LOCATION ESSEN City Retail 2007/08 ESSEN ESSENER WIRTSCHAFTSFÖRDERUNGS GESELLSCHAFT MBH 1 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ESSEN – THE RETAIL LOCATION 4 - Essen – the leading city and center of the Ruhr region - A market of quality - Essen is highly accessible - Visitors from around the world - Essen – the green oasis - Essen – safe and clean - Essen – a retail location with tradition 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 DOWNTOWN ESSEN 8 - Shopping with flair - Essen has a high pedestrian volume - Moderate rental prices - Short distances, no hassle 8 9 9 10 SHOPPING, CULTURE AND EVENTS 12 - Superlative recreation and culture - Essen´s cultural highlights - Events and festivals attract many visitors - More than just great food 12 12 14 15 RETAIL LOCATIONS IN THE CITY CENTER 16 - Retail locations with charm, personality and tradition - Retail location infrastructure - “Kettwiger Straße“ – an expansive pedestrian zone - A vibrant shopping experience – “Limbecker Straße“ - “Limbecker Platz“ – a shopping mall in the heart of the city - New flagships for Essen - From “City-Center“ to “Rathaus Galerie“ - The exclusive “Passagen“ arcade district - “Theaterpassage“ arcade: shopping, culture & culinary delights - The “Lindengalerie“ offers top quality goods - “City-Nord“ has specialty shops 16 17 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 23 THE CITY IS SURPASSING ITSELF 24 - Essen´s weststadt – commerce, living, urban entertainment 24 - University District Essen 25 - Corporate trailblazing 26 3 ESSEN – THE RETAIL LOCATION Bremen/Hamburg Emden Amsterdam/Rotterdam Hannover/Berlin Münster Essen has many qualities and is more than just a place to go shopping. Essen is also more than just a university town or trade fair host. Essen is not just a cultural capital, prominent sports town or potent business location. Essen has more than all that. The city’s diversity is what makes Essen so charming. Here you will find the full bandwidth of location advantages; in particular, for the retail business. In Essen, retailers will find all the conditions necessary for a successful business venture. Essen – the leading city and center of the Ruhr region Essen’s population of 582,000 makes it the second largest city in North RhineWestphalia (NRW) and it is also the geographical center of the Ruhr region. The Ruhr region also lives up to its new name – Metropole Ruhr (Metropolitan Ruhr) – due to its 5.3 million inhabitants spread out across 4,435 square kilometers. The population and population density of the Ruhr region, and especially its leading city, Essen, make the Metropole Ruhr one of the most attractive retail locations anywhere. Retailers based in Essen benefit from the enormous customer and sales potential. A market of quality Essen is not only a mark of quality due to its size, but is also a market of quality. The gross domestic product and gross 4 Weeze Gelsenkirchen Rhein Duisburg Brüssel Mönchengladbach Mülheim a. d. Ruhr Bochum ESSEN Kassel Dortmund Ruhr Düsseldorf Frankfurt a.M. Köln Köln/Bonn added valuation per employed individual is not just the highest in NRW, but also well above the national average. Furthermore, Essen has the largest number of university graduates in the Ruhr region. Essen also boasts the highest proportion of service sectors in the Metropole Ruhr at 81.5 percent. Major commercial manufacturing, and especially a wide range of business and services, are a distinguishing feature of Essen as a business location. The city’s image as the “office desk of the Ruhr region” is not far off the mark. Essen is the Ruhr region’s most important labor market (see: BKR Essen). Compared to the number of people actually living in the city, Essen has the most jobs proportionately at 36.3 percent. Essen is also a commuter destination city and continues to attract a growing number of job seekers from outside the city limits. Net commuter traffic rose in 2006 to 37,248, the highest in the Metropole Ruhr. In the same year, Essen provided jobs for 95,000 people in the region – further evidence Gross Domestic Product at Market Prices Essen Dortmund Duisburg Bochum Ruhrgebiet NRW Bundesgebiet 09/2007 total 19,579 Mio. 16,933 Mio. 13,717 Mio. 11,005 Mio. 128,157 Mio. 487,123 Mio. 2,241,000 Mio. per employee 65,232 58,547 63,079 59,711 57,007 57,807 57,724 Source: LDS NRW 2007 of the city’s appeal as a business location. Essen has the highest number and largest percentage of jobs in the Ruhr region. Essen’s major companies employ many thousands of people. In NRW, Essen lies ahead of Düsseldorf and Cologne as the city with the most biggest companies based there. Twenty-one of the 500 largest corporations are located in Essen. Ten of the 100 biggest German companies by sales have their headquarters in Essen; among these are ThyssenKrupp AG, RWE AG, E.ON Ruhrgas AG, Evonik Industries AG, HOCHTIEF AG, ThyssenKrupp Technologies AG, Schenker AG, Arcandor AG and Aldi Nord. The imposing skyscrapers of RWE and Evonik Industries (formerly RAG) dominate the skyline of downtown Essen and are a widely visible symbol of the city’s economic vitality. In addition to the major corporations, however, there are also many small and mid-sized enterprises located in the downtown area or in the direct vicinity. The large number of employees also represents a substantial customer potential for inner city retailers. Essen ist highly accessible Retailers in Essen’s city center not only play a key role in supplying employees Net Commuter Balance 2000 and 2006 2000 10% 2006 5% 0% -5% Essen Duisburg Mülheim Oberhausen Gelsenkirchen Bochum and residents in the area. The excellent accessibility to downtown and Essen’s geographically central location offers retailers another huge circle of potential customers. Customers can easily reach Essen’s city center by car or by public transportation – an indispensable prerequisite for inner city vitality and the businesses located there. The most recent analysis conducted for NRW’s integrated transportation planning shows that Essen’s inner city area is by far easier to access than that of the cities of Dortmund and Düsseldorf. Approximately three million people can reach downtown Essen by public transportation in a travel time of one hour. Within the same time frame, only 1.6 million people can reach downtown Düsseldorf and 1.7 million Dortmund. Essen fares equally well when assessing private transportation. About 5.1 million people can reach downtown Essen by car within one hour, that is 300,000 more than Düsseldorf. Dortmund Source: BKR Essen, 09/2007 5 Access by Residents – Public Transport / Private Transportation 6,000,000 5.000,000 Private Transportation Public Transport 5,500,000 till 30 min from 31 to 45 min from 46 to 60 min 4.500,000 4.8 Mio. 4.3 Mio. 3,037,100 