Bagpiper - Scottish Terrier Club of America


Bagpiper - Scottish Terrier Club of America
Official publication of the Scottish Terrier Club of America
1995 No. 2
Ch. Alchemy's Tincture of Angel
Revised and Updated
Available for just £35.00 + postage
US $60.00 + postage (apprx)
Can $75.00 +postage (apprx)
now published by:
The Scottish Terrier Emergency Care Scheme
Betty Penn-Bull's
The Kennelgarth
Scottish Terrier Book
"Please send £35.00 + £4.50 (postage)
To: Irene DoRozario
1013 Liljedahl Rd.
Port Angeles, WA 98363
Phone 360-928-3854
B agp1per
Editor: Joanne Kinnelly
19510 Clement, Northville, Ml 48167
(810) 349-8026
Fax (810) 349-1465
Regional Clubs Editor: Bonnie Lamphear
P. 0. Box 39, Istachatta, FL 34636
Obedience Editor: Lorayne Lapin
10 Rickmar Lane, Frazer, PA 19355
(610) 889-9766
Copy Deadlines
Bagpiper #1 - January 30
Bagpiper #2 - April 30
Bagpiper #3 - July 30
Bagpiper #4 - October 30
Please send all advertisements and articles to the
The opinions expressed in the articles contained
lierein are those of the authors and not
necessarily those of the Editor or the Officers and
Directors of STCA. The Editor, Officers and
Directors of STCA are not responsible for the
accuracy of photographs or advertising copy. The
Editor reserves the right to edit all material
submitted for publication. The Editor welcomes
comments, suggestions and expressions of
opinions from readers. No article, portion of
articles or art work may be re_printed without the
written permission ofthe Editor.
The Bagpiper is owned and managed by the
Scottish Terrier Club of America. Published for
the Scottish Terrier Club of America by Moore &
Ahlers Publishing, St. James, New York.
Scottish Terrier Club of America Officers and
President: Mrs. Shirley Justus, Texas
Vice President: Mrs. Ruth Ann Krause,
Treasurer: Mrs. Mary-Ann Cole, Ohio
Recording Secretary: Ms. Sonya Neve, Colorado
Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Evelyn Kirk,
2603 Derwent Drive SW, Roanoke, VA 24015
AKC Delegate: Mrs. Joanne Kinnelly, Michigan
Directors, Class of 1996:
Mr. Fred Brooks, Missouri
Mrs. Vandra Huber, Washington
Mrs. Jeanie Jennings, California
Mr. Russell Somma, New Jersey
Directors, Class of 1995
Mrs. Christine Cook, Pennsylvania
Ms. Gail Gaines, Tennessee
Mr. Bob Phelan, Texas
Mrs. Maxine Stickler, Kentucky
Bagpiper's Bag' O' Bits .................................................................................. 2
AKC Delegate' s Report ................................................................................. .3
Changes and Corrections ................................................. ,.............................. .3
STCA Letter to New Scottie Owners .............................................................. 7
English Championship Tour Diary 1995 ...................................................... i 1
Canine Cushing' s Disease ............................................................................. 17
Education and Health Committee ................................................................. 18
A Pledge For Scottish Terrier Health Today ................................................. 19
Health Trust Fund, S.T.C.A . ......................................................................... 20
Kindred Contact ............................................................................................23
Owners, Handlers, and Show Persons BEWARE .........................................27
A Love Letter ............................................................................................... .32
A Bunch of Losers .........................................................................................40
Memories .......................................................................................................42
Is Canine Brucellosis on the Rise? ................................................................43
Parade of Champions ....................................................................................55
STCA Third and Fourth Quarter 1994 A wards Standings ............................ 57
Scottie Seniors ............................................................................................... 60
Cover Story
The Right Chemistry - As each of us commenced our breeding programs
we jumped in and stared to research. We researched by sitting ringside,
lingering in the grooming tent, talking to club members, looking to a mentor,
and reading, reading, reading. Our hopes being to discover the formula for the
dogs that represented to us the essence of the Scottish Terrier. Angel and
R:eggie have repeatedly been the right chemistry for us by producing
outstanding offspring that have won our hearts.
Our covergirl, "Thea" Ch. Alchemy's Tincture of Angel, has been a
constant delight for us. She has given us boundless thrills which started as
Best in Sweepstakes and now to multiple Group and multiple Specialty wins.
In the centerfold we are featuring our two girls Thea and Mavis. "Mavis" 11
Ch. Alchemy' s Battleaxe is a validation of the right chemistry between &er
parents. These sisters have been a pleasure for us to watch together in the ring
as Mavis completed her championship. She has won Multiple Best of Winners
at Major point shows as her sister went Best of Breed.
Another sibling is showing promise and getting ready to enter the show
ring - "Oliver" Alchemy's Adrenalin. Oliver is a full brother to Thea and
Mavis to watch for this summer. We hope he sets your heart racing as he does
Not only are we excited about our two typey, elegant girls but are also
very enthusiastic about their promise for the whelping box. Our hope is they
will produce wonderful progeny which continue in qualities to those who
came before them. However, it will also depend on the correct selection of a
stud to produce the right chemistry once again. Sound breeding programs are
built and we all rely on one another for each other's special ingredient.
Russ, Mary Lou and Mary Regina Somma
Alchemy Scottish Terriers
,' -,.
2 Scottish Terrier Club of America
Correction to Minutes
In the Minutes of the STCA Board
of Directors of January 21, 1995, it
should read, "COMMITTEES: Annual Awards: .. .Motion-Krause/Brooks,
that the American Bred Bitch trophy
will be known as the 'Hebrides' and
will be co-sponsored by Dame
Catharine Carpender, k.m., Jeffrey &
Lori Teague and Larry J. Smith."
The Bagpiper would like to honor
our Scottish Terrier senior citizens. We
need stories about Scotties 10 years or
older, together with pictures . Try to
keep the stories brief (100 words or so)
and the pictures informal, rather than
show pictures. We'd like to hear about
"old friends." How are they spending
their retirements? What feats of Scottie
ingenuity have they accomplished?
How well trained have their owners become? The next Bagpiper deadline is
July 30. Take a minute to write about a
special Scot and send it in.
Bagpiper Mailing Information
The Bagpiper is mailed to STCA
members, to Scottish Terrier judges
and to the AKC library. Annual sub-
scriptions (4 issues) are available from
the Editor to non-STCA members at a
cost of $25.00. There is a $20.00 surcharge for fore ign subscriptions.
The Bagpiper is mailed 3rd Class
Bulk. First Class mailing is available
for an additional charge of $10.00. Single issues and back issues are available
from the Editor at a cost of $10.00
each, or four for $25.00.
Third class bulk mail is not forwarded. Be sure to send your new address to
Recording Secretary Sonya Neve ,
26533 Rd . 24, LaJunta, CO 81050,
well in advance. If you have moved
and miss an issue, we will replace it if
possible, but only if your request is accompanied by payment for the extra
Advertising Information
The Bagpiper and Moore & Ahlers
Publishing cannot be responsible for
the accuracy of ad copy which is not
submitted typewritten. Handwritten ads
should be printed very clearly. Logos
and art work must be in ink. Pencil
drawings do not reproduce clearly.
Pedigrees up to great grandparents
will be typeset at no extra charge only
if typewritten or very clearly printed.
Tiw, a.rlfl'el"tt~19 rleo.rl/J'tre.- f(J"" tiw,
1995 !Vo.J 8(1.j'/'fY'
I~ cla~
J°' 1995
Please give directions as to how you
want your ad to look, i.e. feminine,
conservative, festive etc. If you want
borders or artwork, let us know. If we
cannot duplicate a computer typeface
you've used, we will match it as closely as possible.
Ad Rates
MEMBERS . All ads must be paid in
full when submitted.
llv-aifaJ&, ~()If( ffOA... .... .
The following items are for sale from the STCA and may be purchased from:
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Evelyn Kirk, 2603 Derwent Drive, S.W., Roanoke, VA 24015.
Scottish Terrier Fact Sheet ..... ..... . ......... $.10
STCA Decals ... ........ . . . .. . . .. . . .. ... .*$1.00
STCA Handbook (1991 Edition) . .... .... ... .$12.00
Plus $2.00 for postage
STCA Handbook (1986 Edition) .... . . .. ... . .. $7.50
Plus $2.00 for postage
STCA Grooming Manual . . ........ .... ... . .. $5.00
(If you purchase 10 of these, receive an additional one
Plus $2.50 shipping and handling
STCA Emblem Pin .. . . . . . ....... .. ........ *$5.00
The Bagpiper
Amplification and Clarification of the Scottish Terrier
Standard . . . .. . . . ....... $5.00 Plus $1.00 for postage
Pedigree Forms - package of 12 .............. *$5.00
American Scottish Terrier Champions' Pedigrees $40.00
T. Allen Kirk, Jr., M.D. (Pedigrees from 1898, includes
2,472 pedigrees)
*Available to Members Only. Decals are not for use on
private stationery, pedigree forms, or on other forms or
documents; nor by any organization other than STCA
except by written permission of the Board of STCA. 0
Scottish Terrier Club of America 3
Front Cover (black & white) .. $225
Inside Front Cover ........ .$125
Back Cover (black & white) .$150
Please consult Editor regarding cost of
color covers.
Inside Back Cover .... . ..... $125
Centerfold .. . .... .. .... . .. $220
Full Page (one photo) . .. ... .$100
Half Page (one photo) ........$60
Quarter Page . . . . ........... $40
Full bleed picture with print overlay on
Inside or outside cover ... . .. .$70
Per Additional Photo .. ........$9
Full Page Reverse . .. . .. . .... $25
Full Page Reverse With Logo .. $30
Oval Pictures ... . ..... ... .. $10+
Overlay of Lettering on Photo .$25
Centerfold full bleed picture that cover
both center pages with type overlay$75
Additions or changes to ads after
copy deadline .......... .. $10.00
There will be a $10.00 service
charge made for every NSF check
received for payment of dues,
lltt'C OeftfO-te ~ Re;o""t. ..
My credentials were approved in
time to be invited to the March AKC
meeting, which is the big meeting of
the year. Newly seated delegates were
invited to orientation and dinner with
the AKC Board on Monday preceding
the Tuesday meeting.
The orientation was very exciting.
We toured the AKC offices at 51
Madison Avenue and met many staff
members before orientation. We were
told about the new microchip program,
current education projects, the new
Health Foundation (Parent Club Genetics Conference to take place October
20-22, 1995), which helped finance the
identification of the genetic marker for
copper toxicosis in Bedlington Terriers. Efforts to modernize the processes
of identification, registration and
record keeping for breeders and for
AKC were described. Some day soon,
we may be able to register our dogs
and do AKC business from home on
the computer! We were informed of
plans to take a more proactive approach in putting AKC's best foot for-
ward with the public . Regarding finances, we were told that AKC has
plans to become much less dependent
on dog registration monies. It seems to
me that AKC can make better decisions in today's dog world if it is not
dependent on sheer numbers of registrations to be able to exist and function.
Last, explanation was made of exactly
how the meeting would be run so that
we would be able to participate effectively.
The meeting on Tuesday was well
attended and the voting for new Board
membe~s took quite a bit of time. Each
candidate was given time to speak. The
newly elected Board members are Patti
L. Strand, Dr. Patricia H. Haines and
Dr. Carmen L. Battaglia. Also voted on
was an amendment to require 45 minutes rest or meal time for judges whose
assignments exceed five hours (which
passed) and an amendment to prevent
champions from competing in the
Open class (which failed) .
Read at this meeting and scheduled
for vote in June are two amendments,
advertising, trophies or any order
placed with the STCA.
Camera Ready Ads
Requirements for camera ready ads;
DPI on text 1,000 or above.
Screen for photographs; 135 or above.
Ads must have pictures screened and in
place if they are paste ups or anything
other than film. We can accept right
reading emulsion side down film. 0
the first to Article VI, Section 6 of the
AKC Constitution and By-Laws, to
prevent a delegate's application from
being indefinitely held in abeyance because of failure of the Board to approve or not approve; and the second
amendment to Chapter 17, Sections 22,
23 and 24 of the Pointing Breed Field
Trial Rules which would authorize the
Gordon Setter Club of America to hold
annual national and national amateur
champion stakes and formalize the annual AKC National Bird Dog Championship stake.
Individual delegates had an opportunity to speak and there were warnings
of an apparent increase in the incidence
of Brucellosis (see article elsewhere in
this issue).
In these changing times, I will try
(as best the Bagpiper deadlines allow)
to keep you informed in advance of
votes and to report on the results. Since
issues are read at one meeting for vote
at the next meeting (there are four
meetings a year), I will be able to k.tep
the Board informed and to receive direction from them.
Joanne Kinnelly
tM.lfP o.trrleo,..,..ut!ol(.f T~"!~ !Ifi! " 1995
Luis Arroyo
110 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10011
Lora Lee Bengston
7006 Nell Drive
Pine Bluff, AR 71603
Joanne Blackstone
5005-C Endolwood Road
Charlotte, NC 28215
Michael & Barbara Botak
William Bowers
1507 Maxwell Road
Chattanooga, TN 37412
Scott & Jeanine Clark
322 Allen Street
Yellow Springs, OH 45387
1995 Number 2
4 Scottish
Club of America
Geoff Dawson
Georgene K. Jacobs
10 Sunshine Court
Newport, RI 02840
3557 Pike Circle North
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Pamela Offutt
P. 0. Box 1239
Paul & Constance DeBene
Al & Jeanie Jennings
Pismo Beach, CA 93448
Richard & Letty Passig
21821 Glendalough Road
Laytonville, MD 20882
Tom & Debbie Donahue
Mrs. Laurel Johanson
Don & Carol Plott
309 Chenowich Drive
Stevensville, MD 21666
2751 Norwood Terrace
Glenview, IL 60025
104 Carriage Oaks Drive
Columbia, SC 25223
Mary Ellen Dougan is now
Mary Ellen Newcom
Sally Johnson
Sam & Ava Powell
Theresa J. Duncan
9562 North Farm Rd. 141
Springfield, MO 65803
LTG(Ret) & Mrs. Richard Graves
PSCl203 - Box 1458
R APO AE 09803-1458
Phone 00196614781652
John H. & Mardeen M. Hartford
Chet & Rose Marie Heath
112 Sierra Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Barbara Patton Hoffman
64 Olde Forge Lane
Baltimore, MD 21236
Dr. T. Hossfeld/Janie E. Nunez
555 W. Linda Vista
Oro Valley, AZ 85737
work (520)742-9787
1334 McCabe Circle W.
Anchorage, AK 99516
Fred & Ann Koch
274 Enterprise Avenue
Merlin, OR 97523
Conni Koval
2080 Calle Contento
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Lia Lawson
12090 Birchleaf Drive
Rockville, VA 23146
Kendra Deerenee Lovette
1200 Branch Lane
Glen Bum, MD 21061
Dr. Mary Ann Lubno
1534 Raynolds Street
El Paso, TX 79903-2022
Martha Replogle
J. Jerry Rodos
5200 S. Ellis
Chicago, IL 60615-4314
Elizabeth J. Saunders
78 Scenic Drive
Hamburg, NJ 07419-9801
Don & Pat Siegel
Lawrence & Jean Zale
5121 N. Cimmaron
Las Vegas, NV 89129
702-655-9619 0
Sally & Jim Mackin
Phone: 011-81-03-3718-3301
Robert T. Hovey
Robert & Lorraine Mazzarella
P. 0 . Box 896
EXeter, NH 03833
12 Trailside Circle
Sudbury, MA 01776
John D. Hughes
Nancy Reese
6700 Orchard
Loveland, CO 80538
P. 0 . Box 897
Exeter, NH 03833
Carleton & Marcia Musson
212 Oakshade Road. Rt. 7
Tabernacle, NJ 08088-8508
Nancy Hunt
Millicent L. Myers
The following completed applications for membership in The Scottish Terrier Club of America have been received and
approved by the Board for publication. Members are encouraged to contact the Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Evelyn Kirk,
2603 Derwent Drive, S.W., Roanoke, VA 24015, within eight weeks following the mailing of this Bagpiper to voice their
opinions on the applicants. Following an eight-week period from the date of mailing of the Bagpiper to allow for
membership input, the Board will review the applications.
The Bagpiper
Scottish Terrier Club ofAmerica 5
!Ve.w A;;~eM~ h"" ;eleff(bel".fli.'i' Rueiv-d-eolf?
Don Bankston
1103 North 11th Street
Temple, TX 76501
Sponsors: Tom Langham & Bob Phelan
Margaret Mary Blair
6 New Hampshire A venue
Barrington, RI 02806
Sponsors: Gertrude Reida and Geoff
New Members Effective February 27,
1995 - Welcome!
Nancy J. Clements
136 E. 36th Street
New York, NY 10016
Kim J. Baquet
Lemont, IL 60439
Mr. and Mrs. McFarland Osborne
HCR 2, Box 33
Friona, TX 79035
John & Elizabeth Price (former members)
4526 Sullivan Street
Cheyenne, WY 82009
RR 1, Kars, Ontario
Canada KOA 2EO
Beverly Cromwell & Storm Coutu
Tito Alonso Basorez
67 Mine Road
Winchester, NH 03470
Sponsors: Nancy Beavers and Gertrude
3605 Darby Road
Harrisburg, PA
Celeste Young
Paulla Gaffney
1034 Vanderburg Place
Port Huron, MI 48060
Sponsors: Margaret MacDonald &
Cynthia Wallgren
Karen Lynn
4469 Locksley Road
Tucker, GA 30084
Sponsors: Ellen Avery & Marjorie &
Furney Powell
Felix Martinez & Sydni Brown-Martinez
170 North Holcomb Street
Castle Rock, CO 80104
Sponsors: Nancy Reese & Pat Gruda
16 West Street
West Islip, NY 11795
516-661-0168 D
Gerald & Jeanette Knazek
201 Hetherbrook Road
Greenville, SC 29615
Richard & Julie Korenchuk
1104 Warner Avenue
ad~~!J.isement1 ~as 1
uben"'a~d Wbisk.jbae Scotties
Carla LaCoe
Allene Haldy
8225 Lupine Circle
Fort Worth, TX 76135
(817) 237-3608
Jake & Nancy McClosky
(former members)
29W047 Colford Avenue
West Chicago, IL 60185
Sponsors: Iris Burke & Nancy Fingerhut
Kathleen Overby
21 Burling Way
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
904-249-07 65
Sponsors: Bonnie Lamphear & Lois
Junior Member
Krissy Shafer
10809 Arabian Lane
Cheyenne, WY 82009
Sponsors: Elizabeth Cooper & Jeannie
Am. Can. Ch. Hycourt's High Sierra
Am. Can. Ch. Firebrand's Bookmaker
Ch. Sandgreg's Editorial
Am. Can. Ch. Charves Dashing Dawtie
Ch. Sandgreg's Second Edition
Ch. Sandgreg's Headliner
Ch. Braebum's Topic of Sandgreg
Ch. Anstamm Happy Moment
Am. Can. Ch. Hycourt's High Sierra
Ch. Sandgreg's Headliner
Ch. Sandgreg's Square Deal
Ch. Glad Mac's Gypsy of Sandgreg
Ch. Hycourt's Blush With Pride
Ch. Sandgreg's Mr. Hot Shot
Ch. Glad Mac's Cracklin' Rosie
Glad Mac's Sweet Caroline
Ruben, beautifully line-bred from top producing parents.
