2006 - Louisiana State Board of Dentistry


2006 - Louisiana State Board of Dentistry
yuu a~ the pre~ident f the Louisiana
Stale Board of Dentistry. I wish to tak [hili
opportnniry to c pre 's my . ill ere grm iruue to
all or the board members and slaff With whom I
have b«-n . 0 d sd y as 'ocilttet1 with sinc 1992.
I will be leavlllg lIle board a/ ~r nex t year when I
om ternl Ilinited off. This has truly been u
meml1rable pan of m life whi h I can never
r rget. Occasionall y) believe J have seen It all ,
and men I rea.lil.e n thi ng ~i.ln be fu rt her from
the trulh . The landsi:;ape of the dental
community ha;; changed s much m th past
fourteen yean; thm I can ' I begi n to gues whtu it
will look like in anothe r fourteen year.; .
I never dreamed lh at generul supe ision
woulu hccome II reali ty in Louisuma.. but here it
is . Thro ugh the effort of the LOUiSiana Denta l
As ociati(ln Ilnd th Louisinna Dental Hygiene
A. SOCIUtlon, il has linall come to pas .
Nevcnhele ' So I am concemed lhat this may be
abused by ~O Il1C people an pray that it never
decrcas~ the quality 0 care we provide to th
puhlie . Hl pefu]ly Ih ru les which are in cITe t
wiil pn:vent any harm .
Wh~n I first carne n the board , only a
handfu l of people had even heard of a dental
clinicn.! regional testi ng ogency . They now
CCOUnL fbr m!)!>t of the clinical licensing. in the
country . All bUI a f 'II' . tates n w belong to
regional testing agem;ies. Much la l~ ha..\ been
ge.nerateu ver the pa\t f< w years reganJing a
nauo nal cl inical li cens ing examinatIOn. We
support [hi, endeavor bUI are aware nf many
problems which have rept up since the concept
really begtUl t take ~h.:lpe in Orllllldo twO yea
;Igo at the American A$ ' 'illlion 0 Dental
Examin 'r!> meetings . It ha; ' often been said thut
··you Cilll get a I I uone if you don' t care who
g~ credit ror it." ll1erc seem to be severn I
people on the national level who want to gel
cred it lor creating a nationol d im aI exam.
T herei n lies the problem .
The Loui~ian .l Stille Board o f Oem i. try i
c ntracling with the Counci l of Independellt
Testing Agencies (C1TA} to admi nister the
clinical licenSing examinat i.ln in Louisiana
be"inning JIl c. lendnr year 20(}!) . We de layed
Llle ommen 'ment of lhe admi nist ra tion r Ult~
exam until th..'11 due t the logi. lieal problems
caused in our sUIte by HurricllI1es Katrina and
Rita . This will give our 'iCniur JentaJ and
hygiene srtJdents titne tOlidapl before the
~' h angeove r begins. A portion (lfthe clinical
examination i the CU n1wlu ll1 Integrated ('orma!
(OF). where dental student:· will begin taking
[he c.'<lImimUi n in thei.rjunior year (2007) Thi~
will give them ample opport un ity to retake that
portion of the e)"runinall 11 if they arc not
successful initially be ore sin ing for the fInal
clinjcal exammUlion in their senior year. This
new trend seem~ lo be universall y acceptet1 b
all parties involved . J have I][) doubt Ihal mo~t of
the ~tudents will be cxtrcml:i) \\cll prepared for
that exam .
III latiOll to the logi~tic~ 1 problems cau, cd
by the hurricanes . I mw,l commend Dr. ric
Hovlllnd for the amazlllg joh he duJ 111 geltll1!!
the dental s hool up and nmm ng '0 quickly In
Baton Rouge . It wa., wly a herculean venture
on his part. Dr. Hovland si mply put hi. head
down ~md kcpll!lk.i.ng lhe pun h Ii wh iI<! he
fought through ail of the problems created by the
floodi ng of the dental school in New Orleans.
Had Dr. HovlanJ , hi. ad mi ni~tratinn , and staff
not resIXmded so quIckly and competently . who
know ' where oun.lenlal and hygiene ~.ucJcnt
w uld be being educated lomorrow" I tip my
hat to aU of them
I wo uld alsll likc to rept)rt th;lllhere is a new
li censllre ~{alus ill Louisiana. Retired dentists
wh \\ish to o lu nreer their scr i ec~ on a pro
no basis to . en'e the rndigenl may now obtain
a lI cen~ fo r that pwposc. Many of ur fe llow
dentists who have reI'
woultl like very much
to give back tO lheir commumties and thIS is an
e cerIen! way )f doing s . In times such as
the: , we all need to stick (og ther and work
with each other to pmvide the best denw l CWl:
we (;an to all f ow' citizen!; many of wltich are
unable to provide for the mselves
In .losing, I wou ld like to expre..~s my
gratitude to the Lou isiana Dental Association
and th~ Louisiuna IA!nlal Ilygiene Associaticm
as well a.<. the faculty and Ullmini!>trJtion of the
denm! scrroo!. It takes e~lch and everyone of
these enlltics working togethe r to mi. e the level
r denti. try within our stale. There is a great
deal or harmony bcltween thc stale board and
each of these groups al this point. J hope thllt we
can always mainUlin thnt. Each and every one
f us should be thankfu.l to be part of II t,oreaL
pro s~ ion . May God continue to ble:.s u .
