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Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out For navigation instructions please click here Search Issue | Next Page Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out For navigation instructions please click here Search Issue | Next Page Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® CALL FOR PAPERS IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine This is the fifth issue of the new IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, which was approved by the IEEE Technical Activities Board in 2012. This is an important achievement for GRSS since it has never had a publication in the magazine format. The magazine provides a new venue to publish high quality technical articles that by their very nature do not find a home in journals requiring scientific innovation but that provide relevant information to scientists, engineers, end-users, and students who interact in different ways with the geoscience and remote sensing disciplines. The magazine publishes tutorial papers and technical papers on geoscience and remote sensing topics, as well as papers that describe relevant applications of and projects based on topics addressed by our society. The magazine also publishes columns on: - New satellite missions - Standard remote sensing data sets - Education in remote sensing - Women in geoscience and remote sensing - Industrial profiles - University profiles - GRSS Technical Committee activities - GRSS Chapter activities - Conferences and workshops. The new magazine is published in with an appealing layout, and its articles are included with an electronic format in the IEEE Xplore online archive. The magazine content is freely available to GRSS members. This call for papers is to encourage all readers to prepare and submit articles and technical content for review to be published in the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine. Contributions for the above-mentioned columns of the magazine are also welcome. All technical papers will undergo blind review by multiple reviewers. The submission and the review process is managed at the IEEE Manuscript Central as it is already done for the three GRSS journals. Prospective authors are required to submit electronically using the website and selecting the “Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine” option from the drop-down list. Instructions for creating new user accounts, if necessary, are available on the login screen. No other manners of submission are accepted. Papers should be submitted in single column, double-spaced format. The review process will assess the technical quality and/or the tutorial value of the contributions. The magazine will publish also special issues. Readers interested to propose a special issue can contact the Editor In Chief. For any additional information and for submitting papers contact the Editor In Chief: Prof. Lorenzo Bruzzone University of Trento, Trento, Italy E-Mail: [email protected] ______________________ Phone: +39 0461 28 2056 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2307459 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® MARCH 2014 VOLUME 2, NUMBER 1 WWW.GRSS-IEEE.ORG _____________ FEATURE 8 UAS-Based Radar Sounding of the Polar Ice Sheets by C. Leuschen, R. Hale, S. Keshmiri, J.B. Yan, F. Rodriguez-Morales, A. Mahmood, and S. Gogineni GLOBE—© CARTESIA, PLANE—©1995 EXPERT SOFTWARE, INC., SATELLITE—WIKIMEDIA COMMONS/RICHARD-59 PG. 8 SCOPE ON THE COVER: Radar sounding and imaging of the ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica provide valuable information for monitoring and predicting response to a warming climate. COVER IMAGE LICENSED BY INGRAM PUBLISHING IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine will inform readers of activities in the GRS Society, its technical committees, and chapters. GRSM will also inform and educate readers via technical papers, provide information on international remote sensing activities and new satellite missions, publish contributions on education activities, industrial and university profiles, conference news, book reviews, and a calendar of important events. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2303412 MARCH 2014 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 1 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE COLUMNS & DEPARTMENTS 4 FROM THE EDITOR 6 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 18 TECHNICAL COMMITTEES 23 CHAPTERS 29 EDUCATION 34 BOOK REVIEW 38 WOMEN IN GRS 40 CONFERENCE REPORTS 42 INDUSTRIAL PROFILES 47 GRSS MEMBER HIGHLIGHTS 50 CALENDAR EDITORIAL BOARD 2014 Dr. Lorenzo Bruzzone Editor-in-Chief University of Trento Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science Via Sommarive, 5 I-38123 Povo, Trento, ITALY E-mail: _______________ [email protected] Dr. William Blackwell MIT Lincoln Laboratory Lexington, MA 02420-9108, USA E-mail: ________ [email protected] Dr. Michael Inggs University of Cape Town Rondebosch, 7701, RSA E-mail: __________ [email protected] Dr. John Kerekes Rochester Institute of Technology 54 Lomb Memorial Dr. Rochester, NY 14623, USA E-mail: _________ [email protected] Dr. Fabio Pacifici DigitalGlobe E-mail: _____________ [email protected] Dr. Gail Skofronick Jackson NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Code 612 Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA E-mail: ____________ [email protected] Dr. Stephen Volz NASA Earth Science Div. 300 E St., SW Washington, DC 20546, USA E-mail: ________ [email protected] GRS OFFICERS President Dr. Melba M. Crawford Purdue University, USA Executive Vice-President Dr. Kamal Sarabandi University of Michigan, USA Vice-President of Meetings and Symposia Dr. Adriano Camps Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya-Barcelona Tech, Spain Vice-President of Publications Dr. William Emery University of Colorado, USA Vice-President of Technical Activities Dr. John Kerekes Rochester Institute of Technology, USA Vice-President of Professional Activities Dr. Wooil M. Moon University of Manitoba, Canada Vice-President of Information Resources Dr. Steven C. Reising Colorado State University, USA IEEE PERIODICALS MAGAZINES DEPARTMENT Associate Editor Laura Ambrosio Senior Art Director Janet Dudar Assistant Art Director Gail A. Schnitzer Production Coordinator Theresa L. Smith Business Development Manager Susan Schneiderman +1 732 562 3946 [email protected] ___________ Fax: +1 732 981 1855 Advertising Production Manager Felicia Spagnoli MISSION STATEMENT The IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society of the IEEE seeks to advance science and technology in geoscience, remote sensing and related fields using conferences, education, and other resources. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine (ISSN 2168-6831) is published quarterly by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., IEEE Headquarters: 3 Park Ave., 17th Floor, New York, NY 10016-5997, +1 212 419 7900. Responsibility for the contents rests upon the authors and not upon the IEEE, the Society, or its members. IEEE Service Center (for orders, subscriptions, address changes): 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854, +1 732 981 0060. Price/Publication Information. Subscriptions: included in Society fee for each member of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society. Nonmember subscription prices available on request. Copyright and Reprint Permissions: Abstracting is permitted with credit to the source. Libraries are permitted to photocopy beyond the limits of U.S. Copyright Law for private Production Director Peter M. Tuohy Editorial Director Dawn Melley Staff Director, Publishing Operations Fran Zappulla use of patrons: 1) those post-1977 articles that carry a code at the bottom of the first page, provided the per-copy fee indicated in the code is paid through the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 USA; 2) pre-1978 articles without fee. For all other copying, reprint, or republication information, write to: Copyrights and Permission Department, IEEE Publishing Services, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA. Copyright © 2014 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved. IEEE prohibits discrimination, harassment, and bullying. For more information, visit _____ Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2303413 2 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q © WESNet © Jean-François Bergeron, Enviro Foto © Luc-Antoine Couturier THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® CALL FOR PAPERS © SCCQ © SCCQ Hosted by the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society and the Canadian Remote Sensing Society, the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2014 ( IGARSS’14 ) along with the 35th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing ( CSRS ) will be held from Sunday July 13th through Friday July 18th 2014 at the Quebec Convention Center in Québec City, Quebec, Canada. ABSTRACTS Abstracts can be submitted on-line at between November 14th, 2013 and January 13th, 2014. Results of the revision process will be available on-line by April 4th, 2014. We are looking forward to receiving your submissions. The assessment and development of new and renewable sources of energy in the context of a changing planet is a critical and important issue throughout the world. IGARSS 2014 and the 35th CSRS will include keynote speakers and special sessions dedicated to the “Energy” theme. In addition to a host of well-established IGARSS session themes, the following special themes will be addressed during the IGARSS 2014 / 35th CSRS : ;,*-"4&)".(&".%.&2(9"."(&-&.4 ;*,".%"380,/2"4*/. ;*.&2",80,/2"4*/. IGARSS 2014 / 35 CSRS Technical Co-Chairs ;*/.&2(9 Dr. Josée Lévesque Defence Research and Development Canada / Valcartier, Québec City, QC ;&3&26/*2"."(&-&.4 Dr. Jean-Marc Garneau Defence Research and Development Canada / Valcartier, Québec City, QC ( ret ) ;&-/4& &.3*.(".%/2&.3*$ $*&.$& Dr. Ellsworth LeDrew University of Waterloo / Waterloo, ON ;&-/4& &.3*.(*.".5'"$452*.( 934&-3 th th IGARSS 2014 / 35 CSRS General Chair Dr. Monique Bernier Institut national de la recherche scientifique ( INRS ) / Québec City, QC ;!&-0/2",.",93*3 : Techniques and Applications ;&-/4& &.3*.(".%2$)&/,/(9 ;/#/4*$ 934&-3*. 500/24/'&-/4& &.3*.( ;.6*2/.-&.4",&-&%*"4*/.".%33&33-&.4 ;&-/4& &.3*.(*.&6&,/0*.(/5.42*&3 W WW.IGARSS2014.ORG _________________________ Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2307460 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® FROM THE EDITOR BY LORENZO BRUZZONE Dear Reader, I t is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the first issue of the second year of publication of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine. After the initial phase of the magazine, in the second year we plan to enrich the content of this publication by establishing new columns containing many new contributions of interest to the geoscience and remote sensing community at large. As one can observe in the four issues of GRSM during 2013, the magazine contains tutorial papers, technical papers on geoscience and remote sensing topics, and papers that describe relevant applications of and projects based on topics addressed by our society. All technical papers undergo blind review by multiple reviewers. The review process is managed on the IEEE Manuscript Central web site, as is done for the three GRSS journals. The magazine also contains regular columns on education in remote sensing, remote sensing systems, standard data sets, women in geoscience and remote sensing, and book reviews. Other topics will appear in the future. Starting with the June issue, we will publish an extensive column in which space agencies will report on their recent news and major achievements. This will keep readers up-to-date on the latest developments of space agencies and the most interesting news on novel satellites and Earth Observation programs. As already announced in December 2013, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Administrative Committee decided to distribute both digital and electronic versions of the magazine to all GRSS members free of charge during 2014 (one more good reason to be a GRSS member). This will allow all GRSS members to access the magazine contents and to become familiar with the Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2303414 Date of publication: 8 April 2014 4 digital format of the magazine. The digital format is different from the electronic format used by the IEEE Xplore web site. The digital format allows readers to navigate and explore the technical content of the magazine with a look and feel similar to that of a printed magazine. The electronic version provided on the IEEE Xplore web site does not have a magazine layout and allows readers to access individual articles only as separate PDF files. Moreover, the June issue will be also provided in a more traditional printed format and widely distributed during our major IGARSS 2014 conference in Quebec City as well. This issue includes one article in the Features section. This article focuses on a recently developed Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) equipped with a dual-frequency radar to sound and image ice sheets in both Greenland and Antarctica. This system is designed to help monitor the mass loss of ice sheets and its effect on global sea level rise. To predict the response of ice sheets to a warming climate, ice-sheet models need to be improved by incorporating information on the bed topography and basal conditions of fast-flowing glaciers near their grounding lines. High-sensitivity, low-frequency radars with 2-D aperture synthesis capability are needed to sound and image fast-flowing glaciers with very rough surfaces and ice that contains inclusions. The article presents a brief overview of the need for radar soundings of fast-flowing glaciers at low-frequencies and a description of the system. It also discusses field operations and provides sample results of data collected in Antarctica. The Technical Committees column describes the activities of the International Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy (ISIS) Technical Committee of the IEEE GRSS. The article presents the principal scope of the committee, including an interesting overview of the past, current and planned activities. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® The Chapters column presents the GRSS Distinguished Lecturer Program that recently updated its portfolio of Distinguished Speakers. This program provides GRSS Chapters with seminars by experts on topics of interest and importance to the geoscience and remote sensing community. The article describes the program and introduces the speakers, including the topics of their talks. Note that the program is structured so that Chapters incur little or no cost when inviting Distinguished Lecturers. Therefore, I strongly encourage Chapters to take advantage of this very important initiative. The Book Review column presents an overview of Land Surface Observation, Modeling and Data Assimilation, edited by Shunlin Liang, Xin Li, Xianhong Xie and published by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. The review of this book was written by Claudia Notarnicola of the EURAC— Institute for Applied Remote Sensing, Bolzano, Italy. The Education column presents the results of an extensive survey on graduate courses throughout Europe to understand patterns and similarities in graduate‐level educational activities in the field of aerospace science and engineering. The article emphasizes that there is good coverage of all aerospace aspects in Europe, and substantial homogeneity among European countries in aerospacerelated education. The Women in Geoscience and Remote Sensing presents a short article on Sonia Gallego, who is an international leader in remote sensing, and provides an example of a successful career. The Reports section contains an article on the two-day International Experts Meeting on Microwave Remote Sensing organized by the recently established IEEE-GRSS Gujarat Chapter in association with CEPT University, Ahmedabad, at the Gujarat University Convention Centre, Ahmedabad, India, on 16–17 December 2013. The Industrial Profiles column deals with trends in the industry of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) remote sensing from satellites. The article provides an interesting analysis of the ongoing activities in SAR remote sensing from satellites and describes the main technological developments, applications and services provided. Moreover, it briefly describes the TerraSAR-X next generation program. The GRSS Member Highlights section, among other news, contains a brief article that points out that in 2014 IEEE will mark its 50th Fellow Class. This represents five decades of honoring IEEE Fellows whose extraordinary accomplishments have changed the world. In addition, the list of GRSS members elevated to the rank of IEEE Fellow in 2014 is provided. Congratulations to all them! Finally, I would like to encourage you to contribute to the success of the magazine by submitting tutorial papers, relevant technical articles or column contributions (for submissions go to Also, proposals for special issues on specific topics of interest to the GRSS community are welcome. I wish you an enjoyable and productive spring season. Sincerely, Lorenzo Bruzzone Editor-in-Chief [email protected] __________________ GRS _____________________ ___________ MARCH 2014 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 5 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE BY MELBA CRAWFORD T he GRS Magazine (GRSM) completed an outstanding inaugural year in December, and is now starting its second year of publication. We appreciate the continued efforts of the Editor-in-Chief Lorenzo Bruzzone and his editorial staff, and the contributions from chapters, technical committees, and other professional activities of the GRSS to each issue of the GRSM, as well as the authors of featured articles which have received such positive reviews. In April 2014, GRSS will launch its second new publication in 2 years, the GRSS eNewsletter. It will focus on current announcements of upcoming events and timely highlights of GRSS activities, international news from space agencies and industry, and spotlights on members. Fabio Pacifici, its Editor-in-Chief, has developed an ambitious strategy for providing the publication via mobile devices as well as traditional web-based platforms on a monthly schedule. We are extremely pleased that the Society is experiencing solid growth in membership and chapter development, particularly in Regions 8 (Europe, Middle East, and Africa) and 10 (Asia and Pacific). Growth in GRSS activity in Region 9 (Latin America) is a current strategic priority, as reflected in our new initiatives for 2014. Regional liaisons are being appointed to the Chapters Committee, now chaired by Paolo Gamba, to improve communication with the AdCom and support local chapter and membership development. We are also expanding our Distinguished Speakers program in 2014 to include increased support for regional speakers. I am pleased to add my congratulations to the ten members of GRSS who were selected to advance to the rank of IEEE Fellow. The Class of 2014 includes Thomas Ainsworth, Joachim Ender, Irena Hajnsek, Scott Hensley, Michael King, Roger King, Toshio Iguchi, Konstan- tinos Papathanassiou, Daniele Riccio, and Jiacheng Shi. We also appreciate the outstanding job of the nominators and our GRSS Fellow Evaluation Committee, chaired by Leung Tsang, and the GRSS Fellow Search Committee, chaired by Mahta Moghaddam. We now look forward to IGARSS 2014 in Quebec, Canada, from July 13–18. The Canadian team reports that the abstract submission was excellent in both numbers and quality, and that the technical program should be outstanding. The Remote Sensing Summer School that preceded IGARSS in 2012 and 2013 is being organized for 2014 at INRS (Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique). We anticipate another great IGARSS. The November AdCom meeting in Newark, New Jersey, focused on Strategic Planning. The discussion, led by Executive VP Kamal Sarabandi, emphasized Education, Globalization, and increased engagement of Industry and international space agencies with GRSS. Investments in new initiatives in 2014 will include support of educational workshops in Latin America, increased support for membership and chapter development, and sponsorship of Technical Committee projects. I look forward to working with Kamal and the other Vice Presidents for 2014: Wooil Moon (Professional Activities), John Kerekes (Technical Activities), Adriano Camps (Meetings and Symposia), Bill Emery (Publications), and Steve Reising (Information Resources). Please do not hesitate to contact any of us with suggestions concerning Society activities. We are all looking forward to an exciting 2014 for GRSS and our profession. Best Regards, Melba Crawford President, IEEE GRSS [email protected] _______________ Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2303415 Date of publication: 8 April 2014 6 GRS IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® 6 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing : Evolution in Remote Sensing 2014 [email protected] ______________________________ Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2307463 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® GLOBE—© CARTESIA, PLANE—©1995 EXPERT SOFTWARE, INC., SATELLITE—WIKIMEDIA COMMONS/RICHARD-59 UAS-Based Radar Sounding of the Polar Ice Sheets C. LEUSCHEN, R. HALE, S. KESHMIRI, J.B. YAN, F. RODRIGUEZ-MORALES, A. MAHMOOD, AND S. GOGINENI Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, United States Abstract—Both the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are currently losing mass and contributing to global sea level rise. To predict the response of these ice sheets to a warming climate, ice-sheet models must be improved by incorporating information on the bed topography and basal conditions of fast-flowing glaciers near their grounding lines. High-sensitivity, low-frequency radars with 2-D aperture synthesis capability are needed to sound and image fast-flowing glaciers with very rough surfaces and ice that contains inclusions. In response to this need, CReSIS developed an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) equipped with Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2306353 Date of publication: 8 April 2014 8 2168-6831/14/$31.00©2014IEEE a dual-frequency radar that operates at approximately 14 and 35 MHz. The radar transmits 100-W peak power at a pulse repetition frequency of 10 kHz, operates from 20 W of DC power, and weighs approximately 2 kg. The UAS has a take-off weight of about 38.5 kg and a range of approximately 100 km per gallon of fuel. We recently completed several successful test flights of the UAS equipped with the dual-frequency radar at a field camp in Antarctica. The radar measurements performed as a part of these test flights represent the first-ever successful sounding of glacial ice with a UAS-based radar. We also collected data for synthesizing a 2-D aperture, which is required to prevent off-vertical scatter, caused by the rough surfaces of fast-flowing glaciers, IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® from masking bed echoes. In this article, we provide a brief overview of the need for radar soundings of fast-flowing glaciers at low-frequencies and a brief description of the UAS and radar. We also discuss our field operations and provide sample results from data collected in Antarctica. Finally, we present our future plans, which include miniaturizing the radar and collecting measurements in Greenland. 1. INTRODUCTION urrent satellite observations indicate that the Earth’s polar regions are undergoing significant changes, including the decrease of sea ice extent and thickness in the Arctic [1] and the thinning of the margins of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. Recently, Shepherd et al. [2] analyzed data from multiple satellite missions and reported that mass loss from the Greenland ice sheet increased from about 72 Gt/yr during 1993–1995—a 0.2 mm/year contribution to sea level rise—to about 344 Gt/ yr during 2005–2010—a 0.9 mm/year contribution to sea level rise. They also indicated that both the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets are losing mass. These large ice sheets contain enough fresh water to raise sea level by about 66 meters if they were to melt completely. While complete melting and disintegration are unlikely in the immediate future, their thinning and retreat are already contributing to an accelerated rise in sea level. This sea level rise will have a strong impact on heavily populated coastal regions [3]. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reported that the global average sea level would rise between 26 and 98 cm by the end of this century [4]. However, the upper bound reported by the IPCC is widely debated, as estimates using empirical models show that it could be as large as 2 m. Significant progress has been made in the development of models that incorporate the full stress tensor and use updated bed topography maps of both ice sheets [5–7], but substantial uncertainty still surrounds the upper limit of projected sea-level rise. The large range and subsequent disagreement can be partly attributed to a lack of fine-resolution bed topography for fast-flowing glaciers, particularly near their grounding lines. These fast-flowing outlet glaciers, which are only few kilometers wide and yet carry vast reservoirs of ice into the ocean, are poorly represented in the current ice-bed maps and ice-sheet models. There is therefore an urgent need to measure the ice thickness of fast-flowing glaciers with fine resolution to determine bed topography and basal conditions. This information will, in turn, be used to improve ice-sheet models and generate accurate estimates of sea level rise in a warming climate. Without proper representation of these fast-flowing glaciers, advancements in ice-sheet modeling will remain elusive. Unfortunately, radar sounding and imaging of outlet glaciers near their grounding lines and calving fronts are extremely challenging tasks, because off-vertical rough C MARCH 2014 surface scatter and volume scatter from inclusions in the ice can mask weak ice-bed echoes. The weak echoes are a result of much higher than normal attenuation of radar signals propagating through the ice due to the presence of warm ice near the bed. For this reason, high-sensitivity, low-frequency radars with 2-D aperture synthesis capability are required for ice-thickness measurements over fast-flowing glaciers. The low frequencies are required to reduce volume scatter from ice inclusions, and the radars must be capable of 2-D aperture synthesis to obtain narrow antenna beams with low sidelobes, which prevents both along- and across-track surface scatter from masking weak ice-bed returns. A narrow-antenna beam can be generated in the along-track direction with traditional Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) techniques; however, it is extremely difficult to accommodate a large, low-frequency antenna array, even on aircraft like the NASA P-3 [8]. For this reason, we developed a small Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) that can be flown over closely-spaced lines in the cross-track direction to synthesize a large aperture. We developed the UAS with a radar operating at 14 and 35 MHz for measurements over the ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland. The fully instrumented UAS weighs about 38.5 kg with a range of 100 km for about one gallon of fuel. The antennas for operating the radar at either 14 MHz with about 1 MHz of bandwidth or 35 MHz with about 4 MHz of bandwidth are integrated into the wings and airframe of the UAS. The radar transmits 100-W peak power signals at a pulse repetition frequency of 10 kHz. The radar weighs approximately 2 kg and operates with about 20 W of DC power. We flight tested the radar-equipped UAS at the Subglacial Lake Whillans (SLW) field camp on the Whillans Ice Stream in Antarctica and accomplished the first successful sounding of ice with a radar on a UAS. In this paper, we provide a brief overview of the UAS, its radar system, experimental results from the field, and our future plans to miniaturize the radar and collect data over fast-flowing glaciers. 2. BACKGROUND Radars operating over a frequency range of about 1 MHz to 1000 MHz have been used to sound glacial ice for decades [9]. The application of radars to ice sounding can be considered to have started with the pioneering work of Amory Waite. He conducted experiments to measure ice thickness with a radar altimeter operating at 440 MHz on the Ross Ice shelf in the late 1950s [10–11]. Waite is also credited with conducting the first airborne ice measurements in the early 1960s. Following his pioneering work, the glaciological application of radars was expanded through significant contributions by Evans and his colleagues at the Scott Polar Research Institute in the UK [12–14] and Gudmandsen and his colleagues at the Technical University of Denmark [15]. Now, radar has become an invaluable tool in the study of ice sheets and glaciers. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 9 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® FIGURE 1. G1X UAS on approach to land at SLW site in Antarctica. Radars have been used to sound ice, map both deep and near-surface internal layers, and image the ice-bed interface with fine resolution. Most of the radars used for sounding ice during the 1960s and 1970s were incoherent. A few attempts were made to develop coherent radars for sounding ice in 1970s with very limited success because of the lack of suitable inexpensive technologies [16]. The first solid-state coherent radar sounder was developed at the University of Kansas in the late 1980s [17]. It was redesigned, upgraded, and widely used for measurements over the Greenland ice sheet as a part of NASA’s Program of Arctic Assessment (PARCA) initiative [18–21]. Following the successful demonstration of a fully coherent low-power radar for sounding ice sheets, coherent radars were developed by TABLE 1. G1X TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS. PARAMETER VALUE UNITS DIMENSIONS/GEOMETRY Length 2.84 m Height 1.11 m Area 2.06 m2 Span 5.29 m Aspect ratio 11.75 n.d. WING POWER PLANT Engine Desert Aircraft 100 cc Max power 7060 W WEIGHTS Fuel 2.72 kg Payload 9.07 kg Empty 26.76 kg Max takeoff 38.55 kg PERFORMANCE 10 Cruise speed 28 m/s Range 100 km Endurance 60 min Takeoff/landing distance 90 m other groups and are currently used for measurements over the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets [22–23]. At the University of Kansas, we developed radars with 4–15 element cross-track arrays and multiple receivers for airborne and surface-based measurements [8, 21]. These radars include synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and array processing capabilities [8, 23] and have been successfully used to demonstrate 3-D imaging of ice sheets [24–26]. These systems have also been used to sound several challenging areas of the ice sheets, including outlet glaciers and ice sheet margins [27–28], as well as for high-altitude measurements from long-range aircraft [29]. However, as mentioned previously, the performance of radars operating at frequencies of 50 MHz or higher severely degrades over fast-flowing glaciers due to rough surface scatter and volume scatter. A few attempts have been made to develop coherent airborne HF radars operating at frequencies as low as 1 MHz and as high as 30 MHz [30–35] for sounding glaciers with temperate ice; these have been shown to be effective in sounding temperate ice under favorable conditions. Normally, low-frequency radars are operated with long, resistively-loaded wire antennas trailing behind the aircraft. Although SAR processing can be used to reduce beamwidth in the along-track direction, the large beamwidth of trailing long-wire antenna in the cross-track direction results in significant reflections from the walls of the glaciers, which degrades radar performance. A UAS equipped with low-frequency radars that can be flown over closely-spaced lines—as close as 5 m at 14 MHz—in the cross-track direction for synthesizing a 2-D aperture is needed to sound fast-flowing glaciers with fine resolution. 3. PLATFORM OVERVIEW The G1X unmanned aerial system (UAS) is a mid-wing, semi-autonomous, high-aspect ratio aircraft that has been modified by the University of Kansas specifically for scientific missions throughout the cryosphere. The G1X UAS platform has a 5.3 m wingspan, 2.84 m fuselage length, and weighs approximately 38.5 kg when fully instrumented and fueled. When operating at a cruise speed of 28 m/s, the platform has a range of about 100 km for approximately one gallon of fuel. Additional range and endurance can be enabled with a supplemental fuel tank. The aircraft can be configured with either wheels or skis; recent field trials in Antarctica were all on skis. Takeoff and landing performance is verified at 90 m or less. Figure 1 shows a photograph of the G1X on approach to land at the SLW snow runway in West Antarctica. Table 1 shows the G1X’s technical and performance information. The integration of HF/VHF antennas for operating the radar on a small UAS drove aircraft requirements. The antenna’s physical length requirement demanded a relatively high-aspect ratio and wing span (Table 1). Winglets were used to improve the stability characteristics of the aircraft. The physics-based model, pilot rating, and system IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® identification analysis all showed that the G1X UAS satisfies every Level I handling quality requirement. The G1X is piloted by the Supplemental Pilot on takeoff, landing, and in the vicinity of the runway in the third person or external pilot mode using a line-of-sight S-band communication link. Optionally, the G1X is commanded by the Pilot Operator using the WePilot-2000 autopilot through the implementation of GPS-based state estimations. The airborne WePilot communicates with the WePilot Ground Station via a UHF telemetry transceiver and an Iridium satellite link. Communication with the science payload is enabled through a supplemental UHF telemetry link to provide control, status, and quick-look results. The aircraft is equipped with a Guardian-3 Iridium Automated Flight Following (AFF) system, which transmits in the L band. This GPS-based system transmits position, altitude, bearing, and speed every two minutes in compliance with USDA AFF requirements. The information is transmitted to USDA-AFF to enable continuous tracking of the aircraft. The G1X’s successful maiden flight took place during summer 2013 at Fort Riley Army Base, Kansas. This flight was fully manual with the pilot in the loop and was used to assess and verify aircraft stability and handling qualities. 4. SYSTEM OVERVIEW In this section, we present an overview of the radar electronics and the antenna structures used with the G1X UAS. As mentioned in the introduction, the radar operates at center frequencies in the vicinity of 14 MHz (lower band, HF) and 35 MHz (upper band, VHF) with bandwidths of 1 MHz and 4 MHz, respectively. We selected these radar center frequencies to satisfy two requirements: (1) the antennas should be integrated into the UAS wings and airframe; and (2) the system should be capable of sounding ice in fast-flowing glaciers. We chose 14 MHz because of the success Arcone and his colleagues [36–37] had in sounding glaciers with temperate ice in Alaska with a 12-MHz impulse radar. Similarly, we chose 35 MHz because of the success Blindow and his colleagues [34–35] reported in sounding temperate ice in Patagonia with a 30-MHz impulse radar. The 35-MHz radar improves upon the performance of the 30-MHz impulse radar by providing fine resolution and better range (ice thickness) measurement accuracy due to its wider bandwidth. Likewise, the 14-MHz radar offers better performance than the 12-MHz impulse radar in areas with significant volume debris. The additional attenuation (dB/m) due to volume debris can be modeled by a complex effective permittivity [38] where the imaginary part scales by frequency cubed, and the volume clutter due to Rayleigh backscatter scales by frequency to the fourth power. For a simple scenario of 800 m-thick ice and meter scale spherical water inclusions at a volume fraction of 2 percent, the additional attenuation of the bed response due to these inclusions would be approximately 30 dB at 35 MHz and negligible at 14 MHz. MARCH 2014 However, the imaginary part of the dielectric constant associated with the conduction component is higher at 14 MHz than at 35 MHz, as it is inversely proportional to frequency. The trade-off is the difficulty in integrating the 14 MHz antennas on a small platform. We used electrically short antennas with matching networks to obtain a good impedance match and adequate efficiency. This limited the bandwidth to about 1 MHz at the lower band and 4 MHz at the upper band. The frequencies of operation within each band are fully adjustable to match the optimal response of the antennas. For the radar electronics, we have employed both off-the-shelf and customdesigned components developed primarily from wireless communications and ultrasound imaging technologies. Range resolution determines the radar’s performance in resolving targets located at different ranges. It is inversely proportional to radar bandwidth, B, and can expressed as t = c/2B f r , where c is the speed of wave propagation in free space and f r is the relative permittivity of the propagation media, assumed to be equal to 3.15 for solid ice. For the operating bandwidths reported with the newly developed radar, the range resolution for the radar is estimated to be close to 85 m at the lower band (using 1 MHz of bandwidth) and close to 21 m at the upper band (using 4 MHz of bandwidth). The range measurement uncertainty, on the other hand, is inversely proportional to both bandwidth and the square root of the signal-to-noise ratio and is given by dr = k _ t/ S/N l i, where k = a constant determined by the pulse shape and S/N is the signal-to-noise ratio. An isolated bed return with an S/N ratio of 18 dB or better can be measured with an uncertainty of about 10 m for both bands. The range resolution at the upper band is comparable to that of the airborne system flown on board the NASA DC-8, which was estimated to be close to 18 m for a bandwidth of 9.5 MHz and accounted for the effect of a timedomain window applied to the signal to reduce range sidelobes [8, 29]. While the expected range resolution at the lower band (14 MHz) may seem coarse, it is important to consider, as mentioned earlier, that operation in this band is intended to fill the gaps where the VHF systems fail due to high volume scattering. The performance of the radar operating at the lower band is considered adequate to sound ice thicknesses ranging from a few hundred meters to 2 km in such areas. 4.1. RADAR SYSTEM The radar consists of three main sections: (1) DC power conditioning and distribution; (2) digital; and (3) radio frequency (RF). A simplified block diagram of the radar is shown in Figure 2. The DC power conditioning and distribution section is composed of a passive electromagnetic interference (EMI) filter combined with a series of highreliability DC-DC converter and regulators modules. The digital section was implemented with a field programmable gate array (FPGA) development kit, a high-speed IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 11 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® 28 VDC T/R Antenna speed serial connection to the on-board autopilot, which, in turn, communiMatching Passive Control RF-Section cates with the ground staEMI Filter Network (High-Power) tion using a 900 MHz link. Band-Select The digital section can be Power HPF Limiter Switch DC-DC Amplifier configured to function as a Converter 1 vector network analyzer for Control (28 V–28 V) in-flight impedance meaDuplexer surements of the antennas. DC-DC Converter 2 The RF section is divided (28 V–7.5 V) into two sub-sections: lowDriver BPF Amplifier power and high-power. The Voltage low-power RF subsection BPF VGA LNA RF Section Regulator (Low-Power) includes a driver amplifier (7.5 V–5.0 V) and filters to condition the Power transmit signal from the Waveform Conditioning Generator digital waveform generaClock and Distribution ADC1 tor and two-receiver chanDistribution Master Data nels, each composed of a Clock Acquisition ADC2 low-noise amplifier in casSystem cade with a variable-gain 900-MHz Link: amplifier and an anti-aliasUTC Time/1PPS Status/Control/ GPS Digital Section Quick-Look ing filter. The high-power RF subsection includes a duplexer circuit for transFIGURE 2. Simplified block diagram of the radar. mit/receive (T/R) operations and a single, high-efficiency pulsed power amplifier built Analog-to-Digital/Digital-to-Analog (AD/DA) card, and with GaN transistors. A high-power, high-pass filter and other peripherals. The section includes a digital waveform a low-power, single-pole double-throw (SPDT) switch are generator with full control over the frequency and envelope likewise included in this sub-section. The high-pass filter is of the transmit signal. This allows the transmitter signal placed in front of the power amplifier to eliminate low-frefrequency and bandwidth to be adjusted to match antenna quency transients from power amplifier switching, while characteristics, as was done during the field experiment in the low-power SPDT switch is placed at the receive port of Antarctica; this is discussed in the next section. the duplexer to select between the 14 MHz and 35 MHz A Hanning window is typically used as the pulse envereceiver channels in the low RF power subsection. A sumlope function. The digital section also includes two sepamary of relevant radar parameters is included in Table 2. rate digitizer channels capable of sampling at 50 MSPS. The radar is housed in a box with dimensions of Each channel is dedicated to one of the two bands of 20.3 cm # 15.2 cm # 13.2 cm. The radar electronnics are operation. Multiple digital lines are available as control stacked vertically with the DC power conditioning seclines for the RF circuitry. The raw radar data are streamed tion at the bottom, the digital section and low-power RF to an on-board high-capacity SD card. Command, stasubsection in the middle, and the high-power RF subsectus, and data snapshots are transmitted through a lowtion at the top. Figure 3 shows a photograph of the assembled radar with the top cover removed. Avionics TABLE 2. RADAR PARAMETERS. 12 PARAMETER VALUE (TYP.) Operating frequency (lower/upper) 14 MHz/35 MHz Bandwidth (lower/upper) 1 MHz/4 MHz Transmit power (peak) 100 W Estimated peak radiated power a45 W/77 W Pulse duration 1 ns (adjustable) Pulse repetition freq. 10–20 kHz (adjustable) Sampling frequency 50 MHz Weight /volume a2 kg/0.0041 m3 DC power consumption a20 W (using 28 VDC) 4.2. ANTENNA STRUCTURES The G1X carries two separate antennas integrated onto its wings and airframe, as shown in Figure 4. The 14 MHz structure is a resistively-loaded dipole implemented with copper tape and removable wires that run around the perimeter of the airframe. The 35-MHz antenna is a tapered planar dipole implemented with copper tape. Both antennas are fed using ferrite baluns. Prior to system integration (as shown in Figure 4a), both antennas can operate simultaneously at their respective frequencies as they both have a natural resonance at their design frequencies. The simulated IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® 10 X (Resistive Load) 20.3 cm Feed 15.2 cm 14 MHz Antenna (Red) 13.2 cm 35 MHz Antenna (Orange) Removable Wire (a) Avionics/Radar Carbon Fiber Spars FIGURE 3. Photograph of the radar electronics. 5. FIELD OPERATIONS Test flights and data collection with the radar-equipped UAS, including airborne and surface-based measurements, were carried out as a part of ongoing research at CReSIS during the 2013–2014 field season. The airborne program included two components: (1) multi-frequency radars on BT-67 aircraft over the grounding lines of Whillans and Bindschadler ice streams on the Siple Coast of West Antarctica; and (2) UAS flight tests and data collection with the UAS-based dual-frequency radar over Sub-glacial Lake Whillans (SLW) and the WISSARD drill site. The surface-based program included measurements with the dual-frequency UAS radar from a sled to verify its functionality and measurements with a wideband radar operating over the frequency range of 600–900 MHz to better estimate the bottom melt rates of ice shelves. The graphic in Figure 6 illustrates the concept of our airborne program, as well as the field camp. MARCH 2014 (b) FIGURE 4. HF/VHF radar antennas implemented on the G1X platform (a) before system integration and (b) after system integration. 0 -5 KS11K (dB) return loss before integration was obtained using a High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) from ANSYS, shown in gray in Figure 5. After system integration, we configured the radar to perform in-flight antenna impedance measurements in the field, and the results are given in red in Figure 5. Performance degradation was observed for both antennas due to the close proximity of the servo wires and other conductive objects. To compensate for the frequency shift and maximize the antenna bandwidth, two impedance matching networks were designed, optimized, and built in the field using the in-flight measured impedance data. With the added impedance matching networks, we have verified the antenna performance with another in-flight measurement; the result is given in Figure 5 (green line). A 10-dB return loss bandwidth of 1 MHz is obtained at the lower band and a bandwidth of 4 MHz is obtained at the upper band. These results are in agreement with a feasibility study performed before the field experiment. Servo Wires -10 -15 -20 14 MHz Antenna -25 -30 10 35 MHz Antenna 15 20 25 30 35 Frequency (MHz) 40 45 In Flight Radar Meas. (w/o MN) HFSS Sim. (After System Int.) HFSS Sim. (Before System Int.) In Flight Radar Meas. (w/ MN) FIGURE 5. In-flight measured and simulated return loss of the radar antennas for different operating conditions. In terms of the UAS mission, we have repeated the initial flight test in the field to ensure all flight-critical systems were functioning properly in local conditions. Phase I field testing began with line-of-sight flight tests and included additional flight tests to assess and verify communications, control the transition between manual and autonomous flight, and assess and verify radar antenna performance and functionality. Phase II flight tests were autonomous, included over-the-horizon flight functionality, and focused on improving ground track accuracy of the aircraft flight path and enhancing the performance of both the HF and VHF sounders. The G1X UAS was flown IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 13 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® 0 Iridium Satellites BT-67 Delay (ns) GPS Satellites 0 -5 2 -10 4 -15 -20 6 -25 8 -30 10 -35 -40 G1X Camp 12 Sled 14 -45 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 Easting (km) 1 -50 (a) FIGURE 6. Field site location and operations in West Antarctica with airborne and surface measurements. 14 Bed Reflectivity (dB) Northing (km) 6. FIELD RESULTS Multiple UAS/radar measurements were made during the field deployment to the SLW camp. Prior to radar testing, we performed return loss measurements of both antennas using a hand-held network analyzer to determine the center frequency and pulse width settings for the radar and arbitrary waveform generator. Based on these results, the radar was operated at 13.5 MHz and 35 MHz, slightly different than the originally planned 14 and 35 MHz. Next, we conducted initial tests of the HF radar on the UAS by mounting the UAS on a Nansen-sled and towing the sled behind a snowmobile. We performed a multiplepass survey of the ice runway at 13.5 MHz along 11 tracks, each spaced by approximately 5 meters. The primary objectives of this survey were to: (1) verify the operation of the system; and (2) determine the amplitude and phase coherence across multiple tracks to enable synthetic aperture radar (SAR) processing to improve overall system sensitivity. Figure 7a shows an echogram of a single pass along the runway. The flat reflector occurring at approximately 10 ns is the ice-bedrock interface and corresponds to an ice thickness of about 800 m, which is confirmed by previous measurements in the area. Figure 7b shows the phase response of the bed-reflection mapped along all survey lines. The 360 degree phase change across the surveyed portion of the runway indicates a change in ice thickness of approximately 6.5 meters. It is difficult to interpret the phase and amplitude coherence in Figure 7b, so an expanded section is provided in Figure 7c and 7d to show fading of both the amplitude and phase, respectively, along the survey lines. These results show excellent coherence in the fading response across multiple survey lines. (b) 0.01 0 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 -10 -20 -30 0.27 0.29 0.31 0.33 0.35 0.37 Easting (km) (c) Bed Phase (radians) Northing (km) 14 times at the SLW field camp. In all flights, the aircraft was instrumented with the dual-frequency HF/VHF radar. Seven of those flights were autonomous, including an over-the-horizon flight. 