VRF Multi-Zone Commercial Catalog
VRF Multi-Zone Commercial Catalog
Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Multi-Zone Systems Commercial Catalog 2016 Ý One System - Up to 36 Zones Ý Easy Installation Ý Quiet Operation Ý Energy Efficient Ý Compact Modular Design Smart technology for efficient comfort. Why choose Mammoth? For over 80 years, the Mammoth brand has been creating a comfortable indoor climate for both industrial and commercial customers around the world. Mammoth manufactures custom commercial products that include factory-packaged rooftop systems, pre-fabricated mechanical equipment rooms and direct replacement rooftop units. All of these different products strive to improve air quality and reduce operating costs. Contents Page Product Offering 4 Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) 6 - V5 Outdoor Unit Nomenclature 29 Modular Design Flexibility 7 - V5 Mini Heat Pumps 30 - V5 Heat Pump Outdoor Units 36 Page V5 Outdoor Units 29-39 Page VRF Accessories - Selection Software - Fresh Air Processing VRF Controls 65-76 66 75 77-92 Simple Installation 10 Superior Comfort 13 V5 Heat Recovery System 39 - Debugging Software 83 High-Efficiency Energy Savings 17 V5 Branching Units 45 86 Proven Reliability 23 V5 Indoor Units - Wired Controllers and Remote Controllers - BACnet Gateway 90 Easy Maintenance & Service 28 46-64 - Modbus Gateway 91 - Control System Lineup 92 Product Offering Mammoth VRF condensers are available in 6, 8 and 10 Tons. These base model condensers can also be combined to make systems with capacities ranging from 6 Tons all the way up to 20 Tons. Indoor unit combinations range from 13 indoor units all the way up to 36 indoor units. The minimum and maximum number of indoor units is determined by the system’s connectable capacity. The connectable capacity range for heat pump systems is 50% to 135% of the capacity rating of the outdoor unit. The connectable capacity range for heat recovery is 50% to 150%. The collective capacity rating of indoor units must fall within the connectable capacity range for the system to function correctly. Heating Cooling Capacity Capacity Need MBH Tons MBH Combine Unit Sizes Maximum Indoor Unit Connections V5BV-224(72) V5BV-280(96) V5BV-335(120) Single Outdoor Unit 72 6 81 96 8 108 120 10 135 Multiple Linked, Outdoor Units (Tons) 1 13 1 16 1 6 144 12 162 2 168 14 189 1 192 16 216 240 8 10 23 1 26 216 2 29 18 243 1 20 270 1 33 2 36 Note: Some combinations pending approvals. Please check AHRI directory for approved combinations. VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 4 20 VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 5 Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Technology What is VRF? Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) systems move refrigerant to multiple indoor fan coil units, each with its own control. This allows building occupants to meet their individual comfort needs without the energy loss associated with moving air through ductwork. Mammoth VRF systems are inverter-driven, allowing the system to soft start and consume less energy. Mammoth VRF systems also modulate capacity according to demand, using the least amount of energy possible to meet the heating and cooling needs in specific areas. VRF systems provide the ultimate in comfort, design flexibility, simple installation and energy savings: s %XCELLENTPAYBACKPOTENTIAL s 4RUEZONECONTROL s -INIMIZEDINSTALLATIONCOSTSNOLARGEDUCTWORKNOCRANESNOLARGEBUNDLESOFPIPINGANDWIRE s 6ERYQUIETOPERATION Where can VRF be used? 62&SYSTEMSCANBEUSEDANYWHERESEPARATEZONINGANDENERGYSAVINGSAREPRIORITIES s 3CHOOLSAND5NIVERSITIES s (EALTHCARE&ACILITIES s $AY#ARE#ENTERS s (OTELS s 2ETAIL3TRIP#ENTERS s 2ENOVATIONAND!DDITIONS s /FFICE"UILDINGS s -USEUMS s !PARTMENTS s !IRPORTS VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 6 Modular Design Flexibility /UTDOORCONDENSERSCANBE used individually or easily linked in a wide variety of combinations from 6 to 20 tons. Seven different indoor unit styles in capacities RANGINGFROM+"45TO+ "45ALLOWFORTHOUSANDSOF combinations to suit any décor and accommodate almost any commercial application. Combine units for a maximum of 20 Tons Wide Operating Temperature Range Cooling Mammoth VRF systems have one of the widest temperature operating ranges in the industry, allowing FORLOWAMBIENTCOOLINGDOWNTOª&ª#ANDLOW AMBIENTHEATINGALLTHEWAYDOWNTOª&ª# 23°F (-5°C) 125°F (52°C) Heating -4°F (-20°C) 75°F (24°C) VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 7 Modular Design Flexibility 3300ft (1000m) Pipe Design 290ft The simple piping design means Mammoth VRF systems can be installed in a variety of building types. It also makes installation easy which reduces installation costs. - Maximum 3300ft (1000m) of piping [see note] - Maximum 540ft (165m) pipe length from the outdoor unit and the furthest indoor unit - Maximum height from indoor unit and outdoor unit is 290ft (90m) 540ft b 130ft a Note: 3300ft (1000m) is the distance between the first branch and the furthest indoor unit. The pipe length from the first branch and nearest indoor unit must be less than 130ft (40m). Ultra Long Connection Pipe for More Convenient Installation "YADDINGASUBCOOLERTHEINDOORANDOUTDOOR unit(s) can operate reliably with longer connection pipe. Competitive Models Mammoth Mini Total Piping Length 500ft 150m 1000ft 300m Equivalent Piping Length 225ft 70m 500ft 150m Wide Range of Zone Applications 4HREEOUTDOORUNITSCANBECOMBINEDWITHUPINDOORUNITSFORAGREATERNUMBEROFINDIVIDUALZONECOMFORTLEVELS Indoor Evaporator 70°F (21°C) 27°C (81°F) 24°C (75°F) Outdoor Unit VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 8 Modular Design Flexibility High Static Pressure The system has four settings of static pressure that can be set up to .33” wc (82Pa). This design is especially useful when an outdoor unit needs to be placed indoors. Seasonal Settings The system can be set to cooling only or heating only mode if desired. This option can provide safety and increased energy savings. Heating mode can be deactivated in summer Cooling mode can be deactivated in winter Key-Card Control &ORHOTELAPPLICATIONS-AMMOTHOFFERSAKEYCARDCONTROLLER7HENTHEKEYCARDISINSERTEDTHEUNITIS/.7HEN KEYCARDISREMOVEDTHEUNITIS/&&)FTHEKEYCARDISREMOVEDTHESETTINGSARESTOREDINMEMORY Key-Card Controlling System VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 9 Simple Installation When compared with conventional systems of the same capacity, Mammoth VRF units are smaller and lighter FOREASIERINSTALLATION4HESMALLERSIZEALSOALLOWSFOREASIERMOVEMENTAROUNDJOBSITE4HERESNONEEDTOHIRE EXPENSIVECRANESORFORKLIFTS5NITSCANBETRANSPORTEDTOTHEROOFVIAELEVATOROREVENSTAIRS Lighter Weight and Compact Design Smaller, modular design of the outdoor unit allows for units to be carried to the roof via elevator. A conventional OUTDOORSYSTEMWOULDREQUIREACRANE MINI Competitive Company 68” 1430mm 37” 940mm 12-1/2” 320mm Easy Transportation Base Frame Rails "UILTINBASERAIL frame makes for easy lifting and installation with a hoist, and easy transportation with a forklift. VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 10 s Mini VRF series are even more compact than 293 lb FULLSIZE62& 133kg condenser. 474 lb 215kg Simple Installation Flexible Wiring 4HEREISNOPOLARITYREQUIREMENTSOCOMMONSHEATHTWISTEDPAIRCABLECANBEUSEDSAVINGTIMEANDMONEYAND simplifying installation. Screw terminal Specialized Terminal With Mammoth, common Plastic Electrical Wire is acceptable Competitive Models Mammoth Non-Polar CAN Technology to Improve Communications !NINDUSTRYFIRST.ONPOLAR#!.COMMUNICATIONPROVIDESQUICKERSYSTEMRESPONSETIMEREDUCINGSERVICETIME and providing more reliable data. Performance Index Reliability Competitive Models Multi-VRF Network Mammoth DC Inverter CAN Network Software check Hardware check, more reliable One unit’s communication error may lead to breakdown of the whole network If one unit has error, it will exit from the network without affecting other units Low performance High performance Communication speed is about 10Kbps Communication speed is about 20Kbps One main network, difficult to add new equipment Multiple networks, easy to add new equipment Communication Efficiency Compatibility Communication Distance Wiring configuration not allowed with Competitive systems 3280ft (1000m) Not Allowed! 4921ft (1500m) Mammoth easier installation Allowed VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 11 Simple Installation Auto Addressing of Outdoor Unit and Indoor Unit $EBUGGINGSOFTWAREISUSEDFORAUTOADDRESSINGOFOUTDOORANDINDOORUNITS)TCANDETECTINDOORUNITAND OUTDOORUNITQUANTITYANDAUTOMATICALLYALLOCATEADDRESSES3YSTEMCANEMITANAUDIBLETONEINASPECIFICINDOOR unit for easy identification by a technician. Manual Addressing Competitive Models Mammoth Auto Addressing System Intelligent Debugging for Convenient Installation s Automatic recognition of indoor unit and outdoor unit locations s !UTOMATICDETECTIONOFTHENUMBEROFINDOORUNITANDOUTDOORUNITQUANTITY s Automatic detection of error signal s Automatic troubleshooting startup s Real-time analysis of pipe error signal s Audible tone sounds on indoor unit for troubleshooting Automatically allocates outdoor unit and indoor unit locations Automatically calculates numbers of outdoor unit and indoor unit Automatically detects errors Automatically starts debugging VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 12 Real-time check of pipe errors Superior Comfort Intelligent Defrosting Design 4HE-AMMOTHSYSTEMUSESANINTELLIGENTLEARNINGMODETOSENSEWHENDEFROSTINGISREQUIRED4HISIMPROVES performance and increases energy efficiency. #ONVENTIONALSYSTEMWILLENGAGEDEFROSTMODEATSETINTERVALS4HISAFFECTSTHEEFlCIENCYANDPERFORMANCEOFTHE system and reduces the comfort level of the occupants. Conventional Defrosting Mode Defrosting Heating capacity Heating capacity Defrosting Mammoth Intelligent Defrosting Mode Defrosting Defrosting Heating Operation 10min 50min Heating Operation 10min 50min 10min Time When system frosting is detected, intelligent defrosting will be started automatically When defrosting is complete, the system will stop defrost cycle Refrigerant Storage and Distribution 4HESEUNITSAREDESIGNEDWITHOUTALIQUIDRECEIVERINSTEADTHESYSTEMUSESTHEPIPINGFORREFRIGERANTSTORAGEWHICH in turn provides better refrigerant control, and lowers the amount of refrigerant necessary to run the system. Outdoor heat exchanger Competitive Models Outdoor heat exchanger Mammoth VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 13 Superior Comfort Sub-Cooling Control Technology 4HECONTROLSYSTEMENSURESAFULLCOLUMNOFLIQUIDTOALLINDOORUNITEXPANSIONVALVES4HEPRIMARYMETHODSHOWN BELOWTOPENSURESª&ª#LIQUIDSUBCOOLINGTOTHEINDOORUNITS4HECONDENSERALSOHASASECONDARY SUBCOOLINGTECHNOLOGYTHATASSURESAª&ª#LIQUIDSUBCOOLINGINANYWEATHERCONDITIONBELOWBOTTOM )NALLWEATHERCONDITIONSTHEINDOORUNITSWILLHAVEPROPERLIQUIDREFRIGERANTAVAILABLEFORHEATINGORCOOLING 169°F 169°F High Temperature above 169°F (76°C) Medium Temperature 149°F (65°C) Low Temperature 122°F (50°C) 102°F After 111°F Conventional subcooling 111°F (44°C) Before V5 subcooling 102°F (39°C) Subcooling circuit Check valve Outdoor heat exchanger Filter EXV Fan EXV 4-way valve Compressor VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 14 Superior Comfort Quiet by Design -AMMOTH62&OUTDOORUNITSHAVETWOMODESFORQUIETOPERATION Quiet Night 4HE1UIET.IGHTMODECANSENSETHEAMBIENTTEMPERATURESETTINGANDAUTOMATICALLYADJUSTTOQUIETMODEDURING the cooler night time temperatures. There are nine different settings under Quiet Night mode. Night mode operating Maximum temperature outside 100 Capacity 50 8hrs Load 9hrs 0 58 Minimum 45dB(A) 50 Operating sound dB(A) 45 Forced Quiet In Forced Quiet mode the system can be set at constant quiet operation. The sound level can be set as low as 45dB(A). 