Respectfully. Dennis E . Donuld, 0 D. President. Louisiana Stat Board of Dentistry DENTISTS HELPING DENTISTS The Louisiana Denta l A ssocia tion De n tists ' Well Bein g Adv isory C ommitte e He lp Line: Fo r inioTm a ti on , assi s ta n ce, or referr a l p l ease ca ll: (225) 926-1986 (8:00 a .m . to 5:00 p.m. ) Toll Free 1-800-388-6642 (504) 394-7702 after hours CT ONS
The fo/lowing represents summaries of disciplinary artions takell in 2005-2006 by the Louisiana State Board fJJ Dentistry or
judgment rmdered by the courl ill connection wit" ci.,j/ alld/or criminal proceedings and/or appellate proceedings involving
registrll/ltS oj tll;\' board. 1" the ClIent fllrf/ler judidal appeals are takelJ in any of tlu!.'.« matters, they will be reviewed in the next
issue ufTlre Bulletlll.
I. Lanrt! Louis Babin, D.D Raceland, Louisiana It rnu:1i e ~\:,111 i .try in the sture 0
Final disposition- Dr. Gordon entered
m[o an extension uf the con~enl decree
t!ntercd inlo In 2005 un li l Inul
dll,P\lSlllolI of reluted ~-riminal charge.•
Yiohltion- Tuilun! In lllainlJ.11I propel tlcntul reconh In Violation 0 RS . 37:77fJ
( A)(R) FinnJ dispo 'ilion- Dr Babin entereu
into u ~unsent ,lecrec \Ii herem he agreeu
to pay a line in the amount oj ,')5011.00
and reimbursed the board' s eO,ls; ::Lnd
sllcce~~fully ~( mplclc rel11t!tlliIl ~OllrsC in
J'mal rccoru-I-ceplng within. ix munt ll ,
of III signing. of the conli 'nt ilecrec .
2. .Jusepb Ellis Be.rruud, III, D.DS.
Hummond, Louhia.rrn
Violation- I hat he hdPlluuJly lIluulged
ill til\! u~c or drugs. lIarcol lC' ;t nd
rnl(nicallag h4UUf' in vlol:uioll of R...
5. of Ruk 304 . thereby fonning a viulatlon
( r R.S. 37:776 (A)C4)
Fimtl m"position- Dr. fIoll ler enler~
mto tlCOn~nl decree wherein he paid a
fine m lhe Unll)Unl 01''5500 .00 .
6. Richard Sleven Jones, O.D_ .
Shreveport. Louisillna
'jolalioo- Habilu(1l mdulgence in Ulr:
ust' of drug narcmks. anu intoxicating
liquor.. ill "Iolation of R .S. J7 :77
(A}(S) and presrnbing m dl~pen .. ing
hublt- fonning or other legally controlled
~ub5tances in other than a legal and
iegitimlile manm:r 111 vi lalion of R.5
'7 .77h (A)(5) tind tilereaftcr railed to
c()opemtc Vi ith the boarn during lis
mve l1,1!utllln ,If thi. man.:r
Final di pc ilion- Dr . IkmarJ cnlt!rcd
iOin a consent dc\.ree \l, herein lie
~lIfrcndcrt:d h is I!cen~e to pTtlcti..:c
denlIstry 1I1 Ihe ~1,Ut! 01 Louisi;tna .
3. Gusbno M. Coulin. DD
e\l' OrJe<jD • LOllbiana
VioJation· I Ilegations rconrulJll.! a
dent,,1 pracl tet· y, hich furled L atisfy lile
prevailing "ccentuble ~landards of d 'ow l
pllictice in tl1b \tale in violallt1O
1,7;776 (\)( ); C~lIldUCl intended (0
decei e llf defr31ld the public 111 vlOlution
of R.S. :1.,7'77£1 (AJ( 16): and vioiallon III
a ~'Iln~ III dene ag.recd upon o.:tween
lhe b >urn ami Dr. Cuuuo in \i iolation uf
R.S.J7.770 (A)!:!4)
Final Ui"pusition- Dr. COlltll1 enlered
mto a .. on~ent I.ll.!cre y, Ith the bonrd
wherem he paId a fine in Ih . amOUI1l ( f
$101'111.011. reI lbursCtl dIe boanl' CO ' L,.
;lnd l.(Il1Ipktion of remeilialion withul
ninc monlhs of the agreement being:
Iichn I E. .ordon. D.D
akdale, Louisiana
Violalion- Agreement [0 order
c\tending onomal temporary
'linqui~hmelH of Dr Gurdon', licen e
Johnn~ M. Hollier, O.D~ .
Oakdale, LOlli ian a
iolalion· That he failed I(l notify lhe
bo.lrd or ~hange of atld.res~ In vinJatilln
Interim disposition. Dr . Jones entered
Ilito a ('onscO! decree wherem he
surremkred his licen. e to pnlcti.:c
dt'nlistry in the ,Wt.:: of Lnuisiana.
yothia Marie Ramkelnwan. D:.n.s.
bankruptcy . Dr Schalte r s
dischurgeahility wu., d~nh.:t1 by th..:
ti:dcl1ll bank.ruptcy o uT! in eYo
Orleans; ho\\cvcr as of the date If this
ruhlicalioll . Dr. chuller hn); appealed
this decision o f the bankruptcy judge .
9. orge W. Tate, D.DS.
Lake barles. Louisiana
ViolBtion· Failure to return rec rds to
. ever' I patienh in violat ion of Rule .'; I X.
lhereb forming a violation of R.S
37:776 (A )( 141; tmll h h,thiluaJly
indulged in the use or dr tl g\. na r -oties.
