2016 CNISSF XC States copy
2016 CNISSF XC States copy
2016 Nordic Skiing State Championships Saturday, February 27 ASC Training Center 11:15am Middle School Freestyle Races (School Team bibs) Mass Starts - Two laps of the Blue Course (4km) 11:15am Boys 11:45am Girls oo Hill by D oo c S rs e rave Hig h T N o rd ic ill lo h Os Fre eway trail k Tru S t uc Ch z ck Ro t e ell on ix Ho yfj Hill r a il “71 no N a ga he B ole kH c la N NT ”J 70 0 am ix am W end el Ch Ch ne ca Lill e h amm er St. Morit u i er ng Fin k’ ck sey’ s Fl a in t kL Pin Flat T Ric och et Cap ta ck en er Stu c k Tr u Ch v Low er Tra per Up C h i can w Lo bS C orner se H ob l’s e avers e h Tr Hig k in sL Traverse High 0 16 7 El. on 12:30 High School Freestyle Pursuit Races (School Team bibs) Pursuit Starts - Two laps of the Blue Course (4km) (Mass start for racers >15 min back in Classic leg) 12:30pm Boys 1:00pm Girls 2:00pm Awards - Middle School followed by High School E l. 7 ill Evers H Van 20 EL. 72 80 10:00am High School Classic Races (School Team bibs) Mass Starts - One lap Red Course (3km) 10:00am Boys 10:20am Girls E l. 0 0