Superb front, shoulder layback and temperament. vWD 108%.
Carries the wheaten gene. Two champions from his first litter
finished in 1994.
1995 Number 2
• I ... I
., •-- .
• • -
• ,.. I
,.. I
Hosted by
- ,..- -•
Presented by
... '
--- ~
July 22 & 23, 1995 - Kansas City, I<ansas
$55.00 (includes 2-day seminar and 2 lunches)
Make checks payble to HASTC and mail to:
"nieresa Duncan
Rt. 5, Box 518'-2, Springfield, MO 658'03
417 /742-528'5
' •
.' ,...
STCA Letter to New Scottie Owners 7
Those of you who have recently registered a Scottish Terrier have already seen the
letter STCA now includes with all new AKC registrations. Carole Fry Owen composed
the letter and brought it to the STCA Board. The graphics are by Michele Williams.
We're proud of this effort and proud to be only the seventh breed - and the first terrier
breed - to try to reach new owners in this way. For those of you who haven't seen it yet,
here is the letter.
MRS. EVELYN KIRK, Corresponding Secretary
2603 Derwent Drive SW, Roanoke, VA 24015
Dear New Scottish Terrier Owner:
So you have a new Scottish Terrier. The more you know about the breed and its unique characteristics, the better
you will appreciate your dog and be able to provide the care it needs.
Let us tell you about the Scottish Terrier Club of America. Our national club has more than 1,000 members from
all walks of life. Our bond is a love for the Scottish Terrier. The club has two annual national specialty shows.
Many educational materials are available from the Scottish Terrier Club of America. A good starter is the club's
Scottish Terrier information packet ($2.00). Other STCA publications include handbooks, a grooming manual, an
illustrated amplification of the Scottish Terrier Standard, and the award-winning quarterly magazine, The Bagpiper.
Additional good Scottish Terrier reading is in books like: ~
4J o h n M arvm
· ,s 1.'T'L
ne N ew Comp1et e Scotti"sh ,,..,
1. e"ier
f!JJ T. Allen Kirk, Jr.'s This Is The Scottish Terrier
f!JJ Muriel Lee's The Official Book of the Scottish Terrier
If you live near a regional Scottish Terrier club, you are in luck. Visit a meeting to discover fellow Scottie fanciers.
Scottie clubs are in Los Angeles, San Franc'isco, Denver, Washington, D.C., Dayton, Chicago, Pittsburgh,
Baltimore, Louisville, Kansas City, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Seattle, Tampa Bay, New York, Utah, Washington
State, Michigan, New England, northern Ohio and western Virginia.
Regional clubs have interesting educational programs
and may sponsor specialty shows, matches, von Willebrand's
and thyroid testing, tattoo clinics and more.
Most publish informative newsletters.
All specialize in Scottie fun!
The truth is, though, most Scottish Terrier owners live far from a regional club. Should that be your case, ask the
national club for individual contacts in your own area. You will discover that STCA members love to "talk Scottie"
and are very willing to.answer questions about the breed.
One activity for which the STCA wishes there was no need is RESCUE. Many concerned Scottish Terrier owners
help place lost or abandoned Scotties in good new homes. There aren't enough of us. The STCA urges all owners. tu
help keep Scotties from among the millions of unwanted pets euthanized in the U.S. each year. You can volunteer
at an animal control facility. Be a temporary foster home. Donate money. You can help, too, by suggesting
ownership of a rescue Scottie to your friends who might want to own a Scottie. Many regional Scottish Terrier
clubs have rescue programs. The STCA has a national rescue coordinator. Deserving rescue Scot ties are avialable!
1995 Number 2
8 STCA Letter to New Scottie Owners
The "Cost" is usually a donation to cover rescue expenses. You also can do your part for RESCUE by preventing
it. Spay or neuter your new Scottie pet. You will prevent unwanted litters and avoid messy, twice yearly heat
cycles. In addition, you will reduce roving/marking/aggression aggravated by mating instincts.
Did you know spaying/neutering can improve your Scottie's health and increase its lifespan? It is
an unfortunate fact that Scottish Terriers are at higher risk than many other purebred dogs for
some malignancies. Veterinary research shows that female dogs of any breed spayed before their
first season have a 0.5% risk of developing mammary cancer. After age 2 1/2, that risk becomes
26% for unspayed females. Spayed females also cannot develop ovarian or uterine cancers or
pyometra. In male dogs, early neutering reduces risk of prostatic and testicular disease and
Please unders and that American Kennel Club registration is not an indication of a Scottish Terrier's breeding
quality or health background. Even a Scottie that has all AKC champions in its pedigree may not be a candidate
for breeding!
If you consider breeding a litter, compare your Scottie to the official breed Standard first. Also, investigate health
checks that should be done before breeding. Be sure you do not breed Scotties affected by genetically transmitted
conditions that can include Scottie Cramp, vonWillebrand's Disease, skin problems, thyroid dysfunction and poor
V To protect your Scottie pet, identify it. Your safest backup to a collar and tags is a tattoo registered with
national tattoo registry. Several such organizations boast of a 95% or better return rate on lost dogs. Tattooing
a dog is painless and inexpensive. It is done on the dog's tummy or inner thigh. For more information, contact
one of the national tattoo registries. The STCA endorses no particular registry. They include:
•National Dog Registry, 800/637-3647
•Tattoo-a-Pet, 800/828-8667
• I.D. Pet, 800/243-9147
Scottish Terrier Club of America members are united in a common love of the Scottie. Please join us in
encouraging responsible dog ownership.
For Scottish Terrier
Information Packet,
send $2.00 to:
STCA do Bill Martin
1041 E. Main Street,
Flushing, MI 48433
The Bagpiper
z-ody- {),, ,Jk,
Evelyn Kirk, Corresponding Secretary
Scottish Terrier Club of America
2603 Derwent Drive SW
Roanoke, VA 24015
*Cli. Merri[y 'Wind 'B '!J\(f,atli My 'Wings
lff' \Iii . ('U ll
('(Jl '"\1'\.
( Ch. Schaeffer's Redson x Ch. Merrily Barefoot Contessa)
*Pending AKC Confirmation
"NORA'' is our spirited multiple Group placing brindle bitch shown here taking Group 1
from the classes under Judge Donna Dale. Also: Three Group 2's -the last two back-to-back.
lJ I
J fJ ~
Owned & Bred By:
Marylee & Bob Zubaly
194 Huntington Bay Rd.
Huntington, NY 11743
Superbly conditioned and
lovingly handled by .
Geoff Dawson
c/1-nothe't happ!J chapte't in ou't "!BJ( 1-,, book ....
Award of Mern Westminster KC
Cfhank you :Jud9e cf?oy dfoffoway
afway1, thank1 to ...£a't't!} ( O't hi1 expe'tt conditionin9 and handfr.n9.
Nan & Don Barcan
79 Wehrli Road
Long Valley, NJ 07853
Larry Cornelius
At Stud to Approved Bitches
English Championship Tour Diary 1995 11
English Championship Tour Diary 1995
By Juanita Walton
Photos By Charla Hill
Wednesday, March 8
Departure time from Dallas to London on a DC37, several meals, snacks,
time for several cat naps and a movie.
A good flight, arriving Heathrow Airport at 6 a.m.
We were amidst hundreds of travelers filing through as foreign visitors-a
strange feeling. First we passed
through immigration, then customs,
with nothing to declare, as this was a
"pleasure trip." Shortly we passed by
the sniffer dogs and finally funneled into the waiting area where we were met
by our new American friend and organizer, Kathy Uhrich. We would soon
learn that Kathy was extremely capable
in organizing "anything." From the
quaint old hotel, The Sir Christopher
Wren House on the Thames, built in
1676, we were just a few minutes walk
from Windsor Castle, shops, restaurants and historical sights. The smart
desk clerk had our names, rooms and
key ready . In our rooms were bowls of
fruit, fresh flowers and we were sur-
Seminar with Sir Jernhake of Sweden and Malcolm Lewis of Wales.
rounded by such delightful old English
charm. We unpacked, jumped into a
hot Jacuzzi bath and rested for a few
hours. We had free time to explore the
Windsor shops and the marvelous old
architecture and those wonderful cobblestone. streets. Everything you ever
Left To Right; Betty Penn Bull, Ch. Kennelgarth Toy Boy and Shirley Justus
heard about the heritage and splendor
of this unique place is true.
Time for lunch. We chose a quaint
luncheon room on the Thames River, a
perfect movie setting. The waiters and
tables were dressed to perfection. This
was our first introduction to English
traditions and taste for foods . First,
they serve rolls, butter and then the
main course. It is amazing how one
soon becomes accustomed to the differences. We strolled down the cobblestone street admiring the architectu~e,
antique shops and back to the "Wren
House" to rest before meeting the other
members of our group of Scottie travelers. Kathy and Charla Hill, her co-organizer and helpmate, were present for
the introductions. We were tired but
excited about meeting the other Scottie
members of our group. There were
people from different states, Canada
and South Africa. We were happy to
have this opportunity to be together
and to have Kathy as our guide. We all
walked over to a favorite Italian restaurant and then back to the Wren House
where Kathy had reserved the tea room
for coffee and a surprise birthday cake
for one our members - Don Bankston -
1995 Number 2
12 English Championship Tour Diary 1995
who still remains 39.
Friday, March JO
Perfect wake-up morning, clear,
crisp, with the sun pooping through. A
full English breakfast was served at 8
a.m. I have never seen such an assortment of food. We strolled the cobblestone streets to see the Royal guardsmen march down the street, resplendent in their ceremonial uniforms. The
changing of the guard. Lunch in a pub
of fish and chips, a little shopping and
back to the Wren House for the first
Scottish Terrier seminar. And WHAT a
seminar. The Grande Dame of Scotties,
Miss Betty Penn-Bull. Betty has owned
Scotties since 1928. She has written
several books, the most important being the Kennelgarth Scottish Terrier.
Betty spoke about the origin and history of the breed, with many personal
stories about famous dogs, kennels and
their owners. Miss Penn-Bull answered
many questions and happily signed
copies of her books. She is a grand lady
who we had the good fortune to meet.
After high tea in the tea room, relaxing
and getting acquainted, we made plans
for dinner at 7:30 at Kings Court Pub, a
short walk back to the Wren House for
an early night before the big STBEA
championship specialty breed show in
the morning.
Saturday, March II
Wake up at 6 a.m. - coach departs
Windsor at 8 a.m. for Westhampstead
and the STBEA breed show. The excitement was in the air and we all felt
the enthusiasm. We were offered ringside seats, and I do mean ringside seats.
Our feet touched the mats alongside the
Scotties and exhibitors. Most of us hurried to the selling booth for a few gift
items. The room was crowded but everyone took time to smile and welcome
us. As these lovely Scotties, one by
one, were judged, we were proud to be
a part of the celebration. Lunch at ringside, bring your own or buy from the
caterer, all homemade. Mrs. Jernhake
from Sweden was the judge. We had
the unforgettable privilege of "going
over" Ch. Wildermist Clara. She is one
of their top winning Scotties, having
won the breed at Crufts in 1992-93-94.
Clara was absolutely breathtaking. The
show was very informal, friendly and
the exhibitors were SO courteous. The
parade of champions warmed everyone's heart. Our group walked on down
the hill to a cozy pub for a chat while
STBEA prepared a lovely catered dinner back at the show site. Shirley Justus, STCA president, was asked to
make a few comments and she stated,
"Please don't change a thing, the show
was perfect." They seemed to appreciate that. She also presented a trophy to
be presented to the reserve champion
from the English Championship Tour
Group. This was a lovely time to remember.
Sunday, March 12
Wonderful weather. The hands-on
Scottie seminar began at 9:30 with the
well known international judges, Mrs.
Nellie Holland and Carol Annan, and
three beautiful Scotties. They both explained their theories on judging the
Scottish Terrier. After lunch another
excellent seminar with Mr. Dan Eriksson, Sweden. His seminar was concerning structure with general observations
on judging. We had a more formal dinner that evening at the hotel. Our presenters joined us and we all had time to
share fun stories. There was a real feeling of camaraderie. We salute you,
Kathy Uhrich.
Monday, March 13
A visit at the famous Gaywyn Kennels and Mr. and Mr!\. Owen. Thank
you for this special honor and remembrances of visiting your kennels. Beautiful collection of Scottie art work and
warm hospitality. Then off to the oldest
pub in England, complete with a burning fireplace. Onward to St. Albans
Cathedral and then Blenheim Palace.
(It was mentioned that the Americans
would have probably constructed a Wal
Mart on such spacious grounds-sorry ). There was time for a quick dinner
before the theater in Windsor and then
a brisk walk to the Wren House.
Tuesday, March 14
Morning at Harrods in London, too
grand to enumerate. For me, "a little
taste of heaven." After lunch, a hop-onhop-off sightseeing bus tour of London. The guide told us the history of
the streets, buildings and nursery
rhymes, plus many stories of London.
The afternoon was spent at the 900
year old Tower of London and viewing
the eye popping crown jewels.
Wednesday, March IS
8:30 a.m. - seminars began from
Mrs. Jernhake from Sweden, who
judged the STBEA Championship
Show, followed by Mr. Malcolm
The Group
English Championship Tour Diary 1995 13
Lewis, Wales, the Scottie judge for the
upcoming Crofts show. We have definitely been schooled by the best. After
the seminars, we boarded a bus for
Covent Gardens, open-air cafes, street
entertainers, stylish shops and food
markets . Our evening ended at the
Adelphi theater and the award winning
production "Sunset Boulevard."
Thursday, March 16
First to Westminster Abbey and St.
Paul Cathedral, then off to Harrods and
some SERIOUS shopping. We have a
cool coach driver. He said that he
would be departing London with or
without us to an informal buffet dinner
at their home, relaxing, visiting with
the English breeders and friends in
front of the fireplace and with a Scottie
or two in our laps. The evening was delightful. It included videos, pictures,
music and a bagpiper played as we entered and as we -departed. Such a beautiful evening, with beautiful people.
Friday, March 17
The British Museum and the British
Library and the world famous Madame
Trussaund' s Wax Museum. We were
on our own for dinner. By this time, we
had a favorite pub/restaurant. Tomorrow is our last day in the U.K. and the
big Crofts show. Early to bed and early
to rise. We decided that our group
Crufts 1995 Best of Breed; Ch. Kentwella Rob Roy
Owner: Mary Szczepanek
would be called "the traveling
Saturday, March 18
Crofts - the coach departed at 6 a.m.
Upon entering the Crofts area (Crofts is
at the National Exhibition Centre in
Birmingham), you see big billboard advertising the show, kennels, vendors
and acres of parking. A bus would drop
us at the entrance and we made plans to
meet there at 5:30 for departure. Kathy
gave us overseas visitor passes for
complimentary rest stops, refresh-
ments, Crufts catalogue and we were
Crofts is a celebration like the 4th of
July or New Year's at Time Square or
one of the mammoth occasions no-one
can explain and one never forgets. The
vendors were scattered throughout the
arena from different European countries. As you left one area you entered a
whole block of food shops and, of
course, the main purpose -160 different
breeds, totaling an entry of 20,000
beloved canines. We were pleased to
see the American bred (Barbara and
John DeSaye) Ch. Sandgreg' s English
Garden at Stuane placed Res . C.C.
bitch to BB Ch. Kentwella Rob Roy.
We had ringside seats to watch Mr.
Lewis judge the Scotties and then ringside seats for the finale, the Group, and
this time the winner was a Welsh Terrier.
We arrived at Wren House, made
reservations for dinner and we all sat
around and enjoyed the company of
our newly found friends . We are not
the same as when we came and our
friendships are surely in the hands of
Kathy, Dave, God Bless and thank you.
From the Traveling Diehards-95.
Cheerio, Juanita 0
"John Major'' and Kathie Uhrich at Madame Taussauds Museum
1995 Number 2
Jospen ...
salt' ~al(e1:reo 8fi? cfeottt:r/e, Te/<'/<'te/<' CfaJ
t7u.rfr: tlfn. <la.cit'f. llel"~Plf - <la.c;lel(
(Ch. Sandgreg's Second Edition x Ch. Balcanny's Stairway To Heaven)
''/f/;tk, ()l(e Looi tfoa. rtttl(O«I 1111tfoa. #eeJto t'tro«1
(.f(JJ($d 8""~
Breeders and Owners:
A li
Jospen Scottish Terriers
rrtrret" f l~~t u7J,O«I 0,-,/lf( tk,e 6-9 TU,0/j
JLeph F . Pendon
~ ~: ~auer Road , Petaluma, CA 94952
' - - 8-9229
v/tak, vfO.~cS',
Bettie J . Gooch
1432 Barranca
Covina, CA 91722
... Covering Both Coast
cfeottt~/,; Tel"l"tel" Ofa.J of ~!"ea tel" 8aftilffOl"e
rh.~: #~. !ffW"te!P. Lu - f"ti-eb,.Md
(Ch. Brookhill's Matador x Ch . Sandgreg's Annie Get Your Gun)
ne- !Vo""t~~I( Oaltf(J""l(;a 81Pl(r/«1/t~...
~e-Pff alfr/Ptfl! 8N«11(t- flt rf/uialtie.s'/
Joseph F . Pendon/Jospen
John & Barbara DeSaye/Sandgreg
2275 Morris Road, Lapeer, MI 48446
Jospen Scottish Terriers
Joseph F . Pend ~~
38 Sprauer Road, Petaluma, CA ~
* AM./CAN. CH.
Laura Johnson
Catherine McMillian
And Brother PATRICK in the East 1994
.. 2
Janet Naugler - NOVA SCOTIA
From Breeders Carol & Harold Ames
Canine Cushing's Disease 17
l/e,a/tk, & Erlu.eathlf
Canine Cushing's Disease
By William E. Schultz, D. V.M.
First described in humans in 1932
by Dr. Harvey Cushing, the disease
was originally thought to be a disorder
of only the pituitary gland. Later studies showed "Cushing's Disease" as being caused by multiple factors . Canine
Cushing's Disease (CCD) and Canine
Cushing's Syndrome (CCS), all types
of hyperadrenocorticism, have multiple
pathophysiologic origins. The hallmark
of the disease process is an overproduction of cortisol by the adrenal
glands. Cortisol is a type of steroid produced by the adrenal gland which is
necessary for normal body functions.
Overproduction of cortisol causes
many changes to normal metabolism.
