avenue Closter, NJ 07624 Wayne Gangeri Phone: (201)768-9586 Fax: (201)767-9131 Labor Rates Glazer Helper Markup % $49.68/hr $38.64/hr 20% Philip Chianetta Labor Rates Phone: (201)798-4406 Foreman Fax: (201)798-3055 Electrician Helper Markup % $89.77/hr $80.59/hr $27.54/hr 2% Electrical Repairs Sal Electrical Co., Inc. 83 Fleet Street Jersey City, NJ 07306 HVAC Equipment Repairs Core Mechanical, Inc. Daniel Meissler 7150 North Park Drive Suite 400 Phone: (856)665-0636 Pennsauken, NJ 08109 Fax: (856)488-2241 Time Clock and PA System Repair Sal Electric Co., Inc. Philip Chianetta 83 Fleet Street Phone: (201)798-4406 Jersey City, NJ 07306 Fax: (201)798-3055 Labor Rates Technician Helper Markup % $79.82/hr $64.52/hr 15% Labor Rates Technician Helper Markup % $81.10/hr $66.31/hr 15% Fire Alarm Systems Services Vanwell Electronics, Inc. 43 Pearl Street North Plainfield, NJ 07060 Lance K. Berkheimer Labor Rates Phone: (908)769-4783 Technician Fax: (908)756-7016 Inspector Helper Markup % Security Systems Supervision Services Vanwell Electronics, Inc. Lance K. Berkheimer Labor Rates 43 Pearl Street Phone: (908)769-4783 Technician North Plainfield, NJ 07060 Fax: (908)756-7016 Inspector Helper Markup % Monitoring $/Bld/Month Startup/Bldg Roofing Repairs KBD Construction LLC 118 B Donor Avenue Elmwood Park, NJ 07407 Dusan Budinoski Phone: (201)679-2151 Fax: (201)300-6743 General Building Construction Repairs GPC, Inc. Lawrence S. Grafas 20 E. Willow Street Phone: (973)376-6116 Millburn, NJ 07016 Fax: (973)376-0599 86 $81.61/hr $61.21/hr $22.44/hr 10% $81.61/hr $61.21/hr $22.44/hr 10% $32.64 $180.00 Labor Rates Roofer $61.21/hr Helper $51.010/hr Markup % 10% Labor Rates Carpenter Mason Mason Helper Markup % $71.75/hr $71.75/hr $71.75/hr $44.16/hr 10% Ridgewood Public Schools JUNE 22, 2015 ATTACHMENT J Books to be Discarded 2014-15 Board Approval June 22, 2015 SCHOOL Grade BOOK TITLE ISBN COPYRIGHT DATE APPROXIMATE NUMBER TO BE DISPOSED Willard 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 envision Math 2011 Grade 3 978-0-328-27282-2 978-0-328-48973-2 978-0-328-48974-9 0-13-165637-6 0-13-165630-9 0-13-165632-5 0-13-165629-5 0-439-06147-4 0-439-06149-0 2009 2011 2011 2006 2006 2006 2006 2000 2000 87 87 90 99 102 106 100 16 15 978-0-328-27282-2 978-0-328-48973-2 978-0-328-48974-9 0-13-165637-6 2009 2011 2011 2006 80 80 80 80 0-13-165630-9 0-13-165632-5 0-13-165629-5 2006 2006 2006 80 80 80 978-0-328-27282-2 0075844850 978-0-328-48973-2 978-0-328-48974-9 0-13-165629-5 0-13-165630-9 2009 2004 2011 2011 2006 2006 84 90 101 100 100 100 Willard Willard Willard Willard envision Math 2011 Grade 4 envision Math 2011 Grades Data About Us-Student edition Bits & Pieces 1--Student edition Willard Bits & Pieces 11--Student edition Prime Time--Student edition Scholastic Literacy Place Willard Scholastic Literacy Place Willard Willard Hawes Hawes Hawes Hawes Hawes Hawes Hawes Ridge Ridge Ridge Ridge Ridge Ridge 3 4 5 5 envision MATH 5 5 5 Bits & Pieces !--Student edition Bits & Pieces 11--Student edition 3 3 4 5 5 5 envision MATH envision MATH Data About Us-Student edition Prime Time--Student edition enVision MATH Everyday Mathematics enVision MATH envision MATH Prime Time Bits & Pieces 1 87 Ridgewood Public Schools JUNE 22, 2015 ATTACHMENT J Books to be Discarded 2014-15 Board Approval June 22, 2015 SCHOOL Grade BOOK TITLE ISBN COPYRIGHT DATE APPROXIMATE NUMBER TO BE DISPOSED Ridge 5 5 Bits & Pieces 2 0-13-165632-5 0-13-165637-6 2006 2006 100 100 0-328-27282-2 0-328-48973-2 0-328-48974-3 0-13-165630-9 0-13-165632-5 0-13-165629-5 0-1 3-165637-6 2009 2009 2011 2006 2006 2006 2006 76 68 74 64 64 67 60 978-0-328-27282-2 978-0-328-48973-2 0-328-48974-3 0-13-165637-6 0-13-165630-9 0-13-165632-5 0-13-165629-5 2009 2011 2011 2006 2006 2006 2006 85 88 99 87 101 97 94 978-1-55953-882-4 0-7167-2628-9 978-0-7167-7309-2 0-471-57424-4 0030505976 2008 1995 2006 1996 1999 270 120 85 40 120 Ridge Travel I Travell Travel! Travel! Travell Travell Travel I Somervi lle 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 Data About Us envision MATH envision MATH Envision Bits and Pieces 1 Bits and Pieces 2 Prime Time Data About Us envision MATH Somerville 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 RHS HS RHS HS The Best Practice of Statistics RHS HS The Practice of St atistics RHS HS Statistics and Data Analysis RHS HS Holt Physics Somervi lle Somerville Somerville Somervil le Somervi ll e enVision MATH envision MATH Data About Us-Student edition Bits & Pieces 1--Student edition Bits & Pieces 11--Student edition Prime Time--Student edition Discovering Geometry 88 Ridgewood Public Schools JUNE 22, 2015 ATTACHMENT J Books to be Discarded 2014-15 Board Approva l June 22, 2015 SCHOOL Grade BOOK TITLE ISBN COPYRIGHT DATE APPROXIMATE NUMBER TO BE DISPOSED Orchard Orchard 3 4 envision MATH envision MATH 978-0-328-27282-2 978-0-328-48973-2 2009 64 2011 62 Orchard 5 5 5 5 5 envision MATH Connected M athematics 2 Prime Time 978-0-328-48974-9 2011 0-13-165629-5 2006 2006 63 60 Orchard Orchard Orchard Orchard Connected Mathematics 2 Bits & Pi eces I Connected Mathematics 2 Bits & Pieces II 0-13-165630-9 0-13-165632-5 Connected Mathematics 2 data About Us 0-13-165637-6 89 2006 2006 58 61 58