5.1 Mio. 2,916,900 3,229,200 4.000,000 3,500,000 3.0 Mio. 3,000,000 1,773,300 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1.6 Mio. 1.7 Mio. 816,700 1,053,800 0 1,694,800 1,347,100 836,900 1,000,000 500,000 500,500 714,300 460,000 222,500 218,000 Dortmund Düsseldorf 403,000 Essen 349,500 384,800 Dortmund Dusseldorf 436,300 Essen Source: BKR Essen, 01/2007 Visitors from around the world Essen’s retailers also benefit from the vehicle and foot traffic frequency generated by the city’s many public and industry trade fairs. These include the Essen Motor Show, Techno-Classica, ModeHeim-Handwerk, Fibo, Security and Equitana. Essen is an important trade fair location and the Messe Essen GmbH is one of Germany’s largest trade fair organizations measured by visitors. In 2006, a total of 1,48 million trade fair visitors and 13,400 exhibitors came to Essen’s 35 international trade fairs, which included 13 leading international fairs. Furthermore, retailers benefit from the additional customers that come to Essen for the many conferences and meetings held in the Grugahalle auditorium. Essen´s largest Trade Fairs by Visitors Essen Motor Show approx. 394,700 Equitana approx. 207,400 Mode-Heim-Handwerk approx. 165,300 Techno Classica Essen approx. 154,300 Spiel approx. 151,200 approx. 98,900 Reise/Camping Source: Messe Essen, 2007 6 pull far beyond the immediate region. Many visitors stay more than one day in Essen, among them are a growing number of shopping tourists, who spend the weekend in the city. Overnight stays in Essen last year fell just short of the onemillion mark. The appeal and vitality of Essen with its many highlights exercises a gravitation Overnight Stays in the Ruhr Region 2006 Essen Bochum Dortmund Duisburg Oberhausen 989,061 509,818 773,274 343,292 230,951 Source: LDS NRW, 2007 Essen – the green oasis Essen is also attractive to visitors due to the fascinating landscape. The city boasts 42 public parks and gardens with 2,100 hectares (5,250 acres) of greenery as well as 2,600 hectares (6,500 acres) of public and private forest with more than two and a half million trees. The best known of the city parks is the Grugapark with its roughly 70 hectares (175 acres) of public space and some 4,500 m² of seasonal flowers and foliage. The Grugapark is also home to famous sculptures by Henry Moore and Auguste Rodin. For the athletically active, the park has open spaces for ball sports, an inline skating track and volleyball courts. Right in the middle of the park there is also a “health spa on location” offering a unique blend of relaxation for young and old. The high salt content of the air in the so-called In almost no other big city in Germany is there as much greenery as in Essen. Foto Gruga “saline” is noted for increasing one’s vitality, energy and well being. Nearby, visitors will also enjoy the Ronald McDonald Hundertwasser House with its extraordinary architecture and exterior greenery. A favorite excursion location for many all across the region, and beyond, is Essen’s Baldeney Lake. No matter what time of year, Baldeney Lake attracts thousands of “hikers and bikers” and inline skaters to its 15-kilometer (nine mile) circle route around the lake. The lake is also a favorite “pit stop” for a wide variety of birds, including herons, cormorants and crested grebes, as well as bird watchers, thanks to the adjacent nature reserve. Baldeney Lake is also the ideal training ground for rowers, canoeists and sailors, who want real competitive conditions. Essen’s annual Sailing Week is the largest regatta in North Rhine Westphalia. Essen’s reputation as a green city is not only underscored by all its nature reserves, parks and forests, but also by a study in the magazine Men’s Health in 2007, which found that Essen was among the Top Three of Germany’s greenest cities! Foto Baldeney No matter what time of year, Baldeney Lake attracts visitors to Essen. est discount supermarket chains in the world. Essen – safe and clean The 2006 statistics from Germany’s Federal Crime Office illustrate that Essen has another superlative to boast about as the safest big city in NRW. A low crime rate is not only a key factor for executives in deciding where to locate a business, it also figures prominently in a customer’s considerations on where to go shopping. Another factor for shoppers is the cleanliness of the surrounding area where the stores are located. Here, too, Essen plays a leading role with its “essen-pico-bello” initiative. The initiative is a joint effort by the city and municipal companies to constantly maintain and improve cooperation and logistics when it comes to cleanliness. Essen – a retail location with tradition Essen offers numerous hard and soft factors for its success as a preferred retail location. What’s more, the retail sector can look back on a long tradition in Essen. In 1946, for example, the brothers Karl and Theo Albrecht took over their mother’s food shop in Essen-Schonnebeck, near the Zollverein Coal Mine, and turned it into Aldi, which today, is one of the larg- Another retailing success story by an Essen-based company is Deichmann. With annual sales of some 2.7 billion euros and 112 million pairs of shoes sold in 13 countries, the Deichmann Group is Europe’s largest footwear retailer. Dr. med. Heinz Horst Deichmann built up his company from the tiny shoe repair shop his father had founded in 1913 in EssenBorbeck. Another big name in German retailing that is synonymous with Essen is Europe’s leading retail and tourism concern, ARCANDOR AG. Among the core businesses of what used to be KarstadtQuelle AG are the top location Karstadt department stores in many German city centers, the Primondo mail order companies (e.g. Quelle) and the Thomas Cook travel agency chain. 7 DOWNTOWN ESSEN The moment a visitor leaves the main train station he or she won’t miss the big neon sign erected atop the “Handelshof”, which was built in 1912. The slogan “Essen - The Shopping City” stands tall in bright blue and yellow lettering. And that’s no empty promise. Essen was the first city in Germany to create a pedestrian zone – and that was back in 1927 in “Limbecker Straße”. Today, the downtown area boasts more than 700 shops and department stores spread out across 300,000 m². This sprawling city center pedestrian zone is a welcome change from so many other shopping miles and malls. The area is home to large clothing chains, like Peek & Cloppenburg, C & A, H & M and many others. Smaller, familyowned retailers, many with a long tradition, round off the wide range of shopping opportunities. The historic “Handelshof” advertising for the big Love Parade youth party in 2007, which attracted 1.2 million visitors. The cafés in Essen’s pedestrian zone are a welcome rest stop and watering hole. The sophisticated mix of