Some of the changes are readily apparent and some are very difficult to interpret. Onset is usually subtle with diagnosis often not made until quite late in
the disorder. Hopefully, this article will
allow some insight which may result in
a more rapid diagnosis and earlier therapy.
Veterinary medicine recognizes
three main types of hyperadrenocortisism.
I. Canine Cushing's Disease (CCD)
- Pituitary dependent hyperadrenocorticism (PDH) is caused by the presence
of a tumor in the pituitary gland. The
tumor secretes an increased amount of
adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)
causing the adrenal glands (small
glands near the kidneys) to increase
their output of cortisol. The tumor in
the pituitary gland is small and rarely
are other signs of the tumor seen. PDH
represents 80% to 85% of naturally occurring hyperadrenocortisism in dogs.
According to the fourth edition of the
Textbook of Veterinary Internal
Medicine by Ettinger and Feldman,
1995, the top four affected breeds are
Poodles, Dachshunds, Terriers and
Beagles. About 75% of dogs with PDH
weigh less than 20kg.
II. Iatrogenic Cushing's Syndrome This type of Cushing's is secondary to
use of steroids taken orally or by injec-
tion. The most frequent reason for
steroid therapy is allergic dermatitis.
Chronic usage will eventually cause the
adrenal glands to atrophy, allowing the
administered steroids to cause the clinical signs of hyperadrenocorticism. Attempts at desensitization and control of
dermatitis without steroid usage can totally prevent this form of Cushing's.
There is no weight predisposition for
Iatrogenic Cushing's Syndrome.
III. Adrenal Gland Tumors - Several
types of tumors can grow in the adrenal
gland. Both cancerous or benign tumors may be present. The types are beyond the scope of this article, but it is
important to know that tumors may be
a cause of Canine Cushing's Syndrome. Forty-five percent to 50% of
dogs with adrenocortical tumors weigh
greater than 20kg.
The three types of Cushing' s all
have one common factor - the presence
of elevated cortisol. Cortisol causes
similar signs in all cases and a complete history, physical exam and laboratory test results will usually lead to a
diagnosis. The testing is not 100% accurate and, therefore, it may be necessary to run several tests before a correct
diagnosis is accomplished. Factors involved in diagnosis are multiple and, in
many cases, only one or two signs may
be present, while, in other cases, the
signs may be overwhelming. Many of
the following statistics are from the
Textbook of Veterinary Internal
Medicine and some may be anecdotal
from 22 years of practice.
Age-usually older than 6 years75% are older than 9 years for PDH,
while dogs with tumors of the adrenal
gland tend to be older.
Sex-55% to 60% of PDH are female and 60% to 65% of adrenal tumor
dogs are female.
Breed-smaller breeds (listed
above) tend to get PDH, while adrenal
tumors tend to develop in larger dogs.
History-this is a disease with a
slow onset and clinical problems are
few in the initial stages. Frequently, the
owner suspects diabetes or other skinrelated problems.
Physical findings-Increased thirst
and increased appetite are very common findings. It is important to note
that several sins of Cushing's may be
normal behavior traits. Our Golden Retriever would eat any amount of food
given as fast as possible, and, if not dieted, would be enormous . Because
many of the dogs with Cushing's have
such an excellent appetite, owners are
reluctant to think that their dog is ill
and tolerate many physical changes before concerns are great enough to have
the dog checked.
Increased thirst and increased urine
output are common findings. With
Cushing' s, the urine is often very dilute
and a simple urine specific gravity may
be done as an initial screening test. It is
strongly recommended that a refractometer and not urine dip sticks be used
to determine the concentration of the
urine. As with many of the tests, if this
test is normal, but the disease is still
questioned, more thorough testing is
necessary. Urinary cortisol/creatinine
testing is easily done and is a very
good initial test, but it is also not specific. If the test is elevated, usually other testing is necessary.
A large distended (potty) abdomen
and muscle weakness are seen in many
advanced cases. The dog may develop
an extremely potty abdomen. This sign
is in as many as 80% to 90% of the
cases. Many cases are first seen because the owners think they appear
obese when, in reality, the abdomen
looks larger due to muscle weakness
and the extremities are actually much
1995 Number 2
18 Canine Cushing's Disease
thinner from muscle wasting. Weak- usually no cough is present. The respiness, often a presenting sign, may be a . ratory difficulties may be related to ensign that develops after treatment. The largement of the liver putting pressure
disease causes an increase in cortisol on the cardiopulmonary areas. Because
that helps to keep inflammation out of small breeds may be affected, coughing
old arthiritc joints. Treatment reduces may be present due to a collapsing trathe unwanted cortisol and may exacer- chea.
bate signs of joint disease.
Many tests may be used to differenSeveral signs may be present in the tiate Cushing's from other endocrine
skin to lead to a presumptive diagnosis disorders - urine testing has been noted.
of Cushing's. As many as 100% of the Ultrasonography and radiology may
affected dogs will have some type of image enlarged or calcium containing
dermatological signs with up to 80% adrenal glands. Protocol for blood tests
having alopecia (hair loss). Alopecia is taken which use injections of ACTH
usually evident in the flanks, sides of and/or Dexamethasone can be found in
abdomen and around the anal area. The veterinary textbooks. If you suspect
hair loss usually has bilateral symmetry Cushing's may be present and only one
(the same on both sides). Poor re- test has been done, it may be imperagrowth of shaved areas, or re-growth tive to request further testing. If your
with brittle sparse hair must be consid- veterinarian is not familiar with other
ered as clinical signs. Thin cool skin testing methods, a veterinary teaching
and infections like pyoderma or sebor- hospital or specialist may be necessary.
rhea may also be present. Calcium dePDH cases may be treated with oral
posits in the skin (calcinosis cutis), medication - the protocol may vary acwhich may feel firm to the touch, may cording to practitioners, but the attempt
occur in the head and dorsal neck area, is made to decrease the output of cortiventral abdomen and flanks. These de- sol by the adrenal gland without composits appear slightly raised and may pletely stopping cortisol production.
be whitish to light pink with areas be- Timing meals or measuring water ining quite small to very large.
take may be used in determining initial
Rapid breathing may be noted, but treatment end-point and used as factors
to determine the maintenance dose.
Patience must be used during therapy - each case is different. If initial results are not gratifying, or if the attending veterinarian gets frustrated, it may
be necessary to start over with another
protocol or another veterinarian.
Iatrogenic Cushing' s Syndrome
which is caused by excess oral or injectable steroids may often be helped
by cessation of the steroid therapy and
diet changes. Long term prognosis is
Adrenal tumors, if in only one
adrenal gland, may respond to surgical
intervention. The possibility that cancerous tumors may have already spread
to other organs necessitates a thorough
pre-surgical work-up.
William E. Schultz, D. V.M., graduated from Michigan State University
School of Veterinary Medicine in
Spring 1973. Dr. Schultz has a companion animal practice in Okemos,
This article is part of a continuing series on
health. This and other health articles are
available from Ms . Gail Gaines, 1018
Kirkwood Avenue, Nashville, TN 37204. Gail
is also interested in receiving copies of articles
pertaining to health issues.
Education and Health Committee
By Gail Gaines
Well, the survey is out!! Hopefully,
everyone has done his own and passed
out surveys to people who have their
Scottie pups. If you have not returned
your survey yet, do it as soon as possible so it can be counted in the statistical data.
Special accolades to Sue Martin,
who had worked on this project intensively for the past six months or more.
She looked at numerous types of surveys and put together one she felt met
our needs. She has worked with the Education and Health Committee, Dr.
George Padgett, the Board and the
Health Trust Fund. The survey was a
major project for the Health Trust
Fund. We had two other major contributions: one, by an anonymous contribThe Bagpiper
utor, of the funds for mailing the survey under its own cover and not in
combination with other mailings, and
the other, by Mr. Russ Somma, who
provided printing of the forms. Thank
you for both of these generous contributions. They saved considerable
Mrs. Jennie Willis agreed to the collection and removal of envelopes to ensure anonymity. She also catalogued
the regions of the country from which a
response was received! She does not
even own a Scottie.
Last, but not least, we appreciate the
time and energy you devoted to getting
the surveys done and returned. We will
look forward to Dr. Padgett's report at
Montgomery County, October 5, 1995.
We are about four-fifths of the way
to getting the Scottie-Phile computer-
ized. Bonnie Lamphear and her band of
typists, proofreaders and computer literates have put in enumerable hours on
this project and it is nearing completion. They are hard at work devising a
system whereby those who would like
to be able to access information via
computer disc may do so. We are also
going to be connecting with other terrier breeds to let them know of this service and to see if we need to work with
other groups with similar services.
Daphne Branzell will be signing on as
Bonnie's right hand for this project.
There have continued to be so many
questions about Cushing's that I decided to include another article with a
somewhat different emphasis by Dr.
William Schultz, D.V.M. We are very
appreciative of his taking the time- to
write this article for us. 0
Health Trust Fund 19
Health Trust Fund
A Pledge For Scottish Terrier Health Today
by Jane Phelan
The Health Trust Fund was formally
established in October, 1994, by the
STCA. The initial monies for this
Trust, approximately $8,000.00, was
raised at a flea market held on the October, 1993, National Specialty Weekend. This was a great beginning! But if
the Health Trust is to achieve permanence and indeed be instrumental in
not only the identifying but influencing
the solution of health problems affecting the breed, then it must be a living
thing. A continual stream of monies
coming into the Trust is needed. Not
Health Trust Fund
Jane Phelan, Chairperson
9115 Lanshire Drive
Dallas, TX 75238
Mary Ann Cole - -Cail Gaines Joanne Kinnelly - Antonella Visconti di
Dear fellow breeders and lovers of
the Scottish Terrier breed,
As most of you know, the S.T.C.A.
Health Trust Fund, a non-profit organization, has been created, its purpose
being the following:
1. Detect and investigate health
2. Monitor health in Scottish Terriers.
3. Participate in research to enhance
prevention of illness.
4. Develop and advocate sound
breeding practices.
5. Foster safe and health environments.
6. Study and share information that
promotes better health in all purebred
just enough to replace those currently
being spent. The assets of the Trust
must be sufficiently large in order that
research grants can be considered for
appropriate projects, in order that educational seminars can be expanded to
regional specialty shows, in order that
up to date information can be made
available on particular problems to individuals in a timely manner, perhaps
via computer network, and perhaps
surely for projects not yet conceived.
Trustee, Antonella Visconti di Modrone, has accepted the task of coordinating the funding for the Trust. She is
7. Promote and encourage constructive attitudes toward health concerns.
We have already started some programs. At Montgomery County, we
had Dr. George Padgett of Michigan
State University talk to us about genetics.
This coming June, at the Rotating
specialty, Dr. Kenneth Meyers of
Washington State University will discuss research on Scotty cramp, and
Muriel Lee will have a program on
whelping and rearing of puppies.
A survey was sent out in April to all
S.T.C.A. members and Scottie breeders. We are asking that all of you take
the time to answer with extreme honesty concerning the health problems
you are facing in your breeding programs. This survey will be strictly confidential and will not ask for kennel or
breeders names.
We are hoping that if everyone participates, we will have a way of finding
out what the major problems are afflicting our breed today, and that with
the right advice from the right people,
we will be able to produce sound,
healthy dogs that will keep our wonderful breed in good shape for future
generations. Please let us all work together with the sole objective of the
being ably assisted by Russ Somma,
for corporate donations, and by other
STCA members in the regional clubs.
In the following open letter to all
STCA members, Antonella offers ideas
for ways that members may consider in
supporting the Trust. Please give serious thought to any, or all in the planning of your contribution.
If the Trust Fund is to be a permanent long-term entity that is effective in
promoting the health and well-being of
our beloved 'diehard', it needs the support of every Scottie owner. D
health and welfare of our Scotties!!!
In order to be able to offer quality
programs with the help of top specialists in the veterinary and genetics
fields, our health trust fund needs a
steady flow of money coming in on a
yearly basis. Our goal is $5,000 and
over. I have been asked to be in charge
of "raising funds" and I am asking if
you are willing to help in this endeavor. The following are some suggestions:
Will you consider as a breeder donating $10.00 for each puppy you sell?
Will you as a devoted Scottie owner
consider donating to the fund
$20/50/100 or more on a yearly basis?
Will you consider a donation in
memory of a beloved pet that has
passed away?
Will you like to donate a certain
sum to honor a particular dog that has
been the foundation of your breeding
Will you ask your vet for a yearly
donation in favor of the trust?
Will you consider a donation of
~ :1073
1995 Number£99-5024
20 Health Trust Fund
money in memory of a friend who
loved Scotties and is no longer here?
Will you consider remembering the
Health Trust Fund in your will?
Will your regional club consider donating a very small portion of its income to this Trust?
Will each one of you be willing to
raise funds from businesses and people
you know?
These are all suggestions that have
come to my mind at this time. You
probably will have other ideas and better ones. Do not hesitate to let me know
or our representatives in your club
know about them.
Let us all work together as generously as possible for the health and
well being of our wonderful breed.
Thank you.
Antonella Visconti di Modrone
Checks should be made payable to:
Health Trust Fund, S. T. C.A. and
mailed to:
Joanne Kinnelly, Treasurer
19510 Clement
Northville, Ml 48167-1746 0
Health Trust Fund, S.T.C.A.
1995 donations have been gratefully received from:
Barbara K. Acchino
Caryl Alten
Roberto Alvarez Marquez
Ellen Avery
Tom & Kathy Bagnell
Bill & Marie Berry
Lois Bolding and Bruce King
George & Isabelle Bourrie
Fred & Patty Brooks
Elizabeth Bullock
Iris Burke
Vernon & Catherine Cabe
Phillip &Anne Cappert
Donna Carmichael
Gary & Susan Carr
Elaine Carrington
Tim & Mary Ann Cole
Jim & Jan Craig
Phyllis Selby-Dabbs
Gerry Dryden
Frank & Susan Finn
Susan Fleming
Gail Gaines
Marilyn Garfield
Elizabeth Gordon
Roger & Karen Hansen
Barbara Hartwell
Pamela Haverty
T~e Bagpiper
Robyn Hermann
Glen & Jacki Herron
James Hitchcock/Geraldine Simon
Georgene Jacobs
Scott & Susan Jacobsen
Sally Johnson
Nick & Shirley Karas
Alan & Joanne Kinnelly
Evelyn Kirk
Conni Koval
Tom Langham
Barbara McNeil
Barbara Maki
Vana Mapplebeck
Bill & Sue Martin
Jerry May
W. O'Neal
Ray & Carole Fry Owen
Robert & Jane Phelan
Dr. Lynn M. Pritchard
Nancy Reese
Martha Replogle
Susan M. Riches
Bobbie Richmond
Scott M. Rutherford
Jeffrey Scheer, DVM
Pat & Don Siegel
Ann Smalser
Russ & Mary Lou Somma
Magrit Vettiger
Antonella Visconti di Modrone
Marie Walsh
Lois Wieger
Molly Wilder
Pat & Ron Wooster
Donations have been gratefully
received in honor/memory of:
"McDugal" by Phillip & Anne Cappert
Greater Dallas Scottish Terrier Club
by Fred A. Brooks
Ch. Anstamm Summer Lightning by
Alan & Joanne Kinnelly
Ch. Anstamm Maid in America by
Alan & Joanne Kinnelly
Ch . Merrily Dusty Miller, CD by
Robert & Marylee Zubaly
Am/Can Ch. Whiskybae Yanky Bonnie Jean by Jack & Donna Winslow
"Misty" by Dawn Roffey and Craig
Dyers Scooter CD , CG 1/17 /813/30/94 by Carol Dyer
Maclapin Independent Bear 12/25/8212/29/92 by Carol Dyer
Maclapin-Dyerduff D. Bearnair
4/16/87-5/15/92 by Carol Dyer
Maclapin-Dyerduff A. Beardeen
5/13/88-4/7/90 by Carol Dyer 0
New Champion
finished under Breeder Judge Mrs. Nancy Fingerhut
Thomas J. Reeser
IW '11ffj '1.IJl;.:1073
shown by Kir-£·~i9-5024
"NI" - 1U~ 7:::uued- ettd
J tlti· ~~-- -~14-562-2125
"' ·-F70-3346
ol- ()~ Se~
fle«Uje - 11(,,,. z>. ~~ ~~
401-F46-461 I
Kindred Contact 23
Kindred Contact
Results will be announced in the next
issue of The Bagpiper.
STC of Michigan
Cynthia Wallgren, Editor
2281 Manchester, Birmingham, MI 48009
Regional News Editor:
Bonnie Lamphear
P. 0. Box 39, Istachatta, FL 34636
(904 )796-0896
STC of Greater New York
Lois Slembecker, Editor
55 W 11th ST, New York, NY 10011
Nan Barcan, Secretary
79 Wherli Rd, Long Valley NJ 07853
Michael Cerone, Bagpiper Correspondent
83 Sliker Rd., Glen Gardner, NJ 08826
The Publick House in Chester, NJ,
served as the site for our annual dinner
meeting on April 2, 1995. STCGNY
members and guests successfully
mixed business with pleasure to produce a memorable social event. Thank
you to dinner chairperson Cynthia Urban for planning a beautiful affair.
Annual awards were presented to
members who ranked at the top of individual categories based on show results
published in the AKC Awards for
The following slate of officers were
elected by the membership to serve in
1995: President: Russ Somma, Vice
President: Karen Hansen, Secretary:
Nan Barcan, Treasurer: Bill Berry,
Board of Directors: Marlene Burgess,
Michael Cerone, Liz Heywood, Bill
de Villeneuve and Ann Frankewich.
Susan Finn and STCGNY presented
the Woodbridge Public Library (site of
the majority of our club meetings) with
a set of AKC Public Education Videos
as a token of our appreciation for use
of their facilities.
We look forward to our 18th Annual
Specialty Show to be held Sunday May
7, 1995, in conjunction with the Trenton Kennel Club. Ms. Maxine Beam
will judge the classes and sweepstakes
will be judged by Mr. William Berry.
Our Annual A wards dinner and
election of officers was held Saturday,
April 22, 1995. We had Pot Luck Buffet and what a feast!!!!!! Awards were
presented to club members for their
1994 Champions.
After dinner we enjoyed an excellent talk by Dr. Will Schultz. We are
hard at work on our Annual Fun Match
which will be held in the month of
June. In July we will host a swim party
and buffet at Evelyn and Frank Morrow's . Frank will teach us all CPR,
which, hopefully we will never have to
use - but it is always better to be prepared. Also AKC has suggested that we
have someone at functions who is qualified to render CPR and/or emergency
medical training.
In September we will have our Annual Specialty. Our regular class judge
will be Mrs. Sandra Goose Allen. Our
sweepstakes judge will be Miss Marteen No.Ian. Hope to see you all in
Have a safe and happy Summer!