58 Operating sound dB(A) 50 45 08:00 12:00 16:00 20:00 00:00 04:00 08:00 Quiet Control 4HENEWFANBOSSINGSTRUCTUREISDESIGNEDTOREDUCEVIBRATION4HESOUNDLEVELCANBEREDUCEDBYD"! Aerodynamic 3D Axial Fan The aerodynamic axial fan was designed to increase airflow volume by 12%. More air is moved at lower power, increasing efficiency and reducing sound level. 12% Airflow VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 15 Superior Comfort Quiet Indoor Operation 100dB 40dB 30dB 4HEINDOORUNITSYSTEMALSOUSES$# INVERTERMOTORSTOREALIZESTEPLESS regulation. The sound level can be as low ASD"! 20dB Breeze rustles leaves 22dB Mammoth air conditioner Library Average office Lawn mower Fast Start-Up Heating 4HE$#INVERTERCOMPRESSORCANBEPOWEREDONANDOPERATEDATAHIGHFREQUENCYTOPRODUCEMOREHEATMORE QUICKLY Tc (°F) 122 113 104 95 86 77 68 59 50 41 32 (°C) 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 Capacity reaches 100% in 210s (data of 10 Ton system) 10 5 0 0:00 0:05 0:10 0:15 0:20 0:25 0:30 0:35 0:40 0:45 0:50 Time Seven Indoor Unit Fan Speeds The optional wired controller has settings for seven fan speeds from low to turbo. Simply press the “FAN” button to select the desired fan speed. Auto Low speed VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 16 Medium-low speed Medium speed Medium-high speed High speed Turbo High-Efficiency Energy Savings High-Efficiency Energy Saving and More 7ITHTHEADVANCEALL$#INVERTEROPTIMIZEDSYSTEMDESIGNANDACCURATEINTELLIGENTCONTROLTHE)%%2OFTHETHIS system is up to 28. IEER 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0 Mammoth Competition Energy Saving Operation Control Options Though Mammoth VRF systems offer tremendous energy savings in standard operation mode, the system is equipped with two additional selectable energy saving modes. In auto energy-saving mode, the system will adjust itself based on operation status to lower electricity usage up to 15%. In compulsory energy-saving mode, the system will automatically restrict power consumption by up to 20%. This means you spend less and keep more in your pocket. Operating cost Save up to 15% Save up to Ordinary mode 20% Energy-saving mode 1 Energy-saving mode 2 Operating mode VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 17 High-Efficiency Energy Savings What is a Compressor High-Side Pressure Chamber? High-Side Shell Scroll Compressor The low-temperature and low-pressure refrigerant gas from the suction inlet of the compressor will change to high-temperature and high-pressure vapor after compression. Then the vapor will exit at the center of fixed scroll to the lower chamber of compressor, so that the compressor chamber is in high temperature and high pressure. What are the benefits of a High-Side Shell? #OMPRESSORDISCHARGESDIRECTLYINTOTHESHELLOFTHECOMPRESSORCREATINGIMPROVEDCOMPRESSIONEFlCIENCY Suction Discharge High Pressure Intermediate Pressure Fixed Scroll Low Pressure Orbiting Scroll Intermediate Pressure Chamber Motor in High Pressure VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 18 High-Efficiency Energy Savings All DC Inverter Technology to Improve Compression Efficiency !LL$#INVERTERCOMPRESSORANDHIGHPERFORMANCEHIGHSIDESHELLCOMPRESSORAREADOPTEDTOREDUCEOVERHEAT SUCTIONLOSSANDIMPROVECOMPRESSIONEFFICIENCYFROMDIRECTINTAKE#OMPAREDWITHLOWPRESSURECHAMBERTHE compression efficiency is improved. High-efficient permasyn motor is adopted to provide better performance THANTRADITIONAL$#INVERTERCOMPRESSOR High-side shell structure can raise the high and middle frequency performance Compressor efficiency The concentrated winding of the High-Efficiency permasyn motor provides better performance than conventional DC inverter compressor. Distributed winding 0 20 40 60 DC motor (concentrated winding) increases the low frequency performance Concentrated winding 80 100 Rotating speed (/rps) Sensorless DC Inverter Fan Motor 3TEPLESSSPEEDREGULATIONRANGESFROM(ZTO(Z Sensorless control produces less vibration, lower sound levels, and is more energy efficient than conventional motors. Output of Inverter Compressor 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Step Regulation Reznor Stepless Regulation Frequency of Inverter Fan Motor Non-Sensorless Stepless Sensorless Stepless VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 19 High-Efficiency Energy Savings Accurate Intelligent Allocation of Capacity 7HENTOTALLOADDEMANDISMORETHANOFANENERGIZEDMODULECAPACITYTHENEXTMODULEWILLAUTOMATICALLYSTART 7HENTOTALLOADDEMANDDROPSBELOWOFENERGIZEDMODULESCAPACITYONEMODULEWILLAUTOMATICALLYSHUTOFF %ACHUNITSHARESOFTHETOTALLOAD Testing shows that this is the most efficient operational range. Intelligent Fan Cycling Ensures Highest Efficiency 4HE$#INVERTERCOMPRESSORAND$#INVERTERFANALSOSHARETHELOADFORMOREENERGYSAVINGS Competitive Models Mammoth Allocation Method 10 Ton (full load) + 6 Ton (low load) 8 Ton (partial load) + 8 Ton (partial load) Performance Compared System uses more energy and may wear out quicker. System uses less energy longer life. VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 20 High-Efficiency Energy Savings Advanced DC inverter motor Reliable operation airflow in different compressor loads Sine wave control technology Smoother fan operation Competitive Models Unbalanced operating decreases fan’s effectiveness and causes poor cooling performance. Mammoth Fan distribution is more balanced to increase efficiency. VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 21 High-Efficiency Energy Savings Temperature Controlled by Wired Controller with Higher Efficiency and More Energy Saving Through setting temperature lower limit in cooling or dry mode, and setting temperature upper limit in heating, $HEATINGORHEATSUPPLYMODETHESYSTEMISABLETOOPERATEINASMALLERTEMPERATURERANGESOASTOACHIEVE energy saving. Soft Start Means Smaller Impact to Power Grid 4HESTARTUPFREQUENCYOFTHEINVERTER compressor is gradually increased from (ZTOTHEREQUIREDOPERATIONLEVEL ,OWERLOADTORQUEMEANSLOWERAMP draw. Inverter compressors use less energy during start up than traditional compressors. The electromagnetic impact is also reduced. voltage voltage current current Fixed-Speed Compressor Inverter Compressor Internal Components Top-Discharge VRF Dual Compressor Motors VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 22 Top-Discharge VRF Single Compressor Motor Proven Reliability Rotation Operation Maximizes Life Span When multiple units are combined, one unit will be the primary operating unit. As increased heating/cooling is REQUIREDADDITIONALUNITSWILLBEENERGIZED!FTERHOURSOFOPERATIONTHESYSTEMWILLAUTOMATICALLYCHANGETHE PRIMARYUNITTOANOTHERMODULE"YSPREADINGOPERATINGTIMEOVERTHEDIFFERENTMODULESTHELIFESPANOFTHEENTIRE system is increased. 8 Hour Rotation 8 Hour Rotation 8 Hour Rotation Through 10 years of research and development every component has been improved including electrical components, mechanical parts, controls and communications technology. Two-Stage Oil Separation Control Technology The first stage will separate 98% of the oil from the refrigerant. The second stage will remove 95% of the remaining oil. This results in an overall 99.9% removal rate. 98% 95% First-stage oil separator Second-stage oil separator 99.9% VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 23 Proven Reliability Oil Return Control Specialized Compressor Oil Storage Control 3PECIALIZEDCOMPRESSOR storage control maintains a minimum amount of oil for compressor operation. High-pressure sensor Compressor New Oil Return Control The system effectively controls system oil return and oil storage of each compressor greatly improving the life of the compressors. Outdoor heat exchanger Electronic expansion valve Indoor heat exchanger Low-pressure sensor Oil storage status before oil return Outdoor heat exchanger Compressor Pressure control Electronic expansion valve Indoor heat exchanger Pressure control Oil return operation Outdoor heat exchanger In oil storage operation Electronic expansion valve Indoor heat exchanger Oil storage operation VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 24 Module off Proven Reliability Module On Oil separator Oil separator Compressor Compressor Oil Balance Control Technology Oil Balance Between Each Module "ASEDONTHEACTUALSTATUSOFEACHMODULEANDCOMPRESSOR the system can regulate compressor operation and maintain oil balance of each module. Oil Balance Between Each Compressor Refrigerant is taken into the compressor by the suction pipe and then runs through the cooling system. It can control the oil LEVELANDMINIMUMOILVOLUMEREQUIREDBYEACHCOMPRESSORSO as to maintain oil balance between each compressor. Suction pipe Discharge pipe Oil balance pipe Intelligent Detection Control Low-pressure sensor Pressure Sensor Detection Control The pressure sensor can precisely detect system high and low pressure. It will ADJUSTFANANDCOMPRESSOROPERATIONTO make sure the system operates at the most energy efficient pressure condition. Temperature Sensor Detection Control Several temperature sensors detect the ambient temperature, indoor temperature and refrigerant evaporating temperature. &ROMTHISINFORMATIONTHEUNITWILLADJUSTTO operate at optimum efficiency. System control System identification High-pressure sensor Pressure detection Multi Electronic Expansion Valve Control EXV1 /UTDOORELECTRONICEXPANSION VALVES%86NOTONLYHAVETHROTTLING effect, but also control refrigerant flow. The system adopts multielectronic expansion valves control with a total of 960 grades regulated BYTWO%86S4HISREGULATESTHE refrigerant flow precisely and ensures reliable operation. EXV2 VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 25 Proven Reliability Anticorrosive Golden Fins The aluminum-manganese, anti-rust alloy fins are coated with an epoxy resin. This increases the anticorrosive performance in salt spray testing by 200%-300%. Hydrophilic Layer Golden Protection Layer (Epoxy Resin & Modified Acrylic) Aluminum-Manganese Anti-Corrosive Alloy Emergency Shut Off Mammoth VRF outdoor units can be