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October 29, 19 53
A mee t ing of' the Boa r'd of Directors of t he Council of So­
cial Ag e n cies wa s h eld on Thursday, October 29, 1953, 12:30 o'clock
luncheon, Room 634 Equitable Building . There were present Dr. Th al­
h eime r, p residing ; Mr. Ash; Mr. Constab le; Mr. Donovan; Mr . Ford;
Mr. Goldman; Dean Grant; r-1 rs. Hardy; II/I r. Li pp incott; !'U SS Laza rus;
orrissy; Miss Co tello; r1r. Mako fsky; Mr. r4anser; and Miss \·Jard.
Dr. Thalhe i mer intI'oduced the following persons: J '-/(J(p Mr. lVi ako fs k y, a new member of the Council staff;
Mi s s Costello , a student from t h e Ca tho l i c School of Social Wo rk
d o ing field work a t the Council under Mr. Manser; Hi ss Lazarus,
new Directo r of Public Ne lfare; and Mr. Lip p incott, new Director o f
the C o~munity Chest. Mi ss Lazarus and Mr. Lippincott are new ex
o f ficio members of the Board.
I ~ro TES
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved without read­
ing as di.s tri bu ted to the membe rs of the Board prior to
this mee t ing .
IV A S TUDY Mi ss Wa rd p resented the re que s t of the Community Chest f o r
a study o f t h e I nstructive Visitin g Nurse Associat ion.
It wa s voted t h a t the r e qu est of t h e Communit y Chest for a study of
the IVNA be a pp r ov ed, and the staff i n s tructed to p roceed wi th it at
the e a rl ie st p ossible moment.
Mr. Ash, Ch a l m an of the Divis ion of Re creati o nal and Edu ca- I 'It
tional Ag e ncies, o· av e a re port of activities of t h e Division.
The pur po se o f t h is re ort was to ac quaint the Boa rd wi t h the curren t
activities of the Division, and t o re cei ve fr om the Boa rd an y sug ­
g es t ions it ma y h av e for t he Division. A summary of Mr. As h 's re po rt
i s a s folloHs:
Monthly meetings: The Division h old s monthly meeting s for it s mem­ bershi 9 and has an att e ndance of f r om 70 to 100. There is no y early theme a n d a wid e ran .e of t o ie s is cov e red, among t hem the follow­ i n g : Rep ort of the Recre a tion Committe e of the Baltimore Youth Com­
miSSion; The S i g nificance of So cial Sta t i ~tics for Leisure-Time Ag encies; Interpretation of Leisure-Time Pro g r ams; Int e grati n g the Pr o g rams of S chools a nd Leisure-Time Agen cies; Ca mp ing. Committees: Priorities Committee - will work in conjunction with the Board Committee, but will proba bly g o furt h er than the Board Committee and tr y to be s p eci f ic as to n e e ds in the leisure time field. AdVisory Committee to the HA BC - to advise t he Au thority on stand ­
ards and needs for r e creati on a l pro g rams and facilities in new
h ous ing projects.
Advisory Committee to Ci t y S e rvic e Co ~nission - in relation t o
e xami na tions for p ositions in p ublic recreation.
The usual admi n i stra ti v e co mmi t t e es s u ch as Committee on forni na ­
ti o n s .
studi e s: Th e Division thr ough its own s p ecial commi t t ees o r thro ugh
its Secreta ry is engag ed in the follovdn g stu die s: YM CA Pro p osed
o r t h Ba ltimore Bran ch; Salva tion. rmy Ne g ro Boys' Club; Playg round
Leadership; S t andard s for Recreation F aciliti e s for the New Housing
Project in the F r emo nt Area.
Resource for Ag encies: The Executive C o~n itte e of the Division and
t h e S ecretary to the Division are fre quently used as consulta nt s by
a g encies.
Community Problems and Joint Planning : The Division se eks to have a
r e lationship with t h e City Planning Commissi o n in referenc e to coor­
din a ted p lanning between tha t a g e ncy and the Co uncil especi a lly as
to the 1 yi n g ou t of recreati o nal areas thro u g hout the city.
Th e Divisi on i s in touch with the eitizens Planni n ' and Housing ASSO­
c i tion r e l a tive to the or gani za ti on of a Ci~ens Committee to concern
itself with the
reau o f Re creation and assist the Bureau in securing
adequate bud g e t.
The DiviSion is worki ng with l e isure-time a g encies and educational
organiz a tions on the subject of o p p ortunities for under- g raduate
ex erience in recreational and information educational a gen c ies.
Li ita tions: Members of the Division's Executive Committee s ometime s
wonder if the , a r e at all time s f ullfillin ' the Division's responsi­
bility in re la tion to the Council. Some p e rso ns i n the Division are
a little disturbed by the curren t series of articles on Juveni le De­
linquency; e sp eci al ly as to t he r e l a tionshi p o f delinquency and rec­
reational servic es and t h e fact t h at there is no reco g niti on of the
Council as a p lannin g ag ency. Do e s the Bo ard h ve any s u gg estions?
Ma ny of the leisure-ti e a g encies use volunteers and t h e Executive
Committee o f t he Divi sion feels that something should be done to focus
a ttention o n the ag encies' n e e d s for volunteer s . I t has been sugge sted
tha t the Division s p ons o r a bas i c trainin cour s e for volunteers of
a ll a gencies, i. e . new volu n t e e rs. Such a basic training course would
be followed in individual a g encies by their s p ecia l trainin ~ courses
f or the ir o wn v o lunteers. Mr. Ash is aware t ha t t h e Bo ard of the Council
has voted a gainst t h e Council tak ing continu i n g res p onsibility for re­
cruitin g , training and p lacing volunteers. Doe s the Board think that
a one-time basic train ing c o urse unde r the Division could be g iven with­
out violation of t h e Board's p olic y ?
Discu ssion: Dr. Th aJ.:heimer asked Mr. Ash if the a g encies in the Divi­
sion appear to t hink t h a t t h e Di vision is hel p ful to them in their
a g ency l-Jork, or do the y fe e l t ha t its major f un ction is t o stimulate
t hem to an int e rest in city-wid e s e rvices?
Mr. Ash re p lied that ap p ar en tly so me a encies use information they
g et t h rough the Cou n cil fo r self-app rais a l p urposes, b u t it would
a p pear fr om con t ac t s wi t h a n umb e r of a g encies tha t t h e y do not seem
to feel tha t the y get spec ific help through the Divisi on . Howev e r,
t h e reco gn ize the role which t h e Council can p lay which is not othe r ­
wi s e provided for in t h e community.
Dean Gran t as k ed w _ether t h e Di vision ha s c onfine d its e lf to recrea­
tion o u tside of ins ti t u tion s or ha s it g i v en though t t o re c r ea t io n al
p ro g r ams inside institu tions of va rio u s t ype s.
Mr. Ash re . lied tha t t h e conce rn of the Division i s with leisure-time
p ro g rams whe r ever they may be, bu t it has done nothin g si gnificant
in rel a tion to inst i tutional pro r ams.
Dean Grant s u gg ested that leisure-time p r o g rams in institutions rep­
resent a n e g l e cted field that the Division mi ght explore.
Mr. Ford as k ed wh e ther professionally qualified p ersons are emp loyed
for leisure- t i me pr o e;rams in institutions such as trainin g schools.
Miss Lazarus stated t ha t t h e Bureau of Recreation sends recreation
workers to Cylburn, a child- caring institu tion under the Department
of Public Welfare.
Mr. Go ldman s uggested that the subject o f recreational programs in
institutions might be one for interdivision consideration.
'i r. Constable asl-::ed t o wh t de ree is the pro -- ram of the Division
limited t o Baltimore City.
Mr. As h replied that r ep resentatives of Ba ltimore County had p ar­
ticipated in t he activities of the Division.
Miss Ward replied t h at t h e Council has go ne into Bal timore County
up o n r equest of Community Chest or a c itizens g roup, but is not
really re cognized by Baltimore County citizens as the health and
welfare planning a genc y of the County.
I'1 rs. Har dy stated, in relation to the proposed volunteer training
cours e , that a g encies insist upon t he ir volunteers g etting trainin g
in the a g encies and volunteers have only so much time t o give. She
would caution the Division to con s ider the Ii ita tions upon the
volunteer's time before p lanning anoth e r training course.
Mr. Lippincott re ported that the YWCA has e n ga g ed Mr. Shelby
Harrison as consultant at a cost o f $3,500 to make a followup study o f the Council's study of the YWCA . The Chest s u ge st e d
I 03S­
t ha t the follow-up study be made under the auspices of the Council, I lflO
but the YWCA prefers to consider it an internal study to provide the
YWCA board and staff with i nformation it needs in order to act up on
the several recommendations of the Council's study. The only point
on which the YWCA expresses dissat i sfaction >lTith the Council's study
is tha t the Counci l d i d not ma ke the analy sis o f the Baltimore pop ­
ulation which the YWCA desired.
Miss Ward presented to the Board the Directory of Ie
S ervices to Children with Long -Time Illness which
by authorization of the Board was prepared in re­
s p onse t o a request by the Adult Education De partmen t
of the Public school s . She re p orted there has been a disappointing
response and she has asked Ir. Van Sant to present a re p ort on the
use to which the Directory has been put by his depa rtment. As the
total cost of the irectory was around $560 or 22~ cen t s p er co py,
Miss Ward thought the Board mi ght tak e action at a future meeting
a f ter the s chools have been heard from as to whe t h e r the Directory
i s t o be ke p t u p to date.
M:is s Ward prE:sented to t b.e Bo a rd t h e Speake rs Bureau
folder wh ich has been prepared as part of t he revita­
lizing of the S p eakers Bureau according to Board . action.
The folder is to be sen t to about 1500 diff e rent a g encies in the city.
Two hundred and twelve persons have be en li s ted as potential s p eak e r s,
about half of whom have g iven their pennission to be called upon to
s p eak; and the r emaining 50 p e r cent have been sugt ested by a g ency
ds s iard p res e nted for t h e Bo ard I s inspection a revised
Office Manual prepare d during the su~ner. Wh ile a limite d
number of co p ies have been pre p ared, a Boa rd memb e r who
wish es a co p y may have on e , or ma y borrow one.
Heet I n g ad j our ned.
Res p ectfully submitted,
Anna D.
Executive S ecreta ry