shops, restaurants and cafés turns Essen’s downtown area into an exhilarating shopping experience with atmosphere. Shopping with flair The numerous niches and squares, large and small, and the many cafés, restaurants and other recreational options, make downtown Essen a very pleasant place to spend some time. They also increase the amount of time spent by potential customers in the shopping area. The wide variety of outdoor eateries offers seating for more than 5,500 people, both young and old. And the youngsters 8 haven’t been forgotten either. The playground near the cathedral is a welcome diversion after a longer shopping tour. Shopping in Essen wouldn’t be complete, however, without the many events and adventures presented by the Essen Marketing GmbH, EMG. Retailers in Essen benefit from these many activities because they attract large numbers of people and generate a high foot traffic volume of potential customers for the city’s shopkeepers. Essen has a high pedestrian volume Essen’s first-rate shopping areas – the pedestrian zones “Kettwiger Straße” and “Limbecker Straße” – don’t need to shy away from comparisons with the top addresses in other major cities. Engel & Völkers Research conducted a survey in 2005 of pedestrian traffic at 34 points in 11 German cities. On a Tuesday, 7,011 pedestrians were counted in the “Kettwiger Straße” and 6,357 in the “Limbecker Straße”. The Engel & Völkers survey on a Saturday counted 12,886 pedestrians in the “Limbecker Straße” and 11,703 in the “Kettwiger Straße”. These figures surpass, for example, the foot traffic during the same periods on Düsseldorf’s Königsallee. The construction start of Germany’s largest inner-city shopping mall in 2007 had a somewhat adverse effect on the pedestrian count in the “Limbecker Straße”. But, experts forecast a considerably higher pedestrian count as soon as the first phase of construction at the shopping center is completed in the spring of 2008. Moderate rental prices The rental charge rate in downtown Essen is comparatively moderate for a Essen’s pedestrian zones “Kettwiger Straße” and “Limbecker Straße” have high year-round foot traffic. Retail Rental List for Essen (per month) 60 to 120 m2 112.00 to 150.00 /m2 120 to 260 m2 88.00 to 112.00 /m2 source: Brockhoff & Partner, 2007 Rental List for Store Space in Essen (per month) in top inner city location e.g. Limbecker Straße, Kettwiger Straße 20 bis 50 m2 80.00 bis 140.00 /m2 50 bis 100 m2 70.00 bis 90.00 /m2 100 bis 200 m2 50.00 bis 70.00 /m2 über 200 m2 40.00 bis 50.00 /m2 in other city location e.g. Salzmarkt, Kopstadtplatz, Viehofer Straße 20 bis 50 m2 10.00 bis 20.00 /m2 50 bis 100 m2 5.00 bis 10.00 /m2 über 100 m2 5.00 bis 10.00 /m2 source: Grundstücksbörse Ruhr e.V., 01/2007 large city. According to a survey by the real estate consultants Brockhoff & Partner Immobilien GmbH and the property exchange Grundstücksbörse Ruhr, the highest prices for top locations are between €140 and €150/m². But only a few meters off the main pedestrian routes attractive store spaces are available for as little as €20/m² . 9 Short distances, no hassle Because the main train station is right across the street from the “Kettwiger Straße” pedestrian zone and the city’s subway, tram and bus connections are so good, users of public transportation can enjoy an easy and relaxed shopping experience in Essen. But, of course, it’s just as comfortable to use your own private transportation to visit downtown Essen. A sophisticated parking guidance system directs drivers to the more than 11,000 inner-city parking ramp spaces. There are also 1,500 additional on-street parking spots. By 2010, the whole system will have been overhauled to make it even more customer-friendly. In other words, downtown Essen provides plenty of parking for visitors. It’s also easy to combine car travel with the city’s subway and bus system. Regardless of whether a visitor comes by car, public transport, or a combination of both, the central locations of the city’s parking ramps, as well as the transportation stops and stations, make it easy to reach your destination without a lot of footwork. house number name of the business size of display windows in meters number of steps at entrance 10 source: Brockhoff & Partner Immobilien GmbH / EWG in-house survey, 09/2007 public transportation parking spaces / parking ramps city information point source: Amt für Geoinformation, Vermessung und Kataster der Stadt Essen 11 SHOPPING, CULTURE AND EVENTS Superlative recreation and culture What attracts guests and visitors to Essen are the incomparable number of cultural events and the large selection of recreational activities coupled with the city’s appealing landscape. Right in the middle of downtown, for example, is Essen cathedral with its cloisters erected in the year 1300. The cathedral, home of the Ruhr diocese and lovingly restored after World War II, holds a collection of church treasures, which are among the most important in Europe. Among the Essen treasures is the Golden Madonna, the oldest Maria figurine in the western world. The cultural and architectural highlights of Essen include the last monumental building of the Staufer romantic period in the Rhineland – the basilica and abbey St. Ludgerus built in 1275 – the Aalto Theater, the Grillo Theater and Visitors in Essen 2006 Overnight stays total Number from abroad Guest arrivals total Number from abroad Length of stay 989,061 185,384 461,892 85,470 2.4 Tage Source: LDS NRW, 2007 the Folkwang Museum, the Villa Hügel, the Colosseum Musical Theater, the Lichtburg, Germany’s oldest premier cinema, and the famous landmark and symbol of early industrial culture, the Zollverein coal mine, which was declared a UNESCO world heritage site in 2001. Essen is an internationally recognized cultural center – a reputation that attracts visitors with purchasing power. This is why it was no accident that Essen was chosen as the European Cultural Capital 2010 with its motto “Change through Culture – Culture through Change”. Additional visitor volume can be expected as well from the extra projects and events that are planned for the 2010 cultural year. Furthermore, these will, in turn, underscore and strengthen Essen’s image as an outstanding cultural center – another factor that makes the city an attractive option for retailers. There will be a positive financial effect for the cultural and gastronomic highlights and, of course, for the retailers the more visitors there are and the longer they stay. Essen´s cultural highlights Already this small selection of activities and sightseeing destinations illustrates what a wide range of opportunities there is in Essen for more than just one visit. The Aalto Theater, opera house and ballet theater is a focus of interest well beyond the region. Aalto Theater Outstanding is probably the best description for the Aalto Theater. Critics consistently rate the opera house among the best. At the grand opening in 1988, it was considered “only” as the “most beautiful German theater” built since 1945, but today it is also seen as one of the best theaters in Germany. And, for many years, director Stefan Soltesz has ensured that it stays that way. The building was designed by the Finnish architect Alvar Aalto, whose modern sweeping curves stimulate the imagination. The performance hall itself is elegant 12 rented for special events or disco dancing, as well as a beer garden in summer. Essen Philharmonic Hall, the largest in the Ruhr region, is a rich contribution to cultural life. in its simplicity with seating for 1,125 people. The international renowned opera singers on stage are surrounded by sky blue colors and bright wood. Essen’s philharmonic orchestra and the Aalto ballet theater, always high in the rankings, also don’t need to shy away from a comparison with the opera. Essen Philharmonic Hall A new concert house has been created under the aegis of director-general Michael Kaufmann in Essen’s former meeting hall “Saalbau”. Thanks to a world-class program of orchestras and artists, modern technology and heavenly acoustics Essen’s new Philharmonic Hall is among the best in Europe. The centerpiece of the hall is the fully renovated Alfried Krupp Auditorium, which seats 1,096 guests. The glass ensconced RWE Pavilion (350 seats) with its views of the city’s Stadtgarten park offers excellent surroundings for jazz and classical concerts, world music, receptions, lectures or celebrations. steel industries set the tone. The unique atmosphere of the musical theater combines history and the present, whether the plays performed are favorites, like “Elisabeth”, “Aida”, “Phantom of the Opera”, or currently “Mamma Mia”. The protected heritage site with its industrial relics is costumed today with modern art and noble design. WeststadtHall The WeststadtHall is located in the center of Essen at West End Park, close to the CINEMAXX cinema and the Collosseum Theater Essen. The West End Auditorium is used for many different occasions, covering just about every aspect of entertainment from concerts, comedy, musicals and theater to events and gala functions for industry and commerce. What’s more, the auditorium can also be Stratmann’s Theater in Europa House Since 1994, the former America House in the heart of the city has been offering a program of cabaret and minor arts. The stars, as well as the up-and-coming talents of the comedy and cabaret scene present their routines at Stratmann’s Theater in Europa House. The theater gained a national reputation from the amusing antics of Dr. Stratmann’s Medical Cabaret. His incomparable style is a fine example of exported Ruhr region humor found in comedians like Atze Schröder, Piet Klocke and Herbert Knebel. GOP Variety Theater Theatrical delights and delightful theatrics are combined into a complete work of art in a tasteful and nostalgic ambience at the GOP Variety Theater. Since 1996, the theater has been enthralling its guests with world class live entertainment. You may find yourself gasping in astonishment over a delicate morsel as the acrobats and illusionists, at least for a while, suspend the meaning of time and space. The GOP Variety Theater in Essen presents itself in a unique atmosphere. Collosseum Theater Essen The Collosseum Theater, as a former mechanics shop of the Krupp Company, typifies the region’s industrial culture and momentum for change. The building, certainly one of the most interesting musical theaters in Germany, was once the demarcation line between downtown and the Kruppstadt industry complex, where the coal mining and 13 Lichtburg Movie House The red carpet has been renewed several times over the years, since the likes of Gary Cooper, Buster Keaton and Romy Schneider have walked across it. And yet, the grand old lady among the traditional movie houses since opening in 1928 has lost nothing of its original charm. Even today, the carpet is rolled out at the Lichtburg to greet the stars at premiers or film galas – whether Pierce Brosnan, Wim porary authors, to experimental forms of the performing arts. The director-general of the theater since 2005/2006 is Anselm Weber. The focus of the theater’s program is modern staging of classic plays, from Shakespeare to Schiller and Ibsen, and contemporary pieces. The Grillo Theater is youthful and unpretentious. The neoclassical theater carries the name of the industry magnate Friedrich Grillo, who financed construction of the building in Old Synagogue At the edge of downtown lies an imposing building of limestone blocks with a copper dome. Like almost all Jewish houses of worship, the Old Synagogue, which opened in 1913, was torched and most of the interior destroyed in 1938 during the so-called “Night of Broken Glass”. The City of Essen purchased the ruins in 1959 and in the process of renovation all the mosaics were painted over, the Torah shrine removed and the cupola under which once 1,400 worshippers sat, suspended. Since 1988, the Old Synagogue serves as a memorial to the shoah, historical documentation forum and cultural meeting place. Events and festivals attract many visitors The numerous visitors to Essen are not only attracted by the city’s cultural facilities. Millions of guests also come to Essen for the events and festivals that happen all year round – another aspect that benefits local retail. Surveys show that Essen´s Grillo Theater is the best in NRW. Wenders or Joachim Król. The legendary cinema is Germany’s largest movie house with seating for 1,250 guests. 1887. The theater’s smaller Casa Studio stages pieces that reflect the interests of a younger audience. Grillo Theater Essen’s Grillo Theater for the second time in a row has been proclaimed the best playhouse in NRW by the magazine “theater pur”. Also, in a survey by the newspaper “Welt am Sonntag”, theater critics chose the playhouse as the best NRW theater in the 2006/2007 season. The repertoire of the theater ranges from classic drama and the works of contem- Theater im Rathaus The trademark of the Theater im Rathaus (townhall theater) is the casting in leading roles of prominent stars from film, television and radio. The public gets a well-balanced mixture of light comedy, classics, crime thrillers and musicals. German stars, like Karin Dor, Doris Kunstmann, Günther Lamprecht, Grit Boettcher or Anita Kupsch are regulars on stage. 