wired to the building fire alarm system. When the fire alarm sounds, the units can be automatically shut off to avoid further risk or loss. VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 26 Proven Reliability Prioritization of Emergency Operation Mammoth outdoor units can sense when electrical power supply is interrupted and a backup generator is engaged. The system can be set to provide room conditioning to ALLINDOORZONESORONLYCERTAIN critical areas. Electricity Shortage Normal Operation Critical Area ERROR Emergency Operation When a single unit of a multi-module system is damaged, the other units will perform at emergency operating levels as needed to sustain the building load. Likewise, when a single compressor in a single unit fails, the others will perform at increased levels. In dual fan units, a single fan can continue to operate if the other fails. ERROR ERROR VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 27 Easy Maintenance and Service Auto Refrigerant Recovery $URINGMAINTENANCEAUTOREFRIGERANTRECOVERYFUNCTIONISSETANDSHUTOFFVALVEISCLOSED4HECOMPRESSOR%86 solenoid valve and fan, etc. will automatically operate. To be environmentally friendly, the refrigerant is captured at the condensing side of the outdoor unit. The system low pressure signal will be displayed. Outdoor heat exchanger Inspection Window &ORQUICKINSPECTIONOFSYSTEMOPERATIONANINSPECTIONWINDOWISAVAILABLESAVINGTIMEANDTHEEFFORTREQUIREDTO remove the front panel. Inspection window Competitive Models VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 28 V5 Outdoor Units V5 Outdoor Unit Nomenclature V 5 B V - R 224(72) W M B G Equipment Type Voltage V = VRF System C = 208/230V-3Ph-60Hz K = 208/230V-1Ph-60Hz Version Version 5 = Fifth Generation A = Design Series B = Design Series Fittings B = Braze Fittings Design Efficiency Rating Application V = Various EER W = Outdoor Unit (ODU) M = Modular S = Single Capacity Style 120 = 12.0 kW; (36) = 36 MBTUH R = Heat Recovery Blank = Heat Pump 140 = 14.0 kW; (48) = 48 MBTUH 160 = 16.0 kW; (60) = 60 MBTUH 224 = 22.4 kW; (72) = 72 MBTUH 280 = 28.0 kW; (96) = 96 MBTUH 335 = 33.5 kW; (120) = 120 MBTUH V5 Mini Heat Pump 3, 4 & 5 Ton V5 Heat Pump 6, 8 & 10 Ton VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 29 V5 Mini Heat Pumps Residential/Light Commercial Multi-Zone Systems -AMMOTH62&-INIMULTIZONE systems offer condensers in 3, 4 and 5 tons. These are standalone condensers that can be combined with a minimum of 2 and up to 9 indoor units. The minimum and maximum number of indoor units is determined by the system’s connectable capacity. The connectable capacity range for heat pump systems is 50% to 135% of the capacity rating of the outdoor unit. The collective capacity rating of indoor units must fall within the connectable capacity range for the system to function correctly. V5 Mini Internal Components Efficiency - Reduced Energy Usage Saves Money All DC Inverter Compressor 4HIS-INI62&3YSTEMUSESINVERTERCOMPRESSORTECHNOLOGY"YCHANGINGTHE displacement of compressor, stepless capacity regulation within range of 10%~100% CANBEREALIZED6ARIOUSMODELSAREPROVIDEDWITHCAPACITYRANGEFROMTOTONS which can be widely used in residential, commercial and working area and especially applicable to places with big load change. VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 30 V5 Mini Heat Pumps Wired Controller Allows for Higher Efficiency and Energy Savings "YSETTINGTEMPERATURELOWERLIMITINCOOLINGORDRYMODEAND setting temperature upper limit in one of three available heat modes, the system is able to operate in a narrower temperature range to achieve greater energy savings. Sensorless DC Inverter Fan Motor 4HEINDOORUNITHASAHIGHEFlCIENCYBRUSHLESS$#MOTORWHICHISMOREEFlCIENTCOMPAREDTOCONVENTIONAL motors. %MULATIONSOFTWAREINTHELOGICOFTHEINDOORUNITMAXIMIZESTHEEFlCIENCYOFTHEEVAPORATOR Brushless DC motor Asynchronous motor 0.9 Load Curve 0.8 0.7 T(N.m) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 150 300 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 1350 1500 n(r/min) High-efficiency Digital PFC Control* (IGHEFlCIENCY0OWER&ACTOR#ORRECTION0&#CONTROLTECHNOLOGYIMPROVESEFlCIENCYBYABOUTCOMPAREDWITH CONVENTIONAL0&#&ORTHEAIRCONDITIONERWITHRATEDPOWEROF"457OFELECTRICITYCANBESAVEDEVERY hour and 1,200W of electricity can be saved every day. fficency * This feature is applicable for V5 Mini outdoor units only. Efficiency comparison between high-efficiency PFC and conventional PFC 99.00% 98.00% 97.00% 96.00% 95.00% Conventional PFC 94.00% High-efficiency PFC 93.00% 1000 2000 3000 4000 Power output(W) 5000 6000 VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 31 V5 Mini Heat Pumps Wider Operation Range in Cooling Mode 4HE$#MOTORHASMOREACCURATEHIGHPRESSURECONTROLWHICHEFFECTIVELYSOLVESTHEHIGHPRESSURECONTROLPROBLEM in low ambient temperature cooling. Competitive Models Mammoth Mini Cooling: 50~120°F (10~48°C) Heating:-4~80°F (-20~27°C) Cooling: 23~120°F (-5~48°C) Heating:-4~80°F (-20~27°C) Advanced High Frequency Transformer Provides More Stable Voltage The advanced switching power supply reduces power consumption and improves efficiency. Linear transformer High-frequency transformer Wide voltage regulation range ensures stable power when the electrical supply fluctuates. 4HISADVANCEDHIGHFREQUENCYTRANSFORMERISSMALLERAND lighter in weight than conventional transformers. Linear power supply (Linear inverter + Voltage-regulation chip) Switching power supply (High-frequency inverter + Switching chip) Compressor Closed-loop Startup Technology Provides More Reliable Startup 4HECLOSEDLOOPSTARTUPCONTROLTECHNOLOGYMEANSLESSCURRENTISREQUIREDANDSTARTUPISMORERELIABLE (Applies to V5 Mini and Slim outdoor units only) Conventional Start-Up Mode VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 32 Closed-Loop Start-Up Mode V5 Mini Heat Pumps High Anti-Interference Ability High Anti-interference Ability 4HELATEST#!.BUSTECHNOLOGYUSES non-polar communication with high ANTIINTERFERENCEPREVENTION#OMMON communication wire can meet the communication demand with no need of SPECIALIZEDSHIELDING Intelligent Temperature Control Intelligent temperature control technology is used for super fast heating/cooling. VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 33 V5 Mini Heat Pumps Quiet Outdoor Unit 4HEADVANCEDSUBCOOLINGCONTROLREDUCESTHELIQUIDmOWNOISE of indoor unit in cooling operation. 4HESOUNDOFTHEOUTDOORUNITCANBEASLOWASD"THANKS TOSOUNDOPTIMIZEDDESIGNOFTHEFANANDCOMPRESSORSYSTEM 4HEREARESEVERALQUIETMODESETTINGS dB 45 Quiet Indoor Unit The patented centrifugal fan and fan casing reduce SOUNDLEVELBYASMUCHASD"! The entire fan assembly was designed so that it is placed at the optimum angle. Also the ratio between the internal and external diameters allow for the maximum amount of airflow at minimum sound levels. The advanced supercooling control and oil-return technology (in heating mode) combine to provide a QUIETERmOWOFLIQUIDTOTHEINDOORUNIT dB 22 For comparison purposes, rustling leaves has a decibel level of 20. A whisper in a quiet library from 6 feet away has a decibel level of 30. Non-Commutative Oil Return Technology in Heating 4HEUNITCANACHIEVENONCOMMUTATIVEOILRETURNINHEATINGWHENOUTDOORAMBIENTTEMPERATUREISWITHIN^ª&^ª# Thanks to this technology, indoor ambient temperature is more stable and comfort is improved in heating mode. Temperature Heat Set temperature In conventional oil return course in heating, indoor ambient temperature decreases, which causes fluctuation of indoor ambient temperature Start VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 34 Cooling operation Cool In non-commutative oil return course in heating, the fluctuation of indoor ambient temperature is small with better comfort Operation time V5 Mini Heat Pumps V5 Mini Multi-Zone - 3, 4 and 5 Ton - 208-230V, 1 Phase - 60 Hz V5BV-36WMAK V5BV-48WMAK Tons 3 4 5 Cooling MBtu/h 37.5 48 60 Heating MBtu/h 42 54 66 Model Capacity Range Capacity SEER V5BV-60WMAK 16 HSPF 9 Power Supply 8.2 Ph-V-Hz 1-208-230-60 MCA A 32 37 37.4 MOP A 50 60 70 Unit 7 8 Maximum Drive Indoor Unit Number oz Refrigerant Charge Volume dB(A) Liquid Connecting Pipe Gas Package Dimension WxDxH WxDxH Net Weight/Gross Weight Loading Quantity 9 229.3 kg Sound Pressure Level Outline Dimension 176.4 5.0 55 56 inch 3/8 mm 9.52 58 inch 5/8 3/4 mm 15.87 19.05 inch 35-3/8 x 13-3/8 x 53 mm 900 x 340 x 1345 inch 39-1/4 x 18 x 59-5/8 mm 998 x 458 x 1515 lb 243/265 kg 110/120 274/300 124/136 40’GP Set 60 40’HQ Set 60 .OTE.O"RANCHING"OXESNEEDED VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 35 V5 Heat Pump Outdoor Units Commercial Multi-Zone Systems Mammoth VRF heat pump condensers are available in 6, 8 and 10 tons. These base model condensers can also be combined to make systems with capacities ranging from 12 all the way up to 20 tons. Indoor unit combinations range from 13 indoor units all the way up to 36 indoor units. The minimum and maximum number of indoor units is determined by the system’s connectable capacity. The connectable capacity range for heat pump systems is 50% to 135% of the capacity rating of the outdoor unit. The collective capacity rating of indoor units must fall within the connectable capacity range for the system to function correctly. Single Top-Discharge VRF Condenser Cutaway View VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 36 V5 Heat Pump Outdoor Units V5 Heat Pump - 6, 8 and 10 Ton - 208/230V, 60 Hz, 3 Phase V5 Heat Pump Outdoor Units V5BV-72WMBC V5BV-96WMBC Tons 6 8 10 Cooling MBtu/h 69.0 92.0 114.0 Heating MBtu/h Model Capacity Range Capacity V5BV-120WMBC 77.0 103.0 129.0 EER 13.7 13.2 12.4 IEER* 28.1 26.6 25.2 4.22 4.15 COP Airflow Volume CFM Power Supply Ph-V-Hz 3.95 6080 8230 3-208/230-60 MCA A 30 45 74 MOP A 45 70 100 Maximum Drive IDU Number Refrigerant Charge Volume Sound Pressure Level 13 16 19 kg 6.5 11.2 11.8 oz 229.3 395.1 416.2 dB(A) 60 61 63 Liquid inch Gas inch Oil Balance inch Outline inch 36-3/5 x 30-1/8 x 63-1/5 Package inch 39-3/4 x 33 x 69-7/8 lbs 496/518 40’GP set 24 16 40’HQ set 24 16 Connecting Pipe Dimension (WxDxH) Net Weight/Gross Weight Loading Quantity unit 3/8 3/4 1/2 7/8 1-1/8 3/8 52-3/4 x 30-1/8 x 63-1/5 56 x 33 x 69-7/8 661/694 794/827 * .ON$UCTED)NDOOR5NITS VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 37 V5 Heat Pump Outdoor Units Dimension, Weight, Connection Line and Indoor Unit Matching Matrix Mammoth VRF condensers are available in 6, 8 and 10 Tons. These base model condensers can also be combined TOMAKESYSTEMSWITHCAPACITIESRANGINGFROMALLTHEWAYUPTO"YCOMBININGTHETHREEBASESIZESYOUCAN CREATEASYSTEMTOPROVIDEUPTO+"45OFHEATING Combine Unit Sizes Connecting Pipe Diameter Dimensions Weight W* D 1340 765 1 1340 216 2 18 243 1 20 270 MBTU/H Tons MBTU/H 144 12 162 2 168 14 189 1 192 16 216 240 Inches Liquid Line Vapor Line H W D H Maximum IDUs kg lb mm in mm in mm in 1605 52 3/4 30 1/8 63 1/4 360 794 12.7 1/2 25.4 1 9.52 3/8 