3 0.01 0 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 0 0.27 0.29 0.31 0.33 0.35 0.37 -3 Easting (km) (d) FIGURE 7. Results from an 11-pass sled survey of the ice runway at SLW camp. (a) Echogram of a single pass. (b) Phase of the bed reflection on all passes. Expanded (c) amplitude and (d) phase of the bed reflection to show coherence across multiple ground tracks. We started flight operations after verifying system performance on the ground. Airborne activities included in-flight return loss antenna characterization; multiplepass runway surveys operated in a remote controlled (RC) configuration; multiple-pass, fully autonomous, line-ofsight surveys of the runway; and finally a fully autonomous, over-the-horizon survey of the SLW WISSARD drill site. We performed in-flight return loss measurements by configuring the radar with a directional coupler to perform measurements of the scattering parameter S 11 . This was done by first calibrating the set-up using standard IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® 0 2 -10 4 -20 6 -30 One Loop 8 -40 10 12 -50 14 -60 0 0.5 1 1.5 Distance (km) 2 2 -10 4 -20 6 -30 8 -40 10 -50 12 14 0 (a) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (km) -4 -84.210 Bed Reflectivity (dB) Latitude -8 -84.211 -84.212 -4 -84.21 -12 -6 -16 -154.54 -154.5 -154.46 -20 Latitude -84.213 -154.58 Longitude (b) -8 -84.22 -10 -12 -84.23 -14 Surface Clutter (dB) -84.209 -49 -84.210 Latitude -51 -84.211 -53 -84.212 -84.213 -154.58 -55 -154.54 -154.5 -60 (a) Bed Reflectivity (dB) -84.209 -154.46 -57 Longitude (c) FIGURE 8. Results from the manual remote controlled survey of the ice runway. (a) Echogram showing take-off and the first few loops. (b) Bed reflectivity over all survey loops. (c) Integrated power between 4 and 8 ns to indicate variations in surface clutter. terminations (open, short, and 50-Ohm load) and finally measuring the antenna impedance during flight. Additionally, the 900 MHz communication link provided a real-time, quick-look display of radar a-scopes to verify operation during flight. This feature has been tested during over-the-horizon operations at ranges up to 11.2 km. Figure 8a shows an echogram of the first few runway passes at 35 MHz when the system was operating in remote control mode. The radar started collecting data on the ground prior to take-off, and as a result the location of the bed reflection transitions from 10 ns to 11 ns as the aircraft gains altitude. Figure 8b shows the bed reflection amplitude mapped onto the flight track during the 15 passes. The amplitude decreases due to the antenna pattern effect, which is caused by the aircraft rolling during turns. The results show that amplitude variations are strongly correMARCH 2014 0 0 Delay (ns) Delay (ns) 0 -16 -84.24 -154.5 -154.2 -153.9 Longitude (b) -153.6 -18 FIGURE 9. Results from the autonomous over-the-horizon survey of the WISSARD drill site. (a) Echogram showing takeoff, survey, and landing. (b) Bed reflectivity with expanded section of the survey loops. lated between multiple passes. Although it may not initially be apparent in the data, there is a significant amount of surface clutter due to the wide radiation pattern of the dipoleantenna illuminating the surface. To show how the antenna pattern can modulate this clutter, Figure 8c shows the incoherently averaged power between 4 and 8 ns mapped into latitude and longitude, similar to the reflectivity map in Figure 8b. The image clearly shows that the clutter power changes when the broad side of the dipole antenna rotates off nadir as the platform rolls during sharper turns. We will process these multi-pass data to synthesize a crosstrack antenna beam with low sidelobes to demonstrate the reduction of surface clutter in the next few months. Finally, Figure 9a shows an echogram of data collected during the fully autonomous over-the-horizon flight to the WISSARD drill site, and Figure 9b shows the bed reflection amplitude during the survey. The measured ice thickness of about 800 m agrees with previously reported results. Again, we observe a strong correlation of echoes between multiple passes, indicating 2-D aperture synthesis is realizable. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 15 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® The tests performed and data collected during the field deployment, including results generated in the field, demonstrate a strong potential for the integrated system to collect data over fast-flowing glaciers. We successfully performed an over-the-horizon survey consisting of four closely-spaced tracks, which demonstrated the platform’s capability to collect data in a manner that allows for the application of array processing techniques across several flight lines. The ground-based survey showed consistent phase and amplitude coherence across multiple tracks, further indicating the capability for the application of array processing. Finally, the radar demonstrated the capability to collect sounding data and detect bedrock with high SNR from a small UAV at both 14 and 35 MHz. 7. CONCLUSION We developed a small UAS integrated with a compact, light-weight low-frequency radar for measurements over rapidly changing areas of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. The integrated system was successfully flight tested in West Antarctica. We sounded ice with a UASbased radar for the first time and collected data over a grid with closely spaced lines to demonstrate the 2-D SAR processing needed to reduce surface scatter from the extremely rough surfaces typical of fast-flowing glaciers. It extremely difficult (nearly impossible) to collect data with manned aircraft over a closely-spaced grid for determining bed topography with a resolution of about 100–200 m for 5–7 km wide glaciers. Fine-resolution bed topography is required to model ice dynamics near the grounding lines of fast-flowing glaciers [39–40]. A small UAS equipped with radar and GPS receivers is extremely well-suited for this application. Additionally, a small UAS can be used to collect data over closely-spaced lines, as close as approximately 5 m, in the cross-track direction for synthesizing a narrow antenna beam for reducing surface clutter. A small UAS also uses several orders of magnitude less fuel per hour than the traditional manned aircraft used today for ice sounding. In remote locations, such as Antarctica, the cost associated with transporting and caching fuel is very high. Our future plans include processing and analyzing data collected during this field season, miniaturizing the radar further and reducing its weight to 1.5 kg or less, and increasing the peak transmit power to about 300 W. Over the next few months, we plan to perform additional test flights in Kansas to further evaluate the avionics and flight control systems, as well as to measure in-flight impedance of the antennas. We will use the measured antenna impedances in-flight to design optimized matching networks to extend the radar bandwidth. During the 2014 or 2015 field seasons, we are planning to deploy the UAS to Greenland to collect data over areas with extremely rough surfaces and fast-flowing glaciers, such as Jakobshavn. 16 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was completed at the University of Kansas with funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheet (CReSIS) grant ANT-0424589 and with matching grants from the State of Kansas. The authors would like to acknowledge ANSYS for providing a dedicated HFSS license used for the antenna modeling and optimization in the field. We would also like to acknowledge the support of many on the CReSIS team, including but not limited to J. Fuller, L. Metz, and P. Place for design and assembly of electronic parts; B. Camps-Raga for component design and electronic testing support; A. Paden and S. Vincent for designing and fabricating the housing for the electronics; A. Bowman, T.J. Stastny, M. Ewing for avionics integration and UAS flight test support; and J. Hunter for UAS structure support. We would also like to thank Ms. J. Collins for editing and formatting the article. Finally, we acknowledge the work of Ms. E. Post in creating several graphics. REFERENCES [1] O. M. Jeffries, J. E. Overland, and D. K. Perovich, “The Arctic shifts to a new normal,” Phys. Today, vol. 66, pp. 35–40, Oct. 2013. [2] A. Shepherd, et al., “A reconciled estimate of ice sheet mass balance,” Science, vol. 338, no. 6111, pp. 1183–1189, 2012. [3] Wild Climate Research Programme, “Understanding sea-level rise and variability,” in Proc. Workshop Report. IOC/UNESCO, Paris, France, June 6–9, 2006. 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Remote Sensing, vol. 45, no. 9, pp. 2725–2736, Sept. 2007. [24] J. Paden, T. Akins, D. Dunson, C. Allen, and P. Gogineni, “Icesheet bed 3-D tomography,” J. Glaciol., vol. 56, no. 195, pp. 3–11, Jan. 2010. [25] K. Jezek, X. Wu, P. Gogineni, E. Rodriguez, A. Freeman, F. Rodriguez, and C. Clark, “Radar images of the bed of the Greenland ice sheet,” Geophys. Res. Lett., vol. 38, Jan. 2011. [26] X. Wu, K. C. Jezek, E. Rodriguez, S. Gogineni, F. Rodriguez-Morales, and A. Freeman, “Ice sheet bed mapping with airborne SAR tomography,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, vol. 49, no. 10, pp. 3791–3802, Oct. 2011. MARCH 2014 [27] S. Gogineni, J. Li, J. Paden, L. Smith, R. Crowe, A. Hoch, C. Lewis, E. Arnold, F. Rodriguez-Morales, C. Leuschen, R. Hale, A. R. Harish, and D. Braaten, “Sounding and imaging of fast flowing glaciers and ice-sheet margins,” in Proc. 9th European Conf. Synthetic Aperture Radar, Apr. 23–26, 2012, pp. 239–242. [28] S. Gogineni, J. Paden, F. Rodriguez-Morales, J. Li, A. 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GRS IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 17 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® TECHNICAL COMMITTEES ANDREAS MUELLER (Chair), German Aerospace Centre (DLR) KARL STAENZ (Former Chair), Alberta Terrestrial Imaging Centre, University of Lethbridge CINDY ONG (Co-Chair), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organization (CSIRO) UTA HEIDEN (Co-Chair), German Aerospace Centre (DLR) International Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy (ISIS) Technical Committee Technical Committee Corner by John Kerekes, Vice President of Technical Activities Each issue we feature one of our Technical Committees to share with the communit y their mission, objectives, and activities. Here we present a contribution from the International Spaceborne Imaging Spec troscopy (ISIS) Technical Committee. ISIS functions as a virtual meeting place for the international hyperspectral imaging satellite community. Please contact the Chair or Co-Chairs if you have an interest in participating in this Technical Committee. I. INTRODUCTION he International Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Technical Committee (ISIS TC) of IEEE GRSS provides a forum for technical and programmatic discussion and consultation among national space agencies, research institutions and other stakeholders in land surface and coastal zone oriented imaging spectroscopy. The main goal of the ISIS TC is to share information on current and future spaceborne imaging spectroscopy (hyperspectral) missions with a focus on land surface and coastal zone research. The group intends to foster the discussion between geo-scientific research groups, technology oriented and institutional Earth observation stakeholders. It seeks opportunities for new international partnerships to the benefit of the global user community. Specific discussions within the working group also focus on interoperability among missions, ‘best practice’ mission implementation, mass data management challenges T Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2303417 Date of publication: 8 April 2014 18 and development of a forward work plan for improved coordination amongst member agencies. ISIS, formed in 2007 in Hilo, was initiated by Alex Held from CSIRO and established as a Technical Committee of IEEE GRSS in 2010. As ISIS strongly encourages interactive discussions and constantly seeks feedback from the international community, the goals and objectives of ISIS are regularly reviewed and updated whenever desirable. Currently the following goals and objectives of ISIS have been formulated: ◗ Provide a platform to mission operators to share information and establish data acquisition strategies; ◗ Exploit the possibilities for coordinated mission operations in the form of a “virtual satellite constellation”; ◗ Promote the need for more efficient data delivery to processing facilities (at key global centres or to incountry institutions); ◗ Support the establishment of common data analysis protocols and a set of geoscientific products and common data standards; ◗ Promote the generation of a pool of hyperspectral satellite data to be used in round robin experiments; ◗ Support coordinated vicarious calibration and product validation activities with linkages to the airborne remote sensing community; ◗ Promote the need for robust, underpinning R&D programs for continuous improvement. In the first years of ISIS, membership mostly consisted of agency members involved in the development of spaceborne imaging spectroscopy missions and data processing experts from research groups working with airborne hyperspectral sensors. Discussions mainly focused on technical issues, calibration and validation needs and processing standards. These topics will also form the backbone of the TC in the future. However, it is also intended to establish contacts to larger scientific research programs and initiatives to demonstrate the added value of imaging spectroscopy derived products. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® 2. ACTIVITIES IN 2013 ISIS conducts regular meetings once a year at IGARSS and organizes sessions on topics relevant to spaceborne imaging spectroscopy missions, such as mission updates, sensor calibration and data management, at these symposia. The following list gives a broad overview of the TC’s activities to reach its goals of improved coordination: ◗ Keep a ‘watching brief ’ and sharing information among space agencies and users on status of current and proposed imaging spectroscopy (hyperspectral) satellite missions; ◗ Provide an open forum for dialogue at least once a year, among key space agencies, to establish data acquisition strategies involving a “virtual satellite constellation” philosophy; ◗ Raise awareness among agencies on the need for more efficient data delivery to processing facilities; ◗ Encourage data providers to make a small number of core hyperspectral satellite data sets publicly available for the development of algorithms and information products; ◗ Convene meetings to discuss common data analysis protocols and a small set of ‘core products’; and ◗ Organize sessions on calibration and product validation activities. In April 2013 ISIS was presented at the EARSeL Special Interest Group Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop in Nantes, France including an update on upcoming missions. An overview of current and future terrestrial spacebased civilian imaging spectroscopy missions is given in the next section based on the ISIS session on ‘Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Missions—Current and Future Activities’ held at IGARSS 2013 in Melbourne, Australia. The session compiled 10 presentations including updates on most of the missions currently in preparation or in the planning phase (Table 1). Summarizing the invited session, it can be stated that a considerable number of initiatives currently exist in Europe ranging from Phase A studies in France (HYPXIM) and Israel (SHALOM) to missions already in the manufacturing phase in Germany (EnMAP) and Italy (PRISMA). ESA, although not actively involved in a future imaging spectrometer mission, has substantially contributed to the positive development in Europe by supporting the development of key technologies in spectroscopy for more than two decades and is intending to continue to do so in the future. In Japan, the HISUI mission team is also in phase D and in parallel to the space segment development prepares calibration and validation strategies. YSICS, although not developed for terrestrial applications, certainly will greatly improve the absolute radiometric accuracy of spectral measurements. Despite the fact that most of the discussed missions face issues with respect to their time schedule, it can be noted that none of them is compromising on the required spectral or radiometric performance. This fact is well recognized and strongly supported by the ISIS TC. MARCH 2014 TABLE 1. LIST OF PRESENTATIONS IN TH1.T11: SPACEBORNE IMAGING SPECTROSCOPY MISSIONS— CURRENT AND FUTURE ACTIVITIES. K. Staenz; University of Lethbridge, A. Mueller; U. Heiden; German Aerospace Center (DLR) Overview of Terrestrial Imaging Spectroscopy Missions Jean-Loup Bézy et al.; ESA ESA’s Hyperspectral Missions Stefano Pignatti; IMAACNR, et al. The Prisma Hyperspectral Mission: Science Activities and Opportunities for Agriculture and Land Monitoring Véronique Carrere; Université de Nantes, et al The French Earth Observation Science/Defence Mission Hypxim— A Second Generation High Spectral and Spatial Resolution Imaging Spectrometer Shen-En Qian, et al.; Canadian Space Agency Development of Canadian Hyperspectral Imager Onboard Micro-Satellites Uta Heiden, DLR, Hermann Kaufmann, GFZ, et al. The Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP)—Present Status of Preparatory Phase Tsuneo Matsunaga; Current Status of Hyperspectral National Institute for Envi- Imager Suite (HISUI) ronmental Studies et al. Eyal Bend Dor; Tel Aviv University, et al.: SHALOM Spaceborne Hyperspectral Applicative Land and Ocean Mission: A Joint Project of ASI-ISA Hirokazu Yamamoto; Satoshi Tsuchida, GSJ A Study on Vicarious Calibration and Cross Calibration for Hisui Hyperspectral and Multispectral Imager Greg Kopp, et al., University of Colorado Radiometric Absolute Accuracy Improvements for Imaging Spectrometry with Hysics An informal vicarious calibration filed trip was conducted after the IGARSS in July 2013. Participants and missions represented were France (HypXIM), Japan (HISUI), China (HJ1 & new IS), Israel (Shalom) and Australia (CSIRO). The first aim was to source out potential for a southern hemisphere calibration site. Two sites were investigated. The first is a site established by CSIRO at Lake Lefroy, Western Australia and has now been adopted for the Japanese HISUI mission. The second investigation was at Esperance, Western Australia searching for a site that was appropriate for calibration throughout the full VNIRSWIR wavelengths. The second aim was a demonstration of novel techniques for remote measurements. A combination of traditional field spectral measurements was demonstrated as well as an innovative approach developed by CSIRO using an autonomous vehicle—“Outback rover” equipped with several sensors (imaging spectrometer, 3 point spectrometer, temperature, humidity sensors, DGPS and GPS). The rover can be pre-programmed to acquire across transects or remotely controlled and is programmed to track satellite overpasses. During the field measurement, several satellite overpasses were scheduled, including Hyperion, ASTER and HJ1. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 19 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® TABLE 2. PRESENTER TITLE Eyal Ben Dor, Avia Kafri, Giancarlo Varacalli SHALOM: An Italian Israeli Hyperspectral Orbital Mission—Update Lifu Zhang, et al. Progress in Chinese Satellite Hyperspectral Missions Jose Moreno, et al. Global Mapping of Terrestrial Vegetation Photosynthesis: The Fluorescence Explorer (FLEX) Mission Hermann Kaufmann et al. The EnMAP Mission—Update Veronique Carrere, Xavier Briottet, Stephane Jacquemoud, Rodolphe Marion, Anne Bourguignon, Malik Chami, Jocelyn Chanussot, Stéphane Chevrel, Philippe Deliot, Marie The French EO High Spatial Resolution Hyperspectral Dual Mission HYPXIM—An Update Tsuneo Matsunaga, Akira Iwasaki, Satoshi Tsuchida, Jun Tanii, Osamu Kashimura, Ryosuke Nakamura, Hirokazu Yamamoto, Tetsushi Tachikawa, Shuichi Rokugawa Current Status of Hyperspectral Imager Suite (HISUI) Dr. Curtis Davis The Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HICO), TBC Dr. Elisabeth Middleton The EO1 Hyperion Mission, TBC Dr. Stefano Pignatti PRISMA the Italian Hyperspectral Mission, TBC R. Green Update on Status of HYSPIRI Mission, TBC TABLE 3. PRESENTER TITLE Dr. Steve Ungar Calibration and Validation of EO1 Hyperion (tbc) Dr. Tobias Storch EnMAP Data Product Standards Ms. Cindy Ong Calibration and Validation for International Satellite Imaging Spectroscopy Missions: Australia’s Contribution Dr. Alex Held Imaging Spectroscopy Validation Activities Under the Australian Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network Dr. Nigel Fox Vicarious Calibration for Hyperspectral Sensors Dr. Harald Krawczyk Radiometric In-Flight Calibration of EnMAP Dr. Karl Segl EnMAP-Validation Plan Dr. Hirokazu Yamamoto Cal/Val and Cross-Calibration Activities Within the HISUI Mission Prof. Wolfgang Kresse The Development of an ISO Standard for Remote Sensing: ISO/DTS 19159-1.2 Geographic Information - Calibration and Validation of Remote Sensing Imagery Sensors—Part 1: Optical Sensors Dr. Kurt Thome Requirements for Calibration and Validation of Remotely Sensed Data UPCOMING ACTIVITIES OF ISIS IN 2014 The ISIS working group has compiled and submitted two full invited sessions for IGARSS 2014 in Quebec City, Canada. One session will focus on the latest development on spaceborne imaging spectrometer missions, while the 20 other session will be devoted to the issue of calibration and validation. Details on both sessions are given below. Session Title: International Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Missions: Updates and News (I.33) Proposal ID #554, ID #555 Session Chair: Mr. Andreas Mueller (DLR), Dr. Uta Heiden (DLR) This session is part of the IEEE GRSS International Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy (ISIS) TC. The ISIS aims at exchanging information on hyperspectral satellite mission activities worldwide. The scope of the session is to provide the remote sensing community with an overview of the status of current and future spaceborne imaging spectroscopy missions for terrestrial and aquatic applications. Besides the mission and instrument payload concepts, the presentations will also provide insights into the various data policies of the individual data providers. In general, this session will provide a forum for discussions on all mission aspects and potential cross-links between missions. (See Table 2.) Session Title: Calibration and Validation and Standards in Support of Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Missions Proposal ID #559, #524 Session Chair: C. Ong (CSIRO) One of the fundamental underpinning activities for Earth Observation (EO) is the calibration and validation of EO sensors. Calibration and validation determines the quality and integrity of the data provided by EO sensors and has enormous downstream impacts on the accuracy and reliability of EO products generated from the sensors. Because of its importance, a theme on this subject was initiated as part of the ISIS TC. This session is therefore part of ISIS and has linkages to the Earth Science Informatics and Image Analysis and Data Fusion Technical Committees. The scope of the session is to provide the imaging spectroscopy community with an overview of calibration and validation activities for current and future spaceborne imaging spectroscopy missions for terrestrial and aquatic applications. Besides discussions on new cal/val concepts and strategies, the session will also provide a forum for potential cross-calibration activities and data standard definitions where possible data products and metadata standards for all data levels may be discussed. (See Table 3.) WORKSHOP ON CALIBRATION/VALIDATION OF SPACEBORNE IMAGING SPECTROMETERS IN 2014 The goal of this workshop is primarily to discuss practical solutions for upcoming and planned imaging spectrometer missions for on board and vicarious calibration and validation approaches. Based on the outcome of the workshop references and guidelines shall be established to be used in the planning of calibration and validation activities for imaging spectrometer missions to be generically applicable to a variety of missions and instruments. Topics of the workshop may include: ◗ Characterisation of vicarious terrestrial calibration sites, IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® ◗ The Moon as a calibration site, ◗ Multi-sensor calibration concepts, ◗ In-Situ measurement requirements and instrumenta- tion, and ◗ Linking ISIS and CEOS WGCV IVOS Subgroup with focus on operational IS related calibration/validation and institutional requirements. ◗ ISO standards and their relevance and linkage and ISIS community’s potential contribution. Details on this workshop will be discussed before IGARSS 2014 with the contributors to the calibration and validation session and iterated with all participants at the planned ISIS discussion forum at the conference. GABRIELE MOSER, University of Genoa, Italy DEVIS TUIA, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland MICHAL SHIMONI, Royal Military Academy, Brussels, Belgium 2014 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest: Multiresolution Fusion of Thermal Hyperspectral and VIS Data I. INTRODUCTION he 2014 Data Fusion Contest, organized by the Image Analysis and Data Fusion (IADF) Technical Committee of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS), aims at providing a challenging image analysis opportunity, including multiresolution and multisensor fusion, very high resolution imagery, and a type of remote sensing data source previously not seen in past Data Fusion Contests. The 2014 Contest involves two datasets acquired at different spectral ranges and spatial resolutions: a coarser-resolution long-wave infrared (LWIR, thermal infrared) hyperspectral data set and fineresolution data acquired in the visible (VIS) wavelength range. The former is acquired by an 84-channel imager that covers the wavelengths between 7.8 to 11.5 μm with approximately one-meter spatial resolution. The latter is a series of color images acquired during separate flight-lines with approximately 20-cm spatial resolution. The two data sources cover an urban area near Thetford Mines in Québec, Canada (see Fig. 1), and were acquired and were provided for the Contest by Telops Inc. (Canada). The 2014 Data Fusion Contest has been framed as two parallel competitions: the Classification Contest and the Paper Contest. The Classification Contest took place in the past weeks, while the Paper Contest is currently open to the international community of remote sensing. T Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2303201 