,lnd i nt() .~icating liquor.. ill VI la.l ion ,)1'
R. 37:776 (A I(5 ); and that he fuikd 10
cooperate will] the board III its
lIlVt'stiga!loll of this maner In viol.ll i II
Ilf R.S. 37:77'" (A)(27)
Final disposition- Dr Tate entered In lo
,\ cnnscnt decree with the board whe~i l1
he paid a 1I lie in the amount ot : IO,O()()
and reimb ursed the boan.l's cost:
.'urrcnder.:u all ·tote and tt.'l1eral
suhstances prescribing
privileges; lind is undergoing a
ll1onitoflng progrurn with the board; and
com m nced a perioll of pmbati n of live
year.. beginning November 2f1 2005
10. Ke in Williams, D.D •
ew Orleans. Louisiana
conuud and
hTevepurt, Louisiana
Viohltiun-. umcmus complaints and
fnilure t cooperate with the hoard in til
iove tigation OraUl!;: ~ nning. a
violll1ion oj' R . . 37:776 (AI(24 )
dental incompetence in violalion o f R.
n '776 CAl(7); <!mp loying pcrCln~ Lo
pe-rfoml w(1rk which can ~ performed
un! by persons licensed lo practIce
dcntlstry or dental hygit'ne l!l the Siale 01
Loui luna in viollllion of R . . 37:77"
Final Disposition. Dr. Ra.m\...dawan
entered int u con. l.'n t dt:~rel" \ 'herein
she paid ,I line in the amoun! of
:b I 000.00 and maUl" rC~tit u li( n to a
(A) II ) ~ that he fuded to cooperntc with
the board in inve. ligating Lhl. mailer in
violilllOll ofRS . 37 .T16 (A l(27) : chol he
failed to obtain the m,llld:nory
c ntinuing Jenwi education as rcquir.w
ill 11iis state in vioi,llion 01 R.S . 37:776
8. Randall r. 'chaITer, D.D
Ne\\ Orleans. 1 oui iana
Violation- Dr. Schaffer's license [[)
practlGc dentistry In Louisiunn was
revoked 10 the ye.tr 2000. Tht! h ani
I~lll:r made execulory it\ ut!c i ' iol1 again~t
Dr SchillTer aftc Which, Dr S~hafrer
auemptcd to ulscharge the board m
I A )(24 )
Final disposition- A fonnal hean ng WilS
conducted on JUlie 25 2005 olll,wi ng
\\Illich. Dr. W ill i al11~' lice ll.~e to prat ticc
de tistry In llle state ul LOUisiana was
immediatel ; sus~nded .
I. William J. Carlisle, m, D.D.s.
Marrero. Louisiana
Violation- Advert isement in vio lation of Rult! 30 1 • thereby forming
a violation ()f R .S. 37:77 (A )( 24)
Final dispo iition- Dr. Carl is le entered into a con. en t decree
whe rein he p,lid a fine in the am unt or $500 .00 .
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1) Do [ Deed to apply ror a new
anesthe 'ia oflice permit if I move to
a new office?
renewal pemli ts of said license .
All certificates [perm its aut horizing In
admjn i ~lralion
of ane 'thes ia , a nalgesia r
shall also be eli ' played in ru ll
and open view in cIo, e proximity [0
tho e licen es and renewul certlficales
rc.q uired to be kept in open and full view
fo r the public to observe .
ane 'thesia/anai esia is performed
must have an office penrut for that
level 0 ane, thesia which is being
ust!d , If you move to a new office.
your permit rom rhe old office does
n l transfer. Pleru;e c ntactthe Board
oflkc for an al1e~the .. ia application .
When lice nsee, prov ide denlal service
in more than ODe fac ility, a opy of said
Iit:enses and/or certificates shal l _uffice
in p lace of the orig imll and said copy
!>hall be displayed in fu ll and open view
for all patients La ee .
2) How do J renew my anesthesia
3) What i the currenlhierarchy of
anesthesia perm.ils?
The c urrent hie rarc hy f r
ane thesialanalge ia permits are :
If you have lost or misplaced your
orieo itlll.! dental/dent I hyg i ne lit:ense ,
please contact tbe Board for an affidavit
of lO~1 licen ·e . There is a $50 .00 ee for
duplicate original Iicen es . There is also
a $50.00 fee for duplicate renewal
certificates or permits .
5) Why is the renewal fee so much?
The renewal fee is for two yeaTS .
YES . A ll Louisiana Iice n ee holding
either a denuLi or denta l b.ygiene
licen'e 'hall display thei r license in
full ancl pen view for <Ill patients LO
observe aI ng with all CllITent
oc tor:
At the p~ ' en t lime . the Loui ' iana
SWle BI)<trd of Dentistry i~ worki ng
' it h all ol her medical r>laL d boards
und law e nf"tl rCemeut () prepare a
p re cripli( n o n iloring pro gr a m.
A s such . it is ne cessar y t h:1I the
Louisia na tate Board of Denti try
lllspe n ~e or aumi n iste r contT
su bSl fleeS at thei r practice .
If yo u are d ispens ill g
adm inis tering controlled substan es ,
pl e ase com pl ete l he encl o se d
q uestio nna Ire an d rdu rn it 111 th e
ene! seu e lt -aut! ssed envelope . If
yo u do n I tl i spe n ~e or ad m in i ~ter
contro lhl s ub~lanc in your o ffi ce .
p i a. e sign th e e nc l o s eti
4uesilO nnaire <IS well anu r tum it in
e nc losed
sel f- addressed
PI ase con tact the office i f you
have any q uestions . T hank you fo r
your coope ration .