STC of Tampa Bay
Betty J. Lavers, Bagpiper Correspondent
7349 Ulmerton Rd., Lot #126,
Largo, FL 34641
We held a fun match with the Cairn
Terrier Club to help defray the costs
and share in any income we may receive. In conjunction with the match,
we had a dress contest both for the exhibitor and the dog. Best in Match was
Charthill Sandy Shore owned by Glenda and Paul Bruneau and Charla Hill.
Our awards dinner will be held June
3, 1995 at the home of Linda Terry.
At our April meeting, we had the
opportunity to view the new AKC release of the Scottish Terrier Breed
video, it was informative and very well
We are working on putting together
an information packet for new owners
and breeders. If any other clubs have
items that they think may be helpful,
we would appreciate it if you could
send them to us.
Hope everyone has a good summer
and good luck to everyone who is
showing their Scots.
STC of Greater Washington, D.C.
D.J. and Sydney Bohnlein, Editors
139 Country Club Circle, Winchester, VA
STCGW began 1995 with two meetings focusing on canine health issues.
Dr. Lisa Fulton, DVM, gave us an excellent presentation on canine oncology. Since 45% of all older dogs, and
many of our dear Scots, are dying from
various forms of cancer, her presentation was both timely and informative.
After a business meeting, our April 7th
event was a slide discussion by Dr.
Marilyn Khoury, DVM, on canine dentistry. She had several practical suggestions. Early brushing for prevention, no
hard chew toys except maybe rawhide
versions, and regular inspection of the
mouth will aid in proper oral care.
Their practice is using a new Hill's
"tooth diet" product that looks like
charcoal briquettes, with good success
on dogs requiring frequent professional
Chairperson Letty Passig is pleased
to announce that we have a respectable
18 entries for our Second Annual AKC
Sanctioned Obedience Trial. The event
took place on April 21st and was
judged by Mr. Edward Whitney. The
results will be reported in the next issue. Our obedience group meets on a
weekly basis and the club is very proud
of their accomplishments.
Plans are underway for our Annual
Agility Fund Raiser which is held the
first weekend in May. Our dogs get a
great workout on the agility equipment
and we are reminded how out of shape
the two legged participants have ber ,,.d 673
1995 Number.:99-5024
24 Kindred Contact
We anticipate a good turnout at our
two June events. The Spring field Trial
includes both go-to-ground and racing
events. This is a well attended club favorite. The following weekend, club
member Virginia Fairbanks host our
Fun Match . This B and OB Match
helps us prepare for both the show and
obedience rings.
Late breaking news ... STCGW has
been approved by AKC to hold a licensed Earth Dog Test. We are very
excited and have already picked the
weekend of September 23rd and 24th
to hold what we hope will become a
yearly event. Now we must recruit
some serious work force , complete
with shovels.
Don ' t forget our Specialty Show,
happening on our traditional weekend
at a great new location. The new address is 1900 Arlington Blvd. (Route
50), in Farifax, VA. This is a great new
site with lots of space for parking,
grooming, you name it. Come join us .
Heart of America STC
and Susan Jacobson; WD/BW,
Anstamm Outrageous, owners:
Anstamm Kennels; WB, Ard Talam
Wildfire, owners: Edward and Tina
Friday evening the club held a delicious reception at the Drury Inn. After
the show on Saturday, the Golden Ox
restaurant was the scene of our grand
finale. Awards were given to club
members who finished dogs in 1994.
After the silent auction and a BIG
round of applause for Earle Teegarden,
show chairman and his hard working
behind-the-scene's committee, we
waved goodbye to friends and made a
promise to "see you next year."
A grooming seminar is planned for
July 22 and 23, 1995. Michael J. Cook
will conduct this two day event to be
held at Wyandotte County Fairgrounds,
Kansas City, Kansas. The cost is
$55 .00 with dogs/$25.00 Observation
Only. For further information please
contact Theresa Duncan, Rt. 5, Box
518-2, Springfield, Mo 65803 or
Jo Musson, Editor
STC of Greater Houston
2001 Seckman Rd., Imperial, MO 63052
Ann McCormack and Rosemary Teegarden,
1895 Dougherty Terr. Dr.,
Manchester, MO 63021
If you and your Scottie spent the St.
Patrick's day cheering your favorite
teams, you missed the real March Madne ss - you missed the 22nd annual
Heart of America Scottish Terrier Club
Specialty and Sweepstakes.
Promptly at 2 pm, Ring Stewards
Mel and Jo Musson called "Puppy dogs
6-9 months," and Judge, Mr. John
Sheehan began his work of judging the
twenty-two young Scots.
Best in Sweeps went to Anstamm
Atta Girl, owners: D. Strong and
Anstamm Kennels.
Regular class Judge, Mrs . Ann
Wanner walked into the ring at 3 pm to
select winners from the fifty entries.
Her selections were: Best of Breed, CH
Caevnes Devil Due, owners: Robert
and Jane Phelan; Best of Opposite Sex,
CH Sodak Society Bare, owners: Scott
Lenore Gurrola, Secretary
P 0 Box 8791, Houston TX 77249-8791
Carole Owen, Bagpiper Correspondent
9 Coachman's Cir., Big Spring, TX 79720
Yes, there really will be a Houston
Specialty in '95. Astroshows finally
has settled into its new show dates in
mid-July. STCGH will be part of Astroshows once again.
The STCGH Specialty will be Friday, July 14, with Houston Kennel
Club. Wychwood Scottish Terrier's
Fred Ferris, Middletown, CT, will
judge regular classes. Jorge Torrejon,
Nazca Scottish Terriers, Surrey, British
Columbia, will judge Sweepstakes.
Torrejon is president of the Canadian
Scottish Terrier Club. Two all-breed
shows (Beaumont Kennel Club and
Galveston Kennel Club) will follow July 15 and 16.
To advertise our new and gettingvery-close Specialty date, STCGH invited exhibitors at the Dallas Specialty
shows to an informal social after judging. We had a good time. Come join us
T{!e Bagpiper
for more Texas hospitality, Houston
style, in July.
STC of Greater Atlanta
Keith Bates, Editor
2200 Birmingham Rd.,
Alpharetta, GA 30201
It's been a busy quarter with the
planning of our 1995 Specialty and
then the Specialty itself in conjunction
with the Peach Blossom Cluster in Perry, Georgia, over the Easter weekend.
Mrs. Barbara Heller passed on an
entry of 38: 11 dogs, 18 bitches and 9
specials. She found her Best of Breed
in the Westminster Best in Show winner, CH Gaelforce Post Script. Antonella Visconti di Modrone selected as
Best in Sweepstakes, Raewyn Petticoat
Elected to office for the 1995-1996
club year were: President: Furney Powell; Vice-President: Jan Long; Secretary : Marjorie Powell; Treasurer:
Karen Lynn, and to the Board: Ellen
Avery, Richard Hall, Clyde Long, Jack
Harper, and Carl Williams.
Clyde Long, Board Member, was
awarded the Gaines Medal for his
many contributions to the club over the
years. He is known as the person always available to fill in at the last moment for persons who are unable to
perform their assigned duties.
STC of New England
Barbara and Charlie Lounsbury, Editors
168 Wright Pond Rd.,
Canterbury, CT 06331
We kicked off our Spring activities
with a wonderful grooming seminar on
March 25th, presented by master trimmer Tom Natalini. He kept a record
crowd of 49+ captivated, from firsttimers to Best in Show winners. He
covered a variety of topics including
honestly faulting your dog, enhancing
the head, rolling the coat, dealing with
problems and much more. We are very
grateful to Tom for taking time out of
his busy handling schedule to share his
expertise with us. Donna Cone provided a delicious box lunch and everyone
left with a packet of instructions for
Kindred Contact 25
following up Tom's tutoring at home.
Our Spring Match and Terrier Races
was held on April 29th at the Bedford
V.A. Hospital grounds in Bedford,
MA. Judging began at 1:00 pm with
the very popular races following. So
hotly contested are the race events that
contestants traveled from throughout
New England to compete! Once again
we featured a "Rescue Parade" in
which those loving people who have
saved the life of a homeless Scottie
could receive the thanks and recognition they so deserved.
The jewel in our Spring series of
Scottie activities is, of course, our Annual Specialty, to be held this year on
June 2nd at the Bedford V.A. Hospital
grounds. Mr Stuart Plane, of the famed
Stuane Kennels in England, will judge
the classes and Miss Robin Starr will
judge Sweepstakes. Ours is an independent specialty and is followed on Saturday by Ladies Dog Club and on Sunday by Framingham District, so plan to
join us for a three-show weekend. Contact John McNabney at (203)485-9127
for more information. Judging will be
followed by a catered buffet featuring
spit-roasted New York Sirloin with
Bordelaise or Wild Mushroom Sauce
and spit-roasted Garlic-Lime-Cilantro
Marinated Turkey with Cranberry Tarragon Sauce or Pineapple Salsa, accompanied by salad, rolls and butter,
vegetables and an assortment of Margaret Blair's delectable homemade
desserts. The price is a very reasonable
$20.00 and reservations can be made
by calling Donna Cone at (603) 6447127 by May 25th. Our headquarters
hotel, with Hospitality Room, is the
Holiday Inn Express, 440 Bedford
St.,Lexington, MA 02173, ph. (617)
861-0850 or 1-800-HOLIDA Y. We
have reserved a block of rooms at a
special price of $59.00 double plus tax.
Mention STCNE and make reservations by May 25th. This hotel features
a complimentary continental breakfast,
outdoor pool and guided tours of
Boston which is only 16 miles distant.
The hotel is also only 17 miles from
Logan Airport and is convenient to all
major highways, being at exit 3 lB of I
95. Call Donna if you need more infor-
mation. See you there!
Greater Dallas STC
Theresa Thomas, Allene Haldy, Jan Beaman, Carla LaCoe, Sandra Green, Editors
5305 Jane Anne, Fort Worth, TX 76117
Carole Owen, Bagpiper Correspondent
9 Coachman's Car., Big Spring, TX 79720
It was a big Specialty, Texas-sized.
GDSTC's 18th annual Specialty attracted a smashing group of Scotties
from the far corners of the U.S. The
club was pleased to welcome all the
people who brought their Scots from
both coasts and the American heartland. Balachan Scottish Terriers' Mrs.
Evelyn Kirk, Roanoke, VA, drew an
entry of 53, including a remarkable 25
class bitches. Sweepstakes judge, Fred
Brooks, Brookwood Scottish Terriers,
Strafford, MO, drew 20 puppies. Winners were: Best in Sweepstakes, Owyn
Las Tinajas, owners: Carole and Ray
Owen. WD/BW, Caevnes Red Headed
Stranger, owners: Robert and Jane Phelan and Renee Stolz; WB, J Branigan
Second Hand Heart, owner: Dr. Jeffrey
Scheer; BOS, CH Sandgreg's Liberty
Belle, owners: Bettie Gooch and Barbara DeSaye, and BOB, CH Caevnes
Devils Due, owners: Robert and Jane
Phelan ..
Trophies were unusual verdigris
brassware, ranging from a huge birdson-a-branch art piece for BOB down to
lily leaf candle holders and crystal votives for class prizes. Show chairman
was Tom Beaman, and our ever capable ring stewards were Marshall and
Daphne Branzell. After judging, Texas
hospitality turned Euro-spicy with an
array of Italiano specialties at the post
Specialty hospitality suite. Ridglea
Country Club's food just keeps pulling
us back year after year for our Specialty banquet. The evening honored Specialty winners of the previous day and
GDSTC' s members who had completed champions the previous year.
GDSTC thanks Sweepstakes judge
Fred Brooks for his announcement at
the banquet of donations he and wife
Patty are making in the name of
GDSTC to the STCA's new Health
Trust Fund and the Dog Museum of
Tom Beaman's Specialty auctions are ·- ..
always rousing af-~
'"" ~
fairs. Biggest dol~ -vlar booster to Spe- _Y'
cialty fund-raising
was the record banquet auction at
which Beaman coaxed bidding that totaled buys of $2,000. High dollar item
was a framed Saturday Evening Post
Scottie Easter cover from 1933 which
brought $120. Other framed antique
prints, a Norman Rockwell Scottie
plate, a vintage suitcase stamped with
dog decals and lined with Scottie fabric, a one-of-a-kind Scottie doll, Scottie
nightshirts, etc., were a few of the
unique auction items. Setting the banquet's Easter theme were ceramic Scottie centerpieces and porcelain Scottie
Easter egg favors made by Lana and
Tia Gerdock. Ways and means sales of
Scottie notecards, extra Easter eggs and
brass egg holders, plus $400 in raffle
tickets boosted banquet receipts even
higher. Lynn Seyler won the raffle's
heirloom quality Scottie crossstitch and
tartan-appliqued Scottie bellpull designed and made by GDSTC member
Donna Winslow.
One specialty a year has been so
much fun, GDSTC is adding a second!
Our first winter Specialty has been approved for December 9. Come be a
Newly elected GDSTC officers for
1995 are: Leland Thomas, president;
Carla LaCoe, Vice-president; Jan Beaman, recording secretary; Connie
Smith, corresponding secretary; Jane
Phelan, treasurer; and directors Allene
Haldy, Tom Langham, and Lana Gerdock.
The San Francisco Bay STC
Freddi Miller, Editor
20560 Montalvo Ln, Saratoga, CA 95070
Our Spring Specialty was held on
Good Friday before the two days of
Easter weekend shows in Sacramento.
Sweepstakes was judged by Ms. Jacki
Herron. Best in Sweepstakes was
awarded to Jospen's With One Look,
1995 Number 2 _.,:1573
26 Kindred Contact
owners: Joseph F. Pendon and Bettie
The Regular classes were judged by
Mr. Jerry L. Roszman. His choices
were: WD/BW, Caevnes Mystery Messenger, owners: Robert and Jane Phelan; WB/BOS, Victory Scotch Ellegance, owner: Jean Palmer-Daley ;
BOB, CH Caevnes Devils Due, owners: Robert and Jane Phelan.
Greater Pittsburgh STC
Joanne Hays, Editor
4003 Dulane Dr., Murrysville, PA 15668
At the time of this writing we are
busy, busy, busy getting ready for our
Specialty to be held on May 13, 1995.
So, stay posted to this spot in the next
issue for our results!
STC of Chicago
Rich Korenchuk, Editor
1104 Warner Ave., Lemont, IL 60439
The Scottish Terrier Club of Chicago is still busy planning the 1995
Chicago Speciality show and working
on our fun match this fall. Rescue continues to be very busy, with Sue Severtsen and Caryl Alten both hard at
work. Thank you to club members and
friends of the STCC for their continued
help and support.
The Tiffany lamp raffle was a huge
success, raising over $600 for our Rescue fund. Thank you to all who participated in making this very successful.
We are still coming up with new
ideas for fund raising and hoping to
have another Scottie Party later this
year, along with Picture Your Pet With
Santa. I would be interested in hearing
The Bagpiper
from other clubs on their ideas about
activities and fund raisers, so please
drop me a line at the address listed
Washington State STC
Florence E. Hicks, Editor
10722 59th Ave., E., Puyallup, WA 98373
Preparations are well under way for
the two Specialties in June. The
Specialty is June 9th and the STCA
Rotating Specialty is the next day June
10th. All committees are working well
together and have everything in order.
A good time should be had by everyone.
Christine Stephens helped us get our
puppies and adult Scots ready by conducting a two-day grooming seminar
on April 1st and 2nd. At that seminar
five Scotty owners decided to submit
club membership applications . Irene
Do Rozario and Eileen Childress (Seminar chairperson) had a delicious lunch
for all the aspiring groomers.
On April 8th Vandra Huber, Match
Chairperson, had a successful day with
NO RAIN! For the first time for our
club a Canine Good Citizenship Test
was conducted by Margie Vinciguerra,
Julie Bare and Florence Hicks. Four
dogs passed and a good time was had
by all attendees and as usual, Irene Do
Rozario put on a great lunch.
STC of Greater Denver
Sharon Sears, Editor
1032 Turley Dr.,
Colorado Springs, CO 80915
Our Secretary, Jenene Schadler,
passed away December 21, 1994.
Jenene was a member of STCGD since
1980. She was very dedicated and devoted to the Scottish Terrier. She was
very interested in the health and welfare of the breed. She was always ready
to give a helping hand. Jenene was a
retired registered nurse and had been
active on the national level. Jenene will
be missed very much by all of her
friends and her Scotties.
Fund Raiser!! We will hold a
Garage Sale on June 17, 1995.
July 22nd and 23rd, Colorado Dog
Fanciers will hold a Showcase at the
Buckingham Mall. This gives people
an opportunity to view different breeds
and receive educational materials, and
talk with breeders. STCGD will represent the Scottish Terriers.
STCGD membership has approved
the AKC recommendations for changes
in our by-laws.
July 30, 1995, STCGD will hold its
second "A" match pending AKC approval at the North Valley Mall.
May 7, 1995, STCGD will hold its
annual business meeting, and install the
new slate of Officers and Board Members.
STC of Greater Louisville
Maxine C. Stickler,
Bagpiper Correspondent
2711 Blankenbaker Rd.,
Louisville, KY 40299
Excellent programs have provided
interest and insight into Scottie/animal
health and welfare. Vet Joseph Deck
made an excellent presentation concerning canine Cushing's Syndrome, a
hormonal disease in dog s, and explained three common conditions/causes.
The Animal Care Society, a nonprofit adoption agency dedicated to
finding new loving homes for pets in
need, presented an outstanding program concerning its work. The Society,
housed in a great facility built in 1989,
can accommodate approximately 30
animals. Because of the limited space
and because they do not practice euthanasia, a pet' s age, temperament and
health are factors the Society must assess prior to accepting for placement.
For pets not taken in, the group maintains a referral listing, as well as a list
of people seeking to adopt.
Donna Heriz, an attorney and exhibitor, discussed a detailed look at animal legislation at the local, state and
national levels. She encouraged an informed and involved approach for the
club and the individual membership
concerns, ideas and input need, to be
given to the legislators.
Three new Scottie advocates have
Kindred Contact 27
been added to the membership. Each
new member brings special skills
which will enrich the club's endeavors.
Leslie "Dan" Stickler, Rescue Chair,
has successfully placed two rescue
STCGL's Kentucky Scottish Weekend Sanctioned "B" Match was held
Saturday, May 14, at General Butler
State Park in Carrollton KY. Kari Hill
judged the great entries. Naturally the
puppies are always great to see but so
was the great parade of Champions, Parade of Pets and the Best Dressed Parade. Kari was wonderful and flexible
in making all the decisions.
Mark your calendar, get out the map
and pack your bags for the Specialty.
The STCGL will host its 10th Annual
Specialty on Saturday, August 26,
1995. Location will be the Holiday Inn
located on Fem Valley Rd, off of I-65.
Sweeps judge will be Robert Moore of
Ashton, MD (Ashmoor) and regular
classes will be judged by Bruce
Schwartz. See Ya'll there.
SCT of Greater Dayton
Martin Rose, Acting Secretary
6263 Orchard Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45213
The Scottish Terrier Club of Greater
Dayton, Ohio held it's annual Specialty
on April 1st. We are proud to say it
was very successful and that everyone
had a great time, not only at the show
but in the hospitality suite, at the boutique and raffle tables and at the banquet. The major raffle prize this year, a
hand-made queen size quilt with twelve
cross stitched Scottie scenes representing each month, was won by Martha
Eichenlaub of Otway, Ohio.
The Sweepstakes was judged by Joy
McDonald. Best in sweeps was won by
Bar-Nones' Cuttin' Up, owners:
Michael and Christine Cook.
Regular Classes were judged by Dr.
Harry Smith. WD/BW, Barbary Somebody Stop Me, owners: Maurine and
Ron McConnell; WB/BOS, Blueberry's Bric-A-Brat, owners Michael &
Christine Cook; BOB, CH Anstamm
Back To The Future, owners: Anstamm
The STCGD is also proud to announce its second Annual Grooming
Seminar to be held Saturday, July 15,
1995 in Dayton, Ohio to be followed
on Sunday by a sanctioned "B" match
and a fun match. Grooming advice for
both Show and Pet scotties will be provided by Cindy Cooke, groomer-extraordinaire of Anstamm Kennels.
Cindy will als.o judge our "B" match
Sunday morning. Following a picnic
lunch will be a fun match for rescue
and pet scotties, a "best features" contest judging only individual parts, a
costume parade, and a parade of champions. Anyone wanting additional information may call Dianne Welde
(513) 433-0076. 0
Owners, Handlers, and Show Persons BEWARE
By Arthur and Marcia Wolfe
2035 Falkner Place
Oxnard, CA 93030
Somehow, unscrupulous companies
are able to obtain credit card information and charge unauthorized fees to
credit cards. These are entry service
businesses that handle your entries and
forward them to the show superintendents. They are not the superintendents
We were contacted the other day by
one of these firms and told we owed a
certain amount of money for "membership renewal." They had already
charged these fees to another person's
credit card, in our name. We do not
have .any credit cards, and we hadn't
even heard of this entry service. We
had once used another person's credit
card number to make a late show entry,
but it sure wasn't to this particular
business. After making a few telephone calls to other show people, we
discovered that this is not a one-time
occurrence. Other people from different parts of the country have experienced the same thing. We'll leave it to
your imagination to determine how the
names and numbers showed up at the
wrong places. Some people will do almost anything for money these days.
We don't wish to imply that all of
these entry services are working in the
grey area. Most of them offer a valuable service and are totally dependable.
We just want to say, check your receipts a lot closer and report any unusual charges to your credit card company. Maybe if we work together, we
can rid the show circuit of this problem.
We have contacted the AKC, the
credit card company, our local Better
Business Bureau and District Attorney's office to see if we can get enough
support to file a class action lawsuit
against this particular business. If anyone would like more information, our
telephone number is (805)486-8461 . 0
1995 Number:> ... ~673
I errtWa
cpne~ent~ ................A Real ~··
Ch. Terriwalls Harp-ers Bazaar
(Ch. Fantasia Junior Walker x Ch. Terriwalls Dazzling Diana)
Terriwall is proud of their latest star. Jewel finished her championship in record time adding several BOB's along the way.
She retired to grow a new coat and the first time out in all-breed competition she not only captured BOB over a Champion
but under Judge Victor Boutwell Group "TWO" against top winning midwestern Group and Best In Show winners.
The judges love her attitude - her conformation speaks for itself.
The Wallgrens thank Sue Martin for her meticulous grooming and expert handling of Jewel.
Sue "We could not have done it without you - we thank you from the bottom of our hearts."
Jewel will be shown throughout the summer and then a fall breeding to Ch. Sandgreg's Reporter is planned.
Flash - Another Group II, this time under breeder judge Nancy Fingerhut.
Bengt & Cynthia Wallgren • 2281 Manchester , Birmingham, MI 48009 • 810-649-6363
Owyn Las Tinajas is ...
Am./Can. Ch. Nazca Don Jose Jose x Am./ Can./ Mex./ Int. Ch. Owyn Twin Sisters Passmore
Best in Sweepstakes: Greater Dallas Scottish Terrier Club
Judge: Fred Brooks, March 24, 1995
Owyn Scottish Terriers
Carole & Ray Owen, 9 Coachman's Circle, Big Spring, TX 79720
Ph. 915/263-3404
, J /299-5024
Ch. Alchemy's Tincture
of Angel
Thea and Mavis are owned, loved and spoiled by
Russ, Mary Lou and Mary Regina Somma.
Thanks to Pe!J.y and Geoff Browne for their
expert conditioning, handling and loving of our girls.
Thanks to Ron Schaeffer for always being there for them.
... the right chemistry
Thank you Angel and Reggie
for giving us two elegant sisters.
Ch. Alchemy's Battleaxe
*to be AKC confirmed
"Mav ts. "
Russ, Mary Lou and Mary Regina Somma
5 Shady Lane
Sparta, NJ 07871
"1/ 299-5024
A Love Letter
By Lee Netzler
April 21, 1995. This tells the final
story of my close companionship with
Piper (Jo-Dens Highland Piper, C.D.),
my best friend of many years. I lost him
a year ago this month.
Thursday, August 25, 1995
Dear Mom,
Hope that you are well.
Yesterday I hiked Mount Audubon. I
went up with Piper and came home
The alarm went off at 5 a.m. I got up
and shaved and showered and dressed.
Then I loaded a small drink cooler and
my backpack, which I had readied the
previous evening, into the Jeep. Filled
up the gas tank on the way to Aunt Alice's restaurant.
After breakfast it took an hour to
drive up to the Indian Peaks Wilderness
Area. As the road began to climb into
the foothills, a big orange-red sun was
rising on the horizon behind me, a spectacular sight even in the rear view mirror. Passing Brainard Lake, we saw one
lone fisherman casting flies. I drove a
mile further to the trail head and
parked . Got the canteen from the cooler, hoisted my pack onto my back, and
we started out on the trail to Mount
Audubon at 7:15 a.m.
It is about a 3 3/4 mile hike to the top
of Mount Audubon. The trail begins at
10,480 feet above sea level and the
summit is at 13,223 feet, so the elevation gain is something over 2,700 feet.
The weather was absolutely perfect.
The temperature was in the low 50' s
and there was no breeze whatsoever.
The sky was mostly covered with a
transparent overcast, and the sun was
already half shielded. I considered
wearing my jacket, but didn't, because I
knew that soon my efforts against the
continual incline of the trail would keep
me warm.
The first mile of the hike is through
thick forest, and I went hatless. When a
pine cone bounced off the top of my
head, I took a couple of minutes to rest
and watch a squirrel at the very top of a
tall slender pine tree as he cut several
cones loose to fall around me. I knew
that later he would descent and eat a
few, but would cache most of them for
the coming winter.
After the first mile the trail approaches tree line at about 11,200 feet.
Near tree limit I startled a pika foraging
next to the trail, and it scurried away. I
stopped to watch and it returned, and
not too cautiously, either. As I stood
quietly, it nibbled at the grass about six
feet away.
At l 112 miles, the trail to Mount
Audubon splits from the Buchanan Pass
Trail. The route to Audubon continues
unceasingly upward across the rocks
and the tundra, and, from this point forward, it winds higher and higher above
the tree line.
A short distance past the junction, a
small melt-off rivulet from a permanent
snow field located further up the mountain crosses the trail. Nearly an hour into the hike, we stopped there for a 5
minute rest. The water was crystal clear
and very, very cold. I soaked my handkerchief and swabbed my face several
times. Then, I soaked it again and
tucked it around my neck inside my
shirt, dripping wet. It was 8: 15 when
we set out again.
A cool breeze began to blow, which
continued on the tundra throughout the
rest of the hike. It counteracted the
warming of the sun well enough. Where
the pack rested against my back, my
shirt was constantly soaked with sweat
but, otherwise, I was comfortable.
After hiking continuously, except for
short pauses to regain my breath, we
stopped again where the water from a
small ground spring crosses the trail. I
repeated the cooling process with my
handkerchief. There were Arctic Gentians, deep blue flowers tinged with
green, starting to blossom near the water. It was 9: 10 when we started again.
About a half hour later, we reached
the base of the summit area. It is a huge
dome-shaped cap which consists of a
massive collection of steeply piled
boulders. From there, the route to the
top is perhaps a third of a mile long, but
the pitch of the slope generally requires
a hiker to move forward in a continual
crouch, scrambling from rock to rock. It
is not dangerous, but steep enough so
that walking upright isn't possible
much of the way. The elevation gain
from the base of the slope to the top of
Mount Audubon is about 500 feet.
Without resting, we started up.
After a period of steady progress, we
reached a small level area which was
about a 10 minute hike from the summit. I stopped there, as I had been planning to do. While we paused, I thought
about the many, many previous hikes
A Love Letter 33
that Piper and I had done together. I
talked to him about them, just as I had
talked to him throughout the morning as
we worked our way up the trail to this
small resting place. I let him know how
I felt and that there wasn't anything
much better that could happen to a person in life than sharing company with a
good dog. I drank a can of pop from my
pack and put my gear in order. After
about 10 minutes, I got myself together
and we set out to complete the short distance to the summit.
We arrived at the top of Mount
Audubon at 10:20. A brisk breeze was
blowing. It was cool, but pleasant. I
dropped my pack and took out the pictures of our first hike together to this
summit nine years ago. I cried a lot. I
was glad we were alone, because, for a
time, I wailed at the top of my lungs
and just couldn't stop.
I hugged him and said everything I
could think of to say to him, and then I
sent his ashes flying free with many
sweeps of my hands. I sat there by myself for a while and then gathered up my
things and started down. It was 10:40.
The trip down was more numb stumbling along than it was a hike. As I
reached the base of the dome area, I met
two ladies, both in their mid-20's, hiking up with a beautiful Irish Setter. I
stopped them and asked a favor -"Could I please pet your dog?" They
saw my tears and distress and, although
surprised by that, they tried to console
The dog's name was Ruby. She was
perhaps three or four years old, very
well behaved, and friendly. I petted her
for several minutes, all the while explaining to them why I was so upset. I
showed them Piper's pictures. When I
left them, they were crying nearly as
much as me, but I know they felt a
whole lot better about having Ruby than
they did a few minutes earlier.
I passed some other uphill hikers in
the next mile or so. I exchanged polite
greetings without slowing down.
Further ahead, I noticed a man and a
woman stopped on the trail. They had
two chocolate-colored Labradors with
them, which were prancing around and
playing. As I approached, I could see
that the couple would alternately drink
from their canteens and then tip them so
that the dogs could drink from them as
Their fussing and concern over their
dogs really struck me and I was crying
pretty hard by the time I reached them.
It took a few minutes before I could
talk, but, when I was finally able to explain myself, they were both very comforting.
"Montana" was the oldest Lab, probably seven or eight, and the other was
their "new" dog, maybe a year old. The
couple appeared to be in their early
30' s, and, although they told me all of
their names, I just wasn't listening and
only remember "Montana." While trying to console me, the lady told me that
neither of them was interested in having
children and that their dogs were their
"kids." They seemed to understand me
and were not bothered by my tears.
When I was a little more composed,
they asked me about my dog and I
showed them Piper's pictures and told
them about him. They had hiked Mount
Audubon previously and were familiar
with it. The lady was enthusiastic about
what I had done. She said it was well
thought out and appropriate - "What a
great idea" was the way she put it. We
talked a little longer and, when I got
myself somewhat collected, I hugged
the Labs, thanked the couple for their
understanding, and continued down the
About 300 yards further along, I
heard a short "chirp-cooing" sound. I
stopped and listened, already knowing
what it was. After a brief silence, the
sound repeated, and was soon joined by
other chirps. I kept looking, seeing
nothing, until finally one of the creatures moved. They were White-Tailed
Ptarmigans, year-round residents of the
tundra and rarely-seen members of the
grouse family, camouflaged to near invisibility by their brown-speckled coats.
There were four of them, one slightly
larger than the others, so I guessed that
it was a hen with three chicks. Two
were beside me, about 30 to 40 feet
from the trail. The other two were below me on the trail, perhaps 50 feet
I stood motionless. The two below
me on the trail started uphill to rejoin
the others. One left the trail to pass well
clear of me but the other came directly
toward me up the trail. Clearly, it knew
I was there but was curious . It approached very slowly and very deliberately, taking each step with great care,
as it came to investigate me. It kept
looking me over, thoroughly examining
me all the while it advanced. I stood
perfectly still, moving nothing except
my eyes to study the bird.
It had marvelously random multicolored feather patterns. The head and
neck were mostly small brown dots, line
patterns, and mottling against white.
The wings, back and most of the tail
feathers displayed dots, lines, mottling,
patches and patterned mixtures in every
possible shade of brown with touches of
gray and white. Unbelievably, they also
contained subdued splashes of orange.
It had a white lower chest and belly, and
the "signature" feature of the species
was strikingly clear - the pure white
softly feathered legs and feet completely covered except for the claw nail at
the end of each toe. The eyes were
black and the beak color deepened from
gray to a dark blue near the tip. The fi- ·
nal dazzling color that I saw was a think
line above each eye - bright orange, like
a brash stroke of gaudy eyeliner. The
bird passed two feet from me, and I
could easily have bent over and stroked
it without moving a foot. I waited until
the birds had moved away, then continued downhill.
I passed the Buchanan Trail junction
and re-entered the forest. The trees
thickened again as I reached the flatter
ground. The last mile seemed very long
and I realized that I was extremely tired.
I tripped and fell once, just as I had on
the way up, but without any damage.
At 12:55 p.m., I reached the parking
area. I lifted off my pack and canteen
and, after a long drink, stowed them in
the Jeep. The hike was finished. It was
the hardest hike I've ever done.
Please take care, Mom. I will try to
write again soon.
~ove, ~ee
1995 Number p - ~~673
, _j/299-5024
Thanks to Lydia Hutchinson for this special win (WB - 3 pts.).
Also thanks to Faith Uridel and Dog Fancy Magazine
for choosing Annie to photograph and publish as "Cover Girl."
(December 1994 issue.)
Ch. Charthill Victory At Sea x Ch. Charthill South Pacific
Majac congratulates Annies littermate,
Charthill Sea Treasure, as our newest champion.
Marvin and Jackie Burton • 4545 N. 330 W. • Columbus, IN 47201 • 812-376-0121
~~~-: ~ . -- ~ ·CHAMPION
Jean Fancy, Elaine Young, Victor Boutwell,
Stephen Hubbell.
And George Pimlott - Gr. IV from the classes.
*Pending AKC Approval
Always conditioned and presented by Owners:
Donna & Jack Winslow, Jr.
16004 l&GN Road, College Station, TX 77845
Marvin & Jackie Burton & Susan Elfring
Mentor, Friends and Co-Owner:
Charla & Tom Hill
111 Mill Creek Drive, Piedmont, SC 29673
40 A Bunch of Losers
A Bunch of Losers
By Carole Fry Owen
Copyright 1995 Carole Fry Owen
No Scottie went home with a ribbon. Let's not mince words. Our dogs
"walked." The ribbons were withheld!
For the entire entry: that's 10 Scotties.
Can you imagine? No ribbons, and
yet all the Scotties came back a second
day for what might be more of the
You've probably never seen the
likes of this at a dog show. Well, it
happened March 18 and 19, 1995, during the Houston and Galveston Kennel
Club shows at Houston's Farm and
Ranch Club. Outback there - where dog
show exhibitors and spectators could
easily watch "going-to-ground" - Tejas
Earthdogs of Southeast Texas conducted Texas' third set of the AKC' s new
Earthdog trials.
Scottish Terriers were well represented with 10 dogs and 20 entries. Only Dachshunds with 58 entries and Border Terriers with 22 entries surpassed
our breed in numbers. Nine other terrier breeds competed with 58 entries for
the two days.
There were pulled Scottie show
coats. There were clipped pet coats.
There were one or two old champion
Scots, and four wanna-be's that had
duked it out in the Scottish Terrier conformation ring shortly before.
One old pro of the human variety
was among us: Claudia Leffler, Houston. Leffler is the STCA's Earthdog
Chairman and a founder of Tejas
Earthdogs. Three of her Scottish Terriers have earned Certificates of Gameness. However, even she and her current Earthdog walked without a ribbon.
And she didn't stomp her foot or pout
as some handler prima donnas are wont
to do. Her dog failed, plain and clear,
and she didn't question it.
In fact, all 17 of the introductory
tunnel entries and all 23 of the senior
earthdog entries failed the first day.
Four intro dogs and four seniors were
luckier the second day. Sixty of the 74
The Bagpiper
junior earthdog entries for the two days
failed. This earthdog stuff is no piece
of cake!
There must be something to be
learned from all this losing.
Maybe the lesson is that go-toground events can be the kindest, gentlest place to get folks started in terrier
Too many times in the conformation
ring it happens otherwise for novices.
In Houston that same weekend, a professional handler castigated a beginning owner handler who showed two
Scotties in conformation after the ribbon withheld on one of those dogs
caused the major to break.
The latest story I've heard is how a
conformation judge out in New Mexico
left nothing to the spectators' imagination about what she thought of a first
time exhibitor's lack of skill in presenting her Scottie, or the dog 's unique
look. Why was I not surprised when
this same exhibitor was a no-show at
Texas Panhandle shows two weeks later?
"Who needs to pay money to be belittled in public?" must have been this
exhibitor's logical evaluation of dog
shows. That kind of treatment is not
usual, but one time in the Scottie conformation ring was plenty. Mrs. Novice
Exhibitor drove her Scottie home in its
comfortable Cadillac never to submit to
such humiliation again.
You won't find that mind set among
the earthdog tunnels - from judges,
handlers or other owners.
Judges for the Tejas Earthdogs tests
set the tone with their sense of humor
and universal encouragement. Jim Tebbetts, Lancaster, CA, a Welsh fancier,
and Tom Berry, Rowlett, TX, a Westie
man, judged. They, with the new AKC
rep for earthdog trials, working
Dachshund hunter Gordon Heldebrandt, Sacramento, CA, passed on the
good time they were having to those of
us who were putting our hopes on a
hole in the ground. And, no, they
weren't laughing at us!
There were no sarcastic comments.
No put-downs. No "Gee, how could
you be so stupid?" looks. No veiled
rolling of eyes at expert onlookers. No
impression that they thought our Scotties were sorry working dogs.
Take a look at the Scottie entrants,
and our failures. Maybe it'll make you
game to try going-to-ground.
Keltie, owned by Barbara McNeil,
Houston, came close to qualifying on
the introductory tunnel. Keltie is almost eight. She'd been to one practice
day several years ago, but "had never
been down a tunnel until the trial, so I
was real pleased," said McNeil.
"She didn't qualify, but she's on her
way," the judge encouraged McNeil.
When Keltie ran the tunnel, but didn't
work the rats the required time, the
judge allowed coaxing to keep Keltie
working (and learning) instead of just
having McNeil drag Keltie from the
hole as a failed dog.
McNeil's other Scottie entry, 3year-old Jet, didn't pass either, but she
proudly noted, "Jet has killed a mole in
the backyard and went after it with a
I had the same encouragement with
my Sister. At nine, she was the oldest
of the Scotties there. I wondered what
the old-timer would do. There was
frustrating excess sniffing of the
premises, but Sister did go down the
tunnel, find the rats and work them
some. Just not enough or Jong enough.
The judge kindly called me back to the
ground above where Sister was watching the rats so I could egg her on to
scratch and bark at them. She did. Sister's failures were turned into learning
experiences both days - thanks to
judges who saw beyond Pass/Fail. My
old girl may still have a working title in
her, if we can attend a practice day.
Sister's daughter, Tina, a yearling,
has a Jot to learn. She investigated the
hole with interest, then, with a "so
what" attitude, proceeded to her own
explorations. Nevertheless, I predict
she will be a game one.
A Bunch of Losers 41
It was another yearling's first time
at working trial or practice. Ivanhoe
just needs one point to finish his championship and Suzanne Stevens, Sugarland, had showed him in conformation
earlier. Said Stevens: "He just ran
around the field. He looked in the hole,
but didn't go in it. He's never even
smelled a rat. I think he'll do it when
he had some exposure."
There was even a teenager taking
her Scottie to ground. Sixteen-year-old
Tracey Patton, Waller, shows a German Shepherd in junior showmanship,
but brought her 4-year-old Scottie,
Maxine, to the trial. "I didn't know
what to expect," said Patton. 'Tm sure
Maxine had a good time. She went in
the hole but she didn't work the rat."
Claudia Leffler was quite diplomatic
about her Reba, co-owned with Kathy
Bagnell. Reba won the conformation
points Sunday, but, said Leffler, "she
could benefit by training sessions offered by the earthdog club. She's gone
to ground on a previous occasion, but
this was not her day."
Now we get past the "baby tunnel"
to a couple old girls who almost "did
it" in the more advanced junior earthdog tests.
Eight-year-old Molly, owned by
Judy Larson, San Antonio, had been to
two earlier trials, both "cold" with no
previous exposure to rats, and later to
one practice day. Larson described
Molly's run: "She went to the hole,
sticks here head in, then stops to smell
outside the hole, trots around to the
judge, who shoos her off, then finally
goes down after the rat, and I can't get
her out!"
The problem Larson has had with
Molly has now been resolved. Molly
wasn't working the rat for the minute
required in juniors. Creative Larson,
who has trained a rescue Scottie to obedience and agility degrees, used the rat
pet Enzo for training: "I put his cage
inside a dog crate out in the yard and
would reward Molly with food. It got
her to working longer than a minute."
Larson theorizes about why so many
of the dogs left the hole to visit the
judge in the screened rate area. She
quoted the book Sport with Terriers,
which asserts rats at trials need to be
buried under dirt or dogs will air scent
and go to them the easier way above
ground. Larson noticed many dogs
sticking noses in the air before trotting
right back to the take-out hole where
the rats' cage was. Spectators assumed
dogs were simply attracted by the
judge, but Larson now suggests another
possibility; "They may have been
smelling the rats. It gives you an appreciation of how their noses work."
Eight-year-old Cally Wampus
"thinks this is fun. She likes to do it,"
said owner, Lynn Seyler, Richmond.
Cally went down the junior tunnel both
days. She just didn't do the whole job
quite fast enough. She did "work the
cage like a meathead," brags Seyler.
Seyler says games her family plays
with Cally have helped: tunneling under bed covers, playing in boxes, and
Photos by Suzi Perry
1995 Number 2
42 A Bunch of Losers
even gardening/digging.
Seyler's male is a different story. He
came along to watch. "He's a waste of
money," laughed Seyler. "He p-s on
the scent, hep-s on the entrance, then
he trots over and p-s on the judge's
shoes," said Seyler of Sunny's marked
marking performance at his two practice days.
Well, that leaves just one Scottie
loser unreported. I couldn't track her
owner down by phone. Let's use a little
journalistic license and count her with
the "will-do-it-againers." I'm betting
on that.
Overall, here's how the breeds
stacked up at Tejas Earthdogs' March
trials: The 18 qualifying performances
from 158 entries were achieved by 16
dogs. Their breeds were: 5 Border Terriers, 4 Dachshunds, 2 Australian Terriers, 2 West Highland White Terriers,
2 Cairn Terriers and 1 Welsh Terrier.
One Scottie participant suggested
that older dogs may have an edge at
go-to-ground activities. Perhaps so. At
least at the Tejas trials, 13 of the 18
qualifying times were earned by dogs
older than four. In fact, the qualifiers
included a 12-year-old Dachshund and
Westie, an 11-year-old Australian, a 9year-old Dachshund, and four 6- and 7year-old dogs.
Another Scottie owner thinks the
girls best the boys at go-to-ground.
Probably not. At least at the Tejas trials, the success of the sexes was fairly
evenly balanced. Qualifiers included
nine females and seven males.
Anyway, losing at an earthdog event
isn't half bad. Call our 10 Scots losers
if you must. There certainly wasn't one
listed among the qualifiers. We prefer
to call them tryers.
The fact is that a Scottish Terrier,
Ch. Glenlee's Sable Fox, C.G., owned
by Camille Partridge, Philomath, OR,
earned her Junior Earthdog title at the
first AKC Earthdog tests in the country
in October, 1994. She w~s the first
Scottish Terrier to do so and, because
of the luck of the draw at that test, is
the first dog of any breed in the naticn
to have an AKC Junior Earthdog (J.E.)
Lucy happens to be mother of 1995
Westminster Best in Show winner and
#1 Terrier for 1994, Ch. Gaelforce Post
Script, a.k.a. Peggy Sue. Peggy Sue's
sire, Partridge's Ch. Gladmac's Taliesin the Bard, C.G., also is a working
terrier with his American Working Terrier Association Certificate of Gameness.
Go-to-ground, Peggy Sue! Follow in
Mom's and Dad's tunnels.
Ask about our 10 Texas losers later.
We owners think their go-to-ground instinct is there. The talent will come.
Even Mozart and Beethoven practiced
their pianos.
Editor's Note: For more information
on go-to-ground activities for Scottish
Terriers, contact STCA Earthdog
Chairman Claudia Leffler, 11502 Advance, Houston, TX 77065, 713-4696769. 0
Scottish Terrier Club of Greater Washington, D. C.
Second Licensed Obedience Trial,
April 21, 1995
By Faith Harrop
As I drove up I-95 toward home Friday afternoon, my thoughts went back
to the events of the day. The Scottish
Terrier Club of Greater Washington,
D.C.'s second obedience trial. I remembered the wonderful evening before the show spent with club members
of S.T.C. of G. W. and Barbara and
Edward Whitney. This charming couple show Kerry Blue Terriers and Portuguese Water Dogs in obedience. Mr.
Whitney would judge Scotties in obedience the next day. The conversation
went from sailing ships to, of course,
dogs, training and trials. I remembered
the fun Letty Passig and I had loading
her van late that night and preparing
lunch meat and veggie trays at midnight.
My mind wandered back to this
The Bagpiper
morning. The weather was overcast,
gray and rainy in contrast to the warm
sunny atmosphere in Exhibition Hall
A. I thought of the excellent ring with
its clean mats. There wasn't a ripple, a
bump or a speck of dust on them. The
jumps were shiny white. Trophies and
a lovely daffodil centerpiece finished
the scene.
I remembered the thrill of JoAnne
Dale earning her first CD, of Letty Passig, Diana Price and Tracy Piluso earning legs, and of Tracy Piluso and Scottie Maxwell Jones going High in Trial
from the Novice A class.
I smiled at how we all chipped in to
put out a yummy lunch and how we all
sat around sharing good food and good
conversation. This club can cook!
Most of all, I remembered how
beautiful this trial was, how professional it was, and how warm and fun it
Before I knew it, I was pulling into
my driveway with four tired dogs and a
tired me. But glad that I had been there.
I am looking forward to the fall of
1996 when the S.T.C. of G.W.'s obedience trial will be held with its specialty
in October. 0
Is Canine Brucellosis on the Rise? 43
Is Canine Brucellosis on the Rise?
The following is taken from an AKC
Information Bulletin dated 3121195.
Beagles; during the past year it was
found mainly in purebred dogs comprising several breeds. There was an
exceptional increase in the number of
infected Labrador Retrievers from kennels in at least 6 states, a problem that
is being followed closely at both Cornell laboratories. Reports from veterinarians in the Mid-West also suggest
an increase in the infection. Two large
kennels that breed pups for the wholesale market have been identified as infected. A veterinarian in Kansas reported a dispersal sale of about 400 dogs in
a kennel in Missouri where canine Brucellosis had been diagnosed; dogs had
been shipped to 13 states. In another
instance, pups from an infected kennel
were reported to have been sold as
family pets. These examples indicate
that greater measures should be taken
to control canine Brucellosis, especially in breeding dogs and dogs to be sold
as pets.
The reasons for the dramatic increase in submissions is not known.
However, the Diagnostic Laboratory at
Cornell is gaining nationwide recognition for the quality of its Canine Brucellosis Diagnostic Service; the American Association of Veterinary Diagnosticians (AAVLD) has also recognized it
link with the Baker institute where,
over the past decade, tests for B.canis
infection have improved greatly in
State Veterinarians
specificity, as well as sensitivity. Each
State Veterinary Associations
serum sample is screened by a rapid
microscopic agglutination test using a
From: Dr. Leland Carmichael,
mutant (M) B.canis strain as the source
Baker Institute
of antigen. Use of the M strain has reDr. Sang Shin,
duced false-positive results from 50%
Diagnostic Laboratory
to approximately 12% , which has
Dr. Donald Lein,
spared the lives of many dogs who had
Diagnostic Laboratory
been diagnosed falsely as infected by
commercial slide agglutination tests or
Subject: Submissions of Sera for
the tube agglutination tests provided by
Canine Brucellosis Testing
the USDA to many diagnostic laboratoIncrease
ries. If an animal' s serum reacts with
the M antigen, the serum is then tested
During the past year, the number of
by an agar gel immunodiffusion
sera submitted for canine brucellosis
(AGID) test, using a cytoplasmic prodiagno sis increased more than 75 %
tein antigen of very high specificity for
over 1993 (total of 1993: 1359 ; of
brucella organisms. If both tests are
1994: 2399) Brucellosis in dogs caused
positive, blood cultures can be perby Brucella canis may cause infertility,
formed to confirm the serodiagnosis.
lymph node enlargement and bone inIf there are any questions concernfections in both sexes, but the principal
ing canine Brucellosis testing, please
problem in infected females is repeated
contact the diagnostic Laboratory, Colabortions and the spread of the disease
lege of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell
to other dogs . Occasionally, the infecUniversity (TEL: 607-253-3900; FAX
607-253-3943). As of January 1995, all
tion may spread to humans. Male dogs
suffer infections of the prostate gland,
diagnostic samples will be tested in the
Diagnostic Laboratory rather than at
epididymides testes and, commonly,
Baker Institute.
develop testicular atrophy and sterility.
Drs. Leland Carmichael
The infection is believed
to be more prevalent in the
and San Shin of the Baker
Brucellosis in dogs represents a
Institute and the New York
Southern States, with
Diagnostic Laboratory
prevalence rates estimated
serious threat to a breeding kennel. State
at Cornell report a dramatic
at approximately 6%, but
accurate data are lacking.
Caused by the bacterium Brucella increase in the number of
serum samples submitted for
Nevertheless, in 1994, cacanis, it is transmitted sexually and canine Brucellosis testing
nine Brucellosis was diagnosed at the Diagnostic
can cause infertility and bone infec- during the past year. In
1994, nearly 2400 samples
Laboratory and Baker Institions in both males and females.
were received from 25
tute, College of Veterinary
states, a jump of 75 % over
Medicine, Cornell Univerthe
total submitted in 1993.
sity, in 24 states, with the
5.6 % proved seroposias
highest rates in the South. Though the
that was consistent
number of samples tested was greater
in 1994, the proportion of seropositive
Carmichael and others believe the
samples remained remarkable constant that a positive diagnosis is tantamount
to be somewhat more prevato
(5.5%). When canine Brucellosis was
South, although scattered re~
first identified at Cornell in 1966, the
disease was recognized primarily in Laboratory is fortunate to have a close ports from vetennarians and dog breed-
1995 Number 2
44 ls Canine Brucellosis on the Rise?
ers in the Mid-West also suggest an increase in infection in that region. One
veterinarian reported a dispersal sale of
several hundred dogs in a kennel where
canine Brucellosis had been diagnosed;
dogs were said to have been shipped to
thirteen states. Practices like these contribute a great deal to the spread of
Brucellosis. Regulations are few, and
poorly enforced.
Brucellosis in dogs represents a serious threat to a breeding kennel. Caused
by the bacterium Brucella canis, it is
transmitted sexually and can cause infertility and bone infections in both
males and females. In males it may also cause testicular atrophy and infections of the prostate gland or testes. In
females, the most serious problem associated with the disease is repeated
abortions of successive litters of pups.
Abortion usually occurs six to eight
weeks after conception, when apparently healthy bitches may abort without
No dog should ever be used for
breeding until it has been tested twice with a 30-day interval between tests and shown to be free of Brucellosis.
Many infected dogs appear to be
healthy, while others show only vague
signs of illness, such as lethargy or loss
of libido. Antibiotic therapy is generally unsuccessful, leaving an ethical dog
breeder no choice but to neuter or euthanize an infected animal.
With so much at stake, accurate diagnosis is critical. Cornell's Diagnostic
Laboratory is gaining nationwide
recognition for the quality of its Canine
Brucellosis Diagnostic Services. The
Laboratory uses a rapid agglutination
test developed by Dr. Carmichael at the
Baker Institute that has reduced the in-
cidence of false-positive results to less
than twelve percent. That may sound
like a lot of false positives, but not
when compared to the only available
alternative. The commercial slide-agglutination tests and the tube-agglutination test that are still used in some veterinary diagnostic laboratories commonly have a false-positive rate of 50
%. That means that as many as half of
the dogs diagnosed wjth canine Brucellosis are not in fact infected. Misdiagnoses often result in the needless destruction of healthy dogs.
The Baker Institute has a pamphlet
on canine Brucellosis that can be obtained by writing to the Office of Public Affairs, Baker Institute, College of
Veterinary Medicine, Ithaca, NY
14853 (607)256-5627.D
We 't:e ct:u.l~ln ' . . .
. . . to a at:eat
new ~liow ~lte
*9001 Arlington Blvd.
Fairfax, VA (Rt. 50)
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*pending AKC approval
Sharon Bowie
44 Spring Valley
Charles Town, WV 25414
304· 728-4373
<flte 8peclal'l/j. 81tow ... ou'C t' fall weelcen.rl
wltli a well-lcnown We~tmln~te~Jucl3e
~~! STC of Greater Washington, DC
The Bagpiper
J)1ll..llll1ll~ llftl..J))ll~lll~ SliY'S 'I111E 1..1)11'1
(Ch. Snowbank Desert Shield x Ch. Boldmere Bikini)
*tIA,JOll* IS 01~1~ '1 0 A l~I..YING S'J1All'l AI.. llEAJ)Y
IliUJ41\~lY '11)1\~UU)S IIIS (~IIA1,ll,IONSIIII,, l\Tl II JUJ.. l\11NS
l~llO!I 'J1IIE l,Ul,l,Y (~l..ASS, IN(~l..IJJ)ING HOH AN)) HOS
Ol,.Ell Sl,E(~IJUS. IA)OK l~Oll 'J1IIIS S'J11lIKING HOY '11) HE
IHUH,l,ING IN ON '11IIE (~0!11,E'l1I'l1ION AG1UN IN 'J1IIE l~UJ..!
...* Y(--
Handled & Owned By:
Lois Bolding & Bruce King
1212 Lake Charles Circle
Lutz, FL 33549
.· **
• ~~~--'
.-·""· .:'
*~~ - :'
Bred & Co-Owned By:
Bonnie & Steven Dalbey
179 Alabama Drive
Jacksonville, AR 72099
501 /988-2636
Greater Dallas
Scottish Terrier Club
Specialty Show
Best in Specialty
Thank you
Mrs. Evelyn Kirk
Ch.· Caevnes
Best of Winners
Robert 81.. Jane
Renee Stolz
3655 Rolling Forest Drive
Spring. TX 77388
" (713) 350-3656
Caevnes Red Headed Stranger
Ch. Caevnes Devils Due x Caevnes Once Upon A Time
San Francisco Bay
Scottish Terrier Club
Specialty Show
Best in Specialty
Thank you
Jerry Roszman
~..r:t" ~'E>~'!fJi
-eP s'<'"''d' P..g'\
5 v(\ ~~&'1
Devils Due
Best of Winners
Robert Bi. Jane
Renee Stolz
Caevnes Mystery Messenger
Ch. Caevnes Devils Due x Caevnes Once Upon A Time
9115 Lanshire Drive
Dallas. TX 75238
(214) 342-3828
The "Devil" is sponsored by
Norma & Don Bankston
New Champion
Linda Orsborn
Kathi Brown
Christine Cook
KD2 Pine Tree Road,
Box 2722A
Spring Grove, f'A 17362
Kathi Brown
296 Taylor Road
Stow, MA 01775
Ch. Glenby's Born To Be Blue
Ch. Blueberry's Dressed To Kill
•Nadine• finished her championship in grand style at the S.T.C. of Dayton going
Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite over Specials under Judge Dr. Harry Smith ...
"Nadine· pictured going Best of Breed her first time put as a Special under Judge Evelyn Kirk.
Continuing her winning ways, Nadine" shown going Best of Opposite at the
S.T.C. of Greater Baltimore Specialty under breeder Judge Muriel Lee.
~ )
"\.~> \~
e,'b ~~
\)0 ~~
To all the judges who
appreciate her...
Thank Youl
"TANNEK" ••• shown going Best In Sweepstakes at his first show, The S.T.C. of Dayton under Breeder
Judge Joy McDonald. This very promising youngster has style, soundness, and showmanship. His
sire: Ch. Deblin's Back Talk and his Dam: is a double "Bottoms Up" granddaughter. He has the
background. Here's To The Future•••
Shown going Best of Opposite in Sweepstakes at his second show. The S.T.C. of Greater
Baltimore Specialty under Breeder Judge John Sheehan ...