14 Kulturpfad(fest) The casual visitor may have noticed the blue glass cobblestones around Essen’s downtown area that glow at night. A total of 300 stones mark the Kulturpfad (Culture Walk) and shine the way for visitors to the art and artifacts between the Market Square Church and Folkwang Museum. The walk leads past the Old Synagogue, the Old Catholic Church, Roman Catholic Cathedral, Adult Education Center, Lichtburg Cinema, Grillo Theater, RWE Tower, Aalto Theater, Philharmonic Hall, Church of the Redemption, the Cultural Sciences Institute at Folkwang Bridge and the Ruhrland Museum. Every year in June there is a big Culture Walk Festival all along the route in which the participating institutions present their work to the public on the street or inside their facilities. Essen. Original Outdoors and free of charge on Kennedy Square and throughout the downtown area, the Essen Marketing GmbH, EMG, presents the Essen City Open Air festival every year with ten stages and some 1,000 artists. International Christmas Market Essen’s International Christmas Market, which winds through the streets of the city center, is among the largest and most popular in Germany. The roughly 250 stands are a real treat with all their delicious culinary specialties and gift ideas from around the world. Above Kennedy Square twinkles Essen´s “Crown of Light” with its 30,000 tiny bulbs like drops of sparkling dew. Essener Lichtwochen For more than five decades, when autumn rolls around, it’s time to turn the lights on in Essen. From the end of October, the Essener Lichtwochen (Light Weeks) illuminate the city sky with hundreds of thousands of light bulbs, miles of diode tubing and tons of scaffolding to form the impressive light designs scattered around the city. The theme changes every year and never fails to fascinate the curiosity of millions of visitors. Since the turn of the millennium, Europe has been the focus of the light festival. Every year in Essen, another EU country presents itself literally in a new light, along with culinary delights, cultural programs and tourist activities and information. “Essen ... verwöhnt“ And speaking of culinary delights! Under the motto “Essen ... verwöhnt” (“Pam- Every year, Essen’s restaurants present their best cuisine at a five-day open-air festival. Numerous cafés, restaurants and bars make shopping in downtown Essen an experience. pered in Essen”), the city hosts the largest gourmet fest in Germany along the “Kettwiger Straße” and its side streets to pamper your palette. Twenty-two restaurants offer more than 100 different delicacies in an atmosphere where friends and family can meet and enjoy fresh, quality food specialties from around the world. More than just great food Thanks to Essen’s countless cafés, restaurants, bistros and bars, a shopping excur- sion in the city can quickly end up being an incomparable outing you will long remember. Gourmets and fans of regional fare alike will find what they’re looking for, surrounded by an urban flair. There are also plenty of places to sit and relax during a shopping tour, too. The outdoor gastronomy alone in the downtown area is larger than a football field. The outdoor food and drink venues are spread across 4,200 m² with more than 5,500 seats catering to just about every personal hankering. The quality and ambience is another reason why visitors like to wile away the hours in Essen. 15 RETAIL LOCATIONS IN THE CITY CENTER Essen is a vibrant big city – spacious, impressive – and its downtown area is attractive, modern and energetic. The city center is a focal point of retailing and service, and the many distinctive features of its retail locations add to the quality atmosphere. Retail locations with charm, personality and tradition Few big cities boast a comparable number of public squares in their city centers. Essen’s many appealing squares, often planted with a lot of greenery, beckon visitors and residents alike to stop along the way for a rest. There are cafés and gastronomic highlights, and many squares, depending on the time of year, are transformed into performance venues. In the summer, for example, the “Kennedyplatz” (Kennedy Square) is turned into a beach with 1,500 tons of fine quartz sand. Since 1997, “Kennedy Beach” has played host to a beach volleyball tournament of Essen’s pedestrian zones have a vibrant, energetic shopping atmosphere. Germany’s top-seeded players, attracting some 30,000 spectators in just three days. In winter, Kennedy Square is a paradise for ice skaters. The rink has a roof, and thousands of sparkling lights illuminate it for daytime or nighttime skating. The unique architecture of the buildings is another distinguishing feature of the The Essen.Original festival is staged at many different public squares.. city’s retail locations. Many of the preserved and refurbished buildings range from the late 19th century up to the 1930s of the last century. At the south end of the “Kettwiger Straße” pedestrian zone, for example, is the “Handelshof”, a large, impressive building dating from 1912, with many stylistic elements of the expressionist period. Together with the main post office building, the Eick House and House of Technology, the Handelshof Hotel forms a harmonious architectural ensemble along the edge of the downtown area. Equally imposing are the “Deutschlandhaus”, the “Theaterpassage” shopping arcade and the refurbished Grillo Theater playhouse. Half way along the “Kettwiger Straße”, at “Burgplatz” square, is the Blum-/Baedeker House – built in 1928 and rebuilt after the war – with its sculptures by Jo- 16 “Kettwiger Straße“ – an expansive pedestrian zone Burgplatz square is the spot where Essen was founded in 852 A.D. sef Enseling embedded in the façade, and the Lichtburg cinema, Germany’s largest and most elegant movie theater. healthy mixture of large stores and small specialty shops. “Kettwiger Straße” forms the north-south axis of Essen’s business district. The charm of the “Kettwiger Straße” has a history. Essen was the first German city, in 1927, to create a pedestrian zone. Back then, just as today, the “Kettwiger Straße” is an inviting option for a just a stroll, or for shopping, and always seems to have visitors coming back for more. Perhaps the reason is the generous dimensions of the street and the well-structured and diverse urban setting. Many public squares and spaces along the “Kettwiger Straße” and its side streets, such as “Willy-BrandtPlatz”, “Burgplatz” and “Kennedyplatz”, liven up the atmosphere of the 15-20 meter-wide pedestrian zone. Essen’s “t-shaped” pedestrian zones on a map by city planners Junker und Kruse. The originality and authenticity of Essen’s urbanity gives the city’s retailing locations a special flair. The historic buildings in downtown, with their fascinating architecture, are both the setting and the stage for an urban lifestyle that benefits commerce and retailing. Retail location infrastructure Most of Essen’s downtown area is a pedestrian zone. Typical for Essen’s business district is its overall compact form, on the one hand; and on