Sincen;!y . Denn i:, E. Donald . D.D ,S. Pr sidell! 6) How Jong is my re.newallicense good ror?
All renewals are bicn mal (2 years).
7) What is the deadJine for my renewal
application '?
Th.is year the dead line is December 31 ,
2006 .
8) Can I place my IiceD eon emi-retired
or inactive tatus?
O . T he Board olll ha an active statu . .
I r you volunta.rily surrender your I icen 'e
due to retirement, your license no longer
L.) Geller.L1 Anestln;s iu/Dccp '<:datill n;
1 .) Pan.'nleral SeuutionllV edal ion:
.n Ped iatric Ontl ;
4) Adult Oml ;
5 .) N itrous 0 , ide;
6 .) Local Ane the iu.
4) Do J need to po t my originaJ
license(s) in my office'!
y S. All locati ns in whic h
For Lho e Ii en. ecs who wlll be
renewing their dental Iicen.'es tt li s
year and currently hold (l Persona.l
Nitrous xide Inhalation penn it . the
perm it renewal fee will e 50 .00. if
you currenLl hold 3 per anal
Parenteral Can 'c iou Sedation
Permit. the renewal fee wi ll be
$200.00 . You will rece ive a parme
application in the nmewlll packet to
renew rhe. e permits if this is
applicable to you . Please review the
fonn and return it t the boaru oUice
wi th the appropriate fee . eparale
check: luI' your licen$c and pt!rmit
renewal lees are required . Yo u w ill
receive lhes perm its w iU, your
f~ n ewed dcnUlllicense .
exists. However, the board has r at d a
o lu teer or retired talus LO a llow retired
licensees to provide pro bono dental c are .
Does the Louisiana Slate Board of
Denti tr regulate or certify dental
istant ?
february 10, 2007
May 25, 2007
August 17. 2007
Decembe.r 1,2007
March 7·9 2007
May 23·25, 2007
August 17. 2007
NO. The Boarddoe.s no t regulate denta.l
assi ·tant • . We pro ide a certificate
confirmation for Expanded Out. Denta l
(con tinued on p a ge 7)
NECROLOGY 2005 - 2006
January i 2. 2006
Ma rch 16. 2006
N ) e mber 2005
Nov e mber 7 . 2005
20 6
Oc tober 16 2006
Dr. J am C . Br w n
Dr. James j . C orbe ll , m
Dr. Roger Do n~
G lori' l Gaulden. R.D .H.
Dr. Bradley H idalgo
Dr. E m il J . C harvet,J r.
Dr. Mic hae l So nnier
Dr. J o ~ep h Tedesco
Dr Haro ld O:wald . Jr .
Dr. Law nce 1. Duv ie il h
Dr. C lifton O . Dum mctt
Dr. J o ~e R . Gonza l
Deee mher 2005
Septem ber 30. 2005
September I , 2006
Septem ber 20, 2006
September 13. 2006
o ·tObef 7 , 2006
D r . Corbin A mman
Dr. Wellington Arn aud
Dr. R ichard Bertelti
Or. Slephen D . Bremer
Dr. Hug h Bull ard
Dr. Maryanne B utler
Or. Joseph CH id el l
Dr. Ric hard Chafin
Dr. Francis Cobb
Dr. R< bert Co mea ux. Jr.
4 23
54 8
3 12...1
Dr. Ll ri Dees
Dr. Jose ph Duvigneaud
Dr. C hanlal E ll is
Dr. Gregory Ell is
Or. George Fontana
Dr. Elizab th Forh.kio
Dr. C harl e. Geye r
Dr. David G ra ham
Dr. Joanna Hoka n. on
Dr. lVlic bae l Hubfmd
46 16
177 1
Dr. Thc ryl Humphrey
Dr. Antho ny Immed iata
Dr. Olga Isaeva
Dr. John K ulas
Dr. Lamar Lane
Dr. Raymond Louqu
Dr. Sarah B . l we
Li nda AI xandcr, R.D .! !.
Nikki ArTllmbide. RD.H .
Lan lc Barreca , RD .H.
Lauro! Bernard, R.D.H.
De nise Be er, R.D.H .
Beth Bf W I1 , R .D.H.
Me lissa Bryant . RD .H.
Maria Bullard , RD .H .
.Ian Buras . RD .H
2 136
81 7
" 45
Ji ll Ca rr. R.D .H .
Sara Co nnor. R.D .H
Misty D itc haro, R.D .H
LorrH ine Fu ll r, R.D .H .
Patric iu Garl and , R.DR .
Rebecca Gerhardt-P uckett . RDR
MlTrie Hannah . R.D.H .
Jenni fer Harri ,R.D.I I.
Haley Harrison. R .D.H .
11 61
JCilnelte Johnso n, R .D .H .
V ickie K Ollcd y . RD .H .
SlIsan K ing. R .D.H .
T racy Lani f .R . .A.
Sharon Ligh t. R.D .H.
arlin T um in-·l lo . R.D .!I .
27 1
332 1
15 9
3 29
Dr. Ro Andrew
Dr. Joseph Beard
Dr. Bryan Bergens
Dr. T iff,my B u llcr- S ~ hussle r
Dr. Charles Bu h
Dr. F rankl yn ope land
Dr. Aub rey Dun'
Dr. C had Fulmer
5 63
Dr. .l ame s G ard iner
Dr . Donald Ga uthier
Dr. Sam ue l Gautie r
Dr. John B. Grego ry
Dr. C harles G ui ll ry
Dr. Harr Gus ta fso n, Jr.