Date of publication: 8 April 2014 MARCH 2014 II. THE CLASSIFICATION CONTEST The goal of the Classification Contest was to exploit coarser resolution thermal hyperspectral data and finer resolution color data to generate an accurate classification map at the finer of the two observed resolutions. Ranking for the Classification Contest was based on quantitative accuracy parameters computed with respect to undisclosed test samples. In addition to accuracy, another relevant aspect to assess a classification method is its computational burden, given the provided amount of training samples. In the 2014 Classification Contest, participants were given a limited time period to submit their classification maps after the competition was started. To also allow participants to effectively focus their methods on the proposed multiresolution task and type of input data, the Classification Contest has consisted of two steps. In the first step, the participants were provided with only a subset of the data endowed with ground truth to train their algorithms. In the second step, the participants received the whole data set and were asked to submit their classification maps over the whole imaged area in a short time period (two weeks). In parallel, they submitted descriptions of their classification approaches. III. HOW TO GET THE DATA AND ENTER THE PAPER CONTEST The Paper Contest aims at promoting novel synergetic uses of multiresolution and multisensor data as well as of thermal hyperspectral imagery. Participants will submit 4-page IEEE-style manuscripts using the aforementioned data for IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 21 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Technical Committee: s?home=&gid=3678437&trk=anet_ug_hm&goback=. ______________________________________ gmr_3678437. _________ Note that, regardless of the common format, submissions to the IGARSS-2014 conference and to the Paper Contest are independent, i.e., a manuscript submitted to the Paper Contest will not be considered for inclusion in the IGARSS-2014 technical program. FIGURE 1. Detail of the multisensor and multiresolution data set for the 2014 Data Fusion Contest: finer-resolution data from a color camera (left) and coarser-resolution datacube from a thermal hyperspectral camera (right). Data acquired and provided by Telops Inc. fusion tasks. Each manuscript will describe the addressed problem, the proposed method, and the experimental results. The topic of the manuscript in the data fusion area is totally open and participants are encouraged to tackle open and cutting-edge problems in multisensor and/or multiresolution data processing, as well as in the analysis of thermal hyperspectral images. For this competition, additional data were also provided by Telops Inc., including ground spectral measurements associated with ground materials in the imaged area. To register for the Contest and download the data, participants can visit the GRSS website: ___________ ______________________________________ data-fusion-contest/ and the Contest website: http:// ____ ______________ ______________________________________ Data_Fusion_Contest.htm. __________________ Participants are obliged to read and to accept the Contest terms and conditions. Each manuscript will be written in English and will be formatted as a PDF file following the guidelines and templates of the 2014 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS-2014; details can be found at The manuscript will specify the name(s), affiliation(s), and e-mail contact(s) of the (individual or team) participant(s). Submission will consist in sending the manuscript as an attachment to an e-mail addressed to _________ [email protected]. The submission deadline is June 8, 2014. Questions and comments on the data and the Contest can be submitted to the Linkedin group of the IADF IV. AWARD COMMITTEE FOR THE PAPER CONTEST Each manuscript submitted to the Paper Contest will be evaluated by an Award Committee on the basis of its novelty, scientific contribution, analysis and fusion methodology, experimental validation, and clarity of explanation. The Award Committee will be composed of: ◗ Jon A. Benediktsson, University of Iceland (Iceland) ◗ Martin Chamberland, Telops Inc., Québec (Canada) ◗ Jenny Q. Du, Mississippi State University (USA) ◗ Paolo Gamba, University of Pavia (Italy) ◗ Gabriele Moser, University of Genoa (Italy) ◗ Fabio Pacifici, DigitalGlobe Inc. (USA) ◗ Michal Shimoni, Royal Military Academy (Belgium) ◗ Devis Tuia, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland). V. RESULTS, AWARDS, AND PRIZES The winning teams of both competitions will be awarded at IGARSS-2014 (Québec, Canada) in July 2014. The award ceremony will take place during the Technical Committee Event. Each winning team will be awarded an IEEE Certificate of Recognition and will receive a Nexus 7 tablet (one per team). Furthermore, a paper summarizing the outcomes of both competitions will be submitted to the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS) and in order to maximize impact and promote the potential of current multisensor remote sensing technologies, the open-access option will be used for this submission. GRSS will cover the costs related to the prizes, to the open-access fees, and to the winning teams’ participation to the Technical Committee Event at IGARSS-2014. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The IADF Technical Committee and the Contest organizers wish to express their greatest appreciation to Telops Inc. for acquiring and providing the data used in both competitions, to the Centre de Recherche Public Gabriel Lippmann (CRPGL, Luxembourg) and to Dr. Martin Schlerf (CRPGL) for their contribution of the Hyper-Cam LWIR sensor, to Dr. Michaela De Martino (University of Genoa, Italy) for her contribution to the preparation of the Classification Contest, and to the IEEE GRSS for continuously supporting the annual Data Fusion Contest through funding and resources. GRS 22 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® CHAPTERS Distinguished Lecturer Program T he IEEE GRSS Distinguished Lecturer Program provides GRSS Chapters with talks by experts on topics of interest and importance to the Geoscience and Remote Sensing community. The purpose of the program is to provide our members with an opportunity to learn about the work being done in our discipline and to meet some of the prominent members of our Society. Information about the speakers and how to take advantage of the program, including an application from, are available at the GRSS website (look for “Distinguished Lecturer” under the “Education” tab). Further information including a manual with instructions can be obtained by e-mailing the program chair, David Le Vine at [email protected]. _____________ The program has been structured so that Chapters will incur no cost in making use of this program. Briefly a chapter contacts a lecturer from the list of available speakers, and once the initial details of the visit have been worked out (e.g. date and a rough budget) the chapter fills out the application form. The Lecturer travels on his/her own expense with reimbursement made directly by IEEE to the Distinguished Lecturer. The speakers and topics for 2014 are: ◗ Lorenzo Bruzzone: Current Scenario and Challenges in the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images ◗ Melba Crawford: Advanced Methods for Classification of Hypersectral Data ◗ Akira Hirose: Advanced Neural Adaptive Processing in Interferometric and Polarimetric Radar Imaging ◗ Ya-Qiu Jin: Research on the Modeling and Simulation of Polarimetric Scattering and Information Retrieval for Microwave Remote Sensing ◗ Yann Kerr: SMOS First Successes and Related Issues: The First Global Soil Moisture and Sea Salinity Maps are Coming Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2303418 Date of publication: 8 April 2014 MARCH 2014 ◗ Ricardo Lanari: Differential SAR Inteferometry: Ba- sic Principles, Key Applications and New Advances ◗ Eric Pottier: SAR Polarimetry: From Basics to Ap- plications ◗ H.K. Ramapriyan: Earth Science Informatics: An Overview ◗ Werner Weisbeck: Digital Beam-Forming in Remote Sensing ◗ Valery Zavorotny: Remote Sensing Using GNSS Bi- static Radar of Opportunity. Abstracts for the talks and background information for each Lecturer are available on the GRSS website: Suggestions on ways to improve the program or ideas for topics and/or speakers are always welcome. Please send your comments or questions to the program chair at [email protected]. ____________ Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated. ABSTRACTS CURRENT SCENARIO AND CHALLENGES IN THE ANALYSIS OF MULTITEMPORAL REMOTE SENSING IMAGES Lorenzo Bruzzone In the last decade a large number of new satellite remote sensing missions have been launched resulting in a dramatic improvement in the capabilities of acquiring images of the Earth surface. This involves an enhanced possibility to acquire multitemporal images of large areas of the Earth surface, with improved temporal and spatial resolution with respect to traditional satellite data. Such new scenario significantly increases the interest of the remote sensing community in the multitemporal domain, requiring the development of novel data processing IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 23 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® techniques and making it possible to address new important and challenging applications. The potentials of the technological development are strengthen from the increased awareness of the importance of monitoring the Earth surface at local, regional and global scale. Assessing, monitoring and predicting the dynamics of land covers and of antrophic processes is at the basis of both the understanding of the problems related to climate changes and the definition of politics for a sustainable development. Nonetheless, the properties of the images acquired by the last generation sensors pose new methodological problems that require the development of a new generation of methods for the analysis of multitemporal images and temporal series of data. After a general overview of the problems related to the analysis of multitemporal images and time series of data, this talk will focus on the very important problem of automatic change detection between multitemporal images. The development and the use of effective automatic techniques for change detection are of major importance in many of the above-mentioned application scenarios. The increased geometrical resolution of multispectral and SAR sensors, the increased revisit time of high resolution systems, and the expected availability of time series of hyperspectral images in the near future result in many different methodological problems as well as in very important new possible applications. The talk will address these problems by pointing out the state of the art and the most promising methodologies for change detection on images acquired by the last generation of satellite sensors. Examples of the use of change-detection approaches in operative scenarios will be provided. The presentation can be tuned on request on different kinds of target audience: 1) students; 2) remote sensing scientists; 3) scientists expert in data analysis. ADVANCED METHODS FOR CLASSIFICATION OF HYPERSPECTRAL DATA Melba Crawford Accurate land cover classification that ensures robust mapping under diverse conditions is important in environmental studies where the identification of the land cover changes and its quantification have critical implications for management practices, ecosystem health, and the impact of climate. Hyperspectral data provide enhanced capability for more accurate discrimination of land cover, but significant challenges remain for classification, including highly correlated spectral bands, high dimensionality, and nonlinear spectral response in nonstationary environments. Advanced methods in machine learning, including nonlinear manifold learning, semi-supervised learning, and active learning are promising for classification of hyperspectral data. Nonlinear global and local manifold learning methods provide natural capability to both accommodate nonlinear scattering and practical, robust feature extrac24 tion methods in dynamic environments. Adaptive semisupervised approaches train the classifier with labeled samples in one location/time and adapt supervised classifiers to samples in spatially disjoint areas or at different times where samples exhibit significantly different distributions [Kim and Crawford 2010]. Active learning techniques that focus on developing informative training sets with minimal redundancy have been demonstrated to promote greater exploitation of the information in both labeled and unlabeled data, while significantly reducing the cost of data collection [Di and Crawford 2011]. New developments for feature extraction via manifold learning, semi-supervised classification, and active learning of hyperspectral data are outlined and demonstrated using airborne and space-based hyperspectral data. ADVANCED NEURAL ADAPTIVE PROCESSING IN INTERFEROMETRIC AND POLARIMETRIC RADAR IMAGING Akira Hirose This talk presents and discusses advanced neural networks by focusing on complex-valued neural networks (CVNNs) and their applications in the remote sensing and imaging fields. CVNNs are suitable for adaptive processing of complexamplitude information. Since active remote sensing deals with coherent electromagnetic wave, we can expect CVNNs to work more effectively than conventional neural networks or other adaptive methods in real-number space. Quaternion (or Hypercomplexvalued) neural networks are also discussed in relation to polarization information processing. The beginning half of the Talk is devoted to presentation of the basic idea, overall framework, and fundamental treatment in the CVNNs. We discuss the processing dynamics of Hebbian rule, back-propagation learning, and self-organizing map in the complex domain. The latter half shows some examples of CVNN processing in the geoscience and remote sensing society (GRSS) fields. Namely, we present distortion reduction in phase unwrapping to generate digital elevation model (DEM) from the data obtained by interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR). In polarization SAR (PolSAR), we apply quaternion networks for adaptive classification. Another example is ground penetrating radar (GPR) to visualize underground objects to distinguish specific targets in high-clutter situation. Finally we discuss the prospect of the CVNNs in the GRSS fields. MODELING, SIMULATION, INVERSION AND CHANG’E DATA VALIDATION FOR MICROWAVE OBSERVATION IN CHINA’S LUNAR PROJECT Ya-Qiu Jin In China’s first lunar exploration project, Chang-E 1 (CE-1), a multi-channel microwave radiometer in passive microwave IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® remote sensing, was first aboard the satellite, with the purpose of measuring microwave brightness temperature from lunar surface and surveying the global distribution of lunar regolith layer thickness. In this lecture, the multi-layered model of lunar surface media is presented, and numerical simulations of multi-channel brightness temperature (Tb) from global lunar surface are obtained. It is applied to study of retrieving the regolith layer thickness and evaluation of global distribution of 3He content in regolith media. Multi-channel Tb measurements by CE-1 microwave radiometers are displayed, and applied to inversion of the reggolith layer thickness, which are verified and validated by the Apollo in situ measurements. It is the first time to retrieve the regolith thickness using microwave remote sensing technology. In active microwave remote sensing, based on the statistics of the lunar cratered terrain, e.g. population, dimension and shape of craters, the terrain feature of cratered lunar surface is numerically generated. Electromagnetic scattering is simulated, and SAR (synthetic aperture radar) image is then numerically generated, e.g. making use of the digital elevation and Clementine UVVIS data at Apollo 15 landing site as the ground truth, an SAR image at Apollo 15 landing site is simulated. Utilizing the nadir echoes time delay and intensity difference from the surface and subsurface, high frequency (HF) radar sounder is an effective tool for investigation of lunar subsurface structure in lunar exploration. Making use of rough surface scattering and ray tracing of geometric optics, a numerical simulation of radar echoes from lunar layering structures with surface feature, the topography of mare and highland surfaces is developed. Radar echoes and its range images are numerically simulated, and their dependence on the parameters of lunar layering interfaces are described. SMOS FIRST SUCCESSES AND RELATED ISSUES: THE FIRST GLOBAL SOIL MOISTURE AND SEA SALINITY MAPS ARE COMING Yann Kerr SMOS, an L-Band radiometer using aperture synthesis to achieve a good spatial resolution, was successfully launched on November 2, 2009. It was developed and made under the leadership of the European Space Agency (ESA) as an Earth Explorer Opportunity mission. It is a joint program with the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) in France and the Centro para el Desarrollo Teccnologico Industrial (CDTI) in Spain. SMOS carries a single payload, an L band 2D interferometric, radiometer in the 1400–1427 MHz h protected MARCH 2014 band. This wavelength penetrates well through the vegetation and the atmosphere is almost transparent enabling to infer both soil moisture and vegetation water content over land and sea surface salinity over the oceans. SMOS achieves an unprecedented spatial resolution of 50 km at L-band maximum (43 km on average) with multi angularfully polarized brightness temperatures over the globe and with a revisit time smaller than 3 days. SMOS as been now acquiring data for over two years. The data quality exceeds what was expected, showing very good sensitivity and stability. The data is however very much impaired by man made emission in the protected band, leading to degraded measurements in several areas including parts of Europe and of China. However, many different international teams are now addressing cal val activities in various parts of the world, with notably large field campaigns either on the long time scale or over specific targets to address the specific issues. These campaigns take place in various parts of the world, in different environments from the Antarctic plateau to the deserts, from rain forests to deep oceans. Actually SMOS is a new sensor making new measurements paving the way to new applications. However, it also requires a very fine analysis of the data so as to validate both the approach and the retrieval quality, as well as for monitoring the evolution of the sensor. To achieve such goals it is very important to link efficiently ground measurement to satellite measurements through field campaigns and related airborne acquisitions as well as with other existing sensors. This lecture thus gives an overview of the science goals of the SMOS mission, a description of the main mission elements, and a foretaste of the first results including performances at brightness temperature as well as at geophysical parameters. It will include how the ground campaigns were elaborated to address the main cal Val activities accounting for SMOS specificities, in what context they were organized as well as the most significant results. DIFFERENTIAL SAR INTERFEROMETRY: BASIC PRINCIPLES, KEY APPLICATIONS AND NEW ADVANCE Riccardo Lanari Differential SAR Interferometry (DInSAR) is a microwave imaging technique that permits to investigate earth surface deformation occurring in an area of interest with a centimeter (in some cases millimeter) accuracy. In particular, the DInSAR technique exploits the phase difference (interferogram) of temporally separated SAR images relative to the investigated zone and has already shown its capability in detecting surface deformation caused by different natural and anthropogenic phenomena. The aim of this talk is to introduce the basic concepts involved in the DInSAR technique, summarize the key applications of this method and present its new advance. In particular, a discussion on the rationale of the DInSAR approach will be given first, IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 25 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® highlighting the key points and the main limitations. Several examples will be presented for underlining the capability of the technique to analyze the displacements caused by different phenomena such as volcano deformation, earthquakes and urban subsidence. Subsequently, the talk will be focused on the advanced DInSAR techniques allowing to analyze the temporal evolution of the detected displacements through the generation of deformation time-series computed from a data set of temporarily separated SAR images. Finally, the advance brought in by the new generation X-band spaceborne SAR sensors, characterized by higher spatial resolution and shorter revisit times with respect to the earlier C-band systems, will be discussed, emphasizing the new investigation possibilities for fast varying deformation phenomena. SAR POLARIMETRY: FROM BASICS TO APPLICATIONS Eric Pottier SAR polarimetry represents today a very active area of research in Radar Remote Sensing, and it becomes important to train and prepare the future generation to this very important topic. The aim of this tutorial is to provide a substantial and balanced introduction to the basic theory, scattering concepts, systems and advanced concepts, and applications typical to radar polarimetric remote sensing. This tutorial on SAR polarimetry touches several subjects: basic theory, scattering modeling, data representations, coherent and incoherent target decompositions, speckle filtering, terrain and land-use classification, man-made target analysis, etc. This lecture will be illustrated by ALOS-PALSAR, RadarSat2 and TerraSAR-X polarimetric SAR images. The connection to polarimetric SAR interferometry (Pol-InSAR), polarimetric SAR tomography (Pol-TomSAR) and compact/ hybrid polarimetric SAR will be also reviewed. This lecture is intended to scientists, engineers and students engaged in the fields of Radar Remote Sensing and interested in Polarimetric SAR image analysis and applications. Some background in SAR processing techniques and microwave scattering would be an advantage and familiarity in matrix algebra is required. EARTH SCIENCE INFORMATICS: AN OVERVIEW H.K. “Rama” Ramapriyan Over the last 10–15 years, significant advances have been made in information management, there are an increasing number of individuals entering the field of information management as it applies to Geoscience and Remote Sensing data, and the field of “informatics” has come to its own. Informatics is the science and technology of applying computers and computational methods to 26 the systematic analysis, management, interchange, and representation of science data, information, and knowledge. Informatics also includes the use of computers and computational methods to support decision making and applications. Earth Science Informatics (ESI, a.k.a. geoinformatics) is the application of informatics in the Earth science domain. ESI is a rapidly developing discipline integrating computer science, information science, and Earth science. Major national and international research and infrastructure projects in ESI have been carried out or are on-going. Notable among these are: the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), the European Commission’s INSPIRE, the U.S. NSDI and Geospatial One-Stop, the NASA EOSDIS, and the NSF DataONE, EarthCube and Cyberinfrastructure for Geoinformatics. More than 18 departments and agencies in the U.S. federal government have been active in Earth science informatics. All major space agencies in the world, have been involved in ESI research and application activities. In the United States, the Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP), whose membership includes nearly 150 organizations (government, academic and commercial) dedicated to managing, delivering and applying Earth science data, has been working on many ESI topics since 1998. The Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS)’s Working Group on Information Systems and Services (WGISS) has been actively coordinating the ESI activities among the space agencies. The talk will present an overview of current efforts in ESI, the role members of IEEE GRSS play, and discuss recent developments in data preservation and provenance. DIGITAL BEAM-FORMING IN REMOTE SENSING Werner Wiesbeck The invention of the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) principle dates back to the early 1950s. The basic idea is to filter targets in a side looking radar according to their Doppler history in azimuth and by pulse or FM modulation compression in range. Since this time SAR systems have been, from a technical point of view, considerably refined to the state of the art where resolution and accuracy are close to the theoretical limits. The best innovations have been reached in polarimetry and interferometry. Nevertheless, the principles are still the same: The SAR is a sidelooking radar where resolution is achieved in range by bandwidth and in azimuth by Doppler processing. The beam-forming concepts for coverage are still the same: dish antennas (scanned or fixed), antenna arrays (phased or fixed) or switchable antenna systems. All