TANNEK" ••• pictured going Winners Dog and Best of Winners
at the S.T.C. of Greater Baltimore Specialty under Breeder Judge Muriel Lee.
c. Michael &
Christine E. Cook
RD 2 Pine Tree Road
Box 2722A
Spring Grove, PA 17362
Steppen' but lft
wit~ lfn
Aw1trA bf 11tertt
Stepping out at Westminster, his first show since last October, landed Toby and Award of Merit over
some of the county's best Scottish Terriers. Thank you Mr. Holloway! He was beautifully handled to
this prestigious win by Larry's friend Jennifer Schamp. Toby stands at stud at Bannerdown handled by
Larry Cornelius. See his pedigree in the last issue of the Bagpiper.
Destiny Scotties
Hycourt Scotties
Frank & Susan Finn
1009 Union Avenue,
Union Beach, NJ 07735
(908) 739-6437
Allene Haldy
10 Shady Hill Lane,
Burleson, TX 76028
(817) 295-9279
The Proof is in the Progeny...... .
Photo by Joe Cirincione
f1teet ....~Jf:ri mivi
Destiny's Curtain Call and Destiny's Standing Ovation
These two five month old girls are from Toby's first litter of SIX out of our Polly (Ch. Mirriemoor's
Mystical Memory). They exhibit the excellent layback, tight elbows, wide rears and clean beautiful
heads of their parents. Look for these hellions, along with their brother, Destiny's Stage Door
Johnny, around the rings this summer.
We would also like to congratulate Toby's mom Visa (Am. Can. Ch. Hycourt's Gold Card Destiny)
on her last litter who are currently strutting around show rings:
Destiny's Holiday At Hycourt and Destiny's Christmas Candy.
Destiny Scotties
Where Love Comes First
Best In Sweepstakes
STCGBA April 21, 1995 - Judge Mr. John Sheehan
Ch. Deblins Back Talk x Ch. Dalrymple Honey Suckle
Reserve Winners Bitch
STCGBA April 21, 1995 - Judge Ms. Muriel P. Lee
Deborah A. Brookes
4437 Cobalt Dr.
Harwood, MD 20776
Don & Gail Dalrymple
New Champions 55
Parade of Champions
The following Scottish Terriers are owned by STCA members as recorded by the American Kennel Club under "New Titles Of Record"
published through May, 1995. All owners are members of STCA at the time of the award. ("B"-Breeder, "O"-Owner)
Sire: Ch. Make My Day of Mayson
Dam: Anstamm Cambrea Of Hemlock
0 : Anstamm Kennel
B: Patricia J. Pichon
Sire: Ch. Anstamm Flashback
Dam: Reeser Shadow Caster
0: Edwin & Marilyn Lindsay & Kimberly
B: Thomas J. Reeser
Sire: Ch. Charthill Worthy ofColwick
Dam: Charthill Tale of Anna Marie
0 : Dana Leab & Ed Leab
B: Dana Leab & Charla Hill & Ed Leab
Sire: Ch. Charthill Seaworthy
Dam: Cumbria Shades of Brandywine
0: Pat Wooster & Tracy Wooster
B: Pat Wooster & Ronald Wooster
Sire: Ch. Amescot' s Lotta Talk
Dam: Ch. Anstamm Low Commotion
O/B: Fred & Patty Brooks & Anstamm
Sire: Ch. Danskots Valentino
Dam: Danskots Cicciolina
0 : Robert G. Harley
B: Lillian Brown
Sire: Ch. Duff-De Lord James
Dam: Bankers Wee Pollyanna
0 : Margaret R. & Jack Banker
B: Debby Gardiner & A. Denny Gardiner
Sire: Ch. Shardon' s Top Gun
Dam: Ch. Princescot Carissa 0 Shardon
0 : Joan D. Francis
B: Elizabeth Cooper & Sharon L. Sears
Sire: Ch. Thistlepark Seas The Moment
Dam: Reanda Royal Rita
0: Donna L. Turner & Margo Park
B: Donna L. & Paul E. Turner
Sire: Ch. Make My Day Of Mayson
Dam: Ch. Anstamm Heaven Help Us
0: Cindy Dean
B: Anstamm Kennel
Sire: Ch. Glenby's Born To Be Blue
Dam: Snowbank Hogmanay Holiday
O/B: Kathi Brown & Geraldine Poudrier
Sire: Ch. Killisport Rox At Scarista
Dam: Ch. Greggor Hill Bonnie MacDuff
O/B: Janice Kostyzak & Richard S.
Sire: Ch. Deblin's Back Talk
Dam: Ch. Carden Pride 'N Joy
0 : Caryl R. Alten
B: Caryl R. Alten & Dennis Milewski
Sire: Ch. Charthill Wizard Of Box
Dam: Charthill Worthy Ember
0 : Charla & Tom Hill
B: Charla Hill & Kim Lindsay
Sire: Ch. Charthill Victory At Sea
Dam: Ch. Charthill South Pacific
0 : Jack Winslow, Jr. & Charla Hill & Donna Winslow
B: Susan Elfrig & Jackie & Marvin Burton
Sire: Ch. Killisport Rox At Scarista
Dam: Ch. Greggor Hill Bonnie MacDuff
O/B: Janice Kostyzak & Richard S.
Sire: Ch. Glenby Royal Ruler
Dam: Ch. Belfyre Maid On Call
0: Christine E. Stephens
B: Mike O'Neal & Polly O' Neal
Sire: Ch. Tardun Talisman
Dam: Ch. Tardun Teatime At Haslemere
O/B: Jeanice Ronden
Sire: Ch. Caevnes Devils Due
Dam: Ch. Lanscot Steel Magnolia
O/B: Thomas W. Langham, Jr.
Sire: Ch. Mystigael Imminent Thunder
Dam: Ch. Mystigael Morning Star
Ch. Mystigael Morning Star
O/B : Anthony & Patricia K. Gruda
Sire: Ch. Mystigael Imminent Thunder
Dam: Mystigael Know Good Reason
0: Anthony & Patricia K. Gruda
B: Patricia K. Gruda & Anthony Gruda &
Bill & Nancy Veldman
Sire: Ch. Quercus Chimneysweep
Dam: Ch. Sopira What Else But Quercus
O/B: Antonella Visconti Di Modrone
Sire: Ch. Deblin' s Back Talk
Dam: Ch. Quercus Southern Accents
0 : Deborah Brookes & Joel Goldberg
B: Antonella Visconti Di Modrone
Sire: Ch. Glenby's Royal Viking
Dam: Ch. Quercus Belinda
0: Liz Heywood
B: Antonella Visconti Di Modrone
Sire: Ch. Sherwood Hill Strategic Bid
Dam: Scotsbairn' s Bawdye Ladye
O/B: Janus B. & Thomas J. Beaman
Sire: Ch. Amescot's Lotta Talk
Dam: Ch. Starbarrack Stands Alone
O/B: Mary E. Heywood
Sire: Ch. Suncoast Runaway At Sunrise
Dam: Ch. Pendlehill Eves Pride
0 : Linda & Betty Terry & Anstamm Kennel
B: Linda J. Terry
Sire: Ch. Tandem's Flash Of Lightning
1995 Number 2
56 New Champions
Dam: Ch. Pizzicato Rags 'N' Ruffles
0 : Tonna Hines
B: Ruth Anne Lungociu
Sire: Ch. Bluethistle's Rough Rider
Dam: Ch. Tardun Thistle
0: Theresa J. Duncan & Bob Tucker
B: Theresa J. Duncan
Sire: Ch. Tardun Talisman
Dam: Tardun Treasure
O/B : Theresa J. Duncan
Sire: Ch. Fantasia Junior Walker
Dam: Ch. Terriwalls Dazzling Diana
O/B: Bengt & Cynthia Wallgren
Sire: Ch. Thistlepark Seas The Moment
Dam: Ch. Triscot's Summer Squall
0: Margo & James Park & Terry Jones
B: Elizabeth H. Simison
Sire: Ch. Charthill Seaworthy
Dam: Ch. Charthill Patent Pending
0: Leslie Lowe & Margo Park
B: James & Margo Park
Sire: Ch. Sandgreg's Second Edition
Dam: Ch. Koch's Highland Mist
O/B: Elizabeth C. Wise & Thomas G. Wise
Sire: Ch. Caevnes Devils Due
Dam: Ch. Sandgreg's Looking For Luv
0 : Kathy Bagnell
B: Barbara DeSaye & Kathy Bagnell
Sire: Ch. Balgownie Bulletin
Dam: Ch. Wilscot's Queen Of Sheba
O/B : Graceann & Richard A. Stewart
Sire: Ch. Kinsman's Gaidoune Fun Bear
Dam: Wil Far Fairy Tale CDX
O/B: Faith Harrop & Carol Dyer
STCA members wishing to receive certificates of recognition of new champions or
of obedience titles from STCA, please notify:
Awards Chairwoman
Maxine Stickler
2711 Blankenbaker Road
Louisville, KY 40299
STCA members whose Scotties have
earned Certificates of Gameness, Hunting
Certificates, or Working Terrier titles, to
assure recognition from STCA, please send
pertinent information, and a copy of the
certificate, to:
Working Terriers Chairwoman
Mrs. Claudia Leffler
11502 Advance
Houston, TX 77065 0
Wrap up a specialty major at t he
t®i®~® i
§@:ID~~~~ mi®~®
Christmas Show
December 9, I99S
In c:onjunc:tion with Collin County Kennel Club
The Bagpiper
Regular Classes
Raymond D. Bay
Miss Gail Gaines
1994 3rd and 4th Quarter Awards Standings 57
STCA Third and Fourth Quarter 1994 Awards Standings
This report covers the period from January 1, 1994 to September 30, 1994.
The Tally Cois composed of STCA member volunteers who go over each
show as listed in the AKC Awards books. The committee works very hard to
accurately record wins. We would never intentionally leave out any dog.
However, if the AKC Awards books are inaccurate in any way (e.g.
ownership, points, wins) or we have made a mistake in the tallies, it is the
owner's responsibility to notify the Tally Committee in writing of the error.
Address all correspondence to Vandra L. Huber, 18831 NE 140th Place,
Woodinville, WA 98072 - 6301 Telephone (206) 881-S809. Send a copy to
the tally award coordinator(s) for the specific award.
Awarded to the dog or bitch winning the most championship points during
the calendar year for Best of Breed (Not by Sex). Tallies by Maurine
McConnell & Renee Stolz.
1. Ch. Ronari By the Book (D)
....... .......... .......... .Donald & Nan Barcan .... ..... 70
2. Ch. Danscot Valentino(D)
....... ..................... Robert Harley ...... ....•.... S9
3. Ch. Ash Acre Dynamo(D)
....... ...... ............... Lynn Zurl/ Karen Hansen ...... SO
4. Ch. Amstamm Back to the Future(D)
................ .. ..... . ... .Anstamm Kennels ............ 47
S. Ch. Glenby's Royal Viking (D)
....... . ....................Christine Stephens ........... 44
6. Ch. Sodak Excalibur Stirling (D)
............................Peg James ........ ...... .... 39
7. Ch. Thistlepark Seas the Moment (D)
............................Margo Park ...... ....... .... 28
8. Ch. Pendlehill Viceroy(D)
.... ............... .. . . .....Al and Jennie Jennings ........ 26
9. Ch. R-Star Royal Natasha of Glenby (B)
....................... ..... Robin Starr ..... ........... .. 26
10. Ch. Caevenes Devils Due (D)
........... . ............... .. .... Robert & Jane Phelan .... 2S
Awarded to the owners of the dog or bitch winning the most points in all breed
competition. Additional points are awarded for Tenier Group placements and Best
in Show wins. One point is award for each Best of Breed except at specialities
where no points are awarded. Additional points are awarded as follows: Best in
Show (8 pts.), Group I (5 pis.); Group 2 (4 pts.); Group 3 (3 pis.); and Group 4 (2
pis.). Donated by Vandra L. Huber and Michael A. Krolewski. Tallies by Maurine McConnell & Renee Stolz.
1. Karen Hansen/Lynn Zurl
....................Ch. Ash Acre Dynamo (D) .... ... ....... 87
2. Anstamm Kennels
............... ..... Ch. Anstamm Back to the Future (D) ..... S9
3. Donald & Nan Barcan
....................Ch. Ronari By the Book (D) ...... ...... .SS
4. Christine Stephens
............ .... .... Ch. Glenby's Royal Viking (D) .......... .44
S. Peg & Ken James
....................Ch. Sodak Excalibur Stirling (D) ......... .49
6. Robert Harley
....... .. ...........Ch. Danskots Valentino D) ....... . .. ... 37
7. Sara Cebulski/ Sally Johnson
.... .... ....... ..... Heather Isles Lots of Style (B) ......... .. 30
8. James & Margo Park
..... ...............Ch. Thistlepark Seas the Moment (D) ..... 28
8. Russ & Mary Lou Somma
.................... Ch. Alchemy's Tincture of Angel (B) ...... 28
10. Robert & Jane Phelan
.................... Ch. Caevenes Devils Due (D)
...... . ... 23
Awarded to the exhibitor winning the most points from the Bred By Exhibitor
Classes with either a dog or bitch, not necessarily the same dog or bitch,
provided there is competition in the class between dogs of different owners.
If there is no competition in the class, one point is award. Going WO, WB or
BW does not constitute competition for this award. Donated by Ken and
Betty McArthur. Tallies by Polly O'Neal and Theresa J. Duncan.
1. Antonella ViscontidiModrone ................................64
... .................... .Quercus Wait for Me .......... 20
......... . .... .. ........ Quercus Rhapsody ... ... .. ... 34
........... .. ........... Quercus Black Dress .. : . . . . . . . . 6
........................ Quercus Drill Sargent . . . . . . . . . . 4
2. Christine Stephens .........................................S7
. ..... ... ... ............Glenby's Touch Me Not ........ 23
.......... . ............. Glenby's Looking Good . . . • . . . . 3
.. .......... ......... ... Glenby's Tried and True ........ 15
. . ..... .. ... ... .. ..... . .Glenby's Just a Touch ..... . ... 11
..... ... ... ... .......... Glenby's Magic Moment ....... 5
3. Marilyn & Kim Lindsay ..................................... .38
....................... .Wild Wind Ebb Tide ........... 26
........................Wild Wind Equinox ............ 9
............... ... ......Wild Wind Deseret Mirage . . . . . 3
4. Jackie & Glen Herron ......................................28
............ . ...........Jacglen's Badger's Beware ...... 26
.............. .. ... .....Jacglen's Never a Bridesmaid . . . . 2
5. Richard & Victoria Lapishka .................................27
... ..... .. .......... . .. .Vickrick Starry Starry Night .... . 11
....................... .Vickrick High on a Cloud . .... . 11
........................Vickrick Sir Bean Kill Bride . . . . . . 5
6. Anstamm Kennels .... ....... .... ..... .. ............ . . .. .. .24
........................Anstamm Party Doll . . . . . . . . . . . 5
... ... ..... ......... . .. .Anstamm Back to the Future .... 19
7. Ted & Hilda Miyamura ..... Abigail of Hi-Acre ............. . .... 6
8. Al & Jennie Jennings ....... Ravenscraig Double Take .. .. . . .... 21
9. Kathy Bagnell ............TKO Carbon Copy of Luv .. ...... .. 19
10. Sandra Howe ............................................ 16
.......... . .............Tersan's Surprise Jocko Bay ..... 8
.. ..................... .Duchess of Tersan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Awarded to the owner(s) of the dog or bitch winning the most points for Best
of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed. Points for Best of Opposite Sex are based
on the championship point ratings of the breed. Donated by Mr. and Mrs.
Gilbert G . Robinson. (Tallies by Lois Bolding & Bonnie Lamphear).
1. Robert Harley
. ..................Ch. Danskots Valentino (D) ........... 34
2. James & Margo Park
...................Ch. Thistlepark Seas the Moment (D) .. .21
3. Al & Jennie Jenning
....... .. ..... ..... Ch. Pendlehill Viceroy . . ... . .... .. .. . .20
4. Susan & Scott Jacobson
.................. .Sadak Ebony Belle ................... 18
5. LaRae Shafer
...................Ch. Pendlehill Velvet(B)
............. 17
6. Donald & Nan Barcan
...................Ch. Ronari By the Book .... . .......... 1 5
7. Ursula Barr
... ... ............ .Ch. Brigadoons Clamity Jayne ......... 14
7. William Berry/ Peggy Browne
................... Ch. Brookhill's Matador ...... ,__, ........ 14
1995 Number 2
58 1994 3rd and 4th Quarter Awards Standings
9. Christine Stephens
............ ....... Glenby's Tried and True .............. 11
9. Lynn Zurl/Elizabeth Heywood
. . ............... .. Ash Acre Daystar .................... 11
Awarded to the exhibitor winning the most points from the American Bred
Dog Class. Donated by David and Barbara Watson. Tallies by Julie Cieutat
and Kathy Bagnell
1. C. & K Campbell, N. Burleson
.... ...... . .. . .. .. . . .Campbell's Tobias of lndebur . . . . . . . . . . 7
2. P &L Wilson
.. . ......... .... .... .The Duke of Wilscot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Awarded to the exhibitor winning the most points from the American Bred
Bitch Class. Donated by Dame Catharine C. Carpender k.m., Jefffrey & Lori
Teague, & Larry J. Smith. Tallies by Julie Cieutat and Kathy Bagnell
1. S. Finn
.................. . . .Destiny's Rumor Has It ...... ... ...... 11
2. Dame Catharine Carpender k.m................. . .............9
.....................Tamasha of the Hebrides .......... 3
.....................Noor of the Hebrides . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3. J & T Beaman
. .......... .......... Ruffton's Shadow O' the South ..........6
4. Jerry Roszman/ Andrea Duncan
.................... .Duneedin Black Pudding ............ . .4
5. C. Jarvis
.. .. ................. Blunel's Felicity Flirt .... ...... ........ .3
6. F. Hicks
..................... Hisum Captivating Lady ...............2
7. Gary & Ilene Stewart/ S. Rosenfeld
.. ....... ............ Simply Remarkable ................... 1
7. Barbara Watson
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Anstruther's Fair Isle ...... .. .......... 1
Awarded to the exhibitor winning the most points from the Puppy Dog Class.
Award sponsored by Bill and Kathy DeVilleneuve. (Tallies by Elizabeth
1. Linda Terry/ Anstamm Kennels
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Anstamm Suncoast Dark Shadows .. . ..... 19
1. Fred & Patti Brooks
...................Anstamm Brookwood Joint Venture ....... 19
1. Helen Prince/ Elizabeth Cooper
................... Princescot Press Release .. .. . . ........... 19
4. Christine Stephens . .... . ... ................. .. ... .. ... ... .. 14
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Glenby's Looking Good ...... .. .. ... 9
.................. .Scotwynd Royal Salulenby .... . ...... 5
5. Vandra L. Huber .................. .. ....................... 10
.......... .. ....... McVan's Casablanca . .. ........ • ..... 8
............... . ... McVan's Going To Extremes ..... .. .. 2
6. Mel & Jo Musson
.... .. . ..... ...... .Muscot Tops the Leader Board .. ......... .8
6. John & Barbara DeSaye
................... Sandgreg's Toreador ... . .... . ........... .8
6. Sandra Howe
. ..................Tersan Moe Be Mine ... ... ....... . ....... 8
6. John & BarbaraDeSaye
.......... . . .... . . .Sandgreg's Toreador .... . ... . . .... .. .. .. .8
10. Kathi Brown/ Geraldine Poudrier
. .... ... .. .. . ..... .Blueberry's Son of a Brick .... . .... . ...... .7
10. Jeanice Roden
........ . .. ........ Haslemere Heartbreaker .... . .. ........... 7
10. Vonnie Horton
The Bagpiper
. .... .. ..... ..... .. Kerrivon's Black Prince .. ... ........ .... . .7
Awarded to the exhibitor winning the most points from the Puppy Bitch
Classes. Donated by Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Cook. (Tallies by Joan
D'Andrea and Sueannette Maniscalco).
1. Helen Krisko ........................ . .. ....... .... ........ 28
.......... ... ...... Kriscot's Midnight Masterpiece . . . . . . 14
.................. .Kriscto's Midnight Moonbeam . . . . . . . 14
2. Renee Stolz & Jane Phelan
..... .. ........... .Triscot Waltz With the Devil ........ ..... 27
3. Kathi Brown/ Geraldine Poudrier
...... ... ... ..... .. Blueberry's Picture This . ·........... . .. . .. 23
4. Susan Ero
................... Eroglen's Ritz Bitz ...................... 20
5. Kathy Bagnell
................. ..TKO Carbon Copy of Luv . . .... . .. ....... 19
6. Carol Alten ... . . ............... ..... .... .. ............... .. 17
.................. .Carden Lick 'N A Promise .... ........ 4
......... ..... •... .Carden Sugar 'N Spice .............. 13
7. Robert Harley ... ............ .... ..................... .. ... 17
.................. .Danskot Devil in Disquise ..... . ...... 11
.................. .Tinker Tino's Big Girl Escot . . . . . . • . . . 6
8. Jim & Jan Craig/ Anstamm Kennels ............................ 16
...................Anstamm Born to be Wild . . . . . . . . . . 4
..... ... .... . ..... .Anstamm Energizer Bunny . . . . . . . . . . 12
8. Tom & Charla Hill ... ..... .......... ... .. .. ......... ........ 16
............ ..... .. Charthill Moira the Best . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
. . . .... ..... ...... .Charthill Water Lily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
10. Russ·& Mary Lou Somma
...................Alchemy' s Battleaxe .................... 13
4th QUARTER, 1994
This report covers the period from January 1, 1994 to December 31, 1994.
The Tally Committee is composed of STCA member volunteers who go over
each show as listed in the AKC Awards books. The committee works very
hard to accurately record wins. We would never intentionally leave out any
dog. However, if the AKC Awards books are inaccurate in any way (e.g.
ownership, points, wins) or we have made a mistake in the tallies, it is the
owner's responsibility to notify the Tally Committee in writing of the error.
Address all correspondence to Vandra L. Huber, 18831 NE 140th Place,
Woodinville, WA 98072 - 6301 Telephone (206) 881-5809. Send a copy to
the tally award coordinator{s) for the specific award .
Awarded to the dog or bitch winning the most championship points during
the calendar year for Best of Breed {Not by Sex). Tallies by Maurine
McConnell & Renee Stolz .
1. Ch. Amstamm Back to the Future{D)
........... ... ..... Anstamm Kennels ................. 111
2. Ch. Danscot Valentino{D)
.... ........ ... .... Robert Harley ..... ... .. . • ......... 94
3. Ch. Ronari By the Book {D)
............. . ... . .Donald & Nan Barcan ........ . ..... 72
4. Ch. Thistlepark Seas the Moment {D)
................... Margo Park ................. . ..... 67
5. Ch. Ash Acre Dynamo{D)
................... Lynn Zurl/ Karen Hansen . .......... . 60
6. Ch. Glenby's Royal Viking (D)
...................Christine Stephens ....... .......... 53
7. Ch. Sodak Excalibur Stirling {D)
. .... . ...... . .... .. Peg James ........................ 42
8. Ch. Pendlehill Viceroy{D)
............. .. ....Al and Jeanie Jennings .............. 30
1994 3rd and 4th Quarter Awards Standings 59
9. Ch. Alchemy's Tincture of Angel (B)
............. ... ... Russ & Mary Lou Somma .. . ...... . .. 29
10. Ch. Caevenes Devils Due (D)
.......... ......... Robert & Jane Phelan ...•........ . .. 28
Awarded to the owners of the dog or bitch wi nning the most points in all
breed competition . Additional points are awarded for Terrier Group
placements and Best in Show wins. One point is award for each Best of Breed
.except at specialities where no points are awarded. Additional points are
awarded as follows: Best in Show (8 pts.), Group 1 (5 pts.); Group 2 (4 pts.);
Group 3 (3 pts.); and Group 4 (2 pts.). Donated by Vandra L. Huber and
Michael A. Krolewski. Tallies by Maurine McConnell & Renee Stotz.
1. Anstamm Kennels
. ..................Ch. Anstamm Back to the Future (D) .. 136
2. Karen Hansen/Lynn Zurl
... .. ...... . ...... .Ch. Ash Acre Dynamo (D) .... ..... . 101
3. Joseph Kinnarney/Vandra L. Huber
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ch. Gaelforce Postscript (B) .......... 72
4. James & Margo Park
. ................. .Ch. Thistlepark Seas the Moment (D) .. 69
5. Christine Stephens
..... ... ..... ...... Ch. Glenby's Royal Viking (D) ........ 67
6. Robert Harley
... .... .. .. . ...... .Ch. Danskots Valentino D) ... .. . .... 59
7. Donald & Nan Barcan
........ ...........Ch. Ronari By the Book (D) . ...... ... 55
8. Peg & Ken James
.... ...... .... ..... Ch. Sodak Excalibur Stirling (D) ....... 53
9. Russ & Mary Lou Somma
..... .... ..........Ch. Alchemy's Tincture of Angel (B) ... 33
10. Sara Cebulski/ Sally Johnson
.......... ......... Heather Isles Lots of Style (B) ... ..... 30
Awarded to the exhibitor winning the most points from the Bred By Exhibitor
Classes with either a dog or bitch, not necessarily the same dog or bitch,
provided there is competition in the class between dogs of different owners.
If there is no competition in the class, one point is award. Going ,WD, WB or
BW does not constitute competition for this award. Donated by Ken and
Betty McArthur. Tallies by Polly O'Neal and Theresa J. Duncan.
1. Antonella Visconti di Modrone ...... ... . .......... .. ..... .. 68
..... ..... ..... ... .Quercus Wait for Me ... ...... ... . 20
..... ......... .... .Quercus Rhapsody .. .. . ........ .. 34
..... ..............Quercus Black Dress ............ . .10
... ... ... ..........Quercus Drill Sargent .. ...... ..... .4
2. Christine Stephens ....... ......... .......................59
........ .... . ...... Glenby's Touch Me Not . .. ... .... .23
......... .. ..... ... Glenby's Looking Good ...... ... ... .3
. . .................Glenby's Tried and True ...... .... . 15
.......... . ........Glenby's Just a Touch ... ..... .. ... 13
.. ........ .........Glenby's Magic Moment .... .. .... . .5
3. Marilyn & Kim Lindsay ......................... .... ...... .47
.................. .Wild Wind Ebb Tide .... ..... .... .26
... ... .... ........ .Wild Wind Equinox ............... 18
...................Wild Wind Deseret Mirage ... ... .. .. 3
4. Ted & Hilda Miyamura
...... ... ..........Abigail of Hi-Acre ................. . . .37
5. Anstamm Kennels .... . ... . ................... ..... ...... .34
. . ... ....... ... ....Anstamm Party Doll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Anstamm Back to the Future ....... 19
............ ....... Anstamm Outrageous . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
......... ... ... . .. .Anstamm Born to Be Wild . . . . . . . . . 4
6. Jackie & Glen Herron ..................... ..... ........... 28
............. ..... .Jacglen's Badger's Beware . .. .... .. 26
.. ... ..............Jacglen's Never a Bridesmaid .. . ..... 2
7. Richard & Victoria Lapishka .............. .... ........ . ..... 27
.... ........ ..... . .Vickrick Starry Starry Night .. ... . .. . 11
................ ...Vickrick High on a Cloud . ......... 11
................ .. .Vickrick Sir Bean Kill Bride .......... 5
8. Sandra Howe ....... ... .......... . ...... : . .... ... .. ...... 25
.... ... . ..... . . ....Tersan's Surprise Jocko Bay ....... ... 8
. ..... . ............Duchess of Tersan . ...... ..........8
.. .. . .... .... ......Tersan's Moe Be Mnine .. .. .... ..... 5
...................Tersan's Midnite Madness . .. .. ...... 1
. .. . ... ...... . .. .. .Tersan's Ambassador ...... ...... ... 3
9. Al & Jeanie Jennings ... Ravenscraig Double Take ..............21
9. Kathy Bagnell ..... ..TKO Carbon Copy of Luv ..... . ........ 21
Awarded to the owner(s) of the dog or bitch winning the most points for Best
of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed. Points for Best of Opposite Sex are based
on the championship point ratings of the breed. Donated by Mr. and Mrs.
Gilbert G. Robinson. (Tallies by Lois Bolding & Bonnie Lamphear) .
1. Robert Harley
................. .. Ch. Danskots Valentino D) ......... .44
2. James & Margo Park
.. ..... . ... ........Ch. Thistlepark Seas the Moment (D) . .31
3. Donald & Nan Barcan
.... ... . .. ... ...... Ch. Ronari By the Book ..............21
4. Al & Jeanie Jenning
........ ... ...... .. Ch. Pendlehill Viceroy .. .......... ... 20
5. Susan & Scott Jacobson
............. ... ... Sodak Ebony Belle ....... . .... _..... 18
6. LaRae Shafer
.... ... . ... ........Ch. Pendlehill Velvet(B) ............ 17
6. Margo and James Park/ Terry Jones
. ..................Thistlepark Simply Stated(B) .... ..... 17
8. Antonella Visconte di Modrone
. ...... . . ....... ... Quercus Misty Morning ............. 15
9. Ursula Barr
.. ..... ... .........Ch. Brigadoons Clamity Jayne ........ 14
9. William Berry/ Peggy Browne
. ...... ....... ..... Ch. Brookhill's Matador ........ ... .. 14
Awarded to the exhibitor winning the most points from the American Bred
Dog Class. Donated by David and Barbara Watson. Tallies by Julie Cieutat
and Kathy Bagnell
1. Corder & Karen Campbell/Nancy Burleson
...................Campbell's Tobias of lndebur ......... 14
2. Deborah Brooks/ Joel Goldberg
. ............... ... Quercus To Be or Not to Be ... . . . .. . .. 5
2. Pamela & Lee Wilson ..The Duke of Wilscot ........ . ....... .4
Awarded to the exhibitor winning the most points from the American Bred
Bitch Class. Donated by Dame Catharine C. Carpender k.m ., Jefffrey & Lori
Teague, & Larry J. Smith. Tallies by Julie Cieutat and Kathy Bagnell
1. Dame Catharine C. Carpender k.m. . . .......... .... ......... 20
............... . ...Tamasha of the Hebrides ...... .. ... .3
... . . ... .. ........ .Noor of the Hebrides .............. 1 7
2. Susan Finn
..... .. .. ........ . .Destiny's Rumor Has It .... . ........... 11
3. Victoria Campbell ....
. .... ..............Victorian Po-Pouri O'Ayrlawn ..... .... .. .9
3. Lynn Zurl/ Karen Hansen
.. ............... . .Ash Acre Gala . ... ......... .. ..... . . .. 9
5. F. Hicks
... .... .. ... . . . . . .. Hisum Captivating Lady ...... ... ........ 6
1995 Number 2
60 1994 3rd and 4th Quarter Awards Standings
S. J & T Beaman
. .................. Ruffton's Shadow O' the South . .. .. ...... .
7. Jerry Roszman/ Andrea Duncan
........... .... .... Duneedin Black Pudding .. .... . .. ...... ..
8. Catherine Jarvis
... ..... ........... Blunel's Felicity Flirt ............ ... ..... .
9. Gary & Ilene Stewart/ S. Rosenfeld
....... . .... .' ...... Simply Remarkable ... .......... ..... ... .
9. Barbara Watson
.. ... ... .. .. .......Anstruther's Fair Isle ........ ....... ......
9. Robert & Jane Phelan
......... .. . ....... Caevnes Color Be Badd ......... . ........
Awarded to the exhibitor winning the most points from the Puppy Dog Class.
Award sponsored by Bill and Kathy DeVilleneuve. (Tallies by Elizabeth
1. Fred & Patti Brooks .... . .... .. .. .................. .. ...... 28
.... . .... .. . . ... Anstamm Brookwood Joint Venture .. ... 19
......... .. .... .Brookwood Black Jack . . . ....... .. .... .9
2. Linda Terry/ Anstamm Kennels
.... .. ..... ... .. Anstamm Suncoast Dark Shadows ..... .. . ... 19
2. Helen Prince/ Elizabeth Cooper
.. .... .... ...... Princescot Press Release ... .... ......... ... 19
4. Anstmm .. . ...... . ................................... ... 16
.. . ...... ... ....Anstamm Strathyre Rock And Roll . ..... 19
................Anstamm Backdraft . ... . ..............9
S. Christine Stephens .................... ................... . 14
......... .......Glenby's Looking Good ..... ...........9
................Scotwynd Royal Salute to Glenby ........ S
6. Vandra L. Huber ..... ..... .......... ...................... 13
............ . ... McVan's Casablanca ...... ........... .8
.......... .. .... McVan's Going to Extremes ......... . .. S
7. Antonella DiModrone
................ Quercus Beyond Question ............ 12
8. Vonnie Horton
........ . .......Kerrivon's Black Prince .. ... . .......... .. .. 11
8. Jane Pheland
......... ... .... Scotty-Mac's King of the Road .. .. .... . . .... 11
1O.Sandra Howe
. ...............Tersan Moe Be Mine ... .... .... . . . ........ 10
Awarded to the exhibitor winning the most points from the Puppy Bitch
Classes. Donated by Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Cook. (Tallies by Joan
D'Andrea and Sueannette Maniscalco).
1. Helen Krisko .... .... .. . ................................. .49
.................. Kriscot's Midnight Masterpiece ....... 16
.................. Kriscto's Midnight Moonbeam ....... 33
2. Kathi Brown/ Geraldine Poudrier ........... ...... . ....... ... .30
......... .........Glen by Blue Majic .... ... ·... .. ..... 7
.................. Blueberry's Picture This .. ...........23
3. Renee Stolz & Jane Phelan
. .......... .......Triscot Waltz With the Devil .. ......... ... 27
4. Robert Harley ................................ ............2S
.............. ... .Danskot Devil in Disquise ........... 11
.......... ....... .Tinker Tino's Big Girl Escot : ......... 14
S. Tom Langham
...... .. . ... ...... Lanscot Run with the Devil ... ....... .... .23
6. Susan Ero
........ ..... ..... Eroglen's Ritz Bitz ...................... 20
7. Kathy Bagnell
........... . ......TKO Carbon Copy of Luv ................ 19
8. Carol Alten ............. .... ......... . ....... .. .. . ...... . 17
............ ..... .Carden Lick 'N A Promise ...... .... . .4
.... ; ....... ...... Carden Sugar 'N Spice .. ..... .. . .. . . 13
8. Carmen Thompson/ Margo Park
................. ..Thistlepark Callie Mccarver .. ....... .... . 17
10. Jim & Jan Craig/ Ans ta mm Kennels ........ .. ..... ......... ... 16
.......... .. ... . .. Anstamm Born to be Wild .... ..... .. .4
......... . ........Anstamm Energizer Bunny .......... 12
Scottie Seniors
CampbeQQ'ii Qae CB1tenna, C'\.AJCS:i
Brenna turned 13 this February. She
has survived cancer and outlived her
litter sister and her daughter. Everyone
who meets Brenna thinks she is a puppy. She acts more like 13 months than
13 years. Brenna attends our club's
obedience classes every week, partici-
The Bagpiper
pates in our annual agility meet
and, when she is in the mood,
does go-to-ground. She hates
baths and grooming, but loves
being the center of attention. She
participated in our 1st Veteran's
Sweepstakes last year and will
try again this year. I cherish every day that this little, black bundle of personality is here to
charm us.
Vicki Campbell
Victorian Scottish Terriers
1275 Bannister Circle,
Waldorf, MD 20602 0
S}~\llO<_\~e,Q,S •••
cAm. Catt. Ch.
goeiety cgabe
Am. Can. Ch. Sodak Excalibur Stirling x Ch. Sodak Casseopida
Special win for a "special" lady. Large entry of open bitches and female Specials.
Babe has an intense black eye; short level back; excellent movement, true Scot temperament.
4' §nbak §cntts
RR#4, Box 126 •Brookings, SD 57006
Ken & Peg James • 605/693-4510
Scott & Susan Jacobsen• 612/458-3472
. \\
l1 \\
Q\).\\ IJ)\.\\·.
C\}J 0-\\\\Q,\\ \JG
l \,
n Q,G\\C1Q,
0\J'-\\~· ':1
Handled always!!
%e ayes liave it for
Cfiampion 5fmescot 's 'Ifie 'Eyes Jiave It
(Cfi. (j£en6y 's !J?.Pyal '1/i/(jng
Cfi. 5frnescot 's 'WiU Irisfi !J?.Pse)
Jtfter finisfiing in just tfiree weeK§ in 1994 witfi two (jroup 1 ana a (jroup 3 (at on{y 15 montlis), :fergi.e 6egan 1995 6y
cefe6rating fier 2na 6irtfiaay in mitf-:Fe6roary at J-fenaersonviffe 'l(C, going 'BO'B unaer '1306 (jrafiam ana (jroup 4 unaer
:Micfieffe 'Biffings. Jlna tfien, tfirougfi Jlpri{:
'lJeep Soutfi Circuit
CJ'arfiee{ Circuit
Cfierry 'Bfossom (ircuit
Scatterea sfiows
2 'BO'B
4 'BO'B
1 (jroup Secona
1 (jroup 'ITiira
1 (jroup 'ITiira
1 (jroup 'ITiira
(sfiown 5 times}
(sfiown 2 times)
(sfiown 7 times}
(sfiown 9 times}
~fiown 4 times}
JrrepressiMe and sassy, :fergie is afways groomed and shown to peifection 6y Larry Comefius. LOO'l(:fO'}{_T.J{'E'MI
Joyce and Jim Smitli, 'J\[g.w 'Boston, 9{_J{
Caro[ and JfaroU .91.mes, .91.'M'ESCO'T, 'Enfold, 9{_J{
Larry Cornefius
'Wafnutport, P.91..