Dr. Katharine Hebert
Dr . Steven Hebert
22 3
191 8
Dr. Fmncis HOfll ist
Dr. au l Kahn
Dr. DougJas Ke lle r
Dr . J mes Lan o
Dr . Louis LeB lanc . .Ir.
Dr. Tho mas l ord
Dr. D a id Luck
Marc i,j Boyd. RD .H.
Knl h~ri n e C drn . RD .H.
Nan y Cl ine . R.D H
C harl otte Coll ins . RoO.!!.
Robert C ' tel io, R.D .H .
M ) Dang. R.D.H.
Bron",,,,, Darbo nne . R.D .H .
lO/1 S
37 18
Kell . Fabre . R.D .H .
Mc rilyn GuJ'to n. RD .H.
Due to the problm c aused by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.lh d au line for llhlaini ng enlera l consl: iou~ edation permits has been eXle nded until June
~ary c ntillui ng ed ucat ion before being granted the perm it [0 adm inister
entew l consc i us ~edalion . hose den ti sts ad.rnini te( tng ECS at (his time may co nti nue [0 do ' 0 unti l June 3D, 2007 .lhereafte r w hich they m ust have
the per mit to do so .
30. 2007 in order for Iho. e lice n:ees to have. uffic ient time to blain the nece
4 _____________________________________________________________________________
I gather you can tell by reading the
BulleLin Lhi year thaL di ciplinary
a tions fell off dramati ally during the
paH year. In fact. we had only ODe
adverti ing violation and ten
disciplinary actions. Thio; can be
cfue tly aLtributed Lo the catastrophe
endured by our state with Hurri anes
Katrina and Rita. Not only did our
eli ciplinary a tions go down, bUllhe
complaints received in the office fell
by appr imaLely [w thirds. Thi in
tum cau ed a silver lining in the
cloud. Our expenses were reduced by
ver $[00,000 during this 11 cal year
over the p. Lfiscal year. However,
ur re erve have been decreasing
over the years, and the board will be
asking for a renewal fee increase next
year. We are sure that you can
understand that the board is in need of
a fee increase as there have been no
increa es for the last five year' and
everyone's costs continue to rise .
A you can see from this bulletin,
the board ie charging fee for the
renewal f anesthe ia permit thi
year. The board has waived the. e fees
for over fifteen years, but i now in
circumstan e. wherein the fees
mu. t be appJ ied in order to bridge the
gap until a fee i.ncrease occur ' which
could not happen before next year.
The board is boping to be able Lo
commence online renewals of licen. es
in the next year or two . We know
many four licen 'ees would prefer
this method of renew' 1 as it would
speed up the pr ces, and decreillie the
burden on y u and our staff.
However, that al 0 will cost money.
Complaints are starting to come
back at a more nonnal rate as our
citizen move back. Hen e, our
expenses will again rise
dramatically. I beUeve the singular
most c mm n cause for complaints
to be eot to the board i lack of
communication between the dentist
and Lhe patient. I cannot expre s
tills enougb, If your patient knows
what he i gening be re Lrealment
begins , the re should be little room
for complaining afterward .
Please remember (hat la, Lyear
all who renewed their license · did
not have to provide the board with
any continuing education
certification. The reason wa
obvious. Tbe hurricanes bad
cancelled lhe NODA conference for
the previou two years and it was
impo . ible for many of our
licensees to obtain continuing
education. Nevertheless, all tho e
licen ees renewing their licenses
this year must have one h.lf of the
required continuing edu aLion
requirements. atisfied. In other
words, denti ts must have
satisfactory pr of r mpleti ng
twenty hour of continuing
education this year, one half of
which mu ' l be cunical . Hygieni ts
must have twelve bours of
continuing education credit thu
year, ne half of whicb must be
A. Dr. Donald related in hi
"Me ' sage From The Pre ident:' the
Louisiana Slate Board of Dentistry
i now C ntracLing with tbe Council
of Interstate e ling Agencies to
begin administering our clinical
licen fig examinalion. Thi i' a
collaborative effort wiLh other
states who are memb rs of CTTA as
well. Those, tates are Alabama,
Mis 'u;sippi, North Carolina, and
several other staLes are III
di ussion t.age· with CITA. In
order for aU of tbe clinical
examination to be tandardized,
each state wap examiner wjth
other states to conduct the clinical
examinations. It is not nece. sary
for one to be a memb r of a dental
board in rder to participate wiLh
CITA a an examiner. If you are
intere ted in participating as an
examiner in clinical licensing
examinatjon', you can call the
board office or contact CITA
dire tJy at P.O. Box 550,
Morrisville orth Carolina 27560.
Their phone number is 919-67 ­
9792 and you may email tbem at
[email protected].
Last year was a tragic year
indeed. 1 personally suffered the
death of my only child and so many
of us lost our homes and
bu ines es. With help from God ,
we can make our lives whole again .
I pray that each and every one of
you who were affected by the
storms r other tragedies during the
past year find peace and harm ny
in your personal and professional
lives as we attempt to move on in
thi· thing called life.
Yours very truly.
C. Barry Ogden
Executive Director
Dr. Daniel Cook
Dr . Duv iu DdYCnpnrl
Dr, hmlOphl1r Oi~~e"on
Dr. Tam Ignc ),
Dr. David Don<l!d
DrShc:li y resh
Dr. Nhchac l Fa va loro
Dr. Ihl11t.:y FIa.\Ulnaro
Dr. Launl L.:igh Flall ma nn
Dr. Zacha ry Good lIlun
Dr. Blair Grt:l1I ill inn
Dr Brandy Hyde
Dr. Anita Jay.lgopal
Dr . llominick Along i
Dr V,wid 8,Ilh" rf
I r . hri,,) Barru."