the other hand, the sprawling pedestrian zones, which conveys a feeling of spaciousness. The main section features a t-shaped axis with the expansive Galeria Kaufhof department store and the main train station at the south end of the “Kettwiger Straße”. The ends of the “Limbecker Straße” form the new “Limbecker Platz” shopping mall, currently under construction, and the City-Center mall at “Porscheplatz” square. Between these three poles are the main retailing zones with their 17 the city’s turn as the 2010 cultural capital of Europe. € 60 million has been earmarked for renovations and design. A vibrant shopping experience – “Limbecker Straße“ Quite different, but just as appealing, is “Limbecker Straße”, the cross on Essen’s t-shaped pedestrian zone. You will find many young people enjoying their own shopping sprees in the mostly smaller, trendier stores of the “Limbecker Straße”, or in the national and international retail chain stores. Shopping in this seven-toten-meter-wide pedestrian zone with its high foot traffic gives “Limbecker Straße” its vibrant, energetic flair. The “Kettwiger Straße” pedestrian zone boasts a mix of large chain stores and old established shopkeepers. The imposing architecture of many buildings raises the quality of the retail locations. The street combines a generous and refined appearance with appealing architecture and numerous gastronomic and cultural attractions. A large number of service industry providers complement the extensive array of retailers. Another remarkable feature of the “Kettwiger Straße” is the large fabric stores with their incomparable assortment of textiles. Many of these fabric stores can be found in architecturally imposing buildings. The southern entry to the “Kettwiger Straße” is Essen’s main train station, allowing the roughly 174,000 daily travelers and customers on public transport immediate access to the city’s main business district. Currently, plans are in the advanced stage to refurbish the station in time for 18 “Limbecker Platz“ – a shopping mall in the heart of the city The “Limbecker Straße” pedestrian zone is a shopping favorite in Essen. Many national and international retail chains have their stores in “Limbecker Straße”. Currently under construction between “Limbecker Platz” and “Berliner Platz” is a superlative among shopping malls. Bathed in natural light, the new “Limbecker Platz” Shopping Center Essen will have 70,000 m² of useable space for shopping and other activities. The mall is being built by ECE, Arcandor AG and Union Investment Real Estate AG with an investment, including renter alterations, totaling some € 300 million. The Essen-based Karstadt department store chain is the owner of the most important properties on which the project is being built, and its involvement is a clear signal of support for the city of Essen. ECE is responsible for the center management. The initial construction phase is set for the spring of 2008 and the entire project is due for completion by the fall of 2009. Unlike in many other German cities, this shopping mall is not being built on the periphery but right in the heart of the downtown business district. This central, accessible location will provide an additional range of goods and services to complement the existing retail landscape When completed, the project partners of the “Limbecker Platz” shopping mall expect 50,000 daily visitors. 19 and bring in even more foot traffic to Essen’s city center. The project partners expect 50,000 daily visitors. The shopping mall will add to Essen’s broad appeal and attract even more visitors from outside the region. All of Essen’s downtown commercial ventures are currently preparing to reposition themselves with regard to the changes in regional competition. A special work group, called “Zukunft Innenstadt Essen (Z.I.E.)”, is drawing up proposals for the immediate future to strengthen the profile of the entire city center. New flagship stores have extended the range of retailers in the “Limbecker Straße”. New flagships for Essen The “Limbecker Platz” shopping mall is already providing new momentum for further investments in the vicinity even before its completion. The Essen-based footwear company, Deichmann Group, is building a huge flagship store right next to the “Limbecker Platz” shopping mall. The tearing down of the old building and construction of the new facility is a clear demonstration of the company’s corporate allegiance to its home town of Essen. Beginning in February 2008, the new five-million-euro complex will be displaying 40,000 pairs of shoes over the “Limbecker Strasse”. The 1,000 m² store opened for business in the spring of 2007. 1,200 m² of sales space on three floors. The Deichmann building has a total of 2,500 m² of usable space, some of which will be leased to third parties. The young fashion label s.Oliver has also opened a new flagship store in The new Deichmann flagship store in Essen’s city center is the company’s highest corporate investment among its 1,000 retail stores in Germany. The flagship stores in the “Limbecker Straße” have added a new destination and dimension to customers’ shopping experience as ideal locations for communicating their brands and distinctive product lines. Their presence means that Essen’s pedestrian zones will gain a more prominent position on the map of brand name goods. Other new retailers are raising the profile of the “Limbecker Straße” as well, such as the 1,100 m² store of the Dutch textile company, Cool Cat Fashion, which will start sales after the opening of “Limbecker Platz” shopping mall, and a branch of the Yoké International Fashion GmbH with fabrics and shoes, which is slated to open in April 2008. From „City-Center“ to „Rathaus Galerie“ Robust investment is also underway on “Porscheplatz” square in the center of town.Credit SuisseAsset Management Immobilien Kapitalanlagengesellschaft mbH, the owner of the “City-Center” shopping mall, is investing € 40 - € 50 million to modernize the facility. The mall, next 20 Foto City Center / Rathaus The downtown shopping mall, “City-Center”, will be even more appealing after a € 40- € 50 million facelift. to Essen’s imposing city hall, houses some 80 shops, restaurants and cafés on 30,000 m² under a roof that was installed a few years ago. A big plus for the shopping mall, besides its central location, is the parking ramp with 1,800 spaces and connections to the subway, bus stop and taxi stands. By the end of 2009, and in time for the start of Essen’s stint as European cultural capital, the City-Center will be refurbished and renamed “Rathaus Galerie” with two central squares, a concentrated collection of restaurants and cafés, and optimized climatic conditions that will allow shoppers to stay dry the rain. The exclusive “Passagen“ arcade district