these have the drawback that the coverage defines the synthetic aperture length and by this the azimuth resolution or for scanned beams the loss of coverage has to be taken into account. These draw backs can be overcome by Digital IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Beam-Forming. Significant advantages result by this. In its simplest form the transmit antenna illuminates a usually larger footprint, as do the multiple receive antennas. The beam-forming is accomplished in a digital process. Multiple receive beams may be processed simultaneously. The RF losses can significantly be reduced, allowing lower gain for the antennas, and thus larger footprints. In addition Digital beam-forming can handle coded signals, like OFDM, for range and azimuth compression. This talk will present the principles and applications and latest results of Digital Beam-Forming in Remote Sensing. REMOTE SENSING USING GNSS BISTATIC RADAR OF OPPORTUNITY Valery Zavorotny In the past decade there has been considerable interest in using signals of opportunity such as those from Global Navigation Satellite Systems for remote sensing of ocean, land, snow and ice. GNSS-reflected signals, after being received and processed by the airborne or space-borne receiver, are available as delay correlation waveforms or as delay-Doppler maps. These bistatic signals collected from the ocean surface can be used for altimetric or wind-scatterometric purposes complimenting traditional monostatic radar techniques. Similarly, information about soil moisture, snow depth and vegetation can be inferred from GNSS reflected signals. Even signals routinely recorded by GPS receivers installed to measure crustal deformation for geophysical studies can be used for remote sensing of soil moisture, snow and vegetation in the vicinity of their antennas. This technique exploits interference of direct and reflected signals causing the composite signal, observed using signalto-noise ratio (SNR) data, to undulate with time while the GPS satellite ascends or descends at relatively low elevation angles. The existing research has shown that GNSS reflectometry has the potential to be a low-cost, wide-coverage technique for studying Earth’s environmental processes. In the first part of the talk an overview will be given to above applications of GNSS reflectometry, whereas in the second part the measurements of ocean surface roughness, wind speed and direction will be covered considering both aircraft and orbital receiving systems. A theoretical forward model which relates the delayDoppler map to the bistatic radar cross section, and then to statistical characteristics of the wind-driven waves will be discussed. Algorithms to retrieve wind speed and wind direction using delay-Doppler maps processed from the data collected by the GPS software receiver onboard the NOAA Gulfstream-IV jet aircraft will be demonstrated. Finally, a performance will be discussed of the space-borne bistatic radar employed in the planned Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) mission. GRSS CHAPTERS AND CONTACT INFORMATION CHAPTER LOCATION JOINT WITH (SOCIETIES) CHAPTER CHAIR E-MAIL ADDRESS Boston Section, MA GRS William Blackwell [email protected] ________ Springfield Section, MA AP, MTT, ED, GRS, LEO Paul Siqueira [email protected] _____________ Rochester/Binghamton/Buffalo/Ithaca/Syracuse GRS Anthony Vodacek [email protected] ___________ GRS Miguel Roman [email protected] _______________ Region 1: Northeastern USA Region 2: Eastern USA Washington, DC & Northern VA area Region 3: Southeastern USA Atlanta Section, GA AES, GRS Kristin Frinkley Bing [email protected] _______________ Eastern North Carolina Section GRS Linda Hayden [email protected] ______________ Melbourne Section, FL GRS, AES William Junek [email protected] _____________ Region 4: Central USA Central Illinois Section LEO, GRS Weng Cho Chew [email protected] ___________ Southeastern Michigan Section GRS Adib Y. Nashashibi [email protected] ____________ Denver Section, CO AP, MTT, GRS Michael Janezic [email protected] ______________ Houston Section, TX AP, MTT, GRS, LEO Christi Madsen [email protected] _____________ Region 5: Southwestern USA Region 6: Western USA Alaska Section, AK GRS Franz Meyer [email protected] ____________ Los Angeles Section, CA GRS Paul A. Rosen [email protected] _______________ Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2306601 Date of publication: 8 April 2014 MARCH 2014 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 27 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® CHAPTER LOCATION JOINT WITH (SOCIETIES) CHAPTER CHAIR E-MAIL ADDRESS Ottawa Section, ON OE, GRS Yifeng Zhou [email protected] ____________ Quebec Section, Quebec, QC AES, OE, GRS Yves DeVillers [email protected] _________________ Toronto Section, ON SP, VT, AES, UFF, OE, GRS Sri Krishnan [email protected] _____________ Vancouver Section, BC AES, GRS David G. Michelson [email protected] ___________ Region 7: Canada Region 8: Europe, Middle East and Africa Benelux Section AES, GRS Mark Bentum [email protected] _____________ Croatia Section AES, GRS Juraj Bartolic [email protected] ___________ [email protected] _____________ France Section GRS Mathieu Fauvel Germany Section GRS Irena Hajnsek [email protected] ___________ Italy (Central) Section GRS Simonetta Paloscia [email protected] ____________ Italy (South) Section GRS Maurizio Migliaccio [email protected] ________________ Russia Section GRS Anatolij Shutko [email protected] _________________ [email protected] _________ Saudi Arabia Section GRS Yakoub Bazi [email protected] __________ South Africa Section AES, GRS Waldo Kleynhans Jeanine Engelbrecht [email protected] _____________ [email protected] ______________ Spain Section GRS Antonio J. Plaza [email protected] _________ Student Branch, Spain Section GRS Pablo Benedicto [email protected] _____________ Turkey Section GRS Kadim Tasdemir [email protected] __________ Ukraine Section AP, MTT, ED, AES, GRS, NPS Nataliya K. Sakhnenko [email protected] _______________ United Kingdom & Rep. of Ireland (UKRI) Section GRS, OE Yong Xue [email protected] _____________ Region 9: Latin America Student Branch, Colombia Section GRS Leyini Parra Espitia [email protected] ___________ Student Branch, South Brazil Section GRS Marcus Vasconcelos [email protected] ___________ Guadalajara Section, Mexico GRS Iván Villalón [email protected] ____________ Australian Capital Territory and New South Wales Sections, Australia GRS Fuqin Li [email protected] __________ Bangalore Section, India GRS Daya Sagar Behara [email protected] _____________ Beijing Section, China GRS Ji Wu [email protected] _________ Student Branch, Beijing Section, China GRS Bin Peng [email protected] ______________ Delhi Section, India GRS O.P.N. Calla [email protected] ___________ Gujarat Section, India GRS Shiv Mohan [email protected] _______________ Indonesia Section GRS, AES Arifin Nugroho [email protected] ______________ Islamabad Section, Pakistan GRS, AES M. Umar Khattak [email protected] _____________ Kolkata Section Chapter GRS Animesh Maitra [email protected] _______________ Region 10: Asia and Pacific Malaysia Section GRS Voon-Chet Koo [email protected] ___________ Nanjing Section, China GRS Feng Jiao [email protected] _______________ Seoul Section, Korea GRS Joong-Sun Won [email protected] ___________ Singapore Section AES, GRS See Kye Yak [email protected] ___________ Taipei Section, Taiwan GRS Yang-Lang Chang [email protected] ___________ Tokyo/Sapporo/Sendai/Shin-Etsu/Nagoya/ Kansai/Hiroshima/Shikoku/Fukuoka Section GRS Akira Hirose [email protected] ______________ Abbreviation Guide for IEEE Technical Societies AES AP ED EMB LEO MTT Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society Antennas and Propagation Society Electron Devices Society Engineering in Medicine and Biology Lasers & Electro-Optics Society Microwave Theory and Techniques Society NPS OE SP UFF VT Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society Oceanic Engineering Society Signal Processing Society Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society Vehicular Technology Society GRS 28 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® EDUCATION FABIO DELL’ACQUA AND LUCA PASCA, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione, University of Pavia, Italy Technical Education in the European University System on Aerospace and Remote Sensing A Year 2013 Review ABSTRACT his paper offers a synthesis of the results from an extensive search that has been made on graduate courses across Europe to understand patterns and similarities in graduate-level educational activities in the field of aerospace science and engineering. 50 universities were selected as a “significant sample”, from which 150 curricula were analyzed. It has been found that the vast majority of curricula fit nicely into one of three main classes, although national regulations and heritage do probably have a role in making each class interpreted in a country-specific way. Yet, common features outweigh differences. Not surprisingly, instead, post-MSc and PhD courses offer a more inhomogeneous picture, but this is obviously not related to national differences. All in all, the scenario that emerges is that of a continent-wide good coverage of all aerospace aspects, and a good homogeneity across European countries in aerospace-related education. T Introduction by Michael Inggs, Director Education GRSS University of Cape Town, South Africa By reviewing Geoscience and Remote Sensing teaching activities around the world, we can all learn, “new tricks”, and adapt our own ways. We can also set up fruitful collaborations. This article reviews the Geoscience and Remote Sensing teaching programmes of Europe. Clearly, this is a huge task, and the authors have sampled sensibly. I encourage potential authors to contact me about writing for this column. Articles about your own department, or your country or region will be of great interest to us all. about some limits of the present work and concludes the paper with some final remarks. 1. INTRODUCTION The aim of this research is to depict a rough, synthetic description of what technical education in aerospace and remote sensing means to European universities. This work was carried out from September to November 2013, and involved the 50 European universities that appeared to be most relevant to the issue, according to criteria explained later in this paper. This resulted in systematic scanning of 150 curricula where about 850 aerospace and remote sensing courses are offered. The paper is organized as follows: the next chapter will discuss the criteria that were used to select the statistical sample of 50 universities, while chapter 3 illustrates the method for the analysis of the curricula. Chapter 4 lists some findings, while chapter 5 warns 2. THE STATISTICAL SAMPLE For our review we focused on continental Europe; since the future waypoint of our work in progress is to analyze relationships between the education and production world in the aerospace domain, no single education-based nor economics-based definition of Europe can be applied blindly. From a political standpoint, for example, the situation is pretty complicated as highlighted in Figure 1; from an institutional standpoint, the European High Education Area (EHEA, 2010) seemed too wide to include only those geographical areas having a direct impact on the economic system of Europe. We thus started from the countries completely fulfilling the geographical definition of Europe and Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2304131 Date of publication: 8 April 2014 Fabio Dell’Acqua is also with Ticinum Aerospace s.r.l., an academic spin-off from the University of Pavia. MARCH 2014 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE 2168-6831/14/$31.00©2014IEEE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 29 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® let the scientific production itself define what universities and areas were most relevant, as described below. A selection was necessary, because considering “all universities” is simply not manageable; just to give a figure, across European Economic Area (EEA, 1992) + Switzerland there exist about 1920 universities according to the web popularity list provided by 4icU (4icu,2013). The list may have been compiled with SEVERAL COMMON LINES a loose definition of University, EMERGED IN EUROPEAN still the figure is impressive. Given the limited time and TECHNICAL EDUCATION manpower available, we had to IN AEROSPACE AND first select a statistically signifiREMOTE SENSING. cant subsample to be analyzed in our review, assuming that 50 universities could be sufficient to depict the situation in 9 countries (of which 2, i.e. Finland and Norway, turned out to feature only one sample based on our selection procedure). The assumption made was that of a relationship between the production of scientific papers and the existence of related university courses. Naturally an assumption of a general correlation between research and teaching is illusive (Hattie and Marsh, 1996), but what we needed was not a quantitative relationship. The limited -and apparently more reasonable- assumption we made was that an intense research production is a good proxy for the sheer existence of related courses, with no assessment of quality implied. Central European Free Trade Agreement A paper search was made on the Scopus (2013) database for three different keywords, i.e. “Remote Sensing”, “Aerospace” and “Earth Observation”. Scopus was selected, among the several scientific search engines available, as the best compromise, for our purposes, among correctness & completeness of the database, ease of use and availability of specific search tools. A rank of the most frequently appearing European affiliations in the retrieved papers was produced for each of the three keywords. The search was inherently limited to the top 160 results, as Scopus systematically truncates the result list to the 160th item. Geographical filtering cuts down this figure to 24, 21, 25 items respectively on the three cited keywords. One example of output is shown in Figure 2, under the form of a horizontal bar diagram representing the 15 top, geographically filtered items in a single search. For each of the three rankings, the 10 top universities were included in the sample. In addition to those 30 Universities, the 3 Universities appearing in all of the three rankings, from 11th rank downwards, were also included into the list. The 17 remaining slots to reach the final sample size of 50 units were filled with other universities with a criterion of increasing the presence of underrepresented countries. The list of represented countries follows: Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Switzerland and United Kingdom. The pie chart in Figure 3 shows the distribution of units per country. United Kingdom, Italy and Germany contribute most, with around 62% of units. Council of Europe European Union European Economic Area EU Customs Union Eurozone Schengen Area European Free Trade Association Monetary Agreement with EU FIGURE 1. Supranational bodies in Europe and politically-based possible definitions of Europe. From: Wikimedia, authors: “The Emirr” & “Wdcf”. Available at European_Bodies-en.svg in Dec 2013. ______________ 30 3. THE ANALYSIS Once selected the 50 universities constituting the statistical sample, we started a search on their respective web sites to retrieve MSc programmes containing relevant courses. Titles of tracks and courses were explored, and the content of the course itself was also analyzed whenever uncertainty remained after considering the title. We have analyzed MSc de g ree s, e xc lud ing B S c degrees, because at MSc level we expect to find a sufficient level of specialization to definitely tell “aerospace” from “non-aerospace”. Generally, undergraduate (BSc) degrees of the different examined curriculum turned out not to be sufficiently characterized. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Moreover, less specialized BSc aerospace-related courses are made available where MSc aerospace-related courses are found—i.e. BSc level does not add much to MSc level in this respect. For this reason, our attention was focused on graduate degrees. A total of 150 tracks were examined, and 120 found to be relevant for out topics of interest, containing about 850 aerospace-related courses. The pie chart in Figure 4 shows the distribution of tracks per country. United Kingdom, Italy and Germany convey the largest contributions, with roughly 56% of tracks altogether. Keyword: “Remote Sensing” 0 Number of Papers [] 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Valencia Catalunya Florence Southampton Paris (Marie Curie) Rome (La Sapienza) Delft Naples (Federico II) Bremen Trento Aalto Oxford Munchen (LMU) Zurich Reading FIGURE 2. Highest occurrence figures of European affiliations in paper found on Scopus with the keyword pair “Remote Sensing”. 4. FINDINGS As a first finding, relevant courses are offered almost exclusively within engineering and sciences faculties. This is not surprising, and it is also a consequence of having chosen to look at the technical side of aerospace and not to education in e.g. the economic and financial side of aerospace industry. The purpose of this review was to try and sort out the possible common lines in European education in this field. While it was rather simple when we performed a first, rough test review on Italy, we’ve found a big complexity leap in extending the review to all European countries, because of several differences including in some cases a difference in how the period of the MSc degree is defined. Still, we could find some common lines. It is our understanding that educational programs on Aerospace and Remote Sensing in Europe may be organized into three main categories: ◗ MSc degree in “Aerospace Hardware”: this type of degree is usually present within a department or faculty of engineering. It explores the aircraft or satellite structure, and matters regarding them, in great detail. The main objective is the study of the construction, the propulsion, the motion, the aerodynamics and the flight mechanics of the platform. In these programs one typically finds courses related to fluid dynamics, gas dynamics, design of aircraft, techniques and technologies of propulsion, aerodynamics, flight dynamics, design or modeling spatial structures, planning and management of space missions. We may find this type of degree at: Imperial College London, The University of Manchester, University of Surrey, Polytechnic of Milan, Polytechnic of Turin, University of Naples “Federico II”, Polytechnic of Madrid, Polytechnic of Catalunya, Polytechnic of MARCH 2014 50 Lausanne, University of Toulouse. Some universities, as University of Delft, Cranfield University, The University of Sheffield, University of Southampton and TUM (Munich polytechnic University), offer a degree with a very high level of specialization, examining in depth one of the previous main topics. ◗ MSc in Remote Sensing and Image/Data Processing or “Aerospace Software”: in this group we find degrees, which deal with the issue of data capture and processing from aerospace platforms. In some cases, as the University of Valencia, University of Zurich and University of Rome “La Sapienza”, the main topic is Remote Sensing, in particular images captured by space-borne sensors and the consequent information extraction. In these courses, students learn the fundamentals of the optical/radar sensors, the related data features and the main image processing techniques. In the other cases, the educational scope is multimedia data processing, where Remote Sensing is seen as a possible application, 1 5 12 9 5 4 10 1 Finland France Germany Italy Netherlands Norway Spain Switzerland United Kingdom 3 FIGURE 3. Distribution of units (universities) by country in the selected sample. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 31 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® 4 14 34 16 11 18 10 2 Finland France Germany Italy Netherlands Norway Spain Switzerland United Kingdom 11 FIGURE 4. Tracks found relevant to aerospace in the considered statistical sample. but from a more generic viewpoint. Classical courses are always found on data compression techniques, advanced encoding, telecommunication protocols and digital communication. However, there are also hints, more or less marked, to Earth observation, optical or radar sensors and satellite principles. We find this type of educational offer at University of Southampton, University of Leeds, University of Leicester, University of Florence, University of Naples “Parthenope”, University of Pavia (from the current year), University of Delft, University of Grenoble (INP), University of Grenoble (Joseph Fourier), University of Toulouse, Polytechnic of Paris and University of Aalto. ◗ MSc in Geography and GIS or “Aerospace Environmental Applications”: this third category consists of degrees focused on Remote Sensing for environmental purposes. The use of satellite images to create 2D/3D maps or the theory and practice of GIS, to monitor environmental transformation and to observe forest, oceans, glacier or urban AEROSPACE EDUCATION area are just some of the typical IN EUROPE IS SET TO main topics of classical courses ROLL ON WELL INTO THE in this category. To do this, stuENVISAGED “KNOWLEDGE dents are taught photogramAND INNOVATION SOCIETY.” metry, image interpretation and geospatial/image processing software. Courses relevant to the aerospace domain are found, but the offered degrees largely overlap with geography and Earth science subjects. Many offers of this type were found, each with a different level of specialization, across all the considered European countries. This category was mostly reported within a science department/faculty/school and, for example, it is present at: University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, University of Leicester, University of Reading, Imperial College London, University of Lausanne, Polytechnic of Zurich, University of Extremadura, Polytechnic of Madrid, University of Hannover, University of Trier, 32 TUM (Munich polytechnic University), University of Karlsruhe, University of Paris “Pantheon Sorbonne”, University of Rennes, University of Amsterdam, University of Twente and University of Aalto. In addition to the three categories above, where aerospace is the rationale or at least a major driver, we frequently found what we may add as a fourth, minor type. This consists of generic degrees in telecommunication Engineering which include one or a few courses relevant to aerospace. This type of MSc provides a basic knowledge in all communications and signal processing subjects, included some within aerospace (e.g. processing of remotely sensed data, long-range antennas, …). The typical pattern shows very few courses regarding Remote Sensing, radar techniques and image processing, together with deepening of digital/optical communication, system and communication network, antennas and EM propagation and coding techniques. Usually, these degrees are proposed by small-to medium-sized universities, with some exceptions. For example University of Valencia, Polytechnic of Catalunya, Polytechnic of Lausanne, University of Sheffield, University of Pavia (until last year), University of Trento, University of Karlsruhe and University of Delft choose to offer this type of MSc course. The three main types of courses can be summarized in a simplified scheme like the one we depicted in Figure 5. Disciplines that were not found frequently are space exploration and deep space observation. These are sometimes found in physics curricula (e.g. University of Oslo, University of Leicester), but are usually dealt with extensively in PhD courses. As we have shown, there are lots of common lines in European technical education in aerospace; though, each country shows peculiar characteristics. In Italy, for example, aerospace education is almost always found within engineering MSc tracks, in “Aerospace Hardware” and “Aerospace Software” groups, but also in the generic telecommunication Engineering, which is offered very often. By contrast, in Germany the most frequent degree related to Aerospace is of the “Geography and environmental” type, although we can find some degrees belonging to the first type. Quite similar to Germany is the situation in Switzerland and France, although the latter offers more “Aerospace Software” than “Aerospace Hardware”. In UK all of the three types are well represented, although the first one prevails. Tracks were found offering deep insight into Aerospace structures. In Spain, in the Netherlands and in Scandinavian countries track types are evenly represented. After the MSc, students may attend a specializing Master in the aerospace field. Not only universities but also private institutes offer this chance, which however was found not to be too frequent. Master courses do often add the economic and management side of aerospace missions to an in-depth analysis some aerospace technical topics. The presence of this post-graduate Master courses is generally connected to research activities in the IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Aerospace Teaching on ... “Hardware” “Environmental Applications” “Software” FIGURE 5. The main types of “aerospace/remote sensing” MSc courses offered across the European Universities. With this paper we plan to draw a first, rough picture of how higher aerospace education is generally interpreted across Europe, in preparation of a future, more in-depth work including volumes and employment perspectives. We may naturally have oversimplified the scenario and may be missing important pieces of information here; one of the purposes of this paper is to raise the issue and encourage readers to provide a feedback to the authors with the aim of getting to a more complete picture of the “aerospace education situation” across Europe. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the University of Pavia under the form of a “Tirocinio Formativo Curriculare” grant assigned to Luca Pasca for his work. REFERENCES organizing universities but also to industry interest and funding or co-funding. 5. CONCLUSIONS An extensive review across Europe of MSc university tracks relevant to the aerospace sector was carried out in search for overall and country-specific patterns. 50 Universities and 150 tracks were examined to find three main types of aerospace/remote sensing tracks, plus one additional type where aerospace/remote sensing plays a minor role. These types are found across all of the considered European countries. Differences were mainly found in terms of how frequently each type is offered to the students. We are facing a trend towards making the European education system increasingly standardized across the different countries (European Commission, 2013), as well as towards fostering the international mobility of students (European Commission, 2009). In this context, we might state that aerospace education in Europe is set to roll on well into the envisaged “knowledge and innovation society” (European Commission, 2010); at least, this is true as far as education is conceived as a self- standing activity, i.e. ignoring its practical purpose of providing suitably prepared manpower to the foreseeable industry demand. One of the limitations of this work is, indeed, that it does not take into account the presence and impact of potential employers on each national educational system. A second limitation, partly connected to the first one, is that no account was made of the actual number of students choosing each of the analyzed tracks; such information is difficult to obtain and would have required a gigantic scale-up in the effort that was not bearable at this stage. MARCH 2014 [1] 4 International Colleges & Universities. (2013, Dec. 29). Universities in Europe. [Online]. Available: [2] European Commission 329. (2009, July 8). Green paper: Promoting the learning mobility of young people [Online]. Available: bility/com329_en.pdf ____________ [3]European Commission 546. (2010,Oct.6). Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative Innovation Union [Online]. Available: http://eur-lex.europa. eu/LexUriServ/ ___________________________________ [4] European Commission. (2013, Dec. 20). The Bologna process—Towards the European higher education area [Online]. Available: bologna_en.htm __________ [5] (1994, Jan. 3). EEA 1992: Agreement on the European economic area. [Online]. Available: ____________________________ [6] (2014, Jan. 3). EHEA 2010: The European Higher Education Area Official Website. [Online]. Available: [7] J. Hattie and H. W. Marsh, “The relationship between research and teaching: A meta-analysis,” Rev. Educ. Res., vol. 66, no. 4, pp. 507–542, 1996. [8] (2013). Scopus claims being the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature. [Online]. Available: http://www. GRS Concluding Remarks I would also like to remind the community of our quest for recently published Ph.D. theses. For publishing the Ph.D. thesis information you can contact Michael Inggs ([email protected]) __________ or Dr. Lorenzo Bruzzone ([email protected]). ___________ Ph.D. dissertations should be in the fields of activity of IEEE GRSS and should be recently completed. Please provide us with the following: title of the dissertation, the students and advisors names, the date of the thesis defense or publication, and a link for downloading the electronic version of the thesis. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 33 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® BOOK REVIEW CLAUDIA NOTARNICOLA, EURAC-Institute for Applied Remote Sensing, Bolzano, Italy Land Surface Observation, Modeling and Data Assimilation L and Surface Observation, Modeling and Data Assimilation is a book devoted to data assimilation methodologies. The book covers a wide range of topics in 464 pages and 14 chapters including detailed descriptions of both methodologies and applications and is based on lecture notes from the Summer School and Workshop on Land Data Assimilation held in July 2010 at the Beijing Normal University, China. Edited by Shunlin Liang, Xin Li, and Xianhong Xie World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd, January 2013, ISBN: 978-981-4472-60-9 A variety of both applications and methods are treated. The book provides an overview of the methodologies used in data assimilation such as Ensemble Kalman filter and multi-scale Kalman Smoother-Based framework. Moreover, attention is devoted to open issues in particular the estimation of model and observation errors providing some approaches to solve the problem. The book is divided in four main parts. The first three parts focus on the main components in a data assimilation experiment that is remote sensed observations and data products, land surface modeling, and data assimilation techniques. The fourth part is dedicated to appliDigital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2304631 Date of publication: 8 April 2014 34 2168-6831/14/$31.00©2014IEEE cation in the domain of climate prediction, hydrology and agricultural monitoring. The Part 1 of the book named “Observation” includes 3 chapters which introduce the readers to data needed and available for Land Surface Data Assimilation. These chapters are particularly useful as they provide a complete overview of the input data in terms atmospheric forcing data, Land Surface parameters (e.g. albedo, Leaf area index). Moreover, chapter 2 and 3 provides a complete overview of the existing satellite products which can be exploited for the applications at global and regional scale. The first chapter addresses the available data sets and products useful for data assimilation. These data sets include atmospheric data, land surface products and model parameterizations. It provides an overview of methods how to derive the presented products. The chapter indicates as well issues that need further improvement such as the influence of cloud on optical remote sensing products. Chapter 2 introduces the Second-generation PolarOrbiting Meteorological Satellite of China, Fengyun 3 satellite series. These satellites carry 11 sensors working from the ultraviolet to microwave spectrum. They share similar characteristics to other sensors on the platform TERRA and AQUA and can be used jointly in order to increase the data availability for different global and regional applications. The chapter introduces to the main technology on board of these satellites including ground segment. Another part of the chapter is dedicated to the standard products (Level 2 and 3) and some main applications such as ozone and air quality monitoring. Chapter 3 is dedicated to the NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) program. The NASA systems are arranged in order to provide plenty of data from level-0 (Source data) to Level-4 data which are the geophysical variables derived from different instruments. Along with products NASA provides land assimilation model IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® systems (GLDAS) that integrates satellite and ground measurements, using land surface modelling and data assimilation techniques. The main aim is to generate optimal fields of land surface parameters such as soil moisture, soil temperature and evapotranspiration. The chapter provides also plenty of details about how to access data and how to use on-line visualization tools to have a quick view of the data before downloading. Among the others, one of the most versatile is called Giovanni (http://disc.sci.gsfc.nasa. gov/giovanni/) where data can be visualized and analyzed on line. The Part 2 of the book is dedicated to the modeling aspects introducing two main classes of models: the Land Surface Model and the Hydrological Model. Land Surface Models (LSMs) are introduced in chapter 4 where the focus is on dry lands and high-elevation regions. These are particularly sensitive to climate change and moreover they deserve a specific attention because the land-atmosphere interactions are not clearly understood yet. In fact this chapter addresses main open issues in modeling such as thermal coupling between land and atmosphere in dry lands, and soil stratification beneath alpine grassland. For these issues, the latest developments are presented and the improvements in land surface models are discussed. Chapter 5 presents a review of parameterization and parameters estimation of hydrological models. Hydrological models have largely improved in the last decades especially towards advance parameter estimation methods. The chapter illustrates the basic concepts as well as the latest trends of hydrological modeling. The core part of the chapter is the review of parameter estimation methods where different global optimization algorithms for calibrating hydrological model are presented including latest developments on distributed hydrological models. These latest models need new methods to deal with high-dimensional parameter space. The Part 3 of the book deals with data assimilation techniques and related issues such as error estimation in land data assimilation systems. Part 3 is made up of 5 chapters and represents the main focus of the book. Chapter 6 is dedicated to an overview of theories and methods of data assimilation and specifically to applications in land surface studies. With data assimilation methods, observations are continuously inserted in model states by taking advantages of constrains of physical models. The advantages and disadvantages of different techniques such as recursive Bayesian filter, Kalman and Ensemble Kalman filters are presented. Two case studies on assimilation for soil temperature are introduced as applications. Moreover, the chapter concludes indicating that thanks to the increasing observations availability, developments of new and effective methods are required in order to improve the reliability of systems and achieve a multi-scale information fusion. Chapter 7 addresses a key point in data assimilation methodologies, the estimation of model and observation MARCH 2014 errors. The authors illustrate what could be the impact of poor error assumption on the performance of land data assimilation systems. After the presentation of a theoretical background of the problem, the chapter reviews the recent development of adaptive filtering systems which try to estimate modeling and observation error covariance information. Chapter 8 deals with the adaptive inflation scheme for adjusting the forecast error covariance matrix and prior observation error covariance matrix in ensemble Kalman filter assimilation. This method is a specific algorithm to estimate the inflation factor of forecast error covariance matrix by optimization of the likelihood function of innovation (that is observation minus forecast residuals). The cases of time-dependent and time-independent inflation are discussed. All the inflation adjustment methods discussed require linear or tangent linear observation operator. The use of different operators is highlighted as a next step in this topic. Chapter 9 provides an overview of error estimation in Land Data Assimilation Systems. As already pointed out in the previous chapters error estimation is a key point for improving the performances of data assimilation systems. The review addresses three main parts, model input estimation error, model parameter error estimation and model structural error estimation by indicating different approaches such as multiplicative inflation and additive inflations. Moreover, a new method is proposed based on evolutionary concepts in particular cross-over principles. When compared with other existing methods, this approach can determine improved results. Future investigations will be in the direction of using such methods in real land data assimilation systems in order to solve the assimilation problems with real observations. Chapter 10 introduces a framework named Multi-scale Kalman Smoother-based (MKS) that is a modification of the traditional Kalman filter. This method is used to estimate the probability distribution of hydrological variables given model predictions, observations and MKS parameters. One of the most important applications in the context of data assimilation can be obtained when observations from different scales are available. The estimation of the MKS parameters is obtained through an Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm. This framework is presented as well through a numerical example. The Part 4 of the book is dedicated to applications and is made up of 4 chapters. Chapter 11 provides an overview of the North America Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS), a system that runs multiple land surface models (LSMs) such as the Noah, Mosaic, Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting (SAC-SMA) and the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) models over the continental USA to generate long-term hourly, 1/8th degree hydrological and meteorological products. These LSMs have generated land surface products including water fluxes (evaporation, runoff/streamflow), energy fluxes IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 35 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® (net radiation, sensible heat flux, latent heat flux, ground heat flux) and state products (soil moisture, snow cover, soil temperature, skin temperature). The first phase of the system was initiated in 1998 and the second phase in 2006 and is currently running. This second phase includes, among the others, upgrading forcing data, intercomparison studies, seasonal hydrological forecast and real-time monitoring mode. Chapter 12 introduces recent studies on soil moisture data assimilation for state initialization of seasonal climate prediction. The assimilation of soil moisture is quite recent but rapid progress has been made thanks to the availability of remotely sensed soil moisture data and well developed and robust assimilation methodologies. The chapter starts with a brief history of soil moisture data assimilation and the related basic concepts. Subsequently the study focuses on the recent progress made with a case study of soil moisture initialization activities for the NASA’s seasonal and internannual climate prediction. The chapter concludes indicating that future advancements on the current soil moisture data assimilation is required to include multi-source hydrological remote sensing data into LSMs in order to have improved climate predictions. Chapter 13 describes the assimilation scheme for Crop Simulation Models (CSM) in the context of agricultural studies. The chapter starts with a general introduction on the assimilation scheme for CSM and of the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT). Differ- Fawwaz T. Ulaby David G. Long NEWLY PUBLISHED Microwave Radar and Radiometric Remote Sensing The 1000-page book covers theoretical models, system design and operation, and geoscientific applications of both active and passive microwave remote sensing systems. NOVEMBER 2013 William Blackwell, Charles Elachi, Adrian Fung, Chris Ruf, Kamal Sarabandi, Howard Zebker, and Jakob van Zyl 36 ent assimilation schemes are described as well as remote sensing data in solar, microwave and thermal domains. In particular the quality of remote sensing data is critical for data assimilation studies. The main issues to be solved in the remote sensing community are the data uncertainties and mixed pixels. On the other side further developments are needed for better crop model parameterizations and regional crop model development. Chapter 14 presents another application of the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) to the state parameter estimation in hydrological models. The presented state-augmentation technique is able to estimate simultaneously dynamic states and model parameters. The technique is applied in the case of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model by assimilating runoff and other measurements. In this chapter further improvements are also addressed and in particular much attention shall be devoted to modeling and observation error estimation. Moreover, specific strategies shall include also how to assimilate various observation types such as remote sensing data and in-situ measurements. This latest is quite important to reduce as much as possible the uncertainties in hydrological predictions. As conclusive remarks, it is worthwhile pointing out that the book presents an extended state-of-the-art description on data assimilation methodologies and at the same time is able to draw a picture of the future trends in this topic as well as envisaged further developments. Thanks to this combination there is a wide range of potentially interested To order online: IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® readers. The acknowledge goes to Editors and to Authors for the excellent job in covering both a wide range of topics and in addressing main issues in further developments. AUTHOR INFORMATION Claudia Notarnicola received the Degree in Physics, summa cum laude, and the PhD in Physics from the University of Bari (Italy) in 1995 and 2002 respectively. She is presently the vice-head of the EURAC-Institute of Applied Remote Sensing (Bolzano, Italy). Within the same institute she is leader of a group dealing with remote sensing applications in SAR and optical domain for soil and vegetation monitoring as well as integration of remotely sensed observations with models and ground measurements. Her main research interest includes biophysical parameters (soil moisture, vegetation, snow) retrieval by using optical and SAR images, optical and SAR data processing, data fusion and electromagnetic models. She conducts research on these topics within the frameworks of several national and international projects. Among the others, she is involved in the Cassini-Huygens Project for the application of inversion procedure to the estimation of Titan surface parameters. She is a referee for IEEE and other international journals and since 2006, she serves as Conference Chairs for SPIE International Conference on “SAR Image Analysis, Modeling and Techniques”. GRS PRRS 2014 8th IAPR Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing (in conjunction with ICPR 2014) August 24, 2014 Stockholm, Sweden PRRS 2014 Chairs: Jenny Q. Du, Mississippi State University, USA Eckart Michaelsen, Fraunhofer IOSB, Germany Bing Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Abstract submission: March 31, 2014 Email: [email protected] Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2014 Early Registration: May 21, 2014 Web Address: Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2307464 Call for Papers 2014 IEEE Radar Conference: From Sensing to Information 19-23 May 2014 10 th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar Cincinnati, Ohio (USA) Cincinnati Marriott at RiverCenter 03-05 June 2014 - Berlin, Germany Tutorials: 02 June 2014 EUSAR is Europe's leading forum dedicated to SAR techniques, technology and applications related technologies with an international audience. We invite you to participate in this world-class scientific event by submitting a paper. This will be a unique opportunity for you to present your research results, innovations and technologies to the world. Draft Paper Submission Deadline: October 31, 2014 Call for Exhibition and Sponsoring: Please refer to for details. EUSAR 2014 General Chair: Manfred Zink, DLR EUSAR 2014 Technical Chair: Gerhard Krieger, DLR General Chair: Prof. Brian Rigling – Wright State University Technical Chair: Dr. Muralidhar Rangaswamy – US Air Force Research Lab GRSS Liaison: Prof. Joel Johnson – The Ohio State University Abstract submission: 18 October 2013 (Up to 4 pages with figures) Author notification: 20 January 2014 Final papers: 21 February 2014 (Up to 6 pages with figures) Web Address: Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2307471 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2307465 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® WOMEN IN GRS GAIL SKOFRONICK JACKSON, GRSS Liaison to IEEE Women in Engineering I n this issue, we are highlighting the career of a GRSS senior woman remote sensing scientist and oceanographer, Sonia Gallegos. Dr. Gallegos, who works at the Naval Research Laboratory at Stennis Space Center, conducts research using data from satellite and airborne sensors and in situ measurements for oceanographic applications. Her research focuses on the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with the ocean and optical properties of the atmosphere required for retrieval of sea surface temperature, heat flux, oil thickness, toxic algal blooms, water clarity, and sediment content. Sonia was born in Quito, Ecuador. She was raised in New York City and received the B.S. in Biology-Pre Med from the City University of New York. Upon taking a class in Marine Geology at the Bermuda Biological Station, she fell in love with the ocean, and EXPERIENCES RANGE left to obtain a Master in Marine FROM DEVELOPING AND Science at the University of Puerto IMPLEMENTING Rico in Mayaguez. Upon graduALGORITHMS TO ation, she was hired as a Marine LEADING REGIONAL extension agent by the University of Puerto Rico-NOAA Sea Grant STUDIES OF WATER program. (She fondly refers to this CLARITY IN THE YELLOW as her original dream job). While SEA, THE PERSIAN GULF, gaining extensive experience with AND THE GULF OF oceanographic field work in the THAILAND. Caribbean, Sonia became interested in the new technologies to which she became exposed during her tenure at Sea Grant. She opted to pursue a doctorate in Oceanography at Texas A&M University, funded by a Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Economic Development Administration scholarship. Upon completDigital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2304132 Date of publication: 8 April 2014 38 ing the required core courses at A&M she was granted an internship at the NOAA/NESDIS Climatic Environmental Assessment Division at NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, where she was introduced to satellite imagery and became part of a team that monitored land-vegetation growth and health from AVHRR and Landsat Data in support of the interagency AgRISTARS program. Sonia continued to work with NOAA in satellite ocean applications for the next six years, leaving only to accept a full time job as a Principal Investigator at the Naval Research Laboratory at Stennis Space Center. As a satellite oceanographer, Sonia’s experiences have ranged from developing and implementing algorithms to provide accurate retrievals of Sea Surface Temperature to leading regional studies of water clarity in the Yellow Sea, the Persian Gulf, and the Gulf of Thailand. She has collaborated with international researchers, including Korean and Chinese colleagues, to develop satellite-based sediment algorithms, linking satellite data, numerical model products, and in-situ databases for hourly estimation of 3D optical depths. She developed and transitioned the first operational optical-environmental model to the U.S. Navy to determine the depth of light penetration. She has also evaluated the impact of hurricanes on the optical backscattering coefficient of the Gulf of Mexico and the Philippines. She has collaborated with NOAA and NASA in developing a fully automated system for tracking oil spills utilizing optical and SAR data—the system was used in the Deep Water Horizon oil spill incident in the Gulf of Mexico. With the availability of suitable optical data from multiple sensors, Sonia is currently helping to develop and implement satellite data fusion algorithms using MODIS, VIIRS, GOCI and HICO and working with Alabama A&M University to develop a holographic laser technique to determine the thickness of oil spills. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® One of the most interesting aspects of Sonia’s career is that the remote sensing based research has been conducted against a backdrop of greater than 20 years of field campaigns, with more than 50 cruises on board university, U.S. government, NATO, and international vessels from Chile, Korea, and China. Barely more than 5’ tall, she has deployed her instrumentation all over the world. During her career, Sonia has also been a mentor to students in the U.S. and abroad. Shown below, she is showing students how to measure remote sensing reflectance with a sensor developed by faculty at the University of S. Florida. She has engaged as a Latin American liaison to the GRSS for many years and was instrumental in establishment of the first student chapter of GRSS in Colombia and is a popular speaker at universities. As the remote MARCH 2014 sensing of the world’s oceans advances with the launch of REMOTE SENSING BASED new satellites, development of RESEARCH CONDUCTED sensors, and increase in comAGAINST A BACKDROP OF putational capability, women such as Sonia Gallegos are GREATER THAN 20 YEARS making major contributions OF FIELD CAMPAIGNS, to our profession. She also WITH MORE THAN 50 encourages young women to CRUISES. consider careers that combine the popular fields of biology and chemistry with technology and to pursue careers in optical remote sensing of the oceans. GRS IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 39 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® CONFERENCE REPORTS International Experts Meet on Microwave Remote Sensing 16–17 December 2013, Ahmedabad I EEE-GRSS Gujarat Chapter in association with CEPT University, Ahmedabad organized two days “International Experts Meet on Microwave Remote Sensing” at Gujarat University Convention Centre, Ahmedabad during 16–17 December 2013. The event was supported and co-sponsored by PLANEX, Physical Research Laboratory; IEEE Gujarat Section APS/MTT joint chapter; Indian Society of Geomatics—Ahmedabad chapter; Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO); International Center for Radio Science (ICRS), Jodhpur. The meeting was attended by nearly 70 participants from various institutions including an array of dignitaries from India and abroad. The prominent among them were: ◗ Prof. Wolfgang-Martin Boerner (Univ. of Illinois at Chicago (USA) and IEEE-GRSS Asia-Pacific Liaison) ◗ Dr. Gerhard Koeing (President, ISPRS, Germany) ◗ Dr. F.J. Behr (Stuttgart Univ. of Applied Sciences, Stuttgart, Germany) ◗ Dr. Dietrich Schroder (Stuttgart Univ. of Applied Sciences, Stuttgart, Germany) ◗ Prof. O.P.N. Calla (Chairman, IEEE-GRSS Delhi Chapter and Director, ICRS, Jodhpur) ◗ Dr. Shiv Mohan (Chairman, IEEE-GRSS Gujarat Chapter and Visiting Scientist, PLANEX, PRL) ◗ Dr. Ajai (Prof. Brahma Prakash Chair, SAC, ISRO). Students, Researchers, Scientists, Faculty and executives from different institutions and industry participated in the Meet. The institutional participation includes: ◗ Space Applications Centre (ISRO), Ahmedabad ◗ Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (ISRO), Dehradun ◗ Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad ◗ CEPT University, Ahmedabad ◗ University of Illinois, USA ◗ University of Applied Science, Stuttgart, Germany Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2304133 Date of publication: 8 April 2014 40 Dignitaries Inaugurating joint session of AGSE’2013 and IEEE-GRSS International Experts Meet. Release of Proceeding of International Experts Meet at the joint inaugural session. Participants of IEEE-GRSS International Experts Meet. ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ Italian National Research Council, Italy International Centre of Radio Science, Jodhpur Nirma University, Ahmedabad Gujarat University, Ahmedabad Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gadhinagar M.S. University, Vadodara IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Discussion during a Technical Session. Panel Discussion on Microwave Remote Sensing applications for Earth Sciences. Felicitation of the guest speakers. A view from the Cultural Programme. Felicitation of guest speaker. ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad Anna University, Chennai M.G. Science College, Ahmedabad Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Mumbai Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi Dr. BAM University, Aurngabad, Maharashtra Indian Geomatics Research Institute, Ahmedabad Nascent Info Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad Scanpoint Geomatics Limited, Ahmedabad Radar System & Solutions, New Delhi. The inaugural function of the International Experts meet on Microwave Remote sensing was held jointly with International Conference on Geospatial Momentum for Society and Environment (AGSE 2013). The expert meet started with a plenary talk by Prof. W-M Boerner, the Guest of Honor and release of proceeding of the Interna- MARCH 2014 tional Meet by the dignitaries. The expert meet provided the students, researchers, scientist and academicians an opportunity to interact with top leaders and experts of microwave remote sensing applications. There were total 10 invited talks on various aspects of Microwave Remote Sensing Applications for Earth and planetary sciences. In addition, ten contributory technical papers (7 on Earth sciences and 3 on planetary sciences) were presented. There were two presentations by corporate sector. The Expert Meet concluded with a high note to spread knowledge sharing through more such activities and developing IEEE-GRSS regional chapters. Following are some of the important issues discussed in the meeting: ◗ Availability of data and advanced technology to researchers ◗ Common platform for Indian GRSS chapters ◗ Organize regional workshop on specific theme. ◗ Organization of training course at different level ◗ Frequent Interaction with experts in the field of interest. ◗ Wider coverage for popularizing the science and technology. GRS IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 41 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® INDUSTRIAL PROFILES ALEXANDER KAPTEIN, JÜRGEN JANOTH, OLIVER LANG, AND NOEMIE BERNEDE Airbus Defence and Space, Geo-Intelligence Trends in Commercial Radar Remote Sensing Industry T 42 he last two decades have seen an unprecedented development in the satellite-based Earth observation industry. The combination of an increasing number of operational satellites, the higher resolution of the acquired data and the advances in the processing techniques have enabled a wider adoption of satellite data and the development of a diverse range of products and applications. Although the market is still strongly biased toward electro-optically derived imagery a rising tide of acceptance and usage of satellite derived Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data can be noticed over the last few years. This trend is a result of the increasing availability of commercial SAR satellite data, development of sophisticated processing and analysis tools and industry driven training effort conducted to familiarize image analysts with the specifics of SAR imagery, its interpretation and its utility. Intuitively the colored imagery derived from electro-optical systems provides the human eyes with familiar representations of the Earth’s surface. However, the user community is increasingly recognizing that there is much more than meets the eye in blackand-white SAR data and imagery. The most obvious SAR advantage is the weather and daylight independence of radar systems, which ensures a guaranteed acquisition of the area of interest. This however is just one side of the coin. The real advantages of SAR unfold when the data is processed and analyzed in an appropriate manner. Many unique effects of SAR satellite data (such as phase information) can be exploited to extract information from the imagery that is not detectable through visual interpretation only. SAR imagery can for instance be used to detect and even quantify the motion of objects on both land and sea or to monitor subtle changes to the surface conditions. The current operational SAR missions have proven that commercial radar remote sensing has a considerable commercial potential. The demand from both institutional and commercial data users continues to drive advances in sensor technology and processing techniques to ensure another leap ahead in regards to data quality and availability. In the next decade over 360 Earth observation satellites are expected to be launched by government and commercial operators1 across 42 countries (36 are SAR satellite), enabling the development of improved and novel space-based applications as well as the advancement of existing applications. The SAR data market is growing particularly fast increasing from 93 Mio € in 2013 to 226 Mio € in 2021 (CAGR 2011–2021: 9.76%). According to the Northern Sky Research Study “Satellite based Earth Observation, 5th Edition” the high-resolution SAR data market represented 3% of the total data market in 2012, the medium-resolution data segment was worth 6% of the total data market in 2012. The growth for radar data is driven by public budgets and procurement mechanisms that are implemented by the defence sector and by consumer driven applications. Primary applications for radar data are defense and maritime applications such as border surveillance, oil spill, ship and ice monitoring. SAR data is also used for land applications (geology, agriculture) and infrastructure management (e.g. surface movement monitoring). Used in combination with optical data, radar data provides advanced opportunities regarding information content. An integrated use of radar and optical sensors can support timely change identification through analysis of the weather-independent radar image and then subsequent identification of changes using the optical sensors. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2304632 Date of publication: 8 April 2014 1Satellite-Based Earth Observation, Market Prospects to 2022, Euroconsult 2013. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Demands and requirements from novel applications and increased uptake of SAR imagery are the key drivers to technology and service developments. Satellite builders, operators and data providers continuously strive to upgrade their space and ground infrastructures to meet the increasing demands of data users both in the institutional and the commercial market sectors. A few major trends in regards to advances in the SAR sensor technology and novel developments in terms of applications and services based on radar data are highlighted in the following. PLATFORMS TAILORED TO RESPECTIVE USER REQUIREMENTS A first distinct trend of the last years is the growing interest of small and developing nations in the use of space systems and applications for the benefit of their socio-economic development. Since the 1990’s, various developed and emerging countries have drafted their own national space plan. From 2001 to 2011, the number of nations with space programmes has grown from 26 to 492. In addition to other space programs (e.g. in the satcom domain), these nations are increasingly thriving to establish their own remote sensing satellite capabilities. The main rationale is usually to establish an independent data acquisition capacity to improve civil security and quality of live. For these newcomers it is challenging to enter this domain as the countries need to leverage high development/operation costs, the long-term dimension of programs, the limited experience with identification of requirements and priorities as well as the expected return on investment. For these reasons, the first systems with which these nations enter the spaceborne remote sensing domain are usually low-cost systems that can be launched quickly. Such systems enable the nations to start building knowledge of space programs and provide a direct return at economic and social level. Data acquired by these systems is mainly used for disaster management, monitoring of natural resources and mapping applications. In addition to the application-based benefits such systems foster the technology transfer into these developing nations and enable them to gain experience in the operation and exploitation of space systems. On a next level emerging space nations obtain highend instruments to enhance platforms that are integrated based on proprietary technology in the country. An example would be the recently launched KOMPSAT-5 satellite, developed and managed by the Korean Aerospace Research Center KARI. The design, development and integration of the satellite bus are led by KARI supported by the national aerospace industry. Experiences from previous programs (KOMPSAT-1/KOMPSAT-2/KOMPSAT-3) are exploited to enhance the new satellite bus. The X-Band 2Euroconsult, 2012, Profiles of Government Space Programs. MARCH 2014 FIGURE 1. Surface movement monitoring using TerraSAR-X radar satellite data for an underground construction project in Budapest, Hungary. © 2011 Airbus Defence and Space/Infoterra GmbH. SAR payload however was subcontracted to Thales Alenia Space of Italy. At the other end of the scale mature space nations are expanding their space programs and improve the quality and exploitation of their space systems. Depending on the respective space strategies, the countries follow different implementation roads to achieve their strategic goals. These countries increasingly implement complex mission concepts such as different constellation approaches or even formation flights (e.g. the world’s first operational very close formation flight was implemented with the German TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X satellites that fly at distances of down to a few hundred meters). Another development are novel schemes to finance the Earth observation programs, such as commercialisation of the data (as done in the TerraSAR-X program) or dual use missions such as Cosmo-Skymed. Another way for nations to satisfy their increasing demand for spaceborne data and leverage limited financial budgets are Government-toGovernment bartering agreements. By this, nations can substitute capabilities that are not available in-country through in-kind exchanges with other nations, benefiting from possibly advanced technologies available elsewhere and getting access to state-of-the-art data sources that they would not be able to finance themselves. A further increase of SAR data usage can be expected from the Sentinel-1 satellites, to be launched in the upcoming years. As part of the European Copernicus programme these satellites will provide free mediumresolution SAR satellite data. On the one hand, this will stimulate SAR data exploitation, but it also entails, that commercial data providers will have to adapt to this new situation and identify niche markets (e.g. very-high resolution data provision) that cannot be serviced by the Sentinel satellites. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 43 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® TerraSAR-X Image - 07 Dec 2011 TerraSAR-X Image - 01 Nov 2012 Detected Damage SPOT 5 Image - 11 Jan 2003 © CNES 2003 Distribution Astrium Services/Spot Image S.A. Amplitude Change Detection - 07 Dec 2011 vs. 01 Nov 2012 FIGURE 2. Change analysis based on EO and SAR satellite data following Hurricane Sandy in Long Island, New York, USA. © 2013 Airbus Defence and Space/Infoterra GmbH. TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENTS Technological development is key to the increased use and exploitation of radar remote sensing systems. Increasingly sophisticated requirements for complex applications such as high-frequency automated change detection or accurate wide-area monitoring drive the innovation on the technology side. A) HIGH-RESOLUTION WIDE-SWATH (HRWS) CAPABILITIES One advanced concept that directly answers the widespread user need for large area coverage (e.g. for maritime monitoring) is the development of High-Resolution Wide-Swath (HRWS) capabilities. While current phasedarray SAR systems offer flexibility regarding operational modes, e.g. StripMap, SpotLight, ScanSAR, users often have to accept a trade-off between ground resolution and ground coverage, i.e. a decision between acquisitions of smaller scenes with high resolution vs. large area surveillance modes providing medium to low resolution. SAR systems of the future, such as the HRWS concept by Airbus Defence and Space, will introduce Digital Beam-forming techniques to overcome these restrictions. The SAR antenna will be partitioned in flight (azimuth) and height (elevation) direction, related to independent radar channels. By this, multiple signals are received for each radar transmit pulse, allowing for the reduction of the physical pulse repetition frequency, facilitating wide swath coverage maintaining high resolution. In effect, 44 the azimuth resolution can be much finer than the wellknown relation “azimuth resolution equals approximately half the antenna length”. Elevation Digital Beamforming can be used to improve instrument sensitivity by real-time focusing of the antenna beam to the current target on the ground. Enhanced concepts carry these techniques further, e.g. by multi-beam modes or by the option to process the same data with respect to different applications, e.g. imaging versus moving target detection. Ultimately HRWS will allow a much greater flexibility when defining acquisition modes. Thus facilitating the optimization of image geometry for the respective application requirements. B) MULTI-POLARIMETRY Another technological advancement is the increased adoption of multi-polarimetry. Multi-polarized SAR data allows the user to measure the polarization properties of a target and not simply the backscatter at a single polarization. Usage of polarimetric-data can be divided into variety of land cover or target recognition categories, such as agriculture, forest land cover, ice-classification, maritime research (ship detection, wind speed, sea-cover (oil)), vehicle detection or urban land cover. The propagation planes of radar signals at different polarizations (vertical (V) and horizontal (H)) interact dissimilarly with target structures of different dielectric properties. Thus the combination of the polarimetric responses results in a false color image, which provides improved IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® classification information of e.g. vegetation classes. Full polarimetry can furthermore support target identification and improve accuracy of urban area mapping applications. Future SAR systems such as Cosmo Skymed Second Generation and TerraSAR-X Next Generation will feature such full polarimetry capabilities. C) INCREASED BANDWIDTH Another development currently under way is the intended extension of the chirp bandwidth for X-Band SAR from 600 MHz to 1200 MHz. The pursued extension of the ITU bandwidth allocation to 1,200 MHz bandwidth, necessary to achieve very high resolution, has been adopted as topic for approval on the agenda of the next World Radio Conference in 2015. This will enable the acquisition of X-band SAR imagery with a resolution down to 25 cm—a quantum leap in image quality. The improved resolution facilitates the more intuitive analysis of the imagery as even small scaled objects are recognizable and identifiable easily. NEAR-REAL-TIME SERVICE CAPABILITIES A key requirement for many SAR applications is the timely availability and delivery of data to the end user. Particularly monitoring applications such as Open Ocean Surveillance and disaster management require instant data availability to take full advantage of remote sensing data. The timeliness of the data is influenced by two factors, firstly the rapid access to the target area and secondly the instant download and delivery of the data to the end user. Various strategies are pursued to achieve an increased temporal resolution and an expansion of Near-Real-Time (NRT) service capabilities. A) SATELLITE CONSTELLATIONS Depending on the number of satellites and their orbit positions satellite constellations enable daily and even intra-daily revisit capacities to any point on Earth. The only currently operational commercial SAR constellation is Cosmo-Skymed with four identical satellites in orbit. However, for the next generation of Radarsat and TerraSAR-X constellation approaches are foreseen to provide for reduced revisit times and enhanced acquisition capacities worldwide. An alternative to a full constellation approach is offered by Coordinated Constellation Concepts. Such a concept entails the sharing of risks and benefits of implementing space systems between various partners, each of whom owns and operates a part of the constellation. While the ownership of the space assets remains with the respective companies, the partners have access to the capacities of the entire fleet. Such a Coordinated Constellation Concept is currently implemented for the German satellite formation TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X (commercial data provider: Airbus Defence and Space) together with the Spanish PAZ satellite (owner and operator: Hisdesat). The owner comMARCH 2014 FIGURE 3. Comparison between current imaging capabilities (left) and the future enhanced capabilities of TerraSAR-X Next Generation (center and right). © 2013 Airbus Defence and Space/Infoterra GmbH, DLR. panies of the respective systems retain complete control of their satellites, while they implement a harmonised ground and service segment. This integration includes harmonised acquisition modes as well as coordinated acquisition planning, satellite tasking, ordering and delivery procedures. Operating the virtually identical satellites in a constellation affords Airbus Defence and Space and Hisdesat with a more flexible capacity management of their systems. Data users will benefit from significantly reduced revisit times, enhanced acquisition capacities and easy ordering and delivery processes. The constellation approach also provides for enhanced applications such as improved SAR capabilities for precise monitoring and detection of surface movement phenomena. B) EXPANSION OF GROUND STATION NETWORKS The most commonly pursued approach to improve data delivery times is the expansion of the ground station network. In the vicinity of the ground stations an immediate FIGURE 4. SpaceDataHighway architecture. © ESA. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 45 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® data download and re-tasking of satellites is possible. Satellite operators are thus increasingly leveraging the use of various ground station locations distributed across the globe. Polar stations can offer access to (almost) all orbits of polar orbiting LEO satellites, thus enabling the data download after completion of each orbit and also the timely re-tasking of the space systems. In addition mid-latitude stations offer complementary capacities for operators to improve data latency and coverage. Furthermore, multi-polarization capability will enable new applications and services in a variety of domains. Another trend is the combination of SAR data with AIS data for maritime monitoring applications. AIS receivers as secondary payload on SAR satellites (as foreseen for TerraSAR-X Next Generation) will enable a synchronised acquisition and matching of SAR data and AIS information facilitating a rapid provision of information for Open Ocean Surveillance. C) SPACE-BASED DATA TRANSFER SYSTEMS In the future space-based data transfer systems will complement conventional data transmission functionalities. Such data transmission systems are able to extend the NRT product delivery capabilities from areas of interest with a direct receiving station to a DEMANDS AND truly global scale. REQUIREMENTS FROM The first commercial data NOVEL APPLICATIONS transfer system, the SpaceDaAND INCREASED UPDATE taHighway3, is currently under OF SAR IMAGERY ARE implementation and will comTHE KEY DRIVERS OF mence service provision in TECHNOLOGY AND 2015. A system of geostationSERVICE DEVELOPMENTS. ary satellites will enable satellites to immediately transfer data to the ground instead of waiting until they pass over a ground station. The key technology of the SpaceDataHighway is its novel Laser Communication Terminal (LCT), which facilitates data transmission at up to 1.8 Gigabits per second. Routing data over the SpaceDataHighway will enable unprecedented performance options for satellite payload tasking and data downlinking—bringing a true meaning to the term near-real-time data. Actionable information can be made available within 10–15 minutes on a global scale. Thus applications such as Open Ocean Surveillance and defence missions will be able to benefit from enhanced reactivity and high volume surveillance capabilities outside of ground station vicinity. THE TerraSAR-X NEXT GENERATION PROGRAM A second generation of TerraSAR-X is currently under preparation. The development of the next generation mission is based on the experiences and lessons learned from more than five years of commercial SAR operations with TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X and related user feedback. This TerraSAR-X Next Generation mission will benefit from an advanced SAR sensor technology allowing a spatial resolution of 0.5 m by utilizing the current ITU allowance for 600 MHz chirp bandwidth, and down to 0.25 m with a total sweep (chirp) bandwidth of 1,200 MHz, as will be considered under an agenda item 1.12 at the World Radio Conference in 2015. Services based on TerraSAR-X Next Generation will comprise heritage modes and products from the first generation as well as enhanced products and services, featuring improved signal to noise ratio, larger swaths and submeter resolution, polarimetry, and synchronous AIS data collection. The data dissemination concept of TerraSAR-X Next Generation will continue to support registered TerraSAR-X receiving stations. The TerraSAR-X Next Generation mission is intended to take TerraSAR-X data and service continuity well beyond 2025. The Space Segment, initially a single spacecraft, will be launched into the TerraSAR-X reference orbit while first generation TerraSAR-X systems will still be operational. A constellation concept called WorldSAR is envisaged for TerraSAR-X Next Generation. The objective of WorldSAR is to provide Near-Real-Time (NRT) remote sensing information—at a global scale. This will be achieved through a network of three to five TerraSAR-X Next Generation type satellites operated by entities in regulated partner nations in the frame of a Coordinated Constellation Concept (CCC). This establishes a weather independent high quality SAR satellite constellation with unrivalled NRT data access and high speed workflow/ processing capability for the benefit of the users. The WorldSAR constellation will use a network of main and external ground stations including polar stations to minimise the information latency at the regional levels. Complementing the conventional data transmission functionality with a Laser Communication Terminal (LCT) would enable the bi-directional optical communication via relay satellites (EDRS—SpaceDataHighway with potential extensions) and extend the NRT product delivery capabilities to a global scale. GRS ENHANCEMENT OF APPLICATIONS The technological advancements and enhancement of service capabilities as described in the previous chapters will enable the improvement of various SAR-based applications. Sophisticated future systems will be able to provide a geolocation accuracy of even less than 20 cm. This facilitates enhanced 3D applications in urban areas and surface motion monitoring of small infrastructures. Particularly, very high resolution will increase the number of persistent scatters significantly, which will open the floor for highly precise interferometric and satellite based geodesy applications. 