23 765 1605 52 3/4 30 1/8 63 1/4 360 794 12.7 1/2 28.5 1 1/8 9.52 3/8 26 2060 765 1605 81 1/8 30 1/8 63 1/4 450 992 15.9 5/8 28.6 1 1/8 9.52 3/8 29 1 2060 765 1605 81 1/8 30 1/8 63 1/4 450 992 15.9 5/8 28.6 1 1/8 9.52 3/8 33 2 2470 765 1605 97 1/4 30 1/8 63 1/4 510 1124 15.9 5/8 28.6 1 1/8 9.52 3/8 36 Note: Some combinations pending approvals. Please check AHRI directory for approved combinations. * Width of multiple units includes clearance of 200mm (7-7/8”) between units. VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 38 Oil Balance Pipe Diameter 120 Millimeters 96 Heating Capacity Need 72 Cooling Capacity Need V5 Heat Pump Outdoor Units V5 Heat Recovery System Commercial Multi-Zone Systems Mammoth VRF heat recovery condensers are available in 6, 8 and 10 Tons. Indoor unit combinations range from 12 indoor units all the way up to 20 indoor units. The minimum and maximum number of indoor units is determined by the system’s connectable capacity. The connectable capacity range for ECOP of heat heat recovery is 50% to 135% of recovery system the capacity rating of the outdoor ξ=(13.0+17.0)/4.5=6.67 unit. The collective capacity rating of indoor units must fall within the connectable capacity range for the system to function correctly. Outdoor heat exchanger Heating Qh Indoor heat exchanger Compressor power P Cooling Qc High-Efficiency EER of common system ξ1=13.0/3.0=4.33 The Heat Recovery System has all the benefits of DC inverter technology, s DC fan linkage control s Precise control of capacity output s Balancing control of refrigerant s Oil balancing technology with high pressure chamber s High-efficiency output control s Low-temperature operation control s Super heating s High adaptability for unique applications s Environmental refrigerant Its energy efficiency is improved by 78% compared with conventional multiple VRF units. Outdoor heat exchanger Stop Indoor Unit Indoor heat exchanger Compressor power P1 Cooling Qc COP of common system ξ2=17.0/5.0=3.4 Outdoor heat exchanger Heating Qh Indoor heat exchanger Compressor power P2 Stop Indoor Unit VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 39 V5 Heat Recovery Outdoor Units Commercial Multi-Zone - 6, 8 and 10 Ton - 208/230V, 60 Hz, 3 Phase V5BV-R72WMBC V5BV-R96WMBC Tons 6 8 10 Cooling MBtu/h 67.0 90.0 111.0 Heating MBtu/h Model Capacity Range Capacity V5BV-R120WMBC 75.0 100.0 126.0 EER 12.0 11.2 11.5 IEER 25.0 23.5 24.0 COP 3.53 3.50 3.50 SCHE 28.0 27.5 27.0 Airflow Volume CFM 8240 Power Supply Ph-V-Hz 3-208/230-60 MCA MOP Maximum Connected IDU Quantity Refrigerant Charge Volume Dimension (WxDxH) VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 40 39 74 A 50 60 100 unit 12 16 20 416.2 oz 338.6 395.1 61 61 63 Liquid inch 3/8 3/8 1/2 7/8 Gas (Low Pressure) inch 3/4 Gas (High Pressure) inch 5/8 Outline inch Package inch Net Weight/Gross Weight Loading Quantity 35 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level Connecting Pipe A lbs 1 1/8 3/4 52-3/4 x 30-1/8 x 63-1/5 56 x 33 x 69-7/8 666/699 683/716 40’GP set 16 40’HQ set 16 794/827 V5 Heat Recovery System 7HENTHECOOLINGCAPACITYANDHEATINGCAPACITYOFCOMMONSYSTEMAREEQUIVALENTTOTHECAPACITYOFHEAT recovery system, its energy efficiency ratio is: 2=(13.0+17.0)/(3.0+5.0) = 30.0/8.0 = 3.75 The energy efficiency ratio of heat recovery system is higher than common system: (6.67-3.75)x100%/3.75 = 78% .OTE7ORKINGCONDITIONSOFABOVEMENTIONEDTESTOUTDOORTEMPERATUREª&ª&ª#ª#INDOORTEMPERATURE INCOOLINGª&ª&ª#ª#INDOORTEMPERATUREINHEATINGª&ª&ª#ª# Fully Heat Recovery Condensing operation Evaporating operation Bypassed Cooling Cooling Heating Heating Fully Cooling Cooling Cooling Cooling Cooling Mainly Cooling Cooling Cooling Cooling Heating High pressure gas flow direction Compressor full loading High pressure gas flow direction Partial loading Low pressure gas flow direction Compressor unloading Fully Heating Heatling Heating Heating Heating Mainly Heating Cooling Heating Heating Heating VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 41 V5 Heat Recovery System 55°F (13°C) 59°F (15°C) Individual Control for More Energy Saving 68°F (20°C) 72°F (22°C) The set temperature of each room may vary by the individual thermostat control of each indoor unit. 79°F (26°C) The cooling and heating operation can be performed simultaneously. OFF OFF 68°F 79°F 59°F 55°F 72°F Intelligent Quiet Function at Night )NTELLIGENTADJUSTMENTOFOUTDOORFANCONTROLCANMINIMIZETHESOUNDDURINGNIGHTTIMEUPTOD"!4HE OPERATIONALSOUNDLEVELCANBEREDUCEDATNIGHTASLOWASD"! 58dB(A) Capacity Operating noise VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 42 58dB(A) Heat load Capacity Operating noise V5 Heat Recovery System Low Noise Design Quiet compressor Average 2dB(A) down High-side shell compressor has lower exhaust pressure fluctuation so sound is significantly reduced. 4HEOPTIMIZEDDESIGNOFTHECONDENSINGFANBLADEREDUCESTHEAIRmOWTURBULENCETHROUGHTHEBLADES,OWER TURBULENCEMEANSQUIETEROPERATION Optimized Original design New design with higher performance & lower noise: 4dB(A) less! -4°F (-20°C) Wide Operating Range 75°F (24°C) Heating 14°F (-10°C) The unit can operate in a wide range of ambient temperatures. Note: If the total capacity of indoor units is 50% lower than outdoor unit, cooling range DROPSTOª&ª#)FTHETOTALCAPACITYOF indoor units is 50% higher than outdoor unit, COOLINGRANGERAISESTOª&ª# Heat recovery mode 68°F (20°C) 23°F (-5°C) 122°F (50°C) Cooling -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 43 V5 Heat Recovery System No External Oil-Balanced Design 4HEUNITDOESNOTREQUIREEXTERNALOILBALANCEDPIPEREDUCINGSYSTEMPIPECONNECTIONSFOREASIERINSTALLATION The system will allocate lubricating oil to each module according to its demand, for a more intelligent, more EFlCIENTANDMOREEQUALDISTRIBUTION Low pressure gas pipe High pressure gas pipe Liquid pipe 5-Way Piping Connection Piping and wiring connections can be made to the front, back, left, or right side of the unit or to the bottom. The 5-way piping connection makes installation easier resulting in lower installation cost. VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 44 V5 Branching Units s VRF Mode Exchange Units V5BV-R1K V5BV-R2K Maximum Indoor Units Unit 1 2 4 Number of Connectable Indoor Unit of each Port Unit 8 8 8 Unit 8 16 32 Model Total Connectable Indoor Unit Maximum Capacity of each Port MBTUH Maximum Capacity of Connectable Indoor Unit MBTUH Power Supply Ph/V/Hz MOP Outdoor Unit Piping Connection 47 47 95 inch 15 3/8 1/2 Gas (Low Pressure) inch Gas (High Pressure) inch Liquid inch 3/8 Gas inch 5/8 Indoor Unit Piping Connection Mode Exchange Unit (MEU) #ONNECTSBEFOREEACHINDOOR unit, performs the function of real-time operation mode exchanging (cooling to heating, heating to cooling). 153 1-208/230-60 A Liquid V5BV-R4K 7/8 5/8 3/4 1-1/8 %86 #APILLARY 4-Way Valve Internal Structure 1 to 4 MEU Internal Structure 1 to 1 MEU VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 45 V5 Indoor Units Ducted Type, Cassettes, Wall Hung, Floor Ceiling and Console nsole Type Units Mammoth indoor units provide high efficiency and tremendous energy savings. These commercial grade inverter fan coils incorporate the most advanced heating and cooling technology available in the industry today. Inverter technology provides soft starting with super quiet operation and superior comfort over traditional air conditioning systems. These indoor units can be mixed and matched in thousands of combination to meet all load, air distribution, comfort, and décor demands. V5 Indoor Units - 7K to 96K BTU Capacity Range (Approximately Btuh) 7,000 9,000 12,000 14,000 BDDL-2.2(07)SAK BDDL-2.8(09)SAK BDDL-3.6(12)SAK _ Wall Mounted B-HW-2.2(07)-A3AK B-HW-2.8(09)-A3AK B-HW-3.6(12)-A3AK BDDL-4.1(14)SAK Floor Ceiling _ BDFC-2.8(09)-AK BDFC-3.6(12)-AK _ BD4W-2.2(07)SAK BD4W-2.8(09)SAK BD4W-3.6(12)SAK _ Compact 4-Way Cassette _ BD4W-2.8(09)SBV BD4W-3.6(12)SBV _ 2-Way Cassette _ BD2W-2.8(09)SAK BD2W-3.6(12)SAK _ BDCO-2.2(07)-AK BDCO-2.8(09)-AK BDCO-3.6(12)-AK _ 15,000 18,000 21,000 24,000 Ducted High ESP _ BDDH-5.6(18)SAK _ BDDH-7.1(24)SAK Ducted Low ESP _ BDDL-5.6(18)SAK BDDL-6.3(22)SAK BDDL-7.1(24)SAK Wall Mounted _ B-HW-5.6(18)-A3AK _ B-HW-7.1(24)-A3AK Floor Ceiling _ BDFC-5.0(18)-AK _ BDFC-7.1(24)-AK 4-Way Cassette BD4W-4.5(15)SAK BD4W-5.6(18)SAK BD4W-6.3(21)SAK BD4W-7.1(24)SAK Compact 4-Way Cassette BD4W-4.5(15)SBV BD4W-5.0(17)SBV _ _ 2-Way Cassette BD2W-4.5(15)SAK BD2W-5.0(18)SAK _ BD2W-7.1(24)SAK _ BDCO-5.0(18)-AK _ _ Ducted Low ESP 4-Way Cassette Console Capacity Range (Approximately Btuh) Console VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 46 V5 Indoor Units V5 Indoor Units - 7K to 96K BTU (continued) Capacity Range (Approximately Btuh) 27,000 _ Ducted High ESP Ducted Low ESP 30,000 34,000 36,000 _ BDDH-9.0(30)SAK BDDH-11.2(36)SAK BDDL-8.0(27)SAK BDDL-9.0(30)SAK BDDL-10.0(34)SAK BDDL-11.2(38)SAK Wall Mounted _ _ _ _ Floor Ceiling _ BDFC-9.0(30)-AK _ BDFC-11.2(36)-AK 4-Way Cassette _ BD4W-9.0(30)SAK _ BD4W-11.2(36)SAK Capacity Range (Approximately Btuh) 42,000 48,000 54,000 72,000 96,000 Ducted High ESP BDDH-12.5(42)SAK BDDH-14.0(48)SAK BDDH-16.0(54)SAK _ _ Ducted Low ESP BDDL-12.5(42)SAK BDDL-14.0(48)SAK _ _ _ Large Ducted _ _ _ BDDH-22.4(72)-AK BDDH-28.0(96)-AK Floor Ceiling BDFC-12.5(42)-AK BDFC-14.0(48)-AK _ _ _ 4-Way Cassette BD4W-12.5(42)SAK BD4W-14.0(48)SAK _ _ _ VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 47 V5 Indoor Units V5 Indoor Unit Nomenclature B - DL 4.5(15) S A K Installation Type Voltage B = Indoor Unit (IDU) A = 1Ph-120V-60Hz K = 1Ph-208/230V-60Hz Power D = DC Inverter - [dash] = PSC Motor Equipment Type Version DL = Ducted Low ESP A = Design Series DH = Ducted High ESP 4W = 4-Way Cassette 2W = 2-Way Cassette CO = Console Condensate Pump HW = High Wall S = Included Condensate Pump FC = Floor or Ceiling - [dash] = No Pump FA = Fresh Air Processor Cooling Capacity 4.5(15) = 4.5 kW; 15 MBTUH Ducted High ESP 4-Way Cassette Ducted Low ESP Console Fresh Air Processor High Wall VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 48 2-Way Cassette Floor Ceiling High Static Pressure Ducted Type Indoor Units High Static Pressure Ducted Type Indoor Unit with Condensate Pump High Static Pressure Design Static pressure can be up to 150Pa, making it ideally suitable for buildings where long distance airflow is REQUIRED Flexible Installation This indoor unit can be installed with circular or RECTANGULARAIRDUCT$IFFERENTSTYLESOFRETURNAIRDUCT CANALSOBESELECTEDBASEDONBUILDINGREQUIREMENTS Ease of Maintenance The system has maintenance port for easy access maintenance, service and repair. Protection Function The system monitors itself for: Intelligent Condensate Drain Intelligent condensate drain pump can effectively drain up to 3 feet (1 meter) in height, saving space. s &REEZEPROTECTION s Fan motor overload s Temperature sensor malfunction VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 