Designer furniture and high-quality fabrics can be found at top locations like the “Lindengalerie”. Downtown Essen features many appealing public squares. Not only the “City-Center” – a.k.a. “Rathaus Galerie” – offers the optimum “dry” shopping experience in bad weather. Shoppers can also stay high and dry at the “Theaterpassage” arcade in the “Rathenau Straße”, or the “Lindengalerie” in “Deutschland Haus”. The so-called arcade, or theater, district is networked to the “Kettwiger Straße” and “Kennedyplatz” square. Its special quality is the mixture and synthesis of vibrant urban uses, combined with the design qualities of the surrounding architecture and welcoming public spaces. The high quality retail shops, service providers, cultural facilities and gastronomic delights located here guarantee an attractive, urban atmosphere in the theater district. Essen’s finest shopping quarter has grown up around “Hirschlandplatz” square and the Grillo Theater. Both arcades support advertising associations and active center managements. The “Rund ums Grillo” association is a group of retailers and property owners which personally gets involved in the ap- 21 pearance and atmosphere of their quarter and works together to sponsor activities, such as the Children’s and St. Nick Christmas festivals. They also cooperate with the “Haus am Theater” and “Allbauhaus”, two other outstanding Essen addresses for high-quality owner-operated businesses. The name of the “Rund ums The “Lindengalerie” in “Deutschland Haus” offers customers an exclusive shopping experience. Metzendorf and the municipal building officer Schneider in 1929/1930, offers plenty of atmosphere, sunny outdoor eateries and a high quality assortment of goods. Shoppers here will discover an exclusive selection of women’s, men’s and children’s clothing, accessories, furniture, The exquisite selection of shops in the “Theaterpassage” arcade ranges from haberdashers selling tailor-made clothing, to fine boutiques and exclusive shoe stores. Grillo” association comes from Essen’s Grillo Theater playhouse. The playhouse was given as a gift to the people of Essen at the end of the 19th century by the industrialist Friedrich Grillo. “Theaterpassage” arcade: shopping, culture & culinary delights The “Theaterpassage” arcade is close to the main train station and offers its customers a very special shopping experience. The heritage site brick building, designed and built by the architect Professor Georg 22 hairstylist and branch banks spread out over 4,300 m². A number of restaurants provide the culinary highlights to evening theater programs at the two city playhouses, CASA and BOX on the top floor of the arcade. The other stages are in the “Grillo Theater” across the street. The “Lindengalerie” offers top quality goods Across the street from the “Theaterpassage” arcade is also one of the original high-rise buildings in Essen: the “Deutschland Haus”. Designed by the architect, Professor Jacob Koerfer, the office and business complex is a harmonious addition to the urban ensemble around it, and stands out for its gripping façade. The “Lindengalerie” has been located on the ground floor since the building’s extensive renovation in the late 1980s. Here you will find retailers with an exclusive assortment of goods presented in ceiling-high display windows. The adjacent parking ramp ensures that shoppers can reach the “Lindengalerie” quickly and easily without being exposed to the elements. In addition to the gastronomical delights available, the galleria retailers offer all kinds of durable goods, from high quality designer furniture, to home accessories and fine fabrics. “Hirschlandplatz” square, with its many events, helps to increase the foot traffic frequencies in the immediate area and underscores the fact that Essen’s theater district is home to high quality entertainment and a fascinating mixture of fine specialty shops. “City Nord” has specialty shops Essen’s downtown area has the right location for every retailing niche. While the “Passagen” arcade quarter caters to The “City Nord” district has high-end retailing and niche fashions for young people. high-end goods, the northern section of downtown specializes in young people. The “Viehofer Straße/Rottstraße” area is connected to Essen’s main shopping streets by the squares “Kopstadtplatz” and “Flachsmarkt”. “Viehofer Straße” is an urban mix of retailers, service providers, culture, entertainment, gastronomy and apartment living. The goods you find here range from computers and music, to ethnic foods. But, there is also the traditional leather goods store, Brecklinghaus, which has one of its stores here. Other retailers specialize in niche fashions for young target groups, from gothic to hiphop with all the accessories. The neighborhood real estate interest group, ISG, is continuously working on initiatives to maintain and improve its shopping area. ISG is modeled after the North American Business Improvement Districts (BID) concept, which strives to clearly define the uses for specific commercial areas. In Essen, local real estate owners and businesses privately finance community initiatives designed to improve the quality of their business location as a supplement to public sector measures. Since June 2006, ISG has been supported by the NRW initiative “Second Generation City Marketing”, bringing the city’s northern downtown area a big step closer toward its goal of upgrading the district for customers, commerce and residents. 23 THE CITY IS SURPASSING ITSELF Unlike other German cities, Essen has had the opportunity to expand its downtown area – and has successfully taken advantage of that option. The extension of the city center has not only increased the amount of retail space and customer volume, but also has enabled the city, on a large scale, to expand the commercial range of the retail, service, food, recreation and entertainment industries. The result has been a well-rounded and integrated mixture of commercial uses, appealing to visitors and shoppers alike, who, surveys show, are spending more – and higher quality – time in the city center. Essen´s weststadt – commerce, living, urban entertainment The former Krupp industry properties, which extended from the city’s western edge of downtown, have been re-invented as Essen’s weststadt (West End). The weststadt features an incomparable location, situated directly next to the city’s traditional downtown area and the new university district now being planned. The 10 hectare (25 acre) Krupp quarter, which was used industrially into the 1980s, was turned into a vibrant urban neighborhood from 1996 on, under the motto “mixed use, instead of separate functions”. Essen’s weststadt is now an urban area combining work and living space. What’s more, the weststadt quarter provides