Dr. Michael Bird
Dr . Klmberle)' Blltt
Dr. TiITan i Brun t< n
Dr. ::.hclli.: Breland
Brisco. Jr.
Dr. Du\'id Brown
Dr. Jc"ica Brun i
I r . BI.ti r Bl'y,.:>n
r Puulillll tl,lelilln
Dr . .I onnUlo ll (,hapman
Dr. Rcbcc(ll ChUl')ll:nllcr
Dr. Scu n Johnson
Dr. Ern iIy J I"Ji~e
Dr . Rhonda Sand lin
Dr. Eddy "i h<'l'manJI
Or. Kayl a SOIre;
Dr. .Ion· hri,t Ja.Jl Sccwru1
Dr l....' '' nn ~ Th une'
Dr. Lau.n:n Thurmon
Dr. Bre nt T oup,
Dr. Imn(:c,,'" Ve la ~~ <l
Dr. Kalh!:rine Vo
Dr. Ryan Walk.er
01 Cou rm y Wightman
Dr M:rrk W i ~h tm an
Dr. Joseph Le\m ino
Dr. Gll' t hen Jum:kcr
Dr. Michelle LI!Blanc
Dr . .Io ~eMena
Or. Art u['() Mendez
Or Darren ,\1 " Icr Dr. Ken nelh Luminll is. Jr. Dr Wahecd Mohamed
Or. Benjamin Ory
Dr. Roben Or), . .Ir.
01'. , hie)' Pri eto
Dr "i rgwia Ro m<!
hri lie Adkilh R D.H
Sam" ArdIzone. R.DH .
Ht:.lth r Arl<!dgt. RDJ [
Sll[lh ia Bai l~}, R,D H .
Amy Baker, R.D.II .
rnily Ruudciln. R.D.H.
Kn ,tcn B'lU<:r. RD.H .
jul ie Beh an. R.D.H.
TywH mlil.B llyer. R.D .H
Nlkl Bond,. R,D.H.
Bmoke Bouelreaux. R.D H.
Am;m<ill Bra,her. KD.H.
Chilntelie Burke. R DH
Shcrri Bu<!llncl l S~ilrnatter. R.D.H
nge lil uldwd l RDJi .
Samh <lplinger. R.O.!I
Carr ROil .
Ihrcn RD .li
LlIwrn \l} R D H
Vuleric D3nid R.D H.
Gina Dcilering . RD.!1.
lenrHi Od carn bre R.D.H.
S:ml h Denham . R.D .H
He ather I rtyle. RO.H .
Kyluh Duong RD .H.
Stephan ie ELidington. RD.H.
An ne la EI" IfU . R.D H
Chri'ly [--" Igo ut. R.D H.
Regan n leccia. R.D,II.
I\k li,a c"rgc . RD./!
JU"l(ud mc; Gurdon. RD.H.
DeiaJl nu ms!. RD.H.
EI.i "e
L Llt~ltIan,
Jcm!l i'c r Prejea n . R.D.H
Rosly n Presto n. R.DH.
Rae Ranev R.D .H.
Latas ll a Riehm nd R.D.H .
Lyn n nn Ry ab . RD .H .
Emil) 5c tl RD.H
I an.:y Sdk rs . R.D .H .
Me l: U1ic Southern . R,D,II .
<;laCI Speer . R.DJ!
Rikk l . t. Upe{) , R.D.H .
Kim Slarkes. R.D.H.
Amil r 1t'&;)I I. R.D.H.
R D.H.
jcnl1l ter Maxwell. R.D.! J.
SU:[lhuni<! M<! rid <: . R.D.H .
Rach I Miller. R D.H .
Amanda MIller, R.D.H.
Leslie Munc h. R.D.I I.
at.lil Guillnl RD H .
Ju lie Unll'r RD.H
Tori Ifuy~, RD.H .
Paige O· t: i1 1. R.D.H .
lindt: . RD.H .
Juli Papan ia. R.D.!!.
Bri dget Parker. R.D.H
.vI my
Milgpe Jol ly . R.D H.
Rachacl JontJ.Jl R f) H.
kwan R.DH .
Misly Stroud . R.D.H.
Je J1 t1i~ r Thompson. R.D.H.
Margo Wull<!r . R..D .H.
lIeather We n er. R.D.H .
.I e"iCiI Wi ll iam, . R.D.l 1.
Hbo nny WiI Ii um...; . RDH.
htm:n Norwood., R 0 .11
Brigcllt: NUllCZ . R.D .H.
[Jam Hugh.: , R.D.H.
Leui Hunt RD.H .
II Ill) Hymel. R.D H.
El iL,lbo:lh Jnhn,()n RD.lI.
Chri. llan DaugJlcnhaugh . RDH
Shauna Juarez.. R.D.H.
Law'a Kn\lW I\:s , RDli .
11 na Labat. R. H.
Stacy l .. borde .R.D.H .
Ri~ h l y n Lall~ley . R D.H.
Kam LeBouef, R.D .H.
Hay ley Leone. RD.II ,
.l enn y () uviere. RD .H .
En n Phdli s. R.D.H
Dr. John Lev in
Dr Hugo t. Hilru!'C
Dr . Wi ll i~ m ~lalh un ll
Dr. Will iam Urm:k
Dr. Will iam Cau.scy
Dr b,'fk:ran.la MI.·nuo/a Pmln
Dr. Rac h lie muh
Dr S<Jnue.... Cl rur
Dr. DlUlU
Dr. Margn 1i1rvcgg lo
r nna. Morellli
DI Eman 1 " haw i
Mic hael WOllus. R.DJI.
Dillll!: Jnseph-Bre.:keruidge . RDH.
Midlelle Ann Be.rger Johnston . RD.H .
1\.. hlcy 1 ebb.: . RD.H .
Midlelle 110.11. R.D.H.
Ang.: la BMen RD.H .
Kristine Bll),,,,r. R.D.H.
Dm\fl o[lel and R.D I-!.
L"ui~I,U1a \\,ill ht: gl\'lllg Ihe CITA "Iinical dental h)'gienc "xamillJliM in :!008. \ .1 mcmht:r state . Loui\iana desires ill add to the POl'l Iof deputy examine!"> who
111< 'lp,.:cifi. ljuulifi .Ition, aru.1arc interested in t:ahhnuinn.
II ~ou :
I. ' J~ I U, 'Il\cd denial hygle"lml in Loui,i na .lnU can 1'1'U\' ld<: \ erifkauon of malpmclico! IUsunlnce; :!. Ute LUIreJ1l ly in good ~Iandin!! '" all pclMlnali . 1i..",n,,,,u Junsuicti,lns. :l. h IV.: ~ \lark history ur a minimum ,f liVe yt:aJ, ,and 4 ure nul employed as [I den I,,! hyglcne educatm rull lime III purr 11m... ( If pre ently rectI in" cumpensation for empluyment as
educator) !!lure lhan on ... dllY a week. ft'c~h ing tlnly a per wem or reimbursement for C!.\(l<![J,e·.
YIIU Ina} he eliuibl' I'" nppl)
.1 ucput~ e.\uminer.
All oril.'mat], n rm'!.cnlatiun Ill' the .." ..un fllmlm amI wbat dUliesircsponsibililies m" imulved will he ,,;hcdulcd in rhe cnr (ulU~ . Anyone y, isiling D illlt'ml please
. G1uillduLllC: with your ni1me. add res: . li"cme number phone Dumber and <!-TIIll1l.
Assi.. tant \ nJy after they have
. ubmllled pro r of c mplcuon or the
following : approved EDDA our c,
approved rndiology course , curr~nt CPR
card , and the 'r .00 application fee .
to) What happens if I allo\\ m) licen 'e to
lapsl' or J do not rene \' it?
If your L uisian a dental or dental
hygiene Iic~nsc lapses dUl: 10 nOI1­
renewal. you ClIlfiot pructice uell[i~try
or dental hygIene . Persons who
practice \0\ rth a lapsed Ii en ' I;; are
subjectl disciplinary acti n
Licenses expire December 31 . After
that Jale. you wIll receive two celtlfied
mail notice, reminding you of lhi
pos ible overighl. Lrwe ~till receive
no reop nse from y u or y u infoml the
board thaI you do not wi 'h to ren \II lhe
license. il will be revoked due to nou­
renewal at the May board meeting.
11) What do I need to do to change my Ii nse from retired 10 actin status? Hygieni IS who wi . h to change lheir
license tram retired t active statu'
mu '[ complele a rl'in taLement
appllcalion !1Ild submit it 10 lhe b lard
office , The application will be
reviewed and you will be advised of the
Oulcome al; on.lingly ,
Dentl 'Is who wish to change lheir
license from retired to active ratu
must submit a letler to the board oflice
requesting arne .
In either cru;e, conlinulng education and
appropriate r e~ will b req uired ror lhis
12) Hol' do I retire m . Louisiana dental
or dental hygiene license'?
Denfuts and hygieni ' ls may notify the
board in wnting or. if applicable. on
your renewaJ application uf your
inlention to retire your Louisiana license .
13) May J still write pr criptioD if I
retire my Louisiana d ntal licen e?
NO, Ihe board will nOlify Ihe Drug
Enforcemem Admmistralion and
LouiSIana Board of Pharmacy that you
ha e retired your Louisiana dental
licen e.
14) Why can't I give my change of
address over the phone?
15) Which clinical Ii ensing
examination. does th Loui 'iana
tate Board of Dentistry accept for
licensu re?
Effective May 26. 2006 , the
Louisiana State Board of Dentistry
a~ceph the cores Lhe Ii r din i(;al
licl!nsing e:amination of denLi$ls and
dental hygienl I., from the C uncilof
Interstate Tesling Agen 'ies (CIT A).
Centra l egional DenIal Tung
Service (CRDT ' ), Northea I
Rl!gional Board (NERB ), Southe rn
RI!g.iona.l Tc:ling Agency (SRTA )
Western Regional Examining Board
(WREB ). and Ule American Dental
Examinatioll (ADEX). pr vided thal
those leSL<; include \:()mp nent. on
IIw patients ano was completed ne
yeru or less from the date for which
you are applying .
16) How can I get an Enteral
Conscious edation pcrmit'?
Adult Enteral Conscious Sedation
personal and fIice pemlit will be
issued by the bard upon completion
of the appropriate applIcatIon which
must be nOlan/ed. fee pay ment and
documentatIon ev idencing
compl lion f tnulLing for Enteral
Con:clou\ Sedali o. Ollie
in pections are nor reqUired prior to
i '~mance of the pemlit. The e FIkes
will be inspected in the normal
Calif e of board bu. ine s pertaining t
inspection ,
Executive Director
barry@lsbd ,org
Linda Foto
Director of Licensing
[email protected]
Erin Conner
A dministrative Secretary
[email protected]
John Roth
Administrative Coordinator 4
Carolyn Perez
Administrative Coordinator 2
carolyn@lsbd .org
Diana Chenevert
Administrative Assistant 2
[email protected]
PedIalric Enteral on cious Sedation
p rmHs wiJI follow the same routine
a.~ Adult Enlt: ral Can. cious edation
pemIts With the EXCEPTION being
that these office must be in pected
by Ihe board prior to issuan e of
saml! .
17) Which CPR coor ' . are accepted
by the board?
Card lopuimonary Res uscitation
Course "C ," Basic Life Support [or
Health Care ProViders as defined bv the
American Heart Association or the'
American Red C1' s Profe, sionaJ
Rescue Course or their eqwvalcnl.
It hau Id be 11 ted that Med.ic First /\.td
CPR c( un.e w' . ac<.:eptecl as e4uivalenl
by lbe LOulsiana State B ard f
Dt:ntistry on May 21. 2005 .
C.ardi pulm nary Ru. ciwLinn Coun;e
is alJowed for three hours of non­
dinical conlinuing education,
All change · of address must be in
writing, required in the dental
practice act. You may fax or mail same
10 the board orrice ,
TELEPHONE. (504) 561'-8574
r ACSlMIl....E; (5u4) 568 8598
TOLL FREE (8'17)4137-4488
WFBSITE wvrwl bd .org Dr. Pamela Brown DaDlel 5639 Congress Blvd, Balon Rouge, Louisiana 70808 Dr. Dennis E. Donald 627 W. College Straat Lake Chmles, louisiana 70605 LOCAL ANESTHESIA PERMIT INFORMATION
The dental hygie ne L cal Anesthesia perm it i. not automatical ly issued upon
complt:lion of the lac anesthesia course or ~ o mp l e t ion of the <.Ienlal hygiene program .
Eac h dental hygjeni ! is enl an appticati n with their riginallic fiSC . The application
must be comp leted and retu meu to the board oflice with a copy of their cel1ifkale
showing satisfactory completion of the locui an the ia course. The LSU School of
D nlistry. the University of Louisiana al Monr e and outhem University in
Shreveport 'end lh~ Board a list 01' persons complctlOg the requirements th rough thei
respective de nLaI hygiene programs . Those persons gr ad uating from th d ntal hygiene
program only need to complete the application to obtai n u local anesthesia pennit. ]f
y u need an application. please contact the board office. If yo u do not have a permit.
you are not authorized (0 admini ·ter local anesthesia.
Christine M. Guillaume, R.D.H. 8851 Wyeth 5ueeI Denham Springs, Louisiana 70706 Dr. Louis Joseph 5213 Rue VerdWl Alexandiia. LouisIana 71303 OJ:. Charley M. Lester 4034 Hollywood Avenue Shreveport. LouiSiana 71109 Dr. HDrnell J. Madison 743 Terry Pm1cway Gretna. Louisiana 70056 Dr Charles T. McCabe. Jr. 250 Meadowcrest Street. 51e. 204 Gretna. Lou' siano 70056 Dr. James A. Pearce 1221 Coolidge Blvd. Laiayetle. Louisiana 70503 Dr. LynD Philippe 7777 Hennessey Blvd., #610 Baton Rouge, Loulslana 70808 ... 150.00
ersr nol
Nitrous parmi , . . ... ,
Renewal 01 Personal Par ~ n e al
Conscious SedalLn Perm11 . ..... .$200.00'
Dr. David L. Melancon 102 Mystic Bouleva:cd Houma, LOUisiana 70360 Dr. Cotuna P. M[:Vea. Jr 2016 Washington Street franklinton . LOlllslana 704.38 !­ - v Bl",nn oj Hyg np Llcen"e
De(!dHne 10 RAn•• . . . •• ,. .... .• ... .... . •
nK.m.b.,.-~l ,
Dellnquenl f_1Id1i be ""...oed to a I _ a l a
paolmOl'kod aftar o.e..nb", 31. 2008.
POSTMARKED AFTER December 31,2006.
*DlIe to all ;ncre(U;(/ in tIlt: eoxu. oIojjice inspectiolls. the Louisiana State Board of
Denl;st1) is flOW 'Iwrging f or the renewal af per (Ina / nitrous oxide inhalation and
persollal parellleral con.w:iulI!) ~eda tion permit.. Please mak sure
you enclose the
appropriate fees with your renewal applicatiOIl . Write sepor I fe fl ecks f or rene wals
Clnd permits .
Dr. Samuel TriDca 1220 Stubbs Avenue Moruoe. Louisiana 71201 Dr. Sam S. Vinci P.O. Bax 1907
51. francisville. Louisiana 70775
Dr. Vance L. Wascom 3727 MacArthw Blvd . New Orleans. L.ouisiana 70114 C. Barry Ogden
Executive Director
What is tile current hierarchy of anesthesia permits?
The current hierarchy for anesthesialanalge ia pemlilS are:
I .) General AllcsdlesialDeep Sedauon;
2 .) Parenteral Se<lationlrV Sedation:
3.J Pediatric Oral;
4 Adult Oral:
5.) N itrous Oxide;
6.) Local Ane the ia .
Therefore. if you currently hold a pennit fo r level I, y u are qu l ified for levels )-6. If
you hold a penllit for levd 2, YOll ure qualified fi r levels 2-6 and sO on.