49 High Static Pressure Ducted Type Indoor Units 18K to 96K BTU - 60 Hz BDDH-5.6(18)SAK BDDH-7.1(24)SAK MBtu/h 18.0 24.0 kW 5.3 7.0 MBtu/h 20.0 27.0 kW 6.3 Model Cooling Capacity Heating Power Supply Power Consumption Airflow Volume (H/M/L) Cooling Rated Current2 Heating ESP Sound Level* (H/M/L) W 3 M /Hr 120 130 1000/800/600 1100/900/700 CFM 590/471/355 650/530/410 A 0.6 A 0.6 Pa (in. wc) 70/0~100 (0.28/0.40) 44/40/36 45/41/37 in. (mm) 3/8 (9.52) Suction Line in. (mm) 5/8 (15.9) External Diameter in. (mm) 1 (25.4) Thickness inch 3/32 inch 50 x 22 x 10-1/2 Outline Dimension WxDxH Package Dimension WxDxH Net Weight/Gross Weight mm 1271 x 558 x 268 inch 53-1/8 x 23-1/2 x 11-1/8 mm 1348 x 597 x 283 lb 77/88 kg 35/40 BDDH-9.0(30)SAK BDDH-11.2(36)SAK MBtu/h 30.0 36.0 42.0 kW 8.8 10.6 12.5 MBtu/h 34.0 40.0 47.0 kW 10.0 11.7 13.8 Model Cooling Capacity Heating Power Supply Ph-V-Hz Power Consumption Airflow Volume (H/M/L) Cooling Rated Current2 Heating ESP Sound Level* (H/M/L) 1-208~230-60 200 220 1700/1450/1100 2000/1550/1200 CFM 1000/853/650 A 1175/912/706 1.0 A 1.0 Pa (in. wc) 70/0~100 (0.28/0.40) 46/44/42 48/45/42 in. (mm) 3/8 (9.52) Suction Line in. (mm) 5/8 (15.9) External Diameter in. (mm) 1 (25.4) Thickness inch 3/32 inch 48-3/8 x 30-1/2 x 11-3/8 Outline Dimension Package Dimension WxDxH WxDxH Net Weight/Gross Weight BDDH-12.5(42)SAK W 3 M /Hr dB(A) Liquid Line Connecting Pipe Diameter Drain Pipe 1-208~230-60 dB(A) Liquid Line Connecting Pipe Diameter Drain Pipe 8.0 Ph-V-Hz mm 1229 x 775 x 290 inch 52-5/8 x 34-1/2 x 12 mm 1338 x 877 x 305 lb 104/119 kg 47/54 noise level is measured 1/16 inch from the bottom center of the unit, in the semi-anechoic room. It will be slightly higher due to change of the environment during actual operation. The * The noise level is measured under the standard test condition. The noise level is measured under the condition of rear air return. VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 50 High Static Pressure Ducted Type Indoor Units 18K to 96K BTU - 60 Hz (continued) BDDH-14.0(48)SAK BDDH-22.0(72)-AK (1) MBtu/h 48.0 69.0 92.0 kW 14.0 20.0 27.0 MBtu/h 54.0 77.0 103.0 kW 15.8 22.6 30.2 Model Cooling Capacity Heating Power Supply Ph-V-Hz Power Consumption Airflow Volume (H/M/L) Rated Current2 Outline Dimension Package Dimension W 3 M /Hr 220 800 900 2000/1700/1400 4000 4400 CFM 1175/1000/824 2355/2100/1990 2590/2405/2300 Cooling A 1.0 4.1 4.6 A 1.0 4.1 4.6 Pa (in. wc) 70/0~100 (0.28/0.40) dB(A) 48/46/44 Sound Level* (H/M/L) Drain Pipe 1-208~230-60 Heating ESP Connecting Pipe Diameter BDDH-28.0(96)-AK (1) 150/50~200 (0.60/0.20~0.80) 54/51/49 55/52/50 Liquid Line in. (mm) Suction Line in. (mm) 5/8 (15.9) 7/8 (22.2) External Diameter in. (mm) 1 (25.4) 1-3/16 (30) Thickness inch 3/32 1/16 inch 48-3/8 x 30-1/2 x 11-1/2 58-3/8 x 31-1/8 x 15-1/8 mm 1271 x 558 x 268 1483 x 791 x 385 1686 x 870 x 450 inch 52-1/2 x 34-1/2 x 11-1/2 69-1/4 x 34-3/4 x 18-1/2 70-3/8 x 38-7/8 x 22-7/8 mm 1348 x 597 x 283 1758×883×470 1788 x 988 x 580 lb 104/119 181/229 231/309 kg 47/54 82/104 105/140 WxDxH WxDxH Net Weight/Gross Weight 3/8 (9.52) 66-3/8 x 34-1/4 x 17-3/4 The noise level is measured 1/16 inch from the bottom center of the unit, in the semi-anechoic room. It will be slightly higher due to change of the environment during actual operation. The noise level is measured under the standard test condition. The noise level is measured under the condition of rear air return. (1) No condensate pump * VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 51 Low Static Pressure Ducted Type Indoor Units Low Static Pressure Ducted Type Indoor Unit Quiet 0ROVIDESACOMFORTABLEANDQUIETENVIRONMENT It’s especially suitable for smaller rooms or where installation space is limited. Intelligent Condensate Drain Intelligent condensate drain pump can effectively drain up to 3 feet (1 meter) in height, saving space. Easy Installation and Maintenance Several features have been included in this model for easy installation and maintenance including s Tabbed plastic filter s $ETACHABLEFANMOTOR s Independent water pump assembly s %LECTRICALBOXASSEMBLY Protection Function The system monitors itself for: s &REEZEPROTECTION s Fan motor overload s Temperature sensor malfunction VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 52 Low Static Pressure Ducted Type Indoor Units 7K to 22K BTU - 60 Hz BDDL-2.2(07)SAK BDDL-2.8(09)SAK BDDL-3.6(12)SAK MBtu/h 7.5 9.5 12.0 kW 2.2 2.8 3.6 MBtu/h 8.5 10.5 13.5 kW 2.5 3.1 4.0 Model Cooling Capacity Heating Power Supply Ph-V-Hz Power Consumption Airflow Volume (H/M/L) Cooling Rated Current2 Heating ESP Sound Level* (H/M/L) Connecting Pipe Diameter Drain Pipe W M3/Hr 35 43 450/350/250 550/450/350 CFM 265/206/147 A 0.2 Pa (in. wc) 15/0~30 (0.06/0~0.12) dB(A) 32/30/27 in. (mm) External Diameter in. (mm) Thickness inch 3/32 inch 27-1/2 x 24-1/4 x 7-7/8 WxDxH WxDxH Cooling Capacity Heating Power Supply 1/4 (6.35) 1/2 (9.52) 1 (25) mm 700 x 615 x 200 35-1/8 x 29-1/4 x 11.5 mm 893 x 743 x 305 lb 51/64 kg 22/27 BDDL-4.1(14)SAK BDDL-5.6(18)SAK BDDL-6.3(22)SAK 14.0 18.0 22.0 kW 4.0 5.6 6.3 MBtu/h 15.0 20.0 24.0 kW 4.5 5.9 1-208~230-60 7.1 1-208~230-60 W 3 M /Hr 52 99 99 700/600/450 1000/800/600 1000/800/600 CFM 410/355/265 590/471/355 590/471/355 Cooling A 0.3 0.5 0.5 Heating A 0.3 0.5 0.5 Airflow Volume (H/M/L) Rated Current2 22/28 MBtu/h Ph-V-Hz Power Consumption 1/2 (12.7) inch Model ESP Pa (in. wc) Sound Level* (H/M/L) Package Dimension 31/28/25 Suction Line Net Weight/Gross Weight Outline Dimension 0.2 in. (mm) Package Dimension Drain Pipe 325/265/206 A Liquid Line Outline Dimension Connecting Pipe Diameter 1-208~230-60 dB(A) 15/0~30 (0.06/0~0.12) 33/31/28 15/0~30 (0.06/0~0.12) 35/33/30 35/33/30 Liquid Line in. (mm) 1/4 (6.35) 3/8 (9.52) 3/8 (9.52) Suction Line in. (mm) 1/2 (12.7) 5/8 (15.9) 5/8 (15.9) External Diameter in. (mm) 1 (25) Thickness inch 3/32 WxDxH WxDxH Net Weight/Gross Weight inch 35-3/8 x 24-1/4 x 7-7/8 1 (25) 3/32 43-1/4 x 24-1/4 x 7-7/8 43-1/4 x 24-1/4 x 7-7/8 mm 900 x 615 x 200 1100 x 615 x 200 1100 x 615 x 200 inch 44-1/4 x 29-1/4 x 12 52-1/8 x 29-1/4 x 12 52-1/8 x 29-1/4 x 12 mm 1123 x 743 x 305 1323 x 743 x 305 1323 x 743 x 305 lb 60/73 68/84 68/84 kg 27/33 31/38 31/38 noise level is measured 1/16 inch from the bottom center of the unit, in the semi-anechoic room. It will be slightly higher due to change of the environment during actual operation. The * The noise level is measured under the standard test condition. The noise level is measured under the condition of rear air return. VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 53 4-Way Cassette Indoor Units 4-Way Cassette Indoor Unit Strong and Balanced Airflow The 4-way airflow unit features auto operation, seven fan speeds and strong airflow. Ultra Quiet Operation $#INVERTERMOTOROFFERSSTEPLESSSPEEDREGULATIONFOR QUIETEROPERATION4HEWIREDCONTROLLERCANBESETTO NORMALOPERATIONORAUTOQUITEMODE Intelligent Condensate Pump #ONDENSATEWATERCANBEPUMPEDUPTOFTM vertically from indoor unit. VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 54 DC Inverter Motor 4HE$#INVERTERMOTORIMPROVESEFlCIENCYVS conventional motor. Increased efficiency reduces operating costs. Protection Functions The system monitors itself for: s &REEZEPROTECTION s Fan motor overload s Temperature sensor malfunction 4-Way Cassette Indoor Units 7K to 48K BTU - 60 Hz Model Cooling Capacity Heating Power Supply Power Consumption Airflow Volume (H/M/L) Cooling Heating Rated Current2 Sound Level* (H/M/L) Connecting Pipe Diameter Drain Pipe Liquid Line Suction Line External Diameter Thickness MBtu/h kW MBtu/h kW Ph-V-Hz W M3/Hr CFM A A dB(A) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) inch BD4W-2.2(07)SAK BD4W-2.8(09)SAK BD4W-3.6(12)SAK 7.5 2.2 8.5 2.5 9.5 2.8 10.5 3.1 1-208~230-60 12.0 3.5 13.5 4.0 48 750/650/550 440/385/325 0.3 0.3 36/34/31 59 1000/900/750 590/530/440 0.5 0.5 37/35/32 1/4 (6.35) 3/8 (9.52) 1/2 (12.7) 1 (25) 3/32 Main Body Outline Dimension WxDxH Package Dimension WxDxH Net Weight/Gross Weight inch mm inch mm lb kg 33 x 33 x 7-1/2 838 x 838 x 191 37-15/16 x 37-15/16 x 10-11/16 964 x 964 x 271 50/64 23/29 33 x 33 x 9-1/2 838 x 838 x 241 37-15/16 x 37-15/16 x 12-13/16 964 x 964 x 325 58/75 26/34 Panel Outline Dimension WxDxH Package Dimension WxDxH Net Weight/Gross Weight 40’ GP 40’ HQ Loading inch mm inch mm lb kg set set Model Cooling Capacity Heating Power Supply Power Consumption Airflow Volume (H/M/L) Cooling Heating Rated Current2 Sound Level* (H/M/L) Connecting Pipe Diameter Drain Pipe Liquid Line Suction Line External Diameter Thickness MBtu/h kW MBtu/h kW Ph-V-Hz W M3/Hr CFM A A dB(A) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) mm 37-3/8 x 37-3/8 x 2-1/2 949 x 949 x 64 40-5/8 x 40-7/8 x 5-1/4 1032 x 1038 x 133 15/24 7/11 140 156 40-11/16 x 40-7/8 x 5-1/4 1033 x 1038 x 133 167 171 BD4W-5.0(18)SAK BD4W-7.1(24)SAK BD4W-9.0(30)SAK 18.0 5.0 20.0 5.9 24.0 7.1 27.0 8.0 1-208~230-60 30.0 9.0 34.0 10.0 59 1000/900/750 590/530/440 1180/950/850 695/560/550 0.5 0.5 37/35/32 38/36/33 3/8 (9.52) 5/8 (15.9) 1 (25) 3/32 98 1500/1350/1100 885/795/650 0.8 0.8 40/38/35 Main Body Outline Dimension WxDxH Package Dimension WxDxH Net Weight/Gross Weight inch mm inch mm lb kg 33 x 33 x 9-1/2 838 x 838 x 241 37-15/16 x 37-15/16 x 12-13/16 964 x 964 x 325 58/75 26/34 37-15/16 x 37-15/16 x 16-1/8 964 x 964 x 410 72/88 32.5/40.0 Panel Outline Dimension WxDxH Package Dimension WxDxH Net Weight/Gross Weight Loading 40’ GP 40’ HQ inch mm inch mm lb kg set set 37-3/8 x 37-3/8 x 2-1/2 949 x 949 x 64 40-11/16 x 40-7/8 x 5-1/4 1033 x 1038 x 133 15/24 7/11 140 156 104 119 noise level is measured 1/16 inch from the bottom center of the unit, in the semi-anechoic room. It will be slightly higher due to change of the environment during actual operation. The * The noise level is measured under the standard test condition. The noise level is measured under the condition of rear air return. VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 55 4-Way Cassette Indoor Units 7K to 48K BTU - 60 Hz (continued) BD4W-11.2(36)SAK BD4W-12.5(42)SAK MBtu/h 36.0 42.0 48.0 kW 10.6 12.5 14.0 MBtu/h 40.0 47.0 54.0 kW 11.7 13.8 15.8 Model Cooling Capacity Heating Power Supply Ph-V-Hz Power Consumption Airflow Volume (H/M/L) Rated Current2 Cooling Heating Sound Level* (H/M/L) Connecting Pipe Diameter Drain Pipe Liquid Line 1-208~230-60 W M3/Hr 1700/1400/1100 CFM 1000/825/650 110 A 1860/1500/1150 1095/880/675 0.9 A dB(A) BD4W-14.0(48)SAK 0.9 41/38/36 43/41/38 in. (mm) 3/8 (9.52) Suction Line in. (mm) 5/8 (15.9) External Diameter in. (mm) 1 (25) Thickness inch 3/32 inch 33 x 33 x 12-5/8 Main Body Outline Dimension Package Dimension WxDxH WxDxH Net Weight/Gross Weight mm 838 x 838 x 321 inch 37-15/16 x 37-15/16 x 16-1/8 mm 964 x 964 x 410 lb 72/88 kg 32.5/40.0 inch 37-3/8 x 37-3/8 x 2-1/2 Panel Outline Dimension Package Dimension WxDxH mm 950 x 950 x 65 inch 40-11/16 x 40-7/8 x 5-1/4 mm 1033 x 1038 x 133 lb 15/24 kg 7/11 40’ GP set 104 40’ HQ set 119 WxDxH Net Weight/Gross Weight Loading noise level is measured 1/16 inch from the bottom center of the unit, in the semi-anechoic room. It will be slightly higher due to change of the environment during actual operation. The * The noise level is measured under the standard test condition. The noise level is measured under the condition of rear air return. VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 56 2-Way Cassette Indoor Units 2-Way Cassette Indoor Unit Attractive Appearance The elegant, attractive front panel coordinates nicely with the indoor decor. 2-Way Airflow Design The 2-way air outlet improves airflow providing comfort and even air distribution in more elongated rooms. Intelligent Condensate Pump #ONDENSATEWATERCANBEPUMPEDUPTOMFT vertically from indoor unit. Protection Functions The system monitors itself for: s &REEZEPROTECTION s Fan motor overload s Temperature sensor malfunction s Humidity VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 57 2-Way Cassette Indoor Units 9K to 24K BTU - 60 Hz (continued) BD2W-2.8(09)SAK BD2W-3.6(12)SAK BD2W-4.5(15)SAK MBtu/h 9.5 12.0 15.0 kW 2.8 3.6 4.5 MBtu/h 11.0 13.5 18.0 kW 3.2 4.0 5.0 Model Cooling Capacity Heating Power Supply Ph-V-Hz Power Consumption Airflow Volume (H/M/L) Rated Current2 W 55 M3/Hr 830/600/530 CFM 490/355/312 Cooling A 0.3 Heating A 0.3 dB(A) 35/33/31 Liquid Line in. (mm) 1/4 (6.35) Sound Pressure* (H/M/L) Connecting Pipe Diameter 1-220~240-50 & 1-208~230-60 Suction Line in. (mm) External Diameter in. (mm) 1 (25) Thickness in. (mm) 3/32 (2.5) Outline Dimension WxDxH inch 47 x 20 x 13 Package Dimension WxDxH inch 60 x 26 x 17 lb 89/116 Drain Pipe 3/8 (9.52) 1/2 (12.7) Main Body Net Weight/Gross Weight Panel Outline Dimension WxDxH inch 56 x 25 x 1 Package Dimension WxDxH inch 62 x 30 x 5 lb 95/119 Net Weight/Gross Weight BD2W-5.0(18)SAK BD2W-7.1(24)SAK MBtu/h 18.0 24.0 kW 5.3 7.0 MBtu/h 20.0 27.0 kW 5.6 Model Cooling Capacity Heating Power Supply Ph-V-Hz Power Consumption Airflow Volume (H/M/L) Rated Current2 W 55 103.0 M3/Hr 830/600/530 1100/820/760 445/485/650 CFM 490/355/312 Cooling A 0.3 0.7 Heating A 0.3 0.7 dB(A) 35/33/31 Liquid Line in. (mm) 3/8 (9.52) 5/8 (15.9) Sound Pressure* (H/M/L) Connecting Pipe Diameter 7.9 1-220~240-50 & 1-208~230-60 39/37/35 Suction Line in. (mm) External Diameter in. (mm) 1 (25) Thickness in. (mm) 3/32 (2.5) Outline Dimension WxDxH inch 47-1/4 x 20-1/2 x 13-3/8 47-1/4 x 20-1/2 x 13-3/8 Package Dimension WxDxH inch 59-7/8 x 25-3/4 x 16-3/8 59-7/8 x 25-3/4 x 16-3/8 lb 95/121 95/121 Drain Pipe Main Body Net Weight/Gross Weight Panel Outline Dimension WxDxH inch 56-3/4 x 24-3/4 x 1-1/4 56-3/4 x 24-3/4 x 1-1/4 Package Dimension WxDxH inch 62 x 30-1/8 x 4-1/8 62 x 30-1/8 x 4-1/8 lb 15/24 15/24 Net Weight/Gross Weight noise level is measured 1.4 meters from the bottom center of the unit, in the semi-anechoic room. It will be slightly higher due to change of the environment during actual operation. The * The noise level is measured under the standard test condition. The noise level is measured under the condition of rear air return. VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 58 Wall-Mounted Indoor Units Wall-Mounted Indoor Unit Up & Down Air Outlet $URINGSUMMERCOOLAIRISSUPPLIEDHORIZONTALLY THROUGHTHEUPPERAIROUTLET#OOLAIRENTERINGTHEROOM will drop to the floor. Warm Air Design $URINGWINTERTHECOLDAIRPREVENTIONFUNCTIONIS enabled so that the heater will warm before the fan is engaged providing warm air from the start. $URINGWINTERWARMAIRISSUPPLYDOWNWARDTHROUGH the lower air outlet. Warm air is directed toward the floor where it is needed. Warm air will then rise for even heating. Protection Functions The system monitors itself for: Triple Defender Filter The electrostatic, anti-biotic fibre filter removes dust, odors, bacteria and mildew. s &REEZEPROTECTION s Fan motor overload s Temperature sensor malfunction VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 59 Wall-Mounted Indoor Units - 60Hz 7K to 24K BTU - 60 Hz B-HW-2.2(07)A3AK B-HW-2.8(09)A3AK B-HW-3.6(12)A3AK MBtu/h 7.5 9.5 12.0 Model Cooling Capacity Heating Power Supply 2.2 2.8 3.6 8.5 11.0 13.5 kW 2.5 3.2 4.0 Ph-V-Hz Power Consumption Rated Current2 50 60 500/420/350 630/550/480 CFM 294/247/206 371/324/282 Cooling A 0.2 0.31 Heating A 0.2 0.31 dB(A) 38/34/30 44/41/38 Sound Level* (H/M/L) Liquid Line in. (mm) Suction Line in. (mm) External Diameter in. (mm) Thickness inch Connecting Pipe Diameter Outline Dimension WxDxH Package Dimension WxDxH Net Weight/Gross Weight Cooling Capacity Heating Power Supply Airflow Volume (H/M/L) Rated Current2 1/2 (12.7) 25/32 (20) 1-1/2 1/16 33-1/4 x 7-1/8 x 10-7/8 37 x 7-7/8 x 11 mm 843 x 180 x 275 940 x 200 x 298 inch 38-1/4 x 10-1/8 x 14-5/8 42 x 11-3/8 x 15-1/2 mm 973 x 258 x 370 1068 x 288 x 395 lb 22/28 28/34 kg 10/12.5 12.5/15.5 B-HW-5.0(18)A3AK B-HW-7.1(24)A3AK MBtu/h 18.0 24.0 kW 5.0 7.1 MBtu/h 20.0 26.0 kW 5.8 Ph-V-Hz Power Consumption 7.5 1-208/230-60 W 3 M /Hr 60 70 630/550/480 750/600/500 CFM 371/324/282 441/353/294 Cooling A Heating A 0.31 dB(A) 44/41/38 Sound Level* (H/M/L) 0.31 Liquid Line in. (mm) 1/4 (6.35) 3/8 (9.52) Suction Line in. (mm) 1/2 (12.7) 5/8 (15.9) External Diameter in. (mm) 1-1/8 (25) Thickness inch Connecting Pipe Diameter Outline Dimension Package Dimension WxDxH WxDxH Net Weight/Gross Weight * 1/4 (6.35) 3/8 (9.52) inch Model Drain Pipe 1-208/230-60 W M3/Hr Airflow Volume (H/M/L) Drain Pipe kW MBtu/h 1-3/16 (30) 1/16 inch 37 x 7-7/8 x 12 mm 940 x 200 x 298 39-5/8 x 8-3/4 x 12-1/2 1008 x 221 x 319 inch 42 x 11-3/8 x 15-1/2 44-1/2 x 15-5/8 x 12-7/8 mm 1068 x 288 x 395 1131 x 398 x 328 lb 28/34 33/41 kg 12.5/15.5 15/18.5 The noise level is measured 1/16 inch from the bottom center of the unit, in the semi-anechoic room. It will be slightly higher due to change of the environment during actual operation. The noise level is measured under the standard test condition. The noise level is measured under the condition of rear air return. VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 60 Floor/Ceiling Type Indoor Units Floor/Ceiling Type Indoor Unit Flexible Installation Floor ceiling unit can be mounted overhead in a hoisted position or may be mounted in seated position on the floor. Attractive Appearance The elegant, attractive front panel coordinates nicely with any décor. Protection Functions The system monitors itself for: s &REEZEPROTECTION s Fan motor overload s Temperature sensor malfunction s (ORIZONTALAND6ERTICAL!IR3WING s Provides a wider air swing range for a comfortable working and living environment. VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 61 Floor/Ceiling Type Indoor Units 9K to 48K BTU - 60 Hz Model Cooling Capacity Heating Power Supply Airflow Volume (H/M/L) BDFC-5.0(18)-AK BDFC-7.1(24)-AK 12.0 18.0 24.0 kW 2.8 3.6 5.3 7.0 MBtu/h 10.5 13.5 20.0 27.0 kW 3.1 4.0 5.9 7.9 Connecting Pipe Diameter 1-208~230-60 W M3/Hr 40 50 75 650/580/500 950/850/700 1400/1150/1000 CFM 380/341/294 560/500/410 825/677/590 Cooling A 0.2 0.25 0.38 A 0.2 0.25 0.38 dB(A) 36/34/32 42/38/33 Liquid Line in. (mm) 1/4 (6.35) Sound Level* (H/M/L) Suction Line in. (mm) External Diameter in. (mm) Thickness inch Outline Dimension WxDxH Package Dimension WxDxH Net Weight/Gross Weight Cooling Capacity Heating Power Supply 3/8 (9.52) 5/8 (15.9) 1/16 48 x 27-1/2 x 8-7/8 mm 1220 x 700 x 225 55-7/8 x 27-1/2 x 9-5/8 1420 x 700 x 245 inch 52-7/8 x 32-3/8 x 12-3/8 61 x 32-5/8 x 13-5/8 mm 1343 x 823 x 315 1548 x 828 x 345 lb 88/108 110/128 kg 40/49 50/58 BDFC-9.0(30)-AK BDFC-11.2(36)-AK BDFC-12.5(42)-AK MBtu/h 30.0 36.0 42.0 48.0 kW 8.8 10.6 12.3 14.1 MBtu/h 33.0 40.0 47.0 54.0 kW 10.0 11.7 13.8 15.8 140 160 1600/1400/1200 2000/1800/1450 CFM 940/824/706 1175/1059/853 Cooling A 0.7 0.95 Heating A 0.7 dB(A) 50/47/43 Sound Level* (H/M/L) 0.95 51/47/42 52/49/45 Liquid Line in. (mm) 3/8 (9.52) Suction Line in. (mm) 5/8 (15.9) External Diameter in. (mm) 21/32 (17) Thickness inch Connecting Pipe Diameter Outline Dimension Package Dimension WxDxH WxDxH Net Weight/Gross Weight BDFC-14.0(48)-AK 1-208~230-60 W 3 M /Hr Airflow Volume (H/M/L) Rated Current2 1/2 (12.7) 21/32 (17) Ph-V-Hz Power Consumption 44/42/39 3/8 (9.52) inch Model * BDFC-3.6(12)-AK 9.5 Heating Rated Current2 Drain Pipe BDFC-2.8(09)-AK Ph-V-Hz Power Consumption Drain Pipe MBtu/h 1/16 inch 55-7/8 x 27-1/2 x 9-5/8 66-7/8 x 27-1/2 x 9-5/8 mm 1420 x 700 x 245 1700 x 700 x 245 inch 61 x 32-5/8 x 13-5/8 72 x 32-5/8 x 14 mm 1548 x 828 x 345 1828 x 828 x 345 lb 110/128 132/150 kg 50/58 60/68 The noise level is measured 1/16 inch from the bottom center of the unit, in the semi-anechoic room. It will be slightly higher due to change of the environment during actual operation. The noise level is measured under the standard test condition. The noise level is measured under the condition of rear air return. VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 62 Console Type Indoor Units Console Type Indoor Unit Multiple Fan Speed !DJUSTABLEFANOPERATESINMULTIPLESPEEDSANDSATISFY DIFFERENTAIRmOWVOLUMEREQUIREMENTS Detachable Grille and Long Life Filter The front grille is easily detachable for easy filter cleaning. The durable filter is used to increase the cleaning cycle by as much as 20 times longer. Protection Functions The system monitors itself for: s Water overflow s &REEZEPROTECTION s Fan motor overload s Temperature sensor malfunction VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 63 Console Type Indoor Units 7K to 18K BTU - 60 Hz BDCO-2.2(07)-AK BDCO-2.8(09)-AK BDCO-3.6(12)-AK BDCO-5.0(18)-AK MBtu/h 2.2 9.5 12.0 18.0 kW 7.5 2.8 3.5 5.3 MBtu/h 2.5 11.0 13.5 20.0 kW 8.5 3.2 4.0 5.8 20 40 Model Cooling Capacity Heating Power Supply Ph-V-Hz Power Consumption Airflow Volume (H/M/L) Rated Current2 W 3 M /Hr 15 400/320/270 480/400/310 680/600/500 CFM 235/188/159 282/235/182 400/353/294 40/37/32 46/43/39 Cooling A 0.15 Heating A 0.15 ESP Pa (in. wc) Sound Level* (H/M/L) dB(A) Liquid Line Connecting Pipe Diameter Drain Pipe 1-208-230-60 0 38/33/27 in. (mm) 1/4 (6.35) Suction Line in. (mm) External Diameter in. (mm) Thickness inch 3/64 inch 27-1/2 x 8-1/2 x 23-5/8 Outline Dimension Package Dimension WxDxH WxDxH Net Weight/Gross Weight 3/8 (9.52) 1/2 (12.7) 11/16 (17.2) mm 700 x 215 x 600 inch 30-3/4 x 11-1/4 x 26-7/8 mm 780 x 285 x 682 lb 35/42 kg 16/19 noise level is measured 1/16 inch from the bottom center of the unit, in the semi-anechoic room. It will be slightly higher due to change of the environment during actual operation. The * The noise level is measured under the standard test condition. The noise level is measured under the condition of rear air return. VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 64 VRF Accessories VRF Accessories Simplify Installation -AMMOTHOFFERSACOMPLETELINEOFACCESSORIESTOMEETTHEREQUIREMENTSOFANYJOBSMALLTOLARGE s Selection Software s Fresh Air Processing s #OMMISSIONING3OFTWARE VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 65 VRF Accessories - Selection Software Smart Model Selection Software Model Selection Software Mammoth multi VRF selection software is an advanced computer program for selecting models automatically FORSALESANDPROJECTBIDDING)TINTEGRATESMULTI62&SELECTIONLOGICANDCOMPUTERSOFTWARETOPROVIDEAUSER friendly interactive interface, which is able to automatically recommend suitable models to users according to AMBIENTCONDITIONOFPROJECTANDUSERSDEMANDS)TISAPPLICABLEFORALLPRODUCTS VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 66 VRF Accessories - Selection Software Smart Model Selection Software (continued) Flexible Setting of Project Design Conditions When setting up a new model SELECTIONPROJECTTHEINFORMATION of customer, designer, unit series and working conditions, etc. can be set as relevant parameters of model selection, and then sent to data report for CHECKINGDURINGPROJECTDESIGN Project Setting Project Design Conditions Confirmation VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 67 VRF Accessories - Selection Software Accurate Recommendation of Indoor Unit and Outdoor Unit When selecting indoor unit model using the software, you must input an air conditioning load and a model series for software recognition. Auto selection of the outdoor units is a little simpler. When selecting outdoor unit model using the software, auto recommendation will generate a model based on the information already entered for indoor units. Add New Branch VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 68 Add New Indoor Unit 1 VRF Accessories - Selection Software Accurate Recommendation of Indoor Unit and Outdoor Unit (continued) Add New Indoor Unit 2 Add New Outdoor Unit VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 69 VRF Accessories - Selection Software Free Modification of Selected Models )FYOUARENOTSATISFIEDWITHTHESYSTEMRECOMMENDEDBYTHESOFTWAREYOUCANSELECTORADJUSTINDOORUNIT models through alternate selection function. Edit IUD VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 70 Confirmation VRF Accessories - Selection Software One-click Modification and System Validation 7HENRESELECTIONISNEEDEDDUETOMAJORCHANGESOFINDOORUNITSONECLICKRECOMMENDATIONFUNCTIONCANBE ADOPTEDTORESELECTALLINDOORUNITSWITHSIMPLEOPERATIONAFTERFINISHINGMODELSELECTIONYOUCANUSEONECLICK SYSTEMVALIDATIONFUNCTIONTOCHECKVARIOUSPARAMETERSREQUIREMENTSOFTHEAIRCONDITIONINGSYSTEM One-Click Recommendation System Validation VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 71 VRF Accessories - Selection Software Optional Controller Configuration and Electric System Configuration The software will offer controller models matched with the system. The user only needs to choose controller type and the software will output the controller model into the report. Optional Controller Configuration VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 72 Electric System Configuration VRF Accessories - Selection Software Save Model Selection Project, Output Data Report and System Wiring Diagram After finishing system selection and various system configurations, the user can save the model selection PROJECTFREELYFORFUTUREREFERENCE Save Data Unit Settings VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 73 VRF Accessories - Selection Software Save Model Selection Project, Output Data Report and System Wiring Diagram (continued) 4HENTHEUSERCANOUTPUTRELEVANTPARAMETERSOFTHESELECTEDPROJECTINAN%XCELFORMATANDOUTPUTASYSTEM WIRING#!$DIAGRAMFORREFERENCEDURINGINSTALLATION Parameters Output in Excel Form Output CAD Wiring Diagram VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 74 VRF Accessories - Fresh Air Processing g Fresh Air Processing Indoor Unit Airflow volume: 1150 - 1800cfm One System, Two Functions !DOPTEDWITH$#INVERTERTECHNOLOGY&RESH!IR$# Inverter Multi VRF System features air conditioning function and fresh air function. Fresh air Indoor Unit Cool air Applications include: s Residential houses s Villas s /FlCEBUILDINGS s Hotels s Apartments Cool/hot air pipe Fresh air pipe V5 DC Inverter Multi VRF Outdoor Unit Fresh air outlet Fresh air unit Enjoy Fresh Air Airflow volume: 1150 - 1800cfm, cooling capacity: 6 - 8 Tons Applicable for all types of structures. $IRECTEVAPORATIVECOOLINGAIRCONDITIONINGFRESH air can be generated accurately and precisely. $#INVERTERTECHNOLOGYCONSTANTHUMIDITYCONTROL with less power consumption. Integrated system control with Multi VRF System. VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 75 VRF Accessories - Fresh Air Processing Air Conditioning and Fresh Air, Two-in-One Fresh Air Lower Installation Cost &RESH!IR$#)NVERTER-ULTI62&3YSTEMCANBECOMBINEDWITH -AMMOTH6&RESHAIRUNITISROUGHLYEQUIVALENTTOTHECOSTOF V5 Air exchange fan. Air Exchange Fan EQUIVALENT COST Lower Operating Cost 5NITCANCONTROLREFRIGERANTOUTPUTACCORDINGTOACTUALNEEDSTO ENSURECONSTANTAIRmOWTEMPERATURE"YADJUSTINGPOWEROUTPUT full load operation can be avoided when only partial load is needed. Thus, operation cost can be greatly reduced. General Unit Fresh Air Unit Less Installation Space 7ITHTHECOMBINEDCONNECTIONDESIGNLESSSPACEISREQUIREDFOR outdoor units. Ideal for applications where roof area is a premium. 20 Ton 10 Ton OPERATION COST SAVING Independent connection space taken 97 cu.ft. Saving 24.7 cu.ft. SPACE SAVING 6 to 8 Ton - 60 Hz BDFA-22(72)AK-1150 BDFA-28(96)AK-1800 MBtu/h 72.0 96.0 kW 21.1 28.1 MBtu/h 55.0 68.0 kW 16.1 19.9 Model Cooling Capacity Heating Power Supply Ph-V-Hz Power Consumption Airflow Volume (H/M/L) W 740 760 M3/Hr 2000 2500 CFM 1175 MOP A ESP Pa (in. wc) Sound Pressure 1-208/230-60 dB(A) 1470 10 200 (0.80) 50 51 Liquid Line in. (mm) 3/8 (9.52) Suction Line in. (mm) External Diameter in. (mm) 1 (25) Thickness inch 3/32 inch 59 x 39-3/8 x 19-5/8 Connecting Pipe Diameter 3/4 (19.05) 3/4 (22.2) Drain Pipe Outline Dimension Package Dimension Net Weight/Gross Weight VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 76 WxDxH WxDxH mm 1500 x 1000 x 500 inch 72-1/2 x 47-1/4 x 26-1/2 mm 1840 x 1200 x 673 lb kg 180/229 130/182 134/188 VRF Controls Mammoth VRF controls come in many different styles to suit any application. Standard controllers include WIRELESSREMOTEANDWIREDCONTROLLERS!LSOAVAILABLEAREOPTIONALCENTRALIZEDCONTROLLERSWITHANDUNIT CONNECTIONCAPABILITYLONGDISTANCEMONITORING"!#NETAND-ODBUS'ATEWAYS Wired Controllers BACnet Wireless Remote Modbus Gateway VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 77 VRF Controls Auto Direction of Connection Path 4HEWIRINGDIAGRAMWILLDIRECTCONNECTIONPATHAUTOMATICALLYSOTHATTHEUSERCANDETERMINETHECONNECTIONPATHQUICKLY CAN Single System Network CAN D1. D2 CAN USB Single System Network CAN USB D1. D2 CAN ...... Multi System Network CAN USB ...... G1. G2 VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 78 VRF Controls Multiple Intelligent Remote Control Management VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 79 VRF Controls Visualized Management System provides a map that can display air conditioners’ locations in rooms and buildings. VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 80 VRF Controls System is able to measure the status and number of air conditioners in different levels. Everyday Management Setting for Daily Operation a. Management in days/weeks/months/years b. Management in each unit c. Simple display for management Everyday Management at Different Locations a. Management for overtime hours b. Management for meal breaks c. Management for normal working hours Other Functions a. Power on/off, modes, humidity, fan speed b. Auto shut-off can help prevent waste of energy that may be caused by forgetting to turn off the air conditioner 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 lunch break Normal hours breakfast Normal hours lunch break Overtime dinner Normal hours Group Management Central Management in Groups a. Free choices of dividing groups B#ENTRALCONTROLOVERPOWER on/off C #ENTRALCONTROLOVER temperature D#ENTRALCONTROLOVERMODES E #ENTRALCONTROLOVERUSER authority VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 81 VRF Controls Allows managers to limit employee access Authority Management Only for Indoor Units a. Limited control over power on/off b. Limited control over temperature c. Limited control over modes Statistical Analysis 40 Recording Statistics System can self generate graphs of statistics for easy management and analysis. Recording Errors System can show the information of errors in charts and send alarms of errors through emails. Recording Operation System can record users’ daily operation. 30 20 10 0 11.1 11.3 11.5 11.7 11.3 11.5 11.9 11.11 11.13 11.15 11.17 11.19 11.21 11.23 11.25 11.27 11.29 40 30 20 10 0 11.1 VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 82 11.7 11.9 11.11 11.13 11.15 11.17 11.19 11.21 11.23 11.25 11.27 11.29 VRF Controls - Debugging Software Intelligent Debugging Software V5 offers intelligent debugging software to the end-user to assist in commissioning the system. Monitoring Functions - Fully control the operational status of each device of the system - Hover the mouse over the parameter to display its remarks - The online devices will be displayed in a tree structure $ISPLAYTHEINFORMATIONOFAIR conditioner in divided regions %ACHDISPLAYREGIONCANBE moved or concealed $ISPLAYUPDATEDSTATUSOF units in real time Control Functions #ONTROLTHEOPERATIONOFUNITTOSUITYOURNEEDS #OMPREHENSIVECONTROLOFOUTDOORUNITINDOORUNITETC - Real-time display of current status or status after being controlled "OTHSINGLECONTROLANDGROUPCONTROLAREAVAILABLE Project Debugging Functions /NECLICKANDAUTOMATIC PROJECTDEBUGGING 0ROJECTDEBUGGINGISARRANGED step by step from left to right Manual intervention and bypassing of some debugging phases are available. 'REENICONSWILLBEDISPLAYED FORTHEITEMSFINISHINGDEBUGGING red icons will be displayed for the items having debug EXCEPTIONSLIGHTYELLOWICONS display debugging information. VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 83 VRF Controls - Debugging Software Intelligent Debugging Software (continued) Auto Data-Saving Function $ATAWILLBESAVEDAUTOMATICALLY$ATABASESAVINGPATHCANBECHANGEDORDATADOCUMENTCANBEGENERATED repeatedly. Step 1: Change Database Saving Path USB Data Converter 5SERSCANUSEA53"DATACONVERTER TOFREELYCONVERT#!.("323 DATAINTO53"DATAACHIEVINGDATA interchange between computer and air conditioner. VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 84 Step 2: Database Save Setting VRF Controls Calculating Cost of Electricity Auto Calculation according to Users a. According to the operating time, modes, flow of refrigerant, humidity and other factors, system can calculate the cost of electricity for users in different locations. B$ETAILEDINFORMATIONOFBILLSANDOPERATIONDATACANBEPROVIDED Energy Management Analysis of Energy Cost a. Air conditioners that use excess energy b. Air conditioners that are set too low c. Air conditioners with poor cooling performance Ways to Save Energy based on the following Aspects: A/PERATINGTIME B5NITTURNEDONTOOEARLY C5NITTURNEDOFFTOOLATE D#OMFORT E#OSTOFELECTRICITYCOSTOFELECTRICITYPERSQUAREMETER Energy saving Limits on Electricity a. Analysis on the cost of electricity b. Set the maximum cost of electricity and unit will operate within set limits c. System can show users the cost of electricity during operation and give suggestions on energy saving. Economic Operation System is able to operate in selectable energy-saving conditions. VIP Management 3YSTEMCANPROVIDEINDEPENDENTANDUNIQUESERVICETO VIP users. VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 85 VRF Controls There are two kinds of controllers: wired controller and remote controller. The system provides various controls for users, such as cooling, heating, dehumidifying and fan etc., giving users maximum flexibly according to their own using needs. Wired Remote Controller WRC1 (standard version for ducted indoor unit type, optional version for cassette & high wall indoor unit type) s s s s s ,#$WITHBLACKBACKGROUNDANDWHITEWORDSTOUCHBUTTONS #LOCKCANBEDISPLAYEDHOURTIMERSETTINGFORONOFF LEVELSOFFANSPEEDUPDOWNSWINGANDLEFTRIGHTSWING #ANBESWITCHEDINAUTOCOOLINGDEHUMIDIFYINGFANHEATING FLOORHEATING$HEATINGANDSPACEHEATINGOPERATIONMODES -ASTERANDSLAVEWIREDCONTROLLERSCANBESETSIMULTANEOUS control over several indoor units is available s !VAILABLEFUNCTIONSSLEEPVENTILATIONQUIETAUTOQUIETLIGHT energy saving, auxiliary heating, drying, memory, low-temperature dehumidifying, absence in heating, controllable auxiliary heating in dehumidifying, filter cleaning reminder, etc. s $ETECTAMBIENTTEMPERATURERECEIVEINFRAREDREMOTECONTROLLER signal s 7ITHPROJECTPARAMETERSVIEWINGANDSETTINGFUNCTIONS Wired Controller (special order for hotel) s 7ITHSIMPLIFIEDFUNCTIONSMECHANICALBUTTONSBACKLIT,#$AND convenient operation s #ANBESWITCHEDINAUTOCOOLINGDEHUMIDIFYINGFANANDHEATING operation modes s -ASTERANDSLAVEWIREDCONTROLLERSCANBESETSIMULTANEOUS control over several indoor units is available s $ETECTAMBIENTTEMPERATURERECEIVEINFRAREDREMOTECONTROLLER signal s 7ITHSYSTEMPARAMETERSVIEWINGANDSETTINGFUNCTIONS s LEVELSOFFANSPEEDUPDOWNSWING s $OORCONTROLSYSTEMCANBECONNECTED Wireless Remote Controller RC (standard version for cassette indoor unit & high wall indoor unit, optional version for ducted indoor unit) s #ANBESWITCHEDINAUTOCOOLINGDEHUMIDIFYINGFANANDHEATING operation modes s LEVELSOFFANSPEEDINCLUDING4URBO&AN s !VAILABLEFUNCTIONSCHILDLOCKDRYINGHEALTHVENTILATIONTURBOSLEEP light, absence, IFeel, and timer s #LOCKDISPLAYANDINDOOROUTDOORAMBIENTTEMPERATUREVIEWINGFUNCTIONS s 5PDOWNSWINGANDLEFTRIGHTSWING VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 86 VRF Controls Remote Controller (special order) s s s #ANBESWITCHEDINAUTOCOOLINGDEHUMIDIFYINGFANHEATING FLOORHEATING$HEATINGANDSPACEHEATINGOPERATIONMODES LEVELSOFFANSPEEDUPDOWNSWINGANDLEFTRIGHTSWING !VAILABLEFUNCTIONSCHILDLOCKENERGYSAVINGDRYINGHEALTH VENTILATIONQUIETAUTOQUIETSLEEPLIGHTABSENCELOW temperature dehumidifying, IFeel, and timer s 7ITHCLOCKDISPLAYSYSTEMPARAMETERSVIEWINGANDSETTING functions Wired Controller (special order) s %LEGANTAPPEARANCE s (IGHRESOLUTIONCOLOR,#$ s #APACITIVETOUCHCONTROLRECEIVEINFRAREDREMOTECONTROLLER signal s 6ARIOUSTIMINGFUNCTIONSTHREEWEEKLYTIMERSANDONECOUNTDOWN TIMERCANBESETSIMULTANEOUSLYMODETEMPERATUREANDFAN speed can be preset in weekly timer s #OMPLETESYSTEMFUNCTIONSEACHFUNCTIONWILLBEIMPLEMENTEDIN ANINDIVIDUALPAGEWITHINTERACTIVEANDHUMANIZEDINTERFACE s 6ARIOUSPERSONALIZEDFUNCTIONSEGSETTINGBRIGHTNESSAND backlight time s 3UFFICIENTVIEWINGFUNCTIONSEGVIEWINGONOFFSTATUSANDAFTER sales service hot line Single control of one unit (Wired controller and remote controller control the unit jointly or separately) Multiple control of one unit at different places Central control of several indoor units VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 87 VRF Controls Single Control of One Unit %ACHINDOORUNITHASANINDEPENDENTCONTROLLER Multiple Control of One Unit /NEINDOORUNITCANBECONTROLLEDBYSEVERALWIRED controllers at different places. Central Control of Several Indoor Units /NEWIREDCONTROLLERCANCONTROLASMANYAS indoor units. Joint Control of Remote Controller and Wired Controller 5SERSCANCONTROLONEUNITWITHTWOTYPESOF controllers: a remote controller which is convenient ANDFLEXIBLEORAWIREDCONTROLLERWHICHINCLUDES every function of an air conditioner. VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 88 VRF Controls Central Controller Smart Zone Controller CC-32 s HIGHRESOLUTIONCOLOR,#$ s CAPACITIVETOUCHSCREENFOREASYOPERATION s 3HIELDINGFUNCTIONOFSINGLEUNITGROUPANDALL indoor units (shielding on/off, mode, temp setting, etc.) s 7ITHVARIOUSFUNCTIONSCENTRALIZEDCONTROLCONTROL ALLINDOORUNITSGROUPMANAGEMENTSUPPORT$)9 grouping), schedule management (setting of SEVERALSCHEDULESANDSINGLEUNITCONTROLONOFFMODETEMPSETTINGFANSPEEDQUIETSWINGCONTROLETC s 0ROVIDENAMINGOFINDOORUNITSSELECTIONOFICONSANDPERSONALIZEDSETTINGSSETTINGBACKGROUNDBACKLIGHTETC s 5PTOUNITSCANBECENTRALLYCONTROLLED s %LEGANTANDFASHIONABLEAPPEARANCE s %MBEDDEDINSTALLATIONINWALLWITHPROJECTINGTHICKNESSONLYOFINCH s #ONNECTABLEWITHNETWORKOFINDOORUNITSOROUTDOORUNITS s )NDEPENDENTPOWERSUPPLYIN^6WIDEVOLTAGERANGE s 7ITHPROJECTSETTINGPARAMETERVIEWINGMALFUNCTIONRECORDANDACCESSMANAGEMENTFUNCTIONS Central Controller CC-255 s HIGHRESOLUTIONCOLOR,#$ s CAPACITIVETOUCHSCREENFOREASYOPERATION s 7ITHPROJECTSETTINGPARAMETERVIEWING malfunction record and access management functions s 7ITHVARIOUSFUNCTIONSCENTRALIZEDCONTROLCONTROL ALLINDOORUNITSGROUPMANAGEMENTSUPPORT$)9 grouping), schedule management (setting of several schedules) and single unit control (on/off, MODETEMPSETTINGFANSPEEDQUIETSWING control, etc.) s 3HIELDINGFUNCTIONOFSINGLEUNITGROUPANDALL INDOOR5NITSSHIELDINGONOFFMODETEMPSETTINGETC s 0ROVIDENAMINGOFINDOORUNITSSELECTIONOFICONSANDPERSONALIZEDSETTINGSSETTINGBACKGROUNDBACKLIGHTETC s 5PTOUNITSCANBECENTRALLYCONTROLLED s %LEGANTANDFASHIONABLEAPPEARANCE s %MBEDDEDINSTALLATIONINWALLWITHPROJECTINGTHICKNESSONLYOFINCH s #ONNECTABLEWITHNETWORKOFINDOORUNITSOROUTDOORUNITS s )NDEPENDENTPOWERSUPPLYIN^6WIDEVOLTAGERANGE VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 89 VRF Controls BACnet Gateway BAC-G "!#NETGATEWAYKITS-'$"AREINTENDEDTO REALIZETHEDATAEXCHANGEBETWEENTHEAIRCONDITIONING UNITAND"!3ANDPROVIDINGTHESTANDARD"!#NET)0 BUILDINGINTERFACEAND)/INTERFACESONEOFWHICHIS the fire alarm signal interface. The status of the other 7 )/INTERFACESISMAPPEDTOTHESPECIFICOBJECTSOFTHE "!#NET)0BUSANDCANBEDEFINEDBYTHEUSER Applicable models: 6!LL$#)NVERTER-ULTI62&3YSTEM s s s s s s s s )NTERNATIONALSTANDARD"!#NET)0INTERFACEWHICHHASPASSED"4,CERTIFICATION 2EALTIMEMONITORINGOFUNITOPERATIONSTATUSEGONOFFMODETEMPERATURE 2EALTIMERESPONSETOTHECONTROLOFUNITONOFFMODESETTINGANDSPEEDSETTINGETCBYMONITORINGSOFTWARE -ONITORUNITERRORS ,OCKUNITOPERATIONSTATUSESDIRECTINGATALLCONTROLFUNCTIONSOFUNITITSELFORACERTAINSETTINGFUNCTION !CHIEVECOOLINGANDHEATINGTEMPERATURELIMITATIONFUNCTIONS $)$/INTERFACESFORRECEIVINGFIREALARMSIGNALANDUSERSDEFINITIONLOGIC ,ARGESTORAGECAPACITYOFUNITOPERATIONDATAFORUPTOMONTHS BMS Remote Monitoring Lighting Fire Vent Lift Electricity Internet(BACnet/IP) Router L3 BACnet Gateway HUB L3 With the matched resistance L2 L2 L1 L1 XT1 IDU ODU IDU L2 L1 L1 XT1 IDU VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 90 IDU ODU With the matched resistance VRF Controls Modbus Gateway -ODBUS'ATEWAYPROVIDES6SYSTEMWITHTHE-ODBUSPROTOCOLINTERFACEWHENCONNECTINGTOTHE"UILDING -ANAGEMENT3YSTEM"-3INORDERTOACHIEVECENTRALCONTROLANDREMOTECONTROLOVER6SYSTEMBY"-3 Applicable models:6!LL$#)NVERTER-ULTI62&3YSTEM s s s s s s s s s s 2EALTIMEMONITORINGOFUNITOPERATIONSTATUSEGONOFFMODETEMPERATURE 2EALTIMERESPONSETOTHECONTROLOFUNITONOFFMODESETTINGANDSPEEDSETTINGETCBYMONITORINGSOFTWARE #ONTROLALLTHEUNITSSWITCHESOFONANDOFF -ONITORUNITERRORS /NE-ODBUSBUSCANSUPPORTUPTOGATEWAYS/NE-ODBUSGATEWAYCANSUPPORTATMOSTOUTDOOR units (up to 64 modular outdoor units) and 128 indoor units ,OCKUNITOPERATIONSTATUSESDIRECTINGATALLCONTROLFUNCTIONSOFUNITITSELFORACERTAINSETTINGFUNCTION ,INKAGECONTROLSUPPORTING$)AND$/FORRECEIVINGFIREALARMSIGNALANDUSERSDEFINITIONLOGIC #!.23COMMUNICATIONPORTSARENONPOLARCONVENIENTFORCONSTRUCTIONWIRING !CHIEVECOOLINGANDHEATINGTEMPERATURELIMITATIONFUNCTIONS 6!#(ZWIDEVOLTAGERANGEADAPTEDTOTHEPOWERSUPPLYOFEACHCOUNTRYANDREGION L2 CAN2bus System 1 L3 Master outdoor unit To the next system Modbus gateway 1 ...... Slave outdoor IDU unit Slave outdoor unit IDU L2 L3 System 16 Modbus bus Master outdoor unit Slave outdoor unit ...... IDU IDU IDU IDU CAN2 network 1 System 1 L2 Master outdoor unit CAN2bus Modbus gateway 2 L3 Slave outdoor unit Slave outdoor unit Slave outdoor unit ...... IDU L3 System 2 Modbus bus Master outdoor unit Modbus gateway 3 To the next system ...... L1 L2 CAN2bus Modbus gateway 255 Slave outdoor unit ...... IDU IDU IDU IDU CAN2 network 2 L3 System 1 Master outdoor unit L2 IDU Slave outdoor unit ...... IDU IDU IDU To the next system VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 91 VRF Controls Control System Lineup Controlling System Wireless Remote Controller Product Series RC WRC1 Wired Controller WC-ERV Wired Receiver WRC-RD Central Controller CC-255 Smart Zone Controller CC-32 Kit for Commissioning Software COM-S Long-Distance Monitoring Software LDM-S The Gateway of Modbus MOD-G The Gateway of BACnet BAC-G Centralized Controller Wired Remote Controller Wired Controller Note: standard optional VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 92 ERV Cassette Type High ESP, Low ESP, Slim Ducted Duct Type Fresh Air Processing Wall Mounted Type Floor Ceiling Type Console Type Notes VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 93 Notes VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 94 Notes VRF Commercial Catalog - Page 95 Standing behind your Investment Mammoth variable refrigerant flow (VRF) multi-zone systems offer a 5-Year limited parts warranty. Compressors carry a 7-Year warranty. To learn more about our product warranties, ask your Mammoth contractor. ISO 9001 Quality System Certificate ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Certificate American UL Certificate ENERGY STAR Partner Certificate ISO 18001 Occupation Healthy Safety System Certificate American and Canadian ETL Certificate AHRI 210-240 Air Conditioner Certificate Canadian & American CSA Certificate CQC Certificate EQM Certificate SASO Certificate AHRI 210-240 Heat Pump Certificate 3C Certificate AHRI 1230 Air Conditioner and Heat Pump Certificate www.mammothlc.com Specifications and illustrations subject to change without notice and without incurring obligation. All trademarks are the property of their respective organizations. Trademark Mammoth ® used under license. © Nortek Global HVAC, LLC 2016. All Rights Reserved. 509E-1016