investment opportunities. The weststadt 24 The new, vibrant weststadt quarter combines work, shopping, entertainment and living. entertainment offerings, for example, include CINEMAXX, Germany’s largest multiplex cinema with 5,300 seats and 16 theaters under one roof, the Coliseum musical theater in a refurbished heritage site factory building, and the weststadt Auditorium, with its broad agenda of European cultural exhibits and space for events and formal gatherings. All these recreational facilities have made the weststadt a focal point of urban entertainment for Essen and the region. Big furniture stores have also found a home in the weststadt mixed-use milieu. set up new salons here or modernized their old ones. Whether Audi, Mercedes, Porsche, Toyota or Volvo – customers are guaranteed to find something to their liking. Working in concert, the commercial-, service-, culture-, and entertainment industries have made Essen’s West End a destination worth visiting. University District Essen The new Porsche Center is one of the premium dealerships on Essen’s “Auto Mile”. The “Auto Mile” is also home to one of Germany’s largest independent Audi dealerships. The appealing cultural and recreational activities are not only a bonus for regular retail shoppers in the city center. The area is also worth a visit if you’re looking for durable goods, like furniture and automobiles. Directly across the street from the Musical Theater are 70,000 m² of space dedicated to lifestyle and furniture along the north side of the “Altendorfer Strasse”. Here you will find Kröger’s big furniture store, “Weltstadt des Wohnens”, as well as IKEA, which is housed in an old Krupp forgery. This store is the only IKEA outlet in Germany with an inner-city location and access to a subway station. vehicles per day, which is home to highend auto dealerships. Mega sellers have In the University District Essen is picking up where it left off in the weststadt, which already has become synonymous beyond the city limits with high quality, innovative urban development. Just north of downtown, a 13 hectare (32 acre) empty lot is being developed into the city’s new university district. A new, attractive urban neighborhood is taking shape here. The University District is designed to be a bridge between DuisburgEssen University and the city’s downtown area, connecting the school’s campus to the city center. The area will also offer a variety of living quarters to attract more people to the center of town and generate additional customer volume for inner city commerce. The University District, when completed, will connect Duisburg-Essen University to downtown Essen. Close by is the heavily traveled “HansBöckler Straße” (B224) with some 50,000 25 Corporate trailblazing In 2006, one of the world´s biggest technology groups, ThyssenKrupp AG made the decision to relocate its corporate headquarters from Düsseldorf to Essen. The new ThyssenKrupp Quarter will have a positive impact on the surrounding commercial enterprises and extend the city center westward. ThyssenKrupp AG is planning and building the ThyssenKrupp Quarter on 20 hectares (50 acres) along the ”Altendorfer Strasse” (B231) which is right next door to downtown. The new district will include ThyssenKrupp headquarters as well as additional offices and corporate administration facilities. More than 2,000 people will find work here, adding again to the list of potential customers for the city’s retailers. Also in the planning are a multi-functional complex housing the ThyssenKrupp Academy and Conference Center, a five-star hotel and space for other uses spread out over 100,000 m². Currently under construction and close to downtown is also the RWE PLAN-H complex. North of the city center, RWE Systems is building a modern office complex for up to 800 employees for the company subsidiaries RWE Trading, RWE Gas Midstream and RWE Key Account. The project is scheduled for completion by the end of 2008. In addition, E.ON Ruhrgas AG is also banking on Essen and building a new approx. 48,000 m² head office at the south end of the city that should be finished by the end of 2009. Adding up all the real estate investments to be made by the time Essen becomes the European Cultural Capital in 2010, a cautious calculation arrives at a sum of more than 1.5 billion euros. The gigantic wave of investment flooding into Essen is a clear signal that business and industry have confidence in Essen’s economic vitality and long-term viability. 26 The new ThyssenKrupp headquarters lies inside Essen’s downtown expansion area. Going up close to downtown is the new RWE office complex for up to 800 employees. The elliptical E.ON Ruhrgas head office is setting a modern architectural accent. Essen City Retail 2007/08 – an information for retailers and investors The following partners are available for further information: Einzelhandelsverband Ruhr e.V. (Retailers Association Ruhr) Rolandstraße 9 45128 Essen Theodor Damann Telefon: +49(0)201 – 81077-0 Fax: +49(0)201 – 81077-10 E-Mail: [email protected] EMG – Essen Marketing GmbH Rathenaustraße 2 45127 Essen Dieter Groppe Telefon: +49(0)201 – 88720-32 Fax: +49(0)201 – 88720-22 E-Mail: [email protected] EWG – Essener Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (EWG – Essen Economic Development Agency) Lindenallee 55 45127 Essen Dieter Flick Telefon: +49(0)201 – 82024-12 Fax: +49(0)201 – 82024-94 E-Mail: [email protected] IHK – Industrie und Handelskammer für Essen, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Oberhausen zu Essen (IHK – Chamber of Industry and Commerce) Am Waldthausenpark 2 45127 Essen Guido Zakrzewski Telefon: +49(0)201 – 1892-220 Fax: +49(0)201 – 1892-172 E-Mail: [email protected] 27 Titlephoto: Peter Wieler, EMG Photos: Stadtbildstelle Essen: p. 6, 7, 14 • EWG- Essener Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft mbH: p. 18 top, 19 center, 20 top and center, 21 top, 22 bottom, 23 small pictures, 24 bottom • Peter Wieler, EMG: p. 5, 8, 9, 12, 13 top, 15, 16, 17, 18 bottom, 19 top, 21 center and bottom, 22 top and small pictures, 23 top, 24 top • GOP Varieté Theater, Essen: p. 13 bottom • ECE Projektmanagement GmbH: p. 19 bottom, • Heinrich Deichmann-Schuhe GmbH & Co. KG: p. 20 bottom • Schormann Architekten GmbH, Düsseldorf: p. 25 top and center • ThyssenKrupp Real Estate: p. 26 top • RWE Systems Immobilien Gruppe: p. 26 center • AVP, Becker & Drewes GmbH, Düsseldorf: p. 26 bottom • Scape Landschaftsarchitekten, Düsseldorf: p. 25 bottom Imprint Publisher EWG – Essen Economic Development Agency Lindenallee 55 45127 Essen Managing Director: Georg Arens Editor Claudia Peters Design & Cartography herold & schönsteiner design & kommunikation ESSEN ESSENER WIRTSCHAFTSFÖRDERUNGS GESELLSCHAFT MBH 28
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