3The SpaceDataHighway Service is based on the European Data Relay System (EDRS) developed and implemented within a Public Private Partnership (PPP) between the European Space Agency (ESA) and Airbus Defence and Space. 46 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® GRSS MEMBER HIGHLIGHTS ROSANN MAROSY Applauding 50 Years of Fellows I n 2014, IEEE will mark its 50th Fellow Class. It represents decades of honoring IEEE Fellows whose extraordinary accomplishments have changed the world. The IEEE grade of Fellow was born in 1964 out of the merge of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) and the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE). The emphasis on the elevation was and still is reserved for select IEEE members who have contributed importantly to the advancement of engineering, science, and technology, bringing the realization of significant value to society. Only one-tenth of one percent of the total voting membership can be elevated in any one year. Over Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2303419 Date of publication: 8 April 2014 the last fifty years, IEEE has elevated roughly 10,000 members to this honor. This is a very small percentage compared to the total membership. Unquestionably, Fellows are the crown jewels of the organization. One can only imagine what the next fifty years will bring, and the new technology that will be developed, discovered, or taught, and what new IEEE Fellows will be recognized for their achievements. Throughout the year, various celebrations will take place to honor those who have achieved this distinction. If you know an IEEE Fellow, congratulate him/ her again for receiving this honor. You can recognize them personally, or you can acknowledge them publicly at region meetings, society meetings, section meetings, and/or conferences. New Fellows Directory N ew to the Fellow Web Site is the redesigned Fellows Directory. It is the most comprehensive online search and networking tool available to members. If you need to complete an IEEE Fellow Nomination, gather information for a region, section, or society, it’s now easy to accomplish. The information in the directory can be accessed by six categories: alphabetical by last name, year elevated, gender, IEEE region, IEEE society, and Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2306135 Date of publication: 8 April 2014 MARCH 2014 deceased. Within these categories, members can search, sort, or run a filter. For example, a report can be compiled on all Fellows within a specific region elevated in a particular year. The directory allows members to view the profiles of Fellows plus the ability to network with the Fellows. If you are not an IEEE member, you will have limited access to certain information. Check it out today. The directory works on handheld devices and computers. To access the directory, go to, then click the Fellow Directory icon. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 47 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® GRSS Members Elevated to the Grade of IEEE Fellow for 2014 Joachim Ender “for contributions to multi-channel synthetic aperture radar and radar array signal processing” Bertram Arbesser-Rastburg “for leadership in satellite communications, navigation, and remote sensing” Thomas Ainsworth “for contributions to the interpretation and analysis of polarimetric SAR imagery” HeanTeik Chuah “for leadership in engineering education” Irena Hajnsek “for contributions to synthetic aperture radar imaging using airborne sensors and satellite missions” Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2306136 Date of publication: 8 April 2014 Scott Hensley “for contributions to radar remote sensing of the Earth and planetary bodies and advancement of interferometric synthetic aperture radar” Toshio Iguchi “for contributions to spaceborne meteorological instruments and radar” Michael King “for fundamental research in remote sensing of clouds and aerosols” Konstantinos Papathanassiou “for contributions to polarimetric interferometry for synthetic aperture radar” Daniele Riccio “for contributions to satellite-based synthetic aperture radar imaging” Jiancheng Shi “for contributions to active and passive microwave remote sensing” GRSS Members Elevated to the Grade of Senior Member in the Period October–November 2013 ◗ An attractive fine wood and bronze engraved Senior Member OCTOBER: NOVEMBER: Mark Drinkwater Benelux Section Vincent Kirk Coastal Los Angeles Section Alejandro Monsivais Huertero Mexico Section Upendra Singh Hampton Roads Section Gloria Faus Guadalajara Section Lorenzo Lo Monte Dayton Section Ferdinando Nunziata Italy Section Martin Suess Benelux Section Chao Wang Beijing Section Senior membership has the following distinct benefits: ◗ The professional recognition of your peers for technical and professional excellence. plaque to proudly display. ◗ Up to $25.00 gift certificate toward one new Society membership. ◗ A letter of commendation to your employer on the achievement of Senior Member grade (upon the request of the newly elected Senior Member). ◗ Announcement of elevation in Section/Society and/or local newsletters, newspapers and notices. ◗ Eligibility to hold executive IEEE volunteer positions. ◗ Can serve as Reference for Senior Member applicants. ◗ Invited to be on the panel to review Senior Member applications. ◗ Eligible for election to be an IEEE Fellow. Applications for senior membership can be obtained from IEEE website: ____________________________ membership/senior/application/index.html. __________________________ You can also visit the GRSS website: Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2306137 Date of publication: 8 April 2014 48 GRS IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR THE GRS-S ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE The Nominations Committee calls upon our membership to nominate members to serve on the GRSS Administrative Committee (AdCom). A nominating petition carrying a minimum of 2% of the names of eligible Society members (~60), excluding students, shall automatically place that nominee on the slate. Such nominations must be made by May 12, 2014. The Nominations Committee may choose to include a name on the slate regardless of the number of names generated by the nominating petition process. Prior to submission of a nomination petition, the petitioner shall have determined that the nominee named in the petition is willing to serve if elected; and evidence of such willingness to serve shall be submitted with the petition. Candidates must be current members of the IEEE and the GRSS. Petition signatures can be submitted electronically through the Society website, or by signing, scanning and electronically mailing the pdf file of the paper petition. The name of each member signing the paper petition shall be clearly printed or typed. For identification purposes of signatures on paper petitions, membership numbers or addresses as listed in the official IEEE membership records shall be included. Only signatures submitted electronically through the Society website or original signatures on paper petitions shall be accepted. A brief biography of the nominee, similar to that used for TGARS authors, but not to exceed one page, will be required and should be submitted with the nominating petition by May 12, 2014 to the GRSS Nominations Committee, c/o Dr. David G. Goodenough, IEEE GRSS Nominations Chair, Computer Science Department, University of Victoria, PO Box 3055, STN CSC, Victoria, BC, V8W 3P6, Canada. E-mail: [email protected]. The slate derived by the Nominations Committee shall be presented to the Society membership at large via electronic ballot, and the three candidates receiving the greatest number of votes shall be elected. The Administrative Committee shall hold an Annual Meeting in November, 2014 after results of this vote are known, at which time elections will be held to fill the remaining three regular vacancies in the Administrative Committee, with all successful candidates to start on January 1, 2015. Our AdCom consists of 18 elected persons, each of whom serves for three years. Their terms are overlapping to ensure continuity. Additional information on the society and the AdCom is available at ____ http:// www. We thank all candidates for their willingness to serve and support the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2309291 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® CALENDAR See also http:// WWW.IEEE.ORG/CONFERENCES_EVENTS/INDEX.HTML or HTTP://WWW.TECHEXPO.COM/EVENTS ___________________________ 2014 MARCH 9TH CONFERENCE ON IMAGE INFORMATION MINING: THE SENTINELS ERA (ESA-EUSC-JRC 2014) March 5–7, 2014 Bucharest, Rumania php?page=ESA-EUSC-JRC-2014 __________________ 3RD GEOSPATIAL CONFERENCE IN TUNIS (GCT): BUILDING GEOSPATIAL BRIDGES FOR THE SUSTAINED DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH AFRICA March 17–21, 2014 Gammarth, Tunis 5TH WORKSHOP OF THE EARSEL SIG ON LU & LC—NASA LCLUC March 18–19, 2014 Berlin, Germany labs/geomatics/events/earsel-en/ ___________________ workshop/ ______ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON REMOTE SENSING (ICRS 2014) March 19–20, 2014 Dubai, UAE conference/2014/03/dubai/ICRS ___________________ 2014 GLOBAL LAND PROJECT OPEN SCIENCE MEETING March 19–21, 2014 Berlin, Germany 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS, APPLICATIONS, AND SERVICES (GEOPROCESSING 2014) March 23–27, 2014 Barcelona, Spain GEOProcessing14.html ______________ Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2303416 Date of publication: 8 April 2014 50 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES FOR DISASTER MANAGEMENT (ICT-DM’2014) March 24–25, 2014 Algiers, Algeria ASPRS 2014 ANNUAL CONFERENCE March 26–28, 2014 Louisville, KY, USA Louisville-2014/blog ____________ 35TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (ICGIS 2014) March 28–29, 2014 Madrid, Spain _______________________ madrid/icgis/index.php _____________ APRIL 3RD INT. CONFERENCE ON THE USE OF SPACE TECHNOLOGY FOR WATER MANAGEMENT April 1–4, 2014 Rabat, Morocco act2014/Morocco/index.html _________________ 5TH CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURAL POLICY IMPLEMENTATION AND GEO-INFORMATION (CAPIGI 2014) April 2–4, 2014 Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2ND INT. CONFERENCE ON REMOTE SENSING AND GEOINFORMATICS April 7–10, 2014 Paphos, Cyprus rscy2014/ ______ WAVELENGTH CONFERENCE 2014 April 14–16, 2014 Worcestershire, UK index.php/wavelength-2014 ________________ 10TH ANNUAL GEOINT SYMPOSIUM: OPERATIONALIZING INTELLIGENCE FOR GLOBAL MISSIONS April 14–17, 2014 Tampa, Florida, USA 10TH INTEREXPO GEO-SIBERIA April 16–18, 2014 Novosibirsk, Russia interexpo-geo-siberia-2014/ ________________ Contacts: __________ [email protected]; [email protected] __________________ INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR CRISIS RESPONSE AND MANAGEMENT (ISCRAM) April 18–21, 2014 Pennsylvania, USA 7TH IGRSM INTERNATIONAL REMOTE SENSING & GIS CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION April 21–22, 2014 Kuala Lampur, Malaysia 5TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON REMOTE SENSING OF VEGETATION FLUORESCENCE April 22–24, 2014 Paris, France 2014-events/14c04/introduction ___________________ EGU CONFERENCE April 27–May 2, 2014 Vienna, Austria http://meetingorganizer.copernicus. org/EGU2014/session/15716 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® MAY 10TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON GREENHOUSE GAS MEASUREMENTS FROM SPACE May 5–7, 2014 ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands 2014-events/14c02/introduction ___________________ GEOSPATIAL WORLD FORUM May 5–9, 2014 Geneve, Switzerland SPIE DEFENSE SECURITY & REMOTE SENSING May 5–9, 2014 Baltimore, Maryland, USA MundoGEO CONNECT 2014 May 7–9, 2014 Sao Paulo, Brazil 36TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT (ISRSE) May 11–15, 2014 Berlin, Germany 2014 AWRA SPRING SPECIALTY CONFERENCE ON GIS AND WATER RESOURCES VIII: DATA TO DECISIONS May 12–14, 2014 Salt Lake City, Utah, USA SnowBird2014/ _________ ISPRS: GEO-SPATIAL DATABASES AND LOCATION BASED SERVICES May 14–16, USA Suzhou, China 2014tc4symposium/index.html ___________________ ISPRS: DATA, INFORMATION, AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING FOR GEO-EDUCATION May 19–21, 2014 Wuhan, China index.html _______ IEEE RADAR CONFERENCE: FROM SENSING TO INFORMATION May 19–23, 2014 Cincinnati, Ohio, USA MARCH 2014 SENTINEL-2 FOR SCIENCE WS May 20–22, 2014 ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy GEOBIA 2014 May 21–24, 2014 Thessaloniki, Greece SPLIT REMOTE SENSING SUMMER SCHOOL May 22–23, 2014 Split, Croatia SYMPOSIUM: REMOTE SENSING FOR CONSERVATION— ZSL 2014 May 22–24, 2014 London, UK http://www.remote-sensing-biodiversity. org/symposium-2014 ESA-MOST DRAGON-3 May 26–29, 2014 Chengdu, China _________________________ SMALL SATELLITES SYSTEMS & SERVICES SYMPOSIUM May 26–30, 2014 Porto Petro-Mallorca _____________ JUNE GLOBAL SPACE APPLICATIONS CONFERENCE (GLAC) June 2–4, 2014 Paris, France global-series-conferences/glac-2014 _____________________ 10TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR (EUSAR) June 3–5, 2014 Berlin, Germany Pages/default.aspx ___________ 17TH AGILE CONFERENCE ON GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SCIENCE: CONNECTING A DIGITAL EUROPE THROUGH LOCATION AND PLACE June 3–6, 2014 Castellón, Spain 3RD INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON EARTH OBSERVATION AND RS APPLICATIONS (EORSA) June 11–14, 2014 Changsha, China 5TH JUBILEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CARTOGRAPHY & GIS & SEMINAR WITH EU COOPERATION ON EARLY WARNING AND DISASTER/ CRISIS MANAGEMENT June 15–21, 2014 Riviera, Bulgaria Home.html _______ 34 EARSEL SYMPOSIUM & SIG GEOLOG. APP & SIG 3D-URBAN June 16–20, 2014 Warsaw, Poland ____________ 14TH SGEM2014 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC GEOCONFERENCES June 17–26, 2014, Albena, Bulgaria 2ND ASIAN CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR CRISIS RESPONSE AND MANAGEMENT (ISCRAM-ASIA 2014) June 20–21, 2014 Colombo, Sri Lanka ISPRS TECHNICAL COMMISSION V SYMPOSIUM “CLOSE-RANGE IMAGING, RANGING AND APPLICATIONS” June 23–25, 2014 Riva del Garda, Italy IEEE/ISPRS WORKSHOP ON MULTI-SENSOR FUSION FOR OUTDOOR DYNAMIC SCENE UNDERSTANDING June 23–28, 2014 Columbus, OH, USA IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 51 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® 22ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GEOINFORMATICS (GEOINFORMATICS 2014) June 24–27, 2014 Kaohsiung, Taiwan _____________________ ConferenceDefault.aspx?ID=69 __________________ 8TH IAPR WORKSHOP ON PATTERN RECOGNITION IN REMOTE SENSING (PRRS 2014) August 24, 2014 Stockholm, Sweden 22ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PATTERN RECOGNITION August 24–28, 2014 Stockholm, Sweden 6TH WORKSHOP ON HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGE AND SIGNAL PROCESSING: EVOLUTION IN REMOTE SENSING June 25–27, 2014 Lausanne, Switzerland JULY AFRICAGEO 2014 CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION July 1–3, 2014 Cape Town, South Africa GI_FORUM 2014, GEOSPATIAL INNOVATION FOR SOCIETY July 1–4, 2014 Salzburgo 11TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SPATIAL ACCURACY ASSESSMENT IN NATURAL RESOURCES & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES July 8–11, 2014 East Lansing, Michigan, USA INTERNATIONAL GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING SYMPOSIUM (IGARSS 2014) July 13–18, 2014 Quebec, Canada 52 35TH CANADIAN SYMPOSIUM ON REMOTE SENSING (CSRS) July 13–18, 2014 Québec City, Canada 12 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PRECISION AGRICULTURE July 20–23, 2014 Sacramento, California, USA ________________ AUGUST COSPAR SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLY August 2–10, 2014 Moscow, Russia ____________________ 5TH INTERNATIONAL DISASTER AND RISK CONFERENCE (IDRC) August 24–28, 2014 Davos, Switzerland ec5780f57814071d75ec48c7d9b698f6/? _______________________ tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=4&tx_news_ ________________________ pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_ ________________________ pi1%5Baction%5D=detail ________________ ICSU GENERAL ASSEMBLY August 28–3 September Auckland, New Zeland SEPTEMBER 1ST INTERNATIONAL GEOMATICS APPLICATIONS CONFERENCE (GEOMAPPLICA) September 8–11, 2014 Skiathos Island, Greece UN/AUSTRIA SYMPOSIUM ON SPACE SCIENCE September 16–18, 2014 Graz, Austria sched/index.html ___________ SPIE REMOTE SENSING September 22–25, 2014 Amsterdam, The Netherlands EUMESAT METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE CONFERENCE September 22–26, 2014 Geneva, Switzerland home/News/ConferencesandEvents/ _____________________ DAT_2076129.html ____________ 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SCIENCE September 23–26, 2014 Vienna, Austria UNITED NATIONS/INTERNATIONAL ASTRONAUTICAL FEDERATION WORKSHOP ON SPACE TECHNOLOGY FOR SOCIO-ECONOMIC BENEFITS September 26–28, 2014 Toronto, Canada sched/index.html __________ THEMATIC PROCESSING, MODELING AND ANALYSIS OF REMOTELY SENSED DATA September 29–October 2, 2014 Istanbul, Turkey OCTOBER JOINT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GEOSPATIAL THEORY, PROCESSING, MODELLING AND APPLICATIONS October 6–8, 2014 Toronto, Canada home.html _______ 9TH CONF. OF THE ASIAN FEDERATION FOR INFORMATION TECH. IN AGRICULTURE (AFITA2014) October 6–9, 2014 Perth, Australia CONFERENCE AND TRADE FAIR FOR GEODESY, GEOINFORMATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT (INTERGEO) October 7–9, 2014 Berlin, Germany GEOCONGRES 2014 October 7–11, 2014 Quebec, Canada UNITED NATIONS/ECUADOR WORKSHOP ON SPACE TECHNOLOGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN MOUNTAIN REGIONS OF THE ANDEAN COUNTRIES October 13–17, 2014 Quito, Ecuador sched/index.html ___________ IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® CLIMATE RESEARCH AND EARTH OBSERVATIONS FROM SPACE: CLIMATE INFORMATION FOR DECISION MAKING October 13–17, 2014 Darmstadt, Germany http://www.theclimatesymposium2014. com/index_.php/climatesymposium/index 16TH IAMG CONFERENCE— GEOSTATISTICAL AND GEOSPATIAL APPROACHES FOR THE CHARACTERIZATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES IN THE ENVIRONMENT: CHALLENGES, PROCESSES AND STRATEGIES October 17–20, 2014 New Delhi, India IAMG2014/topics.htm _____________ UNITED NATIONS/ MEXICO SYMPOSIUM ON BASIC SPACE TECHNOLOGY October 20–24, 2014 Baja California, Mexico sched/index.html ___________ SPIE ASIA-PACIFIC REMOTE SENSING 2014 October 27–31, 2014 Chaoyang, China AFRICAN ASSOCIATION OF REMOTE SENSING OF THE ENVIRONMENT (AARSE) CONFERENCE 2014 October 27–31, 2014 Cape Town, South Africa NOVEMBER WORKSHOP OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND LASER SCANNING November 3–5, 2014 Prague, Czech Republic http://lfgm.fsv.cvut. cz/?cap=&zal=408&lang=en _________________ PAN OCEAN REMOTE SENSING CONFERENCE (PORSEC) 2014 November 4–7, 2014 Bali, Indonesia FORESTSAT 2014 CONFERENCE: A BRIDGE BETWEEN FOREST SCIENCES, REMOTE SENSING AND GEO-SPATIAL APPLICATIONS November 4–7, 2014 Riva del Garda, Italy PECORA 19 & ISPRS COMMISSION I SYMPOSIUM November 17–20, 2014 Denver, CO, USA ASPRS-Conferences/blog.html __________________ PACIFIC ISLANDS GIS/RS USER CONFERENCE November 25–27, 2014 Suva, Fiji Islands INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON NATURAL DISASTER MITIGATION TO ESTABLISH SOCIETY WITH RESILIENCE (INTERPRAEVENT 2014) November 25–28, 2014 Nara, Japan GRS Proceedings of the IEEE: Pioneering technology from the inside out. At Proceedings of the IEEE, we want you to understand emerging breakthroughs—from beginning to end, from the inside out. With multi-disciplinary technology coverage that explains how key innovations evolve and impact the world, you’ll find the comprehensive research that only IEEE can provide. Understand technology from every angle—subscribe today. MARCH 2014 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 53 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® ERRATA CORRIGE T he “GRSS Publication Awards Presented at IGARSS 2013 Banquet” report, by Martti Hallikainen and Werner Wiesbeck, published in the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, N. 4, Vol. 1, December 2013, page 41, wrongly reported the winner of the Second Student Prize Paper Award. CHANGE: The Second Student Prize Paper Award is presented to Octavio Ponce with the citation: “For the paper Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2306611 Date of publication: 8 April 2014 “Semisupervised Nonlinear Feature Extraction for Image Classification.”” His advisor is Andreas Reigber from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. TO: “The Second Student Prize Paper Award is presented to Octavio Ponce with the citation: For the paper “First Demonstration of 3-D Holographic Tomography with Fully Polarimetric Multi-circular SAR at L-band”. His advisor is Andreas Reigber from German Aerospace Center (DLR).” GRS Photo: NASA Innovation doesn’t just happen. Read first-person accounts of IEEE members who were there. IEEE Global History Network 54 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2014 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® AD INDEX The Advertisers Index contained in this issue is compiled as a service to our readers and advertisers: the publisher is not liable for errors or omissions although every effort is made to ensure its accuracy. Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them through IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine. CVR 4 IEEE Marketing Department James A. Vick Sr. Director, Advertising +1 212 419 7767; Fax: +1 212 419 7589 [email protected] _____________ Marion Delaney Advertising Sales Director +1 415 863 4717 Fax + 1 415 863 4717 [email protected] ______________ Susan E. 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Canada: Ontario West Coast/ Mountain States/ Western Canada Marshall Rubin Phone: +1 818 888 2407 Fax: +1 818 888 4907 [email protected] ______________ AZ, CO, HI, NM, NV, UT, AK, ID, MT, WY, OR, WA, CA Canada: British Columbia Europe/Africa/ Middle East/Asia/Far East/Pacific Rim Heleen Vodegel Phone: +44 1875 825 700 Fax: +44 1875 825 701 [email protected] _____________ Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia, Far East, Pacific Rim, Australia, New Zealand RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING MidAtlantic Lisa Rinaldo Phone: +1 732 772 0160 Fax: +1 732 772 0164 [email protected] _____________ NY, NJ, CT, PA, DE, MD, DC, KY, WV New England/ Eastern Canada Liza Reich Phone: +1 212 419 7578 Fax: +1 212 419 7589 [email protected] __________ ME, VT, NH, MA, RI Canada: Quebec, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick Southeast Cathy Flynn Phone: +1 770 645 2944 Fax: +1 770 993 4423 [email protected] _____________ VA, NC, SC, GA, FL, AL, MS, TN Midwest/South Central/ Central Canada Darcy Giovingo Phone: +1 224 616 3034 Fax: +1 847 729 4269 [email protected] _____________ AR, IL, IN, IA, KS, LA, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, SD, OH, OK, TX, WI Canada: Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta West Coast/Southwest/ Mountain States/Asia Tim Matteson Phone: +1 310 836 4064 Fax: +1 310 836 4067 [email protected] ______________ AZ, CO, HI, NV, NM, UT, CA, AK, ID, MT, WY, OR, WA Canada: British Columbia Europe/Africa/ Middle East Heleen Vodegel Phone: +44 1875 825 700 Fax: +44 1875 825 701 [email protected] _____________ Europe, Africa, Middle East Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2013.2289625 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Instant Access to IEEE Publications Enhance your IEEE print subscription with online access to the IEEE Xplore® digital library. Q Download papers the day they are published Q Discover related content in IEEE Xplore Q “IEEE is the umbrella that allows us all to stay current with technology trends.” Dr. Mathukumalli Vidyasagar Head, Bioengineering Dept. University of Texas, Dallas Significant savings over print with an online institutional subscription Start today to maximize your research potential. Contact: [email protected] ________________ Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND®